#I was introduced to you when two of my other favorite artist pointed you out
xx-sketchy-xx · 10 months
(This isn't an ask but i thought i was following this entire time kajsdakf but since im here i just wanna say i love you and your art <3)
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You and my goober woul prob get along well. Cute murder and all that.
I love you and your art aswell, it’s positively fantastic
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heavenlycloud · 8 months
all my thoughts, they're shaped like you: huh yunjin x fem! reader
request: i was wondering if you could write smth about yunjin and reader having a sleepover? it can be a smut or not js however you'd like &lt;3
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a/n: i decided to write this as sfw instead of smut just bc im...not confident in my smut writing abilities rn so i hope this will suffice! enjoy and thank you so much for requesting. *please note all pictures and videos are used for creative reference to give readers a visual of hair, makeup, clothes, shoes, etc. ONLY*
guilty was your first comeback in six months and by far your most successful since your debut four years ago. originally the song was to go to one of your seniors, but it was pushed your way when another caught his attention. the song was much more mature than the other songs you'd put out in the past which increased attention towards this new side of you as an artist. the past four weeks were filled with long schedules of music and variety show appearances, photoshoots, and too many fansigns to count. however, today was the last day of schedules before you got a two week long break to rest and recover.
you stood in front of your manager who was pressing you to take pictures for instagram before you got whisked away elsewhere. he smiled as you posed and the rest of your staff members made positive comments about you and your performance outfit. you didn't even bother settling back into your dressing room because not even two seconds later there was a knock at the door. you rushed over to open it and a small face peeked through as you beamed from ear to ear.
eunchae shyly greeted your staff members and you before she stepped back and onced you over with a gasp, "you're so pretty!" you reached forward and pulled her into a hug, "you're so precious oh my god." she giggled and led you down the hallway to the room where she films Eunchae's Star Diary. when you both got inside she motioned for you to sit down and she followed behind you.
for a moment there was silence after you introduced yourself before you and eunchae began laughing and you admitted in english, "i'm sorry i don't want to be awkward...it's this is just a little funny to me because we've never actually met." eunchae agreed and answered in korean, "yeah this is our first time meeting, but i feel like i know about you a lot because yunjin unnie talks about you all the time." similar to a professional she continued, "with your new comeback, can you tell us a little bit about the album and your favorite song?" you nodded and explained more professionally, "guilty is my first album since six months ago. it's also a different sound than what i've put out before. this time i wanted to focus on something that everyone can connect with."
eunchae looked at you with wide eyes and prompted you to continue so you added, "guilt is an emotion that everyone has to some extent or another. it's a feeling that has a negative connotation and that's something i wanted to change. of course singing about positive things is good, but i think singing about negative things and presenting them in a beautiful way is equally as important. more specifically, my single guilty’ is about a selfish love that hurts the other person. it’s not coming from my experience, but i used it as a way to define what love is and express it on stage.”
the younger girl looked at you and sighed, "everything you say sounds so smart." you laughed and shyly dismissed the complement out of habit before she asked you, "who was the first person to hear the single?" you side eyed her and she grinned because she already knew the answer but for the sake of her show you sighed, "huh yunjin of le sserafim." eunchae pointed and laughed at your facial expression and you playfully rolled your eyes but she shared happily, "yunjin unnie has been singing the song nonstop since it came out. when it dropped she was telling all of us in the dorm that she heard it first! she kept bragging that it was so good but didn't tell us any hints! but it was worth the wait because the comeback is incredible, unnie!" heat bloomed in your chest at the thought of yunjin listening to your music and bragging about how talented you were to those closest to her.
the minute you got back into your apartment after your schedule all of your messages came rushing into your notifications. your best friends had blown up your phone all day which honestly wasn't new, but scrolling through 100+ messages was kinda annoying when you were tired. then, like clockwork your phone started ringing and you answered to see one of your best friends on your screen, "hey i don't know if you saw somi's texts or not but we're having a sleepover at your place tonight." immediately you responded, "who is we? you speak french now?" on the other line she laughed and said, "don't be like that y/n."
you whined, "aeri! i just finished promotions im TIRED! and why my place and not somi's?" aeri let out a small huff and said, "somi's apartment flooded like ten minutes ago so we can't stay there. you know the rest of us aren't allowed people to stay overni-" you cut her off immediately, "hold on it's not just you and somi?" aeri looked off to the side and bit her lip, "uh...so funny story..." before she could answer someone snatched her phone and continued, "jen is coming too." you spat out the water you were sipping, "WHY WOULD YOU INVITE YUNJIN?!" somi answered casually, not taking her eyes off of the road, "i thought you would've worked stuff out by now. besides it's kinda shitty if we have a sleepover and exclude one person. it's called a friend group for a reason, right?" you huffed, "yeah i guess..."
the friend group started just as you and giselle when she entered SM entertainment back in December of 2019. the two of you clicked immediately even though you were technically her senior, having debuted that past summer. along with her members, they were the only girls close to your age in the entire company so you were quick to befriend them as soon as you were allowed. months after meeting giselle, you met somi who debuted a month before you as a soloist. then you introduced the two and the three of you were a trio of best friends...until yunjin came into the picture.
you and yunjin were familiar with one another but you only met once at a music show when you were promoting at the same time. from there you introduced her to somi and aeri, and she was added into the friend group. once you added her into the small bunch of friends you all were complete, and dubbed, The Plastics, by fans.
for the most part everything was fine with you four except that there were times when it was hard to meet up because of busy schedules. however, you started trying to distance yourself a bit when you realized that you had a crush on yunjin. the cardinal rule of friend groups was don't date other people in the same group. despite aeri and somi swearing up and down to you that yunjin liked you back, you refused to feed into it. your best friends weren't liars but you just couldn't bring yourself to believe them for whatever reason. besides even if you confessed to yunjin you didn't think much would come of it besides a ruined friend group. so you decided that you were just going to continue trying to compartmentalize your feelings and gaslighting yourself into thinking you didn't like her.
you ran to your room trying to get everything ready for your friends, the least you could do is have a clean apartment. the vaccuum drowned out the sounds of the city streets below your building as you dragged it across your area rug. you hummed along to oceanfromtheblue that blasted through your headphones, further muting the noise from the outside world. unbeknownst to you, yunjin had already entered your apartment. she got in using the 10 digit code on your door that she memorized just in case because that's what friends do...right?
a pair of hands gently caught your hips as you backed up with the vaccuum in hand making you scream and jump. you whipped around to see yunjin standing before you looking perfect as usual. she was only in a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie with those ugg slippers she liked to leave in your apartment for when she visited you. even in a basic dressed down outfit she still looked like an angel with her red hair pulled into a messy bun with a few loose strands framing her face. the pair of glasses she wore sat low on her nose causing her to push them up before pulling you into a hug. she laughed and apologized, "y/n i'm sorry! i called out your name a few times i thought you would have heard me." you let out the breath you'd been holding and assured her, "no it's fine i shouldn't have had my headphones this loud..."
there was an awkward silence and her eyes found yours bringing out a pinkish hue to her cheeks that was only reserved for you. her hands remained on your hips and you brushed a piece of her hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. the simple action sent butterflies straight to her stomach and made her catch her lip between her teeth. neither of you knew where this was headed but right before you two could figure it out, the front door swing open and aeri entered with somi, "HEY BITCHES- oh." the two of you jumped and yunjin inched away from you, "heyyyy!" somi motioned between the two of you, "did we just interrupt something or?" immediately you refused, "no we were just um... yeah anyways hey guys." you paused and realized the two let themselves in, "wait- how did you two get inside?" yunjin and your manager were the only two people who knew the password for your apartment so how did they manage to get in?"
somi pointed to her phone and said, "i wrote it down the last time yunjin and i were over. the real question is why does yunjin know it and we don't. i thought we were friends." the blonde placed her hands on her hips and pouted to which aeri added, "how do you even remember all those numbers anyways?" yunjin responded, "i memorized it after seeing y/n do it once. and it's not hard, i just remember important things." both aeri and somi shared a glance and you joked, "so basically i need to make a new passcode. got it." the three of them laughed and put their bags down so you could start your plans for the night.
yunjin pulled out a vlogging camera from her bag and said, "i know we usually have a 'no work stuff' policy for our hangouts but i have to vlog and this is the only interesting thing i've done all week." your other friends started getting baking utensils and ingredients out of your pantry and cabinets while you preheated your oven.
the american idol stood in front of the camera and started speaking, "hi everyone! today i'm with my friends- and we're going to do the blind, mute, deaf challenge while cooking. y/n is being so kind to let us use her kitchen today!" you fake side eyed her and muttered, "you all showed up on my doorstep unannounced but okay." the three laughed and finished setting up the things you'd need.
since it was yunjin's vlog she decided how roles were split up and it was through rock paper scissors: aeri was deaf, somi and you were blind, yunjin was mute. for the sake of your kitchen and everyone's safety she decided to have two people who weren't allowed to speak. before starting the challenge yunjin explained, "so we already have the roles assigned. basically we are going to try to cook dinner together with our roles and we aren't allowed to switch or break character. so aeri is deaf- she already has her headphones on." she pointed the camera to aeri who was in her own world listening to some tyga song on blast, not paying attention to anyone else. yunjin continued, "somi and y/n are blind- wait do we have a blindfold?" she turned to you and you shook your head, "why would i have a blindfold? somi smirked and winked, "i have many blindfolds." yunjin slapped her arm and she laughed, "what?" you huffed in fake annoyance, "we should have made her one of the mute ones. yunjin finished explaining, "and i'm mute so i'm going to be silent because i didn't want to tape my face. anyways, aeri is the only one that can see the recipe and we have to follow her directions." you ended up finding two scarves in one of your drawers to tie around your and somi's heads and you all started the challenge.
