#nature always helps ☀️🌻🍃
rosicheeks · 5 months
Congrats on getting out of bed and getting to see some nature today! 👏 👏 I hope it helped some!
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
If you want to add anything else, feel free /(^♡^)/🌻. I don't know if this is where I should ask for one but... Forgive me if it's not, it's the first time I ask 🙂😊, so forgive me. But anyway... Hello, first of all I really like your writing and works very much, because they are completely wonderful 😔🙌🏽. Well, I'm going to request a poly!volturi kings x fem!reader (I absolutely love it 😭🤗), the reader is Bella's adopted sister who went to visit her right after the fight against the volturi, she knew about her sister and the Cullens being vampires and decided to play a prank on them. A few weeks after their arrival, the volturi kings and the guard went to visit them to find out how Reneesme was living, when they arrived the reader was playing in the back of the Cullens' house with the little hybrid, who was laughing for her aunt playing tag with her. As soon as the volturi saw the reader, some Cullens were afraid and were kind of protecting her, but the reader's only reaction was to laugh and go towards the kings, more specifically Caius, and give him a quick kiss on the mouth . While the Cullens' only reaction was to be shocked. The reader is a witch who has a strong connection with nature, and is also a plus size woman. 🙃🌌🍃☀️🦋🌻.
❝the hybrids aunt❞
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✭ pairing : poly volturi kings x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the newest student at University of Oxford . She’s got the looks and brains to back her up and it doesn’t hurt that her body draws attention too, so as a bet the men of the infamous riot club see who can bed her first
✭ authors note : this was requested by @beatrizdostoddy :3 enjoy
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet town of Forks. The aftermath of the confrontation with the Volturi had left the Cullen family and their allies in a state of relief and exhaustion. Bella Cullen, now a vampire, had finally found the peace she had longed for, but there was one more surprise waiting for her.
As Bella and Edward stood on the porch of their secluded home, their daughter Renesmee played in the yard with her supernatural grace. They exchanged a loving glance, grateful for the tranquility that had settled over their lives.
Suddenly, a rustling in the trees caught their attention, and they both turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows. Bella's sharp vampire senses immediately recognized the scent, and her eyes widened with astonishment.
"(Y/N)?" Bella whispered, her voice filled with disbelief.
Stepping into the moonlight, (Y/N) smiled mischievously, her eyes twinkling with a secret. She was Bella's adopted sister, and they had shared a bond that transcended the supernatural secrets that surrounded them.
"You're back from the States?" Bella exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace her sister.
(Y/N) chuckled, returning the hug warmly. "Surprise! I couldn't stay away any longer. I had to see how my big sister was doing, especially after all that drama with the Volturi."
Bella's eyes glistened with tears of joy as she held her sister at arm's length, taking in the sight of her. "I've missed you so much, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) grinned, her mischief evident. "I've missed you too, sis. But I couldn't resist coming back and causing a little chaos."
Bella raised an eyebrow, curious. "Chaos?"
Before Bella could react, (Y/N) pulled out a small remote control and pressed a button. Suddenly, the lights in the Cullen home began to flicker wildly, and eerie music filled the air. The front door swung open and closed on its own, and Renesmee stared in amazement at the spectacle.
"What in the world?" Bella exclaimed, both amused and bewildered.
(Y/N) couldn't contain her laughter as she turned off the prank. "Just a little welcome-home surprise for you, Bella."
Edward joined them, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement. "You always did have a flair for the dramatic, (Y/N)."
Bella couldn't help but laugh, feeling lighter and happier than she had in a long time. "(Y/N), this is Edward, my husband."
Edward extended a hand, and (Y/N) shook it warmly. "Nice to finally meet you, Edward. Bella has told me so much about you."
Edward smiled, genuinely pleased. "Likewise."
As the three of them chatted and caught up on each other's lives, Renesmee approached shyly, curiosity sparking in her eyes.
Bella knelt down and gently introduced her daughter, "Renesmee, sweetheart, this is your aunt, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) and Renesmee locked eyes, and there was an instant connection, a recognition of family bonds that transcended words. In that moment, a deep and unspoken understanding passed between them, a silent promise of love and protection.
"(Y/N)," Renesmee said with a shy smile, "I'm so happy to meet you."
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she embraced her niece, feeling the warmth of family and the promise of a new chapter in their lives. The Cullen family had faced countless challenges, but with (Y/N)'s return, they were reminded that love and laughter could always light their way in the darkness.
And so, under the silvery moonlight, the Cullen family welcomed (Y/N) back into their supernatural world, ready to embrace the adventures and joys that awaited them together.
It had been a month since (Y/N) had returned to the Cullen family, and the days had been filled with laughter and bonding. She had settled into the Cullen household comfortably, grateful for the warmth and love that surrounded her. While her new house was being built in town, she cherished this time with Bella, Renesmee, and the rest of the vampire clan.
