#I think it's because I grew up on the Petz games and also there's that song by Bis called Sweet Shop Avengerz...
zephyr-together · 5 years
TBH IM SO OBSESSED W THE 50S SIM.... mainly the callbacks to the games reality ie "our president is a saint!" and the friendly fryer ad hjfdhjfgdfd
honestly i salute u the only arc i could get thru with little/no issues was the vice kings FNSFNFSH the first game is fun story wise imo its just..... volition PLEASE put out a pc port/remaster.... that & the game feels more punishing in general ig
SAME........I also yelled at the Genki cartoon...Mickey parody? and his statue of course...and for some reason I laughed really hard how you had to press RT to eat pancakes and get the paper...
THANK U LAKDALJDKJA AND SAME...I played the missions at my friend’s that I haven’t done on my own save and we took turns basically but for my own save the Vice Kings were all I beat...I got to the point in Los Carnales where you have to finish five more strongholds before beating the last mission and for the Rollerz I was stuck on the last mission...if I start it up again I’ll have to start completely over with the Rollerz and I need a break for now...X_X and that would be so nice!!! I’d love checkpoints, better health (not necessarily more but better indicators/warnings...) less glitches/freezing etc...
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irlkaiman · 4 years
I’m going to make some really dumb bugsnax gamer head canons because its 3:30 am and I have nothing else to do. Heads up there’s gonna be typos and a thousand run-on sentences, also this is my first time text posting on tumblr so I have no idea how to do this.
Okay filbo is super easy, he plays a ton of video games but sucks at literally every single one. He’s a super good sport, though losing so much does discourage him on occasion. He never fails to get the gang together for a night of Mario Kart or Jackbox. He’s overall just the chillest dude to play with and you should definitely let him win once or twice he’ll get so happy it’s gonna be rad.
Favorite genre is definitely in person party games.
Oh fuck Beffica, other than being the queen of blackmail, a stoner, and the coolest person alive she doesn’t really have much on her plate after snaxtooth. With her new free time, she’s become a gaming god. She picks the cute character in a fighting game, and demolishes everyone with it, kirby sucks, but not HER kirby. Fear Beffica. She also plays all those mobile games you see in the ads in her spare time. She’s a very poor loser, not that she ever loses, always claims she just wasn’t trying.
Favorite genre is probably party fighters like smash.
Snorpy is undoubtedly a PC dude, he and chandlo built a really neat gaming setup and he’s super proud of it. He shys away from most online games and focuses on story based rpgs and such, he’s a HUGE fan of indie games, and definitely loves anything inspired by Earthbound. He’s the guy who builds a super computer to emulate snes games and he’s living the life. He’s definitely got entire folders full of text documents with random game theories, that are totally correct but everyones to much of a coward to admit it.
Favorite genre is RPGS
Chandlo definitely played Pokémon as a kid and just slowly fell out of video games as he grew older, spending most of his time on the grind bro. But he’s a super supportive partner, and is getting back into video games with Snorpy’s help. He really likes games you can pick up and play for short periods of time or play on the go. He loves Pokémon go, helps get his steps in (and it’s an excuse to get Snorpy outside), he plays a lot of what snorpy plays, and really wants to play 2 player coop games with him. Video games for Chandlo are a means to bond with Snorpy, and he just enjoys playing them with the person he loves most no matter the context. He definitely plays a Paladin like character and keeps snorpy’s mage character alive.
Favorite genre is coop bonding games
Everyone’s favorite gay uncle is definitely not a “gamer” but he owns a Wii from way before snaxtooth, and oh boy does he use it in private. After work he would play just dance, rock band, and guitar hero for hours. After snaxtooth he’s started getting back into it again, he’s really really good at it, and he’s definitely been caught playing it by Beffica and she will never let him live it down. He probably only plays these games with wiggle, as she’s like an icon to him. Other than that he doesn’t really touch video games.
Favorite genre is like active rhythm games.
