#julie wilson
Only me that hatessss season 2 House?
Chase is now a pedophile, Wilson has an affair with a PATIENT, Tritter is now in the story line, Wilsons marriage brakes, House and Wilson fight a lot, Stacy still exists.
It's a mess of mishaps and I hate it.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 years
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The Strange One, 1956.
Photo: Frank Paulin via the Smithsonian American Art Museum
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henk-heijmans · 20 days
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Eleven children aged 0 to 5 years old with Down syndrome, 2015 - by Julie Wilson, American
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jameswilsonmybeloved · 3 months
Also also about Wilsons marriages, specifically his third one, House was actively trying to keep that marriage together wasn't he? He called Wilson out whenever he was flirting with a nurse etc (although he could've also just been jealous), when he was sure Wilson was cheating he advised him not to tell his wife so she wouldn't leave him, and Julie didn't seem to resent him as much as Bonnie did (from what we know). He also knew enough about Julie to know what color she hates.
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xoivy · 1 year
3 failed marriages and wilson really hadn't thought for a moment that maybe he shouldn't put a ring on it
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zerox77660 · 20 days
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Julie Wilson
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ozu-teapot · 1 year
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The Strange One | Jack Garfein | 1957
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juliewilson410 · 2 months
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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The Strange One (1957, Jack Garfein)
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vttz4 · 11 months
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Julie Wilson
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newyorkthegoldenage · 11 months
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The Neighborhood Playhouse was (and still is) a noted drama school at 340 East 54th Street, known for teaching Sanford Meisner's approach to acting. Here, on June 21, 1956, C&W singer June Carter, who was taking lessons at the Playhouse, did a bit while others watched. From left to right, are Jerry Summers, Hollywood, Calif., Robert Fuller, Hollywood, Calif., Larry Storch, Broadway and television comedian, Julie Wilson, starring in the Broadway production, "The Pajama Game," and Miss Carter. Other alumni of the school include Gregory Peck, Robert Duvall, Kim Basinger, Carol Channing, Jeff Goldblum, Allison Janney, and Grace Kelly.
Photo: Associated Press via Las Vegas Review-Journal
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fitesorko · 2 years
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Julie Wilson
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morfinwen · 1 year
1 for Nate, 2 for Connie, 3 for Amanda, 4 for Ash, 5 for Lanzo, 8 for Aidan, 9 for Niner, 10 for Q, 13 for Angie, 14 for Christopher, 16 for Reagan, 17 for Neal, 18 for Ian, 20 for Elise, 22 for Julie, 24 for Lauren, 25 for Jerome, 27 for Kayla, 29 for Myrtle, 31 for Hannah, 33 for Elarin, 34 for Meaghan, 38 for Leah, and 45 for Avery, please!
So this uh, was asked over a year ago. But hey, it's answered now!
1. What's a unique skill Nate has? Is there any reason why he can do it?
Unusually for someone living in a small, quiet town like Aldstow, Nate knows a ton of skateboarding tricks. One of his uncles got him a skateboard when he was seven years old, and for five years that was what he spent almost all of his non-school time doing.
2. What are Connie's favorite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc.)
Some of his books, for different reasons. One because it was the textbook for one of his favorite college classes, and is still an informative read even now. Another because it was a gift from his parents that he re-read a lot in childhood. And one just because the leather cover feels nice in his hands and it has a good heft to it.
3. Does Amanda get jealous easily? If so, what usually causes it?
On occasion, a really attractive woman persistently flirting with her SO has made Amanda jealous, but not often. Her ex Simon got hit on at least twice by men, which she found hilarious (Simon was incredibly straight), and once she and Lanzo work things out, she finds she doesn’t care so much about people flirting with him, partially because she trusts him, mostly because she knows from first-hand experience that getting through Lanzo’s emotional barriers enough to even start an actual relationship is way harder than any aspiring homewrecker would have the patience for.
4. Is Ash a good gift-giver? What does he tend to give as gifts?
Ash’s gift-giving instincts are fairly reliable if he knows the recipient well enough, but he’s missed the mark more than once. If he barely knows the individual, it’s even worse.
In order of likelihood, books, tea, candles. He recognizes that other people like things other than what he likes, but it’s just so much easier to give things he knows he’d like to get. This is the chief problem with his gift-giving.
5. What's Lanzo's reputation like? Does this reputation contrast what he's really like?
Lanzo has a lot of different reputations. 
At work, to all but a few perceptive regulars, he’s the worldly-wise bartender with a mysterious past who’s willing to listen to you ramble about your problems but avoids offering advice, except weirdly specific things on random occasions. 
This is not completely inaccurate, but it’s definitely more of how Lanzo would like to be seen than how he actually is.
To those perceptive regulars, he’s an average guy who’s lived long enough to have some weird stories, and is charismatic enough to weave a convincing air of mystery out of it.
This is considerably more accurate.
To those in the house, he’s laid-back and easy to get along with for the most part, though you have to beware his sense of humor and occasional desire for chaos, but he’s really good at smoothing things over if he upsets you, and there’s also the chance that he’ll be incredibly perceptive about something that’s bothering you and have some oddly specific but actually really helpful advice for the situation. 
8. What does Aidan's dream house look like?
A treehouse, for starters. Sparse on furniture, but a lot of hammocks and tall shelves with space for perching. Nuts or fruit-bearing plants in the vicinity, as long as he doesn’t have to tend them himself. And a swell video game system, for when Nate visits.
