#bug I gotta know if y’all see it too
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portgasdwrld · 10 months
★ Hickeys
ೃ⁀➷do they suck (lol) at hickeys, giver or receiver?, how? all answered down below by your beloved Tomie✨
ೃ⁀➷Psss this is a head-canon, take it lightly~
ೃ⁀➷ Suggestive, implied f!reader, NSFW language
ೃ⁀➷ monster trio + Law+ Ace
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: ̗̀➛ Luffy
He’s the type to receive them more than to give
When he realizes he has hickeys, he’s just gonna wonder how it’s even possible and if smth hit his neck during a fight💀
Probably gonna bug Chopper about it, until he brushes him off mentioning it’s nothing
Then when you’re making out and you linger on his neck, it clicks into his mind. He yells a « ooohh, It was you! » after realizing that, it surprises you and you almost bit his skin-
He’s down to try it when you explain that you want them on you too
« You want me to suck your skin a little until it bruises? A bit like when you bruise after a fight? »
« Ugh… not the same but you got the spirit? »
He’s dense, but he tried and he didn’t do as bad as you thought
: ̗̀➛ Law
LMAO?? Wouldn’t he be the type to lowkey hit you with a scientific facts that hickeys can kill you if done wrong🤓😭
Ik he would. Im so sorry😮‍💨
On another note, tbh I feel like he’s just sooo into it, when his mind is fogged by lust. He will be making out with you and damn, he’s now leaving wet kisses all over your neck. That itself, just awaken some type of possessive strike and you’re left with hickeys a bit everywhere.
Will quietly eye them when y’all are cuddling after sex. He won’t comment on it beside if you point them out.
“They look great.”
It would be the most reaction you will get out of him. He’s so hot though- intrusive thoughts but they are real 😔
He doesn’t mind at all if you leave some on him fr. Like if it’s done within the right vibe and y’all are just kicking it and you’re riding him or y’all in lotus position, he might even groan and moan a little louder and curse under his breath.
: ̗̀➛ Sanji
Oh his mouth is ALLL OVERR your body. He’s kissing, praising, leaving hickeys all over your body. On you chest, between your thighs, on you collarbone.
He’s almost in a trance while he loves your body and mark it. He’s gotta to enjoy his pretty lover and you bet he’s gonna make it known that you are his and he’s the lucky man who has you!!
He’s so sweet about it, with sweet compliments, but it’s a bit messy too. Wet patches, mumbles from his muffled lips.
He’s SOOOOO down if you wanna do it on him. He gets very excited and can’t stop smiling and touching your body.
“Yes of course I’m down! Wanna try it rn? We got time yk..”
Best boy 🤧
ೃ⁀➷ Zoro
His neck always has some hickeys from you. He thought he hated it, but he quickly got over it and finds it hot now.
He doesn’t care too much if someone stare at them, but he will throw a curse out with a deadpan expression, if someone made a snarky comment.
He also has this possessive strike, so you bet you’re gonna have some type of bruises-hickeys on your body after y’all are done. Because he doesn’t go easy on you, he will be thrusting deep into you, while silencing you with his fingers deep in your mouth. Along with that, his mouth is nibbling on you neck and all your sensitive spots.
It’s an overstimulating mess.
He smirks satisfied when he sees you marked up, moaning his name and completely lost into his touch.
ೃ⁀➷ Ace
Oh, this man here has the biggest possessive strike out of all the men here.
I touched on the subject a little on my NSFW head canon, but he definitely love giving them. He whines when you do, because he’s apparently allergic to shirts and get slightly annoyed when each of his friends on the ship makes some jokes.
He loves that everyone knows you’re his. Because he gets to have one person for him, that actually feels love toward him and someone he can trust??! That’s the life prize!
Every time he fucks you, he makes sure that hickeys are created everywhere on your body.
He will shower you with attention and cocky comments as he sucks on to your skin.
It’s his specialty😮‍💨
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hey dillo! earlier i saw one of your posts that was talking about a deaf!reader meeting the gang because they're ponyboy's friend and i would LOVE to see some headcanons on the boys meeting them! - 🇰🇷 anon
A/N: Thanks for the request! Hope you enjoy it!
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So as the ask says, this set of headcanons is going to be for a Deaf!Reader, I’ll probably start with a little about you being friends with Ponyboy, but that won’t be overly crucial to the ideas here, just in case you’re not too fond of Ponyboy for any reason-
But let’s get started, yeah? Let’s get to work!
First and foremost, I’m not deaf, but I do know people are partially and completely deaf, so I know a little bit about what I’m talking about-
But anyways-
Your introduction to the gang starts with Ponyboy, you guys end up in the same class or something
Ponyboy’s not overly popular, a greaser who’s too smart for his own good sitting in a class of mostly Socs, and you, who’s kind of on the outs anyway because nobody is really good at making accommodations to help you out-
But you two end up together and kind of sort of hit it off and have a little bonding moment-
And as always….y’all end up working on a project together, which means you end up at the Curtis household
But before that, Pony drags you over to eat lunch with him at school, making sure you wind up sitting at their little rag-tag table of him, Johnny, and Two-Bit when Two decides he wants to attend school
Y’all hit off almost immediately and once you meet the rest of the boys, things go swimmingly as well and it’s honestly a really good time all the way around!
So let’s talk about all the boys, shall we?
Let’s give everyone a little love and attention, Lord knows they all deserve it and more-
Two-Bit’s not put off by your lack of hearing in the slightest- the first ever interaction he has with you, after knowing you’re deaf, is him asking you to teach him all the bad words you know in sign language
Whether you end up teaching him or not…that’s up to you, my dear friend, because teaching him is going to keep him quiet for about a half an hour and then he’ll be using his new vocabulary on those around him, and someway or another, you’ll probably get in trouble
Dallas, the softie, refuses to let you walk by yourself, especially not after it gets dark, he’s adamant that somebody go home with you, and though he’ll complain up a storm, sometimes he’ll even walk you back
He’s also the first to throw a punch when someone wants to say something about you; all the boys are willing to defend you, their pal, but Dallas really won’t hesitate, homeboy will start swinging the second anything negative is said about you
Darry picks up quickly on flashing the lights in a room you’re in, he’s very good about tapping or getting your attention in ways that work for you, but they become such habits to him that he starts doing them for everyone else
The first time he does it to Ponyboy, Pony just kind of raises an eyebrow and is like, “Ya know I can hear you, right, Dar? You ain’t gotta do all that.”
Johnny’s probably the best at signing, out of all the boys he’ll most likely be the one to retain the most vocab and be the smoothest with his speaking-
Mainly, I have a feeling he or Pony would be your interpreters? At least till the rest of the gang catches up on communicating with you in whatever way works the best
On the flipside of that, Sodapop is absolutely egregious at signing and forgets half the words you’ll teach him
Most of the time, he’ll just rely on your ability to read lips or he’ll try to fingerspell things out to you but his fingers are flying so fast it really just turns into a whole mess
Steve is always bugging you to come sit in the garage with him and help him out with the cars, mostly because you can never complain that all the loud noises bother you
This leads to a lot of him wheeling back and forth beneath the cars so he can let you know what he needs and make sure you’re doing alright while he’s working on everything else
Ponyboy’s probably the best at communicating with you though, mostly because he’s the one who got to know you first, and he’s honestly really good at making sure he’s signing or you’re able to read his lips at all times so you can keep up with what’s going on
So yeah!
That’s what I got!
Hope you liked it!
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cloveroctobers · 11 months
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A/N: had a dream about my man the other night so I guess that was his way of telling me that he misses me? We love delulu!!! Anyways thought this would be fun to actually write something on the line of thriller/spooky this time around. This is me making up for not writing part two’s to my other fall inspired prompt on this man way back when. Hope y’all enjoy this 🧡🫶🏽!!!
PROMPT is from HERE + I’m using: A Begs B to come explore an old house that they believe is haunted. B is hesitant, especially after hearing the scary tales A knows so much about.
WARNINGS: some France slander, language & hints of sexual content.
<- read my previous October anthology prompt here.
𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔
Being in France for the month of October initially wasn’t the plan.
Khadijah and Rio ventured out here for a couple days for Khadijah’s birthday and for Rio to tie up some loose ends for business. What was supposed to be a four day trip turned into a much longer adventure.
“I know y’all done heard they got bed bugs out there, why are your asses staying out there longer?” Khadijah’s mother blurted into the FaceTime call.
Rio chuckled to himself by the mini bar, fixing himself something brown before entering the main living room part of the suite.
“Mom,” Khadijah hissed as she flicked through the channels, “this was a unexpected extended birthday trip.”
“Uh huh, sure it is.” The older woman said not entirely believing that, “Don’t think you can get cute on us and decide not to come back.”
