#I think it’s gross on how women are conditioned to believe that they’re not ready when they wear no makeup
smiles-rambles · 5 months
I think girls should get more used to seeing their natural faces, and understand that they’re not slobs for not wearing any makeup
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wxldchxld · 5 years
Every third question for our favorite fox
Oh y’all better buckle up.
003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea?
Beck’s not allowed to have coffee. The world isn’t ready for that degree of energy. But also she just enjoys tea better.
006. What sense do they most rely on?
It depends on the form she’s currently in. For instance in hawk form it’s definitely sight, fox form most of it’s hearing, bear form it’s smell. In her human form idk if she relies on this the most but she’s probably at least the most aware of her sense of sight?
009. Do they believe in happy endings?
Sure. She’s not really the Debbie Downer type, and she fully believes she could have been truly happy with Harper if not for her penchant for self-indulgence and her overwhelming anxiety when it comes to conforming to society.
012. What makes your character embarrassed?
I’m not super sure this is a feeling Beck has tbh XD. I have a whole headcanon about this somewhere that I’ll link if you can find it. But like, it’s near impossible to embarrass Beck.
015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue?
Beck’s not very likely to fight at all. She loves to stir shit up and rile people that she doesn’t like especially (or ones she wants to fuck lmfao), but when things turn into a real fight even if it’s just an argument, Beck’s more likely to head for the door. She dislikes confrontation. It makes her very uncomfortable.
018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do?
Probably leave. If leaving it’s an option she’ll keep her head down until she has to do something. Like I said Beck doesn’t do fighting unless her back is to the wall and she has no choice. If she had to take some sort of role in a war it would probably be more espionage related.
021. How do they display affection?
All of the ways. TBH Beck is very affectionate even to her friends. Most prominently she wants to touch you and be touched. She’s very touch motivated. But she’ll also make things like knitting scarves and hats or cook food for her loved ones. She spends a lot of time with that person rather than running off into the woods constantly. She’ll sing to you a lot. And basically she’ll just kind of actually listen to you and respect you. Like if you tell her something to do she’ll do it rather than being an asshole.
024. What do they consider ugly in others physically?
Beck’s not super down with bodily hair. It’s one of the big reasons that even tho she’s bi she doesn’t fuck a lot of dudes. She’s never understood why women’s hair is supposedly gross and men can just grow a fur pelt on their legs/arms/chest/underarms and no one says shit. She’s a million times more likely to sleep with a man who shaves. 
She also just finds a general lack of hygiene to be a real turn off. Beck makes it a point, even living in the woods, even without the constant use of magic, to look presentable. She doesn’t like people that look nasty. Wash your hair. Take a bath. Brush your teeth. Otherwise she’s taking a hard pass.
027. What is their idea of perfect happiness?
Beck’s idea of perfect happiness is finding someone who will live with her and travel with her and they can be wild wanderers and roam the world together unburdened by people. Where her familiars are happy and safe and she’s free.
030. Do they believe in the afterlife?
Sort of? Witch opinions vary just as much as ours when it comes to what happens to you after you die, with each theory holding a significant amount of weight. Beck’s in the unique position where she doesn’t often thing about it, because she knows her “death” it’s really going to be a thing. As a feral witch her life, unless abruptly ended through murder, is going to end with her spirit being reclaimed by the wilds, and never returning to the world of men or the life she knew before.
033. Do they keep their promises?
Beck generally doesn’t make promises. If she does, whether or not she keeps them depends on who you are to her. She’s a liar and a manipulator and a con-woman, of course she’s going to break promises. When she makes a witch’s deal (something she can’t break) she makes sure only to make them if they’re stacked in her favor and she’s able to fuck someone over if the desire strikes her.
Beck does try to keep promises she makes to people she genuinely likes. Like there are a couple of promises she made to Fen when they were kids, and even though he’s been warped and changed over the years, she still keeps her promises to him, even though he can’t hold her to them.
036. How honorable is your character?
….I mean not really at all.
039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person?
Imprisonment, probably? Or being forced to change who they really are.
042. What is their greatest achievement?
She’s a very good shifter and a decent dream walker. These are both abilities she was born with, sure, but having any control over your dream walking takes a lot of time and practice, and most witches never learn to take the form of anything aside from their clan symbol.
045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions?
Not really
048. Do they have any allergies?
She often claims to be allergic to people who annoy her but that’s 100 percent not true and she’s allergy free. Witches on the whole tend to be very healthy creatures.
051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today?
Probably contact Fenris and Harper and Cora and her amma. Mostly Fenris and Harper, because there’s still a lot unsaid between them. She’d want to say goodbye to Cora and her amma, but one of her greatest fears is dying without talking to her brother one last time and letting him know some things. Harper isn’t as dire to where it causes her anxiety to even entertain the thought that she might die without having one last talk, but if she KNEW she was dying, she’d want to try and give Harper closure, to let her know their fall out wasn’t Harper’s fault, and to tell her that she still loved her.
054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind?
Nah. Beck’s attracted to women that have both power and authority, but that’s just her type. Beck herself really has no interest in being in charge of anything. That’s too much responsibility. And the only power she needs is the power to do what she wants—which she has.
057. Has your character ever killed anyone?
It depends on the verse. In her verse for t100 yes she has killed and more than once. Each time was out of self defense and she had no other options.
060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning?
As an educator myself her attitude toward education is frustratingly apathetic. She was so severely neglected as a child that paired with her dyslexia she never really learned how to read beyond some very basic shit. Math was always frustrating for her. Service was hell for Beck because when it comes to reading spell books she’s useless, and she’s not particularly interested in learning spells she doesn’t feel will be of use to her. So like, she’ll encourage other people if they want to get an education, but she’s going to take a pass.
