#I want the superpower to break every single mirror and camera in the world
sodacowboy · 1 month
“do this to depuff your face!!” and she’s like 22 :|
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shinobicyrus · 6 years
A late entry for Phanniemay Day 23: Wardrobe. This may or may not have come from a draft I never finished back in 2016....Still counts!
“Nuh-uh. I am drawing a line at makeup.”
Maddie still held the...makeup...pen...thingy in her fingers like a surgeon’s scapel. “A little mascara can go a long way, Danielle.”
“So it can go on without me,” Dani crossed her arms mutinously. She’d have crossed her legs too but they were cold and too-smooth and weird. Not to mention her scalp was still raw from Maddie’s merciless regimen of washing, straightening, and combing Dani’s hair as though it had personally offended her. Probably submitted an article to a nerd-journal criticizing her research and called jumpsuits dumb.  
“I know that look,” Maddie rolled her eyes like she was the one suffering, but still returned the makeup back into the military-style hardcase she’d pulled the thing out of and snapped it shut. Oh, thank God.
“Danny give you the same look when you put him in a dress and pulled his brain out from his roots?”
“Picture day. Fourth grade. He had a black eye and absolutely refused to let me cover it with makeup. He just wanted to stay home.”
“How’d he get the black eye?”
“Some boy probably gave it to him at school, but he never said.”
“That’s because you would have raised hell about it and tattling just makes it worse,” Danny leaned against the doorway to Dani’s room, not quite crossing into it. Either it was respect to Dani’s personal space or some old holdout instinct back when it used to be Jazz’s room and entry portended big-sister lectures. 
“You know,” he said, failing to suppress a grin. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a dress. Like, ever.” 
“Go make out with a Thermos, jerk.” Dani fussed with the hem of her dress. “I look stupid.”
“You look lovely, Danielle,” Maddie nudged a stray bang away from Dani’s face. She always did that, without fail: used Dani’s full name every single time. “Although I wish you’d waited for me instead of trying to shave your legs yourself.” 
“I think the Fenton band-aids really bring the whole outfit together,” Danny said, because of course he got to wear a nice, comfortable black suit and a tie that matched the blue of his eyes. 
Dani flipped him the bird, putting a little ecto-flame at the fingertip for good measure. Hell yeah, Superpowered Eff-You, for when a normal Eff-You just wasn’t enough. “Why can't I be the one that gets the wear a suit? Everyone knows Danny can pull of a dress better than me.”
“Oh I am going to kill Tucker he swore he deleted those pictures!”
Maddie clenched her fists, gloves creaking dangerously. “Because the school board are a pack of anachronistic, narrow-minded, uptight little suburban dingbats that are lucky I limit my violence to the already dead.” 
Danny and Danielle stared. 
Remembering herself, Maddie put an apologetic hand on Dani’s shoulder. “I’m sorry we didn’t have more time, sweetie. Maybe by the time it’s your prom, you can wear whatever you like.”
Dani snorted. By the time her prom came around, everyone else would already be graduated. “Yeah, great. Who would I even go with?”
Danny cleared his throat conspicuously and made a few covert, ‘no no don’t go there’ gestures to Maddie that Danielle couldn’t see.
“But you can still have fun tonight, can’t you?” Maddie tried to cheer her up.  “I know it’s not ideal, but your fath...Jack stayed up all night getting your dress ready for tonight. There’s no harm in giving it a try, is there?”
Guiltily, Danielle gave Maddie her most reassuring smile. Both of them ignored her slip of the tongue. As long ago as it felt, three years wasn’t all that much time- even if it was more than half of Dani’s pathetically brief existence. 
Coming to terms with their son being half-ghost was one thing, but finding out they had a clone-daughter? It wasn’t like she was a traditional surprise-child from faulty birth control or some torrid affair. She was the result of genetic piracy; the world’s most fucked-up copyright infringement.  
They didn’t have to take her in. They didn’t owe her anything, and they still went through all the trouble of making a fake paper trail so she could do 'normal’ things like go to school- which Danielle was personally not a fan, but even Danny told her it was ‘important.’ It was a small price to pay for a soft bed and three square meals a day. 
(Mads had been aghast that she’d had been crashing at Val’s apartment on and off for months, with Mr. Gray none the wiser. Jack had been mostly confused about Dani sleeping in a closet but equally adamant she come and stay ‘where she belonged.’)
She still couldn’t call them Mom and Dad. That was just. It was weird. Sometimes she wished she could. Then maybe she could pretend that she was...
But no. She wasn’t.  
So they were Maddie and Jack. Danny existed in some weird cousin/twin/ecto-brother continuum, why would things with his/their parents be straightforward? Technically, Dani didn’t need to stay at Fenton Works. If she wanted, she could grab her backpack and fly away, completely drop off the grid again. She had the power. It had been more than a temptation, once or twice. 
She stayed. They experimented and improvised and somehow invented a new species of family that had never existed before. It got bumpy. Sometimes there were fights. Jazz, away at Yale but always a phone call away, reminded her constantly that relationships weren’t about winning fights. You had to compromise. 
