#I took liberty with their hairstyles
yzafre · 4 months
So I've been following @indieyuugure's The Mutation Situation (which is very very good), and after reading her post about how the turtles can't have it all, the next time I listened to this song this idea assaulted me like a vision.
So obviously I had to go on a weekend art binge.
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nomiyakazehaya · 9 months
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super self indulgent doodle of some gay girls while i was testing out my pen pressure settings 💖
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wolfgirlboyjester · 3 months
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i have this idea of xigbar moving into a replica body and it having features from both his original body and braig's body (since a replica takes the form of the heart inside it), so the left is what that would look like (based on my own luxu design)
the right is just black canon xigbar for fun smile
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honeynclove · 9 months
HELLO I have come offering my OCs Yuu/Robynne and Teddy for the doodles (Tumblr doesn't allow images on anon, very sorry for sudden long link!: https://www.tumblr.com/yuus-sentient-teddy/673465380106272768/masterlist)
Also I saw the tags and I spent a whole day and a half thinking of something to share about the two of them 😂😅. I think I'll start off by saying that Teddy and Yuu have a very close and sweet relationship (I know I know, it's too obvious from my username XD) and that no one knows how Teddy entered Twisted Wonderland (a not quite little secret to the reader: someone summoned it to keep Yuu safe!) Another thing I can say is that Teddy has made Yuu's whimsical side more apparent by being its silly, cute little self and Yuu going along with it.
((BTW I really like your artstyle and the outfits you drew for those Ramshackle kids!))
Had so much fun looking thru ur oc stuff teddy is the cutest (and yet I didn’t draw em???)
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anyways here’s your yuu/robynne! now you may be wondering: why are they blue
And for that!!! it was a totally purposeful stylistic choice (I messed up so badly when coloring that I had to go Ah fuck We Are Blue Now! And then I was gonna grayscale it but it looked so much more fun this way)
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
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some doodles of elnea characters hehe
heres Lumine, Gregory, and MJ!!!!
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skinny-beanz · 2 years
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Just some doodles of my inkling
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oceansmotion · 7 months
Aoife's Maxis Match Face Templates UPDATED.
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Now less gendered, more consistent between ages, and with baby faces! More info and a bunch of pictures below.
Finally, after months, I have finished these. A long time ago now, I'd made my original templates but didn't really pay any mind to how gendered faces really are, and how inconsistent they are between each age. I love the Maxis faces, I just wanted them to look a little less lumpy, and to replace ones that I felt were redundant. Basically, I hated that with any given template, I couldn't really tell what a sim was going to look like as an adult because every face looked different at each stage!
So today I bring to you my less gendered Maxis Match templates, where I have chosen which face I felt was more iconic and matched the other gender with it, and then made every age look more like that template (including baby faces).
Martin Ruben can be a good example:
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Yeah, sure, the eyes are the same, but that's pretty much where the likeness ends. A lot of the templates will do this, and some of the female faces suffered for it (jaws were outlawed on females in 2004, didn't you know?)
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They aren't perfect but they're miles better than the originals! I also think they bring a lot more variety to faces, because I did notice that a lot of the templates would use face parts from entirely different templates! Face 2's eyes and face 1's nose are really popular, as well as yeeting jaws and chins out the window.
Faces 1 - 4
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Faces 5 - 8
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Faces 9 - 12
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Faces 13 - 16
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Faces 17 - 20
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Faces 21 - 24
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Faces 25 - 27
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An example between AF and TF
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and the same face as a child and toddler.
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If you noticed in some of the pictures, the ears clipped through a few hairs, and that's because I also took the liberty of adding custom ear shapes to almost every face. No, it didn't occur to me to change the hairstyle I picked for photos until I was already on face 18 and didn't want to start over.
These aren't perfect, and maybe someday I'll go over them again to change more minute details, but for now, I'm very happy with how they turned out! Please let me know if there are any issues, I triple checked everything but I probably missed something somewhere.
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Credits: Meowingcookie on MTS for their baby face templates. I pretty much just used their baby faces with some tweaks to better match my changes.
@withlovefromsimtown for giving me the idea in the first place. I love their faces!