"OKAY! BOIL THE POT OF WATER!" aeri shouted loudly making you flinch at the sudden outburst. you reached your hands in front of you as you cautiously dug a pot out from your cabinet and placed it in somi's hands. the blonde started to slowly walk to your sink, hitting the front of it with a soft thud and a whine while the rest of you laughed. somi filled the pot up and gently walked it back with the help of yunjin before she turned on the stove. the rest of it went like this, yunjin slightly helping you while aeri screamed the directions to you all.
when it came to cutting the chicken somi backed away from the counter, "i don't wanna touch it ew." you muttered, "you big baby." aeri asked in confusion, "YOU SAID YOU HATE ME?" the three of you burst out laughing while aeri stood still confused, looking around then into yunjin's camera as if it would talk back to her. you stood in front of the cutting board with the raw chicken and grabbed the knife that was within reach. you thought aloud, "this is probably a bad idea having the blind one do this part of the challenge but...i have bandaids."
somi was busy trying to drain the pasta from the water with the help of aeri guiding her as yunjin nervously watched you handle the knife and raw meat. yunjin tensed as she watched you nearly cut your finger once and then placed a hand on your arm. this time you didn't jump at her touch and let her come behind you. her hands placed gently atop yours and you giggled before playfully asking, "oh my god what is this? so romantic." beside you somi and aeri pretended to gag, somi not even facing the right direction as she teased you. when you both finished cutting the meat, yunjin moved from behind you and immediately you missed her body pressed against yours.
the remainder of you all cooking was a hot mess. from aeri forgetting she was in charge of instructions to take mini dance breaks, to somi trying to spoon in pasta water into the sauce with a fork by accident, yunjin trying to mime out her questions about the recipe to aeri, and you walking smack into the open refrigerator door- the whole thing was a mess. but an entertaining one that fans would love to watch once it was uploaded. somehow by some miracle you all managed to make the food exactly how it was supposed to taste which paid off at the end.
hours passed and aeri and somi had fallen asleep after crying their eyes out to the notebook that just finished playing. you poked aeri with your foot and her head lolled to the side limply making you and yunjin laugh. you pointed to your tv and asked, "did you like the movie?" the red aired woman nodded and mumbled quietly, "yeah, it was good. i understand the hype now but it was sad too. i love a happy ending but leading up to it was sad, you know?" you agreed and admitted, "i was mad when they made me watch it for the first time so you're better than me. all of that emotion just for me to get something kinda nice at the end, it was exhausting." she hummed in agreement and you both fell silent.
yunjin's hands brushed your hair gently, the softness of your silk press beneath her fingers was different from the way you usually wore it. unlike when most people touched your hair, you didn't pull away or dodge her hands running through the strands. instead you scooted closer to her and smiled when she began dutch braiding one of the sides on your head. the two of you basked in the quiet which was the first of it's kind tonight.
there was a small snag in your hair that caused you to almost whimper when her long fingers tugged at it. yunjin murmured an apology and pressed a gentle kiss to the spot before continuing. she then spoke up, "imagine just...forgetting who you are and everyone you love like that."
you didn't think before answering, "i almost did. when i left home and came here. i was around people that said i needed to leave my old life behind if i wanted to be successful here. i was naive and thought it was true, that my past would hold me back so i tried to let it all go. i only realized they were wrong after i was all alone." yunjin began braiding the other side of your head and asked, "so how'd you fix it?" you answered, "i met people who were like me and i made friends and talked to people. i tried to do things that reminded me of home, like being around you guys." yunjin finished your two braids and you turned around to see her smiling at you fondly. she could see the slight pain hidden behind your gaze as you recall one of the harder times in your life.
yunjin sighed and blurted out, "you smell like home." for a moment she froze and you pulled away and asked, "like new york? cuz that's not a complement if i smell like a new york street." yunjin laughed and answered nervously, "no you just...i don't know you're just- whenever i'm with you i feel at home." she moved down to the floor mattress you laid out earlier that night, knowing somi and aeri would be laid out on the couch like they are now.
you laid side by side as you told yunjin, "it feels like that with you too, like i'm back in the states just living without worries like now." yunjin bit her lip debating on if she wanted to do this now, but she caved into herself, "that's not what i meant but it's okay." you turned to face her, now laying on your side as you asked, "what did you mean then?"
yunjin felt her heart begin to race and she tried to brush it off, "no there's nothing." but you were determined to understand what she meant so you asked, "no, talk to me. what's going on in your head? tell me. i want to know, i want to know everything about you." of course yunjin knew that you weren't ever going to force her to speak, so she still had an out if she wanted to just not continue the conversation. however, she was tired doing this same dance with you where she almost admitted her feelings then ran away at the last minute. she knew that even if you didn't feel the same way that you wouldn't let that ruin the friendship you already have so she bit the bullet.
there was a pause then yunjin huffed and confessed "when i'm with you i feel safe, like i have nothing to worry about. i can just be myself and i know you'll never judge me or leave because i express myself the way i want to. whenever i'm not with you, you're still living in my head...all of my thoughts, they're shaped like you. i love you and i love being around you and being with you and i never want to leave your side which is why i try not to come too close because i can't risk fucking this up. but here i am telling you what i told myself i'd take to the grave so...just promise me if this screwed everything up and judging by your silence i think it did- just pretend it never happened and leave somi and aeri out of thi-" you refused to let her talk herself into thinking she ruined everything, "i love you too."
yunjin's breath caught in her throat and you repeated, "i love you too, huh yunjin. i love you so much and i love being around you and with you too." she sat up so she was upright then looked back down at you until you were sitting beside her. the small nightlight on your hallway outlet was the only thing allowing you to see her eyes locked on yours. you inched closer to her and brought your arms to rest on her shoulders while her hands were on your waist. her long fingernails scratched the ribbing of your tank top while your fingers twirled with a piece of her hair.
her forehead pressed against yours and you whispered, "what does this make us then?" yunjin shrugged and giggled which made you smile, "i dunno but we can figure it out together?" you asked, "yeah?" she nodded and you noticed how she eyed your two friends who were asleep tangled together yet half off the couch. she looked back at you and asked, "so when do we tell them?" you scrunched your nose and placed a gentle peck on yunjin's lips. the red haired woman paused then kissed you twice more, "who says we have to?" right when you pressed your lips against hers for the last time, a bright flash lit up your entire living room. you both looked over and aeri smacked somi's arm as she soft whisper yelled, "what part of NO FLASH did you not understand?" the two smiled as big as they could from ear to ear before yunjin let out a huff and sighed, "you all suck."
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yyawnjun · 1 month
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from my serie: P1HARMONY STUDIO
A tattoo of water lilies, an attractive and talented tattoo artist, a phone number that is seemingly impossible to obtain, and certain feelings that are hard to hide. What could ever happen? a.n.: first part! hope y'all appreciate the lil connection between the stories ndaja (you will understand reading the other stories when they will be out <3) ; 2,5k wc ; fluff !!; no warnings ; theo being a tattoo artist makes so much sense. ; shootout for this beautiful banner AND for proofreading this to my favorite girl ever @gfnextdoor @sobun1est (GO TO FOLLOW HER RN) ; writing this to find all of the few p1eces on this app!!
event taglist : @tkooooop (send an ask to be added)
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Soon the receptionist found your name on the appointment list and led you down a hallway to room 11 where you would speak for the first time with your tattoo artist about your first tattoo. You had been thinking about getting it for years, and you were looking for the right place and the right time in your life. So one day, after moving alone to a new city to continue your studies, you decided to celebrate the new beginning with a tattoo.
After a long search for the perfect shop, you were lucky to come across "P1HARMONY," a shop with great reviews despite being little known. You had previously decided what you wanted tattooed, where on your body, and in what style. After seeing some tattoos on the Instagram page, you decided to visit the place. In particular, the amazing and simple style of a specific Theo caught your eye. Unfortunately, the tattoo artist you wanted wasn't available when you first visited. However, you were able to schedule a meeting for the next day so you could talk to him face-to-face about your tattoo.
It was around 10 am when you entered room number 11. When you walked in, you saw that the blinds were still a touch low so the light was reflected enough to illuminate the room without being overly blinding or annoying. You immediately saw the boy who introduced himself as Choi Taeyang, your tattoo artist seated on the chair next to a desk. His pale skin provided a pleasing contrast to accentuate his reddish lips, and his jet-black hair matched the color of his eyes. His expression seemed calm and even his glazed eyes were softened by a small smile. He didn't have any tattoos on his arms as you expected, but you could see one on his chest because of the shirt's neckline.
“I heard this will be your first tattoo. What were you thinking of doing?” He asked you after you walked in and sat down in the chair across from him. Even though a whole desk between you two, you could still feel your heart pound as his black eyes remained to gaze at yours. His calm attitude quickly made you feel comfortable, to the point where you began discussing your desired tattoo design. You clarified that you wanted a water lily to be placed on the inside of your arm. To ensure that his style was appropriate for you, he got up to display his collection of tattoos. 
He got up and took a big notebook from a shelf that had sketches and pictures of tattoos he had done. As you reviewed that type of portfolio, you grew to admire his lovely line and the numerous incredibly accurate details that accompanied it. You saw that, although focusing more on the medium-sized tattoos, he had no trouble applying color and that the size of his tattoos was the most different.  
As soon as you finished looking at his notebook. You looked up, convinced now more than ever that he would be the one to give you your first tattoo. You started to look at him, but he was already looking at you. You looked away for a moment while he kept his gaze. “Okay, I’m convinced”
“Perfect, then by this evening I will send you some ideas of your tattoo, both colored and not. Once you have seen them, we can discuss the price together.”
“Thank you. Do I need to leave my email or my number to the secretary?”
“Yes… I mean, no, don’t worry. If it’s okay with you, you can leave it with me and I will contact you,” all his confidence seemed to waver as he said that. His voice sounded halting, and his cheeks were flushed. You didn’t pay much attention and gave your number to him.
“So, water-lily girl, what’s your name?”
You chuckled at the funny nickname "Yn, my name is Yn," to which he responded with a smile and a firm handshake.
In contrast to your hand, his hand felt quite warm and had a firm hold. You got up to go a little while later, and he got up right away to open the door.
A quick nod and you were out of room number eleven. You walked towards the main exit where you ran into two boys, one tall with red hair and lip piercings, and one with black hair and a temporary henna tattoo on his arm.
“And you know that, even though I’ve known Theo for a week now, I still haven’t managed to get his number!” said the red-haired boy.  Suddenly, their conversation took on a more intriguing tone. I mean, because you already had his number…
"Of all the people I know, very few have his number." the other boy replied. And after that sentence, you lost a heartbeat skip and an involuntary smile. Why did they ask for your number? Or was it all just your imagination? The truth is that you had to move from your hiding spot to get out. You did this by lightly smiling at the two boys.
“And she didn’t leave her contacts at the secretary’s office,” the receptionist told the two boys that were still looking at the girl that just left the shop.
“Either Theo scared her, or Theo took her contacts,” the henna boy replied.
“She was really cute, I don’t know whether to hope that he scared her or that he thought she was cute,” the redhead added.
“The second option,” said Theo, who had just joined in the discussion. No one had noticed his arrival, and everyone was slightly scared by his sudden comment.
“You did well, I’ll be rooting for you. You should give me your number so you can keep me updated.”
“Don’t get your hopes up, Jiung,” Theo chuckled before going back to his studio to take care of your tattoo.
