#I wanna braid his longass hair
horrastorie · 6 months
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So, I may be in love
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fonulyn · 3 years
"you stayed up past your bedtime again, didn’t you?" funny Piers/Leon one maybe? x)
It was almost midnight when Piers finally parked the car in the driveway, and for a moment he just sat there, tilting his head back against the headrest. It had been a longass day, one that felt like it’d never end, and latest around eight all of his hopes for getting home at a decent hour had been dashed. He’d shot a quick text to Leon, telling him not to wait up, but even then he hadn’t thought it’d be this late.
For a second he thought that the curtains moved but he chalked it up to the tiredness and put it out of his mind as he jogged up to the front door and fished out his keys. He tried to be even more quiet than usual, as he didn’t want to wake anyone up, and carefully kicked his shoes off before shrugging out of his coat. 
That was as far as he got before a high pitched giggle caught his attention. 
With a groan, Piers headed further inside, dropping his bag on the ground and this time neverminding the noise it made. He should’ve guessed this, damnit. This was not the first time, and if he knew Leon at all it would definitely not be the last time, either. He headed straight into the guest room, stopping in the doorway as he flipped the lights on. 
Leon was lying on top of the covers, in his fluffy sweater and worn sweatpants, eyes closed and looking like he was sleeping peacefully. He even had a book on his chest, as if he’d been reading it moments before falling asleep. Next to him on the wide bed, under the covers, Chloe was tucked in neatly like she was supposed to be, but that was where the illusion shattered. She simply couldn’t contain her giggles, her nose scrunched up as she tried her very best, eyes screwed shut exaggeratedly tight.  
“So you stayed up past your bedtime again,” Piers said, “didn’t you?” He moved into the room, grinning at Leon as he opened one eye to peek at him. Under the covers Chloe made a theatrical snoring sound, followed by another giggle, and when Piers stepped close and poked her nose with his index finger, she immediately opened her eyes wide. “Don’t try to fool your uncle, Chloe,“ Piers said, but didn’t even try to hold back his smile. “I know what you’ve been up to.“
That was all it needed and Chloe threw the covers off herself, bouncing up and down on the mattress. She was still wearing her day clothes, too, and they probably hadn’t even gotten as far as brushing her teeth if Piers knew them at all. “But it’s fun!” she burst out, beaming at him. She was missing one tooth already, and sometimes she made a whistling sound as she spoke, and Piers thought it was the cutest thing ever. “Uncle Leon and I made cookies!”
“Oh you did?“ Piers asked, before turning to look at Leon, arching an eyebrow. “On a scale from one to ten, how disastrous is the kitchen?“
Leon grimaced. “...eight?” Only now Piers noticed that he had a messy attempt at a braid on the side of his head, tied together with a bright pink Snoopy hair tie, and ...was that a hint of glitter in his hair?
“Obviously you had fun,“ Piers chuckled, shaking his head. Then he turned back towards Chloe, reaching out to pick her up. “C’mon. We’ll go brush your teeth now.” He gave Leon a pointed look. “Meanwhile Uncle Leon will go and clean up in the kitchen. You know, how people always have to clean up after themselves?”
Solemnly Chloe nodded, wrapping her scrawny arms around Piers’ neck. “I picked up my toys!” she announced. Then she scrunched up her nose a little in the cutest grimace ever, before amending. “Most of them!”
Chloe was babbly even as they made their way into the bathroom and tried to get her teeth brushed, excitedly chattering about everything she and Leon had done throughout the day. She was still talking when they got her changed into her pjs, and only when she was tucked back in bed, for real this time, she started to quiet down. 
“Uncle Piers?” she asked in a sleepy voice, blinking her eyes open even though it looked like it took tremendous effort. “Can I stay another night?“
That absolutely melted Piers’ heart, and he couldn’t help but smile. “I’ll ask your mom, okay. Now get some sleep.” He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss onto her forehead. “Love you, princess.”
Chloe muttered something in response, already mostly asleep, and silently Piers tiptoed out of the room. 
He headed straight into the kitchen, then, and when he got there he found Leon elbow deep in soapy water, finishing up the rest of the dishes. Without hesitation Piers stepped close, sneaking his arms around Leon’s waist as he pressed up against his back and planted a warm kiss under his ear. “You do realize we can’t just always spoil her rotten?”
“You do realize that I do what I want?“ Leon responded immediately with a chuckle. He leaned right into the embrace, and when he tilted his head back he was rewarded with a proper kiss. “She’s such a sweetheart, how am I supposed to deny her anything?“
“Seriously,“ Piers huffed, “I can’t always be the bad cop. I wanna be the fun uncle too, sometimes."
“Oh hush,” Leon rolled his eyes, turning around in the circle of Piers’ arms. “She adores you. Stop complaining.“ His hands were still soapy but he brought his arms up anyway and wrapped them loosely around Piers’ neck. “Wanna tuck me in, next?“ he asked teasingly, brushing his nose against Piers’. 
Piers laughed, low and happy. “You’re impossible.“
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