#I want dele back to spurs
whitehartlane · 7 months
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EVERY ROAD TAKES YOU BACK TO WHITE HART LANE. ↳ "I had always thought I would come back to Tottenham."
Danez Smith, 'From "summer, somewhere"' / The first ever match played at White Hart Lane, 4 Sept 1899 / Supporters invade the pitch after the last match played at White Hart Lane, 14 May 2017 / Gareth Bale after his retirement from professional football upon visiting Spurs / Dele in front of Spurs supporters / Dele is applauded by Spurs supporters upon his return to Tottenham Hotspur Stadium after transferring to Everton / Coldplay, 'The Scientist' / Gareth Bale on returning to Tottenham on loan from Real Madrid / Ryan Mason comes on for Gareth Bale, early 2010s / Gareth Bale comes off and clasps hands with interim manager of Tottenham, Ryan Mason, early 2020s / Harry Kane in front of the infamous Ledley King quote / Djo, 'End of Beginning' / moonlitgarden on ao3, 'waiting room' / Gareth Bale scores his first goal for Tottenham, 2007 / Gareth Bale scores his first goal for Tottenham after coming back, 2020 / Julien Baker, 'Go Home' / Angel Olsen, 'Go Home' / Men repair the golden cockerel at White Hart Lane, 1934 / The golden cockerel at the top of Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, AKA New White Hart Lane / ticketgum / Son Heungmin on staying at Tottenham / Spurs supporters at the first game at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium / Harry Kane, 2016 / Son Heungmin on his return to Tottenham after going away to the Asian Cup and his reception from Spurs supporters as he came off the bench, 2024 / Sue Zhao / Harry Kane in his goodbye message to Spurs supporters, 2023 / boygenius, 'True Blue' / Tottenham legends line up at White Hart Lane at the last game to be played at the ground to say goodbye, 2017 / Ursula K. Le Guin, 'Initiation Song from the Finders' Lodge / moonlitgarden on ao3, 'waiting room' / Eric Dier on where he wants to be buried
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coldpintglass · 1 month
I was thinking about what you said in your southkane post about how they both want to be in that supportive/protecting role to the squad and how Kane maybe does it better than Southgate. It would be soooo interesting to see that tension worked out around that moment when dearly loved/life and soul/heavily Villa-coded Grealish was sent home before the euros this summer and reportedly Kane went in on the squad’s behalf to ask Southgate why.
(Sidebar: also interesting how he didn’t do the same when Madders was dropped)
I feel like - through that duty lens you wrote so well about - Southgate would be so proud of Kane for doing that, but also so maybe personally self-defensive about his choice, and of course ultimately unmoveable on it… fun tension
Thinking about Southkane were you now? 
Ah, anyway, thank you for your lovely ask Laura!!! Yeah, honestly since that article dropped (which if you haven’t read, worth it alone for how cutting it is of Gareth. Obviously he’s not the only reason this Euros wasn’t successful but he’s certainly the root. It’s quite a sobering read) and it said that Kane rushed to Gareth, I’ve been thinking about that too. Woof. 
Some thoughts on this:
A: Harry and Jack are clearly good friends from interactions IRL and on insta. Jack even having a chat on Katie’s page! Hello!?!?
B: Jack has done what Harry hasn’t yet - play and help a team win a final. And honestly that counts a lot for England.  Not to say that in the finals Harry has played in that they would’ve won otherwise without him (probably not!) but like that experince of what it takes to push when on the right foot is so invaluable.
C: Jack is sooooooo the life and soul of the team. Such a joyful spirit, like he’s a daft bugger (drink driving again what IS it with these guys) but he gets a lot right otherwise, he’s great at footie, loved by team and clearly loves the fans. You absolutely could FEEL the Jack shaped gap in the England training camp videos - it felt odd him not being there.
D. Yep, still of the opinion that Harry is better liked than Southgate because he finds it easier to support and respect the team. Thinking of the poignant interview Dele did with Gary Neville when he opened up on addiction/childhood trauma. He mentions Harry as someone who especially checked in on him and tried to help him. Just seems like someone who although may not tactically be the best leader, is absolutely good at being the glue to keep the team together and get the best out of others. 
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Harry asking him about Grelish - WOOOFBARKBARKBARKGRRRR. 
What you’ve written is perfect Laura, absolutely that double edged sword of “so proud of you Harry, this is exactly the initiative to take, you’re a leader through and through” vs “what do you mean??? I dropped Grelish because it was the right choice. I plan the team around YOU.” And also this happening on the spurs training grounds is just…! 
That HAS to have been the start of the undercurrent of tension between them over the Euros. Not huge or anything but something was there - the publication of this article the day after Harry said “we didn’t know when to press” after the Denmark game? Nah, can’t be telling me that it’s somewhat linked. 
Strikes me as Southgate trying to put Harry back in his place or keep him in line. It’s gutting to think that tbh, they’ve otherwise been such a brilliant pair (both IRL and RPF) but no denying there’s been cracks. Watching your son/mentee outgrow you in a way you can’t come back from, wishing desperately he could go back to being the pliant but loyal young man you loved and put at the centre of everything for so long.
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Anyway, this is a long way of saying “I’m absolutely injecting this into my brain to whip it up into a fic/part of a fic”. Love you x 
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slutforsnow · 8 months
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Chapter 10 :3
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY POOKIES <3 this is my Valentine's day gift to you all since I've been sick for the past 2 days :3
TW/CW: briefly talking about what Festus did to Sunni
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“Oh my fucking God, I can't escape him!!” Sunni sighed out, exasperated. The group had stopped by the best restaurant/karaoke place in District 2 for dinner and Sunni had gone to place everyone's orders, despite her childhood friends arguing that they'd do it. She had simply snuck away to place everyone's orders with a shit-eating grin on her face.
“Escape who?” Nero asked, flipping his jacket hood up, with a curious look.
“Please don't tell me it's Festus,” Sejanus begged, looking at Sunni who took her seat in between Nero and Coryo. Nero was on the end, then Sunni, Coryo, Sejanus, Vivian, Dele, Nataila,Viktor and then finally Demitri.
“That's exactly who it is,” She replied, smoothing out her dress as she noticed how it rode up her thigh. She wasn't looking for the wrong kind of attention.
“Alright, that's it, I'm killing him,” Coryo announced, standing up, only for Sunni and Sejanus to pull him back to his seat.
“No! No, no, no, Coryo,” The two protested, bringing him back down. Sunni, deciding to put him in a mild state of shock, sat on Coryo's lap to keep him down. Coryo stiffened and sat up straight, not moving a muscle. He was grateful he had his curls so the others didn't see how red his ears became at her spur-of-moment decision.
‘Well that calmed him down-’ Sejanus thought, mildly surprised to see Sunni being so bold. Coryo barely listened to him anyway and the way Sunni managed to keep him in place and not get arrested made Sej quite impressed. Though he didn't like the method, it seemed to work. He'd talk to Sunni about it later, as to not make the evening awkward.
