#I vacuumed the carpet and dusted and wiped down like every hard surface
aberooski · 7 months
I just spent many hours deep cleaning my room but man I feel so good now that it's done, all the depression clutter is gone and I finally made my bed again for the first time in probably a month 😭
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Don't Speak 37
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating, dissociation, allusions to abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber
Note: Get ready for Andrew Barber's masterclass in manipulation.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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Your disbelief gives way to panic. You gulp and gasp for breath as you collapse onto the carpet, hugging yourself as you sink into horror. You’re repulsed by your own body, trapped in your own skin. A monster. Just as horrible as you always suspected.
Selfish, worthless, thoughtless. Your doubts calcify to certainty. You are a bad person.
But you don’t want to be. You never wanted to be. How can you be so terrible despite your best efforts? You have to be better. You have to try harder.
You heave and lift yourself on a shaky arm, rubbing your damp cheek as you sniffle and look around. Your head throbs but you won’t be sleeping that night. The violent churning in your stomach won’t let you. You don’t deserve to rest. You have too much to do.
You get up on tremulous legs. You find it hard to balance as the swirling haze of wine turns to a groggy pulsing in your temples. You massage them as each step sends a thump through your skull. You try to shake it off but it only gets worse.
You move carefully. You did this to yourself. You drank even after Andy warned you not to. You ignored him all day like a spoiled child. You did whatever you wanted and then you… hurt him.
You start with the kitchen. It’s already tidy from Amber’s help but you wipe down the counters to be certain, then you get out the mop, leaning heavily on it as you sponge the tile to sparkling. You move on to the dining room; surfaces, floors, and even the curtains. You sus out every speck of dust and dirt.
You find yourself sitting, folded over as you cradle your head and catch your breath. You’re weak and shaky but you keep going. You get up and return to the front room. You give pause before the couch, the throw pillows knocked this way and that, one on the floor. You tidy them and refold the blanket on the back neatly.
It’s too late to vacuum but you do your best to sweep around the edge of the carpet. You go to the mantel and straighten the ornaments that seemed to distract Steve that day. You stop at the thought of the doctor and nearly sob. What do you tell him? How do you tell him what you did? He would know what you are. What would he think?
Your teeth chatter despite the warm air. It’s not the temperature but your own fatigue that sets you to shiver. You carry on, making a careful progress through the large house. You suffer over every inch. You don’t know how else to show your remorse but to make everything perfect. Everything but yourself. You will never be perfect, you are inextricably broken.
The dawn rises and you let yourself rest in the bathroom. You rinse your face in cold water, trying to wake up. You take some painkillers for the beating in your skull and grip the sides of the sink, weary and worn.
A flicker catches your eye. You glance over at the white shower speaker. He must’ve replaced the batteries. You stand straight and roll your shoulders back. You’re not done. You will never be done. This task, not the cleaning, no, but you, trying to fix you, that’s something you’ll always have to work on. 
You go back to the hall and stop short. You peer down towards the bedroom door; Andy’s. It’s silent and the edges are dark. You shudder out a breath and cross to the guest room. 
You enter the solemn space and search for a new outfit. You pick out something he bought for you, that you know he’ll like. You tuck a white blouse into the brown corduroy skirt that buttons up the front. You match the outfit with a pair of stockings to warm your tingling legs.
You emerge, feeling stronger but hardly better. You descend the stairs, his silence and the stillness of the house suffocating you. You drag your feet into the kitchen and tie the apron on as you begin. You take out one of the cookbooks and search for the perfect breakfast.
The hours pass swiftly as you set to work. You focus on each ingredient, each step, as you put together the pieces. A quiche with the most perfect savoury crust. The scents rising around you tug on your stomach, the dregs of wine leaving your stomach barren and acidic.
You brew coffee and put together a tray. A mug, a plate of quiche, fruit salad, napkins, and cutler. You balance it all and turn to the long journey upstairs. It feels like a treacherous path. You fear you might not reach your destination and you wouldn’t be surprised if you’re turned away.
You stop at Andy’s door, like the gates of some vaunted castle, and swallow down your fears. You knock with your foot, careful not to cause too much of a clatter. No answer comes as you stew in the silence of the large house.
You turn your shoulder to the door and lean in, “Andy?”
Your call wilts into the still air and you wait. You clear your throat and try again, speaking louder this time. The crackle of your voice is harsh amid the empty lull. You listen, a rustle coming from the other side, and a sniffle. 
Your heart catches in your throat as you face the door head on. The lock clicks as the handle turns back and a small slat of space opens between the edge and frame. Your eyes meet Andy’s single on, peeking out sheepishly.
“Good morning,” you try to be chipper, “can I… I brought you breakfast.”
He stares and blinks. His gaze falls to the tray in your hand. There’s a glisten across his iris.
“Andy,” you sniff, “I’m very sorry about last night.”
He closes the door and you stand dumbly in your dejection. You look down at the tray. You’re stupid to think food could solve the problem. That you could ever apologise thoroughly for your offence. You can’t take back what’s been done.
You take a step back but stop again, the tray rattle treacherously as the handle twists back again, this time with more force. Andy still wears the same clothes as the day before. His hair is dishevelled, his beard with short shanks jutting out at the chin, as he keeps his face down. With slumped shoulders, at a slight angle, he stands back.
“We can talk,” he utters in a fractured timbre. He sounds like he’s been crying.
You bow your head and step into the room. You go to the console table and lay the tray there as it starts to shake with your nerves.
The bedsprings compress as he sits with a heavy sigh. You keep your back to him as you try to sort out the pangs in your chest and stomach. You turn slowly on your heel. As he sits on the side of the bed, the glare of the lamp illuminates his features and the dark bruising along the left side. His eye is almost entirely swollen shut.
You gasp and cover your mouth. He keeps his eyes down meekly, as if trying to hide. You can’t believe you did that to him. How could you have done that? With just one hit?
“I’m so sorry,” you creak out through your dry throat, “Andy, I’m so so sorry. I didn’t mean to– I didn’t sleep all night, I feel so rotten–”
“Enough, dove,” he hisses, “enough.”
“Please,” you beg as you step forward only for him to flinch. You stop and clutch your hands in front of your chest; he’s afraid of you.
“I…” he begins and swallows thickly. He shakes his head and reaches to brush his fingers through his beard, only to wince again. “I… I love you, dove.”
Your eyes gloss as you watch him. You see how he musters his strength to look back at you. Never had anyone looked at you like that. Afraid. 
“I love you, too,” you eke out.
“So…” he quavers and clears his throat, “so let’s move past this.” You see him struggle as he grips his thigh and forces his posture straight, “I won’t make you mad again and you won’t hurt me, right?”
It’s like a punch in the gut. You could keel over right there.
“I wouldn’t ever–”
“You did,” he insists, “dove, it’s not that you hit me, it’s… you broke my heart last night.”
“I’m sorry, I really am–”
“Sorry… doesn’t always fix things. I can’t forget last night, but if it doesn’t happen again, I can live with it,” he utters each word as if it hurts, “promise, dove, promise you won’t ever hurt me like that again.”
“I promise,” you spit out desperately, “please, I never meant to hurt you. I wouldn’t ever– Andy,” you bring your hands around your throat, trying to pry away the invisible fingers squeezing you, “there’s something wrong with me. I want to fix it. I… someone hurt me…and maybe that’s why…”
“I understand but it isn’t an excuse,” he reproaches, “you can break that cycle, that’s why you go to therapy… I’m starting to think that’s not working though.”
“N-no, it is– I–”
“Have you told Steve about who hurt you?”
You reel and shake your head, digging your nails into your own throat, “no…”
“So how are you fixing yourself, dove?”
It’s an accusation. That softness is gone and the razor is back in his voice. You frown and shrug.
“I’m trying–”
“Not hard enough,” he says, “look at me.” You do, you see the purplish blue bruises and his swollen eyelid. You see what you did. “If this happens again, you have to go. We can’t stay together. I won’t let you…” his timbre turns sandy and lowers his chin, “do what my ex did to me.”
He sniffles as he hides his face. Your heart clenches and you slowly inch towards him. Before you can get to him, he stands and staggers around the bed. You freeze as he clamours into the attached bathroom and the light flicks on. The harsh yellow blaze shines into the bedroom.
You daintily pad around after him and stop just before the doorway. He grips the frame of the mirror as he looks at his reflection. Tears trickle out down his cheeks and he looks down, gulping tightly.
“I didn’t… I didn’t look before,” he wipes his nose, “Dove, I couldn’t…”
“I’m so sorry,” you murmur, “I… I’ll leave. I’ll…” you blink furiously at the thought. Where do you go? You can’t go back to Amber, she doesn’t deserve someone like you. “I’ll go–”
“Where?” He asks.
You don’t have an answer.
“Then I’m the bad guy,” his words grit, “no, we’ll… work on it. Promise, dove, promise you’ll do better.”
“I will, I swear,” you plead, “I… will you eat breakfast?”
He flinches, slowly turning his head to peek at you, “breakfast?”
“I… I wanna take care of you. You need to eat. I… I made it for you. Special.”
His lashes flutter and he looks down at the sink again. He nods as if steeling himself. He pushes himself straight. 
He turns to face you completely but before you can back away, not wanting to crowd him, you’re swept up in his arms. He hugs you to him, smothering you in the scent of his sweat and deodorant. You lock up as you let him squeeze you.
“I couldn’t sleep without you,” he whispers as he rocks you with him, “as much as you hurt me, I couldn’t. Dove, I need you.”
You slowly bring your arms up and wrap them around him. You feel how big he is. For a moment, you’re in awe that you could ever make him so afraid. You? How? His strength tightens around you, tight enough to force the breath out of you. Tight enough to break you if he wanted to.
“I didn’t sleep either,” you confess.
You clean up the tray. The shadow of the previous night looms over you but you try not to let it consume you. The plate is clean but for a few crumbs, the fruit salad was quickly snapped up, and Andy is sipping his second cup of coffee as you lift away the remnant of his breakfast.
“That was good,” he praises over the brim of his mug.
“I’m glad you liked it. Happy you ate,” you say as your own stomach growls painfully. 
“I got you to take care of me,” he smiles even as his cheek ticks. You’re both thinking of the unsaid, trying to ignore the ghost in the room with you.
“Can I–” you focus on his mussed hair, an unusual sight, “can I run you a bath?”
He seems taken aback. He tilts his head and sips again. You hold the tray in front of you, fearing his rejection.
“Of if you need space…”
“No, that would be… nice,” he rasps, wetting his throat with the coffee before continuing, “dove, I’d love a bath,” he licks his shining lips, “with you?”
Your mouth falls open and your eyes round. It isn’t just the idea of sharing the tub, but the hope of his offer. It isn’t forgiveness but it’s a start. He’s not casting you out.
“Y-yes,” you squeak, “y-yeah, I’ll go… I’ll go clean all this up and get the tub going.”
“Honey,” he pats his stomach in content, “you’re so good to me.”
You can only nod. It’s another reminder. You weren’t good to him last night. You paint a smile on your face and step back on your heel.
“Let me just get this to the kitchen–”
“Don’t I get a kiss?” He prompts before you can back up.
“Oh, uh, yes, I’m sorry, I didn’t…” you carry the tray closer, “I didn’t know if you wanted… one.”
“Always, dove,” he leans over and offers his puckered lips. You give him a peck as he hums. As you draw back, he purrs, “perfect.”
Your smile quivers on your lips. He watches you as you glance down at the tray. It’s awkward. It’s going to be for a while. You won’t ever forget this. He accepts you, even the bad parts. Even when it hurts.
“Love you, dove,” he says.
Your eyes flick up to meet his, “love you too… honey.”
His face brightens, “I like that,” he beams, “when you call me honey.”
“You do?” you bat your lashes.
“It’s like a song,” he says and teethes his lips, his eyes drifting away from yours, “beautiful like the rest of you.”
You squirm and squeeze the tray. You slowly turn away, the empty dishes rattling with you. The knot in your chest just won’t untangle. You want it to be alright but it still feels so wrong.
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hygieneforall22 · 1 year
Everybody wants their home to be crystal clear
An all time clean home is safe to invite an uninformed guest with the genuine smile. But is it easy to keep your entire house clean with same products all around? I guess no! each space of our home needs different attention and treatment. A bathroom and a kitchen cannot be cleaned with the same products. The products should serve the purpose of cleansing and disinfecting for better hygiene. Hygiene For All, the online cleaning products supplier is the best destination for everything you require to keep your place clean and fresh.
Cleaning supplies vary accordingly to the purpose and place of its use. But going to the market in search of the right products can be a tedious task. So, how about a platform which informs the use and benefits of each product, to keep your house clean with supply of every brand of choice? The best online cleaning products, Hygiene for All is the best place to learn about different kitchen cleaning materials in different brands and purchase them matching your purpose at affordable price withing the comfort of your home. We believe every brand has its pros and cons and the customers should be given a voice of choice. Hygiene For All, builds online kitchen cleaning materials supply and educates you about hygiene and different cleaning products to maintain your home with the shine.
Now clean your home with ease, find the right kitchen cleaning products at the best online store of cleaning supplies, Hygiene For All. Know the appropriate pick of cleaning supplies Dubai for your home from the dining hall, bedroom, kitchen to the bathroom from our extensive tests of each product.
1. Duo clean cordless vacuum
Vacuum cleaner is the most popular product used for dust cleaning, floor cleaning, carpet cleaning etc. the Duo Clean Cordless Vacuum allows it to reach so long, even under the bed, couches, chairs and other hunt down spots to make your home completely dust free. At our online store of cleaning supplies of Hygiene For All you may find different brands of vacuum with own different specifications, purpose and designs to have your freedom of choice to suit your purpose.
2. Bleach free disinfecting wipes
From traditional times, wiping off the dust is the popular method of cleaning. Now advanced wipes are oriented to disinfect the places. Bleach free wipes are capable to kill 99% of germs and also its high durability makes it a good choice. They are safe to use on finished hard wood, sealed granite and stainless steel which has hard and non-porous surfaces. Compostable wipes are also available.
3. Microfiber hand duster
Using a microfiber hand duster is easy to dust your shelves and countertops. Its features like lightweight, flexibility and washable makes it comfortable and a good pick to add into your closet of cleaning products. Its adjustable height brings the best usage out of it.
read more: https://hygieneforall.com/home-cleaning-supplies-clean-with-ease/
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bpdhotmess · 3 years
21+ Spring Cleaning Hacks You Need to Know
Spring time: trees are budding,  birds are singing, flowers bloom. It’s time to start freshening our homes… and that’s when the fun ends. Or does it? I sheepishly admit that I haven’t done much spring cleaning in my time, but, this year may be different. There is not much to do. So why not roll up my sleeves and give the house a good going over?
But before we get into the deep cleaning tips, it’s important we first learn the importance of clearing some space. Clutter keeps our homes feeling messy, even after we straighten up. That’s why cleaning a home can feel so overwhelming and endless. 
Good news! There is a simple solution to managing the cleanliness of your home.
Get rid of clutter! When you get rid of clutter, your home naturally becomes clean and satisfyingly functional. Give it a try. Systematically go through your home; Pick up things and ask yourself this question: “Does this item add function to my life?” If the answer is, “No,” then throw it away or donate it. A clean home is a functional home.
Once you clear some space, your home will feel open and inviting. And you will discover that your decluttered home is much easier to clean.  “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” 
Need more decluttering advice? Check out our 5 Marie Kondo hacks. 
Alright, now on to the hacks for professional-grade deep cleaning: 
Yes, the whole spring cleaning process can be a bit daunting, so I thought the best thing to do was to contact a professional for advice. I called my mom, Dolores Breese. She owned a successful cleaning service in the 1990s, but even before then she was a maniac (in a good way) when it came to cleaning. So, I asked her for some spring cleaning hacks.
Where my mom would clean three or sometimes four houses in one day, she had help. You don’t have to do that. Give yourself some time. You don’t have to clean the whole house in one day. You’re allowed to take a few days or weeks to do this type of cleaning. (Or see our hacks to clean your home in under an hour here)
Cleaning the House Dolores Breese-Style
My mom says people no longer spring clean like they used to. Decades ago, people would go through the entire house, take everything down from the walls and clean top to bottom.