“I’m already cute,” Khadijah modeled with extra shoulder as she sat on the tan couch while her mother brings the camera to show that she’s rolling her eyes.
“Well where do you think you get it from?”
“My father.”
“More like you got his smart mouth.” Khadijah’s mom comments, making her child hold up her finger to interject.
Now she loved her mom dearly but it was no secret that Khadijah was a daddy’s girl and her father’s favorite daughter despite what her two sisters thought. She was one of four children while her youngest sibling happened to be the only boy.
“Aw c’mon, don’t do Mr. Wells like that, especially if he’s not here to defend himself. Where is he anyway? It’s gotta be after 10:30 back home?” Rio came into frame, crouching behind Khadijah, who turned to peck his cheek before facing her phone once more.
The woman sighed, “where else? Working, working, working. I’ve been telling him he needs to slow down, he’s not some twenty year old no more. Lord knows it.”
Mr. Wells had a heart attack last year and had to have a stint put in. Rio’s never seen Khadijah’s so stressed before in his life and although the hardworking man had a good job with good insurance working for the city, they slammed him with some bills that Rio paid off. Which Mr. Wells wouldn’t let slide and already was in the process of paying back.
His choice, not Rio’s.
“He’s close to retirement and he loves supporting his family which is respectable.” Rio starts before joking, “once that happens then the both of you can come with us to Paris next time.”
“Uh uh. I’m never going over there, never had the desire to which is why I want y’all asses to get out of there fast!” Mrs. Wells’ large glasses come into frame now as she holds the phone at not the best angle, “I’d love to see Dubai or St. Lucia with Kayode, your father, and I guess your big headed brother can come too, Deej.”
Khadijah laughs, “yeah and he can bring Eliza too.”
“if I catch him even thinking about it, I’ll click my heels three times and send her bony ass right to hell.”
Laughter bubbles in Khadijah��s throat as she sends a teasing smile to Rio who winked back at his wife, knowing that neither of Khadijah’s parents were fond of their youngest child’s significant other. He was nineteen and found his supposed first love so it was evident that the pair were clingy and so in love with each other. They went to the same high school together, weren’t in the same cliques but ended up at the same community college and decided to give each other a try.
In shorter terms.
“We’ll make it happen,” Rio sighs as he comes around to plop down on the couch next to Khadijah, tossing a hand around the back of the couch, “minus Eliza right?”
“Damn straight,” Mrs. Wells humphed, “she can date somebody else’s son and boss them around for all i care. I just hope it’s over before thanksgiving.”
“Now Mom! Let’s not spread that negative energy for your birthday month, do you need some lavender and Kirk Franklin to keep your blood pressure down?”
The woman with the now bonnet secured around her micro locs fanned her hand, “I already had my session with Mr. Franklin around 7pm so hush! You know that’s what I’m wishing for and hoping you don’t wait around and decide to come back then.”
Khadijah blinks at Rio, who meets her stare. He had no plans of staying here longer than another few days, things got delayed and he offered to send Khadijah back to Detroit if that’s what she wanted but she had some vacation time that she didn’t mind using and she didn’t want to leave Rio behind either.
He’s been busy lately and she just knows as soon as they get back to Detroit, he’ll probably disappear for a little awhile again. So sue the woman if she wanted to be a little selfish and spend more time with her man.
“We’re gonna bring you something much better,” Rio smirks after taking a sip of his liquor, “maybe even a new bundle of joy.”
“WHAT?!” Mrs. Wells yells, “don’t play with me right now. When was your last cycle? I’ve been saying your tatas been looking fuller, ooooh I’ll have to tell your grandmomma.”
“Hey, hey! I’m not pregnant—
“Yet. We’ve been practicing though.” Rio announces, biting down on his bottom lip while Khadijah gasps and shoved at his knee.
Mrs. Wells claps her hands in joy, “y’all keep doing that but don’t bring those bed bugs back with you.”
“We won’t and did our research. If it makes you feel any better, we’re leaving this hotel tonight to stay at this castle for the rest of our trip and then tomorrow we’re gonna go explore this historic house since Rio wanted to have a rest day.” Khadijah informs her mother while Rio slowly nods his head, not knowing of the exploring a house portion but they’d discuss it later.
Mrs. Wells yawns as she sits up in bed now, “sounds fancy but okay then, mom’s tired and ready to knock out. But continue to be safe, the both of you and I’ll see you soon?”
“You sure will, night momma Wells.” Rio gave a two finger salute while Khadijah shared, “I love you’s, talk soon.” Before hanging up the call.
Khadijah leans back against the couch with a sigh, “told you mom’s got serious seperation anxiety all thanks to Kaliyah moving to Toronto with her girlfriend and we’re only traveling!”
“Which is exactly why I tried to smooth over her worries with baby talk, it worked didn’t it?” Rio lifts a thick brow while Khadijah shrugs her shoulders.
Soon she rests her head on Rio’s chest, locking her arms around his waist, “it’ll happen when it’s meant to…and we need to make sure we’re all packed for our new temporary home.”
“Oh I know I am, it’s you you gotta worry about mamas.” Rio presses a kiss to Khadijah’s rosemary scented hair.
Khadijah scoffs, “sorry but I had to buy more for this trip…which I’m not complaining! BUT! Paris’ fashion is really for the petite girlies.”
“They’re forreal missing out on the inclusion and better get on that.” Rio hummed.
“Siobhán is.” Khadijah grins while Rio slowly dips his head at the mention of his old designer friend.
Before Khadijah could get into asking about how she’s been doing, Rio sips from his drink once more and changes the subject, “what’s this about exploring tomorrow?”
“We maybe moving into a castle mansion for a little awhile but there’s no way I’m staying cooped up any longer without seeing what Dordogne has to offer.” Khadijah tells her husband with the perfect pronunciation of the town—or rather department as France calls it.
Rio raises the hand the rests against his wife’s shoulder, “heard you, mamas. No arguing on my part but you know it’s beneficial to have reset days too.”
“Which YouTuber told you that?” Khadijah smirks up at the buzz haired man, figuring that he was probably logged onto her account instead of switching over to his own to watch whatever it is he gets into.
Rio snorts, “don’t try and play me, my aesthetician did.”
“Of course they did.” Khadijah nods believing that since Rio didn’t mess around when it came to his skincare, “and you’re right, there’s nothing wrong with rest days. You’ve been running around x2 compared to me so I get it. You get a nap in and I’ll get the bags ready since we have what? An hour before the service comes and gets us.”
Rio grips Khadijah’s hand as she gets up from the couch, “you sure all an hour is what you need?”
“Shut up, Christopher.” Khadijah laughs, matching Rio’s smile before leaving the man to get his nap on.
With the city life behind the married couple, they settled in Dordogne late last night into the 18th century home. Surprisingly Rio wakes up late the next day, like around eleven am late compared to his seven am timeline. However Khadijah doesn’t mind letting him sleep, snapping a picture of his rest with the camera she brought along for the trip. She watches the clock from time to time, knowing just when to order breakfast to be sent to their room.
Khadijah’s sitting on a olive couch pushed underneath the windows which are half pulled back, sipping on caffe viennese, stomach half full from a classic French breakfast as she stares out into the scenery acting like the main character in a Victorian film.
“Morning, mamas. You starting the day without me?” Rio’s rough morning voice greets the brown skinned woman, who glances over her shoulder at him.
A soft smile meets her full lips, “good morning but someone has to get this party started. But don’t worry, I’ll never not let you in on the thrill. Got you one of these,” she holds the mug up in the air, nodding with her chin on the nightstand next to the man, “and there’s breakfast waiting for you underneath the cloche.”
“Did I mention hearing you speak French is sexy?” Rio states as he slowly sits up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
Khadijah smirks, “plenty when you were tipsy on the late night ride here.”
“I regret nothing,” Rio laughs before turning to reach and sip at the warm coffee, “this is delicious.”
Khadijah pops her tongue, “Yeah it is.”
“What we doin’ today? Hold up, what time is it?” Rio turns his eyes into slits, reaching for his phone to let out a low whistle, “damn, haven’t slept that long—
“Since you got shot?”
Rio let’s out a cough, “whoa, that was dark.”
“Sorry,” Khadijah says, “kinda just slipped out.”
“Something you wanna talk about, Dija?” Rio hums, staring at his wife from their temporary shared bed.
Khadijah shakes her head, “nothing I want to get into on this brand new day, no. So!”
She uncurls her feet from underneath her to stand in her floral print lace trim set, placing a smile on her lips as she plops down on the bed. Taking a quick sip of the coffee again, she places it on her side of the nightstand and reaches inside to pull out two slips of paper.
“Close your eyes.”
“Why?” Rio suspiciously tries to peek at the papers but Khadijah slaps them right on her chest.