Swallowing, Coryo pulled out his phone to distract himself and from the blood rushing to his head and praying Sunni didn't feel it. He didn't want her to think of him as weird for getting hard in a setting like this. What would she think of him? Would she cut him off like how Tigris did to Grandma'am’s overwatered roses? Sharply and without hesitancy? He wouldn't have that—not when he was getting close so making her his sunflower.
He decided to focus on making that photo Sej had sent him as his lock screen and photoshop some of the pictures from the protective stalking he and Sej had done to be him and Sunni instead of Festus and Sunni.
“So… what's bad about this Festus guy?” Viv asked slowly to alleviate the tension that had fallen around the booth the group had been seated at.
“So, he's my ex. He drugged and humiliated me at a party the Saturday after midterms were over for believing that he actually loved me,” Sunni explained, leaning into Coryo's chest holding his free hand around her waist to massage the tension out of his hand as her other hand gently spun the rings that added elegance to his otherwise bony hands.
“HE WHAT?!” The group, aside from Coryo and Sej, shouted, making Nero wince in pain.
“Ow,” He grumbled, turning his hearing aids down somewhat.
“Sorry, Nero,” the others said, feeling bad for causing him pain; despite being an otherwise loud group, they did try to keep their surprise low for him so it didn't fuck with his hearing aids.
“It's fine, but Sunni why isn't he arrested?” He asked, waving off the others’ concern.
“No proof or anything to prove it was him; it'd be my word against his, not to mention Sej and Coryo would only have their words against Festus too,” She answered, gently squeezing Coryo's hand which had tightened around her waist. She gently rubbed his knuckles, hoping that would calm him down a little bit.
“Yeah, and Festus’ parents have way more money than ours cause we're only just barely above the minimum amount to be living in the Capitol. If we lost, we would've probably been sent to a lower District like 10 or 11,” Sejanus added, noticing how Coryo mildly squirmed at the talk of money. Biting the inside of his cheek, Sej decided to change the subject. “But enough about that, how did you all meet Sunni?”
“Seventh grade, golf club,” Nero said simply. “And she was only one with a dyed yellow streak in her hair.”
“Cafeteria, eighth grade. I was a new student,” Viv replied, shrugging softly.
“Dele, Demitri, Vik, and I met her in a Freshmen arts class where we learned that if you give her a brush, she gets so focused and-”
“Hey-! Hey, hey, hey, no no no don't expose my secrets!!” Sunni's cheeks had turned bright red when she realized where Nat was going with that. Sej and Coryo didn't know that yet and she wanted to keep it that way.
“What? You mean to tell us that you haven't told them!?” Maxima inquired, raising an eyebrow.
“Told us what?” Coryo asked, putting his phone in his pocket, having finally calmed himself down. Sure, Sunni wasn't the first person to sit on his lap, but this was the first time someone did it to calm him down.
“Maxie, no-!!”
“Maxie yes! Sunni paints realism! Mainly sunflower fields!” They replied, beaming as 2 waiters brought over the group's dinner. Sunni noticed Coryo's attention was immediately grabbed by the smell of food, and she slid off his lap, sitting back between him and Nero as the group sorted everyone's dinner and drinks.
Almost 2 hours later, the group had learned a lot about each other and seemingly grew closer. Except for Nero and Coryo.
Anytime Nero spoke, Coryo would send death glares to him and would tightened his grip around Sunni. Sejanus didn't think much of it as he knew his friend was just being protective of Sunni. Did he find it odd Coryo was protecting her from her own friends? Yes. Was he going to judge him out loud? No, as Sejanus have a desire to live.
By the time everyone paid and was heading back to the hotel and their own homes, Coryo was carrying Sunni on his back as he and Sej made their way back to the hotel, due to Sunni being too tired to walk all the way back herself (and she fell asleep just before they got to the hotel).
By the time the boys got back to their room, after they tucked Sunni in bed, Sejanus passed out on his bed. Coryo went into the hotel room's shower and turned on the hot water. He exhaled shakily and stared at the tent in his pants.
How the hell did Sunni not notice it when she was sitting on his lap?
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Around 5am the next day, Coryo was wide awake and scrolling on his phone. He had barely gotten any sleep, so he wasn't in a good mood already. Sighing, he went to text Sunni and frowned seeing her text back so quickly.
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Sunni jumped a little hearing a knock at her door and slowly came out of her bed. She opened the door and giggled a little, feeling Coryo wrap his arms around her waist. He didn't give her a minute to process what was happening as he scooped her up, making her wrap her legs around his waist and tighten her grip around his neck.
“Cori!!” She squealed out as he shut the door behind him.
“Hm? Yes, Sunshine?” He murmured, looking up at her.
“This isnt gonna make me not ask you what's bothering you,” She laughed out, pushing his curls out of his face.
“But it sure as hell will distract you,” He replied, sitting on her bed, letting her sit on his lap.
“Uh-huh, sure, but quick thing, why are you so cold? You feel like ice,” She inquired with a small frown.
“‘M always cold,” He answered simply, burying his face into the crook of her neck.
“Well, guess what? Cuddling with me means you're gonna be warm,” Sunni told him, playfully pushing him to lay down. Grabbing her blanket, she draped it over herself and him, snuggling him.
Blushing furiously, Coriolanus was grateful that the hotel room was almost pitch black. Pulling her closer to him, he ran his fingers through her hair. He didn't think one person could be so soft and comforting like Sunni was. She was warm, sweet, cuddly, and… non-judgmental. Something Coryo wasn't entirely used to. Sure, Sejanus wasn't judgemental and was nice, Tigris was warm, and Grandma'am was kindhearted but those were the people who he let into his heart. Sunni was different; she dug her way into his heart and refuses to leave. But Coryo didn't mind. He actually liked it for once.
“Gonna tell me what's bothering you now, Cori?” She whispered.
“Asshole.” Coryo could only laugh. He knew she didn't mean it. She didn't say ‘asshole’ in a condescending way or shove him away. She was teasing him. He had to admit it, to himself at least, he loved it.
"You know you love me," He shot back with a smirk and chuckling as she sat up a tad to see his face as best as she could.
"Cause you're the best," She told him. Coryo felt his ego expand and rubbed her back, soaking up her warmth.
