#I usuall have no problem with oilers but for this time of year I do
samanthasgone · 4 months
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Nikita Zadorov was asked why the NHL suspended Carson Soucy for cross-checking McDavid...😭☠️
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Nikita Zadorov speaks on playing in Edmonton 😭☠️
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pettyrevenge-base · 2 years
The dog park and a dog with a life vest.
So I'm not exactly sure if this is malicious compliance or Petty revenge but it sure does fit in one of the above.
So I have a couple of dogs and the dog in the story is mostly Golden retriever. His mom was pure golden and his father is unknown. He looks like a golden until you put him next to a golden.
One thing he gets from the retriever side is retrieving. His name is River dragon in Thai because that's where I got him from.
So he's about two and a half years old and still a teenager and it's not always easy to go to the dog park with him. He's very possessive about his balls, just like his owner. Wink wink nudge nudge know what I mean know what I mean?
So we just had a spring rain here in the northern hemisphere which is not United States of America and I decided to go to the dog park at the lake with him to throw the ball into the lake and give him some exercise.
The dog park in question is about 200 m long and split pretty close to 50/50 split by a creek. There are car parks on either end.
I go to the far end and River dragon and I are alone in the whole dog park. Perfect. I have a chuckit and a special ball that's hard for him to chew which is fluorescent orange and blue kind of like Oilers colors. I throw it as hard as I can with that and he swims for a long time to go get it. This is exercise for him, not me.
About 50 ft away from the end of our side is a picnic table that I put all of my gear on, phone, yeti, leash. I usually have a good amount of time between throws so I sit on the picnic table waiting for him.
After a bit a woman comes along with her large-small dog or small-medium dog and a kid and a stroller. Probably about 20 lb. The dog has a life vest if that means anything. She plops herself down directly in front of the gate which is about 30 ft away from me. If you scroll up you will remember that this is an empty Beach.
To draw a parallel you might understand it's like being in an empty movie theater and having someone sit right next to you when there are hundreds of seats to choose from.
No problem.
She throws a tennis ball which is nearly universally known to be bad to throw for dogs because they're easily broken. She throws it about 10-15 ft into the water because her dog, her dog with the life vest, is not a real swimmer like my guy.
No problem.
I tell her maybe it's better for them to make a little bit space from my dog because he's retriever and he retrieves things, also he's a natural born swimmer and I'm not convinced her dog with the life vest is a natural born swimmer. She looks at me and repeats some phrases that are meant to placate.
Yeah no problem
No worries
It's okay
It's all good .
I know from experience that it's not okay, there are worries, it's not all good, etc. My dog can have two tennis ball size balls in his mouth. I also know from experience that if something pops in the water anywhere near he will try to get it. Okay.
So to the surprise of no one except for this chick who is clicking like, swiping right, updating her status or whatever the fuck she's doing on her phone while simultaneously ignoring her kid in the stroller and throwing a tennis ball to her life vest clad dog 10 ft away, my dog proved his lineage and retrieved that ball before the dog could. (Sorry for the run-on sentence, but it was a good one you have to admit)
He can't chew his orange ball cuz it's heavy duty but he will try to chew. This time I get her tennis ball from his mouth, I load my chuckit with his ball and throw it. He goes. I underhand the tennis ball to her and tell her that maybe she should at least try to synchronize her throws so that he's deep in the lake before she throws a ball to avoid that happening again.
No problem
It's all good
Everything's going to be all right
And some more phrases that I can't remember at this time but mean that same shit.
She's not really paying attention to her cadence with the balls and our dogs. The beach is still empty, she is still nice and close and clicking like, swiping right, updating her status or whatever she is doing on the fucking phone.
Didn't take very long before I do a good throw out into the lake and my dog is coming back and she throws it by hand 15 to 20 ft away from the shore and my dog sees the splash.
My dog is a retriever and he doesn't have a life vest. He can swim very well and definitely quicker than a dog with a life vest.
He gets the tennis ball in his mouth along with his orange ball, comes into shore and runs just like the first time except this time his owner doesn't try to take that tennis ball away from him. He drops his orange ball,  lays down on the sand and starts chewing the tennis ball. Didn't take too long before there's a bit of a pop and the tennis ball is in two pieces and he's starting to chew it into much smaller pieces. At this point I intervene cuz I don't want a vet to be pulling tennis ball chunks out of his ass. My guess is Dollar store tennis ball not Wimbledon level.