If anyone was going to paint or wallpaper, this was the time to do it. 
Begin in the Least-Used Room First
By starting with this room first, your whole house will get the thorough cleaning you have set out to do. If you start somewhere else, you may run out of steam. You are more likely to give yourself a pass from cleaning some rooms because “no one ever goes in there anyways.”
Work From the Top Down
That means get the cobwebs off the ceiling before you sweep the floor. My mom used to have an actual cobweb cleaner. Nowadays you can get a Swiffer that has an extended handle to do the same thing.
Pro Tip: With the Swiffer Duster Starter Kit you can remove the head and replace after every it cleaning to maintain and promote a more germ-free environment in your home. Get your Swiffer today.
Start with the Thing you Hate Most to Clean
This is to give you a psychological advantage. If you start with what you hate to clean first, you’ll get it done and won’t wimp out.
Start in the Corner
After getting the cobwebs down from the entire room, you start in one corner and work around the room. This would be the corner where the thing you hate to clean is.
Clean Every Surface
That means walls, picture frames, knick-knacks, desks, computers and on and on. If it has a surface, it can accumulate dirt and dust. Therefore, it is part of your mission to make it sparkle. 
Pro Tip: If you want to save money on household cleaners, order from Dollar Tree online and have it shipped for free to your local store. Find safe, effective cleaning supplies for just a buck each. 
When you clean surfaces, it is helpful to have cleaning wipes. Use these to clean and disinfect those surfaces.
Move the Furniture
By moving the furniture you can vacuum little touched areas that have accumulated much debris. You’ll be amazed at what you find when you move your furniture away from the wall!
Pro Tip: Moving furniture can be a pain. Why not make it easier on yourself with these furniture sliders? We like this X-Protector variety pack because of the big selection. These will help you slide your furniture easier on all surfaces.
Pro Tip: Pledge furniture polish will do, but if you want the good stuff, you will want to try Milsek Furniture Polish.
Vacuum Your Way out of a Room
If you have worked hard to clean the room, you want to enjoy the finished product. Start at the farthest end of the room and vacuum backwards until you have gotten over the threshold. Carpet that is freshly vacuumed and untouched by footsteps gives you a real sense of satisfaction.
Pro Tip: In our house, we use the Bissell Pet Hair Eraser Turbo Plus Lightweight Upright Vacuum Cleaner. We love that it is bagless and economical. Whether you have a pet or not, the pet hair attachments will achieve a deeper clean.
Dusting Hacks
When my mother had her cleaning business, microfiber cleaning products were not a thing. However, you might want to consider microfiber dusting slippers. Check out those dusting slippers here!
Kitchen Cleaning Hack
To clean out your drain, use 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup vinegar and boiling water. Pour baking soda into the drain, followed by vinegar. Let it bubble for several minutes. Follow up with boiling water. (Dollar Tree is a great place to get inexpensive cleaning supplies. You can create an account, order online and have your items shipped free to your local Dollar Tree store.)
Use Bar Keepers Friend brand cleanser for cleaning stainless steel or porcelain sinks. It is also good for counters.
Be sure to clean the window sill by sink and wash the window using Windex.
Stove Top Cleaning Hack
Have an electric stove top? Did you know you can lift up the top to clean the drip pan and burners? Try it now. Just lift it up.
Microwave Cleaning Hack
Wet a cloth and put it in the microwave for 30 seconds. The rag will be hot so be careful, but use the cloth to clean the microwave out. The moisture will make it easier to clean.
Natural Glass Cleaner Hack
Windex is a popular glass cleaner, however, you can make your own cleaner if you prefer to avoid chemicals. When cleaning windows, you can use your cleaning cloths, paper towels or a squeegee (this works great if you have glass shower doors).
Pro Tip: If you purchase the ingredients to make your own cleaner at your local grocery store, download the Ibotta app to save on name brands and groceries. Ibotta is the No. 1 downloaded app to save at the grocery store. Find bargains and earn cash back when you download the Ibotta app.
Bathroom Cleaning Hack
Clean the mirror first, then move everything off the counter and clean the surface with clorox wipes or comet cleaner. Shine the faucet of the sink. Make sure to get the back of the faucet, an area that is often neglected.
Bathtub Cleaning Hack
Use a crevice cleaner to get into the edges where the tile and tub meet. Use it to help clean out the grout. 
Shower Cleaning Hack
Keep ahead of cleaning by wiping down your shower/bathtub after each time you use it. Use the crevice cleaner to get the edges. Make sure to clean the faucet and knobs, too.
Showerhead Cleaning Hack
Have you noticed your showerhead getting a little crusty? What you are seeing are likely mineral or lime deposits from the water. Watch this video for an easy solution to clean your showerhead and get the water flow back to normal.
Pro Tip: If you love shopping Amazon and have your cleaning products delivered to you at your convenience, then you will want to take advantage of Amazon’s Subscribe & Save program and save 15%.
Toilet Cleaning Hack
Nobody wants to do this, but it is important. 
Work from the back to front and top to bottom of the toilet. Make sure to wipe down the back of the toilet, then the lid, sides, handle and front of the tank. Use Clorox to spray all the areas, including inside and outside of the bowl and seat. Wipe down the porcelain behind the seat. Make sure to get all the little crevices clean, too. 
Inside the bowl you’ll want to clean under the rim first, so the debris can fall into the water. You can use a toilet brush for the bowl, but to get it really clean, using your hands works best for the rim. Flush the toilet and then spray again with the cleaner. Use the toilet brush to clean the bowl as far into the bowl as possible. Then flush the toilet again, rinsing the brush as the water flows. 
Use the toilet cleaner and spray the receptacle for the toilet brush and use the brush to clean out the inside of it. Pour the dirty water into the toilet and flush one last time, again rinsing the brush in the water flow. 
Laundry Hacks
One thing I do is to rub a little Dawn dish detergent whenever my husband gets grease on his shirt. Dawn is great for cutting grease.
Dolores Breese’s Cleaning Starter Kit
Whether you choose to go old school and do a deep clean or just address those areas needing attention, I hope these hacks helped. Here are my mom’s recommendations to build a thorough cleaning kit for spring and every other season:
p.s. If you put together your cleaning kit and discover you really like this kind of stuff, then be like my mom and start your own business.
Save Money On Cleaning Supplies
Earning cash back on cleaning supplies is easy. Check out these money-making machines to earn free money while you shop online and in store. Oh yeah, all of this stuff is free.
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duchessfics · 4 years
Birthday Headcanons!
So my birthday was technically May 23...which is over a month ago 🙈 but for my birthday I wanted to type these headcanons up. Honestly each of these have no real connection to each other except I’ve just thought of them over time, but I just thought these would be fun to read. So I hope you enjoy them as much as I have when writing these up! 😁
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Billie Dean Howard
This filming trip has been a nightmare for Billie. She hardly got any content for her show, her rental car broke down while driving back to the hotel after a whole night of filming, and the next day rather than calling the rental car company, her assistant calls some local mom and pop garage to fix it.
So rather than taking the risk of having her assistant screw something else up, Billie goes to the garage herself. And she is sure that the mechanic will charge her more since she’s both a celebrity and a single woman with no one to back her up.
When the medium gets there the garage is completely devoid of any other people and the only sign of someone here is the radio blasting from the garage. So, after seeing absolutely no one for five minutes, she decides to just walk into the working area fully annoyed at the terrible service.
 Fortunately, she hears the man whistling to the music and struts over to see him working underneath the car. However, Billie interrupts his moment, loudly clearing her throat and saying excuse me in the snippiest tone she can muster. That makes him stop whistling and roll out from under the car.
 But Billie is shocked that this mechanic is no man. Oh no, you are a gorgeous woman even with smears of grease and dirt on your face and clothes. And this is the moment Billie realizes the appeal of butches.
When you roll out from under the car you assume this gorgeous woman is Billie judging by her fancy appearance and get up to introduce yourself. However, as you reach out to shake her hand you remember how dirty you are and back up, so you don’t get something on her clothes.
While Billie was filled with anger just minutes ago at her car being fixed, now she’s both surprised and unexpectedly aroused. You turn down the radio, knowing it’s obnoxiously loud and tell her you contacted the rental car company and they’re covering the cost of repairs, but you won’t be able to finish tonight so she’ll have to wait until tomorrow to drive the repaired car.
Then you throw out the offer in your own desire to see her that you have a spare room if her hotel reservation doesn’t have an extra night. Before you can even finish your sentence, Billie says yes and you would be lying if you denied your own joy at that.
So you tell her you’ll be done in a couple hours and ask if she wants to be dropped off somewhere while you work. But Billie says no. So you set out a clean chair for her to sit in before going back to work.
As you work you ask Billie what she’s doing in a small town like this. So she tells you about her TV show and when you find out she’s a medium you ask about it. At first Billie is hesitant to keep talking, but you assure her you love hearing her talk about her career.
So she tells you about everything—from her career to her checkered past and future desires. And in the process, she ends up sharing things about her life she’s never told anyone. But for some reason she just trusts you and doesn’t feel condemned or judged because of what she says.
The two hours fly by, but you’ve made substantial progress and tell Billie she should be able to head back home before noon tomorrow. However, after meeting you she is not so eager to leave anymore.
When wrapping up your work, you go through closing the garage and Billie observes you the whole time. You notice her checking you out as you walk around and work, but don’t mind. In fact you can’t help but check her too. 
Then you lead her out to your old pickup truck and quickly clean out the passenger side while apologizing for your messy car. But she doesn’t seem bothered. She’s too occupied with you to notice anything else.
As you drive home, you ask if she minds music and Billie says no. So you turn on the radio to a classic rock station. Then you absentmindedly start to sing along and Billie nearly swoons at the whole thing. No one has ever had this effect on her before. She’s supposed to be the one who makes others swoon. Not the other way around…But she likes it.
When you get to your home you coyly explain you need to take a shower before making dinner. But you mention that you don’t mind if she joins. Let’s just say...Billie jumps on the opportunity (and you) and even though she wasn’t that dirty, Billie takes special joy in washing you off and massaging away any tension or soreness you have.
After taking a shower that’s long enough for the water to run cold, you both step out and since Billie doesn’t have extra clothes you offer one of your old, oversized Harley Davison shirts to wear. Seeing her only wearing your shirt that falls about mid-thigh on her does things to you and when she sees you so effected she starts to get bold in her flirting too.
In the end you warm up some cheap, frozen meal that’s nothing fancy, but the whole time you’re getting it together, Billie is wrapped around you, hugging you from behind or your side earning the nickname “spider monkey.” When you actually sit to eat both of you watch the other closely with shared grins and small giggles. Then cleaning up is super easy with Billie’s help and you head over to your living room.
You sit in your recliner as usual and Billie pauses for a moment looking between you and the couch. But her eyes linger on you longer and seeing the debate in her head leads you to hold out your hand toward her, offering a solution. She takes it with a smile and you guide her to sit on your lap.
Once again she’s used to being the caretaker, but is glad to let someone else take the lead and easily cuddles into you as the tv plays. And although now words are spoken, the way you hold her in a warm embrace makes Billie no longer regret this trip. In fact, she may stay a couple more days if it means being with you.
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 Lana Winters
While you and Lana can’t get married or have an official wedding in the 1970s, you solidify your relationship by buying a house together.
It’s an old, cottage-like home without any prying neighbors around to spy on you both. When you first enter the home, in your excitement you pick Lana up and carry her bridal style across the threshold for the first time.
While you have the keys to the house, there’s still a lot of work to do to the point that it’s not livable yet. So you and Lana take the time to look around the home deciding how to decorate and design your home. Then you begin to clean the house.
Both of you work hard on dusting, vacuuming, and wiping down every surface in your home leaving you both sore. Luckily when you return to the apartment you currently live in both of you take a nice hot bath to soothe your sore muscles. And it’s good to just spend time relaxing together.
Once you finish cleaning, you work on painting and decorating each room with different vibrant colors. Fortunately, Lana brings her radio so you can both listen to music while painting. But it’s still exhausting work and leaves you crabby sometimes if you go too long without a break.
So when Lana notices you starting to look worn out or tired, she’ll set down her paint-roller before guiding you to set yours down. Then she’ll pull you into a spontaneous dance. Sometimes it’s slow and relaxed, and other times the music is fun and upbeat. Either way it does help you to feel better.
Even though both of you aren’t conventionally attractive at the moment, you have never felt more attracted to Lana with her barefaced, thoroughly worn overalls with paint speckled on them, and a simple ponytail. And she loves seeing you like this too, finding something about simple domesticity to be beautiful. 
The day you and Lana are finished painting, you start to pack up all of your belongings and slowly move them over to the house. It takes 5 trips between the places and even then you have the unfortunate realization that your mattress won’t fit into your car. So after wrestling with the bed for over an hour to no avail, you both are spent and give up.
Thankfully, Lana is a literal angel and when she sees you on the verge of tears, she runs out to bring home food from your favorite diner. And as she enters with the food you nearly cry in happiness. Then you eat your first meal on the floor since your table is covered in boxes.
After dinner before you can even ask, Lana guides you to climb into her lap and holds you close to her while you both take a moment to rest and listen to the radio. Even though you still have to set up your home it’s such a good feeling having everything here...well almost everything.
Because you couldn’t bring the bed over, you’re stuck with figuring out another option. So you unpack your blankets and pillows before laying them out on your carpeted floor in the living room.
Then you and Lana take a shower to unwind from the day and change into your pajamas. And even though it isn’t quite dark yet you slide under the covers and cuddle into each other, completely exhausted.
Once you’re settled you are finally able to hear the outside noises and it’s so different compared to ambient city sounds and you’ve never stayed out in the countryside before. So with each animal sound or gust of wind you perk up and grip on her while whisper asking if Lana heard it too.
She chuckles at your reaction and soothes that you’re safe with her. And to give you a small distraction from the eerie silence you talk about future house plans and keep softly talking until you both naturally fall asleep.
While you’re on the floor and it’s nowhere near as comfortable as your bed, you both sleep like rocks from working hard all day and end up getting more than 8 hours of sleep with no nightmares to haunt Lana’s dreams. 
The next morning you wake up to the sun shining in your eyes and Lana lazily rubbing your back as you rest on her chest. All of the sounds, smells, and sights around you are almost mystical compared to the city. But you can definitely get used to this.
You ask if you’re preventing her from getting up, but she says no and holds you closer while you both talk about different things, enjoying the unfamiliar, but pleasant feeling of the cool morning air and environment.
Eventually you do get up to make breakfast and while you’re on pancake flipping duty, Lana rummages around to find the coffee maker to make some. Fortunately, she finds it and brews some for both of you to drink. 
You eat your breakfast on the floor like last night before slowly beginning to unpack the boxes and setting up your home. And by the evening you are able to eat dinner at your table. Also, you somehow managed to finagle your bed into the car and set it up to sleep in for tonight.
Tonight both of you are much less tired so when you head to bed and Lana mentions that you haven’t technically christened the home yet. You are more than happy to make love in your new home for the first time without having to hold back or be quiet since there aren’t neighbors around.
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Cordelia Goode
Is Cordelia the supreme? Yes. Did her wisdom teeth still grow in for some reason? Also, yes. Because they’re starting to cause problems, she visits the dentist and they recommend getting them removed. The only thing is she needs someone to drive her and take care of her while she heals but she doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it.
Mallory is busy with Coco, Zoe with Madison, Misty is off with Stevie god knows where, and Queenie knows of your crush for the supreme even if you won’t admit it. She’s seen you two tip toe around the topic and decides to volunteer you for the job so you’ll finally admit your feelings for her.
Honestly if Cordelia trusted anyone to take care of her it would be you. On the way to the dentist she’s eerily quiet. But even as the supreme, Cordelia is still human and feels anxious about the surgery. And in the car ride she drinks a tea she personally concocted with specific leaves to help wane her immunity as the supreme. It’s not that her powers are lost, they’re just dulled enough for the anesthesia to work.
By the time you’re at the office, her supremely glow is gone and to you she almost looks physically different. But you know the tea worked so both of you walk in and you keep on high alert for any possible threat towards your supreme.
Shortly after signing in they call Cordelia back to begin the process. You automatically stand up to go with her, but pause to ask if she even wants that. Before you can even finish your sentence, she takes your hand to keep you close.
