#I uh - I wrote this pretty fast and surprised myself?? damn XD
Fuck it. I really like how you write Undertaker so could you please do an undertaker x reader, dealers choice? Could be fluff, le comedy, or ANGST, surprise me 💕
I apparently jump on angst when it comes to Undertaker, OOPS-
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You think endless years of life and loss have shattered your lover into pieces.
Whatever else he may be, you believe the UNDERTAKER is a very, very broken man.
How long has he even been alive for, you wonder? How many people has he lost over his lifetime? Other than the vague fact of, All of them. You don’t want to be another one, but… he knows better than anyone else the cycle of life and death.
It’s simply obvious that he thought he could put a halt to it.
It’s sad to watch him, as you see him now, in this derelict church, sitting among rotted pews and jagged pieces of smashed-in stained glass. There are vines and flowers everywhere; you get the distinct sense that he doesn’t think it’s a beautiful thing.
… This whole place. It reminds you of his heart. Maybe that’s why you assume he doesn’t think it’s beautiful, because he has a very low opinion of himself by this point.
Living has eroded his self-image to nothing, like water beating a rough stone until it’s perfectly polished. You think this place is beautiful, in a melancholy sort of way.
You think he’s beautiful, in a melancholy sort of way. In a contrast to this place, he hasn’t let the new blossoms of moving on grow over him. He’s rooted himself, allowing the memories of his losses to consume him and make growth impossible.
You lower yourself next to him, and it’s telling that he barely even moves. He doesn’t look at you, he doesn’t move away. He doesn’t let his grip loosen a single bit on the chain of mourning lockets that are wrapped around his long nails and draped over his fingers.
God. You can only imagine what’s running through his mind.
You’re quiet as you lean your head against his shoulder. Any words you can think to say sound hollow when they ring in your skull, so you don’t say anything. You just sit, and exist next to the person you love more than anything in this world.
Finally, he’s the one to break the silence.
“It never gets better, y’ know.” His thumb runs over the locket resting in his palm. His eyes are weary, red-rimmed with the evidence of someone who’s cried until he has no tears left, and continued crying regardless.
You tilt your head with a soft hum. A request for elaboration.
The breath he takes is a gasp for air after breaking the surface of nearly drowning. “That’s what ev’ryone told me. ‘It’ll get better.’ ‘Time heals all wounds.’ ‘What do y’ think they’d want y’ t’ do?’”
His hand might crush the locket if that weren’t the very thing he’s been trying to avoid with every effort he’s made. “It’s a bunch of shite. It doesn’t get better. It never heals. An’ how the hell would anyone else know what they’d want me to do? There ain’t no movin’ past a hole in your chest that keeps gettin’ bigger and bigger, somethin’ that ain’t there but it feels so damn heavy y’ can’t get outta bed sometimes.”
He swallows, and it’s audible, and he finally turns to look at you. Fluorescent green eyes are only hidden from you by a film of tears. Suddenly, every scar you can see dotting his body makes you think he’s stitched together with nothing but memories.
As if that’s all he is anymore. A vessel for the memories of all the people he’s ever loved, instead of being the person he used to be.
“I don’t want to let go.” It’s spit out furiously, a response to a question you haven’t even asked yet. He brings the lockets close to his chest and curls into you. “They’re all gone now, (Name). My mum… my dad… the first one I loved… all the other family and friends and lovers I cared about since then…”
He looks up at you, pleading with you to understand.
“They’re gone,” he says in a voice that’s barely a whisper. “If I don’t remember ‘em… if my life goes on jus’ the same as it did before I lost ‘em… don’t that mean I didn’t actually love ‘em? But I did… I did, darlin’… jus’ like I love you.”
The way he says it makes it abundantly clear: if he thinks he didn’t love all those people, and that he didn’t love you, because he moved on after losing them, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
Once again, everything you can think to say seems like a blade to shove and twist in his already gaping wounds.
So you put your arms around him, and hold his broken pieces together as best you can, and murmur a declaration that feels louder than it sounds. “I love you too, Adrian.”
