#I wasn't going to post this initially but then I went and finished it up so why not
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"You're all so kind, I'm truly thankful for everything!"
I feel like it's been a while since I've drawn his normal form gijinka.. so here he is! What a trustworthy individual ( ̄▽ ̄)
I'm still unsure if I want to give him glasses.. I feel like he looks good in them though, they might stay!
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Glasses/no glasses alts (❁´◡`❁)
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wanderingsoul6261 · 3 months
Match has been Made
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credit for gif goes to k-wame
james beaufort x reader
synopsis: Lydia plays matchmaker for James and her friend
Note: I have Jury Duty next week, so I want to try and get everything done before then, but if not, I will try to have most finished so that I can post them periodically through next week so that I can still provide y'all with content. I also want to start writing for other fandoms, such as Call of Duty, NCIS, Criminal Minds, Uncharted, etc) so if you are interested in more works, keep an eye out for those.
Not a big fan of this one honestly. Might delete it later and do a better version of it. Just didn't have any other ideas for it, so if anyone has a better way for this to have gone, let me know, and I will definitely consider redoing it after some of the others are completed.
Lydia wasn't as stupid as James and Y/N. Maybe stupid wasn't the right word, as oblivious seemed fitting, not that the two were stupid. Although, they were definitely oblivious. Lydia had wanted to strangle them both, considering how blind they were. James, staring all the time at Y/N, not thinking anyone would notice. Lydia definitely noticed. And then Y/N, not even noticing James looking at her and how long he would do so. Lydia also noticed that too. 
Many who also noticed had just thought that maybe Y/N wasn’t interested in him, but Lydia had taken to disagreeing. Y/N was a good friend of Lydia, and therefore, she was also a good friend of James. Y/N and James had initially butted heads quite often at the start of the friendship between the two girls, but over time, it had gradually stopped, and had actually turned into a playful teasing. 
Now, Lydia could tell James was smitten with Y/N just as much as she was smitten with him, and this had sparked Lydia’s plan into getting the two by themselves and admitting their feelings. 
Initially, it also meant getting their driver, Percy involved. He would have a large part to play in the plan, helping her get one or both of them to the Manor, hopefully when their parents were away on their upcoming business trip, and then leaving with Lydia. Percy and Lydia would then find something to pass a few hours by. Whether she went over to a friend’s house, or she treated Percy to a friendly night out for all his work done for the family. 
Percy was inclined to help, considering he too had noticed what was, or the lack of what was happening between James and Y/N. It didn’t matter how he spent the time afterwards. Him leaving the manor would then mean that neither James or Y/N had a way to leave. 
It was a sound plan, and Lydia knew that the probability of it working was high. 
“Hey! Y/N!” Y/N turned around at the sound of her name being called. Behind her, Lydia hurried over to her. She stopped, waiting for her friend to catch up so that they could walk side by side. “What are you doing tonight?” Lydia asked. Y/N shrugged. 
“Nothing really. Mom and dad are home but I don’t have anything planned with them. I was probably just going to watch some movies and call it an early night.” 
“Would you want to come over for a bit? Do some swimming. Maybe stay the night? Our parents are out of town for a few nights for a business trip.” Lydia had explained. 
“Who all is going to be there?” She had asked. 
“Just me and James, plus you. Figured the three of us could hang out without the suffocation of a party.” Lydia had explained. 
Y/N thought about it. Admittedly, getting out of the house for a little bit had seemed like a better idea. Lydia could tell she was contemplating it. The way Y/N tilted her head and bit the inside of her cheek, some of the very few mannerisms she possessed that gave away when she was truly thinking about something told her so. Mannerisms that James had appeared to have fallen in love with. 
After several moments, and pausing in the hallway of Maxton, Y/N had given Lydia her answer. 
“Alright. I’ll come over.” 
“Cool! I’ll have Percy pick you up at about 5!” Y/N agreed, telling her that that worked for her, and left her friend behind so that she could move on to her next class, which she also shared with James. 
Lydia watched as Y/N met up with James outside of their next class, a smirk on her face, and then left quickly, before either of them noticed that she was watching. 
“Hey.” James smiled at Y/N as they walked into the classroom. “So did Lydia talk to you yet?” He asked, as they set their stuff down on the shared desk and took their respective seats. “Something about just us three. Swimming. Maybe some movies. Something like that.” 
“Yea, actually. Just before I came here. I told her that I should be free to come over. She said she would send Percy later to come get me.” 
“What about your driver?” 
“Sick. I gave them a few days off.” Y/N flipped through her notes, trying to find where she left off. James watched as she did so, his eyes on her fingers as they flipped through the pages, before he turned his attention to her face. She was concentrated, focused on trying to find where she left off in her note taking. 
“What time did she tell you?” 
“Percy will be at my place at five.” He nodded slightly as she finally looked up at him. “She said I could also potentially stay the night. Mentioned something about how your parents are out of town for a business trip?” 
“Yea. Meetings with potential business partners for their next clothing line.” He explained. “They will be gone most of the week.” She nodded in understanding. James flashed her a smile, one that she had returned as their professor walked in, introducing their topic for the day.
Percy was a few minutes early, rolling the car in the driveway of her family manor at about quarter to five. Stepping out of the car, he greeted her politely, flashing her a small smile as she advanced over to the car. 
“Good evening, Percy.” She flashed a smile back at him, thanking him as he opened the back door for her. He had taken her overnight bag, putting it in the trunk of the car. 
“Good evening, Miss Y/L/N. I hope you are well.” 
“I am. Thank you. I hope Lydia and James are treating you well.” She teased. He flashed her a smile of amusement as another voice rang out, just as she climbed into the vehicle. 
“We are treating him just fine.” Y/N was met face to face by James, who flashed her an amused smile as she took her seat next to him. The door closed and the two flashed each other a smile. 
“Miss me?” she asked. Percy climbed into the driver side seat, putting the car into drive and taking the three of them back to the Beaufort manor. James smiled brightly at her.
Percy watched them from the rearview mirror, taking in the interactions to the two of them. Lydia had been right, about the way the two of them look at each other. The way James looked at her when she was talking, like he wanted to take in everything she was saying and have it memorized. The way Y/N watched as he drew in his sketchbook or the way he watched her as she watched the numerous trees and other flora as they drove. Lydia was right when she told Percy all those days ago about how oblivious they were. The emotions in their faces surely show how they feel about the other, but both are too oblivious to say or do anything.  He smirked, turning his eyes back on the road. 
Arriving at the manor, Percy had stayed with the car, while James and Y/N had gotten out. James took her bag inside, handing it to another person to take to Lydia's room, where she would likely be sleeping. 
Lydia was already outside at the pool when the two finally joined her. She looked up and back at them, a smile on her face. Standing up from where she was dipping her toes into the pool, she walked over to them. She bypassed James, who only playfully rolled his eyes as she hugged Y/N. 
“Glad you can make it. You guys enjoy the water and snacks. I’m going to go and get changed. Be back in a jiffy.” And with that, Lydia was gone. James, who was already wearing some swim trunks with a t-shirt when they picked up Y/N, had taken off his shirt, leaving Y/N the only one who had yet to show her swimsuit. 
Her eyes were on James body for several seconds and had stayed focused on him for several more seconds after he had jumped into the pool.
Y/N had been smart, having put her swimsuit on underneath her clothes before Percy and James arrived at her home. She had slipped off her shirt, exposing her skin and the bikini top that she wore. James had caught sight, his eyes on her before he dipped underneath the water before she could catch him staring. When he had come back up, she had already pulled her shorts off, fully revealing herself in her two-piece bikini. 
While James slowly swam around the perimeter of the pool, Y/N relaxed on a floaty, drifting around the pool. The two relaxed like that for a little bit until one of them realized that one of them was still missing. 
“James.” He had looked over at Y/N, who now sat on the end of the pool, a water bottle in her hand. 
“Did Lydia come out at all?” She asked. “I would have figured that she would be out here by now.” James stopped swimming, moving to stand in the shallow end of the pool. He looked past her, towards the open doors that led into the house. 
“No I haven’t.” He finally answered. His eyes drifted back towards Y/N, where some droplets of water rolled down her stomach. Her hair was wet, meaning that she had slipped into the water at some point and he didn’t notice. She tilted her head in thought, turning her body around as well to look inside the house. 
James watched as she stood up and walked over to the chairs. She didn’t find any sign that Lydia might have even been there in the first place, and no phone was found. 
“Her phone isn’t here. Maybe she has it. I can give her a call.” Y/N walked back over to her own phone, picked it up, and easily dialed Lydia’s number. James watched as she pressed her phone to her ear, but after several seconds, put her phone back down. “No answer.” 
“She’s probably okay. Probably just got caught up doing something else. Maybe she’s taking a nap so she can conserve energy for movies later.” James reassured her, and Y/N agreed. James wasn’t sure where his sister went, and it definitely wasn’t a part of their plans. 
Unless it was a part of her plans. 
Y/N shrugged and had gone back to sit on the side of the pool, her feet dangling in the water. James went back to floating around the pool. His eyes moved over to Y/N several times. They were alone and she was right there. He could say what he wanted and make his move. If he was rejected, no one would know. 
Her eyes were on the book she was reading, invested in the pages and the words that told the story within them. He hovered in the water for several moments before he finally decided to slowly make his way across the pool. 
His eyes had remained on her, watching her movements as he neared her. The way her fingers flipped to the next page. How her expression changed based on the scene she was reading. He was happy to listen to her when she went on and on about a book that was either currently reading or had just finished, having loved the way that she got so much joy and excitement from something so simple. 
When he finally reached her, his hand reached out for the book, gently setting it aside without getting it wet. Y/N was confused, a noise getting caught in the back of her throat as James put his palm on the edge of the pool, hoisting himself partially out of the water and slightly closer to her. He made eye contact with her, before he looked down at her lips. She caught the movement, relaxing as she waited. She knew what he wanted at that moment, and when he didn’t make the move first, she did. 
Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him even more closer, and pressed her lips against his. He quickly melted into it, one arm wrapping around her waist. James tugged her into the pool once more, before pinning her against the side of it. Her arms remained around his neck, while his arms looped behind her, settling the edge of the pool. 
It was a slow and gentle kiss, allowing the two to enjoy and savor it. Her hands tangled themselves into his hair, and one of his hands moved to her back, his fingers splayed across her skin. James was running out of breath, as was Y/N, but the two hesitated to separate, as both of them seemed to have wanted their first kiss together to go on longer than what was physically possible. 
And when they finally pulled away from each other, they rested their foreheads against each others, breathing heavily, a small smile on their lips. 
“Do you think Lydia left?” Y/N asked. 
“I think this was part of her plan.” James agreed. “Get us alone together. Means Percy was probably also in on it.”  Y/N laughed a little. 
“You sister, playing matchmaker, and Percy helping. Who knew.”
“My guess is that they knew something we didn’t.” He had smiled, kissing her again, this time with a bit more energy. James had stared at her lips, before moving away and planting kisses along her jaw, pressed one final one to her forehead, and then moved back down to her lips. He was kissing her like a man starved of it all.  
“How about we watch those movies?” He finally asked, after finding the heart to stop kissing Y/N and finally allowing her to breathe. She gave him a smile and nodded. 
That was how Lydia had found the two of them. They were laying on the couch in the shared living area that Lydia and James shared, the tv going on in the background. James was on his back, his head against the arm of the couch, and Y/N was asleep on his chest. Her arms wrapped around James, and a blanket was wrapped around her. 
Lydia had smirked, snapped a photo to show Percy that the plan had worked, and wandered off to get ready for bed, leaving the two by themselves.
taglist: @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @imasimptoowth @avada-kedavra-bitch-187
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poppadom0912 · 7 months
Warnings: Mentions of fainting, diabetes, canon-typical injuries
Summary: You suffer the consequences just because your teacher thought you were making excuses.
A/N: First fic of 2024!!! I had plans that I was going to post weekly in the new year just like last year but things went downhill. This january and february has had its very good but also really bad moments and even writing this was a struggle. I've found myself in a weird place of wanting to write but struggling and all of a sudden not being able to balance my schoolwork and writing. So I took a lil step back to solely focus on my work but looking at everything now, my fic updates will be much less frequent but hopefully just as or if not, more fun to read.
I feel bad for not saying or posting anything since the new year but I'm here now and hopefully will be more alive. I've got lots planned for you beautiful people, several series and way too many fics in my drafts that I cannot wait for you all to read. This wasn't as long or as juicy as I intended but my brain completely failed me so I hope this is good enough. I initially wanted to post this at the beginning of March but I finished the final editing today so here you go!!
Final note before we start, I have general knowledge about diabetes but that's all from my grandma. I have no idea if it's the same for teenagers so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Happy reading!!
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Your biology teacher had been on maternity for three weeks now and you were seriously contemplating life.
Because of the crappy rules surrounding maternity leave, when your teacher refused to return before her three months ended, your school had a supply teacher fill in for her till she came back.
Since day one, you knew you hated her.
It was mid lesson and you knew as soon as you started feeling sluggish that your sugar levels were dropping. Your thoughts were only confirmed when your Dexcom receiver let you know of your decreasing glucose.
This wasn't a usual occurrence. Will and Jay always made sure you had eaten enough and you had the means to maintain the needed glucose levels so that nothing happened.
Alas, you were up late revising and you were stressing about keeping up your good grades. Jay was rushing you out the door because he needed to go to a scene he'd just been called to and Will was out walking Kol and hadn't seen you leave.
In conclusion, it'd been a hot minute since you last ate something.
The school were well aware of your diabetes. It was one of the very important things your brothers stressed them about when you first started.
Most students knew about it actually, having seen your Dexcom and not understanding since a diabetic child apparently wasn't common according to them.
So, when you randomly pulled out a snack from your bag mid class, no one questioned it and instead would make sure you were okay. There'd never been a problem before in school and everyone wanted it to stay that way.
However, this new teacher, Mrs Byrne was apparently completely unaware of your medical condition.
"Y/N. You know the rules about eating in class." She said strictly, pulling away all the attention from the board onto you.
She stopped you in the middle of opening the packet of fruit gummies. You frowned, looking at her confused along with your classmates.
"I have diabetes." You said bluntly, continuing to open the packet. "I don't eat this and I'll pass out."
Mrs Byrne only rolled her eyes, smiling at you condescendingly. "I've heard that excuse hundreds of times, give those to me."
You scoffed at the audacity, refusing to hand over what was yours.
It was when she started walking towards your desk with a pep in her step that the entire class got involved. Their raised voices overlapped, some angrier than others over what was happening.
However, you too were Stubborn alike to your brothers so you kept as firm of a grip of the packet. You turned a blind eye to the anger fuelled cover teacher. You continued to smile as she spewed threats of all sorts.
Due to your frustration and annoyance over the teacher who wanted to take your gummies away, you didn't notice how everything started change; how hard it was to move your eyes and lips, your limbs getting heavier and you thoughts slowly getting muddled up.
Lost in a daze, you were no longer able to fight back when she pulled harder, successfully snatching the small packet out of your hands. It was now that the class got furious, your friends were already up and at your side but now they were verbally attacking the teacher.
Fed up with her petty behaviour, you were going to get up and go to the nurses office who would take care of you but getting out your seat was harder said than done.
With one of your friends help, you weren't too sure who was helping you from your hazy sight that cleared when you blinked too many times.
You were wobbly on your feet, taking slow and hesitant steps towards the front of the classroom but before you could leave, you felt your legs give out and everything went black.
It turned out that supposed crime scene that he was imminently needed at was nothing but a prank by a bunch of college boys resulting in a grumpy Hank putting them in cuffs and having them fined for a very reasonable reason.
That's how the rest of the unit found themselves finishing up paperwork, catching up about life in general as they debated what they were getting for lunch.
Jay was smugly sitting back, eyes flickering between Kevin and Adam who were bickering over something trivial when his phone rung, catching everyone's attention.
They were all so bored and normally when one of their phones went off during work hours, it meant something came up and they were needed.
In interest, everyone turned their heads towards Jay and waited for him to tell them they got a crime scene.
Picking up his phone, Jay's brows furrowed at the number, confused as to why your school was calling him in the middle of the day. They'd only call him if two things happened: You'd gotten in trouble or you got hurt.
"Hello. Is this Y/N Halsteads brother Jay?" A voice he couldn't recognised asked, most likely some lady from the main office.
"Yeah, that's me." Jay confirmed, sitting up in preparation for whatever he was going to be told.
"So sorry to interrupt you sir but Y/N collapsed in class." The lady said with guilt laced in her words. "Your other brother didn't pick up the phone. We called to let you know we had to call the paramedics and they've taken her to Chicago Med."
"Uh yeah." Jay said, collecting his jacket and keys. "Yes, thank you."
Not waiting for a reply, Jay hung up and quickly knocked on Hank's office door frame.
"Sarge, I gotta get Y/N-"
"Go get her. We're done here."
Wanting to pull his hair out, Will rubbed his eyes in frustration, glaring at his patients scans that only confused him further. He was tired and was coming to half way through his twenty four hour shift.
