#i love these boys too much www
iconic moments from the octa and savana manga updates
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***Manga spoilers below the cut!!***
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So... uh... Leona sleeping shirtless (and in jeans???) is canon? (Leona is taking off and tossing his clothes to Yuuta and Grim in the first image, Ruggie's dragging Leona out of bed in the second image.) Or is that a creative liberty on the mangaka's part?? 😂
If you look to the bottom right of the first image, there's makeshift bedding for Yuuta and Grim~
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AIYFLIYOFAIYOFAIAFBAD NOT AZUL MAKING THE MOST OUT OF POCKET FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. . . . .. .... . ....... .. . . ... . . . . Between this chapter and the last, he's got enough sass to power the entire school...
There's a panel where we get a glimpse of Azul's socks, which matches the pattern that Floyd wears in his own Dorm Uniform. These must just be the default socks as part of their Dorm Uniform... It's very weird to think of Jade in these too😭
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adbihlbvfvoyqevpbf I love how the manga shows Floyd leaning on Azul and Jade so often; it really helps to characterize Floyd as much more lax than the other two. It also paints Floyd as comfortable with getting up close and personal, especially with people he is familiar with.
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MEANWHILE LOOK AT LEONA... WHAT'S WITH THOSE FACES HE'S SO DISGUSTED IN THE FIRST AND PRETTILY PISSED IN THE SECOND... (First is from the Episode of Octavinelle, second is from the Episode of Savanaclaw; you can really take note of the stylistic differences between the two mangaka here.)
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Maybe she's born with it, it's Maybelline... asdgvaosdvavdasb The Episode of Savanaclaw artist is so extra when it comes to Leona's hair, it's very reminiscent of shoujo manga www
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... I know Yuuta and Grim are being kicked out of house and home but 1) GRIM LOOKS SO CUTE CLUTCHING ONTO HIS TUNA CANS, 2) Yuuta looks adorable too, look at the leek sticking out... and 3) damn, I wish the twins would loom menacingly over me too
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Yuuta has been my favorite manga!Yuu so far 😭 Boy's not only kind but his own skills to help him out of a pinch without getting violent or fighting... He convinces Leona to let him sleep over at Savanaclaw dorm by cooking Leona food he actually (begrudgingly lol) likes. AND THAT MEANS A LOT COMING FROM LEONA, WHO HAS A ROYAL PALATE AND IS A SUPER PICKY MASTER CHEF/CULINARY CRUCIBLES JUDGE.
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AYO, we got the first cover art for the Episode of Octavinelle manga... Big fan of the golden octopus and the intricate tentacles. And, once again, Azul's posed in that smug businessman way 💀 knowing that you'll probably purchase him...
This volume will be avaliable on the 26th of January.
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xsoleil boys x reader || wedding day
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a/n: im bored as hell now guys 😭 im just gonna like post a bunch of headcanon stuff LOL i might post like fanfics, but thats a maybe wwww ALSO ALSO starting to reaaally like the later waves of niji, so ill prob focus on mainly xsoleil, noctyx, iluna, etc. ill dribble in some luxiem from time to time, but like the other waves need attention too 🙌 i might do some of the fem waves, but im not sure how to write those LOL
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bro this man's voice makes my brain go haywire
anyways uh
would definitely just be like very happy and stoic during yalls wedding
he'd treat you like his pretty princess/prince
anyways uhhh he would be that kind of romantic person to like take your hand and kiss it once you go to the front
oh my lord, im struggling to find his green flags when all i listen to from his asmrs are the yandere ones
UHM...... i mean like reception would be cute, like he'd dance with you
like beauty and the beast vibes ykkk
help im genuinely struggling w anything thats positive about marrying him 💀
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i feel like doppio would just be generally so excited and happy hes finally marrying the person he loves so much
he would fix his hair JUST FOR THIS
this is also the only event he will never be late to
oh god he would be so nervous when the ceremony actually starts
like hes worried he'll mess up his parts or someone will object
BUT it probably wont happen and itll be a great wedding!!
reception!doppio would be fucking lit
he'd already be making dad jokes even if he isnt a dad yet
i swear, he would be kissing your forehead or cheek every few minutes
oh my goodness, drunk doppio would be so sweet
like i can just imagine him getting tipsy while like the maid of honor and the groomsman doing their little speech things and him getting really emotional
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honestly, i think he would cry at yalls wedding
like, he just screams 'emotionally fragile man on occasion'
the second he sees you in your wedding dress/suit/wtv, he'll start tearing up knowing that yall r gonna be married
and he loves you ya know
he'd hide the fact he was tearing up when you get to the front www
five bucks, doppio would be stifling his laughter when he sees ver crying
reception would be wholesome
ver would be whispering things to you while you guys dance
and not just random things
like i mean in korean
yeah his cute ass voice when he talks in korean
the voice where you want to keel over and throw up because it's really goddamn adorable and kind of attractive because people who speak more than one language is always somewhat attractive
tipsy ver is something to live for
it doesn't always happen but when it does its either hilarious as fuck or really cute and wholesome
like when he gets drunk, there's a 50% chance he starts to emote on the dance floor with an equally drunk doppio
or he could be holding your hand the whole time and staying by your side
a/n: WWWW im sorry i half assed hex's hcs LMAO i just genuinely cant see something that isnt overly explicit or kinky that wouldnt happen on ur wedding so thats why his is like the shortest lmao 💀 errhmm yeah, also ver is my #1 oshi thats why he has like the uh longest one LMAO UHHM yeah whatever lols have a good timezone
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sophiethewitch1 · 5 months
The lovely @amandachrystinallc very kindly asked me for some more spoilers, also Damian-themed because those are their favourite of the boys. I'm starting to feel bad for Jason and Dick (especially Dick, since I've written for Jason before) so I'll probably post some spoilers of them too before chapter 3 (especially if people ask me too!!)
Under the cut for general WWW spoilers, and also sort of important plot stuff. I mean I feel like it should be obvious, but it's not super hinted at till chapter 3 so like,,,, you've been warned or whatever,,,,
He crowds you back against the wall, and you raise your hands. Unfortunately, Damian Wayne does not know what the word ‘chill’ means and continues forward. You end up with your hands against his stomach, fingers pinned between the two of you.
He looks down at you with green eyes that are way too intense. Gulp. How the hell do you get out of this situation?
“I’m too old for you,” you finally say, after much awkward staring.
“Richard’s eight years older than you. I'm three,” Damian’s teeth grind out.
“That’s different. Also, I’m definitely not with Dick,” you don’t let yourself continue the sentence. ‘I’m definitely not with Dick… or Jason, or Tim, or you.’ No, you just think it.
His eye twitches. Yours dart to the side.
Honest truth? You were going to do this stupid dance till you died. Conflict was your middle name. You didn’t want to let them go, but you felt too guilty to give them what they wanted. What you wanted. Your powers blurred the lines too much, made it all too confusing.
Also, they’d totally locked you up in this house. Not cool, man.
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whinlatter · 1 year
Heyyy I absolutely loooove your metas and fics and istg I've read all of them and I constantly keep reading them. Big fan, maam! Also I have a question, how do you think Ginny's family, especially each of her overprotective brothers reacted when they got to know that Harry and Ginny dated? And then broke up and the again got back together?
Thank you so so much for reading (and re-reading!!!!) all of my stuff, you absolute legend 💗💖💘
You will be unsurprised to hear that I've thought about this one a lot. The short version is: I'm Team The Weasleys Always Sort Of Knew Something Was Going On and Were Supportive (if a bit Amused). The longer version is below the cut!
(Also someone else kindly sent an ask about this a while ago, about Molly and Arthur knowing about the break-up, and I completely forgot to post my reply to that, so very sorry to that anon, and hope the too-long discussion of this Q under the cut makes up for it!)