It was 8 pm and you had just finished taking a shower when your phone rang. It was a message from an unknown number. But you immediately recognized who it was from the profile picture, and his introduction in the message; it was Theo, the tattoo artist. For a little while you felt the emotion rise, even if he hadn't written you anything so crazy... but you could still hear the voices of those two boys talking about how rare it was to have his phone number. And you got it right away... that boy blushed and stammered when he asked you for it. Oh, how all those romantic Kdramas are starting to bring out your delusional side…
“Hey, I'm Theo, the tattoo artist at p1harmony. We met today and I texted you to show you some tattoo ideas. Sorry, there are a lot, I ended up getting carried away. I hope you like at least one. Let me know so I can fill a spot for you starting tomorrow if you're available.
Have a good evening Yn”
You grinned at the message and began glancing through the pictures. Every one of them was more beautiful than the last.
The style was similar in all of them, and yet they were so different. You fell in love in particular with a water lily colored in a reddish pink with green petals. It had little stars around it that lit up the water lily, giving it a fairy-like tone-
You stood alone thinking about the tattoos and imagining the boy doing them. As he worked on his graphics tablet, you could picture him focused, with his eyes half closed and his forehead slightly furrowed. After a while, you responded to him, telling him which one was your favorite and asking if you could have an appointment the next day.
“A date tomorrow. Sure, see you at 10 am.” he sent the message shortly after your confirmation.
“Of course, I meant for your tattoo.” at 1 am, when you were still awake watching your favorite TV series.
You smiled and replied with a funny emoji to let him understand that you knew it.
“...unless” was the message he sent you at 1.54 am, which you saw fleetingly - because you were still absorbed in watching the series - and which he deleted a minute later.
You wanted to scream because that message had caught you off guard. Unless what? You were fantasizing a little too much about a boy you had met the day before…
Shortly after you fell asleep lulled by those sweet thoughts.
“Welcome,” he said to you as soon as you returned to room number eleven. You found him standing next to the armchair where you were supposed to lie down. He was wearing black gloves and a white shirt that highlighted his hair, which was particularly neat, pulled back by a light layer of gel. 
He had a warm smile that lit up his face, and his eyes shone with the light that came in from the windows.
“Come and sit here, so we can try the stencil,” he told you.
You sat down while he went to print the stencil of the tattoo you had chosen. You had time to admire his studio. Everything was clean, and the predominant colors were black and white. On the walls hung some of his tattoos and sometimes certifications. 
You smiled when you saw a print of a painting by Monet, of water lilies that stood out next to his desk. It seems like he did some research for your tattoo. He appeared so young, yet so skilled; the room featured a few bookcases filled with different tattoo manuals and journals containing pictures and sketches of his tattoos.
You took a moment to lean over and check the year he had won the competition, so you could figure out how old he was.
Just as you were checking he came back and stopped your train of thought. “I was born in 2001, and now I’m 23.” he smiled at you as you shyly sat back down.
“Oh okay..thanks,” you said blushing.
“Here’s the print, stay still while I try to position it on you.”
He was able to place the print on top with extreme delicacy since you sat down and stretched your arm. "Are you ready, Yn?" and you gave a nod.
"Alright. I've already prepared everything I need; we can get started."
Suddenly your arm contracted at the contact with his hands, the fear of the needle of that machine mixed with the delicacy of your body gave you shivers all over your body.
Your arm suddenly tightened at the touch of his fingers; the combination of your body's sensitivity and your fear of the machine's needle sent shivers down your spine.
"Is everything okay?"  he asked you, stopping before even touching you with the needle.
"They won't hurt; they'll be like tiny pinches, I swear. - he said - tell me a little about yourself so you can distract yourself in the meantime."
The proposal seemed acceptable to you, so you started to talk about your recent move. He nodded in silence and added a few questions. You noticed that the pain had become bearable, and you took your time observing the boy so concentrated while he tattooed you. His eyes were half-closed, and his head was scrunched up, just as you had imagined. His mouth was slightly open, and he was carefully holding your arm while he tattooed you. With more time to focus on him, you became aware of how near your face was to his, and you made an effort to glance aside to keep your eyes from meeting.
“And would you like to tell me something about yourself?” you asked him bravely. You were used to listening, but you had been pleased to be able to talk to someone. He also spoke a little bit about himself, saying that he had moved into the studio a year before and was gradually getting to know all the people who worked there. He cherished that work environment, and they were all wonderful people. He spoke and you listened to him; he and he remained focused. He was so attractive that even if you tried not to get lost in his words, you found yourself missing a few sentences.
You had lost a few heartbeats, your sense of time, and now even your shred of dignity when you decided to ask him if he was dating someone.
He looked up for a moment, shook his head, and asked you the same question again.
“No, I’m not,” you told him.
Theo and you both began to smile, but you hardly noticed his as you felt his heartbeat quicken due to your posture allowing your palm to lightly feel his heartbeat. 
Before you knew it, the tattoo was finished.
“It’s so beautiful,” you said
“Yes.. beautiful.” he said looking into your eyes, and then added “Yes, the tattoo. I’m proud of it.” he continued pretending as if nothing had happened.
Shortly after he placed a specific wrap around your tattoo, to prevent it from getting ruined or infected. You quickly paid for the tattoo and stood up to go.
“It was nice meeting you, you can text me if you need anything. You already have my number anyway”
“Thanks again, Theo.”
“Unless…” he said to you when you were at the door with your back turned.
You connected to the deleted message right away. Was that cryptic method he was asking you out? Instead, you chose to be naive and pretended to be confused.
You turned around and found him standing a few meters away from you.
“We can see each other again tonight, you and I. But not for your tattoo. I mean, would you go on a date with me?” he asked you.
Your heart started to beat wildly.
“Sure Theo, I’d love it.” and immediately your gazes moved. “I’ll text you the details then,” he said to you.
Out of excitement, you turned around and tried to push the door to leave…even though it said “PULL” in large letters.
He smiled and tried to open it for you, but you managed to be quicker.
When you opened the door intending to listen in on your conversation, you found two boys outside the room you saw the first day.
We are even now, you thought, recalling the first time you overheard their chat...
But Theo didn’t see it that way and started chasing while the two tried to escape.
You smiled and greeted them, then tried to leave while giggling at the funny scene.
At the entrance, you find a boy with platinum blonde hair who has just arrived. You noticed from his bags that he was probably a make-up artist who worked there.
“Hey, you must be Yn,” he said to you
“Uhm yes, who are you?”
“ Oh sorry, I’m Keeho. I work here as a make-up artist, and Theo told me about you. Just tell me if that dork dared to ask you out.”
“He did.” you smiled.
“Let's go, Jongseob owes me 10 euros… may I ask you again if you accepted?” And you nodded.
“YES! Thank you. Now Soul also owes me 10 euros. One day, I will offer you free makeup.”
You laughed at the amusing interaction, nodded, and walked out, your thoughts still wandering as you imagined the upcoming date with Theo.
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emeraldenha · 1 year
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pairing: idol bf!taesan x gn!reader | genre: idol au, established relationship, fluff, slight angst | w/c: +1k words | warnings: overworking, reader is a college student
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You always wished the two of your schedules would align better than this.
Not that you weren’t well aware of the hardships of dating an idol. It wasn’t designed to be easy. Rather, it was anything but easy.
Just when your boyfriend, Taesan, got the day off, it happened to be the day in which you were bombarded with due dates from all your college courses.
So here you were, slouched across your desk, fingers glued to your keyboard, while Taesan was sitting on the edge of your bed offhandedly brainstorming lyrics onto his notes app. You felt guilty for boring him and making him wait, but he insisted that anything was fine as long as the both of you were together. Even if that only entailed being in the same room.
“When do you think you’ll be done?”
It isn’t until then that you notice he’s no longer positioned by your bed and is instead standing directly behind you, hunching to the point where his chin ghosts over the top of your head.
“I’ll be done soon enough! I just have to power through it,” you promise.
Taesan rests his hands on the back of your chair and observes you for a moment as you continue working, gradually losing focus of the words jumbled on the screen before staring off into space.
“Hey, I love you and everything but I get a little self conscious when you’re peering over my shoulder like that. It makes it a little hard to concentrate,” you hesitantly comment, lips curled up slightly to signal that you weren’t really mad or annoyed. You just needed to get things turned in so you could spend actual quality time with your boyfriend.
“Sorry,” he quickly apologizes. He shuffles his feet until he’s leaning against the open door frame. “Do you need anything? Snacks, water…?”
“I’m okay,” you reply dismissively, already back to being immersed in your studies.
Taesan leaves your bedroom to find where he left his bag in your apartment. Spotting it on the couch, he searches through the front compartment until he pulls out what he’s been meaning to give you for weeks now. Headphones, check. Cassette player, check. Mixtape #1, check. Carefully taking the mixtape out of its case and plopping it into the player, Taesan’s face heats up by the sheer embarrassment of gifting this to you. However, he knows that whatever he can do to make you happy will squander his embarrassment any day.
Getting caught up in his busy lifestyle, sometimes it takes him a bit longer to realize just how hard you have it too. You work yourself to the bone yet are so patient and understanding when it comes to him. He wants to be there for you, much more than he physically can be.
When he reenters the room, he sees your lips pursed, eyebrows stitched together by a needle of stress. It’s the kind of expression you make when you’re stuck.
Taesan isn’t sure if he should bother you again but decides that it’s a risk he’s willing to take.
Pressing play and setting the device aside, he tucks your hair behind your ears before placing the headphones right over them. His hands then linger to brush through the strands of your hair, as if your inability to hear has somehow obstructed your other senses too. You let him off the hook this time. The gesture is thankfully more calming than distracting.
“Ah, Oasis, right?” You instantly recognize the voice and melody of the song despite not being able to put your finger on it. “Which album is this again?”
Taesan loves sharing music with you, and it’s a passion of his that you’re glad he’s introduced you to, because it consumes such a big part of his life that you like being a part of as well. Though despite having his favorite songs and artists, he rarely ever shows you the same song twice. It’s always something new.
You also never miss out on supporting his own group’s releases, spending time on the phone just to let him point out the lyrics he wrote or any other insider facts from song to choreography to music video shooting. It’s like a whole other world from how he describes it.
But when he admittedly gets sick of hearing the same songs over and over again in the practice room, he’s listening to the thousands of other songs on his playlist for hours before he goes to sleep. He makes sure to send you one by the end of the night, and he plays it as soon as you’ve seen the text so it’s like you’re there listening to it with him. He also has a collection of vinyls—vinyls that’d be all worn out if he didn’t keep them in such pristine condition—stacked away in his dorm, and even a small bundle of slightly lesser used cassettes, which you’re assuming is what he brought for you today in his portable, faded blue cassette player.