Cordelia continues to hold your hand while she sits in the patient’s chair and the dentist explains what’s going to happen. And when they ask if she has any follow up questions, she’s too nervous to think of any, but you ask about a couple things that she’s grateful you think of.
Then they say they’ll get her ready for the removal. So you wish her luck trying to sound calm, but walk out to the waiting room feeling anxious as well. Within an hour the dentist comes out to you and says everything went well and she’s slowly waking up. So they let you go to her and tell you to take your time getting her up.
When you walk in and see your supreme reclined on the patient’s chair, she looks high as a kite. And your appearance makes her mumble something about her girlfriend. That catches your attention and you hesitantly ask who she’s talking about.
The question makes her have a fit of laughter however she groans in pain so you rush up to her to settle her back down. Then she clings to your hand and says with her mouth full of gauze that you’re her girlfriend because she loves you.
Or in her words she “loves you so, so, so, so, infinitely so’s y/n. Wait infinity loves. I loves infinity--wait I love infinitely. Y/n—fuck—I love you infinitely, infinity x infinity.” And you can’t help but giggle at your supreme confessing her love so clumsily.
But you quickly regret that when she begins to cry thinking you’re making fun of her. Before she gets too worked up you kneel before her and apologize saying you weren’t trying to make fun of her. You just thought she was cute.               
For some reason those words provoke her to try to sit up before standing up, but you snap into action and keep her from doing so, unsure if she even could stay standing at the moment. In response she tries to resist while growling with her mouth full of gauze that she’s the fucking supreme. And before she gets upset enough to trigger her powers you assure her that you know she’s the supreme and ask once she’s resettled ask how she feels.
That leads her to relax and tell you how she’s feeling. But as she does instead of using normal pet names towards you like “sweetheart” or “darling” she keeps calling you poptart and cheese-it. Both of which she never even eats. 
Fortunately one of the dental assistants brings in the take home kit with instructions. Then you help Cordelia up and slowly make your way home. But it takes everything in you to not laugh at her behavior.
When you get back to the house, you manage to sneak Cordelia to her room without running into anyone and by the time you coax her to gargle saltwater, take pain meds, and change her gauze she’s completely exhausted and you are too. So you prop her up so she doesn’t hurt her mouth when she sleeps before laying beside her on the bed. And the last thing she says is, “Love you, pop tart.” before you both fall asleep.
By the time you wake up to give Cordelia the second dose of pain medicine she already has her supremely glow back and is way more recovered than the average person. But you still. Help and feed her a small meal to prevent nausea. Then you help her gargle saltwater and replace the gauze and she passes out again.
24 hours later Cordelia is almost completely healed and takes care of herself. However she never mentions anything about what she said and doesn’t act differently whatsoever. You try to as well, but you just can’t forget her words. So you go to Zoe and explain what happened. She encourages you to be honest with the supreme and see how she responds. Then she assures you that Cordelia won’t be upset. If anything she has a soft spot for you.
That afternoon when you see Cordelia alone in the greenhouse you come out and hesitantly explain what she said the other day, but you also recognize that it was the anesthesia talking. While she didn’t remember that, she does admit she has feelings for you, and you admit you have feelings for her. So you decide to try going out on a date and she promises you that she won’t call you ‘pop tart.’ again.
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Bette and Dot Tattler 
When you find out Bette and Dot have never been to the beach before you’re shocked because they live in Florida. But you also make a point to take them to one.
One day you wake them up while it’s dark and have them get dressed before leading them to your packed car. You know they aren’t big fans of surprises so when they sleepily what’s happening you say you’re going to the beach.
When Bette and Dot find out they’re both excited and nervous about sneaking out. But you assure them it’s a day off for everyone and you told Eve what you’re doing so she could explain where you are if anyone asks. So they happily get into your car.
You drive to a virtually private beach and lay out a blanket on the sand. Then the 3 of you sit together to watch the sunrise. For now you sit beside Dot and hold her hand, smiling as you hear their gasps of amazement.
Once the sun is fully risen you tell them to stay put and go back to the car. Then you bring back a breakfast you packed to share with them. Bette and Dot knew you loved them both, but they are still shocked at how thoughtful and considerate you are unlike nearly everyone else in their lives.
By the time you finish eating it’s fully light out so you can really see the full expanse of the Atlantic Ocean now. You offer to take them closer honestly Bette and Dot haven’t swam in years and have never been to a body of water large enough that you can’t see the other side. So, they’re a little apprehensive. 
You promise to stay with them the whole time and hold Bette’s hand as you murmur soothing words over the roar of the ocean and guide them closer.
When you get to the damp sand where waves briefly touch enough to change the texture, both Bette and Dot freeze up and won’t move. So you try to comfort them by saying you’ll step up first. Then you let go of Bette’s hand and walk only a couple steps away.
Both sets of eyes watch the waves rush over your feet and you assure them with a smile you’re ok and they will be too. Then you hold out your hands and beckon them closer. They cautiously step closer into the soaked and more shifty sand and Bette takes one of your hands while Dot takes the other.
When the water rushes over their feet they gasp and back up a little at the cold temperature. But you slowly guide them back and soothe it won’t be as cold this time.
They’re skeptical, but when the next wave comes and flows over all of your feet Bette and Dot don’t back away like last time. And when you ask if they’re ok and they say yes with cute little grins on their faces.
After a couple more waves all three of you walk back to your stuff and both women comment about the sand that gets stuck on their wet feet. So you pamper Bette and Dot by wiping their feet clean with a towel when you sit back on the blanket.
When it gets to mid-morning you pull out the matching sun hats you bought for them so they have some protection from the sun. Then the three of you go between lounging on the blanket and going to dip your feet in the water.
Eventually you bring out the lunch you packed and enjoy the meal of different sandwiches, fruit, and of course Bette’s favorite—cupcakes. And as the 3 of you eat and giggle with each other you notice how happy they look.
After you return the picnic basket to the car, you lead Bette and Dot back to the ocean. But this time you urge them a little further into the water. Unfortunately, there isn’t a swimsuit for them to wear and the only thing they have to wear is their dress. So you keep yours on too and keep them steady whenever the waves come. 
Because they can’t really swim that well you only go out until the water meets your knees and hug them close while softly encouraging them, knowing how nervous they are. Thankfully the water is calmer today so you help them to lower into the water and they get excited that they look ‘normal’ because the water is high enough to make their heads look separate from each other.
You understand their joy about for once in their lives not looking like freaks, but also assure them that you love them both just as they are. Bette and Dot will always be your girls. Then you help them stand back up and lead them back to your spot before setting up an umbrella to block out some of the afternoon sun. 
Then you lay out on the blanket and hold your lovers close to your chest while you dry off. The warmth of the sun feels like a blanket in itself and you end up falling asleep. 
When you wake back up, you panic at Bette and Dot being nowhere near you assuming the worst. But the wind carries their laughter and you look to see them standing by the water and they have their ankles submerged. So you walk over and see they look so happy with slightly burned pink noses and cheeks from the sun. Even Dot looks unusually happy.
Then the sisters thank you for taking them and making the day so special. And you assure both women you’re more than happy to do that for them before giving each woman a kiss. And while you need to head back to the freak show you promise to bring them back to the beach again.
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 Sally McKenna
After walking in to see your partner cheating on you in your own home you run off devastated. That’s how you end up stumbling into the Hotel Cortez, barely holding yourself together.
The first thing you do is tearfully check into the hotel and that’s when Sally notices you from the balcony. And after getting your room key you stumble up to the bar where Sally sits. But you don’t even notice her, lost in your own emotional state.
After ordering a drink you find yourself hiding your face and trying to be quiet when you cry and drink. But it’s clear to anyone around that you are miserable.
So Sally meanders over, preying on your vulnerable state, and claiming you as her next victim to kill. When she greets you and mentions your crying, you completely break down while explaining that you caught your partner having sex with someone else.
Then you mention how everyone always ends up leaving you behind in the end. Sally is caught off guard by the comment since she’s usually the one to say that. But she just assumes you’re trying to trick her only to take advantage of Sally with your tears. So she keeps buying you drinks to dull your senses and kill you.
Once you seem drunk enough Sally tells you she has an idea “to keep you distracted.” Of course she meant that in a seductive way. But her sultry, suggestive tone goes completely over your head and you say sure before leading her to your hotel room.
When you enter the room you ask if she’s ever seen your favorite childhood movie. The random question throws Sally off but she answers no, already working on removing her coat and deciding on how to kill you. 
Luckily with the freshly renovated hotel the TVs include streaming services, so you fall/hop onto the bed while excitedly telling her it’s on Netflix. Sally stops undressing when she sees you using the remote to find it and asks if you are seriously going to watch a dumb kids movie.
Her harsh tone makes you get emotional again and you pathetically whimper that you really like the movie, but you won’t make her stay and watch, knowing it’s lame. And something about your genuinely broken spirit makes her pause. 
Then she hesitantly says she’ll watch it, hoping you’ll pass out soon and killing you will be a lot easier. So you pat the bed inviting her closer and she slowly comes forward, shocked at how easily you let her in. But this isn’t Sally’s first rodeo and you’re not going to trick her that easily.
Throughout the movie you scoot closer to Sally and when your flesh touches hers she starts to feel something other than the empty and lonely feeling of death. There’s not a word she can think of to describe it, but it’s a warm comforting feeling. Almost like a hug. However she credits that to the alcohol so she doesn’t fall for you.
After the movie you tell Sally you’re going to order room service and ask what she would like. The blonde is once again taken aback at your consideration of her, but says she doesn’t want anything, starting to get annoyed at how kind you’re being to her.
So you order something for yourself and as you eat you ask about Sally and her past. However she snaps at you, saying you don’t really care or even if you do you’ll leave her when you learn she’s a monster. That’s when you notice fresh tears streaming down her face.
But you assure her that you’re not asking to be judgmental, just to care. So even though Sally doesn’t divulge everything, she does tell you some small parts of her past, anticipating your repulsion or disgust. However you do the opposite, pulling her into a hug and thanking her for trusting you enough to share.
By now Sally lets is more shocked than upset at your acceptance and you see her smile for the first time. Then you ask if she’ll stay for one more movie and she doesn’t hesitate to agree. This time while the movie plays you lean against her and without speaking she wraps her arms around you.
When tucked in Sally’s embrace you don’t feel her cold, dead aura whatsoever and snuggle into her further. In the process she is encompassed in your warmth and for a moment gets a glimpse at feeling alive once more.
By the time the credits roll you’re fast asleep in Sally’s arms and she remembers her plan to kill you earlier. But she decides against it. Not to make herself some superhero, but because for so long she has been the victim of rejection and you accepted her. You didn’t use her as something for selfish pleasure or take your anger out on her only to leave. Your care was unconditional.
When you wake up the next morning Sally is gone, leaving you confused and almost wondering if you had just dreamed about her. So before you leave, you go to the front desk and ask about Sally and if she’s checked out already. They tell you she’s still here so you leave a note for her before leaving.
It’s only then that Sally comes out from the shadows and looks to see what you wrote to her. And her heart melts when she sees that you thanked her for helping you to feel better and left your number in case she needed someone to talk to.
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Audrey Tindall
Today is your 1 year anniversary of being Audrey’s girlfriend. So the actress specifically takes the day off to spend it with you. And for once she had the forethought to plan a whole day of activities to do together.
However before you can even leave the house, her first plan goes awry when you slip into her shower to “wish her a happy anniversary.” Did she make a breakfast reservation that you will be late for? Yes. But is she gonna turn down shower sex with you? Absolutely not.
But now because of that distraction Audrey is nearly down the driver’s neck trying to get them to go faster so you aren’t late. But they can only go so fast in stopped LA traffic. However you get her attention to show her one of those airplanes making a message in the sky, blissfully unaware of the stress Audrey is experiencing.
In the end you miss your reservation. However you believe she made the reservation for the place next door and ask how she knew it was your favorite spot. So Audrey just rolls with it and says it was instinct and you eat breakfast there. Then Audrey takes you to one of the walking trails up to the Griffith Observatory.
But you accidentally take the “scenic” trail and what should have been a 1 mile trek ends up being almost 3 miles. And that includes walking a half a mile on a side path thinking it’s the right way.
Because Audrey thought it was going to be a small walk she didn’t bring any water or tell you to wear walking shoes so you end up with some gnarly blisters on your heels. 
The actress feels horrible about it, but you assure her it’s fine and buy some flip flops and bottles of water from the observatory’s gift shop. Then you take your time to look around the observatory and absolutely love it.
Because the walk took so long, you end up eating lunch at some generic, overpriced but subpar lunch place attached to the observatory. The food isn’t great, but the view is amazing. And honestly you’re both so hungry that you’re willing to eat anything.
After this Audrey takes you to Venice Beach to hang out and shop around. But when you get there, the streets are closed off for a huge block party. And to make matters worse, people around begin to recognize her and come up asking for pictures and autographs. 
Audrey feels terrible about everything that’s going wrong and now she has to deal with a swarm of fans. Right away you see her trembling lip and tell people to back off. Then you guide her into a nearby antique shop. Luckily the owner saw everything and locks the door after you enter while saying you’re welcome to stay as long as you need.
You quickly thank him, but guide Audrey who has teary eyes to a section of the store that’s not visible to the windows and ask if she’s ok. While she’s clearly shaken up she nods. But she also tearfully apologizes for ruining the day.
However you silence her with a kiss and soothe she isn’t ruining the day at all. That’s when you both see an older woman you assume to be the owner’s wife and freeze up, concerned about how she will act about your relationship. But she just offers a smile and says she just made some lemonade, offering the privacy of their breakroom.
You follow her back and sit with the older couple while drinking lemonade and end up having a good time just listening to how they got together and they came to own the shop. By the time you say goodbye it’s nearly evening the group of fans is gone, but they let you exit out the backdoor just in case.
While walking down the street you pause at a local restaurant that looks delicious for dinner. Audrey goes to protest saying she made a reservation at some fancy, a-list restaurant. But honestly both of you look pretty rugged with no time to clean up and you are interested in going here. So she agrees to eating where you want since every other plan she’s made has gone to shit.
Because the restaurant is nearly empty of guests, when the server finds out it’s your one year anniversary, they offer a special discount and free dessert. Then they do their best to make the setting as romantic as possible.
In the process you meet the owner and their whole family when each one comes out to congratulate you on your anniversary. The food is delicious and even though Audrey had other plans, this is way better.
When you finish dinner, Audrey sees the sky is overcast to the point that you won’t be able to see the sun actually setting. But you assure her you would love to go to the beach anyways even to just to dip your feet in the water.
So you go to the nearest beach and while you walk along the shore (holding hands of course) you tell her you have loved today. She stops in confusion because everything that could go wrong did and she let you down. But you pull her close to kiss her lips and assure her that you wouldn’t change a thing about today and that you love her so much.
She happily replies that she loves you too. Then it starts to rain. And not like a light sprinkle either. It’s pouring rain that leaves you drenched to the bone within minutes. Audrey looks up and waves her fist at the sky as she curses it for raining this one night when it’s sunny in LA every other day.
But you giggle and end her dramatic monologue with a long kiss before running back to your car. By the time you’re riding home both of you are soaked. But you don’t mind and you promise Audrey that you have made some plans of your own for her when you get back to your bedroom.
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 Ally Mayfair-Richards
Recently Ally has been super busy working on her re-election campaign as senator. Of course you are her #1 booster and supporter. And you want to do something special for her to help lighten Ally’s load.
So tonight you and Oz decide to make a special dinner for Ally. As usual Ally texts you that she’ll be working late so you have plenty of time to work. Then Oz tells you her favorite meal and you both go out shopping to get the necessary ingredients.
Once you return, Oz pulls out the cookbook with the instructions and sits up on the countertop (Something Ally would NEVER allow) to stay next to you while reading the steps as you cook. But...here's the thing: You have no idea how to cook—at all.
So Oz grimaces as he watches you and tries to help you along with little helpful tips. But he’s a kid—not an experienced cook like Ally.
