#like you’re not a slob or ugly for not wearing any makeup
smiles-rambles · 5 months
I think girls should get more used to seeing their natural faces, and understand that they’re not slobs for not wearing any makeup
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Many curses upon you for making me look at Jane with arm hair, JK no curse only love.
I get your point about art styles from tumblr looking sketchy and lazy. I feel the same way but it’s hard to articulate why it bothers me because there’s a million things wrong with it. 1. It’s ugly 2. It’s disrespectful 3. If you’re critical of it, people assume it’s because you’re an “ist” or a phobe.
I often think these tumblr artists want people to look ugly on purpose. I think they’re trying to “redefine beauty.” Which means making black people look like a caricature, women having a lot of body hair and everyone needs to have scars and stretch marks.
What sucks in my eyes is that plenty of over weight people I’ve meet are great at makeup and styling their hair. They portray fat people like slobs and then pretend they are representing fat people well. Course, if you’re 300 pounds and five foot four that’s not good but what’s healthy isn’t my point right now. My point is fat people and/or chubby people are depicted by the tumblr crowd like they’re ugly monsters.
(((Off topic a bit; it’s pretty funny that Jane is the “fat” character in Homestuck and yet she’s the meanest bitch in HS^2 and the fandom agrees with the plot shitting on her.)))
So my main point is gonna be this; Art should be made to express something and/or capture beauty. The intent of these tumblr artists is to portray someone else’s characters through a tumblrified lens, so it feels more like a trend than a legitimate take on a character. No different from when everyone made characters look like pastel goths or wear swag 2013 LMFAO clothes. It feels like a dumb trend that’s existed past its due date.
Sorry my ideas are a bit all over the place here but I’m really trying to understand why the art style bothers me. That being said though, if people wanted to make any character any race or weight it’s something I welcome. Just I wish there was more thought about if what they’re drawing is done well or respectfully.
I like to see twilight sparkle drawn black or at least with dark skin cause it’s just my headcanon but I don’t want to see her drawn like a horrible stereotype like that pinkie pie drawing from a while back.
I wouldn't mind if grotesque art is shown as beauty itself in the context of the strange and horror one can make. Ugly art mixed with comedy too is great to show contrast that strange figures or shapes should terrify us but makes us laugh at how weird and crazy it is. People call that 'Newgrounds' art because of figures such as Egoraptor, Spazkid, and Zach Hadel (one of the creators of Smiling Friends), showing weird expressions or animations that looks so strange out of context by using grotesque art as their main point.
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It is really is people thinking they have to take all the faults and flaws as a serious thing. If anybody dares laugh at it like it's a joke or think it is portrayed as shock value, they get labeled as the ist/phobia bullshit. It's strange that people want others to see fat, beauty, stretch marks, and everything that seemed as bad, as a positive thing. But the more they emphasize it, it can be taken to extremes that it turns into a negative. That's the paradox of it. God knows those people hate stuff like BBW or weight gain art because it "fetishizes" those traits. I don't mind strange weird art if the point of it is something like for laughs or horror. There probably can be gross art that still portrays it as oddly sweet. Just that the execution of it by the new gen, doesn't pull off well these days.
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rainboq · 4 years
Thank you for the prompt! Here's one in return. #3 (kiss on the cheek) pricefield
You asked for a kiss on the cheek, you get an entire date and Chloe being a massive disaster. Enjoy! Apologies in advanced for my nonexistent Spanish skills. I’m going insane. It’s just Max, why the hell am I going insane? Chloe sighs as she sits in her truck, one hand on the wheel while the other hovers over the send button on her phone. Fucking Rachel and her big ideas. Just ask her out Chloe, it’ll be fine Chloe, you’ve known her since you were a little kid Chloe. 
A little traitorous part of her wished that Max had just said no so she could get the rejection over and done with. Instead, her dorky little face with it’s stupidly cute dimpled smile and earnest eyes had light up like Chloe had told her that there was going to be new episodes of Hawt Dawg Man or something. And not, you know, a date with her dumb punk ass.
Just hit the damn button Chloe so you can blow this already and tell Rachel you told her so. There’s no way someone as smart and talented as Max wants anything to do with me. She’s just doing this for old time’s sake.
Her finger taps the button and she locks the screen so she can’t stare at it and ratchet her anxiety up higher.
Ha. As if she has any control over her anxiety right now.
Her phone buzzes with Max’s reply and she takes a few deep breaths to try and steady her nerves. Her usual go to right now would be smoking, but she forgot her damn pack at home like a dumbass in her flurry of getting ready. At least I didn’t fuck up Rachel’s makeup job.
Is Max even going to like me with this much makeup on? She knew me before I ever started wearing any.