9. If Niner could change one part of her appearance, what would it be?
If we’re allowing changes that are not biologically possible, she’d made her nails grow faster and break less easily. She’s always trying to grow them out super-long, but then one of them breaks on something and she has to trim them all down or otherwise it feels weird, and the process starts all over again.
10. What's a simple thing that brings Q joy?
13. How forgiving is Angie? What does she consider unforgivable?
To Angie, forgiveness is a sacred responsibility. For the most part, she doesn’t find it hard to forgive, even if the other person doesn’t seem genuinely sorry. 
She doesn't consider anything unforgivable as such, but one of the worst sins in her eyes is a total lack of principle. Hypocrisy or failure to live up to your own principles is bad, but at least those people believe in something.
14. Who does Chris go to in a crisis/emergency? Any particular reason why he chooses that person?
Any situation dire enough to force Chris to seek help most likely requires professionals, like firefighters or S.W.A.T., but assuming it was something sufficiently non-urgent for him to reach out to someone specific, that would be his sister Marie. The reason being, Chris would hate having to ask for help, and his sister would be able to figure out the situation with the minimal amount of actually explaining/asking for help, and would respond in the way most soothing to his ego.
16. What food does Reagan absolutely hate?
Beets. The first time she tried them, they made her gag almost to the point of vomiting. The lengths to which her aunt was willing to make her eat them, on the one or two occasions per year she served them, only reinforced Reagan’s hatred of them. 
17. Does Neal show a lot of affection, or is he pretty reserved?
Very reserved, unless he’s comfortable and very close with someone. Then, in private, he’s very affectionate, and eager for reciprocation.
18. If you had to represent Ian with a flower, color, and animal, what would you choose?
Flower: Dandelion. Grows easily, bright and friendly, some consider it an annoying weed.
20. Is Elise easy to wake up in the morning, or grouchy and sleepy?
Closer to easy to wake up. Elise isn’t a bright-and-shiny, “good morning world!” kind of person, but once she’s up she wakes up quickly, especially if she has some caffeinated tea or coffee.
22. What's Julie's silliest or most unusual fear/phobia?
There are certain kinds of elevators that make her anxious -- it's more an aesthetic thing than anything, but "pure metal" elevators are worse than ones with glass, carpeting, etc. It's a combination of some bad experiences, a few memorable elevator scares in media, and (the biggest reason) one really terrible, very memorable nightmare when her dad was sick.
24. Is Lauren a fussy eater?
She could be incredibly picky when she was a child. As an adult, she’s less so, but mostly because she lives on her own and so she gets to make all the choices about what she eats.
25. What are Jerome's dreams like?
He only remembers a handful of dreams he’s had in his life. They were intense, colorful, and very, very bizarre.
27. Is Kayla forgetful? What does she tend to forget? (plans, phone, keys, etc.)
She has an exceptionally good memory, even once she’s human.
29. Is Knife a good cook? If she is, what does she like to make?
Unless heating soup or one of those “just add water” macaroni and cheese bowls in the microwave counts as cooking, Knife doesn’t really cook. 
31. What holiday does Hannah like the most? (Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc.)
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. She starts practicing Christmas songs in October, helps her parents (and grandmother, when she was alive) decorate the day after Thanksgiving, and makes gift bags for all her friends at school. Her favorite thing (after presents) is when they go out to look at Christmas lights: they bundle up, go out and get fast food to eat in the car, then drive through the best-decorated neighborhoods her dad knows of. She loves everything about it, though: the music, the cookies, visiting (some of) her family. She also likes the Christmas story her dad reads.
33. Is Elarin adventurous, or does she prefer to stay in her safe zone?
Elarin was probably crawling out of her “safe zone” when she was a baby. She’s scared of very little, and almost never shows it when she is.
34. What's Meaghan's favorite drink? (Coffee, tea, juice, hot chocolate, soda, etc.)
Some type of relaxing herbal tea from a planet she’s visited. She also likes a few alcoholic beverages, though she doesn’t drink those often.
38. Does Leah get lost easily, or is she good with directions?
She’s better than most with directions. Leah has a good grip on the cardinal directions, which helps. Her memories of the pre-war Boston area interfere sometimes, but they also help -- she just needs to remember to look for half-collapsed ruins instead of skyscrapers sometimes.
45. Is Avery always late, on time, or early?
Avery can be anywhere from two hours early to four days late; the one thing she never is is on time. She makes an effort for people like Aveline, with schedules and deadlines and things, but she just doesn’t have a punctual bone in her body.
Thanks for asking!
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perfettamentechic · 1 month
5 aprile … ricordiamo …
5 aprile … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2022: Jimmy Wang Yu, Jimmy Wang Zhengquan, meglio conosciuto come Wang Yu, attore, regista e produttore cinematografico cinese naturalizzato taiwanese, talvolta accreditato anche con il nome di Wong Yu-lung. Wang sposò l’attrice Jeanette Lin, dopo una travagliata relazione con la regista Qin Jian, poi si sposò con Wang Kaizhen. (n. 1943) 2022: Nehemiah Persoff, attore e pittore israeliano…
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zerox77660 · 6 months
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Julie Wilson
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ozu-teapot · 1 year
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The Strange One | Jack Garfein | 1957
Ben Gazzara, Julie Wilson
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