I load up the orange ball, throw it out into the lake and hand the chunks of tennis ball back to the girl. Believe it or not she starts beaking.
I said
No problem
It's okay
Everything's going to be all right.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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mshomestyle · 4 years
Yay!! This request can definitely be asked then. Sad and odd btw. What if when Oboro died he had a very young daughter that nobody really knew about, and Aizawa got custody of her because he's her Godfather. And years down the road she gets saved by Kurogiri. Idk how that happens, but she recognizes him. Not as her father right away, but he feels familiar. Then she finds out that's her dad and now she's trying to being him back because she just wants her dad again. I hope this isn't a sucky ask.
So, this will probably read a bit rushed, the reason being that currently, I do not write one-shots only drabbles for this blog. Getting this idea into a drabble was a bit challenging. >.< It is a great idea, though, and would be a really good story!
Also, though I primarily write reader-inserts and probably could have just assumed that the main character would be as such, I wasn’t exactly sure, so I did sort of a mix!
Spoilers! Spoilers! MHA Spoilers and Vigilantes Spoilers!
She had been so young when it happened, barely remembering a thing. She knew him, though, or rather a small part of her still seemed to remember. Not many people knew that she existed. Just Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama, the three that had been the closest to Shirakumo, Oboro, her father. Her mother had wanted nothing to do with her, and her grandparents could only do so much. So, once he became an adult, Aizawa stepped in. He was, after all, her Godfather.
It wasn’t too hard of an adjustment as she was still quite young when Aizawa became an adult. He raised her up as best as he could, knowing exactly what Oboro would have wanted for his daughter. Though, even with a guardian like Aizawa, the young girl still grew up to be like her father. She was charismatic, cheerful, and an incredibly selfless person. Looking at her, could sometimes be like looking at Oboro, himself. It was something that was bittersweet.
[Name] hoped to become a hero one day. She knew that her father died trying to save others, and she wanted his dream to live on in her. Not only that, but being who she was, she knew that she couldn’t just sit still while others were in danger and she had the opportunity to do something. She had gotten her father’s quirk after all, which she was demonstrating now as she was currently comfortable sitting on a low-flying cloud. “What did I tell you about doing that in the house?” Aizawa asked, running a hand through his long black hair.
“It’s comfortable, though,” [Name] pouted trying hard to give a little kitten look-Kitten not puppy, because of Aizawa’s love for them.
“Cute, but not going to work,” Aizawa crossed his arms. With a mock sad sigh, [Name] descended, dusting herself off as she now stood on the floor. “I have a meeting to go to, so I trust you’ll behave.”
“Of course, Uncle Shouta!” [Name] smiled, “But only if you leave me money for take-out.” She batted her eyelashes at him. Aizawa let out a sigh, before pulling out his wallet and giving the now excited teen some money.
“Don’t stuff yourself,” he told her as he headed to the door, “And behave.”
“Will do!” Once Aizawa closed the door, [Name] went to find something interesting to do. It was still early afternoon and the meetings at U.A. could often last until evening, so she had the rest of the day to herself. After some thought, she decided to go for a walk.
It was a nice day out and there weren’t too many people walking around. [Name] did think about using her quirk, but she also knew that she could get in trouble for it. Not wanting to possibly cause a problem for Aizawa, she decided against it. “I might as well get dinner while I’m out,” she thought aloud. There were many restaurants and shopping centers that she knew of, and after much thought she decided to go with ramen.
The walk to her favorite hole-in-the-wall ramen place proved itself to be a far one, but being as it was one of those ‘best kept secret’ sort of places, it was worth it. Since this place wasn’t in what some might call ‘the nice part of town’, many people did indeed overlook it. The food there was amazing, and even as [Name] finally made it, noting the line of people, she knew that it would be worth it.
Tapping her foot lightly, [Name] played on her phone as she waited for her turn. ‘Shouldn’t take too long,’ she thought to herself. ‘And soon I’ll be at home relaxing again an-‘ A loud ‘boom!’ was heard and [Name] quickly turned to look towards where she heard the sound coming from only to see half of the restaurant on fire. She knew that she had to act quickly! She had to save as many people as she possibly could-No, she needed to save everyone!