She does an impromptu drum solo on her steering wheel to try and get some of her nervous energy out, to mixed success when her eyes spot movement in the lobby of Max’s building. She turns in her seat, gets a look at her and promptly forgets to breathe. Chloe had said to dress up a bit, and Max had taken the liberty of wearing a flowing black dress with some matching leggings. It’s not nearly as showy as the things Rachel wears to parties and events, but there’s something about the way her freckled shoulders look under the straps that makes her heart squeeze. Those damn freckles, why do they have to be so cute?! Dammit, breathe, don’t be a total dweeb in front of Max because she grew up and got hot.
Fuck she is hot though.
I’m so boned.
Max spots her truck as she pushes out through the inner door and a great big dorky smile spreads across her face as she waves enthusiastically. Chloe waves back and scoots across the bench seat to throw the passenger door open. A moment later Max is climbing in, all winning and too god damn adorable smiles. “Hey Chloe!”
“Uh, hey Max! You look… hella great.”
Max’s cheeks go a bit red as she hunches her shoulders forwards, one hand rubbing the back of her neck. “I don’t know about that, but you look amazing.”
There’s no part of Chloe’s stolen blazer and worn black jeans that qualify as amazing to her, but if Max likes it she’s not about to complain. “Thanks,” Chloe tries to say as smoothly as she can muster despite the slight wobble in her tone, “You down for some food?”
“I’m hella starving.” Max replies with a cheeky grin as she shuts her door. “I’m so down for this ‘best taco truck in town’.”
Rolling up to a dumpy taco truck in her old brick with someone as gorgeous as Max suddenly has Chloe feeling like Max really deserves a better first and probably only date, but plans are plans. “Then let your noble steed be off, fair maiden!”
Max breaks out in gigglesnorts as Chloe pulls out of the parking lot. “You did not just use one of William’s lines on me!”
“I so hella did Caulfield, what’re you gonna do about it?” Chloe adds a wink, hoping it’ll cover up how obviously sweaty as hell her palms are right now.
“Oh, I’ve got something in mind.” Max says in a low tone that makes Chloe have to fight to not choke on her own spit.
Oh god, is Max actually flirting with me? I’m so not fucking ready for this. “You down to thrash a bit hippie?”
“As long as your bony elbows don’t hit me!” Max replies with a laugh and Chloe punches the radio on.
The scratchy punk from the local station starts blaring and Chloe internally breathes a sigh of relief at not having to try and deal with Max’s flirting for a moment. Oh god, I can hear Rachel laughing her ass off at me right now.
Max for her part grooves along, and Chloe has to focus to avoid going off the road because of it. God she still dances like a total dork! Fuck, it should be illegal to be this cute or something.
Thankfully they make it to the taco truck without Chloe running into anything, despite her distracted driving, and she pulls them up to the sidewalk. I just hope she likes it or this is going to be a hella lame date.
“Hungry Max?” Chloe asks as she throws her door open after shutting off the radio.
“I’m so hungry, you have no idea.” Max replies as she does the same before sheepishly admitting, “I also kinda skipped lunch.”
Chloe jumps out of her truck and jogs around the front of it as Max clambers out. “Jesus Christ Caulfield, no wonder you ended up so short.”
“What! Hey! Not all of us get to be so freakishly tall.” Max groans and sticks out her tongue.
“Yup, it’s just my burden to bear. Now what do you wanna eat?”
“I mean, you know what’s good here.” Max shrugs as she walks alongside Chloe towards the food truck. “Order for me?”
“Spicy or nah?”
“No way, never spicy.”
Chloe can’t help but laugh at the way Max shakes her head and waves her hands in the air. Yup, still a total dork. “Can do Maximo. Just wait here.”
Chloe skips ahead a few steps and shouts out, “¡Hola Alejandro!”
There’s a clattering sound inside the truck and a middle-aged man’s face appears, “¡Aha! ¡Flaca! ¿Como estas?”
“Muy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?”
“Bein.” He says with a nod and a big smile.
“Bien, quatro numero doce con polo por favor.” Chloe says, before turning to grin at Max who looks a little stunned.
Alejandro sticks his head out to see what she’s looking at before pulling back in and grinning broadly. “¿Tu amor?”
Chloe shrugs, unable to keep the smile off of her face as she rubs the back of her head. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I forgot how to say that in Spanish. Way to go dumbass.
Alejandro, to his credit, doesn’t need it spelled out for him as he pokes his head back out and calls out to Max, “¡Hola bonita!”
Max freezes up for a moment before doing a little wave back. “H-hola.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.” Alejandro grins at her, before retreating back into the food truck to start working on the order.
Chloe pulls out her wallet from her blazer’s pocket and takes out approximately the right amount of money plus tip and drops it on the counter before jogging back to Max with a big idiot grin on her face. “And that’s the food!”