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quibbs126 · 11 months
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So a couple of days ago, I decided “you know what? I might as well try my hand at human designs for the Cookies”. Granted I only did the bust because I’m lazy. But yeah that’s what this is
And in addition to that because I thought it’d be fun, I gave myself a rule that the characters can only have natural skin, hair and eye colors, unless their character would make relative sense to have dyed hair or colored contacts, as you can see with Princess and Wildberry
I drew Dark Choco and Dark Cacao first since they’re my hyperfixations, they should be the first ones I draw. And then I drew the Hollyberry family because with their pink and blue hair, I thought it’d be fun to try and change them. But after I finished them, I didn’t know who else to put nor did I have a lot of room, so I just left it at them
I’m just gonna list random things about the designs now
I’m not entirely sure where Dark Choco and Cacao’s streaks come from, but I couldn’t just get rid of them. For Dark Choco, I’d say either dye or stress, and for Dark Cacao, either stress or age (though given he’s had them streaks since a young age, stress is probably the more likely option)
I gave Dark Cacao grey eyes, but maybe I should have gone with black instead. Probably more realistic. And for that matter dark eyes probably would have been the better option for Wildberry too. Hm
I admit, I probably should have gone with a lighter red for Hollyberry, Royal Berry and Princess’s hair, but I gave them that shade since I thought Hollyberry would look good with dark red hair
I really didn’t want to draw Hollyberry’s hair, it was a pain. I’d much rather draw it down, but the updo is more accurate to her, so eh
Royal Berry looks like a barber to me
I made Jungleberry and Tiger Lily’s hair black because I feel like it’s a thing for blue to be a substitute for black, like in older movies and such, so I did it the other way around, and also it wouldn’t make sense for either of them to have dyed hair
This was my first time drawing Jungleberry and I quite liked drawing her
Drawing Princess here was what finally got me to understand just what her hairstyle is supposed to be. I know I’ve seen it before, I think in Berserk, but I don’t remember who had it so I can’t show you a picture of what I mean. But I get how her hair works now
Speaking of her hair, I admit, I took liberties with making her hair curly, especially since no one else in her family has visibly curly hair, but to be honest I think I did that because I have dark red coily hair that’s also curly. So I was probably just taking reference from myself. I also share dark brown eyes, but I have no trace of her melanin, I am very pale
I made the red/pink eyes brown since I figured those were the closest colors and a good translation, but I ran into a problem when I realized Jungleberry already has brown eyes. So just shh there, ignore it
I don’t know how dreads work I apologize
In my head Wildberry dyes his hair red because that’s Hollyberry’s hair color, hence why it’s red and not pink
And I think that’s about it. I’ll probably do more of these since this was fun, but I don’t know when or who I’ll do next
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distant-velleity · 5 months
it’s done~
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thank you to the following people for submitting your ocs!! i apologize for any creative liberties i took
@the-banana-0verlord @thehollowwriter @boopshoops
@xen-blank @casp1an-sea @elenauaurs
it was fun drawing yu in all of these different hairstyles (and impressions!), he’s way more versatile than even i anticipated him to be :)
taglist (but this time only people who weren’t already tagged—ask if you’d like to be added!): @theleechyskrunkly @nahelenia @skriblee-ksk
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bulbabutt · 6 months
so im white, lets just get that out of the way, but i wanna talk about the orientalism in windblades design.
this doesnt feel like my place to talk about but if no one brings it up then no ones gonna learn about it or second guess it. im tired of other white people not noticing this problem or thinking its fine. if anyone asian (specifically japanese) has any thoughts or personal input it is SUPER fucking welcome! its hard to find people talking about this.
so transformers has a women problem in general. they set up women in the 80s in one episode and never elaborated on it in that show. they added arcee in the movie. they put a couple in the beast wars era, but outside of blackarachnia (becoming a literal succubus) we dont really get any of those characters adapted (besides arcee) over iterations. never any new ones really.
then the comics get windblade. i havent read the comics, this isnt about anything that happens in them. this is about her design how she comes off as as shes been adapted into cartoons. i wont comment on events from the comics outside of her origin, as i know fuck all about it.
so she was supposedly a fan-voted character, but her 'fan-voted' aspects have nothing to do with the problem (in fact the fan-vote was more of a suggestion because a few things dont end up being true) the voted aspects are as follows:
autobot. jet. fights with swords. red & black. named windblade. female. valiant. telepath. from Kaon.
so here's what that ends up looking like.
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so they took some liberties. there was other concepts where she was a european knight etc, but this is where they landed. she has this extremely feminine figure, complete with makeup and sculpted hair. many people immediately mistake this look for a geisha (though supposedly being kabuki) she gets little pump heels, it makes her very human woman shaped. birthing hips and all. thats classic girl robot stuff. its the specifics of it that are an issue.
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so thats kind of a lot of japanese motifs. the makeup, the swords, the hair... why does it look like human hair? thats a very specific hairstyle on a character who doesnt have hair...
on its own, having a japanese inspired aesthetic isnt the problem. i mean, coding characters to be from different places is fine. having characters coded as a specific race could be fine. jazz already exists, and despite being taken by racist creators sometimes (cough michael bay cough) its not inherently bad that he is black coded, specifically when in the hands of black creators/voices. thats key.
so having a transformer who landed in japan and took on some culture from there. you could see that happening. that could work if in the hands of people who were japanese.
but thats not even her backstory. shes not even from Kaon (as was voted), instead she's from another planet entirely, a more spiritual one, which narratively makes her alienated from cybertronians. this alienation adds to the problem. "shes not from here." "shes not like us."
you'll see many people look at this design and think "is that geisha transformer?" and as the character isnt from japan and knows nothing about the culture that inspired her, the media itself never corrects anyone. no one in the text goes "no shes not a geisha shes actually based on a kabuki performer", no one says any words about it, its just how she looks, its just aesthetics without explanation or cultural background. shes not literally japanese, she just looks it. its easy to mistake without cultural context from a western perspective, so calling her a geisha becomes a rampant problem. general audiences arent looking at forum posts form 2014 where someone correctly explains what the motifs are. shes made by white people, and white people are largely the ones consuming the media. its unfortunate, and could have been avoided if the culture shes inspired by was relevant to her character.
so she's clearly heavily inspired by japanese aesthetics, which codes her as being an asian woman in this media but written by non japanese people. and then she becomes so popular that she has to start making appearances in shows.
she shows up in robots in disguise first. lets compare her to strongarm (the only other girl in the show)
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having this japanese woman be far more thin and feminized than the other girl characters is the problem. strongarm is literally the first non feminized main girl transformer (not counting strika) she is much more in line with the men around her, square and broadshouldered, shes the largest car of the bunch. that was an upgrade finally. and then we get windblade. she has ruby red lipstick, human hair, heels, jewellery. on its own? thats fine. but keep in mind, shes heavily japanese coded already. then shes immediately seen as a romantic conquest for sideswipe (though he never gets anywhere, he literally claims ownership) it leans into tropes of sexualizing asian women because she stands apart from strongarm. shes the flirt, shes the very feminine one. is this on purpose? its not their fault windblade looks like that in the comics and strongarm looks like this. but side by side what is it saying? did they intend to say this about their asian woman? no, probably not intentionally. its kind of unconscious bias that tends to happen when you dont have a diverse writers room. no one notices until it hits the audience.
but lets just jump in here with the other weird problem in RID, because shes not the only one who jumped from the comics.
