#I will also be a tenko defender until I die
nihonium-art · 11 months
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Cringetober Day 18 : Old Art Redraw
I decided to redraw an old Tenkaede fanart from around 2 years ago! I still have a lot to learn, but I was actually decently surprised about how much I improved, despite feeling kinda stuck lately!
Part of me decided to redraw it as the old post sometimes still gets notifications, which makes me think the tenkaede girlies are starving / hj
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HERE'S THE ORIGINAL! Yes, I forgot tenko's heart lock chocker. I can't be bothered to edit it.
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aucatgirl · 2 months
I'd like to hear your complaints about mha please. I think rei should've rolled her ex husband off a cliff.
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SIGH. Here is my official diatribe against MHA’s ending. This is definitely not my first rodeo with a series I love and had hope for having a bad ending but wow this one stings harder than usual
What’s craziest about all this is how much I defended this manga up until the last ten chapters. I loved this manga so much and had such high hopes for it. My own MHA social circle was nothing but huge fans that also had high hopes, some criticisms about things but willing to give the benefit of the doubt… But then 420 happened and I snapped out of it (and then my mutuals also snapped out of it, one by one, lol). It was so rushed and baffling that it actually ruined my day when it released, lmao. Deku regaining his arms via Eri ripping off her horn via child mutilation was only the beginning and I was not prepared for the everything else that would happen
The biggest issue starts and ends with Deku, who apparently got a secret lobotomy during the dark Deku arc and has not been written the same since. He completely loses his ability to be introspective in any capacity. “I’ve been having these thoughts about Tenko too” where?? Where is it??? Where is literally any of your real thoughts on Tenko or losing OFA or anything??? This manga used to have such an interesting insight into Deku’s mind. And it’s just, gone. A big issue with Shigaraki’s death goes back to that. Where’s the reflection?? “Show don’t tell” doesn’t work that well with a protagonist that barely shows any emotion at all!!
When it comes to the saving Shigaraki plot, I saw some mutuals suggest that Horikoshi changed his mind on the ending at some point between the togachako fight and 423. I reread those chapters and disagreed. Deku being unable to save Shigaraki is a plot twist and it’s a BAD one. All of the build up leading to 423 is that Deku would save Shigaraki, not just his soul, full stop. Unless it really was a last minute change or pushed by editors/SJ, I cannot imagine that this ending was not planned the way it was, so I will criticize Horikoshi as such. The twist was ass. And now we’re left with an ending of “well we can try to prevent villains, but if they’re already villains, beat ‘em up!” which is just.. AUGH!!! Completely throws Twice’s death down the drain!!! I can’t believe we were left with “we’ll do better next time” when the whole point was that the next generation would do better than the previous… Deku’s generation was supposed to be that one!! Not to mention that All Might seemingly forgot about his personal connection to Shigaraki…
It’s also wild that the togachako plot was the best written tragedy while also being the most offensive of all of them. I don’t care how many people Toga killed 😭 she was explicitly queer. At least izuocha didn’t happen, that would’ve made things so bad I don’t think I would’ve been able to interact with the series anymore. It was a one-off line but Toga’s death had the most direct impact on improving society, however, it was a ONE-OFF LINE, there is zero indication that Uravity is as prominent of a hero as this line makes you believe, which sucks. Also, the fact that the cameras got retconned is ridiculous, just another knife twist of completely gutting the theme of rehabilitation and societal changes on how people view villains
And… that’s not even mentioning what the fuck happened with 3baka. I understand the rush. Horikoshi has health issues, there are time limits for endings. I would’ve been okay with just the rush. But the writing decisions that were made… why the fuck did Kurogiri die like that?? In the most baffling, inconsequential way possible? Aizawa wasn’t shown, Mic didn’t react, it’s never brought up again except for a tiny, tiny panel of Shirakumo’s grave. I guess the whole plot with nomu and how they’ve slowly been humanized was just completely scrapped, because Kurogiri’s death was more inconsequential than Hood’s. If you’re going to kill Kurogiri, make him die by AFO’s hands. It would’ve worked a lot better as a tragedy rather than random and unnecessary Bakugo moment
This is honest to god one of the worst pages in the entire series:
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Finally okay I honestly don’t care for the Todorokis so I don’t really have any strong thoughts on their ending. The ending Dabi got is actually better than I expected after Shigaraki died lol. Though I do agree that Rei pushing around Endeavor in his wheelchair is a hilariously bad look and I don’t know why Horikoshi thought it was a good idea
Here is one thing I will say, though. One final word:
Foster brothers Shigaraki and Kurogiri never got debunked!! Can’t have your theories be wrong if you get no information about a character!