“I guess I should probably learn some Spanish if I’m going to be living large in LA, huh?” Max asks sheepishly, doing that thing she used to do when they were kids where she’d hold her arm.
“Prolly a good idea,” Chloe says as she moves to stand next to Max. “This shouldn’t take too long.”
“Maybe I should have brought a sweater, I always forget how cold it gets here when the sun goes down.”
“Here, stand next to me, the food should warm you up.” Chloe holds out her arm and Max doesn’t hesitate to tuck into her side.
A sort of silence settles in as Max hums softly to herself and chews on her lip while Chloe watches the window for the food. The pressure of Max against her feels good, great even, but it all feels so surreal. “I can’t believe we’re actually on a date.”
“Oh no?” Max giggles softly as she snakes an arm around Chloe’s waist, “What’s so unbelievable about it?”
“How about the part where you said yes?”
“When I told my parents, my dad announced that Joyce and mom owe him fifty bucks.”
“Wait, what?” Chloe somehow manages to not stammer.
“They all had a bet, our dads bet that we’d date some day.”
Chloe turns her eyes heavenwards, where the few stars visible in LA are starting to poke out as the sun sets. I guess you’re smiling on my dumb ass from up there, huh dad?
“¡Loca!” Alejandro shouts from the truck as he puts their food out.
“That’s us.” Chloe says before reluctantly pulling away from Max, “we’ll eat in the back of my truck, meet me there?”
“Sure thing.”
Chloe trots over, grabs the two trays of food. Damn, dude threw in tortilla chips gratis, I fucking owe him a bigass tip next time I come.
Max waits for her, standing next to the now open tailgate. “After you, mademoiselle.”
“You know French?” Chloe asks with a cocked eyebrow as she slides the trays into the bed before climbing up.
“I picked up a couple things from an ex.” Max shrugs as Chloe turns, offers her a hand and hauls her up into the bed.
They end up sitting together at the far end, their backs resting against the cab as Chloe divides the food between them. “Eat up, short stuff.”
“Oh my god, stop making fun of my height you beanstalk!” Max laughs as she elbows Chloe.
Chloe just cackles as she pulls out her first taco and takes her first bite. Come on Chloe, it’s Max, but it’s still a date so don’t eat like a total fucking slob.
She waits until she’s actually finished her first mouthful and swallowed before turning to Max, “How is it?”
“Oh my god I think I’m in love,” Max mutters as she finishes her first mouthful, “Legit the best taco I’ve ever had.”
“Did I tell you or did I tell you?” Chloe grins in triumph before taking another bite of her taco.
They don’t talk much as they consume their tacos, they’re too tasty. Chloe finishes first and has to resist the urge to shout her victory like they did when they were kids having stupid eating contests. Instead, she starts popping tortilla chips into her mouth and just kind of watching Max while she waits.
Damn, I’ve seen her a bunch since she moved here and I still can’t get over how damn cute she got. Like even her ‘ugly duckling’ pics from high school look great. I can’t believe I missed out on her braces years though, damn, that would have been hilarious to be around for. That or I would have gotten in a lot of fights for jackasses making fun of her, which wouldn’t have been much of a change honestly…
Max finishes her tacos and beams up at Chloe, “That was delicious! Thank you so much Chloe!”
“Hey, you deserve it, also hang on, you got some sour cream on your nose.” Chloe grabs a napkin and wipes it off, prompting a giggle from Max.
“You’re adorable.”
“You’re one to talk.”
Max laughs and steals a chip from Chloe’s basket before grinning at her as she eats it.
“What, hey! Those are my chips! You’ve got your own!”
“Yeah but yours are tastier!”
Oh my god, this old game. “What, you want me to feed them to you?”
Chloe’s heart skips a beat as Max’s cheeks flush red. “I-I mean, I wouldn’t mind…”
“Only if you feed me yours.” Chloe grins as she feels her own cheeks heating up.
“It's a deal then.”
Chloe holds up one of her chips to Max’s face, who promptly devours it before holding up one of her chips for Chloe, who returns the gesture. Before long they’re both grinning at each other like sappy idiots and swapping chips until their baskets run empty. Max makes a little disappointed noise as they run out and Chloe gathers up their baskets.
“I’ll run these back and we’ll hit the road?”
“Sure thing.” Max says, before stifling a yawn. “Man, I didn’t realize how late it’s getting already.”
“Nah, you’re just getting old, the night’s still young.”
Max jabs a finger into Chloe’s side before laughing, “You ass, don’t you know it’s rude to joke about a lady’s age?”
“I’m older than you!”
“I said a lady.” Max retorts with a smirk as they both get to their feet and hop out of the bed.
“You got me there Maximus Wrecked.”