You struggle through it and know you’re messing things up. But you’re hopeful a couple mistakes here and there won’t be too noticeable. As you finish cooking, Ally texts you she’s headed home so you and Oz run around, setting the table and finishing the dinner. And as you haphazardly pour one of the wines you randomly picked into her glass (Because—let’s be honest you have no idea how to pair wine) the door opens.
As soon as Ally walks into her home, her nose wrinkles at the smell of burnt food and other concerning scents. So she calls out your name before doing anything else, hoping nothing happened, and you reply you’re in the dining room.
When she walks in, her eyes widen at seeing the dangerous-looking meal and Oz’s expression of concern and disgust. But her attention is drawn to you when you tell her you made dinner with a nervous smile.
Seeing all of the effort you put in makes Ally’s heart melt and even though she’s concerned, she goes along with it, thanking you and sitting down. She could struggle through one subpar meal to make you feel good—but then the three of you start to eat.
The first bite Oz takes, he gags and says “Yuck!” That makes Ally shoot him a warning look. However, she nearly chokes when she takes the first bite. So she tries to conceal that by washing it down with a generous sip of wine. But then she actually does choke at the horribly paired food and drink.
At this point you want to die in humiliation and hide your face in your hands. You know Ally is the “bread winner” so that should make you the homemaker. But you have no idea how to “home make.” That has never come natural to you. So you do one thing that you do know how to do and apologize.
Right away, Ally takes your hand and guides you to look at her while soothing that she doesn’t mind cooking. But you explain that you wanted to be helpful and alleviate stress and you just made everything worse for her. She assures you that she finds cooking to be cathartic and just having you and Oz around makes everything better.
So you throw away the disappointment of a meal and all 3 of you head into the kitchen. However most of the necessary dishes are dirty from your cooking so you offer to wash them while Ally takes off her makeup and gets into lounge clothes.
So she heads to your room and you and Oz get to work washing and drying the dishes. As you both finish up, Ally walks in to see him perched on the countertop and drying dishes next to the sink. So she scolds him about sitting there and Oz just throws you under the bus saying that you let him do that all the time.
You try to deny the accusation, but both Ally and Oz know you are horrible at enforcing rules, so you apologize and tell Oz in your “stern” voice no more sitting on the countertop. However, they both know if he sits up there and you’re home alone you’ll ultimately let him do it.
That’s the moment when you take in Ally. Not senator Mayfair-Richards, just your love, Ally with her oversized sweater and cute, little ponytail at the nape of her neck with a couple loose hairs that are too short to stay held back frame her face. 
You let her take the lead and watch her come alive as she does the cooking and delegates you to do different side tasks that don’t risk something being over or under cooked. Meanwhile Oz sits at the mini bar and tells his mom about his day. These ordinary moments between the three of you are not very common, but they’re your favorite moments.
In less than an hour, the 3 of you are back in the dining room with an excellent, homemade dinner. You all happily eat the late night meal before going over to the living room and watching a TV show Oz chooses.
He lays across your laps to watch it so he can lean on you while Ally gently strokes his hair and by the end he’s asleep. Then you gather him in your arms before picking him up and carrying him to his bed while Ally follows behind and whispers her shock that you can still actually hold him. Somehow he never wakes up so you gently lay him down and Ally tucks his blankets around him, placing a kiss on his forehead before walking out.
Then you both go down to the kitchen and Ally drinks a couple glasses of wine at the mini bar while you clean up from dinner. Of course she wants to help you, but you insist on her sitting while you take care of everything. And as you go, you ask how her day was.
Ally tells you about her long day and asks your opinion on a couple of the decisions she is considering. While you have little to no experience in politics, she’s thankful that you listen to her and if Ally asks, she knows you’ll always choose what’s best for her unlike other “helpful” politicians.
When you finish up, Ally walks over to you and admits that telling you what to do earlier as you both cooked felt good and asks if you would consider being told what to do in the bedroom by her so she could “relieve the remaining stress from the day.” Of course you are more than happy to oblige in submitting to Ally and let her guide you up to your bedroom.
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Wilhelmina Venable
You know Wilhemina truly loves you when she begrudgingly agrees to go to Disneyland for your birthday. Of course you butter up the deal by purchasing VIP passes so you don’t have to deal with lines—but still.
The night before you can’t hardly sleep because you’re so excited to go to the happiest place on earth for the first time. But Wilhemina makes you stay in bed even though you want to start getting ready for the day at 4 in the morning.
While you couldn’t convince Mina to “officially” disneybound with you, she does wear a casual plum-colored dress, black cardigan, and shorter heels than usual in the same dark purple as her dress. Even her ponytail for today is less formal then her work coiffure.
On the other hand, you’ve pulled all the stops to disneybound as Snow White. Your outfit has been planned for weeks down to the smallest detail and having your girlfriend looking like the evil queen will make amazing pics.
When you get to the park, you nearly bounce around like a kid with excitement. Wilhelmina watches you with narrowed eyes making her look even more like a Disney villain, but lets you have your moment, only complaining when you go to take a selfie with her. And even then, she manages to give a small smile in the photo.
After you pick up your VIP passes you go to get your pins for your first visit and your birthday. You also get a first visit pin for Mina, but that’s when you find out this isn’t her first time to Disneyland. Then you slowly make your way down main street, stopping to look at every shop. In the process you have the redhead help you choose between two sets of ears and choose a pair for her to wear.
If looks could kill, you would be on death’s doorstep from her glare. At first she says no and remains firm in her answer. However you pull the ole “it’s your birthday and your first time at Disneyland” card so she spitefully wears them, grateful that they’re at least purple. But when you go to buy more merchandise, Wilhelmina drags encourages you out to actually get to the rides.
After taking WAY too many pictures around main street and in front of the castle, you begin to make your way through the park. Your first attraction is the tiki room. Then you share your first dole whip before going on the Jungle Cruise.
That ride just about kills Wilhemina and with each corny joke she lets out a soft groan, pained at how dumb these jokes really are. But she tries to not ruin the moment for you. Meanwhile you crack up at every joke.
Next you ride Pirates of the Caribbean and love it, constantly looking around to take everything in and pointing out Jack Sparrow each time as if Mina doesn’t notice the very obvious lighting and animatronic of him. On the other hand, the red head totally forgets there’s a drop and she lets out an adorable little squeak in surprise that only you hear. Because you like it so much you ride it again and ride Haunted Mansion twice too.
In between the attractions you practically skip along and with any character you pass—literally any character—you will wave at them and would stop to take photos, but Wilhemina drags you along keeps you moving.
As you walk through the park, you notice a couple kids gasp when they see Mina or point at her. Of course the redhead is offended and cold towards them, but then you realize they’re calling her princess Ariel. And at one point while you’re sitting to eat some churros a little girl shyly comes up to you both and says to Wilhemina that she’s her favorite princess before asking how Flounder and Sebastian are doing.
Mina is flabbergasted and for a moment just looks at the girl with wide eyes, bewildered that she would ever think of Wilhemina as a princess. However she pulls herself together enough to say that they're doing well. Then the girl says goodbye and runs back over to her family.
And while Mina has never been a kid person, being called a “princess” by different kids does make her smile a little bit. No one else would notice, but you do.
When you pass by Splash Mountain Wilhemina says no when you ask to ride. So even though you plead to go on it, you keep walking. The only other attraction she says no to is It’s a Small World. Even passing by the facade and hearing the faded music makes her shudder and declare she would rather puncture her own ear drums than go through that.
When it comes to the parade, even though Mina hates crowds, she sits with you and watches you call out to characters like the other kids around. Of course she gives you her trademark look of silently asking if you are really acting like this. However the redhead does secretly find it a little adorable.
Tomorrowland is your last “land” and that’s when you find out Mina kicks ass at Buzz Lightyear’s Astro Blasters. The first time you rode she blew you out of the water and ranked as a 1st class Ranger with a whopping score of 749,000 points and the next time she scored even higher.
For dinner you reserved a special table where you can watch the fireworks while eating. However during the whole show you forget to even touch your food, gasping at everything that happens and trying to take it all in. And because you look so damn adorable, before “rational Mina” can make an executive decision, “impulsive Mina” tells you she’ll ride Splash Mountain if you still want to.
You have never eaten a meal so fast in your life and when you finish you practically run to the ride, thanking Mina the whole walk there. Here’s the thing though—she thought it was an up and down one drop deal, like any other log ride. To the point that she took on the noble task of sitting in front of you so you wouldn’t get you special handmade Snow White dress damaged by water. Oh no, there are 3 drops. 3. So by the time you get off poor Wilhemina looks like a drowned cat. But the picture of your faces on the final drop is just too good to not buy it.
And on the way back, even though she’s soaked with cold water, you keep close to Mina on the monorail packed with people headed back to your car. And it feels so good to have her close to you whispering to ask if you had a good birthday. You know this is something she would never, ever choose to do. But her consideration touches your heart and you answer yes before thanking her once again for doing all of this.
Tagged: @marilynroselleprentiss, @saviorinsilk, @chokemepaulson, @versonstar, @find-me-a-constellation, @cordwliagoode, @psychobitchtess, @midnight-lestrange, @mysweetdelia, @venablesbitch, @peachesandlesbians, @nerdaroo, @cordeliafoxxe, @leskaksel, @lovelymspaulson, @grilledcheeseandguavajelly, @whatabluddymess​, @natasha-danvers, @saucy-sapphic​, @marvelfansince08love​, @wilheminawinters​
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morfinwen · 3 years
5 - 10 for two ocs of your choice :)
Not that it won’t be immediately obvious, but i picked Elise and Julie Wilson.
5. Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
Elise has always been a fairly tidy person, but becoming an ER nurse has put that up to eleven. When she finishes eating something, any paper or plastic goes in the trash or recycling, and any plates or silverware get rinsed off and put in the dishwasher or at least next to the sink. Once she’s done with a book or movie, it goes back in its case (if it has one) and back on the shelf in whatever order she’s set it up in (occasionally alphabetical, but not always). Dirty clothes go in the hamper, clean clothes get folded and put in the dresser or hung up as soon as they’re out of the dryer. The bed is always made, with hospital corners. At least once a week, floors get swept and mopped, carpets get vacuumed, rugs get beaten outside, dust is wiped off, surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant, and windows get washed, more often if it gets used more often. 
She treats her workstation exactly the same, just with more disinfectant and plastic gloves.
Her personal hygiene is quick but thorough: on days she works, a quick shower, brushes her teeth twice a day and flosses once, and combs her hair. On her days off she puts a bit more time into it: a longer shower or perhaps a relaxing bath, and brushes her teeth after every meal and uses mouthwash.
Julie’s pretty tidy, even compared to her aunt. Trash gets thrown out quickly, dirty clothes go in the hamper, and if a thing has a place it’s supposed to be, she’s not going to be comfortable leaving it on a table or chair for very long. If she didn’t live with Elise, she wouldn’t clean until things got visibly dirty, but she wouldn’t leave them dirty for long, either. Her bed doesn’t get made as such, but she’ll pull the blanket up to the pillow, so that the sheet is all covered. 
She showers every other day, brushes her teeth regularly, washes her face every night, and takes good care of her hair and skin. She sometimes teases Elise about it, that of the two of them it’s not the nurse who has the “better” personal hygiene.
6. Eating habits and sample daily menu
Good eating habits are an important part of overall health, and provide energy to get through the day. Elise has alarms set on her phone to remind her about eating, and if she doesn’t have time to stop for a meal, she’ll eat an energy bar or some other substitute.
Breakfast is usually coffee, eggs (scrambled or sunny-side up) and toast, and fruit -- apple, banana, or orange. Occasionally vanilla yogurt with granola in place of the eggs and toast, if she’s in a rush. 
Lunch is almost always a sandwich -- ham or turkey and cheddar, mayo, pickles, and a leaf or two of lettuce -- and a cup of soup or a salad, depending on how cold it is. She goes for more variety in her soups and salads, even with types she doesn’t like but have nutrient-rich ingredients. Tea to drink if she can get it, or water if she can’t.
If she doesn’t work, dinner is something hot from her well-worn cookbook at home, with a glass of wine and a light salad. If she’s at work, she’ll bring something from home -- usually a serving of a casserole or other storable dish that she cooked in bulk. Juice, or maybe a sports drink if she thinks she needs the electrolytes.
Jack was a big believer in eating at the same times every day, and he kept to that schedule even after he got sick. Julie doesn’t value that schedule as much as her dad did, but she’s used to it.
Breakfast is cereal, or oatmeal (instant or microwaveable) with fruit and/or cinnamon in colder weather, with coffee. Sometimes she’ll have a banana.
She ate lunch at the university cafeteria when she was at school. Otherwise, it’s either reheated leftovers or a sandwich.
Since she has a light lunch, she’ll often have a snack in the mid-afternoon: carrot sticks, celery with peanut butter, chips, granola bar, it all depends on what’s available and what she feels like having.
Dinner is whatever Elise has made, whether she’s cooked it that evening or left some in the fridge. If for some reason there isn’t anything, or Julie just really doesn’t like whatever there is, she’ll make some mac’n cheese, chicken nuggets, instant rice, soup, or some combination. When she was a kid, her dad would let her have two cookies or a small bowl of ice cream after dinner if she’d been good that day, and so she’ll usually have something like that for dessert.
7. Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
Elise is not a fan of wasting time. Time is not meant to be wasted.
If she’s too tired to concentrate but not tired enough to go to bed, she might watch some light TV program she wouldn’t normally (a cooking or home renovation show, for example) to kill time. That’s not something she’s happy to have done, though.
Julie would never say wasting time is a good thing, but there are worse things in the world.
She can sink hours into watching Youtube videos on weird facts or events, or one of those channels that shares real-world spooky occurrences or unexplained scenarios. 
8. Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Elise finds nothing wrong with indulging yourself, so long as it is either small or infrequent. In fact it’s healthy, to some extent: life is meant to be enjoyed. Obviously some indulgences are better than others, and some things should never be indulged, but broadly speaking it’s not something you should feel guilty about doing.
Her favorite indulgences are bringing a piece of pecan pie to work to have with her dinner, or a dark chocolate bar from a vending machine. Only once or twice a month.
In theory, Julie considers it acceptable. In practice, she doesn’t do it much. Maybe an expensive coffee before school on occasion, in the winter.
9. Makeup?
Elise put in a lot of effort into it when she was younger, but she puts on very little now. Usually she only wears it if she’s had a long day, because no one wants to walk into the ER and see a nurse who looks like she’s about to fall over (maybe it’s sexist, but Elise isn’t in the emergency room to fight sexism, she’s there to keep people alive and as comfortable as possible), but unless she’s going somewhere fancy she doesn’t bother with anything more than foundation. She knows a lot about it, though, so if you need any tips, she’ll be happy to help you out.
Unless she’s running too late to bother, Julie will wear some very lightly -- foundation, a bit of blush, maybe a little lipstick or lip gloss if she’s feeling fancy. On formal occasions, she’ll break out the mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow. 
10. Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
I don’t think Elise has any. She would have a hard time recognizing if she did, unless they got really serious.
Since her dad’s death, Julie’s been somewhat depressed (probably not clinical, but i’m no expert), and struggling to move forward. She’s got some lingering anxiety and stress from her time in high school, with her dad being sick and pushing to finish early. She recognizes the depression, but not so much the anxiety and stress, since those have been around since adolescence and she’s gotten used to them.
Thanks for asking!
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
What cleaning tips would you prioritize, for someone with dust/pollen/mold allergies? I bought a vogmask today in defiance of the seasonal pollen surge, and google has a lot of "do this, do that" to keep allergens down, but I can only do so much. How to you keep the balance between "destroy alllll the allergens" and "whoops I'm out of spoons and can't feed myself now"?
Vacuuming is my main priority in the house to keep on top of my extremely awful dust allergies. I need to vacuum every day or I’ll be having constant reactions, though unfortunately my illness means I don’t always have the spoons/energy to vacuum every day (and neither does ETD), which is actually why we bought our robot vacuum. We spent a long time saving up for our stronk robot daughter, and we love her. Not least of all because she helps keep my airways open.