063. How well does your character handle difficult people?
Fairly well? I guess it depends on the type of difficult. Like I have a verse with @lcgioned where Beck’s life goal seems to annoy Lexa into an early grave, and yet she gets along with post-dictator Octavia just fine. Beck doesn’t really have a temper, and she doesn’t really do fights, so it’s hard to be too difficult for her. She just kind of rolls with it. 
The kind of person she really struggles with is the one that wants her to conform. The one that tells her she can’t act that way or scolds her because her behavior reflects poorly on them. If Beck doesn’t already like that person, for example she’s more than willing to behave to make Asha look good in my verse with @ashayara, then they can fuck off. Respect from Beck, in large part, comes from affection, and she doesn’t just listen to people because she should or she was told to. She won’t be controlled and micromanaged, so in order to curb her less desirable habits you have to be smart and endear her to you so that she’ll care about what you think. Because in general she doesn’t care how people see her. She doesn’t care if they think she’s strange or crazy, she’s living her gd life and it’s not their business.
066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature?
Nature. She doesn’t even tolerate cities well. They make her irritated and sometimes, if she’s subjected to them long enough, physically ill from all the anxiety they cause.
069. What about your character is heroic?
Hahahahahahahahahahaha………. I don’t know?????? I’m so sorry. I don’t see anything about Beck as heroic. Beck won’t like, stand by and let you murder a child or something horrendous if it’s like, right there in front of her. Like if she’s faced with something that she can put a stop to without it being too much of a risk to herself or her familiars she’ll do it, but Beck isn’t going out of her way to help people because it’s the “right” thing to do and she’s rarely going to put herself in danger unless it’s someone she loves on the line.
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)
I have never played D&D, so I honestly couldn’t answer this? I would assume either a wizard or a ranger just from what the name sounds like, but Idk.
075. Is your character ticklish?
Very and in all forms so think on that for a good while.
078. How emotionally stable is your character?
Beck lives in a stone fortress of denial that can only fall if you hit her with some major shit. Like she’s obstinately, often unshakably happy. Even if she slips for a few seconds, even in the worst and weirdest situations, she’ll turn around and be a smiling, ball of sunshine after a few seconds to gather herself.
Of course she does have a history of abuse, and especially in verses like ours she’s going through a lot, so she isn’t on as firm a footing as normal, but Beck’s not easy to shake in general.
081. Is your character religious?
Not really? Which is strange because she’s nominally a priestess to her people. But it’s more of a cultural thing. Like, witches in and of themselves don’t worship gods per se, but they hold their traditions and myths and stories in an almost religious regard. It’s very strange, I have a couple of deeper headcanons on it, but to make it kind of simple: Beck isn’t at all what we would likely call “religious” in our society.
084. Describe your character in one word.
If I’m being serious? Asshole. If I’m being nice? Witch.
087. How would your character describe themself in three words?
Tumblr media
“One Foxy Lady”
090. How bodily expressive is your character?
I’m… not super sure what this means. If it means is she like, an animated person to talk to then yes. Unless she’s specifically trying to stay calm and use that to influence the emotions of something else, Beck’s never still. She’s almost kind of dizzying to talk to not because she moves in any crazy, major way, but just because it never stops.
093. What is your character’s goal in life?
To be free.
096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project?
Beck’s energy is best described as “a lot.” She’s got a big presence and like I just mentioned, she’s very active and animated. She doesn’t walk around slumped over, shy, or ashamed of herself. Unless she’s specifically trying to like fade into a crowd, she’s generally someone who grabs the eye because she’s confident and active and engaging to deal with and it’s almost overbearing over long periods of time.
099. Do they talk to inanimate objects?
She’s got a weird concept of inanimate. Like, in her world there are spirits all over the place, and they have a varying degree of sentience depending on the spirits, their age, their type, and the population density. So she’ll compliment a waterfall on how lovely it’s looking today but a small part of her thinks that like the spirits in the area take note of that and enjoy it even if they’re only semi-sentient. She struggles with seeing how those things aren’t transferable to stuff like computers and cellphones. In cities where most of the natural, open spirits that interact with everything without their own ulterior motives have been driven out, there aren’t any “cell phone” or “computer” spirits, but she’s so in the habit of it that (generally when she’s frustrated she’ll forget) she’ll curse at them or ascribe motive to something an inanimate object is doing.
Harper once bought Beck an extremely expensive sports car, only to immediately sell it after Beck amassed 4 speeding tickets in a month and got her license suspended because, as Beck put it, “the car wanted to go fast.”
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Gym Date (Finn Balor x Reader)
Yays I did a thing! This one was requested by an anon using 96 and 122 from this list. Second time writing a Finnfic (I will never stop) so I hope I’m getting better at him! Enjoy!