“You asked what we’re gonna do.”
“Didn’t you say exploring some house last night?” Rio frowns, trying to remember.
Khadijah’s little smile to herself seems wicked but as soon as it appeared it vanished while she wiggled a bit on the bed, “that’s tonight’s adventure after dinner. We have at least a few hours before then to do something else so…pick one, anyone.”
The two options were: Château des Milandes OR Canoeing on the Brantôme.
Rio doesn’t wipe the frown off his brows but holds out his thumb and pointer finger while Khadijah holds onto the deck of two pieces. The tatted man makes a show of taking his time debating, just to irritate Khadijah for a little until he smiles picking the paper to the left.
And the winner is…
“Great choice! Now get your butt up and let’s shower, they’ve been open since 9 this morning.”
Chateau des Milandes!
Rio hums as he studies the paper, sipping at his coffee then replies, “can I enjoy my breakfast along with the view first?”
Khadijah dramatically sighs as she flops beside Rio, resting on her elbow to stare back at the ajar windows, “oh fine but I promise you, the one outside is much better.”
“personally I like the one right next to me.”
Khadijah flicks her head back to meet Rio’s brown eyes and she can’t help but to let a smile split over her lips, then puckering them for Rio to peck and lick his own smiling lips afterwards, “you think you’re so smooth.”
“I mean give a guy some credit. How else do you think I got you?” Rio chuckled while Khadijah just nodded her head from side to side mockingly.
“Just eat your food Christopher.”
It was Rio’s turn to mimic his wife.
“Aight, Khadijah.” He said over his shoulder, sitting on his knees and reaching over for the second tray of food.
Chateau Des Milandes was a sight to see and was a wonderful experience. Ugh!!! here Khadijah was sounding like her very emotional Granny Mozella but she never took moments like these with Rio for granted. On the outside it may seem like Rio was only street smart since that’s what he preferred yet he didn’t mind listening in on historical facts from time to time and no he wasn’t really into podcasts—unless it was true crime content—but no one could ever say he wasn’t open to learning new material and translating it into his own life.
He was good at finding purpose in anything.
He also liked draping his arm across Khadijah’s shoulders as they took the tour around the home that used to be owned by the successful Josephine Baker. That was more interesting to Khadijah than the Lords that lived it way before Ms. Baker but nonetheless they took it all in together including the architecture.
No one could deny that France had a way with its design and art.
They explored the garden, which led to a picnic and wine for dinner with the French sunset as the perfect backdrop, then they ended their time at the Chateau with a bird experience, much to Rio’s surprise as Khadijah winked and placed a kiss on the tattoo on his neck, before clenching onto his arm for dear life once the various of birds—specifically the one that was very similar to the one on Rio’s skin started flying around.
Rio found amusement in that, even when they made it back to the rental car.
“If that big ass bird would have crapped on me, we would have been having a whole different type of bird for thanksgiving this year.” Khadijah continuously checked her outfit for any unfamiliar marks, the paranoia getting to her.
Rio couldn’t help but to throw his head back against the headrest laughing. “They’ve been trained, that wasn’t gonna happen. Plus it may just wanted a strand of your hair for warmth, huh? French winters can be brutal so I hear.”
The man went to curl a strand of his wife’s loose curl that framed her face who scoffed at him.
“You’re far from funny, Mr. Montoya.” Khadijah slapped his hand away to fix her pin curl updo in the drop down mirror.
Rio chuckled some more, watching her, “you’re right…I’m hilarious, Mrs. Montoya.”
“Im glad you had fun, baby. I can tell the bird part was your favorite,” Khadijah gave the man a playful side eye, “but now it’s time for my activity.”
Rio glanced at the watch on his wrist, “it’s going on seven…what else you trying to get into besides drinking more wine and eating cheese?”
“Whew! No more cheese for me.” Khadijah flicked the sun visor back up, “so…I have this other place to visit.”
Rio tapped on the GPS, “aight, what’s the address?”
“I don’t think the GPS will fully locate it…just to a certain point.”
Rio thought about this for a second and asked, “what? It’s some underground event or something?”
“Well sure, yeah. Kinda.” Khadijah shrugged her shoulders making Rio sigh and sit back with his hands clasped.
Khadijah was tapping away on her phone for a moment while Rio just studied her. When she realized the car wasn’t moving, Khadijah turned her attention back to Rio who was patiently waiting for her to come right on out with it.
“We’re not going anywhere until you give me the info I need. No shady shit allowed.”
Khadijah turned sideways to face Rio, “Okay so…there’s this house that we should see.”
“You said that already. But Why? To buy?”
“Hell no,” Khadijah was quick to say, further making Rio put his guard up as to what this whole adventure was even about, “I mean no…yeah no that’s exactly what I mean. It wouldn’t be for us to live…just to see.”
Rio pried, “what’s so special about it?”
“It has a colorful story.”
“Which is…?”
“The year was 1666–
“Nah,” Rio immediately said leaning forward to start the engine but Khadijah flew her hand out to stop Rio from switching the gears.
“You didn’t let me finish.”
Rio leans on the console to completely face Khadijah, “by the way you’re dragging this out let’s me know you’re about to tell me some bullshit, that you know I’m not about to let fly.”
“Can’t a bitch add some extra flavor to the tale?” Khadijah scrunches up her face, “Sheesh.”
“Stop playin’ with me, Dija.”
“So hostile,” Khadijah flicked her hair off her shoulder, “alright you want the synopsis? Got it. So this house is special because during the year of 1666 a woman named Blanche lived there with her father, mother, two siblings, and new husband. Allegedly she was later accused of poisoning her family and beheaded her husband after they all suspected she was a witch because of some rumors started at the hospital she volunteered at. Her sickly father was the one to put her down after his wife and other children slowly started to die one by one. They say Blanche still haunts the home and asks when and or if you visit, to leave a ribbon and tea bag’s on their front step as a offering and for her to rid any vengeance in your life.”
Rio caressed his facial hair in thought, “Question for you, mamas? Did that eagle peck at your brain when i wasn’t around or…”
Khadijah sucks her teeth, “it’s spooky season, asshole!”
“I know that,” Rio lifts his shoulders carelessly, “but you’re trying to get into some serious shit and I can tell you one thing: I’m not feelin’ it.”
“Are you scared?” Khadijah leaned into the center console ready to comfort him, “I never said we had to go inside the house. Just see it and leave something for Blanche.”
Rio didn’t miss how Khadijah started to trail her hands over him but he didn’t fold, “Her business ain’t ours.”
It was Khadijah’s turn to laugh now, “you’re definitely scared!”
“No I’m not.” Rio scowled, “I’m just saying you have to be careful what you expose yourself to. I told moms we’d bring her back a baby, not a witch that may latch onto your body.”
Khadijah frowns, “why would you think Blanche would latch onto mine and not yours?”
“Whoever! And I really can’t wrap my head around the fact that you’re trying to mess with some spirits.”
Khadijah wasn’t trying to “‘mess with spirits,” she always respected the dead but this sounded better than visiting the catacombs to be honest.
So she challenged, “Hey! It’s something to do.”
“I can find plenty of other things we can get into.” Rio placed his chin into the palm of his hand, “We’re not about to be here much longer anyway.”
Khadijah sighs as she grabs Rio’s hand to place in her lap, “I’ll let you try out our new toy at the same time while you’re inside…”
Rio’s eyes begin to darken as they meet Khadijah’s much lighter ones. This was a promising bargain and this Khadijah knew as Rio trailed his own hand up her stomach, between her breasts, and to grip her chin.
“You’re lucky I love you,” Rio states as he presses their lips together and leads the way with his tongue dancing along hers.
It’s passionate and a little nasty just the way the married couple liked their kisses but brief enough that he leaves Khadijah panting on the passenger side. He smirks to himself, lifting up from the driver’s side to pull out his Glock 17 from his black jeans to rest on the dashboard.
“Put your seatbelt on,” Rio tells Khadijah who shortly follows through, “and not a word of this to my abuelita.”
Khadijah makes a cross my heart motion as Rio puts the car in drive.
The drive to this supposed haunted home was a good half hour north from where they were staying and the decline of the countryside was clear. There seemed to be no livelihood as the skies got even darker. Rio could sense to the left of him that Khadijah seemed to be at unease the deeper they got into the area.
He checks in, “How we doing?”
“Hm? Oh, there it is. Stop.”
Rio turns his attention back to the lack of road up ahead and notices that there’s a tunnel with no lighting. He steps on the breaks, witnessing to the left of the tunnel the narrow road carried upwards to what exactly? That he didn’t know. There was no homes or animals in sight on this drive since they started getting further away from the chateau.
“What’s this?”
