#truly I am the normalest. it is me
scrawlingskribbles · 1 year
me sitting over here alone in my corner near-foaming-at-the-mouth as I attempt to finally bang out my quadrants thesisTM into something actually parsable like:
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bredforloyalty · 2 years
it's actually kind of so funny that i have just enough things wrong with me to understand certain Themes and Narratives and to have developed the taste of a little freak but not enough for it to be mental illness/diagnosed as anything. my weirdnormal girl slay
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cody-paranatural · 10 months
I love how Cody has a vampire dad, werewolf mom and probably a ghost brother. The normalest boy ever. Can't wait for Max's reaction when he finds out about literally any of this
WORLD’S NORMALEST BOY 💜 (also sorry but this is once again just going to be me rambling about pnat)
I love Cody and his exceedingly supernatural normal family <3 To be honest the Shrike reveal was literally EVERYTHING to me. Like i had this theory since i read chapter 7 and seeing it be finally 100% confirmed felt SO GOOD. I’ve been craving more Shrike lore for FOREVER and I am so happy we learned a bit more about her. I am also kinda obsessed with their family dynamic. I am probably going to be thinking about it until the sun explodes. Like it’s genuinely so similar to what I imagined their relationship would be and it’s great.
It does make me wonder about Shrike and Jean’s deal. Did Jean know that shrike had a husband and son???? It seems very unlikely. I wonder how will Jean react when he finds out just how much his mentor hid from him. I’ve been dreaming of at least one Jean and Cody scene ever since I subscribed to the “Shrike is Cody’s mom theory”. And now that it’s no longer a theory it’s hitting me just how plausible that actually is. Like they’re both currently looking for Shrike there’s no way they just won’t interact. And I am so excited for that I hope Jean tells Cody a bit about his mom. I hope we get to learn more about Jean in the process. And learning about parts of Shrike he had no idea about will be good for him I think. He definitely put her on a pedestal of sorts when he was younger, and that’s probably still the case to some extent. He’s been fruitlessly chasing her for 6 years that’s got to have affected him in some way.
And it does seem like Davy truly went off the deep end after Shrike got werewolfed??? At least that’s how i see it. Cody looks around the same age in that photo as he was when Davy cut out his heart. And we know literally next to nothing about her, but i can’t imagine Shrike would’ve been fine with Davy taking their son’s heart and putting him in a vault. And i am not suggesting that Davy would’ve been a good dad with Shrike around I think he still would’ve SUCKED. It’s more like Shrike kept him in line a bit and losing his wife probably made him even more obsessed with controlling Cody (ESPECIALLY with the possibility that PJ is his dead son. Like it doesn’t excuse ANYTHING he did I still hate him with the intensity of a million suns which will hopefully turn him into a smoldering pile of vampiric ash. But I do like getting to see how his mind works)
And speaking of that vault. Jesus Fucking Christ. I KNEW that line about Cody’s room having no windows and no escape routes was suspicious but I wasn’t expecting him to straight up live in a vault????? That whole house feels like the world’s loneliest and most depressing prison. There are cameras LITERALLY EVERYWHERE. I talked about it in my little Cody analysis but god. He really isn’t allowed any privacy whatsoever. It really does feel like the whole house was designed to make you as miserable as possible.
OH AND SAME <3 Max’s thoughts on literally anything ever are always so much fun. And this would mean more Max and Cody interactions would make me so happy. Fun fact about me is that Cody and Max is one of my favorite paranatural pairing, platonically and romantically. They haven’t interacted much but listen. It would be so fun it would literally be the best ever. Max defending Cody’s honor when Davy said that Cosy is “the closest he’ll ever see to his reflection” changed my brain chemistry. “Cody. He’s not like you at all.” literally changed lives (my life).
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greenbetula · 2 months
everytime i post on my personal account it's a battle of "i hope they think there's something wrong with me" vs "i am truly the normalest girl alive, im so normal, i have 0 problems in life"
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bigshoeswamp · 1 year
thinking about how surprising it is to me that i've become a person who does so many different things at the same that. I've always dreamed of having the normalest job 8-hour possible... And yet here i am judgling 2 v different freelance gigs, teaching 3 classes on different subjects, and preparing for a masters and for a facilitating job i should hopefully get.