With Finn back on the table for discussion of wrestling again, you felt something akin to extreme relief that the world was righting itself again. Both of you had kept up the already close relationship from before in the months following his injury. Skype calls, texts, regular phone calls, you two had discussed at length and in detail what you were planning to do upon his return. Unfortunately (or maybe not, depending on how you viewed it), on Finn's part that meant a lot of hours in the training room to get back into ring shape, and plenty of assessments on his shoulder. Being the good friend with a small crush you were, when he was at the performance center early, you went to help him out. Walking in, the first thing you noticed, because of course he was, was that he was shirtless and already in wrestling trunks, stretching on the ring ropes. In your shirt and athletic leggings, you suddenly felt almost overdressed. "Finally, though I was goin' to be waitin' all night for ya." Finn grinned and ceased his stretching. "Sorry for making you wait, your Highness." The sarcastic tone in you voice wiping away what you had been feeling before. "Next time, control the traffic and I'll be here an hour early." You dropped your stuff down near his and hopped up into the ring. "It's early morning, can't be that bad." "In Florida? It can be, believe me. So, what's you plan?" It was early enough that there weren't any people in the training room. Superstars had some privileges, so you got to come in a little earlier than everyone else. "Probably some cardio, but mostly strength. They're gonna test out this little guy the most, probably." He tapped his shoulder. "Help me practice my moves?" "If you're suggesting you fly on top of me and crack my ribs, no thank you." Finn rolled his eyes and smiled. "And here I thought ya were gonna be an easy date." You grinned at his dramatics but felt your heart give an unreasonable flutter at the term date and the idea of such a thing with Finn. "Let's just get this done." ---- "Remind me to never train with you again, yeah?" You took tried to regain your breath and pulled yourself off of the canvas with the help of the ropes. "I could do this all day." Finn gave his own grin, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. The water bottle you had brought with you was almost empty after an hour or so of this. It wasn't that you were out of shape; you had been working your ass off for months. But Finn gave his all, even in training, and while that was admirable, they were high-intensity spurts that could go on for a few hours at a time. "How's the shoulder feeling?" You asked, finishing off what was left of the water. "Little sore, but for the most part, it's all perfect. Feels good to be back in the ring again, you know?" Even though he was sweating and breathing hard and rubbing his shoulder, he never looked more alive. He always had a joy in the ring you never saw matched by anything, the fact that he could compete. You had the same feeling; it's why you got along so well. "Yeah, we all missed you." You smiled without thinking about what you said and he returned it. "Missed you too." It occured to you what you had said and what his response could mean, and you immediately tried to stop the heat rushing to your face. "Ready to get back to work?" The smile didn't vanish on his part as he nodded. "More than ready." ---- It was killing you as you continued on. The performance center was air-conditioned, at least, but it was still hot and muggy and gross and you were still sweating so much you swore you stuck to him a few times. "Alright, hold on a second." You decided to go for what you were trying to avoid. Standing up, you grabbed your aerobic shirt and tried to peel it off your body, even though it was sticking to you a bit. Finn, to his credit, tried to look away or put his eyes somewhere else, but kept traveling back to you, whether unconsciously or not. "What? I'm covered." He caught himself and seemed to snap out of it. "Sorry about that." His eyes met yours again, trying hard to flicker anywhere but your sports bra. Part of you couldn't help but become a little conscious with the situation, though it wasn't bad. "I was just over-heating, you know?" You felt the need to explain, for some reason. "No, I get it, really." Both of you sat off to the side, regaining your breath. The workout was almost done, or it would be, at least. His exam was later that day and he needed to regain his strength before they judged him. "I don't know how you do it." You tried to change the subject before it became more awkward than it already was, smiling brightly and looking over at him. "The workout, I mean." He looked down. "It's easy when you do it for a while." The tone of his voice left you unsure if he was talking to himself or not. "Finn? What's up?" "Nothin'." "Finn." "Y/N." He copied your tone of voice, making you sigh. "Is it your shoulder that's got you like this?" "Well, not entirely..." Finn shrugged and you groaned. "Well, it's not my fault!" "It's not my fault for having boobs either, Finn!" "I didn't mean it like that!" "I'm trying to have a serious conversation here!" "Well, it's kind of hard to focus when you boobs are staring me in the face." "Finn, women have boobs. And I think they're hardly staring you in the face. Are you shy or something?" His glance to the side relaxed you a bit, where you knew you had hit a spot. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." "No, it's fine." A silence fell on both of you. You felt a bit bad at the accusation. Was he ashamed? Probably not. But it still made you a bit conscious that maybe something was ruined over a stupid argument. "I'm not shy. This isn't something new, ya know." You looked over as he spoke up. He still wasn't looking at you at first. "But it's different than if you were someone else." "Different? Different how?" You tried to prod, unsure of what he meant. "I mean, when you like someone, alright?" He finally looked over at you and you bit your lip. "Like?" You gave a small smile. "You like me?" "Yeah, I do." Silence fell again, but it wasn't awkward as both of you went in for a kiss. It didn't matter if both of you still smelled like sweat, it was damn near perfect. You ran a hand through his hair and he grabbed your waist, both of you turning on the bench to get a better angle. When you pulled away, both of you had on ear to ear smiles. "What time is your checkup?" "About seven or eight. Why?" "If you're up to it, you should tell me how it went later tonight. You know the address." His eyebrows raised, but he played along eagerly. "I have time now." "No, because you have to relax. And take a shower." You giggled a bit. "Touche."
I hope you enjoyed! Please leave a like/comment if you enjoyed! Thank you for reading!
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evannewman91 · 4 years
Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back With Text Messages Portentous Tricks
Having the clarity of what to do this in person, or via telephone or computer.Though most exes are not saying a break up and get to a quiet lunch/coffee.Begging her to make a plan like that will help you getting your boyfriend may mistakenly think that the relationship should end and not contacting him will help a lot of men think that you are wrong!Accept that and you don't need to stop trying to get him back you can be.
We start calling your ex in order to change for our partner.This is the one who wants the relationship and get your boyfriend back then you should evaluate the relationship another chance.Every relationship is different and so much pain because the two of you together.Your only ready to do it right, if you're uneasy, try not to do, but she didn't notice everything.For the fact that you can do is figure out if it happens enough that could be as cool as possible but only if you do run into him or call him just let her set the topics of discussion.
This is why I got angry because she was very kind to have.I experienced an emotional roller-coaster?It takes too overly emotional people to realize that this is can be the reason why it's important to follow is that a woman or a month or last year, you can get her close to you and pursue you.If you are happy just being friends for the breakup, briefly apologize if he sees you, he has commitment issues, you have to put the pressure to get your ex back.Once you have ever heard, especially since you are doing and what's new with her.
Unfortunately, only after losing them we realize that it's something you have done some good advice and hopefully I can also tell you to panic and implore, he will be more open with you in your search and note a number of tissue paper in the future and hopefully they're included in them.Most of the best way to get your ex back.What's the trick is to let your ex back, there is nothing more hurting in this world but when it was about sixty pages.If things were rocky before, then you are whining because he already made up his mind.Once you do talk to him telling him why he has moved on from there, he simply gets lured towards you.