This little man plays nintendogs, Petz, and nothing else. He cried when his Pokémon fainted, he was overwhelmed by the amount of micromanaging in the sims, and he got uncomfortable when he had a hunger bar in Minecraft. Gramble is not suited for gaming and he is content having the most well trained nintendog in the world.
Favorite genre is pet sims.
Wiggle hates video games, she played rock band and got a bad singing score, and never turned back. She does not have time for no critics, Grumpus or Videogame. However she does play candy crush, she clears the board in a rhythm the candy crushing sound effects moving the beat along.
Favorite genre is wine mom puzzle apps.
You wouldn’t think she played video games, but she is a god at the ISpy games. ISpy spooky mansion is her shit, and her keen eye makes her great at it. She rushes through the games at a crazy pace, but since it’s Wii shovel ware she has an endless supply so don’t worry. Wambus sits on the couch and watches and always gets surprised on how she’s finding any of this, he doesn’t get it but she loves having him around while she plays
Favorite genre is item finding games.
He played farmville once and got confused why his cows were hot pink. He’s not a gamer and never will be one he’s a country boy at heart
I’ll do the MC, Floofty, The lesbians, and Shelda tomorrow it is time for chase to sleep.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S1 Ep 43: Mokuba Simply Has No Survival Instincts
While it surely wasn’t intentional, since the 00′s hadn’t finished their course at the time this show aired, the storyline of Kaiba, the moodiest millennial of them all, the boy who works his ass off, wins every award, studies hard, and then fails at every aspect of his life when he actually goes out to try and get his career on track is just so very millennial. It’s a pretty familiar story--trained to be a shark in a small swimming pool, dreams as big and high as the moon, but occasionally completely disconnected with what’s going on around us because we’re trapped in some MMO videogame. Again.
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We’ve already had quite a few episodes that dove into Yugi’s psyche, including one where we literally walked through his labyrinth brain full of traps and real legit problems as he said “nonono this is all really just fine.” But, this is an arc that’s all about Kaiba, who is about to be devoured by the same insane pipe dream ideas he worked so hard to create.
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Mai and Joey suddenly realize who the other is and then just decide “youknow lets not duel” and I praised the sun because how pointless would that have been?
The Mokuba orange text is very close to the Joey yellow. Sorry if any of you are colorblind, I never realized that Mokuba would have so many speaking lines when I started this. Maybe I’ll make him a light blue at some point?
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I know I titled it as Mokuba has no survival instincts but honestly it’s every single person on this show.
(read more)
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I only say I’m too afraid to check the skyrim mod forums because most those mods are a little too kinky for me.
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Why didn’t Bakura use THAT card back on the island? Holy cow. It’s a good thing Joey isn’t cursed with the ring because everyone would be very super dead.
So they trot along across the desert and not much happens. I guess a sand worm or something? It’s just a desert.
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And like do I even need to make the obvious joke or is it already--
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No, not yet.
Anyways, what’s at the other end of the desert, hm?
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We are SO CLOSE to finishing this season how is there ANOTHER MAZE!? There’s only like 6 episodes left we could have been maze free I just...whoever was in charge of maze design for this show worked overtime.
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God bless, storyboarder. This is a frame I caught completely by accident--most people would not be able to notice that Joey just takes two hands--one on Yugi’s head, the other on his chest and just pushes him completely over like he’s one of those roly-poly toys.
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The hell Mai? She is the age to date Joey’s Dad.
This labyrinth is different than Yugi’s, in that it is crowded by a bunch of huge inconvenient tanks that all want to kill them for some reason. I have no idea how any of these tanks ever turn a corner.
Mazes seem to be the most boodthirsty thing in this universe--can’t pass through a maze without every law of physics/tanks wanting to murder the hell out of you
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Imagine the David Attenborough documentary on this family of wild tanks.
And then this weird thing happened--as if we weren’t already seeing the weirdest collection of things that Kaiba chose to focus on in this magical world where he could have made anything else happen.