“Oh, it’s not an album actually,” he answers, nervously blurting out the words before he can stumble over them. “It’s a mixtape.”
“For me?” You point to yourself, eyes wide in surprise.
He gives you a shy nod. “It’s nothing, really. Just some songs that remind me of you.”
Songs that remind him of you.
Trying not to reveal how flustered you are by the statement, you swivel your chair away from him and face down at the desk. “Thank you.”
He hums, even though he knows you can’t hear him over the blaring drums and guitars kicking in.
But despite that, you can still sense his gaze on you, so looking over your shoulder, you give him a soft smile and say, “I love you.”
As you turn back around, Taesan is finally able to take his eyes off you, letting himself lie back all the way on your bed with a peaceful sigh.
“Love you,” he whispers to the ceiling, because although you still can’t hear him, the words will always reach you anyway. Whether said or unsaid or sung in song, his love will always reach you.
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dapper-zappa · 1 year
His Conejita, Her Spider. | Miles Morales
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Pairing: Miles Morales x Fem!Civilian!Reader
Summary: While you're hanging out in your boyfriend's place, a particular sketch in Miles's room intrigues you and then you get to know the meaning behind it.
Word count: ~1,5k
Warnings: Fluff, established relationship, cute Miles, Uncle Aaron death mention, Mama Rio interrupting some couple's time 😭
A/N: I love how the "Childish Gambino inspired Miles" thing has come full circle so don't mind Miles and Y/N talking abt him in the first part of the fic. If you find any mistranslated Spanish, please let me know abt it <3
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Today’s one of those days where Miles invited you to his family’s place because hanging out with his girl is simply one of his favorite things to do, other than drawing various kinds of doodles in his sketchbook. While the two of you don’t have any homework for now, there’s nothing better than to spend the time together… right? Miles’s family also grew a lot on you to the point you almost see his mom Rio as an aunt figure and his dad Jeff as an uncle figure. 
“Hi… Mr. and Mrs. Morales. I’m Y/N L/N, Miles’s classmate.” you greeted shyly. 
Rio let out a warm chuckle. “Oh mija, no need to be shy around me. Feel free to call me Mrs. Morales or Tía Morales, I’m fine with both though so you’re welcome.” (dear)
“You must be Miles’s new girlfriend!” Jeff joined. “Kinda wish his uncle Aaron is still here because he’d love to see his little nephew together with a girl he pulled up, though.” he whispered into your ear, much to Miles’s annoyance. 
The tunes from various songs in Miles’s playlist flowed through the earbud you shared with him in your ear. One of his hands linked with yours the entire time he talked about why he loved the artists featured in his playlist, and you couldn’t help but smile the entire time at your doe-eyed boyfriend passionately rambling about his favorite artists. 
He’s an artsy boy who enjoyed drawing and making , but also in love with music and how it made the world feel more alive, according to him. And you loved him for that because while you’re not an artist yourself, listening to Miles’s rambles about his favorite artists and seeing the drawings he drew by himself made you appreciate the hard work between them more. Even the fact your boyfriend’s mostly self taught in art.
“So I’ve been thinking…” you mused, getting absorbed in the song currently playing from your earbud. 
“Hmm? Told you that you’d like Childish Gambino.” Miles gently nudged your arm. “It’s obvious I love Sunflower by Post Malone at this point but dude’s discography is like, everything to me-“ 
“No no no no, it’s just that for some silly reason, whenever I look at his face… he kinda reminds me of your uncle from the photos here. I can’t exactly describe why but maybe it’s because of his entire vibe? Like, both him and your uncle have this sort of warm, approachable chill vibe? ” you giggled, trying your best to dismiss how silly your brain was being right now. “I honestly don’t know.” 
He thought about what you had just said about one of his favorite artists and his uncle for a brief moment, nodding once he found himself agreeing with it. 
“You know what, you’re right.” he flashed you a dopey grin. “Actually my uncle introduced me to Childish Gambino first.”
“Wait, what? Miles, are you serious?” 
 “Cielo, I’m serious.” he immediately paused the music from his phone. “So it all started with that one time I heard ‘Me and Your Mama’ blaring in my uncle Aaron’s place, then when he told me about the song’s title thanks to him noticing me jamming myself to it, he also said that the song reminded me of my dad falling in love with my mom. While he just thinks Childish Gambino is neat, for me his music means a lot because I was really close with my uncle and he always comes up in my mind whenever I listen to one of his songs.” 
“That explains why he pops up quite a lot in your playlist.” you said. “I like that. You’ve got a great taste.”
Miles shyly scratched the back of his neck. “You do? Well thanks, I mean- yours isn’t so bad either.” 
The more you hung out in Miles’s place, the more you loved his place and his family because of how close you were now with him and his parents. Though you just noticed a particular object displayed on his desk began to arouse the curiosity within when your head turned to face the desk he often used as both his little art studio and his study desk. 
It was a drawing of you with for some reason, rabbit ears on top of your head smiling gleefully, along with sunflowers surrounding your smiling face. It was a really beautiful artwork, from what you’ve seen. Out of the many impressive works made by your boyfriend, it’s definitely your new favorite as of now. 
“Why, thank you!” you beamed, though your demeanor suddenly shifted into a nervous one as your eyes briefly glanced at his desk. “But if you don't mind… Can I look at the little drawing on your desk?” hesitatingly, you pointed at the artwork on his desk but Miles cut you off before you could say anything else.
His eyes widened at the mention of the piece of artwork you were referring to. “Y-you sure you wanna look at it?” he stammered, standing up from the bed. 
Walking towards his desk, he picked up the paper before sitting back on the bed and handing it to you. 
“I hope you’ll like this one.” 
You took the paper from his hands and now focused yourself on the drawing depicted on the paper. You couldn’t believe your eyes as you finally got to see it right in front of your eyes. From the precise ink strokes in the sketch that made up your face’s exact likeness, how the drawing pops from the vibrant yellow, orange, and pink used in it, and to the silly little addition he chose to add this time in the form of bunny ears, you couldn’t help but love the drawing (and Miles himself) more than before. 
“You like it, cielo?” His question made you snap out of your trance.
“This is way more than beautiful, babe!” you squealed, immediately wrapping your arms around him. “I can’t describe how perfect this drawing is and the sunflowers are the best addition because they look so bright and like, everything about this is so amazing.”
“You’re welcome, Y/N.” he replied. 
By this point, both of your faces were beaming with happiness. You from being impressed by your boyfriend’s art skills, and Miles, from the fact you loved this doodle of you that he had drawn. Keeping your arms placed on his shoulders, you slightly pulled away from the embrace in order to face him while his hands reached for your waist. 
“But one question, Miles.” you retrieved the paper again and shoved it directly in front of his face. “Why the bunny ears? It’s not like I hate them or anything, I just wanna know why.” smirking, you waved the drawing to tease him until he revealed the answer..
He playfully shoved the paper away and gave you the biggest and proudest shit eating grin you’ve ever seen as he pulled you closer by the waist, before whispering in your ear. 
“Because you’re my cute little bunny rabbit. That’s why I often call you ‘conejita’, because it literally means ‘bunny’ and the sunflowers represent how much I love you and how happy you make me.”
Before you could say anything, you were interrupted by Rio clearing her throat. You immediately scrambled away from Miles and caught the sight of her holding 2 mugs of steaming hot chocolate standing in front of his bedroom door.
“Just wanna say that I made some hot chocolate, kids!” Rio chimed in as she set down the mugs on Miles’s desk. “And my oh my, Miles, looks like you and Y/N were having some serious love conversations right now from the looks of it.” she teased, putting her hands on her hips. 
“Mamá, ¿por qué no llamaste a la puerta?” Miles whined.  (Mom, why didn’t you knock the door?)
“Dios mío, Miles, ¿no te diste cuenta de que dejaste la puerta abierta?”  (My god, Miles, didn't you notice that you left the door open?)
“I’m sorry, mamá, I forgot to close the door so I didn’t notice you were coming.” 
“Está bien, mijo. Just make sure next time you don’t do it again, okay?” Rio gently patted Miles’s shoulder before she headed to leave her son’s room, only for her to pop her head back in, much to his annoyance. (It’s okay, dear.)
“What again, mom?” 
“I love you both!” she winked, closing the door and truly leaving from the room this time. 
Leaving the tiny awkward moment you two just had because of your boyfriend’s mom barging in, you both continued your previous activities of just chatting with each other while listening to each other’s playlist. It’s really sweet to know that the symbolism Miles put in the drawing of you with bunny ears meant wonders to him thanks to his adoration for you. Now you get why movies and artworks tend to be careful with the colors or details depicted there, because symbolism were pretty much seemingly small things that actually mean a lot, like why Miles chose to draw you with bunny ears and sunflowers around you in the artwork. 
You’re his bunny rabbit, and he’s your spider. How cute is that?
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iclarye · 2 years
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Alice in Borderland characters meeting you for the first time in a record store and both of you share the same taste (headcanons)
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# — ARISU!
⇢ You noticed him choosing up a record from one of your favorite bands.
⇢ Probably isnt a famous band that everyone knows
⇢ When you called his attention, he became extremely nervous and couldn't form a coherent sentence.
⇢ He was overjoyed to see someone who appreciates the music he likes.
⇢ You told him how you discovered about the band.
⇢ He'd say it was Karube who introduced him, and then be mixed up since you have no idea who he is.
⇢ Likely would overshare that he plays his games while listening to the band music.
⇢ He would listen to you with a shy smile on his face
⇢ After a few minutes, you would split up to better explore the store.
⇢ Would cross paths on the way to the cash register and smile at each other.
⇢ He would ask the seller to give you a note that was handwritten by him.
⇢ “Hi, my name is Arisu, and I really enjoyed talking to you. Please give me a call at (xx) xxxx-xxxx (sorry I didn't know how to ask for your number)”
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# — USAGI!
⇢ You caught her looking at one of your favorite albums, and she noticed.
⇢ She became concerned because she assumed you were familiar with her from her father's newspapers.
⇢ She relaxed and walked over to you as you smiled and pointed to the vinyl in her hand.
⇢ "This is her best album in my opinion! What’s yours?”
⇢ She confessed that she didn't have many friends with whom to discuss her musical tastes.
⇢ You two would walk throughout the store while conversing over the music.
⇢ When she realizes she may be talking too much, she blushes, but you can get her to talk again by asking what other artists she enjoys.
⇢ You’l probably lie and say you don't know who those artists are just to see her smile as she talks.
⇢ As you wait in line to pay, she lets you pass in front of her.
⇢ Together, you exit the store and follow one another down the sidewalk.
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⇢ He is so silent and unnoticeable that it is likely you were unaware of his presence.