"Dr Halstead- Uh, Dr Rhodes in T4." Maggie stumbled, looking down at her brick and making sure she read it correctly.
"What's wrong?" Will asked, confused as to why Maggie changed her mind which she usually never did.
"It's Y/N."
Now fully awake, Will followed Connor towards the ambulance bay where you were being rolled in. You were groggily sitting up on the stretcher, you hair a mess and a few scratches around your face and hands from when you fell.
"Sylvie, what happened?" Will asked the blonde paramedic while looking you over. He desperately wanted to check you over himself but let Connor do his thing. He really did not need Ms Goodwin on his case today.
"Teachers didn't tell us much but her classmates said she collapsed after not being able to eat." Sylvie relayed the minimal information she knew, shrugging her shoulders when the two doctors looked at her weirdly. "No one would tell us anything more."
"Y/N, it's Connor. Can you hear me kid?" Connor said while pulling out his penlight. He was like another brother to you, his concern just as high. "Can you tell me what happened?"
You groaned, mumbling nonsense with your eyes screwed closed. Your words were mostly unintelligible but Will understood them mere seconds later.
Fixing the problem you complained about, Will turned down the lights and let Connor continue fussing over you.
It didn't take long to find out the cause of your collapse, Will sighing at the news when he read the numbers from your tests.
"I thought she was always on top of her sugar levels." Connor said, closing the room door so you could sleep in peace.
And what he said was completely true but they weren't aware of why you couldn't today specifically of all days.
"She is." Will said, rubbing a hand down his face in frustration. "Maybe her dexcom malfunctioned or something."
Connor hummed, agreeing with his friend.
"Hmm, maybe."
Arriving at Med, Will gave Jay a detailed rundown of everything he new about your medical state but also the events pre your hospital arrival.
Getting a good look at you, holding your hand in his and kissing you on your forehead, Jay was more than happy to leave you in your oldest brothers safe hands while he got to the bottom of this entire ordeal.
He noticed Sylvie was still at Med, Foster mentioning they were running low on a few supplies so they needed some stocking up. Jay took this opportunity to interview the two paramedics and try to get further understanding on this situation that wasn't making much sense to him.
Arriving at your school, Jay had some thoughts in mind but they weren't very concrete and his confidence wasn't as strong as he'd like it to be.
Walking into the school, Jay immediately noticed an entire class sitting and standing around in the corridor waiting in front of the principals office.
One of the girls who had been sitting in a chair had caught sight of Jay, her eyes widening before she smiled, gently nudging the girl next to her and pointing in his direction. The girls reaction was the exact same.
This created a sort of domino effect as the boy next to her noticed Jay and everyone was telling the other of his sudden arrival. The once silent corridor was now beginning to fill with murmurs and whispers, all their eyes glued onto his figure that moved down the corridor, their shocked faces quickly changing into smiles and smirks.
It seems that Jay had a reputation of sorts.
"Why are you making so much noise? What did I just say about talking-"
The principal cut himself off from his scolding when he suddenly noticed Jay's presence, his face blanching as all the pieces clicked into place.
"Detective Halstead! What a surprise, we weren't expecting to see you so soon-"
This time Jay cut him off, not too bothered about his lack manners. "My brothers with Y/N at the hospital so I thought there was no other perfect time."
The principal remained silent.
"Now, why don't you explain to me why my sister fainted under your watch?"
The students behind Jay couldn't help but snicker knowingly.
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psylocke142 · 2 months
I'll wait for you.
Sana x fem!reader
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synopsis: You and Sana have an on/off relationship. You broke up again two weeks ago. Then you begin to talk at a school event again.
w/c: 2.4k
warnings: angst; hopeless romantic; no happy endings here; on/off relationship; more angst; complicated relationship; even more complicated feelings; smoking
a/n: i am trying something new here. i have never written or posted anything before, so bare with me if you decide to check this out. i just felt like trying something here. btw i love sana and i apologize if she seems like the "bad guy" in this fic. :) DMs and asks open to suggestions and feedback.
You're currently back home, sitting on the roof of this shitty old house. It's been over an hour and the sun is starting to set. However, you can't seem to find the motivation to go back inside. You've been looking back at these past months. Lighting up a cigarette and inhaling a lung full of smoke as you try to figure out where it all went wrong. You're afraid you already know the answer, but one can fake obliviousness.
-- Flashback --
It's been weeks since you were last on good terms. If only you can explain or express how deeply that crushes your heart.
Thursday was open mic night for school. You had finished classes early that day and rushed out of your part-time at the restaurant.
Sana was there along with your friends. You rushed into the cafe, where the open mic was being held. It was crowded.
Anxiety began to rise and take over your body, heart hammering against your chest.
Whether it was from the thought of performing in front of everyone or the thought of seeing Sana, you had no clue.
You had entered through the side entrance. Automatically you searched for her face, wondering if she really did decide to come see you perform.
Sana: of course I'm gonna go!
Y/N: really? you don't have to
Sana: yes i do!
Y/N: ...ok then
Sana: will you be happy if i go?  i mean... do you want me to?
Y/N: ...yea i want you there
Sana: ...
Y/N: ...
Sana: i'm sorry y/n...it's ok if you don't want me to go
Sana: i know things have been weir-
Y/N: please come sana
Y/N: really, i mean it
Sana: oh...ok!
Y/N: ok
As you moved through the crowd you saw the face you've longed for. The person you had been missing. Sana.
She wasn't alone. She was walking next to Momo. The both of them had classes all day so they still had their book bags on them. Their backs were facing you as you approached them. You had an idea.
You walked up to the two girls, making sure to go unnoticed. Then you suddenly yanked on their backpacks lightly while yelling, "I can't do this." Blabbering whatever came to mind first.
Both girls turned around with a scare, Momo screaming loudly of course.
After the initial shock wore off. Sana replied, "What happened?" meanwhile Momo was hitting your shoulder cursing at you.
"I can't do this. I don't think I can go up there."
Despite the punches you were receiving from Momo you were solely focused on Sana. Your gazes met and locked. Sana reached out for your hand to calm your anxiety. Old habits. But you weren't opposed and you didn't feel like pulling back either.
It had been a few days since you both last spoke. Two weeks since you broke up. You would pass each other at school, sharing some of the same classes. But things were a bit different. Post breakup. You texted every once in a while trying to remain friends. Trying to remain in each other's lives. It wasn't the same.
Even though you had broken up, your presence wasn't unwelcomed by Sana. The two of you remained close during the beginning. Sitting down next to each other as you watched the first events. Momo tagged along but stayed a bit behind. You tried playing it cool at first, keeping a slight distance. There's never been any awkwardness between the two of you, so conversation came easily. Almost like nothing ever happened. Almost.
There was a shift in Sana. She went quiet and appeared to be focused on the current musical act, but her face showed she was debating something inside her head. You could tell it was something serious by the way she was chewing on her bottom lip.
You can't recall Sana's exact words. She had leaned close into your side. Her front touching your shoulder. Breath tickling your ear as she whispered, "I miss you y/n/n."
"Take me back y/n..."
You turned around to meet her face. The sudden shift in Sana caught you off guard. Not expecting this sudden topic. You regained focus quickly, shifting to Sana's features that were just an inch away. She had a soft, sad smile. Her eyes pleading. Sana was your weakness. Your everything. You couldn't ever say no to her. So you met her eyes and gave her a slight nod while softly smiling at her. Sana's smile grew and she gave you a small peck on the cheek.
The rest of that night was great. Until Sana disappeared.
She had gone off somewhere with Nayeon and Jihyo. The anxiety had returned. This time you were sure that it was about performing later that night. You wanted to run away. Your hands began to sweat and you searched for Sana.
Professor Park came up to you, asked you when you wanted to go up. Currently it was the second open mic participant on stage. He said you could go third or last for the open mic. "I'll go third. I don't want to end it weak." Professor Park laughed at your comment, thinking you were joking. You were joking. Partially.
Sana came up to you as your conversation with the professor ended. When he left you started complaining and pretended you were going to leave. You knew Sana would beg you to stay. She held onto your hands trying to calm you down.
You were up next and had begun to really get nervous. Performances and public speaking just aren't your thing.
The host called up your name. Your hands started to shake. Heart pounded in your ears. You parted from Sana, she slowly let your hands go. You hesitated letting go. You wanted to take her with you.
As you walked up to the stage you heard cheering and applause. You turned to look at the crowd. There you recognized Momo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu cheering loudly. You took the mic and mumbled that you weren't prepared. Though you don't know if you said it loud enough for everyone to have heard. Hopefully no one had caught that.
You recited your poem's title and said it incorrectly. You mentally slapped yourself, but you rectified yourself and restated the title. You continued with your poem. Your voice, hands, and legs weren't as shaky as the previous performances in class. You heard this one guy in the crowd blurt, "Shiiiiiiiitt" as you read through the final lines of your poem.
At the end there was a small hesitation for the applause because of the sudden twist in your work. That was your intention. The applause and cheers came soon. Especially from your friends. You turned to glance at them and saw Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo pretending to wipe tears from their eyes as they "cried" on each other's shoulders. Competing with each other on who could seem the most realistic.
You got down the stage. Hurriedly walked down the middle towards the back of the cafe. To Sana. As soon as you reached her she opened her arms. You wrapped your arms around her. Sana gently rubbed your back as you held tightly onto her. "I'm so proud of you baby" she cooed.
Sana let go and slightly pushed you off to grab a hold of your hand. She led you to a secluded area of the cafe. Then she palmed your face and grabbed the back of your neck to pull you into a kiss.
You had missed the feeling of her soft lips.
But like all good things, it came to an end.
Nighttime came quicker than you wanted it to. You were now back in your dorm. All you wanted was to lay in bed and relax. The rollercoaster of emotions draining your energy. But the ride still wasn't over. You were sat up in bed, on the phone with Sana.
She wanted to break up again. She had just asked to get back together a couple hours ago but here you were. Sana asked for space once again. Explaining that she had been dealing with insecurities, didn't know who she was, and had other personal issues. She needed time to find herself and figure things out for herself. As hard as you tried to reassure her, tell her she was perfect, give her nothing but love she insisted she needed space. You respected her decision.
That Friday night felt like it would never end. Felt like you couldn't catch a break. You felt nothing and everything at the same time.
Word was out that you and Sana broke up. Again. How everyone found out, you don't know. You were sitting in the common room before class with Momo and Jeongyeon. They were bickering about some nonsense. You didn't have it in you to join them. So you pretended to read your English textbook. Sana entered the common room. She headed straight towards Miyeon, who was across the room, to ask her about upcoming finals. You couldn't stop yourself from looking at her. That was when Nayeon and Jihyo joined your table.
Nayeon shoved your shoulder, "Why aren't you with your girl?"
"She's not my girl," you whispered.
Somehow Momo and Jeongyeon who were bickering the entire time with Jihyo included, who joined in as soon as she sat down, managed to hear and quieted down. They all looked at you, their eyes a mix of pity and sadness. This wasn't anything new to them but it still saddened them to hear the news.
Nayeon had always been supportive of you and Sana. She was the one who introduced you to one another. So she couldn't help but to gently ask, "Why?"
As you remembered all of yesterday's events, Sana whispering to take her back. Holding her hands again. Being wrapped in her arms. Her soft warm lips. Her warm smile and gentle eyes. Being comforted by her. Having her close. The long conversation you had over the phone. The break up. The space she wanted. You felt your chest contort and rip in two.
"I don't know."
"Well, I do know but I just don't want to say."
It was clear what Sana wanted. She made sure of that. You just couldn't explain that to Nayeon and the others without breaking. Thankfully, they seemed to have understood that.
"Hey, we get it. It'll be alright y/n/n." Jeongyeon calmly said as she wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
"C'mon now let's head to class."
All of you got up and started to head for class.
Throughout the day you dragged yourself from class to class. Trying to forget about Sana. You were failing miserably. You decided to head to the restroom to splash some water on your face. See if that would help.
As you were about to push the restroom door it was suddenly pulled open from the other side. You looked up to find Sana, surprised to see you. Your eyes met and you felt your heart clench. You weren't thinking. Your brain stopped working and your heart started going into overdrive, so you jokingly muttered, "Excuse me...I'm just going in for a quick cry" as you squeezed beside Sana to enter.
Sana quickly turned around and headed towards you. Shutting the door in the process.
You felt a hand take a hold of your wrist pulling you back. You didn't expect Sana to follow you in. You really did feel like crying now.
Sana studied you. You couldn't meet her gaze.
She apologized and you couldn't conjure up a response. You just stood there staring at the floor. Brain still not functioning. Heart still in overdrive, wanting nothing but Sana. Your heart fought with itself inside your ribcage. The hammering and ache screaming to run and stay.
Then she pulled you into her arms. As much as you wanted to cry mere seconds ago you couldn't. Your heart was rushing with a mix of emotions, but the fight inside from earlier had subsided. You just let yourself sink into Sana for the moment. You wanted to kiss her. So you pulled back a little and leaned in. Halfway through you felt Sana's arms begin to come up your shoulders. Getting ready to push you back. It was then you realized you shouldn't, so instead you swiftly glided your head to lean on Sana's shoulder. You couldn't help but let out a defeated sigh. Your heart sunk so low.
A pair of hands lifted to caress the back of your neck. Sana guided your head up and leaned in. The kiss was soft, it was more than a peck but still it felt too short. You had gotten what you wanted, but you didn't know how to feel about that.
Sana pulled back and softly palmed the side of your face caressing you with a sad smile. You tried reciprocating as best as you could, but your smile was much smaller and weaker than Sana's. Then she exited the restroom. Leaving you there. You stood there for a while. You couldn't stop replaying what just happened. You felt so stupid. Lost.
-- End of Flashback --
The sun has fully set. Your thoughts are still filled with Sana. Will she ever come back? It's been at least half a year since then. You still see her around campus but she's always glued to Miyeon's hip. Any and all attempts to get her to talk to you are intercepted by her best friend. Sana also makes an effort in ignoring you. If you pass each other in the hall she practically sprints away with her head down. Or she feigns to be doing something on her phone. Face immensely close to her phone trying to block her face from your sight. If you catch her staring at you she turns away instantly. If she's hanging out with Momo, Nayeon, or any of your other friends she makes an excuse to leave. Never acknowledging your presence. She practically runs from you. It left you dumbfounded the first couple of times. Leaving the others to apologize on Sana's behalf. You couldn't handle the pain all of Sana's actions caused you. So you stopped trying to reach out or get close. You accepted the distance she wanted to create.
Now you just feel a hollow cavern that continues to grow inside your chest as more time passes. At this point your ribcage feels sore from the constant fight and ache your heart has been through. All you could do is sigh as you put out the remaining bud of the cigarette you had lit up. Lazily you brush yourself off to head back inside.
"I'll wait until you're ready."
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Based off this post lol
Being completely self indulgent with this one lol. I also think it would be funny if they went to a 6 flags park cuz it’s DC property, lol anyway. Not proofread, no smut but slightly suggestive in one part.
Word count: 800
✭He remembered how once you made an off handed comment about loving roller coasters and flat rides when you two had first begun dating, and since summer was just around the corner he wanted to surprise you with two tickets to the nearest Six Flags in a state over, wanting to make a whole day out of it, because he’s just a sweet boyfriend like that.
✭He himself hadn’t gone to one since he was in high school before he had his late growth spurt, so he didn’t realize until it was already too late that he was too big for 99% of the rides.
✭It hadn’t occurred to you both right away, you were both waiting in line for a coaster, Batman the ride to be more specific. You both finally got to the front of line after about 40 minutes of waiting, Miguel hugging you from behind as you waited like a stereotypical couple. (When you were single, you despised those couples but here you are now) he wasn't even able to take two steps from the gate until an employee came up to you both. Saying that Miguel was too tall to sit comfortably in the seats and even if he was a few inches shorter, the over-the-shoulders restraints wouldn’t click because of how built his shoulders and chest were.
✭He was a bit upset, the day had barely started and he was already being turned away because of something he had technically no control over. But he didn’t want it to affect the date. So he just walked through the loading station and just waited there. You had initially told him that you weren’t going to get on it if he couldn’t, but he said that you should just ride without him.
✭“You had already waited the 40 minutes muñeca, just go, It’s fine.” He had told you, but he started to regret his words just a tad bit when the ride attendant had sat a group of three college guys next to you. He had to watch silently as the one next to you tried to make conversation. You were always too nice to not engage, and weren’t very good at reading signs when someone was flirting with you.
✭When you finally finish the ride, your face is all flushed , and you're all giggly from the adrenaline pumping in your veins. Miguel made sure that the guy next to you knew you were off limits, pulling you close by your waist and capturing your lips into a wet kiss as you giggled into it. Not noticing the way your boyfriend was glaring daggers at the guy who sat next to you.
✭You were a lot more optimistic than Mig was about being able to get to ride at least one thing with him. But the more times he got denied the more bitter he became, you had to take a break from the rides after one of the works we’re getting “too handsy” with you (he was checking your lap restraint) so as to make sure he didn’t throw it down with a 16 year old worker (it was almost funny how jealous he got at times).