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anonymous-gremlin · 3 years
An au where Korekiyo didn't kill Tenko and got away with the murder.
Perspective of Shuichi because he has an ahoge. Part 2 of ?
Definitely gonna write multiple parts.
Almost everything is the same with some changes until chap 3
Masterpost Part 1 Part 3
The mastermind is revealed and the punishment starts
No Seesaw (Part 2/?)
Aka if Kork got away with it
Tsumugi stood silently watching the others.
"I want to confess something " she said
"Ooh, go ahead, Shirogane" Monokuma practically bounced up and down. "Tell the others what you have to say, quickly"
"Tsumugi, you don't have to do this" Maki grabbed her hand. "I have too, Maki" Tsumugi replied, tears in her eyes. What was going on between the two? Was this what they were whispering about?
"I....I killed Rantaro. It was an accident and I wanted to say something but...but ....." Her breath picked up. "It's okay, breathe in, breathe out" Maki rubbed Tsumugi's hand with her thumbs.
Since when was Maki so caring? Shuichi had never seen her like this. Wait....
Tsumugi killed Rantaro?! That meant that Kaede was innocent!
Monokuma's smile fell for a second. "Oh....well my mistake" he laughed and shrugged. "You all are gonna die anyway now. Anyone another announcement? No, let's get on with the mastermind reveal!"
Tenko kept glancing around her nervously. Kaito's warm strong hand held Shuichi's cold hand. Like that one time during one of their training nights.
Shuichi had been having a panic attack and Kaito helped him calm down. His hand held Shuichi's and Shuichi had never been happier. They sat under the stars, talking for hours after that.
A giggle was heard.
Faintly, like it was hidden behind a hat.
A mage hat to be presice.
Himiko lowered her hat, still giggling.
"Himiko?" Shuichi was shoked. It couldn't be her. Lazy, never enthousiasic Himiko was the mastermind? It couldn't be!
Her giggles getting louder and louder, eerily like a laugh you hear in horror games
She finally stopped laughing, grinning like a deranged person. Maybe she was that too.
"It's me! I am the mastermind." She looked around the circle, almost proud.
"It can't be!" Kaito proclaimed. "It is like that, nothing can change it" she laughs.
Kokichi looked around the circle. Something was off. "Wait a second, we are forgetting something, better said, someone" he bounced a bit on the balls of his feet. "The trial before this, someone defend Yumeno even if all the evidence was pointing to her and even Yonaga suspected her. You could call it blind loyalty. That someone is now suspiciously silent. Isn't that right.... Chabashira?"
Tenko looked up and opened her mouth to say something. Maybe about how he was a degenerate and how he was wrong. Shuichi would never know cause Himiko spoke up immediately.
"Oh, why Tenko isn't defending me? Because she knows it's true" Himiko hopped from one leg to the other. "In fact, she is my henchmen, the traitor, or what you wanna call it, isn't that right, Tenko?" Himiko put her hands against her cheeks, squizing her cheeks up a bit.
"Yes...." She softly said. The quietness of her voice was very uncharacteristic for her otherwise loud behaviour. "I am the traitor...."
Himiko giggled. "Yep, it's true, Tenko Chabashira is the traitor, the one that betrayed you all"
Tenko stayed silent, looking at the ground. "I did it for her....." She mumbled.
"Enough of that, now time for the execution!" Himiko giggled. "This is going to be so amazing! I saved all my mana for a moment like this
Shuichi couldn't believe it. Himiko was the mastermind and Tenko the traitor. Tsumugi had killed Rantaro and Kaede died without reason.
He fell to his knees. This couldn't be true. Tears streamed down his cheeks.
Monokuma's pressed the button and chains shot to the remaining students.
This was it...this was the end.
Part 3 coming soon
Some notes:
-Other characters that now get less focus are also gonna get angst later and the story is gonna focus on them more, don't worry if they don't get much attention
This is ooc, I know
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dangan-meme-palace · 6 years
Yandere DRV3 Girls
I shoulda posted this like a month ago I’m so sorry
Boys can be found right here
(Trigger warnings for the following: Kidnapping, Stalking, Non-con elements/mentions, Non-con drug use, Implied Torture, Physical/Emotional Abuse, Manipulation, Gas Lighting, and Implied Murder)
Kirumi Tojo
I love her don't make me do this
Fell for you when you made an effort to lighten her load 
Definitely one of the more controlling yanderes
You thought you'd have someone you could order around? Foolish.
