#I think im gonna go to bed early 😵‍💫
My two main mike ideas include fucking him in the car or at least sucking him off while keeping watch on someone orrrr reader forgets he asked mike over to his house to help with something and is fingering himself and mike catches him (but the reader doesn’t stop cause he always wanted mike to take what’s his)
OOOO both good ideas :3 im prolly gonna do smth w/ both eventualleigh but imma do the second one for now
can’t believe y’all are getting me mikepilled 😵‍💫
anatomical terms: pussy/cunt/hole, (t-)dick
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“hey mike can u come over tomorrow morning? :)”
To be fair, there probably should’ve been more details exchanged on both sides. A simple time check would’ve saved you from the awkwardness that fate had prescribed you.
For you, morning meant 10AM at the earliest. Having anything to do before 10AM was practically a human rights violation.
For Mike, morning started at 5AM. Always an early riser. Maybe old people were solar powered. Maybe they were up from sunrise to sunset to make sure they got a full charge. That’s the only explanation you could think of. Who the hell gets up at the crack of dawn recreationally?
Mike does.
And apparently, your dick does too.
Classic testosterone. Male puberty may have started late for you, but it came out the gate swinging. It had to make up for lost time.
You woke up at 8:30AM to your junk needing attention, t-dick puffed up and ready to go, hole leaking, practically crying for fulfillment. You looked at the time. Meh, you could make it work. After all, self care is important, right?
Mike thought he was being generous by coming over at 9AM. Surely any self-respecting individual would be up and on with their day by then. He knocked on your door and waited for you to answer him.
He knocked again, harder this time.
Of course, he thought as he rolled his eyes and dug in his pocket. He pulled out a key ring and flipped through all of the illicit keys he had made. One, two, three, there’s yours. He breached your front door and stepped inside. Once inside, he made his way toward your bedroom, figuring you were asleep at best, dead or missing at worst.
He did not figure that he’d come across your bedroom door wide open, nor did he expect to see you half naked on the bed with your legs spread. Your eyes were sewn shut; your back was arched; and, most damning of all, you were 2 knuckles deep in your own pussy, writhing and whining as you got yourself off. Evidently, the day didn’t start until you finished.
Mike was unfazed, blunt and succinct in his message to you. “I can come back later if you want.”
You screamed and yanked the blanket over your shame, as if that would somehow erase what he saw. Staring like a deer in the headlights, chest rising and falling as you hyperventilated, you scrambled to pluck a response from your overcrowded mind. You ended up with “How… how did you get in here?!”
“That’s not important,” Mike replied, “Now, do you wanna get dressed or do you wanna finish up and I’ll come back later?”
As the brainfog cleared, a revelation came through. You wanted something else. You stuttered, “I… I want…” and shirked the blanket off you, “I want you, Mike. Please…”
“No, you don’t,” He sighed, “I guess I’ll come back later when you’ve got your head on straight,” and turned to leave, “Noon work for you?”
Noon most certainly did not work for you. You called out to stop him. “No, wait!”
Mike stopped and looked back over his shoulder, raising an eyebrow at you. “What?”
You dragged your hand down to where it once was, spreading your lips apart with your fingers, hoping to entice him inside. “I-I’m serious, Mike. I want you. Please…”
Mike turned around fully. He hated that he was considering this, but he loved the sight of you even more. On display, begging for him, and a not insignificant wet spot on the sheets below your butt. He trudged across the room until he landed at your side. Your heart was racing. Your cunt and dick were dripping and throbbing. Your face was probably somewhere between excitement and desperation. He rested his hand atop yours, and took a deep breath before sneaking his fingers inside you.
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arlecchno · 2 years
lmao the blonde parts are supposed to be teal but i havent had a chance to redye them in foreverr … also yes ! my xiao jacket ! its not the only one out there though LOL
the wall youre seeing is actually my best friend roofs long lost sibling , wall /j
BEFORE 6 !? i could never i always go to bed at like 12am …. im so sleep deprived on school days lol
ME AND THAT FRIEND DID SO MANY SILLY THINGS IN OUR MATH/STEM CLASS LMAO we used to play genshin wish sim (im very young T_T) and say weird things to summon characters (i told the computer id help make kaeya dilucs brother again to get diluc , and BOTH OF THEM CAME HOME IN THE SAME PULL) tbh ive always complained ab stairs so ,,, i cant even take the stairs in my building anymore bc i live on the 9th floor itd take way too long 😭
we have a lot of the same top 5s , kaeya , diluc , and scara share #1 because … yes . my favorite gal is fischl i love her sm -
i have 11 5*s (not including aloy) , and im currently pulling for sir acting grand scribe himself ! im at around late 30 pity , if he does / doesnt come home i will make self ship art because i dont think he would like that >:)
GOOD TO KNOW ITS GOING WELL im actually making notes for a fic i wanna write on call w my previously mentioned friend roof LOL ive had the idea ever since the nilotpala cup event , i really wanted to make like an actual fic based off of it bc that girl from the yae publishing house was supposed to or wtv HAHAH but im procrastinating on a title so im just . UGH - yk ?
i did have a good day both the day you replied and today ! i am injured but its not bad (only hurts when i move certain ways) , i went on a field trip for school today and got to go in a ✨stream✨ and pick up a little crawfish >:D i hope youre doing good as well !! its so nice talking to you lmao youre so cool
i might start sending doodles every ask , so heres a sketch of my genshin oc !!
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my “question” issss guess what region theyre from ! or who they live with LOL the hint is that there are already playables from their region , and there are technically two regions theyre from ?? you can guess just one though ill give you the answer next ask :P
- jellyfish
i think it's because i'm already used to waking up early... even tho i'm a very sleep deprived student that sleeps at 12-1 and wakes up at 5 😔 i'm fairly a light sleeper so no matter what time i sleep, whenever my alarm goes off i'm always up by the second 🥲
and LMAOO i've played a ton of those wish sims to prevent myself from rolling whenever i'm saving up for a character, it works wonders
i didn't really expect you to like fischl!!! i like using her in events where we have her as a trial character lol using oz in her burst and flying around is so silly but i always have fun with it!
seems like we're both on the run for alhaitham :D currently have 72 pity and he still has yet to arrive... i do not have a guarantee whatsoever so the next time i pull i'm gonna be praying for him to come home 😔 i've already explored most of the new area for him
and that fic idea sounds interesting! i briefly forgot about that event so when you mentioned it i'm suddenly reminded of how fun playing with the fungi was!! hope you'll find many inspiration for your supposed title, and who knows, next thing you know you're hitting the post button for your fic 🤭
hope you're healing well from your injury also!! have lots of rest and don't overexert yourself too much, resting is very important hehe
it's nice to know that you went on a field trip :O i haven't been to one in a while so hearing it from you reminded me how fun it always is to go on one and escape school (tbf i think we can agree at least half of the students that volunteer on field trips only do it to skip classes LMAO #guilty)
i think if i had to guess, it's a mix between mondstadt and sumeru, maybe? i'm either really wrong or really right since my basic skills of knowledge on each regions' outfits are very minimal 😵‍💫
a question for you; how was your week? tell me all about it!! hehe i honestly like hearing people talk about their day and week because it's undeniably so interesting to know what others have been up to and how different some people's lives can be from ours! hope i'm not rambling too much... i just really like listening to people talk and talk about their life
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