#I thought you might like some cool art ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
stick-by-me · 7 months
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Just the two of us!
New follower sticker for: @nodrey!
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arcadekitten · 1 year
Hi Arcadekitten!!! I recently played ‘Sweet No Death’ and I absolutely LOVED it!!! The art was amazing, and It was like a perfect balance of cuteness and horror, and was also kinda…. Deep, in a way? Anyhow, I really enjoyed it :) and Ruuuby was my favorite <3
I have a few questions and headcanons about the game, as well! May I ask you some questions, please?
1) Does Stella like Lambchop back? Or rather… CAN she like him back? In the game it doesn’t seem that she had any sort of attraction to him whatsoever, but is the potential there? Their relationship is complicated, but it’s also really cute in a way :)
2) Where did Stella come from? We know that she arrived on a shooting star, but is there a chance that she came from the original Noisrevverse (did I spell it right? Idk) as well? If so, I have a lot of theories…
3) How did Stella obtain her god-savior complex, anyways? Was she always like this, or did some event in her past that made her this way? Also, how did she get so powerful? Stella is arguably the most powerful Noisrevian (again, did I spell it right?) by far… was she just naturally that powerful or did she have to work her way up to be?
4) Why was Lambchop the only one to gain self-awareness while the others were just… blind? I know that you said he became ‘disillusioned…’ but why was he the only one who thought “Hey, this is kinda freaky??? What the heck???” While no one else did? Is there some kind of symbolism in this, or…
5) Okay, this is technically not a question and more of an observation, but while I was playing Sweet No Death I kept drawing parallels to Venna the Witch from your other game, Crowscare. Her extreme power and controlling, manipulative nature resembling Stella’s, and her love for blood and meat resembling Lambchop’s. Also, the true ending of Sweet No Death (where Stella covers the whole town in fake blood and guts) reminds me of the Blood Moon ending in Crowscare… not to mention the whole ‘shaping the world into my own image’ thing that they both have going on… Was this intentional? If so, that’s pretty cool! :)
6) Relating to the last question, would Venna, Stella and Lambchop ever get along if they met? I personally feel that Stella and Venna would make an unlikely, but close friendship (Opposites attract, but platonicly!) trading potion recipes, talking about their plans for world domination, things like that… though Stella may have to restrain Venna from murdering her friends 😅 As for Lambchop… well, I’ll leave that up to you!
7)And finally… why DOES Lambchop still love Stella, anyways? Hmm….🤔
Thank you so much for reading my questions (even though idk if you’ll actually answer ‘em… I don’t blame you, lol. It is A LOT.) and once again, thank you for creating such an awesome game!! I look forward to playing more of your awesome games as well! :D Have a good day/night/whatever time zone you’re in rn :)
I'm so happy to hear you like it, thank you so much!! ♡ I'll try to answer these to the best of my ability!!
I'd say the potential is definitely there! She may already like him like that without even knowing it herself. I mean, look at the gifts in her room and how differently she describes Lambchop's gift from Ruuuby and Raj's. ---
I don't think she came from like any sort of "more proper Noisrev" or anything like that. She did come FROM the stars! Y'know how everyone says people are made of stardust? Well this girl is like, almost concentrated stardust, y'know? ---
Stella is naturally this powerful!! And if you have this kind of power, wouldn't you try to use it to help others? ---
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ---
Nothing intentional! Kinda just seems like natural similarities between their stories especially being the genre they are. ---
I mean, Stella might be able to get along talking about magic and whatever, but if she found out that Venna was an abusive mother I'm not sure if Stella would be able to stomach her a second longer. She already feels bad for what her friends are going through (even if she helps them after), I don't think she'd be comfortable with the idea of a child having gone through such traumatic experiences with no "out". Also I DEFINITELY wouldn't say that Stella is planning for "world domination". I think some of you villainize Stella a bit too much! Lambchop likes blood and gore. Enough said. ---
Why wouldn't he love Stella? She's a dreamboat! She's adorable! But for real, while Stella is very adorable, Lambchop loves Stella because she makes him feel alive.
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kestrel-wish · 11 days
Wish the Lego plushies weren't made of the worst material known to mankind. I have two of them ( A blue classic spaceman guy that i modified just a little bit and Cole from Ninjago I am a woefully predictable guy. Want to get the Emmet one too, the one that was made for the second lego movie(?) eventually. he looks so ugly. 💔 ) and they're so silly they look great, if a bit pleasantly misshapen, as all good plushies are, of course. The embroidered details look absolutely fantastic and bold and well done and they're great plushies overall but holding them is absolute agony why must they be so crunchy. Once again I am plagued by the curse of sensory issues. Why must something look silly and friend shaped but touching it being like rubbing paper towels on the nerves of my teeth. I desire to hold a little fella and yet I cannot, must be content with merely looking. 😔 Very uncool. Also for some reason there's no Zane one from my knowledge? If there was I would definitely have one but there isn't. Hence me having the Cole one he's my second favorite he's also Awesome. I don't know why, though? Looked a few times i can't find records of an official Zane one anywhere. Cowabummer. If anyone knows why there isn't one I would to know. It just seems like a strange absence, but that might just be a 'me being not normal about him again' thing than anything. Like, why, though? They have at least one of a good chunk of characters, even if they may be on the older side. So sad, no love for my favorite nindroid guy that's also very uncool. At first i assumed it might have be like a details thing where it'd be too hard embroidery wise to justify making; especially if they went for one of his more robotic designs and not a more 'human' cloaked one. Since the lines on his face might complicate things but Sora's is incredibly detailed design wise even for her face markings , and she has a plush. So , not really not sure what that's all about. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Maybe it's more of a demand thing, which would be fair. Like, ofc there'd be less demand for him compared to like, Lloyd or Kai they're quite marketable, or for the newer main characters like Sora and Arin, in that case that makes sense to me. That's the most likely reason i'm assuming. Anyways C'mon Who do i have to bribe at Lego to make them consider making an official one for him. pspsps i'll offer up my soul. One wonderful vaguely human soul up for grabs pspsps c'mon. Not like I use it much anyways. I Yap about this often on other things i get stuck back on this like a broken record , if you can't tell already. Very normal about plushies. Totally don't think they're cool or anything. Sorry for the long yap session yes this is what I will post instead of spending time doing productive things, like making art or at least typing out a funny thought i am so sorry. Need to spend time better.
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nuclear-cowboy · 1 year
Tagged by @callcenterkilljoy to do 15 questions, 15 mutuals
Were you named after anyone? My first name? No. But my middle name I stole from an actor cause I thought it was cool
When was the last time cried? Like. Earlier today. I will cry tomorrow as well. That's how it goes.
Do you have kids? Absolutely not. Please god no. I am barely a functioning person. Also I'm not old enough for this to be considered
Do you use sarcasm alot? Sometimes? I dunno a normal about? You ask me to hand you something and I will say no while handing it to you. I guess this is sarcasm
What's the first thing you notice about people? I don't know if there is anything in particular I notice? Usually it depends on the person I suppose. I'm also just a pretty unobservent when it comes to people honestly ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's your eye colour? Brown. I do have sectoral heterochromia in one of my eyes but it's just a darker brown so it's not really noticeable. It's kinda cool though
Any special talents? I can make bubble sound effects. I can solve a rubix cube. I can bend just the top joint of my pinkie finger. My thumbs bend backwards. Actually useful special talents? no not really lol
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings usually. But this is mainly just cause I barely watched anything ever so most movies I have watched I watched when I was a kid. But I do love horror as a genre and I have a whole lot of horror movies I want to watch so my answer might change
Where were you born? Aoteroa
What are your hobbies? A lot of drawing, in theory dnd (but I hardly ever play so mostly its just worldbuilding for fun), playing music, I go through phases of various handcrafts
Do you have any pets? I say i have 3 1/2 cats, They're of varying levels of feralness. Gonzo who was a kitten when we found him is basically just a house cat. Spud will occasionally cuddle but is pretty skittish. Lion you can pat sometimes but he's really scared of people, and Nala is basically a complete wild.
What sports do you play/have played? I did ballet for like 7 years growing up. I played one season of football (soccer if you're american). And then on and off muay thai, mma, and wrestling
How tall are you? 5'3
Favourite subject in school? Drama or history probably. I was a chemistry nerd but I dropped it as a subject. It got to much about the maths for me
Dream job? For the most part I don't have one, I do not dream of labor etc etc. But for the sake of the question I'd like to be a tattoo artist. I dunno I just want a job that I can be a functional person and make art and have hobbies and live my silly little life. And I need to be able to make art in some form or else I will simply die so. whatever I can manage
Tagging the mutuals i hope yall dont mind, obviously you don't have to do this, it's chill either way. You all are really cool and tagging this many people makes my anxious. Hope yall are having a good day (。•̀ᴗ-)♡
@probablyahazard @horsecursed-cowboy @myc0l0gy @cowboycunt @alittleannihilation @draculagerard @bugfag @transaurus @mtmblid @faithdeans @kentuckycaverats @styxnbones @wormtiddies @shadowgast4t @deadmervsociety
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saint-bestial · 1 year
Astral, Ryoga, Mizael for the ask game!
oooh three guys let's see. my zexal rewatch was a while ago so i might be fuzzy on some things. ty for the ask i'm gonna answer as best i can for everyone Sorry if i forget anything!!
General opinion: I like him! probably one of my A tier zexal characters. solid character but did not give me a disease. Ship I like: ok so this is probably really off the wall but two of my mutuals wrote this fic with kaito/astral and got me way more invested in that pairing. if there's a ship name for them i forget </3 Non-romantic pairing: i love a good non-romantic reading of astral and yuma. i'm pretty neutral on romantic keyship (like i am with most pairings tbh). NOTP: i don't really have one for him! Headcanon: i'm drawing a blank here :( Fanfic: yeah i need to think about this hm. sorry Something that makes me think of them: kitty. that one scene where his eyes get all big? i think because he tasted food for the first time. yeah that's so kitty to me Ryoga!