So Dani went to school, but stipulated permission to sleep over at Val’s, sometimes. They let her patrol with Danny, but only after homework. She let Maddie pretty her up, and Maddie didn’t push her hard about the makeup. Jack stayed up all night adjusting one of Jazz’s old dresses- the least Dani could do was wear it. Not like she had a closet full of other options. 
(Sam and Val had offered to take her shopping. The idea of Val watching her try on dresses...)
Danielle shook her head. “No. I guess I can try it. Just for tonight.”
“That’s my girl.”
It came out so naturally; Danielle flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and pride. 
With her door open into the hall, the sound of the front door opening carried upstairs, a voice familiar but muffled through floorboards calling out. 
“That must be Tuck,” Danny said. “See you downstairs, I owe him a punch in the arm.” 
“I should get down there too,” Maddie said after Danny had left. “I promised Tucker’s mother pictures of the boys together in their suits. You come down when you’re ready, okay sweetie.”
 Smiling down at her ruefully, Maddie cupped Danielle’s face and planted a quick peck on her forehead. (The first time she’d tried to do that, Dani had panicked and Maddie had almost fallen face-first into the floor through her intangible head. Progress!)
After she left, Danielle sighed and smoothed down the dress as if it would improve things...and felt two weird bumps in the fabric around waist-high.
“Huh?” Patting herself down, Dani found a pair of hidden pockets woven seamlessly into the dress. Digging around this new discovery she found...a pack of sour candies labeled in marker with Jack’s sloppy handwriting: ‘Fenton Emergency Snacks!’
“Oh sweet! Pocket Candy!” It took every ounce of willpower not to tear into them right then and there, but she knew she’d definitely be needing them later in the night. Instead, she rifled around her room trying to remember where she left her phone- hidden in the folds of her Star Wars blanket, of course- and experimentally put it into her new kickass Jack-Pockets.
It slid in perfectly. Oh hell yes.
Normally Danielle shopped in the men’s section because the sizes made sense and the pockets were real, but she never considered going to Jack to get slightly girlier clothes altered after she got them. Not like dresses or anything, but Sam wore some pretty kickass skirts that Danielle was totally looking at purely for fashion tips and no other reason. She could always try that.
Her own reflection flashed her the corner of her eye, a swish of blue in the full-length mirror.
The dress wasn’t all that bad, really. Jack had done a great job. Knee-length, the same shade of blue as Maddie’s jumpsuit- which as it turned out matched Dani’s eyes pretty well. 
Her legs still itched like they were covered in cobwebs, feeling every miniscule little shift in the air, or when the hem of the dress brushed against her pale skin, cut smooth and dotted with bright greens and oranges. 
Yeah...the Fenton bandaids definitely were not flattering. 
Playing with her phone reminded her she still had a promise to keep. Pulling up the camera function, she stepped back, sized up the image of herself in the mirror, and took the picture. Deleted it, tried again by sticking out her tongue and making her eyes glow bitter, ghosty green. 
‘If you think this is bad, imagine if I’d let the Madd-Scientist break out the mascara’
The response pinged back in less than twenty seconds. 
JAZZ: You look adorable. I hear Red and Blue go great together ;)
Dani typed back, Quiet you, and pocketed  (yeeessss) her phone back into her dress before Jazz text jedi mind-tricked her to talk about feelings. Girl is freaky, sometimes. Below her feet, the telltale sounds of Danny-Tucker bickering soaked up through the creaky floorboards.
...welp, she was going to have to face the music eventually, right?
The house-rule against floating still couldn’t stop her from hopping downstairs two at a time, feet thumping loudly. 
Danny and Tucker were in the living room, arms around each other while Maddie and Jack were taking photos. Maddie was taking a few with Tucker’s phone while Jack was snapping pictures with an blocky, black camera that looked positively ancient. 
“Does that thing use film?” Danielle said incredulously. “Where do you even get that developed.” 
“We develop our own film!” Jack boasted. “The patented Fenton Emulsion(TM) not only lets us take cherished family memories, but also catalogue any lurking, invisible ghosts that might be photobombing!”
Before Dani could give that its proper response, Tucker gasped loudly and dramatically. “Oh. My. God. Danielle?! What happened to you?”
“Ha-ha so funny I’m in a dress wow I’m so glad we got to share this moment together and bond closer as friends.”
“You’re in a dress!” Tucker ignored her, hell-bent on milking this for all it was worth. Running to her like a distressed parent, he shook her shoulders. “Who did this to you Dani? It’s okay, you can tell me, I’m here for you.”
“This is because I told Danny about your embarassing picture stash, isn’t it?”
“There’s a stash?!”
“It actually looks good on you,” Tucker tapped his chin, pouting the thoughtful moue of a guy who spent a lot time designing his MMO characters’ outfits. “I think the bandaids-”
“Already made that joke,” Danny piped up.
“Dammit,” Tucker muttered, then remembered who else was in the room. “Uh...I mean ‘oh gosh darnit.’”
Maddie rolled her eyes. “Oh please, as if all three of you don’t swear like a pack of sailors on shore leave.”
“Darn right,” Danielle grinned at Tucker. “You don’t look half bad, Tuck.” She reached up and flicked the beret-red bow tie around his neck. “Look at you all snazzy.”