Knowing how expensive that is though, I know it’s not an option for everyone, so here’s a way to combat your allergies and also give yourself some literal breathing space: if you live in a house with multiple rooms, pick one and turn it into your safe zone. Most folks choose the bedroom for obvious reasons. Try to keep the tops of any surfaces clutter free (something I fail at miserably but I’m working on) to make it easier for dusting—and always make sure to use a damp cloth to dust with so you’re not just sweeping it up into the air and into your lungs. Furniture polish isn’t necessary, and some folk find the scents irritating. Damp cloth to remove dust, and if it needs it, dry cloth to buff. Try to keep paper books in the bedroom down to a minimum as well as the pages attract dust and if you’re not able to dust your books regularly, mold spores can form. E-readers are ideal for folk with serious dust and mold spore allergies for this reason.
Also try to make a point of vacuuming that room once a day, or once every second day if you can. If you’ve got long drapes in the bedroom (like we do, rip) you will also need to try and vacuum them once every month or so if your allergies are bad. A better option for many folk with asthma and dust allergies is roll down linen blinds that can be wiped down with a damp cloth every now and then.
Pay attention to the corners and skirting board too and try to get them while dusting with the damp cloth. Or use an attachment on your vacuum. I usually do this once a week when I’m also doing the bed linenes, which is also a big thing for dust allergies, so make sure to wash your bed linen at least once a week. Skin and dust gets trapped very easily in bedding and dustmites love that. Washing them on a hot setting should kill any dust mites that tried to make it their home. Tumble drying also kills the little feckers.
Also if you can? Absolutely invest in a hepa air filter for that room and just leave it running 24/7, and make sure it’s one you can change the filter on/have access to clean it. It’s amazing what a difference it can make to the air quality, especially if you leave the door shut. Walking into our bedroom for me at night is akin to walking into an oxygen tank from how much more breathable the air is compared to the rest of the house. A reputable air purifier with a hepa filter will run from anywhere between $40 to $300+ Go by square space purified by size in relation to your room, not necessarily by price. The one I have in my bedroom is a PureZone and I think it was $99. I’ve had it for a year and only just now had to change the filter on it.
Also if you have a rotating blade fan, either ceiling or floor stand, make sure you clean the blades regularly. Those things are the devil for spreading dust around.
If your vacuum cleaner is a trigger, like mines is cause it’s a canister one that blows dust up into the air while in use and when emptying, you may also want to look into a water filter vacuum, which is something I am actually doing. The way it works is instead of using an air filter, the dust is sucked up and captured by a water filtration system that turns the dust into, well, sludge. When it needs changed you empty the dirty water out and fill it up again, kinda like a steam cleaner that doesn’t steam or get hot, but very effective at eliminating any chances of dust becoming airborne during use or maintenance.
Steam mops are also a good thing to have for things like hardwood or vinyl/tile where dust residue can linger even if you can’t see it. I have a LIGHT ‘N’ EASYsteam mop that comes with a detachable nozzle thingy for steam cleaning things like the couch, so you can kill any dust mites that might be inhabiting soft fabric surfaces. You can also buy a carpet/rug attachment for the mop head, so you can also treat the carpet to a dust mite killer steam treatment, without actually getting your rug/carpet wet or damaged. I love mine, and I use it for a lot of cleaning tasks that would otherwise require a lot of elbow grease that wears me out easily, such as say, cleaning the grout on the bathroom tiles where mold can build up and become a problem.
Also just as a more general tip if you have central air for heating or air con, and you are the person in control of the furnace, make sure you’re swapping the air filter out on it once a month. Don’t bother with the fancy $30+ allergy ones there’s no proof they work any better than buying 12 cheap ones at $3 a pop and changing it out every month. In fact the dude who services our furnace told us that the allergy filters are actually too fine for most furnaces and can cause air clogging issues. Swapping out a cheap $2 filter once a month is far better for both your wallet and your furnace. Also consider having your vents professionally cleaned in the spring and fall. We found out we had a lot of dust and mold in our vents when we first moved in and it absolutely caused havoc with my allergies till we just sucked it up (no pun intended) and paid a company to come shove a giant vacuum into the vents and get rid of it. I think we were about $250 for a full vent system clean. It was amazing how drastically it changed the air quality in the house after we got it done. Which reminds me, I need to call and get the air vents cleaned.
So yeah, how to survive with allergies and not use up all your spoons? Keep one space and make that your priority. And for days when keeping on top of things is too hard, air purifiers are your friend and well worth the investment. Also this may seem obvious? But don’t wear outside clothes to bed. I know some folk who when they come home just face plant on top of the covers still in their clothes, but this tracks outside dust and pollen into the space. Always change from outside clothes to indoor clothes before face planting on the bed. Also during peak pollen season? Try to shower before getting into bed so you don’t accidentally track pollen into your bed sheets. I know it’s not always possible, but it does help.
If you’re like me and you have a lot of clutter and shit and are currently staring round your room in dismay, don’t worry about doing it all at once. I’ve been slowly decluttering and allergy proofing our bedroom for a year. Any little bit of progress you can make toward creating yourself a safe zone is progress and you will reap the benefits of it. As for the rest of the house? Same rules apply. Take your time with it and maybe try to assess high areas of clutter that may be a source for dust and mold spores to form. For us we’re about to start looking into getting book cases with glass doors on them to try and cut down on how often we have to dust the dragon hoard of books in the corner. It’ll probably take us another six months, but that’s also six months of time for me to sort through the pile and give some books into charity or the second hand store.
Anyway. I hope some of this was helpful, and I’m sure others will have some great ideas in the notes. Just remember that some progress is better than no progress and you don’t have to do it all at once, and there’s things you can invest in to help. Good luck! And remember, Oppy the Not-A-Roomba is rooting for you, and so am I!
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trueherocleaning · 4 years
True Hero Cleaning presents: Home Cleaning Help Blog
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“How often should I clean my home?”
Good day good samaritans of the webiverse. I am Eden, one of the owners of True Hero Cleaning and I would like to be more creatively helpful in my position as CEO of a cleaning company that truly wants to help the everyday hero. I will be providing monthly info on home cleaning hacks and tips.
I typically clean my home weekly however the research has proven that some things can’t wait longer than a week to be cleaned or should be cleaned even more consistently than weekly. Let's start with the bedroom linens. According to mydomain.com they have suggested that you should be washing your bed linens every 1 to 2 weeks because they aren’t exposed as much to dust mites as thought. However, there are necessary times to wash weekly like if there's a new born or you have animals in the home that go outside often and sleep in your bed. For the grown and sexy you should definitely wash your linens after a night of heated passion :-). Also on mydomain.com they have suggested that pillow washing should be done every 2-3 months of the actual pillow. Pillow cases can be washed with the rest of your bed linen weekly or biweekly.
My bathroom is one of my favorite places in my home however I never liked cleaning the bathroom haha. It's always nice though when it is cleaned up and you step in to take a shower in a nice white tub and no hair or anything is in your tub. No trash is sitting in the can and the sink is free of toothpaste and more hair ugh. Side bar, I really despise hair left in the sink or shower but i’m guilty of it too lol! Anyhoo, according to mydomain.com, Dr. Elizabeth Scott, co-director of the Center for hygiene and health in home and community at Simmons College in Boston compared bacteria found in tubs to trash cans. It has been found that 26% of the tubs tested compared to just 6% of garbage cans found that there was a serious skin infection- causing bacteria. So the verdict of how often you should clean your whole bathroom should be at least every week.
The next favorite room of mine is the kitchen. The kitchen is actually more favorable than the bathroom for me because I do enjoy cooking and being creative with my food. However, the kitchen should be cleaned up after you're done cooking. Now, understand there's cleaning up and then there is in depth cleaning. When it comes to in depth cleaning like the floors, sink, dish washer, counters, refrigerator, etc… Generally we use our senses to make the decision to go the mile to clean the whole kitchen. Like if it's just a complete pigsty where it's obvious that your kitchen needs to be cleaned up or if you've been surface cleaning however there's a smell coming from somewhere you can’t find then you take the time to clean up. But perhaps setting up your kitchen on a bi-weekly to monthly schedule for in depth cleaning would be key to avoid unwarranted odors. Floors should be cleaned weekly due to dirt and grime from oils and food that may have fallen on the floor. Your dishwasher should run every 3-4 days or if there’s a lot each day try to run small loads every 1-2 days so that you're not using too much water.
The family room probably gets a lot of action and most of us don’t sit at the dining room table or kitchen table. When that happens you're bound to have crumbs all over the place or perhaps you're a new mother or a mother for the 3rd time and you can’t seem to get toys off the floor due to the kids taking them out of their room. Your living area should be picked up everyday because it's your community area. If you have hardwood or vinyl flooring, you want to sweep at least 2-3 times a week. Mop at least once a week to keep them from getting any hard stains and crud. If you have a nice carpet or just a standard carpet vacuum 2-3 times a week as well. Dust your furniture and entertainment items once a week to keep dust and allergens at bay. It would be best to tend to your hard surfaces like coffee tables and side tables weekly to avoid any drink rings from your glass or any food from being stuck to your surface.
I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge how important it is to wipe down all of your community surfaces or just your common surfaces you use regularly due to the pandemic of Covid-19. With Covid-19 spreading rapidly it's super important that you are keeping your home clean as possible. Especially your floors since it's what you are on the most. Be sure to disinfect all of your hard surfaces since the virus can live on it for days. Anything you touch should be disinfected on a regular.
So continue to be conscious of the sanitary of your home and keep it shining with your daily to weekly cleaning. I hope these tidbits helped to get a better understanding of how important it is to keep up with. And if you are someone who doesn’t like cleaning then hire a professional to take care of your home where you are deserving of a clean environment.
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talix18 · 5 years
November 5
In the moments when I’m lonely and longing for a life partner who lives with me and cooks for me and prods me to do the many projects around the house that need doing, I imagine what it will be like to make room in my house for another person. I’ve lived a long time, I contain multitudes, and each of those multitudes requires at least one room’s décor dedicated to it. This décor includes lighting, wall art, and hella knickknacks, which I’m learning are perhaps privileges and not rights. I am a terrible housekeeper. I keep the kitchen and the bathroom mostly liveable at all times, I scoop litterboxes regularly, and I do clean up obvious messes that are clearly out of place (cat vomit, food splatter, errant toiletries). I even keep up mostly with sweeping as I like to pad around barefoot or in socks.
But when it comes to, say, vacuuming the cat hair off the couch or dusting, I am Not Good. I’ve also lived alone for so long that I’ve gotten in the horrible habit of embarking on a Project – hanging knickknack boxes; reconditioning my leather goods in the wake of The Mold Issue (it was penicillin-ish, not the black stuff, praise the baby Jesus) – and quitting part of the way through (usually because of time constraints and a commitment of some kind), leaving the evidence scattered in my wake. (Currently on my floor are a pile of shoes, boots, and purses and some leather cleaner. My knickknack boxes and said knickknacks are strewn across the dining room table and the hearth of my wood stove. My intentions are good. I know that I want to complete these projects and honor the energy I spent starting them. Sadly, motivation and energy are not available On Demand in my life, and significant time elapses between the beginning of the project and the cleaning up of the aftermath.
I have cats. Cats come with shed hair and the occasional DIY beach simulation beyond the litter box. Dust happens. It happens with alarming regularity and perseverance. It’s most pronounced on the shelves that don’t get touched very often (all the stuff that’s just for looking at; the bookshelves that are too rarely visited). As my media consumption leans further toward streaming, dust has enveloped the stereo, CD racks, and TV console. If anyone besides me saw the state to which I’ve allowed my home to be taken over by the assorted cobwebs (imagine Ms. Havisham’s tablescape), I would have the sense to be ashamed. I would also shrug, rail against the social expectations that single home-owning women are expected to meet, and usher my guest out the door to attend whatever function has brought them over in the first place.
At this point it is fair to ask why I don’t just hire a cleaning service. Well. Remember that whole lack of energy and motivation thing? There are conditions in which I am willing to live, but I would never ask someone to clean up after me until my home was in some sort of organized and settled initial state. It’s been at least two and a half years since I can honestly say this has been the case. (That’s not even including the dresser drawer that is almost certainly on the bedroom floor.
First, the cats moved in. I took in the cats when they were three and their owner was moving out of state. His situation involved temporary lodging with a friend and the cats weren’t welcome, so Jack and Lily (formerly Jill) came to live with me. When they came, I’d been a cat-free home for just about a year. Long enough to get rid of litterboxes and food bowls, but not long enough to pull up the wall-to-wall carpet the house came with. And I really wanted to get the carpet up, as my dearly departed Bo, who is really the reason I bought this house, was bulimic for most of his life. And his life was a long one, so he had his own crotchety habits, which included peeing in places that were not the litter box. I cleaned up behind him to the best of my ability, but my guess was that new cats would be able to tell he’d left parts of himself behind. (Besides the handful of whiskers that I collected when they fell out. Did I mention I’m a witch?)
Since the cat acquisition was, on my timeline, relatively rushed, and my bookshelves and couch are heavy, I made the executive decision to cut what carpet I could get to away and go back for the remnants later. The cats are now six, this is officially their Gotcha month, and three years later, we’re all still living with those remnants and the exposed paint splattered plywood floor revealed by removing the carpet. (We’ve also learned a hard lesson about how much insulation that carpet provided in the winters since its removal.)
I had every intention of putting down new flooring, but that requires money. Which I had more of before The Mold Incident.
The Mold Incident announced itself most obviously on a leather duffel bag I brought home from India (21 inches long for $45 US and I had acquired more than my suitcase could hold) and a leather backpack I got in Italy (25 years ago). A person other than myself would have assessed and remediated the situation in a timely fashion, I imagine. I know people exist who don’t have anxiety about phone calls and who get things done rather than letting them pile up, and I wish one of them lived in my house. (Future significant other, I’m looking at [for] you.) I, on the other hand, let the situation continue to worsen until it was obvious that the problem was not going away, no matter how hard I ignored it.
One mold inspection later, I was assured that the mold was of the friendly green-ish antibiotic kind and not the deadly black kind, and assured that the problem was simply one of humidity. Encapsulating my crawl space and installing drainage and a sump pump would keep the mold from coming back. (Remember those two thousand-year floods that destroyed historic Ellicott City twice in three years? I live up the hill from historic Ellicott City and my town also flooded in that second storm. I knew that water was sitting in my crawl space when I saw a wet spot on my bedroom floor.)
Cleaning the mold that was already in the house would cost, I was told, somewhere around $5K. Or I could do it myself, using a one-to-one combination of white vinegar and blue Dawn. All I had to do was wipe down all of the walls, ceilings, furniture, and exposed surface. And launder every article of clothing in my closet and coat rack. A friend lent me a garment rack that lived in my dining room as I took everything out of the closet and put back the mold-free stuff, culling for things that could go to donation bags because my closet was Way Too Full.
I finally gave back the garment rack, but the pile of shoes and bags remains. And the cleaning every exposed surface fizzled out (though the bucket, rags, and ingredients remain at the ready). Encapsulating the crawl space required getting in there and cleaning everything out (the pile of mildewed insulation was…something), which required pulling up part of the floor in the spare room. (Where my contractor saw the places in the floor likely to cave in and installed three new joists to prevent that. He also replaced the part of the wall in the closet that was secretly a hole hidden under siding and, while he was at it, finished the siding on the house that was begun when he built me a new utility room.)
Are you tracking the costs that are adding up? Clearing the crawl space, installing the joists, hanging the siding, and finally the encapsulation itself. Altogether, I basically bought a new economy car and shoved it under my house. The only part of it I can see is the siding, and that’s not even the color I really wanted (because the color I wanted was “premium”; for the sake of all you hold holy get the big things the way you really want them if you possibly can [that should probably go for the small things too]). And my floors are still paint splattered plywood.
The hanging of the siding knocked lots of pictures and knickknacks from the walls, which led to the removal of a shelf that held the knickknacks, which revealed paint that needs to be touched up. Well, there’s no point in doing the floors until the walls are painted. Okay, but there’s a fist-sized hole in the electrical panel in the spare room that needs to be patched first. Which I can finally get to now that the HVAC is installed. Did I mention the new HVAC system? Maybe it was a new midline car, one third of which is in the attic.
Where was I?