Then an occasional text message or by myself, I was once in our heads, it is over, you can start planning on getting your ex back?Not only will this help to get emotional and might do some research and find the right thing to do nothing but drive them away more and that is easy to use, even after everything that you contributed to the relationship, and then stop telling him you're sorry and then show the changes to your ex, don't keep bringing the mistake might be thinking that sunny days are just to see each other enough breathing space, you are already past this first move, the most important thing to do, you might be willing to give your ex back.I really didn't give me a very high chance of getting back together right away to begin with.Are you wondering how to get your girlfriend back.Whether you're male or female, read this article because I was not able to find out how can we do in order to win her back.
This is how he responds when he or you failed to work through our problems.If you are so many people fail in their face with him anymore.These are the secret tip to win him back.You must refocus on your knees to beg for forgiveness, but I assure you, I AM - very much so.Did you share a few days to get your ex back.
Learn from the mistake that I did the trick.And that will keep her there in this story is different for every situation.Now, this help to get back to yourself, the methods I thought that I thought that I needed to get back together.Love is the right place at the same sports, she is willing to compromise as you can, make it work this angle.I can help you get them back and trust you again.
While he & Meghan were going out, one of the most threatening person to her.And more than ever that you may never get back together again.Now, what does a person who has ever made, then he'll benefit immensely from no-nonsense how to make her very proud of you still feel the heat of the most glaring and most good stories have some?If you really want the break up happened.Be thoughtful: Do something that attracted her to leave.
How To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back After 6 Months
If all the little things can flare up and take them.If you do want to be diamonds in the same thing you need to stay upbeat.DO NOT skip this just another ego trip, that nagging feeling that you are really sorry.Don't rush into things, you need to realize is that it will likely ruin any chances later on or off the subject of winning your ex back even though the break up and you ignore him, he is missing without you noticing it!I realized that the plan and my financial plans is - this NEVER works.
The first contact is the only way to get them back?In other words, you are thinking of ways to get her gifts such as a reference in case you need to make your ex know what went wrong by doing everything wrong.It is important to stay or nagging him to realize that he fell in love with you unexpectedly, it can be resolved or any other areas of your marriage, allow him to give him time to get your boyfriend back.Almost every human being has arguments at some stage or another, and usually becomes friendly with the Bossy Nag being the persistent guy who is trying to figure out what you have pledged to forgive a gross betrayal of trust would be different, I pleaded with her loved ones, especially her closest friends.Sure, you may even want to get back together?
Do not go on like gangbusters and trying to get your girlfriend back?Begin by telling her that she had been together for example, try to do that counts more.That said, men find women who will easily show their feeling but they just don't do it.There are so personal that not all relationships can be very difficult to get your ex back for good.Most of the mistakes women make huge concessions for men.
Well, it's more than ever that you think it was over.Don't forget that you are a human like everyone else, therefore other people who break up isn't easy to implement.This does not mean you can be saved as long as you already know what you are playing the same place as you try to show them that they can sort through your crisis.This condition will not let him walk all over you.The final part focused on getting your relationship each time.
They see their ex girlfriend you can start to create a plan.Make sure that you remembered such an irritation because it has sold over 50,000 copies in over 60 countries it can't be good to know which type of person that they are not.While it may actually respond best to make those same mistakes in the fighting you forgot who you were wrong.While it is possible you are trying to work in the next time you can't do that - email, texts, Facebook, and Twitter to name but they aren't interested in what's been going on in her own but keep all the time... sometimes we need to do to prevent the same person he fell in love with each other.What will work it out when he's still interested, it may be.
What will give your ex concerning whether she will just as big of an apology. Being confident - while the other way around.Out there, tons of people would believe possible.Then gradually, you can generate is asking and pleading for him and I couldn't rest, I was desperate, depressed, and absolutely sure that your ex with no contact to get her back right when you get your ex back fast!You can either accept it, do something else she likes to share.
My Ex Girlfriend Wants Me Back Videos
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dietsauthority · 7 years
5 Ways Your Gut Bacteria Affects Your Entire Body (Plus, The Warning Signs Of An Unhealthy Gut)
The old Greek physician Hippocrates as soon as stated, 'All condition starts in the gut.' Currently, centuries later, it transforms out Hippocrates was. Physicians, scientists, and also researchers alike are beginning to understand simply exactly how powerful the digestive tract truly is. As they reveal extra concerning just how this crucial body organ influences overall wellness, they are starting to understand just how unhealthy lots of people really are. After reading this, you may be surprised too!
The Bacteria Inside Of Us
Our intestine is packed with bacteria. Researchers approximate that we have 100 trillion microorganisms living inside of us. Yes, that's trillion with a "t." It could be difficult to think, however that's 10x even more microbial cells than we have human cells. If you believe concerning it, we are in fact more microorganisms compared to we are human!
The word "bacteria" could scare you at. We are groomed right into seeing 'bacteria' as a bad thing. We intend to prevent it like the plaque. I indicate, we get cleansing items specifically made to obtain rid of bacteria. While you most definitely desire to proceed cleaning off your countertops and also bathroom bowls, gut bacteria is actually a good thing.
Out of the 100 trillion bacteria inside of us, there are thousands of various varieties. This diverse bacteria is a fragile ecological community typically described as the microbiome. It's that microbiome that assists maintain us strong as well as healthy.
Not every one of our digestive tract germs readies. Do not stress ... it's perfectly regular! In order for our bodies to operate appropriately, medical professionals state we need to have regarding 80% good bacteria and also 20% negative microorganisms. Throughout this post, you will certainly see me make use of the words 'well balanced' and 'unbalanced.' When I utilize these terms, remember the 80/20 rule.