"Mm, nah, you are," He replied, pulling her back down him to keep her close to him.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing @poppyflower-22 @kuromismom7 @xjinnix @flw3rrr @plathsotherib @beaphobia @valeskafics @aoi-targaryen @elayasversion @dianaaxoxo
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moonlitsgarden · 1 year
did you see dele's interview? after your last fic i kept thinking about those boys so it's unbearably painful. just hope they're all happy. just hope h and sonny get their happy ending like your story.
hi! yes, i did see it. it broke my heart. i’ve been a spurs fan since i got into football at a young age (completely irrespective of my family, they did not and still do not care about football which is very amusing) but really got into the epl around 2012/2013. dele was one of the best players to put on the spurs shirt i have ever seen, not just because of his raw talent but because of his passion. i still remember how he would tear down to the fans at the lane after scoring a goal. he’s so symbolic of that era of spurs to me—young, hungry, in love with the game, ready to die for the badge.
it was real special what we had going on there in that era, the brotherhood between the teammates and that spite to prove everyone wrong (eric: “i hear what people say about tottenham and i don’t like it.”), you were hard pressed to find that anywhere in the rest of the league, in the rest of the world. when dele said that people like harry and eric and sonny and ben tried to look out for him, it made me tear up. that’s spurs, you know, that care and love that is woven into the fabric of the club. i wish del had had more time to sit with everything before coming out about it rather than be almost pressured into it by tabloids but i hope he knows just how brave he is and how many people this will help.
he is so loved. any proper spurs fan, none of those football melts on twitter, will tell you all about the love they have for dele and how he was everything to us when he played for us, and still beyond. the reception he got when he came back to the lane playing for everton from our fans—i’ve never seen quite anything like it in football. there’s nothing more we want than for him to be happy, to be rested, to be at peace, to heal. and maybe one day we’ll see him back at hotspur way, back at the lane. if the universe puts any faith in happy endings it’ll happen. we love you dele. 🤍
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kylewalker-peters · 2 years
Hello!!⭐️ If it's not too much trouble, could you please rec some iconic Spurs games for a newbie to watch? Maybe Poch era or whatever comes to your mind first! If your cool Spursy friends want to rec some as well, I'd love that. Thank you💞 have a good week🙏
OMG yes i'd be more than happy to tell you any games my little goldfish brain can remember!!! firs things first though welcome to spurs!!!!!!! also if anyone else thinks of others hopefully they'll add them cause like my memory's awful
I'll go poch era onwards.
iconic but before 16/17 would be the spurs 2 v arsenal 1 game in 2015, the 5-3 against Chelsea at home but also the battle of the bridge 2-2 which everyone should watch just cause it WILL come up when talking about spurs and it's such a perfect encapsulation of Tottenham being Tottenham and also if i ever see mark clattenburg on the street it's over for that prick.
idk how many upon reflection are super iconic? even if the season as a whole was but i will say any game where we won by a lot of goals is worth watching just because we were so fun to watch at that time and we did it quite a bit. our home game against Chelsea was the dele show and it was soooooooo good idk how well it holds up on rewatch but like that was the Moment
again i think there's a couple where we won by a shit ton of goals esp at the end of the season so i'd give them a watch if you have time. we were actually so good in the ucl this season we were so unlucky against juve but i'd deffo recommend the dortmund games and THE real Madrid game at home like lives were changed, history was written, depression cured. the 4-1 thrashing of Liverpool which of course i missed but harry kane sent lovren to the retirement and oh my god i think we also had THE 2-2 game against liverpool this season too which is iconic if not because we were good then just because of the beef that it created. wouldn't watch the whole game but the 2-0 win against united where eriksen scored the opener in 11 seconds. THE WIN AT STAMFORD BRIDGE LITERALLY ICONIC oh my god i have been chasing the high of that game every single day of my life since it happened. the 5-4 against Leicester isn't iconic iconic but it lives in my head rent free for being the most chaotic thing I've ever seen as the scoreline suggests. wait okay like this will not be iconic to you but the 6-1 against rochdale (which was during our Embarrassing era of constantly needing replays) where kwp got his goal in the snow? top of the charts in my household!!!
actually this season had so many good games damn maybe we need to talk about this season more too
the whole ucl campaign literally the definition of iconic i want to run back into her arms all the time even if the wheels were falling off this club already you could forget it when you were knocking city out of the UCL. idk if the group games are as good now cause we know we got to the final but at the time that shit was literally do or die like we could have gone out on my birthday it was awful. but idk i always like to watch the highlights on youtube from the first group game to the ajax game just for the whole experience again. but obvs the first leg against dortmund, second leg against city, second leg against ajax are some of the most iconic games in spurs history
us beating united 3-0 at old trafford was a good game and "moura is practically like a new signing" was a fun 5 minutes until moura logged into twitter. us beating chelsea at home always good and great and amazing. dele, kane and son scoring we literally used to be such a Club. us knocking arsenal out of the carabao was very funny and iconic of us but i also might just be remembering danny's interview afterwards where he humbled them
i think our win against city was the only iconic thing we had that whole season. there was iconic in other ways (like losing to colchester) but i would only wish my worst enemy to watch that.
again iconic games but mostly in a bad way like us v everton in the fa cup. we did smash united 1-6 at old trafford though which was very iconic and cool of us
idk if you need any games after this so i wont cause this is already pretty long but i hope there's at least one good game in here you enjoy watching
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soccerdailyuk · 1 year
Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino bizarrely announces plans to help Everton flop Dele Alli
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Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino bizarrely announces plans to help Everton flop Dele Alli Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino has expressed his desire to contact Dele Alli soon in order to connect with the struggling former Tottenham player. Since his time at Spurs under the guidance of Jose Mourinho, Alli's career has experienced a significant decline, partly due to concerns about his off-field lifestyle raised by the former manager. In January last year, on the deadline day of the transfer window, Alli decided to end his seven-year spell at Spurs and joined Everton. However, this move to Merseyside did not lead to a substantial improvement in his performance. Alli's agreement with Everton involved a free transfer initially, with the potential to reach £40 million based on certain performance-related conditions. In contrast, Alli's situation worsened when he was sent on loan to Besiktas only eight months later. Unfortunately, the switch turned sour quickly as Alli had a falling out with manager Senol Gunes, who publicly expressed disappointment with the player's lack of efficiency. Recently, Alli rejoined Everton and participated in pre-season training. However, it remains uncertain what role Everton manager Sean Dyche envisions for the midfielder in the future. Addressing Alli's recent struggles in his first press conference as Chelsea manager, Pochettino acknowledged the difficulties and expressed his intention to engage in a conversation with the 27-year-old to understand the root of the problem. "I hope to have some time to call and see because he is a great guy and I want to talk a little bit with him and hear," the Argentine explained. "I want to help him and see what is going on with him. He is still young. "And for sure he has the mentality. Now it’s a long time since I spoke to him but I want to contact him again and see what is going on." Given the significant tasks awaiting Pochettino at Stamford Bridge, some may find it peculiar that he wants to add the responsibility of keeping tabs on his former player. However, it could also be viewed as a testament to the strong bond between Pochettino and Alli, as well as Pochettino's proactive and involved approach to managing his players. Back in April, Everton manager Dyche commented on Alli's prospects of succeeding at Goodison Park but remained tight-lipped about his specific thoughts or plans regarding the player. "There isn’t anything other than getting him fit,” Dyche said. "I’ve heard all the noise, I’ve heard all the opinions and I’m pretty sure you’re aware that I like to make my own. But he needs to get fit. "I’ve met him but I haven’t seen him train, I haven’t seen him play for Everton, I haven’t seen him train with us every day." Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino bizarrely announces plans to help Everton flop Dele Alli Read the full article
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masaki-idy · 2 years
There are too much to cry for😭😭😭
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judebellswife · 2 years
Sonny pleaseee
summary: just a husband!sonny ig post
warning: english is not my first language & this is my first sonny fic so i hope you will love it!!! 💗
hm_son7 ✓
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Liked by katekanex, harrykane and 1.448.911 others
hm_son7 She’s Y/n Son now 😉
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y/username Oh stop it 🥰
hm_son7 ✓ @y/username Love love
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Liked by hm_son7, dele and 978.320 others
y/username Lights. Camera. Action
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hm_son7 ✓ I see you looking at P I C
y/username Sonny ah 😂
hm_son7 ✓ You must change your username to y/nson baby
y/username I will soon
sonny_kane @y/username Will you and Sonny gonna have kids soon? he’s so cute with kids, i think he’s ready to be a dada
y/username Haha he want to have a mini Son in the house BUT i just don’t think its the right time, kids might be little distraction for him especially at this time.
