#I think she was a financial adviser
zahroreadsthings · 7 months
Study session...
Question: Do you go?
Response: Yeah. Time to learn about geography too, I guess.
In the end there's no point in staying - the only prize for winning this competition was clout. You both take up Sol on his offer, Dessa more enthusiastically than you.
It's easy enough to lead the way to the library but you fumble when it's time to find books on weather - you've only used Deema's before.
Sol pats you on the shoulder sympathetically and goes to speak with a librarian while you and Dessa find a table.
'You have a real talent for poking holes in solutions, Dessa,' he says when he returns, a small stack of books in his arms. He doesn't sound the least bit annoyed.
'I have to! Almost everything's written for you coastal folk. I make so many notes in my books I basically wrote them. You coastal folks have it easy.' She giggles behind her hand at Sol's surprise. 'It's true! I don't have the sea to moderate temperature.'
That hadn't occurred to you; you've lived by the sea all your life. You jot that down in your notebook.
'And altitude,' Sol says. 'Air gets thinner and colder the higher you go.'
'And if there's, say, valleys where cold air pools,' Dessa continues.
Sol nods along as he flips through a book. 'Rain shadow, valleys, basins... all things you look out for where you are?'
She nods confirmation.
They carry on while you flip through the book in front of you. It has more detail than you think you'll ever need, but you diligently take notes regardless. Who knows what you might need to know when finding Deema's samples?
An hour passes and the library closes. Your notebook is full of notes to go over... but you think you can also get your mittens finished tonight.
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branmer · 1 year
like most poor people are not bad at managing money, it's that they don't have enough to manage in the first place
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squish--squash · 2 years
currently my mental health is precariously held together by cheap scotch tape and a prayer but I think I have some duct tape and superglue lying around somewhere. I just have to find it.
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azure-cherie · 5 months
What's in your store for January
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Pile 1 -3
Hello love's hope you had a very happy and fruitful new year , I'm praying for the happiness and well being of all of us one more year together I'm so grateful for each one of youuu
Please choose using your intuition and take what resonates
If you'd like a personalized reading for new year
Paid readings , paid readings 2 , masterlist
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Pile 1 :
First of all what are you guys even dealing with good lord The energy is pretty heavy , I will not be surprised if you have prominent Saturn in your charts this month I believe you are dealing with karmic cycles , Things ending in general, you might be a bit shaken up soon something you thought never would happen will happen
I'm sensing career or home sector fights could be there as well as inner conflicts beware and take precautions don't get too caught up about what others have to say rather choose your own story this also indicates you might soon take a stand for yourself its really required something has to come to an end because the time is over now you are to urge for more ! Financially! Abundance is written for you this time your creativity will pay off I know you like you play with fire but remember life moulds you like a clay some fire glazes some melts you gotta choose your own battles why do I feel like I'm talking to myself lol .
You will understand the worth of spontaneous plans soon sometimes you gotta do stuff for the sake of doing it and you just gotta act wild just be careful about the fact that everyone you go out with isn't a friend every co worker doesn't mean good for you learn to see through people's mask ! Theres one video by persephonesmind its perfect she explains it really well , followed by ten of swords some of you might experience a rock bottom moment however it isn't for everyone but with the world be assured you will pick yourself up this might seem like a bad ending but it's a good one or turn out to be good it's a matter of time bae anyone who tries to play you cheat on you will be ashamed themselves because they will see the purity in your heart .towards the end of the month I see some enemies becoming friends.
Pile 2 :
You're a bad bitch period !! This month is about embodying the best version of yourself move on despite the snakes around you ignore the people you're gonna be investing on something that is worth it it's a sign ! Friendships are something you will be blessed this month new and old you will also actively let go of a fear of yours I heart heights and abandonment issues.
If you're looking for commitment from someone it will be given this month like engagements marriage yay social media fame is also written there would be more family functions to attend to I see more active energy in this pile. You will understand the worth of standing alone and work your intuition through difficult situations .Your dreams might be a clear indicator of something also I feel you're making someone cry or someone is making you cry ask advice from someone who's been there in your situation you can also ignore if the situation isn't as important I also feel ignorance energy I guess it's good because you're also healing from abandonment issues .
You'll be doing some course on money management or get advise from your elders on your resources. Sometimes we make our own problems dont get sucked into that take time but let your loved ones know that you need it ! Also you really need that money management advice as you might end up losing something but I also don't think it will he a bad loss ! Sometimes sacrifices are necessary you might understand the worth of small losses now but that will protect from bigger issues later.
Pile 3 :
I don't dress for women I don't dress for men lately I've been dressing for revenge! That's your main mood this January you're gonna show everyone who didn't believe in you what you're capable of you're going new heights reaching new goals making new ways I'm so proud of you
You have struggled a lot to do this actions manifesting you are getting closer to what you want , might fetch yourself a new leadership position this month you're gonna be an example an epitome of grown beside the struggles because you're so ready to work despite all the sneaking going on behind your back you're gonna be doing the thing needed to defeat your enemies you will undergo momentary defeat and might cry for a while because you might feel all forces are against you this is the time to pour into your inter child
When trauma shows up remember to shadow work nothing ever goes away one needs to heal with it don't get swayed away with temptations and fake promises I heard devil is strong but so is the knight know that your emotional strength will lead you through this you have to be more intune with your emotions but also lead with logic it's a hard balance to learn but once you're on it you become undefeated and you will be I'm so sure about that.
Thank you so much for reading
Have a great day/night ahead ❤️
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AITA for advising a woman to get married?
Maybe I'm digging my own grave because this website is very US centric but I'm hoping you see where I'm coming from. I (mid 20s M) come from a culture where arranged marriage is the norm. I have this friend Maya (early 20s F) who also comes from a similar culture, but the difference is that hers values consent more, whereas where I live, only the parents have a say in the matter. We also have a USAmerican friend Jade (late 20s F) who will make an appearance at the end.
Maya is a sex repulsed Ace, and she kept saying she will stay single forever. I know what the situation for women in her country is like, it would be very difficult to live without a husband. One day she made a vent post saying how her parents keep asking her to reconsider, that they are worried about her being alone for the rest of her life, and her father is worried about who will financially support her after he dies.
She didn't come out to her parents, no use of doing it since they won't even understand what Asexuality is. All she did say that she refused to marry a man she wasn't in love with, and implied she will never fall for one. She's trying too hard to prove she can be an independent woman.
Her family, out of concern, told her that marriage isn't about love. She can marry someone who she is compatible with and get along just fine. That many people don't end up married to the love of their lives and even if they do, they end up losing the spark anytime but stay because they built a loving home together.
I don't find this a bad thing. Stability is very important in marriage. I mean sure, I wish I could marry the love of my life, but if my parents decided that my next door neighbor would be my wife, I would go along with it because that's just how things are where I live.
I told Maya this and she got upset with me. She said my case was different because I'm a guy (??) And because I was hetero.
I told her to value her culture more, and she has the advantage over me because she can actually CHOOSE her spouse. She got angry and said I wasn't being considerate of her feelings, and she'd rather die than be touched by a man, which frankly is making me worried.
I told her she wasn't being realistic. She is fine for now, but she will suffer in the future. Being single in our cultures is very difficult and she needs to give up. She replied with long paragraphs about how she doesn't care. I say this because I care about her as a friend, and her parents from what she described are good people too and they care about her too. She doesn't appreciate it and thinks she can live alone for the rest of her life. Unlike the west, roommates arrangements aren't available here. If she loses her family, she becomes dependent on relatives who may or may not be available. Frankly I think she's very influenced by the western lifestyle which will get her nowhere in real life. And she's disabled and works a minimum wage too.
Maya stopped talking to me for days. The whole discussion was a on a public post so by the time our mutual friend Jade woke up (different time zones) she read the whole post and came to scream at me in DMs. Jade was Ace herself, she told me I was being sexist and acephobic. I told Jade that wasn't my intention but she should stay out of our business because she can't relate to our cultures and isn't being helpful to Maya, and she has it easy because she has the resources available that allow her to be independent.
AITA for wanting my friend to realize she's being unrealistic and things won't work for her in the future?
What are these acronyms?
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was advised by multiple people to do this months ago but kept putting it off. because I hate it and it makes me not feel great. but my financial situation is officially past the point of apocalyptic and I have no other choice but to do it to em. I've bitched about this on here ad nauseum but don't think I've mentioned it in a while so for those who aren't aware I moved into my current apartment about 2 years ago with my ex (like we were broken up before we moved into this place) and I had to put her on the lease as an occupant rather than an actual leaseholder because her credit score was so horrendous that they wouldn't let her sign even with me and my (at the time) perfect highly sensual credit score on there with her. I knew at the time how flaky and unreliable she could be but I sat her down and gave her the ol "Im gonna trust you on this and need you to try your best to not randomly decide to fuck me at some point" speech. this worked out reasonably well until early this year she told me she was moving in with her current boyfriend who was going to let her live with him for free while she continued paying me her half of our expenses until the lease was up in November. she shockingly held up her end of the deal here for about 2 months until she suddenly broke up with this guy and immediately moved in with someone else who was not ok with this arrangement. naturally she immediately jumped ship on me and stopped giving me anything. I've spent the last half a year or so having to tactically decide which bills to pay every month and scrambling to get money together every time my internet or electricity gets shut off or I get an eviction notice on my door. and now it's officially do or die time because I have to move in exactly one month and need to get all this shit paid up.
now that the long-winded explanation/justification is out of the way here's what we're dealing with:
rental company
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electric company
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and here's what I'm working with in my bank account until the 7th
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on the 7th I should get a paycheck of roughly $1200-1400 (variable because I get paid on specific dates and not exactly every 2 weeks) which should help me make a dent in some of it. but also I need something left for like. food and gas and whatnot
venmo is @Cain-Bracey
cashapp is $cainbracey1
paypal is @cainbracey
if any of you are willing and able to help with my continued survival on planet earth I would deeply appreciate it because I am. we'll say mildly anxious about the situation. thank you
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ieatangstforbreakfast · 5 months
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Pairing ೃ⁀➷ 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝟒𝟐! 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 x Fem! Reader
Summary ೃ⁀➷ Lovers have secrets of their own, no matter how much they come to trust each other, whether it be a past mistake or an unspoken trauma. For you and Miles, however, your secrets came in the form of hidden identities— one being a masked vigilante, and the other a mastermind.
Genre ೃ⁀➷ Forbidden love, mutual pining, angst♡
Tags ೃ⁀➷ Both are artists, reader is from a very wealthy family, both are living double lives, underaged smoking, reader is female and uses she/her pronouns, forbidden love (ish?), swearing, daddy issues, mommy issues, reader is unhinged, both are mentally unstable, lots of flirting.
Author's Note ೃ⁀➷ SO SO SORRY for the late chapter! I was going through a lot these past weeks, and I was drained as hell, but I think I’m a little fine now.
Tag list ೃ⁀➷ @sakura-onesan @coffeeandtealol @luvjunie @noetophat @proudgojofucker @depresssedcowboy @adorefavv @l0starl @your-girl-mj @nyumeii @iheartamajiki @yoluv-tiannaaa--212 @bakauwu
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏: 𝐏𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬
Summary ೃ⁀➷ You discover the gruesome extent of your powers. You open up to Miles once more— and Montrell makes a devious introduction. Inside your household, another catastrophe unfolds.
⚠️WARNING⚠️ This chapter consists of harassment and gruesome display [The reader is Venom], if you want to skip past it, scroll until you see a purple line. Reader discretion is advised.
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“.. Never call me again.”
… No, the proposal wasn't approved.
Your father called it a weird choice of an investment, and after hearing that you seriously wanted to buy the store, he hung up on you without the need of another explanation. So you stood by the gasoline stand, outside of the local bodega, with a blank phone in between your fingers, not a single connection to be found.
"Shit, I am so fucked." You sighed, pulling a palm across your face. "I am never going to financially recover from this, ever."
"You're a conglomerate heiress, you’ve got all the money in the world.”
"Strictly in name," You corrected of the symbiote. "As much as I am inheriting a lot of the money, I am not going to control over anything since that is Montrell's right, and my grandfather and father's will."
With that, you press your head against the flat of the glass door, a long and tiresome sigh dragging out your throat. ".. If only I were a boy."
"You're living in modern society, your father can't possibly be that old fashioned."
"Well, he isn't." You mumbled. "The only difference is that Wilson Fisk had a son, not a daughter. If I were a boy, or rather, if Wilson Fisk had a daughter— it would've been Antonne's problem, both mine."
"Then.. Do you think running away can fix all this?" Emerging from the bones of your back, a black matter materialized beside you with its white, dead gaze and spiky grin gleaming from the light of the street lamps. Though it unsettled you, nothing topped the hard glares that came from your parents. "As cunning as you are, when the people get angry, they won't leave you alone."
That was a well-made point— you weren’t free from the sins of your family. You indulged yourself in the wealth they stole from poor, and you chose to blind yourself from the truth. It doesn’t matter how much you try to make up for all the lives lost and all the money stolen now, it’s all too late.
But there was something about trying.
"They can find me in Amsterdam, I guess." You looked at the glass windows, pulling out your lipgloss from the pockets of your jeans and swiping it across the plump of your brim. "Once I leave this place, I'm never coming back."
"Then what about Miles?“
As you placed the gloss down, the alien's question made you think.
What about Miles?
Fooling him, lying to him, with the highest risk knowing he'd one day learn all about your secrets, you still managed to question: What about Miles?
How far would you go for your own survival?
You exchanged glances with the sight of New York. Without Miles, and being there all alone, made you notice the ultraviolet themes puckering out from the crevices of the darkness, a sort of dystopian hue of green-blue and pink-purple lying beneath the wicked façades of tall buildings and withering carcasses of what could’ve possibly housed hundreds of people.