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I think there's a lot of evidence that throughout the series at least some of the Weasleys speculated something was going on or would one day go on between Harry and Ginny (especially the observant ones - Bill, Molly, Arthur, maybe even the twins, to some extent):
Ginny's historic crush on Harry in CoS is about as subtle as a brick through the window, visible both at the Burrow and at school with the Valentine, which the twins and Ron all know about (and rinse Harry for)
Ginny's romantic life is canonically the subject of some sibling speculation (see Fred and George at WWW in HBP), as are the love lives of all the siblings bar Charlie and the twins (Bill, Percy, Ron all get the sibling side-eye)
Starting in Christmas in OotP Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny begin to hang out a lot that Christmas as a foursome in ways that might invite some idle speculation about the pairings within…
By HBP, Harry does spend both the summer and Christmas holidays of 1996 either in cahoots with Ginny to tease Ron or staring at her or getting goosebumps whenever she got physically close to him (have you seen a teenage boy with a crush? Also criminally unsubtle)
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When Harry and Ginny get together in HBP, I don't think Ginny would ever tell her parents or any brothers other than Ron that she's started dating Harry. But there may well have been clues her family might pick up on:
After Bill's attack by Greyback, Bill remains in the Hospital Wing. It's implied that Molly, Arthur and Fleur stay either in the castle or in Hogsmeade in the days between the attack on the Astronomy Tower and Dumbledore's funeral. Harry and Ginny are together at this point, spending all their time together with Ron and Hermione. Obviously Fleur, Molly and Arthur would be preoccupied with Bill's recovery, but I do think it would be noticeable that the trio had become a four, and that Harry and Ginny seemed much closer than they were previously - Fleur in particular I think might notice, given her affection for Harry, and likely pass on her speculation to Bill (hi sorry you got savaged by a werewolf but guess who your sister is smashing)
Many of the teachers close to Molly and Arthur (such as McGonagall and Hagrid) likely knew about Harry and Ginny (if Snape and Slughorn knew, the goodies knew too, I reckon). They would have had occasion to mention it to the family at least in passing in that interim period between the attack and the funeral (my money is on Hagrid)
At the funeral itself, Harry and Ginny sit together in public and interact quite intimately before the break up takes place (Ginny whispering in his ear, nudging him, then obviously staying sat alone together after the funeral is over). All her family are in attendance, and remain close by when the break-up happens, and likely travel back to London altogether (though I don't think they would necessarily witness the breakup or notice it happening in the moment). I think it would be clear that there was something going on between Harry and Ginny, even if it wasn't at all clear what that was
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In DH, you have quite a few moments where there are even more little hints that Harry and Ginny was a bit of an open secret among the Weasleys:
In DH, Ron makes that comment about Ginny and the tattoo as they strip off in the seven Potters scene, in front of his dad, Bill, Fleur and the twins (Ginny's seen Harry shirtless because they're just very good pals, don't worry about it!)
Ok this one is a bit galaxy-brain take sleuthing on my part but during the wedding prep Molly is deliberately trying to separate the trio and convince them not to leave. She allocates the tasks and assigns them to combinations of people very deliberately. The evening after Molly corners Harry and tries to get him not to leave, she makes Harry and Ginny set the dinner table alone in the kitchen. Now, do we think Molly Weasley, Mastermind in Chief, might have put Harry and Ginny on a task together as she tries to persuade Harry not to go on the hunt... is this Molly pulling out the big guns...
At the wedding, Ginny winks at Harry in front of her entire assembled family when Muriel says she's showing too much boob (icon alert). And then Harry spends most of the reception leaning against a pillar staring at Ginny in front of her entire family. I mean, lads. You're killing me
When the DA summon the Order before the Battle in the Room of Requirement, Ginny is my petty queen has that infamous interaction with Cho over the diadem in front of the twins, showing she is giving precisely zero shits at this point
Harry and Ginny have that wordless interaction where Harry refuses to support her staying behind to fight in the battle, in front of all her family, where she at least appears to agree to go home only because Harry has said so, taking his direction over that of her family's. (I mean, we all know Ginny then tries to sneak off to fight because she's not only a petty queen but also a sneaky one but... still significant)
The big one for me is Ginny's reaction to Harry's death. She screams the loudest out of McGonagall, Hermione and Ron when she sees his body, in front of all the Weasleys and all combatants. I'm not saying this grieving war-ravaged family were thinking like huh weird that Ginny's so sad rn given the situation at hand, but I do think it was quite a telling moment for what Harry and Ginny had become by this point in the narrative
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All this is to say I think many of the Weasleys might have suspected something was going on, but didn't know the full story, and have the discretion not to blame Harry for Ginny’s misery nor to pry too much after the breakup, especially when Ginny comes home from school heartbroken (which is partly why I had them trying to cheer Gin up somewhat ambiguously in think / hope - her parents can see she's extremely sad, they aren't entirely sure about why or about of the details, but I think they're attentive, loving parents who aren't stupid and might have their suspicions).
Overall, then, when Harry and Ginny get back together after the war, I think the family both sort-of suspect there's been this thing coming on between them for a while, and, while they'd perhaps be surprised by the extent of it (there is literally no chill way to say 'hey I thought of your sister as I died!'), I think Molly, Arthur and the brothers would just be happy for them, with a few jokes and 👀 comments here and there. I don’t think they’d be angry at Harry for the breakup or sincerely over-protective and territorial over Ginny. They love Harry like a brother, they'd love the idea of him being formally part of the family one day, and they trust him implicitly.
Honestly, I think it makes sense that Ron was the one who would have by far the most extreme reaction to the breakup in particular, and even his response is reasonably mature. It's worth noting that it's actually only Ron and the twins that ever openly actually discuss and try to pry/interfere in Ginny's romantic life - the twins in HBP to take the piss a bit (in a slightly slut-shamey way - 'you're going through boyfriends a bit fast, aren't you?'), and Ron both during in the infamous fight over the Dean kiss and during his angry conversations with Harry post break-up. I think this is peak big-brother-to-Ginny-but-actually-little-brother-to-everyone-else energy, playing up overprotective. I don't think Bill, being eleven years older than Gin would at any point be that interested in policing Ginny's romantic life, I think Charlie truly would notice very little and care even less. Percy's got bigger fish to fry and other issues to wrangle with after the war, not to mention a whole relationship with both Ginny and Harry to mend. I think, at most, Harry and Ginny get a bit of teasing from her brothers but that's about it (my dumb headcanon is the first time they hear Harry call Ginny 'Gin' they're like... excuse me? Who the fuck is that?) I think actually protective big brother energy, from the likes of Bill, would mean worrying about the two of them in terms of public media scrutiny, which must be relentless, and about their long-term safety from reprisal attacks more than anything else.
I also think it’s clear that Harry really doesn’t care all that much what the rest of the Weasleys think lol, and certainly doesn't fear them. He does fear the loss of Ron's friendship in HBP (wrongly, because Ron is an OG Hinny shipper), but that’s a fear specifically about Ron’s reaction, not that of his wider family. In DH, Harry’s fully about to go hold Ginny for a bit in front of Molly with zero qualms, and the two of them hold hands in the vicinity of Order members and family members twice (once entering the hospital wing in HBP, and once at the Burrow) - not an especially declaratory gesture, but one that suggests they don’t hugely fear discovery. I think both of them would accept the need to be braced for mockery but basically trust the family not to be dicks about it. The important thing to remember is that canonically Ginny Weasley can and will hex you if you step out of line
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cherry-pop-elf · 3 months
Every Perfect Curve
George Weasley x Chubby Reader
You had given birth to your sweet little Freddy a while ago. While finally having a moment to yourself, you can’t help but feel self conscious that you haven’t ’bounced back’ like so many others have. George is there to remind you that you are just stunning. Even if you never ‘bounce back’ as they say
Warnings: 16+, Body Dysphoria, Trans Masc coded but over all discussion of weight gain, flirting, sexual content ((no sex)) nursing, postpartum, After The Deathly Hallows Content, Pregnancy
Writing Coms Open
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“This used to fit-!” You sniffled, as you were fighting with your body. Trying so hard to get your pants on. You haven’t worn pants since your second trimester. You wanted to wear pants again, but it doesn’t seem like that will happen. You couldn’t even get them past your thighs. It was so frustrating, how much weight you had gained.
“Jellybean, you just had a baby. You think Mum is built like a string bean like the kids she popped out?” George tried to explain, as he was undoing his suit jacket. So happy to have the work day done with, and finally spend some time with his family. You, little Freddy, and Bill with his own pregnant wife.
Since after the war, Bill figured to return back to Gringotts. Stable job, close to George, well paying, and those goblins actually gave him medically paid vacation leave for every time the week of the full moon was coming. It was perfect. Also, he won’t lie, was nice to have a part time job at WWW. Everything was perfect, besides well….The hormones.
“But she had seven kids! I just had one-!” You sniffled. Luckily, George was a fourth kid of seven. He knows a thing or two about someone with hormones. Especially ones with postpartum. Molly had caught some after Ron, funny enough. He knew not to poke the bear, too much.
Before he could stop you, you were already crying. “I’m so fat-! Look at my chest! Look at my thighs! I’m covered in stretch marks, and I can’t wear clothes right anymore! I’m bigger than a inflatus charm! How can you even stand the sight of me?!” You sobbed, as those hormones were just destroying your head space. He let you scream it out, having long since casted a silencing charm on your shared bedroom. Just letting you scream it out. Better out than in.
“Jellybean-“ He cooed, as he would leave himself in his dress shirt now. He would sneak behind you, and wrapped his arms around your stomach. Happily tracing over your stretch marks, and resting his head on yours. Just looking into the mirror, and seeing you struggle. Wet tears and all. He didn’t see what you saw. He saw someone he loved. Every inch of you was devine. Every stretch mark, roll, and sag. That was you.
“Jeans are uncomfortable anyway.” He tried to joke with you, as he scratched his finger on the rough denim. Going to make a disgusted face at the texture. Despite your tears, you couldn’t stop your smile. Damn him. He always found a way. You hated how he made you smile, as you now over thought. Were you crying for attention now? Were you making a big deal out of nothing? Luckily, your husband was quick to distract you from such scary thoughts.
