#I was making a ref for this oc bc I’m gonna enter them in a contest thang
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wintry--mix · 3 months
I entered art fight last year and for some reason said absolutely nothing about it here, and thus I’m here to make up for it this year :) filler post GO
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In the process of making refs for the probably-way-too-many new OCs I’ve made since last year, I thought it would be fun to make these lil memes with them! (Even if the more unique icons I might make for em haven’t been made yet) However, this is gonna be a LOT of ocs to tag (and it’ll be especially long if I’m IDing them by space in the grid) so uhh here we go (under the cut though for previously mentioned reasons)
I demand attention and kisses bc I exist - Kiki (he/him (?))
I need medical help because I exist - Ed (he/him)
I’m going to try to hide the fact that I exist - Clara (she/her)
I demand attention and kisses bc I caught a cold - Violet (she/they)
I need medical help because I caught a cold - Hyacinth (he/they)
I’m going to try to hide the fact that I caught a cold - Jet (he/him) (OH AND PS. He got into a tournament, will RB something from it later)
I demand attention and kisses bc I got a stab would - Liz (she/her)
I need medical help because I got a stab would - Suha (she/her)
I’m going to try to hide the fact that I got a stab would - Marella (she/her)
Ok so I’m lonely - Pallas (he/him)
Please help me I’m lonely - Saber (he/him)
I can’t talk rn, I’m lonely - Odyssey (she/it)
Ok so I’m hungry - Momo (she/her)
Please help me I’m hungry - Tyche (she/her)
I can’t talk rn, I’m hungry - Callie (she/her), note that I already entered her last year but I brought her into the second one bc I was running out of new guys
Ok so I hate you - Maki (she/her)
Please help me I hate you - Kitsune (she/her)
I can���t talk rn, I hate you - Roman (he/him)
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ravenwolfie97 · 6 years
i randomly answered ten more of those OC questions bc i just want to talk abt em so i’ll do it myself
it got long, so have a read more for your protection
Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? - No, I don't think anyone has told me that directly. For one thing, I don't tell people that often. But they have been surprised by what I do to them sometimes.
A character you no longer use? - Oh, SO MANY. I've scrapped so many stories and left so many concepts on the sidelines that I use very few of the OCs I've created. I don't plan on reviving the characters from The Legendary Spirits, Shala Tyso being the main protag. She was a young girl who ended up in another planet/dimension, got her arm torn off by wild animals, and have to get a cyborg prosthetic with elemental powers. She was a cool character but I have no idea what the story would have really been, so she and the rest of the cast (that I've mostly lost their refs for) are benched indefinitely.
Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot. - I'm gonna exclude my buddy Mana for this, because while I love her countless OCs, I wanna shine some light on some other people. One of my favorite artists for years has Tom Fischbach (yes, he is Markiplier's brother), and during my webcomics phase I got into his long-running comic Twokinds, which will have gone on for 15 years by this October! One of the main characters is Flora, a young tigress Keidran (humanoid animal), who is spunky and fun and smarter than she leads on. She's a joy to watch, and her loving relationship with her human boyfriend Trace is fantastic. I should really read through it again...
Your most dangerous OC? - Dangerous? Hmm... Honestly, one of my favorite villain OCs is the Doppelgaenger from Legends, and really the only one I've plotted anything for. While Satan himself is also part of this world, I still think the Doppelgaenger is more dangerous in terms of what it's capable of. The Doppelgaenger has the ability to change its form into anyone, as you might guess, BUT it can only change into the form of someone it has killed. Once the target dies, it takes its memories and mannerisms to make a perfect, indistinguishable copy. It then uses its new form to manipulate others into creating chaos or to rope someone else in as its next victim.
OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure - I don't have any in my current proejcts, really. But back when I made random stories with my stuffed animals, Tobie the Tree Kangaroo and Rascal the Raccoon were absolute cinnamon rolls. Both were rather shy, naive, and skittish, but they were also very sweet and compassionate. Rascal was much more emotional and had to own up as a protagonist, while Tobie stayed as a side character with a more mellow personality.
Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? - I can't say, since people don't talk about my own characters besides myself. I feel like people would mischaracterize a lot of the DSWD characters, mainly because I kind of did for a while too before developing them more and making them more three-dimensional.
Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? -Oh man... I don't know what would qualify for a horror game protagonist. I mean... I made a one-shot horror story with the main character named Jordan, so I guess... him? idk
Do you RP as any of your OCs? - I used to! Back when I used deviantArt regularly, I entered a Pokemon OC tournament and made two characters for each of the two seasons I participated in, Kaminari and Mikael. Roleplaying was a big part of it so we could develop our characters' interactions for each round and between rounds, so I RP'd with three different people: one whose character was Shane, one whose characters were Aerin and Xavier, and one whose character was Marine. All of them were great, but I spent the most time with Aerin/Xavier. I also RP'd with Sierra, my protag for Legends, with my friend Alexa and her character Ciana (I think, I deleted those notes). Also did a few TOME RPs with my friends North and Winry with my self-insert Ravenwolf as well as our OC villain Shade and his cohorts. Nowadays, I'm rusty in roleplay, but it's still pretty fun!
Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? - I actually have an OC who is studying to be a dance instructor! Her name is Maria, and she specializes in latin dancing, particularly salsa.
Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? - Oooh, probably Emily from DSWD. I have a headcanon that she has a secret love for mythology in general.
aight that’s ten, i’ll probs do this again
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