⇢ He would have likely caught your attention while you were holding a record and searching for a particular album.
⇢ “You should probably buy the deluxe version of this record, I suggest.“
⇢ It'd get annoying because you'd know precisely why you're purchasing it, but you'd recognize that he doesn't.
⇢ You would answer in a passive aggressive tone that you are a collector, and he would be intrigued since you are one of the first people he has met who likes the unknown band.
⇢ You likely believe he didn't hear you and just doesn't have anything to do with you.
⇢ But he reacts by telling you his thoughts on the differences between the two editions of the albums and how satisfied he is that someone else gets to share having a good tastes.
⇢ Your conversation would be short and simple, and you would soon part ways.
⇢ You'd go to the register later and find out that he'd paid for your products (after all, he is a doctor and has a lot of money)
⇢ Plus, two weeks later, you'd cross paths on a busy street and look at each other.
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# — ANN!
⇢ As soon as you enter the store, you'd be aware of this woman's presence.
⇢ You want to avoid showing up at the same session as her since she is so reserved and confident, but it's impossible because the vinyl you want is already there.
⇢ You would pick it up to look at another record by a musician you like only then to quickly realize that the item you were looking for was not there.
⇢ "You should take this one, just so you know, the cover on this one is damaged and scratched."
⇢ You would grab the item out of her hands and then explain that you already owned it and were seeking for another record by the performer to add to your collection.
⇢ She'd probably just say she collects as well, and you'd try to ask what her favorite songs are.
⇢ She would be closed off with precise and brief responses, never looking into your eyes and always focused on something else.
⇢ But when you happen to stumble over words, she would listen to you carefully and smile.
⇢ You would part ways without swapping names or any other information.
⇢ However, you'd meet again the very next week at the same store, and she'd hand you the vinyl you're seeking for.
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# — KUINA!
⇢ Her familiarity with the location of the albums and others products comes from her regular visits to the business.
⇢ As a result, she helps you in searching for vinyl when you are having trouble finding a particular piece.
⇢ She became excited when she realized that it was the record of her favorite singer and she began talking to you.
⇢ She most likely talks a lot, and all you do is smile and nod in agreement.
⇢ However, if you spoke, she would listen attentively.
⇢ With your arms crossed, the two of you would circle the shop as she pointed out what was located where and which employees she personally prefer.
⇢ Because she asked, you likely would list the singer's top albums.
⇢ If you had a differing view, she would be horrified, but she would also laugh with you about it.
⇢ Surely, this girl will flirt to you.
⇢ She would most likely kindly ask your phone number in order to talk about the singer and your thoughts.
⇢ When you pick up the purchase and pay, she would request a special discount for you.
⇢ Message: Hello there, its Kuina from the store, are u free for a coffee tomorrow?
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⇢ He likely became aware of your presence as you approached a vinyl display of the singer he enjoys that was displayed on the wall.
⇢ As soon as you picked up the album, he would laugh sarcastically.
⇢ "I don't think you're bright enough to understand a singer like him"
⇢ His rude statements to someone he has never met in person and his tone of voice would undoubtedly annoy you.
⇢ He would approach you only to pick up another Vinyl record and declare that it was greater, but you could never hear any of it.
⇢ You would become angry and start yelling at him about which Disc was the best and how you had the same interest in music.
⇢ Most likely, you two would be the center of attention for all of the other customers in the shop.
⇢ Within a few minutes, there would already be a lot of noise, and employees would be debating whether it was best to disrupt or ignore.
⇢ He would pause his speech to look at you coldly before smiling sarcastically and walking away.
⇢ And you would become even furious.
⇢ Weeks later, you would most likely meet up at another business.
⇢ "Look if it's not the one who has no taste for anything"
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theobsessiveloser18 · 5 months
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Joshaya head cannons
•Once or twice a month they meet, spend time together (with their friends)
•Josh has had dinner at the Hunter house, Shawn and Katy love him (Even so they let him know that he must be careful With little Mayaboushka)
“I'm watching you Spawn Matthews”
“Come on Shawn, you and I are like cool cousins, you tried to change my diapers, what's changed now?”
“that you are in a 'we will see' with My adopts child”
“Don't worry dad, if he breaks my heart, his face will be stuck in the floor for my babies." She pointed to his high heels.
“That's My Dwarf Girl”
“i had a little scary”
•Maya goes to her university events, conferences, thesis exhibitions, no matter how boring the antics are she will be there trying not to fall asleep,But if there is some kind of sporting event Josh will be forced to attend, it doesn't matter if he doesn't understand them or doesn't like them, he is a little less enthusiastic than the girl But he makes sure that she doesn't get into fights With those on the opposite tribune
•Likewise, when he discovered that his future girl was an artist, he became his greatest ally (he and Riley constantly compete to see who is the number one fan). He gives her everything she needs In order for her to continue creating, and even materials to experiment with, is she going to exhibit her works at school? He arrived an hour before her and is organizing the space, he has even introduced her to The university artists, so that she continues to grow In the area
“Maybe you can study here, we would see each other daily”
“When I enter, you will be leaving, if at most we would spend a year together” He approached her in a flirtatious manner
“It would be a great year” it was a change of roles now Maya was nervous, she smiled shyly
“Yes, it would be”
•As it was said at the beginning they spend time with each other's group of friends, Josh tends to be a little ignored in Maya's, while in his she is like the favorite
•But the two of them also go out, they go to concerts, the movies, festivals, fairs, anything that screams fun means that Maya will be taking it, although generally they both contribute ideas of where to spend the time,Included in activities that only one of them likes
•What happens on Theirs outings?
~Maya starts an argument in the middle of the movie about what will happen next and how it will end, Josh tries to warn her, but people end up yelling at him and throwing food at him to make him shut up(She'll end up complaining about this, then they'll both laugh)
~When leaving the cinema they will eat whatever comes their way
~Maya will make them something related to the band(s) they are going to see, whether it be a bracelet, a pin, a ribbon, or a kerchief
“It is necessary?"
“Of course it is” (He would prefer to buy them, but oh well,Sometimes it does)
~Josh will carry her on his shoulders so she can see
~They fed the ducks,Or they'll give Ginger a little spin and pet other people's pets.
~Maya will draw everything she finds interesting, Josh will advise her to draw people for 5 dollars, it will be fine for her.
~They will take advantage to make the market
Amusement park
~They will save enough to go to all the games, literally all of them, that's why they don't go very often, but it's part of their goal list to go 3 times a year
~Many photos will be taken
~They will give away what they get in the games
“Why do you think that a philosophy student Would you have a little cow with a bow and a dress in your room?
“With your face I wouldn't be surprised if you still use a pacifier and bib to eat.
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(Delight with these cuteness)😍🤩😊☺️
~Josh will carry Maya while she points out where to go (he will also carry her if she doesn't want to walk anymore or if she is very tired, he offers to do it, more than she asks).
•Maya doesn't waste the opportunity to pretend she's lost, she's amused to see Josh scared, but most of the time he'll notice, and make her believe she's really lost, just to scare her From behind before she calls him.
•She likes to give him constant playful hits on the shoulder or stomach, when he is being very nerdy, very deep, or rather when he is being himself.
•we said that That Josh is going to eat at Maya's house, but the Matthews grandparents (Amy and Allan) love having Maya at home, you could say that Amy would be a better daughter-in-law with her than with Topanga (Amy sucks at Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner at girl meets world, okay? Good)They even talk to Josh about why he shouldn't break a person's heart with that backstory.
“I have learned everything I need to know about the failed relationships of Eric, Morgan, Shawn, and even the infidelity and love drama of America's sweethearts... Yours love story is almost a mystery and frankly I am not interested, I am already raised, I will be the perfectly human right for her, I have been clear about that from the beginning.”
“Wait, wait, wait!!, that's too much” Amy warned him
“We were talking about being the good high school rebound Partner, everyone has had one” Amy looked at him confused and intrigued “Have you thought about marrying her?!”
He looked embarrassed, he didn't respond.
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I love original scores, so you bet I listened to the Survivor score. Also because Stephen Barton is one of the composers and he worked on my favorite tv series of all time, so I had to lol and I thought I'd share some thoughts:
Mild Disclaimer: I do have some musical training though not much but I've always had an ear for themes and their uses, so that's what I usually focus on.
First of all, Cal's theme might be one of the most versatile themes I've heard in the last couple of years. It is played SO often in both the Fallen Order and Survivor scores but it never gets annoying because it's played in so many different ways. Sometimes it's played so subtly that you don't even know you're hearing it. For those who don't know it, this is one of the clearest instances of his theme in the Survivor score (1:05-1:46). One of the very first things you hear in the game is a variation of part of his theme in a very dark and sinister minor key (0:15-1:45). It's played the second you see him which immediately sets a clear distinction between the Cal shown in Survivor and the Cal from five years prior in Fallen Order where it's typically played in a more heroic yet innocently somber type way but as far as I remember (correct me if I'm wrong), it's never played in a minor key in that score but holy shit, it's minor and darker ALL OVER Survivor and in a way that just gives you that "mom, I'm scared, I wanna go home" type of feeling. Fallen Order Cal's theme has a very naive youthfulness to it whereas Survivor Cal's theme just feels... drained. There's a heavy weight to it that wasn't there before. My man Stephen Barton understood the assignment here.
Just to point it out, the theme that's widely considered to be the main theme of Fallen Order is actually Cordova's theme (1:10) which is an interesting artistic choice in and of itself and yes, it does play when he's introduced in Survivor (0:13-0:35).
Merrin has a theme (1:00-1:20) which I somehow completely missed during my first listen to Fallen Order. Shame on me, I know (yes, this track is from the first game but it's a really clear version of it) and you'd think it'd be some mystical sounding shit but it's actually this really interestingly almost hard and strong melody (1:13-2:04) that can be incredibly soft when it needs to be. It's what plays during her and Cal's first kiss. It's only the first few notes (5:40) but that's sure as hell what it is - those notes are the entire reason I even found her theme cause I was like... Barton sir, what the fuck is playing there??
Also, her theme works as the basis for the action cue that plays during the portal jumping scene right after said-kiss which makes perfect sense considering it's her powers being used and it gets a kickass action rendition as a result (2:08-2:19 and 2:50-3:10).
Cal and Merrin do have a love theme and yes, it's exactly what you think it is. You know that weird-ass Fields of Dusk - Orchestral Version on the soundtrack (actual theme starts at 0:45)? Yeah, that melody does function as a love theme. You hear bits of it throughout the rest of the score as well, most noticeably during the campfire scene (2:35-2:50) and during their second kiss on Jedha (2:30-2:55) where it just pulls out all the damn stops.