General opinion: dude wouldn't it be fucked up if we put a dead guy's soul in a dead kid's body and then had him live a relatively normal life only for him to realize that he was not in fact a middle schooler but actually an alien demon thus destroying his previous personality. wait you Did That? Ship I like: like i've said shipping is not really my main Thing but sharkbait is fine. though there's other yuma ships i like more. Non-romantic pairing: his beef with vector. it's just fun your honor NOTP: hellshark/disqualify. sorry. i'm one of the few IV stans who doesn't like it. it's one of the tiny number of ship tags i actually have blacklisted. this was mostly for self shipping reasons but also i just don't like it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Headcanon: i think he can be going to the aquarium Fanfic: can we talk about how weird it would be for him to return to school and shit after the end of zexal like that's clearly a different guy. his middleschoolersona is dead. people would pick up on that no??? i think it has potential. i love you zexal the existential horror card game anime. Something that makes me think of them: sharks, fish, the horrors. you know. typical ryoga stuff. also the c32 card i must've opened dozens of abyss rising blisters to get when i was a kid. Mizael!
General opinion: anon. i've been rubbing my hands together since i saw that you included him. ah. this blond bitch. you know, i was into ygo when zexal was airing. and my little 10-11 year old dragon obsessed brain saw mizael and imprinted on him immediately. oh and you can bet i was sending asks to those character ask blogs to know his opinion on only the most important affairs. and you can definitely bet your ass that i watched the moon duel and cried as soon as the subs came out. takes me back to a simpler time. upon rewatch i did not latch onto him as i had previously. but he still holds a degree of importance to me because of the history. Ship I like: this is another situation where i don't really have one but a lot of galaxymaster art is cute and also involves dragons so. that's cool Non-romantic pairing: him and jinlon. i love human and dragon partnerships what can i say NOTP: don't have one! Headcanon: i think he is a dragonfucker your honor Fanfic: See Above. Something that makes me think of them: my ultimate rare tachyon dragon card from the set it came out in i got as a gift one year and thought i lost but found buried in my dresser still completely intact. it sits safely in the first page of my card binder now with all my other favorites.
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hanjifuck · 3 years
.˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆ stray kids ideal types - series .˚。⋆ ༊ .˚。⋆
lee know version ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ
based on their birth charts! s2
✧*:.。. t/n: i’ll be using SIDEREAL astrology on this one. it’s also important to say that when we talk about romance in astrology we have to fully analyse the couple’s birth charts individualy at first and only then apply compatibility analysis so we’re able to check out the synastry overlays.
✧*:.。. t/n: kinda proofread.
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firts of all, i'll be taking a different approach to minho's birth chart as his' way different from chris'. with him we're gonna look at other placements.
let's use Lacan (1985) as a method to examine the relationship he has between the "i" and the "others". when we look at a Möbius strip it's possible to see that if we turn one side of the two surfaces of the band, we find ourselves outside, while the other finds itself inside the circle. which leads us into thinking about how much of "i" is in the "other" and how much of the "other" is in "i". even if we look at houses of the self, it's percepcion will only be seen on others. our notion of individuality is created trough the mirror offered by the other (the mirror stage).
the basics:
someone who has the sun in gemini, libra or aquarius;
moon in cancer, scorpio or pisces. leo and aquarius moons are a NO;
venus in aries, aquarius or sagittarius;
jupiter in gemini.
obviously there’s way more aspects to look into to see if a relationship would work but i’d rather not go too deep into it right now.
a person who above all things is his friend first. he wants to make friends with the person he likes because he's not the most romantic.
someone full of surprises, who excites him in differents ways everyday. boi wants an adventurous and unique love. he loves the drama and the unexpected.
a person who has knowledge about unusal things/likes to read about all types of things. interesting personality is a MUST for him. he loves being around strange people because he doesn't want to be bored. when it's about fun he likes to engage in all sorts of not-usual activities, what seems the strangest is also what’s best.
not-into-fairy-tales-romance type of person. he wants to be around someone who's interesting and makes him curious, so their meetings are most of the time unusual. i don't think you should expect the whole wine and dine type of thing from him, specially because he can give you way more. <3
someone who likes being around groups and is good at socializing. i know this can trigger some people but hear me out, he's happy when collaborating with others and functioning in groups. when he's having fun he wants to be part of the noisiest events, so it’s normal to see him at concerts or big art related events.
a non-judgmental person. it's not that he's scared of you "not accepting" him or whatever, believe me he does not care about this. he has to live to the fullest and to be unusual. he expresses his creativity in his own way. he wants to feel excitement when it comes to a relationships, so if you're too worried about what other people will think it won't work.
a person who wouldn't be a strict parent, if it's a long-term relationship we're talking about. his kids are very likely going to have strong aquarius/uranus energy on their birth charts, meaning his chiquitos would be as accentric as he is. he wants his children to express their individuality and be themselves. he's really good with children as well, having a great way of communicating with his kids, making them mentally strong and independent. yet he may tend to stress his kids with education stuff related cus he feels they should pursue their interests. cool dad™. will be good friends with his kids (the children will be as funny as he is).
someone who's not traditional. a rebel when it comes to love and don’t prefer to date the traditional way. he wants to fall in love with your mind. his dating ways can be unusual, maybe online since he has a kick for technological advancements. he can be strange when it comes to sex as well.
but is still a 100% monogamy. the king needs to rule ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. he wants to be the center of attention, he can be a bit domineering even. he may be a bit possessive or jealous, but tries to hide it. expects absolute loyalty from you. his kinks? a lot of love, affection, and admiration.
a person who's not scared of experimenting. he wants to try everything at least once.
a "modern" person. minho has always been interested in technology. he gives me big nerdy energy. he's quick to respond to his creativity urges.
someone who has a longing for learning. he enjoys traveling and learning about technology, psychology, philosophy etc. deep and philosophic conversations are a must (but don't get it twisted he enjoys humor more than anything). he's unhappy with what he's being given, he's always looking to improve things and his thoughts.
a person who's comfortable with silence as well. even tho he loves having fun with other people he's still kinda a loner who doesn't need to interact with other humans or to talk very much.
someone passive. would like it better if the person's willing to give him the spotlight. wants to be paided attention to, wants you to worship him. his fantasies probably revolve around devotion. ofc he enjoys giving his effort to you as long as he receive the same back, too. disobeying is a no.
a feminine and elegant person. rude or harsh behavior and crudeness about sex are a no. you must have a sparkling physical appearance as well.
easy conversationalist. def not into monosyllabic communicators. he's prideful, he won’t back off from a conflict that involves his own principles so it's essential for you to be good with words, too. fights can be commom in the relationship.
someone who enjoys praising him. don't forget to show your appreciation for all that he’s doing. wants you to see him as the confident man that he is and the man that will fulfill all your dreams.
a 100% honest person. you deceive him, he will just leave and not turn back. he finds it hard to forgive. again, he wants his partner to worship him. he works hard to make sure you leave idolizing him, so his feelings will get very hurt if he finds out later on that you were “faking” things. he will feel inadequate and insecure.
patiente. he can be easy to offend or to be hurt quite easily. you may need to walk on eggshells sometimes. when you first meet him, he might come off as a bit unattainable but don't be discouraged.
a person who doesn't get scared by his feelings. when he's actually in love, he will fall head over heels. if he thinks you're a match he wants to make sure nobody else will ever get you. he can easily get caught up in the moment and be impulsive. he wants to attract your attention as soon as possible after he realises he loves you, and it will be in an obvious and eccentric way. he wants you to remember him for a lifetime. his placements makes him one of the most emotional individuals, he feels love, anger, disappointment, happiness and so on, at a much greater level.
someone who stands out. he has always attracted a lot of attention since he has a gravitational energy, so it won't be just anyone who's going to catch his eyes. as a child, he felt very different from the people he was surrounded by. he loved and still love anything that is labeled as odd by others and he likes to feel like he's strange.
someone who's interested in humanitarian work.
a person who's flexible. he needs someone who's willing to take risks with him. someone who's in to enjoy the ride.
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Word of Honor - Episode 4 Part 1 - Horsing Around
Oh and we’re starting off with such a lovely establishing shot too!
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Even if these guys were going crazy in the corner here. Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle.
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[aw nuts]
Poor Wen KeXing looks so bored and lonely waiting for his boys to show up. So patient. So dedicated. You just don’t find stalkers like this now-a-days. It’s all online. They don’t even put in the proper footwork.
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Fuck they’re here! Alright Wen KeXing! Stay calm! Play it cool! Suave and debonair just like we practiced! You got this! You GOT this!
“Oh? Y’all woke up? Now that you’re here would you like to sample my nuts?” FLAWLESS!
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♪Say my naaame say my naaame♪
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Well whatever. Here. Have some horses.
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This humble best boy thanks you most kindly for spoiling me as well since you have the hots for the person looking out for me. :D
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“We met by chance”???? Son I have literally been stalking you for days! (weeks? I’m not sure on the time frame). Don’t you belittle my effort here!
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Time cannot measure the depth of... mm... how do I put this in a kid friendly way... Mmmm let’s just say... Your Uncle Zhou and I are really good friends ;) ;) ;)
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Sorry to interrupt your flirting but the plot wanted to introduce itself to you again. :D
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Um excuse us. We were working on a found family plot. Can you please wait your fucking turn?
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After blindly trusting a bunch of strangers, ChengLing finally finds himself learning about the concept of “stranger danger”. He cozies up to one of the strangers he blindly trusted earlier to hope he will protect him from the new strangers.
Wen KeXing is maybe a little jealous of the proximity.
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Even though I just went off about the dangers of strangers, I do love how much ChengLing trusts him. Like seriously. And to be fair Zhou ZiShu has proven his trustworthiness a few times over by now. But yeah. Just. I love these characters. I love them.
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Leader Shen? Never heard of the bitch. Be on your way.
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Beggar Gang: *Starts to drop friendly pretense and become more threatening* Wen KeXing: Try it bitch. I don’t need red eyeliner to fuck you up.
