#I was like hmmm what if someone comes to the park to walk their dog or go for a jog or whatever and they see me
rosicheeks · 5 months
Congrats on getting out of bed and getting to see some nature today! 👏 👏 I hope it helped some!
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Hi! I hope you feel better soon 💜 I have funny lil request if you are at all interested. So Bucky has a lil crush on the reader, and one day walks by their room and hears something that makes him a bit jealous. He hears the reader giggling, and saying stuff jokingly like "Stop Charlie, that tickles!" or "You're so handsome," and Bucky becomes sad because he thinks the reader has found someone. But then he later finds out that the reader was actually dog sitting for a friend. What happens next is up to you, and feel free to change anything to make it more interesting! I chose Charlie as a random dog name that's also human, but its just an example. If you find any inspiration from this, I encourage you to take it in absolutely any direction you want! (as long as it has a happy ending, bc Im a sucker for happy endings hehe)
okay what I find hilarious and amazing about this is I HAVE HAD THIS EXAAACT SAME IDEA, WHY DID I NEVER WRITE IT. THIS IS SO ADORABLE. This is a sign. From the universe.
The only thing I'm changing here is the name because I find it hilarious when dogs have more common people names. 
It started off with your sweet smiles, they’re so contagious, he can’t help but smile back. He starts to find his heart jumping a little whenever you’re around, he almost goes to Bruce to get a medical check up cause why is his heart doing that. Stop that. He can’t control the way you make him blush and he realizes he likes you. Likes you likes you. Its a cute little crush he has that he tries to keep a secret because its just a little crush, nothing to get worked up over. 
He’s too scared to ask you out, he gets tongue tied the second he tries to attempt anything. 
It all goes sideways he walks by your room one day. 
"Daniel, bubba you're too heavy to be lying on me like this!"
He stopped dead in his tracks. Maybe he heard wrong. 
"Baby, stop that tickles"
Baby? You never mentioned dating anyone before.
"Hey! You can't get away with that just because you're so handsome"
Bucky blinked, his jaw clenching, who the fuck was this Daniel, and why he with you. He wanted to know exactly how “handsome” this punk was, making you giggle and laugh, he should be the one doing that. 
"Hmmm, you know you're so handsome don't you baby"
Bucky shook his head, huffing to his room to pout, he had to find out who the hell this guy was. Or not. If was sure he’d probably punch the guy in the neck. 
Imagine his surprise when he over hears the team just casually talking to you about Daniel. 
With Sam
Sam: So how's Daniel doing? You: He's good, I'm going to see him later today if I have some time, we might go for a walk in the park
Sam: Aww, the weather’s supposed to be nice out, maybe you can even stop by the lake!
With Tony
You: Daniel's coming over later, is that okay?
Tony: Sure, just don't make a mess in the living room like last time
You: Sorry, I'll keep him in check
Tony: He’s great otherwise, you should bring him around more often
Bucky nearly saw stars with that conversation, the last thing he needed was more of you and Daniel. The final straw was when he heard you talking to Steve. 
Steve: You think I can steal Daniel from you
You: I’m sure he’d love that, he loves going on runs with you, I can’t keep up with his energy 
Steve: He’s great, wish he was around more often, let me know when he’s coming by next
Okay, stealing his crush was one thing, but Bucky drew the boundary at this clown moving in on his best friend too. 
“Can you tell me what the hell is so great about Daniel” Bucky huffed, fidgeting with his fingers, sitting on the couch while Sam tinkered with redwing. 
“What do you mean what’s so great, he’s amazing! He’s friendly, he’s great with kids, he’s super sweet, gets along with everyone. You haven’t met him?” 
“No” Bucky rolled his eyes, every time he thought it was bad, it got worse. Now the guy was great with kids too. Fantastic. Before Sam could respond, Bucky hear you call for him. 
“Oh my God Bucky!! You have to meet Daniel!” You ran up to him, bouncing on your feet. Every time Daniel had come by, Bucky had either been called away on a mission or busy with something. You’d been dying for him to meet your favorite baby in the whole world. 
“I was busy y/n” Bucky tried to sound grumpy but he just couldn’t with you, pouting like a kicked puppy instead. He might as well meet the guy that seemed to have your heart. 
“You were just sitting with Sam, please?” You gave him your best pout and Bucky melted instantly, nodding while you ran back again to show your favorite soldier your best fur baby. 
Bucky’s eyes widened at the massive golden retriever that came bounding in, immediately pouncing on him and attacking him with kisses. 
“Daniel!!” You tried to pull him off but he wasn’t having it, trying to snuggle himself into Bucky, keeping him pinned on the floor. “Baby, get off him, I told you you’re too big!”
“This-this is Daniel?” Bucky blinked between getting his face licked, too stunned to say much else
“Yeah! Why, who did you think it was” 
“Your boyfriend” Sam snorted, watching the scene unfold in front of him, wiggling his eye brows at Bucky. 
“I-no-” Bucky blushed, while sitting up slightly, petting the fluffy baby behind the ears, allowing him to sit in his lap. 
“Man, shut up, just admit you were jealous over y/n 4 legged boyfriend” 
“Did you think Daniel was my boyfriend?” you giggled, sitting down beside him, your heart beating a little faster when he bit his lip. Did he like you back? “Were you jealous?” you whispered, inching a little closer to him, while he smiled softly not meeting your eyes. 
“Maybe a little” 
You both inched closer and closer until your hand was brushing his, his fingers hesitantly intertwining with yours while Daniel happily made himself comfortable across your laps, his head resting on Bucky’s thigh. Tony and Steve entered the living room looking pleased when they saw how close the two of you were sitting. 
“Ah, I see you met y/n’s boyfriend” Tony snorted while Bucky groaned, covering his face. “Cheating on Daniel now are we?” He nodded at your hand in Bucky’s while you laughed, kissing his cheek, making him blush more. 
“Hmm, Bucky doesn’t mind a little competition” 
“I hate all of you” 
@glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec   @pono-pura-vida   @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @justsebstan @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog  @happyt0exist   @emmabarnes  @bethyruth @matchat3a  @cjand10   @getwellsoontana  @cherryschaos   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen  @ashenc-blog  @buckybarnessimpp   @potatothots  @goldylions  @high-functioning-lokipath @morganemorganite-blog  @kingfleury   @peaches1958   @spiderman-stilinski   @peaceinourtime82  @gublur   @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46   @lolawassad  @almosttoopizza   @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess   @buckycallsmeaslut    @kamaria-sweet-writes  @charmedbysarge    @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02  @gh0stgurl    @batprincess1013 @polishprincess999 @jessybarnes @alltheficsiwant
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aubreysheadspace · 2 months
Hmmm… real world main cast finding a stray dog? (Can be separate or all together)
such a cute request . . . i love dogs sm !! hope u enjoy!
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depending on how big the dog is, he’s initially startled at first. he just stares at it with those black void eyes of his, unsure what to do. the dog doesn’t have a collar so he isn’t sure if it really belonged to anyone.
he for sure can’t and doesn’t want to keep it, he’s more of a cat person. speaking of a cat, he already has a pet cat back at home waiting for him, why would he get a random dog if he already has a pet?
so even if he doesn’t adopt it, if he sees it again, he’s gonna give it some affecting like rubbing its head then leave. he’s not a monster!
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she’s unsure what to do at first, she might walk past it but pets it before she does but you didn’t hear it from me. i can’t really see her as a dog person, maybe with a small dog probably.
just like SUNNY, she already has a pet at home, and especially with the terrible condition her home is in, bringing a dog in wouldn’t help. besides i don’t think her mom would enjoy another animal in the house.
she’ll sometimes feed it if she spots it again, considering that if it doesn’t have a home, it must go hungry or thirst almost all day. i like to think she has a soft spot for animals.
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he’s definitely gonna play with it. he sees a dog, immediately goes to play with it. he loves dogs! it’s a big breed? he doesn’t care! it’s a small breed? also doesn’t care! big dog person, this guy.
unlike the other two, he actually tries to take it home and beg his parents for another dog. HECTOR needs another dog friend after all! of course his parents say no, much to his disappointment.
that’s not gonna stop him though! he’s definitely feeding it, walking it whenever he walks HECTOR as well, and plays with both dogs at the park or just outside his house. nothing can stop that man from befriending dogs!
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again, depending if it’s a big dog or not, he too will also be startled. he’s more nervous, as he doesn’t seem like a dog person. he’ll just say hi to it then walk away. awkward guy.
he’d love to take care of something like he does with plants, but he’d rather have something more.. introverted or something like that.
either way, eventually the more times he sees that dog, the more open he gets with it. after a while of realizing it probably wont bite and doesn’t have rabies, he would pet it and give it the affection it deserves.
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the most reasonable one, he would immediately ask around if anyone as lost their dog. if they haven’t well.. that’s awkward. he can’t take it home and care for it, his parents wouldn’t let him because they already have a dog, but he can’t just leave it roaming it around the streets!
after making sure it has no rabies and intentions to bite him, he immediately goes home and probably gives it a bowl of dog food they give to HECTOR like the nice guy he is. he would keep it some company before he has to go, as he’s a busy man.
legally it’s not his dog, but in a way it is at the same time. whenever he visits his hometown, he makes sure the dogs doing alright and feeds it. even if he can’t bring it back home, he’ll still take care of it.
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she would never just walk away from a random animal in the streets. she may be a cat person, but she’s also a kind individual. another reasonable one, she first makes sure it doesn’t bite before asking around if anyone has a missing dog like the one she found.
if nobody comes forward, then she kind of has no choice but to leave it outside. she can’t bring it back, they already have a cat! another pet would already be too much in the family.
despite this, she’ll take care of it when she has time. she drops by to feed it some food whenever she can. she would never leave a poor animal starving! she also hopes that one day, someone else can take the dog in and give it a nice place to live in.
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shg-experiment · 2 years
Day 1 of being a hot girl.
My phone was in the sitting room, charging, because there’s no plug on my side of the bed. So I woke up without an alarm- that seems hot. My boyfriend (who already thinks I’m hot and loves me an egregious amount just the way I am, is unaware of this experiment. It seemed counter-productive to tell him about it. I will just leave him as an unchanging variable and let him enjoy the benefits of this experiment without telling him what I’m doing.) had already gotten out of bed, so I woke up alone. Here’s the thing, I love sleep. I love going to bed- as early as I can help it- and sleeping as long as I need to. My happy place is between 8-9 hours (closer to 9). When he goes to bed with me, at an earlier time, he literally can’t stay asleep, and will get up before me- which is what happened today.
So I woke up without my phone. It was nice to not look at my phone right away- that honestly felt like something a hot girl would do. D came in and gave me a kiss and told me to keep resting. I kind of did: I laid in bed and thought about how a hot girl like myself would start her day. The possibilities flooded in. I could do some yoga, go on a run, stay in bed and feel my way around (if you catch my drift), read, have breakfast, take a shower… hmmm. Lots of deciding to do. Maybe this is why all those successful people write out their day the night before. Maybe I’ll implement that- later in the experiment, though. I ran through the possibilities and decided to do some yoga and have a green tea. Chic. (I should say that my legs were incredibly sore from going to the gym a few days prior, so the idea of moving any further than my bedroom felt a bit too ambitious first thing.)
I stumbled up, got the tea on, and spread out my mat. I have joined Yoga with Adriene’s 30 day challenge about 3 weeks late. And it took me three days between doing days four and five (like I said, my legs were unbearably sore) but I did it- and that’s what matters. I’m not trying to prove anything! I’m just being hot for me. The yoga was nice, and honestly I think it helped the soreness a bit. However my arms felt weak doing Adriene’s planks and such, but alas. One day at a time. After yoga, I realized that I was getting hungry. So I ate breakfast! Hot girls eat when they’re hungry- that’s a hill I will die on. I can tell you one thing- people who starve themselves do NOT feel hot (unless, I presume, they take a lot of drugs of some sort, which I don’t have the time, money, or stress levels to do.)
I had some oatmeal, and then I got dressed for running and errands. The sun was coming up and it felt a shame not to go to the park for a bit. The leggings I chose were loud and proud. I put on a tight sports bra and a quarter zip that showed off the goods. But then because it was cold I put on two more layers. How does one become a hot girl in the winter? It seems like a cold endeavor, if one is trying to show off all the time. But, I’m not, not really, and I knew I was hot underneath all of my coats, so that’s that. I also put on a cap and sunglasses. However, on my way walking to the shop I passed a man walking his dog and then took off my sunglasses. I felt kind of stupid wearing them because the sun was so low that I was just walking in the shade. Ah well, no matter, I still had my headphones in.
I was listening to a podcast that I’ve been enjoying recently. When I passed people on the street, instead of getting nervous that they might be looking at my butt in the afore mentioned loud leggings, I realized I didn’t really care that much. I wasn’t paying attention to other people, so why would they pay attention to me. Plus, I was focusing on enjoying my podcast and getting to where I was going. Plus, my butt is hot and so what if someone took a wee peek. It doesn’t do me any harm. There, I said it.
I went to a bargain shop and bought a mirror for the bathroom. We had one, but long story short it gold moldy?? Really gross. The frame was wooden and the room was too damp for it. So we’d removed it… but it’s hard to be a hot girl if you can’t do your make up or check your hair in the bathroom mirror! So I bought a small hanging mirror that was ALL metal- hopefully no mold will grow on there. I also popped next door to get some heat protectant for my hair because I decided I would try to Do My Hair now. (That is NOT something I do very much… like I said, it would take me out of my comfort zone.)
Would a hot girl get overwhelmed in the hairspray aisle of a Super Drug? Well, I’m not sure, but I did. There just seemed to be so many products that all did the same thing and yet were all slightly different. It was hard to pick what I wanted because I didn’t really know what I wanted. Perhaps hot girls go through a lot of trial and error. This might’ve been where I could watch an influencer’s video reviewing different products… but I can’t quite do that to myself yet. I didn’t watch any product reviews but the day before I had watched some blowout tutorials, and that’s why I wanted to get heat protectant.
After making my purchase with some money from my tip jar, I headed back home in the sun. I realized when I passed people, I would look at them and smile. I would find something about them that I appreciated, something that made THEM hot, too. Is that the hot girl in me? It’s hard to say at that point. But it was nice not to feel like I was trying to avoid being noticed, or apologize just for existing.
I dropped off my goods and then went to the park. Still enjoying my podcast, I did a bit of a walk/run shuffle. (Sore legs, like I said.) I wasn’t really going for speed or even distance. I was going just to go. Moving consistently feels like something a hot girl would do with her body, and getting out in the sun for a bit felt right today. (I might get more into this later, but I am NOT about tracking exercise, over-exercising or anything like that. Not in the year of our lord 2023, no thank you ma’am. I’m about finding ways to move that bring me joy and feel right in my body… and ANY amount of movement that I do is more than my depression slump, so I’ll take it!)
Hot girl shower was great, and I washed my hair (which I had been needing to do for a few days). I even put on lotion and perfume when I got out. I attempted to wax my underarms, though for the most part it was unsuccessful. The attempt left me with slightly sore, blue, sticky (and hairy) armpits. Ah well, you can’t win them all. I got off the residual wax with some coconut oil and moved on with my day… I never said hot girls are completely hairless! Not to be deterred, I towel dried my hair, did my makeup and then began the blowout. Following the instructions I’d researched the previous day, I used the round brush my mother had given me for Christmas a decade ago. The tutorials said that a thin round brush would be best for my length of hair, but I was just going to use what I had, dammit! And ya know what? It worked alright! I put the heat protectant and some mousse in my hair before I began slowly sectioning and blowing the hair. It was slow going, but I didn’t feel as uncoordinated as I’d expected. Perhaps the planks with Adrienne have been building up strength after all. I succeeded in creating a bit of volume with a very cute flip out at the end. Go me! (It only took me like 45 minutes… hopefully I speed up, otherwise this will be a very time consuming experiment. Though, to be fair I saw a video once stating that your hair looks good for like three days after a blowout, so hopefully that rings true for me.)
D came in just as I was about to change out of the boxers that I’d put on to do my hair and into my jeans for the day. I hid behind the door as he came in because I was embarrassed. TSK TSK! Shame! No hot girl should be embarrassed by her hotness! But, alas, I’m still new. I just knew that he would give me attention and adoration, and I couldn’t take that! Even behind the door, he said I looked very pretty and gave me a smooch on the cheek before heading out on a walk of his own. It’s hard to remember but I think I may have shouted at him to go outside…
So I should say- I’m an actor. Well, kind of. I have two degrees in performance, including a Master’s, and have performed in many different situations as a singer, actor, writer and improviser, but am not currently working in anything at the moment. I’ve heard the term recently: I’m an “auditioning actor”. I like that better than “struggling actor”, though both are kind of true. I’d also been working as a chef up until recently, but I quit that job because I really hated doing it and it made me think of offing myself by walking into traffic more than usual. In general, the cons seemed to outweigh the pros, so I left a couple of weeks ago. Since then I’ve been applying and interviewing for other jobs, that seem like they will make me LESS depressed, but haven’t found anything yet. (Though I have to be honest for a moment, I kind of worry that even working for a fancy tech startup as a customer connection specialist or whatever the hell I apply for these days, with the ability to work remote in my comfy apartment with all manner of warm drinks at my fingertips, will STILL make me depressed. I mean, I’ll still be logging on every day with no end in sight, trying to meet goals or match progress or *insert corporate lingo here* that I don’t care about at all… That’s why I’m working on being hot. Because that’s in my experience and it’s something else to focus on that I am in charge of. I don’t have to wait for a casting director or an agent or a corporate recruiter to tell me that I’m good enough. I can just do these silly little things to feel better about myself, and can feel hot no matter WHAT I’m doing… even if I’m looking at spreadsheets.)
But as an actor, I’ve not given up on the dream yet and part of my goal today was to film a self-tape and update casting photos on an extras casting database that I’m a part of. All of the not-so-glamorous parts of the acting profession. This was added incentive to look nice and have my hair and makeup in an acceptable state. I started with the photos because I just needed to stand still at various distances from the camera, in an array of clothing options, looking in different directions. Headshot from the front, side, other side, back. Full length from the front, side, back. Dressed in a ‘smart’ out fit. Cocktail dress. Posh outfit, fit for the races. (I really guessed on this one because I’ve never been to any sort of races besides high school track meets, but I think they were more going for horse racing.) I even took a swimsuit shot today. For the year I’ve been a part of this casting database, I never had the courage to upload one of those, mostly because I didn’t want to have to take the photo. But in the last few months I got a new ring light that seems to be pretty flattering, and make taking self-tapes easier. I’ve also become a lot more body neutral. And ya know what? I thought I looked alright! Also, being unemployed made me feel a bit more desperate to get more extra work, and I figured the more photos they had they more chance I had of getting called for a job. Wishful thinking? Maybe.
I’ve been an extra on two different professional sets now, and I have to say- it’s really fun! I did two days on a TV set for a Netflix show, and I did one day on an indie film set. It also pays really well compared to most other performance jobs that I’ve had. It’s quite fun, because there’s just so much to look at, and watch. With all sorts of things going on, I find it really interesting. I even got to see a famous actress working who I really admire- that was pretty cool. Also, there’s people whose job it is to tell you exactly what you need to. I like the feeling of certainty that I’m in the right place, doing the right thing. It’s kind of like school, I guess. There’s clear outcomes for me, and I’m doing what I’m told. There aren’t that many situations like that in adulthood, I’ve found. Even if they say- okay, wait here for 2 hours before the next shot- I know where I’m supposed to be, and I’m getting paid. None of the projects that I’ve worked on have been released yet, so I’m not sure if I’ll be disappointed by the finished product. I’m trying to prepare myself to be a tiny blurred blob in the background, so hopefully I won’t be too disappointed.
After I uploaded the photos and updated my measurements on the website, I decided it was time for lunch! (Hot girls eat when they’re hungry!) I got to say hi to D after his walk, and he kept kissing me and telling me how pretty I looked. I made some eggs with veggies and it was seasoned really nicely. (I wasn’t lying about being a chef!) I’m finding that since quitting my job in the kitchen, I’m beginning to enjoy cooking again. It’s something that D and I would do together when we first started dating, but hadn’t been doing as much since I started working as a chef. Hopefully we can do more of that soon.
D works from home, as a software engineer, and he was having a lunch break as well, and then hopped back on to his computer while I washed up. I had a few job applications on my list that I’d wanted to apply for. It’s odd, but before I began this experiment, I would always feel such a block when trying to apply for new jobs. I would always feel insecure about my background, and how I was trying to spin my experience to fit the role. I’m quite an overthinker, and it would always seem to take me a long time. But for some reason, with my new momentum, I was able to apply for two whole jobs after lunch. One was for a recruitment position, and the other was for social media/content/marketing. The content one also asked me to submit a video with the application. I’d been thinking about it for a couple of days, and wasn’t sure which direction to go in. I’d had an idea that I had started the other day, but wasn’t sure about it. It seemed like a lot of work and the amount of work seemed impossible. But today? I just ran with my idea! I wasn’t overthinking it. I just did some googling, some screenshotting, and made the video! There was a bit of a hiccup because I wanted to use the video as a green screen, but when I did that the audio got all messed up. I’m not a very tech savvy person, but I found a compromise that implemented my idea, but didn’t mess the audio too bad.
I noticed my hair started looking less like a supermodel blowout and more like a collection of straw on which to place eggs. The volume was there, but the texture was pretty harsh… ah well, maybe I need to put more heat protectant on next time. I’ll keep trying different things.
Ultimately, I was just proud of my attempt to Do my hair. I was also proud that I’d managed to upload new photos for casting (something that is hard to do when you feel bad about yourself). I was also proud that I’d managed to submit for TWO corporate-type-jobs!
After dinner, I had a meeting with someone I’m going to be working with. In my unemployed state, I’ve been looking for any jobs that might give me more experience to flush out my LinkedIn. (Ick. I hate linkedin, but more on that later.) Out of the blue, one of my friends who is an assistant camp director who I’ve worked with off and on reached out because she was looking for someone to help plan online events for a network of people with special needs. I’d helped for a one-off Christmas event with the group last year, that I really enjoyed. I was really excited to be offered this position, and even though it’s super-super part-time, I figured could also be another line on the CV. So my meeting was with the coordinator of the events. It felt good to have sent off these applications, and then log on to another meeting. (Who knows, maybe the busy work of corporate life would suit me. Now that I’m hot, it all feels like a game anyway- but maybe it’s starting to feel like a game that I’m winning, instead of constantly staying behind.) The meeting also gave me some action points to get going with for the rest of the week. So, something to work on in the midst of my job search.
Overall, the day was quite good. I mean, I’ll have to adjust my schedule as needed, but it was nice to spend some time for myself this morning (yoga, go to the park, get ready) and then also to have things to get done and work on. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.
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startanewdream · 3 years
Summary: Padfoot helps, James makes a fool of himself and Padfoot interrupts.
Or Lily's job as a dog walker is eventful.
All in all, that’s the thing that Lily has been saying the most every day since she agreed to walk over that little beast that was released from hell exclusively to torment her.
The worst part is that this beast looks cute. Extremely cute, with the darkest and shiniest fur she has ever seen, warm brown eyes that look hugely sorry whenever he does something wrong (which seems to be all the time). Lily adores him except when Padfoot is misbehaving.
Again, all the time.
Every day since the first time she walked Padfoot, Lily has promised herself that she will inform his owner that she can’t do it anymore. But every day his owner looks at her apologetically, pays twice what they agreed on and winks at her as if asking “can you come back tomorrow, pretty please?”
Now, the double money is nice, Lily needs that job, the dog’s owner is not bad on the eye, but what makes her go back the next day is that Padfoot, that insufferable hellhound, comes back to nudge her with his wet nose, looking at her with his adorable eyes, and he looks so innocent that Lily agrees before she can think better.
But this is it. Seven days later, Lily is ready to finally give up, because Padfoot has done something graver than forcing her to change directions in the middle of the street so he can chase after pigeons, weirder than making her invade a house so he can chat with the cats and worse than invading a flower shop so he could sniff the flowers (and destroying half the plants in the process).
Padfoot pulled her towards a stranger.
For all his size, Padftoot isn’t an aggressive dog; but for all his size, when he is set into something, Lily and her one hundred and forty pounds can’t hold him, so before Lily can do anything more than scream (“PADFOOT, NO!”), Padfoot is running down the park, dragging her along, jumping towards a man and throwing him in the ground.
A second later, a full second in which Lily has time to reconsider every choice in her life that leads to this moment, the momentum throws Lily over the man in the ground.
And then for five very good seconds, Lily forgets all about Padfoot—if she thought about him, she might even thank him—because of every man in the world the dog could choose to jump over, he chose someone absolutely gorgeous. Lily notices first his face, his widen hazel eyes shining behind rectangular glasses, and a few wisps of his dark messy hair falling over his sweaty forehead. Then she sees his tanned skin, from his face to his chest—and when her eyes drop to his chest, she realizes he isn’t wearing any shirt, only some jogger pants, and she is thankful for the bright summer day because gods, he is fit.
Her hand over his chest twitches, and Lily swears she can feel his quick heartbeat—or perhaps it’s her pulse that is running quick, and Lily knows it was not the adrenaline of before.