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drift (who while being a samurai in the comics (literal?) doesnt.... LITERALLY wear a suit of samurai armour) shows up. with his two minicons who act as his children (who hes very strict with). theres a heavy overuse of the word honour. he owes a life debt, hes very humourless etc... they also never explain why he wears this armour. he came straight from space. he doesnt even turn into anything big that warrants it, hes just another sports car. bumblebee and sideswipe are sports cars too. but why is drift a sports car? tokyo drifting. drift. you get it.
so drift also is a comics original character. he, however, looks nothing like that
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i will assume that drift looks different for one reason....
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i mean. i shouldnt have to tell you why that was bad, right? you guys get why michael bay movies are bad? (if you genuinely dont please enjoy this series as a starter) ill just assume you do. knowing that that drift is bad, can we also say windblade is suffering from a similar problem?
this show brings in these FOUR new characters and heres how they look side by side.
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so. okay the minicons are raised by drift, they share his aesthetic, okay. we dont know where he got that aesthetic but yeah they share it. windblade.... its unclear in this show if she shares the being from another planet like idw part. shes on a mission from god to be here and thats all we know. but the point is they have no similar origin. yet they all look like they could be from the same place. that they shares a (japanese inspired/coded/stereotyped take your pick) culture. meanwhile our from ep1 mains look like this:
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so that feels. specific.
its not inherently bad to code robots as japanese, however its a problem when it seems to be for aesthetics alone. its stereotyping. they look nothing like the rest of the cast, everything like each other, and are from completely different backgrounds. they literally have the same colour palette? theyre not even like that in the comics.
sidenote, if you add sideswipe (who's alt mode has kanji on it and an asian voice actor so we can assume some coding there too) they look like this. yes they all have swords.... no one else does!
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yes, windblade is the only character with a white face. makeup. yes sideswipe claims ownership over her to fight off one of the minicons. its not wrong to show windblade being harassed by a man, but it is wrong that no one ever says "leave her alone" you know? like thats just whats to be expected of her. it sucks. but at least her voice actress was asian! that wont happen again.
so. moving on to cyberverse, she becomes a central character. character wise? shes great. she gets to do a lot, no one sexually harasses her here, we're free of that era.
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comparing her to the other autobot women, shes more in line now. if thats a good or bad thing overall is less the point (ie theres no autobots built like strongarm was, they are all just as thin and curvy as windblade is) but to me its still very apparent that shes still implying human hair. even with how simplified all these designs are.
like you can see how these red lines around her eyes get lost at a distance, same with the clips in her 'hair'. its clearly just trying to adapt her original design and im not saying thats a wrong choice they made, but i am saying its really busy in comparison
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maybe thats a nitpick. but here it seems much more pronounced just how specific her head piece is because we can compare her to chromia, who is from the same place. do these two characters look like they have the same culture? not really. chromia and arcee look more alike. maybe thats just because they were designed later, but its unfortunate none the less.
even comparing her head to the seekers, what she is kind of supposed to be, they get the same old starscream mold. maybe she'd look better if they just did that? or something similar? like, give her a helmet. no one has hair. please stop implying hair. we all know what youre doing.
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none of this is me saying i find these shows bad or that i hate windblade, i genuinely love her! and i love both these shows! it just feels hard to love her because of how she was designed. its not a problem with having a japanese coded character, its how stereotyped the look is. how othered it is. it leans into racist tropes. its orientalism, using japanese aesthetics to make her look interesting and different. you can tell she was made by white people.
how is it that despite being around for 10 years now, no ones tried to redesign her?
also look at the toys! look at the god damn toys!
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she can take that head piece out to have a FAN. why does she need a fan?? shes got fucking WIND JETS ON HER BACK! its very obvious why they did this. shes a japanese woman, she can fight with a fan to complete the aesthetic! despite her character never having even been there! and no other transformer using a fan weapon! shes so COOL AND DIFFERENT like that isnt she?? holy fucking shit
to go back to those original voted concepts for a second? if we went back to the drawing board?
a telepathic valiant female autobot who can fly, has a red/blue/black colour combo (with yellow accents) uses swords, and maybe even with canonical asian heritage....
could they even do that? is it possible?
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OH! wait it SUPER IS! who'd have thought!?
im NOT saying "we dont need windblade! we have a better girl with the same concept!" cuz thats stupid. do not misunderstand, theres room for WAYYYY MORE TF GIRLS! the literal 1:13 ratio is FUCKED! i know windblade had to fight to exist too and that sucks!
i just think it's CLEARLY possible to do this better, and it SHOULD be entirely possible to have windblade (who was LITERALLY holding court as the MAIN girl transformer for years) to be, i dont know, not so racistly designed? i think its entirely possible to fix, i just wish they would have tried already.
and this is just what my white ass has thought about since meeting her and not seeing anyone else bring it up. like going hunting for a real take about it just meets you with the rampant misogyny problem in fan spaces. its hard to find people talking about it in a normal way, but if they have before id love to know.
i just wanted to put my thoughts about it down, maybe get people to think about it more or talk about it more. cuz jeez, i would really like them to fix the problem. like they fixed the arcee problem in idw, right? can they fix windblade next?