Part of that is of course just that the unemployment is too high and the labor conditions are awful, but there's a part of me that i never knew existed that really like this variety and learning with it... Maybe i'm dellusional for seeing a bright side here, but it's truly exciting to find out i'm way more adaptable than i thought, and can make myself change and enjoy things as the circunstances demand
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blackwaxidol · 2 years
staggers over sniffles sobs vomits and dies
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bvidzsoo · 6 years
Abiding Darkness (IV)
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 Author: bvidzsoo
 Warning: violence
 Pairing: Oh Sehun x OC
 Word count: 3, 501
 Summary:   Belikov Bora is living in Seoul at her grandparents as she had gotten her long awaited scholarship. She’s not new to this world but she’s also not really interested in the famous people of it…so maybe that’s why she gets the shock of her life when a zombie apocalypse begins and she’s stuck with Oh Sehun.
     This is too much clothes for me...he said we’d be at my grandparents by tomorrow, why is he giving me so much clothes then? Are we not going anymore, did he decide to lie to me and actually take me to the N Tower?
“Sehun” I decided I needed to speak up, or else my thoughts would have slowly killed me.
“Yeah” He hummed, back facing me as he kept packing his clothes into a bigger backpack.
“Why did you give me so many clothes...wouldn’t we be tomorrow at my grandparents?” I asked, gripping the black hoodie currently in my hands hard.
“Yeah, we will be, Bora” He paused his packing and gave me a frown as he glanced at me “You should choose from those clothes, that’s why I gave you more”
I cleared my throat and nodded, quickly turning around and stuffing the black hoodie inside my backpack. I had placed the pants I slept in and the t-shirt from Sehun already inside, this hoodie, and he gave me three more but I only need one. After breakfast, I changed back into my clothes from yesterday while Sehun took on some fresh ones.
“Bora, did you think I was lying to you?” Sehun sounded serious and somewhat upset.
“No! Of course not!” I exclaimed a little too quickly, turning around. I wasn’t surprised by his glare and only sighed, looking away.
“How do you truly expect me to know what you want when you don’t speak with me? You barely tell me things, if I ask you something you answer like someone is holding a knife to your throat and then snap at me to shut up...I get that you don’t like me, but haven’t you thought for a second, that maybe, I feel the same about you?” I raised my eyebrows, internally in awe at myself, while Sehun’s eyebrows furrowed, hurt crossing his face.
“I never said I don’t like you, what are you talking about?” He scoffed, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“I have barely known you for a day, yet you told me at least three times how annoying I am” I raised an eyebrow at him and he only rolled his eyes.
“Just for your information” He dramatically scoffed as he turned around and started stuffing his clothes inside, rather aggressively, “I don’t talk much, I’m not the type. I don’t feel truly comfortable around you, so I rather shut up. And I have no idea who you are, you could be lying to me and maybe you are some crazy fan--”
“Crazy fan?” My eyes widened, heart picking up. Wait, does he know? Did he find my diary? I quickly turned around and felt around for my diary in my backpack, and thankfully felt it at the bottom. I quietly took a deep breath and my eyebrows furrowed. Sehun was quiet, probably watching me. Biting my lower lip, I turned back to him, a funny grimace crossing my face.
“Who are you, Oh Sehun? Some supermodel or perhaps some new uprising actor? Perhaps a successful singer? Why would I be your fan?” I chuckled, trying to look as convincing as I could “I don’t know you, remember?”
Sehun seemed tense as his fists were clenched and I thought I made a mistake by saying those but suddenly a loud laugh left his mouth. I jumped at the sound, startled by the suddenness. What’s wrong with this boy? People really like him? He seems kinda crazy to me…
“What’s so funny, Oh Sehun?” I raised my eyebrows, deciding to push it further “Am I right? Is you laughing a way to not answer my questions?”
“Where do you get all these ideas from?” He huffed, lips still in a smile, it looked fake, “Do I look like some celebrity to you?”
Yeah you do, asshole, “No, why? Celebrities have certain features they can be told apart by?”
“Exactly, they don’t” He shrugged and turned around, leaving me with furrowed eyebrows.
“So are you saying you are one?” I asked aloud, failing at thinking inside my head.
“We are leaving in ten minutes” Sehun turned around, obviously glaring at me again, as he zipped his backpack closed and left me in his room. What a great guy! Seems like if zombies don’t kill me, his coldness and smart ass will definitely do!