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“Why don’t you give up being a beggar and become a lawyer instead?”
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Okay Wen KeXing I am going to trust you for the first time to do something very very important, okay? Watch my boy. Do you understand?
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Bitch pls
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Superhero landing!! (Very hard on the knees)
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He kicked so hard he knocked the camera into a dutch angle!
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Dem abs must be ROCKIN’! Well as the say, Waist not, Want not. ;)
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Aw nuts
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Hmmmmmm Interesting 🤔
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One man has the bright idea to stop fighting the random blue guy and just take the kid.
Give this man a promotion.
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Wen KeXing has one job (to watch ChenLing) but even taking that purely literally he’s not even doing that right.
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We interrupt this martial arts tournament to bring you this clip from the Looney Tunes.
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Wen KeXing you asshole! I gave you ONE job!
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What? you told me to watch him so I’m watching him! I’m watching him run around!
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He’s cute. But you’re cuter. ;) ;) ;)
Le Gasp! Do you? My Dearest A-Xu? Require my assistance? Do you desire my help? My support? My cooperation? My Reinforcement? For me? Little old me? to back you up?????
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Then you’d better fucking say it. >;)
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Aw beans
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We interrupt your Looney Tunes clip to bring you a different Looney Tunes clip.
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And now back to your previously interrupting Looney Tunes clip.
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This shit was purely for the aesthetic.
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Really? Really??? We’re going with the ‘rolled up wet towel’ technique? Where did you train for this one? The men’s locker room?
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“Your soft sword is too soft”
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I take back what I said about this guy being smart. Jump over the tale. Throw the table. Move faster. He’s 14 and not well trained in martial arts. Just fucking grab him!!! (Also do not grab him you are not worthy to touch the best boy. )
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Commence Fight Phase 2. Enemy weapons upgraded.
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Uh guys? Thanks for the offer to help, but the stubble is an intentional aesthetic choice.
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Another superhero landing
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This time with 24% more blood! :D
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Wait! Someone might actually be able to lay a hand on my future husband????
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Aw nuts
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🎳 Strike!!!🎳
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Such a good boy. <3
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Zhou ZiShu finally remembers watching Howl’s Moving Castle and takes ChenLing to the sky. Bye losers!
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Oh look. My crush left. Guess I don’t have to hide that I’m evil anymore :D :D :D
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This is a good shot.
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Jesus fuck.
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Okay I may be Ace as FUCK but even I can appreciate this scene.
Local Man pretending to be deathly ill starting to accidentally reveal that he may actually be deathly ill.
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ChengLing is just so sweet and genuinely thoughtful of others! Like it’s his first instinct always to be kind, especially to those he cares about. Just
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Unfortunately Zhou ZiShu is a prickly hedgehog.
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Hmmmm I see a cicada.
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Uuuuugh... gross. :|
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Always remember to wash your hands as often as possible. :D
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What the actual fuck? I was gone for 15 fucking minutes????
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Neeyyeyyyyyuuuughhh DX DX DX
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thesupergirls · 3 years
liv help!!! i want to start reading sg comics but idk where to start ://
I imagine I will ramble way too much so let's pop a read more in
Honestly? I'd start with the new 52 series. the new 52 did a lot of characters dirty and the costume is. uh. not good but I actually really enjoyed new 52 supergirl. the origin story for her is miles better than, say, her 2005 run. Last Daughter of Krypton is honestly a really good introduction to her character imo. Also Red Daughter of Krypton is one of my all time favourite stories because I love angry kara lol
Personally I don't like rebirth very much and thought some of its better storylines were still just worse rehashes of stuff we have done before but it does continue on from new 52 so ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ up to you I guess
You will probably see lots of people recommend supergirl: being super as a place to start, it's a cute, short, not canon alternate origin for kara and the art is lovely but I actually don't agree that it's the best place to start? idk it's a good story, just not one of my favourites
My personal favourite supergirl run is the gates/igle run and I would absolutely recommend it but I don't think it makes a good starting point, because it starts in the middle of the 2005 supergirl series, and the first half of that series is god. awful. you could skip straight to the new krypton saga and the gates/igle run but I'm gonna assume no supergirl knowledge and therefore I think it's best to start with an origin, like the new 52. If you do end up wanting to read the 2005 series from the beginning, it might help to read superman/batman: the supergirl from krypton first (or just watch the superman/batman: apocalypse movie, its a pretty accurate adaptation and a solid movie)
Another of my favourite supergirl stories is many happy returns, the last story of the 1996 supergirl series. this series is actually about Linda Danvers supergirl Not kara zor el but kara shows up for this last story. again, I'm not sure it's a good starting point, but if you have some background knowledge about the supergirls and once you have read some other comics, I really love this story. be warned though it did make me cry and it doesn't have a happy ending. I'm also not gonna recommend the rest of the 1996 supergirl series unless you specifically want to read Linda Danvers. it's a lot weird and super religious? like it has some good moments and the flame wings are cool as hell but for the most part it's not worth it
If you are into older comics, I personally liked the 1982 series and you could dive into that but older comics aren't for everyone and I get that. it also doesn't have an origin story, so maybe not the place to start
while we are here, I also love karas story in dcs nuclear winter special (milf kara supremacy); the steph/kara team up in stephs batgirl run is really cute; woman of tomorrow is shaping up to be a pretty good supergirl series; and if you like elseworlds, Kara is a major character in Gotham City garage (although some of the art is awful)
tldr: as much as people hate the new 52 for other characters, I do genuinely believe it's a good starting place for Supergirl, and hopefully I've interested you in some other supergirl stories as well
supergirl continuity and stuff is surprisingly confusing, so if you have any questions or if you would just like some more recommendations please don't hesitate to ask
also I have a guide to the history of kara and the other supergirls floating around here somewhere, I'll reblog it for easy access in case you are interested
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lightsupinthenorth · 4 years
Harringrove teachers AU part 3
Part 1 - Part 2 
Thank you to everyone who read, liked and/or reblogged the previous parts. Also, the people who said something nice in the tags or in reactions own my heart. Just thought you should know ;) <3 
Tag list: @twoprettyboys, @inkedplume​, @marianaosborne​, @liglitterbug​, @hmg621 @spreckle @goldenweatherharringrove @yikesharringrove @yogurtfordinner @wingedbears @charlotte-frey @hargrovesharrington​
If anyone wants to be added to or taken off the tag list for the future posts of this AU, let me know ;)
I hope the tags are working because I recently had some trouble with them (ah, Tumblr is a mess). 
I was planning on keeping the chapters short but every part has been longer than the last so far ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (then again, it’s still pretty short so I guess it’s fine ^^). 
I’ll stop rambling now.
Billy didn’t know how he had ended up in this situation, this situation being Steve and he making out in the otherwise empty teachers’ lounge, but he certainly wasn’t complaining. He wanted to keep Steve’s soft lips on his forever. Sadly, he didn’t get his way: there was a loud bang, and suddenly Steve’s lips were gone. Steve was gone too, as well as the teachers’ lounge. Billy woke up at home, in his bed, hard as a rock in the basket-ball shorts he was wearing as pajamas.
Great, he got an erection just from dreaming he and Steve were kissing. What was he? A teenager? That was pathetic.
Billy was considering rubbing one out, despite the embarrassment, but there was another loud bang that made him remember why he had woken up in the first place.
What the fuck was happening this early on a Saturday?
Billy instantly worried Max had fallen or, worse, that someone had broken into the flat and would hurt her (highly improbable in such a small town, but Billy wasn’t alert enough to be logical). The concern killed his arousal in two seconds tops. He shot up from bed and exited his bedroom in a hurry.
He found Max in their open kitchen, mixing what appeared to be pancakes ingredients.
“What was that noise?” He asked, in lieu of a greeting.  
“I dropped the pan. Sorry.”
“There were two noises.”
“I dropped the mixing bowl too. Let me live! It’s your fault, you stored both these things on the highest shelf” Max complained.
“Hey, no need for a defense, I’m not accusing you. I was just worried, shitbird.”
“Oh… well, I’m okay.”
“And you’re making pancakes, so I’m certainly not going to complain.” Billy added.
“Who told you I was making some for you?”
Billy pouted, even though he knew Max was bluffing. He could see the amount of batter in the mixing bowl. She had quite an appetite, but there was no way she’d be able to eat all of that on her own.
“So mean, so early in the morning.”
“What can I say, I love messing with you.”  
Paradoxically, Billy was happy that she did. When they had first met, he’d been a perpetually angry teenager, and teeny tiny Max had done everything she could to stay out of his way. Once Susan had announced she was ill, though, Billy had tried his hardest to be the brother Max deserved. After Susan’s death, Billy had looked after Max and kept her safe from his father until he had turned legal. He had then fought to get Max away from Neil and had obtained full custody of her.  
It had been hard to balance getting his degree, working part-time jobs, and taking care of Max. Even more so with Neil trying to steer trouble every now and again. But they had made it out alright, in the hand, and Billy didn’t regret a second of it.
“Sit your ass down.” Max said as she turned the stove on.
“Oh no, no way. You ‘sit your ass down’. I’ll take it from here.”
Max was good at finding the best recipes and at mixing ingredients, but the cooking process was another thing entirely: she had nearly burned the kitchen down almost every time she had tried using the oven or the stove. Her cooking privileges had been revoked after the fifth time.
“Ugh, fine.”
Billy had two plates full on pancakes in no time. He put one in front of Max and went to sit down with his own on the other side of the table. The second his ass touched his chair, Max asked:
“So, you have plans with Steve and Robin this afternoon?”
Billy frowned.
“First of all, it’s Mrs. Buckley and Mr. Harrington for you”, he started, just to get on her nerves (he didn’t give a fuck how she called her teachers), “and second, how do you know that?”
Max arched an eyebrow.
“You literally talked about it with Steve right in front of me yesterday”, she said, ignoring Billy’s reprimand (no surprise, there).
“Oh… right… I did.”
Truthfully, Billy had stopped paying attention to Max and El the second he had laid eyes on Steve and the dumb spot of blue paint that had been resting on his cheek as if it had any right to.