Damn, I think this is actually going pretty well! She thinks to herself as she jogs back to the food stand and drops the baskets off on the outside counter. From inside Alejandro flashes her a double thumbs up and Chloe grins back at him before turning around to head back to her truck.
Max is already in the cab, holding herself and shivering a bit as Chloe gets in. “Definitely should have brought a sweater.”
Thinking fast, Chloe pulls off her blazer and holds it out to Max. “Here, until the heater decides to start working.”
“Thank you so much,” Max says as she puts the blazer on in a hurry, “This has been great.”
“Hey, you’re great so…”
There’s a giggle from Max before she stifles another yawn. “Dork. We should probably head back though. I had a crazy long day.”
Chloe’s heart sinks and her mind immediately starts racing for ways she fucked this up as she starts her truck up. “Oh, okay.”
“I had fun Chloe, seriously.” Max says, reaching out across the bench and laying her hand on Chloe’s forearm as she shifts the truck into gear. “We’ll have to do this again.”
Oh, okay, so I didn’t completely fuck it up. “Second date, huh?”
“Definitely,” Max smiles warmly as they pull out into the street, “Mind if I put some of my tunes on?”
“Sure, knock yourself out.”
Soft indie rock fills the cabin as Chloe drives back to Max’s place. Despite the promise of a second date, she really, really, really doesn’t want this to end. She’d hoped to go walking down the beach or something with max, maybe hit up a bar and get a little crazy.
Can’t you just be happy dumbass? You got the second date, just… take it easy. You know better than to rush Max of all fucking people.
The drive back to Max’s apartment is way too short, or maybe she’s so wrapped up in her thoughts that the usual nightmare of LA traffic barely registers. Either way, she’s sitting in front of Max’s building and wishing she was anywhere else in town with Max.
“So, uh…”
“Thank you, I had a wonderful evening,” Max says softly as she scoots across the bench seat and presses a gentle kiss into Chloe’s cheek, one hand cupping her chin.
It takes Chloe a second to remember what words are, much less how to put them together into sentences, but she does manage, eventually as she turns to look at Max. “You’re, uh, hella welcome.”
Something mischievous that ties Chloe’s guts in a knot sparkles in those brilliant blue eyes of Max as she smiles wide, “Do you hella want to come up to my apartment for some coffee?”
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rnisa · 6 years
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Yo! So overall, given how these two look they're nooot exactly picky with appearances. The both of them value personality and loyalty, above all else. However, they DO have some physical preferences. I feel them both bisexual, so I've written them as such. All of these bullets are created with that in mind, even if one *seems* too specific (Like the makeup one might seem more feminine , but boys can wear makeup too) so don't assume I'm excluding one or the other and such. If there's anything that in my mind, is in fact gender-restricted, I will say so. But other than that please assume they're meant for everyone! Sorry if this doesn't make any sense, but I just wanted that to be clear for everyone to enjoy (:
As usual, I think I went sort of off-topic...just let me know if anything needs fixing;
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Junkrat prefers people from average to taller heights. It's just more convenient and comfortable for him. No matter if you are on the taller side for your age and gender, you're still going to be shorter than him.
Long, wavy hair. Likes it out or braided if you're a woman, or tied up in a ponytail or bun if you're a man. Color is irrelevant, But secretly more into those on the black-dirty blonde scale.
ADORES freckles. Especially if you've got a lot, in a way that your body's covered with them.
Despite having tattoos himself, he'd like a partner that has few, or none at all.
Big titties. He's got a very long and lank body, and with how he's hunched over, he'll "accidentally" shove his face into his partners chest.
Likes to feel his partners muscles. Not saying you gotta be jacked or toned; it doesn't matter whether he can or can't see them. He just likes to feel them.
Enjoys a partner that wears makeup. Not every day, all the time, but at least once in a while. If you've got good makeup skills, he might ask you to do his makeup too. Wax his eyebrows.
Contrary to himself, likes a clean partner that practices good self-care. It helps to remind HIM that he should be doing better, so you'll be an important source for motivation. Clean hair, exfoliated skin, moisturizing, brushed teeth, and dressed nicely. Even comfortable casual outfits can be fashionable - he's just not fond of someone who would dress like a slob (hypocritical, yes. But having a cleaner partner, or even crush, would make Junkrat want to better himself. Being with someone just as filthy as he is wouldn't help either of you, as you'd only enable each other.)
Saying what he doesn't like would be arguably faster than what he does like, but I'll do both. Overall, he likes someone who will challenge him. If you're too passive, submissive, or just don't have any voice of your own, you won't interest him.