“Come on. You like my pants anyway.” He added. Given how tall he was, the fabric was able to stretch around you easier. You didn’t even have a chance to argue, before he found a pair of his old pajama pants. You figured not to fight him, and soon sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled the jeans off, and helped you into the old soft fabric. Just pampering you. Kissing those newly soft features, and admiring you. Kissing that belly, that took care of your shared little boy. Admired those thighs, and appreciated those stretch marks from that hard working body.
“Much better?” He asked, as they were able to properly fit. Given the height, there was plenty of fabric over your stomach. Enough to even pull the plaid high enough to not drag on the ground. He even worked on making sure you had some nice warm socks, so you didn’t get chilly. Making sure you were as cared for as you deserved.
“Shut up.” You huffed, but he knew you were just frustrated with your body. He knew what that was like. Losing an ear sure makes life hell. If anyone can relate to hating your own body, it’s him. He would let you be frustrated, as he tried to make sure you were comfortable. Seems your top wouldn’t be next, as you two heard noises from the living room.
“ACK-! FLEUR HELP-!” Bill shouted, followed by the devious giggles of your son. Next were the sweet giggles of the Half Veela, as she was most likely working on saving her partial werewolf groom. The giggles of your son gave you a brief smile, but your eyes were on your body again.
“Hey, look at me-“ George would soon cup your face, so to make sure you stopped looking at yourself. “You have a body of a mother, a parent. All this squish was used to make sure our little boy was born happy and healthy.” He tried to reassure you, with a kiss to your lips. With his face with yours, he reached to his dress shirt. He took it off, and soon slipped it on you. He left it unbuttoned, so your sore breasts didn’t get more irritated. Yet still feel somewhat covered.
“And these-“ He gently touched said breasts, making sure to not irritated your sore nipples. “These are big because someone here eats like a Weasley. Playing with them more than me! That little bugger-“ And you laughed. He got you to laugh, and he was grinning with pride.
Speaking of hungry, a shrill cry was soon from the living room. “He eats like a Weasley alright-“ You sighed, but felt a bit more confident now. He was right. You were big because Freddy needed a lot of nutrients. Your breasts were large because he needed to eat a lot. Your body was built for your son to thrive. Being squishy wasn’t so bad. Right?
The both of you were quick to come to your living room, and soon seen Bill trying his best to distract Freddy from his hungry belly. Tickling him, and making little animal sounds. That seemed to entertain the little ginger, as he cooed. Fleur was even doing the same, as she sat with him. The wolf, and the harpy. Chirps and barks.
“His first words are going to be growls, knock it off-!” George would, playfully, say. That made them look over. Bill was quick to cover his eye, given the other one was blind, as to give you privacy. Despite the fact he had seen you nurse before. You still appreciated the gesture, regardless.
“Oh hush-“ Fleur tsked, before she would hoist herself up. Using the side of the couch for support, as so to make sure you had all the space on the couch to feed your son on. You wanted to tell her she didn’t have to, but she was in that Tri Wizard Tournament for a reason. She knows how to be strong.
“Come here, sweetie-“ You shushed, as Bill handed you your son. Those big eyes of his just glowing, and his chubby little fingers reaching for you. Your eyes, and George’s hair. Such a sweet thing. Seeing those chubby hands made you think about your chubby figure. Much like he will, you’ll out grow yours one day. If not? Well, least you know you’ll use it to make sure your son is taken care of. Because that soft body was soothing his upset stomach already. Just snuggled into your warm breasts.
“When will I get a turn?” George asked, as you smacked his shoulder. “Hey-!” He whined, as you rolled your eyes. You would soon be on the couch, and brought your legs up. Left to rest in your husbands lap, as Bill got you some pillows for your back. Your husband rubbing your feet, as you let Freddy nurse. Gentle with his fluffy ginger hair, and admiring him.
“Oh he is so handsome-“ Fleur cooed, as she watched. She was due any time now, as well. Having her watch you nurse was very useful for her. That also made you feel better. If you didn’t get so chubby, Fleur wouldn’t get to see what would happen with her. To see how much it helps with her soon to be child. Maybe being larger wasn’t as ugly as you thought. There was so much beauty in it. Beauty in using what you had to help others.
“Hungry thing.” Bill snorted, as his wife gently smacked his own arm. “If not for the hair, that appetite says Weasley all over it.” George echoed. You rolled your eyes, as your son kept nursing away. Needing to stuff his belly full. Was ages, but he finally was satisfied. With a cloth over your shoulder, you would gently burp him.
“He’s picking up signlaguge so quickly. Swear he will be better at it than me before he’s even two-!” George scoffed, but those eyes were sparkling. He was proud of his smart baby boy. “And soon French-“ Fleur echoed. “Arabic ain’t that bad-“ Bill tagged in. “And of course Romanian.” You vouched for Charlie. “Smart ass baby.” George snorted, before you kicked his thigh.
This moment was soothing. All just parents, together, with your children. Gentle learning for Fleur, and comfort. George was right. Your body was built for something. It was built to take care of your baby boy, and help Fleur learn how to treat her own baby. Being chubby wasn’t a sin. Just as much as being skinny and muscular had its benefits, so did being soft and squishy.
“There we go-“ You smiled, as he gave his little burp. “Much better, hm?” You smiled, as you would bring him to lay on your chest. Just like that, he was knocked out. Sleeping soundly, on your soft breasts. Listening to your heart beat, and able to take a well deserved nap.
“He got that from Fred. That was the only way we could tell you two apart. Whenever Fred was done feeding, he knocked right out. You? You got more energy, and got so excited you ended up throwing up.” Bill chuckled, as that seemed to comfort George. He missed his Fred, but knowing a part of him was still around made him smile. His hand ever so gentle on his son’s back, as he gently rubbed your own stomach. Admiring your stretch marks.
“This might be soon, but do you think-?” George questioned, as he kept tracing the indents in your skin. Another kid, already? You couldn’t blame him, though. He was a magical identical twin. The idea of growing up an only child sounded horrifying. Bro to mention big families is all he knew. Maybe…..
You looked to your sleeping son, and your own body. A smile crossed your lips, as you soon help George’s hand. “Plenty of nutrients for a round two, huh?” You joked. You were able to joke about your own body, and that cleared any worry George had. The two of you were financially fine, and had plenty of support.
He kissed your lips, before kissing your son’s head. A tiny little smile crossed those chubby little cheeks, and you had to wonder why you ever thought chubby cheeks could be so horrible. Your son had the prettiest cheeks around, and you hoped your next kid could have them all the same. Pretty, chubby, features.
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3lle-l-black · 7 months
could I request a little oneshot of the reader just playing with Georgies hair😊 only if you’re interested of course <33
Requests for Fred and George are open //Headcanons, oneshots, little things//
Hi babe 🧡
Ok 1° - English isnt my native language and is my first oneshot so... be careful. I'm sorry for any mistakes omg im so afraid
Just fluff
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Tired day
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The day had been good. Was a busy friday at work but nothing you couldn't handle, you even managed to get home before going to your boyfriend's. Right now, you're currently sitting on George's bed, your back against the headboard waiting for him and Fred who were still in the WWW. "Apparently, the day hadn't been calm for the twins."
After a few minutes you hear the sound of the front door opening and footsteps in the hallway, your boyfriend's head appears in the bedroom door with a smile and a tired look – Was it too long? Did you miss me darling? – He says entering the room, closing the door behind him and taking off his shoes.
– I did, i almost thought i had been abandoned – You place your hand on your chest with false drama and the best sad look you can do – Oh no, it offends me that you think i would do that – He takes off his coat and climbs on top of the bed, laying his head on your lap.
– I couldn't live without you sweet – George never stopped showing that he loves you but whenever it happened, your heart was beating fast like the first time. – Just say that you like me and be done with it. This is embarrassing – He let out a laugh and wrapped his arms around your waist, relaxing his body on top of you
– Tiring day baby?
– You can't even imagine, Fred went to buy food so we didn't have to do anything – He lifted his face from your lap, took one of your hands and placed it on his head murmured a little "Cuddle" and hugged your waist again. Unable to hide a smile, you started playing with the orange hair you love so much, it was a little long so was easy to make small braids on top.
A comfortable silence settled in for a few minutes until George's sleepy voice could be heard. – I can’t wait to fall asleep like this every day – You felt your heart warm as you continued playing with his hair.
– What do you think about telling me how your day was, my boy? Hm?
– Oh you won't believe what happened today...
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It was short, right? anyway, i hope you like🧡
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linawritestwst · 1 year
ooo, requests? dont mind if i do x) if i may, i'd like to request smth for this scenario with octavinelle(seperately), established relationship; its the dorm sorting ceremony and you are sorted into the same dorm as 'em! Once you are free to go, you run up to them and hug them because you're happy you'll get to stay close together <3 ideally fem reader but i'm okay with GN too, of course! i doubt you're surprised i requested fluff www feel free to add a boy of your choosing too if you'd like ofc
being sorted into octavinelle headcanons (fem!reader)
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hehe, it's okay, there's nothing wrong with fluff <3 i hope you like these!
azul ashengrotto.