“So, what are you guys going to do?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but we’re going to grade papers.”
“Well, that’s exciting.”
Her sarcasm was off the charts.
“Tell me about it”, Billy mumbled, around a mouthful of pancake.
“Ew, gross.”
Billy stuffed even more pancake into his mouth, in defiance, before he spoke again:
“So, Art club, uh? What’s up with that?”
They hadn’t had an opportunity to talk about it the day before, because Friday night was movie night, and they had eaten dinner in front of the tv. Plus, Billy would have been too distracted to hold a conversation (Steve hadn’t left his mind).
“Steve said I should come. He noticed I haven’t been speaking to a lot of people, and he said it might help to do an activity in a smaller group…” Max wasn’t looking at Billy as she explained.
“Anyway, I think he was right. He’s the best!” She beamed as she said it, finally looking up from her slowly but surely diminishing pile of pancakes.
“That’s good. I’m glad.”
Billy was glad, really. He was also a bit frustrated that Steve had managed to talk to Max about making friends, when Billy hadn’t known how to bring it up without offending her, but he wasn’t petty enough to show he had a problem with it. Even if Max calling Steve “the best” was treason of the highest order, Billy just wanted her to be happy. If Steve’s intervention helped more than Billy himself could, then so be it.
They finished breakfast, got ready for the day and then went grocery shopping. As they got back to the flat, Max went to her room to chill, and Billy read for a while before he started preparing lunch. Keeping busy distracted him from thinking about seeing Steve in the afternoon. Well, he didn’t think about it too much, at least.
When Billy made his way into the coffee shop, Steve and Robin were already seated, talking animatedly… in another language.
“Hi. Was that Italian?”
They must not have noticed him approaching, because as soon as he greeted them, they stopped talking, and Steve looked up at him like a deer caught in the headlights.
“Hey Billy”, Robin said, “as a matter of fact, it was.”
“Don’t you teach French and Spanish?”
Billy was perplexed.
“I do. Doesn’t mean I don’t speak Italian.”
“It figures”, Billy shrugged.
He wanted to ask Steve where he had learnt Italian, because it intrigued him. However, he chose not to. He didn’t want to talk to him unless it was necessary. It’d be better for everyone if they had the bare minimum of interactions together, surely.
“Are these new piercings?” Robin asked, gesturing toward his ears.
“Uh, no. I’ve had them for a long time. I just don’t wear them at school.”
“Well, you should. They look really cool, and I’m sure no one would have anything to say about it.”
Billy stared at Steve pointedly, but Steve looked away as soon as he caught his gaze.
“I’ll think about it.” Billy finally said.
Steve and Robin already had their orders, so Billy took his wallet from his bag and went to the counter. He glanced at the display case and eyed the cherry pie with envy, but decided against it. After this morning’s pancakes, it wouldn’t be reasonable. Plus, he hadn’t hit the gym in a few days. He had to start indulging less if he wanted to stay in shape. He went for a simple black coffee. As the burly man behind the counter, whom Billy guessed to be Benny, asked him if he wanted anything else, Billy nearly surrendered, but he powered through. He handed Benny a ten-dollar bill and put the change he was given in one of his pockets.
When Billy went back to their table with his cup of coffee, Steve was blowing on his cup of steaming hot tea. Billy’s eyes caught on the ‘o’ shape of Steve’s lips, which reminded him of his dream. He averted his eyes, praying to God he wasn’t blushing, now that he couldn’t hide it behind his tan anymore (screw Hawkins, Indiana).
As Billy sat down, he noticed Steve had a piece of the pie he’d been eyeing. Not fair. He nearly started pouting but caught himself. After all, his pie-less state was his own fault. Why did he have to be reasonable?
Billy took his pen and the essays he had to grade out of his backpack to give himself something to focus on. But then Steve started eating. And he moaned. Quite obscenely.
“Mh, this is so good. Benny is a magician. You guys want a bite?”
Billy really wanted to say yes, not only because he wanted pie, but because Steve was the one offering. It would have been weird, though? Right?
“No thanks” he ended up saying. What a hard thing to say.
Robin had no such qualms. She needn’t have, since she and Steve were actually friends. Not only did she get to experience Steve warmth and kindness, she also got a bite of his pie. Did she even know how lucky she was?
Billy got into his grading. And he was already past the no-pouting stage of the afternoon. It sucked to be him, sometimes.
“You should probably wait for Steve to finish eating… and drinking too, to be honest, before you put your students’ paper on the table. That man is a disaster.”
Billy had to admit Robin was right. He ate lunch with Steve on a regular basis, and had therefore seen him spill a bunch of things on himself. Thankfully, nothing he had ever spilled had reached Billy, so they were probably safe.
“Oh come on! We’re on opposite ends of the table.” Steve objected.
“I know, but I’m sure you’d find a way.”
Steve scoffed but didn’t try to argue his case any further. He looked adorably ruffled when Robin laughed at his expanse.
They didn’t say anything more for a while, as they were finally doing what they had come here to do. At some point, though, Robin brought up a point one of her students had made about the French translation of “Newspeak” in George Orwell’s 1984, which led her and Billy to launch a discussion about the novel.
Steve offered no input whatsoever, but he had stopped grading and had been staring at them for five minutes straight.
It was making Billy’s skin itch.
At some point, he couldn’t take it anymore and asked:
“What’s your opinion Steve?”
“Uh… I… I don’t really have one.” He stammered, caught off guard.
“How come?”
“I, uh, I haven’t actually read the book.”
“Oh. Well, you should. It’s an amazing book.”
Steve fidgeted with his red pen, repeatedly taking the cap off and then putting it back on.
“Uh… I don’t know about that. It’s not really my thing.”
“How can you know it’s not your thing if you haven’t read it?” Billy asked, a tad defensively.
“I didn’t mean the book… I meant, reading.”
Steve bit his lower lip.
“Why not? Is that beneath a math buff such as yourself, or something?” Billy’s tone had become hostile.
And, by pulling accusations out of his ass like that, he had gone from defensive to straight up aggressive.
“No. ‘course not… It’s just… reading is hard for me… I’m, uh… I’m dyslexic, so…” Steve trailed off, looking down at the pen he was seemingly holding in a vice grip.
Billy was speechless with shame and regret, as Steve offered a wobbly smile and said: “I’m gonna… go get some more tea”, before leaving the table.
Billy stared at his retreating form before he turned to Robin and found her glaring at him. If he could have felt worse than he already did, he would have.
“So… should I go apologize right now or should I leave him alone and apologize later?”
Teenage Billy would have probably not apologized at all, but present-time Billy knew better. He felt like the biggest jerk.
“I’d say, go for it.”
Billy followed Robin’s advice and, with knots in his stomach, he went to Steve, who was waiting for his tea behind the counter.
“Steve, man… I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay…” Steve said, but his eyes didn’t leave his own shoes.
That wouldn’t do. Billy had made Steve feel shitty, and he would make it better if it were the last thing he did.
“No, it’s not. I shouldn’t have pushed.”
Billy had let his frustration with Steve get the better of him, and that was unacceptable. Steve was not particularly nice to him, so what? It wasn’t a reason to be outright mean to the guy.
“Really, it’s no big deal… It’s not like it’s a secret… my dyslexia, I mean.”
“Yeah, but you obviously didn’t want to share this piece of info with me, and I should have dropped it.”
“I just… I was afraid you’d find me stupid… But you probably thought I was stupid already, anyway… what with me never having anything interesting to say when Robin and you talk about literature.”
“Hey, I don’t…”
Benny placed Steve’s cup of tea on the counter, cutting Billy mid-sentence.
“It’s on me”, Billy said, fishing his five-dollar bill of change out of his jean’s back pocket and handing it to Benny.
“You didn’t have to.”
Was Steve blushing or was it a trick of the light?
“I want to make it up to you.”
“There’s nothing to make up for, but thanks.”
Steve grabbed his cup of tea and was going to go back to their table, but Billy held him back.
“Wait… I want you to know I don’t find you stupid, okay? I know I’m kind of a jackass, but not enough of one to actually think dyslexic people are stupid.”
“Good to know”, Steve replied.
“So, are we good?”
“I told you, we are.” Steve assured, smiling brighter than he had ever smiled at Billy before.
The knots in Billy’s stomach loosened, and his heart filled with warmth. So that was how it felt, when Steve’s sunshine fell upon you? Billy couldn’t wait to experience that feeling again.
“We should get back to Robin.”
“We should” Billy echoed, before following Steve, awestruck.
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fischerfrey · 4 years
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HPHM character profile
Name: Verna Aelia Malinda
Gender: cis female
Age: Depends on the timeline
Birth Date: December 15th, 1972 (Sagittarius)
Species: Human witch
Blood Status: Half-blood but thought to be pureblood by the Wizarding community.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic good
Ethnicity: Mixed (black mother, mixed father)
Nationality: British
Residence: The Malinda Manor, somewhere in the English countryside
Myer Briggs Personality Type: The Protagonist (ENFJ)
The Mage
1st Wand: Hornbeam, 11 inches, dragon heartstring, unyielding
2nd Wand: Ebony, 11 ¼ inches, dragon heartstring, unyielding
Animagus: Calico cat
Misc Magical Abilities: -
Boggart Form: Evil!Jacob turning against her.
Riddikulus Form: Evil!Jacob transforms into a tiny, angry kitten.
Amortentia: (What do they smell like?)
Fleetwood's High-Finish Broom Handle Polish
Caramel apples
The orchard behind her childhood home
Amortentia: (What do they smell?)
Old books
Patronus: Calico cat (same as animagus form)
Patronus Memory: A summer day at the Malinda manor when Verna was young, Jacob is teaching her to fly while her parents watch from the sidelines, happy and carefree.
Mirror of Erised: Her family back together again, everyone is safe and content.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Depulso (the banishing charm), Incendio (the fire-making spell)
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(I don’t really 100% vibe with her in-game appearence since the hair selection for natural hair is not the best but I make do.)