I really hope Stephen Barton and Gordy Haab get a chance to compose for other Star Wars projects because they truly have done some great things with these two scores. This might be a hot take but I also think it's the closest a not-John-Williams composer has gotten to a John Williams sound.
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dire-vulture · 2 months
🍇 🍋 🥝 my evil questions
🍇Share the “villain” or main antagonist of your clan and talk about them!
honestly that's a tough one..i definitely have some morally dubious dragons here and there, but they're generally either staying out of other's ways so as to avoid trouble, or they just have very specific rivalries. (looking at you, Warglobe.) for dragons that could be said to antagonize the community as a whole though...
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Paragon's probably the strongest contender, he's a pompous tundra and a con artist lying about his fortune telling abilities, but he's also Tarragon's younger brother and he's more than happy to use Tarragon's innate protectiveness over him to his advantage, pushing around other dragons and facing relatively few consequences. I think he has somewhat chilled out since his earlier years in Florabrisa though. Like, other dragons definitely got sick of his shit and usually he'd just flee when things start to go south, but he already sort of came to Florabrisa as a last resort specifically for Tarragon's protection so dfgsdf with few other options he's mostly laying low now and is just a regular at the clan tavern. Other dragons at the tavern probably have lots of opinions on him though fdgsfd
i also just wanna give an honorable mention to my Pearlcacther Millisievert! She considers herself a pillar of the community, and in many ways she really is, but she's also a busybody and overly concerned with appearances, so bascially she tries to act like a self-appointed HoA for Florabrisa dfgsfd if you're doing something she disapproves of, she is going to let you know and has lots of words to say about it. dfgfd still, she's hardly evil. she's just not fun to rub shoulders with.
🍋What’s the most dramatic/emotional moment in your lore? Explain it, or write one short paragraph of prose set during that moment
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ooohh..the most dramatic has gotta be Tamarind and Zaffre's divorce, which i 'summarized' here. Not great when two of your clan's four leaders have a serious falling out and one of their kids go missing dfsfdgfd Zaffre left the clan for half a year after that, before returning to her duties as leader.
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and i don't talk about this all that much, but honestly i should and it is related to the above..Florabrisa's biggest victim (and really the only one thankfully) is Clash and I feel so bad for her fdgsfd She's Zaffre's eldest daughter, from her relationship with Kyurem years before meeting the other future Florabrisa leaders. Zaffre was a hardcore survivalist plague dragon who liked living on her own in the wilderness, far away from society, and Kyurem thought that was exciting and loved the adventure and the two fell in love. But then once they had Clash, Kyurem realized they didn't want their daughter to be isolated from everything and grow up with no friends or outside resources. Zaffre vehemently disagreed, believing Clash would have everything she needed in the Wilderness..so due to these different beliefs they split up (no divorce because they never married) and took turns raising Clash. The arrangement seemed to go well at first, young Clash learning lots of useful survival skills with Zaffre and getting more social benefits with Kyurem, but as Clash started getting older (like..6 or 7 at this point) it was becoming clear she wasn't really enjoying her time in isolated wilderness with Zaffre, and even in town with Kyurem where she enjoyed her favorite luxuries like candy, musicals, and indoor plumbing, she wasn't fitting in well with dragons her own age. Zaffre begrudgingly started letting Clash stay with Kyurem for longer periods, and then Zaffre herself decided she would start slowly reconnecting with society, starting by getting in touch with an old coworker/friend named Moraine, who introduced her to Tarragon and Tamarind too.
Honestly Tarragon tends to get the credit since he picked out the location and name, but in many ways, Florabrisa was actually Zaffre's baby. She had been burned by civilization and other dragons many times, but she always saw herself as a leader and she secretly wished she could start her own community. And she was really missing spending time with Clash too...basically after giving tons of pep talks to her friends who were all struggling with Dragon Capitalism in their own ways, she convinced them to start Florabrisa, in large part because she hoped this would finally be the right environment to raise Clash, and of course enjoy her new marriage with Tamarind and have a family with him too.
But then, once they all started getting Florabrisa set up and having to deal with leaderly duties and actually managing a community, Zaffre really didn't have all that much time to raise Clash, and in having a nest of eggs with Tamarind, then Moraine and Tarragon having their own kids too (including taking in Keiji when his parents suddenly died), they kind of ended up shouldering Clash with babysitting duties when she was barely a preteen fdsdgf Clash loves hatchlings, and wanted to be a responsible older sister, but it really wasn't fair to her. I like to think Tarragon, Moraine, and Kyurem did their best to make sure Clash wasn't having too many responsibilities put on her, but Clash tends to be very closed off and great at hiding her feelings, so they still missed a lot of things dfgsfd and there was still the problem of Clash not fitting in with her peers, given her odd fashion sense, stilted speech, and apparent lack of emotions, all of which other kids would mock her for. This unfortunately did not go away in Florabrisa. In fact, Millie up there in the first question is only two years older than Clash and for most of their teenage years was her biggest bully, since Millie (who of course cares so much about Florabrisa's well-being) saw the marital problems between Zaffre and Tamarind, and as a concerned citizen she loved throwing fuel into the rumor mill that Zaffre was cheating on Tamarind with her old flame Kyurem, with Clash right at the center at that,,, Clash had it very very rough growing up fgfdh
So yeah. Florabrisa's cruelest irony is that it was founded in part to be the ideal place to raise Clash, but then they all just. completely flubbed that part. i am so sorry Clash :(
sometimes i have to wonder if she should have even stayed in Florabrisa, but I think as an adult she's found peace and she's much better supported now. She has her wife Antikyra and they have a child who is going to get the dream childhood that Clash deserved!
omg. well, so much for one short paragraph dfgsfdg it's been years and i just finally needed to talk about Clash i guess xD;
🥝If you were to start over on your lore and remake it entirely, what would you change?
Kiwi time dfgsfdgfds. ummm lets see. give Clash a better childhood for starters sfdgsfd
For years I thought to myself if i restarted my lair, I would make it a swamp instead. but then i made my swamp tab and pretty much gave myself everything i wanted so dfgsfd i really don't know! I have thought before that if i had a chance to do something new with my progens, I would make them an M snapper and f bogsneak who are just friends instead of the typical married-progens-thing, but honestly i would never change Moraine and Tarragon and married progens are still fun regardless dsfgsfd having a snapper progen would rule though.
thank you!! and i am sorry for the length of this dfgsdfgdfg
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duckprintspress · 9 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributors Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh
We are 57% of the way to our funding goal for AETHER BEYOND THE BINARY, with 19 days to go!! This awesome anthology featuring non-binary and genderqueer characters in aetherpunk settings has been in the works for a year, and we’re optimistic that we’ll reach our funding target so that we can publish the book as an e-book, trade paperback, and hardcover. Slow and steady, race winning, you know the deal. 😀 Things have definitely slowed down, as is normal for this stage of the campaign, so just a note that we’d always appreciate your help with spread the word about this project so that more people will know it exists! You can find our “main” posts about the campaign on different platforms using these links:
Patreon (public post)
Thanks in advance!!
You can learn all about the campaign, the book, the merch, and the authors, by visiting our Kickstarter campaign page!
And, today we’re introducing two more contributing authors: Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh!
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The Light Organ by Flore Picard
About Flore Picard: I’m a linguist and translator who lives in France and I have been itching to write since I learned how to. I started writing (fan)fiction more regularly when I was procrastinating on my PhD dissertation, and I haven’t looked back since. I’m also an artist who loves drawing both fanart and original art, and I have a passion for patterns and systems, for the beauty at the edge of chaos and the complexity of being human. I tend to write about queer and disabled characters finding themselves and each other and learning to take up space in the world.
Links: Instagram | Twitter
This is Flore’s first publication with Duck Prints Press.
Title: The Light Organ
Tags: angst with a happy ending, capitalism is the real villain, coming out, disabled character, emotional hurt/comfort, family, fraught family dynamics, illusion, in the closet, magic use, mechanic, musician, non-binary, parenthood, present tense, science fiction with magic, teenager, third person limited point of view, transphobia (mentions of) (past)
“No, no, no—the organ, the light ring—it’s all about the imagination, not the mechanics,” Kas exclaims, gesturing widely to encompass the aether pool behind the glass.
“I’m just here for the tubes,” the tech—Gilbert—says flatly.
His face betrays no emotions, not even annoyance. Kas almost wishes he would yell or be rude, if only for the sake of feeling like they’re having an actual conversation, but Gilbert has always been polite. He just never seems to care.
“Fine,” Kas gives up. “We’ve got glitches. They started about a week ago. It could be a leaking tube, I’m not sure.”
“What kind of glitches?”
“It’s as if… as if the story stops responding to me. I know how that sounds, but I swear that’s what happens. It doesn’t last more than a few seconds, but it’s getting worse. Earlier, I powered everything up to tune it and it kept flickering.”
“Flickering,” Gilbert repeats, mumbling into his neatly trimmed beard.
Kas grabs a cane in each hand and makes their way to the organ’s seat. “I can show you.”
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You’re Gonna Get Older by Alec J. Marsh
About Alec J. Marsh: Alec lives in the Pacific Northwest, where they write romantic adult fantasy and self-indulgent fanfiction. They make candles inspired by their favorite characters.
Links: Etsy | Instagram | Twitter
Alec is one of the editors for Aether Beyond the Binary and has also published multiple titles with Duck Prints Press. His novella To Drive the Hundred Miles (modern, f/m, trans male lead) was recently successfully crowdfunded and orders fulfilled. His two erotica stories Heart’s Scaffold (sci-fi, m/m) and Study Hall (modern academia, m/m) are part of the Contributor Short Story Bundle add-on.
Title: You’re Gonna Get Older
Tags: arranged marriage, christian, coming of age, coming out, cults, fraught family dynamics, friends, in the closet, lesbian, midwest, misgendering, non-binary, north dakota, past tense, post-apocalyptic, relationship of convenience, religion, song fic, teenager, third person limited pov, trans man, trans woman, transphobia
There was a radio in the room, an old two-way they had found on their last visit and hidden in an empty supply closet. It was still there. They slid open the battery pack and snapped in a fresh battery from their aether lantern. Chips of the meteor had been encased in metal tubing to mimic the lithium batteries of the Before, but they were precious and had to be used sparingly. Stardancer knew better than to use precious energy on something this frivolous.
They popped the battery cover in place and pressed the power button. It crackled to life. They cradled it like it was made from glass. The dials made a tak-tak-tak noise as Stardancer scrolled through channels. Music came through softly. It faded in and out, cut through with static, but it was music, and not the kind made on an acoustic guitar. They adjusted the antenna and turned up the volume.