“That’s the tunnel that leads to Blanche’s house.” Khadijah is sitting on the edge of the passenger seat now.
Rio tightens his hold on the steering wheel, eyes scanning the scenery with the help of the automatic headlights. If they went through that tunnel, which was surely to be just as narrow as the roads out here in the countryside he wasn’t positive they would make it back. His intuition  was telling him since the beginning that this didn’t feel right and being physically here was enough to confirm that for Rio.
Turning his eyes into slits towards the right of the tunnel, Rio can see a decaying headstone with a bunch of colorful ribbons tossed around and possibly some rocks that were most likely teabags scattered below it.
“This is what you came for,” Rio says keeping his eyes on the road.
“Oui-Oui.” Khadijah says suddenly halfhearted and any other time Rio would have laughed but the expression on her face made him aware that the tension was also felt by her as well.
Rio steps on the gas, driving full speed towards the tunnel but stops just at edge, parallel to the headstone, making Khadijah grip the dashboard at the abruptness.
“Get going, sweetheart.” Rio tells Khadijah with a lift of his chin.
Khadijah swallows, prying her eyes away from the tunnel then to the headstone and back to her husband. “W-what? You’re not coming with me?”
“I never said I was going in there. I have sense.” Rio tapped at his temple.
Khadijah glares, “wow. So here’s to trying new things was just another one of your lies then huh?”
“Another? Don’t go there, I’m not doing that with you this evening. You brought this terrible idea to me and I brought you here so go head, show me you’re the one who isn’t scared.” Rio’s hardened stare was now on the fuming woman.
Khadijah didn’t know what the fuck Rio’s problem was and why he thought this energy was okay? Khadijah didn’t like Rio’s tone so she snatched her baguette bag from beside her feet and went to push on the door but remained right inside.
“Are you serious?!”
Rio made a U-Turn and began driving back in the direction they came, “are you forreal thinking I’m about to have our asses messing around with the actual dead? Let alone your indecisive ass? And we don’t even have the full context?”
“I mean…do you not have bodies? You don’t see me questioning you about them.” Khadijah muttered.
Rio snapped his eyes to his wife, “two completely different things and you know that.”
It really wasn’t but okay, if Rio hated her riding the fence then let’s see if he hated it now.
“Whatever.” Khadijah slouched against the seat, “You just wasted our time, like why entertain the fact that you were with it if you’re just gonna try to clown me?”
“I wasn’t letting you do that and you should have known that.” Rio clenched his jaw, “I would never willingly put you in harm’s way and that’s exactly what you were signing up for.”
Khadijah knows Rio wouldn’t and if she wanted to be petty she could but she just mumbles, “You just ruined spooky season in France like?”
“Better throw that ribbon and teabags out the window and get glad. Who knows what would have happened if we went down that dark ass tunnel with only the Glock against a whole spirit mind you, that we don’t even know if she’s still vengeful or not.”
“I mean you make valid arguments…and I don’t even know if the house is still standing. The last update online was from 2021 so I guess I can’t be too pressed about it.” Khadijah explains as she starts to search through her bag, “but you can’t say I was indecisive this time, yet you locked me in here like I’m a child.”
Rio deeply exhales, rubbing at his face in slight aggravation, “yeah we gotta get back to Detroit and quick. I think you need to go back to work and continue spreading peaceful energy at that non-profit instead whatever this is.”
“What?” Khadijah sucked her teeth, “Trying to be on theme?”
“We could easily rent a movie at the spot and call it a day.”
“I wanna be one with nature!”
“As soon as we get far away from Blanche’s murder site, I’ll take the locks off so you can touch some grass.”
“Ohhhh, I cannot stand you!” Khadijah scowled followed by some laughter before ghosting her fingers over the window button, “is this going to work for me or am I still being held hostage?”
Rio just hums to himself, glancing in the rear view spotting a blur of white in the distance along with something that wasn’t tumbleweed rolling right by their feet.
Khadijah doesn’t notice as she cracks the window to toss a pink ribbon and a teabag out on the dirt road.
And when she looks in the rearview, she doesn’t see anything unusual or creepy. So she rolls her window back up and presses her elbow into the arm of the door, resting her cheek along her fingers, watching the night scenery whip by her highlighter eyes.
Soon Rio’s hand reaches for the Glock to rest in the cup holders before sneaking his hand over to bring Khadijah’s hand up to his lips. He knew she was a little sour with him over this and probably a bunch of other built up issues but Khadijah always tried to make the best of it.
Rio was trying to get better at validating her feelings but this shit right here was not it and Khadijah knew that inside. Which is why he had a more safer route up his sleeve to spend the day with Khadijah tomorrow since celebrating Halloween was apparently too american for the French. So he did the best that he could choosing a theme park that would be “on theme” for Khadijah’s spooky cravings.
That would be his gift to her and routine of keeping her best interest at heart, even if she didn’t fully want to see it that way sometimes…
Ah, she’ll be aight.
𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆 𒅒𒈔
Continue along with my October anthology prompts here.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 10 months
It’s time for another Fic Rec List fellow humans!!!
And boy howdy do I have a LOT this time lmao. A good chunk of them are Kyle-centric, bc I, like my son Stan Marsh, have been fixated on that guy. Also there are multiple from the same authors bc I find something I like and read EVERYTHING by them.
There’s a range of pairings on this list too bc I’ll read pretty much anything (still mostly style they do be my favorite) so hopefully if u see ur favorite ship or an intriguing concept this’ll steer you to somethin u like!
Here ya go!
* (rem)ember by boxwinebaddie. Ok we all knew I was gonna start the list w this one bc I am OBSESSED!!! Style holy shit! Crimson Dawn! Mentally unstable law student Kyle! RAVEN!!! The friendships and group dynamics! Rm lives rent free in my head dude plsplspls check it out!
* Painted In Shrouds by courtanie. Y’all want some Kysterion? This is one of my favorites! And NOBODY does Kenny like this author seriously. We got espionage! We got organized crime! We got overworked cfo Kyle! We got working together to take down the bad guys! We got blood and injuries and falling in love!
* Swansong by OrcaTimes. Fair warning this made me ugly cry. No one writes Craig like OrcaTimes YALL the Cryle destroyed me and doctor Craig always slays!!! It’s a beautiful story about love and grief, just GORGEOUS!!!
* Collector by cement_shoes. WHOLESOME STYLE ONESHOT!!! Them over the years, taking care of each other, Kyle handling bugs for Stan when he’s scared of them, growing up together and the trials of being human, but with someone always on your side. This one is SO sweet and gorgeously written, and a quick read too.
* A Ballad Of True Hearts by luckypoppies. Dude we all know I’m feral about SOT Style and THIS RIGHT HERE EATS!!!!! The history, the betrayal, the FANTASY VIOLENCE AND THERES THIS FIGHT SO FAR THAT SLAYS SO HARD! Being falsely accused of treason and subsequently exiled, tasked with escorting your prince to safety, GOD you just FEEL for the boys in this (plus we got them taking care of each other like yes yes gimme that fantasy whump) the world building is AWESOME I love sot AU’s and how different authors come up w the lore!
* Behind The Wall by Jwink85. Alright this one STARTS OUT nice, and is such an accurate representation of manipulative abusive relationships. Damien man holy shit. There’s so much going on in this, and the STAN PLOT OMG (yes style I love them) Kyle and Stan reconciling, Ike is my DISTRUSTING KING, high school angst, Tweek and Kyle friendship, Kenny being an icon, and I’ve said before but I love when Kyle’s written as generally wanting to see the good in people but still fiery in his own right, this is (a lot of jwinks stuff really that’s why I like their works so much) a great example of that!
* Simply Expandable by Kivea. YO WHO ORDERED THE MOB AU!!! Dude we got private investigator Craig, rival gangs, supernatural elements and mystery, conspiracy, fucking MOB BOSS KYLE?!?!? Kyle’s a bamf in this holy shit and bodyguard Stan, (this is Cryle btw and it’s fantastic) former k2, twenny, underground fighting rings, some KICKASS gang fights and the true antagonists bro the reveal was SICK! And when I say it’s a The Gangs All Here fic, I mean EVERYONE it’s wild and such a fun read it had me on the edge of my seat!
* And The Lightning Cracks The Sky by PastorCraigEnjoyer. Yeah yeah it’s cringe to rec your own shit sue me. But like Druid prince Kyle, Smokejumper Stan, forest fires, little mermaid but in the northern rockies ass plot, OVERLY PERCEPTIVE KENNY, mutual pining, magic, my beloved injury recovery (I gotta fuck Stan up ok) (I’m the worst)(giving Kyle chronic pain who me never) falling in love and saving each other’s lives, EVIL Cartman, I LOVED WRITING THIS ONE SO FUCKING MUCH it’s truly my baby.