♡ it's your dorm sorting ceremony! finally! you're so excited, but a little bit nervous too, of course. and you're not gonna lie, you would love to end up in the same dorm as your boyfriend. though it is a little hard to imagine yourself as an octavinelle student. but hey, a girl can dream! you notice azul in the crowd and wave at him, smiling. he tries very hard to stay serious, but he just can't ignore you and he smiles right back at you and nods. you know that he also wants you to be sorted into his dorm, even if he doesn't talk much about it. no matter how much azul tries to hide it, he always misses you a lot and he feels extremely lonely when you're not around, even when he has tweels by his side.
♡ when it's your turn, you can feel azul looking at you even when you can't turn around and check it. you know that he's just as nervous as you. you can hear jade and floyd teasing him about how he looks even more anxious than you and you try really hard not to laugh. you take a deep breath and let the dark mirror make its decision. when it finally announces that you are now an octavinelle student, you immediately turn to azul and show him your brightest smile. it takes some time for azul to process what just happened, but when he realizes that now his beloved and precious girlfriend will be in the same dorm as him, he can't help but smile too.
♡ you're so happy, right after everything is over, you run to azul and hug him. this is so sudden for him, but you know well that he actually wanted you to do this. maybe you actually should kiss him- oh, okay, fine, mr.dorm leader, you can't do that in front of everyone, got it. but wouldn't it be nice to show everyone just how sweet and loving azul's girlfriend is? you know that azul actually wants everyone to see it. but oh well, guess you'll have to wait until the ceremony is over.
jade leech.
♡ you're a bit scared. what if you get sorted into your least favorite dorm? what if your dormmates won't like you or you won't like them? you also wish you could get sorted into the same dorm as your boyfriend. wouldn't it be so nice? hehe, you'll get to see each other and talk to each other every day.. of course, you're sure that you and jade would stay close even if you end up being in different dorms, but still.. it would be so much easier to just be in the same dorm as him.
♡ jade notices you looking nervous and walks up to you. it's okay, it's not your turn yet and he's sure that crowley won't mind. he helps you calm down and tells you that this dorm sorting ceremony is not as important as you think it is. sure, maybe you will end up in a different dorm, but it doesn't mean that jade will love you less or he will forget about you. he jokingly asks if you're afraid of him falling for one of the new octavinelle students and you make him take these words back while he just laughs though that thought does scare you a little. when it's almost your turn, jade tells you that everything is going to be fine and goes back to azul and floyd. you feel like he was about to kiss you on the cheek before leaving, but he either remembered that there's too many people.. or he's just playing with you again.
♡ when you're finally sorted into octavinelle, you forget about all your worries and run to jade, giving him the tightest hug that you could possibly give. you're just so happy, you hope that jade is just as happy as you. his face expression stays the same, but he hugs you back and you know that he's happy to welcome you into his dorm. ah, you should take your revenge, by the way. you kiss him right on the lips, not caring what others might think. congratulations, you've managed to surprise even someone like jade. it's not like he's against this though. floyd whines and says that you two will never stop being this gross now that you two are in the same dorm.
floyd leech.
♡ it's your dorm sorting ceremony, wow!! you really hope that the dark mirror will sort you into octavinelle, you want to be in the same dorm as your boyfriend so much.. also you're just afraid that floyd will break the dark mirror for sorting his girlfriend into a different dorm or something. you've already noticed him staring at it for quite a while. is he already planning something? you wonder if floyd can feel how nervous you are right now. what would he say to you in this situation? probably something like "you're gonna be fine, shrimpy, don't worry~"
♡ when it's your turn to be sorted, you turn around and see floyd looking right at you. when he notices you looking back at him, he smiles and it's very hard for him to control his excitement. his girlfriend is finally getting sorted!! it better be octavinelle. you walk to the dark mirror and pray that floyd doesn't get too sad or disappointed. of course, you know that you will still see each other often even if you get sent to a different dorm, but still, it would be so nice to see and talk to floyd anytime you want. you're sure he feels the same way.
♡ .. you're an octavinelle student now! you can exhale now. before you even do or say anything, floyd runs up to you and hugs you, making you both fall on the ground. you know that you should get up, you're not the last student to be sorted, but it feels so nice to just lie in floyd's arms like this. even if you two are lying on the floor right now and crowley is telling you to get up. come on, can't you get at least one cute moment with your boyfriend? oh well, now you know that your life in nrc will be full of cute moments like that.
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journal-number-3 · 2 months
Look I'm not a business person. I don't know shit about what the BTS looks like at watcher. But if I was them, this is what I'd do:
-keep the lower production shows on YouTube. Stuff where it's just them on a set, like mystery files, puppet history, too many spirits, etc
-higher production stuff, involving travel and renting out places, put that behind the paywall. It's crazy that WWW was uploaded for free I don't wanna think about how much they lost off that. Yes this does also mean ghost files would be behind a paywall sorry
-I actually do like the idea of pilots being uploaded on to yt and then of you wanna watch the whole show get the subscription. That's what dropout does
-bts stuff also goes behind a paywall. At the end of videos, put a little thing like "hey want extra scenes? Sub to watcher TV"
-branch out and find more talent. I love the three guys, but to justify the fees they're gonna have to diversify their portfolio. In a way that makes sense of course.
-start advertising their shows like dropout does. Do you know how many d20 and game changer ads I get on tiktok? So many. If this is a business you're going to have to start treating it like one.
I love watcher. I've been following the ghoul boys since unsolved. I genuinely want the best for them and want them to keep making content. But I think they're making a mistake, especially with how many of us are poor college students. I know they need to fund their productions and I hope they find a way to do that that doesn't screw over their audience.
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breezyzephyr · 9 months
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Cater Diamond - Twisted Wonderland
when i first got into twst, i thought the leech twins would be my oshi because. well. i mean look at them wwww but i actually pulled Cater's SSR card with my first freebie 10-roll. i thought his face was cute but his magicam schtick was kind of boring and that he was boring for the quirk of "chronically online" until i saw his dorm card Groovy and realized that oh no, he's actually exactly my type: cutesy and positive to hide an internal lack of actual emotion. when i went exploring and learned his background of being told to dress cute as a young boy, moving often and unable to make lasting friends, his current state of hiding a part of his true nature... well. that was it for me (lol)
i think it's funny Cater was designed to be good looking, because i really just chalked it up to Toboso sensei's ikemen skills and thought he didn't really stand out from the others. i've recently come to really love Cater's droopy eyes and sharp eyebrows that create a nice contrast on his face. it's a combination that i haven't really paid attention to before but now i have to actively avoid using it too much in my designs www i think that kind of face structure was what Toboso sensei meant when they called him good looking, because it definitely adds lovely features.
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blueesnow · 6 days
First Mai mention from Masa... And then there's a chance it was actually George/Enjouji Madoka by full name (Ren's butler and also related to Renge if I'm not wrong(?) hence why he's the only one taking care of Ren despite his father's order to everyone in the house to ignore him and I'm sure there's a memorial in Ren's repeat from his POV where Renge asked him to do that in case she was not there anymore ;;w;;) from Ren's private story when he mentioned how there's one of his acquaintance who used to brought him to Italy on his childhood and I perfectly remember there's a spesific memorial for that back in the otoge (is it debut?), and now you're telling me there's also Tomochika mention from Camus's private story? 😭 Although her va already retired it's nice to know they still keep her around ;;w;;
(Oh yeah not to mention I've heard from ppl who had Camus UR that you can hear Alexander's sounds too in the side story and outside of that you can hear Camus mentioned him from time to time which is cute www)
Ringo and Ryuya (especially Ryuya cuz of Yamato) also got mentioned from time to time too which is nice www so far there's only Raging 3D model appeared in the main story and since it's only 3 chapters and they promises to update it later there's chance they probably going to bring back Shining with 3D model too, I mean this is the character who made utapri famous after all www
Ngl at first I didn't have quite a lot of expectations for raiemo when it got announced like yeah maybe I'd dl and play it like SL though maybe not that obsessedly playing cuz my girl's not there and the story of it is kinda...boring for me (their AU had great ideas but 5 lines for each chapter is a bit eh...)
Athough I'm happy they bring back Haruchan to the cast I'm worried whether they will be going to do her justice ever since the recent events of her treatment in the series but my god they really went beyond from what I expected 😭 I'm glad they really made her much more of a protagonist than I've ever thought and I love how you can see her personalities from it.
I'm also glad how the boys mentioned her reckless attitude when it comes to composing, "You tends not see your surrounding when you were composing please take care of yourself" Or "You probably haven't eaten anything aren't you?" like those little details of haruka being 音楽夢中 is so nice 🥺
(in case you didn't know this girl is music-obsessed okay. Idk why the anime change her background like that though she still keep a few of her personalities in (then again they also did the same thing with the boys changing things that didn't have to be changed so idk) You see she was such a shy and quite a loner girl before, she didn't know how to have a conversation with ppl using words as it's too difficult for her but she learnt that she can express her feelings using music.