✭If there was anything Miguel could do though, was to win you something at the games. Specifically , one of those gigantic teddy bears you have to hold with both arms.
✭You’ve never wanted to jump his bones more than when he was playing one of those water shooting games with a little boy, and had “accidentally “ missed during the first few seconds so the kid could win the last pikachu stuffy. Admitting to him when you both shared a funnel cake later that you’ve never wanted to make him a dad more than in that moment.
✭And he swears to himself that he’ll keep those words in mind next time you try to reach for the condoms in his dresser drawer.
✭Miguel was sure he wouldn’t be allowed on 99% of the rides, but there was, thankfully, a ride he could go on. The Farris wheel.
✭You both were able to get on just after the sky turned dark, and all the fun neon lights from some of the other rides lit up with perfect lighting as you boarded.
✭You were in awe at all the lights and the sights from atop of the wheel, taking a picture to post on your insta story with 3005 from childish Gambino later. Not even noticing Miguel’s starry-eyed look at you, matching the one you had.
✭Once you two stopped at the top, Miguel couldn’t help but seize the opportunity to be cheesy, and leaned in until his lips connected with yours.
Taglist: @famouscattale @strawberryjuice9 @loser-alert @maomaimao @franceseca-the-1st
@mcmiracles @mangoslushcrush @queerponcho @yournextbimbogf @tinybirdhideout
@reader-1290 @laysmt @migueloharasoulmate @fruityfucker @pigeonmama
@scaryplanetdestroyer @migueloharastruelove @genny1019 @maiyart @stressed-cherry
@haveclayeveryday @krentkova19
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luza-wayne · 5 months
hello! Do you take requests? If yes can you do a kenma's girlfriend taking care of a sick kenma (and can you use time skip kenma?) I'm sorry if it's too much. Delete it if you feel uncomfortable by it. Thank you.
hi! it's totally fine! thank you for requesting<33
and thank you for requesting, finally had one🥹
i wasn't able to make a short story about it, so i'll just be doing a headcanon!
i hope you enjoy this!
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time-skip kenma!
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sick kenma! who was using his phone to announce to his fans and viewer that he has to cancel his stream that day because of sudden emergency
sick kenma! who didn't have the strength to spare to reply to his followers who were worried about what this sudden emergency was, but tried his best to compose a post to say that they don't need to worry because it's not that serious
sick kenma! who was prepared to spend the whole day lying on the couch and hope his fever would go away with some rest
sick kenma! who no matter what position he do, can’t get comfortable and feel sleepy
sick kenma! who didn't want to make you worry while you're at work, so he decided not to tell or call you and have you think about the sick him the whole day
sick kenma! whose mind was probably in haze completely forgot that you had his account’s on notification and it was the time for your usual coffee break
sick kenma! who was wearing thick clothes on aside from his hoodies that he initially had because he was freezing despite his sweating
sick kenma! who suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the car arriving and the door being opened, but didn’t had the strength to even get up
sick kenma! who met eyes with you both of your hair disheveled, except his was from tumbling around the couch and yours was from the rush to get to your sick boyfriend
sick kenma! who was about to ask you why your here, but was immediately silenced by your rapid fire questions
sick kenma! whose voice was hoarse, but tried his best to answer all of your questions that couldn’t be answered by nodding or shaking his head to avoid you from getting more worried
sick kenma! who watched as you goes back and forth around the house to get him something
sick kenma! who despite loving how you take care of him, was feeling guilty that you had to leave work super early because of him
sick kenma! whose face expression might look the same for someone who didn’t know him, but for his partner for years it was easy to tell, as easy as reciting the alphabet
sick kenma! who silently watched as you walk to him holding the porridge you cooked for him
sick kenma! who finishes it, even if it tastes nothing, but still ate it because you made it for him, and he don’t want to be a pain in the butt
sick kenma! who sat there obediently while you take his temperature, wanting to wrap his arms around your waist right in front of his face, but didn’t want to bother you
sick kenma! who tried to stand up while you went to get him a glass of water and get it by himself and wanted to show you that you don’t have to worry about him
sick kenma! who failed, because his knees was limp and had no energy in them
sick kenma! who despite feeling so cold took off most of his clothes, silently telling you that there could be a chance that his fever is going down
sick kenma! who was scolded by you when you found him like that, trembling in cold and his clothes on the ground
sick kenma! who finally gathered the strength and tell you what was on his mind
sick kenma! who forgets that he was the type of person that whenever he has fever, he cries randomly
sick kenma! who was about to speak, but suddenly teared up and cries when he sees you walking to him with a worried expression
sick kenma! who waited for you to come closer to him and opened his arms to you, immediately wrapping himself to your body
sick kenma! who blatantly lied that he didn’t cried nor teared up
sick kenma! who got teased by you, but still comforted him while you directed him to sit back down and wipe his tears and sweat
sick kenma! who told you that he will take care of himself, so you don’t need to worry next time and leave your office for him
sick kenma! who was refuted by you that it’s only natural that you’ll get worried and to take care of him
sick kenma! who still showed signs of guilt, so he had his face squished between your palms, reminding him that he don’t need to feel guilty because you wanted to do it for him too
sick kenma! who was surprised when you suddenly kissed him and then telling you that you might catch his fever, but you just told him that you have great immunity
sick kenma! who finally got over it and smiled
sick kenma! who didn’t let you go and instead trapped you under him, using your warmth of your body to warm him up, smiling to himself
sick kenma! who finally managed to get comfortable and rest his eyes and body 
the next day, recovered kenma!, found you crying while laying on bed
when worriedly asked by him what happened, recovered kenma! realized that you actually caught his fever
recovered kenma! who found it cute how you tried to play it cool and say that maybe it was because you slept without a blanket last night, because the ac wasn’t on, but he knows damn well that that wasn’t the case
recovered kenma! who once again announced to his fans and viewers that he would not be streaming that day, because he has matters to attend to, something more important than the reason yesterday
recovered kenma! who now will tend to your every need today just like how you did to him yesterday
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i hope you all liked it and let me know what you think!
also, if you'd like to tip me, you can check my ko-fi acc! anything will be a big help!
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fleursbending · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲’𝐬 𝐀𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫. | Sully Family
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : after the successful intervention, your family's hearts still burn for some good ol' revenge. luckily for them, an unfortunate event arises that allows them to do just that.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : sully!family x sully!daughter reader
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : i apologise that this took a lot longer than it should have to be posted! i initially wasn't going to do a part 2, but so many ppl wanted it i just decided eh why the heck not?? with that being said, pls read part 1 before this because i don't think this can be read as a stand-alone! mother!tiri really shines through this time so now i'm just healing your mommy and daddy issues atp.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : bullying/teasing?, hurt/comfort yk the drill, angst, fluff, lo'ak pummels ao'nung, pissed mom!tiri, tonowari pops tf off, dorky brother neteyam, ao is a dickwad here!
𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲 : (actually highkey proud of this i'm trying to use more na'vi in my stories from now on) Tsmuke - sister, Skxawng - moron/idiot, Tsmukan - brother, Yaymak - foolish/ignorant, Sa'nok - mother, Txavä’ -disgusting, ‘Itetsyìp - little daughter (term of endearment), Tsamsiyu - warrior, Muntxate - wife/female spouse, Olo’eyktan - clan leader, ‘Ite - daughter, Itan - son, Sempul - father, Uturu - sanctuary, Oeyä - my (possessive), ‘Awsiteng - together.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 2.9k words !!
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 :  @pandorainmymind @eywas-heir @spicycloudsalad @missdreamofendless @prty-poisxn @scarlettwitch-4 @23victoria @avidreader3107 @purplehyacinthss @itssiaaax @neteyamoa @tsireyasgf @nijirozzz @useryourbut @yua-himari @sweetheartlizzie07 @grierpilots @reneehillary69 @fruitsalad1 @forasgaard @iwaslikeblah @dumb-fawkin-bitch @theicemav @narutoboi
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄 today, it had been storming the last few days. Now you and your siblings were making the most of the sunshine. Things have been really good the past few weeks, and slowly you were finally beginning to warm up to the ocean. The past had to stay where it was, now you were gradually moving on. 
Y/n remembers her dad's words then, "It's the little steps that end up making the biggest difference." 
He was right, they really did. 
"Neteyam", Y/n giggled as he splashed water at her whilst she sat at the edge of the platform they used to easily access jumping into the water when calling for their Ilu's. Her legs dangled over the edge, peering down at her siblings.
"Tsmuke, you are being silly! Come join us in the water!" Neteyam tried to beckon you to join him and Tuk as they played with their Ilu's.
"Yeah, come on Y/n!" Tuk whined, only to be cut off by ecstatic laughter as her Ilu nudged their head onto her back. 
Y/n held her hands up then, an unfinished anklet dangling below the palm of her hand. 
"I am finishing this, you skxawngs." She reminded them, wanting to give it to Tsireya once it was finished. 
As Y/n began to reach out of her reserved shell, Tsireya swooped right in. She, Neteyam, and Tsireya had become a trio of sorts. She was hoping to make matching anklets for all of them.
"Alright, we're going to ride our Ilu's further out. Is that okay, tsmuke?" Neteyam called out to you, pointing further out.
You rolled your eyes at his worried tone. 
You love your family, really you do. But the one downside to the confrontation you had with all of them. Well, they've been treating you like a little baby ever since then. 
The doting and attention were very much appreciated at first. But it escalated to your siblings trailing after you everywhere you went, for the most part. They'd become increasingly overprotective whenever Ao'nung and his crew were in close proximity to you. The kicker? They implemented a curfew for you now. You had to be home an hour before dinner was ready, a whole hour! 
Basically, your freedom and alone time had been cut in half. Stripped away from you. While you looked a lot more healthy and since perked up in the past few weeks - your family continued to remain on the edge. They just didn't anything to further happen to you, especially now that you've progressed so much.
The Sully's knew you were a strong girl, but the pieces you were starting to put back together could easily be ripped apart again. So for the time being, they'll do whatever it takes to prevent it.
Unfortunately for them, such an event was just right around the corner. 
Y/n scrutinized Neteyam and in return, the eldest son wiggled his nonexistent eyebrows in a taunting manner. 
"Yes, tsmukan. Now go!" You urged him to leave as Tuk waved bye to you.
Letting out a happy sigh at the silence that filled you, wow - this was really nice. She thought to herself. Just the waves rippling beneath you is what accompanies you. 
Neteyam was about to dive into the water when he turned to look back and check on you. There you sat in the same position, back hunched and eyes focused as you continued to weave the unfinished anklet. 
He nodded to himself then, satisfied that you were alright.
Yet the moment he turned his back and dove into the water, the infamous group you've been trying to avoid made their way into the nook where your mauri and outdoor area were. 
Y/n tensed as the air shifted, hearing the sounds of multiple footsteps nearing her. A feeling of deja vu surged through her, oh no. 
"Alone, at last, the great daughter of Toruk Makto!" Ao'nung jeered as their shrill laughter raked through the once peaceful aura you were just starting to settle in. 
A not-so-subtle hiss escaped your lips, eyes closing in disdain. Can a girl not get any damn alone time around here? 
"What's this then? Oh, an anklet!" Ao'nung had stalked over to you from behind, ripping the unfinished weaved strings out of your hand. 
Defeat flooded your futures, not wanting to make anything of this. Y/n hoped they'd just say a few insulting comments and mosey on out of here.
"Who is this for, me? I love it soooo much!" Ao'nung mocked, sarcasm dripping in his tone as his friends cheered him on.
"No. It is for your sister." Y/n deadpanned, not finding the amusement they seemed to be in this predicament. 
"Well, it's quite pathetic. I think you should start over if you want my sister to actually appreciate this." He teased, nimble fingers beginning to untangle the hard work you had just done. 
Your ears folded back then, standing up and facing the idiots. Cracking your neck, a harsh glare was sent their way. Sticking out your open hand, palm up in front of Ao'nung. 
"Just stop that and hand it back over. Then you can be on your own merry ways." You tried to appease them.
"When did you suddenly find your voice? I ought to stomp it out." Ao'nung sneered at you then, and in a blink of an eye, he had thrown your project into the ocean. 
"Ao'nung!" She fumed, angry eyes scouting the water but you could no longer see it. 
"Yaymak! Useless like my father had said, how do you even survive? Come on, take a dip!" He contended, bending down beside you to push you in-
A jarring snarl erupts from behind them. They all jump and swivel around, but are instantly stumped. 
There stood your Sa'nok, gripping a basket full of fruit so viciously that it chipped - pieces of dried flax splintering and falling to the ground. 
"Txavä’. Useless? I ought to show you how you can become useless-" She stormed over to them making most of the boys in front of you yelp in surprise and jump back again.
"Sa'nok! Do not!" You remarked, astonished at her shameless way of protecting you. 
Ever since finding out about what had happened to you, she'd been so civil whenever in the clan leader and tsahik's son's presence. Now she realises how eery those actions actually were. Oh great mother, she was just doing it for your sake. 
"Ma ‘itetsyìp, she is a fierce tsamsiyu. Unlike you!" She vehemently fired, pointing at Ao'nung.
He began to splutter out apologies, the realisation dawning on him that he was being reprimanded by one of the fiercest women Awa'atlu had ever come across.
Another figure popped out of the shadows then, Lo'ak. His fists were tightly clenched at his sides, eyebrows furrowed as indignation rolled off of him in waves.
"Yaymak?! He snapped, and before you could even fully acknowledge his presence he rushed forward - tackling Ao'nung who was receiving a scolding from Neytiri, into the ocean before you. 
"Lo'ak!" Y/n fretted as she peered over the edge to see the two boys yelling and cussing each other out as they floundered about in the water. 
"What in the world…" Jake whispered in question to himself as him and Tonowari rounded the corner - quickening their paces due to the faint sounds of the commotion they had overheard.
His eyes widened at the scene before him, the chief mimicking his expression as well as they stopped, stunned in their tracks.
Neytiri was still yelling at the group of bullies, an accusatory finger prodding at one of his shoulders as he looked down at his feet in embarrassment. She turned a blind eye to what he rebellious son had just done, deeming it was rightfully deserved.
 Both their eyes then flittered over to Y/n who was basically dangling on the edge of the platform, hauling a battered Lo'ak back up. 
His drenched body collided with the surface and he grunted, but that didn't stop him from turning around to flip off Ao'nung who was struggling to push himself up.
"Yeah, eat shit!" Lo'ak continued to provoke him, even while branding a busted lip and what looked like the beginnings of a black eye. 
"Lo'ak…" You cautioned, pointing to your father and Tonowari's looming figures.
"Oh fuck." He cursed to himself. 
"What is going on here?" Tonowari boomed then, stepping forward and making his presence known. 
Jake trailed behind him, tail swishing in unease. 
"Neytiri!" He called for his muntxate, grabbing onto her and pulling Neytiri into his side. 
You walked over to stand by your parents, guilt crescendoing - this happened all because of you. Stupid, you didn't want to make a scene in the first place.
"I'm sorry Olo'ektyan. This is all my fault." Y/n confessed, tail drooping as all the attention was shifted to her. 
"She is lying! My 'ite cannot carry this burden any longer, she will not. This is all your son's fault! He has been antagonising my ‘itetsyìp since we came here." She persisted, a sigh of irritation falling from her lips as she once again pointed at Ao'nung.
The mentioned boy wiped his bloody nose, ears shifting as Neytiri said his name with such harsh conviction.
"'Itan, is what Neytiri speaks of true?" Tonowari divulged as he dug into Ao'nungs pride with a mere look.
"Yes, sempul. What she speaks of is true." He blanched at the scrutinizing look Jake targeted toward him. 
It was like he was about to walk into the battlefield, gun in hand and ready to rain blood.
"Look at me, boy!" Tonowari thundered, eyes now slits as he admonished Ao'nung. 
The clan leader's son could've gotten whiplash from how fast his head turned. 
"Go home, and work up an apology. Now." The chief ordered.
"But, I can apologise now-" He tried to reason, wishing to get this embarrassment over and done with.
"It would be insincere." Both Neytiri and Tonowari spoke at once, the former giving an apologetic nod to your mother in agreement.
Ao'nung tried to fess up some words, but Tonowari glared. His chest almost heaving from contempt.
"Go!" He bellowed. Ao'nung with his tail between his legs scampered off back to his mauri.
His friends stood there, almost comically. They knew they were utterly fucked and word of this would travel back to their own families.
"Why are you still here, shouldn't you be working on your apologies as well?" Tonowari antagonised.
"Oh, uhm- sorry!" One of them spluttered before being shoved by another boy as they all ran off.
Tonowari sighed in chagrin, a hand of his meeting his face. He stood straight then, turning to acknowledge your family.
Right in tow, Neteyam, Tuk, and Kiri were pulling themselves back up from the ocean.
Lo'ak went over to help them. Ignoring the worried hands of his older brother that looked over his bruises.
"As Olo'ekytan, I failed in my duties today. As a father, I also failed. I sincerely apologise to you, dear." He looked at you then, eyes full of guilt as he briefly placed his hand on your shoulder.