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It’s Marie Antoinette Mokuba. She’s just here. To exist.
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Speaking of bad ideas, Kaiba is getting crucified.
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Every anime ever made just acting out the Passion for kicks and giggles, it ain’t even Easter yet.
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So quick side story about bad ideas and stuff, because sometimes we spend YEARS of our lives trying to make something that is not very good work and it just doesn’t--it just doesn’t happen. I work in freelance so I see that a lot. I see it happen to other people, I’ve seen it happen PLENTY to myself.
I knew this guy, I’ve known him my whole life (and he’s way super old so he won’t read this blog) and for the entirety that I’ve been alive he’s been trying to make an operating system to compete with Windows. Now I’m from the Bay Area, so this isn’t SO weird. There’s this whole crazy world outside of Linux where everyone and their mule is making an OS that will change the Silicon Valley landscape and make them the next Bill Gates. It’s kind of like “here’s my neat app idea” but like 2 steps more ascended.
For about 40 years, this guy has *and still is* making this OS. 40 years. But his OS is now like 40 years behind the times because he never released it in any form because it wasn’t done yet, it wasn’t perfect, it wasn’t ready.
One of the most important things I’ve ever learned is that whatever you may be working on right now will not be your Magnum Opus. It just won’t. So finish whatever you’re on and move on to the next thing. When I was told this, I was working on my first comic and although I wasn’t really aware--it was hella not great. But, it was a story I grew up writing, so I was hella attached to it. So, it could never be perfect. It mattered so much to me to get it right, and I was so worried about what other people would think, that I worked on it for about 4 years before I ran into the OS guy and I realized “I need to just post this and move on or this will be my endless OS”
Like, this is all a silly story of climbing through Kaiba’s bad fiction, but sometimes our simple ideas can turn into parasites, and we become so obsessed with them, that our good efforts are robbed of ever getting a chance to finish something good. Like this is Kaiba’s one big huge sprawling terrible video game idea and all of his friends and his brother are here to basically give him an intervention. Also to save him from the guys who are still heading Kaiba corp for some reason.
Anyways, now these guys are in a generic carriage because they got to the Camelot section of Kaiba’s cyberworld because this boy could not focus on one single genre.
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Whatever because inside this castle is DINNER
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The vague orange oblong fruit is back! The gravity melons! We still aren’t sure what they are--because they could be mangoes but they’re orange like oranges. huh...
Anyways, it’s about time for this show to get dark.
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So this is a game mechanic of playing the card game Yugioh--so like...it actually does make sense why it’s here but like. This is just medieval The Lottery, huh? Is Kaiba getting ritually sacrificed by his own video game? Ritually sacrificed WHILE getting crucified? For a DRAGON? It’s like right in front of him that his Dragon Obsession has maybe gone too far but I assume that once this is over he’ll be right back on ship dragon.
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I just like to think that, for the past few years, Kaiba’s just been drawing birds and medieval stuff in class and being all “it’s going in my sweet ass video game, Joey, it’s not a princess, it’s Princess Atena, and she’s gonna get sacrificed to satisfy the Mythic Dragon” but none of his classmates ever remembered any of this lore because their brains kept getting wiped by some Season Zero Pharaoh nonsense.
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This color scheme on the walls is just...that’s lime green and lilac all right.
Anyway, how generic 90′s fantasy anime can we make the armor here?
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None of them use swords.
Scratch that--Pharaoh would know how to use a sword. For the rest of them the weapon seems kind of moot because they’re all card wizards?
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So off they go, Joey in a minidress made for...breastfeeding? I guess? And the rest in matching armor suits. Seems like Kaiba’s game is programmed to recognize and harass Joey just as part of it’s core code.
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So there was a lot of buildup to that happening and I blinked and missed it and had to rewind, it happened so quickly.
Man if they had just stayed indoors none of this would have happened.
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So Mokuba is in a 7 layer ballgown for the rest of this show right? I feel like the hoop skirt would make it very difficult to get crucified in. So, at least he has that.