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kanasmusings · 6 years
[Translation] VAZZROCK Tokuten CD - VAZZRAJI: ROCK DOWN Chapter
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VAZZROCK special drama track is always lit LOL. If you remember VAZZY’s version, I’m sure that ROCK DOWN’s will crack you up more XD They talk of nicknames once more so please be prepared to see a lot of translator’s notes www Oh, also, Ruka mentions so many nicknames so fast that I’m pretty sure I got some of them wrong so please, feel free to tell me about it ^^
Thank you once again to Deea for the files~! Please don’t ask her as per her request, thank you ^^ 
After this are the Starry Sky drama CDs~! 
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
  SHO: Now then, is everyone ready?
ALL: Yes~!/Yeah.
SHO: Shall we begin? VAZZROCK Radio, a.k.a. VazzRaji is~
ALL: Starting!
  SHO: Alright, it’s started. It’s VazzRaji: ROCK DOWN Chapter.
SHO: It’s the TsukiPro famous live broadcast radio to get to know everyone better. Today’s main hosts will be me, ROCK DOWN’s leader Onoda Sho and~
RUKA: ROCK DOWN’s MC meaning~ It’s me, Nadumi Ruka will be delivering it to you~!
RUKA: We’re in your care, okay~? Alright, everyone, let’s get this party started! Applause~
(everyone starts clapping)
SHO: Then, let’s start with the self-introductions. Let me see…
SHO: Shall we go clockwise starting with Haruto?
HARUTO: Got it.
RUKA: Ah, a little explanation for those who don’t understand. Right now, the members are sitting at a very round tea table. (1)
REIJI: Why is it at a tea table though? Is it because there are a lot of people?
REIJI: Plus, isn’t it kinda mean to have six grown dudes sitting in a low tea table like this?
AYUMU: If the problem is with the number of people, wouldn’t a long rectangular table be fine, too?
REIJI: Right?
GAKU: I heard from the staff that it’s a tea table from tradition.
GAKU: It seems like a lot of dramas have been born on this very tea table.
REIJI: Wait, wait, wait! What kind of dramas are born in a radio broadcast in the first place?!
GAKU: Other times it’s a serious betting game, other times it’s a serious game of life. And sometimes, it’s a “hey, look over there” kind of competition.
GAKU: It seems like a lot of very personal and famous competitions have happened here.
HARUTO: I-it seems like they were just playing around…
GAKU: Well, that’s ‘cause it’s that kind of radio broadcast.
RUKA: Alright guys, stop~! You’re getting too heated about a tea table.
RUKA: We still haven’t introduced ourselves yet. To the listeners, we just sound like a bunch of dudes who suddenly got excited about a tea table’s history.
SHO: Even Haruto who was all ready to do a self-introduction looks as if he stopped wanting to talk midway.
GAKU: Oh yeah, that was right. Haruto, we’re sorry.
AYUMU: We’re sorry. Please continue.
REIJI: Alright, Haruto~ It’s your turn. Speak as much as you want!
REIJI: This is your chance to be playful and show your quirky side!
  HARUTO: I’m ROCK DOWN’s Kujikawa Haruto. It’s nice to meet you.
REIJI: U-uh… That wasn’t playful at all, huh…
HARUTO: I had planned on being very playful though…!
AYUMU: At what part…?
HARUTO: I made a weird face right at the end.
RUKA: Ah, that’s too bad!! It’s totally too unfortunate!
RUKA: Haru-kun, this is a radio broadcast. Just the sound’s being broadcast. They can’t see your face.
HARUTO: Oh goodness…!
REIJI: I feel like these jokes won’t end so I’m going next!
REIJI: (clears throat) I’m Amaha Reiji, ROCK DOWN’s sexiest man. It’s nice to meet you~
AYUMU: You’ll describe yourself like that…?
AYUMU: I’m ROCK DOWN’s Tachibana Ayumu. I’m not used to radio broadcasts so, I’m a little nervous.
AYUMU: I will be in your care.
GAKU: I’m Oguro Gaku. Please call me Gaku, or Gakkun, or whatever you like.
GAKU: Please enjoy yourselves as we slowly unravel our hearts to you.
RUKA: Welp, Haru-kun’s was a bit of a fail but the rest went on smoothly~
SHO: (chuckles) Let’s continue on with this kind of atmosphere then.
RUKA: You’re right!
SHO: This VazzRaji is for the fans to be able to get to know us better. It’s a radio where we’re all supposed to have fun~
RUKA: We can do convos like a while ago but, that’s normally how we’re like backstage or back at the dorms.
SHO: It’s our usual conversation, huh?