One hour, it took us one hour to leave the centre of the city. Sehun seemed bad with directions and I was starting to worry for myself. Even I know the route to my grandparents and I have been living here for three months, while this man grew up here. If his bad orientation seemed something to worry about, his quietness was also slowly killing me. I know we are supposed to stay quiet and on alert all the time, but my thoughts were becoming too loud and the silence around us too deafening. I started to chew on my lower lip as my hair got into my eyes, the light breeze felt weird, but welcomed.
“Sehun” I muttered, glancing up at the back of his head. He didn’t answer, nor made any signs he actually heard me.
“Sehun” I tried again, louder this time. He didn’t flinch, make a harsher move, he remained unaffected. My eyebrows furrowed as I stared up at his black hair.
“What is wrong with you?” I sighed, speaking with a normal volume “Are you seriously going to ignore me the whole day? As you may have seen, I can’t stay quiet for too long, unless I want my thoughts to eat me alive. You know, you can pretend you don’t hear me but when I call your name it would be nice if you at least acknowledge me. Sehun, I can speak all day alone if you want me to, you know. I can even start shouting if that will get you to answer me--”
My words got muffled as I ran face first into Sehun’s back, more like his backpack.
“I wish I could gag your mouth” He hissed and I chuckled, stepping beside him. I smiled widely at him, eyes narrowed.
“I wish you knew how to be nice”
“Shut up” Sehun hissed, leaning down to be eye level with me.
“You know, by telling me to shut up, I’m only going to talk more, Sehun” I grinned amused and Sehun let out an annoyed breath, before his eyes fell behind me.
“If you don’t shut up for real, I will give you to those zombies myself” Sehun nudged my shoulder and I turned around, eyes widening. At least five zombies, were slowly walking towards us, but still at a big distance. It seemed like they haven’t seen us yet, otherwise they’d be running to us by now.
“We need to hide” I muttered, feeling a little scared.
“There’s a convenience shop there, let’s go” He gripped my arm and before I could protest, he was pulling me after him, to the shop on our far left.
“We can take some food and hide until those things leave” Sehun muttered quietly, taking long strides. I huffed as I followed him, because I really had no other choice, glancing back at those things.
“Do we have to call them zombies? It sounds pathetic” I muttered and Sehun scoffed.
“That should be least of your worries, Bora” He threw me a glance as we reached the shop.
“I’m scared, I can’t help it but think of stupid things, okay?” I whispered, unconsciously gripping his arm back as he pushed the door to the shop open. What if those things are inside? Will they kill us? My fingers were slightly shaking as I gulped and took a step inside, following Sehun.
“Stay behind me no matter what, okay?” He threw me a glance, face serious and I quickly nodded, my grip on his arm not loosening even a little bit.
“Let’s just take quickly what we need and leave...what if those--the Affected ones are inside?” I whispered, eyes searchin the place for any creature like that.
“We fight if they are here, but...trust me, this place is safe” Sehun’s voice returned to its normal volume and I straightened my back, looking at him confused.
“How can you be so sure?”
“I have a gut feeling” He peeled his arm out of my tight grasp and my cheeks reddened when I realized I held onto him for too long.
“Go and take some conserves, I’ll look if they have any bread and medication...just in case we need them” I nodded, but then a sudden thought popped into my head.
“Any preferences?” I raised my eyebrows and Sehun rolled his eyes, going to leave me standing alone.
“Meet me at the cash register in five.” I hummed at Sehun and turned around to leave as well.
“Don’t take things with onion, I hate onion” He said just as he disappeared from my sight and I huffed, amused by his antics. He really couldn’t be a toughie after all. I chuckled to myself and made my way to the isle that had conserves.
I looked for my favorite ones, squinting when I couldn’t find my favorite fish one. My eyes widened when I spotted the instant ramen, spicy on top of it, and with a little bounce in my steps, went and took five cups, smiling at them. Are there ones with onion? So that Sehun wouldn’t eat them and leave them for me. I chuckled quietly and evilly as I took a conserve of fish that had onion, hopefully he likes fish.
Walking down the isles, I heard some rustling from the front and assumed it was Sehun, since he said we would be safe here. I continued walking, taking a stop when my eyes fell on chocolate. Zombies might want my brain, but there’s no way in hell I will leave this shop without my chocolate. Taking three bars, I grinned at myself and walked to the front counter. I placed the items on it, making a little clutter. I looked around with a grimace, hoping no one heard it.
“Can’t you be any louder?” I jumped at the sudden voice beside me.