blue.son Tell Sonny that i love him so much
gennngg.92 아기가 곧 오기를 기다리고 있어요 🥳 *i’m waiting for a baby to come soon*
y/username 우리는 결혼생활을 즐기면서 이번에는 아이를 갖지 않기로 했습니다 😌😌 * we decided to enjoy our marriage and not have children this time*
dele ✓ Ooooh my Son is back
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y/username Having lunch with @katekanex, look who I just saw, my husband and @harrykane just passed our table without even seeing us sitting there 😃
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harrykane ✓ Oh shoot @hm_son7
hm_son7 ✓ Oh no
katekanex ✓ Gosh look at them 😂 @y/username
y/username They’re like kids when they’ve done something wrong 😂
hm_son7 ✓
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hm_son7 Happy Birthday to @wool_sol_luv
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sonnysonhm Sonny with kids literally are the cutest thing ever
gweeeop 🥺 Son Y/n give him a baby
haesoo_ya I need a Sonny in my life
hwasoo @__bykmj 🥺
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y/n_son Not feeling well 🥸 and someone feel bad for making me sick 💐
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spurrrrrr Y/n change her username 😝😝
hm_son7 ✓ Y/N SON 🫶
kattyadams Are you expecting? Just asking 🥺
spursofficial ✓ Uh oh will there be a new version of Sonny in the Spurs household
tot.tenham Wtf, @spursofficial here too 😂 Everyone love Sonny
hm_son7 ✓ 🦋🦋
hm_son7 ✓
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hm_son7 Get ready to be 아빠💗
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dele ✓ Congratulation my brother!!
sonny_the_papa You’re gonna be such a great dad Sonny
s0n7.s00m3 He must be really happy tho
hailleybailley I still remember when he hold his niece that was so adorable moment
y/n_son 🥹 Daddy Son
yougottabejokkig Nobody can hate this man, look look at him nice and humble person.. great dad
dele ✓
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dele This man right here gonna be a DADDY soon, congratz to you my best mate @hm_son7
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hm_son7 ✓ 😂
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y/n_son Here you go, you leave this in my 🐱 @hm_son7 🫶🏻
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hm_son7 ✓ My 아들 *son*
y/n_son MY 아들 TOO
hm_son7 ✓ Our 아들 😉
tottenham__ I think its time to reveal his name to sonny fan here
hm_son7 ✓ His name was Hyung-Woo Son (손형우)
dele ✓ Hey yo mate, let’s hang out with me and your dad
y/n_son Hey yo Dele, no mate. Sonny has a dad duty to do
hm_son7 ✓ No dad duty = No more going out 👍
jaeeunnkim 진짜 cute 🥰
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teeswrites · 2 years
As I know I would- SHM
As I know I would
She was replying to a friend who sent her a crap meme about the Queen's age. She hated those jokes about the old lady and it was the reason why her friends loved to annoy her. Her friend replied soon, making her laugh with his imbecile sense of humor. Son was talking with his physio and didn't notice her at first, but as soon as his eyes caught her image across the hallway when someone opened the door to pass he made his best to rush the conversation, without being impolite or disrespectful, of course. Finally free, he walked in a cool tempo, so it didn't seem he was in a rush, even though his heart was running a marathon inside his chest.
He opened the door with one hand, cautiously, and even if he tried to hide how much glad he was in seeing her, his face wouldn't let him. She was entrained with her cellphone, so beautiful laughing at whatever it was on the screen. He took a deep breath, holding the air, trying to find the courage to say something, and held his shoulder with his free hand, a bottle of water on the other, finally letting the air go out "always on the phone" she stopped laughing and looked up, smiling instantly when saw it was he "hey!" they stared at each other eyes, the cellphone screen blocked, she didn't seem to care, he was there, in the same room, breathing the same air, she didn't expect to see him in that day. "I... maybe it's Dele's disease, I spend a lot of time with him" he chuckled "It might be, but I think that's is you making up excuses" neither of them moved an inch since he walked into the room "excuse for what, Mr?" she dared, arching an eyebrow and placing a hand on her waist "Don't know. DMing guys?" he dared back and it worked, because she blushed "I don't... I mean I do DM guys, but..." she was nervous, he adored and finally decided to take the opportunity to approach her "I do not DM them with second intentions, they're just friends or coworkers and..." he was too close, she needed a pause to breathe. His gaze caught hers and his free hand left his shoulder to caress her hair, "and?" "and... you look so good in this tank top" he giggled, smiling in a way his eyes looked even more almond-shaped than already were "thanks" he muttered "I was replying to a friend that is married about a meme. A bad one." he chuckled still caressing her hair "I don't care" "I wasn't flirting" "I am not accusing you to flirt with anyone" the way he was so calm was annoying her, a lot "I don't want to flirt with anyone" "why not? You're so attractive" she smiled shyly and giggled "because I have a thing for the idiot in front of me" she poked his chest with one hand and he laughed "oh, I was just annoying you" he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her for a hug "you're very good at it" she cooed against his chest making he laugh.
They stayed hugged for a few more seconds "oh, you're so sweaty" he took a step back and undid the hug "it wasn't a complaint" "but I am sweaty. What are you doing here by the way?" "I'll give Mademoiselle Dele a ride, and you?" "I was training and then went to physio and..." she bit her lip and giggled of course he was in there for training he was a Spurs player "very funny" he rolled his eyes "what happened to Dele's car?" "Nothing. We're going out shopping and I said I'd pass by" "shopping?" "Yeah! Buy an expensive shoe for my sister's birthday" he grinned, shaking his head lightly "you're so infected with Dele's disease" she giggled "I told you" they stared at each other eyes again. He cleaned his throat "I... I must go take a shower and go home, you know?" "Sure. You must be tired" "yes. Good shopping for you and Dele" she smiled "thanks! Good resting for you" he smiled, touching her hand lightly and giving it a squeeze "bye" he said as a whisper "bye bye". He turned to leave, his fingers almost completely not touching hers anymore when she held his hand and pulled it like a child trying to catch their mom's attention "wait" "hum?" "You forgot something" "what's it?" she put her cellphone inside her pocket and touched his face, rubbing his cheek with her thumb lightly and leaning closer to kiss his lips.