He did actually look pretty dang handsome, Dani had to admit. The striped shirt and the bow tie was a bit of a 90s- maybe it was an old suit of his Dad’s- but he filled out pretty well. Tuck may not have been going to the dance with a date, but Dani was willing to bet money that he’d get a couple of offers when they all got there.
“I thought we were supposed to be snazzy together though!” Tucker said. “We had a plan!”
“School board nixed it. No gals in snazzy suits, the world isn’t ready.”
“Well if it’s any consolation, I think you look beautiful.”
The complete, utter frankness he said it made Danielle’s cheeks redden. “I- Tuck...I-”
“Not as pretty as Danny if he was wearing it but-”
“Tucker I have invisibility powers and a long, long memory.” Danny warned him.
“Well Danny can’t have this dress it’s awesome and mine, check it:” She pulled out her phone and candy from its pockets.
“Hey!” Jack exclaimed. “You found the emergency snacks!”
“I did and it was awesome,” shuffling on uncertain feet, Danielle willed herself to cross the living room and threw her arms around him. He was still so big- her face was buried in his stomach and she could barely get his arms around him, and when he hugged her back it felt like being enclosed, his arms were so wide. 
(the ghost of a stolen childhood memory, Danny small and at an age before black eyes at school, when his dad was the smartest, strongest guy in the world and nothing bad could happen when you were in those arms)
“Thanks, Jack. You made dresses cool.”
“Yes! Hear that, Maddie? I’m cooool.” 
“Not what I said but I’ll let you have it.”
“The coolest, hun.” Maddie agreed, with the telltale sound of a shuttering camera. “And thank you for the new wallpaper.”
“Does this mean we’re finally done with the pictures?” Danny asked. 
“I suppose it makes sense to wait until the girls get here.” Maddie allowed. 
“Why are they the ones picking us up again?” Tucker piped in. “Like, isn’t it traditional for the guys to be picking up the girls?”
“Not when Sam sprung for a luxury party-limo.”
Tucker accepted this without hestiation. “Ha, take that gender norms.” 
Danielle fidgeted with the blue sash tied around her wait. “Did...uh...did they say when they were going to be here?”
The doorbell of course chose at that moment to chime; Danielle almost jump-floated to the ceiling.
Danny grinned at her smugly. “She might have mentioned it, yeah.”
Asshole. He gave their face a bad name.
"Oh fine, I’ll get it,” Tucker threw up his arms, muttering to himself all the way. “Not even my house but sure.”
Danny furtively adjusted his tie and smoothed his hands down his suit-jacket. Danielle failed to ignore the almost identical mannerism she’d used when double-checking her dress. 
God, they were dorks. 
They couldn’t see anything from the doorway, just Tucker standing in the hall and leaning in to hug someone. Stepping aside like a bowing gentlemen, he held open the door and-
Well, damn. 
“Oh Sam, you look wonderful,” Maddie gushed. “She looks lovely, doesn’t she Danny?”
It wasn’t as dark as Danielle guessed. The gown was a deep, smokey violet from the waist down; the two halves of a black bodice laced together in an intricate filigree that left just a sliver of suggestion of skin beneath a sheer, black fabric that also covered her bare, strapless shoulders like a mourning shawl. 
“Blugh,” was the limit of the words that Danny could manage.
“That good, huh?” Sam’s purple lips quirked. The mascara shadowing her eye sockets made the matching violet of her eyes that much more striking.
“Don’t forget to exhale, Danny,” Dani suggested in a sotto whisper.
A familiar voice carried through the door. “Okay, the driver said he’s fine with waiting while we take some pictures. My dad made me promise to take about three million pictures of us all before we- oh.” 
Valerie stood in the living room’s threshold, phone half-raised but completely forgotten in her hand. 
She was wearing a ruby red dress that flowed smoothly over her curves, flaring just above her knees and terminating in an upside down ‘V’ at her collarbone that tied subtly around her neck, leaving the sweep of her shoulders bare. The muscles of her arms stood out, firm and corded.  
Dani realized that Valerie was staring at her. This fact alone made her ten thousand times more aware that her legs were naked and bare and itching with phantom prickles oh God the band-aids why did she think it was a good idea to try shaving the night of-
“Uh. Hi.” Valerie cut through the screaming white noise filling her head.
“Blugh.” Danielle responded. Tucker gave her a thumbs-up. In the corner of her eye, she saw Danny fumble tying a purple corsage around Sam’s slender wrist.
“You look amazing,” Valerie told her. Dani found the movements needed for her full, red lips to make those words fascinating. 
Her throat felt unbelievable dry.
“It’s the band-aids!” Danielle blurted. “Really brings the whole outfit together!”
Valerie blinked, momentarily confused. Then she looked down. 
“Oh my God,” she laughed, hand flying to her mouth. “What did you do to yourself?”
“Mistakes were made.” Danielle admitted. “I have traced them back to the decision to wear a dress.”
“Doesn’t look like a mistake from where I’m standing.” Valerie smiled at her, which was all the permission Dani’s guts needed to start doing backflips in her belly. “And you can look forward to taking it off at the end of the night-”
She froze in mute horror the second the words left her mouth.