Likes someone who's headstrong and confident. Everyone all goes through those times where their self-esteem took a blow, but if you're perpetually seeking reassurance or have no faith in yourself, he won't be attracted to you. He likes someone who acts like they're the shit - even if they're not. I'm not talking about narcissism, I'm talking about someone who's just comfortable, and at peace with themselves. Like, whatever flaws you've got, yeah, you acknowledge. You're not perfect, but that's not stopping you from being content with who you are.
He will appreciate a partner with their own things that set them apart as an individual. He can get competitive, and likes to be surprised, especially if you've happened to one-up him. He'll be proud that you, his love, surpassed him - and that'll only make him try harder next time.
This is odd, and he wouldn't outright admit it, but... he's attracted to those who are perceived as high-maitenence, or diva-like. If you sort of ignore him at first (not to be mean, maybe you just avoid him cause his ass stank?) that'll make him more attracted to you. So eehhhh, if you have a crush on him first (God rest your soul..) and you approach him, if he doesn't know you as a FRIEND then he won't have that initial attraction (i.e., if he's not into you off the bat, befriend him first rather than asking him for a date as an acquaintance. Even if you DO meet each and every one of his physically attractive needs, it'll be difficult.)
Adding on to the above bullet, he likes the chase. Likes to work for someone. He feels like you'll be more valuable in the long run. The way he sees it is, if you're worth it, he'll wait. He'll chase you and not give up (unless you seriously tell him to fuck off and get a restraining order) because he wants to show you he means business.
Plus he's got a bit of trust issues. Headcanon that he's had others use him in the past (and he fell for it, each any every time) lie to him, pretend they love him, so he would steal them expensive things. In all these cases, those people approached him - which is why he prefers it the other way around.
Likes someone with a good moral compass. If he's planning on stealing some shit, go "Hey that's bad" and he'll get a boner appreciate you. Deep down, I believe that he does not want to be known as a "Junker" forever that he does not want to continue on heists, forever. Like with the appearance cleanliness I mentioned before, he wants a partner that he could just look to and go...hey, I want to be a better person for them.
Snorting while you giggle (bonus if your laugh is mad ugly)
Scrunching your face when you’re focused
Giving him a nasty look when he does something weird
Throwing off his shitty puns by giving a legitimate answer/debunking it
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Ass man. Thick thighs save lives. Mako likes them child-bearin' hips. He is very squishy himself, and leans towards those who are in the same boat. Whether you've got a little bit of chub, or a lot, Roadhog can't help but find it cute.
No hair color preference, but likes long, free-flowing hair on girls and men. Likes to run his fingers through their locks, trying styles (like braiding) as stress relievers, and such.
A bit of a size kink, so he has a preference to shorter partners - your width is irrelevant though.
Very attracted to plump bodies, especially belonging to those who are physically strong. Obviously, it’s unlikely that you’ll match him in strength, but he still enjoys it! <3
Mako finds glasses to be VERY sexy...so if you’ve ever felt self-conscious about your foureyes, just know that your boo Roadie will love’em. If he finds that you take them off during sex, he might request that you put them on, every now and then.
Has no preference for how you dress/style, but he does appreciate a partner that is able to express their personality through their clothing. If you’re shy and fit to societal norms/wear what everyone else is wearing (not because you like it, but because you’re afraid) it’s kind of a turn off. He, like Junkrat, loves someone who is confident in not only their own skin, but their clothing, too.
Piercings drive him wild. Any piercings. Even if it’s just your ears..though he wouldn’t object if you had any more. Surprise him by having a piercing (or a few) on your private areas and...he’ll likely be so flustered! Depending on your personality, he’d either be shocked and impressed, or he might have already figured you had that particular piercing. Hehe,
Independence is key. You two do not need to be breathing the same air in every waking millisecond of your relationship! He is introverted, and while he always enjoys his time with you by his side...he loves his alone time just as well. Don’t be up his ass (figuratively) all the time, and he won’t be up yours (figuratively). Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that, applies to him. You can’t get offended if he requests alone time; it will only stress him out, and he does not like drama. It’s nothing personal, he’s just so accustomed to the isolation that when with company for too long, he can get easily burnt out. I like to think of Mako more akin to a cat, whereas Junkrat a dog.
Assertiveness. You don’t need to be rude, but he does find it attractive when someone stands their ground. Likely impressed with those who handle problems in a civil manner!
Educated. Especially if it shows through your vocabulary. Prefers deep conversations on real-world topics more than smalltalk. He loves listening to you to begin with, but if you can propose a conversation with which he can really engage him, you’ll probably get him talking, too! For a man who’s normally quiet, you might release some hidden passion depending on the topics you choose to bring up.