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Human Alastor (FTM trans headcanon)
Full size image
Commentary below:
Here, Alastor is shown at four different stages of his human life:
Childhood - around 12 years old
“Voodoo Killer” - late teenage years
Jazz Musician - early 20s
Radio Star - later adulthood to time of death
His career as a serial killer started when he was around 12 years old and continued up until his death.
The three stages of his adult life are supposed to correspond with different aspects of his demon form’s hairstyle.
During the “Voodoo Killer” stage, he straightened his hair and styled it similarly to his demon form’s hairstyle. However, he did not have an undershave. If viewed from the back, it would look like a simple bob. His appearance is inspired by Clementine Barnabet. I intended for his tignon to be tied in a similar manner to Clementine’s. Additionally, the bandages wrapped around his legs are meant to make him look a little like Voodoo Queen Lala from the 1930s. I gave him bandages instead to make him look like more of an edge lord (lol). The cross worn was originally his mother's. After she died, he painted it black in mourning. He wears it at all times, up until his death, to remember her.
During the “Jazz Musician” stage, he kept his hair short in order to pass for male. This is supposed to correspond with the back side of Alastor’s demon form, which is shaved short. His appearance is inspired by Jelly Roll Morton, one of my favorite Jazz musicians, who also happens to be Creole. Not visible in this pose, but Al wore black gloves that match the color of his hair. 
During the “Radio Star” stage, several aspects of Alastor’s appearance are inspired by the late, great Cab Calloway. Like Cab, Alastor styled his hair in a conk. His suit is also inspired by the iconic white suit worn by Cab Calloway.
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That being said, creative liberties were taken with Al’s white suit, which is anachronistic for the 1930s. Cab famously wore zoots, but I don’t think that would be Alastor’s style. Since I know so little about 1930s fashion, I gave up and didn’t attempt to give him a historically accurate suit. Instead, his tuxedo is based on the one he wore in the pilot. There are several anachronisms present in Alastor’s canon design, so it might actually fit his character to wear a suit atypical of the 1930s. This could preserve the otherworldly, “Willy Wonka”-esque presence that he has, even on Earth. Still, it’s a pretty glaring historical inaccuracy. Once we get to see Al’s canon human form, I might redesign him.
Since Alastor would have more than one suit, I didn’t worry too much about the inaccuracies present in his clothing. The one thing I refused to compromise on was his microphone.  In the TV show, Alastor’s iconic microphone is a vintage ribbon mic. However, this “pill capsule” style looks more similar to models that were only invented after Alastor’s death. Here’s an example of a ribbon mic that was rolled out shortly before Alastor’s death: The RCA Type 77-A. As you can see, it’s a lot larger in size than Alastor’s microphone.
My first attempt at drawing human Alastor gave him a ribbon mic, seen here: https://www.deviantart.com/thegirlwhodidntsmile/art/Human-Alastor-ribbon-mic-1035514228
In order to be more historically accurate, I discarded this design. Instead, I gave him a spring microphone, technology that is more iconic of the 1920s/1930s. 
Here’s an image of Cab Calloway in front of a spring microphone, one year after Alastor’s death:
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I took some creative liberties with the flag of Alastor’s microphone. Normally, it is supposed to say the radio station. Since I don’t know what radio station Al’s show aired on, I just had it read “ON AIR” in red.
Importantly, Alastor’s suit has to match the design of his microphone, which is an extension of himself.
It’s a little awkward how Alastor is holding his microphone, so here is how it looks from the back: https://www.deviantart.com/thegirlwhodidntsmile/art/Human-Alastor-back-of-mic-1035514255
The backside of the microphone is supposed to look like an eye, and have a bit of an ominous presence.
A headcanon I have is that Alastor had a severe case of stress-induced vitiligo. Because he was very egotistical, this was a source of shame for him, so he hid it with makeup and clothing. Here is how his face would have appeared shortly before his death: https://www.deviantart.com/thegirlwhodidntsmile/art/Human-Alastor-no-makeup-1035514264
Al’s colors are mostly browns, whites, and black, to keep with the deer theme. The black tips of his shoes are supposed to look a bit like deer hooves. I pictured his height as 5’10, one inch taller than Michael Dillon. Since the average male height was around 5’7, Al was still taller than most men, which made it easier to pass for male.
In addition to Clementine Barnabet, Jelly Barnabet, and Cab Calloway, FTM Al’s appearance is largely inspired by the famous biracial drag king Stormé DeLarverie.
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I picture Alastor having a darker complexion than Stormé, or Cab Calloway for that matter. Compared to Stormé, his nose and eyes are different (his eyes are supposed to have the same shape as his mother’s. distinctly African, not European at all) but his mouth, jawline, and overall facial structure are similar. He’s basically supposed to be a much less white-passing version of Stormé DeLarverie. Because he was born around year 1900, Al would not have had access to any form of medical transition. He would be physically indistinguishable from a cisgender drag king.
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I also picture his physical build being pretty similar, but he’s taller (I’m not sure how tall Stormé was, but I don’t think she was 5’10) and skinnier. He’s supposed to have a really striking appearance, where he’s really slender but really tall for someone born in his time, and he has an androgynous face.
In my more recent drawings, the drag king Alberta “Bert” Whitman has also served as visual inspiration for human Alastor:
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Bonus image:
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kimeepki · 20 days
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I finally got into FF14, so I drew my character! I took some liberties with the hairstyle because I don’t like exactly how it’s styled in the game lol. But it was the only hairstyle that was close to a Black hairstyle 😂.