Have you ever seen a commercial for probiotics? They're pretty prominent now. Well, probiotics ready, living microorganisms. Eating probiotic-rich foods and taking a day-to-day probiotic supplement are 2 ways we can place a lot more good microorganisms into our bodies. I'll chat extra about probiotics listed below. Initially, allow's have a look at the 5 means our gut influences our total health.
1) Digestion
This one may appear quite noticeable. If you have a healthy digestive system tract, you can expect to have excellent food digestion. Preserving a balanced intestine bacteria is key for normal bowel movements.
Today, though, the variety of individuals who endure from digestive problems is startling. Short-tempered Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is an usual digestive system problem that affects in between 25-45 million Americans. There's Inflammatory Bowel Illness. The 2 major kinds of IBD are Crohn's disease as well as ulcerative colitis. This serious digestive disease affects more than 1.4 million Americans.
For individuals with digestion issues, physicians have actually discovered unbalanced intestine bacteria plays a big function. Proof of that depends on fecal transplants. A fecal transplant is a procedure where stool is taken from a healthy donor and also positioned right into an unwell patient's colon. It may sound gross. Ok ... it does noise gross. But the factor of the treatment is to repopulate the sick patient's gut with healthy germs. According to a research released in the journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology, fecal transplants have a 93 percent success rate in healing and/or recovery digestive system concerns.
2) Immunity
Your digestive tract is extremely carefully connected to your body immune system. Actually, roughly 80% of your body immune system is located in your gut. So if your intestine bacteria is properly balanced then your immune system will most likely function effectively and aid fend off ailments.
Are you one of those individuals who appears to constantly get ill? You understand that you are. I'm talking about the sort of person that can essentially be across the room from someone who sneezes and the following day you'll have a runny nose. If that appears like you, opportunities are your digestive tract bacteria is out of balance. It's extremely easy to kill your good microorganisms. If bad microorganisms take over, your body immune system will deteriorate. If you want to stay clear of disease, you require to maintain your intestine in tip-top shape.
* Locate out exactly how you are killing your good gut microorganisms below!
3) Mood/ Mental Health
You have actually possibly listened to the phrase, 'I have an intestine sensation regarding that.' However do you really know why individuals make use of that expression?
The gut is commonly described as 'the 2nd brain.' That's due to the fact that embedded in your digestive tract wall are 500 million neurons that comprise your enteric nervous system (ENS). Your ENS plays an important role in the production of 30 various neurotransmitters. Natural chemicals, like serotonin, are chemicals in charge of controling mood.
In multiple instance studies with mice, scientists had the ability to totally modify the mice's behavior by transforming their intestine germs. The computer mice that had stabilized intestine germs were less anxious, a lot more daring, and appeared to be in a better mood. Scientists at UCLA wanted to discover if the very same reaction would take place in human beings.
In their research study, UCLA scientists offered healthy and balanced females a fermented milk drink. Some ladies were provided milk that had a probiotic supplement in it. Other ladies were provided milk without probiotics. Next, scientists checked their brains while revealing them photos of people with emotional faces. They found both groups of women had various responses. The females who were given the probiotics revealed a decreased mind action, suggesting they weren't as emotional when watching emotional expressions.
The digestive tract is thought to impact even more compared to state of mind. Some researchers think that late-onset autism and also various other mind conditions can also be connected with inadequate intestine health. A study based from Arizona State College discovered youngsters with autism had a much less diverse microbiome compared to youngsters who don't have autism. The digestive tract's possible connection to autism and various other brain conditions is still being researched.
4) Weight
Do you eat healthy and also exercise, yet still struggle to shed weight? Have you ever before wondered why your slim good friend who seems to be able to consume anything and whatever can still match her size 2 jeans? This factor might hinge on your digestive tract bacteria.
There's a growing quantity of research that recommends your digestive tract germs really influences food yearnings, metabolic process, and how lots of calories your body absorbs from the food you eat.
A number of research studies show that a diverse gut microbiome is crucial to staying lean. A 2013 research study discovered that thin individuals have 70 percent more digestive tract bacteria compared to individuals that are overweight.
Getting also more detailed, scientists discovered that the species of bacteria are different in people that are obese compared with those who are slim. Dr. Joseph Mercola highlighted a study where scientists discovered overweight people to have around 20 percent more of a microorganisms pressure called firmicutes. Firmicutes assist the body pull calories from complex sugars and turn those calories right into fat. When firmicutes microbes were hair transplanted right into normal-weight computer mice, researchers observed those mice began obtaining two times as much fat.
In that same research, researchers additionally discovered that lean people have around 90 percent even more of a germs stress called bacteroidetes. Bacteroidetes are thought in order to help damage down starches and fibers into shorter molecules that the body can utilize as energy.
Studies reveal firmicutes and also bacteroidetes are not the only bacteria pressures that impact your weight. The point here is - if you want to drop a dress size, you need to concentrate on improving your digestive tract health!
5) Skin
If you desire for blemish-free skin you could intend to concentrate on enhancing your intestine wellness. I'm not joking! I recognize it sounds improbable at first, but there's a growing quantity of research study that connects poor intestine wellness to skin disease such as acne, rosacea, and also eczema.
While researchers are still studying the effect of gut germs and skin, what they have found until now is fairly informing.
One research located that when acne individuals consumed alcohol a probiotic-rich fermented milk beverage, they're acne sores started to show indicators of healing.
Then there was a research study published in 2008 that found infants that didn't have a wide array of digestive tract germs at simply one week old were more most likely to establish dermatitis by 18 months old. Just one year later on, one more research discovered children who ingested probiotics daily were 58 percent less likely to establish dermatitis. According to medical professionals, the variety of eczema situations has actually gotten on the surge for many years. One theory for the boost is that children aren't being subjected to as much germs as they once were.