She wants what's best for you and so she just kinda takes care of everything for you
Which sounds great!
Until you realise she thinks she knows you better than you do
Which isn’t even wrong because she has stalked you intensely
Stalking aside she's gonna try and make your life better whether you like or not
This includes forcing you to eat healthier, exercise, etc. etc. 
Probably uses the Mom Voice™
She won't take no for an answer
Tsumugi Shirogane
Oh boy. Look away children.
Okay so there's 2 ways she’ll become obsessed with you 
1: You are really optimistic and hopeful
2: You are emotionally susceptible to abuse
Yeah this is gonna get really fucked up really quick
Sorry Tsumugi fans
If Option #1 is true for you get ready to be kidnapped
She's Despair so she's obviously gonna wanna kill your hope with no remorse
Just saying, killing your hope might include making you put on humiliating cosplays and posting pictures online of you in them
She also might use those pictures as blackmail
Depends on her mood tbh
If Option #2 sounds more like you then prepare for the stereotypical controlling yandere
She'll slowly get more and more controlling with you until you start to think there's no way out
Which is true
There is no way out
She won't let you leave
But… do you really want to leave her? 
She's all you have now.
She keeps you as a pet :’)
Tenko Chabashira
Fell for you when you showed fierce enthusiasm for something you love
She finds it cute as hell and she can't help but fall for you
She's more of an obsessive than an aggressive yandere surprisingly 
How could she hurt her one true love?!?!?
Gushes about you to all her friends
Takes pictures of you doing cute things like sleeping, showering, and eating
Will defend your honor without any hesitation 
If anyone even makes it seem like they don't want you around or don't appreciate you enough she is going off
She'll talk about every little thing that you do in a reverent tone of voice
It's like she worships you or something
Halfway through her 50th “I love them how dare you!” speech you notice something
She's talking about stuff you've never done around her, stuff you do alone
How would she know about any of that??
If you leave it alone you'll be fine but if you don't….
She won't hurt you but you're definitely not going outside anytime soon :)
Which is fine by her!
More time to spend with you! As an added bonus you're living with her now!
However, all good things must come to an end
A certain detective was determined to solve your case
And his leads all pointed to her
*thinking emoji*
She knew he was onto her
So she just… solved the problem
Rip Shuichi
Himiko Yumeno
She's like 8 you lolicons
Would totally lure you in with her magical loli powers
A well placed “Nyehhhh I can't reach this, can you grab it for me?” and a tired yawn here and there
Yeah, she's got manipulation down to a science
Anything to spend time with you
But it's not enough
She can't get enough of you
She wants more 
So whenever you leave her she'll follow you in secret
She hates that you have to leave in the first place
So, she uh,
Casts a spell on your lunch
Translation: she crushed up some sleeping pills and mixed the powder into your food
Luckily, she didn't give you too much
Unluckily, you're living with her now
And you're not leaving
It's all thanks to ~Maaaaaaggggiiiicc~
Angie Yonaga
“Oh my god, it's god?!?”
Nah, but she thinks Atua sent you to her as a gift
She saw you and it was like the stars fell from the heavens and became you
At least in her eyes
Immediately tries to get to know you and talk to you
She also makes a wax statue of you to put in her room
Might make a body pillow of you ngl 
Talks as if you're already together
It honestly surprises everyone when you say you're not
She's super confused
How could you not be hers?? Atua sent you to her?? You're hers??
Decides that you just don't know that you were sent to her
Silly s/o~
Definitely a kidnapper
She'll frequently ask you questions and if you answer wrong she disciplines (read: tortures) you
Conditions you to love her
God dammit Angie why must you be so fucked up
Kaede Akamatsu
Don't make me do this to her please..
She most likely fell for you when she realized how passionate you were
Especially if it's anything to do with music
Partial to singing but it doesn't really matter as long as you put your feelings into it
She falls ass over elbows for you when she accidentally heard you practicing
She's so shy around you it's kind of painful to watch
She's normally so confident but as soon as you're around she's quiet and flustered
The thing is she doesn't really mind that feeling
In fact she wants to feel it more
So she starts hanging around you more and more and spending all of her free time with you and just staying close to you in general 
Absolutely idolizes you
Thinks everything you do is cute and adorable and oh god she loves you so much
She starts getting nasty with everyone else though; she kinda acts like her pregame self
Why would she want to spend time with them when she could spend time with someone as amazing as you??