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in-abstrxcto · 9 months
Hey guys! This art isn't B★Q related but I thought I'd share it anyway because I'm a Wolf 359 fan and I'm aware Tumblr likes Cutter
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I was curious, so I asked Scotty Shoemaker how he pictured Mr. Cutter, and drew that! I took some creative liberties to lean into the uncanniness of what he described (such as non-reflective eyes, as they look more unsettling), and you'll also notice that this is slightly more realistic than my usual style, because I *really* wanted to capture what was described. I also used the hairstyle and the suit Scotty Shoemaker had in the live show because those weren't described but I'm assuming the count as part of his interpretation
What Scotty Shoemaker said was:
"if I had to say I guess I imagined a taller skinner version of myself. very clean shaven, with almost doll like skin. plastic, fine, narrow features…"
KEEP IN MIND, THIS IS NOT HOW CUTTER LOOKS CANONICALLY! Cutter (and the other characters) have no canon design, making Wolf 359 special as a huge part of the fandom is character design oriented — this just happens to be the voice actor's interpretation. Not canon!!!
Overall, this was a fun little design challenge! I haven't designed characters based on descriptions/prompts like this before, so hopefully I did well! I also hope you guys enjoy my notes I did on the page while drawing :)
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(also, enjoy this close-up that couldn't post on Instagram due to its cropping limitations)
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Welcome back to "this idiot has a sleep schedule that's burning in a ditch somewhere, so she's succumbing to the brainrot and drawing all the Batfam members instead!" (Previous Installments linked below) Today, my very specific but mildly nonsensical order has finally gotten me to one of the ones who's been around the longest: Barbara Gordon, the baddest b**** in town!
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Initial trace where I stylize some and do a kinda half-baked background. I put a lot more effort into this backdrop than normal since computers are kinda Barbara's whole thing, so I really needed the screens in there. Also, before anybody comes at me: Babs can wear a low cut shirt if she wants. Comic books can draw in her a low cut shirt if they want. YOU can draw in her a low cut shirt if you want. I just didn't want to draw her in a low cut shirt, so I didn't! We clear? Moving on:
I drew her as Oracle. I know mainline DC comics has her back to being Batgirl again, but she's always Oracle in my head. As sexist and poorly planned as The Killing Joke may have been, I think her being in a wheelchair and being a super cool kick-butt hero anyway is very important to her character and gave her a lot of growth and development. And there are a bunch of other characters that could gain a lot from being Batgirl and/or are better suited to the Batgirl role at this point. Also, the Batfamily is a disorganized mess, they need someone like her around.
Favorite thing about drawing Oracle is definitely her glasses. I love drawing them mostly filled in so she looks extra scary!
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Freehanded version where I stylize using my trace as a reference. And yeah, I put this one on a dark background cuz I could! Babs breaks all the rules of conventional heroism, and she's breaking all the conventions of this art series! This whole project was a very good exercise for me in learning to draw a wheelchair and a character sitting in a wheelchair. I actually really really liked doing it. I had to google pictures of wheelchairs a few times, but this was much easier than most of the mechanical and non-organic stuff I try to draw. I need to draw more disabled characters, cuz this was really fun, and I would love to experiment with different models of wheelchairs and other types of mobility aids!
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Characterization pose! Whoa, this is different from the rest of my Batfam drawings! A backdrop? In MY completely freehanded drawing? Yeah, like I said, Babs requires breaking all the rules. Since Oracle isn't a field hero and dresses the same as a civilian, I took a different approach than normal, and decided to draw her doing the things that make her Oracle: working with computers and being the scariest member of the Batfamily. I also drew my version of her "icon" that she uses if she needs to have some sort of face to communicate with people.
You can't tell cuz her clothes are loose, but I drew her super buff because she works a lot on both her arms and her legs to keep herself in shape and to keep her muscles from atrophying. Also, Barbara has like 6 different hairstyles that get jumped between with absolutely no regard for how that should work, so I took creative liberties. I mixed and matched, using her waves and relative length from Batgirl, the little side strands from one of the ponytail styles, and the bangs from the style pictured in my reference photo.
For once, the hero text isn't traced because every comics cover I could easily find has missed the opportunity to use the digital clock font for Oracle's name and I had to correct this absolute travesty.
Other Batfamily Members:
Nightwing Edition
Red Hood Edition
Robin (Carrie Kelley) Edition
Red Robin Edition
Spoiler Edition
Robin (Damian Wayne) Edition
Signal Edition
See ya in the next one, and see if you can guess who's next!
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astayinwonderland · 11 months
Silk and Fire - Chapter 3
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pairing: namjoon x f.reader x jungkook
genre: romance | drama | smut +18 MDNI
status: ongoing
word count: 2.1k
You can read about this story and other chapters here.
warnings: mentions of sexual activity, masturbation, cheating, a little angst (lmk if I missed anything)
You go about your day as usual. Why wouldn’t you? Oh right... You had a dream in which Jungkook fingered you until you were a babbling mess about to cum. If that was not enough, in your dream, Namjoon was sleeping in your shared room while his friend made you moan and squirm under his touch. But that was it... it was a dream. You need to get over it so you stay busy.
Big breakfasts were not your go-to thing every morning. However, today it needed to be. You blast music on your speakers as you cook and eat, your phone facing down somewhere in the living room, Jungkook’s follower request is still there. It’s already too late for an elaborate outfit to go to work, so you just put on your nice jeans, a pale pink blouse, and your comfy work flats.