Prefers a partner that can think for the future. He’s lost most of his hope in life, the future, etc... Having someone that will make plans with him (ex., “I can’t wait to do this with you someday!”, “We should go on a trip to Numbani in the future!”, “When we get married, do you think we should do it by the beach or indoors?”) gives him something to look forward to. That kind of phrasing also ensures him that you’re serious about him, and don’t plan on leaving soon.
Tilting your head like a puppy when you’re confused.
Having a smile that you’re trying to fight, but can’t.
Looking away when you’re embarrassed.
Hearing a question of concern from you (“Are you okay?”, “Is everything alright?”)
Quick moments where you touch (accidentally brushing against him, your hands accidentally touching)
Trying to lift something that’s really heavy by yourself, until he comes to try and help you.
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darthmetal373 · 6 years
Ever Been So Fucked Up?
Have you ever been so fucked up that when you catch yourself in the mirror, you can’t help but just stare? No emotion. Just a blank stare and about as intoxicated as can be, seeing through yourself. You think about every time you feel you were the one who fucked up in almost every situation you can think of. 
You’re trying so hard to accept the way your nose is shaped, how big your chin is, and how blonde your eyebrows and eyelashes are to the point it looks like you have none. You know that you hate what you have to see when you’re not wearing makeup and so you avoid mirrors as much as you can. But you’re just so fucked up you can’t figure out if you even can cry while not wanting to at the same time. Nothing makes sense, you feel ugly so you do what you can to “make up for it” and do your best to be a good soul. And sometimes it’s enough and that’s when you cherish it the most, but it still hurts when some don’t feel that way and some times you’re lusted after and some times you are disgusting to them. So you have no idea how to view yourself in reality. Some days you feel attractive, and some days you feel like a fat ugly slob.
I’m just sharing this because I know that I am not the only one who feels this way and I want other people that may feel alone, feel a bit better. I want to see more people share their thoughts on life. No matter how uncomfortable, feel free to share them and can even remain anonymous. Just a way to help people realize we can get better, and we can find a way to make some mental issues less common just by making our voices heard and have some one hear our side.
I’m honestly not sure how far I can make this go, but I also want to use what I can possibly observe out of this how much more we can explore as far as psychology and philosophy goes. I have a ton of ideas too and I am open to any and everyone and I think maybe we can get more people on board this idea with me.
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leorysxi · 7 years
(/ω\)゚.+(〃ノωノ)゚.+°50 More Interesting Questions
Tagged by the lovely @incorrectmidc, @theempresskaizer, and @spyrothetimelord~! ♡♡♡ Thanks!! :D
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
1. What kind of food can't you stand? Spicy food, food that has a really strong milk-taste, and any seafood or meat that are uncooked or not fully cooked.
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick? Never having to check if there are any toilet paper left in the roll holder again. My sis likes to use it all up and freaking leave the cardboard tube on top of the tank lid when there are new ones literally three feet away ._.
3. Have you got any useless talents? Um I can use chopsticks with my left hand but it's useless since I usually use my right hand anyway lol
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be? Communication
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking I think a lot of people are very good-looking tho... I really don't know where to start ^^;
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid? Reading books from libraries.
7. What is something you’re proud of? My dedication once I've put my mind to it.
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate? Assuming things and arrogantly believe they are right (whether they are right or not, it's the attitude that irks me the most).
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower? I'm more of a follower. But if the leader is not cooperative, motivated and/or decisive enough, I'd do a bit of nudging to get the team project in the right direction.
10. What kind of student are/were you? The average kind that does average work and gets average grades.
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life? Yes.
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion High heights, like really high ones. It's not so much the height but the fear of falling that gets to me.
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable? Yep~
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties? I've never drunk alcohol before lololol; it's a personal choice rather than a legal limitation. I'm the sort that sits in a corner and watches chaos unfold at parties :D
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone? Not really, it's more like a premonition of love before I fall hard. And yes, it takes a very, very long time for me to trust anyone.
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends? I'd rather have one close friend than have a hundred casual ones.
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak? Uh, sorta both? I do organise my stuff neatly, having a place for every item to find them more easily. But I also have a bad habit of hoarding, which leads to a bit of mess in a corner of my room to clear up every once in a while ^^;
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy On my bed, furled beneath the blanket and hugging my pillows. Alternatively, sitting all curled up on my comfy mesh chair and having a towel or hoodie draped over my shoulders and legs like I’m doing now. I can get cosy anywhere that I feel safe at/with tho.
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday? No, and I don't see myself married anytime soon, much less have kids.
20. What was your favorite book as a child? The Secret Island by Enid Blyton, the Nancy Drew series, Harry Potter series, usually stories that are about solving mysteries or set in fantasies.
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about Fidget spinnersssss (?-?)
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated Manga series that are refreshingly original and good and has so much potential and tragically axed or at risk of it :'c (im5eversaltyaboutClassi9 TnT)
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose? Eh no way, I prefer my privacy and being alone, so "noone" it is for me.