Everything seems more irritating and boring without you around
She comes to a sudden realization one night when she was thinking about her feelings
She wants a songbird
You can't let birds out of their cages or they'll fly away from you forever
She won't lose you.
She can't.
So she steals you away in the middle of the night
She treats you like a princess as soon as you wake up
Might ask you to sing for her from time to time but won't push you
She understands that you're going to have to adjust to being her songbird
That's fine!
Or so she thought
But she's just so sick of seeing you inch away from her in fear
She's Kaedone with your shit
How dare you be so ungrateful!!
She gives you everything and you still treat her like a criminal!!
There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep you!!
Demands affection from you
Not afraid to punish you
She hates it though
She just wants you to love her so why do you keep making her hurt you?!
She doesn't want to!! She promises!!
So please!! Just love her already!!
She hates how you fake your smiles
She hates how you flinch before you wrap your arms around her
She hates that you don't love her
But she hates the thought of you leaving so much more
So every day
She keeps trying to get you to love her
And every day 
You don't
Maki Harukawa
She might be a little too good at this yandere thing….
So, she's The Ultimate Assassin, meaning she kills people all stealthy-like
So I'd say she's pretty good at stalking her prey
Not to say that you're her prey but… that's exactly what I'm saying
You can't go anywhere without feeling eyes on you
She's way too nervous to talk to you
So she tries to make up for it with kind gestures 
Like stabbing people who walk too slow in the halls
They're all scum anyways
No one could ever be as kind and caring as you
So who cares if they die
They're nothing compared to you
Have you seen her in-game?? literally she's borderline yandere already
She’s super suspicious of you leaving her though
She knows that her job isn’t the most well-liked career and is terrified that you’ll find out and never want to go near her
And that just isn’t allowed
So she keeps it a secret for as long as she can
Until you eventually find out where exactly all of your friends have gone
If you’re okay with it (read: too terrified to move) you’ll most likely live through that encounter
If not… well...
She always thought you were cuter than any doll anyways <3
She even picks out a cute outfit for your corpse :’D
Miu Iruma
I live for this bitch
She's another yandere too shy to talk to you
She tries! She really does! Its It's just you make her so nervous
Y’all know how she gives Shuichi food with her hair in it? Imagine that x100
A good yandere to compare her to is actually Anna from Shimoneta
Just watch this tbh
She, like Anna, has made food with little bits of her in it
Just buy some damn chocolates you absolute madwoman
She also tries to impress you with things she invents
You’re her latest muse so it’s only fair that you get to try out her inventions firsthand
If you don’t want them she is crushed
She tries so hard, the poor thing
I imagine that if she went off the deep end it would go one of two ways
She either A: Becomes obsessed with trying to impress you. Losing sleep just so she could try and make the best possible present. This leads to her stalking you on and offline because she needs to find out your likes and dislikes. It’s normal to try and find out what someone would like as a present right? So it’s no big deal. She would also bug your house and clothes just to listen to you.
Or B: Straight up kidnaps you and locks you in her lab. Now you have no choice but to try out her inventions. Don’t worry though! She only picks out the best ones for you! She eventually is able to trick herself into thinking that you enjoy all of this and were just playing really hard to get. It’s like she can’t even hear you anymore...
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imaginedanganronpa · 6 years
How would the V3 girls react to making up a really BS lie to get out trouble and only to discover not a minute later their said lie comes true? It’s played for comedy.
This was super fun! It was a bit challenging coming up with scenarios for each of them, but I hope you like it!
Also: I know some people get uncomfortable or Triggered by it so Pregnancy-Mention Warning in Kirumi’s part!
The V3 Girls Lying To Get Out Of Trouble & Then Their Lie Comes True!
Kaede Akamatsu
She was beginning to feel increasingly frustrated anddiscouraged because none of her pieces seemed to land recently; none of them had been sounding right and she was hitting a writer’s block.
Piano was her passion but she was feeling incredibly flustered. Kaede was goingthrough a spell where she just wasn’t happy with anything she wrote or produced.
She’d been cooped up in the Music Room all day, working on an elaborate piecefor one of her classes; but it just wasn’t working in her favor and she was over it.
She slammed her fists down onto the keys in a fit of anger, causing the pianoto falter. A few of the keys where her fist landed popped up and broke off of the instrument.
Kaede had just broken the precious piano - she didn’t even mean to hit it that hard! Nor did she realize what she had done until it was too late.