Luckily for you, the day runs by with lots of things to tend to. Meeting after meeting, a full inbox, chitchat with coworkers. Great!
“Hey, there’s someone here to see you,” Marcia interrupts your typing. You like Marcia. She is the best assistant one could have. Attentive, caring, amazing in what she does, and a true confidant and friend.
“Huh? My next meeting is not until 3:30, I was about to take my lunch break. Is Mrs. Tang early?” you start fixing your makeup. No matter if you already met a client, you always double-check your makeup before a meeting.
“Um... no, this is not Mrs. Tang. It’s a Mr. Jeon?” she raises her eyebrows, cheeks flushing in embarrassment.
Walking in what appears to be slow-motion, there he is, Jeon Jungkook. Hoseok was completely right, he does like making a big entrance. He dresses in a casual black t-shirt with ripped jeans, glasses, and a messy hairstyle that gives him a look to die for.
“Thank you, Marcia, you are so attentive,” he smiles at her. Marcia is a giggling mess, especially when Jungkook opens and closes the door for her, making direct eye contact.
What the actual fuck?
“Wh-wha-what are you doing here? Wh-why? No,” you say standing up. He scans you up and down taking his time.
“This is not... you can’t just barge in, there is a procedure and why are you here?” your tone getting more and more guttural in annoyance.
“I am here to take you to lunch.”
This was certainly not the plan. You were supposed to be here with Namjoon, the reservation was made for two, that plus one being your boyfriend not Jungkook. It seems almost funny how Namjoon couldn’t make it and you would have known this earlier if you didn’t keep your phone buried in your desk drawer specifically to avoid thinking about Jungkook’s follower request or any flashbacks of that very explicit sex dream. Now you are being walked to your table with the same man you’ve been trying to keep off your mind.
“Here are your menus. A waiter will be with you shortly,” the host smiles and leaves you alone with Jungkook. The air suddenly feels too heavy and you fight the urge to run away.
“Namjoon was really bummed he couldn’t make it, that’s all he whined about in the group chat. I just took the liberty to step in and get to know you better,” he takes a sip of his water.
You slowly nod and have some water as well, your eyes glued to the menu.
“Hello, my name is Tiffany, may I get you started with some drinks?” the waitress interrupts. She is beautiful. Gorgeous long, black, hair, full lips and breasts, her brown skin smooth, and a smile that could certainly get her anything she wanted.
“I’ll have your strongest cocktail, thank you,” you blurt out.
Jungkook can’t help but laugh, his eyes on you. You are waiting for him to flirt with pretty Tiffany, but that moment never comes. He orders whiskey instead. Neat.
“You didn’t have to come, you know,” you start, but Jungkook waves his hands dismissively.
“I wanted to see you,” and with that simple sentence you feel your heart beat faster, your hands sweaty, and let’s be honest, your cunt needy. “I– know you saw something the other night...”
“I didn't see anything,” you lie.
He smirks. He better stop doing that or you’re going to lose it. Thankfully, now your drinks are here and you chug half of it in an attempt to make the lunch less awkward. Tiffany hands Jungkook his drink, their hands slightly touching. You see her walk away, waiting for Jungkook to follow her with his eyes, but he never does. Once again those doe eyes are on you, he looks at your lips as he drinks his whiskey, shameless.
“I was hoping we could break the awkwardness now that we are alone... tell me, did you like what you saw?”
You’re shocked. What is he trying to do? You ignored his comment and called Tiffany who kindly took your order. The faster you eat, the faster you get out of there, but at this point, you were getting annoyed, annoyed by Jungkook’s audacity.
“You are missing your chance there, you know,” for the first time today, you look at him in the eye. “She is really pretty, and your type, right? Pretty waitresses?”
Jungkook almost spits his drink after your bold observation. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and leans closer to you, the table acting as a barrier between your bodies.
“My type is sitting right in front of me,” he whispers. “Oh please... stop that. What are you trying to do? I’m with Namjoon, did you forget that?” “Yeah, and where is he now?”
This is it. You stand up and grab your purse. Anger blinded you as your legs took you as far away from him as possible. You were angry with Jungkook, but you were even angrier at yourself because he was right. Where the fuck was Namjoon? He does this often, he promises he’ll be there but then something comes up. You miss him.
Jungkook runs after you.
“Please, don’t go I'm sorry! I’m sorry.”
You are already about the leave the restaurant.
“What is it Jungkook? Leave me alone!”
“I’m just trying to– shit, I don’t know...”
“Just go and fuck the waitress, would you?” you snap walking out, but he follows you and grabs your arm.
“I fucked her because I couldn’t fuck you!” he yells. Frustration in his eyes, you can see how his chest seems even bigger and his breathing gets heavier.
Your heart stops.
“I’m sorry, fuck, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell,” he runs his fingers through his hair as he closes the distance between the two of you.
There’s an unspoken apology, an understanding that just comes by looking into each other’s eyes. You don’t know why but there is something pulling you towards Jungkook, like you need
him. A battle between the brain, the heart, and raw desire. Your hand lands on his arm and your lips slowly come closer to his face. Jungkook turns his face, wanting to capture your lips on his, but he fails, your objective met to give him an apologetic, chaste, kiss on his cheek.
You linger too close to his lips, the faint scent of whiskey mixed with his own signature scent intoxicating your body and soul. Both your lips almost grasing you can almost taste him.
“I should go,” and betraying how much your body wanted to kiss him, you pulled yourself away from him and stormed down the street.