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday? Visit other countries, to see and experience more of the world.
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat? I prefer not to rock the boat. It's only when I feel it's necessary that I speak up.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in? I don't know if it's a fad, but I really regret playing Clash Royale :/
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for? I thought it was cool to have an attitude when I was a kid. Thinking about it now, it's just embarrassing.
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable? Confidence
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.) Not really.
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones? Yep; English and Chinese (Mandarin & Hokkien). I'm also learning Japanese (self-taught) but progress is slow ^^;
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside? In the city, just not the busiest part of it tho.
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving? I used to hate wearing closed-toe shoes but now I love 'em :’D
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else? Spotlight on someone else pls
34. Favorite holiday? New year, for the festive end-of-year mood if nothing else.
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously? I'm a go-with-the-flow type of person but I NEED to have things planned out to get them done lol
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.) Nah, while nothing compares to that first experience, neither does the second or third rerun through nostalgia and familiar moments compare to anything else either. There's usually something new I'd discover in rereads too, whether it's something I missed the first time or how my thoughts have changed about certain moments or places.
37. What hobbies do you have? Reading, drawing, playing video games, writing, watching anime, looking at the sky, collecting stamps and old coins & foreign dollar notes and owl motifs, surfing the internet, archiving, and various other activities that hold my attention every once in a while (like folding origami, baking, voluntary work, DIY projects, etcetra).
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have? Uhhh not having to trim my nails and toenails? idk, what exactly constitutes as a 'mildly useful' superpower~~??
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you That I'm older than I look ^^;
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out How the mask function works on Photoshop and PaintTool Sai orz
41. Worst injury you’ve had? Splinters in my fingers. I had this constant fear that smaller splinters were still stuck in my fingers 'cause it hurts whenever I press down on them and I couldn’t concentrate on doing work at all D: (I’m pretty lucky tho, never broke a bone or twisted anything in my life.)
42. Any morbid fascinations? Death and tragedies.
43. Describe your sense of humor Weird and poorly-timed.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? Modern Japan.
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at Time management o(-(
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through School
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.) I'd rather have neither but that's not an answer is it? I'd rather have the ugly tattoo then, at least it can be hidden or removed by laser.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? I expect the worst and believe in the best, that every challenge has its share of difficulties and opportunities. I guess I'm something of an optimist who can be pessimistic, and vice-versa.
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you? That I've made a positive influence in their life.
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you That I think I'm better or find them uninteresting or something awful when I just like to stay quiet and do a lot of thinking. They're right about me being weird tho ^^
Tagging: @astridapples @confused-tofu @countdowntocake @emigotchi @infinitycrayons @juzbijou @kakihoden (:3) @lustfullyleocrawford @midnightuglystepsister (hi!) @trixtzu and anyone else who wants to answer these~! >w<)/
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kakihoden · 7 years
(/ω\)゚.+(〃ノωノ)゚.+°50 More Interesting Questions
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
tagged by @theempresskaizer​ and @incorrectmidc THANK YOUUU <3
1. What kind of food can’t you stand?: FISH, especially Fried Tilapia. I dunno. I loved fish as a kid, but now just the smell of it makes my stomach churn. Oh, and broccoli. GDI the first time I tasted it was traumatic :’D
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick?: losing my pencils  -- for a person who draws often losing these babies is kinda ironic, isn’t it?
3. Have you got any useless talents?: Uhm.... I can sleep anywhere. LOL
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be?: drawing.it’s literally the oldest hobby i have so :/
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking: real people?! okay, dumb question. i kinda view people’s faces as equal, but there are particular people who stand out.  i love looking at Eva Green and Angelina Danilova. my girl crushes :v
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid?: doodle doodle on the wall; wait for my mama’s angry call :’D
7. What is something you’re proud of?: uhm... I dunno. I don’t dwell much on myself on a positive light, so I haven’t really thought of the things I should be proud of. Unless it means something else? IDK lels
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate?: being self-righteous, or being too self-important. I tend to act cold towards people like these cuz duuuuuhhhh. I’d rather treat you like fart than say mean things cuz people like these aren’t really worth getting work up over.
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower?: Back when I was a youthful optimistic fellow, I have, indeed proven myself able to be a leader, but now I just wanna be a follower. Energy-saving mode on unnecessary things :D
10. What kind of student are/were you?: When I was in high school, I was the overrated student. And it sucked because teachers placed high expectations against my will when in fact I am the lazy student who relies on stock knowledge to get through school life :v
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life?:Yes.*blushes*
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion: I used to run away at the speed of light at the sight of anything worm-like. >___<. I once accidentally touched a worm and it felt cold and slimy it was disgusting I literally threw a fit (LOL), but now I can tolerate them. Just... stay away within a one-meter radius D:
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable?: a looottt. 