I remember there's a description where she used to have like long hair and especially long bangs (the reason is because she's scared talking with ppl while making eye-contact so she never cut it off) but the one who made her want to change herself was Hayato on TV. To her Hayato is this shining and dazzling presence and sometime she even wondered how could a person have a smile so bright that she can't take her eyes off of him. While watching Hayato she learned that she can't keep being scared around ppl anymore so she actively tried to have a solo performance from time to time (with her original musics that she made) outside with her keyboard cuz music is the only way where she can properly communicate.
That's the time where she properly met Masato. She was doing her own solo performance as usual in the middle of the snow (she didn't care it snowed + she's more than happy knowing that barely anyone around bcus of it www) when suddenly a man suddenly singing in sync within her plays. They both talked and praised each other talents and later on promised to themselves not to let that talent go to waste. They're both each other's reasons why they went to Saotome Academy. After meeting Masato was the time where she finally feeling brave and cut her hair short to what it is now. You see, while Hayato gave her hope to walk, Masato gave her courage so that she could run. It's a shame the anime kinda ruined that ww
Also speaking about that masaharu meeting, in Debut prologue when she first met Ranmaru he asked her whether he had seen her before but he avoided the topic later cuz he thought he was probably mistaken or something but in fact in Masato's route it was revealed that the area where Ranmaru used to perform before was around the place where Haruka used to live and it's also one of the places where she used to perform too so chances are Ranmaru probably heard her performance before cuz this guy is also quite a music lover, another reason why he kinda tolerated her and gave her a chance on the beginning of debut and AS too 'cuz of Haruka's passion for music—even if he was mean to her when he was on his woman-hater phase www
It also didn't help Ranmaru also had the same problem as she did, that communicating with words is kinda hard on him but he can express himself freely with music so they're both are kinda alike hence why both of them are attracted to each other.
There's also like one of her bad habits when it comes to music which is being a workaholic www She's the type of a girl when she's too deep in her zone she can't see her surrounding at all so sometimes she tends to skip sleeping and eating (I love how her debut profile literally state that bad habits of hers www)
Because of that sometimes you could hear her talk about how she didn't sleep for days and later on collapsed out of exhaustation or just got sick and even got taken to hospital or just sleeping anywhere except her own room (Natsuki literally found her sleeping in the recording room before instead of her dorm room when he went to pick her up while Ranmaru found her sleeping in the office, he scolded her for that though he's surprised when she mentioned that she haven't been sleeping for 3 days and later on when she went to his home the lack of sleep finally caught on to her and she's asleep in Ranmaru's room www) —and these things happened in a lot of the boys routes wwww
Her quotes in Otoya's route is... something else XD
"I doubt human would die just because they didn't sleep for 3 days" -said her as she finished a months worth of work in by a week 😭 Girl, once a time it's okay cuz that's totally unavoidable when it comes to work but after knowing about you the chances of you doing this almost every day is high enough so pls stop.
Even Shining was like speechless and called her a demon for it, though girly is quite an airhead and she's in her I-look-up-to-you-Principal phase so she thank him for that which impressed Shining even more wwww
There's also her quote in Otoya AA once she moved to agency's dorm when she found out that the equipments much better than the school dorm and that it was a one person-one room, "I could definitely composing here for 24 hours straight~" girl pls don't.
There's also tomoharu convo when she went to her dorm room (otoya's repeat after story I remember(?)) and Haruchan just casually mentioned how she's so concentrated in her composing that without her knowing the sun was already up when she glanced on her window which just flabbergasted Tomochika and she's like, "My god, did you even sleep!?" Tomochika's thought after that was interesting cuz to her Haruka used to be this calm and reserved girl but she tends to be this wild uncontrollable being(?) that she didn't know on how to scold her www
In Ai's memorial when she got sick in his route and she can't be contacted no matter how long he waited for her so he went by force to her dorm room only to found the girl collapsed in the middle of her room www As he finished taking her to the bed he heard her calling him out which he thought she finally awoken but alas girl is sleeptalking and it was... 😂 "Senpai... I... finished the song... " Ai's reaction to that is hilarious www *This girl... She's still composing even on her dream? Just how much does this girl likes to work" 🤣
Another memorial after that is also hilarious cuz apparently after he nurse her back he still can't trust her to take care of herself, that once she wake up the next morning she'll do the same thing over and over again which turns into a cycle www so he in his own way try to message her (got interrupted by Reiji and Ranmaru 😂 and it had 3 versions of message, one by Reiji, one by Ranmaru, and one the combination of ReiRan which made Ai speechless until he dediced he write it himself www) in the morning telling her to stop working for awhile and take a full-rest until she finally got better. (Which reminds me when he went to make her food when she's sick she's so uncomfortable with letting her Senpai cooks for her so she's like let me do it but Ai's already done with it and told her off "This is Senpai's order, sleep." and girl silently went back to her bed it's cute 🤣) And after she got better and they went to their usual pace of work, Ai made sure to made her stop when it's gotten too long and force her to take a break from time to time. 😂
In another memorial of his, apparently the reason why she can be fully concentrated and good when it comes to music but not the other things (as in she's slow learning other things to which Ai scold her for it hence the 8bit meme) cuz according to Ai is because she used all of her brain only just for music so she didn't have any left to receive other things. Like her brain's only got plugged when it's about music 😂 The first time I read that what comes to mind was the Patrick episode where he went genius www
Also her becoming music-obsessed also tends to had few of boys getting jealous and feels like they lost by it (Reiji especially in ASAS 😂 imagine you try to propose to your gf but she told you that she can't imagine herself being a bride bcus her wish for now is to write music for as long as she wanted to, poor guy www—it didn't help that before that there's this scene where they were walking around at night and Reiji told her how he loved her smile and what should he do to make her smile which she replied by hearing music! Which later on made Reiji realized somehow music tends to make her smile much more brighter than himself which made him self-conscius so he promised to himself that he'd do his best to make her much more attracted to him in the future so that he won't lose to music which Haruka responded "???" 🤣)
There's also like Ren side too where he showed her how to play basketball and somehow the sight of him and how the ball went to the ring gained her inspiration to make music so she went all talkative about it to Ren which Ren just replied "Lady really loved music, huh" "Hm? Yeah. Why you ask?" "Nah, it's nothing. Somehow I got a feeling that I can never win against it" "???" 😂
And welp on Nacchan's repeat love end after story (you know how there's still Satsuki but it was rather called as wild Natsuki) these two were having fun in the forest until Natsuki's glasses went off, boy went blind without it so he literally try to grab anywhere to find his glasses and somehow that sight of Nacchan awoken something in Haruchan that she decided to be a naughty for a sec so she told Natsuki the wrong location for his glasses multiple times until wild Natsuki appeared and so these two are doing hide and seek as a wolf and red riding hood until he finally catch her and whisper to her what she wanted (in a sexy way okay) but sadly haruchan's like "I want to hear Natsuki-kun's singing voice or him playing a viola or—" which pissed off Wild Natsuki and he called her "You music-idiot woman!" 😂 which was supposed to be Sacchan's nickname for her from before he was still Satsuki(?)