There is no more ‘New York, New York’. It didn’t make you think of tall, slim rockettes with their shiny legs and glittery uniforms of gold and red, nor did it make you think of bussing bentleys with rich bachelors inside them, waving the fifty-star flag of blue, red, and white outside of their windows.
New York was desolate.
But Miles only made it warmer. Tolerable, you think. Through Miles, you managed to slip on a pair of rose-tinted glasses in the midst of this decaying city, and through him, you earned a sense of hope— or patriotism for a country you’d only ever really seen the worst of. You wanted to think you were capable of being compassionate for other people’s lives aside from your own, but there was only so much you could do, so much you could consider.
New York has warm places, was your conclusion.
And without Miles, New York would be a black hole.
And in a sparing state of delusion, you pondered about running away with Miles to Amsterdam. Married and settled in a home by the waterfront, where the both of you could walk to work everyday while taking in the sights of the tulips every spring. You wanted, needed to feel his hands entangle with yours every morning. For him to embrace you from behind every after frustrated sigh during every artistic block.
You were tired of being little Miss Americana. Perhaps you’d find a more loving life away from New York and in the heart of Europe.
“Hey, pretty.” A dirtied, damp palm slams against the glass before you. “What’s a girl like you doin’ out here all alone?”
The symbiote crawls right back into your skin as you processed the sudden rude disruption. Before you stood a couple of men with their yellowing teeth, grinning and laughing at your reaction. Instinctively, you tossed your head to the side out of fear of getting caught. Still, they knocked in intervals of three, knuckles pressed against the fogging wall of glass.
“You come here often? Got a man?” The man asks. “Don’t be so shy, baby. We don’t bite.”
oh、 but  I  do.
“Leave me alone.” You grumbled in between seething grit, refusing to look at any place other than the ground. You couldn’t count how many men there were, but they were a group of rusty late-twenty aged drunks. Something pulsed inside you, aside from a heart, it twisted like this beast-like gluttony that made your mind simmer.
H U N G R Y.
“Wow, ain’t you sassy?” They cackled, reeking like cigars and axe cologne. You turn to leave, but they easily block your way with their brick-like bodies. “Hey, hey, where’s you going? Can’t just leave me like this, baby, smile for us a lil’ bit more.” He cooed as though he were talking to a toddler. That only irked you even more, hearing the men’s devious giggles as you struggled to stride past him.
“I’ve got a boyfriend.” Was your attempt of a defense, the man only grinned. “Why don’t you call him then?”
“I will.” You choke, knowing you wouldn’t. “If you continue keeping this up.”
He lifts his hands up like a captured criminal, still amused— annoyingly. “Alright, I’ll leave you alone mami.”
Mami. It only sounds nice when Miles says it.
You swiveled your way to leave, prancing past their prying eyes.
You jolted at the hit of your posterior, their cackles following right after like a mockery of your shame. Without even processing the amount of your anger and embarrassment, your hand finds itself latching onto the man’s neck without another word uttered.
The coarse flesh of his skin pricked at your pretty fingers, a growing stubble you hadn’t noticed as you were too busy ignoring him earlier. What stared right back was terror in his quivering, dark, and wrinkled gaze. It’s as though he could see his life flashing before his eyes.
Your arm was enveloped, rather, your whole body was enveloped by the wrath of what boiled inside you— dark and slimy, it growled with white eyes and spiky teeth.
You could hardly remember the flash and swiftness of how everything went off. You heard muffled screaming, and thundering footsteps— growing fainter with each passing second. The man struggled like a bird within your grasps, begging you to let him go. The thing was, he wasn’t all too knowledgable of what ‘no’ meant, and at that moment, you didn’t feel like teaching him what it meant.
You could hear it so faintly, his begs and curses tossed forcibly at you like a hurricane before silencing itself after a crack and a rip.
Suddenly, you weren’t so hungry anymore.
And along with the cracks of shattered glass, your little apparition of European folly broke too.
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“.. I wonder what’s taking her so long.”
Peering from the aisles, the group searches for you in all throughout their long walk. Mostly, it had been Miles’ worries thwarting every question. Monique hummed, similarly turning her head. “Ain’t no way she’s lost. She ain’t ever been here before?”
“Ion think she’s been here before seeing as how she went straight to the exit. You sure your date didn’t just ditch you, Miles?”
Miles couldn’t reply, he was too busy dialing the hell out of your number.
“I can go check on the second floor bathroom, if ya want.” Monique suggested, earning an earnest and somewhat thankful stare from Miles. “Yeah, can you go check? M’getting worried, dios mio.” His occupied hand shifts downward, the other arm hugging both of your costumes’ bags close. He figured to pay for the both of your costumes, being the gentleman that he is.
Monique excuses herself from the group, making it her personal journey to search for little lost you.
Amadi and Voshon were the only ones next to him by the queue.
“.. You know when you first told me ‘bout how pretty she was, I didn’t expect her to be.. Like that.” Amadi chuckled, arms crossed before her chest. “To think she can afford to maintain looking like that.”
Miles raised a brow.
“You don’t see girls like that everyday.”
“Yeah, you don’t.” Miles managed to pluck out a smile. “I’m so lucky to have her, man. I can’t wait for our date tomorrow.”
Amadi nodded, seemingly getting gist of his excitement, until.. “Miles, I’m going to be honest with you.” She maneuvers the plastic bag into her other arm just to lean a little bit closer. “Your girl’s lookin’ like she hasn’t touched a spec of dirt her whole life— with a silver spoon in her mouth since the day she was born. And I’m worried for you, considering your whole thing with your Unc Aaron.”
Amadi, who’s completely like a sister to Miles, knew about him being the Prowler. They’ve been there for one another since they were kids, since her first coming out, since his dad’s death, and through thick and thin. Amadi, when she’d first heard about you, didn’t mind much initially. It was great for Miles to have a first love— he drowned himself too much in expectations he had for himself, when he could only do so little for the world. But the more he talked about it, the more her suspicions arose.
“Why’d she suddenly change her mind?” Was her first question. “Kissing you and then suddenly running off and then coming back to say yes.. Does your girl not know a thing ‘bout social cues or what?”
“She’s going through a lot.” He snaps back immediately. “Her family’s putting a lot of pressure on her. Ionno much ‘bout what’s going on in her home, but I ain’t judging her for being confused ‘bout her own pace. But I respect her decisions, and I ain’t going to say anything ‘til she tells me herself.”
Amadi took a step back, acknowledging that it was her mistake for speaking beyond her grasps.
“I’m just worried, Miles. Ion have a problem with her in particular— she seems sweet, kind even, but Ion want you getting hurt. No todo lo que brilla es oro.”
He cringes a bit after hearing the same words his mother would always tell him.
“No quiero hablar más de esto.”
Amadi shrugged. “Bueno, then let’s talk ‘bout something else.” She rocked forward along the line. “Who’s Tiya Rio going to be voting for?”
“She’s a hard Christine Brown.” Miles quickly replies, relieved at the sudden change of topic. “Better off than that nepo-shit, Barlowe.”
Christine Brown was a candidate for the upcoming election— an economist, hailing from the Bronx, with a mind bright enough to light up a room. Despite her popularity amongst the youth, however, the older people were less than willing to place their bets on her.
“Good for you. Papa’s goin’ full Barlowe.”
Miles snaps his head in distaste. “Que? Por que?”
“Said he couldn’t trust the any other candidates. Brown’s proposals are too good to be true, so he gotta go with whoever everyone else is going for.”
“Only thing special ‘bout Barlowe was his father’s legacy, but even then, a lot of people died all throughout his father’s bullshit doings— and don’t ever forget, Barlowe helped the Chávez’s cover up the media when the collapse happened.”
“Well, for the lot of us, that’s still a theory.” She mumbled. “Not everyone has access to sensitive information like you, Miles. A lot of us have lost hope, because either way, no matter who we vote for, we’re all going to be stuck working for the rest of our miserable lives. Papa said that maybe, Barlowe might actually do something like his father.”
With a furrowed brow, Miles snaps back. “Barlowe is riding off of his father’s achievements— man’s got nothing to his name other than his dad’s legacy.”
“Well we don’t know yet. He might be a good president.”
“Amadi, we can’t say ‘might’ when we’re voting for a great president. We need someone who will become a great president. Politics ain’t trial and error. Barlowe’s as good as a puppet for the elite.”
Realizing his heightened tone, Miles looked around to check if anyone was listening into their little talk. Amadi attempts to search for a rebuttal, but she fails miserably, leaving her only clutching onto the plastic of her costume with a gap in between her lips.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
Without another second wasted, Miles picks up the phone, hoping to hear your voice. Instead, what rang was this haggard breath and a worried shrill.
“Miles, we’re at the second floor bathroom— [Y/n]’s sick, she’s been vomiting a lot. Can you get her some— some, I don’t know, water?”
And Miles bolted off.
Oh, God, you ate someone.
Shut up.
“Hurk!—“ And there goes the last bit of dinner, straight into a bowl. Beside you, Monique gently tugs your hair farther away from your mess. “Oh, God. I’m so sorry.” You incoherently babbled. “I just ate something really, really bad. I’m usually not like this, really, just— hurk!”
You are being dramatic. I was the one who ate the damn thing, not you.
Same fucking difference when you’re literally living inside of me!
“Don’t worry, babe, I called Miles. He’s going to arrive soon.” Monique cooed like a teacher informing her student that her parents were on the way.
That just makes everything so much worse!
“Thank you.”
You suddenly decided, you were feeling better. You picked your head out of the bowl, flushed everything away, and rinsed your tongue by the sink, only to realize that water tasted bad, and whatever was left inside your stomach threatened to resurge again, so instead, you stood there and stared at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was all over the place, a bit of your mascara was running down, and your lipgloss was gone.
But hey, your highlighter didn’t budge. That’s one great brand.
I actually agree with you on that one.
From afar, you hear Miles calling out your name. Hurried and rushed. Monique heads right out.
“Hey, is she aight?” He immediately asked of her.
“Well, she’s better now. Stopped vomiting and all that.”
There was a small silence. You pondered whether to fill it in, but you were lost with hoping to hear Miles’ answer. Similarly, you were in a battle with your own wit; In a battle with the damn being inside of you. It was enough to drive you into madness— everything and everyone. You were used to going along with the pace of everyone else’s plans, but right now was like ricocheting you to the moon without as much as a warning, a suit, or a mathematical equation.
You heard a gentle swish of a bottle.
And when your gaze travels sideward, Monique appears before you with a bottle of water between her pink acrylics. Sealed and cold. Misty and likely just bought.
With a hushed thanks, you received the drink and swished it inside of your inner cheeks— the bitter aftertaste of whatever exited your body leaving after each spit. You washed your hands and washed your makeup off too— a few clumps of mascara remaining beneath your bags.
Miles calls out your name.
You don’t answer in a fit of embarrassment.
“I’m gonna buy our costumes now, I’ll pay for it, aight?”
Oh, but that was even more embarrassing.
You rushed out to greet him, messy mascara and all. “I can pay for my costume, darling, thanks for holding it for me.” And you snag it out of his hands, kiss his cheek, and beeline right out.
Miles blinked, and he looked at Amadi who shrugged. He didn’t know whether to think about the kiss or the way you stomped right out without warning.
Oh, she really doesn’t know what social cues are, huh? They think.
But that wasn’t the case, truly. You of all people would know you’ve been infinitely and unbearably awkward, but you had a deal to make. You didn’t want their pockets to hurt, so you forged a plan. Measly, small, nothing too grand of a plan. Something along the lines of using a black card and all of those things— attempting to falsify a coupon while insisting to charge your account rather than their money. This wasn’t a restaurant, so you couldn’t demand for a paycheck and pay the bill for everyone in advance, so when Miles and the others got back, you got this.
“Nathan?” You faked-recognized the cashier. A similarly blond, tall and ragged boy with calm leisure on his shoulders.
“[Y/n]? What’s good mama, long time no see!”
And within three minutes, you managed to stage a whole script with Nathan, the part-timer.
A little bribe was nice enough to let him in the job.
“You two know each other?” Miles asks, evidently piqued and disturbed at the idea of him calling you mama. “Yeah, he’s one of my older brother’s friends. Nathan, long time no see, indeed.” You ushered the costumes forward, plucking out the one from Amadi’s grasps and placing it by the counter.
Nathan plants a smirk in his lips, a hand on his hip. “How’s he, by the way? Haven’t caught up with him for months.” He asks, obviously not knowing who your brother was.
“He’s doing great, actually. All of us have been, and you?”
“Great,” The blond smiled. “Took up this part-time job to get ahead of my student loans. Thanks to your nice tip months ago, I managed to re-arrange a few parts of my fucked up life.” Well, that tip was non-existent. He was likely talking about the three-hundred dollar bribe you offered him just minutes ago. “Really, you’re.. The sweetest.”
Miles didn’t like that. He didn’t like that at all.
“Well, Miles and I were just buying our halloween costumes for tomorrow. We’re going to be celebrating halloween together, you see.” Your hand creeped up against his arm, and Miles eases. “We have a date tomorrow.”
Nathan’s smile twitched. “Oh, really? Damn, good for you.”
Miles’ chest huffed up in pride. Fuck yeah, we’re dating, what’chu gon do ‘bout it?
“Your brother know all ‘bout it?”
“Oh, not yet. It’s our first date.”
Nathan starts scanning your stuff, keeping up the small talk while Miles listened in with a half-bored expression on his face. It was a façade, evidently. He wanted to know everything about this Nathan dude, and why he was smiling so weirdly with his crooked teeth.