“Wow,” he whispers, his voice mellow and deep and talking to her, and there is only—
Only a dog between them, licking the stranger’s very beautiful face, taking his glasses out.
“Hey, hey,” he says, laughing, and Lily remembers her current situation.
She jumps apart, knowing her face is deep red (and that embarrassment is only half the reason).
“I am so sorry!” she tells him, trying to pull Padfoot away. The man sits (damn those abs), hugging the dog, letting him keep his ministrations. “He has never—”
“That’s okay,” he tells her, grinning at her (damn this smile). “You are not a good boy, are you?”
Padfoot barks happily, looking very proud of himself.
“I’m really sorry, he doesn’t usually attack people and—” she looks at his dishevelled state (she is not admiring his body once more, she is not), with grass on his hair and dirt on his pants, not to mention all the drool over his face. “You are all dirty—”
“I was already in need of a shower,” he says distractedly (stop imagining him all wet). “I—oh.”
He doesn’t seem very concerned, but he turns his elbow to reveal a scratch from when he fell.
“Fuck, I’m so—”
“It’s no big deal,” he assures her easily. “I—”
“His house—I mean, his owner’s house is just across the street, let me help you.”
“Hm.” He seems strangely bashful. “Actually, I—”
“Just let me help you, please. I’ve been fixing his mess all week.”
“Hmmm.” He still seems opposed to the idea, his good hand scratching Padfoot’s hair almost absently. The dog looks very innocent there, standing with his mouth open, breathing fast. “I am James.”
“Oh,” she smiles at him, and his whole face alights with a grin of his own. “I’m Lily. Now that we know each other—”
“I’ll let you fix this mess,” he agrees, nodding, and when he accepts her hand to help him up, Lily tries to pretend she doesn't feel all the sparks.
Because Padfoot always knows when he did something wrong, the return to his house is quiet and peaceful. He walks pompously, the image of the most behaved dog in the world, seeming glad about something that Lily can’t see.
Not that she is paying much attention, to be honest.
“So, what were you doing back there?” she asks, keeping her voice nonchalant.
“Meditation,” he says, and under her surprised look, James chuckles. To Lily’s dismay, he has picked up a shirt out of his bag, though he still looks very well. “Si… my best friend told me I had too much energy, I should try something to ease my mind.”
“Did it help?”
“Not very much. I was almost relaxing, but then there was this lady screaming and a dog—”
“I am so—”
“I’m joking! You really need to ease your mind too!” He throws her an amused laugh. “And what were you doing in the park?”
In answer, Lily shakes the leash in her hand. An adorable blush spreads over his cheeks.
“Yeah, of course, forget that I asked.”
Lily giggles softly. “Well, you may have hit your head,” she teases, though she is sure he didn’t.
“I hope so,” he whispers, and when her gaze meets his, the red in his cheeks intensifies. “I swear I don’t make a fool of myself usually. So—do you work with dog walking for very long?”
“Just one week actually—my first job is this little beast here.” In answer, Padfoot barks once more, proudly, agreeing with her.
“Padfoot is a nightmare,” James agrees, only fondness dropping from his voice as he stares at the dog.
Lily frowns. “How do you know?”
“'Cause he jumped over me?”
“No, how do you know he is called Padfoot?”
James blinks. “His tag?”
Lily nods slowly. “I guess… We are here.”
James has already stopped even before she says anything, but Lily doesn’t notice, busy opening the small gate to the backyard. Padfoot jumps once more, and this time she lets him loose, knowing he will only be running towards his favourite toys.
“You can wait there,” Lily tells James, indicating a few benches under a parasol in the backyard. “I’ll find some medical kit.”
James sits where she showed him, and he seems to struggle with something for a bit before— “I’d try the guest toilet, first drawer.”
Lily nods; it’s where she had thought first. She opens the door to the house with the spare key that Black has lent her—he won’t be back until seven, if she isn’t wrong—and finds her money over the kitchen table (double plus some more as if he knew that his dog would misbehave once more—very likely given his historic). But she moves forward, going to the toilet in the hall and, in the first drawer of the cabinet she finds a first kit aid.
James is waiting patiently for her, while Padfoot carefully offers him each toy for James to throw.
“He really likes you,” she tells him, sitting next to James. “It took me two days of bargaining to make him let me grab one of his toys.”
“I am a trustworthy person,” James says playfully. “You seem to think so.”
“I do?”
“Well, you just brought me here.”
“I trust Padfoot, he has good instincts. And I am sure Padfoot would defend me if you tried anything,” she says.
“I better not do anything then,” he says, and Lily bits her lip. She hadn’t meant like that.
She cleans his wound, using it as an excuse not to look at him. “Anything bad. After all, he threw me all over you today, so who knows.”
“Well, I’m not complaining,” James says, even as he grimaces when Lily applies alcohol over his wound. “Actually I’d consider rewarding him.”
“You hated meditation that much?” she teases, now bandaging his arm.
“Nah, you were just the most exciting thing that happened to me today. This week. This year—not that I was excited, I mean, not that you wouldn’t make me—I just mean—”
“James? You are babbling.”
“Making a fool of myself, sorry.”
“It… it was actually cute.”
“Oh.” He looks at her, his eyes shining. “Do you enjoy making men fool themselves around you?”
“That's exclusive of you, actually.”
His grin seems to radiate joy now. “So… how much of a fool I would be if I asked you to dinner with me tonight?”
“No dogs to disturb us?”
“No dogs allowed,” he says, and Lily swears he is getting closer.
“That seems perfect,” she agrees, her gaze falling to his lips (full and they look so soft)—
The backdoor opens violently and then Padfoot jumps from the place he had been quietly waiting on the floor.
“Missed you too, Pads!” Black cries, kneeling to accept his dog’s attention. Then he looks ahead and his gaze goes from Lily to James, his mouth opened in surprise.
Lily jumps, suddenly aware of her situation. At her side, James is shaking his head. “Mr. Black! I am so sorry, I can—”
“Sneaking around, James? Thought you wouldn't be back until Sunday!”
Lily blinks. “You know each other?”
“Ah, Evans! That’s my best friend!”
James lifts his hand, running through his hair. “I was going to tell you—”
“So… so that’s why Padfoot ran to you?”
“I didn’t know you’d be there—”
“And you just let me make a fool out of myself?”
“Hmm, can anyone tell me what’s going on?”
“I’m out. That’s what's going on. I’m leaving.”
“I'm so sorry, Lily, I didn’t mean, I just—”
“No, just… no.”
She shakes her head, walking away, and as she reaches the gate, she feels something brushing her leg, and Lily lowers her eyes to find the familiar black dog glancing at her.
“I haven’t a clue what the hell is happening, but you’ll be back tomorrow, Evans?” she hears Sirius asking, and Padfoot bends his head to the side as if he is asking her the same question.
Lily touches the dog’s head, caressing him under his ear, and his tail swings hopefully for her. His pupils are huge, looking like the most adorable dog in the world, and he barks softly at her before turning his head; Lily follows his gaze to see that James is looking at her, looking very sorrowful and as pleading as Padfoot.
She turns away.
“No, you’ll need to find someone else,” she says and forces herself to close the gate without looking back.
(to be continued. Don't hate me)
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laketaj24 · 4 years
Author’s Note: Hey! This piece was requested, and I decided to make it a few parts. So here is the first, and this part is based on one of my favorite songs, Slow Dancing in a Parking Lot. I really like hometown, slow country ass romances lol. So this is what I am giving you! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Happy Reading! (My taglists and requests are open!)
Warnings: Public Sex, Fluff, Language, Dubcon, OMEGAVERSE
Pairings: Alpha!Henry Cavill x Omega!Reader
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“Hi.” You waved at your new neighbor. The small family of four seen you a total of seven times and still had not introduced themselves once. Where was the small-town charm you’d seen in all those movies?
The man looked to you first, tall and muscled he waved. “Good morning!”
“Morning!” You yipped, finally, some interaction. “Your family is beautiful.” Those were the only words that you could think of besides saying something about the weather.
“Thank you, how are you liking Longview?”
“Love it.” You lied. It had been two weeks, you’d left the house a total of three times and each time you got lost. “It’s beautiful here.”
The drizzle of rain started overhead, it always rained in Washington, maybe that’s why you stayed in all those days without hesitation. It was sunnier in Southern California, and there was always something to do, here it was the opposite.
“That’s wonderful,” he yelled before ducking into his blue minivan. Your neighbor waved quickly as he backed out of his driveway and onto the road.
The family next door was the only one for about five miles, besides the one across the street, and he never really made an appearance other than coming home from work. You liked to people watch, it was easy to do when there were only two houses to watch. You made your way back into the house, nursing the warm cup of coffee.
When you moved here, you were no stranger to the place. Summers had been spent here with your uncle, sometimes holidays, and upon his death, you inherited the house that gave you some of your fondest memories. Building a life here was what you were intended to do, and you didn’t really have a choice, it had all fell apart everywhere else you went. This inheritance was your one get of jail free card, and it came right on time.
Longview didn’t hold much, two grocery stores on each side of the town, one bookstore, three churches, and one bar called the Sly Tree. These things you’d remembered because they held an interest and you had planned to visit them all. Tonight it was Sly Tree.
 The yellow crop top looked good against your honey-colored skin and with the slight inch of your mid-drift showing it gave the illusion that you were a good girl who’d come to play, or at least that's what you wanted it to mean. Who knew if they took it that way, you sat at the bar. There were a few more people in the place, but none that piqued your interest. The bartender tapped your glass. “Refill?”
“I can’t.” you shook your head, there was no hope of you getting home safely with another drink in your system. “But thank you.”
“You moved into Harper’s old place?”
“Yes, he was muy uncle.”
“Good guy, he always came in here on Sunday’s spreading lies about wolves.” The bartender was friendly enough, the cute smile and wide eyes caught your attention, but he was young.
“He told me about those damn wolves.” You giggled. They were all around the property. Hence the reason you opted to not have a dog, coming home to a missing dog was not your intention.
“crazy man, good, though.” He handed you a sprite. “Drink this.”
“Thank you... what’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Cody, is there anything fun to do around here?”
“A few towns over, maybe.” He shrugged a matter of fact and exhaled. “Hunting is pretty cool, though? You should come in one day?”
“I’m certain she doesn’t mean killing deer.” The smooth voice came from the right of you, the familiar face of your quiet neighbor actually brought some light to your life. Maybe you wouldn’t have to feel alone after all.
“Hey, neighbor,” he smirked. “A beer, please.”
You’d never talked to him, only observed from afar, and there was much to observe. He was tall, strapping with broad shoulders, a body that made you think unsavory things and, unlike the family man across the yard, unattached. “So, you do know that I’m there?”
“How could I not?”
“You never speak.”
“Haven’t had the opportunity.”
“Opportunities have been available, Cavill.” You said his last name thinking of the gray mailbox it was engraved in.
“Hmmm.” He placed the bottle cap of the beer on the table and took a swig of the beer. “You like to hide in that house of yours, I didn’t want to bother you.”
“I could say the same about you.”
“I’m Henry, and if I am not mistaken, you’re Y/N.” Henry swiveled in his chair to face you. “Your uncle spoke highly of you.”
“That’s good to know.”
“So, you’re in a bar on a Wednesday at eight, cabin fever must’ve set in?”
“It did.”
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His car smelled of cedar, and you loved it. You sunk back in the passenger seat and kicked your feet up on his dashboard. The small city passed by, and for once in your unsettled roused life, you felt at ease. There was only one red light but about five intersections that lead you in a circle.
“Where are you from?” Henry asked with his arm hanging out of the window, his fingers waving as the window passed through them. “Technically, I’m from Georgia, but I lived in California for almost four years.”
“So. Cal?”
“Yeah, how’d you know?”
“I didn’t.” he laughed. “But I’ve always wanted to use that abbreviation.”
“Good sentence, no one calls it that by the way.”
“Then how was it a good sentence.”
“I just didn’t want to diss you all the way.”
“Ah, the courtesy country girl, I lucked out.”
“Thank you.” You bit your lip. “You go to the gym often?”
“Never.” Henry laughed. “I run and lift trees.”
“All this comes from that?” It was impossible not to touch his arms, they looked terrific through the tight-fitting grey shirt.
“Five years of it, yes.”
“I guess I lucked out.” You whispered with a small grin on your face. “Where are we headed?”
“Right over there.” He pointed to the grocery store parking lot, and the car headed that way. You had never been parking, but you’d heard of it just not in a place this obvious.
“There are no lights in that parking lot.” You chuckled. “Choosing dim-lit places like this on purpose?”
“Definitely.” the half cocky answer was coated with sarcasm. Henry didn’t seem like that type. He parked the car and turned the music down. “Now, you tell me one of your favorite songs.”
“Does it have to be fast?”
“It’s totally up to you.”
“I’m drawing a blank here,” I said after a few seconds.
“I’ll pick one, you keep thinking.” He strolled through his phone, and then the slow music came through the speakers. henry climbed out of the truck, walked over to your side, and opened the door. “Dance?” He asked.
“I suck at it.”
“Good, I don’t have to whip out my Footloose moves.” He winked as he helped you from the truck into his hands. Sweet guys like him never seemed to come your way, not in Georgia, California, or any of the other places you’d been. He was novel.
He moved as if he actually could dance, pulling you against his chest and swaying playfully to the music. The song was lulling, complementing the atmosphere of the night.
“So, where’s your girlfriend?”
“Someone as perfect as you have to be in a longterm relationship contemplating marriage.”
He laughed, shaking his head, his eyes flickering amber in the light for a moment and then back to their normal state. Henry’s fingers intertwined in yours. “I have no one, and if I did... I am certain you’d of seen her by now.”
“Just checking.”
“What else do you want to know?”
“What can you tell me?”
“I drink every Saturday night. I get in lost in the color brown, it’s the prettiest color... Trees, dirt all beauties often overlooked, but they’re the most important ones. I sleep with the air on me. I wake up super early, walk to the river and piss every morning. I like to sing in the shower, but I suck at it. I like you.” The vomit of words was the most alluring thing you’d heard since you came here. Henry twirled you around and pulled you back to him.
“You tell every girl you take home these same lines?”
“Just one.”
“You’re smooth with your lines Henry...”
“I can still break out my footloose moves if you want?”
“No need to...” You smiled. “This is better.”
“Good. I haven’t stretched just yet.”
You shouldn’t have kissed him, your hands shouldn’t be gripping his curls, and you definitely shouldn’t be hoisting yourself upon him, but here you were doing all of it and importantly enjoying it. Your tongue lightly swiped his lips before it was met with his and a small groan. Five hours ago, you met him. You didn’t know his last name or if even shared your beliefs, but you wanted to fuck him.
“How are the public indecency charges around here?” You whispered.
“I haven’t been charged with that one yet.” He carried you to the passenger’s seat.
“There’s a first for everything.”
“I know the sheriff.” he laughed. “I think I can get us out of it.”
Everything was rushed, but it didn’t stop you from deepening the kiss and tugging on his belt buckle.
“You sure you want this?”
You press your palms into the leather seat, and he pulls your pants down to your ankles. “I haven’t been sure of anything else.” You giggle as you rock your hips against him, grinding your mound against his hardened cock. He pushed your panties aside, rubbing the head of his cock against your lips and hoisted you up.
“You’re already wet for me, sweetheart.” he pushed inside of you, throbbing and suppressing a carnal growl.
You sunk your teeth into his shoulder when he pulled you down on his cock and began to fuck you. Then his eyes met yours, and they glowed in the dim light of the parking lot, it was surreal animalistic. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since you moved in...” He fucked harder, bouncing your tits in your bra. “How I wanted to fuck you and make you mine...” he grunted.
Your head fell back in ecstasy, and he rubbed his nose down your face before his tongue licked down your chest.
“Your fucking scent.” He growled, rutting into you. “You don’t even know what you are... sweetheart.”
“What am I?” You whispered.
“Mine.” Henry’s teeth bit into your skin, and you squealed. “Omega.”
His eyes shifted again in the light, and his teeth were still in your flesh.
Your uncle used to talk of omegas, again when he was drunk... You pull away from him, but he continues to fuck you. “Henry.” You moaned. “Fuck! Henry!” You feel him swell inside of you.
Henry’s bitemark was fresh on your chest as was this inflamed urge to ride him harder, your body willed as if it could not stop. “Feel it.” He commanded. “Your body knows you’re mine too.”
“Ohh, fuck!” He grew bigger, swelling as he thrust faster and then locking into you. “Don’t cu-.”
Henry’s hand clamped down over your mouth, and he shuttered, your body shuttering, joining his climax. The warmth of his cum was soothing, fucking made you want to cum again. “Get dressed.” he kissed your lips. “Now.”
Henry Cavill Taglist: @oddsnendsfanfics​ @taytayize123​  @my-rosegold-soul​ @titty-teetee​ @sparklemichele​ @imgoldielikehawn​ @therandomthoughtsofmsparker​ @therealcalicali​ @rhys108 @shut-up-broccoli​@peculiar-monstar​ @sincerelysinister​ @xxpapasfritasxx​ @brexrif​  @sheismycherry​ @justgrits​  @angelic-kisses13 @ikeepforgettin​ @persephones24​
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xuxishortcake · 4 years
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : you are an undercover agent, still fairly new at the job & on the search for two notorious con men, who might be part of a gang in the mafia. it's your job to figure out what's going on but oh my, are they more dashing than expected.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 : switch!reader sub!jungkook dom!taehyung smut , cursing, forced into s*x , cream pie , fingering , blowjob , double penetration
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 3k
hello everyone! this officialy my second fanfic I've written, so pardon if there are any mistakes, grammar errors, etc. feedback is appreciated greatly! hope u love the fic!! ^_^
✧༺🍷༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
you wore a black suit that was nicely tailored to your body. you were driving around in San Francisco because you were assigned to work there for the day. all you knew so far was that you were after two con men who might've been involved in serious Mafia activity. you kept your ears on alert, waiting for more information from your agency. finally, you got an incoming call on your watch.
"hey y/n, it's seulgi. so I've found the house you need to go into, it's in the Presidio Hights neighborhood. I'll send you the full address. " *ding* came in the address & seulgi continued on. "the two men are Korean with the names Jeon Jeongguk & Kim Taeyhung. remember, be careful, we have no idea what these two are capable of, there's evidence pointing to them being in the Seo-bang Faction group."
"don't worry," your replied. " I might be one of the newer agents, but I've been taught well. "
"ok. we're counting on you. we have backup, but it'll take about 10minutes to get to the mansion since we don't want them to discover us. "
"gotcha. I'll call once I'm done." & you hung up the phone.
you pulled out the message with the address, put on your navigation system & started driving towards your destination.
thirty minutes later, you arrived & parked nearby the grand mansion you were to go inside of. you scouted far away with a special type of glasses to find an entry way. there was easy to open windows on the second story & you made your way to the mansion. going through the window, you stepped onto the plush, maroon colored carpet. finally inside, you walked as quietly as you could, your shoes were designed anyways to be as quiet as possible but it was better to be safe than sorry. it was surprisingly quite minimalistic with decor, the decor itself though being very ornate. you looked down the interior balcony. a grand set of marble stairs led up to the second floor & third floor. you started walking up to the third floor, there were some pretty expensive looking paintings leading up. finally reaching to the top, you walked down the long corridor. checking in each room if there were any signs of life. no luck. where in the hell were they? could it have been possible they knew somehow someone was coming & left? the final room you were about to check was the biggest, the master bedroom. the first thing you took notice of was the huge espresso colored canopy bed with a velvety crimson bed spread. there were also a few shelves with gold items & books on them. you looked through them all, to see if there was anything hidden but there was nothing. you checked in the huge bathroom, nothing. just a beautiful & large bathtub & joint sink. puzzled, you sat on top of the bed. you hadn't a clue what to do next. there weren't any new messages from the agency, so the two must've been in the house somewhere. you started to feel a sudden wave of drowsiness wash over you. was it because of the jet lag? no, this isn't normal. it was probably sleeping gas. you were now barely able to keep your eyes open & saw two figures walk into the room. {shit.} you thought, & blacked out.
what seemed to be hours later, you slowly started to regain consciousness. you were calling out to your watch to call your agency & nothing happened. you now realized you were tied to a chair & stripped of gadgets, weaponry & even your own clothes. you started to turn your chair around the room to find if there was anyone around. in came from the corridor & into the bedroom the two men you were supposed to find. they both were nicely tailored, as to be expected but the thing that had caught you off guard was their visuals. the two seemed to be in their twenties & were very, very good looking. they sat down onto a sofa that was across from you, both staring intently into your eyes.
"well," said the one with particularly long eyelashes "are you going to start talking or no? "
"yeah, we're not waiting all day for an answer. " vocalized the other, looking you up & down.
you felt absolutely mortified. not only were these men goddamn gorgeous, but you were only in the pair of black lace underwear that was concealed underneath your suit, which was now in a bundle in the corner of the room.
"I was sent here to investigate the two of you."
"by whomst?" asked the one with the long eyelashes.
you stayed silent. if these men were really part of the Seo-bang Faction group you could never let them know where you worked at, for your whole agency could be in grave danger.
"still not trying to talk hm? bring out the gun, jeongguk."
your eyes widened, trying to maintain a calm face. jeongguk went out of the bedroom. a few seconds later, he came back in with an old fashioned looking pistol, handing it over to taehyung. taehyung cocked the gun.
"now tell me, with WHOM are you working for? " he spoke watching intently.
"I'm not going to tell unless you tell me about yourself first." you retaliated.
"oh well, suit yourself." he pointed the gun & pulled the trigger.
your eyes we're closed shut & you were sweating bullets until you realized that you were still alive.
taehyung was chuckling. "oh my, you should've seen your face then, it was priceless i tell you, priceless."
"are you going to kill me?" you asked, clearly shaken.
"oh trust me, he could have" jeongguk interjected "we already knew someone was coming here, we just wanted to have some fun. there are no bullets in that so there wasn't any way to kill you with it. "
"aren't you concerned I'm trying to report about you two? your members of that gang no? "
"haha, no. I can assure you we are just simple, cunning assholes, who like to do frauds, maybe a few scams here & there, but we're not involved in some huge Mafia group."
"do you expect me to believe you?"
"yes, I guess. after all, what else can you do now that you're stuck here?"
"so...what do you want from me then?" you asked.
"like I told you, fun."
"what do you mean exactly? "
"to put it simple, a real fun, hot fuck. we haven't had one of those in a while. sure, you can get a prostitute & we have no problems getting any person that we want, but this, this is much more interesting. " jeongguk said smirking, crossing his arms.
"if you do it, we'll let you go. "taehyung added, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
what the hell were you supposed to do in a situation like this? sure, you had been in difficult situations before, but not like this. this....what were you supposed to tell your agency? you were forced into sleeping with two men who were possibly in the mafia? there had to be another way out of it...
"listen, unless you have super powers & can magically weasel yourself out of very tight rope, there's no other way for you to get out of this. " taehyung said almost as if he could read your mind. "so is it a yes?"
you gave a slow nod.
"hmmm, ok great. well, not that you had much of a choice anyway but I promise you won't regret it. " taehyung stated confidently. "jeongguk, untie her."
& he untied you. rubbing your sore wrists, you looked up at the man who untied you. god, he really was good looking.
"so, what now?" you asked slowly standing up.
"we need to know three things." said jeongguk. "one, are you dominant or a sub, or both? two, what is your safe word? I know technically what we are doing isn't legal, but it's no fun if you're uncomfortable and lastly, three. can you take two cocks at once? "
"I'm a switch, & hell, I bet I could take two. for a safe word...." you looked around "gold."
"ok cool, let's get started then." jeongguk said while pushing you onto the bed.
taehyung stood up from the couch & walked over. the two now standing over your smaller frame, like two foxes staring at their prey hungrily.
"you suck on him." said taehyung pointing at jeongguk. "I'll take care of you."
jeongguk started to unfasten his belt & you, still on the bed turned so you were horizontal,in a dog position. only pants down, you palmed him through his boxers. you finally pulled them down & revealed his half hard on. he was in your hand & you gave a few quick strokes & took him in vigorously. he let out a low groan, you could feel him already growing in your mouth & started to move while you were sucking. he put his hand on your head, keeping you at a steady pace. meanwhile, taehyung was behind you, on the other side of the bed, palming your ass. the feeling of the cold rings on his fingers squeezing your flesh made you gasp. he traced his fingers over to your underwear & pulled them to the side. he ghosted over your slit, collecting some of your wetness onto his fingers. gently, he prodded a finger up your pussy. slowly moving it, in & out & added another one. you moaned, vibrating against jeongguk's cock.
"oh shit, do that again." he said head thrown back a bit, holding onto your head tighter.
taehyung inserted another finger; now three fingers were knuckle deep into you. you could hear how wet you were by the way your pussy was squelching. you had muffled moans for jeongguk kept your mouth full. you had difficulty not crumbling under taehyungs touch, his hands working like magic. he pulled out of you & you whined, desperately clenching around nothing.
"pull out." taehyung said to jungkook while licking off his fingers. jungkook nodded. "y/n was it? go put that brat in his place & do not let him touch you. "
taehyung walked over to a piece of furniture, rummaged around a drawer & came back with a blindfold & handcuffs.
"put these on him." taehyung said as he handed you them.