RUKA: Exactly! Let’s do it just like that, with a style that’s not trying too hard~
SHO: Maybe there will be people who’d be surprised and say, “Oh, so that’s what he’s like,” huh~?
SHO: Speaking as the leader, I know that everyone has their own cool and cute side. They all have their own appeal so, I hope that the listeners will be able to see that as well.
REIJI: Sho should show his cute side more, then.
SHO: (chuckles) I hope I meet their expectations.
HARUTO: I know all about Sho's cute sides so I'll present them all later.
HARUTO: I’ll try to do my best to show all my cute sides, too!
GAKU: Haruto’s got a “little brother” atmosphere so I think you’re already cute without trying.
HARUTO: Gaku-san…! What do you plan to do by making my heart throb like that?
GAKU: I wasn’t expecting anything.
HARUTO: Reiji-san, you’re making a shocked face over there. Please, don’t hesitate to spoil me, too. I don’t mind.
REIJI: Uwah… If we’re talking about wanting little brothers, I’d prefer Ayumu.
AYUMU: Don’t suddenly drag me into this.
AYUMU: Plus, I’d prefer being an older brother.
GAKU: What kinda conversation is this?!
RUKA: Alright, everyone~! It’s good that you’re getting along but, the conversation’s going nowhere.
RUKA: Let’s get started with the real deal then~ Today is VazzRaji: ROCK DOWN Chapter’s beginning so~
RUKA: We gotta have a talk of course! Here’s the theme~
(Ruka pulls out a signboard and shows it to everyone)
RUKA: “Please tell us all the nicknames you’ve had until today~!”
  AYUMU: Nicknames, huh…
HARUTO: Do we just have to write it on the sketchbooks given to us before recording?
RUKA: Yep, that’s it~! But, since the listeners can’t see, you have to read it aloud.
RUKA: Then, everyone will go wild with responding over it~
AYUMU: I see…
AYUMU: To be honest, I don’t think I have a nickname that’s really interesting enough for everyone to talk about.
SHO: Actually, this was the same topic that VAZZY had.
SHO: They had someone there that didn’t have a nickname, too, so it’s going to be okay ♪
SHO: That in itself would make for a good talk.
REIJI: Sho didn’t say any names but, I can only think of one guy who doesn’t have a nickname (in VAZZY)!
GAKU: (chuckles)
RUKA: Alright, the time limit is one minute so write all you can~!
RUKA: After that, everyone will show theirs on the count of three, got it~?
RUKA: Alright, start!
(everyone gets flustered as they begin to write)
GAKU: That was sudden…
REIJI: Oh, for real?!
(everyone starts writing)
HARUTO: (muttering) There’s that… and that, too…
AYUMU: (muttering) Oh, there was that as well…
SHO: Alrighty ♪
HARUTO: That was fast…!
SHO: I had a lot of nicknames that I got from when I was performing overseas so it was all written in katakana.
REIJI: Damn…! Isn’t one minute too short?!
REIJI: Ah, there’s still—Uh…
RUKA: I started the countdown myself but this is bad…!
RUKA: Um, there’s that… and that… ah, and that, too…!
GAKU: I’m done.
AYUMU: Me, too.
AYUMU: Mine’s really normal so, I’m counting on everyone to please expand the talk.
GAKU: That’s kinda gallant of you to say.
GAKU: It’s gonna be okay~ There’s six of us so even if we talk about the weather, we can talk about it for 30 minutes.
AYUMU: I see. Thank you.
RUKA: How many more seconds left? 10 seconds?!
REIJI: Alright, I’m done!
(bell dings)
SHO: Alright, time’s up~
RUKA: (panting) That was bad for my heart…
GAKU: Ruu has a lot of nicknames after all. You get a new nickname every time you go to a theatre.
AYUMU: That’s amazing.
RUKA: Well, being in the theatre is kinda like being in a school club.
AYUMU: Is that so…?
AYUMU: Though, it’s true that it did kind of feel like that during our KisoSekai performance.
AYUMU: It was fun.
GAKU: I think Ayumu would do well in a play, too!
SHO: Now then, now then~ Shall we announce what we wrote?
RUKA: Everyone, here we go! 1, 2, 3, go~!
(they all show their sketchbooks to each other)
  SHO: Should I read mine first?
SHO: Let’s see…
SHO: “Oono, Shoui, Snow, Ninja” These were nicknames that I got during my overseas violin recitals.