"I will be sure that he will see through a firm reprimanding, Jake Sully." Tonowari called to the man that had become his good friend.
"I raise my apology to the rest of your family as well. You came here to seek uturu. This will not happen again." 
Jake motioned, Oel ngati kameie, to him. Tonowari returned the motion, bowing his head down lower than usual to try to convey his genuine upset at the situation his son had conjured.
"You are a fierce mother, Neytiri. Your Sa'nok would be proud." Tonowari added, before turning around and making his exit too. 
Neytiri watched him leave, a faint smile on her lips before giving all her undivided attention to you.
"Oeyä 'ite, are you hurt?" She necessitated, lifting your arms up and checking for any wounds.
"Sa'nok, I am fine." You dejected, eyes flittering to look anywhere to ignore her studying gaze.
"What happened?" Neteyam interjected, rushing over to you and bringing you into a hug. He felt terrible for having left you alone.
"I'm never leaving you again." He whispered, holding your head to his chest.
While the words came with comfort, they made your chest constrict. 
Agitated you shoved him away. In return, Neteyam fumbled backward in surprise.
"Y/n!" Kiri gasped in shock.
"I am fine! I'm going to be fine! I'm not dying or anything, I'm still here okay?! I appreciate the concern, but please. Just, leave me alone." Your voice grew fainter towards the end of your speel, tears welling up in your eyes. 
Cursing to yourself you rushed into the family mauri, humiliation seeping into your conscience. 
Jake began to follow you but Neytiri put a hand on his chest. It had emerged on her then, how a situation that seemed so minor grew to become a lot more vocal than any of them prepared for.
Y/n was not one for attention, let alone being stuck in the midst of it all.
"Give her a moment, then we will go and console her," Neytiri spoke with quiet empathy.
"Okay." Jake agreed hesitantly, all he wanted to do was comfort his daughter. But he knew how much you needed your alone time. 
So they huddled, ‘awsiteng. They waited, ‘awsiteng. 
Until the light escaped the sky, and your raspy voice cut through the gentleness of the night.
"You can come in now, you didn't have to just wait outside. I'm sorry."
Jake looked to his family then, before they all slowly got up and made their way into the Mauri.
You were huddled in front of the fire, a blanket shrouding you as you blankly stared into the burning embers before you.
"Ma 'ite. You are not alone." Jake murmured as he sat by you, brushing away a stray strand of hair that had cast itself over your bloodshot and puffy eyes.
"I know." You acknowledged.
"Tsmuke, you are not alone." Lo'ak reiterated.
"Yes, I know." You acknowledged again, finally looking up at them as they all sat in a circle around the fire.
"‘Itetsyìp, you are never alone," Neytiri affirmed, having sat by your other side and giving your cheek a soft kiss.
"I know. Are you all trying to make me cry again?" You garbled, tears prickling in your eyes at the warmth you were receiving after giving them the cold shoulder.
"No, we aren't! I don't like it when you cry." Tuk remarked, jumping up from her spot and running over to you. Giving you a hug from behind as her little thumbs rubbed away the tears that began to stream down your face.
"Useless my ass! That shithead was so stupid to say tha-" It seemed Lo'ak was still hung up on what Ao'nung had said.
"Lo'ak!" You all chided, quiet laughter following.
Jake grinned down at you then, his teeth even showing a little as he watched his pride and joy laugh. "Baby girl, we mean it. We're all in this together…‘awsiteng." 
"‘Awsiteng." You repeated, smiling up at him. 
He combed through your hair, bringing you and Tuk into his chest.
"And you're right. You need some alone time, yeah? But we'll always be right around the corner. Okay?" Jake continued to reassure you, rubbing your shoulder - or what part he could reach since Tuk wouldn't let go of you still.
"Okay." You mumbled, arms wrapping around his shoulders and squeezing. 
The pieces that felt so scattered and displaced suddenly puzzled back together.
This is home. Not the forest, not the ocean, not the mauri you all resided in.
As chatter overtook the silence, your parents began to cook up a late dinner. Your eyes met Neteyam's who sat directly parallel to you - he gave you a dorky thumbs up. Your little sign between each other that Jake had mentioned in passing that sky people do when you were younger, "Hey, are you okay?"
You returned it with your own equally as dorky thumbs up, earning a questionable look from your mother who after all these years - still could not fully grasp the concept.
This is home, the family that would always accept and love you through the toughest of times. Your family, that always made you feel whole. Complete.
As Neteyam yipped happily at your thumbs up, unable to hold his happiness under wraps. You thought then,
"Eywa, there is no other place I'd rather be."
࿐ ࿔*:・゚˳೫˚
As your family began to prepare to sleep, Lo'ak tapped your shoulder. 
You turned to him, giving him a questioning gaze.
"Yes, Tsmukan?" 
He opened your hands before a familiar unfinished project was placed gently in them.
"I tried to dry it outside, I don't know how salvageable it'll be but I am willing to help. I know Tsireya really likes- oomph!"
You stood on your tippy toes, tugging him in to a gracious embrace. 
He smiled then, hands wrapping around you as he swayed you two from side to side.
"I appreciate it so much, thank you brother." 
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𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 ━━━ 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
⤷ feedback and reblogs are always much appreciated ! feel free to ask through my inbox if you would like to join my taglist. ♡
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runabout-river · 3 days
Thoughts on JJK chapter 270 (spoilers)
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Before I write my thoughts down, I have to confess that they've been tainted by a post I read I after reading the chapter. I decided to write the first part of my review as I had initially wanted to but the second part will discuss the things I read afterwards.
We start the chapter with a beautiful scene of a grave belonging to Tsumiki but my first thought was... what about Tsumiki's soul that had prevented Megumi from killing a girl?
If this is what Tsumiki's end and Megumi's final reaction to that would be, why did Gege bother including her soul as an active character into the story?
I also tried to find the raws to see what exactly was written on her grave. Only her surname? And was it also in English?
After that we get to Tengen and what happened to her and it was exactly here where my thoughts of this chapter went a big 🤨😵🧐🤬🤪
So Yuji just punched her out? And nothing more happened to her? The Culling Games are over? How did that happen? And through which remains would she stay stable? There was nothing left of Sukuna, at least nothing that had gone through Kenjaku's ritual. The only place she would be stable would still be inside Megumi. Her barriers are magically stable as well.
What a... neat ending to all those plot threads...
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Then we come to Maki finding her past helpers and telling them that all the reincarnated sorcerers would be separated from their hosts by Yuji soon and...
That's against established canon. We already had the discussion that the souls of the host's can't be saved because they've been pushed down to complete darkness. Choso couldn't feel the soul of his host anymore and that was how the narrative absolved him from any wrongdoing because now he didn't have to give his body back for ethical reasons and he hadn't made an unethical deal to be reincarnated either.
Only Megumi was said to have a chance of being saved and no one else.
So now I'm here and scretching my head thinking... was Gege so desperate or time constipated to end the manga that he threw that point out? Or is sth else going on here...
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We get Takaba back and he has a suspicious looking partner now, with whom he can do more comedy.
Now I don't think that's the real Kenjaku there. It's more likely that Takaba simply imposed that hairstyle on his new partner because he's missing his short time best friend.
For an actual Kenjaku comeback, he wouldn't have Geto's body anymore. Imo, Kenjaku did have spare bodies lying around he could've fled to at the last second though.
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We get more loose ends being tied up and for Higuruma it's clemency. This is another point in the "everything turns out perfectly good for the good guys" part we have been bombarded with in this chapter.
I'm like, Gege, isn't this too much? Wasn't JJK darker than this? Even Shoko gave up her smokes. The military plot is just "we'll deal with them" and there's no mention of JJ societal instability with the clans falling apart.
Either he really wanted to wrap every loose end up... or
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Gege forgets Megumi's scar on a pretty big panel and we get an anime love complication with one chapter remaining. It was funny though.
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Then we come to the end where we're set up to believe that life of the first year trio will go on as it should've been without those major Shibuya/Shinjuku complications.
Just going on missions and living life like that.
Now, one could accept that kind of ending (why isn't that in chapter 271 though?) But it comes off as so... lackluster and mended with fire after big chunks of the plot were cut off.
After I had finished the chapter, I was the most disappointed at everything that had to do with Tengen and the CG. So Gege sets up that the sorcerer life will continue afterwards. Even without wanting a Part 2, just ending the CG and Tengen's story like that is... unnecessarily boring and wasted space for nearly everything that came before that.
But then I read @thepersonperson post on how the last 3 chapters of JJK could possibly have been an induced dream sequence this whole time.
Induced by Yuji through his ability of creating fake memories right before defeat/death. His own DE is an application of this and Sukuna's strangely similar ability of talking with freshly deceased people in a dreamscape.
When Yuji had first expanded his domain, I went on such a ramble at the time about these strange abilities of them both. What I said back then was that Yuji wasnt an active/aware participant of them but by now he had acquired Sukuna's CT and again a DE.
This could mean that his induced dream sequences could've evolved enough that he became aware of them instead of only pushing them into someone else. In other words:
Yuji is dreaming of his best happy ending.
And here truly experiences that but he can't tell until now that it's a dream. He might very well be lying on the ground now about to die.
The post I linked adds more details to this theory like inconsistent character placements and "mistakes" like Megumi's scar suddenly missing, which would be commonplace in a dream.
That last picture up there with the guy who's supposed to be cursed but it was actually his girlfriend who had her perception of reality altered as well as the name of this chapter, would be the final hints about the last few chapters having been another glitch in perception.
Now only one week is left then we'll get our final answers to JJK. If this dream theory is true, then Gege will establish himself as the biggest troll, either with a JJK 2 or with a tragic ending.
(And if this really comes true, then I don't think I'll manage to escape the spoilers)
But whatever might come and even though I'm meh about the end (as it's presented to us right now) I still love JJK and immensely enjoyed reading, watching and engaging with it 😄
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kairiscorner · 1 year
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
ok but like imagine miguel finding your social media and like
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miguel was never one to initiate having a social media account, he found it as a worthless distraction from such important work, it was an idle indulgence for attention-hungry people that he found no interest in. you did a whole lot of convincing to get him to sign up for an instagram, when every time you pitched the idea to him, he always declined before you could even finish.
it was only when lyla made an instagram account for miguel by your request that he was finally introduced to the world of social media. "i still believe it was because you wanted an instagram." miguel muttered as lyla kept a tab open, scrolling and liking through the spider people in the spider society's posts. "so what if i did? you need it anyway." she responded as miguel side-eyed her. "what would i even need it for?" "stalking them!" lyla said cheerily, pertaining to you, who kept urging miguel to get social media.
"i would neve–" miguel was about to speak up, but his monitor's display was replaced by the image of your instagram's profile. "they went on vacation, right? i'm betting they posted a lot of photos about it. according to my statistics, they post every 25 minutes on the–" "i'm not looking through this." miguel said as he tried exiting the tab, but lyla had it locked on his monitor. "just give in, mig." she said with a teasing tone as miguel grumbled.
reluctantly, miguel did as the AI assistant said, and scrolled through your account. he scrolled through picture after picture, and though he enjoyed seeing these pictures of you... he was unsure of what exactly he was supposed to do. "so what do i do, just keep scrolling?" "you hit that little heart icon, see what happens." lyla suggested, and miguel did as he was told. "...okay, what now?" he asked her, confused. "wait for it..."
suddenly, a message appeared in miguel's inbox. lyla opened it for him, and it was from you. "YOU GOT INSTA??????" was your message to him, with little screaming cat emojis following the message. lyla teased miguel as he typed out his reply. "i did." he messaged, while you replied almost immediately. "and i see you liked my pic <3" "i did?" "yeah, i'm glad you like what you saw :>" "no problem and they really were adorable to look at."
"'adorable'? really?" lyla asked him, unimpressed as miguel's face got all flustered. "mind your business." he snapped back as he got a reply from you. "i'll be the first one to like all your pics, boss (。•̀ᴗ-)✧" miguel chuckled to himself a little when he saw that kaomoji in your message and smiled as he thought of you waiting for him to post something for you to like.
the sound of a camera shutter was heard next to miguel as lyla went on her end of miguel's instagram and posted a photo of miguel smiling widely and getting all flustered in the face. your username was tagged in the caption as lyla hit 'post', and soon... miguel got the notification: you liked his photo. miguel's eyes widened at two things: you liked his photo, he posted a photo? miguel turned to face lyla as she grinned, folded her arms over her chest and mouthed him a 'nailed it' before she logged off.
miguel wasn't too mad about it, he could figure out how to delete it on his own, but a part of him didn't want to. the fact you liked it... it sent a warmth through his whole body and made him smile a little wider. maybe he'd keep this whole social media thing going, it wouldn't hurt, right?
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kiztae · 1 year
dirty ― c.yeonjun x f.reader
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wc: 2.9k
genre: smut, slight fluff
cw: protected sex, fingering, penetration, dom!yeonjun, sub!reader,
summary: you and your friends hang out, and when you get hurt, yeonjun takes care of you. however, things take a different turn with the tension building up between you both, hopefully no one notices.
a/n: my first smut post, hope you enjoy it!
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your night wasn't supposed to turn out like this, the initial plan was to hang-out with your friends and watch a movie. however, most of them canceled and it ended up being just you, soobin, and his friend yeonjun.
you had talked to yeonjun a few times, but it never went on for too long. you usually just talked to soobin and made sure to share a polite greeting or small talk with the other.
that wasn't the case today.
after a few minutes of hanging out as a group, soobin left to go buy some ramyeon. meanwhile, you and yeonjun shared a nice conversation while preparing the snacks for the movie. turns out you both had many things in common, and really hit it off!
you never cared about yeonjun that much, although you did catch yourself admiring his handsome looks more than once. especially with his new haircut, a black colored short mullet. it suited him perfectly, and you thought it gave him a wild messy look, which you had to admit, you liked a lot.
"the popcorn's almost ready. we should go get soobin." you inform yeonjun as you check on the pot filled with little popcorn bits.
"alright, let me grab soobin and we can get started with the movie." he agreed, headed towards the door.
a loud yelp erupted from you, making him stop in his tracks, quickly looking back to find you crouching next to the stove. you were blowing softly into your hand, trying to soothe the burn in your left palm.
"what's happened?!" yeonjun ran to crouch by your side, searching after your eyes, confused as to what hurt you.
"i tried to push the pot to a corner of the stove, to move the popcorn into a bowl, but the handle was burning. it's dumb really, i should've known." you admit. then, as you look up, you meet his concerned stare. somehow, the way he showed his concern made you feel better.
"hey, it can happen." he replies, his eyes leaving yours to observe the red spot on your palm.
"i guess." you sigh, gathering yourself and standing up slowly.
"let's go to the bathroom, there's a first-aid kit there." he proposed as he stood back up as well, walking to the hall. you nodded and followed along, thinking it was indeed a good choice.
once you got there, yeonjun told you to sit on the toilet seat in order to treat your wound more easily. he grabbed some bandages and a small tube of cream from the first-aid kit, getting on his knees in front of you.
"show me." he ordered.
reaching your hand out, you pointed at the red spot with a pitiful expression. it was like he was helping a hurt puppy, with the way your eyes shined, tears threatening to spill.
"i'm gonna put some cream on it, and then i'm gonna wrap your hand with a small bandage. okay?" he explained, holding your hand closer to him, his other one holding a small q-tip with cream. again, you nodded and observed attentively.
"ah!" you winced, the light pressure of the q-tip already stinging. this time, you couldn't help but let out a small tear. it wasn't really that you couldn't take it, but your body reacted on it's own.
"shhh. i just started y/n." he said, focusing on finishing the application. once he finished applying your cream, he proceeded to gently wrap a bandage around your palm. what you didn't know was that he sneaked a few glances at your teary eyes, surprised by how adorable you looked. were you always this cute?
"thank you." you say looking down at him while he packs the bandages back into the first-aid kit. he looked really good, kneeling in front of you, his bangs falling perfectly onto his forehead. you weren't sure why, but this moment of his really got to you.
"no problem, just make sure you're careful next time." he answered, looking back at you. as he looked at you, his eyes trailed down to observe you in detail. the way your skirt laid on your soft thighs, covering just about enough to make him want more, the way your delicate hands rested on your lap, every bit of you looked so innocent and sweet.
"is there something on my skirt?" you asked, looking down at it, slightly lifting it to get a better view of it. as you lifted your skirt, ever so slightly, yeonjun catched a glimpse of your underwear. the soft fabric that covered your most intimate spot, made his mind spin, unable to focus any longer. he wasn't sure what it was about you, but everything you did, had him hooked.
"what? no, sorry." yeonjun said as he cleared his throat and looked away, trying his best to maintain his composure. you didn't think much of it and let your skirt fall back down.
you then tried to sit up from the toilet seat by pushing yourself up with your hands, but as you did that, forgetting your wound, you failed and fell down. this clumsy mishap ended up giving you a new seat, yeonjun's lap.
you both didn't say a word as you stared at each other, dumbfounded. you were definitely seeing yeonjun in a different way, but you didn't plan to end up in this position so abruptly. on the other end of it, yeonjun was hoping nothing else that could trouble his thoughts further would happen. nevertheless, things were going differently.