Jungkook watches you leave, wishing he could run after you once more and kiss you senseless. Fucking hell, how bad he wanted to kiss you, make you forget you were spoken for... his fingers wanting to touch you, his eyes wanting to see you melt for him, his ears wanting you to beg for him. How perfect must your lips feel on his, how perfect you must taste. Why Namjoon? Of course, he understood why Namjoon. But still... why?
Betraying your sense of righteousness, you look over your shoulder to see Jungkook’s face light up, his chest inflating with hope, just to deflate with dismay as you continue to walk away from him. ______________________________
When Namjoon gets home you are already in bed, begging for the sleeping pills in your system to work. He gets into bed his body craving yours.
“Babe, I’m sorry I’m so late, sorry I couldn’t be with you today,” he whispers as he kisses your temple, then your shoulder. “Let me make it up to you...” he waits for an answer but you don’t give him one. “Please...”
“No worries, babe,” you finally say, but you don’t truly mean it. However, you still give him a peck on the lips. Namjoon is an understanding man, so he gets that you are not in the mood.
Maybe you should have taken another melatonin pill. The soft buzz of your phone wakes you up. Unknown number. You always answered these no matter what, you feared it was an emergency.
“Hello?” you croak, your voice raspy, half of you still asleep. “I want you to walk to the bathroom, and close the door behind you.” Jungkook.
“Baby... do as you are told, you don’t wanna wake him up,” he coos.
In what appears to be a trance, you obey, making your way to the bathroom, a few feet from where Namjoon lies fast asleep. You lock the door behind you, the only source of light being your phone and the city lights that creep on the window.
“You’re in?” “Yes...” you await for his next instruction, nervous. Tempted.
“Turn on the shower, I don’t want anyone else to listen to our after-hour conversation,” and he waits until he listens to the background noise of water running.
“Good... Now I want you to touch yourself,” he starts, eliciting a gasp from your lips. “Sit and spread those gorgeous legs, for me baby.”
You sit on the closed toilet seat and you open your legs. His voice gives forbidden commands that your body just does naturally like you are under his spell, but you don’t want to break it.
“Are you wearing any underwear?” “N-no...”
“Just how I like it, I knew you would be ready for me,” his chuckles audible from the other side of the phone. “I’m going to guide you through this, okay? You are not allowed to do anything if I don’t command it. Got it, darling?”
“Pinch your nipples for me. I bet they’re already hard...”
You are possessed by the way his voice makes you twist with pleasure in the darkness. Your moans are forced to be kept to the minimum as he teases you.
“You have no idea how much I want to touch you, my hands teasing one of your breasts and I flick your nipple with my tongue. Would you like that, baby?”
“Y-yes, please,” you can’t help it.
“Use only one finger, but don’t put it in yet. Rub it up and down your folds, tell me, how wet are you?
“Mmmhhh... very wet, I’m wet.”
“Good. I want you to cum for me through the phone, would you do that for me?”
No answer. You are lost in pleasure as you tease yourself, rubbing just as he said.
“Already too pleasure-drunk to speak? Get one finger in... deep. In and out, baby, pound that pussy really good for me,” his breath hitching as he fists his cock on the other side of the phone.
“Ah– ah– fuck...” your little moans fuel him to get to his release as you are close as well and the palm of your hand hits your clit again and again.
“Yes, baby, just like that... are you feeling good?” “Y-yes. Good.”
Your middle finger soaked in your juices now quickens the pace, the sound of your wetness masked by the shower running beside you. It seems like there is no other place you rather be than here, fucking yourself as he orders you to. Blinded by desire, submissive to his spell. You are close, right there with him, as his voice encourages you to finish.
“C’mon, baby, cum... cum... please, I need you to cum,” and you can hear in his voice he is waiting for you to give in to his orgasm.
With a muffled cry, you give in, the tension in you shattering into a million pieces, the ecstasy of your climax engulfing you into a blanket of bliss. Jungkook curses under his breath. Fuck. This was hot. You can’t think straight, you can’t process what just happened.
“You did so well... y-you did s-so good,”; a fucked-out Jungkook says.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
A knock on the bathroom door.
“Babe, is everything alright?” Namjoon.
“Goodnight, baby... See you tomorrow.”
The call ends.
a/n: this is pure ✨fiction✨ updates will be every Monday(: ... lmk if you would like to be tagged (;
tags: @paramedicnerd004 | @darkuni63 |
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atla-genderbender · 7 months
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ATLA Gender Bender: Firelord Ozai
"You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher."
The principle behind this AU is to swap the genders of the main cast (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko) and other characters where it enhances the story. This means that most child characters, like Azula and Suki, are also swapped, but adults are swapped on a case by case basis. This is especially true for characters who had a formative influence on the main characters, like parents and other role models. If you swap a given character and their parent(al figure)s, this alters the character's personality more than swapping that character without swapping their parents. Sometimes this effect is subtle, and sometimes it is large. This is why I would avoid swapping the genders of a character's parents, unless it makes sense to do so.
In the case of Zuko's parents, I do not think it detracts from the story to swap their genders. I would even go so far to say that some things are enhanced by swapping both Ozai and Ursa. Female Ozai fits surprisingly well into the role of an "evil empress". "Urson" also works as a "papa bear" character. A female Ozai would contrast well with a female Zuko, serving as a "good queen" "evil queen" dichotomy. I also find it fascinating to think about what would change and what would stay the same if Ozai's gender was also swapped. 