"aw shit really?? why can't I see?" jeongguk whined, giving a little pout & took off his top.
"because you were having a little too much fun over there. plus, you like being a sub anyways."
jeongguk & you went towards the headboard. you snapped on the handcuffs & tied the blind fold on jeongguk "don't worry," you whispered to him, starting to pull off your panties & bra. "I'll take care of you real good." & it sent shivers down his spine.
you positioned him to your entrance & sank down on him. you both moaned in unison , the stretch feeling incredible. his hips had already starting to move; you bounced up & down on him, hips sometimes twirling. you gave attention to his neck & started to lick & give damp kisses.
taehyung felt his hard on press tightly against his pants & started to undress. he went back to the same drawer from before & he brought out a bottle of lube & got onto the bed. he poured a considerable amount of lube onto his fingers & sat behind you. he took to your neck & started leaving kisses & bites on it, causing you to softly moan.
"do you need to be warmed up? or do you think you can handle me now?" he asked against you, stroking his cock in anticipation.
"I mmm think I can take you." you said, moving yourself a little so you were in an angle that he could get inside of you.
"can I have the blindfold off please? I really want to see this." jeongguk said, hips grinding up into yours.
"ok, take it off of him y /n." & you went & did as he said.
taehyung didn't waste any time, he moved his cock over your unoccupied hole,teasing you for a bit, & finally slid in. you moaned out loud, tears starting to form in your eyes. taehyung felt girthier whereas jeongguk was longer, you felt so full & it was wonderful.
"fuck." taehyung groaned against your ear "you're so damn tight." & started to thrust.
you & jeongguk didn't move as much anymore because you both could feel him thrusting into you. taehyung thought he'd take it up a notch & slapped your ass. you moaned out, surprised & had tightened around jeongguk.
"oh my god, I'm gonna cum." he cried out, thighs starting to shake a little.
"I only want you to come when she does. " taehyung said as he thrusted deeper & deeper into you, slapping your ass harder, winning another lovely moan out from you.
taehyung bent over you now & cupped one hand around your tit & the other snaked down to your clit. between the deep penetration in your pussy, the thrusting in your ass, one of taes hands playing with your nipple & the other rubbing circles on your clit, you felt your climax approaching you.
"oh fuck- I'm about to cum." you moaned out, barely able to stay in position, feeling as if you were about to break.
"go then. you can go now too jeongguk." taehyung said, his own thrusts starting to get sloppier.
you clenched around the both of them, moaning out. jeongguk moaned out right after you, finally releasing, shaking beneath you. which triggered a somewhat chain reaction & made taehyung release right after, filling you up to the brim with cum. the three of you rode it all out together. cum was dripping out your pussy & ass, glistening on both of their cocks. you all were panting on top of each other, taehyung pulled out & went to grab some tissues in the drawer of a night stand. you pulled yourself off of jungkook & unchained his hands from the bed. you flopped in the middle of the bed, chest heaving with probably the most fucked out looking face ever. taehyung cleaned the two of you off & then himself, then slid right next to you, eyes starting to close. 
you had no idea how long you slept for, but you could see that it was still light out. then you remembered you were supposed to let seulgi know if the two were suspicious. "shit!" you exclaimed & hurried out of the bed. you picked up your watch from the corner of the room & frantically searched her number to call her. she picked up.
"hello? y/n are you ok?" seulgi asked with concern. "you were off the radar for hours, we were about to send some people over because we weren't get any responses from you."
"oh, no no I'm fine! I think maybe I went offline since I didn't see any incoming messages until now. " you said as you tried to make up something.
"hmmm, that's odd. did you find out anything? "
"sadly no, there's no evidence of their involvement it seems like."
"well then, I'd suggest you leave. we have another place for you to check out. tell me once you're on the road."
"ok." you replied. "I'll talk to you later on." & you hung up.
you went back to the bed & realized taehyung was gone & jeongguk was awake. "you're leaving already?" he asked, with a tinge of disappointment in his voice. he then reached his into the drawer of the nightstand & pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
"yeah. I need to continue working or they'll think something is suspicious. " you said sliding into your pants.
"awe, that sucks. do you want one by the way?" he asked, lighting a cigarette.
"no thanks, I don't really smoke." you said, collecting all your stuff & putting it onto the bed.
"well, do you want some red wine maybe?"
you paused. "sure." & sat down next to him, taking the glass of wine he had on top of the nightstand.
"by the way, you were amazing. I don't think I've had that much fun in a good while. " he looked at you with his pretty round eyes, releasing a bit of smoke out of his mouth.
"thank you. I don't think I've ever had that much fun before, ever." you replied taking a sip of the wine. "especially with someone rumored to be in the mafia."
"yeah, pretty crazy isn't it? I don't think you expected any of this at all." he smiled. "we need to do this again, if you're up to it."
"I think I would be." giving him a little smirk. "it's not everyday you find two incredibly hot guys willing to be fuck buddies. I might have to fly back to San Francisco just to fuck. "
you heard footsteps approaching the room & finally saw taehyung, standing in the door way in a cream colored robe with a glass of red wine in his hand.
"so, you're finally awake." he said coming into the room. "how was it?"
"I liked it very much. I just told jeongguk I'll fly back to San Francisco just to fuck you guys." you giggled.
taehyung laughed, getting into the bed with you two. " I hope that is true because I'd love to do this again sometime. " wrapping an arm around you.
"definitely. I have to go now though." you said disappointedly. "I'm expected to continue working."
"hmmm, that's a shame." taehyung said sipping his wine. " I need to give you me & jeongguk's number."
"sure." you two exchanged numbers. "well, I've got to go sadly; wish I could stay longer. today was very enjoyable." you said, buttoning up your blazer.
before you walked out, jeongguk called to you "I hope you can come back! " he said, him & taehyung smirking. you smirked back, waved at them & left.
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doyumacy · 4 years
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PAIRING: donghyuck x reader bodyguard!donghyuck
WARNINGS: mentions of yuta. swearing, blood (i’ll let you know when there are parts with blood mentions), smut (let you know), violence, angst
It had been a week since Donghyuck was working as your personal bodyguard and things were apparently going well. The threats had stopped, but they didn't want to let their guard down in case something happened.
Donghyuck and you had got a little closer since they used to spend quite a lot of time together. One night, you left the office at one o'clock in the morning and after Donghyuck insisted you eat something, you ended up eating at a stall in a street in downtown Seoul.
You took the opportunity to get to know each other a little bit better and Donghyuck told you that he wanted to be a music producer and went to music school, but his father never approved it and had to devote himself to what he did.
On the other hand, you shared that you never thought of becoming a CEO. You always pictured yourself a baker and having a small bakery, but somehow you weren't a great baker. He found it very interesting how the tables turned.
On Wednesday, Donghyuck arrived earlier than normal and you extended your hand and shook his, greeting him, pleased to note how firm and strong his handshake was. Why did a handshake suddenly seem so much more evocative? You had shaken hundreds, thousands, of men’s hands and none, not even your ex-partners, had a touch that brought shivers to your spine like that.
Maybe that day wouldn’t be so bad after all. You thought. 
You had been told that one of your negotiations had been called off and they notified you right after you arrived at their building. What a waste of time.
“Ma’am, I was wondering if we could discuss you using the underground entrance from now on?” Donghyuck inquired.
No, it was still a bad morning. With one question, the attractive bodyguard brought on you wrath and was anything but attractive to you anymore. How many times have you instructed the driver and the staff that you were going to continue to enter the Genesis Intelligence Headquarters. 
And how many times did you need to remind Donghyuck to call you (Y/N), not “Ma’am“?
“I’m late for a meeting,” you snapped. You turned on your shoes and started towards the building.
As irritated as you were, you were still aware of the presence of the well-built Donghyuck a few steps behind you and caught a glimpse of him in the window’s reflection as you entered the building. Hmmm, you sighed. «Even if he does annoy me, he is still lovely to look at.»
In your irritation and your attempt to get back on schedule, you lost sight of Donghyuck for the next ninety minutes. The 9:30 meeting to which you were late did not go well. Again.
As you exited the meeting to take his 10:00 call, Lia approached you. “I’ve confirmed your slot with  Lee Youngjoon for tomorrow, but Nakamoto Yuta wants to see you at 10:45 this morning, instead of 11:30. He insisted.”
You frowned. Yuta? You hadn't heard or seen him in a year and suddenly he wanted a meeting with you?
You glanced at your watch. It was just shy of 10:00. If you were lucky, you could take your call and still make it to 10:45.
“Why?” You demanded.
“I don’t know, but he was very persistent.” Lia came to the response.
“Fine. Make sure to update security on the change in plans,” You instructed Lia. “Thanks, Lia.”
Fifteen minutes later, while in the middle of your 10:00 call, Donghyuck knocked on her door. Oh right, him. He entered your office without waiting for your response. You glared at him as you put your call on hold. 
“Ma’am, we need to be leaving for your meeting if you want to make it on time.”
“I’m afraid you have the time wrong. We have another fifteen minutes and I need to finish this call.”
“No, ma’am. We need to take an alternate route. If we don’t leave now, you’ll be late.”
You continued glaring at Donghyuck. “Why? What’s wrong with our regular route? I could walk there faster than what you’re proposing.”
“I don’t doubt that ma’am, but I would advise against it. It’s all for your safety, ma’am.”
It seemed unlikely that you would win on this one. You ended your call, gathered your things, and followed Donghyuck to the elevators, where he selected the basement level rather than the ground floor. You shook your head and sighed. Once the elevator stopped, Donghycuk led you through to the underground entrance, where your car was waiting.
“Donghyuck, this will be the first and only time you have me use the underground entrance, do you understand?“ Your  tone was scathing. 
Donghyuck nodded in silence and as he held open the car door for you, your hand accidentally brushed against his and you couldn’t help but catch a whiff of his cologne. You froze. For three seconds, the world stopped. You were distracted by how attractive Donghyuck was. You almost didn’t want to move. You wanted to be as close to him as possible, for as long as possible.
Your reverie was broken by the sound of a car horn somewhere else in the garage. You felt a rush of heat flood to your cheeks. You slid down into his seat as Donghyuck closed the car door, hoping that he hadn’t noticed any of this. That behaviour, those reactions, were completely out of character. Even after the car started moving, you couldn’t quite shake the feeling of butterflies in your stomach.
“You look as beautiful as usual, sweetheart,” Yuta greeted you planting a kiss on your cheek.
“It’s nice to see you, too,” you told him.
Yuta clicked his tongue, not sure what if he had done something wrong. “Come.” With that, you walked into his office,, leaving the door open. Donghyuck gave you a look and stood right in the door, turning his back on you.
“Since when do you have a dog following you around?” Yuta raised an eyebrow, sitting on his chair, eyeing Donghyuck. “I think I’ve seen him before.”
“He’s my bodyguard, not my dog,” you corrected him and sat in front of him. “And why don't you ask him?
Yuta shook his head. “Maybe he was someone else’s dog before you.”
You rolled your eyes. “Why did you want to see me?”
“Because I missed you.”
“Cut the crap.”
Yuta giggled. “You’re really having a bad day, huh? What happened?”
You sighed and relaxed on the chair. “The guy from Hong Kong called off the negotiation this morning and I was counting with that money for the new software we were going to launch next year. And he fucking called me right when I was outside the building!”
“I warned you about him, sweetie.”
“That’s the last thing I need right now, Yuta,” you glanced at him.
“I know, I’m sorry,” he nodded. “What if I invest in it?”
“You?” You looked at him. “Why would you do that? We’re literally direct competition.”
“We could launch it together. Right now your A.I is one of the best in the market, and I’m not gonna lie: I’m a bit jealous,” he admitted. “You combine tasks such as teaching self-driving cars to avoid accidents, assessing damage of a natural disaster, and detecting parking lot usage. This is all done through drone and satellite imagery.”
“Who in hell would've come up with that?” Yuta looked at you. “I can help you penetrate the Japanese market and get even bigger.”
You bite your lip. It’s true, during the last year you did everything to crack the Japanese market but failed and since Yuta’s company was a large and established company there, he could help you.
“You are really willing to negotiate with me?” You asked him.
He nodded. “I’ve known you for many years and I have followed your work. I’m pretty sure Genesis Intelligence could take over Industrial artificial intelligence.”
You stayed quiet for a couple of seconds and stood up walking around his office. “I need to think about it. You’re my friend and I don’t want business to screw things up.”
Yuta laughed and stood next to you placing a hand on your shoulder. “If sex didn’t screw things up neither will this.”
“Oh my, God. Shut up,” you hissed, looking to where Donghyuck was standing. He didn't even seem to move. You looked back at Yuta. “I’m gonna leave.”
Yuta chuckled and caressed your shoulders. “Stay, it’s been so long since we saw each other.”
You squint your eyes looking at him. “I’m not gonna fuck with you in your office.”
“I never said anything about fucking, but if you want me to bend you over my d-” You placed a hand on his mouth to stop him from talking and sighed. 
“I’ll tell my assistant to call you so we can arrange a meeting soon with the rest of the staff,” you told him and grabbed your purse.
“I’m looking forward,” he smirked.
You nodded and started making your way out of the office when he called you. “(Y/N)?”
You turned around. “Yes?”
“Your ass looks incredibly hot today in those dress pants,” he smiled at you.
“Good afternoon, Yuta,” you said leaving his office.
Donghyuck started walking behind you, escorting you and didn’t understand why the comments Yuta made got him upset. Was he your boyfriend? Ex-boyfriend, perhaps? Your lover?
Why did he even care? It wasn't as if he was interested in you. He had a task he must comply with. Just another job. That's what this was supposed to be. He had done it dozens of times, killed someone for money, that is. He'd earned a reputation among others in his trade for being discreet, efficient, and the ability to make it look like an accident. He quite enjoyed it, too. It was an outlet for his creativity and frustration and he had a lot to be frustrated about.
You two were sharing the enclosed, confined space of a gaudy elevator. The metal around you was pristine, without a single smudge to be seen. Directly behind you, it seemed a ceiling to floor mirror was installed over the wall of the elevator... For what reason, Donghyuck sure. He wasn't much of an aestheticist anyway, prefered things to be plain or simple in design.
There was an awkward silence and you cursed Yuta’s building which had 25 floors. The ride was long.
“So… Mr. Nakamoto and you?” Donghyuck broke the silence. You looked at him, frowning. “Right, sorry. It’s none of my business.”
You scratched your forehead and then snickered leaning against the metal wall. “I’m guessing you heard our conversation. Sorry about that.”
“No, please. I apologise. Again, it’s none of my business, ma’am.”
“Yuta and I used to… be really good friends,” you looked at him. “That’s in the past, and it’s even more buried now that we’re gonna be partners. It wouldn't be ethical.”
Donghyuck nodded. “Got it, ma’am.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes. “You need to stop calling me ‘ma’am. I feel like a 50 year old woman.”
“Sorry ma’am, but you don't look anything like a 50 year old woman,” Dongyuck glanced at you.
Your overactive imagination can’t help but bring that off-handed comment to life inside your head. You smiled. "Thank you. So, will you stop calling me that?"
You sighed. "Please?"
Donghyuck laughed lightly. “You worry too much about that.”
“Yes,” You didn't deny it. “It's strange. You're only 2 years older than me and are ma'aming me everyday.”
Donghyuck smirked at the word you used. “You’re my boss. I’m just being professional.”
Your mouth opened to speak, but the elevator suddenly shook, the lights flicker, and you stumbled. Donghyuck reacted without hesitation, sidestepping to make sure that you fall into his chest instead of to your knees. The emergency light of the elevator turned on, and you two shared a glance at each other.
“Did it break?” A stupid question, you're sure.
Donghyuck hummed, stepping away from you and towards the elevator door before banging a fist against it. He checked the elevator buttons, then leaned back to glance up at the dial above the door - you're stuck between the sixth and fifth floor. Donghyuck pulled out his cellphone and groaned. "I have no signal."
You breathed a couple of times and looked at him. "Am I under attack?  Am I gonna get killed here? Did someone plan this?!"
"Hey, hey," Donghyuck cupped your face with his hands and stared at you. "It's just a shut down. You're okay, nothing will happen to you as long as you're with me."
You nodded and closed your eyes trying to relax. Donghyuck's hands around your face felt like heaven; they were warm and soft. You opened your eyes again just to see a Donghyuck still staring at you. You could drown in that look. "Better?"
"Yeah, thank you," you whispered.
Donghyuck let go of your face and you hated the feeling of emptiness he left. 
The bright lights flickered on and made you squint. You clapped your hands together cheerfully, turning to look at the dial over the door that begins to move again. “Oh, thank God!"
“Told you,” Donghyuck smiled at you. “Shall we?”
Your hands moved from his shoulders to the top button of his shirt. As you slowly unfastened button after button, your piercing eyes met his. Donghyuck thought he might come just from the intensity of your look and the feel of your fingers opening up his shirt. Donghyuck’s fingers grazed across your stomach and you shivered. Your hands moved around to Donghyuck's back, underneath his shirt. You pulled him closer to you, but not close enough that your lower halves touched. In fact, it appeared that he intentionally stopped their lower halves from touching. In one quick movement, you had Donghyuck shirtless. He barely registered when you started kissing his neck and then his chest with soft kisses.  When your hands reached the top of his pants, you slipped them between the fabric and his skin. Grabbing the top of your ass, he finally pulled his lower half in contact with your lower half...
Donghyuck awoke with a start. His breath erratic, his heart racing. It took him a few seconds to realize where he was and what was happening. Donghyuck looked around his room, around his bed. Both were empty, as always. It was a dream. Just a dream. You weren’t there. 
He groaned when realised someone had woken up very ‘pleased’ that morning. Donghyuck ran a hand through his hair and got out of bed walking to the bathroom and taking care of his ‘problem’ and getting ready to go to work.
And that same night, you sat in the venue dressing room where you were about to make a speech, reviewing your notes. Donghyuck stood silent and still by the hallway door. 
Lia entered the room, carrying several cups of coffee and a bag of food. It was about damn time. You had requested the coffee as soon as you got there; what had taken her so long? You had less than ten minutes to down the cup of decaf. 
After having two sips of coffee, the venue manager called you so you could wait backstage since you would be on it in 5 minutes. 
As the presenter made his little speech, you tried to crack your fingers for the third time in the day. You were nervous and Donghyuck noticed it. “If you keep trying to do that you’re gonna end up with no bones to crack for the rest of your life.”
“Huh?” You looked at him and then giggled. “Sorry, it’s just that… I’m nervous.”
“I never thought you were the nervous type when it came to speeches,” he said.
“It’s not about giving the speech, it's about who is here,” you sighed.
“And that is?” Donghyuck raised both eyebrows.
“My father.” You admitted.
“He 's here?” 
You nodded and your eyes went to the crowd looking for him until you spotted him. “Do you see the man with the grey suit and a black tie, surrounded by 4 guards?”
Donghyuck’s eyes slyly followed yours and found the man you were talking about. He knew him from somewhere. He squinted to have a better look of his face and froze when he recognised. There was no way.
“... he technically is my father, but left my mom when I was a newborn and never came back. And 3 years ago he contacted me telling me he’s interested in my business but I have no plans to sell it or make a partnership by any means…”
Donghyuck was aware you were talking to him but he couldn’t stop looking at the man, or your father. Why would he want you dead? So he could take over your business? That was evil. 
“Right?” You looked at him and shook your hand in front of him. “Donghyuck? Are you alright?”
“Yeah… yeah,” he shook his head and gave you a warm smile. “I was just… shocked to know he’s your father.”
“He’s a businessman with relations pretty much everywhere,” you said, “he’s so judgmental of my work but hasn’t even bothered to get to know me better. I guess he’s a natural dick.”
“He is… I mean, you’re great. He should feel lucky to have you, but he doesn’t appreciate that.” He looked at you. “You turned out great without him.”
“That’s what my mom says,” you beamed. “I should relax, what can he do to ruin me? Nothing.”
He gulped. Little did you know.
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speechlessxx · 4 years
Secret’s Out (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Summary: Steve Rogers is a terrible liar.
Warnings: this was rushed (literally came to me in my sleep so im sorry if it’s kinda on the bad side), Bucky and Sam being an iconic duo, nothing bad really happens it’s just humorous. 
I’m not gonna lie this is more Bucky & Sam teasing Steve than it is Steve x Reader. 
Word Count: 2.1k 
Feedback is appreciated! I hope you enjoy!
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THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF Heaven is in Your Arms
Steve Rogers is a terrible liar.
Everyone knows. He’s god’s righteous man. He’s America’s golden boy – the perfect soldier. Steve Rogers is many things, but a good liar is not one of them.
His tells were clear as day. He’d advert his gaze, he’d blush a bit, his brows would furrow, or his fingers would tremble slightly. Sometimes he’d completely ignore a question so that he wouldn’t have to provide an answer. Only those who really knew the soldier knew exactly what to look for.
“When can we see this new place?” Bucky had asked one afternoon as Steve stopped by the compound to train. Steve pretended that he didn’t hear his friend as he directed an agent to use their agility against an opponent twice their size. Bucky chuckled a bit.
Sam walked up to the two men after his session in the weight room. His skin glistened with sweat as he put his arm on Bucky’s shoulder. Bucky scowled at him, shrugging his sweaty arm off. “So, Steve, it’s been a year since you moved out. How’s the city life?”
“It’s great.” Steve responded just before he barked instructions to the agents. The other two shared a glance.
“You see, Bucko,” Sam started, “to get Steve to answer you, you gotta ask the right questions.”
“Is that so?” Bucky asked, mockingly.
Sam nodded with a smirk. “You gotta make this man sweat a little.”
“Don’t you two have some reports to finish?” Steve cut in.
“Reports were mandatory?” Bucky asked, his brows shot up in surprise. Steve and Sam frowned a bit and looked at their older friend with concern. “I’m kidding.” (He was not).
“Any sweet ladies in the city that you would like the team to know about?” Sam asked. Steve’s muscles stiffened as his jaw clenched. Sam and Bucky immediately took notice of his reaction. Steve’s silence gave them all the confirmation. “Hmmm… We can give you lady advice, Steve. You know we got you.”
“You guys are as bad as Natasha,” Steve muttered as he shook his head. (Little did they know that their advice wasn’t needed).
The following day was Steve’s day off. He promised you a picnic at the park as his apology for the 5-day mission that turned out to be a week and a half. You wore a thin light blue sweater and he wore his signature civilian get up – compete with the plaid button up and slacks. Of course, he made casual look dapper.
You laid out the blanket and flattened it onto the grass before you sat down. Steve placed the wicker basket in the center of the blanket before he situated himself next to you. He threw you a grin as you opened the basket.
“What’s got you in a happy mood?” You asked him as you pulled out your sandwiches.
He shrugged. “I don’t know… just happy to be here with you.”
“That’s cute, Rogers,” you chuckled.
Steve smirked as you began to eat. “This is great, honestly.” He said, taking a bite into his food. You quirked an eyebrow up at him as you swallowed. “You, me, picnic in the park. City’s not being attacked by aliens.” You laughed. He smiled. He loved hearing you laugh.
“What’s the next threat? Zombies?” You joked.
Steve gave you a teasing look. “That’s confidential.”
“Oh, please tell me it’s zombies. I’ve been binge watching zombie movies and I’m 100% certain I’ll survive.” Steve rolled his eyes as you ranted on about zombie survival 101.
“I’ve fought Nazis, Aliens, Titans – please, please, let it stop there. No zombies,” Steve chuckled.
“Scared, Steve?” You taunted.
He scoffed. “Not when I have a zombie expert by my side, darling.” You teasingly looked away. “Wait, you will be by my side during a zombie apocalypse, right?”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but – “Steve’s jaw dropped in fake betrayal. You immediately took back your words. “Wait, no! Steve!” You reached over to him, but he snatched his hand away. You gasped. “How rude!”
“You have the audacity to leave me to fend for myself!” Steve pouted.
“Pouting doesn’t look good on you, Stevie.”
He gasped again, a hand flew to his heart. “Now you’re just trying to break my heart, doll.”
“Come here, you big baby,” you rolled your eyes at him as you pulled him to a kiss.
When you pulled away, Steve said, “oh, I think my heart is still broken.” He pulled you back in and smiled into the kiss.
“Oh my!” A woman’s voice gasped. You two broke apart and saw Margaret, your neighbor, strolling around with her yorkie.
“Miss Margaret, it’s pleasure to see you.” You smiled at the woman and she returned it.
“Clearly not as pleasurable as your little moment,” she teased which caused you to blush. You chuckled awkwardly as you looked away. “I’m glad to see you both out and enjoying this lovely day. You know how these millennials are nowadays. Always indoors, playing on their little Instachat and SnapPay.” Steve chuckled at her wording. (Before he had met you, he’d often mix up the social media platforms himself). “Oh, (Y/N), would you be a dear and walk the pup for a bit? I can’t bend down – “
“Oh, I can – “Steve began, but Margaret was very adamant that you were the one to go. Without hesitation, you stood up and took the leash from her. You cooed at the yorkie, who was very excited to see you, as you walked away.
“Now, Stevie,” Margaret said, her tone becoming stern, “have you gotten the ring?” Steve smiled as he admitted, yes. “Do you have it on you?”
“I’ve been waiting for the right time,” Steve confessed.