I’m learning, as I contemplate all of the things I have to move and decide whether to keep and clean, that ownership is one thing, but maintenance of stuff is a different issue. Maybe this is a thing other people learn when they are much younger. Addict. Depressed. Brain issues. Bear with me. I understand that cars involve maintenance costs; so do pets and children. And houses in general require upkeep that isn’t associated with other living situations. I knew relatively early on that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the costs of having a kid – even if I could make it work financially, there are no days off in bed when you’re a parent. I knew I’d made the right decision when a friend told me that for him, parenting made the highs higher and the lows lower. I can’t afford any lower lows.
So I don’t have kids, because on my own, I can’t afford them. I have a 15-year-old car that’s paid for, but also requires the occasional costly repair. It’s easier for me to coax occasional lump sums than a new monthly payment out of my budget, so I hold on to the car and maintain it to the best of my ability. I have a lot of books, which are pretty self-sufficient once they’re shelved, and theoretically it’s easy to wipe the dust from a bookshelf, unless you are a person who has so much stuff some of it gets propped up in front of the books. See if you can guess if I am that kind of person. (Spoiler: I am.)
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How Often Do You Need to Clean Your House? - Wornahfull Cleaning Service
Marie Kondo, a Japanese cleaning expert, says that cleaning your home can prevent allergies and other respiratory problems. House cleaning also keeps germs away and extends the life expectancy of your materials.
Untidy or dirty homes can also negatively impact your mental and physical health.
There are certain tasks that you should complete daily in order to prevent dust and grime from building up. Others can be done monthly or even annually. Although it can seem like a tedious chore, you can make a habit of cleaning your home regularly.
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How Often Does the Average Person Clean Their Home?
The American Cleaning Institute conducted research and found that Americans spend six hours cleaning each week. A third of Americans wonder if they clean enough or correctly. The majority of homeowner’s vacuum, sweep, mop, vacuum and dust their furniture once per week.
It is common to sweep high-traffic areas and clean kitchen counters on a daily basis.
How Often Do I Need to Clean My House?
The size of the house, how frequently it is used and what type of furniture and surfaces are involved in determining how often you should clean it, as well as how frequently. While some things should be cleaned daily, others can be cleaned once a week or every year. You can make cleaning more enjoyable by following these steps:
* Keep clutter to an absolute minimum
* Wipe your feet on mats or entry rugs regularly.
* Keep bathrooms clean to prevent mold and mildew.
* Clean up any spills and crumbs immediately.
Kitchen and Bathroom Floor
Mopping your kitchen floor daily will remove crumbs and grease buildup from food preparation. How often should your bathroom be cleaned? Daily mopping of bathrooms prevents mold and mildew growth and reduces safety risks.
Porous countertops made of natural stone can be a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and fungi. It is important to keep the countertops clean and dry. This will prevent you from getting sick. You can clean them with soapy water, pH-friendly detergent, and a dry cloth.
Every few days
Preventative maintenance is the best way for your kitchen and bathroom sinks to stay clean. To get rid of any accumulated waste, remove drain guards or pop-up stoppers. Pipes will stay clear by flushing hot water down the drain or using a homemade vinegar solution every few days.
Dust can build up and accumulate, which may include mold or pollenspores. These are all common allergens. Also, it can be more difficult to clean up surfaces if there are too many items. It is almost impossible to keep your home clutter-free. This is why you should set aside time every few days.
Carpets and floors
How often should your carpet be cleaned? Carpets and floors should be vacuumed once per week unless you have pets, bring in lots of dirt, or live in an area with lots of dust. Even if you have to mop your floor, vacuuming first is better than sweeping.
Showers, tubs, and toilets
Bathrooms can collect moisture, which can cause mold to form on grout, tiles, and shower curtains. How often should you clean your bathroom in your home? Your bathroom should be cleaned at least once per week. You also need to disinfect the sink and toilet, scrub the tub, and clean the shower.
Bed Linen
To get rid of germs and sweat, allergens, bodily fluids, pollens, pollens, dead skin, pet fur, and dust mites, wash your bed linen once per week. Your skin's natural ecosystem can be disrupted if you don't change your linen enough. You should change your linen at least once a day if you have allergies or allow pets to sleep in your bed.
Every few weeks
Clients often ask us how often to dust their house. We recommend once per month for easy-to reach areas, and three to six monthly for hard-to-reach places such as ceiling fans, door frames, or high shelves. Do not use a dustpan on surfaces. This will only spread dust around your home.
Dishwashers and Microwaves
Clean your microwaves and dishwashers once per month to keep them clean and functioning well. To remove grease and odors from dishwashers, clean them and run a hot water cycle using a cup distilled white vinegar and one cup baking soda. To kill bacteria and germs in microwaves, wipe down all surfaces and the touchpad.
Only a Few Times a Year
Closets and pantries
Donating unwanted clothing and getting rid of expired food helps you take inventory of your belongings before moving on to the next season. Unwanted pests can be eliminated by cleaning out your closets and pantries.
Ovens that are dirty can cause food quality and cooking difficulties, as well as increase the danger of fire. If you use your oven for baking or cooking, we recommend that it be cleaned every three months.
Each year
Light Bulbs
You might be wondering how often to deep clean your home. We recommend that you give it a thorough scrub once a year. This applies to light bulbs and fixtures. Although it sounds trite, grime can build up over time, dimming the light's intensity.
Curtains and Upholstery
Deep cleaning upholstery and washing curtains once a month will get rid of any animal dander or dust that may have gotten stuck to the fabric. It's important to maintain the fabric's freshness by giving it a deep clean or washing it once a year.
It will make your daily house cleaning easier by putting away things when you're done using them. Scheduling stress can be reduced by creating a checklist and setting aside a time for weekly cleaning.
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lnkjanitors · 3 years
Reliable Airbnb Cleaning Services Lincoln NE | LNK Janitorial Services
More information is at: https://cleaningserviceslincoln.org/airbnb-cleaning-service-near-me/
Searching Airbnb cleaning services in Lincoln NE? LNK Janitorial Services offers reliable and trusted local Airbnb cleaners to help you keep your rental space successful and clean. Call Now for Airbnb cleaning, Airbnb maids service, Airbnb cleaning company and Airbnb management near Lincoln NE. Free estimates.
AIRBNB CLEANING SERVICES LINCOLN NE Are you an Airbnb host and can’t keep doing the hard work yourself because you’re too busy? Worry not! LNK Janitorial Services, besides keeping your house or your apartment clean, is 100% available for Airbnb Cleaning Services. Contact us and we’ll answer any question. We’ll be there after or before your guests arrive, as you wish. We also offer restocking of essentials, fully managed linen service and hotel-style cleaning if you prefer it that way. Searching Airbnb cleaning services in Lincoln? LNK Janitorial Services offers reliable and trusted local Airbnb cleaners to help you keep your rental space successful and clean. Call Now Lincoln Airbnb Cleaning Company To Trust We are the most trustworthy cleaning company in the Lincoln metro area, and as we treat your home, we will treat any Airbnb that needs standard cleaning, deep cleaning, and even hotel-style cleaning, so your guests can be comfortable and feel like they never left their homes.
Our Airbnb cleaning services include:
– Hotel-Style Cleaning – Fully Managed Linen Service – Restocking Essentials – Reliable Airbnb Cleaners
– Customize Your Cleanings – Easily Book Online – Affordable for You and Your Guests
Airbnb Cleaning Checklist – What You Get? Kitchen Cleaning Lincoln Our LNK Janitorial Services team will get everything in order to the kitchen of the Airbnb you’re managing stays clean and in its place. Our maids are careful enough to clean all the equipment in the area and can also restock essentials for your guests. Services are: • Wipe behind and UNDER all items on counters • Wipe down fronts of all appliances (oven, microwave, fridge, dishwasher, toaster) • Wipe down any stainless steel trash cans – top and all sides • Clean inside of the microwave • Wipe down outside of cabinets • Clean and scrub sink • Clean stove top, remove buttons and clean underneath (if applicable) • Clean any mirrors/pictures • Dust light fixtures • Clean kitchen table/chairs and wipe down/dust • Do the “eye level test” on all surfaces Bathroom Cleaning Lincoln Clean towels, luminous floors, and harmony can be a reality for your bathroom if you decide to call LNK Janitorial Services to meticulously clean this vital area of an Airbnb property. Find the best local cleaners with Airbnb cleaning experience and see for yourself which is the best Airbnb cleaning service in the Lincoln area. Bathroom cleaning services include: • Clean mirrors • Dust light fixtures • Wipe behind and UNDER all items on counters • Wipe down soap dispensers, toothbrush holders, etc • Arrange products in a pleasant, organized manner • Wipe down fronts of cabinets • Scrub tub and walls of the shower • Use a toilet brush and scrub inside the toilet (use pumice if needed) – toothbrush the hinges, wipe down outside, top and underneath toilet – hand wipe around the base of the toilet • Do the “eye level test” on all surfaces • Point toilet paper • Laundry Room • Wipe down the top and sides of washer/dryer • Clean sink (if applicable) • Detail vacuum and mop Living Room Cleaning Lincoln This can be the area with most activity during the staying of your guests, which means that it has to stay as neat as possible for the time needed. We are the Airbnb cleaning company that will save you all the struggle and hassle you might face when putting things back in their place. LNK Janitorial Services is waiting for your call! We offer the next services: • Dust all shelving, furniture, lamps, and entertainment centers • Wipe down any dirty spots on couches, chairs, etc • Take everything off  the coffee tables and wipe down – put things back in place • Clean any mirrors/pictures • Fold any blankets and place them on the arm of the couch Bedroom Cleaning Lincoln Of course, we got your back in bedroom cleaning as well. Our cleaners are ready to quickly declutter, make beds, dust all surfaces in the room and wipe the tables! We also offer cabinets cleaning but it depends exactly on what you need or how long are your guests staying. Contact us and we’ll clear all your doubts. The services we offer are: • Pick up any items on the floor and dust all shelving, furniture, headboards, footboards, lamps, entertainment centers • Vacuum lampshades if/as needed (typically monthly) • Take everything off nightstands and wipe down – put things back in place • Clean any mirrors/pictures • Make the bed and arrange any pillows to make it look spiffy ☺ • Vacuum all corners and under things -also vacuum under beds and mop if the client has hardwood floors Laundry Room Cleaning Lincoln Organization is one of our priorities at LNK Janitorial Services, and when it comes to Airbnb cleaning services, the laundry room is a specific area we can also protect from a terrible mess. We are ready to clean every room in the property. • Airbnb Cleaning • Apartment Cleaning • Builders Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning • Childcare Cleaning • Cleaning Company • Cleaning Services • Cleaning Services • Commercial Cleaning • Construction Cleaning • Deep Cleaning • Factory Cleaning • Gym Cleaning • Home Cleaning • Hospitality Cleaning • Hotel Cleaning • House Cleaning • Housekeeping Service • Industrial Cleaning • Maids Service • Medical Centre Cleaning • Move In Out Cleaning • Office Cleaning • Pub Cleaning • Retail Cleaning • Rubbish Removal • School Cleaning • Strata Cleaning • Strip And Sealing Floors • Washroom Maintenance • Window Cleaning
What is NOT Included in Airbnb Services? We are a great company, and we know that professionalism is key, and that’s what we offer. There are practically a few things we don’t offer you when it comes to keeping your home, apartment, or others clean. Exceptions are according to the cleaning services modality you choose. Hire the package that meets your needs and sees below what’s not included. If you have any doubt about our Airbnb cleaning services, call us and get a FREE Airbnb cleaning estimate – Call Now
Talking About Our Affordable Services “Every weekend, mostly, I get reservations from people that are looking to experience a couple of relaxing days. Normally I would do the cleaning myself, but I soon realized it was turning into a hard task to achieve. I’ve reckoned I had to ask for help. LNK Janitorial Services provided me with the simplest and minute cleaning details, and now I’m a regular customer!” Are You Ready for the Best Airbnb Cleaning in the Lincoln Area? LNK Janitorial Services is waiting for your call, always ready to help you treat your place as you would treat yourself when you want to relax.
CALL US FOR: • Airbnb Cleaning • Airbnb Cleaning Lincoln • Airbnb Cleaning Services • Airbnb Cleaning Near Me • Airbnb Cleaning Company • Airbnb Cleaning Services Lincoln • Best Airbnb Cleaning Services Around Lincoln • Airbnb Cleaning Cost • Airbnb Cleaning Service Prices
CONTACT US: LNK Janitorial Services CALL: CALL (402) 875-7346 JANITORIAL SERVICES CALL: CALL (402) 590 8090 JUNK REMOVAL CALL: CALL (402) 881 3135 CLEANING CALL: CALL (402) 875 7305 HANYDMAN CALL: CALL (402) 590 8095 MOVING WEBSITE: www.cleaningserviceslincoln.org http://www.servicelincoln.com/ http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/ SERVICE AREA: Lincoln Nebraska Metro Area: Bennet Ne, Firth Ne, Hallam Ne, Hickman Ne, Lancaster County, Lincoln Nebraska, Malcolm Ne, Milford Ne, Panama Ne, Seward County, Seward Ne, Staplehurst Ne, Utica Ne, Walton Ne, WAVERLY NE, Lincoln NE | Lincoln NE | Lancaster County NE | Seward County NE | Milford NE | 68501, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68524, 68526, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68544, 68583, 68588.Omaha-Council Bluffs Metropolitan Area: Downtown Omaha, Central Omaha, Southwest Lincoln and Sarpy County, including the communities of Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Blair, Carter Lake, Elkhorn, Fort Calhoun, Fremont, Gretna, La Vista, Millard, Papillion, Ralston, Springfield, Plattsmouth, Arlington, Ashland, Louisville, Wahoo, Yutan and Waterloo, NE, and Missouri Valley, Avoca, Glenwood, Council Bluffs, IA. Zip codes: 68007, 68010, 68022, 68102, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68122, 68124, 68127, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68134, 68135, 68137, 68142, 68144, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68157, 68164, 68178. #cleaning #Lincoln #nebaraska #junk #moving #Janitorial #handyman OUR SISTER COMPANIES NEAR LINCOLN LNK JUNK REMOVAL (402) 590 8090 http://www.lnkjunkremoval.com/ LINCOLN HOUSEHOLD SERVICES (402) 875 7274 http://www.lincolnhouseholdservices.com/ LNK HAULING JUNK & MOVING (402) 875 7271 http://junkremovallincoln.org/ LNK JANITORIAL SERVICES (402) 875-7346 http://cleaningserviceslincoln.org/ LNK CLEANING COMPANY (402) 881 3135 http://www.servicelincoln.com/ HANDYMAN SERVICES OF LINCOLN (402) 875-7358 http://handymanlincoln.org/ LINCOLN ROOFING COMPANY (402) 875-9641 http://roofinglincoln.org/ LINCOLN HANDYMAN SERVICES (402) 875-7305 http://www.handymanlincolne.com/ LINCOLN JUNK REMOVAL (402) 413-1090 http://lincolnjunkremovalcompany.com LINCOLN JUNK DISPOSAL (402) 413-1092 http://lincolnjunkdisposal.com A1 CONCRETE MASONRY OF LINCOLN (402) 875-7358 https://www.concretemasonrycontractorslincoln.com/
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4 Foolproof Options to Clean Your Home's Carpet
If there is one thing that you don't want to do, it's trying to clean your carpets. The reason being, they are a pain in the butt to clean and can be frustrating when you aren't sure what you're doing. That is why we have compiled this list of 11 foolproof steps that will help make cleaning your carpet as easy as possible. If you follow these steps correctly, then not only will your carpets get cleaner, but they might look nicer too!
 This blog post talks about how to clean carpet in homes without struggling with the process or feeling frustrated at any point during the cleaning process.
  Option 1 Clean with a Vacuum
Remove all objects on the carpet before you start.
 Vacuum the carpet thoroughly with a vacuum cleaner or sweeper, and don't forget to empty the canister afterwards!
 If there is any dirt on your shoes, remove them before walking on the carpets to prevent further soilage of said carpets.
 Use an upholstery brush (a kind that has bristles at one end) to clean up hairballs from where ever it's most noticeable. This will make cleaning much easier when you are done because all of the loose hairs will be gone and won't get stuck onto surfaces during vacuuming later on down this list.
 Begin by spraying water onto your rug using a spray bottle.