It was like nothing they had heard before, fast paced with a heavy beat. Even over the fuzzy AM connection, it was invigorating. They wanted to dance. They wanted to sing along with words they had never heard before. The singer screamed their triumph, and Stardancer felt invincible.
There's no time like right now to become a backer and help us reach 100% funded! Check it out!
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eteisvalssi · 2 months
ruisrock report 7.7.2024
i'm now back home from turku and what a weekend it was! here are some of my thoughts:
i was a volunteer at ruisrock. i did two 7,5 hour shifts checking other volunteers in and out of their shifts and it was so much fun! an easy job, i got to enjoy one full day and two partial days of the festival, i got free food on the two days i had a shift and would've gotten free accommodation too if i hadn't had one already. all worth it :)
i did go see artists other than joker out. my favorites were definitely fröbelin palikat and robin! fröbelin palikat is something the main target audience of ruisrock grew up listening to so it was very nostalgic and there were so many people and literally everyone dancing and singing along to children's music. and robin is just robin, an amazing performer and literally everyone knows his songs
even on our day off we could use the volunteer bus and the crew entrance, so we did, and went to teltta straight away to check the situation. my friend wanted to stay there to secure barricade, but i gave my spot to a girl who wanted to only see the first two acts there
we had the joblr meetup! i loved meeting you all, it was so much fun, and i hope to see you all soon <3 next meetup in slovenia during the balkan tour? 👀
the others went to see käärijä but i felt bad for my friend for disappearing for three hours so i went to the tent after pehmoaino and the girl who i mentioned earlier gave me the spot back!
we could hear käärijä a bit from the tent and it was nice to hear how loud the audience was when erika vikman and joost came on stage
next up in the tent was ege zulu, i only knew like two songs but oh my god his performance was so good! he's a rapper and he had like a show with a proper band and dancers. at one point he just started improvising and singing/talking directly to the audience members and giving compliments and he truly knew what part of the audience he had to win over bc yours truly got complimented on 😂
after ege zulu the first rows started filling up from joker out fans
next up was alok and speaking as a person who does study event management i feel like there might have been some misjudgement from ruisrock's part on the timetables, because the two front rows were really not feeling it and it was very awkward. it would've worked better with joker out having performed before, but of course i know nothing about what their reasoning was
the 1,5 hour wait for joker out went by so fast. we were listening to pmmp from the niitty stage and during their most-well-known songs everyone who knew them was singing along. because of that the vibe in the audience was so good even before the gig started
katri norrlin and this other guy from ylex came to introduce them and even at that people were screaming so fucking loud. i read from jodel that one security person went to get second earmuffs bc it was so loud
after they came on stage nace looked me straight in the eyes and waved at me even though i didn't wave at him like ok??
i don't feel like i've ever been at a more high-energy joker out concert than this. the audience was so loud through the whole concert, the tent was full of people and you could see they got so excited by it and went completely crazy themselves
this one was truly for the shippers of the fandom with just everything that happened on that day
i didn't even realize jere and the others were on the side watching the gig before vse kar vem and i only heard about joost also being there after the concert
seagulls had somehow found their way into the tent and one of them got really scared during šta bih ja and flew around for a while before flying backstage
didn't expect sunny side of london or bele sanje to be on the setlist, but i'm definitely not complaining. ssol was just perfect for this gig
i've taken a video of novi val from every single gig and i was kinda sad that they didn't do it this time, but i do also get why they ended with carpe diem
after the gig we went back to the centre of turku and had an afterparty with some mutuals at a grill kiosk <3
i feel like i've forgotten something but idk i'll add some stuff if i do remember what i had in mind. thanks for reading <3
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desiree873 · 5 months
Exhibitions and Book signings in sims 3. Dream or reality? please repost!
I have zero experience in modding and coding, but I really enjoy mod and I'm fascinated by the complexity of it. I have this extremely specific and long to explain (sorry!) idea for a mod and I just can't stop thinking about it. I know there's a lot of skilled modders her on tumblr, could someone at least tell me if this achievable, or if I'm just crazy? lol. I know it's never gonna happen but I need to know if it's doable.
I would like to enrich the experience of writing and painting so that sims that sell paintings and novels could do something that's not simply writing and painting at home. The idea would be to create a temporary exhibition event for painters and a book signing event for writers. The two events would work similarly. After a certain level of painting/writing there would be a new interaction on a specific rabbit hole lot (museum?), something along the lines of "hold temporary exhibition/book signing". In my mind, this would work similarly to when you invited the headmaster to get admitted to private school in sims 2: the success of the exhibition/book sign will depend on a series of specific interactions that the sim will be able to do during the time of the event. For painters: they would simply hang their paintings in a room in the lot from their inventory, and then, for the time of the event, they should get a new interactions with sims present in the room such as "explain artistic vision". Something similar should happen for writers, with interactions such as "discuss literary influences".
I would also like for something alcohol related to give points that will determine the success of the event, something like toasting, but I don't think that's possible in sims 3. Maybe a bar should always be present in the exhibition/book signing lot so that the artist can get points for getting drinks for everybody. Both painters and writers should get points from giving a speech on the podium which should have a custom interaction such as "introduce exhibition", animation would stay the same. Since it's a book signing, I would love if writers could sign books, maybe it can be done starting from the autograph animation. If it's too complicated, introducing plain autograph signing for the time of the event would be good as well. Success of the event will be determined by: how many of these activities the sim was able to carry out during the event, the sim level of writing/painting skill and level of charisma. The artist sim will get paid at the end of the event based on his/her performance, and they would get one of the usual sims message such as "oh no the event sucked, Mark didn't sell any book" or "The event was a big success, Lucy sold multiple paintings and earned xxxx simoleons" . Would be cool if sim with low writing/painting/charisma skill that also do not successful carry on the interactions could lose money from organizing an unsuccessful exhibition or book signing.
I think it would be a fun little challenge (private school admission was one of my favorite things in sims 2 because it was one of the few things that was actually hard!) that would add a sort of active career feel for writers and painters. I think it could also be the base for very similar events for other careers (film screening and Q&A for movie directors?)
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softboynick · 5 months
a dive into august moon's (tiny) discography 🌙🩷
From what we know about August Moon, the fictional boy band from The Idea of You, they are meant to be a conglomerate of a bunch of different boy bands and artists – an ode, a homage, to this era of music, if you will. Obviously, by looking at the members themselves, you can draw similarities between certain members of - ahem - another well-known boy band, but this post isn’t about them. This is about the music because I’m insane and I have Thoughts I’d like to share. 
Taste: After my very first listen of Taste, I immediately noticed the inspiration drawn from modern K-Pop, specifically BTS (and from interviews, Nick has mentioned they looked to BTS to help build August Moon’s dynamic). Sonically, Taste has a similar beat, tone, and structure to BTS’ Butter. All we’re missing really is a bar or two from their Rap line, which is unfortunate that they don’t have one. Taste is the most upbeat out of the five August Moon songs we get and relies heavily on electronic dance and disco elements that is reminiscent of K-pop music production. But also, after sending this song to a friend, it reminded her of Jonas Brothers and DNCE, which is not entirely far off, too. 
Dance Before We Walk: This is the first song that introduced us to August Moon, and I think this was a good choice for a debut single. It brings elements of electronic dance and rock that is very One Direction-esque. However, it still brings something fresh, new, and unique, which is what they needed to really sell August Moon as a boy band, even if they’re not technically a real one. But they’re still real in my heart. Hayes has bewitched me. 
Closer: The one thing that stands out to me about this song - besides that first line of the chorus (you know the one) - is the driving bass line that carries the heart of the song. If you know me, you’d know how much I appreciate a good bass. No other August Moon song has the bass turned up so loudly that it holds a melody of its own, and because of this, Closer, I think, is a modern take on 1960s boy bands like the Beatles or the Beach Boys. Paul McCartney of the Beatles prided himself on a melodic bass line, and Closer, to me, pays homage to that. 
I Got You: When Nick said this was his favorite because it’s so cliche, I didn’t believe him, but after I listened to it, it is very much the most cliche song I’ve ever heard. This is what I imagine to be August Moon's One Less Lonely Girl, where they bring a girl from the audience and serenade them, or their Little Things because boy bands sure do love pointing out a girl’s insecurities and saying how much they love her despite them. It’s so cliche that it also reminds me of Big Time Rush more than anything (Cover Girl, anyone?), and I feel like this is the most accurate comparison I could come up with. 
Guard Down: Sorry, but this is the most One Direction song that ever One Directioned. This song could have been from Take Me Home, and I wouldn’t have known the difference. I feel like what sets this one apart from the other songs is that it relies heavily on the rock/pop elements that are obviously a nod to One Direction, especially in their Take Me Home era. This is probably why I love this song so much because it reminds me of a time when life was so simple. I was just a girl in high school listening to Rock Me and just giggling about these five boys from the UK. 
[BONUS] Go Rogue: There is no doubt that Hayes’ performance of Go Rogue on the Graham Norton Show is a direct comparison to Harry who was just beginning his solo career. Go Rogue is very reminiscent of Harry’s debut self-titled album (From the Dining Table, Sweet Creature, etc.). The song itself is very pared down compared to August Moon’s songs. Very minimal production - just a voice, guitar, and piano - which isn’t dissimilar to what Harry’s self-titled album is like. There is a layer of yearning that is also borrowed from Harry’s lyrics and sound, and I think it is a beautiful homage to the passage of time and to Harry himself.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <3
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cleolinda · 5 months
Weekend links, April 28, 2024
My posts
I spent the first half of the week struggling through (well-medicated) mania and the second half currently with a sinus infection! I’m not enjoying it! Not either one! 
Reblogs of interest
Pro-Gaza protests at universities in the U.S.: a solidarity Passover seder and an accidental Pulitzer photo
Canada Agrees 200 Islands Belong to the Indigenous Haida Nation
The Hot Vintage Lady Polls continue to go for the throat. I felt so bad about Dorothy Dandridge that I started posting and reblogging propaganda for her, but Ava Gardner, my beloved, went through anyway. Backing her felt like a wish on a monkey’s paw ("Not like this!!"). (See all poll results here.) I tremble to think what round 5 will look like. Like, there’s a point when your girl is gonna come up against a Hepburn, you know?
Notably gone this week: Judy Garland, Julie Andrews, Lupe Vélez, Irene Papas (who took out Vivien Leigh in the previous round), Gene Tierney, Barbara Stanwyck, Lena Horne, Jean Seberg, Anita Ekberg, Angela Lansbury, and Cyd Charisse. Like I keep saying, everybody loses. Everybody but one. Round 5 will start May 1st. 