“Now’s a perfect time if any,” Margaret pushed. “She’s such a sweet girl. You’re a great man. You’ve been together for a while now…”
“I don’t want to ask her at an inappropriate time. I haven’t even decided what to say,” Steve admitted with embarrassment. He was known for his remarkable, inspirational speeches but for some reason he’d become speechless when he tried to propose. Every time he had the opportunity to pop the question, he became a fumbling, babbling mess that he just dropped it altogether. The velvet box he carried in his pocket for months became heavier and heavier.
“Practice, sweetheart.”
Steve sighed as he tried.
In all honesty, they could’ve done better. Hiding out in an inconspicuous van made look even more suspicious. But the two grew impatient and desperate as they parked the black van (minutes after you’ve left to walk the dog).
“What do you see?” Bucky asked Sam who had binoculars pressed up against his eyes.
“He’s talking to an old lady,” Sam muttered. “Oh, my god.”
“What?” Bucky asked, trying to take the lenses but Sam shoved him away.
“He’s asking this old lady to marry him!” Sam screamed. This time Bucky was successful at tearing the binoculars from Sam’s grip.
“What the hell, punk,” Bucky muttered.
“Damn, I knew he had a girl, but I didn’t know he had… a grandma…” Sam laughed. “Steve really took Nat’s ‘get a girl with the same life experience’ thing too seriously. She’s probably been alive as long as you, Bucky.” The two erupted into fits of laughter.
“Sammy, you owe me 10 bucks.”
Steve showed up to the compound the next with a big smile. He had done it. He had actually done it. And you said yes despite his stuttering and ‘um’s. You said yes.
“So, Stevie,” Sam started as Steve began to lift weights. “Anything fun happen on your day off?” Steve didn’t respond.
“Yeah, punk, anything interesting?”
“Actually,” Steve muttered as he lifted the weights with ease, “yeah. Something interesting did happen.”
“Oooh?” Sam stifled his laugh. “Do tell.”
“I will later.” Steve promised.
Nat walked into the gym and frowned at the two men who huddled around Steve. “Are you sharing stories around the campfire or are you working out?” She asked the two.
“Gossiping,” Sam answered.
“Steve walked in with the biggest grin on his face,” Bucky explained to Natasha as he walked over to another machine.
“Oh?” Natasha smirked as she sauntered over to Steve. “This have something to do with a girl?”
“A lady?” Sam asked.
“An old dame, perhaps?” Bucky added. Steve shot him a confused stare before shrugging.
This made Sam and Bucky burst out into laughter again.
You fumbled with the ring as you rode anxiously in the taxi. The ring was dainty and elegant. It wasn’t too flashy (not that it needed to be). It was simple and beautiful – much like the life that you were building together. The man offered you a kind smile through the rearview mirror which you returned. “Avengers Compound, huh?” He asked. “You a recruit or something?”
“Oh no,” you shook your head, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “Just visiting someone.”
“Must be one hell of a someone to be working there.” The man laughed. You chuckled.
“He sure is.”
“Why are you calling a meeting?” Tony asked Steve with an exasperated look on his face. He had just returned from a trip to MIT with Pepper. He was clearly tired. “And why aren’t we in the meeting room?”
Steve sighed as he looked towards the front doors. Any second now.
“Steve wants us to meet someone,” Sam explained. He and Bucky shared a look as they both stopped themselves from laughing.
“Cut it out,” Natasha scolded.
“Oh, you’re gonna be laughing, too,” Bucky mumbled. “Just wait.”
Suddenly the entrance opened, and Steve immediately ran towards it. You gave him a nervous look while he gave you an encouraging smile. He took your hand in his as he walked you towards the group. Bucky and Sam immediately stopped snickering.
“Okay, everyone, this is (Y/N).” Steve introduced. Everyone was in a standstill. “She’s my fiancé.” There was a moment of silence as Bucky and Sam tried to piece together their puzzle, only to realize they were looking at the wrong picture the entire time. Unless Steve magically had the Time Stone and reversed your aging, you definitely weren’t the elderly woman in the park.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!” Natasha finally smiled as she walked up to you and gave you a warm embrace. “He’s kept the details to himself. Not much of a talker.”
You nodded, the nervous smile still dancing on your lips. “So, you’re the reason why Steve left?” Tony asked, abruptly. “Left the compound, I mean.”
You glanced at Steve who shook his head. “Uh, no… I told him to stay. He’s the stubborn one.” Natasha laughed at your response.
“Wait, wait,” Sam said, shaking his head. The confusion still fresh. “That old lady in the park from yesterday? She isn’t who you proposed to? Because I vividly remember seeing you get on one knee and ask her.”
“You were in the park?” Steve asked.
“We both were.” Bucky admitted.
“You proposed to Margaret?” You asked, a laugh escaping you. Steve blushed. “Aw, Stevie!” You gushed as you kissed his cheek. “When you told me you were nervous, I didn’t think you were that nervous.”
“So, Margaret is?”
“Our neighbor,” you laughed.
“She asked you to walk her dog so that she can scold me for not asking already.” Steve confessed to you. “She helped me pick the ring out months ago.”
“Months?” Tony asked, brows rose in surprise. “C’mon, pal, you gotta step up your game.”
“Happy had been carrying around a ring since 2008, sit down, Stark,” Natasha defended. She asked if she could look at your ring. You held up your hand and she marveled at the diamond. “Nice taste, Rogers.”
“Wait,” Steve cut in. “You guys thought I was dating Margaret, my elderly neighbor?”
“Whose old enough to be my grandmother’s grandmother?” You asked.
Bucky and Sam nodded, shamefully. You and Steve laughed. “Why were you guys stalking me?” Steve added, frowning a bit.
“You weren’t answering our questions.” Bucky answered. “We were curious.” Steve opened his mouth, but Bucky pointed at him, accusingly. “Don’t say ‘you could’ve asked’ because we did… You just wanted to keep your life a secret. And you’re a terrible liar.”
Steve gaped at his response and looked at you for your input. You shrugged. “You are a terrible liar, babe.”
“Wow, thanks, darling.” Steve said sarcastically.
“Well, secret’s out.” Sam clapped. “Steve Rogers officially off the market, for good.”
“Hey,” Bucky said, bumping Sam’s shoulder. “You owe me ten dollars.”
Sam shrugged him off. “Man, get off me, you little roach.”
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toomanyfandoms02 · 4 years
Kisses // Matthew Gray Gubler x Reader
This is a request for both @boiled-onionrings and @aberrant-annie ! I ADORED writing this!!!
Summary - Reader is an artist with serious art block. So she decides to kiss her best friend all over and turn it into art.
Word Count - 2.2k
This is based off of THIS gif from @nationgubler
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I loved being an artist, but with any career in the arts, there is a time where you have some kind of block.
And I was having artist block, right now.
I sat in my studio, my back laying against the floor of the cold tile. As if the ceiling was going to spark some kind of Vincent Van Gogh idea in my head. I lightly brought my hand to my face, slapping my forehead.
"Come on y/n! There's something in there, anything, anything!" My head lolled to the side in frustration, eyes closed. I let out a loud groan of frustration, very grateful in this moment for choosing the most soundproof room of my apartment to do art. This was out of courtesy of my very kind neighbors. I opened my eyes slowly, hoping that something would come soon so I wasn't so damn angry. That's when I saw it.
The book Matthew had gotten me for my birthday a few months ago, sitting right next to my painting of lips, one of my best selling prints.
"Hmmm." I sat up slowly, contemplating if I should even ask this favor of him, but Matthew really cared about my career. Maybe I was in luck, so I dialed his phone number. He answered within 2 rings.
"Hey y/n, what's up?" He sounded out of breath, making his voice slightly raspy. This caused my heart to beat a bit faster.
"Uh, I have a favor to ask you, are you okay? You sound out of breath." I could hear him huff another deep breath.
"Yeah! I'm on a run in the park right now."
"Oh! Well don't worry about it then, I can save this-"
"No no! What do you need, I'm on my way home." This was honestly the most nerve-wracking thing ever, asking my best friend And someone I'm slowly falling for to do a kind of scandalous pose for a painting for me.
"It's kind of, weird. It involves art. I can't come up with any ideas and this one came into my head, you can totally say no, I won't-"
"Honey, good lord, I'm not gonna judge you, just tell me." He laughed in the end, easing my stress only slightly at the sound of it.
"Alright, it would be a portrait of you from waist up, but, also, I would, ugh. I feel weird about it!" I paused momentarily, sighing into the phone and making a pouty face that he *thankfully* couldn't see. "Then I would put kisses all over you, to like, I don't know."
"Spice it up?"
"I'll be over soon, I'm gonna take a shower. See you soon sunshine!" And that was it. Nearly no hesitation and he agreed to it.
*Why did I worry so much?*
Probably because you like him so much, *dumbass*.
I tidied up my studio as a distraction, waiting for a knock at my door. My wooden easel clicked on the floor as I set it near the big window in the room. I set a stool in front of it for Matthew, facing him towards it for good natural lighting. I plopped a 24x16 canvas onto the easel. My heart nearly jumped from my chest as I heard the knock at my door. I almost slipped running to it.
I opened the door to see a smiling Matthew. He was leaning against my door frame dressed in a white button-down and some regular jeans.
"I don't see you wearing any lipstick, how are you gonna manage putting kisses all over me without it?" He teased with a smirk.
This man really knew how to make my heart stop, it was almost insane how much of an effect he had on me. But I was surprisingly good at hiding it.
"I haven't put it on yet you nerd." I hit his chest lightly, moving out of the doorway so he could come in. "You can still back out if you feel weird about this. And also, this is gonna take a while." I looked up at him nervously. He grabbed my shoulders, looking right into my eyes.
"I love helping you with art, stop thinking you're such a burden." He shook me a little, bringing another smile to my face.
"Fine, go sit on the stool back there and unbutton your shirt a few buttons," I ordered him as if I had any confidence when it came to him. I walked to the bathroom adjacent to my studio, grabbing my red lipstick and applying it in the mirror.
"I love the color!" Matthew shouted from the doorway of the bathroom, almost causing me to drag the makeup across my face. I pulled it away from my lips slowly, looking over at the idiot who was constantly scaring me. I gave him the death stare. He quickly brought his hands into a surrender position and backed from the room and into the studio. But not without giving me a wicked smile. I rolled my eyes and followed him.
"Sit!" I shooed him onto the stool I set up for him.
"Yes ma'am!" He saluted, sitting gracefully onto the wobbly seat.
"You promise this won't be too weird?" I asked a final time, a very *very* small part of me hoping that he would think it was too weird so I didn't have to torture myself even more with this horrible crush of mine. He just stared at me with one eyebrow raised, as to silently say.
*Do I really have to assure you again that I don't care?*
"Alright! Let go then." Another wave of anxiety shot through me as I leaned down to his level. My hands parted his hair to where I wanted it. I then kissed my thumb to make sure the lipstick was still wet enough to transfer, and sure enough, the red pigment was smudged onto the finger. Here we go.
I grabbed his face with both hands and brought my lips to his left cheek, leaving a kiss slightly above his cheekbone. I then left another kiss lower on the same cheek. On his right cheek, I put one right in the middle and one more near his chin.
I backed away from his face, pulling the lipstick from my pocket to reapply it. I watched his eyes as I put it on, seeing something I'd never seen in his eyes before.
"You okay Gubler?" I giggled a little, recapping the tube, I smacked my lips, ensuring that I got it everywhere. He blinked several times before shaking his head a little bit.
"Yeah! Uh, yes. Just zoned out." He nodded curtly, now venturing his eyes out the window.
"Okay weirdo." I chuckled. "I'm gonna kiss your chest now." I chuckled again, much more nervous than the previous one. He simply nodded and looked down at me with a small grin.
I got on my knees and opened his shirt a bit. Hopefully, he couldn't feel how much my hands were shaking, because let me tell you, I was *trembling*. I placed my hands on his shoulders and placed a kiss on the side of his neck first. I watched as Matthew sucked his lips into his mouth slowly tilting his head back. His hand was brought to his face and he left it there for a moment. I raised an eyebrow at him but quickly shrugged it off, I wasn't going to let this lipstick dry again.
I leaned down further, kissing his collar bone and then a final one near the center of his chest. At this point, Matthew was looking down at me again. He let off a loud breath and ran his tongue over his lips.
I stood up dusting my legs off, Matthew's eyes following me.
"Are you seriously okay? You're acting kind of funny." I came close to him, putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked like a puppy dog looking up at me from the stool.
"I've got a small headache I think." It was a quick answer that seemed like a lie.
"We can stop-"
"No!" I jumped back from him, startled. "No, it's seriously fine. I'm just gonna get ibuprofen from your cabinets." He stood so quickly and turned toward the door.
"I can get that for you!"
"No it's fine I got it." His voice was farther now, almost completely in the bathroom. Even from this far his voice sounded strangled.
*Was this weirding him out? It really seems like it was.*
I gathered my colors from my oil paint box and brought them to the small table next to my easel.
Just a few minutes later Matthew emerged from the bathroom, looking like he felt better.
"Looks like the ibuprofen is working fast." I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He snickered, sitting on his stool with a suspiciously large smile. I just shook my head a walked up to pose him. I turned his shoulders slightly toward the window, opening the shirt to see the kisses. I frazzled his hair a little to give it a bedhead look and once I was happy with everything, I went back to my seat.
"Just look wherever is comfortable. I'm giving you free will on that." Of course, he chooses to look directly at me.
"You sure you wanna look at me during this whole process?" I joked, starting with some skin-colored paint on the canvas.
"Well yeah, you're the most interesting thing in the room." I could feel the tips of my ears burn at the comment, not bothering to hide the smile that formed on the face.
"Well, thank you." I kept my eyes on the canvas, partly because I was painting, and partly because I thought that if I looked in his eyes I might melt into a puddle.
I was finally done with the base of everything. I pretty much had an outline with the correct colors.
"Okay, I'm taking a break. Do you want to snack with me?" I stretched my legs as I stood from my chair, my arms flailing high in the air.
"Yeah, what are you getting?" His hands rubbed together like a mischievous fly.
"I made chocolate chip cookies last night. I'm gonna heat them up so they are melty." I excitedly padded my bare feet to the kitchen. I slipped 3 cookies onto a plate and placed them in the microwave for 20 seconds. My back leaned on the counter as Matthew peered over me at my cookies.
"Someones excited about cookies." I laughed, grabbing them for the microwave and setting them on the counter, eating half of it in one bite.
"And you say *I'm* excited." He replied with a mouthful, clearly poking at the way I ate the cookie.
"You just ate yours in one bite!" I shot back.
"Whatever." He grabbed another, eating that one whole as well, as melted chocolate, slipped down his chin. He raised his hand to wipe it off and I was not quick enough to stop him.
"I'll just touch it up when we go back." He looked at his hand that was a mixture of brown and red and made a pouty face at me. "It's fine, here." I handed him a rag to wipe his hands and we went back into the studio.
On the walk back I was already reapplying my lipstick so I could fix the smudge on his face. I slipped into the bathroom quickly, grabbing my makeup wipes to fix the smudge as well. He sat in the stool once again.
Much less nervous this time, I grabbed his face the same way I did before and kissed over the same spot, making it darker and more defined again. As I was about to pull away from his face, Matthew's hands grabbed my wrists, stopping me from leaning away.
"What are you doing?" My heart hammered against my ribs, and at this moment I was hoping he couldn't hear it.
"Do you think there's anything else that needs to be fixed up?" His voice came out in a whisper, I could feel it against my face. "Do you think my *lips* should be red too?"
*Was he saying what I think he was saying?*
Apparently he was, because we both leaned in with closed eyes, connecting our lips. He pulled me into his lap on the stool, grabbing the back of my neck to deepen the kiss. I was sure that I was getting lipstick on much more than his lips at this point.
After quite the makeout sesh, we pulled away, both panting.
"What was that for?" My brain was in a complete haze. I realized I was still on his lap and began standing up, only to be pulled back down by his hands.
"I decided to finally make a move." He chuckled, leaning his forehead on mine.
"You mean, you like me?"
"No, I make out with everyone, all the time." He deadpanned. I giggled, running my thumb across his lips and showing his all the red that had transferred.
"Totally worth it." He smirked, kissing the tip of my nose sweetly.
*I'm not gonna get anything done with this man around.*
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yungidreamer · 4 years
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Summary: An intruder enters the territory of Chan and his pack, attacking people and causing havoc. Seemingly by chance he saves a victim that turns out to be his mate, but as fate would have it, he happens to be a wolf at the time. How will he protect her, come clean, and claim his mate?
Word count: 8.2k
Content warnings: slightly dark themes, a werewolf serial killer who is a vindictive asshole, impregnation kink, marking, minor descriptions of violence, sort of stalking, sort of possessive behavior. Some cursing.
Music: Come Out by Lenise Morales and War of Hearts by Ruelle
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“Come on, boy,” she said, patting her leg and holding out the leash. “Let’s go on a walk before it gets too late.” Chan hopped up off his round dog bed near the couch, wagging his tail as he came to her. He sat patiently, turning his head to let her reach the leather collar she had put on his neck. Jesus, his pack mates would be in hysterics if they saw him like this, he thought to himself. But he could have endured the embarrassment for her.
How had he ended up like this? Really, it was a mix of destiny and bad luck on  both of their parts. He honestly never thought he would meet his mate when he was in his wolf form and hurt on top of it. Fights weren’t something he got into that often and something he avoided when he could, but that night three months ago he had caught that piece of shit lone wolf stalking her.
Why the loner had picked her, he had no idea, but Chan had to be grateful in some ways. How long would it have been before he ran across her if not for that? Jesus, what if he had gotten there too late? He didn’t want to think about it.
That night he had been sent to track the interloper that had been causing havoc in their territory. He was the first of the pack to actually find him, which must have been luck since Minho was generally the best tracker and Changbin a close second. They had taken the two days before and barely missed catching him at the no-tell motel he had been staying at and at some restaurant where he had mauled some poor woman heading home after her shift. Changbin had been furious with himself for not tracking him fast enough and had been the one to find her bloodied and crying near the back door of the restaurant. He had shifted back to human and called 911, telling them he had been passing by when he heard her crying, a plausible enough story not to raise any suspicion. Besides as far as anyone involved knew, it was a rabid dog attack… a massive rabid dog.
Tracking was exhausting work and got shared amongst all the members of the pack. The third night had been his job and he had taken a neighborhood near the one he had been stalking, suspecting he had moved his hunting grounds but not that far. His hunch had been right, but it was pure luck that he had come across the scent of the intruder as he patrolled, just hoping to catch some hint, some clue.
That whiff had pulled him down an alley and into the strip mall parking lot of the craft store. For the life of him, he could not figure out why on earth he would pick this sort of place. The parking lot was half empty since most of the stores were already closed… except the big hobby shop. The sodium orange lights of the parking lot had flickered and buzzed, bothering his sensitive senses and it must have done the same for the lone wolf… so why on earth would he choose to hunt here.
Chan had spotted him, in human form, leaning casually on a planter half a dozen meters from the entrance to the store taking a drag on a hand rolled cigarette. He had let out an involuntary huffing sneeze, hating the smell as it drifted to him. That had given him away. Even if he hadn’t been able to sense that he was a fellow werewolf, no dog would have been wandering around alone in a parking lot here, like this, at this hour.
“I’m surprised you found me, rover,” the loner had chuckled, self-satisfied and amused. “I would have let you guys be, but you couldn’t just let me hunt a little.” Chan had growled as he watched him stand up, letting the shadows and flickering lights obscure his face as he pulled himself into a standing position. He had moved fast, charging at Chan and drawing a knife just before he got within an arm's length of him. Chan dodged but not fast enough, and the knife caught him in the ribs, grazing over a couple of them before he could dig his teeth into the man’s arm.
“Fuck,” the man yelled, punching Chan in the jaw to force him to let go. Stars sparkled in his vision and pain sliced through him as the knife slid along his collarbone and upper leg. He had gotten one last swipe in before retreating, leaving Chan bloodied and limping.
A safe place to shift was what he had needed, there surely would have been someplace nearby, a little alcove or alley between a couple of the shops, but before he could get very far, she had stepped out of the store, locking up and leaving for the night.  Chan froze. He had been slinking away, slowly trying to get out of view, but was still very clearly in view when she had stepped out. His pain had blinded him to other sensations at first, but even before she turned and saw him, it hit him like a freight train.
Mine the sensation said with a ferocity he had never felt before. Why he had to find his mate like this, he had no idea. He wasn’t particularly unlucky. He didn’t spend tons of time as a wolf either. His pack was pretty chill and was pretty careful to stay below the radar. Their territory was safe and they were known for not being overly territorial, letting people pass through without a problem so long as they left and didn’t make problems. So how he ran across her while he was shifted and injured was just stupidly bad luck.
She had gasped when she finally turned around and saw him, but who wouldn’t when they turned around to see a massive dog behind them limping and bleeding. A moment’s fear had shot through her at the sight until Chan had whimpered, flattening himself on the pavement to look as unthreatening as possible.
“Hey puppy,” she said softly, putting out her hand for him to sniff as she leaned down, slowly coming closer. “Can I take a look at you?”
Yes please, he thought, rolling gently onto his uninjured side.
“What on earth happened to you… boy?” She asked, catching sight of his belly. “I don’t suppose you are going to make this easy on me and would just get in my car if I brought it around?” She sighed and patted his head. Rubbing his head into her hand, he rolled back over and pulled himself up to stand again. “Maybe you can just come with me, hmmm?” Standing up, she started to move towards her car, keeping an eye on him as he slowly limped behind her. She opened the back door to her car and patted the seat, inviting him to hop in, which he did quite happily. “Well at least that was easy.” She observed, closing the door behind him as he laid down on the back seat. “Now we just have to go spend my whole paycheck at the emergency vets.”
Sorry, he said to her in his head. I’ll pay you back when I can. Pain pulsed through him as the city lights swished over him in the back seat. The emergency vet clinic was only a half an hour away but that was way longer than he would have ever wanted to have to lay bleeding in the backseat of a car. In fact, he really was sure he could have gone his whole damn life without knowing what that felt like.
He was tough, he was the alpha of the group, though he didn’t enforce a hard hierarchy like some did. They were more family than anything else. They looked out for each other, did their part, contributed in any way that they could. It worked well for them and everyone was pretty happy with the arrangement. It was just his job to be the final voice when decisions needed to be made or to speak for the group when dealing with outsiders.
“Can you get up, pup?” She asked when she opened the door in the parking lot of the vet’s office. Chan nodded, though it probably didn’t look like it, what with being a dog and all, and stood up on slightly shaky limbs. Thank god they were close, he thought to himself as he stepped out the door and onto the pavement.
“I need some help please,” she said as they stepped through the automatic sliding door of the clinic.
“Oh my god,” the woman behind the counter said when she caught sight of him, picking up the phone on the desk and hitting a couple of buttons. “Doctor West we need you in reception now please, and bring whoever is back there to help.” She hung up the phone and dashed out from behind the desk. “What on earth happened?”
“I don’t know,” she said looking down at Chan as she kept a hand on his head. “I was just coming out of work and found him like this in the parking lot. Maybe he got cut getting out of a yard or went through a window or something?”
The receptionist had shrugged, it seemed like as good an explanation as any. They had taken him back, stitched him up and scanned him for an ID chip, which, shocker, he didn’t have. With no one else seemingly accountable for him, she had decided to take him home, saying she would try and find his owners. For now, she would pay for the vet bills and she just had to hope whoever owned him would pay her back. Though honestly, given the shape he was in, she wasn’t holding out hope there was someone, or at least someone responsible.
That was how he had ended up here and stuck in his canine form way more than he was used to. The one upside was that he was with her. She had spent a couple of weeks hanging up posters with his picture, but eventually just decided to adopt him herself, leaving him in the weirdest bind he could imagine.
The first few days he had stayed just because everything hurt too much to do anything else. I’ll change back soon, he told himself, I just need the stitches to heal a little first. Then one evening when she came home he could smell him and cigarettes on her and his heart had clenched. The loner had been there for her? For his mate? At that moment, that realization he had a feeling he never would have thought possible. Thank god I was the one that got stabbed. That had settled it. He had to be there, he had to stay and protect her, at least until the intruder was caught.
Not long after that he had shifted when she was off at work, finally getting in touch with his pack. After the understandable chewing out he let Jisung give him since he had basically disappeared without a word for DAYS, he explained what had happened and told him to pick someone to shadow her while she was out or at work. Jisung agreed, letting out a low whistle at the story and the news that he had found his mate. Chan left the details to him and the others, still not feeling even 50% if he had to be honest. He trusted them and for now, he was stuck.
Now it had been three months and the loner was still on the loose and still in their territory. They had no idea why and he had only attacked one person since that night. Now and again, when she came home from work, he would smell him on her, and still other times, he would catch the smell of the loner when they walked through the neighborhood. But it was never enough, never that fresh, and he had no idea how he was flitting around so close yet so far.
Jisung had the brilliant idea of getting one of them hired to work with her at the craft store. Chan had to admit, it had been a good idea, it kept someone close, but it probably wouldn’t have been the solution he would have wanted. Smelling Changbin on her every night when she came home from work rankled him an unbelievable amount, despite the fact that he knew nothing was happening with them. But between smelling his pack mate and the loner on her, and being unable to do anything with her aside from pretending to be her pet was going to drive him mad.