[Name] looked for the nearest opening to outside, and the second she noticed a window she took a chair and smashed through it. People were screaming and running around, and [Name] worked quickly to make clouds to transport the customers from inside of the building to outside. She knew that she didn’t have a hero license, yet, so she could get into trouble. She just didn’t care at the moment.
As she worked quickly to save everyone, [Name] almost completely forgot about herself, so before she knew it, she began to cough, the smoke starting to get to her. “Almost there, almo-“ Another explosion was all [Name] heard before she saw black.
The sun was setting when [Name] woke up. Quickly, she shot up, hearing sirens in the distance. When she looked around, however, [Name] noticed that she was in what appeared to be an alleyway. “Oh, good, you’re awake.” The young teen shot up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice and looked all over until she saw its source. Now, [Name] usually didn’t notice people with mutation quirks in her day to day life since it was like regular people to her, however, this man…He was just a big cloud of black mist with glowing eyes.
[Name] didn’t feel afraid, though, because for some reason he felt almost familiar. “I will take my leave then,” he curtly spoke.
“W-Wait!” [Name] found that word coming out of her mouth before she could really register it. The mist man slowly looked at her. “What’s….Who are you?” He just stared at her, eyes giving away no emotion, and because of that [Name] was starting to regret asking her question. With a shake of his head, the man turned and left.
“Kurogiri…,” Was all he said.
Months had passed since that incident and on the day that [Name] received her hero provisional license, she could not help but to recall it. That man ‘Kurogiri’ had been found out to be a key member of the League of Villains. Why had he saved her, though? Those thoughts only appeared briefly, however, as she went back to celebrating with her friends. More time had passed, and the more it did, the more [Name] found herself becoming a better hero. She wanted to be able to save anyone and everyone, and she would continue to work towards that goal.
Luckily for her, she had herself a golden ticket to private training lessons with Aizawa-Or rather she would bat her eyelashes and give him kitten looks in order for him to give her some extra training. So, heading into the teachers’ dorm after being extended an invitation inside by Cementoss, [Name] went to seek her guardian.
“Well, what did you expect?” she could hear Present Mic’s voice.
“Not that. Not that at all after we were called in.” And there was her uncle Shouta. He sounded as if he was in a weary mood, which made [Name] pout. She hated to think that he had overworked himself.
“So, are you going to tell her? I mean, Oboro was her father, after all, and she knows about him.” ‘Oboro…’ That name. It caused [Name] to stop right in her tracks.
“Are you out of your damn mind?” Aizawa scolded Mic, “The last thing [Name] needs to hear is that her father was turned into…well that.” [Name] could feel her heart starting to beat faster.
“Okay, but what if we can get Oboro out of Kurogiri? Then what?” ‘Oboro….Kirigiri….Oboro….Kurogiri….Oboro…Kurogi-‘ It was way too much for [Name] to handle and without a second thought, she dashed out of the teachers’ dorm, nearly running into All Might, who was on his way in.
“Young [Name]?” All Might questioned, though was ignored. [Name] just couldn’t believe that! It couldn’t have been true! There was just no way, no way that her father was-Her mind quickly went to that incident in which she had been saved by him. She had wondered before why a villain would choose to save her. She even debated telling Aizawa about it or not, but eventually decided that perhaps she was saved before Kurogiri became a villain or something of that nature, just anything really to justify it. Now, however, hearing what was said, it only made sense.
Stopping in her tracks at the realization, [Name] thought long and hard about everything that had happened. Everything from what she knew of her father to the incident in which Kurogiri saved her, and now to this. Was he still her father under there? Did he remember her? Did he even know her? [Name] shook her head. There was so much that she needed to know. So much that she needed to find out. Most importantly, she needed to save him from the life of being a villain. [Name] had no idea about the whole situation with him, but she decided that day to get her father back.