"y/n-" the boy called as his breath hitched, his body reacting at once. he had to admit, he didn't hate how things were going, but he wanted to know you were in the same place about it.
"i- i didn't mean to do that-" you blurted out, your cheeks burning up and your thoughts running wild. if you thought seeing him kneeling down in front you was a nice view, this was a heavenly sight. yeonjun's chest was rising up and down slowly, his cheeks pink, and his eyes shining in anticipation.
"just- don't move-" yeonjun pleaded, grabbing your side to keep you in place, scared of what might happen if you kept moving around. he was already half hard from seeing you earlier.
meanwhile, you were starting to get aroused too. you could feel yeonjun's bulge from underneath you, big and warm. you didn't know what to think or what to do. but you knew you wanted to do something about the growing sexual tension between you both. you had felt it for a little while now, and it was driving you crazy.
"yeonjun... can this go further?" you asked, looking into his eyes in search for an answer.
the moment those words left your lips, something snapped in him. he wasn't gonna stop himself anymore. you wanted him, and he wanted you.his eyes went dark, the noticeable shift in him making you more excited.
"yeah? is that what you want?" he cooed, grabbing your waist with both hands, bringing you closer to him. "for me to fuck you?" he purred into your ear.
"please-" you asked of him, placing your hands on the back of his neck, giving him your best puppy eyes.
"beg for it." he demanded, even though he was just as eager as you, waiting to ruin you completely.
"please yeonjun. please fuck me." you begged, not caring about how pathetic you sounded or looked, needing to be touched by him.
"good girl." he praised before lifting up your skirt, getting an even better view of the underwear he saw before. he smiles, noticing the wet patch forming on them.
"that's cute." he commented, staring at your crotch, planning his next move. you gazed at him, waiting impatiently, until you saw him bring his fingers up to his mouth. he stuck one, then two of his fingers into it, sinfully sucking on them as he stared back at you, not once breaking eye contact.
running out of patience, yeonjun removed his fingers from his mouth to bring them down between your legs, pushing your panties aside. he started to rub his digits against your core, he was desperate, but he still wanted to have his fun. you immediately reacted to his touch, sucking in a sharp breath.
"please don't tease-" you implored impatiently. you also had your fair share of waiting and built up tension, especially with his whole finger sucking act, you couldn't bear teasing right now.
taking the hint, yeonjun pushed one of his fingers inside you moving it in and out slowly. your pussy was a wet mess and it drenched his fingers as he added another one. his eyes fixated on them, entranced by the way you kept sucking him back in.
"fuck. all for me?" he inquired with a frown of his eyebrows, fascinated. his dick twitched in his pants as he kept working his fingers inside you, enticing soft whimpers from you.
"yeonjun —hah! so good-" you moaned, pulling him by his shirt, needing him closer to you, as if he would get separated from you any second.
"baby, look at the mess you made~" yeonjun commented as he pulled his fingers out of you, making you whine at the loss of contact, until he brought them up to your face. "wanna help me clean them up?"
you hesitated for a second, surprised by the lewdness of it all, you hadn't really done things this messy before. it all felt so dirty, and it turned you on even more. you approached his fingers and started to lick them, moving them inside your mouth to suck on them. the sight was delightful, yeonjun getting amazed by this lewd image of you, his cock aching for release.
"shit-" he cursed as he kept his eyes on you. he moved his other hand down to his sweatpants, lowering them just enough for his cock to spring out, slapping his abdomen. he took a condom out of his pocket, opening it and dragging it on himself smoothly.
once he moved his hand away from your mouth, you immediately peered down to see his cock, finally freed. his tip was red and leaking a bit of pre-cum, his dick was so pretty, you couldn't take your eyes off of it.
"enjoying the view?" he questioned with a small smirk to the side, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. god, he was unreal.
"you have such a pretty dick, yeonjun." you smiled at him, having a flash of confidence. his cheeks turned into a deeper pink, and his confidence was instantly boosted. he was going to ravage you.
"go to the sink and bend over." he commanded, standing up and taking his shirt off, revealing his toned abdomen and supple skin. you followed his command without hesitation, starved for his touch. you couldn't wait any longer.
yeonjun placed himself behind you, his pants still on but lowered just enough for his member to comfortably be out. he grabbed your hip with one hand, using his other one to align himself with your entrance. you sighed at the moment you felt his tip prod at your entrance, feeling yourself grow even more wet by the second.
"ah- fuck y/n-" he moaned once he allowed himself to fully sink inside you, without giving you time to adjust to his size, his hips started top snap rythmically against you. "i-i can't hold back any longer-" he stuttered as he rammed into you mercilessly.
unable to mutter a single word, you managed only to moan disconnectedly, grabbing onto the sink for leverage. his pace was rough, and he hit you deeper with each thrust he landed. you started to think he was gonna break you with how hard he was hammering into you.
looking up into the reflection of the mirror, barely being able to hold your head up, you were met with a lewd expression on yeonjun's face. he was staring back at you, his brows furrowed, his mouth slightly parted, the corners of it lifting up in a barely noticeable way. it felt obscene to watch as he pounded into you from behind, making you recoil with every push and pull of his dick.
suddenly, the sound of the front door opening up made you both freeze, looking at each other in the reflection, your eyes wide open. your breaths were erratic and you were both glistening in sweat, but as much as you admired the state you both found yourselves in, you couldn't help but panic at the thought of soobin being back.
yeonjun reached behind him with his arm and locked the door silently. neither of you said a word, fearing that soobin might hear something.
"guys?" soobin called out from the living room, confused as to where you both went.
just as you were catching your breath, doing your best at staying still, you felt yeonjun buck up into you, hitting you deeply.
"mmh-" you moaned softly, your eyes almost shutting close.
"shh baby. you don't want him to hear you, do you?" yeonjun whispered after grabbing a fist full of your hair, pulling you close to him. his chest pressed up against your back, his dick still pulsating inside you.
"jun- please-" you plead in a barely audible tone.
his lips crashed against yours, devouring you like a starved man. his tongue made its way into your mouth, exploring it carelessly. his kisses were rough, making you whine into his mouth as he resumed his abuse to your drenched core, hammering into you savagely.
"hello?! are you guys here?!" soobin called out again, starting to get annoyed.
but soobin was kicked out of your thoughts, you could only focus on the rough fuck that yeonjun was delivering to you. using his dancer skills to his advantage, his hips slapped yours without a stop, keeping a steady rythm. the knot in your stomach started to feel like it was going to snap, and you were not going to last long.
"you gonna come angel?" he whispered as he noticed the trembling and erratic jolts of your legs. "do it. fucking soak me."
your orgasm hit you like a truck, the knot snapping as soon as he commanded you to do so, as if it was yeonjun that controlled your body completely. your moans were fortunately muffled by yeonjun's hand covering your mouth, all while he still fucked himself into you, not letting you ride out your high correctly.
"they really left without telling me..." soobin groaned, grabbing his keys and leaving.
"you're so good baby- so fucking good-" he praised, his voice breaking up as he felt his high approach him too. his pace started to falter, his hands grabbing onto your sides with bruising strength. "'i'm sorry-" he apologized, being aware of the fact that he was fully overstimulating you.
with one last sharp thrust to your cunt, he came. filling the condom up with his seed, making you feel it deep inside you., his hot breath unstable against your neck as he came down from his orgasm.
he pulled out of you slowly, allowing you both catch your breaths. then he took the condom off carefully, throwing it in the trash next to the sink.
"i guess this means we won't be eating any ramyeon tonight." he chuckled softly while leaning against the door and zipping his pants up, admiring you as you re-arranged yourself.
"oh shit! soobin! i forgot!" you exclaimed, remembering your poor friend who you left alone. you finished checking yourself in the mirror, trying your best to look polished, even though you inevitably looked like a fucked out mess.
"yeah well, he won't forget. we basically abandoned him for all he knows." he laughed as he ruffled his hair, unconsciously mimicking your "cleaning myself up" actions.
"yeah, poor soobin." you laughed, turning to look at him as he opened the door. "hey, so about this, we won't be awkward or anything, right..?" you asked.
"i'm cool with it. although it's probably best not to make something big out of it too soon, you know? wouldn't want them to start making things weird.." he replied.
"yeah! i mean- oh, i have to go. my friend's picking me up" you smiled apologetically as you followed him into the living room, looking at the new text on you phone while picking up your things from the couch.
"i guess i'll see you next time?" yeonjun asked as he grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, going up to you to hand you one too. "you can also call me, if you wanna hang out again."
"yeah, for sure." you agreed, taking the water bottle with a sweet smile, leaving towards the door.
yeonjun followed you, making sure to see you out. he really was enchanted by you, and he was never going to be able to forget you after this. he leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms as he watched you say your goodbyes and nodded along.
"i'm looking forward to next time y/n. i bet it's gonna be even more fun." yeonjun commented as you walked off into the building's hall, you turned around one last time, to see him flashing you a teasing wink before taking another sip of his water.
©kiztae | 2023
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weirdkpopgirl · 1 year
Jealousy | Dream Reaction #9
Reaction: When they get jealous of their gf being close with another member Genre: Fluff, comedy, a little angst if you squint Warnings: quite a few repeated words lol Word Count: 3829k Author's Note: Gosh, it feels nice to post something for NCT Dream as a whole after a while. Initially, I wasn't crazy about the idea of writing a scenario where the members get jealous. But it was fun to write, I tried to make them realistic to the member's personalities. Hope you guys enjoy it. Thank you for reading ^ - ^
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The longer he went without seeing you, the restlessness within him grew. His schedule had been all over the place, leaving him with scarcely any breaks in between. Despite his love for his career and his unwavering dedication to giving his all, he couldn't help but wish that it didn't take such a toll on your relationship. Even if you never complained about the months of being apart, only communicating through text messages, and maybe a phone call if he was lucky, Mark still carried a sense of guilt for not being able to give you the time you truly deserved.
So when you dropped by his group’s photoshoot (after he indirectly implied that you come to visit him), he was beyond excited. Unfortunately, you came when it was his turn to take photos. Luckily, Chenle who was supposed to go after him, greeted you warmly.
"Oh, (Y/n)! What brings you here?" he exclaimed. The corner of your lips upturned into a smile when you caught the way the boy’s eyes lit up with excitement upon seeing a visitor on the set.
"It's been quite some time since Mark and I last saw each other," you explained. "He actually called me this morning, and I thought it wouldn't hurt to come by for an hour or so." 
A teasing glint flashed across the boy’s eyes as he playfully nudged you. “Aw, you guys are so in love. Mark hyung hasn’t stopped complaining to us about how much he’s been missing you.”
Chenle's remark caused a faint shade of pink to tint your cheeks. 
“Hm, I’m sure you’re just exaggerating,” You replied with a nudge back. 
Mark frowned when he noticed Chenle talking to you. He was too far away to hear the conversation. But his stomach churned in unease when he observed you laughing at something the boy said. 
"Mark-ssi, please stay focused," the camera director called out, effectively snapping him out of his momentary daze. 
A sheepish smile spread across his face, displaying his embarrassment for getting distracted. He quickly redirected his attention back to the camera. Every so often he would steal glances at you and Chenle, resulting in having to redo some of the photos. Frustration began to build within Mark as impatience washed over him.
It felt like an eternity before he finally finished, and as soon as he was done, he walked across the room. You were caught by surprise when the boy engulfed you in a much-needed hug.
"Hello to you too?" you laughed, gently patting his back. Chenle and you exchanged amused glances before he excused himself to prepare for his photoshoot.
Mark pulled away slightly, allowing himself to get a better look at you. His eyes carefully scanned for any discernible changes within the past few months.
“I missed you so much,” He murmured, tenderly caressing your hand. 
Your heart fluttered with affection as your hand moved to cup the side of his face. "I know. Chenle was telling me," you whispered.
His eyes widened, not expecting to hear that from you. “Oh…that’s what you two were talking about?”
You raised an eyebrow and tilted your head in confusion. But it didn't take long for you to connect the dots. “Don’t tell me you were jealous of us,” you teased, giving him a knowing look.
Mark's cheeks immediately flushed with a rosy hue at your words. "What? Me, jealous? Never—I just, uh, I thought—”
Before he could continue stammering, you interrupted by rising on the tips of your toes to wrap your arms around him once more. The height difference didn't diminish the sense of security he felt being embraced in your arms.
“You’re just too adorable, Mark Lee,” you said in an endearing tone.
The affection you showed made Mark feel stupid for feeling jealous over a harmless interaction with his member. He found himself instinctively leaning in closer to snuggle into the comfort of your shoulder. No matter how busy life got for him, Mark cherished the fact that you were the one constant he could always rely on. 
Lately, he couldn’t help but notice the way Haechan had been acting more affectionate with you. It was the way he would casually wrap his arm around you or the playful exchanges of inside jokes that seemed to create an exclusive bond between the two of you. Of course, Renjun was happy to see the love of his life getting along with his members. He also knew you were someone who maintained clear boundaries. But it was just Lee Haechan who made him feel uneasy. 
At first, Renjun tried to brush off his concerns, knowing Haechan was clingy with anyone he was close to. But he found himself subconsciously picking at every interaction between you, letting the twinge of jealousy seep into his heart.
One sunny afternoon, the three of you plus Mark gathered at the Dream dorm to bake some brownies. But not all the necessary ingredients were readily available. So you volunteered to go on a quick trip to the grocery store, and Mark joined you.
With the two of you gone, Renjun and Haechan found themselves alone. A subtle tension lingered in the air, primarily coming from Renjun. The obliviousness displayed by his friend irked him.
Unable to contain his frustration any longer, Renjun nudged him. “Hey, aren’t you too close with (Y/n) these days?”
Haechan seemed taken aback by the boy’s accusation. But a mischievous grin was quick to appear on his face.
“What? We’re just friends,” he replied. 
The playful tone he used only caused Renjun’s irritation to grow. His fist came into contact with the counter in aggravation. “Look, just back off of her okay?”
Haechan had to suppress the urge to burst into laughter, finding it amusing how easily Renjun could be provoked. However, he never thought that witnessing Renjun's jealous side would be so entertaining. The realization only motivated him to push a few more buttons.
He raised an eyebrow in defiance. “What if I don’t want to?”
That was the last straw for Renjun, as he grabbed a fistful of flour and threw it at Haechan without thinking. Within seconds, the boy’s face and hair were covered in a cloud of white. Amused by the sudden attack, Haechan retaliated by flinging a handful of cocoa powder toward Renjun. 
The heated moment quickly turned into a full-blown food fight. Flour and sugar filled the air as egg shells were scattered across the kitchen island. Mark and you returned with wide eyes, completely bewildered by the disaster that had unfolded in their absence.
“Okay, what the hell happened here?” Mark asked, eyes darting back and forth between the two boys who were covered head to toe in flour.
Renjun locked eyes with your concerned ones, and the remnants of his anger began to dissipate. He surveyed the chaotic scene before him, feeling a pang of embarrassment. Allowing jealousy to consume him seemed trivial now as he observed the mess he made.
Feeling a mix of emotions, Renjun quietly excused himself and headed to the bathroom to clean up. Meanwhile, Mark and Haechan took the initiative to restore order in the kitchen. On the other hand, you felt the need to check on your boyfriend.
As Renjun splashed water on his face, he heard the door creak open. It was you, holding a damp towel in your hands.
“(Y/n),” he murmured, feeling a little flustered. “I’m sorry…I just lost my temper back there.”
You approached him with a soft smile, before reaching to gently wipe away a spot of flour on his neck. “I could tell. Do you mind me asking why?”
Renjun held your gaze for a few lingering seconds before releasing a sigh. “It’s just…seeing Haechan being all over you bothered me. I know it’s stupid to feel jealous because he’s my best friend and all but…the feeling got harder to ignore.”
“It’s not stupid at all,” You spoke up, carefully moving the cloth to his jaw. “I understand how you feel. But you know Haechan and I are just friends, dear.”
The sincerity in your eyes made his heart melt. “I know…”
You chuckled, finding the pout on his face to be utterly endearing. With a tender smile, you leaned in closer to gently pluck a piece of eggshell from his hair.
“Huh, you’re kinda cute when jealous.” 
Your affectionate remark caused him to blush, leaving his heart racing. Before he could respond, you closed the distance between the two of you with a reassuring kiss on his lips. 
“I only like you, Injunnie. You are the one who holds a special place in my heart,” you whispered.
He let your words sink in, feeling the weight of their meaning wash over him. The previous embarrassment melted away, replaced by a warm, comforting feeling that enveloped his being. Renjun's arms instinctively wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a tight embrace. "I love you so much," he whispered back, the words filled with sincerity and affection.
At that moment, as he held you close, Renjun knew with absolute certainty that he was the one who had captured your heart. All the worries and doubts that had plagued him faded away, replaced by a profound sense of contentment and assurance.