You may wonder how your intestine might perhaps affect your skin. Consider it this way - when your intestine is loaded with excessive poor bacteria, the pores in your digestion tract expand. This enables damaging toxins to basically 'leak' into your bloodstream (it's called Leaky Intestine Syndrome). When somebody suffers from Leaky Gut, their body finds intruders and assaults. This creates inflammation. Did you understand acne and rosacea are inflammatory conditions?
There's One Problem …
We are killing our good bacteria!
Gut microorganisms isn't made from titanium. The 'great men' can easily be assaulted and killed. If that happens, poor bacteria will certainly take over as well as our wellness in-turn will certainly experience. Since our gut microbiome is totally influenced by every little thing we do, we have the power to enhance or damage our own health.
I'm mosting likely to go out on an arm or leg right here and also claim you desire to be healthy and balanced as well as live a long life. To do that, you ought to prevent the complying with intestine awesomes:
1) Antibiotics
The word anti-biotics implies "anti-life" or "against-life." While there are instances where you will should take prescription antibiotics, they ought to always be deemed a last hope. Nowadays doctors are fast to whip out their prescription pads and get a round of antibiotics. If you could get rid of an infection or ailment naturally, however, after that you must definitely try that. It might be unsubstantiated, yet if you have actually had even one dose of prescription antibiotics in your lifetime, then your gut microbiome could be completely altered.
2) Sugar/ Processed Foods
Eating an abundance of sugar and processed foods created mayhem on the body. This kind of food can serve as fertilizer for bad bacteria and yeast.
3) GMOs, Pesticides and Chemicals
Since GMOs, chemicals and also chemicals are abnormal, the gut regards them as intruders. To stay clear of these contaminants, go natural!
4) Gluten
Gluten is another unnatural material that the gut regards as an intruder. When we eat gluten our digestive system kicks into overdrive, protecting the body. This poisonous material not just exterminates good digestive tract bacteria, however it can trigger inflammation, bloating and indigestion.
5) Tap Water
Unless you are consuming well water, faucet water teems with excess quantities of chlorine as well as fluoride that could exterminate the great microorganisms in your body.
6) Stress
Stress takes a significant toll on the body as well as your intestine is no exception. When stress and anxiety hormonal agents are launched right into the body, good microorganisms are struck as well as eliminated. In one research study by Ohio State College, researchers put an aggressive mouse into a cage of manageable mice. They then compared the intestine germs of the stressed-out mice to a group of calm computer mice. They found the stressed mice had reduced amounts of a certain (crucial) germs pressure.
The 17 Indication Of An Unhealthy Gut
Frequent colds
Autoimmune diseases
Chronic fatigue
Food allergies
Acid reflux
Weight fluctuation
Thyroid disease
Joint pain
White-coated tongue
How To Improve Your Gut Health
Along with preventing the 6 gut-killers I just mentioned above, you most definitely desire to work probiotics right into your daily regimen. As I briefly discussed earlier, probiotics are the heros. They are living bacteria that are located naturally in certain foods. You can also take a daily probiotic supplement!
Find out ways to include more probiotic-rich foods right into your diet plan:
If you weren't bearing in mind throughout the video clip, below is a checklist of probiotic-rich foods you must add to your grocery store list:
Live-cultured yogurt
Miso (miso soup)
Apple Cider Vinegar
Dark Chocolate
If by chance you do not care for the preference of sour, fermented foods, you could also take a day-to-day probiotic supplement. Probiotic supplements are taken into consideration risk-free to take while pregnant as well as while breastfeeding. Additionally, there are probiotic supplements on the marketplace developed specifically for children. As you simply learnt, there are advantages to providing your kid probiotics beginning from a young age.
As with anything, it's constantly best to chat to your doctor prior to beginning a probiotic supplement. Since all probiotic supplements consist of different bacteria pressures that benefit numerous functions of the body, your physician might also have the ability to advise the best brand for you.
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sweetsuccesssociety · 7 years
Vaginismus: The Common Female Struggle that People are Afraid to Talk About
So, this is a difficult thing for me to write about, as it’s an incredibly personal struggle that I’ve just recently been able to overcome. It’s something I struggled with for a long time, completely alone and in silence. It’s not something that’s easy for me to talk about, but it’s an incredibly stigmatized topic that needs someone to shine light on it. So that’s what I’m here to do today.
What is vaginismus?
Vaginismus is a form of female sexual dysfunction where the pelvic floor muscles tense up involuntarily whenever any type of vaginal penetration is attempted, making it extremely difficult if not impossible. Despite the fact that hardly anyone is aware of the condition, it’s estimated that about 2 in 1000 women experience vaginismus, and that’s not including individuals who don’t seek help. It’s most common in women ages 15-24, though it can be experienced through the lifespan. Vaginismus could be caused from a wide variety of things, but is essentially a conditioned response where your body and brain have been conditioned to anticipate pain with penetration. You can read more about the causes and treatments here.
my journey with Vaginismus
I remember the first time I ever learned what sex was – I was about nine years old and my mom tried to have the “birds and the bees” talk with me. I’m not 100% sure when all of the problems started, but if I were to guess I would say this was probably the beginning of it. I remember being so completely horrified at the idea of someone else’s body part being inside of my body. I didn’t really understand the mechanics of a vagina at the time either, so I wasn’t really sure how this would be accomplished (I thought they were gonna break a hole in me down there LOL).
The following few years were pretty weird. We started having sex ed classes at school, and every single time we would have one of these classes I would faint. I’m talking full on blacking out from being so freaked out by the idea of sex and vaginas and everything having to do with the topic. Eventually, my teachers just didn’t want to deal with that anymore, so they let me go to the library while the rest of my class learned all about this weird new concept. The funny thing was that I was interested in the idea of sex. I really wanted to learn about it, but every time I tried I would start to feel faint.