SHO: I don’t have much nicknames here in Japan. I’m usually just called ‘Sho’ here.
HARUTO: This is my first time hearing that Sho was a ninja…!
SHO: Of course I’m not ♪ Surprisingly, there are still a lot of foreigners who think that Japanese people equal ninja.
SHO: It wasn’t said to me specifically but, I’ve heard some Japanese people being given the nicknames “geisha” and even a kaijuu’s name.
HARUTO: I see.
AYUMU: Apparently, there are a lot of foreigners who find pronouncing Japanese names difficult.
SHO: Exactly. In my case, since my name is ‘Sho’ they felt that it sounded a bit short.
SHO: Though, there were a lot who just called me by my name.
REIJI: Here, here~! What does ‘Snow’ mean then? Or is it directly just that?
SHO: It is. Apparently, it was because of my appearance.
RUKA: It’s true! Sho-kun’s very pale~ You’re also thin and look frail so ‘Snow’ fits you perfectly~!
SHO: Though, I may not be frail as you imagine. That’s all for my nicknames ♪
SHO: Next one is Haruto. Go ahead~
HARUTO: Got it.
HARUTO: “Haru, Kujikawa Bomb, Warrior #2” Lately, I’ve been called “Sunshine Kujikawa” too.
HARUTO: Though, I’m happy that my nicknames have increased thanks to ROCK DOWN’s activities.
RUKA: Aside from the first ‘Haru’, the others sound so intense and powerful!
RUKA: Yep~ It’s proof that Haru-kun’s doing so well in ROCK DOWN!
REIJI: Ruka~ I really admire that positive thinking of yours sometimes.
REIJI: Rather than calling it a nickname, isn’t it more appropriate to call it some weird parts of Haruto?
HARUTO: (with an energetic voice) Let’s do this!
REIJI: Shut up!
SHO: Even though I’ve known Haruto the longest, there are still times when I’m surprised every time I see a new side of him.
SHO: That’s why every day feels so fresh~
SHO: Seeing him play along every now and then makes me happy as a leader ♪
AYUMU: I won’t deny that he’s been playing along. It might mean that… he’s becoming more amazing.
REIJI: Ayumu~ I’ll share my awesomeness with you so why don’t you release your awesome self~?
AYUMU: You’re right… There are times when I think that.
REIJI: Aren’t you… being too soft today?
AYUMU: Am I? (sighs) Maybe I am.
AYUMU: I might unexpectedly like this kind of calm talks.
RUKA: I’m glad that Ayumu-kun’s enjoying VazzRadio~!
RUKA: Alright~ Up next is Reiji-kun! Release your dark past~!
REIJI: Don’t just decide whether someone’s nickname is dark or not!
GAKU: But, isn’t there something awesome written there~?
REIJI: Well, I won’t deny that! I’ll explain it later so I’ll read it for now.
REIJI: Alright…
REIJI: “Amahane, Tenshi, Amaji, Reijii, Autto, Amahacchi, Tenbane, Host, Number 1, Pindon” Guess that’s about it.
REIJI: Alright, feel free to react!
GAKU: You’re kinda chill about this.
GAKU: Man~ I really like your professional attitude where you face anything head-on without trying to hide anything.
REIJI: Being able to read the atmosphere stops people from making fun of you in this industry.
RUKA: See~? Your professionalism is something else~  
RUKA: Okay, can we ask you to explain now~?
REIJI: Roger.
REIJI: Well, “Amahane” is another way of reading my last name.
REIJI: “Tenshi” is, y’know? Take the “ten” character from “Amaha” and combine it with the “tsukasa” character in “Reiji”. That’s how it’s read.
REIJI: Then “Amaji” is really just another way to read my combined name.
REIJI: “Reijii” is just a longer way of pronouncing my name. Then “Autto” is from “outrage”. For some reason, only the first part remained. (2)
REIJI: It was just a nickname from when I was a teenager but, I wasn’t really that wild, y’know?!
SHO: Really? I feel like I’ve heard a lot about Reiji’s naughtiness even before I joined the agency.
REIJI: Ah… For real…?
SHO: For real~
AYUMU: By the way, that was around the time he met me.
GAKU: I see now. “Outrageous” Reiji and the serious Ayumu.
GAKU: No wonder you’re natural enemies.