Apparently, the crash was louder than she anticipated because a passingadministrator – Juzo Sakakura – had overheard her frustration and poked his headinto the room.
Her face turned red and began to twitch, cursing to herself in her head.
“Ms. Akamatsu… what is going on in here?”
Kaede was a perfect student, she couldn’t afford to get in trouble forsomething like this! She’d never gotten in trouble before! Giving a bit of a shy, awkward smile, she scratched herhead and innocently batted her eyes at the man.
“You see, a… cat! Yeah, that’s it! A cat got loose and… jumped on the piano… and broke it.”
Juzo furrowed his brows, not impressed with her obvious lie. Before he could interrogate her further, the unthinkable happened.
A black cat hopped up on the keys and started to walk back and forth on the piano; Kaede had never seen it before in her life, it was a complete lie and she didn’t know there was actually a cat in the Music Room!
Nonetheless, Juzo stared at it with a perplexed expression and proceeded to shoo it off of the piano. “Oh well, I guess that Ultimate Animal Breeder kid brought another one of his pets to school, I could’ve sworn you broke it but then again, you wouldn’t do something like that, Ms. Akamatsu.”
She awkwardly laughed and nodded her head, the redness around her cheeks becoming brighter. “Yeah! Never…”
Juzo wished Kaede well and walked out of the Music Room by her side with the black cat in his arms, insisting that they’d repair her beloved instrument soon. 
All she could do was wipe the sweat from her brow as her heart-rate declined. 
Maki Harukawa
When it comes to sports, Maki isn’t the most athletic person– she dislikes watching them but allowed Kaito to drag her to some stupidbaseball game that he insisted they go to. How could she say no?
She already had a bad attitude since she didn’t want to be here, scowling at the men on the field and wishing she was anywhere else.
They’d been sitting close to the field and more than once, she had to duck outof the way of flying baseballs; that really didn’t help her sour mood.
The middle-aged woman sitting in the row in front of them suddenly stood and lost control of her drink, which spilled all over the front of Maki’s shirt.
In a heated moment of irrational irritability, she stood and screamed at stranger. “The Hell, do you want to die?!” 
Kaito tried to console her and get her to calm down butMaki wasn’t having it. After successfully getting her to sit down, she realizedwhat she’d done and a sinking feeling formed in the pit of her stomach.
The lady apparently complained to one of the venue’s staff, who approached Makiand Kaito with security… taking her comment as an actual threat. Not wanting to ruin Kaito’s day, Maki franticallythought of an excuse.
“Uh, well, I was just angry because a… baseball hit me and gave me a really badheadache, I’m sorry.”
They clearly weren’t buying it, preparing to escort the pair out of the stadium; when all of a sudden, a rogue baseball flew towards the stand and right at them.
She didn’t even see it - the ball was moving so fast that a blink of an eye would miss it. 
As Maki stood and got ready to go with the men, it clocked her in the side of her head, right in the temple. Her knees began to shake and she stumbled backwards into Kaito.
The lady she had screamed at let out a soft giggle, in which Maki gave her a terribly wicked look. She figured that was karma coming back to bite her.
The security stood there, baffled and unsure of what to do. 
Kaito jumped in, trying to play along with her obvious lie; “Those damn baseballs just keep hitting you, huh?”
That was all it took to get them to leave her alone. The two sat back down, and now Maki was in an even worse mood. She buried her chin in her palm and stared forward blankly, rubbing circles in her temple with her other hand.
Kaito gave her an encouraging pat on the back, thankful that they got away with it. “Yeah, I just wish I didn’t have to actually get hit to do so.” She muttered under her breath.
From that point on, she vowed to never go to another baseball game.
Himiko Yumeno
Himiko had been practicing her magic on school-grounds forhours now, purposefully skipping class in order to so. She thought she was being discreet, in an ‘undisclosed’ location.
She had an upcoming show!… I mean, mage exam, that she had to practice for; it was a big deal.
Although, skipping class was an immediate detention sentence and mages can’t afford to get detention! Himiko had never gotten in trouble in her life, and she blamed it on her charm and ‘magic’ when in reality she’s just never gotten caught.
Two burly teachers approached her, catching a glimpse of the small girl standing beneath a cluster of trees. She was located on the edge of school-grounds and yet, was still discovered.
Concerned as to why she was skipping class, they called out to her from a distance. Himiko became flustered, ready to cast a magic spell on them to make them forget they ever saw her.
When that didn’t work, she went with her backup plan - to use her deception magic and get away with it… in other words, she was going to lie.