Danny and Sam’s heads swiveled, first to Valerie, then to Danielle, finally swinging around to Maddie, whose face had gone unreadably blank. 
Tucker had the manic look of a man who had been given a wonderful, wonderful gift.
“I swear,” Valerie said slowly. “I did not mean it to sound like that.”
“Make it sound like what?” Jack asked, genuinely confused. 
“I’ll tell you when you’re older,” Maddie told him.
The room was very quiet. Danielle slowly reached into her pockets and pulled out her emergency snacks. She tore open the packet and offered it to Valerie. “Topic change?”
“Please.” Desperately snatching the candy like a woman being carefully studied by a mother with access to high-powered weaponry, Valerie chewed through a handful of candies before realizing: “Wait...how does your dress have pockets?”
“Oh that was me!” Jack boasted. “Sewing isn’t that much harder than jumpsuit maintenance! I used to make all of Danny’s Halloween Costumes before he got too “cool” for it.”
Somehow, this quickly jumped into Sam insisting on seeing pictures of Danny dressed as an Astronaut or one of the Ghost Busters, which seamlessly steered back them standing all together while Maddie and Jack took more pictures; Danny with one arm around Sam’s waist and the other linked with Tucker’s, Valerie hugging Danielle from behind and resting her chin on Dani’s shoulder to fit both of them in frame. 
By some miracle consensus, no one said anything about Valerie’s hilariously and unfortunately-worded slip-up. 
All through the photos, and even as Valerie held her hand and walked with her out the door, Danielle felt at the pocket at her waist with her free hand, checking to make sure the Fenton Emergency Snacks were still there.
Yeah she really owed Jack big time, now. 
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rebuildhq · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
                        We shall create a new world order,                                                   for ourselves.
The government had promised a new beginning, swore that the Panel would begin anew, dedicated to the safety of superheroes and citizens alike. They claimed that New York’s streets would be cleaned, its buildings rebuilt, and the war forgotten. Rather than being spurred to action by the sudden disappearance of the Syndicate, they allegedly sat inside a small boardroom at an undisclosed location, discussing who could head their new organization, and what it would consist of.
Rather than learn from their past mistakes regarding rules and regulations, they filled pages upon pages of clauses, a lawyer nodding along in a corner, looking ecstatic.
“They must withstand tests to deduce their strength, speed, coordination and problem solving,” said one board member, looking pleased with himself.
It was then that three women entered the room, all familiar to the Panel members. The men wore mirrored expressions of shock, rattled by their mere appearance. They made a point of understanding their resources, Maria Hill was a master spy, Fury’s right hand woman, Jessica Drew was the infamous Spider-Woman, wielding venom blasts and perfecting allegedly impossible missions, and Mockingbird was a super-soldier, and a genius, having designed the serum herself.
Together, they ran the branch responsible for counterterrorism, ensuring their public was safety from any superpowered threats.
Together, they had stormed their boardroom.
Together, they levelled thinly veiled threats, and rewrote the rules for themselves, forcing each man in their own unique way to sign away his piece of the Panel in their names.
Simultaneously, each program was interrupted across New York, informing its citizens of breaking news. Some quickly turned off their TVs, unable to withstand any more horrific news, while others flipped to the required channel with rapt attention.
Before them stood a frail woman, her eyes wide, as she addressed her city, “We’ve just received news that the Panel has been taken over. An inside source claimed that three woman stormed their office, and have now taken control…” she trailed off, her eyes darting up there. “We’re just received word that there were no casualties or injuries in the process, but the Accords will never be the same.”
She paused again, putting a hand to her ear piece. Straightening, she feigned confidence, the composure of a newscaster with years of experience, rehashing tales of war and peace alike. “The women have released just released a statement confirming their identities and their intentions. We have the exclusive here. Dave, please show the public what they have said.”
An image flashed before the screen, unveiling the following:
Fellow Americans,
We understand that you’re worried for your safety. The Panel has caused a lot of pain, and it was beside the abuse of the people you idolize, some might be neighbours, some might be your children, but we assure you, this is a turning point. Together, we’ve rewritten the contract, allowing the heroes to keep their freedom if they choose to sign. We intend to operate as a team with no further military operation backing us.
We’ll be working in tandem with the Avengers and the Justice League and whoever else has plans to assist us. We’re on your side, we’re on your friends and families side, and we no longer tolerate any fear mongering.
Heroes identities, privacy, and freedom will be respected. The Accords are no longer means to control, but to help our planet thrive in the face of threats our security aren’t able to contain. With the discovery of aliens infiltrating our own government, we need to be united. Allow us to make this change, support those with the power to aid you, and encourage each and every person you know to take a stand against the corruption we face every single day.
Have a safe night,
Mockingbird, Maria Hill and Spider-Woman
As the message finished filling the screens, the news anchor was revealed again, a relieved smile upon her face. There was a softness in her gaze as she addressed the camera this time, “There you have it, everybody. The Panel is no longer being controlled by our government, but by the heroes themselves. I understand that might frighten some of you, but our city is truly turning over a new leaf. Goodnight, New York City.”
