#I want to like it
eddis-not-eeddis · 4 months
Trying to ease myself into pink fingernails after months of my customary black, and I feel strangely bereft.
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i've been trying very hard to convince myself to be a sokeefe girlie (<- is not a girl) or even just sokeefe neutral but the more I try the more my brain digs its heels in it's determined to be miffed about this whole situation (sokeefe) and grumble about it
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shiftedvoid · 3 months
The urge I have to just walk out of this job is too much. It’s barely been two fucking weeks
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prototypelq · 2 years
I LOVE Stampede Knives.
Personally, I didn't like him in manga or in 98' anime, he is such a cartoonishly evil villain for so long in the narrative, it becomes hard to see him as anything other than that.
Stampede Knives is shown to first and foremost - be lonely without Vash and be desperate for his company. Stampede Knives cuts the arm to protect Vash from a power surge, this is freakin brilliant. Thanks to Stampede I can finally care for Knives)
On the other hand, Vash is so mellow it's ridiculous. A character has to voice out loud that Vash has steel spine and iron will to his companions. Y'know, characters who follow Vash around and should know things about him already.
It feels like Vash's "Love&Peace" ideology in Stampede turned into "I won't kill anyone", as in, Vash himself is unwilling to harm anyone, but he doesn't feel obliged to prevent others from being harmed. I don't think we've seen any armed conflict in Stampede which Vash knowingly involved himself into to resolve it peacefully - Nebraskas, Mine, Knives and Livio all attacked on their own accord and Vash just happened to be in the middle of it.
I don't have anything against Vash being more mellow, but this passivity... it severely downgrades the importance of Love&Peace ideology, because Vash doesn't fight for it, it's just a rule he gets by. I really hope this will be featured more prominently, because there's Not Much episodes left, and Love&Peace is literally the heart of Trigun, you can't have Trigun without Love&Peace
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scarlettblack24 · 1 year
So I finally watched wwdits season finale and I have to admit I’m confused…and angry about many things that are happening with this show. This is mostly me just getting these thoughts out of my head and trying to understand but feel free to comment if you’d like.
Why is Guillermo scared of Nandor coming to kill him? Did they not fight in hand to hand combat in the previous season? I thought he won but pretended to lose so Nandor didn’t look weak. Why would he be scared now?
Despite that has he not had the opportunity to destroy Nandor multiple times throughout the entire show? Did he not say to him “You live because I allow it.”? What did I miss? Where he the Guillermo that destroyed an entire theater of vampires?! Where did he go?!
Guillermo can very much fight Nandor and win and this was before we got some vampire powers! What is making him think he would lose in a fight with Nandor now?!
And I don’t care what anyone says! He went to Derek because he wanted to be a vampire and he went for it! I hate this shit of “well a familiar insults his master if he goes to someone else to be turned”. Fuck that.
In the wwdits film Jackie got Nick to turn her! Didn’t see Deacon kill her! Just talked shit about her like he always talked shit about her! It made no difference to her, she got to live her best vampire life!
Oh but Nandor had a feeling Guillermo would be too soft to be a vampire! So he continued to use him as his servant and treat him like shit for over 13 years as well as letting the other vampires in the house do the same? Hmm sounds abusive to me.
There’s no doubt Nandor cares about Guillermo, BUT he treats him like crap! Making someone your servant isn’t love. Yes, he gave him the opportunity to avoid a lifestyle he couldn’t handle but then he continues to allow him to be his servant! Ugh!!!
I will admit Guillermo’s relationships with the other vampires improved this season. Laszlo was there for him as well as Nadja but they’re still awful to him. Even The Guide realized what a kind person he was and pointed out to them how much they treat him like crap!
But I guess Guillermo cares for them! Sure, why not?! I guess if you treat someone awful but stick by them for many years that builds love and caring??? This is great lesson particularly for younger people. If they treat you crap BUT stay by your side they love you!
Nope. Don’t like that.
My biggest question is now that Guillermo doesn’t want to be a vampire anymore what is the motivation? What are we supposed to look forward to? Please don’t tell me Nandermo because I don’t want that anymore. I don’t feel good about it.
And what about the damn wishes?!?! Didn’t the Djinn give Nandor a smaller lamp with three wishes?! What happened to that?! Ugh!!!
I really think season six should be the last one. Unless by some miracle they come up with a great storyline that makes sense and doesn’t erase character development but if not let it be the end. I’d rather have something new in this universe.
But maybe I am missing something! I don’t know!