“Oh! Uh… I’m not skipping, my doves got loose and flew out the window while I was in class. I’mjust… recollecting them! A mage can’t lose her trusted animal-helpers, you know.” Himiko hadn’t even stepped foot in class all day.
They look quite puzzled, their eyes moving upwards in search of the ‘missing’white birds that didn’t exist.
A small, unconvincing smile spread across Himiko’s lips as she really tried to sell the boldface lie.
As if on cue, two of her doves flew out from the loose cage hidden under herjacket and towards a nearby tree. 
“Oh, no!” She exclaims, “I mean, ohyes! There they are!” Her legs started moving before she realized it as she bolted towards the tree.
Her acting skills really aren’t the best, so she over-dramatically screamed at the doves from up-above. Himiko commanded that they come down from there immediately but to no avail.
The teachers watched the strange act, eventually shrugging it off and leaving the magician to do… whatever it was that she was up to. They really didn’t have time to deal with Himiko’s shenanigans.
As they walked away, she pats herself on the back. “I knew my magic could fool them!” She thought to herself as she praises her doves for helping her.
Tenko Chabashira
Tenko and Himiko had been walking through campus freely,with Tenko’s arm wrapped around her smaller friend in a defensive manner. 
The two girls had hardly been paying attention, when all of a sudden a man approached them, without saying a word.
He was simply brushing past them, walking in the opposite direction. 
Apparently, Tenko took that in the completely wrong direction and assumed he was making moves on them, and she wouldn’t let some male disrespect them like that!
She’d barely caught him out of the corner of her eye, and her reflexes greatly surpassed his own. Tenko grabbed him by the arm, flipping his body and tossing him over her shoulder. 
The man landed on the cold concrete with a thud, the wind was knocked out of him and he stares at the girl in shock. Himiko seemed to take the words right out of his mouth, “Tenko! What was that for?!”
Within seconds of flipping the man, two campus security guards rushed over to the situation and confronted Tenko. “Ma’am, you can’t assault fellow students like that!”
She realized she was in too deep very quickly and retracted, unsure as to how she was supposed to defend herself. She became fearful and nervous, blurting out the first excuse that came to mind.
“I-I was just protecting my friend!” Tenko grabs Himiko’s arm and pulls her closer to her side; the magician stares at the taller girl, confused as to where this was heading.
The security guards looked unimpressed and tend to the man still laying on the ground. 
“U-uh, that man was hitting on her and she was really uncomfortable so… it was self defense! H-he wouldn’t leave us alone.” Tenko stutters, continuing with the act. She nudges Himiko with her elbow to try to get her to play along. “Oh, yeah…”
As she says this, a second man pulls his car over to the sidewalk and rolls his window down. Partially leaning out of it; he looks the two girls up and down with a smirk.
“What are you two ladies up to tonight?” His smug expression sends chills down Tenko’s spine and makes her feel sick to her stomach.
The security directs their attention to the man in the car, telling him to drive away before they give him a ticket and adding that, “Harassing those girls was completely uncalled for.”
Looking disappointed, the man frowns and rolls his window back up, disappearing around the corner. 
Tenko may not be able to stand men like that, but in this moment she was thankful that he showed up. She grabs Himiko’s wrist and jogs away from the scene before the security guards can return to the original man she’d injured so that they could still get away while the opportunity was there.
Miu Iruma
Miu was minding her own business, unusually quiet this morning. She was walking through campus, completely zoning out whilst on her way to class.
As she treads down the sidewalk, the cold air caused goosebumps to rise along her skin. It was especially windy during this time of year and Miu wasn’t a fan if that.
Out of nowhere, a button on her top popped loose which caused part of her chest to become exposed, but she was too zoned-out to realize. 
Just as this happened, her classmate Gonta Gokuhara passed her and his face turned bright red, eyes wide. The much larger man stopped dead in his tracks and became increasingly flustered. 
“What the hell are you staring at?” She snaps at him, confused as to why he was giving her such a weird look.
Once she finally realized what happened, it was too late. She covered herself with her arms as one of the nearby teachers approached her cautiously. 
“Miss, indecent exposure isn’t allowed in public, especially not on school-grounds!” They scowl at her and Miu is feeling incredibly embarrassed.
Compulsively, the Inventor tried saving her skin. “It was the wind, I swear!” She exclaims as she attempts to re-button her top.
“The wind blew your top open?” The teacher replies, obviously not believing her lie. Miu frantically nods, not wanting to get in trouble since it would look bad on her record.