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As they bring this ancient bird to life with the time card, we get to see what Tristan and Tea have been up to--mostly just pushing stuff.
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So when Tea does ballet she’s on the bottom just tossing everyone else around, right? That girl is jacked.
So, that was a lot of random things in succession--Next week, on Yugioh:
Does Kaiba turn into a dragon, finally, like he’s always wanted? Will the next environment in this randomized video game land them right in the middle of a Fallout Post-Apocalypse? Or will it be in the middle of a Petz kitten-adoption center? Or, will it be the ultimate challenge for these kids--in a Japanese High School visual novel sim where they actually have to attend class?
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bitmapdreams · 7 years
I think I've heard you say you enjoy turn-based games before, and you've posted bioshock infinite fan art, but I've never seen you talk about games before. What are your favourite games? (Or really just tell us anything about you and gaming!)
TL;DR: Yes I play games!
I haven’t been so active ever since I graduated school and started working, because… 9 to 5 job… raising a kid as a mother… but games and video games have always been a big part of my life!
It was the 90s so my mom was against violence in video games so I watched my elementary school guy friends play things like Street Fighter 2, Sonic, Tomb Raider, KOTOR.. but never picked it up.
I eased into computer games through puzzle games like Myst, and Humongous Entertainment (Pajama Sam, Spyfox, Backyard Baseball), and edutainment games like Oregon Trail 3 and Where in Time is Carmen San Diego. I always played with my sister! My neighbor and I also played this Indiana jones top-down adventure game a lot. I also loved things like petz, sim farm, sim tower, sim city, and roller coaster tycoon, and the sims and sims2, oh and this game called “creatures”?
My family are big card players and board game players, and I grew up playing a version of speed solitaire that only exists in my family. In 4th grade I somehow played online poker via America Online…? And when someone asked my age I lied and said I was in 5th grade lol. My sister and I still love playing board games, especially Serenissima and Clueless (a version of Clue we came up with where you play without a notepad). a few friends in high school played Warhammer so I watched that a bit.
In middle school I got into TCG’s, mainly Pokémon and Magic the Gathering.. I had a solid Armadillo Deck in high school.. I used to play with this education tool called Interactive Physics in the computer lab a lot. Also loved this website called Orisinal, which come to think of it has informed my aesthetic a lot. I got a gameboy color and played Pokémon Blue, Kirby’s Tilt n Tumble, Conker’s Pocket Tales.. I got into DDR for a hot minute, Marvel vs Capcom, King of Fighters, Guilty Gear..
My first console was a translucent orange N64, I loved games like Harvest Moon and Hey You Pikachu, Mario Party 2 (the best), beetle adventure racing, tons of games rented from blockbuster, and I would watch my guy friends play StarFox and Smash Brothers. Before it came out, I ran emulators of Pokémon Gold on my computer and tried playing through it in Japanese haha. I super got into the Japanese emulator for the Pokémon trading card game gameboy game!
When I got in high school I finally got a PlayStation, and I fell hard for Final Fantasy. My first was 9, and I went back from there. It’s hard to go back from 9 to 8 and then to 7. In the end I lost interest in 7 and never finished it. Also followed the squaresoft road and really loved Legend of Mana! I watched G4 and cosplayed as game characters at anime cons and stuff. Got my PS2 to play Final Fantasy X, loved the core Kingdom Hearts games, Katamari Damacy.. odd titles like Magic Pengel.. doubled down with X-2, HM:BTN.. not a lot of ‘violent’ games or shooters. (My family all played our Wii Sports to pieces, etc..) I watched my friends play a ton of GTA, and I loved just listening to the radio!
I spent a ton of time playing Ragnarok! I got to the Monk class, had some pretty rare headgear, which was so fun. In college I got my PS3 and played a mess of stuff, some tekken and Soul Calibur, but really just got busy with uni and then work.. I lived in Tokyo though so I would go to TGS and soak it all in. I saw Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb taping a segment there one year! But my interest was mostly on the peripheral, I checked out of it as a hobby for a good amount of years until I got an iPhone and then started watching let’s plays on YouTube!