“You know, I can get this for you.” Nathan suggested. “I owe you a lot. I’ll pay for your costumes.”
Good work for following the script.
“Really?” You airily asked. The blond shrugged. “Yeah. I can pay for your friends too, my treat.”
“Nah, keep yo money to yo self, big man.” Miles narrowed his gaze, slamming his wallet atop the counter. “I can pay for our costumes.”
“Miles!” You whispered at him.
“Oh, don’t worry ‘bout it, man. Your girlfriend’s done a lot to help my family. Hell, I met Alicia through her too.” Nathan improvised. At the mention of another girl, Miles gradually lightens up. “So, really. This is hardly even enough. Let me just thank her this one time.”
You turn to Amadi, gesturing her a thumbs up and a wink.
.. Were you even aware of how much of a mess you looked right now?
Either way, you were somehow.. Still presentable in a way that it was enviable.
After wrapping up the prices, paying for everything, and sneaking your black card away from the man, all of you managed to depart and bid your farewells to your new friends. If you could even call them that yet. The tension was unnerving, and you could almost sense that they likely found you weird.
And you were weird. You have been acting weird, even you could admit that.
There was a fucking alien inside of you who fed on humans. It wasn’t the potential of cannibalism that irked you the most, it was the fact that you devoured a vile man who likely ate cigarettes for morning and tequila for dinner— if he could even afford it. You’ve seen a million gruesome scenes, before, so the latter of ripping someone’s head off from their body was hardly the worst of your memories.
In fact, there may have been more blood on your hands than anyone else would think.
But it did shake you. It left you trembling and silent. You were already thinking about demolishing the camera and having Liv take care of all the evidence.
Liv, yes, Olivia Octavius. You wanted to trust her for a short while, given her eccentric desire to run tests on you. She can find the answers to get rid of this disgusting piece of murky tar inside of you—
You could almost snicker.
Fuck you.
“Hey, you feeling better?” Upon hearing Miles’ voice, you’re plucked away from whatever sour memories ingrained your mind. With a hopeful smile, you nod. “Yeah,” The reply came out a little raspy. “I’m doing a little better. I’m a bit dizzy, but I’m better now.”
He pauses in the midst of the street, facing you entirely. You pause along with him, evidently confused.
Gently, Miles lifted a finger and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “How can you look so messy and still be so pretty, huh?”
Unlike the encounter you had earlier, this made you feel utterly warm and safe. It’s like you could melt into the base of his palm and mark it as your home. His finger grazes beneath your lashes, likely wiping out all of what’s left of your mascara.
“Only you can pull off something like this.” Miles decided. “You can start trends with that face of yours.”
“And here I thought you’d start teasing me.” You laughed.
“Well, it’s a good thing I’ve got the plague doctor costume just in case you start spreading your bubonic germs all o’er again, I can just bloodlet the hell outta you.”
You smacked his arm. “My blood’s precious as hell, thank you.”
“Said no hospital, ever.”
And there goes that heavy laugh of his, ringing in your mind. You adored it. The way he’d tilt his head and shift his eyes into crescents. You like how he crinkled his nose and stepped away from you as if to sink in your comedic and obviously pissed off side-eye.
You could stay there forever.
“I’m fucking leaving you here.” You attempted to stomp off. Miles hurriedly catches up with you in bated breath, interlacing his fingers with yours.
“Nah, you ain’t going nowhere, my girl, you’s stuck w’me til’ we both drop dead when we’re eighty.”
You giggled at his statement.
“What? You don’t plan on doing that w’me?” He pouted.
“No, no. It’s not that, just..” You looked away. “Ionno if I’ll even live that long.”
Miles took the hood of your jacket and placed it over your head. “Well if you keep yourself out in the cold too much, ya prolly won’t.”
It’s not that, Miles. You think. I can’t live a day without feeling like I’m falling apart.
“You know, I don’t get why I’m so weak ‘round ya.” You kicked at the pebbles you came across the pavement. “I’m a fighter, y’know. Got it from my daddy, actually. I’m pretty strong, but when I’m around you I sneeze a lot… Prolly has sum to do with how anxious you make me feel.”
You paused. He paused.
The both of you stared at each other. Seeing that stupid smug smirk creeping up his lips made you want to bolt away in shame.
“So I do make you nervous.”
“You make me physically ill.”
“Cause I make you nervous.”
“Shut up.”
Miles looked like the happiest boy on earth. You wanted to deep-fry yourself in oil.
“Speaking of which, you never told me much ‘bout your brothers.” He suddenly mentioned. “You told me ‘bout you being the only girl, and I’m an only child but that’s nothing alike. What’s it like?”
“Well— I’ve got three brothers, actually.” You thought about calling them by their other names. Miles gulped. “The one who drove me here was Mon. He’s.. Like a big, fluffy, teddy bear. I think, out of all of us, he’s the most approachable one. He’s my dad’s favorite. He’s like the golden child of our family. He never has to study just to get good grades, and he’s always so smiley and smart.. But at the same time, he can be such a pain in the ass.”
Hearing you talk about him made Miles sense a sort of jealousy lingering behind your teeth and atop your tongue.
“How ‘bout your other older brother?”
Without missing a beat. “He can go fuck himself.”
Alright. So you had a sibling you were jealous of, and a sibling you couldn’t stand.
“The third one?”
And you softened entirely.
“Oh, his name’s Malachi.” You said his name with such sweetness and warmth, it melted even Miles. “He’s my little brother. Six years younger than me. I know kids his age are usually brats, but I love him to bits. He was my mom’s favorite. She used to read him bed time stories and bake him snacks.. Now, I’m the one who does all that for him.”
Was. Used. Now.
Miles wondered why you never spoke about your mother. The topic seemed.. Fraught, initially, but now that you’ve mentioned her, it sparked his interest.
And, ever so cautiously, he piqued.
“I thought you were your mom’s favorite.”
Miles eyes the way you subtly flinch, your smile faltering so slightly. As the both of you pause before a stoplight, you fish your vape out from the corners of your pockets.
“What made you think that?”
He shrugged. “I thought moms usually favor their daughters ‘cause they see themselves in ‘em.”
You parted your lips and spoke before taking a hit. “If my mom ever saw herself in me, I’d be traumatized.” As you blew, the smoke lingered in the air a little longer than it usually did. Must be the cold. “.. To which, I already am, because everyone talks about how much I look like her.”
Before you could take another hit, Miles softly latches his fingers on your wrist, bringing the gadget away from your lips.
“If you don’t mind me askin’, what was your relationship with her like?”
He guided you down the crossing lane with his hand still holding down your vape. You feel a little embarrassed, and you take the opportunity to place it back inside your pockets.
“.. Ionno if there’s even a relationship I can describe to you.“ You sighed. “.. Ionno what goes beyond a mother-daughter relationship when our relationship mostly revolved around my mama hating me for being her daughter. If that’s what being a mother is, then Ion want none of it.” You sense Miles grimace. “If that’s a dealbreaker for you, then I’m so sorry—“
“No, no, it isn’t.” He mumbled. “I once told myself that I’ll only go with whatever decision my future partner wants. If you want a kid, we’ll have a kid. If you don’t want a kid, then I can live with that too.”
“.. Well, why can’t you decide whether you want kids or not?”
“Because Ion want to force my future wife to have kids she don’t want.” Miles’ grip on your hand loosened. “A few things people do that I really hate is that they usually get kids because of baby fever, or they want to fix a marriage, or they just have it because they want to but not because they can afford to. Ion want my future kids to live on while I can’t or my future wife can’t handle ourselves financially and emotionally. That’s gonna fuck up the kid, and they’ll grow up to fuck up their kids, and so on, and so forth.”
“You know a lot about these kinds of topics, huh?”
“It’s ‘cause my mama taught me all ‘bought it.” He smiled. “My mama’s been through a lot, and when she and my dad had me, she wanted to make sure she won’t pass the pain she got from my abuela to me.”
You couldn’t help but feel envious.
What is it about me that my mother can’t stand to love?
My whole life, I’ve been homesick for arms that don’t even want to hold me.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
You wanted to curse a hundred curses, but instead you took out your phone and answered. “What is it?” You answered, inching away from Miles.
“Where are you? I’m coming to pick you up.” Montrell seethed behind the phone. “It’s an emergency, we need you back immediately.”
“Me?” You couldn’t help but dumbly point at yourself. “What did I do? It’s my free time today, plus I’m not the one managing the— the house anymore.”
You hear your brother pause. You took a moment to glance up at Miles who was waiting patiently for you to finish the call.
“Well, to further inspire you, you’re right, Antonne is a fuck up.”
“Okay, and? Is that supposed to surprise me?” You sarcastically replied.
“No, [Y/n], he fucked up really badly, which is why we need an emergency meeting and I need you back immediately because everybody is looking for you.”
You took the moment to pull away from your phone and block the speaker. “Miles, what street is this?”
He answers something along the lines of being a couple blocks down. You take the answer back to Montrell who tells you to stay where you are. Well, being the smarter person, you ended the call and told Miles to go.
“My brother’s coming to pick me up.”
“Oh?” He straightened his back. “Oh, shit— he’s coming? Why?”
“There’s an emergency.” Not that it was alarming. Emergency, you say, but Miles could clearly see that you hardly gave any flying fucks. “I need to get back immediately before the house blows up.”
“.. There’s a bomb in your house?”
“Yeah, I call him dad.” You turn and peck his cheek one last time. “Before he finds out I’m missing, I’ve got to get back now or you won’t see me ever again. Stay safe on your way home, aight? Don’t get hit by a car, and don’t die.”
The boy stumbles. “But what if he gets lost? Do you know your way around Brooklyn?”
“I’ve got photographic memory.” You joked. “I’m kidding. Mon can do it, he’s smart, and probably has a GPS, so go! Go! Go!” You hurriedly ushered him away. Miles scratches the back of his neck, hesitant to leave you alone out of fear you’d get hurt. Unfortunately for the both of you, a slick, gray car pulls up by the curb with an abrupt halt. You freeze, watching its thick, black window roll down in a glacial, intimidating pace.
“… Mon.”
Montrell stared, unimpressed.
“.. Call him back.”
“… Call who back?” Was your stupid attempt to get out.
“You know who I’m talking about.”
“… You told me there’s an emergency.” You headed over to open the door, only to find that it’s locked. You faced Montrell, only to find that the both of you were mutually irked.
“There is, but it can wait. Call him back.”
“Mon, I will crawl through this fucking window.”
“Don’t make me count to three.” He warned you like a mother. You grimaced at the way he used that insufferable tone. “I’m not a fucking toddler.”
From the corner of your eye, you see Miles toss his head over with a widened gaze. “Yeah?”
With your head still facing Mon, you told him to come over. Miles hesitantly made his way back slowly but surely. It didn’t help that his legs were so long that every step imitated a stride. Finally, after swallowing the lump in his throat, Miles greets your brother.
“Evening, Sir.”
By the driver’s seat sat a man. His gaze sat behind a pair of glasses, scrutinizing Miles’ entirety in a second or less. He was broad-shouldered and thick-waisted, further accentuated by the fineness of his white, collared shirt and black vest. His features were sharp, but his eyes welcoming— quite softer than yours, actually. He looked clean, polished, and infinitely sophisticated yet it didn’t harm his charm. In fact, it made him look so gentlemanly that it made Miles insecure.
It’s like your whole family was genetically blessed.
“Nice to meet you, you must be Miles, yeah?”
“Yes.” Miles answered like he wasn’t aware of his own name.
“I’m Mon, [Y/n]’s older brother.”
“Nice to meet you too, uh— Sir.. Mon?”
Montrell looked at this boy, and he looked at his braids, his freckled nose, and his unrefined stature. He was slouched, and one of his hands was seemingly glued inside the pocket of his old, winter jacket. It didn’t look anything special. In fact, it looked unluckily ragged. The boy looked skinny too, seen clearly in the slight hollowness of his cheeks and dark bags beneath his eyes. Still, he was accommodating, like a waiter donning on his best smile. There was something attractive about him— maybe it was the way he appeared so grimly enticing.
Reminded him of you.
“How old are you?”
“Fifteen, Sir. I’ll be turning sixteen this December.”
“Ah, is that so?”
You and Miles felt equally uneasy at the fact that Montrell didn’t bother to tell Miles to stop calling him Sir.
“How long have you known my sister?” He asks, a warning tone seeping past his smile. “Recently, she’s spoken about how much she likes you, so I’m curious how long you’ve known each other for.”
“Oh, we—“
“We met three months ago.” You cut him off, clutching Miles’ hand as though to signal him not to speak any further. “Can we go? I’m sure I still have plenty to attend to.”
Montrell ignores you. “Do you live nearby here?”
Miles looks at you, but you weren’t looking at him. “Yes Sir, I live around two blocks away from here.”
“That’s nice, you’ve got a part-time job?”
“Used to work as a cashier for a record shop. It was closed down months ago since the owner moved out of the city. Been working to get another since then but, it’s hard tryna find a job close to my school.”
Montrell raised his brows. “A hard worker! Just like my sister. Has she told you anything about her work?”
Your nails scraped against the window.
“Well, from what I know, it’s a family business, right?” Miles looked at you for approval. For the first time in three minutes, you finally looked at him and nodded. “Catering business in an inn.”
Montrell held back a laugh. “Right. That’s exactly it. Say, Miles, do you have any plans next week?”
He shook his head. “Ion think so, Sir.”
“Well, you see— our family’s hosting an event. [Y/n] will be there, and she’ll be dancing tango. I think it’d be nice for you to go.”
“That’s not happening.” You flatly decided. “Our relatives will talk if I bring Miles to that party.”