The two of you were enjoying a cozy evening at his dorm, curled up together on the sofa watching an MCU movie. The room was filled with occasional commentary about what occurred on the screen, and the sound of popcorn crunching between your fingers. However, your moment of peace was soon interrupted when NCT Dream’s maknae strolled into the living room.
“Wait, are you guys watching Guardians of the Galaxy?” Jisung asked, his eyes widening with intrigue.
You nodded, gently removing yourself from Jeno's embrace, which caused a slight frown to appear on his face. "Yeah, would you like to join us?"
“Really? Is that okay?” Hesitation tinged his voice as he glanced between you and Jeno. A smile formed on your lips as you patted the open space on the couch beside you.
“Yes, of course!”
Jisung returned your smile with an appreciative one, grateful to be included. He flopped down on the couch and made himself comfortable beside you. Jeno couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy when he saw you playfully ruffle Jisung’s hair with a sense of endearment. 
As a few minutes ticked by, the playful interactions between the two of you only served to amplify the pout on Jeno’s lips. He was a little sulky because why were you giving Jisung more attention than him?
When you became engrossed in one of the action scenes of the film, Jeno took the opportunity to give Jisung a death glare. To his satisfaction, Jisung’s eyes widened at the lasers shooting from his hyung’s eyes.
"Actually, (Y/n), I just remembered that Chenle and I had plans to play a video game," Jisung abruptly excused himself, his voice slightly rushed. 
The pout on Jeno's face transformed into a smug smile as he saw Jisung dash out of the room. On the other hand, you were left feeling confused.
“Aw, he left so suddenly.”
"Well, that's unfortunate," he said, feigning disappointment. "But hey, now you have me all to yourself. You can shower me with all your affection instead."
Jeno’s sudden clingy behavior made you realize the situation. Honestly, you thought it was kind of funny seeing Jeno jealous of his younger member. Then there was the other part of you who felt bad, understanding that you inadvertently excluded him on what was supposed to be your date night.
“I’m sorry Jeno-ssi,” You cooed, leaning to plant a gentle kiss on his cheek. “I didn’t mean to make you feel left out.”
The eye smile you adored so much on him was quick to appear. He wasted no time in pulling you closer into his warm embrace. 
“It’s okay,” he murmured, resting his chin on the top of your head. “But you do owe me a few kisses to make up for it.”
You laughed at how cute he sounded at that moment. Normally, his suggestive remarks made you feel a bit shy. But tonight you let your heart take control for once. With a surge of passion, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down so your lips could lock with his
Jeno's smile widened with eagerness as he welcomed your boldness. He shifted his hand to gently rest on the back of your head, pulling you even closer as he deepened the kiss, intensifying the connection between you both. Regrettably, the movie became a distant memory as the focus shifted entirely to the passionate exchange between you. However, neither of you had any complaints about the delightful deviation from the initial plan.
Just as you stepped out of a literature class, Haechan sent a text that cause a smile to grace your lips. That's how you ended up sitting in SM's cafeteria with your boyfriend during his lunch break, accompanied by Jaemin, whom you had recently been introduced to. Currently, Jaemin was showing you some photos from places they traveled during the tour.
"Wow, you took all these? Do you edit them on your phone?" You gasped in awe. Your eyes filled with admiration as you gazed at a breathtaking picture of a city view.
Jaemin smiled modestly and nodded, “Yeah when I don’t have a tablet with me. I make use of whatever time I have to edit.”
Inattentively, the two of you leaned in closer, engrossed in Jaemin's demonstration of the app he used for photo editing. Unbeknownst to you, Haechan had been observing with a growing scowl on his face. Feeling a bit left out, he cleared his throat conspicuously.
“Excuse me, did you guys forget I was here?” He interjected, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at the both of you. 
Jaemin tilted his head in amusement. “Oh, is someone feeling jealous?”
"Me, jealous?" Haechan scoffed, sticking his tongue in his cheek. “Well of course, I am! Do you guys really have to sit so close?”
You stifled a laugh, finding it hilarious how Haechan didn’t even try to hide his jealousy. His transparent display of possessiveness was a side you hadn’t seen in him before.
“Hyuck…” Your voice trailed off, meeting his eyes. As if to make a point, he wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him. 
“But hey, (Y/n) is mine, so I’m allowed to be a bit territorial right?” He added with a playful wink your way.
Jaemin scrunched his nose in disgust. “Okay, I get it! Gosh (Y/n), how do you put up with him?”
You couldn't help but chuckle at Haechan's possessiveness. Leaning into him a little, you silently reassured him of your affection and presence. The gesture secretly melted Haechan's heart, filling him with warmth and a sense of adoration that he couldn't help but cherish.
After day three of his group’s three-hour concert, Jaemin gladly accepted your offer to retreat to your apartment for some much-needed rest. There weren’t enough words to convey the sheer happiness he felt, as he finally had the opportunity to unwind and spend some quality time with someone he loved deeply.
While Jaemin was in your bathroom, taking a quick shower to freshen up, you patiently waited for him in bed. With your phone in hand, you passed the time by scrolling through social media. As Jaemin settled down beside you, you came across a Twitter post featuring a photo that a fan had taken of Jeno during the concert. 
“Wow, I never noticed how defined Jeno’s muscles are. He looks amazing,” You said without thinking.
Jaemin couldn't help but form a pout on his lips as he leaned over your shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of the photo that had captured your attention. He couldn’t ignore the pang of envy that flickered inside him. 
“I have muscles too, you know,” He grumbled in a low voice.
Your head turned in his direction and laughed. It didn’t take long for your heart to melt at the sight of his sulky expression. It was hard to resist finding his pouty demeanor adorable at that moment.
Setting your phone aside, you scooted closer to Jaemin, closing any remaining distance between the two of you. You nestled your head against his steadily rising chest, finding the rhythmic movement of his heart to be calming. 
"Just because I think another guy is good-looking, it doesn't mean I like him," you whispered, wrapping your arms tenderly around his waist. "Because you're the only man I have eyes for, Na Jaemin." 
Jaemin felt his discontentment slowly dissolve as he relaxed into your warm embrace, and let the sincerity of your words sink in. You snuggled closer to him and reached one hand to stroke his bicep, feeling the firmness of his muscles beneath your touch. He closed his eyes momentarily, allowing any remaining doubts to melt away.
“I’ll have you know, I thought you were very sexy tonight,” you confessed with a shy smile. 
His eyes opened again in slight surprise, as those types of compliments were rare from you. “Really?” He asked.
As you nodded, Jaemin's beautiful smile reappeared, radiating pure joy and affection. He couldn't resist leaning closer, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead as a sweet gesture of tenderness. Not long after, he moved to capture your lips in another loving kiss, sealing the moment with a shared sense of connection and sentiment. You seriously had no idea how madly in love he was with you.
Typically, Chenle wasn’t prone to jealousy when in a relationship. He understood the value of trust and believed wholeheartedly in the commitment he shared with you. However there were the occasional moments when his usually calm composure would crack, and a hint of possessiveness would emerge if he saw you getting close with another member.
One late night, you, Chenle, and Renjun gathered around for a steaming hot pot. Before meeting your boyfriend, you had casually listened to their group’s music and Renjun happened to catch your attention. You couldn’t help but feel captivated by his voice in songs. Although you tried not to get too ahead of yourself, your lasting impression of the singer compelled you to muster up the courage to say at least something.
“I’m sorry, I just have to say that I really admire your vocals,” you stammered. “The clarity of your voice sounds so satisfying, but I can also feel the emotions of the lyrics.”
Renjun’s face lit up with a bashful smile. “Aw, you’re too kind (Y/n)-ssi.”
Chenle silently observed the two of you, feeling a small flame ignite inside him. Usually, he’d be enthusiastic to see two people he considered to be close, getting along. Normally, he would be thrilled to witness one of his closest friends getting along so well with you. He guessed, that it was his lack of presence in the conversation that left him feeling unsettled.
“Babe, didn’t you say you liked my voice too?” 
Renjun and you glanced up, momentarily taken aback by the boy's sudden disruption. He spoke so nonchalantly. Only you two were able to detect the underlying motive of his interjection.
You slowly smiled, “I do, don’t worry. You’re still my favorite singer, Lele.”
Chenle’s expression softened as your simple words immediately affirmed him. Renjun sat back with a smile and observed the boy’s affectionate side take over. Chenle encouraged you to eat more and even picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks to feed you.
 encouraged you to eat more, and even picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks to feed you.
It was weird to witness his usually carefree member be so fond of someone. But Renjun felt content, understanding the immense joy you brought into Chenle’s life. He looked forward to watching the love between you two continue to blossom into something beautiful.
His energy levels were starting to dwindle from the long hours of grueling dance practice. But when you showed up with food from his take-out place, Jisung’s spirits were instantly boosted.
Your occasional visits during their breaks had become something Jisung cherished greatly. Gathering in a circle with you and the other members on the studio floor, they would munch on the food you brought and chatter about miscellaneous subjects. Being surrounded by people who were like family to him created a warm and comforting atmosphere that Jisung held dear.
As the others were conversing, you couldn’t help but notice Mark fumbling with his chopsticks to get a perilla leaf. Without a second thought, you naturally reached out with your chopsticks to help him out and safely place the vegetable into the male’s bowl.
Jisung watched this interaction unravel before him, his brows furrowing slightly as Mark sent you a grateful smile. The ongoing perilla leaf debate that had been circulating within the community, came to his mind.
“Aw (Y/n), did you really have to help him?” He whined.
You turned in his direction with a confused expression. The other members were quickly amused by the maknae’s displeased state. Then Haechan who was sitting on the opposite side of you started to tease.
“Awww, our Jisungie is jealous,” He sang. Jisung shot his hyung a glare, feeling defensive. 
“I am not.”
“Oh really?” The elder asked before leaning over to hug you tightly. The unexpected gesture caused a warm blush to rise to your cheeks. “Then me hugging her shouldn’t be a problem, right?” Haechan challenged.
Jisung’s face also flushed a tinge of crimson, though not due to sudden shyness. “Yah, you can’t do that!”
Chenle, never one to miss an opportunity to mess with Jisung, was the next to join in on the playful banter. “Relax Jisung-ah, it’s not like you own (Y/n) or anything,” He quipped, sticking his tongue out mischievously before enveloping you in a hug as well.
Soon, you became more flustered when the other members couldn’t resist joining in on the teasing of their maknae and formed a joyful group hug around you.
You had to admit it was a little funny to see Jisung’s mildly frustrated reaction, as the member’s laughter filled the air. Also, you didn’t think you’d been hugged by this many people before. 
Deciding you had seen enough of your boyfriend’s pouty face, you reached your hand out.
“Come here, Park Jisung,” you coaxed with a gentle smile.
Jisung let out a small sigh, before moving closer to join you in the comforting embrace. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to take in the warmth of the moment. He was reminded of how much you and his hyungs meant to him. No matter how often they got on his nerves.
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prolix-yuy · 4 months
Hello friends! It's been way way way way WAY too long since we chatted, and to be honest I've been taking an embarrassingly long time to write this update post because godDAMN life just gets you sometimes and you go on an impromptu hiatus that gets super messy. So let's get into what's been going on and what to look forward to!
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Pedro Tax for this long-ass post.
(We're gonna get into some personal stuff, but if you're just here for what's coming up skip down to WHAT'S NEXT for the tl;dr version)
So beyond work getting hectic from January to March, which was the catalyst for everything getting wacky, I experienced a weird emotional turn that I wasn't expecting. It made me get a little introspective, which I blame some of my productivity slump on.
As I was finishing up the Bangathon entries, I noticed a sharp decline in interaction. I'm a fairly young fic writer on Tumblr, but I was a little baffled as to why stories I'd posted only a week before got a nice bit of interaction yet the newer ones were only getting half to a quarter of what I expected. For a minute I thought I had been shadowbanned (I was not) or I hadn't tagged the posts (I had) or my taglists weren't working (they were). People were already talking about interaction being lower, so I sat back and tried to go with the flow and not let it bother me. I posted Decoherence, which has a more niche audience, but I was definitely missing and wishing for some of the comments and reblogs I thought I might get.
All this led up to one of the least favorite voices in my head saying something that stuck around:
"Well, you were right not to become a writer if your motivation is this closely tied to feedback."
If you're new here or I haven't talked about it much recently, I initially was planning to be a writer. Went to school for it and everything. While I was there I felt like I hadn't found the stories I wanted to tell yet. My colleagues were developing in their niches and writing "the great American novel" and I didn't feel like I fit in. My stories had a lukewarm reception, and I never felt like anyone was excited about anything I was trying to say. So I wrote myself into burnout by the time I graduated with not much to show for it. I ended up doing a career switch, which I love to this day, but I stopped writing for almost 10 years.
Coming to Tumblr, I felt that spark of excitement writing again, and some of that was definitely due to people commenting and being excited or interested in the stories I was sharing. That truly revived something in me I thought was long gone, and reflecting back on the last two years that I've been sharing stories with this community makes me wildly emotional. I didn't know how much I missed of the life I left behind, and how much joy it brought me to share stories again.
Which is why it was SUPREMELY FRUSTRATING to have that shitty little voice pulverize my productivity and excitement over something as silly as interaction. But I'm sure most of you know how hard it is to get that voice out of your head. I worked to write things I found fun and less stressful than the series I already felt bad for not updating. And while I still love those stories, it felt like I was pulling them from an inauthentic place and finishing them wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped.
Thus the hiatus! I stopped writing and turned my attentions to consuming and creating in other ways. I watched some shows I'd been meaning to catch up on, started planning to buy a house, worked my butt off at the day job. And I was starting to feel like inspiration was coming back. I didn't want to spook it so I took my time and promised myself I was going to start small and not stress about getting stories out for a bit.
Top that off with some medical surprises, an upcoming surgery, and a little re-evaluation of life moving forward and things have been wild. But I've been missing the daily joy I get from being part of this fandom, and I'm getting back into being here more because I miss you guys! AND! I have stories I want to share and fun to be had. So let's shake off all the heavy shit and get to the fun stuff!
The big thing I'm getting ready to post (after teasing it for so long) is the 2024 Bangathon! This one is different from last year's because instead of requesting stories from me, the Bangathon is open to anyone who wants to participate! There will be a randomizer to play with, and some fun bonuses for those who participate. The announcement will be coming out soon, stay tuned!
As for fics, here are some updates on what's in my WIPs:
I Think of You: I spent some time rewatching Mando for the newest installment, and I've finally gotten the thread of where to go next thought out. It's been a long time coming so this one's gonna be BEEFY to make up for it.
SW!Frankie: I am crushed to realize it's been over a year since I posted any SW!Frankie! I've got a new story about him and Ms J moving in together I need to finish, then some more asks that are getting into new story arcs I'm excited to share!
Best Laid Plans: Dieter and Murch's first date is bouncing around in my head and I NEED to get it on paper. There's much fun to be had, and I've been binge listening to my playlist for them to get into the headspace.
Midnight Alley: I got all up in my own head about continuing the story with these two and lost a little steam, so I'm going to ease off my "big plans" and start smaller with some oneshots instead. I think it'll help me find out where I want this story to go.
One Shots in Progress:
Decoherence Follow-Up
Incubus!Dieter Ask
You know, laying it out like that makes it feel much more manageable than my brain was telling me! I'm also planning to prioritize more fic reading while I'm getting these updates in ship-shape. Reading your stories always helps get my creative juices flowing, and there are so many good ones lingering in my TBR list that I need to devour.
This has been a rollercoaster of emotions, so thank you for coming on the ride with me. I'm excited to bring more of myself back to Tumblr and have fun with all of you again! To many more stories!
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nevess · 1 year
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[ I crave a love that drowns oceans ] -K. Azizian
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🌱… description: You and Anakin have had a rough time lately. The secret of being together has created some tension, but theres more to the burdens on Anakins heart. it appears to be that even the tiniest things can make you both want to explote at eachother, yet somehow it only happened until today.
🍵 … warnings: none? Just a bit of fighting with eachother, maybe intense feelings.
🧳 … character/s: Anakin Skywalker x Reader
☕️ … word count: around 1k ; | date: October 8th, 2023
🗞️ back to the main menu
a/n: more of this beautiful anakin x reader dinamic i have going on in my head. Disclaimer: i didn’t read it after finishing, so i apologize for any typos :p In other news, im looking for beta readerssss here's the post!
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You and Anakin had been at it for what felt like an eternity, your voices rising in anger and frustration. The argument had strayed so far from its initial topic that it was almost comical, but neither of you found any humor in the situation. Your secret relationship as Jedi was a constant source of tension, and lately, it seemed like every conversation had the potential to turn into a battle.
Anakin paced back and forth across the small confines of your room, his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed. "I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this," he snapped, his voice laced with irritation.
You sat on the edge of your bed, your hands clenched into fists. "Because, Anakin," you retorted, your voice shaking with frustration, "I wish you would just talk to me.” You looked at him in disbelief, you were being tormented by an amount of uncomfortable emotions getting out of control.  “It's like you're shutting me out." 