REIJI: Wait a sec! Like I said, I wasn’t that naughty!
RUKA: Reiji’s fans from long ago might be laughing at that sarcastically now, huh~?
RUKA: Reiji-kun, Reiji-kun, continue explaining~
REIJI: (groans) You all better back me up after this.
REIJI: What’s left? Well, “Amahacchi” is self-explanatory.
REIJI: “Tenbane” is part of the ‘other reading’ series.
REIJI: “Host, Number 1, and Pindon” are also easy to understand.
REIJI: I was told that I act like a host sometimes so they gave me that nickname.
AYUMU: What’s “Pindon”…?
REIJI: It’s that really classy rosé champagne brand, “Dom Perignon”. It’s a pink champagne so “pink” plus “don”. Pindon.
REIJI: It’s a really expensive champagne that’s drunk at host clubs so I was given the image that I drink a lot of classy wines.
AYUMU: I see.
AYUMU: “You’re a man who splurges on classy wines,” is what it means, huh?
REIJI: I’ll tell you this, okay? It’s only an image and a misunderstanding, got it?
REIJI: I’m the type who’s actually pretty common and uses stuff until I can’t use them anymore.
ROCK DOWN: We know.
SHO: Reiji has his own perverse side but he really loves taking care of people after all~
HARUTO: He’s a kind senpai who taught me a lot, isn’t he?
GAKU: You’re a very doting man after all, huh?
REIJI: … Hearing it all from you directly is kinda annoying…
RUKA: Then, let’s go to Ayumu-kun next~
  GAKU: We’re ready to expand the talk for you.
RUKA: Perfectly ready~!
AYUMU: You make my heart feel at ease. Thank you.
AYUMU: Mine is, “TachiHana, TachiAyu, Ayumin, Warrior No. 1” that’s all. (3)
HARUTO: I thought that they would be all normal but it seems like there’s something more to them.
RUKA: I don’t think you have the right to be saying that, Haru-kun~
GAKU: Well, ‘Warrior No. 1’ is exclusive to us so, putting that aside for now, TachiHana, TachiAyu, and Ayumin all seem to come from your name but—
GAKU: ‘Ayumin’ is kind of a cute nickname.
REIJI: Ah… (laughs)
AYUMU: Mr. Outrage here gave me that nickname.
AYUMU: He harassed me when I was feeling so nauseous from nervousness during filming one time…!
RUKA: He seems to remember it quite well~
REIJI: Ah… That was— (chuckles) Y’know? I was trying to calm your nerves!
GAKU: And so, you two became natural enemies.
HARUTO: My condolences!
SHO: Though, I can totally imagine it.
RUKA: Bullying is bad, Reiji-kun~
REIJI: It was in the past, okay?! It’s all in the past!
REIJI: Plus, I wasn’t planning on bullying him! Really, I’m telling the truth!
AYUMU: Well… if you told me that now… I might believe you.
HARUTO: You’re barely safe. Isn’t that great, Reiji-san?
REIJI: Shut it!
SHO: Back then it was difficult for the both of you but, ever since becoming a part of ROCK DOWN, your misunderstandings have all gone away~
SHO: (chuckles) Isn’t that great?
GAKU: Going off-topic, here are my nicknames. Ta-da.
(Gaku shows his sketchbook)
GAKU: “Gakkun, Daikoku, Gakunosuke, Kuro, Daigaku, Okan” That’s about it, I guess. (4)
RUKA: Oh~! I feel like I’ve seen most of those!
SHO: Out of all the nicknames where they’re all a variation of ‘Oguro Gaku’, “Okan” stands out the most.
GAKU: Right? Plus, I feel like I hear that all the time here and there.
GAKU: Am I really motherly?
AYUMU: I guess I can equate it to you being tolerant.
HARUTO: Though there are times when you really are like a mom.
GAKU: What’s with that~?
HARUTO: You don’t mind us being all wild outside and you always tell us, “Come on now, you boys, it’s time to go~” and stuff like that.
AYUMU: True.
GAKU: Your image of me is… quite something…
SHO: It means that you’re very reliable.
  RUKA: Alright, I’m last~
RUKA: “Rukacchi, Ruu-Ruu, Nacchan, Nadumi Luke, Run-Run, Runba, Taruzumi, Borude no Mouchan, Nabebugyou, Kujaku, Sanba, Hikaru, Hakusai, Ruu-nyan, Ruu Nadumi, Shinkansen, Taraba, Imasokari, Mikhail, VazzRu, Ruemon, Pasta, Guinomi, Hachiko, Yoshitsune” were all I could write before time ran out~!