Honestly I tends to joke that "haha did Haruchan have a 声フェチ" after seeing her first reaction being mesmerized by Otoya's voice and all her monologues about is...something else that she forgot she was sexuallly harassed on the train before and Otoya came to save her www but ngl seeing her reactions after hearing the boys voice after that...it might be not that impossible 😐 It also didn't help that this girl had sensitive ears too so playing with her ears will be--okay I'm gonna stop :")))
Anyway back to Haruchan's bad habits, Ai's memorial in ASAS is also hilarious. Like the end of his B Route is that he gave her key to his house and told her that she could go there even if he's not around while baiting her with all of his equipments on his studio which would made her composing easier. So boy finally went back from work and is glad to know that Haruka used his key. She's still working even after she greets him though Ai's kinda not bothered about it so he sat beside her while waiting for her to finish as he told us how his home now feels more homey now that it finally got decorated bit by bit by Haruka'a touch, like Haruka tends to bring these sea creatures plushie and keeps it in his house which is cute XDXD Like there's a penguin one, a dolphin and jellyfish. So he plays with one of the plushie while he waits for her until he just... got bored of it. Like it's cute he suddenly said this on his mind "I'm here right now and you won't even pay attention to me" though him sulking while still decide to wait for her is much more cuter XD
Welp until he finally decided to told her to take a break and she responded, "Oh, I'm sorry. It's just a little bit more" Ai... Ai's reaction hearing that was hilarious 😂 "That face... is definitely not just 'a lil bit more' face" Ai soon remember her habits 🤣 This robo suddenly went into detective mode and searching through all of her surroundings such as her empty mug and how only the table she's working on had music sheets all scattered around. He even went so far as to calculate how many hours she spent there which he definitely decided it's more than just four hours worth of work so he decided to be blunt and said, "You, you haven't take a break since 1pm didn't you? " "H-How did you know!?" and he... he literally took her by force from her workplace after that 🤣
Oh yeah, another cute facts about Haruka... remember how she was a fan of Hayato? She was such a fangirl before that when the topic change into Hayato she turned into this talkative girl even though she was so shy before and it surprised and intimidated Syo when he first knew about this side of her XD It happened on his memorial when he supposed to do a report with Hayato and Haruka's like "I got you" so she brought him to his room and showed her all of her recording collections so they watch Hayato together until Haruka decided to go full fangirl mode on Hayato like their conversation went like "Look at that Syo-kun! Isn't Hayato-sama Amazing!?" "Uh...yeah.." "Look this part is where he's adlibbing! Look look" which later on made Syo so quiet which is hilarious 'cuz you know this guy is the loudest ppl 😂 And usually syoharu convo were literally with Syo speaking talkatively with Haruka sometimes responding in a calm manner so it's interesting since their dynamic change here www
Also her being an idol fan didn't stop just with Hayato. After she dated her idol bf apparently this girl had a habit to buy anything to support her bf which is CD, merchs, anything. So you see, the thing with the CD... is seriously hilarious okay. I mean the CD was a song that she made by herself, and the reactions of the boys when she went and buy one is... Syo was perplexed and mentioned how the agency already gave them one when it got produced but girl already went to the store (Natsuki's Repeat Friend End After Story), when Haruka was going to go to the register and buy the CD Ai suddenly came up behind her and asking why is she buying one when he already gave her one as a celebration (Ai ASAS A Route End), Masato's a bit confused when she suddenly running to him with CD in hand while shouting that she managed to buy it but he's happy knowing her happy (Debut Masato). And out of all of that reaction... the one with Ai is hilarious. So apparently in the shop there were like two of Ai fans in there so they kinda noticed him and want to try approach him and he realized this so Ai told Haruka to let's get out of here but Haruka... 😭 She insist that he lets her go to the register and buy the CD first before they took off and... he actually lets her 😂 They didn't show how it went since the scene skipped after they finally ran away but my god Haruchan... 😭 "My idol bf almost got ambushed by his fans but oh no my CD is much more important" 🤣 this girl's priority XD
I also remember there's a scene where she bought Ranmaru's poster and told him how she's going to hang it up in her room.... forgetting that she lived with him now. But she still decided to ask him can she still hang the poster which the man responded, "Hell no, what kind of an idiot who hangs a poster of their own face in their room" 🤣)
Anyway I've just realized I talk way too much about this girl, I'm so sorry you can't just ignore that giant wall of words:"))) But yeah, I did like Haruka back when I watch the anime. But my god I never expected to actually loving her so much after playing the game, even more than the boys www. Like she's the reason why I'm still enjoying utapri until now. Any contents that had her in it I quickly went and prepare my spoon and fork while waiting for the meal. Broc pls release more merchs of her I need to buy more i'm still salty I never got the 10th anni merch by kurahana sensei cuz my god girl is so sexy she's full of confidence also pls don't forget about dolce vita--
Anyway back to raiemo, I've noticed that almost all of the backgrounds they used in raiemo literally resemble the ones from the ori game; such as haruka's dorm room, each of the boys's dorm room (starish), Saotome Academy's Classroom, and I also found out they also used Ai's room (studio) just like how it was back in AS in his UR side story (there's also a good chance the other senpai will have their own room displayed too asdfghjkl if any of you had their ur and unlocked their side story let me know)
So yeah I had a lot of fun right now enjoying raiemo, seeing Haruka still working as a composer and learning about the boys once again. I hope they keep mentioning and bring out the sub characters more in the future if by chance they mention Hakase and Kaoru I'm dead but I hope they mentioned the parents too I miss hearing Nacchan's Dad Story or Syo's parents (which their dynamic is interesting cuz his mom is the one wearing the pants in the relationship www)
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shuchu · 2 years
remember those pussydrunk headcanons ...... hana ........ pussydrunk alban ....... hmmmmmmnnnn thinking so hard rn he'd eat u out for his own pleasure he'd moan into you because of how u taste _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): going crazy rn he's put a hand on your stomach to make it feel even better too
🌸 anon, you're fuelling my alban brainrot like no tomorrow www not that i'm complaining (¬‿¬ )
NSFW imagine/headcanon/drabble below, minors DNI
alban would be laying down on your lap while the both of you are watching a movie on the couch. your eyes were fixed on the screen, watching the movie intently. 
you look down to see alban kissing and squeezing your thighs. 
“babe, what are you doing?”
“your thighs feel so soft, i can’t help it.” alban says with a grin before continuing his ministrations, nibbling on your thighs as well.
you continue watching the movie, trying to ignore the aching need that was growing in your abdomen.
alban gets to his knees and parts your thighs, leaving wet messy kisses on your inner thighs. 
“b-but... nngh! babeee~ the movie!” you whine, your hand betraying your mind as it finds its way down to alban’s soft chestnut hair. 
alban smirks at you and says, “i’m just having my movie snack.” he then pulls your panties to the side and slides the tip of his tongue against your slit making you moan and arch your back.
you’d be tugging at his hair as he plunges his tongue into you while his thumb rubs your clit
he’d coax out orgasm after orgasm from you with his skilful tongue
you’d be so overstimulated that you’d be squeezing his head with your thighs, forgetting that he actually likes that
“alban baby! too much- please-” you’d beg him
he’d look up at you, lips glistening from your slick, “it’s too addictive, i want more.”
he’d then dive in again lapping up all your juices, groaning at how good you taste
his jaw would start aching but he wouldn’t want to stop
after he sees that you’ve been drained of your energy from cumming so much, he’d finally stop and kiss your forehead.
“i love you baby, i’ll clean you up and carry you to bed, don’t worry.”
i’m seeing a trend with the orange boys laying on your thighs and eating you out during a movie www
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Hi hi! Have you seen the new Rook and Jade cards?
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TWST REALLY SAID HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR (they dropped these card designs when it was still Christmas day in my time zone www) 🤡 IMAGINE THE PURE DISTRESS AND TERROR I FELT WHEN I SAW THE NEWS FOR THE FIRST TIME, I ALMOST CHOKED ON MY BREAKfAST The New Year Attire card artwork looks fantastic this year!! zs,j bdhjvkas3t77135f38odwOYdtSIvyiadiyisa I THINK THE tHIRD ANON SAID IT BEST, TREY, ROOK, AND JADE LOOK LIKE YAKUZA DRESSED NICELY TO USHER IN THE NEW YEAR 😭 and Ortho's there to be their cute and innocent errand boy nephew (when in reality he's committing just as many crimes as they are); I KNOW this kid's not above pulling out a laser beam and threatening people to get what he wants.
Trey finally gets another event SSR (man deserves it after like 4 Rs OTL) and not gonna lie, he kinda looks like my grandpa in that outfit... I really like the pattern on his rose print scarf and the flowerpiece though; you can also see the classic Heartslabyul solid sleeve-checkered sleeve combo. The parasol he's holding is nice too, it makes me think about him whimsically twirling it around as he walks through confetti.
This isn't one of my favorite looks for Ortho, but again I really appreciate how the designers and artists used their creativity to reinterpret the traditional NY garb into robotic parts! You can tell Ortho's "clothes" are more blocky and rigid than the others', yet it still retains the festive feel of the line. There seem to be cables and wires attached to the piece pinned to his chest, and, of course, three doggos at his waist to symbolize Cerberus~
Trey and Ortho being on the same banner... It feels like Ortho was dropped off for Trey to babysit, and Trey's the kind old grandpa who dotes on his grandkid.
... Okay, that's enough of being civil 😇
t315751vAUVgddfiyCUvILNDADFFIYAIBFQEOBNABHOACsdaafjkuc??F<>>Mw/q12yft7BLINJZ>?????m,A'PSCPK[QJNsn;nbegquo PLEASE, I'M SCREAMING AND CRYinf aG ON THE GORUNDA RN OTL Of course TWST would release a new Rook SSR not too long after I said Rollo has replaced Rook in my heart as the superior pseudo French anime boy, OF COURSE. WHY DiD THE YM HAVE TO GIVE hiM SUCH A SMYSTERIOSYF SMU g FACE TOO..... . . . ........ . . . .... . . . . AND THAT LIGHTING??//????? ? ?? ? ?hELLO??? ?? ? ?? ? ????? ? GORGEOUS 😭 THE FAN??? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ?? HOW HE's POSED AEJQWHLBIWQ WIHT IT, weL,Ccopmaifn G YOU INTO YHTE SHOP... I'M GOIBNG TO DUCKIUFN G CHEW HSis FINGNERS OFF, HOLD ME BACK BEOFRE I DOn kqw fhgutiuqfvwofueiyviHnsoguewtqtbwipFFQEGFVIVOQE8?>vLM;N;AEGFLQMJEINP I'm not super into Rook's outfit though; the peacock imagery incorporated into his robes and stuck in his hat are kinda... too much for me? The colors are also weirdly blocked out; it looks odd to have the hat as being the one prominent part of the outfit in red. I would have expected... I don't know, more red throughout the entire outfit? BUT IT'S OKAY, ROOK'S FACE STILL LOOKS GOOD AND THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS HERE
I love the fact that Rook and Jade are on the same banner this was made specifically to target me/j, shady bitches deserve to be next to other shady bitches 🤣 Imagine how much pettiness and fake smiling will be had between them????? ???? ??? ? I’ve been dying for more interactions between these two, so this is really a treat for me!! 😋
To summarize: yeaaaaaah uh my rolls are in trouble come 2024 🪦
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kabukibun · 6 months
Mika!! So you know the mommy au with Scara, Wanderer and Kabuki? Well what if it was that kind of relationship with Freminet and Lyney?? The two boys would always be fighting over your attention.