Height: 5′10 (178cm)
Weight: like normal weight for an athletic girl that tall ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Physique: Athletic
Eye Colour: Blue
Hair Colour: Black
Skin Tone: Brown with warm undertones
Body Modifications: Earrings, nose ring (6th year onwards), a few tattoos as an adult
Scarring: -
Inventory: Wand, Merula’s gift necklace (5th year onwards), some cat treats for Osborn, random old homework and other pieces of parchment discarded at the bottom of her bag at all times, a bag of apple rings (her favourite sweets).
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It’s 1984-1991 and I want jam city to let it show in their quest reward items!!!
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Ilvermorny House: I don’t really vibe with Ilvermony so I have no idea xD
Affiliations/Organizations: Gryffindor house. Gryffindor quidditch team, Malinda family, Circle of Khanna, The Order of Phoenix
Professions: Worked as a Defence Against Dark Arts substitute teacher for a year shortly after Hogwarts, trained to be an auror for a while but dropped out due to disagreements with Ministry policy
Hogwarts Information
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: P
Potions: A
Transfiguration: E
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Muggle Studies: E
Verna is the chaser of her house’s quidditch team for most of her Hogwarts career.
Extra-Curricular: Duelling club, Dragon club
Favourite Professors: Minerva McConagall
Least Favourite Professors: Severus Snape, Patricia Rakepick
Brother: Jacob Aurelius Malinda
Growing up, Jacob was Verna’s hero. He is five years older than Verna but nevertheless they spent a great deal of time together as children, Jacob often babysitting his sister. Although he was never as much into Quidditch as Verna, he would spend hours teaching her to fly and even take her to watch matches a few years before his disappearance.
Although otherwise short-tempered and rash, Jacob had endless amounts of patience for Verna. With very absent parents, Jacob all but raised Verna from a young age and Verna trusted him to look after her more than their parents, which is why it was shocking to her when he disappeared without a word.
Father: Mervyn Malinda
The sole heir to the Malinda estate, Mervyn is an important character within the Wizard society. However, what the general public doesn’t know, is that he is, in fact, an illegitimate child with a muggle mother. This has been kept secret by his grandmother, father, and step-mother throughout his whole life. The only other person to know the truth since his birthmother’s passing is Juniper, his wife.
Mervyn works as the Head of The Department of Magical Transportation. He is not a very affectionate father, but he tries his best to support his children. Mervyn used to be a Gryffindor.
Mother: Juniper Malinda, née Raeburn
A prominent witch from the pureblood Raeburn family, Juniper married Mervyn Malinda out of love. She is a little eccentric and spends a lot of time working on her potions. For a time, the Malindas had a relatively peaceful life with their two children, up until Jacob went missing. After that, Juniper and Mervyn grew distant and started to argue a lot.
Juniper works as a potioneer and values learning, diligence, and holding onto what you believe. She used to be a Ravenclaw.
Love Interest: Merula Snyde
Verna and Merula start out as rivals but due to having to work together during their search for the cursed vaults, they are forced to spend time together. Both start to develop a crush on the other but are in complete and utter denial about it. Verna is the one to realize her feelings first, and she starts to antagonize Merula just to have tension-filled moments with her, which is a completely normal and rational approach to letting your crush know you like them.
Merula and Verna date in school and a while after it but eventually break up in the turmoils of the war. Depending on the version, they might end up together later on though.
(also, as a sidenote, i headcanon merula as like, really short so this dynamic is so much fun when verna is TALL)
Best Friend: Charlie Weasley
They both like Quidditch and are complete dorks. Worst pair of prefects Gryffindor has ever seen, totally incompetent at their job.
(Is this me projecting my love for Charlie into my OC? Absolutely yes and I have no regrets.)
Rivals: Merula Snyde, Patricia Rakepick
Enemy: Voldemort, R
Dormmates: Rowan Khanna, Skye Parkin, Eloise Montague, and  Yasmin Wakefield (the last two are my ocs just to fill the dorm for my fic but these spots are up for grabs if anyone wants to be dormmates!)
Pets: A black cat called Osborn
Closest Canon Friends: Charlie Weasley, Rowan Khanna, Ben Copper
Closest MC Friends:
Farrow Raeburn @threeon1match​
Verna’s cousin from her mother’s side of the family. He is a year younger than Verna and in Slytherin. They are nevertheless close, and Farrow has a huuuge crush on Verna’s cool, dragon-loving friend Charlie.
Pre Hogwarts: 
Verna had a wealthy childhood in the countryside at the Malinda manor. She had a close friendship with her older brother who taught her to fly her first broom. Verna had a keen interest in learning spells even at a young age, and her parents would often find her using magic before she was allowed to (often with disastrous consequences). The year Verna was meant to start her studies at Hogwarts, her brother went missing and her mother became very distant, while her father acted as if nothing was wrong. Verna became determined to find and rescue her brother.
Hogwarts Years:
If I would get around to publishing my fic maybe you guys would find out!! But the basic skeleton of the storyline follows the game’s events, just modified to suit a different medium and sans all the dumb stuff!!
Order of the Phoenix / 2nd Wizarding War:
Verna works as a substitute teacher in Hogwarts for a year, after which she trains to become an auror. However, she doesn’t like the way things are run at the Ministry, so she quits and moves home to the Manor for a while, trying to figure out what to do with her life. Before she can come to any conclusions though, the Second Wizarding War starts to pick up speed and the secrets her family has kept all these years transform from dangerous to fatal. Verna is recruited into the Order of the Phoenix by her old friend Bill Weasley.
Verna reunites with many of her old friends from school while working in the Order. Her father is killed during the war and her relationship with her mother goes through a lot of turmoil.
Her ultimate fate is not set in stone and in some versions she dies during the war and in others she makes it.
Depends on whether she survives or not. If Verna lives, she will eventually find her path to a teaching position at Hogwarts OR a curse-breaking job with the (much-changed) Ministry.
She also reconciles with her ex Merula, and the two of them get together.
Positive attributes: caring, brave, selfless, confident, passionate, protective, resourceful. Negative attributes: impatient, impulsive, stubborn, cocky, reckless, competitive, short-tempered.
if you made it this far, wow! congrats! thank you!!!! i love you forever!!!
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barnesandco · 4 years
93 with Steve/reader?
R. E. M.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (None, I think)
A/N: It was such a challenge trying to figure out what to do with this prompt but when I started writing, it completely got away from me.
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Steve has a secret. One that is gnawing at his insides with sharp teeth, leaving indentations in his chest, and he hates it because that shame, the guilt that comes with this particular pleasure, is entirely unreasonable. He tries to talk himself out of this ridiculous self-consciousness over something perfectly innocuous, but it doesn't work. He tries it all -- c'mon, pal, you've earned this: you're over a hundred years old, you're a war vet, you were trapped in ice for decades, you're Captain America -- but the words he whispers in his own mind go nowhere. They bounce and echo, empty and hollow, and he gets no further.
The urge to hide in his room to partake in his embarrassing interest does not subside. Checking the lock twice out of nervous habit, he chews on the inside of his cheek all the way  to the window overlooking the Compound grounds, and the record player that sits there. He puts in the vinyl and -- thanking Tony for soundproof walls -- he relaxes in his safe, sacred corner of the world.
The window sill is cool under him, and leaning his forehead against the glass that is cooler still does wonders for letting the heat of his tension seep out. He's closing his eyes, almost ready to fall asleep to the dulcet sounds of--
A crash. The door flies open and you stumble in, holding a box of that used to hold art supplies, but now, paint pallets and brushes and sketch pads are splayed across his bedroom floor.
You're back on your feet in a second, brushing back still damp hair from your post-mission shower and mouth already open to apologize or explain or both before the melodies filling the room distract you. Mouth snapping shut, your eyes narrow before you place the soft voice and rhythmic music of--
"Ariana Grande?" You say incredulously, but not cruelly or with any hint of judgement, as Steve might have feared. Still, he hurries to shut the door behind you and you whip around to face him while breathin' continues to play. "I didn't know you listened to mainstream pop." It's a statement, but the upturn of your tone indicates a question, with room for an elaboration.
Steve joins you where you start to crouch at the foot of his bed, helping to gather the art supplies, now recalling his promise to teach you to paint. "Yeah," he begins, head ducked and gaze locked on a particularly garish shade of maroon, "I was trying some new stuff out, get with the times, and I liked her voice."
"Oh," you answer, and he looks at your thoughtful face as you both stand again, box on the floor, now full again. breathin' leaves to welcome No Tears Left to Cry.
"What?" He asks in a way that is meant to say do you have a problem with that?
"No, nothing." It's your turn to avoid his gaze, shying away, looking at the record player and the disk turning on it, the box of records next to it. "I guess it just isn't what I expected. I thought you might like sitting and remembering the good old days with some Glenn Miller and whatnot," you tease gently.
"I have no idea what you're talkin' about," he insists firmly, with just as little seriousness, as he pulls the chair out from under his desk and gestures for you to sit next to him where he resumes his seat on the window sill. "I listen to Ella and Sinatra like any other old geezer. Those are the only songs worth bopping to," he says with a full-toothed smile, bringing out his best New York drawl.
You scrunch your nose and flick a small paint brush at his. "You're weird."
He hums, nods, and pulls out a pencil, leaning back nonchalantly with his gaze on the drawing pad. "Or you're just basic." And that earns him a giggle sweeter than Sweetener.