The room was crowded, filled to the brim with Skrulls both in their natural green form and already disguised as humans. In the front of the room stood a woman, dark hair covering her face partially. She wore a red outfit easily recognizable as the costume of Spider-Woman, and to the outer eye, that was who she was.
It would take Veranke time to get used to seeing this face in the mirror, she knew. She wasn’t accustomed to it yet. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever like it, even when she was more familiar with its features. She had never wanted to hide who she was, never wanted to conceal herself as something she wasn’t. Still, it was necessary. And using Jessica Drew would give her power. The woman was an Avenger, close to many of the world’s heroes who Veranke feared would cause them trouble later on. This way, she could learn of their plans before they were put into action. This way, she could fight back.
Straightening, Veranke cleared her throat, gathering the attention of room’s occupants. Instantly, a hush fell over the crowd. All eyes focused on the woman in front of the room; all attention was turned towards the queen. Veranke smiled at them, doing her best to look like the woman they all trusted despite the fact that her outward appearance had changed.
“When we predicted the end of Skrullos, we were laughed at,” she said, voice projecting throughout the room. “We faced ridicule, discrimination, and disbelief. When we were proven right, we received no pride in our victory. We lost our home, watched many of our own people die, and we were left isolated and desolate.” A murmur of agreement rippled through the crowd, and a few of the faces within her line of vision showed wide ranges of emotion. Anger, grief, desperation, all of it intensely relatable. No one knew the Skrulls’ pain the way Veranke herself did. She had suffered for her people, and though they loved her for it, the pain remained.
Running a hand through her hair, the queen continued. “If not for the help of others, we would have remained that way until our kind was wiped out entirely. We would have faded into nothingness on a world that would never have been our own. Never forget that we did not get to where we are on our own.” Without the help of Amora, without the portal she had opened for them, the Skrulls would have been lost. It was important that Veranke make her people remember that so when the time came, they would be willing to help her repay the favor. Veranke did not know what the Enchantress would ask for in return, but they needed to be willing to give it. They had to earn their place here, and Veranke intended to do it.
Pausing, Veranke looked over the crowd once more. They were intent, their eyes focused entirely on her and their postures rigid and at attention. They hung on her every word, waiting in bated breath for what she would say next. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy it. Veranke loved her people, but she loved the attention and respect they awarded her as well. She loved knowing that she was believed in, and she’d do anything to keep that faith. “You all know what we must do. This planet is vast, but it is not big enough to house our kind alongside the humans. Even if it were, they would not take to us kindly. They would treat us as second class citizens, hating us for our differences. You’ve seen how they react to even their own kind who are slightly different than the perceived norm. The way they treat their mutants, their inhumans, their metahumans and powered individuals will be considered a kindness compared to how they will treat us if we attempt to exist alongside them. If we want this planet, we must take it.”
Another murmur, low and uncertain but ultimately in agreement with Veranke’s statement. They’d observed Earth, after all, put one of their own in a powerful position to prepare for their arrival, and they’d seen the way humanity treated one another. They’d seen one of their own ruthlessly murdered because of the opinions he (and, of course, the man he’d initially replaced) expressed. They could not risk such a thing happening again.
“This will not be easy. They have many heroes who will wish to oppose us, many people with abilities who will use their power against us. If we want this planet for our own, if we want to survive, we need to take it quietly. We need to seize this world while their backs are turned. The invasion has already begun. Many of you here today are already in position in several places that will be useful to us later on. SHIELD, HYDRA, governments, police forces, these are all important groups to infiltrate. We still need more. We’ll be placing Skrulls in various positions among powered individuals. Avengers, X-Men, Justice League, the Brotherhood… We’ll need eyes on the inside of every one of these groups if we wish to make our plan succeed. I won’t lie to you; these positions will be among the most dangerous. This is why I myself have volunteered for one. I would not ask any of you to do anything that I myself am not willing to attempt. I won’t draft anyone into these groups. I need volunteers, people willing to lay down their lives so their people might live.”
Instantly, she saw faces steel, saw eyes harden and mouths draw into thin lines. She would have little issue getting Skrulls to take these positions. They were all eager to help their kind, eager to help the race survive even at the cost of their individual lives. Veranke felt a wave of pride wash over her at the knowledge.
“I will be accepting volunteers shortly, and I have a list of potential humans to be replaced on each team. I will allow you to choose your position if you have a preference. Thank you for your time and your attention. I know this is happening very quickly, but remember that it will be worth it in the end. Remember that we are right. He loves us.”
Jessica Drew was attacked, a staged operation by the Skrulls, the beginning stage of their plan for world domination. Veranke, the Skrull Queen, disguised herself as Jessica Drew and took over her identity.
Bobbi Morse and Maria Hill, accompanied by Veranke, disguised as Jessica Drew, infiltrated the Panel and forced its operator's hands to give them control. Together, they’ve pledged to the public a promise of a better future, filled with new rules (or lack thereof) for the heroes to band together in the face of the new alien threat against their planet.
After infiltrating the Panel, ensuring that Jessica had a front row seat in knowing both the Avengers’ and the registered heroes’ plans, Veranke addressed her people, calling them to arms. Together, the Skrulls will begin anew, starting with taking over their trusted leaders’ bodies.