He was paralyzed and hypnotized as he always was in her presence, but kissed her back immediately. She wasn't actually allowed to kiss him, due to his own rules, but it couldn't feel more right what she was doing at that moment. What they were doing. But he parted, cause if they kept kissing he would want more and it was forbidden. If he stayed with her, he would never be able to completely focus on football again. He looked inside her eyes, not sure of what he was about to say, but it didn't matter anyway, because he couldn't say anything, it felt too right for him as well. Instead, he leaned for another kiss, just as he knew he would if he kissed her once, even for a few seconds. With all his strength he parted his lips from hers and turned to leave "hey..." she started "don't you dare" she grinned "see you?" "If I'm lucky enough" he said already passing through the door. She chuckled, sucking on her own lips trying to drain the last reminisces of his taste from it, and shook her head, already grabbing her phone to reply to her poor friend that was left on the read.
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wintersoldierwhore · 3 years
𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 — tom holland
summary: both you and tom grew up supporting different football teams, and they finally go head to head.
warnings: swearing, tom and reader being competitive
notes: so i know tom has never disclosed what team he supports, but judging by his Instagram following, my bet is tottenham. and that’s who he will be supporting in this fic. also, im sorry if you’re not a fan of Villa, but reader will be supporting them.
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Growing up, your family were huge football fans. It was in your blood. You, along with the rest of your siblings, were all taken to football games for your birthday gifts. You always made sure to get the new kits that were released. It was a thing your family bonded over.
But upon meeting Tom, you quite often disagreed. You met through a mutual friend, Harrison, watching a Tottenham game at the pub. Harrison had warned you both about the other, stating that football was a big thing for the both of you. Tom thought it wouldn’t be an issue, as he assumed you only tagged along because you support Tottenham.
“So,” Tom called over the constant pub chatter, “pretty good game, huh?” You just nodded sarcastically, taking another sip of your vodka orange. Tom could see you looked bored, but if you were such a massive football fan, why weren’t you cheering it on? Tom bit his tongue until you returned to the bar for a refill.
“Mate. Why does she seem bored out of her mind?” Tom questioned his friend, no longer paying attention to Kane’s elite footwork. Harrison laughed, shaking his head at Tom’s lack of awareness.
“Tom,” Harrison inquired as his laughter died down, “how would you feel if you were watching a game with two teams you don’t support?” Tom couldn’t believe his ears, he looked visibly confused as you walked back to the table you were sitting at.
“You said she was a fan.” Tom stated.
“Of football. Not Tottenham.” Harrison replied, seeing the smug look on your face. Tom didn’t hate people who weren’t fans of Tottenham, he didn’t care. But Harrison was trying to set you both up.
“So what team do you support?” Tom questioned, turning his attention to you. The score was currently 2-1 to Tottenham, with just 10 minutes of the 90 minutes left.
“Aston Villa.”
Tom chuckled, folding his arms. “Come off it,” he joked. Like anyone would if someone they knew supported a different team, you’d wonder why. And when Tottenham had won, it was all you heard about for the rest of the evening.
But somehow, you managed to get this weirdly competitive relationship off the ground. You’d regularly go out to the pub to watch the other team play, and be happy for each other if they won. Moving in together proved a difficult challenge too.
“You are not having your signed Grealish shirt on the wall,” Tom declared, “especially not in our bedroom.” You just rolled your eyes, turning to put it back into the box you had it in, your eyes catching his Tottenham signed calendar above your bed.
“But you’re allowed that?” You yelled, a smile covering your face, “I’m not being funny, but I don’t necessarily want to stare up at Dele Alli when we have sex.” Tom laughed, reaching for the calendar after your good point had been made.
“Hey, it’s where your eyes go.”
“It’s not fair though.” You reasoned. “I met Grealish to get this, you just went to WHSmiths.”
No amount of months together prepared you for this moment. Tottenham vs Aston Villa. Days of having dinner at Tom’s family home, watching as they celebrated Tottenham’s victory. Tom sitting uncomfortably in your garden, as you and your family cheer and hug each other after Villa brought it home. Nothing could prepare for this match.
You’d woken up early that day, tense as you knew one of you would be going to bed grumpy that night. You stared at the signed Grealish shirt that was hung in your kitchen, a few meters away from Tom’s Spurs one. Why were you nervous? You weren’t the one playing.
The tension was straining your usual time spent with Tom, you were both nervous, and knew that it was either you or him that would storm upstairs and hide under the duvet until tomorrow morning. Tom had stayed out of your way, kissing your cheek as you passed him throughout the day. Match time was slowly approaching, you were wearing your Villa shirt and sitting on the couch with your knees to your chest. You overplayed your confidence today, but you’d never tell Tom that.
“Ready?” Tom questioned, sitting comfortably beside you. This was bound to change the second kick-off started, so you snuggled in. This might be the last of happy Tom you’ll see for the rest of the game. All you did was nod, diving into the food that lay on the coffee table.
You were stress eating, watching the players kick the ball between them, Spurs players beginning to take possession. Within 8 minutes, Bergwijn had scored, taking Tottenham up a point. You weren’t scared yet, they hadn’t won. Tom was cheering, taking a swig of beer as he sat down in content. Very cocky for the first goal.
In the 19th minute, you were polishing off the bag of Doritos, clutching the sewn-on badge on your left breast, and rising to your feet whenever you were close to scoring. You were curling your toes in agony, when you’d noticed Spurs were playing dangerously close to their own goal. And as if on cue, Reguilon put the ball in his own net, bringing it to 1-1. You leapt from your current position, kissing the badge you proudly wore and jumping for joy. Glancing at a sour looking Tom in the corner, you giggled.
“It was an own goal,” he stated, knowing it wasn’t too harsh to say that to you, you could take a joke after all, “it’s not like your team scored.” You were surprised at your boyfriend’s attitude, laughing it off and sitting back down.
“What does that say about your team, huh?” You remarked, smirking back at him and redirecting your attention back to the game.
It was nearing half time, with just 6 minutes to go, you were biting your lip as Watkins edged closer to the goal. 39 minutes in and you were up 2-1, Tom still looking very sour. You pouted at him, giggling at his poisoned mood. Tom was a salty boy, but your team was winning so who cared? Finally, as half time was announced, you’d gotten up and bolted to the bathroom, scorning yourself for drinking a whole bottle of water with the panic you were enduring beforehand.
Tom waited anxiously for you to return, texting his family group chat in the meantime, discussing the own goal and how it wasn’t too late to bring it back. Tom didn’t really mind whether Spurs won or lost, the most he’d be would be bummed out. To see you happy would be a win in his book, even if it was at the expense of his ego.