Plus, if she got in trouble for indecent exposure, her class - especially Ouma Kokichi - would never let her hear the end of it.
Don’t get her wrong, she knows her body looked good but… that’s something she wants to avoid.
Just before they can write her up, a strong gust of wind forms and blows her skirt up, flashing anyone who was in her vicinity.
Miu was so busy with buttoning her top that nothing was covering her lower-half, and that, too, was exposed for all to see.
A small scream escapes her throat and she embarrassingly pulls her skirt down once more.
Now, both the teacher and Gonta were staring at her in disbelief. Poor Gonta didn’t want to see any of that! He frantically averts his gaze, his entire face now red, and storms away from Miu.
The teacher, on the other hand, blinks a few times to process what was seen; Miu shyly and impishly grins at them.
Apparently it worked, because all they could do was nod, turn, and walk away without another word.
Miu cursed at mother nature. “Just because that’s what I fuckin’ said didn’t mean I wanted it to happen!”
Angie Yonaga
She draws inspiration from the most peculiar places. A lot of her paintings stem from dreams she’s had.
For some reason, Angie feels a sense of deja-vu over the painting she’d been working on currently.
It was a topless woman holding a small dog, resembling an old Renaissance painting; she was someone Angie has seen in her dreams before and finally mustered up the courage to paint - maybe if it became a reality through her art then the odd dreams would stop. 
Angie is convinced that the woman is from a vision she’s had, but she isn’t quite sure why. 
Sitting on a bench under a shaded tree, she wasn’t concerned with anyone seeing her painting since it was modern-day art. She certainly didn’t have a problem with it.
One of the staff-members on campus pokes her head over Angie’s shoulder to see what she was up to, and becomes increasingly disturbed by the artwork she was creating. 
“What… can’t you be a little more discreet?” 
Angie turns her attention to the flabbergasted woman behind her. With a small grin, she shakes her head. “Oh, no… is something wrong?” She’d seen this lady around before and believed she was new to the building.
“I don’t think anyone wants to see that, it’s nudity! Do you want me to write you up?” Her booming voice was somewhat intimidating.
Drawing her eyebrows together, Angie juts her lip out. “But… I’ve seen this woman before. I’m only recreating what I’ve seen,” she hesitates, “don’t have an issue with me, have an issue with her.”
It wasn’t entirely a lie… but she was leaving out some key details here. Obviously, the staff-member wasn’t listening and whipped out a detention slip, furiously scribbling on the paper.
As she begins to hand Angie the slip and command that she head straight to detention, the two women were caught off guard by a stranger.
It was another woman, holding a small dog whilst wearing a white top… which was wet, and she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra.
She was asking for directions somewhere, and the staff-member stares at the stranger, completely shocked. “See!” Angie exclaims cheerfully.
The woman crumples up the detention slip and completely forgets about the Artist directly to her left, blowing up at the woman in front of her and telling her that she has to cover up because, “There’s children around!”
The woman didn’t even seem to realize or care that she was blatantly exposed in broad daylight. 
It was so specific that Angie just assumed it was the doing of a higher-power looking out for her, not wanting her to get in trouble for simply creatively expressing herself.
Looking up at the sky, she whispers, “Thank you, Atua!” before resuming back to her now-realistic painting.
Kirumi Tojo
Kirumi was house-sitting for a client; she was a lot morehands-on and developed closer relationships with her clients than most Maidsdo.
The woman she was helping house-sit was currently nine months pregnant and liable togo into labor at any given time, which is something Kirumi felt ready for.
The two women drove to a nearby grocery store so they could pick some things upfor the house, under the client’s request.
Kirumi, impatient and tired of waiting for the red-light, did something shewould never do under normal circumstances and ran the red-light. It was all done without thinking since she was in a rush, but she quickly grew to regret this decision.
Sirens and flashing lights appeared in her rear-view mirror and she quickly realized thatan undercover police-officer must have been in the car directly behind them and she didn’trealize it.
Kirumi looks at her client who is giving her the same wide-eyed, worriedexpression. Fumbling at the steering wheel, an idea pops in her head.
Now… Kirumi wouldn’t normally lie, but getting a ticket whilst on duty would look really bad to future clients and she couldn’t afford losing her title as an Ultimate.
As the officer approaches, he bends down and looks in the car at Kirumi’snervous face. 
The Maid immediately spits out the first lie that comes to mind, somewhat throwing her client under the bus. 