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meggannn · 4 years
thank god im not the only other asian girl who came to realize how weirdly orientalist atla/lok is.
i hope you don’t mind me using this ask as a springboard to get some of my thoughts down (i edited this once and that fucked up the read more, so i tried several times to put this behind a cut again but tumblr hates me so i guess now everyone has to read my beef ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
my friend said last night that ATLA is like the new harry potter with the way people talk about it and..... yknow she’s not entirely wrong.....
like, not to keep pulling this card, but ~as a half-asian~, i have been struggling with this show a lot over the past few months; before even the show came to netflix, i was seeing a resurgence of ATLA stan culture. the hype of the live-action series and the release of the kyoshi novels have also amplified this. i reblog posts because i do still enjoy it, but i have been abstaining from reblogging commentary that so obviously glorifies it.
part of this burst-bubble effect is my problem, because i strongly dislike how people talk about certain characters and ships (and i admit that frustration is seeping through what ATLA did right) and observing fandom favorites makes me think that a lot of points were missed: people love toph, but hate korra (even people who think they love korra only because she’s one half of korrasami, actually do hate korra lmfao); people love zuko but completely ignore aang; don’t get me started on the fandom’s embracing of korrasami/subsequent forgiving of the patronizing, disrespectful, borderline racist way bryke did it. that is fan behavior, and it all bothers me and is no doubt coloring my judgment of the actual show, but beyond that, i also do want people to realize and accept “wait a minute, plenty of the things we criticize other media for also exist in ATLA, and it shouldn’t be different just because this show is full of asians.”
part of me wants to — and does — celebrate that a pan-asian show, in which NO white characters and NO trace of western culture exists, was a critical and commercial success in 2005! and had full network support and resonated with kids of different backgrounds. i can appreciate and be happy of that. but “no western culture” doesn’t mean “no western influence”: it’s an asian fantasy world created by non-asians, so the staff still ultimately wrote a pretty western story. the treatment of the fire lord imperialist dynasty is the big one (iroh was a war criminal who only left the warfront because his actions affected him/his family but now he’s a old friendly Good Guy and never acknowledges the lives he’s ruined! everything is ok now that zuko is fire lord! not like his new friends will have any direct trauma or conflicting feelings with how he is now heading a nation that burned two out of three of their homelands to the ground and tried to burn the third too! now here are all our headcanons about katara/sokka being fire lord/lady, toph being a fire lord advisor, and aang being an air nation rep to the fire nation! perfect ending!!), but also the themes of a pretty straightforward good kids v evil conqueror story, watered-down concepts of buddhism/taoism/others for child consumption — some of these are not strictly bad things, but they don’t make it the best story in the world. they are not worth saying “stop watching x problematic cartoon, watch ATLA, the BEST cartoon with the BEST diversity!!!!”
side note, my friend looked it up last night and there was a total of one asian writer on the staff, May Chan, who according to wiki, just wrote the Boiling Rock episodes. (at this juncture i want to keep in mind that someone in the writer’s or developer’s room might be in my situation, possibly mixed race but white-passing in both face and name... it’d be hypocritical of me to not consider that possibility, but as far as i know that’s not the case, and in any respect i think it’s important to have visible diversity, not because i think mixed people don’t have anything to say or shouldn’t be counted, but in the sense that poc who don’t get the luxury of being white-passing should be allowed control of depicting people who look like them. but that’s another discussion.)
honestly, i can look over some aspects of this show because i still do enjoy it. i like the use of martial arts as a fantastical magic device because it was used consistently and clearly they did their research, even if it does kind represent this idea of Asia, the Land of Magic Powers; i don’t mind because not everyone has the magic powers, the magic powers are deconstructed, people without the magic powers are still treated respectfully, the magic powers are diverse, and they are treated both practically and spiritually (so not everyone, like sokka, has the same awe-inspiring respect of them, which is realistic characterization to this world, and though he’s sometimes portrayed as incorrect in his disbelief of the spiritual, he’s never portrayed as wrong for being practical and realistic). honestly, i don’t mind the oohs and aahs of these magic powers because i still think the magic powers are pretty fuckin cool; it’s likely we’ve all pretended to be a bender at some point lol. and as a kid, i didn’t mind that ATLA nations blended cultures; i thought it was fun to look up later and see which sorts of things were made up and which were influenced by real things (i liked that not a lot if it was made up). i don’t mind that Lake Laogai was named after a real, horrifying place, though i understand and completely respect that plenty of others find the name disturbing and tasteless.
that said, as an adult coming to ATLA for the first time, I would probably not go this hard for a show that blends a bunch of real ethnicities together in a hodgepodge of culture clashes, at least not one spearheaded by a white developer team. i would be less willing to ignore the northern air temple episode, where aang, victim of a genocide, forgives a bunch of strangers who disrespected and destroyed his home (including the guy who was NOW INVENTING WAR WEAPONS FOR THE VERY NATION THAT DESTROYED HIS PEOPLE). i can mostly look over these things because of nostalgia. but the way people outright stan the whole avatar series (including LOK but i won’t get into that right now) without acknowledging ATLA is, ultimately, still a story with a pretty western handling of its themes just with asian faces, is..... frustrating.
a new coworker of mine, also an asian woman who was too old to watch ATLA at the time it was airing, has said that the more she learns about ATLA as an adult the weirder she feels about it and less inclined she is to watch it, which makes me think that maybe i’m not crazy.
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anna-something · 4 years
I was wondering, if you don't mind! If you could talk a little bit about the Dreamcatcher members and what stands out to you about their personal? styles? From what I gather, it sounds like you have a background? in dance, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!
I’m presuming you mean their personal dance styles ?? if so, I’d love to! 
I’ll start off with our main dancer, queen Sua. If I had to pin point one thing about Sua that I love, it’s that she’s unafraid. You can tell when a dancer is scared to hit something *too* much - I can think of many performer’s whom I believe would be 10 times better if they stopped being scared of looking a bit wild/unrestrained. Sua has no problem with this (both on stage and off stage shdgdhsgd). Another tiny aspect I always admire, is her head, shoulder and neck isolation. It’s a pet peeve of mine when someone doesn’t pull down their shoulder blades to properly extend out their posture and neck when they dance. If you rotate your shoulder’s down and away from your ears all your extension lines look sharper and cleaner. Sua being really good at this is important to me as she’s not from a purely ballet/lyrical dance background and instead actually is a commercial and street (our girl did a B-boy comp back in the day) dancer. The training styles are massively different and you can almost always tell by the way someone holds their back but Sua is able to maintain a shoulder positioning that suits both fluid and strong styles, which is hard to do. Her footwork is also ALWAYS amazing. She’s got very quick feet, and something that I think is so utterly *her* is how she adds an extra bounce in each step. She is a wonderfully energetic dancer. I honestly could pin point so many tiny bits of Sua’s dance ability and this could go on forever and ever so I’m gonna leave it here with just one more compliment: her central core control is so good, almost completely isolated from the rest of the body, that all other body parts’ movements are hit with an extra degree of sharpness. (I’d also like to add that Sua’s leg flexibility has been improving over the years of promoting with Dreamcatcher and I’m super hyped to see it)
Now I’ll go down through age order so next up is Jiu. The word I think of first when discussing Jiu’s dance style is ‘refined’. It’s clear she’s trained really really hard and it has payed off phenomenally well. In my opinion, Jiu is one of the cleanest dancers in dreamcatcher - there’s no awkward moments in transition but also, she holds ensemble choreography together really well. There are no awkward body lines when Jiu dances, even in both their strong choreos and their more fluid ones. Jiu is a show dancer, where every move is hit to maximise the aesthetic of the line, of the position. I can’t understate how much of an impressive skill that is and how much it ties in with people describing her as ‘charismatic’. Pulling focus is her thing. Pause on every frame of Jiu dancing and she will look good, no matter what. She’s a dancer you can always trust to look right. 
Siyeon’s best known for her voice (as she should be) but it was weirdly her performance and dance ability that first made me take notice of her upon watching their debut stage (best decision I ever made to check out the new rock girl group lmfao). It’s been pretty much proven that Siyeon’s one of the physically strongest in Dreamcatcher and her dancing *looks* it. It’s almost negligible with dreamcatcher to talk too much about how sharp they are as dancer’s since.. well.. duh.. look at them.. but Siyeon’s got this ability to only a hit a move right at the last second - right at the perfect moment - as hard as she possibly can, when she dances. It’s just intensity from beginning to the end and a lot of that is to do with her physicality (that she doesn’t do any extra working out apart from training as dreamcatcher is truly the cherry on top dghdgbsd). I’ve often seen people reblog my posts of her dancing saying she looks possessed and like,,, they’re not far off. She dances like she *wants* to intimidate you. Side note but Siyeon does seem to have very impressive leg flexibility on her right leg. Combine that with her strength and it makes me think she might have done some kind of martial arts as a kid.
Handong!! Our musical theatre trained ball of talent! She’s actually the person I deem as having had the most ‘traditional’ dance training, as seen by her grand jeté (or split leap) and she’s got the best spotting (following a single point during turns). Click this link and go to 01:19:38 to see what I mean. Handong is the perfect example of how you can *tell* when someone’s had ballet/lyrical training because her back is always more straight than the others. She has by far the best technical extension and with more confidence, I think she’d be able to relax into her movement’s to just get the extra reach I know she has. Her technical (ballet) hands are also gorgeous, I’m always transfixed when she get’s to utilise them. But saying all that, I think Handong is actually at her best when she’s confident enough to showboat dance. So much of dance is believing you’re the best thing on that stage and when Handong is in that mode, you just simply can’t look away from her. Can you get that I want her to be more confident in how good of a dancer she is??? Am I making that clear enough ?? Handong,,,, if you’re out there,,,, you’re so good,, please know that. 
Yoohyeon’s the tallest member of dreamcatcher by quite a bit and being tall and being a dancer isn’t easy (I’m 5ft10, I know this first-hand) and I remember Yoohyeon introducing herself as an awkward tree (lmfao) but she actually is really good at using her body proportions. Being long-limbed means you gotta move quicker to extend properly and she manages it every time. I classify Yoohyeon as a ‘face’ dancer - her body moves it’s best when she’s expressing something, often times using her face. You can really tell that the energy she get’s from other’s is important to her when performing too. A small thing I always notice and adore about Yoohyeon’s dance is her knee is always well aligned with her thighs - a really *really* important part of turn out. It’s visually more appealing and showcases strength but it’s also really good for her health and she’s less likely to injure herself so uh… yey? dhgbsdg. 