On a crisp, sunny day, the Cullen family gathered in their spacious backyard. Bella and (Y/N) had organized a game of tag for Renesmee, who darted through the trees with unnatural speed, her laughter ringing through the air. It was a perfect day filled with the joy of family.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N) and Renesmee, Alice suddenly froze, her golden eyes distant as she received a vision. The others noticed her abrupt change in demeanor, and her words came out in a hurried whisper, "The Volturi. They're coming."
Edward's eyes widened in alarm, and he swiftly relayed the message to the rest of the family telepathically. Panic spread like wildfire among the Cullens, their thoughts racing with the implications of the Volturi's arrival.
Except for (Y/N) and Renesmee, who continued their playful game of tag.
Carlisle, always the calm and collected leader of the family, stepped forward, attempting to reassure the others. "Stay calm, everyone. Remember, they may be coming to check on Renesmee's growth. Let's not jump to conclusions."
Esme nodded in agreement, though her eyes betrayed her concern. "You're right, Carlisle. We should be prepared, but not aggressive."
The Cullens tried to carry on with their activities as normally as possible, casting occasional worried glances in the direction of the approaching danger. Their protective instincts were on high alert, ready to shield Renesmee and (Y/N) from any potential harm.
Alice, who had been watching the Volturi's movements carefully, suddenly spoke up. "They seem to be approaching slowly, Carlisle, like they're not in a hurry to confront us."
Carlisle nodded, his brow furrowed. "That's unusual. Let's continue to monitor the situation closely, but we won't escalate things unless necessary."
As the Volturi drew nearer, Alice continued to provide updates, and tension hung in the air like an oppressive cloud. The Cullens' protective instincts were impossible to ignore, and they subtly positioned themselves between Renesmee and the approaching danger.
(Y/N) and Renesmee, unaware of the impending threat, continued their game, giggling as they tagged each other beneath the dappled sunlight. The innocence of their laughter stood in stark contrast to the uncertainty that loomed.
The Cullens watched, ready to defend their family, their gazes never wavering from the approaching Volturi. They couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and the overwhelming need to protect the precious bonds they had formed with (Y/N) and Renesmee.
As the Volturi came into view, the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation, and the Cullens braced themselves for whatever awaited them, determined to safeguard their loved ones at all costs.
The Cullens stood in their backyard, tension hanging in the air as the Volturi kings and their guards approached. Aro, Caius, and Marcus, the ancient leaders of the vampire world, wore their customary regal attire. The Volturi guards, a formidable force of vampires with unique abilities, fanned out behind them.
Aro's crimson eyes scanned the scene, and his polite smile remained firmly in place. "Isabella, dear, I take it you are in good health?”
Bella's eyes met Aro's, her expression calm. "Certainly, Alice told me you came to check on my daughter. She’s currently playing with my sister. Follow me."
With Aro and the other Volturi kings in tow, Bella led them to the back of the house, where the laughter of her daughter and sister filled the air. (Y/N) and Renesmee were engrossed in their game of tag, their supernatural speed allowing them to dart gracefully among the trees.
"I didn't know you had a sibling, Isabella," Aro commented, his curiosity piqued.
Bella gave Aro a small, mysterious smile as they approached the playing pair. "I've had many surprises, Aro."
As (Y/N) suddenly sensed the multiple eyes upon her, she abruptly halted, her senses tingling. She turned, meeting the gazes of the Volturi, who stood a few feet away. Her sister's protective stance did not go unnoticed.
(Y/N) and Renesmee slowly made their way toward the Cullen family, and Bella stepped in front of them protectively. Aro observed the child with interest, his eyes appraising Renesmee.
"She appears to be in good health," Aro remarked.
Then, Aro's gaze shifted to (Y/N), his eyes narrowing with curiosity. Bella couldn't suppress a low growl, warning the Volturi leader to keep his distance.
However, (Y/N) bypassed Bella's protective stance with a mischievous smile. She reached up and planted a kiss on Caius's lips, surprising everyone, especially Aro.
"When did this come about, brother?" Aro asked Caius, his eyebrow raised in amusement.
Caius had his arms wrapped securely around (Y/N), a rare smile gracing his lips. "It's been going on for a few months now. While I was overseas on a mission, I met (Y/N), and we hit it off. I've been meaning to introduce her to you for a while."
(Y/N) turned to Bella, her eyes expressing gratitude for her protective instincts, but she also exuded a quiet confidence. Her eyes flashed a deep, mesmerizing purple, and Bella gasped in surprise.
"What are you?" Bella asked, her voice barely a whisper.
(Y/N) chuckled softly, her aura radiating power. "I'm a witch."