The second half was pretty bland, a few offsides, and Tottenham taking the lead with possession. But none of that mattered when Villa was 2-1 up. In the 73rd minute, Grealish was substituted off for Luiz. They were subbing off your star player, the captain of Villa. You’d met him a few times, and you were starstruck, to say the least. You’d gotten a picture with him and to this day, it remained as your profile picture on Instagram.
The game was essentially over, you were relaxing against the couch, enjoying the Villa win early. Tom was fiddling with anything he could get his hands on, the current object being the couch cushions. The game had gone into extra time, you were waiting for the match to finish and Villa to be the winners of this match. You were already texting your family your celebratory emojis, cheering on your team.
“Fair play.” Tom mumbled, standing up and grabbing the various empty dishes on the coffee table. He was distracting himself from the disappointment. Feeling guilty after rubbing it in his face all game, you followed him to the kitchen and placed your hands onto his shoulders.
“Mr Holland,” you spoke quietly, you knew he’d never become furious with you or shout, it wasn’t him, “don’t be upset. They played a good game.” Tom chuckled and pulled you in, secretly happy to see you so happy. “Apart from the own goal, that was pretty atrocious.”
Earning a shove from Tom, you laughed and cupped his cheeks, looking into his beautiful eyes. “Hey, it doesn’t matter who won. Even if Spurs won, I’d be happy for you.” Tom was incredibly lucky, to have a girl like you. And he was feeling the appreciation as you spoke.
“But they didn’t. So I guess I’m extra happy.”
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avenirdelight · 4 years
dating sonny includes please ✨ it would be amazing if its long love ur writings 💖
sorry i took a little break and i just read this today😭 it’s my first time doing this. i hope you like it🥺 thank you for requesting and thank you for liking my writings!💙🤍
Dating Sonny Includes
HIM BEING PROTECTIVE!!! It surprises everyone (including you) that the bright and bubbly sunshine would turn to be a very serious person when it comes to taking care and protecting you.
He never lets go of your hand when you two are out in public, as if he wants the world to know that you belong to him and he belongs to you.
Him touching your cheek!!! He just loves it. A soft touch/rub with the back of his hand. When he walks around the house and see you sitting in the living room? He stops just to touch your cheek. When you guys in the car and stop at the red light? He glances at you and touches your cheek. It’s countless how many times he does it when you guys cuddle in a movie night.
You ruffling his hair. Sometimes when he’s being tooooo adorable you would playfully, slightly yank his hair. He would act hurt and ask for kisses on his head. And lips. A lot of it.
His pouts are your weakness. It’s always so hard for you to say no to him when he persuades you with a pout in his adorable face.
You two having a double or triple date with Dele or Ben and their partners. (And Dele saying “FINALLY we can involve Sonny in these things now.”)
You wearing his jersey when you go to Spurs matches, feeling so proud when you hear the fans chant his name and when you see his name written on all the stadium’s screens every time he scores. Sometimes you cry because you’re overwhelmed by the love people have for your man.
It’s always so easy for him to make you laugh. He has endless jokes and mischievousness that you really have to keep up at the first stages of your relationship. Then you start to joke like him and his friends don’t know whether it’s a good or a bad thing to have “2 Sonnys”.
But sometimes he would make you upset because he jokes too much when you’re not in the mood. He would stop it immediately and gives you cuddles to make you feel better.
He rarely gets mad, but he’s really scary when he’s mad. No matter whether it’s you or him who approaches each other first after an argument, he always starts with an apology for being mad at you.
Him introducing you to the wondrous world of Korean cuisine which you fall in love with. So you treat yourself with Korean food so often and every time he’s like “Oh my god! Again???”
You having Korean cooking lessons from his mom that he doesn’t know about. You start to surprise him by adding one or two Korean food in the menu every time you cook for him. He’s so happy about it, always praising you and even though you messed up some of the recipes, he never complains about it.
His super sweet and tender kiss that gives you butterflies. It’s his way to tell you how much he loves you and that you’re his number one, his one and only.
please send in more requests for dating includes and a-z fluff!🥺
My Masterlist🤍
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seabiscuit15 · 3 years
Exciting Times For Eric
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Eric Dier is excited at what he sees as a new chapter at Spurs.
It’s seven years since the defender first arrived at Hotspur Way, then just 20, from Sporting Lisbon. Now preparing for his eighth season with us, Eric is up to 279 appearances in all competitions, has featured in three cup finals, including the Champions League Final, helped us to four top four finishes, earned 45 England caps and captained Club and country.
Back in 2014/15, he was part of a new chapter himself, breaking through with fellow youngsters Nabil Bentaleb, Harry Kane, Ryan Mason and Andros Townsend, and soon to be joined by the likes of Toby Alderweireld, Dele and Heung-Min Son for 2015/16. That summer, 10 senior players departed.
A number of Eric’s team-mates and close friends over the last seven years have now waved goodbye - the likes of Mousa Dembele, Christian Eriksen, Jan Vertonghen, Toby Alderweireld and Erik Lamela - as we build again under Nuno Espirito Santo.
“Players who have been here a long time have left, there are new faces coming in and a new manager, so it definitely has the feeling that we’re at the beginning of a new chapter,” Eric told us this week. "I think it's something to be very excited about.
“I look at it very positively, coming off the back of a couple of difficult seasons. It’s early days, a lot of work to be done, relationships to be built, but I’m very positive about where things are at, very positive about the work we’ve put in so far.
“For me, it was a bit strange when Christian and Jan left, because these are people I’d spent a lot of time with, even more so outside football. Now Toby and Coco have left as well. I’ve only known Tottenham with Coco! He was another guy I was close to.
“At the same time, we all know it’s part of football. From a young age, we’re used to it, and there are a lot of guys I’m still close to and we’ll all also build new relationships, which is nice and refreshing as well. Changes are all part of football, part of life.”
Monday represents seven years to the day since Eric waltzed through West Ham’s defensive line to slot home an injury time winner on his debut at Upton Park. He followed that up with another goal on his home debut against QPR the week after and in an impressive first season, made 36 appearances in all competitions.
“I can’t believe it’s seven years,” he added. “I’m still only 27 as well! It’s been a long time, some incredible moments, incredible highs, some tough lows... it’s been a fantastic journey so far. I’ve met people who will be friends for life, regardless of football, built relationships, and it’s not the end! We’re talking like it’s the end! I want to experience even better moments.
“I’ve grown up a lot here. I was 20 when I arrived, very young, and experienced a lot of different things since then which shape you, a lot of experiences professionally and personally. I feel I’ve changed in a positive sense, and I’m striving to improve in every way I can.”