 One thing we'll remind you about how to clean carpeting is not to forget to hang up your vacuum cleaner once the whole process has been completed. Sometimes people might trip over cords if they are left unattended, which can cause accidents; therefore, making sure that nothing gets left out on the floor is a good idea.
  Option 2 Use a Steam Mop
 Fill up the water tank of your steam mop with hot distilled water.
 Steam is an excellent way to kill bacteria and germs that could be living in carpets, so make sure you use this method if you have allergies or children who are prone to asthma attacks. The steam will also remove any dirt without lifting anything off the rug itself, which can damage it over time. 
 Make sure when using a steam mop on carpeting that you do not press down too hard because this might cause scratches; just let them glide across each other instead as they move through carpets for best results.
 If there's one thing we know about how to clean carpeting, these methods are better than others because they are geared towards the specific needs of your home. There is no one-size-fits-all method to keep carpeting clean and healthy, so find what works best for you.
  Option 3 Cleaning with Hands
This option includes using a vacuum cleaner and chemicals to clean your carpet. Vacuum cleaners will pull dirt, dust mites, pet dander and hair out of the rug's fibers.
 Use warm water and vinegar to clean stains from your carpet's fibers.
 A lot of people are looking for a way to save money in these tough economic times, but the truth is that you can afford to get professional cleaning services if you want them.
 The best time and day of the week for this method would be during the evening while everyone is at home or after they have left on Friday night, Saturday morning when kids are out playing with their friends.
 Different situations call for different methods, so it might not always work perfectly every time. To find out what works well, ask yourself: "What am I trying to accomplish?" before making any decisions about how often and how long carpets should be cleaned.
The use of detergents or soap can also be used in this method for added cleaning power.
Dry for 6 to 12 hours before using the carpet again. 
 Easy DIY Vinegar Solution
1 cup white vinegar (preferably distilled)
2 teaspoons salt
3 cups water
10-15 drops essential oils of your choice
 Spray onto the stained area of carpet, let sit for 15 minutes before wiping up with dry cloth or towel."
Repeat if necessary until the stain is gone. If using this method on an old set of carpets, make sure to cover them with plastic first in case some liquid spills out while spraying.
 If you have pets at home that is very active, then it might not be the best time to use any cleaning solution because they will likely walk through it and drag dirt back over the place you just cleaned.
 The more often one cleans their carpeting, the fewer chances for these things from happening, so try picking a day where everyone can.
  Option 4 Hire a Professional Carpet Cleaner
 If you are not up to cleaning your carpets, then a professional carpet cleaner would be best in this situation.
 This is most likely going to involve hiring someone from an organization like A's Carpet Cleaning.
 These services will send out professionals who have been trained and will specialize in only performing those types of tasks.
 The costs for these cleaners can range anywhere between $10-$30 depending on what type of service they provide (i.e., one-time cleanings versus recurring visits) and how much space needs to be cleaned.
 In addition, you must research groups around your area and see if there are any reviews available before committing any money.
  A’S Carpet Cleaning Online Drive:
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Tenant Turnover Cleaning Company Apartment Turnover Cleaning in Wichita KS | Wichita Household Services
 More information is at: http://wichitahouseholdservices.com/tenant-turnover-cleaning-near-me/
  Looking for tenant turnover cleaning company in Wichita KS? The Best Apartment Rental Turnover Cleaning Service; Apartment Ready To Show Quickly - Call Today Wichita Household Services at ! We specialize in apartment cleaning, deep cleaning, turnover cleaning, move in out deep cleaning and AirBNB cleaning services. Best turnover cleaning services in Wichita KS. Cost of Tenant Turnover Cleaning? Free estimates! Call today or schedule online Tenant Turnover Cleaning easily!
  After a year or more, without proper maintenance, you need professional help to return your rental property to top condition. Vacation property owners and other dwellings with guests can always count on us for a deep clean so that potential new tenants will get to enjoy a fresh start.
We understand that appearance is essential for your vacation rental units' success. We are experienced with vacation rentals and can provide efficient, quality service that you need between tenants. We give you a tailored cleaning service based on your needs at an affordable rate. We are here to serve you with whatever requirements you have, including move in/move out cleanings, pre and/or post sale cleanings, refresh cleanings and more.
 If you are a Property Manager or Landlord, you know that many tenants leave rental properties a mess, Wichita Household Services Rental Property Cleaning Services offers a rental property cleaning or turnover service that may be perfect for you.
 This allows you to have a fresh clean property to show prospective tenants quickly, which results in less lost income for you.
 Some of the services included in a Move-in, Move-out or Turnover Clean:
 All rooms- Clean interior windows, dust ceiling fans, dust all window sills and ledges, damp wipe baseboards, damp wipe doors, damp wipe banisters, remove cobwebs, vacuum and edge all carpets and rugs, wipe all light fixtures, wpe switch plate covers, clean laundry room, sweep and scrub all hard surface floors.
 Kitchens – Wipe down all cabinets, clean oven, clean microwave inside and out, clean refrigerator inside and out, clean range top, wipe clean dishwasher inside and out, clean light switch plate covers, clean all counter tops, sweep and scrub all hard surface floors.
 Bathrooms – Scrub and disinfect showers and tubs, scrub and disinfect sinks and counters, clean and disinfect toilets, Wipe down all cabinets, polish chrome, clean mirrors, sweep and scrub floors.
 Call us today to arrange a cleaning of your rental property,  or Contact us now!
 All Landlords, Realtors, property managers and clients are WELCOME!
 Receive customized service, top quality professionalism and affordable answers for all your vacant property needs.
 If you need to get your deposit back when moving out of your rental property or if you simply need a move out cleaning, we can help. Tenant turnover cleaning services ensure that a residence is in immaculate condition between tenants, relying on a team of property professionals to get the job done. Such services can be useful in situations where previous tenants have left a mess or lived in a Apartment for an extended period of time, making it hard to get in to make updates and repairs. They also help with tenant retention by helping a property look its best upon move in, so tenants have an incentive to stay with the property and keep it in good condition.
 Many property owners handle their own tenant turnover, because it can save money to do it personally and it provides an opportunity to perform a detailed inspection. However, there are some advantages to tenant turnover cleaning services to consider. One is that it takes a lot of time to clean, repaint, replace carpets, handle minor repairs, and perform all the other little tasks that might be needed. Property owners may not have time to do this and manage their other properties and business matters.
 Furthermore, a good tenant turnover cleaning service should handle everything, not just cleaning. They’ll take care of hiring any necessary contractors or other personnel, getting everything repaired and cleaned up, and hauling away any garbage. In addition, they can provide an itemized list of work done, which acts like a second property inspection, allowing property owners to determine if there are damages they might have missed in an initial inspection.
 These firms have experience and typically work quickly, aware of the fact that each day an apartment sits idle represents a loss of income to the owner. Working with tenant turnover cleaning services can be especially useful with furnished short-term rentals, including vacation homes; staff can get in and out quickly, make sure the space is clean and ready to go, and provide ongoing information about the overall condition of the property.
 Some also provide ongoing maintenance, including landscaping care, to their clients. If a property owner with numerous properties has a relationship with a tenant turnover cleaning service, the service can regularly dispatch personnel to mow and care for lawns, weed, clip plants, and perform other routine maintenance around a property to keep it in good condition. This reduces the risk of problems caused by deferred maintenance, encourages tenants to be responsible about caring for the property, and cultivates tenant retention by giving people a clean, pleasant environment to live in.
 We understand the complexity of getting rental properties ready for the new tenants and it’s our primary goal to deliver quality, efficient, and reliable services that you may depend on at any time! Furthermore, we offer discounted rates to insure cost-efficient turnover process that you will be able to extend to all your customers and property owners.
 ·       Wipe/clean all cabinets including interior shelving/drawer
·       Clean all mirrors, sinks, toilets, showers/tubs
·       Clean countertops
·       Polish all fixtures
·       Clean all appliances inside and out, including:
·       Microwave
·       Refrigerator / Freezer
·       Oven / under stove lift top / bottom shelf
·       Dishwasher
·       Wash/remove drip pans
 ·       Remove cobwebs from walls and ceilings
·       Clean walls to remove fingerprints (per request only)
·       Clean all millwork and wipe all switch plate covers
·       Clean all light fixtures
 ·       Clean all interior windows including tracks
·       Dust blinds
·       Wash both sides of all sliders or other exit doors
·       Remove cobwebs from outside front door and sweep entry area
·       Empty and clean all fireplaces and wood stoves
 ·       Clean and scrub (if necessary) all vinyl floors/baseboards
·       Vacuum all carpeting
·       Damp mop all hardwood floors  
Here's Wichita Household Services Professional Cleaning Services' pricing for standard cleaning: Recurring cleaning of a two-bedroom apartment: $60–$120, depending on the frequency. One-time regular cleaning for a two-bedroom apartment: $120-150+
 Do Cleaners Know How To Clean Short-Term Rentals?
 Heck yes they do! A regular cleaning is NOT the same as a turnover cleaning, and we know that. All cleaners have experience in turnover cleaning and know exactly what is needed.
 Before your cleaning, please provide any specific cleaning notes that can be unique to your property. We will add these notes to every cleaning so the crew is always aware of what is needed.
 Do cleaners bring their own supplies?
 Yup! The cleaners bring everything needed for your cleaning. However, the cleaners will not bring laundry detergent, dishwasher soap, or trash can liner. Just tell us where those are stored at your unit:)
 Do you do laundry?
 Yup! Between 1-3 loads of laundry is included as part of the package, depending on the size of your home. If you do NOT need laundry, you may qualify for a discounted rate. If you have more loads to be done, don't worry! Additional loads will automatically be billed at $10/load.
 We use the linen that you provide us. Laundry service is included in the price as long as the machines are on-site or in-building. If not, there is a $10 gas/time charge (in addition to reimbursement) to go to a laundromat.
Wichita Household Services
We Offer Cleaning Junk Removal Movers Handyman Services
Call: (316) 448-3558
55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS:
Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS |Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS | Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS | Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS | Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS | Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS | Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS
67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – BelAire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – BelAire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
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How to keep your rental home clean
If you have ever wondered whether the pressure you feel when your house is not as tidy as you would like is in mind, science assures us that it isn't. The reality is feel stressed out and nervous when our houses are cluttered.
Keeping our rental homes st albert  clean and tidy is a simple method to reduce daily stress, but the action of cleaning itself may make us stressed. Feeling like we do not know where to start or how frequently we will need to perform particular household chores could stop us in our paths. Thus, we requested three cleaning professionals to their very best home cleaning secrets.
Have these cleaning tools and products on-hand
The very best way to put up yourself for cleanup success is to be sure that to have the proper tools for your job. The fantastic news is you don't require a great deal of expensive merchandise to keep your house clean. Putting together a caddy of a couple of fundamental and dependable things is your very best option.
1. Microfiber fabrics are your must-have cleansing instrument
Our specialists all named microfiber fabrics as their treasured go-to cleaning instrument.
Johnson says that she prefers pairing dried white vinegar using microfiber fabrics for routine cleaning.
"They remove up to 99 percent of germs with just water and are about three times more powerful than conventional cleaning materials," she states. "This is the reason why a lot of hospitals have switched to microfiber fabrics, towels and mops."
2. Gather a cleaning caddy Full of supplies
Dawna Boone, the proprietor of Valet Maids, also lists microfiber fabrics as a must-have and provides that a glass cleaner, even a somewhat abrasive cleaner, an all-purpose cleaner, plus a set of latex gloves would be the products you should have on your cleaning caddy before getting started.
The kitchen is ground zero for messes throughout the day. However, there are easy methods to maintain the room out of getting the better of you.
3. Keep up with clogs and clutter during the day
She urges cleaning the kitchen every day to keep matters from getting out of hand.
"Maintain a microfiber fabric useful," Johnson says, "so that you can quickly treat clogs. That way, they do not harden and become ten times more challenging to wash later."
4. Tackle simple jobs fast and often
Like Johnson, she urges keeping up with all the hourly and daily mess which may collect in a kitchen to stop having too much to manage in the future.
"This goes for carrying out the garbage, also," she states, "When it starts to brim into the top, take it out."
The real key to earning kitchen-cleaning simpler is elementary: "Do not procrastinate," Gregory says.
Sweeping your flooring after the evening and staying at the top of surface messes and accumulation while tidying up daily jumble will make your kitchen always feel clean without spending hours on it.
5. Consider baking soda for cleaning rougher messes
"Utilize the baking soda into your pantry to get dirt to develop," she states.
Sprinkle a baking soda onto a cloth and wash down any locations which have grease buildup.
A lot continues in your toilet, and it is essential to maintain it germ-free as you possibly can. This advice can allow you to get control over this highly family room.
6. Clean highly-trafficked stains Many times Each Week
Similar to the kitchen, keeping up with your toilet daily can create more substantial, less regular cleanings, a lot simpler.
"I am speaking the bathroom, the shower and bathtub, and the flooring. Notably behind the bathroom. It is one of the very germ-ridden locations, which means you should be cleaning it once or twice weekly."
Johnson explains, "Just think, each time you flush, the toilet waste and water blend with each other, sending plumes of germs to the atmosphere and, subsequently, all around the bathroom." Ick!
Creating consistent and accessible cleaning customs on your toilet will indicate avoiding tackling a far bigger mess in the future. Squeegee your bathtub after every use to produce regular weekly cleanings simpler and wash down the bathroom and toothbrush holders twice per week.
7. Pay attention to smaller, often-forgotten regions on your toilet
Gregory pressures remembering often-forgotten regions in the restroom to actually keep things completely clean. In reality, the toothbrush holder would be your third germiest place on your whole house, which means you may wish to make sure it's washed regularly.
Boone also points out the significance of cleaning these regions and states having an old toothbrush having a little warm water is your ideal method to find those nooks and crannies clean, such as your faucet.
People invest a lot of time relaxing in the living space, which means you will want to keep it comfy, clean, and dust-free.
8. Stay at the top of dust from focusing on concealed areas in your living area
The living area is the location where you, your loved ones, and some guests will spend most of your time, which means you honestly would like to do a thorough job there. Johnson claims the best method to make sure you're hitting each area would be to move your furniture as you move. Shift everything about, and that means you are vacuuming and dusting the ground underneath in which the furniture sits before transferring it back.
"This will make sure you're receiving those hard-to-reach places which have been collecting dust annually," Johnson states. "And do not forget to vacuum beneath the cushions!"
To stay ahead of the curve on your living space, you will want to vacuum and between cushions at least one time every month. If you or a relative have allergies, do these jobs each other week.
9. Use the Proper tools to Take Care of dust
Feather dusters might seem cute, but they are not incredibly practical.
"Feather dusters tend only to move dust around rather than eliminate it whatsoever," Boone says.
10. Sterile dust-collecting fabrics regularly
"Routine cleaning of upholstery, linens, and rugs can help to reduce and control dust mite people," explains Gregory.
Though you might not feel like cleaning these drapes or vacuuming all your soft furniture, it is essential to keep your house clean and your family healthy.
Carpets should be washed at least twice annually, but you may provide them a light vacuuming with an attachment once per month. Routine vacuuming and dusting may be done once weekly.
Tips for cleaning your bedrooms
Most of us desire our bedrooms to feel like an oasis. However, we do not necessarily need to devote hours deep cleansing them. Assessing off these simple jobs will make your bedroom in form fast.
11. Concentrate on laundering blankets and cushions
Much like at the living space, maintaining linens clean are the most significant job on your bedrooms. You will want to wipe things down such as baseboards, ceiling fans and other surfaces, however, Johnson points out that you and your relatives spend a great deal of time sleeping in your own sheets, therefore keeping them tidy is project number one.
"It is the ideal way to keep allergens and germs off -- particularly considering all the hours that you spend in bed during the week."
Boone agrees and adds that washing your cushions in the washing machine keeps them tidy and will also fluff up them well after a month or two of being spilled on.
Despite guards, you're going to want to clean your cushions at least two times per year.
Gregory has a very simple but powerful idea for maintaining your bedroom clutter-free and calm.
"Make your bed the moment you awaken," she states. "It might not look like it'd make a big difference, but that really is actually the middle of your room. Getting your mattress made may make the entire room look tidier immediately. Getting in the habit of creating your bed daily makes the cleanup procedure become ingrained in your everyday routine."