The revelation sent shockwaves through the Cullen family. Witches, with their own unique supernatural abilities, were an enigmatic addition to their world.
Aro's interest was piqued, and he regarded (Y/N) with renewed fascination. "A witch, you say? How intriguing. It seems our visit has brought forth quite the surprises."
(Y/N) remained at Caius's side, her presence an enigmatic blend of magic and the supernatural. As the Cullens and the Volturi watched with wary eyes, they couldn't help but wonder what other secrets this unexpected alliance might reveal in the days to come.
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astrogirlvian · 6 months
🌸 Hey everyone, it's your girl Vian🦋 here! 🌟 Today marks the start of the Equinox! 🌄🌎 That's when day and night are the same length, meaning "equal night." ☯️ It's like nature's way of reminding us to keep things balanced in our lives ⚖️.
🌱 In the Northern Hemisphere, we call this the Spring Equinox! 🌷 It's when daylight starts taking over more and more each day until the Summer Solstice. ☀️ (The summer solstice is on Wed, Jun 19, ‘24)
Now, here's the real tea ☕️: Just like nature shedding its winter coat, this is our chance to let go of habits, perspectives, and relationships that are not helping you grow. 🍃 It's like hitting the reset button! 🔄 Time to start fresh and kickstart new beginnings and cycles. 🌻
If you are feeling nervous about trying something new? 🙈 This is your moment to face those fears head-on! 👊🏽 Take some extra time today to talk with yourself and figure out what's holding you back. 💬 Are those fears real or just intrusive thoughts we shouldn’t be listening to?
✅ check in on your goals! 🎯 Even if you think you're on the right track 🏎️, there's always room for improvement. 📈 Let's fine-tune 🔧those objectives and stay present in our journey. 🚀
So, ask yourself:
✨ have I discovered my purpose? Am I ready to go all In on my plans? ♠️ Can I expand my dreams and aspire for more?🍀 Take the reins and crush your goals 💪🏽
#SpringEquinox #NewBeginnings #BalanceIsKey 🌺
🌟Connect w/ @Astrogirlvian: Stay tuned for updates as I work on creating a snipfeed to make my services more accessible for everyone. Your support means the world to me, so please don’t hesitate to share, like, and comment on this post. Thank you, and have a wonderful day! ✨
🌸 ¡Hola a todos, soy Vian🦋! 🌟 ¡Hoy marca el inicio del Equinoccio! 🌄🌎 Eso es cuando el día y la noche tienen la misma duración, lo que significa "noche igual". ☯️ Es como la manera de la naturaleza de recordarnos mantener un equilibrio en nuestras vidas ⚖️.
🌱 En el Hemisferio Norte, llamamos a esto el Equinoccio de Primavera! 🌷 Es cuando la luz del día comienza a tomar más y más cada día hasta el Solsticio de Verano. ☀️ (El solsticio de verano es el miércoles, 19 de junio del '24)
Ahora, aquí está la verdadera noticia ☕️: Al igual que la naturaleza despojándose de su abrigo de invierno, esta es nuestra oportunidad de dejar ir hábitos, perspectivas y relaciones que no te ayudan a crecer. 🍃 ¡Es como apretar el botón de reinicio! 🔄 Es hora de empezar de nuevo y comenzar nuevos comienzos y ciclos. 🌻
¿Te sientes nervioso por tratar algo nuevo? 🙈 ¡Este es tu momento para enfrentar esos miedos! 👊🏽 Tómate un tiempo extra hoy para hablar contigo mismo y averiguar qué te está frenando. 💬 ¿Son esos miedos reales o simplemente pensamientos intrusivos que no deberíamos escuchar?🙉
✅ ¡Echa un vistazo a tus metas! 🎯 Incluso si crees que estás en el camino correcto 🏎️, siempre hay margen de mejora. 📈 Afinemos esos objetivos y mantengámonos presentes en nuestro viaje. 🚀
Entonces, pregúntate a ti mismo:
✨ ¿He descubierto mi propósito? ¿Estoy listo para comprometerme completamente con mis planes? ♠️ ¿Puedo ampliar mis sueños y aspirar a más? 🍀 Toma las riendas y ¡destroza tus metas! 💪🏽
#EquinoccioDePrimavera #NuevosComienzos #ElEquilibrioEsClave 🌺
🌟 Conéctate con @Astrogirlvian: Mantente atento a las actualizaciones mientras trabajo en crear un recorte para hacer mis servicios más accesibles para todos. Tu apoyo significa mucho para mí, así que por favor no dudes en compartir, dar me gusta y comentar en esta publicación. ¡Gracias y que tengas un día maravilloso! ✨
🔮 click on this link https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4s9S3sOZGe/?igsh=emxpcGhqd2M3dnhp 🌸
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