Lyney tries to impress you with magic tricks and expressions of love, but really he's just trying to get you to baby him. He might even throw a few glares at his younger sibling across the room just to ensure your focus is on him. Why not indulge him for a bit? All he wants is your love and attention. Let him sit on your lap while you rub his hips and he buries his face in your chest, wishing it were bare.
Freminet is always bringing you things from his diving trips and things you've mentioned that you've liked before, even if it's something minor. He wants to feel like he's worthy of you, you're so sweet to him afterall! All you have to do is give the order and he's there to fulfill your request, even if you just need some sexual relief just come to him!! He'll be glad to help(He's practically shaking begging you)
At the end of the day though, they won't mind sharing as long as mommy still gives them kisses and love before bed!
wah!! yes to this!!
lyney does tend to feel jealous and a tad possessive over mommy, but his glares are all bark and no bite. he can’t help but feel like freminet has a slight edge over him because he admits that fremmy has an irresistible cuteness to him, plus that shy demeanor? over course mommy would fawn all over him! so yes, he’ll have to turn up his flirting and acts of seduction up a notch just to ease his worries.
while mommy rubs his hips, he just about purrs. it’s then mommy realizes lyney does have cat like characteristics, they just didn’t present as physical attributes you’d notice on first glance. he basks in affectionate, leaning into your touch. he tends to fall asleep in your lap, perking up when he notices you’ve stopped petting him
i think that no matter how minor the gift may be, freminet still takes the time to wrap the gift and really make it special. even then, he doesn’t believe it’s enough for you, but he almost never meets you empty handed. he hopes that one day all his gifts may be enough to show how much he really appreciates you. while his brother’s love language may be physical touch, freminet thrives best when he’s able to provide gifts or acts of service.
www freminet may be a bit too shy to directly ask mommy to come to him for sex, he gives a very obvious “pick me, choose me” vibe if the topic ever comes up. he may feel more confident about it as the relationship continues, but his cheeks will still flush a deep pink
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sophiethewitch1 · 1 month
Hello! New anon here, I want to say that I really like your www series!!! I literally binge-read the entire series in one go till' I hit past midnight with how much I fell in love with your writing! I also love how you portray the reader! While I do like strong MCs, I think www reader is endearing in a special way, since it's completely understandable to be like that considering of all the things she's been through, and will get into later on. And so, I was wondering if I can ask a few questions about the bat boys? Feel free to ignore if this bothers you by the way
So for my question, what if (a big IF, since it's seems unlikely that it'll happen) the Girl failure flat out rejected the Batboys? Girl failure's reason can be anything really, but will their reactions be different if it's somehow because Girl failure has her eyes on someone else? Maybe she fell hard for a random Chad civilian she just met in the city, or worse- a villain, or a criminal, to which Girl failure has absolutely no clue of their true identity.
That's all! Also, I know you probably get this a lot, but we appreciate all of the efforts you put in your writings! Remember, don't push yourself too hard, and make sure to take all of the rest you need!
-🎲 (can I be the die anon? Just in case I want to send more asks in the future)
Wahhh thank you for the kind words!! I'm super happy you like reader as well, she's so... she's got so much heart yknow. Underdog supreme.
Also the question... Some of this stuff would be spoilers I think, but I can definitely tell you what would happen if girl failure ended up falling for someone else. First of all, there's going to be serious upset from all the guys. They'd react in different ways but majorly they don't want to take out their feelings on you so... so poor chad civilian/villain i guess.
If it's a civilian, it's going to be a slow take down of everything he has/loves and making sure it's all HIS fault (they set him up in situations but he has to be the one who does it) and that you get to watch him crumble. They're not doing anything wrong! They're just showing you how terrible and not worth your time this guy was... Yeah, it sucks, but at least you have them! And they have movies and popcorn so just come and cuddle and it'll be fine :)!!
If it's a villain, things are a lot more simple. Bro's either going straight in the slammer or dying via some horrible accident. Now that you mention it civilian chad probably dies that way a few months later too. They comfort you as always :D
(Also yes! you've got 🎲 anon, I'll add it to the list :))
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liiilyevans · 1 year
Life's a Witch
Summary: Ginny gets some bad news and goes to her sister-in-law for advice.
A/N: This was written for the @hp-12monthsofmagic challenge this month. I struggled with the prompt for a while, but then this came to me. So, buckle up for some good old fashioned angst.
Read on AO3 or FF.net
“Oh, Gin, I’m so sorry,” Harry said as he looked up from the letter. There were very few times in her life when Ginny wanted to slap her husband, but this was one of those times. His striking green eyes – the eyes that she’d fallen in love with – were filled with sympathy. If his hair hadn’t been up in a bun, Ginny was sure he’d have been running his hands through it. Instead, he settled for stroking his beard solemnly. Not like there was much to say, not really. 
“Is there anything I can do?” he asked, starting to slip around the island toward her. Ginny sidestepped and immediately regretted it. Hurt filled Harry’s eyes. “Maybe it’s just a fluke.” 
Ginny snorted. “Tell that to the Harpies.” Harry looked sweet in his sweatpants and loose tee, but Ginny didn’t want sweet right now. “I need some air. Will you watch the boys?” 
“Gin,” he whispered. 
“Please?” she said, slightly more rough than the first time. 
Harry blew out a breath. “Yeah, I’ll watch the boys.” 
With that, Ginny turned on her heel and marched outside. The air was brisk, but the sun was out. A nice day for October. She spun and landed in the bustling streets of Diagon Alley, the bright colors of her brother’s shop nearly blinding her. Not bothering with the annoyed looking women she’d almost run into, she opened the door and tried to adjust to the cacophony of noise. 
There was always laughter in George’s shop, mainly kids’ laughter, which Ginny thought was good for him. Then there were the small explosions by the fireworks section, a whole new line of WWW products that Ginny thought was long overdue. Of course, there were the parents complaining, but Ginny never understood why they’d bring their kids into a shop like this if they were going to complain about it. 
Finally, Ginny found her brother behind the counter. He was grinning down at a little kid who was rambling on about Canary Creams. His brown eyes were filled with laughter, and there was a grin on his face. Even now, Ginny was surprised at how bright it was. She suspected his wife and son had something to do with that. 
“I need to talk to you,” Ginny said, interrupting the seven-year-old. 
The kid’s mouth fell open as he stared at her. “You’re the famous Quidditch player.” 
Ginny ground her teeth. “No shit.” She pointed at George. “I need to speak to the owner.” 
The kid finally took the hint and scampered off, though he did cast a longing look over his shoulder. 
“Ginny Potter, scaring her young fans more than You-Know-Poo,” George quipped as he rested his hands on the counter. “What can I do for you?” 
“Where’s your fucking wife?” she asked, ignoring George’s attempt at small talk. 
Her brother reeled back slightly, his eyes narrowing. “What do you want with her?” Normally, George was the first person to back Ginny up – one of her loudest supporters – even when she was wrong. The reverse was also true; she’d yelled at her mum for berating George even when he’d been plastered and ruining their family dinner. It was a closeness that had developed and strengthened after Fred passed. The only person who could change that was Angelina. George had always been defensive of her, perhaps because their mother was always too protective of them. 
Normally, Ginny would admire that. Today, it just furthered her annoyance. 
“Doesn’t matter,” she said, narrowing her eyes and leaning across the counter toward him. “Where is she?” 
George made the wise choice to lean away from her. Then he turned and, Ginny assumed, went to find Angelina. Her annoyance continued to build as tapped her foot. A few people turned to look at her, and she wished she had thrown on a better outfit. When she’d woken up, she’d just thrown on some sweats and an old Harpies shirt that was stretched out around the collar. 
Angelina appeared walking around the corner, George just behind her. Ginny’s sister-in-law always looked fabulous. Today was no exception. She was sporting a pair of tight jeans and an AC/DC shirt matched with a pair of black boots. Her braids were pulled up into a top knot that Ginny wished she could pull off. 
“Hey,” Angelina said when she reached her. “What’s up?” 