* A quiet place (where I can scream how I love you) by sleep2thefr33zing. Coming of age style!!! So much emotional tension dude the pining is so fucking good, the first chapter is Stan’s perspective and the second one is Kyle and it’s BEAUTIFULLY PAINFUL WHEN THEYRE BOTH DOWN BAD BUT THINK THE OTHER ISNT!!! I love them being there for each other through all the bullshit of growing up, how resonant their falling outs are, it’s just so incredibly gorgeous and you really feel their emotions along with them.
* Knives by SparrowGrim. Ok so kyman isn’t my cup of tea but I’m putting it on the list bc some people do like it and this is an OBJECTIVELY FANTASTIC STORY!!! Tbh I only clicked bc I saw that it was Kyle centric (and that injury tag what can I say I eat that shit up) but I was HOOKED! Dark urbania, gangs running the streets, THE CODE NAMES SLAY SO HARD, we also got creek bunny stendy dip, the character relations are all so cool and the plot is WILD! Also Butters Kenny Stan and Craig are so badass jesus. Not even a ship I like but I loved the story.
* Peering Through Windows by Jwink85. C’mon I gotta have another jwink on the list and this one is SO. FUCKING. GOOD. K2 has been one of my favorites lately and THIS!!! We got dark cryle (my beloved) but when I say dark I mean CRAIG IS SO DEPRAVED!!! Like dude. But the story is THRILLING and artist Kenny is so kickass, Stan is a dad I literally cried over that small detail lmfao and I love jwinks Kyles and their idealistic nature (also I’m a sucker for any artist character) this story broke my heart and mended it again it’s incredible.
* Hunger Pains by Bellweather. Ain’t nobody doin Stan like bellweather MY SWEET PRECIOUS BOY UGH!!! The style is so great omg. The main four dynamic in this is wonderful, them trying to help Kyle through his ED (damn I really do read a lot of shit where Kyle’s suffering huh) all the characters are so well fleshed out and IKE I LOVE IKE IN THIS! The chapters have individual content warnings which is a great touch. Craig having prophetic dreams! Kenny dying multiple times! Chaos! Teenage camaraderie! There’s plenty of humor to make up for the dark shit but it DOES get dark. The mystery element in the beginning is really cool too I definitely have read this one multiple times.
* Find Somebody by hypercatt. STYLE!!! Stan-centric and so so so good, I love a platonic stendy team up too. some of the senior class goes “missing” and WHEN I TELL YALL I WAS so nervous that I read it out of order to make sure everything turned out okay lmao seriously this one had me WRITHING! There’s a gorgeous analogy throughout of physical hurts as a metaphor for mental illness and healing that just SPOKE TO MY SOUL!!! And there are so many beautiful moments, especially near the end, and the message of opening up and not running from your problems is beautifully written. Another one that occupies my brain lmao.
* To Have And To Hold by courtanie. Yes this is another one where Craig is SERIOUSLY DEPRAVED but hear me out!!! The plot, like I would DIE to adapt this to the screen, you feel like you’re watching a dark kidnapping race against time when reading this. And THE K2 IN THIS HOLY FUCK!!! Another one of my favorite Kennys ever and it’s so frustrating for the reader and the characters because WE ALL KNOW WHO TOOK KYLE BUT THE COPS ARENT DOING SHIT! The ending is unbelievably satisfying and the rest of the gang teaming up is so awesome STAN AND KENNY GOING FERAL OVERPROTECTIVE I live for that. But god the shit Kyle is subjected to, but he doesn’t lose that fire (Kyle ily sry)
* When The World Shakes, Hold Me by Bellweather & Blinkxs. The world building in this is PHENOMENAL!!! Post apocalyptic stuff, survival, STYLE!!! Some serious dark themes tho this is a heartbreaking read like damn check the tags frfr but the writing is MAGNETIC!
* -South Park- Style Sickfic/ Injury Fic Requests by AlwaysInSTYLE. Alright alright we all know I love my style hurt comfort and this is a request book/ oneshot series that’s JUST Stan and Kyle taking care of each other and I LOVE IT. you’d think it would get old but it DOES NOT. they’re not repetitive at all, and really fun reads! If you check it out, tell her PCE sent you we’re homies.
* Rookie Mistakes by espyonz. I love me some stenny and BRUH STANSTERION!!! Long oneshot that had me hooked. We got gentle hearted detective Stan who truly wants to protect and serve and is out of place in a corrupt police department. KENNY AS MYSTERION we know I love that shit, and he’s so awesome in this!!! The team up of Kenny Stan and Wendy to find missing people and uncover the truth behind their disappearances is AMAZING. We got Wendy as the tech girl which is SO slay (plus she and Heidi are together asjdhdks) and Kenny is hilarious in this, like he’s such a little shit and I adore this adaptation of his superhero persona. This one dropped LAST NIGHT and I’m so glad I didn’t make a red list post until now bc THIS NEEDED TO BE ON IT!!!
* Seven Candles by courtanie. Yep another one I’m tellin u, one of the best Kenny writers out there. So uhh Kyle in a Very Bad Situation again, like some of it was really tough to read. BUT!!! We got a war between heaven and hell!!! KENNY AS A FUCKING ARCHANGEL ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!? (I live for courtanie’s overprotective kenny holy shit) this is legitimately my favorite Kenny interpretation IVE EVER READ HES SO FUCKING AWESOME!!! Plus we got satan being Done with Damien’s shit lmao and Kyle making friends with a hellhound which is fun. THE FINAL BATTLE WAS SO COOL TOO I LOST MY MIND!
* Why Remind Me by Kasen. One of the best style oneshots BRUH it’s so good with such a wholesome ending and the FEELINGS CONFESSIONS!!! The boys playing superhero, then later we got high school style and an accident that leads to a reminder of a kiss and UGH ITS SO CUTE!! Just- just read this one I love it sm.
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luffyvace · 9 months
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i do gn reader so much but it’s probably fine since it’s inclusive. (i’m gonna do her again with poc/black reader- also imma do more black reader in general ☆)
i love her and you do too
she’s an amazing girlfriend
need mental support?
she’s on it! uplifting music, parties and motivation for the win!
need physical support?
she’s got your back in fights
shes got your back (literally) in massages
shes your shoulder to lean on
loves to see you smile and laugh
and blushing too so she teases you
if your just as eccentric as her you two are WILD CARDS
if not—
“come onn! give in to peer pressure!”
won’t give up until she’s convinced you to do whatever she was trying to get you to do at least once
if you’ve got low self esteem she ain’t allowing it
she’ll erase the thought from your brain before you can think it
”what do you mean you weren’t as good as everybody else?! did you see yourself out there?! do you need me to show you the video again?? you did great! you were terrific! a star!”
”i just don’t think so mina..i don’t know, i feel like ___ did way better”
”NO WAY! you are at the top of our class in every aspect and you know it! there’s no way i’m letting you doubt yourself like that so don’t even think about!”
”how can you become a hero thinking like that _____?? heroes are supposed to give people hope! not give up hope themselves!!”
it ain’t happening
with how pushy she is, your bound to have a few more positive thoughts
”fine!! you don’t think your strong enough? let’s train then!”
she won’t go easy on you either
”i thought you said you weren’t good enough? if you really think so and you want to be, here’s the training!”
loves you to bits and pieces
whatever your going through?
nu uh.
‘WERE going through’
yall are a team and she calls the shots on that one
but anyways :)
mina is a cuddle bug and will trap you if you don’t give her cuddles often enough
she traps you anyways
sometimes to mess with you
other times because she wants more affection from you
her love languages are ALL
yes. all of the above.
she does anything to make you happy and this is her way of showing it
she really doesn’t expect anything in return either
although she might bribe you
”awww cmon! please? remember that super cool mirko figure that you wanted? that I got you??”
she means well by it i promise
is down to do practically anything with you
she’ll teach you how to dance btw
even if you really don’t want to 😭
gets mad and fake pouts if you genuinely don’t want to learn
shes still coming over for her cuddles tonight tho. 😐
what you thought this was? 🤨
a free for all??
you gettin this work.
she needs you there
you just have to be there ok?
if your intelligent or at least understand the homework your gonna have to remind and help her
if your not and forget as well
“momo we need help with the homewor-“
ngl she unintentionally does pda
its just the fact that she doesn’t pay attention to the people around you
and doesn’t care
she will hold your hand, peck your lips, giving you lots and lots of hugs in public
but she won’t make out with you- that’s for private
if you don’t like any pda
apologies but ya girl is going to keep forgetting
sure mina
she’ll want to do self/hair/skin care with you
if you don’t wanna you gotta at least be there while she does
and hopefully sing some songs with her
pretty please?
with a cherry on top?!
why nooooott?? :(
fine! >:(
but if you do..!
y’all sing and dance around and do the whole shabang
hyping each other up and all
its so fun
also a really good gift giver
she remembers stuff you say you like wayyyy better than her homework
so she gifts you whenever she sees something she knows you’d like
or wants to see your surprised happy face
she’s just a ball of love
please love her back
she’s not the best at cooking or baking 😭
if you are she won’t stop bugging you to cook/bake
especially bake-
for her and the girls-
lowkey brags about your skills
”seee? i told you ____ can cook really well!”