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bordeleaubeau · 4 years
my season predictions: RECAP
italicized = season prediction
bold = what actually happened
the metropolitan division.
the flyers will shock most people, pulling a surprisingly decent cup run, possibly making eastern conference finals or the stanley cup final. if they go to the cup final, they will win. since the cup final hasn’t happened yet, we don’t know if the flyers won obviously! but they definitely shocked a LOT of people this season (including myself.) and i’m really confident in my boys and that they’ll go far in the playoffs.
there will be a huge trade within the division that causes an uproar i mean, taylor hall?
kaapo kakko will have more goals than jack hughes - but jack hughes will have more points overall yeah. this didn’t happen but i thought it did. kakko had 10-13-23, meanwhile hughes had 7-14-21. (format goals-assists-total points)
jack hughes will win the calder. lol wishful thinking! still between q. hughes and makar, will definitely end up being makar.
a team expected to be extremely good this year will do the complete opposite and tank. (possibly team that makes big trade?) say it with me: THE NEW JERSEY DEVILS!
columbus will fall to the bottom of the ranks after suffering the loss of duchene and bobrovsky. john tortorello? not happy. columbus didn’t fall to the bottom of the ranks, but they were in the bottom half of the division.
the flyers new young core will start to make an early impact. one of the defensemen will suffer a long-term injury, allowing one of the phantoms to come up and make an instant impact shocking fans. sam morin suffered an injury riiiight after coming back from a torn acl, and tore it again! he wasn’t up with the flyers, he was still in the minors, but he was on the official roster at the start of the season.
joel farabee will make the flyers lineup and be in the calder cup running. (bold. i know.) wishful thinking, again.
sidney crosby will suffer an injury, but it will not be expressed until after the season is over. tba
ovechkin will retire the end of this season or the next. tba
the new york rangers will suffer from the loss of kevin hayes and mats zuccarello – kakko will not be able to fulfill their space. yup! hayes and zucc both thrived on their new teams and the rangers were at a .564 point percentage
standings predictions. (bold prediction is where that team placed and their points)
1st: washington capitals - 94 points 1st - 90 points
2nd: philadelphia flyers - 89 points 2nd - 89 points (spot freaking on)
3rd: pittsburgh penguins - 88 points 3rd - 86 points
4th: new jersey devils - 86 points 8th - 68 points
5th: carolina hurricanes - 81 points 4th - 81 points
6th: new york islanders - 79 points 5th - 80 points
7th: new york rangers - 75 points 7th - 79 points
8th: columbus blue jackets - 72 points 6th - 81 points
the atlantic division.
the florida panthers? yeah, they’re gonna explode. with bobby luo out of there and bob in, they’re gonna be a serious threat. however, bob might suffer a few injuries here and there. i mean, yeah. this happened. but i don’t recall bob having any injuries!
spencer knight will sign his elc at the end of his first year at boston college, starting next season and so forth in the minor league. wishful thinking
this will be a tough division this year! usually the metro is the really close division, the one that you never really know whos playoff bound until the end, but the atlantic might be giving the metro a run for their money. nope! not one bit!
the leafs will finally break the curse - however, they do not play boston in the first round and will lose to the b’s in the second round. tba... we shall see.
boston will go onto the eastern conference finals but will lose to the philadelphia flyers in game 7. tba... obviously i didnt predict a pandemic happening
tampa bay will be a powerhouse like they were the previous regular season, but once again will fail to show up in the playoffs. they will not be swept. powerhouse indeed... but not best in their division.
ottawa will have a (slight!) comeback season! they will not be amazing, but they will not be as awful as they have been. i think i just felt bad and said this. this did not happen.
buffalo will have a MUCH better season this year. ummmm kinda?
montreal will have an above mediocre season. carey price will sustain another injury, leaving montreal to rely on one of their prospects. pretty much mediocre. i think i remember price being injured.
cole caufield will sign with the canadiens the end of this season, or will sign if wisconsin loses early in the playoffs and the canadiens make it. wishful thinking... caufield to wisconsin for one more year.
detroit will fall to the bottom of the standings. yes. very much so. #getlarkinout
john tavares will have the c in toronto. auston matthews will have an a. toronto will be set on fire. not literally lmao yup! this happened and i’m proud of it:)
standings predictions. (i am VERY proud of this)
1st: tampa bay lightning - 115 points 2nd - 92 points
2nd: boston bruins - 108 points 1st - 100 points
3rd: toronto maple leafs - 103 points 3rd - 81 points
4th: florida panthers - 99 points 4th - 78 points
5th: montreal canadiens - 94 points 5th - 71 points
6th: buffalo sabres - 89 points 6th - 68 points
7th: ottawa senators - 86 points 7th - 62 points
8th: detriot red wings - 79 points 8th - 39 points
the pacific division:
honestly the pacific is really iffy for me. i dont really like any of these teams besides the flames and the ‘nucks. this is a really mediocre division overall.  yes, they were mediocre.