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties?: I don’t drink alcoholic beverages to the point where I get wasted. But let me tell you a story: when I was a kid, Mom gave me a quarter kilo of grapes. I finished it in one sitting, but I got drunk so I hit my head on the door knob when I tried to stand up. I wonder what kind of drunk I am now? AT PARTIES? NOOO... I just stay at corners and try to avoid having to party. It’s not the party that’s bad, it’s the socializing. :’D
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone?: I fall in love with 2d men easily. And yes, it takes quite some time for me to trust someone nowadays, cuz I learned my lesson the hard way.
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends?: just one close friend is enough. I get tired of people quite easily.
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak?: *glances around my work area* Yep. I’m a slob alright. But that’s only when I’m too busy on something. Otherwise, you’ll often see me arranging my stuff here and there.
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy: a view of the sunset in a large window from a high place. and where a contrast of temperature is at its best <3
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday?: I’m not that fond of kids because the kids in my neighborhood are brutal. They call me pancit canton (instant noodle) because of my  hair :’’’’’’’’’D (I’m a 23-year-old bullied by 5-year-old kids)
20. What was your favorite book as a child?: I didn’t like reading, believe me. I learned to read quickly because I wanted to get away from books as fast as possible. LOL
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about: uhm... mobile legends and despacito :x srsly what are those 
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated: what is. IDK...  ಠ_ರೃ
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose?: I’d be with Hitsugaya Toushiro! (then will secretly glue us together again before one month ends LOLOLOLOL) Taichou! <3
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday?: I want to travel a lot to old places. Ah... it’s a life-long dream :3
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat?: I’m a peace-loving person, and I’m weak at arguments so I keep my mouth shut and let my brain become noisy until my thoughts settle down instead of speaking up. 
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in?: I live in a cave -- what even is the latest fad today
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for?:  I was low-key emo back then but it only manifested in my music preference because I was keeping up a good school image. Now when I look back at that “shiny and brilliant student” facade I wanted to smack my younger self in the head (btw, my music preference never changed). 
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable?: Bravery. It can take you far if you have it. I admire brave people.
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.): I don’t receive gifts anymore (too bad, will you give me a gift? XD) but my godmother often gave me dresses and clothes, and blue items cuz she knew blue was my favorite :3
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones?: I speak Filipino, English and not that fluent at Japanese (and currently taking a crash course at Bahasa Indonesia)
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside?: I’d choose countryside in a heartbeat!
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving?: none in particular. 
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else?: I do not like too much attention. I do appreciate it when someone notices me but if I get too much of that, it wears me out.
34. Favorite holiday?: Christmas!
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously?:  there are days when I just go with the flow, but when the situation calls for it, I spend a night planning my days, especially trips. Yup.
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.): Final Fantasy Advent Children. I’d love to experience that doki-doki when I see Cloud in action <3 and my nightly walks back at the province. The moon-lit road home, the fireflies, the silence, the nature -- I’d love to go back there and spend a good vacation. Plus the residents are really friendly
37. What hobbies do you have?: Drawing, procrastinating, sleeping, procrastinating, reading manga, and did I mention procrastinating?
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have?: what even -- then it’s not called superpower anymore, but rather just “power” LOLOLOL. I wish I could shut down my nose when someone farts XD
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you: that I’m not actually intimidating and that I am indeed Filipina. 
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out: how to answer this. also, still trying to figure out how I’ll dissect my building. -_-
41. Worst injury you’ve had?: I fell down the stairs when I was a kid and it damaged my knees. Now both knees hurt during the cold season.
42. Any morbid fascinations?: I like drawing gore?
43. Describe your sense of humor: dark! as a result of my depression, my jokes tend to be categorized as black comedy LOL. Also perv. :v
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose? I wish I was born in Japan, or renaissance England (^◇^;)
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at: time management (/ω\)
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through: College. Why the hell did I have to pick Architecture major of all things? But I learned a few things so okay.
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.): ugly tattoo. I don’t like having stuff on my face
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?: I’m a pessimist irl. I’m actually a depressing human being hiding behind my drawings online ゚.+(〃ノωノ)゚.+°
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you?: that I’ve inspired them. Ah truly a ray of light in this dark depressing life of mine ( ̄∇ ̄) .+°
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you: my silence. me being silent to them often means I’m mad, or brooding, or being a bitch. LOL NO. that’s just my face ᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
tagging! @emigotchi @confused-tofu @rimalupin @arimii @pumpkingamelodge @spyroeden @midnightuglystepsister @midnightcindy @kseifert @oh-my-otome and you!
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