“Not unless he’s my guest.”
“Mon, Miles.” You looked at them alternately. “He’s not going— you’re not going to that party, Miles, I forbid it.”
“No one will talk about him if he’s with me.” Montrell sighed. “It’s Aunt Claire’s event anyway. No one will be focusing much on you or him. To be fair, they’ll all mostly focus on me.”
You gulped.
“Come on. Once you introduce him to dad, surely you’ll be able to meet him more freely rather than whatever the hell you’re doing right now.”
Miles lightened up upon hearing this, looking over to you with hope.
You wanted this conversation done with, now.
“Fine.” You struggled to speak. “He’ll go.”
Montrell finally unlocks the car. You lazily drag the door open and slam the door shut. With the window still down, you placed a hand over and intertwined it with Miles’. “I’ll text you tomorrow, alright? Just tell me what time.”
Montrell piqued. “You two meeting up tomorrow?.. How unfortunate.”
You exasperated. “… What do you mean by that?”
“Well..” Montrell started the car. “It’s a pretty huge emergency, and it might take you days to fix.”
“That’s fine.” Miles straightened his lips. “We can move our plans next week. I can always make time for her.”
“No, I won’t allow it. I’ll go on with my plans, I don’t care how big this emergency is—“
“Dad’s wrecking the place.”
And that shut you up.
You looked at Miles apologetically. “.. I’ll text you, alright? Stay safe.”
“Okay, you guys too.” Miles softened. “It was nice meeting you, Sir.”
“Nice meeting you too, Miles. I’ll see you next week.”
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“It’s as though none of my children are competent anymore.”
Along with the click of your heel, your father swishes a bottle of brandy above his head, pouring it over his glass. You try to keep your head high, while noting the fact that the meeting was largely based off privacy. Antonne sat by the corner, his curls frayed away along with his collar. His head hung low, hand cradling his bruised cheek.
“What took you so long?” Your father asked, hardly even sparing a glance for you and Montrell.
“I was out.”
“Where off?”
“At a café, to make use of my idle time.” You cleanly lied. You watched his grey brow wiggle, eyeing the competence of your stature. You could’ve been everything he ever needed, until you weren’t. Your father stood tall— taller than the rest of you. You try to ignore the shattered glass beneath your feet. You wore heels for a reason, after all.
He trudges towards you and Montrell, taking note of every flicker of your wrist and fluttering of your lashes.
“Do you know the reason why I’m training all of you to handle the family business?”
It was a simple question, capable of being answered with a simply answer.
Why would one family keep most of its secrets together?
“Answer me, girl.” Your father pried.
You gulped. “Because whatever power the family has should remain in the family.”
It was an average answer— a textbook one in fact. Why were royal families the way they were? Why did they marry each other? Why did they remain so closely intact?
For power.
Or so you think, but it wasn’t the answer your father was searching for. It was more.
Your father places a hand against your cheek, caressing it so softly. “... For someone who has her mother’s stupid face, you’re quite smart. My young girl, I know the way you’ve been, because you’re just like your mother but bolder. I know that naïve and emotional front you put up, but mind you, [Y/n], I’ve done whatever façade you’ve put up and better.” He squeezed your cheeks so tightly, you could feel your teeth imprint on your bleeding flesh.
“I asked you for one thing, and it’s been three months. Why haven’t you brought it back yet?”
He spoke so condescendingly calm that it horrified you.
With a tiny whimper, you tried to lower your head to soften the grip of your father, to no avail.
“.. All three of you.” He seethed, calling out for Montrell and Antonne. “Do all of you want to end up like your mother?” He turns to you. “Do you want to end up like your mother, [Y/n]?”
“N-No.” You choked.
Your father shoved you right back, making you land down on the floor.
“… Then who did it? Who released the information about the warehouse to the black market?”
You winced at the glass shards that pricked your hands.
Ah, why do families keep their secrets together?
So that if one falls, all will fall along with him.
“Someone leaked the locations of the warehouses, and a few details about some of our deals with other families— if this gets out, we will lose credibility, and all the other families will drop us immediately like hot potatoes! All of us will get arrested, and everything we’ve worked hard for will diminish in a second. Now, WHICH ONE OF YOU STUPID BRATS DID IT!?”
His voice rang inside your ears. Helplessly, you try to help yourself off the floor when your father’s shadow darkens before you. With a step of his shoe, he stomps your hand back down on the shards. You resist the urge to yelp, tears pricking your eyes as you looked up.
“I’d have no reason to incriminate myself with something so stupid!” You cried out. “If I were to be in charge of the hotel and sell out information, I’d end up taking the most damage. Why would I do something so obvious?” Hesitantly, you dragged your bleeding hand away from the glass, only to find tiny bits of the symbiote plucking the shards away from your wounds.
It was one of your brothers. Montrell, maybe? Antonne, definitely.. Maybe even Malachi.
None of them uttered a single word.
Of course they couldn’t.
“Antonne?” Your father called out. Your brother didn’t speak, he simply stared on blankly. Montrell couldn’t bring it in himself to move or help. All of your father’s children were dead silent like mice.
Brandy and glass exploded onto the floor like fireworks.
“I don’t think it’s any of us.” Montrell finally answered. “There’s likely an outsider receiving information from an insider— it’s no wonder why we can’t track down the poster.” He looked at you, to be particular, he eyed you in a way that was so subtle but it sent a message you seamlessly caught.
And then it made sense.
Montrell was accusing Miles.
But you never told Miles anything. Hell, you’ve been hiding your identity for most of the time you’ve known him. If Miles knew, he wouldn’t have stood by you, he wouldn’t have allowed himself to fall for you— he would’ve crushed you into pieces.
But if he knew.
Eddie Brock || Just now
the warehouse is gone.
it’s all burned to the ground.
“Unc.” Miles jerked up from his seat, turning to his Uncle. “Eddie just texted. He told me the warehouses were burnt down.”
Eddie Brock, a journalist tipped by Miles and Aaron after the discovery of the Warehouse, was the only journalist who metaphorically had the balls to bring a camera and shamelessly enter the elite’s premises for the sake of unveiling the truth.
Most called him a hysterical theorist.
But he wasn’t a dead one.
“That’s fucking impossible.” Aaron couldn’t help but curse, uncontrollably snatching the phone off of Miles’ grasps. “They can’t just burn down one of their top investments— even if it was meant to cover up evidence, they couldn’t have had the time to burn everything so quickly.”
“Did we accidentally set it on fire because of the explosives?”
“A fire can’t go that large without gasoline.” Aaron tossed the phone back to him. “… It was likely an inside job.. And we were sent there to take the blame for the fire.”
“Everyone else, except [Y/n], leave the room.”
Montrell flinched, eyes landing on you. Antonne finds the strength to pull himself together, limping his way to the front door. Montrell kneels down to lend you a helping hand, cautious of the broken glass, only for you to reject his notion and unsteadily stand up yourself. There, he marveled, how clean and uncut your legs were.
Antonne cradled his cheek, his curls all over his nose. He tossed his head, spitting out a blotch of blood on the floor before wiping his busted lip with his arm. The both of you meet gazes, both similarly full of disdain and exhaustion.
The both of them left shortly after.
You could feel all of New York witnessing your misery like an audience— watching with prying and expectant eyes from behind your father’s large, glass window. Your old man had some stank in his eye. You wondered if that was the same look he had in his eye when your mother went.
“When will you get me that damn USB, [Y/n]?”
New York was glowing, but you wanted it to smolder.
“Give me two final weeks.” Your brow creased. “I’ll present you the USB on a fucking golden platter.”
“Then what would they gain from burning down the building?” Miles fiddled with his phone, watching his Uncle pace around the room.
“If we think about the consequences, it’ll bring the Chávez’s the most harm. It’s a shared property funded by a lot of other people in the elite— that would mean a higher up sent us that information on purpose.. But who,”
+17479256640 || Yesterday
Do you recognize the girl beside him?
You closed the door behind you, eyes glued onto the floor.
There was this emptiness inside you. One that likely plagued your mother before everything that unfolded. You tucked your hair behind your ears.
You stared at your hands, watching as each shard fell off like leaves on an autumn day. Your wounds were healing so rapidly swift, that it was quite the show worthy of praise.
That makes the two of us.
With a twist of your heel, you walked down the corridor to the drawing room nearby, finding your two older brothers with similarly calm exteriors. Antonne was sitting by the edge of one of the sofas, tending to his cheek with an ice pack. Montrell was the first to notice your presence. He was sitting by the make-shift bar, sitting down like a patron but hardly drinking anything at all. He gestured at the med kit atop the auburn coffee table, indirectly telling you to patch yourself up.
You pretended to need for it, unpacking some of its utensils and brashly pouring alcohol all over your limbs and wrapping it up with some bandages.
You watched Antonne glare at you.
“It’s fortunate that purple’s a good color on you.” You grinned at him. “Hopefully that bruise won’t make a guest appearance at the charity event next week.”
“Go fuck yourself.” Antonne spat.
You headed towards the remote to get the television noisy. It was enough to cause a migraine, but it was better off that way. None of your brothers commented on it, which was miraculous, in regards to Antonne.
“You guys care for a drink?” You tiresomely proposed.
Antonne took a second before looking at you. Montrell sat erect, his once crossed legs now uncrossed. Your sudden proposal likely surprised them, seeing how similarly perplexed and amused they were.
You gestured them to go to the balcony.
With each click of your heel, you made your way around the bar, grabbing the sweetest wine you could find and about three chalices. All three of you then hit the cold deck, the green bottle clamoring against the painted, metal table as you popped the cap open.
“It’s nice it ain’t a cork,” You rambled. “Might hit and break another damn window. Can’t be too sure.”
They only listened.
“Does it hurt?” You asked Antonne. “Where did his fist land this time?”
“Up my cheek.” He chewed, spitting out another at the trees. “Couple of mouth sores, might last me about a month.”
Montrell takes the bottle, holding up the title to his gaze. “Vietti Cascinetta.. Moscato d’asti.” He read in perfect Italian. “This was that wine we got from Veronica’s wedding. It’s still here?”
“Daddy hates sweet wine.” You poured him a glass. “Might take away all of what’s left of his masculinity, the sweets I mean.” After pouring yours, you held it up and gleamed. “Cheers.”
All three of you took consecutive sips off of your glasses.
This was an odd rarity. A moment where all three of you were siblings. You hadn’t had such a moment with them in about three years. Now, all of you were old enough to drink wine without coming off as classless bastards. Oh, how the times have changed.
Montrell took out a pack of cigars— new ones, considering how he had to peel off its shiny plastic cover. Antonne reached out for a stick and plucked, making you unconsciously go for one too.
“No.” Montrell warned, taking it away from your hands like a watchful sitter. You blinked at your vacant fingers. “You started smoking at sixteen, why can’t I do that too?”
Upon lighting up the cigar, Montrell casted one look at you, took a hit, blew, and handed you over the cigarette. “Alright, go try it once.”
And you did so, perseveringly, like how every little sister wants to impress her older siblings. You took a hit, and it burned your lungs stronger than vape could ever foster. Like lil ol’ Miles, it didn’t take three seconds before you started coughing up the smoke like an ill child.
“You’re as stubborn as ever.” They say. It was a nostalgic hearing. Stubborn little girl, a walking disaster.
“Perhaps that’s what’s so well-loved about my personality.”
You wondered where it all began— everyone thinking you were stubborn. Was it the insistent way you approached people whenever you had plans, or the way you’d do things out of spite?
“So stubborn about everything. The hotel, the upkeep, the warehouses.. Hell, even about that boy.” Antonne murmured, a gruffness in his sleepy tone.
You sipped.
“… That boy.. Is a hazard to our family name.”
None of them made a sound.
“Dad told me not to tell any of you ‘cause he feared someone else might know of what Miles possesses and they’ll take advantage of it.” You swished the glass. “And since I first discovered it, he placed me on the job.”
“What job in particular? What does that boy have?” Antonne impatiently snapped.
“.. When Mom betrayed us, she had a USB containing every transaction with the other elites, and each location of the warehouses and what they’re storaging. When we sent her off, we burnt everything in her room— including all her files and her electronics, but when I discovered she used one of my old phones to hide evidence, I discovered that.. Miles’ father, Jeff Davis, had a copy of those files.”
“Holy shit.” Montrell verbalized. “But why—“
“Why hasn’t that information been outed? Go place a bet. We even requested to have his corpse researched but he was cremated, which means if the USB was with him, it might’ve been in his uniform, but if it wasn’t— it’s in his house. And since all of us haven’t been arrested yet, father figured the USB is likely currently untouched.”
“… It’s not.” Montrell whispered. “It’s not untouched. The USB is with someone, and they’re releasing information about us bit by bit in the black market.”
“That’s right.” Antonne added. “And whoever it is, is likely watching us closely.”
“But why are you telling us this, [Y/n]? That’s a violation of the code of loyalty.”
You took a sip.
So I’d feel less guilty once you’re all dead.
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[AN: Happy New Year everybody! ✨✨ I hope all of you are alright🫶 Take care of yourselves]
[Q&A open too if you guys have any questions in regards to the story]
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thethirdromana · 10 months
I think last year I wrote something about how meaningful it is, and what a leap of faith it represents, that Mina chooses to marry Jonathan even when she has no idea when or even if he'll be able to work again. Only unmarried women could be teachers, so her ability to earn money is curtailed by the marriage; she may struggle to support them. It's both a statement of trust that Mr Hawkins will keep to his word and take care of them, and a declaration that - in a very immediate and practical sense - Mina chooses her love for Jonathan over financial security.