You may be allowed to have your character taken over by Skrulls IF you message the main first with a thorough plan about what you intend to do. This is a major arc, and we expect our members to be dedicated to it! Your character’s natural form will be imprisoned, although they will not be killed. They may still act the same due to the fact that Skrulls have access to their memories, ensuring a natural manner.
Godmod! We understand that you know Veranke is Jessica, for example, but your characters don’t! Same with future players that have been taken over by Skrulls. Eventually, the plot with get to that point, but it takes time.
We love you and all and we truly trust that you all won’t interfere with any players arcs. Now, without further ado, let’s get to prompts!
Thanks to promise of the new Panel, Character A may want to sign! They had all the freedom in the world to act as their own entity, our heroes have just made it so they’re a team, working together against future threats. Character B may support this choice or dispute it, depending on their viewpoint.
Character A has already signed, but wants to get more involved thanks to the promise of a benign organization. Character B helps them with that quest, giving them duties and assigning differents tasks. (For a registered hero + one of the new leaders, preferably!)
Character A and B get into an altercation set up by the Skrulls and barely make it out (one may not, should you choose to discuss having them Skrulled with us!) This would be a grisly fight, due to the fact that they’re extremely intelligent beings, and fully intend on imprisoning your characters.
Character A has been captured by the Skrulls, unbeknownst to them, due to their human forms. Character B saves them in the nick of them, but unfortunately learns little about their new alien enemy.
**We understand that this is brand new terrain we’re embarking on. If anything is unclear, please message the main! We’re here to make this a wonderful experience for you all.
Now, get to plotting! The alien invasion is only beginning.
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kirishwima · 7 years
Get to know me tag!
Tagged by @teakoii​
1. What is your full name? Don’t really want to give out my full name on tumblr lol, but I’m Sophia (and if we’re going for embarrassing details, I got a middle name, Marina lol)
2. What is your nickname? A lot of people call me babushka? Or just shortened versions of my name like Soph and stuff 
3. What is your zodiac sign?   Cancer 
4. What is your favorite book series?  Hmmm this is hard lol. The only series I can honestly admit to have read entirely is the Hunger Games :p
5. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Aliens are 10010% real and probably want nothing to do with earth, LOL. Ghosts...it’d be so cool if they’re real. Highly doubt it though
6. Who is your favorite author? Neil Gaiman!! He’s amazing!
7. What is your favorite radio station?  Mix fm...any cypriot reading this will know lol
8. What is your favorite flavor of anything?  Of anything...probably coffee taste lol. Or mint? One of the two
9. What word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? Hmm, amazing? Awesome? idk lol
10. What is your current favorite song?  Current favourite is probably Andromeda by the Gorillaz :p 
11. What is your favorite word?  in english?? no clue hahah :p 
12. What was the last song you listened to?  Despacito ;u; 
13. What TV show would you recommend for everybody to watch?  Voltron obviously hahah, um, maybe American Horror story? But only season 2 lol, or Black Mirror bc it’s amAZING
14. What is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?  Ghibli films! Especially Howl’s moving castle or Spirited Away! c:
15. Do you play video games?  I do but not as much lately bc of uni
16. What is your biggest fear?  Uhhh if we’re going for deep dark fears, probably the entire concept of eternity? Like the thought of something having no real start or end just freaks me out lol
17. What is your best quality, in your opinion?  I honestly can’t think of one hahah, i’ve been thinking for a couple of minutes and can’t think of anything :p maybe that i’m an easy person to get along with
18. What is your worst quality, in your opinion?  I can make a list tbh lol, absolute worst would probably be that i’m way too sensitive & care too much about what other people think
19. Do you like cats or dogs better?  NO DON’T MAKE ME CHOOSE I LOVE THEM BOTH I LOVE ALL ANIMALS ;-;
20. What is your favorite season?  Summer!! :D 
21. Are you in a relationship?  Nope
22. What is something you miss from your childhood?  I don’t miss much. Maybe not having this much of a workload if anything lol
23. Who is your best friend?  Why have one when you can have 3? :D @faded-r0ses @now-this-is-wtf @ibreathestucky <3 <3
24. What is your eye color?  Brow
25. What is your hair color?  I change it every few months lol, it’s currently black!
26. Who is someone you love?  So many people :p Friends, family, a lot of people! c:
27. Who is someone you trust?  The squad obviously, but p. much all of my friends?? Like if we’re buddies then that’s it, i trust u lol
28. Who is someone you think about often?  Like i think about my dog a lot bc i haven’t seen his fluffiness in like four moths now but i think about a lot of people often? not one set person 
29. Are you currently excited about/for something?  I’m excited for an eternal slumber tbh, or like, vacation. I need a break TuT
30. What is your biggest obsession?  Voltron probably, and also random but history?? i love. history lol
31. What was your favorite TV show as a child?  POKEMON! It was a Sunday morning ritual to watch pokemon :D
32. Who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?  Anything? Probably no one :p
33. Are you superstitious?  Not really? 
34. Do you have any unusual phobias?  Like, I’m afraid of small white rooms with no windows. Random? Yes. Unusual? Idk?? :p 
35. Do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? I’m insecure af but like photography so behind it lol
36. What is your favorite hobby?  Writing! :D 
37. What was the last book you read?  I mean i read a shitton of anatomy and physiology books throughout this year, do those count? Ah and The anatomy of being by Shinj Moon, though it’s a poetry book
38. What was the last movie you watched? Avengers Age of Ultron probably
39. What musical instruments do you play, if any? Nothing, sadly TuT
40. What is your favorite animal? 
I can’t. ChoOOSEE I LOVE SO MANY. If i can have like a top 3?? It’d probably be dogs & cats (in one place bc i can’t choose), foxes, and lizards? or i think they’re called newts in english? ya. 