”____ is amazing! i’d bet on them in a baking competition with sato!”
her room isnt messy she just has a lot of stuff
also she trusts you a lot with her secrets
like you were the first person she told that kirishima had black hair in middle school
she gossips to you as well
even if you don’t wanna hear please listen!
your her partner in crime!
if your really strong and at the top of your class she’ll brag about that too
she doesn’t mean to put anyone down but she’s just so proud of you!
10/10 i recommend as a girlfriend
shes your best friend, lover and soulmate i swear!
stan ashido!!
hope you enjoyed :)
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angelbxxy · 2 years
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Hey y’all idk how this works I’ve never been struggling this hard before. My two daughters lost their dad my fiancé a week ago from a heart problem we didn’t know he had. It was sudden and now I have to plan a funeral alone. I never imagined that he would be gone we were just talking about getting a life insurance policy like a month ago but never did it. I already have our two daughters I gotta take care of on 1 income now I don’t know how I’m gonna pull this funeral off of anyone can help us send him up the right way plz consider donating 🥺😭❤️
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Cashapp $prettymom18
January 15th 2023🚨⏰⚰️
Still waiting on donätîons I currently only have $250(I took out a loan that’s all I was approved for)/$3,400(cost of funeral service and funeral home plus casket. The $3,400 DOES NOT INCLUDE THE BURIAL 🪦🥺😭⚰️😣♥️
Please help us if you are able and I would appreciate it if you can not help us financially, a reblog and prayers will always be appreciated.
RIP my one and only Prince Charming 🥺❤️🪦⚰️
Cashapp $prettymom18
UPDATE JAN15th 8:54pm
Still 0 help but I’m still great full for all the reposts and likes if you know anyone who may be able to help or has a big following on here PLEASE don’t hesitate to tag them in ur repost or just tag them on the comments ❤️🙏
PS my friend said if someone wants to donate but they don’t have cash@pp I can give them her Venmo or chime or PayPal so if that is what is stopping you from donating DM me and I can send you her vënmø or paypãł
Thank y’all again♥️
Katie 🥰⚰️🪦🫶🏽👩‍👧‍👧❤️‍🔥💔✝️
I probably should’ve put this in the original post but I’m having trouble getting donations and I’m doing this all by myself his family hasn’t even called me since I told them he passed and I was a foster kid so I really don’t have anyone to help. The only person that is helping me is financially struggling too but she took out a loan bc my credit sucks so I was denied anyway thank u if u have anyone on here who u talk to a lot see if they can repost it too I wanna get some type of traction lol
Tumblr BLOCKED ME FROM MESSAGES WTF HAPPENED!!!! Someone plz help me get my messages back
Plus still no donations so please keep reposting and thank you for all the support from the reblogs
Jan18 update
Thank you to whoever sent $5 that’s the first and only donation I’ve gotten so far
Please if u can’t donate repost and tag your friends!!! I don’t know what I’m going to do if I can’t raise enough for the funeral, I don’t even have enough for a cremation
Jan 20 update
Im $30 short to start a payment plan with the funeral home I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 9am PLEASE SEND HELP either repost or dono
Anything helps us!
Help us bury my kids dad and my fiancé!
Jan 30th update♥️❤️‍🔥🥺😭🚨
So I DIDNT get enough money to have a funeral for my fiancé 😖😭 we had to cremate him and they put me on a payment plan. I still want to have a repass but I need to get a hall or something to gather everyone. The cheapest one I’ve found is $350 for 5 hours
I want to celebrate his short life and the memories we all have with him ♥️
It’s been 3 almost 4 weeks since he’s been gone and life being a widow mother of 2 is a lot harder than I ever imagined. Please repost even if you can’t help ❤️‍🔥
@localmacguffin @laymedowninsheetsoflinen @enderamethyst @transgendz @othert @pixelstx @spongebobssquarepants @queenpandaxoxo @pukicho @shareyourdollar @mutual-aid-booster @horangi @jacklant3rn @bugs-for-hugs @difficult @commie-cosmo @yellowgirl93 @racism-inc @mousedetective @vaspider @shineemoon @queenpandaxoxo
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bengiyo · 1 year
Love Class 2 Eps 5 & 6 Stray Thoughts
Last week…I gotta be honest, besties, I’m a little foggy on this one. J-min is giving the most compelling performance that is holding my interest. Lee Hyun wrote poetry about Kim An that was pretty, and the two of them hung out on the roof after Lee Hyun learned about what happened up there before. Maru moved in with Minwoo and ate dry cereal before pouring milk into his mouth (unhinged). Minwoo kissed Maru while he was asleep. Joo Hyuk is determinedly pursuing Sung Min, but I’m not sure I’m into it.
Episode 5
You know what? I respect Joo Hyuk and Sung Min hooking up on the first date. We do not get that often enough in BL.
Well, Maru defeated the manager.
Meet the friends? I’m looking forward to this mess.
Is it just me, or are Korean chopsticks generally longer than Japanese and Chinese ones?
“They seem like best friends.” Sirs, come on.
I like Joo Hyuk. Everything he said was true and correct.
See, Minwoo? They’re great friends!
I see we’re going to have discourse over this show, too. Sigh.
Oh, it’s the weirdo from last week. What does he have on Kim An?
Minwoo and Maru are making me anxious.
Is this the guy who supposedly was pushed off the roof? He feels so sinister and possessive.
Lee Hyun said simping is a full-time job. All day, every day. Believe that.
Episode 6
I don’t know who this girl is, but I hope she doesn’t get played.
This may be unpopular, but y’all should not be feeding stray cats. They do not help control pests. All they do is kill birds, and birds help keep bug populations under control. Cats should be kept indoors if you want them to help keep pests out of your house.
Pringles seems invested in K-BL. I also noticed a can in Why R U yesterday.
I’m okay with her helping Minwoo. This could be fun.
Oh hell it’s that asshole again. We don’t even know his name, but he’s tedious.
I don’t like the implications about money being thrown around in this flashback.
Oh, nooo. They were in an orphanage together for most of their lives?
I need to learn this girl’s name because she’s amusing.
Joo Hyuk has Sung Min modeling for them a payback. I love this.
That’s right, Joo Hyuk! Make him work for it!
Lee Hyun is using all-in-one hair and body wash? Well, he is a boy I guess.
Oh, now Kim An can tease him about how gay he is?? Sir, I am going to fight you.
Minwoo, can you just tell Maru what you’re feeling instead of messing with him like this?
Oh my goodness, this orphanage dude was mad about Lee Hyun when he said he didn’t want more from Kim An? This feels cruel.
Besties, I don’t know how I feel about the way the three stories happening play out with each other, but I at least appreciate that it’s coherent.
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bokutosbiceps · 1 year
Hello, can i get a match up if its not too much trouble :>
Fandom: Kengan Ashura
Name: Klara
Zodiac sign: Leo
-gray/green eyes +glasses
-tattoos and losts of bracles and rings
-blue hair
i mostly draw
Drawing, cats, cooking, play fighting/annoying my friends lol
social events/most people tbh and bugs
Id say im quite creative, have a bit of anger issues and a bit of a bully but in a teasing way(if that makes sence), comfrontatinal but mostly chill.
I have a habit of hating being touched unless its someone i see as a close friend/family.
Preferene in partners:
Someone who doesnt get offended easily or stuck up
I hope i got everything (sorry for any type-os)and Thank you!!!
i match you w adam dudley !! okay, okay, hear me out. adam is v harsh + an asshole at face value, but once you get to know him, he’s an absolute sweetie pie. he’s protective, he’s caring, still not super kind, but he shows it in his own ways. his potty mouth + closed mindedness only comes w his age of immaturity, but i can see him becoming way more intelligent + respectful as he ages. like fine wine, baby.
he’s not really one to get easily offended since he has a bit of a god complex so anyone’s insults will just kinda slide right off of him. he also really loves to tease + bully so he knows that if he dishes it, he’s gotta be able to take it, as well. you could probably make little quips at each other for an entire day without either of you actually hurting feelings + you’d just have a great time. 
he is very touchy, though, and wouldn’t necessarily care if you hate being touched. if y’all are dating, hopefully you don’t mind it + actually crave it, but if he knows it’s something you hate, he’ll only do it to annoy you. he shows his affection by being annoying so take this a compliment 🙂
(i couldn't find any gifs of him 😔)
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jamiscrazy4krerdly · 2 years
Hey gamers I’m 1. obsessed with Krerdly to the point it’s borderline unhealthy and 2. in desperate need of a place to rant so here I am!! Creating this blog! Pronouns in my bio btw.