What I was less aware of last year is the extent of eugenicist thinking in the 1890s around the marriage of people who were mentally ill. Mina makes it very clear just how unwell Jonathan is:
He is only a wreck of himself, and he does not remember anything that has happened to him for a long time past.
And Jonathan is open about it too:
"I feel my head spin round, and I do not know if it was all real or the dreaming of a madman. You know I have had brain fever, and that is to be mad."
We know that Jonathan's experiences are real, but he doesn't and Mina doesn't. And neither of them knows if he will make a full recovery.
This was at a time when the British Medical Journal published articles claiming that "marriage was often contracted in a blind and reckless way by those who had a strong predisposition to insanity". In a wider discussion, the article suggests that doctors might advise against marriage not just for those known to be mentally ill, but even people "who come of a nervous stock".
I don't want to go into all the horrible things that the medical establishment of the 1890s believed. But I do want to emphasise the extent of Mina's devotion. She travels day and night to get to Jonathan, she spends a small fortune to do so, she sacrifices her career, she marries someone against the advice of a lot of the contemporary medical establishment, and she does it without hesitation.
Mina and Jonathan are both young. It would be entirely respectable and normal for them to stay engaged but wait to marry, to see if Jonathan recovers, to build up savings, to get home. But Mina says a massive fuck you to that and fuck you to contemporary ableism as well, and marries Jonathan precisely as he is.
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look-at-the-soul · 10 months
Love takes two -Part 1
Emmett x reader (AQP2) Cillian Murphy
Request (s) by anon prompt request
Finally I was able to finish this request (it’s a combination of two different requests I got from lovely anons ♥️ I’m sorry it took me so long!)
And also my little celebration for @cillmequick birthday (I remember it was in July) and for your 6 month tumblr anniversary -that’s probably a year now..) dear Alex thank you for being a lovely human being and all the Cillian smutty stories you share, I’m a bit behind in my reading but slowly catching up 🥰✨ xxx
Summary: Emmett gets protective around you, even in the smallest things. But after a night around a bonfire with friends he’s forced to be honest about his feelings. Just like you.
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A knock on the door startled him at first, but then he realized there was only one person in the entire island who would stop by to see him.
“I’m not here.” He answered and chuckled at his own joke, then he saw your head poking with the signature smile and wild hair by the door.
“Okay, I’m looking for Mr. Hologram.” You smiled widely.
“What did you do this time, Y/N?” He finally dragged his gaze from his work to your face and like every single time he did that, you feel like you were kicked by a horse in the stomach.
“Me? Nothing.” You stated innocently, he should be used by now to help you with almost everything; opening a bottle of something, surviving… “We’re having a little bonfire, I was wondering if you want to come?”
“Just a couple of friends.”
There was a small disapproval groan, but you knew him so well, so you rushed to try to convince him.
“Please, just for a little while… you don’t have to chat with them.” He was an introvert or not very fond of everyone, Emmett was always by himself… and with you most of the time because you didn’t really give him much choice. “Emmett?”
Batting your lashes and you knew that would do the trick.
“Don’t say that, they’re nice people.”
“Hmm.” He raised his eyebrows. “Just because you still have hope in humans, it doesn’t mean they’re.”
“Emmett! They’re.” You insisted. Partly because you believe, partly because you loved saying the opposite than him. “I made dinner.” You bit your lip.
He was cleaning his hands with a cloth, so he flipped his head in an attempt to move his fringe away, but to you it was the sexiest thing he could do.
“Fine you win, I just need to take a shower first.”
You made a victory little dance and told him you’d be waiting for him.
“Don’t make the same mistake I did, Emmett.” Daniel “the coach” advised stepping into the room. “You don’t want to grow old and lonely like me, trust me.”
Emmett gave him a long look. He knew his story, Coach had loved a woman when he was young but he didn’t have anything to offer to her so he stepped back, later in life he got an opportunity into coaching professional football, when he went back to her because he was financially stable he found out she had married someone else. After waiting for him for years to ask her out she decided to move on because she never knew he was in love with her.
“I don’t understand your point.” Emmett tried to play the fool.
“You like her.” Coach stated firmly.
Emmett pretended to clean the tools he had been using. “Everybody likes her.”
“She’s a great girl, what are you waiting for?”
“I think someone younger would be better fit for her.”
“Is that your best excuse?” Coach shook his head in disapproval. “Get rid of the beard, that’s the best way to look younger.”
Emmett saw him disappear outside with the handsaw, leaving him alone with only the feelings he had been secretly developing for you along with that noisy whisper in the back of his mind tormenting him over and over, repeating there was no way you could like him back.
“Given the fact that we don’t have a lot of things, this looks lovely.” Alex admitted taking a step back to admire the work the two of you made.
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“Thank you for helping me.”
“Wait a second, there’s one extra place.” She eyed you suspiciously.
“That’s for Emmett.”
“Why it doesn’t surprise me?” She sighed loudly.
Trying to distract yourself with the candles. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, nothing.”
Alex crossed her arms, but decided to not press the topic anymore. If you didn’t feel like talking yet, she’d give you space.
For now.
You felt cornered, it was hard to keep something from her but luckily Emmett appeared in your eyesight and you waved at him, giving Alex a sign to keep it to herself. Shaking her head, she walked away to bring out the plates.
“You came!” The smile on your face couldn’t get any bigger.
“Of course, you invited me.” He chuckled.
“Never seen this before.” You pointed it at his shirt, a deep emerald that lighted his eyes even more beautifully than they already were.
He blushed slightly and a nervous laugh escaped his lips, he chose it because it was the only decent and dressy shirt he had for an occasion like that, the rest were dirty or stained.
“Hey! Can I’ve some help?” Alex asked from the house. “Don’t stay there!” She called over the two of you again.
“Better go, before the creatures hear her.” Emmett swore he said it to himself but you were close enough to listen. It was hard to hold your laugh, after the invasion you barely laughed afraid you wouldn’t be able to control the volume and attract them, but not this time.
“What’s so funny?” Alex demanded to know, looking between the two of you.
“Emmett just told me a joke.” You lied wiping the tears away.
As Emmett emerged with his arms full of boxes with drinks, you decided to busy yourself by offering him some help. Oblivious that Alex was keeping an eye on the two of you.
People started to show up, someone brought his guitar, while another person was offering everybody homemade sweets. Dinner was amazing and having the chance to celebrate with the most important people was something you felt extremely grateful for, even if your birthday had already passed. Between laughs and an endless chat, you were now enjoying a piece of a homemade cake, it was like tasting a piece of heaven in your mouth.
The group had been sharing memories before the invasion, it was great to hear he most memorable birthday celebration from each other.
“Bet you’re eager to share yours.” You teased Emmett who was sitting on your left.
“Absolutely.” He replied raising his eyebrows. “Thrilled actually.”
That was one of the things you liked about him the most, he was always able to catch your hint of sarcasm and replied back the same, it was like your little private joke.
“Oh damn it!” Alex mumbled. “Y/N, can you pass me the fork? It’s next to your feet.” She pointed out from her seat on the picnic bench in front of you.
As you were still laughing from what Emmett said, you started to bend down to pick it up, her eyes on you as you moved. But to her surprise, Emmett’s hand was moving at speed to cover the corner of the table, so you wouldn’t hurt yourself.
“Thank you.” You smiled shyly at him.
For him it was the most natural thing to do, but to her, it was all she needed to confirm the thoughts that had been running in her mind.
She thanked you after taking her fork. “Should we go and play some music?”
As the group moved towards the bonfire, you looked at Emmett.
“You should join them.” He encouraged, stealing glances at the group.
“Can’t leave you alone to clean up, can I?”
“Y/N it’s fine, really.”
Biting your lip you stared at him. Feeling like sometimes he was pushing you away.
“The night is young, go.” He repeated just as Alex was coming to get you.
“Come on let’s dance!”
You nodded and followed her, feeling a bit off about Emmett. Perhaps you were too pushy with him, trying to be friendly or make him feel part of the group. But as the cheering started for your arrival, it lifted you up and you decided to have a good time, kicking the sand, clapping and doing your best effort to sing along.
Emmett’s eyes landed on you from afar, you were dancing and singing with the small group.
Your cheerful spirit attracted lots of attention, it was inevitable, your carefree attitude, signature happy character and that smile that seemed to be tattooed on your face made you be surrounded by people all the time.
It was one of the things he admired about you the most, despite everything, the things you’ve been through after the invasion, losing your loved ones, that didn’t turn you into a resentful person. All the opposite, it made your heart kinder, softer.
Constantly he asked himself why you cared so much about people who probably wasn’t even worth it. But deep down he knew… because you still believed in good people, you still trusted them.
Wild hair bouncing in different direction made him go back to reality, your cheerful sweet voice made him snap out as you shouted his name while waving at him.
“What are you doing all by yourself?” You asked sitting next to him over the old tree trunk. “You should come.”
“Trying to avoid your disastrous performance.” Emmett teased, ending his words with a chuckle.
“Ugh that rum gets into my brain faster,” you groaned.
“If that’s your excuse…”
“So what’s yours? To be on your own when it’s a beautiful night like this one.”
Sometimes he still wonder how a chatterer like you could’ve made your way through his skin to take a place within his broken heart and leave a permanent mark. Over the weeks since the two of you met, it was as if you opened up his dark and lonely heart, took a chair and declared you would stay there until you made him smile and help him enjoy life again.
“How is it possible that you’re always happy and enthusiastic in a shitty world like this?” Emmett asked after a few moments.
And regretted it immediately, realizing how bitter he sounded.
“Sorry about that, it didn’t come out right.” Worry danced through his eyes, you noticed right before he looked down.
“So what am I supposed to do? Cross my arms and put on an angry face to push everyone away?”
“I don’t have an angry face.” He tried to defend himself.
“Absolutely not, you’re the most friendly human being around,” you nodded making a funny face. “It seems that you already forgot how we met.”
Focusing on his surroundings, he was now used to the loud thoughts in the back of his mind, talking to himself most of the time for survival purposes.
He was walking midway across the bridge when he heard a small noise behind his back. He was quick to take his weapon from his shoulder and turn around pointing it in every direction in an attempt to protect himself.
But his heartbeat stopped as he saw the female figure before him.
“You shouldn’t sneak around like that, you know?” He whispered.
“Are you always that friendly?” You asked with a hint of sarcasm.
“I’m not here to make friends.”
“Fabulous, me neither… let’s be not-friends.” You extended your hand at him. “Y/N.”
Emmett placed his weapon back on his shoulder, and fixed his eyes on you with a defeated sigh.
“Emmett. What are you doing here?”
“Oh you know, just needed some air and a suntan.” You shuddered. “I’m looking for food.”
He wanted to laugh, for the first time in months, he felt something. And in that very moment he realized that you were one of the very few people around worth saving.
“Do you trust a stranger like that all the time? This is a dangerous place right now.”
“Again with the pessimism, Em?” You shuddered. “You don’t look like the kind of people who goes around with bad intentions. I saw you back there, when you had the chance to steal, you didn’t.”
His chest raised from the long breath he took. One more look at you and another one towards the long road ahead.
“Come on, I know a place safe.” He covered his nose and mouth with the old piece of shirt.
End of flashback
“I knew you were a good person right away.” You mumbled letting your eyes swim in the depth of his eyes. “And look at you, that day you found the best damn thing that’s happened to you after the invasion.”
That made him chuckle, just like every single thing you did and said.
“There’s no point to fight that.”
Your heart was doing a strange thing; drumming like it was in a rush to come out of your chest and skipping beats from time to time, specially when his clear eyes were looking intensely at you.
“I’ve something for you.” He announced looking at the ground one of his hands started fishing inside the shirt pocket. “Happy birthday, Y/N I made you this.”
As you were about to ask how could he remember it was your birthday, he showed you a small square of fabric covering a pendant in the form of a flower made of wood. “Emmett it’s beautiful!”
It was something delicate and simple, but to you it meant everything that he made it from scratch.
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Without even thinking about it, you threw yourself into his arms. This was the first and only gift you’ve received, as his hands came to rest to your back and his masculine scent intoxicated your senses, you suddenly realized of your impulsive actions and how much he protected his personal space. So you broke the embrace.
“Sorry, I got over excited… thank you so much!”
His eyes were fixed on you as you put it on.
“It’s just something small.” He tried to explain.
“You’re really talented.”
Clicking his tongue he felt the urge to hide his hands.
“Emmett you need to learn to accept compliments, look at the table,” you pointed at the object next to you, “this is a gift, you create beautiful pieces.”
“Well thank you.”
You loved the shy look he gave you.
Nervously you placed your hair behind your ears. “No, thank you.”
Staring at his profile, you noticed the freckles kissing his face, neck and the part of his chest that was visible, the moonlight spread shadows beautifully in certain parts of his features, and you couldn’t help but wonder how would his beard feel against your skin.
There was no use in trying to deny it any longer, you had to be honest with yourself… you were in love with this man, and maybe as an introvert he needed a little push. Perhaps if you open up to him, he would do the same.
Taking a deep breath, you decided you’d take the lead, after the invasion changed everything you decided you wouldn’t miss the chance. What if taking the risk was worth it?
He gave you one more look and you waited patiently.
As Emmett felt you turning your body towards him and the peonies scent of your skin hit him, he looked at your beautiful and delicate features in the dim light.
You were young, beautiful and funny, a walking sunshine. How could he even think of standing a chance to be with a goddess like you?
Fixing his eyes on his hands, he stood up.
“Nothing I just hope you have a blast, goodnight.”
And he left without another word or even a look. Confusion took over you, in equal amount as disappointment. You regretted deeply everything in that very moment. How did you come to think he’d look at you differently? To him you were nothing but a friend, someone who was always joking.
“You’re supposed to be having fun.” Your friend stated, taking the seat next to you.