“Can’t you scare me more?” I fired back at Sehun and he just rolled his eyes, placing his items on the counter too.
“Why did you take bread though?” I muttered, poking my finger against the still, somewhat, fresh looking bread.
“You are a foreigner” Sehun deadpanned like it was the normalest thing and my eyebrows furrowed.
“Yeah, but I was raised in Korea too? What’s wrong with your logic, man…” I trailed off and Sehun sent me an annoyed glare, making me look away from him. Looking past him, my mouth fell open and heart started to beat quickly.
There was someone, wobbling, looking at us. At first I thought it was an Affected one, and felt like fainting in that second, but then I saw the gun in his hand, and my heart seemed like it actually stopped beating.
“Sehun” I whispered, still looking at the man, while I gripped his arm tightly.
“What is it now? Do you also see ghosts--” His voice died out when his head turned, his eyes fell on the man. “Bora” It happened in a second, that I was fully pushed behind him and the man emerged, eyes wide and frantic.
“I will shoot you!” He shouted in distress and both Sehun and I flinched. He was gripping back my arm that was gripping his, and I’m sure our hearts felt like giving up.
“We-we mean no harm” Sehun got out, voice slightly shaking. If he was going to show his fear this easily, we’d get killed sooner than I thought...by a healthy human.
“How can I know?” The man kept shouting, hands trembling “My wife said that too before her eyes rolled back and her back snapped! She bit me and almost killed me!”
“He was bitten, Sehun” I whispered, leaning up to my tiptoes, “Please, let’s just go”
“When were you bitten?” Sehun ignored me, voice firmer this time, like he got a grip on himself.
“Like...two days ago--You don’t get to ask me questions!” The man shouted, taking two steps towards us. I gulped in fear, trying to pull Sehun back but he wasn’t moving.
“And you didn’t turn…” Sehun muttered quietly, but I heard him. I was thinking the same...was this man perhaps immune too? Or just lucky?
“Listen, we--”
“One more word and I will shoot you!” The man shouted and pulled the trigger, the glass breaking beside us. Both Sehun and I jumped, I couldn’t help my shaking hands. I roughly pulled my hand away from Sehun’s grip and stepped away from him shielding me.
“Mister” I called quietly, lips trembling. The man’s eyes widened and then his eyebrows furrowed, “Please, we just need some food, let us go please. We mean no harm, we are just trying to survive like you are”
It was quiet as the man’s eyes went from Sehun than to me and then kept just looking at the two of us.
“You two are so young” The man whispered, gun slowly lowering. I felt like I could breathe again and I didn’t even register when Sehun intertwined our fingers, his big palm cold against mine.
“Try to stay alive” The man muttered, squinting at us.
“Thank you, Mister” I bowed deeply, detaching myself from Sehun to take off my backpack.
“We will pack the food and leave, is that alright?” I asked, taking a cautious step toward the counter.
“I don’t own this place, you do what you want to” The man shrugged as he leaned against the wall. I bowed once again and nudged Sehun, asking him to do something. He was quickly following my actions, placing what he could inside his backpack. I took cautious glances at the man, whose eyes didn’t leave me for a second, and finally zipped my backpack closed.
“Thank you, Mister” I bowed again, taking Sehun’s backpack and zipping it up quickly, as his fingers seemed to be shaking.
“Are you from here?” He asked, digging one hand inside his pocket.
“Yes and no” I answered him politely and he only hummed, motioning for us to leave with his hand. I bowed again and turned around, taking Sehun’s arm as he seemed to be only staring at the man. As we got to the door, the man suddenly called out.
“Young man” Sehun grew stiff as he turned around. He barely caught the gun that was tossed at him by the man.
“Take care of that young miss” He nodded in my direction and Sehun gulped as he gripped the gun tightly.
“I will” He nodded and sprinted out of the shop. I bit my lower lip, looking back at the man before fully exiting.
“Mister, go to the Naksan Park, N tower...they will help you there, please stay safe” With a last bow, I quickly followed after Sehun, who hasn’t stopped walking.
I caught up with him, taking deep breaths as my heart seemed to have gone crazy.
“I thought we were going to die” I muttered, rubbing my sweaty face, “That man, I--”
Sehun stopped walking, grip on the gun harsh, whole body tense. I stopped too and looked at him confused before to the front. An Affected, it seemed like it was glaring at us, teeth bared at us. I gasped, heart not getting a break as it was beating fast again. Sehun only gulped, his hands trembling as he raised the gun.