I picture female Ozai being no less evil or sadistic as normal Ozai. Unlike Ozai, she would have to maintain the image of a good mother to her children, and a good daughter to her father. This is especially interesting if she is the first female Fire Lord in a line of male Fire Lords. She would be a queen who has to strike the perfect balance of femininity and power in order to please her court. A woman who possesses bewitching beauty to conceal a wicked, sadistic soul. I think she would be very narcissistic and cruel, obsessed with being beautiful and powerful at once.
I attempted to convey this through her design, which could be tweaked in many respects. To explain the rationale behind her design, the Fire Lords of Avatar draw from East and Southeast Asian influences. Firelord Ozai's hairstyle is Chinese inspired (see: atlaculture.tumblr.com/post/65…), but his clothing is Burmese inspired (see: atlaculture.tumblr.com/post/63…). As such, I decided to base the hairstyles of female Fire Lords on East Asian hairstyles worn by female rulers.
It feels inevitable that female Ozai would be compared to Wu Zetian. I wanted to minimize these comparisons, and make it clear that female Ozai is not supposed to be a representation of Wu Zetian. Doing so would unfairly demonize a real historical figure. Still, I could not resist including a couple of elements inspired by Fan Bingbing as Wu Zetian in "The Empress of China" (see: dwvyw8kf1avne.cloudfront.net/s…). This is what inspired female Ozai's red makeup, and the stylized phoenix headdress that she wears. Other design elements are not inspired by Wu Zetian, but other portrayals of powerful queens and empresses in Chinese dramas. Namely, Empress Du Feihong in "The Glamorous Imperial Concubine". I hope that the final design is so stylized that it is clear that she is not supposed to represent a real historical figure. I attempted to simplify her headdress in a way that could be easy enough to animate while still making it clear that she is wearing a ridiculous amount of gold and rubies on her head. This is meant to contrast with female Zuko's design. Where female Zuko is humble, female Ozai is vain.
In the end, I am dissatisfied with the design I came up with, for reasons I will explain under "OUTFIT DESCRIPTIONS".
This design approach diverges from the design principles behind the one female Firelord shown in Avatar, that being Izumi. I took liberties with hairstyles, but did not change the masculine style of robes. I felt this would diverge too far from the pre-established rules of Avatar. Additionally, I think it creates an interesting contrast between a feminine hairstyle and masculine robes, especially if Ozai and "Zuka" are the first female Firelords in a long series of male Firelords.
The phoenix imagery actually makes more sense if Ozai was a woman, since the fenghuang is traditionally a feminine entity. I also think it would be cool if she was still named "Ozai", kind of like how "Ty Lee" is very feminine but has a masculine name. It would also imply that "Ozai" isn't the name she was born with, but a name she adopted for its meaning "large presence". 
I picture Grey Griffin as the voice of female Ozai. Specifically, how she voices adult characters, like Ming Hua in LOK and the female Viltrumite from Invincible. I don't think that she should have the same voice as Azula, but Grey Griffin could give her a venomous and vicious voice that would fit her really well.
1: Firelord Costume
I am dissatisfied with the hairstyle I came up with for female Ozai's Firelord costume. I have written previously about my concerns that viewers would conflate her with the real life Wu Zetian. In order to minimize these comparisons, I tried to make elements of her hairstyle abstract instead of authentic to real life costumes. However, I do not think I was successful in achieving my goal. When I first started drawing female Ozai, I knew little about hanfu, and have since learned more about traditional Chinese costumes. The crown that I gave her is clearly inspired by fengguan, which is a distinctly Chinese element. Given Ozai's affinity for phoenixes, I can't not picture female Ozai wearing some sort of fengguan. The design I came up with is flawed, as it is something that "looks Chinese" without being authentic to Chinese costume design. This could come across as offensive. The best approach would be to fuse the Chinese element of the fengguan with other cultural influences, so that the result is something that is not specifically Chinese. I took some time to try to come up with a better design, but to be transparent I am approaching creative burn out with this project and was unable to come up with a better design. I guess this speaks to my limits as an artist.
With all of this said, these designs are best viewed as a first draft and not the final product. These are meant to give an impression of what her character would look like, and could use more sets of eyes to review and improve the design.
2: "Phoenix Queen" Costume
In the second costume, her cape is somewhat inspired by Maleficent's cape in "Sleeping Beauty". Maleficent's appearance also helped inspire female Ozai's widow's peak and facial structure. As I mentioned before, her costume is inspired by the real life apsara. She has dressed herself in the image of a goddess of fire.
3: "Phoenix Queen" Costume, after removing crown and cape
The third costume is supposed to be how female Ozai would appear at the start of her fight with "Aangi". I intended for her to have the same body type as the female Viltrumite "Thula" from "Invincible". I also think that female Ozai's voice would sound like Thula's. I picture her as a warrior queen who spends a lot of time training, giving her an athletic and muscular appearance. I think she would appear more physically intimidating if she has some muscle mass on her frame. This being said, there are a lot of different athletic body types. A less bulky but athletic body type could arguably fit her better.
4: Appearance after being defeated by "Aangi"
The fourth costume is supposed to be how female Ozai would appear at the end of her fight with "Aangi". Since she doesn't have a goattee, I think "Aangi" would grab her by the gold part of her top. I think it would be cool and dramatic if "Aangi" ripped this part of her costume off. In the heat of battle, female Ozai loses the gold parts of her costume, and a waterbending attack by "Aangi" washes off her makeup, exposing her as a false goddess.
Her finger nails and toenails are painted and sharpened, to resemble the talons of a phoenix.
Like what I’m doing? Consider leaving me a donation via Ko-Fi.
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