“I am, Alex.”
“Really? Then you need to say it to your face.” And she pulled you up, towards the bonfire.
“You are what?” Alex asked with a shocked expression as she was watching you getting ready.
“Going out with Mark.” You repeated putting on the sandals.
“I didn’t know you guys were seeing each other.” She was majorly confused.
Turning your head to her, you nodded. “He asked me after the bonfire.”
“And… you like him?”
Sighing you paced the room. “Alex what’s with all the questionnaire? I thought you wanted me to have someone.”
Leaning back, she started playing with her sandal, balancing it in her toe. “I thought you liked Emmett.”
From side to side, you saw her sandal move like a pendulum. “What makes you say that?”
“Oh, you wanna play like that? Fine… stealing glances at him all the time, joining him for his daily walks when he clearly wants to be alone, going to his place with the most ridiculous excuses just to be close, him acting all protective around you…”
“We’re… friends.” You stammered looking away, feeling caught by your best friend. “Can you stop that please?” You were altered.
“Jesus.” She noticed you were in a mood. “He’s grumpy and bearish. You’ve nothing in common how can you say he’s your friend?” She needed to push your buttons.
“That’s a wrong impression most of the people here have.” You defended him. “He’s kind and funny.”
You wanted to say that he was smart and well educated and a great cook, but that would only make her suspicious grow.
“I’ve known you since we were in the wombs of our mothers, Y/N. You can’t lie to me.”
There was a long silence, and it was endless.
“I’m in love with him, okay? I don’t know how, but it happened. I love spending time with him, he makes me feel safe, like I can be myself. He makes me love the person I am when we’re together… but it doesn’t matter because he doesn’t like me back, to him I’m just his friend.”
Pouring your soul and feelings to your best friend didn’t change anything, but it made you feel lighter, just as Alex was about to say that she knew there was something between the two of you by Emmett’s protectiveness, Mark arrived.
“I better go.”
“If you’ve feelings for Emmett, this date is useless you know that, right?” She had never seeing you like this before.
“Everything is useless to be honest, but it’s either this date or yelling so a creature would come at me.”
“As dramatic as always.”She rolled her eyes right before watching you and Mark disappear.
It had only been ten minutes when there was a knock, Alex thought you forgot something so she opened the door to scold you, but instead she found the last person she had in mind.
“Hey, it’s Y/N here?”
For an instant, Alex felt sorry for him. “She’s out tonight… Mark asked her on a date.”
His jaw clenched, hands curled in tight fits just as an avalanche of emotions flashed in his blue eyes.
Part 2
More Emmett content here! 🥰✨
Do you like this character? I particularly love that there are endless possibilities around Emmett and he’s a fascinating character 🥰♥️ your thoughts and comments it’s what feeds my soul -and trust me, you don’t want to see me hungry 😂-
Tag list: @lyarr24 @lespendy @elenavampire21 @sloanexx @imichelle-l-rigby @esposadomd @winchestergirl22 @forgottenpeakywriter @forbidden-forest-witch @allie131313 @lovecleastrange @stevie75 @forgottenpeakywriter @elenavampire21 @onlydeadcells @zablife @raincoffeeandfandoms @nyxxxz (can’t tag) @camilleholland89 @thenattitude @kittycatcait219 @sherlcrown (can’t tag) @cillianmxrphy @kmc1989 @adaydreamaway08 @darleneslane @shaddixlife @shelbydelrey
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void-wolfie · 11 months
family ties
summary: you decide it's finally come out to your parents.
pairing: Jenna Ortega x fem!Reader
tw: homophobia/biphobia, angst
words: 2.26k
a/n: it's my birthday, yay! here is a slightly birthday-themed post. this one hits me a bit hard but mostly because it largely stems from my own insecurities. anyways, y'all love your angst, so I figured I would supply.
*I am not paying for y'alls therapy, reader discretion is advised
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You sat in your car outside the small two-story house. Its brown walls and open windows seemed to mock you, tall and daunting. Of course, it wasn’t the house that set your nerves on edge, your anxiety growing the longer you sat, it was what lay inside. Your parents.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Jenna asked, watching you worriedly from the passenger seat.
No. You didn’t want to do this. You’d rather go back home and binge-watch TV with Jenna for the rest of the night. But what would life be if not for making hard choices?
“Not really. But I need to.” You grimaced, thinking about what horrors the night might bring.
“I’ll be right here the whole time,” Jenna interlocked your fingers with hers, doing her best to reassure you.
“Thank you, baby,” You brought her hand to your lips, kissing the back of her knuckles.
You knocked on the front door, pushing it open without waiting for anyone to answer it. It was your childhood home after all, and you knew your parents wouldn’t mind.
“Mom? Dad?” You stepped into the hallway, Jenna following just behind you.
“y/n?” Your mom appeared from around the corner, your dad just a few steps behind her.
“How are you, baby?” She held out her arms for a hug, which you fell into.
“I’m alright,”
“Good! Happy birthday, sweetheart.”
“Thanks, Mom,”
She finally let you go, her eyes catching Jenna standing just over your shoulder. “Jenna, darling, so good to see you again!”
You let the two of them do their thing while you greeted your dad.
He pulled you in for a hug, patting you on the back, "Happy birthday, kiddo,"
"Thanks, Dad,"
Your dad was more on the quiet side, unlike your mom who was very much a social butterfly. He was usually the more relaxed one, which you often found comfort in.
The sound of conversation mixed with that of clinking silverware. Dinner had been served and everyone was catching up. Your parents were currently talking off your girlfriend’s ear, interrogating her on her up-and-coming projects.
But you weren't paying them any attention. Your eyes were dead set on the table, lost in your own world of thoughts. Would they be mad? Disappointed? Upset? Of course, they would be upset, this was going against everything they believed in... Would they call you names, or just shun you altogether? Would they throw you out? Cut you off? Not that you relied on them much anymore financially, but still, they were your parents...
"Earth to y/n, hello?" Your name being called brought you back from your spiraling thoughts. You looked up to find everyone looking in your direction. Jenna was shooting you a worried look, her hand intertwining with yours underneath the table.
"Oh, sorry," you apologized, hoping to brush off the awkwardness that clung to the air.
"Where'd you go, kiddo? We lost ya there for a second," your dad said with a chuckle, taking another bite of his food.
"Just thinking," you squeezed Jenna's hand, hoping your parents wouldn't notice how anxious you were. Your knee was bouncing up and down under the table, you nearly felt sick from all the worrying.
"Thinking about what?" Your mom asked.
Of course, she wanted to know. Ever so the nosy one, always needing to be in everyone's business.
"Um," should you tell them now? You looked at Jenna, wishing you could read her mind and know what she was thinking, but she only looked at you with that same curious glance.
Fuck it. What do you have to lose... besides everything... "Actually, I- um. There's something I want to tell you both..."
You could practically feel the blood pumping through your veins, your hands shaking violently under the table. Your heart felt like it might burst from how fast it was beating. It's now or never...
"Okay?" Your parents exchanged curious glances, the two of them wondering what could possibly be so important to have you acting so oddly.
Fuck. Where to start? What to say? Your mind was reeling. Everything felt like it was too much. But you had to do this, you couldn't avoid it forever.
You took a deep breath in an attempt to calm your nerves, but that didn't stop the words from rushing out of your mouth, "Jenna and I are dating. We've been in a relationship for two years now."
The room was dead silent. The only noise coming from the rain outside and the air conditioner quietly whirring in the background.
Both you and Jenna were eyeing your parents, waiting for some kind of reaction.
Both your parents wore blank expressions. You almost wished they weren't, that they'd have some kind of emotion on their face, that way you could tell if they were upset or not. But a blank face was debatably better than an angry one.
"I'm dating Jenna." You said it again, not nearly as fast this time and with a little more confidence.
More silence. It hung in the air like a thick smog, suffocating you as it squeezed the breath from your lungs. The longer you had to wait the less you could sit still, nearly shaking in your chair out of anticipation.
"Is this a joke?" Your mom’s voice held a dangerous tone, one you'd learned meant trouble over the years.
"No." You made sure to keep your voice flat, hiding how you truly felt inside.
You knew what was coming. Despite your hopes that they might actually care, that they might actually love you, you knew the truth. Your parents would never accept someone like you as their daughter. You would've been better off if you'd told them you were a murderer.
"Get out." Your mother refused to meet your eyes, staring down at her plate instead. She had said it quietly and calmly, but you could see past that cool exterior, you could see the storm raging inside. She was furious.
"What?" Jenna spoke up, looking between your mother and father.
She couldn’t believe it. Your parents had always been so welcoming, so warm to her. You had always acted like such a happy family, and she was just going to kick you out?
Your mom’s eyes snapped up, glaring daggers at Jenna, "I said. Get. Out."
You could feel the tension in the air, thick as it filled up the room. Time to go.
"Come on, Jenna." You stood up, hoping you could pull Jenna from the house before things got too ugly, "If they don't love me for me, that's fine."
You noticed your father wince at the comment, his gaze dropping to the ground. Part of you wondered if he shared your mother's beliefs, if he hated you as well. He has always been the more levelheaded one, maybe there was hope for him.
"No." Jenna stood up, her eyes were still trained on your mother with a fury like you'd never seen before.
"Jenna, don't." You tried to stop her, but you could tell from the determined look on her face she didn't care.
"Are you really that shallow? You'll shun your daughter completely, all because of who she loves?"
"I'll not have a daughter who's a-"
"Who's a what? Say it," Jenna was challenging her now, daring her to say that forbidden word.
"You're a disgrace, you know that?" Your moms’ eyes darted over to you, "It's a sin and you're going to hell."
You scoffed, trying to act strong despite the tears in your eyes and the ache in your chest, "that’s fine, as long as I don't have to hear your bigoted comments for the rest of eternity."
Your mom shot up from the table, her chair sliding backward across the tile. Despite the look of rage, her eyes were watering as well, "How could you do this to me? To us?!"
"Do this to you...? Do you really think I started dating her because I wanted to hurt you?" Your vision was blurred from the tears silently streaming down your face. Your hands clenched as you tried to bottle up your rampant emotions. Everything was going to shit.
"Are you? Because from here, that's exactly what it looks like-"
"No! I would never try and hurt you. You told me to find someone that makes me happy, she makes me happy!"
"I said go find a nice boy to make you happy! Not to go practice sacrilege!”
"Are you insane? Do you even hear yourself?" Jenna jumped in, standing in front of you protectively.
You pulled Jenna back beside you, taking a step closer to your mother, "Let me spell it out for you. I'm bisexual. It's not something I can choose. It's who I am, it's in my DNA. I love Jenna and that's not changing any time soon. And I love you, you’re my mom, you raised me and cared for me, and taught me everything I know. But a real mother wouldn't disown me for being me."
It all happened so fast. Before you even knew what was happening you were on the floor, a red handprint staining your cheek.
You were in shock. Your hand cupping the forming red mark. She slapped you. She actually slapped you...
When you finally focused back on the situation, Jenna was kneeling in front of you. Her eyes were swimming with so many different emotions, but you couldn't miss her little concerned pout. You melted into her hands, how they cupped your face so gently as she examined the mark.
At the flip of a switch, her face contorted. What once was full of worry and concern had been taken over by hate and rage. It scared you.
Jenna spun around, wildly flinging insults at your mother. A shouting match had started, but you weren’t listening. All you could see was the image of your mother slapping you, repeating in your head over and over. Her face was full of so much hate and anger. How could someone who was supposed to love you do something so horrid?
You stood up, shaking off the shock and your spiraling thoughts.
“We’re leaving.” You stated simply, interrupting their screaming. You grabbed Jenna’s hand, lacing your fingers together as you pulled her towards the door with you.
You stood in the doorway, a nagging feeling sitting in the pit of your gut. You had more you wanted to say, but should you? Your mother made it more than clear she wasn’t willing to listen, that she was more than fine abandoning you.
You pushed yourself out the door without another word, walking through the rain. You handed Jenna the car keys, silently asking her to drive home. She took them without saying anything, understanding what you were asking.
Neither you nor Jenna said anything as you got into the car, the two of you still comprehending the nightmare that had just happened.
"Please take me home," you asked softly, ignoring the tears falling down your face.
You had been in the shower for over an hour now. It wasn’t abnormal for you to take long showers, but never this long. Jenna was worried.
The warm water had long since turned cold, leaving you shivering on the tile floor. Your head was buried in your arms, your knees pulled up to your chest. The sound of the water running effectively drowning out the sounds of your sobs.
You were heartbroken.
Your whole life there was this belief that your family would love you no matter what, that they would accept you for who you were. It’s still true, but after the scene at your parent’s house… your idea of family had been fundamentally shifted. Your parents weren’t your family anymore.
There was a knock on the bathroom door, “You alright in there, baby?” Jenna’s voice echoed throughout the bathroom.
You took a deep breath, trying to stop the crying, “Fine. I’ll be out in a minute.”
Your voice came out shaky and hoarse. Jenna could tell you’d been crying from the other side of the door; if your voice hadn’t given it away the sound of you sobbing when she opened the door would have been.
Jenna wanted nothing more than to hug you tight, kiss your forehead and wipe away the tears. But she knew you needed some space. She closed the bathroom door and waited back on your bed, her patience wearing thin as worry settled in.
The minute you were out of the shower and done changing, you could see it. You looked like a mess. Bloodshot eyes stared back at you in the mirror. Your nose and cheeks were red from all the crying. Your chest ached and your throat felt like it was on fire.
The second you were out of the bathroom Jenna was already staring at you. The way you looked so hurt, eyes bloodshot and shoulders slumped, it broke her heart. You deserved better.