How on earth was he supposed to tell her who he really was? Buck also couldn’t just disappear. And yes, she had named him after the dog in Call of the Wild which was both adorable and painful. She was attached to him...just the wrong him. He needed to come clean but, aside from breaking to her that werewolves existed at all, something that would most likely freak her out, saying, surprise (!) you know that dog you’ve been letting sleep in your bed and changing in front of… well, he’s actually a guy. Because, you know, that would go over really well.
So that was how he ended up on the end of her leash, heading out for a walk. If he didn’t have to do this as a dog and have to make a show of going to the bathroom on these walks, he would be far happier. It was nice being out with her, he just wanted to be able to do it as a person, maybe holding her hand, though he might have tolerated a collar and leash if she really liked it for some reason.
Chan walked ahead of her, scenting the air as they made their evening loop of the neighborhood. All seemed well and normal for the most part, at least for the first half of the walk. But as they made the turn that would head them back towards home the scent of the loner drifted across their path. Chan stopped, causing her to bump into him and make a little sound of surprise as she accidentally stepped on one of his back feet.
“What’s the matter, Buck?” She asked, looking in the direction he was looking. “Did you see something?” Unsurprisingly, he didn’t answer and, after pausing for a few seconds, she moved past him, trying to snap him into moving again. Chan stepped in front of her, preventing her from going as he tried to place where the scent was coming from. “Come on, boy, I want to go home.”
I know, he said mentally, willing for her to understand him. Trust me, me too. Suddenly he saw it, the shape of another of his kind skulking on the other side of a cinder block wall. It’s dark chestnut fur moved slightly in the breeze as the animal stayed stock still. In a split second, it dashed back behind the wall and Chan gave chase. He pulled his leash out of her hand, sending a mental apology to her, and immediately gave chase. He couldn’t let this just keep going on. She called out his name, well the name she had given him, as he disappeared behind the wall, giving chase.
Quick as a flash, he saw the tail disappear around the back of the house on the other side of the block wall. He skidded around the corner, keeping the scent trail of the intruder under his nose. The chase led him through alleys and back yards as they ran and dodged. Finally he saw him disappear over a high fence and Chan lept after him, feeling like he was finally gaining on him.
When he landed he heard a snap and knew immediately that he had made a mistake. A sharp pain shot through his front leg. It had all been a plan, been a trap to get him here, to get him trapped… and to leave her alone. He had never really felt as stupid as he did right now. He finally gathered the will to look down at his leg to see it clasped in a leg hold trap, cut and bleeding, but thankfully not broken, probably by sheer luck. He couldn’t run like this and he had to get back to her.
With a gulp, he changed back, needing the dexterity of human hands to get out of the contraption. It pinched harder, stinging his nerves as his leg turned into an arm, thickening in the vice like grip. It took him a moment to stop seeing stars and then another to figure out how to press down the sides of the trap to open it. When he was finally free, he looked around. He had to get out but running around naked and bleeding was a great way to get the cops called on him.
Making his way to the edge of the neighboring yard, he looked over the wall to see laundry hanging on a line outside. He hopped over the wall and took a t-shirt and some pants, promising to try to remember to bring them back when he could. Once he was dressed, he ran. He ran towards where he had left her; ran like his life depended on it. Ran because hers probably did. His feet barely touched the ground as he rushed back to where he had left her.
Suddenly he heard a scream rend the air and he felt his whole body go cold. So stupid, he berated himself as he willed his body to move faster. Turning the corner a couple of blocks from where he had left her alone, he saw her… and him. The loner had cornered her against a fence in the front yard of some house, a hand around her throat and a knife pressed against her ribs. Without a second thought, Chan rushed forward with a guttural growl. The loner heard him and turned. Momentarily distracted from her, he didn’t notice when she jerked herself down, loosening his grip enough on her neck to fall in the direction opposite the knife he held on her. With his attention torn between two people now, Chan had the upper hand and wrestled him away from her.
“Run,” Chan commanded her as he tackled the loner to the ground. They rolled and grappled like gladiators, vying for dominance, both ignoring her. Something that turned out to be a mistake on the part of the loner. Just as he rolled on top, pinning Chan by gripping his injured arm, she rushed toward them, picking up the dropped knife and driving it into his back. The loner let out a rage filled scream and rolled away from them both as he changed back into his wolf form. Running away as quickly as he could manage and disappearing into the neighborhood.
“Are you okay,” Chan asked, getting up and grasping her upper arms. Her face was a mask of shock, eyes wide and not really seeing anything. “Look at me. Tell me that you are okay.”
“I have to find my dog,” she said, her eyes flashing around them, yet she didn’t pull away. “I think he tried to chase that thing away. He ran off and I need to make sure he’s okay… he was already hurt and…”
“I’m okay,” Chan said to her, giving her a little shake to get her attention. “I’m Buck. You found me in a parking lot and saved me. It’s me.” Her eyes snapped to his face and she went white. “I was following him that night, trying to figure why he was here. That’s how I got hurt, but that’s how I found you.”
“You were looking for me, too?” She shrank back, her eyes searching for something in his face.
“No, but,” Chan sighed. He needed to come clean but this wasn’t the place. Not in the open, not in someone else’s yard. “Let’s go home. Please. Can we talk there?”
“Home?” She asked, looking at him suspiciously.
“Your home,” he corrected. “Just, let me explain. Give me a chance.”
She looked down at the arms that were holding her, finally noticing his cut arm. “You’re hurt.”
“It’s not that bad,” he let go of her arms, trying to hide his injury a little.
“Let me take care of it,” she offered timidly. “Then we can talk.” Chan let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. With a nod he led them both back to the house, keeping a gentle hand on her wrist as they walked. He needed the assurance that she was there, that she was safe.
She followed, letting him take the lead, slightly unsettled by how well he knew the way to her house. Part of her still didn’t believe him. But then again, she had just seen a man change into a dog or… wolf maybe, and she couldn’t explain that. She had never seen him before and yet he knew her dog, he knew where she lived, he had saved her. She wasn’t 100% sure, but something told her to trust him.
When they got to her house, she let them in and Chan pulled her inside, locking the door behind them before tucking her behind him as he scanned the room and tested the air inside the house for anything amiss. When he was satisfied that it was safe, he stepped further into the living room and headed towards the bathroom to care for his arm. He really knows where everything is, she thought as she watched him head there without hesitation. Stepping up to the sink he started running warm water, dipping his arm under the spigot to rinse it. He hissed as the water hit the wound, a tingling pain shooting outwards from it.
“Here,” she stepped up beside him, dampening her hands and lathering them so she could gently wash his wound. Chan sucked in a breath between his teeth at the sting. “Sorry,” she said softly.
“No, it’s okay,” he assured her. “I appreciate you helping me. I owe you my life twice over now.”
“Seems like both times it was because of me anyway so…” she didn’t meet his eyes, focusing on what her hands were doing.
“It’s not your fault,” Chan soothed. “We should have gotten him out of here long ago. He just… he keeps slipping away.”
“So what are you?” She asked as she patted his skin dry with a towel. 
“Werewolf,” he replied softly. “But I won’t hurt you.”
She nodded and pulled some gauze and tape out of the cabinet behind her. Kneeling down in front of him as he sat on the toilet, she spread some anti-infection cream over one of the wounds before putting gauze over it and taping it down. She did the same with the other side, then wrapped both with a sports wrap to keep it secure on his arm.
“What’s your name?” She asked, finally looking up at him.
“Chan,” he replied gently, reaching out to cup her cheek. “My name is Chan.”
“That fits better than Buck,” she gave him a nervous smile and laugh.
“God I love hearing my name on your lips,” he admitted. He leaned forward hesitantly, giving her a chance to pull away, taking her lips with a gentle firmness. She tasted like heaven, even better than he had dreamed those nights when he lay beside her in bed pretending to be her pet.
What am I doing, she asked herself, feeling a fuzzy, intoxication filling her brain as his lips pressed against hers. His tongue darted out against her bottom lip, begging her to open to him. Why did he taste so good, she wondered as she shivered under his touch. He was hardly the first guy she had kissed but he felt different and she didn’t understand it. She didn’t know him at all, despite the fact he seemed to have been living in her house for months.
“Love, I… I need,” Chan pulled back and stepped away from her. “We need to talk.”
“Sorry,” she leaned back, not meeting his eyes, wiping her lips to try and erase the distracting sensations.
“No, don’t apologize,” he soothed, reaching out to her. “I just need—” he broke off. “I need you to understand.”
“What do I need to understand?” she asked him, frustration coursing through her.
“You’re mine,” he said, taking her face in his hands. “I knew it the moment I saw you that you were supposed to be mine. I protect what’s mine. But I need you to choose me. I can wait. I can send someone else to stay here and protect you. Just… I need it to be your choice because once I have you. I’m not letting you go.”
She should have been afraid, she should have made him leave and run as far as she could as fast as she could. But something in her trusted him. No that wasn’t strong enough. Something said he was right, they were a part of each other.
“Okay,” she nodded as much as she could, still restricted by his hands on her face.
“What?” He asked, his eyes searching hers, trying to divine what she was saying.
“I understand,” Her hands came up to loosely grip his wrists, guiding his hands down from her face. She leaned forward, bringing her lips to his.
“Wait,” Chan took a step back, having to use all his willpower to do so. “You’re sure?” She nodded and his will broke. It had taken so much of him to pull away, to do the right thing. He hadn’t expected her to accept him and what he was. With a desperate hunger, he smashed his lips into hers as he lifted her and carried her to the bedroom. He already knew the place well enough he didn’t have to take his lips from hers as he took them both to her room. He tossed her onto the bed and crawled in over her, pressing her into the mattress with his body. He was pure muscle as he pressed himself against her, she could feel it even through the odd mismatched clothing he was still wearing.
“Chan,” she breathed when he shifted to kiss along her cheek.
“Say it again,” he groaned, grinding himself against her. “Say my name.”
“Chan,” her hand tangled in his hair, holding him close. He pulled back, only long enough to strip off the shirt and to slip the borrowed jeans off his hips. He covered her still clothed body with his, drawing her arms around his neck. She moaned underneath him, parting her thighs to let him settle between them.
“I think I’m a little overdressed,” she pointed out.
“I can fix that,” he grinned, rolling them both over. With hurried hands he pulled off her shirt and unhooked her bra before sliding it off her arms and tossing it across the room. His pupils widened as he took in her bare breasts. They looked soft and inviting and he couldn’t stop himself from reaching out to cup them. She giggled and covered his hands with hers. Sliding backwards off him, she unfastened her jeans and stepped out of them.
“God, you’re beautiful,” Chan propped himself up on his elbows and took all of her in with his gaze. Her hands lifted to cover herself and he sat up, grabbing her wrists to stop her. “Don’t hide…” he blushed slightly as he admitted it, “You’re so beautiful.” He pulled her down to straddle him, running his hand over her waist and thighs.
She leaned down, bringing her lips to his as his hands wandered over her body. He had thought about this moment for months. Being so near her and having her not notice him, not see him had been killing him. So close, yet so far. Every night when she changed for bed, he had done his best not to stare as she stripped and put on her pajamas, only peeking a few times. Everytime she wrapped her arms around him and cuddled into his fur as she went to sleep. He had wanted to change, to confess, to throw himself on her.
Now he had her holding him as his human hands wandered over her soft curves and it was even better than he had dreamed. She smelled like heaven. Like the forest in summer and fields of wildflowers. He wanted to take her in every way possible. Kissing along the side of her neck, he buried his face in her shoulder, pressing her body against his tightly. He wanted to taste her, to feel her flesh in his mouth, to see if she tasted as sweet as she smelled.
He knew why. It wasn’t that he wanted to eat her. The bite would mark her as his to any other wolf that might cross her path. It would meld them together according to their customs and the rules of the pack. The mark would claim her as his alone and give her the protection of the pack.
Breathing deeply, he fought the urge. He needed to do this right. I’m not an animal, he reminded himself, rolling over and moving them both to the center of the bed. Her pleasure had to come first.
“Close your eyes,” he commanded softly. “I just want you to feel me.” She looked into his eyes for a second before nodding and closing her eyes as she laid on the bed beside him. Kissing her lips, he tasted her with a slow and lazy sense of leisure, reminding them both they had all night. He licked and nibbled at her lower lip, letting out an involuntary whine as he asked her to open to him. She parted her lips and let him in, still allowing him to set the pace, to guide her. His tongue thrust into her mouth with a hungry confidence. He devoured her like a sweet dessert, enjoying her taste with a slow deliberation. As he did, one hand played lightly over her chest and collarbone. His touch was as light a feather, teasing her with the contrast of sensations.
Leaving her lips, he slid himself down her body, dragging his lips and tongue over her neck to the center of her chest. He could hear her heart beating under her delicate rib cage, fluttering like a wounded bird. The sound stirred the animal inside him. Was she afraid? Her scent tickled his nose telling him that she was mostly aroused but underneath it was a faint sliver of fear. It wasn’t a fear of him, or at least not a real fear of him. It was the type of fear that makes a rollercoaster fun or that tickles your stomach when you stand near the precipice of a mountain and take in the wonder of the view. That frisson of a potential danger that was entirely unlikely, but not impossible. Looking up her body, he saw her bite her lip in anticipation of… something, of him.
He slid between her legs and moved lower on her body. He kissed and nipped at the flesh of her belly; so soft and vulnerable. The wolf in him loved that she trusted his teeth there. His wolf could have ripped that flesh with such ease and the fact that she trusted him like this made pleasure rippled through him. Moving lower, he settled himself between her thighs, lifting her legs to rest on his shoulders.
“Can I taste you?” He asked, nuzzling against her inner thigh.
“Yes,” she nodded, squeezing her eyes tightly as her hands fisted around the blanket beneath her.
“Show me what you like,” he instructed, licking a line up the slit of her body. “Let me know how to please you.” She nodded, her hands fidgeting with anticipation. “Baby girl, you can look at me now.”
Opening her eyes, she looked down the line of her body to see his hungry eyes fixed on her. Chan’s hand reached up to take hers as he held her hips down with the other, keeping eye contact as he made a testing thrust of his tongue into her. She gasped and squeezed his hand. Satisfaction settled in his chest and he threw himself into pleasing her as he read her body. He licked and nipped and sucked at her until she came apart underneath him with a strangled cry. She was beautiful and he had never felt as powerful as he did in that moment.
He needed to take her, to fill her with his seed until he was sure she would bare his child. An image of her, round with child, floated through his mind. Yes, the wolf inside him growled, take her. Chan slid up her body and positioned himself at her entrance as he pulled her into a kiss. She could taste herself on him as he stole her breath.
“Are you ready for me, baby girl?” He asked, brushing hair off her face.
“Yes,” she nodded, eyes hazy as she looked up at him. “Please, I want you in me.”
“I would give you anything you asked for,” He admitted, coaxing her thighs around his hips. “Have you… done this before?”
“Yeah,” she assured him. “Don’t worry.”
“Okay,” he nodded, a little relieved he wouldn’t have to hold back. Holding her face in his hands, he looked into her eyes as he curled his hips into hers with a slow deliberation. He watched as her face filled with wonder at the feel of his invasion. When he was finally seated fully inside her, he paused, taking a moment to enjoy the way her body stretched to accommodate him. It was like she was built to hold him.
“Can I move?” He asked softly, running the pad of his thumb over her cheek.
“God, yes, please,” she nodded, digging her nails into the skin and muscles of his back. Smiling down at her and keeping eye contact, he pulled himself half way out before thrusting back inside her. She sighed at the delicious friction. His body felt so good inside her, felt like it belonged, or perhaps that they were becoming a part of each other. Chan moved slowly, relishing this moment. She shivered, her hands grasping at his wide shoulders as he moved.
“Please,” she said again. “I need more.”
“Anything for you,” he soothed, placing a few kisses across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. He pulled his hips back and plunged inside her, going as deeply as he could. Setting a steady rhythm, Chan buried his face in her neck as he began to let go and lose himself in the feeling. She filled every sense of his. Her smell, her feel, and the taste of her skin under his lips. Even her pants and moans filled him as they teased his ears in the quiet of the room. Her limbs held him close, gripping him like he was the only thing keeping her from falling. 
Pleasure rose inside him and he knew there was only so long he would last like this. He wanted to feel her come around him, feel her body milk him as she came beneath his touch again. Her heels hooked around the back of his thighs as she arched against him. The slight change in angle let him brush the sensitive spot inside her, making her quiver and gasp.
“Harder, there,” she begged, a desperation growing inside her.
“Are you close,” he questioned, his face tucked in against her neck.
“So close,” she whimpered, her nails raking his spine.
“Cum for me, baby girl,” Chan panted. “I need to hear you cum.” She whined and moved restlessly against him as the warm pleasure pooled in her stomach. He put his lips to the thrumming pulse of her throat.
“Chan,” her voice was barely a whisper when the knot of delight finally snapped inside her. As her body gripped him, he bit the flesh where her neck and shoulders met marking her as his. The shock of pain melded with her orgasm sending a cascade of sensations through her. With a final thrust he came inside her, filling her body with his emissions. He stayed like that until he felt her move restlessly beneath him and only then, reluctantly pulled out and moved to curl up beside her on the bed.
Her hand went to the bite on her neck. It still stung slightly but not nearly as much as she thought it should. Chan splayed a hand over her stomach, rubbing it in small circles.
“Are… are you okay,” he asked, looking at her lovingly as he laid beside her.
“Yes,” she nodded, taking her hand from her neck. “I didn’t expect you to bite me.”
“Just this once,” he promised, pulling himself closer to her. “It marks you as mine, gives you the protection of my pack. You’ll carry a little of my scent now.”
“Oh,” she blushed and looked at him. “Am I supposed to feel different? I don’t feel any different.”
“No,” he chuckled and smiled at her. “It’s something only my kind would notice.” She nodded and laced her fingers with his where they laid on her stomach.
“Did you do it so that he, whoever he is, would know?” She questioned. “Was this all just to, I don’t know, put him off?”
“No, although I would be happy if it did,” He gave her an adoring look. “This was because you were meant to be mine. Meant to be the mother of my babies; to be by my side for as long as we live.”
“So you want children,” she laughed.
“I want to see you filled with my child,” he admitted, his eyes going to where his hand lay on her. “I want to see it grow inside you. I want to raise it with you, watch it grow into someone as beautiful as you are.”
“Someday,” she nodded. “But I’ve been on birth control, so I don’t think we could just yet.”
“The bond,” he explained. “When I claimed you with my mark, it sort of…” he paused, searching for the right wording. “It opens you to me.”
“Oh,” she blinked at him a few times, trying to process what he was saying. “Even if we just… this one time?”
“Maybe,” he furrowed his brow slightly. “If  you don’t want, at least not yet,” sitting up, he moved to help her walk to the bathroom. “We can try to clean you out, maybe prevent it.”
“No, it’s just a lot to adjust to,”  she explained. “A lot has sort of happened since this morning.”
“I know, baby girl,” he laid down again and pulled her into a spooning position against him. “Let’s go to sleep for now and figure out the rest in the morning.”
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Over the next few days neither of them left the house. She called in sick to work, not wanting to put either of them in danger by going out to a place he could so easily find and potentially corner her. Even with Changbin there, with so many people and such a big space, it would be possible to miss him, or at the very least, to not notice him until it was too late. Instead his pack mates came over to plan their next move. Chan spent most of his time planning with Minho and Changbin, setting patrol schedules and scout missions for everyone. Hyunjin was assigned the duty to investigate at the hotel and talk to the woman who had been mauled. Maybe it wasn’t a random coincidence that he had picked her, Felix had suggested after their second meeting. After all, if he was just looking to hurt people and just stir up trouble here, why target her? Sure it could have been a coincidence if he had just been foiled and chosen another target, but he hadn’t.
The suggestion had made Chan go cold. It made sense, but what had made him target her? There wasn’t something particularly special about her, except that she was his mate, but even he hadn’t known that yet. Was it possible the loner had some way of knowing even before Chan did? As far as they knew, it wasn’t possible to know but, still the thought lingered.
As the meeting was drawing to a close, Chan’s phone rang. Hyunjin was calling him from the hospital where he had gone to talk to the other victim.
“Chan?” There was a slight edge of panic to Hyunjin’s voice as he spoke.
“What’s the matter?” Chan asked the other boy, worried immediately by his tone.
“She’s… she’s my mate,” Hyunjin whispered into the phone.
“What?” Chan had a sudden sinking feeling in his chest. He stood up, needing to see his mate, to touch her and know that she was there and fine. He found her sitting at the table in the kitchen, snacking on something as she read.
“I’ve never met her before,” Hyunjin started to explain. “But I felt it the moment I walked into her room. She was just lying there, still sleeping, so hurt, and it just hit me. Her scent and just her presence; I know she’s mine.”
“How did he know?” Chan asked, pulling his own mate against him as he spoke.
“I don’t know, but this can’t be a coincidence,” Hyunjin insisted.
“I know,” Chan agreed.
“Look,” Hyunjin sighed. “I can’t leave her alone here. I have to stay for now.” Chan understood, letting him stay with the promise to send someone else to keep watch over her tomorrow so he could get some rest and come back to discuss what to do next.
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“I hate this,” Chan said, as he sat at the cafe a block away from the craft store.
“We can hear everything that is happening,” Jisung assured him. “She’ll be fine, but we need him to come out.”
“I know,” He shifted in his seat. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
They spent the afternoon waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Over an open line, Chan, Jisung, Changbin and Jeongin listened as she went about her day like everything was fine and normal. She helped customers, stocked shelves, and worked at the register, all while Chan was on the edge of his chair, waiting for something to happen. But, it seemed, it was all for nothing. The sun set and the store closed and seemingly all was well. She locked the front door and set about closing everything down by herself.
Chan relaxed a little, hearing her calm humming as she closed down the register and counted out the money in the back of the store. After the money was counted and locked in the safe, she just had to make one last pass through of the store to make sure no one had left something behind or left a mess and then she could head home. Over the radio, Changbin and Jeongin started joking around, getting playful after a tense day. Everyone was relaxing, at least until a loud crack broke over the mic followed by her surprised squeal. The jokes stopped and everyone froze.
“I know you all are out there,” the loner’s self-satisfied voice cut through the silence. “Don’t worry. I won’t make her suffer, but sadly, you will.”
Before the words were even finished coming out of the loner’s mouth, Chan was up, running as fast as he could to the store. He had to get in, he had to protect her. Jisung was on his heels as they ran across the street and into the strip mall parking lot.
“Why?” She asked, her voice slightly strained.
“Why should he have you when my mate was stolen from me?” He growled.
“What did they have to do with that?” She asked, keeping him busy for as long as possible. If he was explaining things, he wasn’t killing her.
“Nothing,” he admitted, dragging her towards the back door. “But neither did anyone in the last three territories I went through. This one was the first one that figured out it was me though.”
“What the hell is the matter with you,” she spat. “You think you can take something from others just because it happened to you?”
“Why should I be the only one who has to be alone?” He demanded, pushing her against the wall by her neck.
“The only one,” she scoffed, realizing this was probably not the ideal way to handle this, but she couldn’t help it. “You know most people don’t have some beacon to tell them who they are supposed to be with. Even those who do, people lose the people they love all the time. Car accidents, illness, crime, no one needs your help suffering, you selfish, shitty person.”
“What do you know,” he hissed back. 
“I know that your mate was lucky not to have had to spend a lifetime with someone who would do this,” she challenged. “No one deserves that.”
Shock and rage vied for dominance in his expression as he stared at her. He made a sound of pure rage and pulled back a hand to strike her. Never having been the sort to just lay down and give up, she kicked out catching the side of his knee. It didn’t really hurt him, but it was enough to unbalance him and make him catch himself, giving her the chance to break out of his grip. She knew she wouldn’t get far, he was faster and stronger, so she just tried to get as close as she could to where Chan and the others were. They would come, she had faith.
The loner came up, grabbing her from behind. “I’m glad, even if this is the last thing I do, I’m not just denying him his mate, but I’ll take his child, too.”
On the other side of the glass door, Chan felt half a second of numbing terror. He had to get inside, for both of them. Changbin picked up a part of a broken concrete curb stop and smashed it against the window, cracking the safety glass into a million little pieces, still stuck together by the coating, but weakened. He hit it again, opening a hole the size of a fist, and again, until the tear in the inner plastic layer got bigger. Impatiently, and perhaps a little recklessly, Chan covered his hand with his jacket sleeve and tore at the shattered glass. Finally the hole was big enough and he crawled through onto the display on the other side of the glass. He had to find her.
Their scuffling was audible and he found them quickly, rolling on the floor a few aisles into the store. She had curled into a ball, only moving to thwart his attempts to move her or drag her further to the back of the store. They all leapt on him, pulling him off her and dragging him away before they made sure he could never hurt another person. Chan stayed with her, trying to get her off the floor where she lay. He needed to hold her, make sure she was okay, make sure the loner hadn’t done anything to her that needed an ambulance.
She peeked out from under her arm, checking who it was before throwing herself into his arms. Relief coursed through her like she had never felt before. She breathed his name and threw her hands around his neck. Pulling her to his chest, he held her close for a moment before pulling her back to get a better look at her. Bruises were blooming on her neck and wrists, but that seemed to be the most serious injuries inflicted upon her.