matthew tkachuk will sign with the calgary flames. will suffer an injury early on in the season. he did sign, but no injury for tkachuky early in the season. it was in december.
edmonton will be mediocre. #getmcdavidoutofedmonton connor and leon will carry the team once more, the team will start off weak but make their way up in the standings as the season progresses. by the time they make their way up the ranks it will be too late. nope! edmonton shocked us ALL this year, and even before the pandemic they were on track to make the post season.
phil kessel will have almost no impact on the arizona coyotes whatsoever. he will have a horrible season without crosby. yeeaaahhh. kessel had 14-24-38 this season, but last season while playing in pittsburgh he had 27-55-82.
the vancouver canucks will be significantly better, however, quinn hughes will sustain an injury midway through the season, causing the canucks to suffer. the canucks were actually doing really well! quinn hughes did sustain an injury, but at the beginning of march. 
los angeles will still suffer to rebuild their franchise. jonathan quick will be injury plagued. with the signing of turcotte, who really knows however quick did not sustain any injuries this season.
anaheim will be a little bit better than they have been! not amazing, but not bottom of the league rankings. i’m saying they could end up being from 22nd - 18th ish nope! anaheim finished 27th.
viva las vegas! vegas will have a bit of a comeback season similar to their inaugural season. yup!
san jose will fall in the rankings ever so slightly. they will make a decent trade at some point in the season. san jose fell HARD in the standings. 
standings predictions.
1st: calgary flames - 103 points 4th - 79 points
2nd: vegas golden knights - 99 points 1st - 86 points
3rd: vancouver canucks - 92 points 3rd - 78 points
4th: san jose sharks - 89 points 8th - 63 points
5th: edmonton oilers - 80 points 2nd - 83 points
6th: anaheim ducks - 73 points 6th - 67 points
7th: los angeles kings - 70 points 7th - 64 points
8th: arizona coyotes - 68 points 5th - 74 points
the central division.
dylan strome and alex debrincat will light the league up again once more - but this time, even more so than last season. they are the toews and kane 2.0 and will certainly be able to hold the fort down in chicago when the two retire. dylan strome had 12-26-38 and alex debrincat had 18-27-45. not awful.
dylan strome will have a 65+ point season. keep in mind strome was traded a few months into the season, imagine what his stats would look like if he had been with chicago the entire season? wishful thinking. but if we had played a full season i believe he would’ve at least made 50.
patrik laine will be traded from the winnipeg jets, but the jets will pull a new york islanders. they lose one of their franchise players but will still manage to kill it. nope! this did not happen, however there were many rumors of laine being traded. fortnite legend.
colorado will be a powerhouse this season. with the addition of andre burakovsky, burky will find himself in denver and will be back to his normal self. yup! colorado managed to surprise everyone with their run.
the reigning 2019 stanley cup champions will suffer the post-cup summer. they will not make it past the second round of the playoffs. well, we shall see.
minnesota will have a slightly better season - they will start to make their comeback. with a new general manager hopefully they will be able to start conspiring a new plan to get their team back up. hopefully they will be better at drafting players they really need. umm... no. but they did make the playoffs with the formatting.
the wild and the flyers will make a trade. nope!
dallas will pretty much stay the same. they wont be much better, wont be much worse. not a lot will happen with the stars this year. pretty much! the stars finished 4th last season and 3rd this season.
nashville will possibly make the playoffs but will have an early first round exit. duchene will be a problem. tba, but dont think duchene is a problem.
standing predictions.
1st: winnipeg jets - 104 points 5th - 80 points
2nd: chicago blackhawks - 96 points 7th - 72 points
3rd: colorado avalanche - 93 points 2nd - 92 points
4th: nashville predators - 90 points 4th - 78 points
5th: st. louis blues - 85 points 1st - 94 points
6th: dallas stars - 83 points 3rd - 82 points
7th: minnesota wild -  80 points 6th - 77 points
final predictions.
eastern conference finals champions: philadelphia flyers
western conference finals champions: colorado avalanche (bold)
stanley cup final champions: philadelphia flyers
i’ll update after the post season:)
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