“Sehun, wait--” But he pulled the trigger and missed. The Affected started to make those snarling voices as it suddenly started running towards us and I watched horrified as Sehun seemed like he stopped functioning. Why does he always freeze when I need him to be cooperating?
“Sehun, we need to go!” I shrieked panicked, shaking his whole body but he just watched the Affected, which was getting too close to us. Junmyeon’s words from the letter echoed in my head, I need to keep Sehun safe, even if I pay for it with my life. I forcefully pushed Sehun’s side as we both fell to the ground, out of the Affected’s way, that seemed to almost take a hold of my hair. I was breathing hard as my palms hurt from the fall. Sehun seemed like he suddenly woke up from his unresponsive self. He searched frantically for the gun that fell from his hand, but the Affected was too close and we can be considered dead at this rate. I turned on my back, looking around for anything that I could use as a weapon. Finding a pole beside me, I quickly gripped it and jumped up to my feet.
With a cry, I ran to the Affected and hit it in the back with all my strength. The Affected one snarled ugly as he reached out, wanting to grasp at me but I swung the pole on its hands, making him let out another ugly sound.  With adrenaline and fear cursing through my veins, I hit its legs, making it fall to the ground and started swinging the pole against its back as hard as I could, without stopping. The creature fell to the ground and I wasn’t sure if the thing on my cheeks was sweat or tears, but the fear in me kept me hitting the creature harder and harder, even though it wasn’t moving already.
I heard my name being called, but my mind was clouded, thoughts of fear coursing through it.
“Bora!” A deep voice boomed, suddenly restricting my arms.
“No, no, I--” I got to choke out, chest in pain.
“Stop, it’s me, it’s Sehun” Sehun whimpered into my ear as I trashed around, the panic numbing my whole body.
“It’s Sehun, Bora. You killed the thing, please stop” He whispered almost afraid and suddenly I let go of the pole, going numb in his hold. My eyes travelled to the ground, and I almost threw up the breakfast I had with Sehun. It seemed like I destroyed the creature, as blood painted everything around us, its head no longer able to tell apart from the rest of the body.
“Sehun” I gasped out, turning around in his hold and reaching my arms around his neck as I hugged his lean body, trying not to sob.
“It’s fine, the thing is gone” He muttered quietly, calmly rubbing my back. My chest still hurt, vision blurry as tears clouded my eyes.
“I killed a person, Sehun” I whispered out brokenly and Sehun quickly shook his head, going stiff.
“It wasn’t a person, Bora. That thing wasn’t a person, it was a monster. You protected us” He pulled away to be able to look into my eyes and he cupped my cheeks, becoming aware of the tears in my eyes.
“You did it to protect us” He said firmly, his dark eyes pulling me under a spell. I slowly nodded, taking deep breaths in order to calm myself.
“I protected you” I muttered, feeling a faint smile on my lips. I did what Junmyeon would do too, protect Sehun.
“There’s no me and you, Bora. We are in this together, we are one, there’s us, not me and you” His eyebrows furrowed as he wiped a stray tear, “Do you understand me?”
“Yeah, thank you” I muttered, pulling away from him as I grew embarrassed by the closeness.
“I thank you, dumbass” Sehun huffed and I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I kinda...ruined this guy’s jacket” I muttered as we started walking, looking at the ripped sleeves. Sehun also gave me a new jacket today, mine was in my backpack.
“Baekhyun has plenty of jackets, stop worrying about that” Sehun rolled his eyes and I nodded quietly, walking closely to him.
“Did you find the gun?” I asked, chewing on my lower lip.
“It’s in my pocket” Sehun said while he cleared his throat.
“You have no sense of orientation” I scoffed and Sehun looked at me with an amused smirk.
“Trust me, I do” I couldn’t help but hear the other meaning behind his words and my cheeks grew red as I whined and looked away.
“I didn’t say anything!” He exclaimed, nudging my shoulder “Did you think of something dirty?”
I looked at him wide eyed, only to be met with his amused smirk.
“Shut up, Sehun” I hissed and turned his head to the front with my fingers as I crossed my arms in front of my chest. Sehun snickered as he continued walking and I tried to ignore the flustered state I was in. Damn Oh Sehun, can’t he be rather like this than quiet all the time? But then I probably wouldn’t survive more than an hour with him...
~Next Part~
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