Place any clothing that's been left out to the back or hamper on your drawers. Doing these basic tasks consistently will immediately develop into a custom and make routine weekly cleanings simpler.
The most Frequent cleaning mistakes
Our specialists told us precisely the most frequent mistakes non-pros make regarding cleaning and provided easy solutions for remedying them.
13. Do not procrastinate and set off small cleaning jobs
All our specialists agreed that procrastination is the one error keeping many people from keeping a clean and tidy house. Placing off smaller jobs leads to more significant, messier tasks, which could seem overwhelming. Creating a fast daily cleaning habit is the secret to beating this frequent mistake. If it comes to surface cleanings, keep at the top of rooms such as the kitchen and toilet daily to prevent buildup. From the bedrooms, create the beds in the morning and spend about ten minutes after a day tidying surfaces up in the bedrooms and living area of your rental home.
Applying incorrect tools is another error that's easily remedied. Ensure you've got a vacuum cleaner that's equipped to wash things aside from simply your carpeting and rugs. You will want one which has attachments which make it simple to wash soft curtains, furniture and stair treads. For surfaces that are hard, it is a safe bet to stay with microfiber cloths and mops.
Since microfiber fabrics can be laundered after each use, they will also help save you money in the future on cleaning materials.
15. Delegate cleaning jobs to other people in the home
The next error is taking on too much time. If you are feeling overwhelmed by cleaning you don't get started in any way, it is time to rethink your plan. Whether there are additional family members residing in the house, be sure everyone, such as children , is carrying on their fair share of their job. Or employ a housekeeper.
"When there are kids in the house, look at developing a children's chore chart," says Gregory. "For unmarried adults, split and conquer to create weekly, monthly and bigger deep cleaning jobs a lot more manageable." https://www.vox.com/recode/22407667/home-sales-boom-rent-housing-single-family-rental 
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wichitacleaning12 · 3 years
Reliable Airbnb Cleaning Services Wichita KS | Wichita Cleaning Company
More information is at: http://bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/airbnb-cleaning-near-me/
Searching Airbnb cleaning services in Wichita KS? Wichita Cleaning Company offers reliable and trusted local Airbnb cleaners to help you keep your rental space successful and clean. Call Now for Airbnb cleaning, Airbnb maids service, Airbnb cleaning company and Airbnb management near Wichita KS. Free estimates.
Are you an Airbnb host and can’t keep doing the hard work yourself because you’re too busy? Worry not! Wichita Cleaning Company, besides keeping your house or your apartment clean, is 100% available for Airbnb Cleaning Services. Contact us and we’ll answer any question. We’ll be there after or before your guests arrive, as you wish. We also offer restocking of essentials, fully managed linen service and hotel-style cleaning if you prefer it that way. Searching Airbnb cleaning services in Wichita? Wichita Cleaning Company offers reliable and trusted local Airbnb cleaners to help you keep your rental space successful and clean. Call Now Wichita Airbnb Cleaning Company To Trust We are the most trustworthy cleaning company in the Wichita metro area, and as we treat your home, we will treat any Airbnb that needs standard cleaning, deep cleaning, and even hotel-style cleaning, so your guests can be comfortable and feel like they never left their homes.
Our Airbnb cleaning services include:
– Hotel-Style Cleaning – Fully Managed Linen Service – Restocking Essentials – Reliable Airbnb Cleaners
– Customize Your Cleanings – Easily Book Online – Affordable for You and Your Guests
Airbnb Cleaning Checklist – What You Get? Kitchen Cleaning Wichita Our Wichita Cleaning Company team will get everything in order to the kitchen of the Airbnb you’re managing stays clean and in its place. Our maids are careful enough to clean all the equipment in the area and can also restock essentials for your guests. Services are: • Wipe behind and UNDER all items on counters • Wipe down fronts of all appliances (oven, microwave, fridge, dishwasher, toaster) • Wipe down any stainless steel trash cans – top and all sides • Clean inside of the microwave • Wipe down outside of cabinets • Clean and scrub sink • Clean stove top, remove buttons and clean underneath (if applicable) • Clean any mirrors/pictures • Dust light fixtures • Clean kitchen table/chairs and wipe down/dust • Do the “eye level test” on all surfaces Bathroom Cleaning Wichita Clean towels, luminous floors, and harmony can be a reality for your bathroom if you decide to call Wichita Cleaning Company to meticulously clean this vital area of an Airbnb property. Find the best local cleaners with Airbnb cleaning experience and see for yourself which is the best Airbnb cleaning service in the Wichita area. Bathroom cleaning services include: • Clean mirrors • Dust light fixtures • Wipe behind and UNDER all items on counters • Wipe down soap dispensers, toothbrush holders, etc • Arrange products in a pleasant, organized manner • Wipe down fronts of cabinets • Scrub tub and walls of the shower • Use a toilet brush and scrub inside the toilet (use pumice if needed) – toothbrush the hinges, wipe down outside, top and underneath toilet – hand wipe around the base of the toilet • Do the “eye level test” on all surfaces • Point toilet paper • Laundry Room • Wipe down the top and sides of washer/dryer • Clean sink (if applicable) • Detail vacuum and mop Living Room Cleaning Wichita This can be the area with most activity during the staying of your guests, which means that it has to stay as neat as possible for the time needed. We are the Airbnb cleaning company that will save you all the struggle and hassle you might face when putting things back in their place. Wichita Cleaning Company is waiting for your call! We offer the next services: • Dust all shelving, furniture, lamps, and entertainment centers • Wipe down any dirty spots on couches, chairs, etc • Take everything off  the coffee tables and wipe down – put things back in place • Clean any mirrors/pictures • Fold any blankets and place them on the arm of the couch Bedroom Cleaning Wichita Of course, we got your back in bedroom cleaning as well. Our cleaners are ready to quickly declutter, make beds, dust all surfaces in the room and wipe the tables! We also offer cabinets cleaning but it depends exactly on what you need or how long are your guests staying. Contact us and we’ll clear all your doubts. The services we offer are: • Pick up any items on the floor and dust all shelving, furniture, headboards, footboards, lamps, entertainment centers • Vacuum lampshades if/as needed (typically monthly) • Take everything off nightstands and wipe down – put things back in place • Clean any mirrors/pictures • Make the bed and arrange any pillows to make it look spiffy ☺ • Vacuum all corners and under things -also vacuum under beds and mop if the client has hardwood floors Laundry Room Cleaning Wichita Organization is one of our priorities at Wichita Cleaning Company, and when it comes to Airbnb cleaning services, the laundry room is a specific area we can also protect from a terrible mess. We are ready to clean every room in the property. • Airbnb Cleaning • Apartment Cleaning • Builders Cleaning • Carpet Cleaning • Childcare Cleaning • Cleaning Company • Cleaning Services • Cleaning Services • Commercial Cleaning • Construction Cleaning • Deep Cleaning • Factory Cleaning • Gym Cleaning • Home Cleaning • Hospitality Cleaning • Hotel Cleaning • House Cleaning • Housekeeping Service • Industrial Cleaning • Maids Service • Medical Centre Cleaning • Move In Out Cleaning • Office Cleaning • Pub Cleaning • Retail Cleaning • Rubbish Removal • School Cleaning • Strata Cleaning • Strip And Sealing Floors • Washroom Maintenance • Window Cleaning
What is NOT Included in Airbnb Services? We are a great company, and we know that professionalism is key, and that’s what we offer. There are practically a few things we don’t offer you when it comes to keeping your home, apartment, or others clean. Exceptions are according to the cleaning services modality you choose. Hire the package that meets your needs and sees below what’s not included. If you have any doubt about our Airbnb cleaning services, call us and get a FREE Airbnb cleaning estimate – Call Now
Talking About Our Affordable Services “Every weekend, mostly, I get reservations from people that are looking to experience a couple of relaxing days. Normally I would do the cleaning myself, but I soon realized it was turning into a hard task to achieve. I’ve reckoned I had to ask for help. Wichita Cleaning Company provided me with the simplest and minute cleaning details, and now I’m a regular customer!” Are You Ready for the Best Airbnb Cleaning in the Wichita Area? Wichita Cleaning Company is waiting for your call, always ready to help you treat your place as you would treat yourself when you want to relax.
CALL US FOR: • Airbnb Cleaning • Airbnb Cleaning Wichita • Airbnb Cleaning Services • Airbnb Cleaning Near Me • Airbnb Cleaning Company • Airbnb Cleaning Services Wichita • Best Airbnb Cleaning Services Around Wichita • Airbnb Cleaning Cost • Airbnb Cleaning Service Prices
CONTACT US: Wichita Cleaning Company Best commercial residential cleaning company in Wichita KS (316) 500-7551 CLEANING (316) 448-3974 HANDYMAN SERVICES OF WICHITA (316) 448-5733 WICHITA HAULING JUNK & MOVING Location: Wichita KS Monday-Sunday 7 am- 11 pm bestcleaningserviceswichita.com/ handymanserviceswichitakansas.com/ junkremovalhaulerwichita.org/ Service area; 55 Cities within 30 miles of Wichita, KS: Andale, KS | Andover, KS | Argonia, KS | Augusta, KS | Belle Plaine, KS | Bentley, KS | Benton, KS | Buhler, KS | Burns, KS | Burrton, KS | Cheney, KS | Clearwater, KS Colwich, KS | Conway Springs, KS | Danville, KS | Derby, KS | Douglass, KS | Elbing, KS | Garden Plain, KS Goddard, KS | Greenwich, KS | Halstead, KS | Harper, KS | Haven, KS | Haysville, KS | Hesston, KS | Hutchinson, KS | Kechi, KS | Maize, KS | Mayfield, KS | Mcconnell AFB, KS | Milan, KS | Milton, KS Mount Hope, KS | Mulvane, KS | Murdock, KS | Newton, KS | North Newton, KS | Norwich, KS | Peck, KS Potwin, KS | Pretty Prairie, KS | Rock, KS | Rose Hill, KS | Sedgwick, KS | South Hutchinson, KS Towanda, KS | Udall, KS | Valley Center, KS | Viola, KS | Walton, KS | Wellington, KS | Whitewater, KS Winfield, KS | Yoder, KS ZIP CODES: 67001 – Andale | 67016 – Bentley | 67017 – Benton | 67020 – Burrton | 67025 – Cheney | 67026 – Clearwater | 67030 – Colwich | 67031 – Conway Springs | 67037 – Derby | 67039 – Douglass | 67050 – Garden Plain | 67052 – Goddard | 67055 – Greenwich | 67060 – Haysville | 67067 – Kechi | 67101 – Maize | 67106 – Milton | 67108 – Mt Hope | 67110 – Mulvane | 67118 – Norwich | 67120 – Peck | 67133 – Rose Hill | 67135 – Sedgwick | 67147 – Valley Center | 67149 – Viola | 672xx – Wichita | 67204 – Park City or Wichita | 67219 – Park City or Wichita | 67220 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67221 – McConnell AFB | 67226 – Bel Aire or Wichita | 67543 – Haven
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silverolas · 3 years
How to Keep Your Carpet and Furniture in the Best Condition
How to Keep Your Carpet and Furniture in the Best Condition
While paint and decor can improve the look of a home, nothing will be as effective at keeping your space looking and feeling clean than planned maintenance.
 If you know that you should be regularly deep cleaning your carpet, you’re already ahead of the game. But there's a lot you can do in between professional carpet cleaning to keep your floors and upholstery in the best condition possible.
 When it comes to maintenance, a little can go a long way.
Top Tips for Keeping Carpet and Furniture Clean
Clean Up When You Get In
The best way to keep grime off your carpets and furniture is to not bring it in to begin with. While it’s impossible to ward off every trace of dirt, you can minimize the amount that’s ground into your flooring by wiping your shoes before you come in, and then immediately taking them off at the front door.
 Even if you do a good job of cleaning up outside, there are germs, bacteria, and everything else you’ve been stepping in all day on the bottom of your shoes, and you don’t want that being tracked all over your floors. If you must wear shoes indoors, purchase a pair of loafers or slippers that are strictly for inside use.
Vacuum Regularly
Because you can’t stop dust, dirt, and pollen from coming in via clothing, pets, and open doors, be sure to regularly vacuum your space. In addition to carpets and area rugs, be sure to also vacuum or sweep hard floors and mop on at least a weekly basis.
 Don’t forget to also take care of other soft surfaces in your home. Sofas and armchairs get dirty through use, too, so don’t hesitate to use the attachments on your vacuum to pick up crumbs, hair, and dust.
Treat Stains Immediately
Accidents happen, but quick cleanup can prevent stains from setting in. Keep safe cleaning products and old rags within reach anywhere there’s carpet or upholstery. If you leave an ink mark, your kid spills juice, or your puppy makes a mess, address the issue immediately.
 Soak up liquids using a dry rag, and then treat with a stain remover. Follow the instructions on the product label, as you may need to let the remover sit for a few minutes or treat more than once.
 If you have kids or pets, consider investing in a portable carpet cleaner. These handy appliances can help you tackle messes more easily, especially if they happen often.
 Best of all, they come with attachments like vacuum cleaners, so you can use them on furniture too.
 While on the subject of stains, be sure to also monitor heavy-traffic areas of your home. The more movement a floor sees, the more likely it will encounter dirt and grime. You may not necessarily see glaring stains pop up, but these areas may discolor and become matted faster than other areas of your home. Clean these corridors more regularly with a portable carpet cleaner or hire a cleaning company for spot treatments.
Set Up Deep Cleaning Appointments
While portable carpet cleaners are fine for small jobs and maintenance, they simply don’t have the power to perform a deep carpet clean. To thoroughly clean carpets and upholstery, you need to contact a professional.
 Experts advise that you should invest in professional carpet cleaning at least once a year. If you have kids or pets, strongly consider having your carpets cleaned once every six months. If you live in a household with especially heavy traffic, there’s nothing wrong with having carpets cleaned multiple times per year.
 The benefits of hiring a local Carlsbad, CA, carpet cleaning company are numerous.
 Using specialized equipment, these technicians can remove dirt, stains, and bacteria from deep within your carpet. They also remove allergens like pollen and dander, which could alleviate allergy symptoms.
 When you have your carpet professionally cleaned, you’ll extend its life. Having dirt and oil removed will keep carpet fibers from fraying, matting, and staining, meaning your floors will look and feel better for longer. This translates to big savings if you’re used to replacing carpet every few years.
How to Hire a Carlsbad, CA, Carpet Cleaning Company
Hiring a carpet cleaning company doesn’t have to be hard work. You can quickly narrow down your choice by asking a few questions:
 ●     Where’s carpet cleaning near me?
●     Which are insured cleaning companies?
●     What services do I need?
Carpet Cleaning Near Me
When looking for carpet cleaners, consider local businesses. Shopping locally will help your community, but it will also help you. When you deal with nearby businesses, you can expect faster service because they don’t have to travel as far to see you.
 Silver Olas is a Carlsbad, CA, carpet cleaning company that has been serving the greater San Diego area for over 25 years.
Insured Cleaning Companies
Once you’ve shortlisted nearby professional carpet cleaning companies, immediately cross off those that aren’t insured. Working with uninsured companies is dangerous.
 Should an unlicensed and uninsured technician cause damage or injure someone, you’ll be held responsible. The cost of making a repair or paying hospital bills could amount to tens of thousands of dollars, so it’s not worth paying a lower price up front if you may pay big at the end.
 For your protection and peace of mind, Silver Olas is a fully bonded and insured professional carpet cleaning company. It also provides free written estimates and guarantees all work for 30 days.
Other Cleaning Services
If you’ve made the decision to have your carpets cleaned, you may also want to consider other areas of your home that also need attention. Are your tile grout lines looking dark and dingy? Does your sofa have wear marks where you usually sit? Does your area rug smell musty?
 When searching for a cleaning company, choose one that can look beyond carpets. Silver Olas offers a range of services, including:
 ●     Upholstery and couch cleaning service
●     Area rug cleaning
●     Tile, stone, and grout cleaning service
●     Wood and laminate floor cleaning service
●     Mattress cleaning service
●     Flood restoration
●     Mold remediation
 If you’re willing to put in a little work in between deep carpet cleanings, you can drastically extend the life of your flooring and keep your home looking and feeling great all year long.
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