I got back into following games as a medium through being interested in the development of Bioshock Infinite. During college, when I went back home for the summer, I spent a night hanging out in a park with my high school friends listening to them talk about how cool this game called bioshock is. Sounded too scary for me, but I plot searched the hell out of it online much like I do when I’m interested in scary movies but don’t want to watch them…?
So when I heard a new one was coming out I casually followed it through its development, then watched lets plays of it when it came out in real time, and just got super into it because I had been studying the history of math and science in college, and so I was studying about the history of quantum theory and stuff right at the time. then because of all that I got into watching gaming related stuff on YouTube, watched a lot of rev3 et all, gamergate happened, yeah..
But I still play games on muh lonesome, and still watch let’s plays of games I don’t have the skill or time to play! I think I’ve watched let’s plays of most of the major games for 2013-2016 in the process! I really liked Firewatch! Watched through Lots of older ones too. I really got into watching videos of the Arkham series, and from that I started watching deep dives on US comics by people on YouTube, etc… also found MBMBaM via games!
So I don’t think my story is unique but I’m sort of more of a spectator of what you may call your classic video games, and the ones I do play are either strategic, or laid back.. usually turn-based. But looking back I certainly have experienced more than someone who doesn’t!
Nowadays I love Civilization 4 with a passion, retroactively played through the Bioshock Series while I was on maternity leave (my first time playing a shooter!) which was an important touchstone for me as a person for many reasons.. separate from my opinion of the game itself, but either than that though, I haven’t picked up a controller since Splatoon. ..well that’s a lie, my toddler *loves* wii-u party. But, still haven’t gotten around to buying a PS4. Or a switch. But ive played through Riven and Exile on my iPhone, recently played Oxenfree, um let’s see, I backed We Happy Few, and it freaks me out to play but I got pretty good at playing one of the earlier versions! I listen to a lot of video game podcasts, too, though I think it’s more from a companionship stance than anything.. I still live in japan and most of my social circle doesn’t speak English, and all these people remind me of my high school friends. Good times. That kinda thing.
Yeah, that’s me and games!
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French Immersion
Immersion is my favorite method of language learning. I find it to be the most entertaining, and I’ve heard stories of how many people picked up a language during a few months time in another country. Unfortunately I’m poor, and I can’t just pack up my bags and hop over to France. But I’ve found other ways to immerse myself, and these are some of my favorites.
I don’t really watch a lot of movies, so this list isn’t all that long. But here are some movies that are in French, or available in French
Pretty much all Disney movies - I enjoyed Frozen in French more than English. Not entirely sure why it made the difference, as that was a while ago and I couldn’t understand anything that was said.
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron - This is a childhood favorite so I had to include it
Beauty and the Beast 2014 - This is originally French, which is nice so you don’t have to watch out of sync mouths. Though it’s… uh. A little weird. Visually amazing in my opinion, but also kinda weird. You’ve been warned.
Just… movies in general - I’m just putting it out there that, in general, you can find a lot of movies in French. It’s one of the perks of learning a popular language.
These are a little harder to come by, but since French is a popular language, it’s still possible. I think gameplay in French is one of my favorite things. One, because I really enjoy video games, but two because it’s the closest I’ll get to actually going to France and being completely surrounded by this language.
Petz Horsez 2 - This game is originally in French, and it’s set in France so it’s basically the best thing ever (I also highly recommend it to horse/adventure game lovers because reasons). It’s an older game, but I grew up with old games so I’m used to that stuff. It’s well put together, and has really aided me in expanding my vocabulary. I often keep a notebook handy to write down new words I want to remember, as well as a translator nearby, just in case.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - This is a game I adore, and it’s available in French. Of course a majority of this game consists of battling, so it’s not the most productive to your learning, but even so, it’s an extra excuse to play, amiright? Plus, you’ll be able to say this infamous line in French: J'étais un aventurier comme vous. Puis j'ai pris une flèche au genou.