I write fanfiction when the bugs in my brain command me to so I’ll probably mention my fic ideas and w.i.p.s from time to time but there’ll definitely be other shenanigans thrown in the mix (I have so many irl stories to tell!! too many!!) so yeahhh, expect mostly brain rotting though.
I have a krerdly fic already posted somewhere on the internet that I’m actually pretty proud of but I’m way too embarrassed to actually share it in my introduction post (I gotta take y’all out to dinner first at least) but know that it exists and I am totally super very competent and can make amazing things with my typing fingers!!! Believe me (at your own risk)!
Stay tuned for my riveting singular-paragraph Krerdly related posts such as…
Telling you my villain origin story (Krerdly wasn’t the first ship I was obsessed with… and it won’t be the last.)
Confessing my deepest darkest secret (It involves Catti Deltarune. It’s really not that exciting. …or is it??)
The lowest point of my life?! (/s. IRL horror novel with happy crispy chicken ending)
Asking the real questions. Is it even true love if…? (except it’s a list full of krerdly relevant bullet points that get increasingly both specific and concerning)
The hat store’s sock section incident!! (Yes, it’s Krerdly related. Yes, it’s… embarrassing.)
I’ll probably limit myself to 1 post a day (2 if I’m feeling particularly silly) so don’t worry toooo much about me clogging your feed? And only the important posts will actually have the appropriate tags of course! I am such a merciful, very non feed-clogging goddess.
Okokok one last thing before I go. Remember when I said that I should take y’all out to dinner first before linking my fics? Well fun fact this is actually us on our first ever friendship date happening right now!! Luckily for you my love language is gift giving and my gift to you all is a link to my very short but sweet Krerdly playlist. Btw I am always scouting out for songs to add so if you wanna nudge me in the right direction I won’t mind the least bit. >;p
To those of you kind enough to follow!
Thank you!!
I am so sorry. •v•
Wish me luck I am going to need it.
Kerdly nation!! Woo!!
See you on the flipside. B3
tl;dr Kris x Berdly has taken over my life and I’m going to use this blog to blabber about it.
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Since you like salt and I know you're on the same page with this: UGH my face when another muse (completely unprovoked, believe it or not, Shaw actually did/said nothing) implies Shaw has a small dick -.- and I suppose the intent is for him to fly into a comical rage and like---firstly, no, he really does not give a shit about remarks pertaining to his body if it's not something he can CONTROL and IMPROVE like his muscles, secondly he finds dick jokes uncreative as hell. Like, this man is used to barbs from Emma Frost, you gotta bring a better class of wit his way than "lololol tiny dick" jokes, you're not clever. And that bugs me too, like you're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, but more than that, why is this the last acceptable form of body shaming even on oh so progressive Tumblr? I mean it could be just the muse, muse isn't mun, I know that, but the Vibe I get is that this is supposed to be Super Witty And Painful For Him instead of just their muse being stupid for no reason. Sorry pard but he's not gonna fly off the handle, he's gonna shrug and offer to show you himself so YOU can decide.
Oh the joys of people going for low-hanging fruit…there’s a innuendo in there somewhere. I mean yes, as you said, it could entirely be the muse and not the mun and simply the Way the Muse Is. Not discrediting that. I do simply see, hrmm, a lot of it between other sites that are not tumblr, and work. Like y’all do know small dicks get shit done too??? And like…Shaw clearly has multiple people coming back for more, like…you clearly write him as he is canonically, which is pulling ass despite being an ass. So regardless of size, what he does is satisfactory. So that insult just has about as much effect as a storm trooper’s shooting. 🤦
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i-am-hoo-iyam · 2 years
Sun gathered all the kids in the daycare. “Are we gonna have fun?” “Actually today is a serious day. I need to talk to you all about what happened yesterday…” “my dad said I’m never allowed to see my mom again! I’m fine with that cuz she smokes and it’s yucky. My dad took the candle back and says this is for you instead” the kid hands sun a fancy looking candle that says “rose and floral and apology scent for when you messed up and need help making it right”. “He says he found the candle at the ‘$5 n’ less’ but he said not to tell you.” “That’s very nice. And i have a feeling it’s a good thing your not allowed to see your mom anymore. Not till your way older!
“The rest of you. I forgive that one kid who couldn’t read. I Spoke with his dad and English is their second language and he also had no idea the kid gave me that card he didn’t remember buying it for the kid. But the rest of you! Do any of you know what valentines day gifts are supposed to be and mean?” “OOOOO VALENTINES DAY IS WHEN MY THREE DADS YELL AT EACHOTHER CUZ THE ONE DAD BRINGS HIS GF BUT THEN THEY SETTLE DOWN AND THEY SHARE HER AND THEY ARE ALL KISSING AND” “AND WELL STOP RIGHT THERE BECAUSE THETE EXXXXACTLY WHAT IM TELKING ABOUT! Valentine’s Day is a day of giving gifts that really show how much you love your friends! Not a day to give sun your trash you don’t need. I am actually a little hurt bacause you all don’t seem to know how to be kind and share kind gifts and show your friends how much you love them.” The kids all looked st their feet snd shuffled them. “It’s ok your just kids but! Would you give any of the sifts you gave me to your parents?”
The kids said no. “I would! I gave you the flower with the ladybug on it by mistake and my mom loves bugs! especially spiders but she likes ladybugs too!” “I mean some of you gave nice gifts! The ones who gave NICE gifts and actually told me how much they appreceate me get a gold star for their kindness”. “I want a platinum star”. “Your roses and uh diamond were more of a bribe for you mom not getting in trouble for not paying for you so you don’t get a star… not untill you show some kindness!”
The kid hugged sun. “My mom says your a stupid old robot whos only task is to tape me off her hands but I think your a smart young robot. A stupid old robot would not realize were all mean”. Sun patted the kid on the head. “Aww thanks! Here you do get a gold star cuz I don’t have platinum stars…” sun gave them a gold sticker. “Ten bucks and this star is yours!” Sun snatched it back and grabbed the rope hook and used it to raise himself up to his room.
Yn was very very mad. “Look at y’all you don’t even know what love is you made him cry! Are you proud of yourselves”? The kids looked at their feet and looked sorry. “If your truly sorry you gotta go and apologize to him!” “But he’s way up there!” “Hmm. Each of you make a NICE paper airplane card and I have to read it before you send it.”
The kids sat down at the tables and got buisy. Hey really did look sorry. Yn read them and folded the first one and chucked it up there it sailed into the curtains. An orange hand reached out and picked it up. More kids delivered letters to yn. Yn was starting to get hope in the kids again. They handed a letter back to a kid. “try again”.
More letters sailed up to Sunny’s room. He came out with tears in his eyes. “You really mean all of this? “ the kids gatheeed in a big group. “WERE SORRY MR SUN” sundrop fell into the ball pit and went over to hug them all. “I forgive you all, dewdrops! Just try to me a little kinder ok.”
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easypeasylindyvesey · 5 months
Whats ur favorite dessert? Also, aside from the Rangers, who's ur favorite hockey team? Least favorite(s)?
my fave dessert? ok let’s see
i’m obsessed with ben & jerry’s ice cream. i could literally eat that for the rest of my life same thing with party cake ice cream. i also love chocolate chip cookies, but i like the ones that are soft. they’re legit in another tier. it’s funny because as i’m typing this, i’m realizing that i don’t have desserts too much, and i’ve been craving sugar/sweets recently. luckily i have some oreos on my nightstand right now🤭
as for my other favorite teams besides the rags, i really enjoy watching carolina & colorado. they’re so freaking fast and add so much pressure to their game. they have a huge load of talent and i’m rooting for both of them to make it to the 2nd round. i also like vegas too, but they’re getting shit on by the media recently with mark stone & the LTIR & cap situation. even i don’t understand what the exact issue is, but i guess everyone wants to hate on an expansion team. i’m also rooting for them to go to the 2nd round too.
so for future clarification:
the rangers are my besties (hence what i reference them in some of my posts)
carolina, colorado, and vegas are my pookies. i’m not deeply rooted into their team and not entirely invested, but they’re all entertaining to watch.
a least favorite team? honestly, i’ve never really had one, but now that it’s playoff season, i’m first gonna say the islanders. they’re just boring. and it’s funny because i live on long island, and i’m sure everyone would want to be committed to their actual home team, but i branched out🤭. and right now, i’m currently not liking the caps. some of their roster is filled with actual grown babies who wail to the refs when they don’t get a call (yes, tom wilson, this one’s for you).