41. What are your top 5 favorite Tumblr blogs that you follow? 
Definitely @teakoii they’re they’re the literal cutest & amazing artist, definitely 2/3 the squad: @ibreathestucky (she’s a fandom goddess ok <3), @faded-r0ses (aesthetic ho right there), (((our remaining 1/3 @now-this-is-wtf not included bc she nEVER LOGS IN)) Also @wipengineer <-the queen of angst 
and @maristine :D Quality voltron content right there~ 
and also a LOT of other blogs, some that i interact with and some not but i’m too shy to mention/tag  >.< 
42. What superpower do you wish you had? 
Being able to breathe/survive underwater. Bye bye humans. I’m a fish now. You’ll never catch me. Also shapeshifting would b awesome bc. Cmon. You could become a dragon. Take that responsibilities. 
43. When and where do you feel most at peace?
The beach, definitely. Or anywhere near large bodies of water? Give me a lake or river any day and I’ll probably never leave lol
44. What makes you smile? 
A good ol’ meme never failed me so far, also good music? And coffee, and cuddly animals or just hugs in general i love hugs
45. What sports do you play, if any? 
I do some swimming and begrudgingly go to the gym when my roommate drags me along but that’s pretty much it lol
46. What is your favorite drink?
CoFFEE. I swear my blood has been replaced with caffeine by now
47. When was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
I wrote a post-it note to my roommate to let her know i’m out does that count? 
48. Are you afraid of heights? 
Nope! I love looking down when standing somewhere v high or in a plane and stuff lol
49. What is your biggest pet peeve? 
I had to google what a pet peeve is TuT
Hm, i can’t really think of anything? Not a lot of things bug me tbh, except for big things like you know, like rudeness or belittling someone else e.t.c
50. Have you ever been to a concert? 
51. Are you vegan/vegetarian? 
52. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
Define how little. I had a big phase of wanting to become a Power Ranger so.
According to my family i was always between vet or doctor though lol
53. What fictional world would you like to live in? 
Ohh boy, i can’t just choose one!! :p Something magic-related definitely
54. What is something you worry about? 
Something? Something? More like everything. TuT
55. Are you scared of the dark? 
56. Do you like to sing? 
No unless I'm either drunk enough or blasting the radio loud enough for no one to hear me hahah
57. Have you ever skipped school? 
I was way too much of an ‘example student’ in high school so no lol. As for lectures in uni though..well. ;u;
58. What is your favorite place on the planet? 
59. Where would you like to live? 
Italy! My dream is to move to Italy after i graduate! 
60. Do you have any pets? 
Yes, a cute lil’ bean of a doggo~ (or as my friends very...politely say, the chubbiest, clingiest chihuahua they’ve ever met lol)
61. Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
Both? It depends lol
62. Do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
63. Do you know how to drive? 
Yup! Although parking is an entire different story LOL
64. Do you prefer earbuds or headphones? 
Headphones, earbuds are annoying ;-;
65. Have you ever had braces? 
Yes. I pretend that that time period never happened ;u;
66. What is your favorite genre of music? 
Hmmmmmm. Hmmm??? I can’t choose? Probably either indie/chill music or punk rock but i listen to so so many genres
67. Who is your hero? 
I can’t really think of any celebrities, but if we’re talking people, probably my grandma? She was a badass woman that was raising two kids in her twenties whilst studying & graduating med school, then moved on to become the first woman gynaecologist in her country. Hats off to her really.
68. Do you read comic books?
A bit! 
69. What makes you the most angry? 
Honestly people that just. Can’t. Respect. Others.
So racist/homophobic/transphobic/sexist people, people who can’t respect someone else, people that think they’re superior to anyone, and also people that hurt/abuse animals- it’s like hey buddy. Find the nearest trash can and shove yourself in it, it’s not nice to litter.
70. Do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? 
Real books. I understand that electronics are more convenient but there’s nothing better than actually holding a book in your hands and flipping the pages ;u;
71. What is your favorite subject in school? 
History and english lit! And greek literature! All theoretical subjects really, lol
If we’re talking currently, then it’s embryology, definitely. I love it!!