Nancy Drew Games - HerInteractive has a select few games available to play in French (and German!). I bought one this last year, and had fun going through a game I knew so well in another language. Having played all their games multiple times through, I was not entirely confused. But if it’s your first time through the game, and it’s not in your native language, have a translator by hand. Google Translate isn’t perfect, but it’ll do the job.
This one is kinda obvious for some people. These are some of my favorite French artists, and of course when in doubt, listen to Disney music in French, because you can find all of those translated into 25+ different languages.
Indila - Some of my favorites include: Tourner Dans le Vide, Mini World, Dernière danse, S.O.S., Run Run, Tu Ne M’Entends, Love Story, Boite En Argent
Kendji Girac - (Not all his stuff is French) Some of my favorites include: Ma solitude, C’est trop, Mes potes et moi, Jamais à genoux
Maitre Gims - Some of my favorites include: Je te pardonne (feat. Sia), Mon coeur avait raison, Zombie, Tu vas me manquer
Damon And Jo - This is probably one of my favorite channels on YouTube. I really love them, they’re fun to watch, they travel a lot, and they post a lot as well (four times a week! Though only one video a week is dedicated to French).
The Urban Eve - This girl is fluent in seven languages, so French isn’t all you’ll find on her channel. She’s a beauty, fashion, travel YouTuber, though she’s done videos specifically talking about language learning, so you’ll have to sift through to find the ones that are in French, or about French. Still, I really like her channel.
Around the House
My calendar - I have a whiteboard calendar, so I changed it up so it’s all in French.
Various sites on my computer, and my phone - I changed up a lot of settings on websites and my computer, so that I can be surrounded by French all day. And my phone is almost entirely in French, as changing the main setting will translate everything it possibly can. Though for now, a few select areas are still in English, as I need to be able to perform my job properly.
My journal - Whenever I can, I try and write bits and pieces of my journal in French. It can be difficult, and I just know I’m probably messing up the grammar. But vocabulary recall is my hardest challenge, and that’s how I’m trying to remedy that. I mean, the other day I couldn’t remember how to say please in French. I slapped myself when I looked it up.
General Resources
Finally I’ll cap this off with my general French learning material, as that’s what makes all of the above helpful and not just gibberish. In the past I often just stuck to a language course on Duolingo, so my list isn’t as long as I’d like. However it’s become extremely evident to me that learning a language solely through a single course is probably impossible. You’re gonna need a helping hand, especially if you want to speed up the process.
Essential French Grammar - So far I’m really enjoying this book. It’s relatively easy to read and is packed with good information to get started on French grammar. I would say it’s something I’d like to add to my personal library soon.
French in 10 Minutes a Day - This is a fun book, to get you started and familiar with all the basics. If you’re intermediate, then it probably has no value for you, unless you want to review. My favorite part is that it’s interactive.
Easy French Reader - Even though it’s literally called Easy French Reader, I find this one a little intimidating, though still very helpful. You can start reading this early on in your learning, but if you’re a stickler like me who wants to perfectly pronounce every word, it’ll be a slow read.
Duolingo - I started here when picking up French. It’s a great site, great interactive learning, but I don’t care for how they teach grammar. It’s not incorporated into the lesson, and so I often just skip it because reading it feels like an information overload. Mostly I use Duo to get a good grasp of the language, and to expand my vocabulary.
Mango Languages - Mango isn’t quite as interactive as Duo for learning, but they incorporate grammar and cultural notes into the lessons, which I really like.
Berlitz French Guaranteed - My sister took a French class years ago, and had some old CD’s lying around that she gave me the other day. They pretty much just have people speak a phrase in French, then in English. It’s great to have on in the background though.
Accents - This isn’t exclusively for French, but all languages. If you don’t have the alt key code of accents memorized, you need this reference sheet, it’s helped me so much.
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