He stopped pacing and turned to face you, his blue eyes ablaze with anger. "I'm not shutting you out," he said sharply. You were dismayed by the tone of his voice, yet you decided to just take a deep breath and let him talk. "I'm protecting us, protecting our secret." 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you stood, your voice trembling. You were not going to allow him to make up excuses for the way he was acting towards you. "It doesn't feel like protection, It feels like you don't trust me" You confessed as the words blasted out of your mouth. Your heart ached, you were outraged. Anakin and you haven't been able to truly connect with each other in a long time since the war had a toll on the time you could spend in each other's company. And it seemed that frustrations were reaching you both, as any small inconvenience seemed to make you both want to explode, except that somehow you had never fought until today. 
Anakin's expression softened for a moment, but then his defenses went up again. "It's not about trust," he argued. "It's about following the Jedi Code. We can't afford to let our emotions get in the way."
You took a step closer to him, your voice demonstrating your new demeanor, now calmed and passive. You knew that adding more fire to fire would only make it worse, someone had to be the adult in the situation. "Since when do you care about that, Anakin?” You make a quick silence as you look him in the eye. “We're not just Jedi. We're people too. We have feelings, and we can't keep pretending like they don't exist."
He looked torn, caught between his duty as a Jedi and his love for you. There was something else bothering him, he wasn't telling you the whole story. But letting him open up slowly would be the best course of action for now. "I know," he said quietly. "But we have to be careful. We can't let anyone find out about us." That wasn't it, he was still not telling you what was truly happening to him. 
The frustration was not boiling inside you anymore, yet it decided to hide away. A small sigh left between your lips, loudly enough for him to hear. The tears you were holding back seemed to be gone, just like the anger you felt moments ago. "I understand you are worried about others finding out," You were careful with your words. Your tone was warm and sincere. "I just want you to be honest with me, to let me in." 
Anakin's eyes softened, and he took a step towards you, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm scared, Y/N," he admitted, his walls finally starting to crack.  Now this is what you should have been talking about from the start. You noticed he wasn't looking you in the eyes. "I'm scared of losing you." 
Anakin was the living proof someone could live in constant internal dissonance. Right now, was one of those moments where he was chasing clarity but was left with a puzzle without all the pieces. That's where you come in. You help him find those pieces so he can put them together on his own. 
You reached out and took his hand, pulling him into a tight embrace. "I'm scared too," you whispered, burying your face in his chest. "But we'll figure this out together. We can't keep fighting like this." 
One of your hands slowly moved towards the back of his neck, caressing gently, as your eyes met his once again. “Look, I can't make promises I may not be able to keep.” You whispered while trying to find the words to comfort his worries. “But I can promise you I'll always be here for you, for as long as I can.” His arms were keeping you close to him, scared, almost desperate, as if once he lets you go you'll be gone forever. 
The tension slowly melted away as you both clung to each other. You were now playing with his hair, trying to sooth him. Anakin's grip was firm, as if he could draw strength from your presence alone. Yet, you didn't need to use the force to feel the turmoil in him, his conflicted emotions like a storm raging beneath the surface. He didn't need to say it again; his fear of losing you was palpable. Instead, you felt his heart pounding against yours, his breath coming in uneven intervals.
His voice, when he spoke, was raw with emotion. "I just don't know how to navigate this, Y/N. It all seems so suffocating sometimes… I can't imagine a life without you in it." The blue eyed man was truly being tormented by something you don't yet understand. A fear that ran so deep… The only connection you could make with his past was the loss of his mother; a loss you knew scared his heart.
You moved one of your hands to his cheek, understanding the weight of his words. Anakin was a Jedi through and through —even when he was impulsive and impatient by nature—, bound by duty and honor, and yet he was also deeply in love with you. The conflict within him tore at his soul.
"I know, Anakin," you whispered softly, "We're treading a treacherous path, but we're in this together. We'll find a way to make it work." You hoped that your words represented what he needed to hear, you hoped they could give him the reassurance he needed. 
The brunette nodded against your shoulder, his grip loosening just slightly. "I can't lose you, Y/N. I won't." The last two words that came out of his mouth worried you, very much. You were afraid of what he was able to do in order to prevent that from happening. You knew every inch of Anakin Skywalker, like the palm of your hand. Even so, you didn't know where to stand, something in you was screaming. This was the opening you needed to help him navigate through his feelings. 
You smiled gently, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. "And you won't. But you dont have to carry this burden alone. Come.” 
As Anakin and you moved to the bed, you found yourselves in a simple yet inviting quarters within the Jedi Temple. The room was a reflection of your life as a Jedi, with a hint of individuality amidst the serene surroundings.
The walls were adorned with soft, muted colors, chosen to promote tranquility and mindfulness. A large window stretched across one side of the room, allowing the soft, golden light of the setting sun to filter in, casting a warm glow over the space. The view outside offered a glimpse of the Temple gardens, a reminder of the beauty and serenity that existed within these hallowed walls.
The room was sparsely furnished, with just the essentials—a neatly made bed with simple linens, a small meditation cushion in one corner, and a low wooden table that served as a makeshift desk. A few personal items from missions adorned the tabletop, including small trinkets and mementos collected from different planets.
On a nearby shelf, there was a collection of well-worn books, each with a story and knowledge from the worlds you had explored during your Jedi missions. These volumes were a source of both solace and wisdom, their pages filled with experiences from other Jedi’s that had shaped your understanding of the galaxy.
Beside the books, a stack of notebooks lay neatly arranged. These journals held your thoughts, reflections, and observations about your life as a Jedi. They chronicled the struggles and triumphs, the doubts and resolutions, offering a glimpse into the inner world of a dedicated Jedi.
As you and Anakin settled onto the bed, the room seemed to envelop you both in a sense of calm and contemplation. It was a place where the burdens of being a Jedi could momentarily be set aside, a sanctuary where love could bloom amidst the memories of the past and the uncertainties of the future.
You proceed to cuddle in the middle of the bed. Anakin hugging your body, while you played with his hair. Your voice was a soothing melody that wrapped around Anakin's heart like a warm embrace. It carried a serenity that seemed to flow effortlessly, a tranquil river of understanding and empathy. Your words were spoken with a gentle cadence, each syllable carrying a weight of genuine affection and love.
As you uttered, "Let me help you carry this," your voice resonated with a sincerity that went beyond mere words. It held a profound tranquility, a calm assurance that you were there for him, ready to share the burden of his emotional turmoil. Your voice was a balm to his troubled soul, a reminder that in your presence, he could find solace and acceptance.
In that moment, your voice acted as a beacon of unwavering support, a testament to the depth of your feelings for Anakin. It was a voice that whispered promises of understanding and devotion, assuring him that together, you could face whatever challenges lay ahead. He finally opened up. 
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© Nevess 2023. My original posts are not allowed to be edited, translated and/or re-uploaded on another account or platform without my permission, nevertheless, re-blogs are accepted and very appreciated.
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autisticlalna · 5 days
don’t have the braincells to do anything with this, so i figure i could just throw this out there for, like. the five people who’d know what this is.
anyway: sbk shadow people au 👀?
a quick recap of what Shadow People AU is: alternate universe where 1.15, on top of everythin else it Actually added, included a poorly-documented new mechanic where you could summon a black-and-yellow shadow copy of yourself. if you killed your shadow you would get a copy of everything you had in your inventory when you summoned it, but it would also be stronger with each death. if a shadow dies enough times, they can evolve to the point of being able to strategize, to build, and to communicate. oops! theyre self-aware!
there's a lot more to it than that, but ill explain as we go. because my favorite thing to do ever is apply this concept to different mcyt series and explore what might happen, and ive been toying with makin a variant for sbk. SO LETS GOOOOOOO
Viking would use his shadow to dupe materials and as an extra hand when buildin farms, so his shadow would develop to be more work-focused i think. zeroes in hard on a task and will not give up until its done. leave him alone he's got Shit To Do. either Viking gives him a cool mythology name, he continues the season nicknamin scheme to match Summertime, or Avid calls him somethin dumb and it sticks.
Vintage gets Antique. bottom text. i can actually just point at Antique as-is and go "yeah that's her shadow" LMAO. recolor the colored bits yellow and give her her eyes back and Antique is good to go. fun fact: the only* thing that can kill a shadow is their summoner or another shadow. run.
(* theres more than that but this post is already pretty long. spau is Big.)
Ruby is probably where we first run into the idea of "entity corruption", because god knows whats going on with Cherruby. basically if you've gotten corrupted by an entity in any way (eg Scar and Cub havin Vex magic, Watcher Grian, Karl Jacobs gettin put in the time travel blender), that bleeds over to your shadow and can cause... problems. i have a lot of thoughts about how this applies to TSMP specifically, but im squintin at Cherruby going what is your deal because there is SOMETHING messin with zhem and whatever it is is gonna mess with xis shadow too.
Avid would not risk havin a shadow. the most obvious reason is bc his shadow would be Super corrupted bc of basically everythin that happened in Nightmares, but the actual reason is that it would look like Avoid and that would freak Avid out too much :,D
rose suggested Marmalade would have the Old Shadows and OOGHGHHHHH FUCK . that goes hard. basically there's an associated dimension called the Shadowlands, and you can royally screw up your shadow's data by goin there before theyve finished forming for the first time. the outcome is a maxed-out shadow with a god complex that is capable of whatever you think its capable of. Marm might've drawn a connection between the Shadowlands and the Void, tried to use it as another way to get down to the Limbo border when the Void wasn't lettin her in, and instead got the Abyss equivalent. probably just named Void because of initially assuming theyre an extension of the Void itself.
Trog would be the runner-up for the Old Shadows, i think, but also they probably thought about it and went "nah" and forgot to warn anyone else that thats a thing. continues the trend with my Trog hcs of lookin perfectly normal and Not Being Normal At All. not entity corruption, just, like. corruption corruption. somethin broke here.
wait lmao i just realized something really funny and its that Fool's shadow would literally just look like him but all shadow-y. bc Fool already normally has the yellow/gold cracks. solar probably will have more ideas on what to do with this guy but i am proudly announcing that it is now Two Of Them Thursday
i cant decide if Leon's shadow shows signs of ender-ification before he does, or if he stays Completely Normal while Leon mutates. the latter is probably more interestin bc shadows gettin messed with is a pretty common trait in the au so havin a situation of "the shadow is normal while their summoner gets more and more fucked up" is fun. also: shitpost incarnate. this penguin cannot be stopped by any mortal means
i dont know how the tube thing would affect the shadows, is the fun part. like, "mechanically" the way the shadows work is they're tied to playerdata, so the likely idea is that Cloneby would have Cherruby's shadow. that's fun and fucked up!
fun side note: shadows are ground bound. they can do the kingdom hearts heartless thing of going flat to travel up surfaces and fit through spaces but they cannot jump over gaps. skyblock is maybe the worst experience for a shadow ever LMAO
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ihavethedreamies · 7 months
Pool Boy (4) | Hueningkai
Huening Kai - TXT
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.5k o=o
Pairing: Hueningkai x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Porn without Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Small Age Difference (Unspecified, he calls her Noona), Pet Names (she calls him precious), Swearing, Kissing, Oral (F! & M! Receiving), Fingering, Semi-Public Sex, Car Sex, Unprotected Sex (Use a condom! She's on the pill)
Summary: Losing the chance of closing up the pool for the night, you take advantage of your car being the only one in the park lot… Some plot is there, but it so doesn’t matter.
Author's Note: This originally was going to be part of a really long series with a lot of plot, but it was taking too long and I was putting too much plot, more than I had initially planned. Because of that, I cut nearly all plot out and it's still four-thousands words of just fucking so…
PS. Hyuka is my bias~
None of the parts are reliant on the others, there is just a version for each boy.
-> Series Hub <-
-> Yeonjun <-
-> Taehyun <-
-> Soobin <-
-> Beomgyu <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"You're so freaking cute…" You muttered and his head shot up to gape at you.
"I-," You were about to take a bite and pretend you didn't say anything. You had been flirting with Hyuka for a few days now, but it seemed he wasn't picking up what you were putting down. Maybe you were wrong because he put his sandwich down and got up from the stool. Wondering what he was doing, you set your fork down. He came closer and you tried to stay relaxed when he went to stand between your legs. He was big, leaning over you, thick thighs, and broad shoulders. His face was so freaking sweet, a stark comparison. Kai leaned forward and you let him do what he wanted. A small kiss pressed to your cheek, then another at the corner of your mouth. You smiled at the gentleness, his big hands coming to cup your jaw softly. Right before he could finally press his lips to yours-
"Uh?" Someone cleared their throat at the front office entrance, and he pulled back aggressively. The coworker smiled, her eyes mischievous.
"I won't tell but keep an eye out." She winked and left.
"Don't worry about it Hyuka." You got off the stool, laying your hand on his shoulder. When his eyes went back to you, they softened back to what you normally saw, the fear gone. You smiled, bringing your hands to play with his hair, fingers rubbing at the back of his neck. His hands came to your waist, and he turned pink when your breasts squished into him. Hyuka nuzzled your ear, pressing a kiss to your hair.
"Can we eat?" he muttered, and you laughed and nodded, pulling back. Before he let go, he laid another soft peck to your forehead. You talked about random things, mostly the weird things his friends do, as you ate. Not too soon after you both finished, guests started to come again after the lunch break. While you were helping a group of high school girls get some passes, they were giggling and flirting with Hyuka. Of course they were, look at him. You didn't know though if he was that clueless about flirting or if he was remaining professional.
"Is he your boyfriend?" one of them asked you quietly as you slipped the bracelet on her.
"No. But he is too old for you." You assured her. She was probably fifteen, sixteen at the most. She clicked her tongue, nodding as she resolved that fact to herself. They giggled and waved as they entered the pool, and he sat down with a sigh.
"Do you have girls flirt with you a lot?" you asked him, and he shook his head, looking tired.
"Not really. Normally I'm with my hyungs, so they get more of the attention. I'm a lot shyer in comparison so…"
"Well, their loss is my gain." You went to him that time, standing between his legs. Since he was sitting, you were eye level like this. Huffing in surprise, he had wrapped his arms around you boldly, pulling you closer to him. His hands were still respectful, sitting around your lower ribs, and they shook a bit. Hyuka wasn't used to being more forward, but he felt more confident with you. He took the slight pink on your cheeks as a good sign, hugging you even closer and resting his head in the crook of your neck. The boy just held you like that and you wanted to cry at how cute he was. Car doors shutting pulled you both back to reality and you had to separate so you could assist more patrons. As the shift went on, you both exchanged little displays of affection. The sweetest one was when you were both sitting there, looking at your phones quietly, he pulled his stool to be right next to you instead of across. His head rested on your shoulder, and you cooed, kissing the crown of his head. A bit later you were standing at the register, counting through change.
"Hi, noona." Hyuka wrapped his arms around you once again, hugging you from behind. He rested his cheek on your head, one of his hands going to your tummy. You smiled giddily, pressing your lips together to try and hide it, his hand rubbing circles over your stomach. The move was so sweet, but your stomach was sensitive, and when his hand rested over your belly button, you had to shift. The lower stomach wasn't a traditional erogenous zone, but it was for you. Also, being completely surrounded by his warmth, he also smelled really good, it was hard to not get excited. He pressed closer and your cunt clenched the fabric of your panties sticking to your folds. Glancing at the time, you grumbled, not wanting to wait two more hours for closing.
"Hyuka." you prompted, and he hummed sleepily.
"I need you to let go or I'm going to burst." you whispered, and he startled, pulling away.
"Sorry!" He backed up and you smiled.
"I'll be right back!" You promised, scurrying off to the bathroom. He probably assumed you met your bladder, so you took the chance. You smiled at some patrons as you walked past them to get to the private stall. The bathroom in the back office was probably open, but you weren't for sure and needed to cool off immediately. Shutting the door, you locked it, going to the sink, you splashed cold water on your face. You sighed, grabbing some paper towels, and drying your face. Letting out another more aggressive sigh, you glared at yourself in the mirror.
"Two more hours." You nodded, determined. Going back out you tried to keep your mind on other things but made no move to prevent Hyuka's skinship. You had learned that's what they called it, and you loved the term.
"I'll lock up." One of your coworkers nodded at you in passing and you shook your head.
"Its fine, I can do it!" You insisted, it was normally what you did anyway.
"Just go." He insisted and you huffed in annoyance.
"It's fine, noona." Hyuka whispered and you looked at him. He nodded, trying to convey something unspoken through his look. You nodded, almost disappointed. Was he just going to give up and leave you for the night, try again later? Sneaking past the guy, you gathered your things and met Hyuka at the door.
"Bye." You called to him hastily, and you both scurried to leave. Not glancing back, you heard him pull the shutter for the front counter closed, heading for your car. You parked in the very back of the parking lot, so you didn't hog access for the pool customers. You were even able to park near a tree that kind of shaded your car from the blazing sun. Said sun was starting to set and you stopped at the vehicle, turning to the boy. That was when you got an idea.