You didn’t say anything, just walking up to her silently and falling into her arms. You were fresh out of tears, with nothing left to give. You just wanted the pain to go away.
Jenna pulled you onto the bed with her, letting you cuddle up into her arms. It wasn’t long before you were asleep, the exhaustion from the day having worn you out. Jenna held you a little bit tighter against her chest before falling asleep herself. She silently hoped that you knew, even if your parents didn’t, she loved you more than she would ever be able to articulate.
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csuitebitches · 5 months
By your prior response, it seems like you believe in 50/50. Generally speaking, not everyone is willing to be in a relationship where the man is providing 100% of the bills but I followed you because I thought that was your view. A feminine high value woman bring with a man who provides 100% of the bills. Not a girlfriend but a wife who depends on her husband however, she still has her own. Her husband gives her the option whether she wants to work or not, she lives a life of leisure and luxury. Has her own personal savings account etc. Idk I thought you had a different mindset when it came to finances in a relationship.
Firstly, I don’t keep my blog active for the follower count. I began CSB to keep a track of everything I’ve personally learned over the years. My content is also mostly about productivity and self growth. I very rarely discuss love and relationships on here and only if I ever feel like it. You may unfollow me if you feel that my content doesn’t resonate with you!
I don’t, in fact, believe in 50-50. My family allows me to believe the same as well. However, my background and birth circumstances are different. Even if a man decides to provide for me and I let him, I can leave at any point because my family would 100% step in and financially and legally support me at any time - not everyone has that privilege unfortunately. Most people’s lives and realities are not the same. I cannot advise my followers based on just my own background because that would be irresponsible of me.
I never said that a man should absolutely never provide for you. I said it’s difficult for most people to not have a dual income household in this economy. I’ve already mentioned that my partner himself doesn’t let me pick up the bill. I further said that you should be able to have enough money on you in case you need to leave for whatever reason and that the reality is, most of you guys are not going to find some billionaire lovesick man who’s going to hand you his Amex card on the third day of you guys meeting. And yes. You NEED to contribute to any relationship to make it work and finance isn’t the only way. Even if your man tells you to stay at home, you’re still going to be expected to contribute one way or the other. You cannot have it all.
There are enough crazy stories out there about financial abuse. There needs to be a certain amount of time + emotional intimacy + rationality involved in order for a man to provide for you. The reality is that today’s economy is not suited for everyone. Gone are the days where $100 could be stretched to every cent and you could live a decent life on it. If a man can give you the option to work, he can also switch up at any point and take back that option. Would you be ready for a switch like that? Would your past grades, work experience, etc still be relevant? What if you decide to leave him - are you in the position to?
You can do what you like in your personal life because it doesn’t concern me. But if you genuinely think that a man is going to happily and blindly start providing for you from the first date without any sort of expectation from you - I implore you to understand that real life and tumblr hypergamy don’t always intersect.
Half of your mindsets have been screwed by these so-called tumblr hypergamy blogs, with all honesty. It’s also partly bullshit and partly very culture dependent. Most eastern cultures are hypergamous BUT there is a strong family value system, there are strings attached, and a strong cultural influence, divorce is looked down upon, you’re expected to stay with your husband through all the bullshit, you’re expected to compromise at any point and a lot more for your husband; there are expectations from both the partners. I remember coming across a blog of a girl who was this “hypergamy queen” only for her to disclose she was in fact, broke, and start begging for tips from her tumblr followers. I don’t think half of you guys even understand the reality of being financially provided for.
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trashpandato · 8 months
“This is the third Cadmus associate this month,” Alex says, frowning as she looks at the screen in front of her.
“I know.”
Kara is standing next to her sister. They’re reading the police report that Maggie sent over. It’s the third time someone has handcuffed a known member of Cadmus to a police cruiser while the patrol officers were inside a coffee shop on their break. The first two had already been on the DEO’s radar, but the third person’s connection to the terrorist group was unclear until Winn did some more digging and found a financial link.
“Clearly, someone has better intel than we do.”
Alex is unhappy about it. Sure, it’s good to get these guys off the streets, and without using any DEO resources to boot, but Kara knows her sister doesn’t like being in the dark about who might be behind these citizen arrests.
Kara bumps her shoulder against Alex. “We’ll get to the bottom of it. I promise.”
Alex nods but doesn’t look convinced.
The tension at the DEO spikes a couple of weeks later when not one but two people are found, this time handcuffed to NCPD’s front doors. Winn tries to find footage of the moment it happened from nearby security cameras, but he has to tell Alex that the cameras were not only disabled but any view of the front door area would have been obscured by a cloaking device he retrieved from a small ledge on the building itself.
“Clearly, whoever is doing this is not only way ahead of us, but they know their way around technology the DEO hasn’t even heard of yet.”
Alex is frustrated, and J’onn is concerned.
“We don’t know what Cadmus will do now that someone is picking off their members one by one,” he says. “It’s a provocation. They could retaliate.”
Kara agrees. Whoever is doing this is playing with fire. She’s worried about the city, worried that Cadmus might unleash one of their signature large-scale attacks in order to scare off this vigilante. She knows what Cadmus is capable of. Kara shudders as she remembers her last encounter with them, when she was kidnapped and forced by Lillian Luthor to blow out her powers and then had her blood drawn against her will.
She’s also worried about Lena.
Kara knows from past interactions that anytime Cadmus strikes, Lena is usually in the crosshairs somehow. Either as bait, or as a human shield, or simply because Lena is nearby, trying to foil her mother’s latest plans to do harm. She decides to pay Lena a visit to warn her.
When she lands on Lena’s balcony at L-Corp, she finds her hunched over at her desk. Kara can see the tense set to her shoulders, and when Lena turns around to greet her, it’s clear that she’s tired, like she hasn’t slept properly in weeks.
“Supergirl, to what do I owe the visit?”
Kara wants to ask how she’s doing, why she’s still at the office this late, wants to drag her home, cook her a real meal and force her to sleep. But she’s here on official business, not as a friend.
“I’m here to give you a heads up that Cadmus might be planning something.”
Lena tilts her head to the side, eyebrow raised. “Oh really? And what might that be?”
“We don’t know for sure. We just know that someone has been undermining the organization for weeks, making sure members have been arrested. We think Cadmus is going to retaliate soon.”
“I see,” Lena says, but she turns around and walks over to the small bar in her office and pours herself a drink. “And why are you telling me this, Supergirl? Do you think I know what my mother might be up to? That I’m involved somehow?”
When Lena turns around to face her, her gaze is hard and piercing.
“No,” Kara holds up her hands, palms out. “Not at all. I just, I’m worried. They’re dangerous and you’ve been hurt by them before.”
Lena’s features soften. “So have you.”
“I know, but I’m, well, I can take care of myself. I just wanted to tell you to be careful.”
Lena nods, but turns back to her desk. “I’ll take that under advisement. Is that all?”
Kara swallows. “Yes. That’s all.”
“Alright. Thank you for the heads up, Supergirl.”
The visit leaves a bad taste in Kara’s mouth. Something about how closed off Lena seemed doesn’t sit right. Over the next few days, she decides to keep an eye on her, and it’s during one of those unscheduled patrols when she hones in on Lena’s heartbeat. It’s too fast, too full of panic. Kara follows the sound in a flash and finds her in an empty warehouse near the port. Or at least Kara thinks it’s Lena, because the figure in front of her looks nothing like the Lena Luthor she knows. She’s clad black tactical gear, a mask obscuring her face, and she’s currently engaged in honest-to-god hand-to-hand combat with none other than Lillian Luthor.
Kara lands in the warehouse and her arrival throws Lena off. She turns toward the noise and Lillian takes advantage: she grabs a metal pipe from a nearby table and swings it at Lena’s head. The hit sends Lena stumbling backwards, and that’s when Kara puts an end to the scene playing out in front of her. Using her super speed, she incapacitates Lillian and calls Alex for backup.
Then she rushes over to Lena, who has taken off her mask and is hunched over and a little unsteady. Kara holds her up with a firm hand against Lena’s elbow and forearm.
“You. It’s been you all along.”
Lena doesn’t respond, just presses the sleeve of her shirt against her temple to stop the flow of blood from a cut on her head.
Finally, Lena looks up. “Because I was the only one with the inside information to bring them down.”
“You could have come to us. To me. We would have helped.”
But Lena shakes her head and freezes Kara in place with a firm look. “I couldn’t let her hurt you again.”
Kara swallows hard. She can hear the telltale signs of DEO vans approaching. She gives Lena’s arm a quick squeeze.
“Are you okay to get out of here? The cavalry is going to be here any second now. It’s probably better if they don’t find you here.”
Lena draws her eyebrows together in a confused frown, and Kara squeezes her arm one more time.
“You protect me, I protect you. I’ll take care of this,” Kara turns to nod at where Lillian is sitting slumped over in a chair. “No one needs to know it was you. Go and take care of your head, okay?”
After a brief moment of hesitation, Lena nods and scrambles towards the back entrance to the warehouse, out of sight just in time before the first DEO agents come barging in. Kara vows to swing by Lena’s place later with some ice cream and several of her patented Kara Danvers hugs to make sure Lena knows she’s not alone, that she’ll always have her back. Just like Lena always has hers.
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djljpanda · 9 months
Hydrogen Anon, I know I'm back rather quickly, but I'm gonna talk about Creme Republic in the Self Aware AU because it's my favourite location in the game.
Some Cookie Odyssey Spoilers--
The Creme Republic would probably first take notice of Gingerbrave and company sometime around Chapter 10, possibly before, seeing as at the start of Cookie Odyssey, it's established they had tabs on the Ancient Heroes. Though the small group of people with access to this information would all be rather confused..
How are a group of young teens with a thief no less, able to go to all these locations and manage this?? So they keep even closer eyes on the group, maybe even sending some cookies to watch them in their travels. This is when they find out about MC, which is seemingly this mysterious sentient being, hiding away, yet advising them every time they get into a fight..
I also imagine that if MC ever ends up in Earthbread by some ridiculous circumstance, this would probably be a very, not bad per se.. (there is duskgloom and beast yeast after all). But just not great place to land in. You're in a city with no money, and people are giving you weird looks because you clearly aren't from here and don't know where you're going.
(Going thru some characters) - beware very ooc.
I feel like Clotted Cream would just be completely thrown for a loop, it kind of made sense until he was told that the cookies had never actually heard this figure "speak", MC just guided them into a battle formation and then they'd win. It sounds completely ludicrous. I think that CCC wouldn't suspect MC to be a higher power initially, but would suspect MC, whatever they were, had some level of strategic genius to lead a group that effectively, all while never actually being seen.
Financier and Madeleine don't initially think MC is a celestial or anything, that's jumping the gun a little, in fact when the Council of Heroes happens they find MC a little unnerving, MC has eyes everywhere, nobody can see them, and they never say anything. MC just keeps watching. By the time Ch.2 and 3 roll around they get convinced though. MC literally guided all of them, helping in fighting the masked cookies, as well as defending the republic when DE attacked, when they finally witness MCs bizarre guidance in person they walk away with a really different perception, MC being some kind of celestial isn't completely impossible.
When news of the weird entity reaches the elders, they've all got radically different perceptions of MC, (I won't go thru them all it will take forever) - I think Caviar wouldn't care in the slightest what they were, if they really are some higher power, and so far, mute, they probably won't be telling anyone anytime soon, speculation is fine, but the more important issue is if they're a threat or not, and so far, despite their suspicious demeanor they haven't *really* done anything bad.
Honestly I have no idea where Oyster would stand on this, wherever she stands though, she probably keeps her opinion very secretive, though. Or holds off on making assumptions until they have more information.
I'll do Expresso too, screw it. He subscribes to the belief that you're a cookie with incredibly powerful magic, plain and simple. (I could also see him not caring either, but in this case I imagine curiousity getting the better of him).
Though--out of the lot he finds MC the most unnerving, for exactly that reason. If they are a cookie, why do they never show themselves or speak, even in emergencies??
I hope you liked my *very* out of character rambles about the Creme Republic, use these HC how you want, they aren't very good lmfao.
Hello again Hydrogen, welcome back.
I do believe that CCC are very confused about Mc and want to find some understanding not liking how they know nothing of them.
I think when Mc first landed in Earthbread I felt like everyone at first could see them but for right now so unknown things happen where they are not invisible but only those they chose can see them.
And I think that the Mc can talk but when that unknown thing happened it kind of messed up their way of speaking. Kind of like tinkerbell where all you hear are bells when she speaks or they don't need to say anything but yet they still know what they are saying, or some form of sign language.
Just imagine those cookies shocked and confused when they see Mc leading them to battle. But I think Mc really cares about the main squad as to them they are also confused about this new place.
But I do think after Mc helps out with fighting the masked cookies more about their existence started to be talked about.
I do like your self aware hc better than what I can do, does make me want to write oneshots.
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azure-cherie · 1 year
PAC : Messages from Aset
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Hello loves , first of all a very big thank you to Aset for helping me in conveying through my divination, this reading contains general messages so take what resonates and leave the rest , i used tarot cards , intuition and runes for this reading , likes , reblogs and feedbacks are very very appreciated , thank you for letting me read you :)
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Pile 1 -3
Pile 1:
My dear pile 1 , Aset wants to convey that she is proud that you have achieved a lot of abundance in your life but you are focused to earn more when in reality you should be happy in what you already have and you should also share with others what you have made since kindness is the greatest of virtues that will help you to achieve great heights, be cautious when you serve others , help them but don't help them to the point of exploitation , when you need ask for help and always help will be provided when you are in search of a financial need . You are someone who has come a long way without any support you have been worried and fought all the odds to come to this point and she is very proud of you for doing all this but remember that a small thing can destroy a lot of things so when in times of haste take time to sit down shut the world and reflect, I think you have a habit of getting to angry at the wrong people and this is going to create a problem in the wrong runs so you are advised to work on it and stay away from people at that time so that you don't end up in problems and learn to be more grateful about your surroundings and whatever has been provided to you or else it could go away you , you're going to enter a very abundant period in your life in terms of emotional needs You are going to create new horizons and new plans for yourself marriage business deals and child birth news can be heard for you your ancestors are rooting for you , I see symbolism of marigold flowers you can do some water magic or worship with water as an element that will help you in getting clarity about yourself .