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kylewalker-peters · 2 years
thinking about your bake off AU....... me and claudia were discussing an F1 version i would personally love ur thoughts on this
this is genuinely the best au ever and i can never do it justice but here's some ideas i have
this is so hard because there's like 50 million footballers and 20 spaces in this god awful sport. and i also don't wanna do like just a straight comparison either cause the idea of comparing any footballer to lewis... i'd throw my own self in jail
right so i dont care about taa at all but you do so in light of the southgate news he's giving the vibe of "guy who won junior series in his rookie or second season, got to like alpha tauri and then was overlooked for a promotion to one of the big teams in favour of everyone else" despite somehow winning a race in a shitbox of a car and if southgate was in charge would probably be sent off to fe or indycar or something to free up a seat.
okay i know i said i wouldnt do comparisons but sadly i DO think though not at all equal deccy would end up being the danny ric of the grid like un four chew nat lee he does have the charismatic appeal and also the glow up. outside of that comparison i think he ends up being a solid midfield driver, there's always rumours of him making the step up but everywhere is already taken and the contracts never align and people just don't want to spend money buying him out because it'd be so high because he's so key for said midfield team so he gets a couple wins but he never challenges for a championship. OR i'd argue grealish could fill that danny role but i truly truly do not think that man would be smart enough to remember what all the buttons on that steering wheel do. like it's just not happening is it... i can suspend disbelief in an au only for so long. he'd crash trying to push one button cause he'd look down trying to find it rather than remembering to concentrate on the bloody track
if i give spurs players past and present some championships the way i cannot give them trophies at spurs erm... look away. but also dembele wins like 1 championship but is forever an underrated driver and people don't appreciate his racecraft but other drivers on the grid hate to battle him because they know he's sooooo good. wait jan and mousa teammates yeah!!!!!!!!! they win a championship each. gonna say harry and son are teammates at some point and absolutely DOMINATE because the work SO well together and helping to develop the car. dele and eric ARE teammates when dele first breaks into the sport like they WERE the blueprint back in the day we cant ignore. would have dele and son as teammates but it'd only be for like half a season and then dele's arc gets DEPRESSING!!!!!!! it's like if pierre had been demoted to alpha tauri and then flopped there too and been demoted out of the series altogether. i do think richy and romero as opponents but also actual teammates era would leave them like ocon and perez bitchy tweets and all because there wouldn't be the need for getting along that they have rn and that's important to me.
sissoko is a FLOP like nicky latifi but arguably maybe worse, has one good season but just fully is not a good use of a seat but then he goes to a different obscure series i cant think of and does well because i said so and also i'd be sat at home rooting for him even as he finishes 3 laps down and calling him the GOAT. no wait it's like when he scores he gets a podium and i'd have passed out and filmed the ceremony like i was literally there.
winksy and international baby girl kinda scream "i was ripped off with the promise of an f1 seat by zak brown and all i got was this stupid t-shirt" and then stay in indycar or something
maguire drives for like fucking haas or something and you genuinely do not know what he'll do. he seemed fine, decent, good even in junior formula and got his big move to f1 and just lost the plot. he's either anonymous in races or is being a Menace but even in his quiet races there's always the anticipation that he'll smash into another driver just to make himself feel better. like there is Always the chance of a safety car or a red flag if he's starting either because he's crashed into someone else or just decided to take himself into the barriers. you don't want to drive against him because you don't want to blink and suddenly have DNF-ed because of him.... but he also might get a penalty that boosts you up the grid without puncturing all 4 of your tyres somehow so... swings and roundabouts
marco reus is one of those goated goated goated drivers maybe we'll say he's like a lifelong ferrari fan like he is bvb and he signs to their academy and does well in junior series and spends the odd season at sauber/alfa and when he gets to ferrari everyone's like oh shit here we go and then the car is absolute CRAP but he simply wont abandon ferrari. like he's there forever he's the ride or die for that stupid team and instead of injuries we'll say it's constant DNFs and so he never wins a championship but he's hands down one of the biggest what if drivers. he's also so kind to younger drivers and if he can guide them in any way to make sensible contract decisions and help them mentally not pin everything on winning championships then he will.
like i hate ferrari but dare i say then here comes jude bellingham starboy?..... no i shall. he wins f3 and f2 as rookies at a super duper young age (rather than skipping junior categories like a certain dutchman) and ends up in the sauber by the time he's 17, in the ferrari by 18 and teammates with marco. if the ferrari garage was competent and the car wasn't a pile shit it'd be embarrassing for other teams... sadly that isn't the case. they make the best out of a bad situation and the genuine talent both of them possess drags that team to places it shouldn't be. marco is coming to the end but still got it and while still competitive he'll retire before he has to find a lower team. very much a mentor to jude as he progresses in as much as you can be in an individualistic yet team based sport. think we still see jude's temper sometimes flare up though over his career he deffo gets a hold of it and he deffo calls his engineer fucking shit at one point for a bad strategy but i also think he's not content to stick with ferrari if they're going to be rolling the circus into town every week and unlike marco WOULD jump to merc if they suddenly started outperforming (anyway this got too close to real life so let's leave that there)
as much as i hate to say this about my best friend erling, he's giving me red bull driver vibes I'm so sorry to myself and also him.
WAIT i've only made players drivers lemme see if any would be good engineers. maybe it's just because every tom dick and harry says he's smart but like i DO see ben davies being a good engineer maybe he can be sonny's. or wait hang on maybe i make dier dele's engineer rather than teammate hang on wait no hang on let's do that instead. i know there's nothing but hot air and joe rogan quotes up there but i think that would actually be soooooooooo perfect.
conor coady and tyrone mings are absolutely engineers and they work on the same team just managing a driver each and the social media/marketing team is constantly bullied into releasing footage with them after people clock they're not only fit but also good mates. so it'll be a video with drivers being silly and then INSTANTLY the exact same video concept but with those two.
jordan pickford either engineer or deranged team principle that is good at his job but also calls someone the c word over the radio and causes the PR team a sleepless week trying to deal with it.
dare i say hugo is the dilfy team principal who leads his team to like 10 championships in a row? yes i will.