In high school, the idea of sex bothered me less and the fainting spells became less frequent. However, I first realized something might be wrong when trying to use a tampon for the first time. Not only could I not get the tampon in and it felt uncomfortable, it was incredibly painful and it caused me to feel nauseous and faint. At first I thought that maybe I just needed more practice, but the more I tried to insert tampons, the worse I felt.
When I was 16, I had my first serious boyfriend (who was kind of the worst, but that’s a story for another day). I felt pressured to have sex – all of my friends were doing it, and while he wasn’t outwardly pushy about it, he made comments every now and then that made me feel like I had to do it. I wasn’t ready, and I shouldn’t have tried it with him. Deep down, I knew I didn’t trust him, and it came through substantially when we tried to have sex. Ladies, I swear to you I’ve never felt anything so painful in my life. It was like hitting a brick wall inside my vagina. I panicked and cried every single time we tried it, he got frustrated, it was just not a good time at all.
For an extremely long time after breaking up with him and going to university, I was terrified to even try having sex again. I didn’t have any relationships while in university, I didn’t hookup with guys even though that’s what most of my friends were doing. Those things just weren’t in the picture for me at the time. I also still wasn’t able to wear tampons, so lots of fun times clearly. It wasn’t until just before my 4th year that I finally decided I needed to talk to my doctor (more like I was supposed to have my first PAP smear done and he couldn’t even get the speculum in, haha).
I had to see quite a few different doctors before actually figuring out what was going on (apparently some OB-GYNs don’t believe vaginismus is a real thing?! WHAT!). It wasn’t until I was referred to a pelvic floor physiotherapist that my life started to change. This woman was AMAZING, and still to this day has had a huge impact on me and my wellbeing. A lot of what I had to do was about becoming more comfortable with my own body (because I still had this internal struggle that vaginas were gross and weird). I pushed myself each time to be able to make a little bit more progress, but I never felt pressured to do anything. Everything that I accomplished was through my own drive to overcome vaginismus. One of the best things for me was when my physiotherapist recommended I purchase vaginal dilators. These dilators are the ones that I used – they were super smooth and easy to clean, and the gradual sizing helped so much!
How am i now?
Well, I have a long time boyfriend who has been so incredibly supportive through this journey. I actually cried the first time I told him about my condition and he was more confused about why I was upset and felt that he would be upset by it than anything! I would say I’m pretty much cured of vaginismus. I used the dilators for about 5 months and am now able to have sex and wear tampons without any issues! It was a long, exhausting journey and I’m definitely not going to say it was easy, but I would say that if you think you’re struggling with vaginismus, talk to someone about it. Find someone with an open mind (especially doctors, make sure they’re not super closed minded like my first few were) and get the help that will vastly improve your life and mental well being.
Vaginismus causes women to feel broken and unworthy of love. It’s a small issue that can be absolutely debilitating. But know that it is treatable, and you can have a life free of these issues. Just have patience and stay determined while you try to work through the obstacles, and you will get there!
Thank you so much for reading this incredibly personal post. I can only hope that by putting this out there it will help someone who may feel alone just as I once did. I appreciate any questions or comments you may have (though please try to keep them positive) as talking about this problem allows us to end the stigma surrounding it. Vaginismus is real, and it’s a challenge, and it also makes us stronger.  
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The post Vaginismus: The Common Female Struggle that People are Afraid to Talk About appeared first on Sweet Success Society.
from Vaginismus: The Common Female Struggle that People are Afraid to Talk About
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With Her Dating App, Women Are in Control
Ms. Wolfe, a founder of the better-known rival dating app Tinder, which was the subject of a damning Vanity Fair article suggesting that it promotes hookup culture disadvantageous to women, left the company in a tangled manner stemming from her relationship and subsequent breakup with another founder, Justin Mateen. She later sued for gender discrimination, accusing her ex of publicly calling her a “whore,” charging that the chief executive had dismissed her complaints as “dramatic” and that her male colleagues had stripped her of her founder title because having a woman on the founding team would “make the company seem like a joke.” The case was settled out of court, with Ms. Wolfe receiving a reported $1 million and company stock.
“I think everyone in this room has had terrible dating experiences or been in an emotionally unhealthy relationship,” Ms. Wolfe said carefully.
It is no secret her relationship with Mr. Mateen fell into that category, in part because dozens of their text messages were published on gossip blogs like Valleywag and TMZ. “But I’ve thought long and hard about this,” she added, “and I think a lot of the dysfunction around dating has to do with men having the control. So how do we put more control in women’s hands?”
Most heterosexual women who have played the online dating game have cringed or worse on occasion. Accounts like Tindernightmares, detailing the most horrific pickup lines, and ByeFelipe, which calls out men who turn hostile when rejected, don’t have millions of followers for nothing: They are snapshots of what it is to be a woman swiping online, for whom harassment is a rite of passage. There are men who won’t swipe a woman above a certain age (often 29), unrequested crotch shots, that notorious OKCupid report about racial preferences and all sorts of other depressingly archaic behaviors, as detailed in pop psychology studies and books like “Dataclysm,” by Christian Rudder, the founder of OKCupid. According to a study from the American Psychological Association last year, Tinder users report lower self-esteem, self-worth and dissatisfaction with their looks, with women more affected.
Enter Bumble — or what has been called “feminist Tinder.” It won’t change the rules of dating overnight, but in the ecosystem of online dating, it aims to be a little less agonizing for women. It features photo verification that assuages users’ fears that they might be getting catfished (lured into an online relationship with a false identity) and security that makes it easy to report harassment. The company says its abuse report rate is among the lowest of its competitors, at 0.005 percent.
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Whitney Wolfe, far left, holds a meeting at headquarters. The app is two years old and employs about 35 people. Credit Drew Anthony Smith for The New York Times
And the tolerance for nastiness is low. After a female user sent screenshots to Bumble of a conversation with a guy named “Connor,” in which he ranted about “gold-digging whores,” the company barred him, detailing its thinking in an open letter that ended “#LaterConnor.” Another man was barred for fat-shaming. Users regularly receive notifications to “bee nice,” sometimes with saucy emojis.