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trans-estinien · 10 months
i think my biggest gripe with bg3 is that i havent been able to get into it like everyone else has
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smallskinnylittletiny · 8 months
How do we feel about red polish on the toes
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sumeria · 1 year
idk how to say this. but like. as much as im like yay nice gay archie 👍🏻 i also do not care as much as i wouldve if it had been MY archie i spent six seasons with. like ultimately i miss grimdark riverdale im sorry im having a hard time enjoying s7 the same way i do not like jjba p4 and dont like slice of life manga/anime or 99% of problem-of-the-week teen dramas. its just not giving its not Enough
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
I'm... so torn on how I feel about Stormblood?
The way Ala Mhigo was handled was... frankly exploitative and annoying, but moving the plot ever onward to Doma has been... fun? Lyse and Alisaie are great characters and I love the theme of "Women validating the fuck out of each other while solving all problems with the methodology and efficiency of a freight train."
The problem is that Lyse's emotional insecurities and the subsequent very emotionally rewarding validation she's receiving are directly tied to what happened in Ala Mhigo.
The sloppy contrivances that had to happen to get us OUT of Ala Mhigo were also, again, exploitative and gross feeling, but also are making it that much harder to buy into how the plan to liberate Doma is... basically the same plan that we had in Ala Mhigo?
Ugh, idk, like I said, I'm conflicted. There's a lot of charming elements here not just in Alisaie and Lyse, but in the creature designs, the music, the really fun new dungeons and trials, the beautiful landscapes and archtiecture in Doma and.... the other place, I forget what it's called. But goddamn does the story continue to shoot itself in the foot with its pacing despite the charming moments and does Ala Mhigo leave a BAD taste in my mouth despite the more light-hearted pacing of the road to Doma.
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nifedick · 9 months
Autistic character in tv explaining how she hates holding hands and it gets quickly unbearable
Me: I assumed everyone felt that way about holding hands
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nicopony79 · 2 years
Seeing X-Men: Red
Is X-Men Red well-written? Sure. So is a doctoral thesis. Doesn’t mean I want to read it.
I’m just finding it really hard to give a crap about these Arakki mutants. Is their war-mongering culture that glorifies violence off-putting? I mean, I could say the same thing about US American Monday night football, another thing I don’t give a shit about. So the hedonistic violence is not the problem entirely. Maybe it’s the complete lack of relatability. <—I’m sure I’d be called a racist on XTwitter for saying that.
Exhibits below:
First we got this person. They have a snake. They don’t talk. They do nothing but sit there, except that time they got their head cut off. Dying silently was the only interesting thing they did.
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This chick. She’s constantly having tedious diaper-baby meltdowns. She’s not only boring, she’s annoying too.
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Next: a giant floating eyeball. Behold, the only Omega Mutant who can be taken out by a really pointy stick. I can’t help but think, if the Arakki have evolved to the point where they don’t look remotely humanoid, how do they reproduce with one another? How have they not died out? Then I remember I had this one friend who told me her BF liked to have his eyeballs licked during sex and so there’s someone for everyone, just goes to show.
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There’s these dweebs. One is an amphibian. One thing I’ve noticed in the last decade or so, is the sudden popularity of some random animal. First it was llamas. Sloths enjoyed a brief time in the sun. Then the corgi was having a moment. Now it’s the axolotl. Friggen axolotl’s on gift cards, notebooks, t-shirts, socks. My kid got axolotl Valentines Day cards. They’re everywhere, including X-Men comics! Dude, if you’d been introduced like, five months earlier, you’d a been a corgi. The guy next to him is something out of a Tim Burton movie, a talking bag of bugs. Bag of Bugs is the Arakki’s archives. The Arakki collectively said: “papyrus? Lasts for centuries you say? Vellum? I mean, if it gets wet, we’re fucked, but otherwise okay. Paper, likewise has a long lifespan. But no! fuck it, dont write it down. let’s store our memories in maggots!” I am just glad I’m not an archivist for the Arakki’s bc I’d have taken a can of Raid to this mo-fo first day.
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I don’t even have anything to say about Space-Cloak. A year’s worth of issues and I got nothing. Lactuca? Sounds like a off-brand of canned evaporated milk.
Our last contestant is Tarn. Tarn was the only interesting one, but he’s purely heinous. He’s like if Mister Sinister was twice as evil and had half the personality. He sucks. That’s why he has scrotums for ears. Is the plural of ‘scrotom’ still scrotum? Scrotums? Scroti? Balls. He’s got balls on his head. So yes, I’m sorry the Arakki have failed to capture my imagination.
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chlo-le-mouton · 2 years
I need more Moomin content I might give Moominvalley a third chance
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Today is Wednesday which means...Tomorrow is Thursday and that makes me want to cry.
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junranghae · 2 years
svt songs I understand more than other people:
happy ending
oh my! japanese version 
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scramratz · 3 months
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valtsv · 3 months
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stuck between "psychological horror statement" and "objectively the funniest thing you could say to your real flesh and blood dad" in the father's day card aisle
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