Runes :
Beware of incorrect choices, take time to contemplate, some family functions maybe cancelled due to health issues take care of your health , you might experience stagnation , heal your relationship with your mother , get yourself a visit to the gynaecologist, you might experience some menstrual issues , watch your expenditure.
Change has to occur , some things are destroyed so new things can be built, unexpected meetings and realisations, destruction now will end up making something good for the future keep hoping, you could have a breakup, moving houses , someone fake in your friend circle will be unmasked.
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Pile 2 :
My dear pile 2 , she really wants you to take a stand for yourself , my dear file 2 you have been relying on the guidance of a person for too long and at this point you have almost become dependent on that person but she suggests you to go for a soul searching and finding what you really like to do because the end of the day you should grow old fulfilling your passions and desires , you are already abundant and blessed because of your family hierarchy and how rich have you been You should explore forest and small places for learning about life it feels as if you have grown old but your wisdom needs to be increased, You should pay attention to your hair as it holds wisdom and ancestor knowledge right now You may have dreams crazy dreams take notes of them somebody is trying to communicate to you , your future is in your hands You don't have much time there is a big change coming in for you with the onset of the new change . There could be an extra marital Affair that could change the course of your life beware and make sure you have enough resources to make out of it I see the symbolism of red and white candles you can use them and ask your guides so that they can provide you a clear part of what you can do ahead but they can only help you when you ask for help yourself . Take the stand for yourself to do whatever you are interested in.
Runes :
You're are in the path of self discovery and awakening, re evaluation, talk to your children or the children in your neighborhood, invest in family planning, keep hustling it will be worth it , evolution in relationship, take your medicines regularly.get an eye checkup .
You could be entering or interested in shamanism , you're going through an awakening, you may think something has ended but it's yet to be fulfilled, you could work with chaos magick , there could be some delays but don't worry about it , it will work out , are some of you consuming weed , there's a union in the spiritual plane .
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Pile 3 :
Dear pile 3 , Aset wants to convey that you should be looking after things you choose to nurture , maybe you brought a plant or a pet but you are not paying attention to it she wants you to take into account your responsibilities maybe it could be about the older members in the family, you will be going out on a trip soon and you should take care of yourself physically as well as spiritually I see the vision of an amulet that will be protecting you You should search signs for protection or make a sigil for yourself that will help you for sure , all that you have dreaming will come true, but remember to put efforts for it as nothing comes without trying you are blessed in every field , you will be meeting a new partner soon that will help you realise your potential remember to not sabotage the relationship because you are not healed, try to focus on making yourself stable and creating a balance that will be very essential for you ,work on your sacral chakra , don't dwell on the past the future is brighter than you can imagine , go somewhere near a pond and feel the healing energy, in the next 3 months we will be undergoing a lot of changes and a lot of things that you like but are not good for you will go away from you but remember to know that there is always something that serves in exchange of something that doesn't serve , if there's a group project coming your way then remember to include everyone and not take too much on yourself you are divinely protected.
Runes :
protect your home , work on your masculine energy, make necessary sacrifices, new births , changes , expansion, process of manifestation, look after your well being and health, reorganization.
Dagaz (came up in pile 2 as well you can check it if you want )
You're are in the path of self discovery and awakening, re evaluation, talk to your children or the children in your neighborhood, invest in family planning, keep hustling it will be worth it , evolution in relationship, take your medicines regularly.get an eye checkup .
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That's all , thank you so much for reading i hope it resonates and helps you 🤍
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jerzwriter · 5 months
Different Destinations
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I know I said tomorrow, @juudaimes-true-form, but I couldn't sleep anyway, so I did it now! Thanks so much for the three-word prompt: Jackie, Casey, Postcard. I did have to add Tobias to go in the direction I wanted to with this; I hope you don't mind. 😊
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Featuring: Tobias x Casey Carrick, Jackie Varma Rating: Teen Words: 1,040 Summary: Casey & Jackie are spending a Sunday afternoon together; it's just like their roomie days - but then again, it's not. A/N: For those unfamiliar with my Tobias x Casey HC - Tobias comes from an extremely wealthy background on his father's side, whereas Casey's family really struggled financially. Per canon, Jackie had a childhood more in line with Casey's. This story takes place Post Book 3, about a year after their daughter's birth. @choicesjanuary2024 Day 7 - Reflection
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It was a quiet Sunday afternoon, and it felt like old times. Casey and Jackie were lounging on the couch with a spread of snacks that both would have advised patients against eating laid out before them. That and wine... copious amounts of wine. They spent an hour catching up and laughing, and then they began the painful process of selecting a movie. They had to resort to a flip of a coin, and Jackie groaned when Casey's choices won. Another freaking romcom. Yep, it was just like old times... until a rustling noise from the corner of the room served as a reminder. It wasn't old times, Casey had a husband now.
"Babe," she said, stretching her neck over the couch. "Whatcha doing?"
"I told you, I'm going to go through my storage boxes in the basement. I want to make that area into a play space for Samantha, so I need to clear it out."
"12.5 rooms in this townhome, and you choose to do that in the one we're in?" Jackie quipped.
Tobias replied with a bright grin. "Aw, Jackie... you know I can never stay far away from you. Besides, I thought you might want to see some of my childhood memorabilia."
Jackie rolled her eyes as Casey assured him she'd love to see his trinkets, but they were watching a movie right now. Jackie's eyes flicked toward the screen, and she realized she found her salvation. One last look at Sandra Bullock, and she grabbed the remote.
"You know what, Tobias, this is the perfect opportunity to get to know you better!" She smiled.
"You see!" Tobias replied enthusiastically. "You see Casey! Jackie's making a valiant effort here!"
"Tobias," Casey sighed. "She’s trying to get out of watching The Proposal again.”
Tobias leaned in toward Jackie with a smirk. “Shit, we can bond over that, too.”  
Casey threw a pillow his way. “I can hear you! So, now that you two have interrupted my movie I’ll never know what happened to Sandra and Ryan....”
“Like you haven't seen this twenty times,” Jackie injected.
“... as I was saying, since you interrupted my movie, let’s see what you’ve got there.”
“Well, there’s this,” he grinned, holding up a small, green felt teddy bear that had seen better days.
“Please tell me that has sentimental value," Jackie said, tossing the object to Casey. "Because if it doesn't, and that’s what you’ve chosen to hold on to, I'm going to judge you."
“It does! That’s the first stuffed animal anyone ever won for me at a carnival.”
“Oh, really!” Casey teased. “And who won this for you, dear?”
Tobias sat back, cupping his hands behind his head. “Annabelle Worthington. We were in fifth grade.”
“Wait, shouldn’t you have won it for her?” Jackie mocked.
“We don’t do that sexist shit in this house, Jackie. Besides, I offered to let her keep it, and she said no. I was a hot commodity even then, ladies!"
Both of the women groaned and grabbed their glasses of wine.
“You know, I think we should go back to the movie,” Jackie suggested. “It may be better than your husband.”
Jackie and Casey’s conversation turned back to a patient as Tobias continued to scavenge through the box, soon after, he interrupted them once more.
“Holy shit! Look at this!” He gushed. “I haven’t seen this in forever.”
“What is it?” Casey asked.
Tobias handed them a stack of old postcards and stood over their shoulders to tell them about each one.
“That's when we went to Disney World when I was five. My brother wasn’t around yet, so I got all the attention.”
“Ah, so that's where it began,” Casey jested.
Ignoring her, Tobias tapped on the postcard Jackie was holding.
“And that’s Hawaii. We went to that resort every year. My parents made it a holiday tradition to avoid half our relatives,” he chuckled. “I didn’t realize that last part until I was older.”
“Where is this one from?” Casey asked. 
“That’s Tanzania,” he said enthusiastically. “When we went on a safari for my twelfth birthday! Damn, I have to go find the pictures from that trip!”
After a few more, Tobias gathered the cards and tucked them away in the box. “So what about you guys? Do you have any postcards from your vacation spots growing up?”
Casey and Jackie exchanged a look, eyes glimmering mischievously, they knew what they were about to do.
“Well, I don’t know?” Casey hummed. “But I'll call my mother. I’m sure she saved some. They're probably tucked away in our summer home. What about you, Jackie?”
“Me? Nah, they couldn't possibly be in any of our homes. After all, there were too many! But they may be in our family archives."
“All right...” Tobias said, slightly abashed. But they weren't done with him yet.
“Where did you go most frequently?” Casey asked.
“Me? Usually, the water park... you know... I was lucky because it was right down the street from me. It was open every summer, well... until the firefighters arrived and insisted on recapping the hydrants. Then all the fun was over."
“Oh, yes! We had a waterpark like that in Philly, too! Did you ever go to that location?”
“Nope, can’t say I did! But there was that special year when we went camping... to rough it.”
“Really, and where did you go? The Adirondacks? Jackson Hole?"
“My living room... the gas and electricity was shut off for a few days... that's why we were roughing it.”
"Damn! And you don't have a postcard of that?"
“All right, all right!” Tobias insisted. “I'm sorry. Sometimes, I forget that everyone wasn't an entitled ass like I was."
“Was?” Jackie smirked.
“Really, I’m sorry. I'm an idiot."
“Yeah," Casey grinned, reaching over to pat his but. "But you’re a cute idiot."
“Speak for yourself on that!" Jackie stated as she stuffed Cheeto in her mouth.
“Will you forgive me if I make you ladies homemade pizza for dinner?"
“That would be a start,” Casey nodded. “If you go get us ice cream for dessert, I think I can let it go.”
“Speak for yourself,” Jackie kidded. “I’m not forgiving him until he takes me to Tanzania!”
Tobias scurried out of the room, and Casey flipped the TV back on to Jackie’s great disappointment.
“You know, he’s really not an ass,” Casey insisted. “But every now and then, he forgets we weren’t all to the manor born.”
“Oh, I know,” Jackie shrugged. “But I hope he says something stupid like that every time I come over."
“Really? Why?”
“Because the man makes a great homemade pizza."
Thanks so much for reading! :)
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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xvxnux · 1 year
` ♡ ~ lost in career ~ `
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` pic one ,
you who connected with this pile may be lost, you don’t know what to do or where to go. don’t know what career to pursue. you may feel that you have no place in the world and that you are not likely to have a good career or be able to bear fruit. don’t worry because this is a moment of confusion, it’s a situation that wears you out and makes you stop. you are misaligned with the career you want and for the simple fact that you have not decided to follow career x. your career is a path that will allow you to travel a lot and even do some kind of monitoring, it can allow you to leave the country. i see that you will have a lot of love for what you are going to do and you probably already know what you want to do but you may find it impossible or that it will not give you a comfortable life (on my free readings and in one of these readings there was a person with a very similar situation… maybe she chooses that option or not, i hope she reads) but yes, it will give you a comfortable life and everything will contribute to that because you love what you going to do and will perform like no one else, it will make a difference. you will be happy and everything will flow. i also see that you may meet an important person on this journey. maybe it’s a soulmate.
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` pic two ,
i see that, unlike pile 1, you are already on your way, you already know or have an idea of ​​the career you want to follow. here isee two situations. the first one; you may be in high school and already studying for what you want to follow and you may be going through a not very good moment in your studies and that makes you think that you will not get what you want. you may have had a low income and that frustrated you, making you doubt and discredit everything you want/dream about. but it’s just a moment, don’t give up and keep improving because yes, you will get exactly what you want! and for other people; i see that they are already on the way, they may be studying what they like and want but i see that they went through a moment where they felt incapable of not pursuing the course/graduation of what they want to pursue as a career. in this case i advise you not to give up because the situation will improve and give you clarity about the next step you have to take. anyway for all situations it is a career that will bring financial stability, it is as if every day you will have something new, something happening. people who chose this option may have a hectic routine during the execution of this career (i say after graduating). it will be a career that will allow you to successively sow and reap.
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` pic three ,
this was definitely the biggest one, i considered all cards that fell as well as the other piles. this pile is very specific and may not resonate with everyone! this pile tells me about people who are forwarded, already studying and are in a different phase from the other piles. here he tells me about people who are not doing what they would like to follow in the future, that is, they may be studying medicine and want to be artists, for example. here i see that people want to get to a specific place and are working and studying something that will make it easier for them to get there. for other people I see that they are definitely not doing something they want and they may have been guided by their parents to follow this career and after dedicating themselves to what they really want. for people who are studying and/or working with something that will make it easier for them to reach a certain destination, i see that it will be a little lighter due to the fact that they are determined and determined to get to a place x, this can be a country or a city or even a specific professional area. for other people, i see that from the beginning it’s been difficult because it’s something totally different from what you want, they’re probably doing it to please their parents or those responsible for paying for the studies, for example. it will continue to be a little difficult for the person not to like it at all. if it is your decision to stay, i see that among all these bad and exhausting phases you will be able to finish and please the parents and i also see that a person can make this journey lighter for you and yes, it is a love and it can be a person from the same college or same course as you!! and for the other situation, i see that it will not be easy, but yes, it is a smart decision because it can facilitate and benefit you in the future, if you want to go to another country or professional area!
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