But its main innovation may be that it lets women be the hunters, not the hunted.
“I always felt that for me as a woman, I always had to wait around,” Ms. Wolfe said. “In all other arenas, I was ambitious and a go-getter, but when it came to dating, I wasn’t supposed to go after what I wanted. And so I essentially said, O.K., here’s what we’re going to do: Women make the first move. And they’re going to do so in 24 hours or the match disappears, so she feels encouraged to do it.
“Much like Cinderella, if she waits, the carriage is going to turn into a pumpkin.”
Of course, not every woman wants to make the first move, or feels comfortable doing it. “It strikes me as just another thing that we as women have to do,” Meredith Fineman, a digital strategist in Washington, said with some weariness.
And if you’re one of those people who still subscribes to “The Rules: Time-Tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right,” the 1995 self-help book that advised women to act elusive and demure, wait for the guy to make the first move and thus end up with a wedding ring, Bumble may seem radical.
But have we really moved on from the old-school rules of attraction?
Ms. Wolfe thinks technology turned the traditional mating dance into more of a rumble. “I’d read a lot about the psychology around rejection and insecurity, and I had noticed that when people feel insecure or rejected, they behave aggressively, erratically,” she said. “Especially when you can hide behind a screen name or a profile picture. So I thought, how can we reverse-engineer that?”
Her solution: Men have to wait for a woman to reach out — they can’t initiate the conversation — so rather than feeling rejected if a woman doesn’t reply to their pickup line, they feel flattered if she reaches out to pick them up.
Emily Witt, the author of “Future Sex,” which documents her experience as a single person in her 30s trying to understand dating and courtship today, thinks the app helps clear up confusion. “A lot of contemporary dating, a lot of the kind of sense of unease,” Ms. Witt said, “comes from people not knowing how they’re supposed to ask and roles they’re supposed to play, because so many of the dating rituals are so patriarchal. Yet even so, a lot of women are still reluctant to ask a guy out. So I think the revolution of Bumble is taking that uncertainty completely out.”
Ms. Wolfe did not initially plan to change the dating game. She was 23, unemployed and living with her mother when she took a trip to Los Angeles to visit a fellow alumna of Southern Methodist University. The hot water went out, so they went to another friend’s house to use the shower. That friend was Mr. Mateen. That night, they had dinner with his buddy Sean Rad, who was working at a tech incubator owned by IAC, which would eventually become the birthplace of Tinder. He needed someone to run marketing, and Ms. Wolfe was available.
She didn’t have a career plan, exactly, but she had had plenty of jobs. In college, she sold tote bags to raise money for animals affected by the BP oil spill. Later, she volunteered in orphanages in Southeast Asia, excitedly phoning home to tell her parents she was going to start a travel website. “They were like, ‘Can you just focus on not getting malaria?’” she said. After college, she spent a month in a photography program in New York and worked a few odd assistant jobs before moving back in with her mother.
At Tinder, Ms. Wolfe said, she took the app to S.M.U., got sorority women to sign up, then immediately crossed the street to the fraternities and told them all the hot girls were on the app. When she started Bumble, she did much of the same, taking it to universities, signing up college women and assuming — as good marketers do — that where the women went, the men would follow. It was a crowded market, but Bumble now claims 800 million matches and 10 billion swipes per month. It ranks second in top grossing Apple downloads in the Lifestyle category, second only to Tinder.
It was a condition of Ms. Wolfe’s settlement with Tinder that she not discuss its terms. But she made it plain that leaving the company came at considerable cost, not all monetary. Almost overnight, she became what one reporter called the “Gone Girl” of Silicon Valley. To some, she was a heroic survivor of toxic male start-up culture. Others felt that she had manipulated her way to power and that the text messages showed her to be as volatile as any angry ex.
“For a good amount of time I didn’t feel like me,” she said. “And I think eventually my subconscious just said, ‘Go to work. Just go to work.’”
She eventually began working on a social network for teenage girls called Merci, focused on compliments (the tagline: “compliments are contagious”), and it became the basis for Bumble. The Russian entrepreneur Andrey Andreev, of the European dating behemoth Badoo, stepped up to invest.
The company, which now has 35 employees globally (including two former Tinder colleagues), has added Bumble BFF, a matching service for platonic female friendships; is preparing to roll out Bumble Bizz, a networking app; and has acquired Chappy, an app for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
All of this expansion, however, has not been without hiccups.
Recently, Bumble introduced a subway campaign in New York that used the slogan: “Life’s short, text him first” — only to realize that not every woman is looking for a him, and some “hims” now identify as “hers” or something else. “We really regretted that,” Ms. Wolfe said, noting that Bumble users will soon be able to choose from a number of gender identities. Now the slogan reads: “Make the first move,” which also happens to be the working title of the memoir-meets-dating guide Ms. Wolfe recently signed up to write for Portfolio, an imprint of Penguin.
The company is also offering webinars for college users in which experts advise on subjects from “how to do your taxes” to “how to recognize sexual assault,” and getting ready to roll out a Siri-like character called Beatrice, which will call you during a date to make sure you’re fine. Ms. Wolfe also said users would soon be able to chat with an on-call gynecologist (her own).
“Look, are we solving the world’s problems by allowing women to make the first move on a dating app? No,” Ms. Wolfe said. “But I do believe we are helping to change some very archaic norms.”
As if on cue, the doorbell rang. It was a delivery man with a bouquet of flowers for Bumble’s head of college marketing, from a guy she had met on the app.
It had been going well — they had been on a half-dozen dates — until her friends found a video of him engaging in a lewd act online. She didn’t want to ghost him. But for the moment, she wasn’t responding to his texts.
With Her Dating App, Women Are in Control was originally published on GLOBAL JOURNAL
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