RUKA: I couldn’t write everything down and I think there are some I forgot.
REIJI: No… Isn’t that too much?
HARUTO: What an amazing amount of nicknames…!
HARUTO: Please share some with me!
AYUMU: I want one or two as well…
GAKU: That’s a new kind of joke… (chuckles nervously)
GAKU: Ruu loves nicknames, huh.
RUKA: Yup, yup~ Doesn’t a nickname convey a sense of familiarity so, isn’t it good~?
SHO: True. You do say so during events, too. “You can call me anything you like,” you said.
RUKA: Exactly! Calling me whatever is totally okay~
RUKA: Like, “A Ruka just for you~” or something.
RUKA: I seriously think that.
RUKA: I’m a stage actor after all. When I’m on stage, I live as many people and have lived many kinds of lives but, if I’m given a nickname for acting as that person, I feel like he really did live, you know?
RUKA: Kinda like a title, see~? I’m happy whenever they increase! I’m proud of it.
REIJI: The reason’s quite deeper than I thought it’d be. You’re kinda an unfair guy, huh.
REIJI: You took the most satisfying part.
HARUTO: Looks like his fighting spirit wasn’t to be taken lightly.
HARUTO: That way of thinking has been a good lesson for me.
AYUMU: Ruka’s amazing…
RUKA: (laughs) Thank you~
SHO: I’m so glad that we could talk a lot about your nicknames, Ruka.
SHO: It has been fun but we’ve run out of time.
RUKA: Thank you for sticking with us until the end, listeners~ Did this make you more interested in ROCK DOWN, I wonder~?
AYUMU: Did I… appeal well to you…?
HARUTO: Ayumu-san managed to show his soft side with his cool exterior so I think it went okay.
GAKU: Oh, that’s nice phrasing there, Haruto! It’s okay, Ayumu. I think it went well, too!
AYUMU: I see. I’m glad.
AYUMU: Radio is fun, huh? Since they can’t see us, we can relax and move ahead without being too nervous.
AYUMU: It might be fitting for me.
REIJI: Sho and Ruka’s great at making the conversation move, too.
HARUTO: True. Thank you, Sho. And Ruka-san, too.
SHO: Oh my, I got praised~ I’m thankful for the wonderful time, too.
RUKA: Please look forward to the next VazzRaji, too! But, we have to close this one properly first.
RUKA: We shall part for today in order to meet again~!
SHO: Let’s meet at the next VazzRaji, okay?
RUKA: Alright, then!
ROCK DOWN: Thank you very much!
Translator’s Notes:
 (1) A traditional chabudai (tea table) typically looks like this:
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Hence the characters’ reactions XD
(2) Amaha Reiji is written like this in kanji: [天羽 玲司]
His nicknames are:
Amahane: [天] can be read as [ten/ame/ama/amatsu] and [羽] can be read as [bane/hane/ha/wa/u] hence when you combine them, it can be read as“Amahane” instead of the usual “Amaha”.
Tenshi: [天] can be read as [ten] (as mentioned above) and [司] can be read as [tsukasa/tsukasadoru/shi] thus, “Tenshi”.
Amaji: [Amaha] + [Reiji] = Amaji
Autto: “outrage” in Japanese is written as [アウトレイジ/autoreiji] so, “autto”.
Tenbane: Going with the ‘other reading’ series like Reiji said, [天/ten] + [羽/bane] = “Tenbane”
(3) Nothing really needs to be explained since TachiAyu, Ayumin, and Warrior No. 1 are self-explanatory but, Tachihana might need some explaining ^^
Ayumu’s name in kanji is: [立花 歩] When together, [立花] is normally read as “Tachibana” but the [花] part can be read as [hana] as well hence, Tachihana.
(4) Oguro Gaku in kanji is: [大黒 岳]
His nicknames are:
Daikoku: [大] can be read as [oo/ookii/ooini/dai/tai] and [黒] can be read as [kuro/koku] hence “Daikoku”.
Daigaku: [大/dai] + [岳/gaku] = Daigaku
Okan: [御母] is simply another way to say ‘mother’ XD
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
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