Now onto lead dancer Dami! A lot of people don’t click that Dami legit has that title in the group because she (quite rightly) is known for her gravitas on stage when she’s rapping and performing. A huge part of that gravitas? She’s a very VERY clean and sharp dancer. Also let it be known she had a natural talent at spin pole and if anyone knows me they know I’m a pole dancer and pole enthusiast. Skills required for spin pole: incredible core control, good balance and strong arms and legs. Dami’s ticking all the boxes. Being that she has the more masculine aesthetic image in the group, I’m always utterly thrilled to see how she incorporates *who* she is in the way she dances. You can feel completely and utterly how her identity ties in on stage. She called herself the dancing prince for a reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Dami’s style is effortless honestly. Like she’s clearly working hard but she doesn’t ever come across she is (which is how all dancer’s want to appear). Do I even need to mention her skill with props too? The dancer’s nightmare is involving props and fucking up but our girl’s cool as a cucumber. 
Finally, we’re at Gahyeon. First things first, I gotta say, she’s a pilates baby and so in turn, she’s extra strong and extra bendy. If you’re unfamiliar with reformer machines (the first contraption) they work by using resistance spring’s on a moving platform. They’re pretty tough. Another link for bendy Gahyeon here and go to 01:18:00. I’m remembering the time she lifted Siyeon on her back from a crouch position in a pair of heeled boots. She’s small but she’s !! mighty!! Her dancing is the most improved in all of dreamcatcher from debut to now (she debuted at what? 17?) She debuted doing all the steps right and synchronised but now she has her own performance style and atmosphere. Gahyeon has said before she’d always wanted to try a ‘sexy’ image in a recent interview so I gotta plug her adult ceremony performance. To do sexy so easily on stage is really tough and I feel like this was a real turning point for her as a stage performer because she’s been so much more confident. I am so ready to see who she’ll grow into even more. Something individual I really wanna point out is her hip flexor rotation ! Of all the girl’s, she and handong had the best fan kick and it also shows in her dancing. 
This got real long but I hope you appreciated my thoughts anon !
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norsenightingale · 4 years
Caged Birds - Part One -
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**So I got an itch to write some Draco Malfoy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ How you doin?**
Pairing: Draco/Original Female Character (Adeline Maxwell)
Rating: Currently Teen but Mature in the future
Tags: Arranged Marriage, Romance, Slow Burn, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut
Cold. Rainy. Dreadful.
Those were the words that she would use to describe everything about this day. Adeline pressed her forehead delicately against the cool glass window and stared at a few raindrops running in front of her face. This stretch of road seemed to go on forever but now she could see the trees slowly begin to part and all at once a massive house came into view.
“Malfoy Manor, Lady Maxwell,” the driver announced, and she sat up a bit straighter.
The car turned into a stretching driveway surrounded all the way by large, lush gardens and hedges. She wished to see them in the sunlight, when the world wasn’t covered in a layer of clouds. She thought they would be beautiful that way.
The chauffer navigated nimbly around the circular fountain right in the middle of the driveway, coming to a stop perfectly in front of the mansion. She heard the driver’s door open and close but Adeline didn’t move. Her own door was pulled open gently and a hand was held out.
“We’ve arrived, M’Lady.”
That was enough to snap her out of her trance. Adeline placed her hand gently in the outstretched one and pulled herself slowly out of the vehicle.
“Thank you, Henry,” she nodded toward the man. Without hesitation, a large black umbrella was opened and stretched out over her head. “My bags?” She questioned, smoothing out the bottom of her dress.
“They’ll be taken up after you’re settled in, M’lady.”
Adeline nodded. She knew the answer to that question already but a part of her was trying to buy a bit of time, standing in the shadow of the intimidating building. She supposed there was no point in delaying the inevitable and began walking towards the arched front doors. Henry was at her side, holding the umbrella closely over her to avoid any bit of water soiling her hair or clothing, but she still felt as if in this moment, she had never been more alone.
After what felt like an eternity, she was face to face with the front entrance of Malfoy Manor. She stared at her reflection in the snake's head doorknockers but before Henry reached out to use them, the door was swung open to reveal a small, disheveled looking house elf.
“Come in, Mistress,” she squeaked, “Master Malfoy is waiting for you in the library.”
Adeline nodded to the elf and turned to Henry.
“Well,” she cleared her throat, “I suppose this is goodbye.” The chauffer made no moves to try and hide the tears obviously beginning in the corner of his crinkled brown eyes. “Would a hug be terribly inappropriate?” The old man chuckled softly but nodded his head. Adeline’s face fell, “Right, I probably already knew that.”
“You’ll be alright M’Lady. They’ll make sure of it.” Henry squeezed her shoulder gently and then closed the door behind him before he could make too much of a spectacle.
“Follow Dottie, please,” the house elf muttered, and Adeline obeyed. They passed several rooms decorated with statues and portraits, one with a large grand piano in the middle, a huge spiraling wooden staircase, and a candle-lit dining room before coming to a stop. “Master’s in here,” Dottie motioned toward the closed doors. Adeline tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear before the she was led into the room. “Master,” the little elf’s voice trembled, “Dottie is pleased to present Mistress Adeline Maxwell.”
Dottie moved to the side to allow her master to better see their new house guest. Adeline stepped foreward cautiously, her hands clasped in front of her. Draco closed the tome in his lap and cast his eyes toward her, slowly traveling the length of her body up and back down. A small smile curved the corner of his mouth.
“Hello,” he stood from the armchair. “It’s nice to finally meet you Lady Maxwell.” Adeline accepted his outstretched hand and was surprised when he immediatly leaned down to plant a small kiss on the back of hers. She cleared her throat.
“And you as well, Master Malfoy.”
“Please,” he scoffed at the name, “Call me Draco. Dottie!” He barked, “Prepare a room for Lady Maxwell. The big one, in the west corridor.” Dottie scrambled at his order, peeping out a quick ‘yes, Master’ before vanishing into thin air. “You’ll be staying in your own room, only until after the wedding of course, can’t have anyone thinking we are anything less than a proper couple now can we?” Draco chuckled.
“I’m not sure a ‘proper couple’ would only be meeting a week before their wedding,” Adeline sweetly smiled, “But then again, a traditional couple would, wouldn’t they?”
Draco raised his eyesbrows at her response, taken back by it. “I suppose so,” he shrugged. “Arranged marriages are traditionally the way things work in the inner circles of pure blood families. Do you have a problem with marrying me?” He asked and Adeline felt that he was genuinely curious. She thought for a moment.
“I don’t know you,” she finally answered honestly.
“Then let’s get to know each other,” Draco said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Sit, have a cup of tea, and ask me anything you’d like.”
Adeline accepted his invitation, sitting in the arm chair directly across from the one Draco was occupying earlier. He poured two cups of tea from the small table between them and offered one to her. “Milk or sugar?” He asked.
“Milk, thank you.” He poured a small splash into her cup. Adeline delicately took it from him and stirred it absent mindedly, magic dripping from her fingertips without the use of a wand.
“I heard you were blessed with incredible ability,” Draco awed, “wandless magic is quite impressive.” Adeline locked eyes with him but said nothing. “What is suddenly occupying your mind?”
“I’m just thinking about what I want to know about you.”
Adeline took a sip of her tea, her tongue running across the seam of her lips while she thought. “You attended Hogwarts?” She finally asked and Draco nodded. “Slytherin house I’m assuming?” He nodded again. “What was your favorite course? Was there anything you were particullary skilled at?”
Draco sat back against his chair. “I enjoyed potions mainly because of the professor but I was a skilled in most courses.” She nodded.
“Did you have a girlfriend while you were in school?”
Draco nearly choked at her boldness. “I… I didn’t have a girlfriend per se.”
Adeline tilted her head. “If not ‘per se’ then what was it?”
Draco though about all those years of Pansy Parkinson following him like a lost puppy. “She was a girl that liked me and I allowed her to be around. That was all.”
“You didn’t date, then? Didn’t have a girl that you liked as much as she liked you?”
“No,” Draco shifted in his seat. “I was promised a beautiful woman to be my wife two years before I attended my first year of Hogwarts. There was no point in silly school crushes or girlfriends when I knew I was spoken for.”
Adeline seemed satisfied with that answer. Draco knew there was no point in asking her the same questions. She was sent to Beaubaxtons with the express purpose of keeping her away from other men. He was also kept up to date on most of her actions throughout her life, even if she wasn’t given the same luxury. He knew what courses she was taking, who she was friends with, where she went on most nights. He was always aware of what she got up to, she just never knew it.
“What do you want, or rather,” she corrected herself, “what do you expect from our marriage?”
Draco wondered how honest he should be with her. If he truly delved deeply into his wants and expectations, she might never look at him the same way again.
“I want us to respect one another. I need a partner to share my home and life with and I want a wife to fulfill the duties that she is designed for.”
“And those duties would be…?” Adeline trailed off.
“Well, duties of the marital bed of course.” Draco smirked. “But don’t worry, I want to satisfy as much as I want to be satisfied.” His fingers danced delicatly aganst the smooth fabric of his dress trousers and she couldn’t help but watch them move nimbly as he tapped.
“Do you believe in love?” Was her final question, and the one that resonated with him the most. He wasn’t sure if he believed in love but he believed in a life where they could enjoy each other’s company.
“I believe that you and I will become very, very close.”
“Mistress Maxwell’s room is ready, Master,” Dottie’s squeaking voice interupted and he made no effort to hide his rolling eyes.
“Show Mistress to her new room,” Draco ordered, “and draw a hot bath for her after you’ve given her the tour.” He turned his attention back to Adeline. “We can continue this at dinner if you wish. Go get settled.”
“Follow Dottie, please.”
Adeline obeyed and followed the small elf as she scampered quickly up the stairs and down the corridor. Adeline wanted to stop and admire every room, every work of art on the walls, but she knew that if she did she might get lost in the massive manor.