"Get in. The back." you told him, and he did so without question or hesitation. Getting in the front yourself, you started the car and cranked the air conditioning, it was hot as balls in the car. Glancing back to the pool shelter, you figured it was far enough away, so you scurried back out and joined Hyuka in the back.
"This okay?" You made sure with him, and he nodded, a bit red.
"If you are." He leaned in slowly and you giggled.
"Of course-" His lips met yours. It started slow; you could tell he was unsure. You weren't sure why though; he was doing very well. You moaned softly to let him know. Smiling against his lips, his hand went to your neck and pulled you even closer. Barely pulling back, still brushing his soft lips over your chapped ones, you breathed harder. Finally kissing you again, it was even more intense than before, and when he sighed you took the chance to sneak your tongue into his mouth. Perfectly content to take the reins, you didn't expect him to fight back against you. His tongue wrapped around yours deftly, and he tipped your head the opposite of his to deepen it further. You barely separated to suck in more air, then went back in. You had no idea how long you two made out, eventually you ended up straddling his lap, hands messing his hair. Despite the heat of the act, his hands stayed on your waist, the furthest down they went was to loop his fingers through your belt loops. Your shorts were high waisted as well, but you wanted him to go lower. Running the tip of your tongue over his teeth, tasting his whole mouth, your hands brushed over his, moving them down. He whined a tad when you pressed, but eagerly shoved his hands in your back pockets, and dug his fingers in. You keened, the strength there as well as his taste and warmth made your head swim. The cold blast of air at your back did nothing to cool you off and you whimpered when his lips left yours. Both of your lips were swollen and red, a trail of saliva connecting your mouths still.
"What do you want to do next, precious?" You both were panting.
"Turn around?" His voice was softer than normal, tinged with nerves still, as if he hadn't just tried to swallow your tongue. You nodded with a hum, doing so, and settling in his lap. You felt his hardened cock straining against his jeans at your back, but you just laid on him, wanting him to do what he wished. One arm wrapped around your middle, his hand once against resting on your stomach. The other was shaking a bit, but he brought it to the front of your shorts. He pressed two fingers right above your clit and you moaned a bit. When his fingers slid down slightly, hitting your nub, you flinched hard, moaning again.
"You're wet." He observed quietly and you weren't too surprised. Even with the barrier of your panties and the denim of your pants, he could still feel it.
"Can I?"
"Do whatever, precious." You ensured and you could hear him swallow. He fiddled with the button but was able to get it open with one hand, and he pulled the zipper down. His hands were warm as the ones on your tummy snuck under your shirt to rub the soft skin of your belly. The other buried into your panties so he could stroke his index and middle finger through your cunt. You whined and he marveled at the slick pouring from your core.
"Noona~" He cooed, his nose brushing at the back of your ear.
"There." you told him when the pad of his finger hit your clit. It seemed he was more knowledgeable than you first estimated. You sighed as he didn't even hesitate to bury his long finger into your cunt, his thumb circling your clit. Your body twitched and your head rolled back to rest on his shoulder. You were so wound up, even just his slight touches made you shiver. A second finger joined his first and he scissored them against your fluttering walls.
"Here?" He made sure, one finger pressing against the rough patch in your cunt, and you nodded, gasping. The pressure increased and he rubbed and wiggled his fingers inside you. His palm brushed over your clit, and he played you like a guitar. You made noises as well, whining and moaning, panting, and sighing.
"H-Hyuka!" It was like you couldn't breathe, your orgasm approaching so fast. Normally just fingers couldn't make you feel that way, so either he was really that good or you were just that horny.
"Cum, noona." His voice lowered, right in your ear, and you obeyed. His eyes widened as your cunt clenched his fingers, he didn't think you could get any tighter. He desperately wanted to know how you would feel around his cock. Though, he was worried he wouldn’t last too long. As the waves calmed down, he kissed over your neck and once you were done twitching, he pulled his hand away. He marveled at the shine and amount of your release, and you watched him bring his hand to his mouth, flicking his tongue to taste. Kai groaned and immediately swallowed both fingers to suck your juice from them.
"Fuck…" he whispered and you chuckled a bit.
"Can I…?" His voice was still quiet, but it was more confident. You let him direct your movement into the place where he wanted you. Luckily, you were quite small, and your car was spacious, so when he laid you on the center console, the seats were able to slot in the dip of your waist. Not tightly, they held you somewhat in place, and at least the console was padded. You had him pass a blanket you kept in the back seat, and you rolled it, resting your head on it by the radio controls. It was more comfortable than you thought it would be. His hands were still shaking some, but they acted fast, completely undoing your pants, and helping you remove them. He swallowed hard before you led him to remove your panties as well. When the younger man could finally see your bare cunt, shining with your arousal, he groaned.
Large and strong hands gripped your hips and you yiped when he shoved you further back, the blanket preventing you from hitting your head. Unfortunately for him being so tall, he still had to bend a bit uncomfortably, but your whole body twitched when his tongue flicked over your clit. You were glad the A/C was blowing straight on you, because he dove back in, licking over your cunt once then shoving his whole tongue inside. His nose brushed against your clit perfectly and his strong hands held your thighs apart, your muscles twitching under his grip. He placed his hands carefully on your thighs, not wanting to hurt you, just to hold them still. You would have preferred him to be rougher, but in the moment, you were too focused on his mouth on you. Wanting to whimper in protest when his tongue left your core, it instead swirled your button, and his two fingers went back in. You sighed and swore slightly when he pressed against your spot hard, smirking at your little flinch. He was gaining confidence the more you moaned and mewled, so you exaggerated just a tad. More so you didn't hide it any. A car door slammed and you both startled, he pulled away and you sat up to look out the window. It was the coworker getting into his car that you hoped was far enough away that he couldn't see. He was a good distance away, the sound had just echoed through the empty lot. He also didn't need to drive past to leave. Still, you both waited to make sure, and once he was gone, you rested back.
"I'm sorry, noona. I can't wait." He pulled his fingers out and helped you sit up. Smiling, you removed your top and let him pull you back to his lap. Trying not to laugh, he was struggling to undo your bra, so you reached around back to help.
"Fuck." Hearing his soft voice swear like that was cuter than anything, but the look on his face was anything but cute. Kai brought you back down to his lips and your hands met his on the button to his jeans. You gasped a bit when your hands reached in to pull his cock out. Whatever he was getting fed didn't just make his body big. Groaning, his hands gripped your bare ass, hauling you to grind your slick cunt on his dick. You both sighed at the feeling.
"Have you done this before, precious?" you asked him. He was a bit embarrassed that you were just starting at his cock like that, enthralled.
"Um…no. Just, um, touching…" He drifted off.
"You want my pussy or my mouth first?" you asked next, kissing his cheek, then jaw, and down his neck, your hands creeping under his shirt. When you pulled back aggressively, he was a bit shocked, but your hands were rapidly trying to get his shirt off. You let out a groan as he let you rip the garment off. Why the hell was he hiding his body when it looked like that? Not as harshly defined as some others, there was clearly muscle there. He blushed, goosebumps rising on his skin as your soft and small hands wandered his torso.
"Noona?" His voice was rougher than before, and when your eyes met his, they were sharper than before. Not overly so, but he looked more determined.
"Oh, uh-"
"I want your pussy, then I want your mouth." He couldn't meet your eye, trying to stay confident and bold. Instead, his eyes ran over your naked form.
"If that's what you want, precious." You smiled and nearly yelped when he easily lifted you, his mouth sealing around your nipple and the tip of his cock prodding your cunt. He groaned at the wet heat on him, his mouth sucking on your peak. While his mouth on your tits felt good, you needed him to split you open, and you knew he would. Slowly you began to sink down, and your breath hitched at the stretch. Even with how wet you were from the orgasm you had on his fingers, he was just that big and seared through you with a pleasant burn.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You repeated, your eyes clenching shut. You tried to relax, knowing that he hadn't done this before, and you didn't want him to cum right away. More for his pride than your pleasure. Considering you had already came, you shouldn't have been so close, but his fat cock felt so good. You DEFINITELY would need a new vibrator, if one would ever work again. Hyuka's shoulders were shaking a bit at the vice of your cunt. His arms held you tight, helping you sheathe his dick inside you, and he was worried you were hurting.
"Is it too much?" he asked, and you shook your head.
"Fuck, no, it’s too good." You panted, resting your now sweaty forehead in the crook of his neck. He was relieved by this and when he finally bottomed out, you both shuddered. It was hard for him to not start pumping his hips up into you, and you were glad, needing to get used to him more. He couldn't believe how wet you were, it seemed you slicked up easier and more so than normal. Not that either of you were complaining.
"H-Hyuka~" You moaning his name was enough to make his head swim.
"Noona, (Y/N), I can't hold back-" He grunted, and you shivered, but nodded your head.
"Okay, you can." You wanted to sit up and move your hips yourself, but you suddenly had no strength. Not only was your body not working, neither was your brain. You were even about to repeatedly thank Kai for rearranging your guts, and that was before he had even moved.
"Fuck-" He groaned, and his hips jumped, his arms helping you bounce as well. Immediately you threw your head back, your back arched and you fell apart again. He grunted as you squeezed him even tighter, but he kept going. You keened as he pounded through your orgasm, which seemed to last for hours. Your nails had dug into the skin of his shoulders and chest, and he was gripping bruises into your hips. Having no strength, you slumped to lay on him.
"Hold on…" He tried to slow down, and he adjusted you to sit up, before laying you back down onto the center console. Your head found the blanket there still and he was able to sit up more. His cock almost left you when he adjusted himself, his knee finding the floor of your car and the other was up on the seat. When he got the right leverage, he gave a full thrust and you nearly screamed. Your car was most likely visibly shaking as he blew your back out. He smiled smugly as your eyes, unfocused, stared at nothing, your hands loosely holding on to the lip of your dashboard. Every time he pulled back you whimpered, and each thrust back in made you yipe. So as to avoid bruising your thighs, he gripped right under your knees. The younger man was more aware of your surroundings than you and he was proud at how much he made the vehicle shake. There was so much wet dripping from your cunt it was making a mess of your back seat and the front of his pants. He had felt you clench around him several times; pretty sure they were small orgasms he just kept plowing through. Both of you were surprised at his endurance and his eyes flashed to the clock of your radio. Most men couldn't last nearly as long, let alone those so inexperienced. It helped that he focused more on your expressions and body's reactions than the sensations wracking through him.
"Ah~ (Y/N), can I come inside?" He had a feeling you would say yes, but he had to make sure.
"Plea~se!" You mewled and he was shocked by how aroused he was by the tears flowing over your cheeks as well as the whining tone your voice had adopted.
"Ah, noona!" He groaned, clenching his jaw tight and gave another hard thrust, then spilled inside of you. The heat flowing inside of you triggered a much stronger orgasm from you. Hyuka furrowed his brow, feeling a bit guilty as your squirting cunt and his cum overflowing out of you messed your car even further. He was even a bit shocked at the amount he pumped you with, but also wondered how much of the thick liquid was from you. You were both panting as the waves died, you looked so tired, but he was still hard. He hadn't pulled out, but your sanity was returning.
"My mouth next?" He almost didn't catch your breathy question, but he nodded.
"Sit back." You instructed and he did so. Leaning over the driver’s seat from where you were on the center console, you were able to press the lever under the seat and it shot all the way up to the steering wheel. This left a nice big space in front of him, and you shakily sat up. He huffed a laugh and helped you as you kneeled before him. While he didn't understand why you moaned as your lips sealed around the head of his dick, he sighed at the feeling. It was definitely different than your cunt, but it was just as hot and wet. Your hands wrapped around the base of his cock and your jaw protested as you got the whole tip inside. The taste of his cum mixed with yours was intoxicating and he saw for himself just how much you liked to swallow cock. His breathing picked up, but he could hold back his moans, watching his dick bury deeper into your mouth. He finally couldn't hold back his noises anymore when you kept descending even after the head of his cock hit the back of your throat.
"N-noona~" His head flopped back onto the headrest; your throat fluttered when you gagged a bit. Your own breath was harsh through your nose, bobbing your head, sucking, and licking what you could and stroking the rest. Even if he wanted to fuck your face, it would be too hard in the car, so you decided next time. He would have to be gentler though than when he was railing you into the center console. Another whine vibrated around his dick and his hands came to your hair, not pushing or pulling, just running through the soft strands.
"You're so good." He praised softly and you hummed back. His brow furrowed, his hips jumping up a bit, he was close. You couldn't wait to swallow his cum, you weren't sure if he tasted good because your brain was mush or if it really just did. Later you would joke that just proved how sweet he was.
"Can I cum down your throat?" He grunted, trying to hold back. When your big teary eyes met his, he gasped, and you buried him as deep as you could get him. Swallowing over and over, he gave you more than even when he came inside your cunt. Even when you had to pull off for air, little droplets rolled down the shaft of his cock. Needing to swallow a few extra times, you finally cleaned him off with your tongue. He was slowly getting softer and looked around your car.
"Sticky~" You got out, reaching behind you to the cup holder. The water in the plastic bottle was hot from the sun, but at least it helped.
"Are you okay?" he asked, sounding nearly panicked. Your face was red and blotchy, sweat flowing from your temple. Your bare chest heaved still; he reached a hand to wipe the tears off your face with his thumbs.
"Never better." You cooed, giving him a wink. Sitting up higher on your knees, you kissed his cheek, and he sighed in relief.
"I didn't hurt you?"
"No, precious. You did so good~" You assured, and he let out a slightly bashful laugh.
"I did?" He chuckled and he was so freaking cute despite what he just did.
"Think you dislodged a kidney." You joked, rubbing your side and his face fell.
"I'm joking!" You laughed and he sighed, laughing himself.
"Let me get dressed and I'll drive you home." You patted his thigh still covered by his pants. That's when you saw the drying stain of your release and his on his pants.
"Oh, jeez." You cringed and he waved it off.
"I can tie my sweatshirt around my waist." he told you, grabbing his bag.
"Um, but…" You followed his eyes to the much bigger stain and globs on the floor of your car. Not having leather seats was not great for that kind of situation. You scoffed at the mess, realizing you would need your roommates help to clean it most likely. You grabbed his shirt, looking it over to make sure it wasn't messy, then he put it back on. Carefully, you got dressed yourself, trying to hide out of view despite no one being around. Adjusting the A/C, you rolled the windows down as you pulled out of the parking lot to air the car out. When you pulled up in front of his apartment building, you kissed him cheek and whispered, "thanks for fucking me in my car." You teased and his face bloomed red, before he was able to give you a cocky smirk.
"Of course, noona. I'll be sure to do it again."
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taylor-titmouse · 4 months
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Meatheads, by R/L Monroe
it's another month gone by, which means another cover for another @petitemortality R/L Monroe book! this one goes hard and sweaty and meaty, and the worldbuilding is both really funny and really fascinating in the little glimpse of it we get. and also there's three huge fuckin dudes going to town on each other. check it out, and follow along on the process for designing the cover below!
FYF 3: Meatheads $3
Trapped by a lethal boiling sun, in the neon ruins of a fallen supercity, three tank-grown ultrasoldiers have nothing to kill but time and no enemy but their own overheated flesh. Daily hormone shots gave them hard bodies, but without a seedsucker to offer them relief, they soon have something even harder to contend with. It's not gay if you come out on top...right? Almost 7k words(!), EPUB and PDF format. Content: -M/M/M -straight turned gay -testosterone dosing -cum harvesting/drinking -dominance struggle -sexual hazing -rough sex
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i lost track of the initial notes for these, but the first two were really just me spinning my wheels. my instinct was something with greek wrestling, stylized like pottery. we usually do the covers early in the month, so i hadn't read the finished book yet and didn't have a clear sense of the aesthetic yet. i did know there were three guys, which made composition tough. fighting is not, typically, a three-man's game. lee suggested looking at WWE and rugby
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which led me to looking at turkish oil wrestling, because truly, what is greasier than that. originally there was a reference image of turkish oil wrestling here, but tumblr hated it so much that they flagged the post and denied appeal. those men were wearing pants. this post is free to read on patreon so you can see the greasy boys there.
moving on.
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so while we were talking about the color palette, lee brought up 80s splatterfest VHS cover design. we agreed on violent red and purple, but the topic of horror led me in a horror direction. gritty lines, harsh light and shadow, scary imagery with the single red eye, etc. and we agreed this look is Sick and Rules, but wasn't quite right for neon future climatepunk.
so i went back to the drawing board and totally got rid of the hatching. we're looking for neon, for black velvet, for graphic
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definitely closer to the final product! though of course as soon as i saw it in discord i realized the purple on the middle guy's back and the third guy's leg were competing too much with the top guy's back and making it hard to know where to look. so: more variants
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adding the paint strokes down was just something i wanted to try at the last minute, and it was definitely the right move! there were like five more variations of just That with the gradient map very very slightly adjusted, but honestly it's not worth posting all of those lol. the version we settled with was the best one!
and that's the process for this month's fuck yourself friday cover! this is both my favorite cover so far AND my favorite story. i love high concept worldbuilding that serves the fucking. if you're here and supporting my work, i bet you do too! so go read it! it's only $3 dude!!
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