Hozier Watch 2024: His first U.S. #1, which he’s now playing at shows! The first U.S. #1 for an Irish artist in 34 years! What?? you cry. Did “Take Me to Church” not do that ten years ago? Well, I went and looked it up: No. That was the “Blank Space” era. Say no more. 
Speaking of Taylor Swift—Paste Magazine went IN on the new album and got threats as a result. Meanwhile, Taylor’s fans are harassing the ex-boyfriend who did nothing wrong (as opposed to the racist one) because her PR is egging them on. I’ll admit: even though I’m not a fan, I found the Paste review to be overlong and not focused enough on the actual songs, proportionally. But that post about the PR saga is everything I miss about Fandom Wank. 
(“My rival dresses to display her legs, and her shoes are of an alluring fashion”)
Meanwhile, the Watcher guys issued the best apology possible, although it was still excruciating to watch. (Background.) They will remain on YouTube while introducing the streaming service. As a Patreon member, I haven’t asked for my free subscription code yet, but I’m going to. Some fans forgave them pretty easily; others have walked away. I’m curious to see if this affects the mood of anything new they film, since a segment of the fandom got really, really ugly about it. Mostly it just felt sad all around. 
Meanwhile, in Alabama: nobody wants to measure the feral hog.
Turns out Death Note had a good reason to concoct “American” names like “Bobson Dugnutt.” Also, I somehow had two posts tagged “death note” this week and I don’t even go here.
The worst brownies ever created and what Tumblr has to say about them
“You roll up to the Wizard Battle and your opponent takes out his spellbook but it’s just one of these”
I know that Loki is not Odin’s son in actual Norse mythology, but the bredlik is amazing.
TIL that Florence and Ravenna are still feuding over Dante’s remains
Maybe haunted dolls cost extra
Branch manager
Senior branch manager
“Free serotonin from Honey the Italian greyhound”
Sola learned to show love from her humans
I have seen many of jauncydev’s videos about dog personalities, but I have never seen him commit quite this hard before
I like tie-dye videos anyway, but this one is sick as hell
The sacred videos: you are not prepared for this police sketch, and neither is this news anchor
The sacred texts
Kick his ass, baby. I got yo flower.
Gold Star, You Tried: A compilation
A personal favorite: “mayhaps I TWIMST aroumd”
The origin of “By Talos this can’t be happening”
Personal tags of the week
Seasonally: cherry blossom. Also, art: an old standby, but it was really good, and also, I’m sick.
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mrsoharaa · 3 months
sorry @lazyjellyfish300 babe! it wouldn't let me post/reblog the entire thing for some reason so I have to make it a separate post! 😅
but this was sooo so much fun to do! thankies for the tag! this was really cute! 🥰🥹🫶🏼
ohhh looks funnn! <33
holding hands · buying flowers (Sugu gives me really pretty Azalea's and Miggy gives me gorgeous peonies!) · cooking (they're the chefs in the relationship lol) · cuddles (is a MUST) · writing a poem / song · holding door open · tying shoe laces · sharing a milkshake with two straws · offering their jacket when it's cold (it's like the moment they hear me shivering they immediately give me their long jackets! sweethearts!) · kissing in the rain (ALL THE TIME IDC MY FAVE TYPE OF KISS EVER) · publicly confessing love(idk Migs likes privacy but will still confess and Sugu is a strong maybe! <3) · long walks at the beach (ABSOLUTELY especially at night!) · doing the titanic pose on a boat · taking cute pictures in a photo booth (will drag them both lmao) · sharing a taxi / uber · kissing the back of their/my hand (YES YES) · slow dancing (FUCK YESSS!) · getting tickets of their favorite artist / sports team / other (want my hubbys to be happy and having a great time!) · introducing them to parents (my mom would probably honestly ADORE them!) · lighting candles (Sugu yes, Migs probs not because of his sensitive senses :( but that's ok! as long as he's comfy and stressed free! <3) · flower petals on bed (when I tell you that these two are absolute cliche adorable classic lovebugs! ugh their so cute! rose petals EVERYWHERE!) · love letters · star gazing · brushing / doing their hair (oh, I'm in Suguru's long princess beautiful hair 25/8!) · picnics · teaching them to play an instrument / sport while gently guiding their hands (If i remembered how I played the violin then sure!) · compliments (it's literally PRAISE CENTRAL in both relationships!) · late night drives · taking selfies together (lol I convince force them) · drawing them (if I remember how to draw lmao) ·
self-made gifts · massages (YES IT'S A MUST) · proposing with a family heirloom ring · lending them their favorite book to read (with a kissing toll of course from me hehe!) · paying for dinner / coffee (they literally spoil me to no end! like I can pay for my own stuff but they insist to persistently/stubbornly!) · mixtapes / playlists (I strongly believe they have private playlists of songs that remind them of me, of course I do on my spotify, literally! <3) · surprise birthday parties (Miggy is iffy on them, but doesn't entirely hate them and Suguru is greateful for them, even just the thought put into it makes him so thankful and appreciative! they would both surprise me with a nice outting I think! tell me to dress nicely and take me out to a nice romantic dinner! ahhh getting so giddy about it since my bday is literally coming uppp! (the 15th!) · feeding them · handing them keys to your apartment · making space in drawer for their clothes when they stay over · sharing a blanket · couple costumes · tucking a hair strand behind their ear (the amount of strength I'd have to withhold from pouncing on them the moment they do that is unbelievable...and astonishing) · running after them at the airport / keeping them from leaving (I'm a clingy mother fucker so of course I'm gonna run after them and smother them to pieces!) · moving cities to be together (will need to be discuss but it's a high possibility! I would move close to them 100%!) · blowing a kiss (only my annoying goofy ass would do that rofl, all they would do is flirtatiously wink back at me with a slanted grin that makes my knees weak!) · breakfast in bed (it's like I don't have any limbs to use at this point lol they practically do EVERYTHING for me and it's annoyingly/adorably sweet!) · defending them in a fight (oh, you bet your ass I'm defending my men in a fight! IDC if I don't have any special super-human powers or Jujutsu techniques! I know how to throw hands and maneuver around (thanks to my height lol!) don't touch my man without me jumping in!) · joint bubble baths (an ABSOLUTE MUST. on BOTH parties) · dropping the L-bomb (this would have to take a some time, for both of them due to their rigid past traumas...but it's alright, I am patient when it comes to these two! though they truly, deeply appreciate/adore it when I tell it to them! they love the reassurance <3) · dedicating a song at the karaoke bar to them (you couldn't get me drunk/high enough lmao I'm sorry, but absolutely not.) · wearing their clothes (honestly their FAVORITE THING EVER. eyes stay pinned onto me whenever I "borrow" their clothing (especially their loong cozy sweatshirts/hoodies) <3)· yawning before putting an arm around them while watching a movie (lol they're sooo cliche and cheesy, but YES they both do this and it's so corny but cute) · granting them the last bite from a meal (it depends on what said meal is, if it's any form of pasta then NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. LOL I love them but I love my pasta. true pasta girl at heart!)
no pressure tags!; @ anybody who wishes to joinnn! ♡
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Hello! I sent this to vinelle and she said you've already seen it, so, thoughts on the new spiderverse? Do you have a favorite spiderperson? Thanks!
I have seen it.
Well, the thing is, as usual, I don't think you'll like my thoughts.
Also, putting in a read more as this is a fairly recent movie that I assume people don't want to be spoiled on.
It had fantastic animation, great art style, interesting designs for all the characters in a myriad of different styles. Wonderful diversity of the cast and universes. It's also nice to see what our heroes are getting up to after the last film, how all their problems weren't solved and they're still in much the same messes as ever.
However, for me, it's much weaker than the first film and not just because we get a "WAIT UNTIL PART TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".
First, for the part two bit, we get that this is a build-up film to whatever the next film is. We only introduce the problems and don't really get around to resolving them. We spend so much time between spider HQ and evil spot man that we don't focus on either as villains enough to really justify the time spent on either. Peter B Parker suffers a similar fate in that he just kind of... shows up with a baby. He's clearly comic relief again, but there's a very large question of why he's here and why he's doing what he's doing when he has about two seconds on screen to justify himself then uh change his mind, I guess. And from what we saw of part one, while we had some great fight scenes, I'm not sure they all justify what will ultimately be around a 4 hour runtime for both films.
The other bit is that it's a movie that... kind of gets the characters to do what it wants them to do. It's a hard sell for me to tell me that all the Spidermen (except for Myles) are getting together to make every other Spiderman's life miserable because one Spider Vampireman blames a teenage kid for the universe collapsing. Miguel comes off absolutely unhinged and I'm hard pressed to believe that most, if any, of the Spiderpeople we see recruited go along with this (when their role isn't so much to save people and help out other Spiderverses but make sure Uncle Ben dies horribly). We get a lot of justification for Gwen in that her life was falling apart, she'd lost her father completely as well as her only friends, and this gives her purpose and a found family. However, Peter? Peter who is an adult with a child and watching out for his own universe?
We also know of at least one universe that has survived without a Spiderman that is supposed to have a Spiderman (looking at you 42) so... why do they all assume the universe collapses if Spiderman doesn't do the same things in exactly the right order. Perhaps there's proof offscreen, but what happened to New Mumbai (especially given Spot was fucking with a particle collider) doesn't read as proof for me. Especially not for in universe characters.
It's also a bit strange when, from the last film, the point was that all the Spiderpeople are choosing to be Spiderpeople in a very individualistic manner that... doesn't lend itself to these people forming an HQ making decisions they don't agree with.
Myles even brings this up. Why is Hobie involved if he doesn't like what they're doing? Hobie never answers this then uh... leaves when it's convenient for him to do so because the plot said so.
Now, this one might get me killed if the rest hasn't already, but while I loved the animation itself the way it happens in the film is often a bit much. Don't get me wrong, it has great style and I love this age of artistic vision we're entering with animation. However, there was often too much on screen at any given moment (and this is the case with both the style and the dialogue). We'd get rapid fire quippy dialogue as the screen whirls past us, five things are happening at once, and as a result it's almost exhausting to watch. There were a lot of parts of the movie (the Lego Movie reference for example) that felt thrown in to show off artistic prowess as well as to make a gimmicky reference the audience will like. The issue isn't that they're there at all, but that there's so damn many of them. Add into that that we're already in a two-part film and I start to wonder if we couldn't have cut a lot of this.
To sum up though, don't get me wrong, I thought it was good and easily one of the best animated films I've seen in years. I will absolutely see the continuation film. I would still recommend people go see it but I'd tell you that if you're in it for story more so than art maybe just stick to the first one.
As for my favorite spiderpeople? You've come to the wrong blog. But I suppose I'll pick Peter B, you good old comic relief guru homeless man. He didn't do much in this film, but he was my favorite from the last one.
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