“Baby girl,” he looked into her eyes, trying to find the words to express how sorry he was he hadn’t been there.
“I knew you would come,” she assured him.
“I will always come for you,” he promised, his hand dropping to her stomach. “For both of you. I will always protect my loves with everything I have.” Over the past few days he had been so preoccupied with their hunt and their planning that he hadn’t noticed the subtle change in her scent.
“How do you know,” she shook her head. “I don’t feel any different.”
“Nothing much, just a little change in your scent… hormones and all that,” He smiled and shrugged. It wasn’t really something a person could sense themselves. “Are you happy? I know this has been… too much.”
“I am,” she nodded. “I may not have chosen this way to meet you and fall into your world, but I don’t think I can imagine ending up anywhere else.”
“You’re mine,” he assured her. “And there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do just to see you smile.”
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Zigzag, Chapter 4
‘I can’t believe you called him Zigzag.’
‘Why not? It’s a good name, the editors all loved it. I told you it was a good one!’
‘Well, if he comes after you for it don’t come running to me for protection. Because I did warn you.’
‘He won’t come after me. He will see you and run a mile. My macho man.’ Grace grinned and latched onto Tom’s arm with both hands.
‘Hmmm.’ He shook his head with a small smirk as they continued walking through the park together.
‘I’m working on a smaller piece just now. About the cat and dog home being so over crowded right now. Try and get people in to adopt or even foster. Since they’ve had so many puppies and kittens handed in lately from someone dumping so many at the moment.’ She sighed and looked up longingly at Tom.
‘No… we are not getting a dog or a cat.’ He said firmly.
‘I can’t believe we got a cat.’ Tom said, exasperated as he drove them home, with a cat in a basket on Grace’s lap.
‘I had to go there… for research purposes. And I mean, adopting one myself will give me something more to write about. I can give it more feeling.’ Grace said with a big grin as she looked in at their new black and white cat.
‘Do not give the poor cat a bad name like you gave the serial killer.’ Tom said as they pulled up home.
‘Aww. I was gonna call him Zigzag.’ She teased, getting out of the car.
Tom pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.
They got the cat and all of her new things inside. Grace was so excited, she’d always wanted a cat. But her parents didn’t like animals.
‘She looks like a Lucky.’ Tom said as they watched her wander around her new home, investigating.
‘Lucky… Yeah, I like that name.’ Grace agreed.
The following evening Grace was doing work on her article about the cat and dog home. Lucky was purring around her legs, she was a very friendly cat. So loving and adorable. Even Tom warmed to her pretty much straight away, like Grace knew he would.
Tom was out jogging. He was heading through the park, it was just starting to get dark. But he came across something rather strange. There was a hooded figure who was carrying a box towards the river, but Tom could see the box jiggling around and as he got closer he could hear whimpering from it.
That’s when he realised it was clearly puppies in said box.
Tom quickly got his gloves out of his drawstring bag and slipped them on when he saw the man about to toss the box into the river.
‘What the hell are you doing?’ Tom shouted as he stormed over towards the man.
He stuttered and looked shocked at being caught. Then he turned and started to run, dropping the box in the grass, but Tom was much quicker and managed to catch up with him. He wrestled him down to the ground and punched him in the face, getting his attention and stunning him for a moment. Tom grabbed him by the collar and shook him.
‘So you’re the bastard that is abandoning these animals, trying to kill them!’ Tom snarled.
‘I’m sorry… I’m sorry!’ The guy begged.
‘You don’t deserve to live on this planet.’ Tom hissed.
He grabbed the string from the guys hood and pulled it out roughly, then quickly wrapped it around his neck and pulled hard. The guy tried to fight him off, hitting out at him but Tom just laughed at his feeble attempts.
‘No more innocent animals will suffer from you.’ Tom growled as he watched the light fade from his eyes.
Once he was dead, Tom stuffed the string into his bag and stood up. He dragged the body back over to the riverside, where he made sure no one was watching and quickly sat him against the box. Doing his usual signature, he folded his arms over and cut his cheek in a zigzag. He shook his head as he did it, knowing Grace would have a field day at there being another murder.
He peeked into the box before leaving, to make sure the puppies were ok. They were all fine, adorable collies. But he resisted, a new cat was going to be enough of a handful, and carefully closed the box over again.
It was still early in the evening, even though it was getting dark he knew someone would be along soon to find them.
So, he carried on with his jog after putting his gloves back into his bag.
When he returned home, Lucky came meowing to greet him. He crouched down to pet her. ‘Hello, you. Has Grace been keeping you occupied, hmm?’
She started purring, making Tom smile. He scooped her up and went to find Grace. As expected, she was in the study working on her article.
Tom managed to coax her through for dinner, knowing she would be called away any minute now. He just whipped up some pasta with a tomato sauce, nice and quick.
And as he expected, her phone rang halfway through dinner. He made sure to put some pasta into a container for her to eat while she was out.
‘Thank you, Tom. You’re the best!’ She leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek as he leaned down to let her reach.
‘Phone me if you need anything, alright love?’
‘Will do. Love you.’
‘Love you too.’ Tom smiled fondly as he watched her leave.
He turned to see Lucky sitting, watching him. ‘Looks like it’s just you and me tonight, kitty.’ She followed him to the living room to watch a film.
It was after midnight before Grace got home. When she came in and went to the bedroom, Lucky was lying sleeping on top of Tom’s chest.
‘Awww.’ Grace felt her heart melt. She tried to quietly creep into bed next to them, but Lucky meowed in greeting and Tom woke up.
‘Sorry it’s so late.’ She whispered.
‘Don’t worry… Are you alright?’ He asked, sliding his hand down her hair.
‘Yeah, am good… but since you’re awake!’ She rolled over and turned on the lamp, then turned back to him and leaned on his chest, careful not to disturb Lucky who had went back to sleep.
Tom chuckled and rubbed his eyes.
‘The victim this time, he was found with a box of puppies! The police seem to think he was caught trying to dispose of them. He’s maybe the guy who has been abandoning all these animals lately. But Nat says once she knows for sure she will let me know first. AND checks this out!’
Tom couldn’t stop smiling at her excitement as she reached down the side of the bed and grabbed her camera out of her bag. She flicked through some pictures and showed Tom a close up of the guys cheek, showing the signature zigzag.
‘He either hasn’t seen my article, or doesn’t mind his nickname. But Nat took this for me, just a close up. Obviously, I wouldn’t be allowed to show anything more.’
She was so excited about getting such good content, Tom felt his heart soar for her.
‘At least you’re getting excited about someone else’s misfortune.’ Tom smirked and put his arm around her as she lay down, snuggling in next to him.
‘Well, to be honest I am glad he’s killed this one. Animals are so innocent, they don’t deserve to be hurt. He deserved it.’ She said.
Tom smiled and kissed her forehead. ‘I agree, love. I agree.’
Grace and Tom had both been working the following morning, Grace worked hard to get her articles finished for her latest on Zigzag. But they decided to have an afternoon off together, not wanting to get too invested in work twenty-four-seven.
They were watching mindless TV, cuddling close, when the news came on. Grace was about to change the channel, but their attention was caught at the biggest headline.
‘The Zigzag killer has killed yet again. A young man called Seth Burns, a doctor from Wales has been found murdered in his own home. Second day in a row, which is a new one for the killer. But police have a suspect in custody, who is claiming to be Zigzag.’
‘What?’ Both Tom and Grace said at the same time, looking at the TV in astonishment.
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Kingfield's Fourth Anniversary - Day 1
Just An Urban Legend
Feng, David, Dwight, and Jake find themselves at the fire together after a trial. Stories from back home are exchanged to pass the time, and some of those stories manage to find their way into the trials.
AO3 Link
This time around, it was Dwight, Jake, David, and Feng around a fire. They all had finished a trial some time ago, Dwight and David were with a different set of survivors, and Feng and Jake from another set as well. Jake was contently resting on the outskirts of the camp, Dwight and David were leaning against each other by the fire to keep even more warm, and Feng was sitting on a log bored out of her mind.
She really didn’t like this place. Its not like she was ever particularly outdoorsy. Sure, she had her smartphone, which miraculously never died, but it was entirely useless. No offline games on it, no music, and the clock was obsolete in a place where time didn’t matter. The flash didn’t stun killers, and throwing it at them just made them angry more than anything.
Still, she held onto it. A piece of home. All of them had something from home they kept on themselves. For Jake, it was a well used Swiss Army Knife, an expensive and genuine one at that. For Dwight, it was his old wristwatch. Apparently, he had it since forever. It looked as old. And for David, it was a roll of sports bandages. It never seemed to run out, despite how much he used it.
“I’m bored. Any of you got any stories?” she eventually asked since she figured the others would like to kill the time too.
“Hmmm… ” Dwight contemplated. Feng noticed that David patiently awaited his boyfriend’s response. How someone could manage to fall in love here was beyond her.
“I saw bigfoot once.”
“No you didn’t.” Jake quickly protested as he shot up from where he slept. “It was probably an emaciated bear, or some guy in a suit, or a trick of the light with some branches or something.” He then promptly went back to lying down.
“Yeesh mate, how long’ve you been holdin’ that one in?” David wondered.
“I just have very strong strong and very right opinions on dumb myths like that.” he rationalized.
“Well it’s true!” Dwight pouted. “I was working as a janitor for this huge park and this kid got lost in the woods so they arranged a search party. I went to help after my shift with a co-worker. We were searching for hours, and it was getting dark, so we decided to head back. Keep it one missing person instead of making it three, you know? So, we were on our way back when we heard this terrifying scream! It was like something I’d expect to hear here, honestly. So me and my co-worker are scared shitless. We’re back to back with our flashlights looking around to see if we can find the thing. And just when we think we’re kinda safe, I turn my light to see two glowing eyes staring right at me and the outline of a huge man.”
“No!” Feng says, almost in disbelief.
“Yes! I scream and cling onto my coworker, and then he sees it and screams, and we trip over ourselves and fumble as we run away, still screaming like little girls!” Dwight laughed. “No joke though, it had to have been at least twice as tall as me.”
“What you heard was probably a cougar, or some other large cat. Or some animals mating. Those things are freaks.” Jake shuddered. He heard animals getting it on more times than he would have ever liked to.
“Well, I know what I saw, or my name’s Aloiscious the Third! And its not.” the honest man proudly stated.
“…Whatever.” Jake sighed.
“Well, I believe you, luv.” David comforted with a kiss to his cheek.
“Thanks David.” Dwight cooed as he leaned back into his boyfriend.
“You know, I saw something’ kinda scary too when I was a kid.” David mentioned. “Not so scary now, but that’s kinda expected.”
“I’m down to hear it. Fire away, champ.”
“It began on a dark night. Me ‘n some blokes were bored and decided to pay a visit to an abandoned church.”
“You know how cliché that sounds, right?” Dwight questioned.
“And wanderin’ to the woods at night ain’t?” David fired back.
“Anyhow, we were walkin’ up to the place when we saw the thing. It was a Black Dog. Thing was guardin’ the place of course. Pry thought we were gonna tear it up, so it howled bloody murder and ran straight for us barkin’ like it was rabid!” David laughed at the memory. “Needless t’say, our arses were humbled for a few good days.”
“You saw a feral black dog? I guess that’s kinda scary.” Feng commented. She liked Dwight’s story better.
“Yeah… Could be scarier.” Dwight admitted.
“Wasn't just any ol’ bloody black dog, A Black Dog. Guess you lot might not know what they are. Legend says the first buried at a churchyard had t’guard it ‘gainst the devil. Since no one wanted to be the poor sod stuck doin’ that, people buried a dog first. Then again, could’ve just been a regular ol’ demonic black dog. Lot more of those furry bastards.”
“I could believe that.” Dwight conceded.
“Yeah. If I’m remembering correctly, there are tons of spirits and a ton of different types back home. I never really bothered to learn about it though.” she nonchalantly admitted. It never really interested her. “But, this one gaming cafe I was staying at did have a legend around it. Supposedly, a guy solo queued nonstop and died there. Sounds like a noob if you ask me. Honestly, he wasn’t even Top 500. He wasn’t even Grandmaster!” she laughed, and then saw David and Dwight looking at her in confusion. “Oh wait, you’re all kinda old huh? Guy played alone in a team based video game nonstop, and died. He wasn’t even that good at the game.”
“That makes a bit more sense.” David said gratefully. Things could get rather confusing when you had friends from a few decades ahead or behind you.
“So anyways, legend has it that if you sat in the chair he died in, his spirit would possess you, and you’d get his skills. But, you’d also game yourself to death like him.”
“Did you ever sit in his chair?” Dwight wondered.
“Pft, and gain the skills of a noob like him and get wrecked? As if! I might as well have went AFK for a week. I had some juicy Prestige to keep up you know.”
Before they could pester Jake for a story, the Fog began to roll in.
“Aw shit, here we go again .” Feng said as she rolled her eyes.
“Ain’t no rest for the wicked, huh? See you guys there.” Dwight said with a wave. With his other hand, he still held onto David despite knowing the Fog would separate them regardless. They had all worked together before, so Dwight didn’t need to explain a plan of action.
“I hope it’s one a them Legion bastards. Love seein’ ‘em lose.” David grinned, sure they would have a successful trial. He gave Dwight a kiss on the cheek in celebration of the impending victory, making the shorter man blush.
“As long as we survive, I don’t care who we're up against.” Jake said as he threw in an offering, hoping it would land them in the forest. “See you all on the other side.” And with a salute, they were whisked away.
The Fog cleared to reveal the Red Forest. Dwight knew that somewhere, Jake was happy. He just hoped the Huntress wasn’t here this time. She was far too efficient on her home turf. Dwight wandered shortly before coming across a generator to work on. Surprisingly, he managed to complete it before something happened. Based on the scream, David was hooked. But thankfully, he wasn’t too far away from him.
Sneakily, Dwight made his way over to the hook, keeping an eye out for this trial’s killer. In a close call, he saw the eldest Legion member passed right by him. Dwight let out a sigh of relief once he was in the clear, and then rushed to David.
“My knight in shining armour’s come t’rescue me, has he?” David chuckled, but instantly regretted it and winced from the pain of the hook.
“You can thank me later. Come on, let’s go!”
“Oh, I will~” David said smugly.
“You’re terrible…” Dwight said in a restrained voice, not wanting to reveal his anticipation and spurn the other man.
Eventually, it came to the last generator, and Dwight ended up being the one to keep the Legionnaire busy.
“Come out come out wherever you are! Don’t worry, I bite!” the young man teased. Dwight tried to keep calm as he hid in the locker. Slowly, the legionnaire passed by the lockers, dragging his knife across the metal doors.
“Gotcha!” he steamed as he yanked open a locker door, revealing it to be empty. “Fucker…” he cursed as he slammed the thing shut. “Now where could he have gone?” he wondered as he idled in front of the locker Dwight was hiding in.
“How about… Here!” he screamed as he opened the locker Dwight was in, causing him to scream in turn. “HA HA HA! Classic!” the Legionnaire rejoiced as he tossed Dwight over his shoulder.
Dwight tried to break free, but was unable too. The closest hook was nearby, leaving him with not enough time.
“Alright, let’s hear you scream again!” the killer announced with eager anticipation. But just before setting Dwight on the vile contraption, there was a roar that seemed to shake the area. “What the fuck was that? What the fuck is that?” he said once he caught a glimpse of the roar’s source. Dwight saw it too, a tall thing with glowing eyes.
“Hmm?” the killer hummed, and brought up his free hand to the side of his face like it was a phone. “… Really? … Alright, alright! I get it! Sheesh… Consider it done, boss.” the killer said and hung up, and threw Dwight to the ground. For a moment, he thought he was about to get mori’d.
Instead, he got a kick to the dick and a boot to the face as the killer ran off laughing joyously. Meanwhile, Dwight curled up into a ball as he clutched his groin. A few moments later, he got up and hobbled away. A terrible experience, but better than being mori’d. When he reached the group, they had just finished the last generator, sounding off to let the killer know as well.
“Shite, wot happ’ned to ya?” David fretted as he immediately went to Dwight’s side, the deep bruise on his face and funny walk evident. “I swear, I’ll find a way to make the bastard pay!”
“Well, a kick to the dick and face. I’ll live. But, something else happened, something odd.” Dwight began. Then, they felt the heartbeat, letting them know the killer was near. Then, something passed then, something neither survivor nor killer.
“Get back here so I can skin you alive! Papa needs a new pimp coat!” the Legionnaire giggled.
“Hey, watch this pro strat!” Feng told the other survivors. “360 no scope!” she announced with a twirl, and tossed her phone. It flew in the direction of the killer, just so happening to land in front of him. He stepped on it, and slid head first into a tree. A crack formed on the mask as he groaned.
“Suck it!” Feng taunted as she brought her hands to her hips as she thrusted outwards. The others celebrated with her. This was the most fun she had in a long time.
“You little bitch! I’ll-” he began, but was cut off with a swift knee to the dick. He let out a long, high pitched squeal as he slowly crumpled to the floor, clutching his family jewels.
The thing had come back to help out. It gave a thumbs up. They all knew what that thing was now that it was in front of them.
“Nice.” David said as he gave it a thumbs up in return before it ran away again. Dwight looked at Jake with a shit-eating grin once it had left, and they were on their way to the exit gate.
“Okay, you know this doesn’t count!”
“Gotta take the L, my guy.” Feng said as she patted Jake on the back.
Back at the campfire, Dwight recounted what happened, to the shared anger and surprise of the others.
"Least that bigfoot bloke seems like a good fellow. Has my respect."
"I hope we see him again. He seemed cool." Feng hoped. It would be something to spice up life in hell.
"And what do you think, Jake?" Dwight smugly asked.
"I refuse to acknowledge that thing." he simply stated. Dwight let out a little laugh that David found cute.
But, to the surprise of everyone, the Fog rolled in. It never rolled on so soon after a completed trial.
"Oh come on! We just finished one, you bastard!" David yelled out.
“It’s probably because of what happened last round.” Dwight sighed. None of them were in terrible condition or overly exhausted, but still. It would have been nice to have a longer break.
“I’m sure we’ll do fine like last time.” Jake assured.
“I just hope it’s not that doctor. He really creeps me out.” Feng said. The others agreed, and were taken by the Fog.
On the other side, they found themselves in a warm climate, a ghost town in the wild west. Dwight and Feng found themselves spawned near each other, and were quick to get working on a generator. As it neared completion, their hearts hastened as they heard the fear-inducing lullaby of The Huntress.
She was unbothered by the vastly different environment. She sniffed the air, and snapped her head in the direction of the generator. An axe was readied, and thrown in the direction of the generator.
“Run!” Dwight yelled as the generator announced its completion. An axe buried itself in the spot where he was. Feng was faster than him, so Dwight found himself the target of the killer once more. He cursed being fun to chase. He noticed that for some reason, the Huntress particularly liked to hunt him. He didn’t want to dwell on why.
He was eventually axed and downed in a single hit. He screamed when she yanked it out, revealing that its iridescent red color didn’t just come from his blood. She scooped him up in her arms and held him like a baby, resuming her song to try and comfort him. He tried to wiggle free, but it was harder than it looked. Sometimes, he wondered if the Entity even gave her any supernatural strength. He wouldn't be surprised if she didn’t. He was soon on the hook in a basement, crying in pain. She stood there for a moment to admire her work, or something, before leaving.
Dwight knew to wait for someone to unhook him. It was safer, even more so with David around. But basements were a more dangerous place to be when the Huntress was involved. She always seemed to know when someone was there. He figured that another generator or two had to be finished by the time he heard someone approaching. It generated a spark of hope that quickly dissipated as he heard her song.
And down the stairs came Feng, a wound in her shoulder, also in her arms like a baby too. As she screamed on the hook, the Huntress also winced, muttering something unintelligible before leaving.
“Hey Feng…”
“How- Ack!” he cried as the hook moved a little in him.
“Fine.” she sighed, already knowing his question. “Two more gens. … I hate this place.”
They waited for a rescuer in the ambient silence of the basement. With two left, it would be easy to lure the Huntress far from the basement so they could be saved. Their hopes rose and fell, just as before. She came down singing with David slung over her shoulder. One of his arms appeared to be wounded.
“Fockin’ bitch!” he screamed as she tossed him onto the hook and left without a second glance at him. “I swear ’m gonna- Argh!” he yelled as the hook dug into him as we squirmed.
“Okay, let’s just, keep calm. Wait a few moments, and then we’ll try to free ourselves.”
“As you say luv.” David agreed. Feng hummed in agreement as well.
“So, how’s it hangin?” he dared to ask after waiting a little bit.
“Ughhh, you did not just say that.” Feng groaned.
“David, I swear!”
“You’re lucky I love you. Alright, on the count of three guys. One… Two… Three!” Dwight yelled as they tried to unhook themselves. Each of them failed, screaming in pain as they fell right back onto the hook, Entity’s claws showing up to induce more fear.
“It’s okay guys. It’s- It’s alright.” Dwight said, trying to sound calm himself even though he was not, panting, sweating, and a few tears breaking free. He didn’t want to feel that emptiness that even love could not stave away. Neither did the others. Then, the last generator sounded completion. A few moments later, Jake came hurrying down the stairs. The Huntress would surely be there soon.
He unhooked David first, who unhooked Dwight with one arm as Jake got Feng. They didn’t even bother to heal, not that it mattered when she could one shot them into dying this trial. But at the top of the steps she awaited. With a hunter’s cry, she threw an axe down the stairs, the survivors narrowly dodging it. Still, she sang her song and grinned a mad smile
Just when she was about to lunge at them, she shifted to block an attack from something. It was a dog. It chomped right through her axe handle. She wasn’t singing anymore. She quickly retaliated with a headbutt, knocking it away. She cast aside her broken axe with a snarl and lunged at the other beast. They wrestled each other to the ground, aiming for each other’s throats. Seeing their chance, the survivors took it and ran.
“I thought you said those things were demons?!” Dwight questioned as David carried him in one arm.
“Most a ‘em! The church ones ain’t the only ones to do protectin’.”
“Who cares! Let’s just hurry up and escape!” Jake yelled as he led the way.
They soon reached an exit gate and hurried to unlock it. About a third of the way through, they heard an animalistic yet human roar. She had won. Around her mouth was black blood. But, she did not come out unscathed. She bore many scratches, a number of them deep and flowing with dark red blood. Even half of her mask was broken, revealing a red iris surrounded by black.
“Come on come on hurry up!” Feng shouted at the switch as she ran towards them, laughing maniacally with an axe in hand. Their hearts were pounding, the knowledge that at least one of them was probably going to die about to set in. Jake took out the flash light to try and stun her, but fumbled and dropped it.
And out of nowhere, she was knocked to the ground by a blur of black. It was the black dog again. It was on top of her, and then in one swift motion, she was on top, and tore out it's throat with her bare hands. She tossed aside the flesh and fur and resumed her true hunt. She was only a few feet away when she fell forward, the dog’s maw mangling her ankle. She let out a scream as she tried to hit it with her axe, but missed. Then the alarm sounded and the gate opened.
“Go, go, go!” Jake ushered.
“Wait!” David shouted, and switched Dwight for Jake’s flashlight. He ran back, and aimed the light at the Huntress as she thrashed about. Once she was blinded, David whistled for the dog and patted his thigh to usher it to come.  It did, and ran beside David as they ran through the exit gate to the safety of the campfire.
David and Dwight laughed in celebration, the dog rejoicing with them. Feng breathed a sigh of relief as Jake mended her wound.
“Wanna refuse to acknowledge this one?” David joked as he ruffled the dog’s thick, dark fur. Jake finished patching up Feng, and went to go patch up David while Feng took care of Dwight
“Refuse to acknowledge what?” he asked, playing dumb. “There’s no such thing as a Black Dog, just black dogs.” Just as he was about to apply something to David’s arm, the dog growled at him, causing him to back away. The others lightly laughed.
“Alright, fine! … It’s real.” Jake told the dog. It seemed content with being acknowledged, so it let Jake do his work, proceeding to rest at David’s feet.
“So, what can you tell us about your dog, King?” Feng asked.
“Hmm… their name is Heir, being heir to the King’s throne an’ all. Fights like a King too!” he praised he he ruffled the dog's fur.
“You mean we’re keeping them?” Dwight asked with a bright smile.
“Well, I hope so.” David said as he continued to pet it. “Don’t think Heir’ll be goin’ to trials though. Pry for the best.”
“Aww, so cute! C’mere!” Dwight called. It got up and went to sit before Dwight. He let the dog sniff his hand, and it licked it before ploping back down in front of David. “Oh my god they like me!” Dwight squealed, looking like he was about to cry.
“‘Know I said most were demons. A few are good, like this little bloke ‘ere!” he praised as he scratched behind its ear, which it seemed to like. “Either protect a church, or guide the wayward. Fittin’.”
The Entity seemed to be willing to allow them the repose, since it didn’t quickly call them into a trial. Even after the next trial the dog remained by the fire, awaiting David’s return. If David were out in a trial, Dwight would oft find the dog at his feet, lounging around. The big, dark furball comforted other survivors after dreary trials, even if it too could not dissipate that empty feeling.