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soccerdailyuk · 1 year
Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino bizarrely announces plans to help Everton flop Dele Alli
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Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino bizarrely announces plans to help Everton flop Dele Alli Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino has expressed his desire to contact Dele Alli soon in order to connect with the struggling former Tottenham player. Since his time at Spurs under the guidance of Jose Mourinho, Alli's career has experienced a significant decline, partly due to concerns about his off-field lifestyle raised by the former manager. In January last year, on the deadline day of the transfer window, Alli decided to end his seven-year spell at Spurs and joined Everton. However, this move to Merseyside did not lead to a substantial improvement in his performance. Alli's agreement with Everton involved a free transfer initially, with the potential to reach £40 million based on certain performance-related conditions. In contrast, Alli's situation worsened when he was sent on loan to Besiktas only eight months later. Unfortunately, the switch turned sour quickly as Alli had a falling out with manager Senol Gunes, who publicly expressed disappointment with the player's lack of efficiency. Recently, Alli rejoined Everton and participated in pre-season training. However, it remains uncertain what role Everton manager Sean Dyche envisions for the midfielder in the future. Addressing Alli's recent struggles in his first press conference as Chelsea manager, Pochettino acknowledged the difficulties and expressed his intention to engage in a conversation with the 27-year-old to understand the root of the problem. "I hope to have some time to call and see because he is a great guy and I want to talk a little bit with him and hear," the Argentine explained. "I want to help him and see what is going on with him. He is still young. "And for sure he has the mentality. Now it’s a long time since I spoke to him but I want to contact him again and see what is going on." Given the significant tasks awaiting Pochettino at Stamford Bridge, some may find it peculiar that he wants to add the responsibility of keeping tabs on his former player. However, it could also be viewed as a testament to the strong bond between Pochettino and Alli, as well as Pochettino's proactive and involved approach to managing his players. Back in April, Everton manager Dyche commented on Alli's prospects of succeeding at Goodison Park but remained tight-lipped about his specific thoughts or plans regarding the player. "There isn’t anything other than getting him fit,” Dyche said. "I’ve heard all the noise, I’ve heard all the opinions and I’m pretty sure you’re aware that I like to make my own. But he needs to get fit. "I’ve met him but I haven’t seen him train, I haven’t seen him play for Everton, I haven’t seen him train with us every day." Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino bizarrely announces plans to help Everton flop Dele Alli Read the full article
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
Fav deledier moments pleeease ? Thank you soo much♡
Anytime I get a Deledier ask I'm like, "You guys are still here?!" Thank you for thinking of me <33 In no particular order: 💘 [Dele is asked who he would take for his first skydiving experience] "Eric. Because if it messes up then we're both going down together." 💘 "The highlight of my year... meeting you." - Dele (Eric's "Nah, seriously." gets me every time. </3) 💘 "I don't think you can look for love. I think it finds you." - Dele 💘 Eric telling the reporter from Football Focus that his father taught him to "treat them mean, keep them keen" when describing his relationship with Dele (Jeremy Dier is a LEGEND.) 💘 Holding hands with a rainbow overhead after the last match at White Hart Lane 💘 Eric knowing Dele's pre-match meal by heart (including the Weetabix!) 💘 Everything that happened in the aftermath of Eric's pen against Colombia during the 2018 World Cup - Dele pulling Eric out of the pile (grabbing the sides of his head), the kissper, Dele jumping into Eric's arms once they had a moment alone, and, ofc, Dele giving Eric his shirt so he wasn't giving an interview while half naked on live tv 💘 That time Eric protected Dele from Emre Can 💘 Dele admitting not once, but twice, that he'd want to bring Eric on a desert island with him because he knows how to cook and would be able to help Dele survive 💘 separation anxiety @dele 💘 The one time they showed up to St. George's Park together for England camp post-WC, but for some reason we never got to see them interact with the staff in the lobby... 💘 HARIBO. That's it. That's the clue. 💘 "How well does Dele know Eric Dier?" quiz 💘 we owe danny rose for this 💘 "Eric's cooked for me a few times. I'm not a very good cook. I would cook for him, but it's probably not safe." (WHAT WAS THE QUESTION???) 💘 Out of the blue on a Saturday in April 2020 Dele posts a story that reads: "@ericdier15 got 1/10 on that 'how well do you know me’ quiz and i am not happy about it”  Eric reposts and captions it: “I know you better than you know yourself 😂” 💘 I cannot omit the insta live because that will most likely never happen again and we were blessed to have lived it in real time
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💘 arcade!date the week before Eric’s birthday in january ‘18, particularly “you are so good to me, aren’t you?” 🙈 💘 Eric including a photo of he and Dele on vacation in mykonos for his ‘highlights of 2017′ insta post  💘 Eric going to sit with Dele after he was subbed during Spurs match against Leipzig in February 2020 💘 this moment after the win against ajax that people don’t like to mention, lmao  💘 that time dele was carefully inspecting eric’s head for debris/signs of injury while being filmed at SGP (and Dele tapped Eric’s back so he’d know the camera was *right there*)  💘 GOGGLEBOX 💘 “Eric’s delivery boy.” // “You’re his PA now, I heard.”  ...and the list goes on. And on. And on.  I might not reblog/post about them as often anymore, but they are forever my babies and I hope summer 2021 is kinder to them than ‘19 & ‘20. (I anticipate ~drama~, though! Big bro wouldn’t have it any other way.)
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jamesmaddiscnx · 4 years
Could you do something about all or nothing with dele
request prompt: a dele imagine based off of their documentary, 'all or nothing'.
word count: 475
warnings: none
category: fluff
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The Tottenham Hotspur documentary was one that had been long awaited in the football world. After the season that Spurs had had last season with the sacking of Pochettino, the appointment of Mourinho and the battle for a European spot, the whole world had its eyes on the London club and excited to see what exactly had gone on behind the scenes.
You knew what had been going on though without seeing the documentary. You heard everything first hand from Dele, your boyfriend, as well as a few of the other boys on the team.
Now, the documentary was out and due to the global pandemic, you were watching it on the large couch in your London home with Dele by your side.
You weren't quite sure what to expect. You had seen the cameras swarming Hotspur Way for months now but you didn't know what would make the documentary and what would be cut.
You and Dele were going to binge all of the episodes back to back. What else could you do when you were living in lockdown?
Suddenly, Dele appeared on the screen talking to the camera about his ambitions as a player and his ambitions for Spurs.
"It's a massive club. We need to be aiming for Europe at the minimum and I want to help them do that." He spoke into the camera, obviously having just been asked the question by the guys behind it. It made you smile, proud of the player and the person that your boyfriend had become.
You had been with Dele through thick and thin. When things got tough, you were his support system and when things were the best that they possibly could be, you were by his side, enjoying every moment with him.
"I think a big part of my development is to do with my girlfriend. She's always there, pushing me to be the best that I can be and I really appreciate her doing that for me." The faintest of smiles appeared on his face that was on the TV screen and as you turned to face your boyfriend who was sitting beside you, you were able to see the blush that had appeared on his face.
"You're cute." You kissed his cheek softly before turning back to the screen, not wanting to dwell on the subject and embarrass him any further.
Dele loved you dearly, he always let you know how much he loved you and although he didn't shout it from the rooftops since he was normally quite private about your relationship, you knew how much he loved and appreciated you. It just so happened that PDA wasn't his scene.
You snuggled back into his side, taking his hand into your own and playing with his fingers as you both continued to watch the documentary that was on screen.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
hi anon! i am so sorry about how late this is! i hadn't even realised how far behind i was until i saw that this was supposed to be about the spurs documentary 😳
anyway, i hope you enjoyed it! as always, my requests are still open so if you want to request, just send me something via my ask inbox since my dms don't work.
enjoy and stay safe!
lots of love, e x
tags: @harrywinksyx @kingkepa @glam-khal @alexajanecollins @kierantierncy
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