Ginny glanced over at her hovering brother. “Let’s take a walk.” 
She didn’t bother to see if Angelina followed her as she turned on her heel and headed for the door of the shop. When she walked through the door and headed toward the Leaky Cauldron, Angelina fell into step beside her. 
“So, how’s life?” Angelina said. 
That wasn’t what she meant Ginny knew. Angelina used small talk as a way to get at the deeper issues; it was all in her tone. It was also one of the reasons Ginny liked her so much.
“Fine,” she answered briskly. “Got a question for you.” 
Angelina stuffed her hands in her pockets. “Sure.” 
Ginny stopped in front of the Leaky Caldron and faced Angelina. “What was it like when they told you couldn’t play Quidditch anymore?”
Angelina reared back in shock. It wasn’t something that she discussed often, but everyone knew that Angelina had been robbed of a professional Quidditch career before it could begin. She’d been blown back into a wall during the Battle of Hogwarts and taken a lot of damage to her spine. The Healers told her that one wrong hit from a Bludger, and she’d never play walk again. 
So, Angelina had chosen a career in the Department of Magical Games and Sports, where she worked on laws that pertained to the sport and sometimes scored tickets to the bigger games throughout the season. Ginny had always wondered though; was she jealous of all those other players? Jealous of the dream she never got to chase? Angelina had never seemed bitter and it always intrigued Ginny. 
“I mean, I was upset,” Angelina said, crossing her arms. “I’d trained to become a pro before the war, and it was fucking hard having to give that up.”
“And how did you figure out what you wanted to do after?” she asked. 
Angelina shrugged. “I don’t know. The opportunity just kinda presented itself.” Her sister-in-law’s eyes narrowed. “Why are you asking me all these questions?”
Ginny looked away from her, spotting a young girl coming out of Quality Quidditch Supplies. She was carrying a small broom and talking excitedly with her mother about flying it when she got home. 
“You probably already know that I took a bad fall in the last match.” Angelina nodded. “Well, I hit my head pretty hard when I landed, and I had my exam today to clear me to go back on the pitch.” Ginny pushed down the emotion that was rising in her throat. “But the Healer wouldn’t clear me.” She looked down at her feet. “She said that if I went back on the pitch and took a Bludger to the head or had another bad fall, there was a possibility of permanent brain damage.” 
“Oh, Gin,” Angelina whispered. 
“I don’t want your sympathy,” Ginny said roughly. If she wanted that, she would have gone home to her husband who would have held her while she sobbed about how the world wasn’t fair. What she wanted was to know how she moved on from here. For years, her only dream had been Quidditch. What did you do when your dreams were no longer obtainable? 
“I know you don’t,” Angelina said. “But I’ve been there, and it’s . . . one of the worst feelings in the world. To know you were on the edge of having everything you wanted, only for it to be snatched away.” When Angelina grabbed her hands, Ginny finally looked at her. “And I’m so sorry, Ginny. You don’t deserve that.” 
“So, tell me how you did it,” Ginny said. 
Instead, Angelina pulled her into a hug. Silently, Ginny accepted it, letting the tension slowly leave her body. She had no idea how she was going to get past this. The building blocks of her life were crumbling around her, and though he might try, Harry couldn’t hold them together – no one could. So, Ginny held onto Angelina and buried her face in her neck.
“My life’s over,” she muttered. 
“Your life’s not over,” Angelina said softly. “You’ve still got a family that loves you, and a brother who let you talk to his wife even though he thought you were going to beat her up.” 
Ginny let out a muffled laugh. “I couldn’t beat you up.” 
“You might come closer than you think.” Gently, Angelina untangled herself and offered Ginny a sad smile. “It won’t be easy, and it’s going to suck, but you’ll figure out what’s next. And then this moment will pale in comparison. Your life has just begun, Ginny. I promise.” 
Nodding, she wiped at the tears that were still brimming in her eyes. “Yeah, alright.” She sniffed. “You should go before George sends out a search party.” 
Angelina snorted. “He’s so overdramatic.”
“But he loves you.”
“Yeah, I guess he does.” 
There was a found smile on Angelina’s lips, and Ginny couldn’t help the smile that started to form on her own. 
“If you ever need to talk, come see me,” Angelina said. “No matter what time of day or night it is. I’ll be there.” 
“I will,” she said. Then she Disapparated just as quickly as she had appeared. When she landed on the front porch of her house she could hear James screaming as Harry laughed. Al’s giggles were probably covered up by his brother and father. As she opened the door, she spotted Harry laying on the floor and James bouncing on his stomach. He was a ball of energy. Al was sitting on the couch laughing as he pointed at James. Merlin, her kids were amazing. 
As she slipped inside, a grin overtook her face. Harry hadn’t noticed her, which was unusual because he was very observant, so she took this opportunity to watch them. As Harry reached up to tickle him, James let out a squeal and hopped up, running from the room. 
“I’m gonna get you!” Harry shouted after him. James just squealed again and ran faster. Al was lowering himself slowly from the couch. Once he was on the floor, he toddled after his brother. 
“You look happy.”
Harry’s head snapped toward her, his eyes softening at the sight of her. He pushed himself onto his elbows but didn’t get up or come towards her. A result of her pulling away from him earlier, no doubt. 
“They were asking about you,” he said instead. “Wanted to know when you’d be back because apparently, you’re better at building forts than I am.” 
“I am,” Ginny said proudly. She’d had six brothers to teach her how to do it properly. A soft smile settled over Harry’s face as he gazed at her. Within four strides, Ginny was in front of him and then she was over the top of him, sinking down to her knees so she could sit in his lap. Though he was surprised, he quickly recovered as his hands found the bottoms of her thighs. Gently, she rested her forehead against his. 
“I know I’m not supposed to ask this,” he said, idly tracing patterns on her thigh. “But are you ok?”
“No,” she said simply. “But I will be.” 
As she heard her son’s voice, she thought that maybe Angelina was right. Her life wasn’t over just yet. 
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ryuichirou · 1 year
hi there! first of all i wanna say i love all your works~ i found your works right after i entered the TWST fandom and it made me fall in even harder LMAO especially for lil mushroom eel man i love our lil mushroom eel man- I wanna ask though, how to you perceive Idia's interaction with the Tweels? It's always fun to see those two messing around with Idia and being intimidating for Azul's sake but I wonder how does Idia think of them in your headcanons? Is it a "run at first sight" type of relationship www have a good day!
Hi Anon! Thank you very much, it’s fantastic to hear that you love our stuff this much. I am very grateful.
Ahhh lil mushroom eel man!! This is such a cute nickname, and he is such a special boy lol, I’m happy you like him. I don’t draw the Tweels as often as I’d love to, but then again, that goes for a lot of characters… But damn it, drawing them is fun, especially with our poor popular boy Idia lol
Sooo, here is what Idia thinks about the Tweels in our headcanons! In a form of a headcanon list haha.
You’re right: in general, it definitely is “run at first sight” type of deal: Idia is a scaredy-cat in general, but with these two? He senses legit danger to his safety lol
A lot of times the Tweels harass Idia because of something Azul asked them to do, but there are times when they do it just for their own fun, and these situations are much more terrifying to Idia. Like, what do they want from him? The answer usually is to have fun. They won’t elaborate on what kind of “fun” they want to have with him.
A lot of times Idia sees the Tweels as a unit, but he is actually aware of how different these two are, and if separated, their dynamic actually changes quite a lot.
For example, Idia ended up having a surprisingly good time with Jade at Epel’s village. He didn’t expect to enjoy hanging out with him as much as he did, but they kind of bonded. A lot of times Jade would say things that would amuse Idia, like when he suggested sabotaging their opponents before the sled race. Idia was instantly on board with that, because, unlike Epel and Sebek, these two had this weird sleazy petty solidarity.
That trip also made Idia fully realise how much of a (mountain) nerd Jade is, which made him kind of relatable to a degree. Idia respects that and is actually happy that he got to know Jade better.
Idia is actually a liiiittle bummed out that they don’t get to hang out anymore after the trip, but whenever they see each other in the school and Jade smiles at him, Idia remembers that time and feels a bit fuzzy.
That being said, none of that made Jade stop teasing Idia together with Floyd, so Idia still needs to be aware of the Tweels lol
Idia is wary of the Tweels, but with Floyd he’s genuinely terrified at times. When he’s with him alone, he feels like Floyd can pounce on him at any moment: he’s too chaotic and unpredictable and god know what he’s capable of, especially when Jade and Azul aren’t around to stop him or at least get him to senses.
Idia is kind of irritated by Floyd ignoring his need for personal space, and Floyd doesn’t give a fuck about personal space: he touches Idia, he strokes his hair, sometimes even nibs on him. This makes Idia shake in horror, which only makes Floyd more playful and interested in him.
Oh, and also Idia is terrified of the fact that the Tweels know some pretty cringy personal stuff about him. He is still traumatized by that time they tried to blackmail him. The Tweels probably have already forgotten about it, but Idia haven’t…
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