Finally, Dottie stopped in front of a dark set of wooden double doors. Dottie paused only briefly to make sure Adeline was still behind her and opend them, revealing the most ornately decorated bedroom she had ever seen. Each and every square foot of the room was a dark marble, accented with silver and emerald. Several bookcases covered the walls, reaching the entire length of the floor to the ceiling and a roaring fireplace was centered in front of the canopied bed.
“Mistress’s clothes are in the closet,” Dottie pointed to a second set of doors on the left of the room, “along with some things that Master purchased prior to her arrival. I’ll prepare your bath while you pick out something to wear for dinner, Mistress.”
Dottie scampered off through the third and final set of doors in the room, revealing even more dark marble and a large clawfoot bathtub in the very center of the bathroom. Almost immediatly the room was filled with the scent of vanilla and dozens of white candles were lit around the bubble filled tub. It looked positively divine and she couldn’t wait to slip into the hot water.
“Dottie, I’m not sure what to wear. Would you mind choosing something for me?” The little elf enthusiastically nodded yes.
“I always chose Mistress Malfoy’s clothes, it would be an honor to do so for you, young Mistress. Do you need help getting undressed?” Adeline shook her head.
“No, thank you. You may go.”
“Yes Mistress,” Dottie nodded, “I’ll be back in a moment or two with your clothing.”
When Adeline was finally alone she wasted no time ridding herself of her clothes and sinking neck-deep in the hot water. She audibly sighed, the warmth easing the tension from her muscles and lulling her almost to sleep. Perhapse she did fall asleep, because the next she knew Dottie’s little hands were washing and combing through her long hair.
“Mistress has beautiful hair,” she complimented. “Much prettier than Mistress Malfoy’s if you don’t mind Dottie saying.” Adeline laughed. Truly laughed for the first time in days.
“Thank you, Dottie,” she chuckled and Dottie smiled.
“Dottie picked a black gown for Mistress, undergarments and some shoes.” She pointed to the items laid neatly across the bench in the bathroom. “Master Malfoy requested something nice.” Adeline couldn’t help but notice the black lace that seemed to adorn every item except the black heels.
“Are we having guests this evening?” She questioned the house elf but Dottie shook her head.
“No Mistress, Master just wanted you to look your best.” Adeline’s stomach tied in knots. He was already treating her like a trophy to be displayed. There for him to enjoy looking at and nothing else. She slowly stood from the water and a robe was tied around her magically.
She ran her fingers across the clothes laid out, they were silk and obviously of high quality but they were not hers. Adeline remembered Dottie saying Draco had purchased some clothing for her before she arrived.
‘It figures he would have bought lignerie’ she thought, holding up a very lacy bra and panty set. She put it on anyway, not hating the way it made her look and feel much more confident than she usually did in her own undergarments. Dottie helped her slip the gown over head and zip it up, though it left her shoulders and a portion of her back exposed. She put on the red-bottomed heels last and gazed at herself in the mirror.
She looked expensive. She felt expensive.
Finally Dottie dried and straightened her dark hair with a snap of her fingers. “Mistress is ready?” She questioned. Adeline took a deep breathe and nodded, following Dottie back out of the bedroom.
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ok, pinned post here we go :D
i'm technically legally an adult. whether that should be allowed is another thing. i like to stay sfw, cuz i'm like. really sex repulsed. well. sfw as in no nakey ppl in sexual poses, porn, and smut. all for the sex jokes tho.
if i don't want someone following me, or interacting w/ me (bc someone's blog makes me uncomfy) i won't hesitate to block >.<
i'm like. never on here anymore. but i'll spontaneously come on here every now and again :P
currently into: danny phantom (and a bit of the owl house) splatoon. help.
previous thing(s) i like(d): invader zim, pokemon, and spider-man. so don't be surprised when you find some of that stuff here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
if any1 is interested in my discord for some reason erm just ask ig idk :T (lol i'm in no servers and am friends w/ no one)
my ao3 is latetothedamnparty also :3
the rambling zak: my random bullshit falls under this tag. jus lil thoughts.
zak's miniature writings: any fics i write that are less than 1000 words go here :l
zak's fics: any fics that are 1000 words or more go here; given what the prev tag was it's kinda obvious ig
zak did a thing: any crafty shit i do goes under this tag
lil doodles brought to u by zak: doodles. straightforward.
zak's art: any art i do that isn't classified as doodles. so, like, stuff i put real effort in
wgw au: all my witchcraft gone wrong danny phantom au stuffs is under this tag :D
dp crossover: any dp crossover ideas/works i reblog/make. they also might be tagged along with "dp x [insert other media here]"
i don't really tag dp stuff, but i try to tag other fandoms. iz: invader zim, pokemon: pokemon, spider-man: spider-man, marvel: marvel, de:pp: dead end: paranormal park, toh: the owl house, gf: gravity falls. these are just the ones on the top of my head. as you can see it's either the actual name or an abbreviation.
prompts are cool, actually, and it's be nice writing practice if you could give me some... atleast, some that can be fulfilled in a oneshot :p. also drawing prompts r cool 2. :>
ok that seems about it ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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little-ideas · 4 years
MANKAI Messenger pt. 2
Y’all I’m not even close to being done but this is going on to 4 pages in word and I need a break. There isn’t really much MC in this one but don’t worry!
Spoiler warning: I think I merge things from various routes in MysMe so if you haven’t done all the endings (including secret) then proceed at your own risk.
Moving Forward
By the time Seven gets the agency issue resolved, MC has adjusted quite nicely to being Izumi's assistant so they stay but frequently travel back and forth
Zen and Jaehee watch MANKAI's performances and MANKAI takes turns watching Zen
Zen is still Jaehee's #1 but MANKAI had yet to see a fan like Jaehee
Jaehee's another positive female role model for MANKAI honestly some of the guys probably start crushing on her a little bit
Taichi jumps first to mind
Jaehee also probably helps some of the boys determine high school and college decisions
Zen likes all the members and probably sees them as another family after a while, especially since he isn’t on good terms with his own
Autumn troupe has a special place in his heart though
He's probably a little intimidated by Winter troupe at first since they're all adults and have further education
He and Kazunari comment on each others' socials a lot
Zen and Banri totally got in to a fight/act-off the first time they met
Juza was cool though lol
They have so much in common
Motorcycle accidents
In with the bad crowd
Later tried to turn their life around
Like Omi was starting to heal with the company, but I've never really felt that Zen was because he doesn't really have someone who understands him/shares similar experiences and didn't have people when he was younger so I think a part of him has continued to be bitter/upset/distant
But Omi understands. Omi has been through it too. Zen and Omi can relate in ways that no one else can
They become soul brothers
I can't quite picture their relationship dynamic, but they would be willing to do literally anything for the other
V & Omi discuss photography and V gives Omi pointers if he asks
V might keep one decent camera, but he gifts the rest of his photography equipment to Omi
The man spent 2 yrs rediscovering himself and beginning anew, he’s finally ready to move forward. Giving the items to Omi feels right.
V and Kazunari have talks and art working sessions together! Kazu gives V a tour of his school
Kazunari is usually super peppy but when he and V start talking about art the air around them becomes serene and philosophical
Azuma, V, and Jumin have wine dates
Sometimes others will join in
Good god the mess that is Seven, Citron, and Homare. Pure chaotic energy.
Jumin and Homare probably share a sense of humor and begin a book club together
Like Saeran also has a garden at home and he and Tsumugi start planting the other’s favorite flowers in a section
Tenma teaches Saeran about bonsai and he gets right on board
It’s so calming and meditative
Seven tried to prank Sakoda once. OoF he almost had to go back in to hiding from the rest of the yakuza
Sakyo hates Seven. Saeran's cool though
Zen and Tasuku are a force to be reckoned with when they exercise together. They're gone all day. Everyone avoids them
Zen avoids Misumi and Hisoka because they hang out with cats a lot
Jaehee once convinced Tasuku to a light sparring match. No one messes with Jaehee after that
Tsuzuru tried Jaehee's coffee once. She broke the man, he can't drink coffee from anyone else
Jaehee now sends Tsuzuru coffee bi-monthly
One time Tsuzuru ran out while scripting. He despaired.
Jaehee taught Izumi and MC how to make it after that
Her coffee shop has a special delivery service because of Tsuzuru
Tsuzuru and Jaehee also discuss the tips and tricks to pulling all-nighters and working continuously for several days
Is it healthy? No, but Jaehee used to be an expert and Tsuzuru's going to stay up all week scripting anyway so might as well make sure he's doing it the safest way possible
Turns out Elly's OK with Seven. Jumin cried
Muku and Yoosung eventually hit it off really well. They're both huge romantics and they probably discuss how to be the perfect prince and ideal date situations
At first Yoosung feels guilty around Sakuya because he's just so pure and energetic and he reminds Yoosung too much of how he used to be and then Yoosung remembers his game addiction and depression and just feels dirty/unworthy
It takes a little bit, but Yoosung's going to much-needed therapy and eventually becomes good friends with Sakuya
MC and Citron often talk about home and share stories about travelling
V and Jumin sometimes join in
Citron and Seven are constantly switching languages when they talk to each other. It's not even intentional since they're both fluent in so many languages
They did this once around Vanderwood and almost drove the poor man mad because while he's certainly fluent in several languages, it’s not as many as the other two, so he kept recognizing bits and pieces but never enough to join in the conversation
Seven regularly visits in dresses and other outfits and goes out with Yuki
Yuki was wary of him the first time and might have even thought that Seven was making fun of him
It took the RFA collective to convince him that no, this is just normal Seven
It pained them all, but they actively found all of Seven's old photos in the app and showed Yuki as proof and the change in his eyes/expression when he realized there were other men who consistently wore dresses around him made them silently thank Seven
No one mentions it to Seven though except maybe MC
On that note, nobody bat and eye when they met Yuki and it probably confused the heck out of him. Like the poor boy was ready to be on guard and defensive/snarky about it but never had to be
He was able to stammer out a why when his curiosity got the better of him and they all just responded dead serious that at least he looked good
I think Seven looks good in all his outfits but the others have canonically expressed disdain for Seven's attire so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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