72. Do you have any siblings? 
An older sister and two older brothers 
73. What was the last thing you bought? 
Bananas and vegetables, lol
74. How tall are you?
165cm. I think it’s 5′5″
75. Can you cook? 
I mean i nearly burn the kitchen down every time but i try
76. What are three things that you love? 
Animals, good books, coffee
77. What are three things that you hate? 
Rude/mean people (aka every single person with a Trump-like mindset, the dude himself included ofc), that’s pretty much it? it takes a lot for me to hate something 
78. Do you have more female friends or more male friends? 
79. What is your sexual orientation? 
Pan! Still figuring out if that’s Panromantic or Pansexual :p 
80. Where do you currently live? 
Czech Republic
81. Who was the last person you texted? 
My roommate
82. When was the last time you cried? 
Like, 2 days ago i think? I was stressed, tired and sick lol
83. Who is your favorite YouTuber? 
Markiplier! Also a lot of creepy pasta narrators, Lazy Masquerade being my fave probably :p
84. Do you like to take selfies? 
Sometimes? it really really depends on my mood lol
85. What is your favorite app? 
Instagram probably
86. What is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
Ehh. I get along great with my dad although we don’t talk much, and i get along as well with my mom, just wish she’d realise i’m not a kid still lol. 
The older i get the better we get along i guess, although there’s some things we’ll never agree on
87. What is your favorite foreign accent? 
I like Spanish accents a lot? I have a lot of Spanish & Portuguese friends and love their accent when they speak english :p Also Russian accents?? Don’t ask me why. I just really like them lol
88. What is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? 
Japan! I really want to go to Japan. And USA? And Canada? Like, big-city places because I’ve never been to one ;u;
89. What is your favorite number? 
90. Can you juggle? 
I got the balance of a tomato on an acid trip, so that’s a no hahah
91. Are you religious? 
Not...really? I was raised in a very religious house and the more i learned about church the more i disliked it. I still like some aspects of it though so...I’m figuring it out still
92. Do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? 
93. Do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? 
With enough alcohol in my system and good friends, ya. As it is? Nope, I'm that one friend in horror movies that says ‘hey guys, this is probably a bad idea’ and promptly dies lol
94. Are you allergic to anything? 
A bit allergic to dust but that’s pretty much it i think
95. Can you curl your tongue? 
No ;-;
96. Can you wiggle your ears? 
How do people dO THAT no i can’t
97. How often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
If i know I'm in the wrong i always admit it & apologise, or so i hope :p
98. Do you prefer the forest or the beach?
The forest is fun too but...the beach. Definitely. ((Plus there’s no bugs at the beach! ;u;))
99. What is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? 
If you try your best and work hard, the result won't matter because you gave it your all and that’s what counts.
100. Are you a good liar?
Not at all, you can immediately tell if I’m lying because I start to giggle lol
101. What is your Hogwarts House? 
102. Do you talk to yourself? 
Yes. It’s actually funny bc i keep switching between languages when i do
103. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?  
Introvert ;;
104. Do you keep a journal/diary? 
Not exactly. I try to keep a journal but it usually ends up with doodles and scribbles from class lol
105. Do you believe in second chances? 
Most of the time, yes.
106. If you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? 
Honestly? I’d probably leave it, OR if there’s any shops nearby, I’d take it to a store clerk, since the person that lost it is more likely to go into a nearby shop and ask if they’ve seen their wallet than to a police department, I think? idk
107. Do you believe that people are capable of change? 
Yes, definitely!
108. Are you ticklish? 
Ridiculously ticklish. @now-this-is-wtf  and @faded-r0ses have a field trip with this fact T-T
109. Have you ever been on a plane? 
110. Do you have any piercings? 
I got a lot of piercings on my ears and had nose ring but I think it’s healed now? Will be getting a septum piercing in July though~
111. What fictional character do you wish was real? 
Lance. Lanceeeeeee. How could i not want my fave ever to be real lol
112. Do you have any tattoos? Not...yet. Soon though!
113. What is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? 
It wasn’t exactly my decision, but switching schools back in middle school. Would have never met my tiny best friend otherwise, or met some other amazing people & teachers
114. Do you believe in karma?
Not really
115. Do you wear glasses or contacts? 
Glasses, can’t put on contacts to save my life
116. Do you want children? 
I don’t really like kids so. Ehh.
117. Who is the smartest person you know? 
Hmm, people are smart in different ways and aspects. So I don’t know one person who’s the absolute smartest!
118. What is your most embarrassing memory? 
Probably that one time at Comic con when i had a skirt-too-short problem (bless my backpack and the random leggings i had shoved in there for some reason lol), or that one time i got asked for an ID when i tried to buy a beer. At a supermarket. And they still wouldn’t believe me until I showed them my university card as well. (Sad thing is it wasn’t even for me lol)
119. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? 
yup, way too often lol
120. What color are most of you clothes? 
Black. So many black clothes lol. At least that makes laundry much easier :D
121. Do you like adventures? 
122. Have you ever been on TV? 
Only for some small interview clips when I was in high school lol
123. How old are you? 
124. What is your favorite quote? 
“Sometimes, I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I’m not living” 
125. Do you prefer sweet or savory foods? 
I don’t like sweet stuff much so savoury! OK, NOW, WHO TO TAG~
Squad, do it if you’re up for it @ibreathestucky @faded-r0ses @now-this-is-wtf (esp. you Guac I know you’re a free potato now with exams over~), and my tumblr buddies @maristine, @wipengineer (and yes i know u got the google doc but hey! :D), @the-blood-in-your-bruise and honestly, whoever else wants to do it, that’s it, you’re tagged by me hahah ^^
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