And even so, the trials soon became much more lively, as did the times round the fire
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evanoracronwell · 4 years
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Take me home
Malex Cupid 2021 by @malex-cupid​
Day 2: “The more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave.”
(Warnings: smut)
Also on ao3
Michael is mesmerized.
Simply and completely mesmerized.
And honestly, very turned on.
Everyone is drinking and having fun at the Wild Pony after the doors were closed leaving just the whole gang. Something Isobel likes to call "quality bonding time" happens weekly and she forces everyone to participate. It usually happens at her house, but today for some reason it's happening at the bar.
And thank God for that.
The night is sultry and hot, the music on the Jukebox is a sensual melody and to Michael's torment, Alex is dancing trapped between Liz and Maria in movements that honestly should be illegal. Even more so, when he's dressed like that.
Jeans tighter than Michael ever thought existed, the light gray Henley and the faded black leather jacket. A long necklace hung around his neck next to the dog tags that Alex had never removed.
Fuck, he looks hot.
That damned airman, he knew exactly the effect he has over Michael, because every second that passed he would look intensely straight at Michael who was squirming, sitting on the bar next to Max.
"Boy ... you're in trouble, aren't you?"
"Damn right I am."
Michael agreed with his brother, because what else should he do besides agreeing, it had been months since the two were single and found themselves in a soft and light friendly relationship that the cowboy never thought possible, especially after all the shit they faced. Maria, Forrest, Jesse, Project Shepherd.
It all seemed like a lifetime ago.
And now everyone was here, celebrating a peaceful life that they all deserved.
Gregory left the dance floor, where he was dancing clinging to Isobel, and approached them a little breathlessly, and served himself to a very cold beer.
"Watch out Guerin, you'll soon drown in your drool" Greg said laughing as he looked at the cowboy who was staring at Alex
"He's doing it on purpose" Michael grunted
"That, my dear brother, is crystal clear"
"He said we should be friends."
"Maybe he is ready to change the relationship status," Max replied.
"So, what are you going to do about it?" Gregory smiled.
"I'm going to take my man home."
Without waiting for any comment he was sure would be made, Michael got up leaving his beer on the counter, and walked to the improvised dance floor smiling when Liz and Maria left the moment they realized he was approaching. Alex, the damn tease, just smiled and turned on his back, moving his hips in a slow and totally indecent way. Michael shook his head smiling at the airman audacity, he would fucking love to spend the night sunk in that hot, delicious body. His hands went directly to Alex's hips, pulling him sharply against his waist, making the airman feel his erection against his ass. Alex leaned his head back, leaning against Michael's shoulder, and smiled sighing, for finally feeling those hands on his body.
"The more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave."
"It took you long enough."
"You knew exactly what you were doing, didn't you? Dancing like that, showing off like that. Is this what you wanted, Alex?" Michael whispered against his ear, lightly biting his lobe.
Alex replied completely ecstatic and moved his hips a little more, rolling against Michael's erection making the cowboy moan anxiously as he ran his hands around Alex's waist, pulling him closer against his body as if he were never close enough and Alex wrapped his hands over Michael's, hugging himself in the cowboy's firm, warm arms.
"Do you want me to take you home, baby? Hmm, is that what you want? For me to take you home and take off all of your clothes? Do you want me to take my time opening up to make you ready for me? Wet and loose?" Michael continued to murmur provocations in Alex's ear, who was completely lost in pleasure, just rolling his hips and rubbing himself against Michel, without any shame that someone might be noticing them both. "Do you want me to fuck you, Alex? Do you want my dick deep in that hot hole of yours? Strong and rough, making you feel me for days?"
"Yes, Michael, please ..."
"Just ask for it, baby."
"Take me home. Fuck me, Michael. The way only you know. Please."
If you ask Michael how he managed to drive to the cabin, damn it if he knew.
He just dragged Alex out of the Wild Pony without any farewells to those who stayed, it's not like they didn't know exactly what was going to happen sooner or later. They cling to each other in the parking lot, sloppy and desperate kisses as they hugged themselves pressed into the truck, words and promises made in breathless voices until they managed to move and get inside the truck. The cowboy has never driven so fast in his life, Alex stuck against his body touching him with no shame as he kissed and bit any bare skin he could reach.
Going inside the cabin was ... messy.
The clothes left on the floor on the way to the bedroom, the giggles against each other's lips.
The way he pushed Alex on the bed, seeing how beautifully he looked spread on the sheets. That dark look of desire roaming the cowboy's body.
He took off the airman prosthetic, with such care and affection that he made Alex close his eyes and sigh with emotion at the love that emanated in each gesture of Michael. He kisses the stump right after placing the prosthetic in some corner of the room with the help of his telekinesis, because damn if he would take his hands off that beautiful body. He slid the underwear over Alex's body, sipping every new piece of skin he discovered. Mentally thanking himself for always going commando and not having to waste time in his own underwear, the cowboy lay down, sliding his body over Alex's, both of them moaning when their skins touched completely.
"Tell me what you want baby. Do you want me to take you apart with my fingers slowly until you come? Just for me to fuck you with my cock and make you come again? Or do you want me to fuck you fast, making you feel my dick opening you up? "
"Fuck, anything. Everything. Whatever you want, Michael." Alex pressed his fingers against the cowboy's back moaning as Michael slid his body between his legs, grinding their cocks together. "Just please ... fuck me. I want you. All of you."
"I'm going to baby, fuck Alex I'm going to fuck you so hot baby. I'm not letting you out of this bed anytime soon."
"Hmmm ... and here I was thinking that you would love to fuck me in every corner of this cabin." Alex teased him by biting Michael's lip, pulling him between his teeth.
"Fuck yes. I'll do that. I'm going to fuck you in every corner of this cabin, outside it too."
Michael lifted two fingers to Alex's lips, who opened his mouth immediately, thirsty for whatever the cowboy gave him, groaning sinfully as he felt those long, thick fingers slide slowly down to the bottom of his throat, sucking them eagerly, anxious to feel them inside his hole.
"I'm going to take you outside and fuck you on the hood of my truck Alex, nothing but the moon and stars illuminating your skin, babe."
"Yes, do that. Michael please." He groaned, murmuring against Michael's fingers.
Michael slid his lips down Alex's body until he reached that glorious huge cock he adored, groaning with anticipation and with his mouth salivating he swallowed every bit of that cock, taking it all until he felt his nose pressed against Alex's belly, the few hairs tickling his face. His other hand gripped Alex's hips, which moved uncontrollably as he moaned delightfully on Michael's fingers, sucking them even more eagerly and smearing them with saliva.
The cowboy wasted all the time in the world sucking on that cock, sliding slowly until he felt the head touch the tip of his tongue and then sinking reaching again the back of his throat, loving the sensation of almost losing his breath with the cock he thought that he would never have again in his hands, in his mouth, in his ass. Damn, he loved Alex's cock, the taste, the texture, the feel of him against his tongue, his throat. It was just delicious. And he feasted on it, swirling his tongue over it, biting lightly, but hard enough to make Alex cry out in pain, asking for more. Begging for more.
Desperate fingers curled between his curls, pushing his mouth down, forcing Michael to take even more of that cock and the cowboy allowed it, he released Alex's hip and let the airman fuck his mouth any way he wanted, taking it all what Alex gave him, letting his mouth be used for his pleasure while he rubbed himself against the sheets without knowing what was giving him more pleasure, the muffled moans as Alex hungrily sucked his fingers or the feeling of having his mouth getting fucked. Without any warning, he felt the delicious salty taste invade his mouth and Michael groaned relaxing his throat, swallowing to the last drop.
Without giving Alex any time to recover he removed his fingers from Alex's mouth and turned him roughly off the bed, leaving him face down and loving the sight of that beautiful, firm, round ass he adores. Kneeling between the airman legs, he spanked that ass loudly with both hands making Alex's moan echo through the room as his hips involuntarily rose up chasing those hands, asking for more.
"Do you like that baby?" Michael asked hoarsely through his abused throat. "Did you like to feel my hands spanking that hot ass of yours?"
"Want more?"
"Fuck ... Michael, yes!"
"Well ... I'm here to please you baby"
Then he spanked, once ... twice ... three times, leaving the skin beautifully red while enjoying hearing the sounds of his hand against the soft flesh as much as he loved hearing Alex's desperate moans. Asking for more, begging for more.
"Damn Alex ... you beg so beautifully, babe."
And how could the cowboy resist, that beautiful red ass right in front of him asking to be touched, fucked, eaten. And he always loved the taste of Alex.
"Holy shit ... fuck ... shit ... Oh God."
Alex screamed, lifting his hips as he felt that hot, wet, hungry tongue sinks into his hole, Michael's fingers spreading his ass, eating him in a way as if Michael was hungry for him, for his hole. Damn Alex loved that, feeling Michael's tongue fucking him in a slow, deep way, leaving him wet and ready to take his dick. There was no better way.
"So good ... Michael ... more."
"Just like that ... beg for me, babe."
Michael murmured against his hole before eating it again, he felt his saliva lubricating that hot, tight hole that he counted the seconds to fuck, to sink his dick until he came inside him. Feeling like Alex rubbed his ass against his face and begged for more, and fuck, how Michael loved to hear that man pleading, anxious and needy, crying in sobs as he rubbed himself against the sheets and the cowboy didn't even need to touch to know that that beautiful cock of him, was getting hard again. His own cock, writhing with abandon, hard as a rock and swollen, aching for Alex.
A long, loud moan and Michael smiled feeling Alex coming again, his body already sweaty and shaking, spread out on the bed, breathless and beautiful ... so beautiful.
"Do you think you can take me, baby?" Michael murmured, lying down next to Alex, his chest pressed to the airman's back, brushing his cock against Alex's hole teasingly.
"Michael ..." completely speechless and with his body dismantled the airman just begged, groaning for the cowboy.
"Yeah, you can. One more baby, just one more. You can come again, can't you? Just with my cock this time, fucking your beautiful and tight hole. Just the way you like it"
"Yes ... I ... Michael ... please."
"Condom?" he questioned, mentally begging Alex to say no.
"Only you, I want to feel you, I want to feel your cum inside me"
The airman murmured, forcing his body to move and brushing his ass against Michael's erection as the cowboy growly holding him around the waist, trying to control himself after hearing those words. His hips moving against Alex's ass, his dick, dripping with pre-cum, sinking deliciously into that hungry hole that took him, anxiously, opening up for him. Taking him until the last inch, involving him with that warmth that only Alex had, making Michael groan and press his whole body against Alex's back. Their bodies joined and completely inert, his face sunk in Alex's hair damp with sweat, smelling wonderfully of sex and that smell that was Alex, just and only Alex.
Michael loved that smell.
He groaned again when he felt Alex's ass moving against his cock and gripped his lover's hips tightly, preventing him from moving.
"No. Just don't babe. You have no idea how much I'm controlling myself to not fuck you with all the strength that I have Alex, just, let me breathe for a moment, darlin'."
"Don't hold yourself," Alex murmured and turned his face just enough to look the cowboy in the eye. "Fuck me, Michael, hard. Show me that you own me. No one else. Just you."
"Fuck ... Alex ..."
"Fuck me, cowboy. Said you would make me feel you for days."
"Fuck, yes."
No more trying to control himself, he pulled his body away, taking his entire length from Alex's hole only to then sink it mercilessly, rough, taking a cry from the lips of the airman who raised one arm and dipped his fingers in Michael's curls pulling him for open-mouthed and sloppy kisses. His body moved, rippling in a sensual dance, fucking Alex the way he had been wanting for months, brutally, possessing him and making him understand that no one else could touch and fuck him. Only Michael.
He said possessively against Alex's mouth, lost in the sound of his hip hitting Alex's ass, his dick sliding in and out of the wet hole, the sensual moans, the pleas they both made.
Alex stated, his voice hoarse and his body moving against Michael's, loving every second he felt the cowboy's cock sink into him, claiming him. He was so sensitive, two orgasms, and his body was already shaking, knowing it wouldn't be long before the third one come.
"Damn Alex, you feel so good baby, so tight and warm. I swear I could spend my whole life fucking you."
"Yes, do that..."
And Michael did, fucked him roughly, hitting his prostate with every push, his mouth leaving bite marks and hickey all over Alex's neck and shoulder, as he shivered and sobbed, clinging to Michael's curls, begging, always begging, exactly how he knew Michael loved it. And when he came a third time, Michael didn't stop, he fucked him through orgasm, even harder pounding mercilessly against his prostate seeking his own release, using Alex's hole for his own pleasure. Alex just sank into the bed, held in Michael's arms, and let himself be used, moaning against the pillow with every move against his worn and sensitive hole, he was really going to feel Michael for days, and fuck, he was looking forward to it. How he loved it, the feeling of his body already worn and taken apart after a wonderful orgasm, being used, being fucked by that huge, thick cock.
"Alex ..."
That ... like that, moaning for him, running his body with those huge hands, marking his skin with those warm lips. Nothing in the world felt better than that, being loved by Michael Guerin. Alex smiled, knowing perfectly well that Michael was on the verge of his orgasm, savoring the feeling that he would soon be filled with Michael's cum.
"Baby ... I ..."
"Inside. Inside me Michael."
He murmured hearing Michael groan hoarsely, flooding the room with a growl as he sank further into his hole, filling him with his cum and making Alex press his ass against the cowboy's waist, yes, deeper ... deeper. Fuck, it was never deep enough. After what seemed like hours, the cowboy felt his body collapse and let himself cuddle against Alex, pressing his chest against the back of the airman harder, his face again sunk in his hair now even more sweaty, his cock still, now beginning to soften, lodged in Alex's hole. His hand slid down the airman body until he found his hand that was still clinging to the pillow, his fingers almost white and the cowboy held it lightly, making Alex release his grip on the pillow and intertwine his fingers, his mouth slid in an almost non-existent caress against Alex's back making the airman sigh happily.
"I hope you know that we are together now."
Michael murmured, sinking his face back into Alex's neck, who snorted a laugh.
"I sure hope so."
"I don't think I can move."
"Good. So stay like this, until tomorrow morning cowboy."
"Why? Are you planning to kick me out of your cabin as soon as the sun rises?"
"Definitely not. But you promised to fuck me in every corner of this cabin and if I'm not mistaken, you mentioned something about the hood of your truck. I'm holding on to that promise."
Alex said in the most seductive voice possible after reaching three orgasms and Michael felt his body squirm.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Tribute' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
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"I'm just trying to find out who I am in this world and I know that you & my friends are behind me to help....as always !"
Chapter Summary : After learning from Woods of their new lead in Laos, Yirina & Park are on their way to get there but before....something needs to be made.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3100
Well, I can say that our moment to have longer peace wasn't going to be fullfilled because of Woods's call to Park, they have found an lead for saving Adler and it's in the South-East Asia...in Laos where an man named 'Naga', an warlord has Adler but that was the only things that Woods told to Park, giving to her, of course, the location of an CIA safehouse that we will have to join him and his team, getting us finally back on the race to have Adler back with us....if only we weren't forced to do that...if only....
But, instead of directly pack up our things and go to the airport to have an private plane for us that will bring us to Vientane, we decided to stay for the day in Century House, preferring to take the plane for the next morning. We spent time with Zasha, not wanting to fully let them alone in here and it allowed me to meet the team they were going to work with, making myself some nice people to chat but not talking about myself to be honest. These people were really great to talk with, I know that Zasha will get along very well with them, I can be sure of it !
After that day, we returned back to the same hotel to spend the last night in London, giving me some time to write in my diary as it was an long time since I didn't write on it and in the early morning, it was time for us to get going, taking our own equipments and then, going to the airport to catch an plane to fly away from London to Laos but that wasn't going to be an direct fly to it because of the distance between the british capital and the laotian one and I wasn't catching up where the plane were going to stop as I decide to take another nap in the plane, just wanting to have some calm.....
"Why are we here, exactly ?" This was the voice of Zasha themselves adressing to me as where we were dressed in Perseus uniform in the middle of the jungle, in an sort of little military camp set up by the Perseus collective, seeing the flag of the group in our tent.
"Perseus said that he managed to have an contact with someone." I replied, looking myself through an mirror, checking up my face & hair at the same time...my hair as that time was very different to say. "He wanted to have me here." I added, sighing.
"We're here because he decide that he needed you ?" They demanded, sounding an bit confused, getting up from their chair to get next to me.
"Listen..." I started, removing myself from the mirror to face them. "Honestly, even me didn't want to be here, preferring to stay at the office but he said that my presence was primordial." I continued, looking around me and it was true that I was wondering why I was here. "I'm stupid to have accepted." I then sit up on an chair that was next to the mirror, getting my hands on my face. "I'm very stupid."
"Not at all, Yirina, you're not stupid !" Zasha affirmed as they start to move to stay near me.
"I can say the contrary, I brought you with me because I thought that you were going to get bored without me at the Lubyanka." I stated, my eyes focused back on them before I take an breath. "You can tell it to me : I'm stupid !"
"Yirina, I already told you, you're not like that." They reaffirmed to me as they decide to get away, going next to their bed....looks like we were sharing the same tent in that camp...."It's me that was stupid to have accepted."
"I'm sorry, Zed." I apologized to them because I was the reason they were here and I could see on their face that they weren't pleased to be here. "Don't worry, we will be away in an short time....at least, I hope so." I added, raising my shoulders.
"Yeah, let's hope so."  They breathed as they were taking in hands an little bag.
"What's this ?" I demanded, very curious about it.
"Oh, that's something that Portnova did for me before I left with you : some snacks." They replied, getting out of the bag an little cake. "You want one ?" They proposed, handing to me this particular cake.
"No, thanks, maybe on the flight back." I politely refused, shaking my head on the same time.
"You're sure ? I might be having eaten the whole bag before we could step inside an plane." They scoffed, starting to eat some snacks from the bag, looking at them with narrowed eyes.
"If I'm paying you coffee, you're letting me some ?" I proposed, sounding like someone who is corrupting someone else.
"Why not ?" They whispered as they closed the bag to put it back under their bad, still having some snacks in mouth.....
"What are you talking about ?" Another voice suddenly came in the tent, discovering Stitch himself, entering our tent like that, without preventing us at all.
"Stitch !" I exclaimed, going up from my chair to face the man, wearing his usual mask and his hood above his bald head. "Why did you storm in here without saying that you were coming ?" I questioned him, a bit angry of his non-politeness
"Because I have to do this ?" He sniffed through his mask, rolling his only eye around. "It's not because you're considered Perseus little daughter that I have to politely tell you that I'm coming !" He added to his statement, making me clench my fists.
"I'm not his daughter, Stitch, don't ever call me like that again, understand ?" I pressed him and his only reaction was to breath away from me, not even scared about me before looking at something that was on an table.
"Hmmm, fine girl to say !" He said as he was moving to an picture....of Portnova and he literally took it in hand. "Wonder if she's free for some fun !" He laughed.
"Hey, back off !" Zasha stepped in, taking the picture back from Stitch's hands and looking very angry to be real. "You don't talk about my lover like that."
"Oh, because she's your lover ?" Stitch told them, never have flinched from Zasha as they were getting Portnova's picture back in their jackets. "Even if she is, it's not an problem !" He joked, making Zasha really angry but I decided to step between the two, not wanting to have troubles here and to save Zasha from him.
"Listen, Stitch..." I started, pointing at him with my left index finger and with the other hand, keeping Zasha under control. "If you ever put your hands on Zasha or Portnova, I will personally break your arms until you plead me to end you !" I threatened him directly, meeting my deadly glare before she sigh.
"Whatever." He snorted, slowly getting away from me & Zasha. "By the way, I was here to tell you that  Perseus is awaiting for you near the helipad, Vang will arrive in a few moments." He finally told us why he was here before he could left the tent.
"What an fucking dick !" Zasha stated, giving their thoughts about Stitch and they were damn right about it. "You should have break your arms like you said."
"I know but it isn't the time for that." I whispered, seeing them calm down before I removed myself from them. "Okay, let's go meet with Perseus." I added before I move away from them to grab my jacket.
Once I did put my jacket on with Zasha awaiting for me near the tent entrance, we could finally go out of the tent, seeing some soldiers walking around and in an instant, we were on our way to join Perseus near the said helipad of the camp as Stitch told us and during the way to get to Perseus, I could see that some soldiers were looking towards us, probably astonished to see me there....because of my said nickname I gained years ago.....
Then, we arrived at the 'helipad' where Perseus, dressed in his usual uniform was awaiting for us alone, his hands in the back and looking at the sky as an american type helicopter started to slowly approach the camp, it was an helicopter dating from the Vietnam war, it seems.
"Yirina, here you are." Perseus sensed that I was arriving behind me with Zasha, peaking his head to look at me & Zasha. "You too, Zasha Smirnov." He added and Zed's eyes went wide as it was sounding like the first time that they were adressed by them with their full names.
"Perseus, who are we meeting, to be honest ?" I asked him as even me were kept in the dark about the concerned person.
"An drug warlord named Kapano Vang." He replied as the helicopter was slowly landing on the helipad, it was surely something belonging to this Vang. "I proposed that man to meet with us to discuss of an lot of things he could do for us in the future." He continued as the helicopter was finally landed, making me & Zasha discover an man with sunglasses, his face hidden by an green hood.
"You must be the mysterious Perseus ?" This man spoke up, getting out of the helicopter and approaching Perseus, me & Zasha staying behind him.
"And you, the famous warlord of the Golden Triangle, Kapano Vang." Perseus told him back, offering his hand for an shake and the two shook hands in front of us.
"It's better that you use my other name...Naga." Naga suggested to Perseus who nodded to him.
"I understand, my friend." Perseus said before he removed himself to let Naga see us for good. "This is Yirina Grigoriev, our 'Winter Soldier" and next to her, is her assistant, Zasha Smirnov." He presented and in me, I wasn't feeling great to be called by that nickname.
"Ah...some worthy allies as I heard...If you were working with the americans, your deaths would have been slow as you are facing some of my ferocious dogs, dismembering you part to part."  Naga exclaimed, wanting to put some fears in us, seeing if we were going to flench from him but me & Zasha know well of it....I'm already hating the guy, seriously !
"Very funny, my friend." Perseus scoffed around as he was getting next to Naga, making him look around the camp as me & Zasha, stayed in place, wondering of why we were here before Perseus start to slowly walk away with Naga....
"I think it's the beginning of an beautiful friendship !"
"Yirina." I could feel someone shaking me gently as I was sleeping peacefully in my seat and I was already knowing that it was Park herself that was doing as we were the only one in the plane....if we don't count the pilots...."Yirina !" She said an bit louder, prompting me to open my eyes to see her, standing up in front of me.
"Hi, Park." I whispered with my voice, sounding low as I was awakening slowly from her shaking towards me. "Why did you shake me up ? You could let me sleep an little more."
"I know but there's something." She expressed as I was passing my hands through my face to clean up my eyes that was like dried up from the sleep.
"What ? We're at destination ?" I demanded but she shook her head at me.
"No, it's something else." She replied and then, I looked outside the plane, finding out that it was stopped in an airport, thinking at first that we were really arrived.
"Where are we ?" I asked, curious that our plane was on the ground....maybe it was one of our stops until we got to Vientane.
"Uhm...we're in Tel Aviv !" She told me, making my eyes go wide as I was looking outside.
"Why are we here ?" I exclaimed, an bit surprised to be honest before she took an deep breath from me;
"We...I decide that you wanted to do something important with me." She started, joining her hands together before looking outside at the city that was in the morning to say as we left London at 5 AM. "I think that you would like to visit Lazar's grave." She added, stunning me in my seat.
"You...you want me to see Lazar ?" I breathed, feeling weird in an sudden. "I...I..." I couldn't finish as I was in an loss of words, thinking about Lazar
"After Cuba 3 years ago , his body was....recovered and brought back to his family here." She looked back at me with eyes that was filled with tears, she was moved to be here and I was soon like her too. "I think that you wanted to pay your respects to him, you know ?"
"Yes...I think I wanted to to do that !" I admitted as we were talking about Lazar before I stand up too, biting my lips. "Do you...well, did you know that we could go there ?" I questioned her.
"As Tel Aviv was on our way to Laos, I thought that it would be time for you to do this." She responded, slowly moving her hands towards mine, joining them together. "With our work that was avoiding us to do that, now is the time." She continued, looking at our both hands joined. "So, you're coming ?"
"Yes, I have to." I whispered before taking an deep breath, looking at her with good eyes.
After some few moments, we decided to leave the plane, letting our bags in it as we didn't need them at all. Park did make an call to have for us an car that was awaiting for us in the parking of the airport the plane landed. She told me that our stop was lasting for an least one hour, giving us enough time to visit Lazar's grave as the maintenance crew were filling up the plane with fuel and then, we were off the airport.
But before going to the place Lazar was resting, Park decided to go to an florist to get some flowers and she did go alone in that shop in the middle of the city, letting me alone in the car for an few minutes with people around before she came back with some flowers that she gave to me and then, we were finally going to the cemetery Lazar is....I think that I would have to prepare myself to face that grave....
"You're ready ?" Park asked me before we could step out of the car after we arrived at the place and multiples deep breaths from me, holding the flowers in my hands.
"I am." I replied in an very low voice, nodding at the same time in case she didn't hear me saying it before we could go out of the car, nervous for me. "I was thinking : what are these kinds of flowers ?" I demanded.