and for a little while, i did not like the oilers, but it was only because of how much the media sucked mcdavid’s you-know-what. yes, he is definitely a generational talent and totally worth his contract (5 assists in EDM’s first playoff game this season vs. LA? unheard of). it just annoyed me because i don’t think the media realized there are other great players on that team: draisaitl, hyman, nugent-hopkins, etc. that they can focus their attention on. it seemed as if mcdavid was the only player on the team, so that’s why it bugged me, but now, i’m not as judgmental. they’re definitely a team to watch out for during the playoffs. they definitely have the talent and depth.
the same thing went for chicago as well with all the bedard talk. again, he’s a good player coming into a team in the midst of a rebuild, so he’s definitely going to make an impact on them in the future. i think when the media is continuously shoving all of these players and their achievements in your face, you start to become sick of them because it’s not as if everyone already knows about it. long story short, they gotta chill out a bit.
i’m so sorry this is so long but if any one of y’all read the entire thing then i appreciate you putting up with my ramblings🥰
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mattsboldyy · 2 years
the day when the real work begun | the umich hockey team
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find part one of this series here !!
summary - you had your work cut out for you.
words - 629
warnings - fem!reader
authors note - eee!! this series is making me so happy. big shout out to @hockeyboysarehot for giving me this amazing series idea. <3 i love y’all a ton, enjoy this :)
“we select from the university of michigan, y/n l/n
“no way.” you gasp, jumping up and hugging all your friends and family.
“hey love bug, how are you feeling?” matty beniers said through the phone, “oh lord. i’m so nervous. how about you though?” you laughed, standing in the kitchen of your michigan home. “i’m all good.” matty said, laughing back. “i bet. yeah mom i’m coming! sorry matty, i gotta go. good luck today!” you said before hanging up the phone and heading over to the living room.
your whole family was basically there. all packed into your childhood home, where all of your dreams and hopes of playing hockey were born and came true. never in a million years did you ever think of being even eligible for the nhl draft. most guys nhl draft eligible always want to be up there in draft picks but it was completely different for you. you didn’t care if you were last. all that mattered to you was that you were becoming a role model for all those little girls out there who thought it was never possible for a girl to join the nhl. it gave them hope that maybe their dreams will come true one day, and they will be draft eligible.
“you got this baby.” your dad said, taking your hand in his. “yeah.” you said, taking a deep breath as the nhl draft was just about to start. after all of the introductions were over with, buffalo was on the clock. “on behalf of the buffalo sabres and all out great fans, we are proud to select from the university of michigan, owen power.” a smile immediately erupted on your face. owen deserved it he really did. you were so happy for him. he was one of your best friends this year and helped you a ton with everything. “aww owen!” you laughed, seeing him hug his family and friends. ‘i’m so proud of u, o.’ you texted him, before putting your phone away while seattle was on the clock.
next pick - seattle
“on behalf of our passionate fans, i am proud to make the historical first ever amateur draft selection for our team by choosing, from the university of michigan, matty beniers.”
next pick - anaheim
“the anaheim ducks are proud to select mason mctavish”
“…luke hughes”
“…kent johnson”
“…simon edvinsson”
you sat there patiently, waiting for the chance of your name to get called. smiling each time one of your teammates gets selected.
you had started zoning out around the 13th pick which belonged to calgary.
“buffalo is now on the clock for their second pick of the 2021 draft.”
“the buffalo sabres are pleased to select, making history, from the university of michigan, y/n l/n”
your eyes widened and your mouth dropped. “did they just say my name?” you mumbled, as your family started jumping up and down, crowding you with hugs and congratulations. “lets go baby!!” you high fived your old teammates while laughing.
“OWEN!” you yelled through facetime, smiling. “SMALLS!” he yelled back, laughing while running his hand through his hair. “ya know this whole professional nhl thing is going to be a lot easier now that i know i’ll have someone i’m close with along side me.” owen said, holding his phone. “yeah? i’m glad i have you too owen.” you said.
- draft interview -
“hey y/n. congratulations to you and your family on this historic moment. describe today in your own words.”
“the day when the real work began.”
tagging some friends!
@1-800-iluvhockey @owenpowersglasses @hockey-lover86 @bitchinbarzal @pierrelucduboiis
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vrisrezis · 3 years
hello! could i request being married hcs with post covid kenny? the guy looks so cuddly and husband material tbh
No for reallll . Kenny and Stan are the most husband material imo 😳
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- he’s so sweet, think he’d be really excited about getting married. Like it’s something he’s always wanted, so he tries his best to be a top tier husband.
- he loves buying you things, he’s got money to waste and he just likes the feeling of buying you stuff and spoiling you, especially if you’ve known eachother since you were kids.
- he will buy you the nicest dinners ever and buys you things he’d know you’d like, especially more expensive stuff. Loves knowing he can buy you whatever you want
- he tries to see you as much as he can, it proves to be difficult due to his job but he makes it work
- he’s always talking about you when he can . Even when he’s working he might say “y/n would find this interesting” or something along the lines
- lotsa smooches . In front of everyone too . Even in the funny teasing way . He just gotta do it
- anytime he sees you he just gives you the biggest bear hug (especially if you visit him at work)
- he’s a big cuddle bug in the morning since he’s at work all day, he doesn’t ever let you get up until he has to lol. Might surprise you with some breakfasts in bed when he’s feeling nice though.
- he doesn’t cook often but he does like baking and usually bakes with you for fun . He never got to eat a lot as a kid he must seize every opportunity to eat whatever he wants
- it doesn’t take a genius to figure out he really loves you and he’s really happy there is a constant smile on his face when you’re around
- likes being sappy? Even if you’re embarrassed by it or hate it, only encourages him more.
- btw he will probably want a dog . Deal with it .. (he’s cool with any animal too btw so . U can have whatever animal you want too but he needs a dog)
- Vic loves you guys btw . Y’all cute
- he always loves to compliment you . You are his world and deserve to know it
- constantly showing off that ring on his finger
- “this is my amazing beautiful husband/wife”
- likes to dance with you btw . He thinks it’s cute and romantic
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
okay i feel like i need to say something, because i’ve seen this a lot over the last few months and it’s kinda been bugging me.
we throw around the term media literacy a LOT when talking about byler and milkvan- most commonly, referring to the general audience having no media literacy when it comes to byler and the subtext written in surrounding the ship.
i’m just gonna come out and say it- i don’t think that’s fair.
whether we like it or not, the majority of the viewership for stranger things is not going to be looking for subtext or examining the show for deeper themes. they’re not who the show was made for, but it’s who ended up watching it- so we gotta work with what we’ve got.
these people missing the byler leadup or mike’s queercoding aren’t lacking media literacy- they’re simply not digging deeper into the show, which is fine. it’s not a bad thing to want to enjoy a show on a surface level!! television and film and entertainment in general is about taking you into a different world, bringing you somewhere other than reality. it’s about immersing yourself somewhere else for a little bit- it doesn’t have to be about analysis or subtext.
the reality is, we think that these things are basic media literacy because the majority of us are queer and have had to look for this subtext. we’ve learned to recognize queercoding because of how much time we’ve needed to spend searching for it. the majority of this audience has not had to do that.
here’s some things that i think DO involve basic media literacy when referring to stranger things!!
the basic message of the show being about the freaks and the nerds getting to be the heroes
the subversion of common 80’s tropes
the fact that the human-leveled villains of this show are the homophobes, racists, ableists, etc.
and honestly, if someone missed those? that’s okay too! (although i seriously hope everyone has at the very least picked up on number three- if you’re any of those things and watching this show thinking it’s targeted towards you, gtfo) again, it’s okay to want to consume media as a one and done thing. it’s not a bad thing to not be constantly searching for themes- i mean, come on guys, we ALL know how exhausting that can be.
someone isn’t stupid for not wanting to think deeper about their favorite things- because sometimes, your favorite things are your favorite because you’re looking for simplicity. enjoy things how you want!!
however, if at this point you haven’t picked that will is gay- THAT is having no media literacy. come on man. fucking seriously? noah schnapp SAID he was and some of y’all still aren’t getting it.
but really, my point here is- enjoy shit how you want to!! if you want to dig deeper, analyze cinematography and lighting, search for hidden messages and themes! FUCK YEAH!!!! if you want to watch the show once, not think about it beyond what you see on the screen, and be satisfied with that? FUCK YEAH AGAIN!!!!
guys, we’ve got to get rid of some of this elitism. we’re not better for picking up on this stuff, and other people aren’t dumb for not. it’s all about the way we consume media, and there’s no wrong way to do that.
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