#I think she saw the “bear your pups” thing and I lowkey am regretting my life decisions
the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
"I love you"
I was thinking about Stone and his variants and their responses to if you said you love him (along with my little comments). It's a little angsty for some of them and for Serial Killer!Stone you get a little more insight on why he thinks loving him always ends in tragedy.
Stone/Canon!Stone: "You do? ...No one has ever loved me before."
(Canon!Stone truly has no idea what to do with someone who loves him, huh?)
Girl Dad!Stone: "Ever since my early adult years, I thought only Saira would be the one to say those words to me. I love you too."
(There's enough room in his heart to love you and Saira.)
Grim Reaper!Stone: "You don't have to pretend to love me. I'm already your weapon to wield."
(Every time I think about him, it hurts. And here I thought Canon!Stone hurt me the most.)
Criminal!Stone: "I love you too. You're the air I breathe."
(Please stop him before he tells you about how you're his entire universe. We get it, you're obsessed with the mafia boss, Criminal!Stone.)
Baker!Stone: "You have no idea how much I love you too. I want to marry you. Please do me the honor of calling myself your husband?"
(Baker!Stone is so soft and sweet. He'll buy you the most expensive engagement and wedding ring he can afford.)
Feral!Stone: "As you should."
(I have no words for this response except for that it somehow fits Feral!Stone so much. Why does he think you should worship the very ground he walks on?? Where did this arrogance come from??)
Serial Killer!Stone: "The last man to love me died in a dirty alleyway with no one around to be with him in his last moments."
(Fun fact, Kali and Serial!Stone were dating and Kali was on his way to propose to Stone when he got mugged. Yes, Kali's death was the preverbal straw that broke the camel's back and got Stone into vigilantism.)
Experiment!Stone: "I didn't think anyone would love me after what the military did to me. But I feel so happy that you love me because I love you too."
(He thinks he's a monster due to the fact that he's half-tiger-half-man now. But you remind him that he still has his humanity.)
Vampire!Stone: "Know that I'd burn in the sun for you if it meant you were safe."
(It's an odd way to say he loves you too, but at least the intention is there.)
Werewolf!Stone: "I don't need a huge pack, I just need you."
(That's his way of saying he wants to bear your pups. I mean, it's his way of saying he loves you.)
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