"Well, these are orange roses." She responded, looking at the bouquet of flowers I was holding. "These....were Lazar's favorite one."
"Really ?" I breathed as we start walking inside the cemetery, following Park.
"Even if he was an fighter, Lazar liked these flowers in particular, it kinda representing him to be honest." She stated, taking an quick look at me. "Filled with desire...enthusiasm...everything that Lazar was dreaming of."
"I didn't know that he was into that." I said, astonished about Park's knowledge about flowers but also learning that Lazar was into flowers. "You're right about him, he was the best." I exclaimed, sure of my words and she nodded.
"Surely the best, I'm sure that an lot of flowers are representing him." She repeated as we were engaging ourselves in an alley and soon arriving into an dead-end until we arrived in front of his grave...Lazar's grave, it was so strange to seeing it, making some tears to fall from my eyes. I could see his full name : Eleazar Azoulay and his date of birth, October 25 1948...and his date of death...March 13 1981. "Hi, Lazar." Park waved at the grave slowly.
"Hey, Laz'." I did the same thing as her with my free hand in an low voice.
"I...well, Yirina came to see you, we didn't have time but here we are." Park started like if she was talking to Lazar himself through the grave and for me, it was normal. "Lazar, I....I'm sorry, you were an good man." She added, starting to be filled with tears before she looked back at me. "You might want to have an little talk, you know." She proposed as I was also filled with tears like her.
"Yes...maybe." I expressed, getting my free hand on her shoulder, trying to recomfort her as she was looking back at the grave.
"I...I will be just an few meters away..." Park told me before she start to slowly walk away and like she said, stopped herself at a few meters from me, she wanted me to have an moment with Lazar, so I faced his grave slowly, holding the bouquet of flowers.
"Laz..." I began before I decide to sit on the ground, crossing my legs and looking at the grave, with moved eyes. "I wish...I wish things were differents, an lot of things." I exclaimed, sounding sure of my words. "I wanted you to be there with you but...." I then stopped myself, trying to not think of that day. "I'm trying to say to myself that it wasn't my fault but there's always something that's saying that it's mine." I added before I looked at flowers, seeing the orange color of them, astonishing.
"You & Park, you...you were the only one who believed in me for real, you know ?" I affirmed after taking an few seconds to clean up my tears but talking again was making them fall for the second time. "For me, you were my brother and even if we knew each other for an few weeks, you did have an impact on me." I admitted, remembering the talks I had with him : always kind, generous, full of desire and enthusiasm like these flowers. "You were always there for supporting me." I looked at those flowers with great eyes.
"I'm...you know, I'm fullfilling the promise you asked...to take care of Park and to stay with her, I just want to make you know that I'm doing this." I spoke, peaking my head to see Park looking at me, proudly but also moved at the same time. "You were the best man I have met, Lazar, the very best." I added before I finally decided to put the bouquet of flowers in front of his grave. "I love you, brother....." I started as I was slowly getting up from the ground, still looking at the flowers.....
"And I'm missing you so much....rest in peace, Lazar."
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pinkmangafish · 4 years
Noodles ... and a few surprises
Rating: General
Fandom: Psycho-Pass
Pairing: Kougami and Tsunemori (Shinkane)
Characters: Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kougami, and pretty much everyone else alive at the end of PP3: First Inspector. 
Summary: Part 1 - Kougami collects Akane from the isolation centre and quickly realizes something is wrong. Part 2 - Kougami arranges a surprise party for Akane, but is that what it really is?
Author’s Notes:  I had hoped to finish this in time for shinkaneweek, but it kept growing. Please point out any glaring canonical mistakes, and if possible, I'll fix them. This is my second piece of fanfic, so I am very new to all of this. I find that I am torn between the relationship between Kougami and Tsunemori, and how the plot moves forward to, hopefully, an end to the Sibyl System.
Akane Tsunemori stepped outside for the first time in what seemed a very long time. Well, it had been … No, she was not going to think about that now. Today, though technically an enforcer with limitations on her movements, she was free. Free of that windowless room.  Free of the probing questions from the perfunctorily concerned doctors. Free of the constant surveillance. Free of the need to be on her guard even when she was asleep. Free to go outside and feel the sun and wind and rain on her body. She lifted her face to feel the sun, but it was already late afternoon and the sun had lost most of its warmth. Never mind. There was always tomorrow.
She dropped her gaze and saw the man waiting for her. She caught her breath. This was better than the sun on her face. Shinya Kougami was leaning against a car as nonchalant as ever.
“I’m here to get you.” he shrugged. “Sorry.”
She had half expected Shimotsuki to collect her or to at least send a drone for her, but somehow, she was not at all surprised to see him. She walked down a few steps and then stopped and looked up around.
“I’m hungry,” she announced.
He laughed. “Is that all you can say?”
She walked slowly over to the car and smiled up at him. There were some new lines there that she had not seen in all his visits to her. Most of the time, they had leant on either side of the door as they talked, but even so, she was surprised. She almost reached out and touched his face.
“Yes. Treat me to something,” she replied.
“Yes, ma’am,” He paused as if considering something. Then, abruptly, “I’ll drive.”
Akane nodded and got in the car. If she had expected him to start a conversation she would have been disappointed, but then, she knew him and was not. She did not feel the need to chat, either. Content to be with him she wondered if she was going to have the courage to say what needed to be said. But that was not a conversation to be held in the car. It could wait a little longer. For now, she stared at the city flowing past her window. As they got to areas that she knew, she saw signs of her time away in the shops and cafes that had taken the place of others: a florist where there had been a gift shop or a mall with a new name and look. This is what Yayoi, Kagari and the other enforcers must have felt like she thought. Some of them, she knew, had spent many more years than she had in the isolation center before being granted a reprieve of sorts. A life of boredom and isolation swapped for one of danger and death, but also friendship and the chance to feel like they belonged. Her thoughts abruptly changed direction. She wondered what Homura’s plans for her were. She was under no illusion that he was responsible for her freedom despite the Sibyl System’s claim to have made the decision itself. Assigning her to Shimotsuki as an aide had been a bold move. Staring into traffic, her head against the window, she questioned whether her and Homura’s aims were still in alignment or was he now playing a different game? And if so, was she now a pawn? Then there was Arata, and Kei and the new team of enforcers. So many new variables were in play. She needed to catch up quickly. And … she had to talk Kougami. She sighed heavily.
Kougami glanced at her. He was not comfortable with this pensive version of Akane but he knew her better than to try and distract her. He waited until the car had parked and his door was open. “Akane, we’re here. Let’s get some noodles.”
 She looked at him and then at their surroundings. She recognized the small mall as the one near her old apartment. How had they got here so quickly? She was out of sync. She was unreal and everything else was too real. Had she really been that lost in thought? She would need to be more careful, more alert. Her stomach growled. Noodles? Yes, of course he’d take her to eat noodles.
“I hope Thai is okay? The old ramen place closed down six months ago,” Kougami led the way across the street not waiting for her. She nodded. Then wondered how he know about the ramen shop. She could not remember having eaten there with him. He glanced down at her, “We’re practically neighbors now. I live in that block over there,” he pointed to a small apartment building behind them. So near, she thought.
The small Thai noodle shop was a reminder that the city, no, the country, was changing and changing rapidly. Immigrants were starting to open their own businesses and that, she knew, was a good thing. The restaurant was barely that, just a few plastic tables and chairs. Kougami led her over to a corner table by the window. She wondered whether he even realized he had assessed which table gave them the best vantage point. Probably not.
A waitress appeared with a menu and set down a bottle of fish sauce and a small dish of chili in vinegar. “Sawatdee, kha, Kougami-san,” she said giving Akane a quick, interested look.
Akane realized that he had been telling a story. “I’m sorry, Kougami, I spaced out. Who were you trying to hold onto?”
He looked at her steadily. She had seemed fine when she walked out of the isolation center. Now, though, he could see the signs of exhaustion in her face. “Oh, just some junked up trafficker. He’d been bringing in kids from … doesn’t matter. Except that to bring him down both Gino and I had to hold onto him while Kei shot him with a paralyzer.”
“No!” She looked at him in amusement, her attention finally on him. “You got shot with a paralyzer again?”
“Well, technically, Gino and I are secondaries. We were holding onto the perp, so … Kei wasn’t actually trying to shoot us,” Kougami smiled at her but his eyes were watchful.
“Hmmm, are you sure about that?” she asked. “You had a bit of a run in with him just a couple of weeks ago.”
“Ahh, you know about that?” Kougami shook his head. “I’m not saying that we’re friends now. Hell, I don’t even like the man that much. But we can work together.”
The noodles arrived. Tom yum goong, hot, spicy and delicious, she slurped slowly and steadily. She smiled at him, “Much better than AI hyper-oats.” Then her eyes fell back to the table and she was quiet again. She stayed still staring at the soup that remained in her bowl, but her eyes were moving as the thoughts and questions flooded her mind. At one point she looked up quickly at Kougami and opened her mouth, but then closed it, and dropped her head down again. She stayed like that for so long that Kougami began to worry.
“Akane, what is the matter? Please, tell me … if you can.” He leant forward so he could hear her, but she said nothing. “Akane, you are okay now. You are out. You are safe.”
To her surprise, Akane felt large, hot tears streaming down her cheeks. Bemused, she watched them as they slid off her chin and fell into the soup. She wondered reflexively what the soup would taste like; if she would be able to taste the salt from her tears. Then she felt a gentle hand drying her cheeks and looked into Kougami’s eyes. He seemed to become aware of what he was doing and started to pull his hand away, but she grabbed it and held onto him. His eyes widened as her grip tightened and then he stretched out his other hand.
She clung to him desperately, tears still falling and her breath uneven with sobs. All she could hear was that one word, “safe”. She was safe. She was safe. And yet, even though it was true, it was also a lie. She knew that the most dangerous part of the journey was ahead. And yet again, and yet again, she was safe. She held onto his hands for all she was worth.
Kougami began talking again, softly, in no hurry. His voice providing her with another anchor. “One time, in Tibet, I went on a raid with this guy, Dawa, I think his name was. Anyway, he was as tough as they come. Not nasty, just through and through tough. The kind of guy you are glad to have at your back or to follow. The raid went badly. Someone had leaked the plan and they were waiting for us. The fight was brutal, and we lost several people, all friends of his from childhood. One guy literally exploded in front of him as if he’d been hit by a lethal dominator, but Dawa just kept going. A natural leader. Eventually, we got the upper hand, got what we came for and escaped. It took us almost a week to get back. The whole time, Dawa just held it together. Two more died on that trek - one from his wounds and the other slipped into a crevice. Dawa didn’t flinch once, just kept going and kept his people together. When we got back to camp, one of his men was waiting for us. He handed Dawa the body of an old dog. This man, who could wipe off the blood of his friend and keep going, collapsed where he was and started crying like a child. I don’t know if he really did love that dog as much as that or if it was his way of grieving for his friends. I do know that keeping those kinds of feelings inside is a kind of death.” His voice trailed off.
Akane sighed deeply and pulled one hand away and mopped her eyes with a paper napkin. “Thank you, Kougami. I’m feeling tired. Can we go?”
She waited at the table while he paid the bill. By the time he returned, when she smiled at him, her eyes were almost clear. “Thank you for the noodles.”
“You’re welcome.”
Out on the street the strange hyperreal feeling returned. Colours were a little too bright, noises a little too loud and the sidewalk seemed to be moving under her. It was like walking in a distorted holo. She saw a street scanner and flinched. Kougami frowned down at her. Apart from when she had first started work as an Inspector, he had never seen her this unsure of herself. She put her hand into his and felt his fingers tighten slightly. Safe.
Her apartment was only a few minutes’ walk from the mall, so they left the car where it was. About halfway there, she realized she had forgotten her small bag of belongings. “My keys, they’re …” she began to turn back.
“It’s okay, Akane, Yayoi gave me your spare set. I’ll get your things later.”
She thought about asking why he had her keys, but then decided she could not be bothered. As soon as he opened the door, it was obvious. The underfloor heating was on and there was the unmistakable feeling of stepping into a clean apartment. She kicked her shoes off in the hall, walked into the living room and looked around. The large sofa where she had slept so many nights seemed enormous after the one in isolation. She looked over at the kitchen in the corner. There was even a bowl of fruit on the counter. She glanced up at him surprised, “Thank you, Kougami.”
“Well, it isn’t much. I just set the auto-cleaner to do its job and bought some fruit,” he shrugged, but she could see he was both embarrassed and pleased by her reaction.
“I’m tired.”
“Then I’ll leave you to sleep. I’ll come back with your things, but I’ll just leave them by the door,” he stepped back, but her hand did not let go of his. His expression remained neutral as she raised a finger to her lips and began to walk towards the bedroom. She gave a small shake of her head and her own expression was so serious he was in no doubt that this was not a seduction.
With her finger still against her lips, she let go of his hand and opened a small cupboard. When she pulled out a small, plastic, white cat with a pink bow he looked totally perplexed. She set the cat down and pushed a small button on the back, then held her fingers up as she counted down from five.
“Now we can talk. This little kitty has a jammer. Any bugs, and I am sure there are some, will pick up nothing more than a silent room,” she sat down on the bed. Another sigh.
“Where did you get that thing?” without thinking, Kougami sat next to her.
“Long story short? Shion.”
Kougami grunted. Then he shifted so he could look at her. “You said we could talk. So talk.”
“You know there are somethings that I can’t tell you? Not that I don’t trust you, because I do. I trust you with my life. But knowing those things will not only endanger you, but also me, and possibly others, and what we are trying to do.” She had taken hold of his hand again. Her eyes grew wide and very luminous. “But you are right about what keeping things in does to you. To me. Th … there is one thing I do need to tell you, Shinya,” she paused and then gave a little nod to herself. “I love you.”
Then, as he registered and reregistered her words, “Say that again!” 
“I love you, Shinya,” another pause. She did not take her eyes from his, “And you love me.”
“Yes,” he breathed. “I love you, Akane. You have no idea how much.” He began to reach for her but stopped.
Akane frowned, “What’s the problem?”
He looked embarrassed, “Well, the effects of the dominator haven’t worn off yet. I’m, I’m not going to …, I mean, I can’t … I’m sorry.”
She smiled ruefully, “I have just put your life in more danger and that is what you think about? That can wait. This can’t. The most dangerous phase has begun. It is quite possible that one of us, even both of us, won’t see the other side. You know this.” She put her hand against his cheek as he protested. “And I have put us in more danger. Yes, yes, I have. There is no way we can hide a relationship, and I don’t want to, but it can be used against us. I’m so tired of being on my own, so scared that each time you walk away it might the last time I’ll ever see you and I never told you how much you mean to me. How much I love you. That I’ll be killed, or you will be. Maybe it was all the time I had to think in isolation that did it. But that thought kept growing inside me until sometimes it felt like I couldn’t breathe. Especially after you’d come to see me. I finally realized that I can’t go on without loving you, without being able to love you and yet I have to keep going to help bring down the System. So, I guess I’ve grown a little selfish. I couldn’t live with not telling you I love you. I do you, know? I love you.”
His eyes had never left hers as she spoke. The words rushing from mouth and her expression changing at the end from serious to joyous. She allowed him to pull her over to him. She wrapped her arms around his chest and dropped her head on his shoulder and sighed deeply. She breathed in his scent. He chuckled, “Hey, I’m the one that is supposed to be the hound.”
“You were never a hound. More a wolf,” she returned. The relief of telling him that she loved him was beginning to make her a little lightheaded.
“A wolf, huh? Well, that gives me a few ideas for tomorrow,” he dropped feather kisses across her forehead.
“Only a few?” she asked in a disappointed tone.
 “Oh, Akane, you have no idea,” he looked at her with a wicked smile.
Akane looked at herself in the bathroom mirror as she toweled her hair dry. She barely recognized the woman looking back at her. The muscles around her jaw were relaxed and her eyes shone. Even her hair looked fuller. Was this what she looked like when she was happy? And she was. Happier than she had ever been.
They had not slept much despite Kougami’s insistence that she needed to rest. Soon one or the other would start talking, words of love falling into the safety of the warm dark room. Or he would hold her hand so he could kiss every line on her palm again and again and only release it to kiss the other. Too long had they waited for this night, words tumbled from their lips and their whispers became a confession of hopes, loss, pain and then again hopes as life brought them together, tore them apart and reunited them. So many years had gone by and they had so much to make up for.
“Akane, food’s almost done,” Kougami called from the other side of the door. “Oh, and put some clothes on.”
She blinked and returned to the present. He was up to something. She opened the bathroom door and a blast of cold air hit her. Quickly dressing she joined him in the living room. “Shinya, why’ve you opened all the windows in the bedroom? And …” she took in all the food on the counter. “Just how hungry do you think I am?”
Her doorbell chimed.
“Oh, hell! They’re early,” He threw her a sly look. “Ah, you stay here, I’ll be right back.”
“Kougami, what have you done?”
“It’s a surprise,” and he was gone.
She wondered if he had ordered more noodles from the little restaurant to add to the mountain of food in front of her. Then she heard the front door open and the sound of several people shushing each other as they piled into her little hall.
Akane got up and, laughing, went to greet them.
“Akane!” said three voices at once.
Shino, Yayoi and Gino, if anything could make her happier on this day, then this was it. She hugged them.
Shion laughed, and poked Kougami’s ribs. “I see you’ve talked,” she said winking outrageously and laughed as Kougami went red. “Well, there is a sight I never expected to see. Shinya Kougami bashful.”
“Shion, Yayoi, you look amazing,” laughed Akane holding the latter at arm’s length. They were both wearing party dresses. Then she turned back to Ginoza, “Hello, Gino, it is good to see you. I hear that you got in the way of a paralyzer.”
“Ha! He told you about that, did he? Ignatov better watch out is all I can say. Right, Ko?”
“What? Oh, yes, Kei has it coming. Again.”
The doorbell chimed again. Akane looked at Kougami in surprise. “Who?”
 “And speak of the devil!”
Kougami came back leading a small group of people. “Everyone, Akane Tsunemori in person. Akane, you know Arata and Kei, and this is Maika Ignatov and Sho Hinakawa. The last two are Mao Kisaragi and Kazumichi Irie.”
“Hey! What about me? Why does no one ever introduce the old enforcer!” demanded Todoroki pushing his way forward. “Pleased to meet you, Inspector. I’m Tenma Todoroki.”
“Just Akane, I’m not an inspector anymore,” smiled Akane. “I remember seeing all of your photos in the files. It is wonderful to finally meet you all. I guess we’ll all be working together now.” The serious looks they all gave her made her pause. “I mean, I’m an enforcer now, even though I’m not assigned to Unit 1 …”  
Mao nodded at her teammates and they relaxed. “You’re welcome in Unit 1 any time, Tsunemori … Akane. Err …. I’m sorry if it’s rude, but we’re starving, and we don’t get to eat out very often. Come on, Irie.”
Todoroki grimaced, “Can’t take them anywhere.” But he and Hinakawa followed them quickly into the kitchen.
What was all that about? All three had become so serious in a blink and then back again. Looking around the room, she began to get the feeling that she was missing something obvious. Before she could begin to think about it, the doorbell chimed. Again. She glared at Kougami as he passed her to get the door. He smiled at her, but she could see he was getting a little tenser each time he went. And that was strange, she thought, it did not quite make sense.
“It will take a little time,” said Arata with his mouth full. He was bouncing from foot to foot and balancing a plate full of food.
“Sorry, what will?” she turned her attention to him.
“Being out. Getting your senses back as it were. But,” he glanced in Kougami’s direction, “you are already on the right track.”
Her eyes widened and she started to ask him what he meant, but he just beamed at her and slightly shook his head. So, something was going on. Well, she would trust them to fill her in when they could. Right now, she had a party in her apartment. Shion had taken control of the music, which was now loud enough to annoy the neighbors. Akane shook her head, that would not be a problem. It was the middle of the afternoon, no one would be home.
“Sorry, Gino, what was that?” She shook herself. Get a hold of yourself Tsunemori.
“I just said that Sugo and I are your neighbors. We’re sharing an apartment down the street.”
“Oh! That’s great! Are you in the same block as Sh… as Kougami?” she asked. 
Gino smiled, “No, we’re down the other way.”
She looked at him, then at Kougami, and saw that Sugo and Frederica had arrived. What were they doing here? In one sense, since Gino and Kougami worked with them it made sense to invite them as well, but …. somehow it felt more deliberate than that. Yes, something was definitely going on. Everyone was behaving normally. Normal for a party, that is, she thought. Mao and Irie were dancing with Yayoi and Shion, Sugo and Kei were playing a holo game and everyone else was chatting and eating.  
An arm slipped around her waist. “Are you enjoying yourself, Akane?” His next words were so low that even though he had bent to whisper them in her ear, she almost missed them. “Say yes.”
“Oh, yes,” She turned to look up at him and he smiled down at her; she did not miss the flick of his eyes at the wall. “Walls have ears,” he breathed.
She laughed, “Shinya, you wretch!” It was all she could think of saying. Of course, everything they were doing and saying was probably being monitored. She had been the one to point that out yesterday. So why remind her of it?
The familiar sound of her doorbell interrupted them. She raised her eyebrows questioningly. Kougami kissed her head. “Patience. You’ll see. This is a surprise party, after all.”
He wouldn’t have invited her parents or Kaori. Her parents had been distraught when she was arrested. They had been steadfast in their support for her and called all the time. Even so, this was not the right time for a family reunion. And Kaori had made it clear from her refusal to accept Akane’s call at the start of her sentence that she did not want to be associated with a latent criminal. So who else was there?
“Sorry we’re late, everyone. Work, you know,” beamed Homura with a nervous looking Shimotsuki beside him.
If Akane’s mouth dropped open she made a valiant recovery. “Hello, Sir. Hello, Chief. How good of you to come.”
Shimotsuki, to everyone’s surprise, rushed forward, threw her arms around Akane’s neck and burst into loud sobs. “Oh, Akane, I’m so, so sorry.” Akane instinctively hugged her sobbing boss.
A tiny whisper, “We have to talk. About It.”  
Akane pulled back and stared at Mika who returned her stare and nodded, only to sob even harder, “I really am sorry.”
Homura shot a look at Akane, “Let’s take her into the bedroom for some quiet. Arata,” he threw over his shoulder, “Could you bring her some water?”
Together, Akane and Homura led the still sobbing woman into the bedroom. Arata followed immediately with the water. “Here’s your water, Chief. Get some rest, we’ll all be next door.” Then he paused and shut the door but stayed in the room.
“Well, hopefully we’re safe,” he said. “If we’re not all arrested in ten minutes, I reckon Akane’s jammer is working.”
“Yes, sorry about all the subterfuge,” added Homura. “Here, Mika, have this.” He passed a now dry-eyed Shimotsuki a perfectly folded handkerchief.
Akane sat down next to her. “Mika, did I understand you? You know what Sibyl System is?”
Mika looked pale and nodded. “For a few years. And now, Arata, too.”
“We’re the only ones who know what it really is,” said Homura. “Though I haven’t actually seen it. My father did and he told me.”
“So is this a council of war?” asked Akane.  
Arata answered her. “Not quite, but we all,” and he nodded towards the door to include the rest of the party, “agree that somehow we need to bring it to an end. We just don’t know how yet.”
“So, it is not just the two of us?” asked Akane looking at Homura.
“It never was. I know people who will support us, but it is safer if you don’t know who they are. It is a reasonable bet that all the enforcers will help. While you were inside, we’ve been making all sorts of small changes so we can be ready.”
“You mean like getting everyone to live within a three-block radius?” suggested Akane.
Mika actually smiled, “Yes, exactly like that. Unfortunately, because of our positions, Shizuka and I can’t move, but it was surprisingly easy for SAD to arrange for their people to move here, and then Kei and Arata. Obviously, the enforcers have to stay at MWPSB.”
“For now, at least,” said Homura.
“Is that wise, though?”
“What is more natural than colleagues and neighbors getting together for lunch or dinner or to play a holo game?” smiled Arata.
Homura looked at the time. “This meeting is just luck. We had no idea you had a jammer, so when Kougami said he wanted to give you a surprise party this afternoon it seemed a bit unusal. But when we arrived, he showed us a note about the kitty. Hmm, I think we’d better rejoin the others. They’re covering our absence, but I don’t think we should push our luck. Arata, you and Kei had better come in a few days so Akane and I can give you an “official” briefing on things.” 
Opening the door, Homura pretended to check on Mika who said she was fine and would be out in a minute. As soon as they had all left, Akane pulled Kougami into the bedroom.
“You’ve been planning this all along?” she demanded staring up at him fiercely.
He grinned, “What you thought we couldn’t mange without you? Ouch!”
“I’ll do more than poke your ribs if you’re not careful, Shinya Kougami!”
His smile got bigger, “Akane, you couldn’t expect me and Gino and the others to do nothing. We knew that something was going on, but you couldn’t or wouldn’t say exactly what. Ouch! Ouch!”
Akane poked him in the ribs. He caught her hands and folded them together in his. “Akane, please, I had to do something. I was going crazy. I love you.”
She glared up at him, “Say that again!”
“I love you.”
She sighed happily. “Okay, I suppose we’d better join the party. How long do you think everyone will stay?”  
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