“He-Hello Officer… I can explain. You see, my friend here is going into labor and we’re trying to make it to thehospital.” Her voice was mixed, both calm and desperate simultaneously.
She gives him a half-assed smile and shrug, trying her best to woo him into believing her. Kirumi was an awful liar and didn’t want to deceive authority, but she thought her client would understand.
Her body language seemed to give her away, and the Officer doesn’t look very impressed at first, sighing and whipping out his clipboard to give the Maid a ticket.
As she said that, the woman in the passenger seat felt a sudden, intense pressure in her abdomen and wetness pool around her thighs. She screams in pain and Kirumi turns, completely horrified.
This wasn’t just good acting… had she just spoken this into reality?! Now she was actually starting to panic and the police officer grew pale.
The two women went into a frenzy as her client started screaming for Kirumi to drive her to the hospital promptly.
Maybe getting pulled over wasn’t such a bad thing since now, they had a police escort guiding them.
 Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi had been standing around Comic-Con forseveral hours now, simply observing the numerous cosplayers and becoming excitedwhenever she saw a character she particularly enjoyed. She loves the atmosphere herself and found pleasure in being surrounded by anime and manga characters.
She was out of cosplay herself, of course, since she rarely ever wears the costumesshe creates. To anyone else, she’d just look like a plain, normal person, but seemed a bit out of place in the sea of characters.
Tsumugi was loitering, which in itself isn’t a major crime but some of thesecurity was concerned that she was making the other attendees uncomfortable.
After all, she was just staring at them which is… a little odd.
They approached the blue-haired woman in a cluster. “Miss… why are you just standingaround here?”
Tsumugi scowls at them, unsure as to what she could’ve done wrong, a bitoblivious. A part of her was going to tell the truth but for somereason, a compulsive lie just happened to slip out instead.
“I’m waiting for a friend,” she hesitates and the security guards stare at her unconvinced,“…who’s in a… Misaki Mei cosplay…” The questioning tone in her voice should have given awaythat it was a lie – Tsumugi is an awful liar.
She shyly stares at them, trying her best to appear confident.
Exchanging glances, they were seconds away from escorting her out of theproperty for loitering.
All of a sudden, an actual Misaki Mei cosplayer walks past Tsumugi, a smallgirl whom she’s never seen before, and hardly glances in her direction – probably moreinterested in the security than in Tsumugi herself.
She bolts past the guards in a desperate attempt to convince them that she wasbeing truthful, even though it was a boldface lie, and embraces the young woman. The Mei cosplayer looks frightened and confused, awkwardly returning theembrace. “See, look!” Tsumugi exclaims.
The security can’t really refute it and walk away silently, even though the girl clearly didn’t know Tsumugi.
It was dumb luck that a girl dressed as the character she lied about just happened to walk by. Tsumugi, realizing that she’s still hugging the complete stranger, jumps back and laughs awkwardly.
Thank you for reading! Side-note, if any of you all know who Misaki Mei is, you’re an OG. She was just the first character to come to mind lol.
- Mod Rantaro
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your-dr-imagines · 6 years
(have I sent this already?) Could I request Chihiro, Ishimaru, Twogami, and Gonta with an S/O who's sick and they help her with her medicine? But then she's found dead and it turns out that someone poisoned her medicine and since the guys gave it to her (unknowingly of course) they're considered the blackened?
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This request hurt my heart so much? Also, apologies anon, but we left out Twogami. None of the mods feel confident enough to write him romantically just yet!
~ Mod Hajime
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This is the first collab I’ve done with a mod, I wrote Gonta’s part while Mod Hajime wrote the rest I hope you like it!~
-Mod Shuichi
Chihiro, Taka, and Gonta with a Poisoned!S/O
Chihiro Fujisaki:
- Chihiro just wanted to help you. That’s all he wanted. He wanted more than anything for you to get better.
- When he finds your body the next morning, he’s frozen. He doesn’t move for almost five minutes. It’s only when Mondo walks in and is able to snap him out of him that he moves.
- The investigation begins immediately, Makoto doing his best to comfort Chihiro while still working. He eventually leaves it to Mondo and Taka to watch over him.
- He doesn’t say anything until the trial begins. With tears in his eyes, he claims that you didn’t deserve what happened. You were sick. You couldn’t defend yourself.
- He remains silent for the majority of the trial until Makoto brings up the medicine that was in the room. He told him how he had given it to you before he headed off to bed. When Makoto’s face pales, he becomes worried.
- When he’s told that there was evidence of poison in the bottle and it was clear that’s how you died, he’s shaking his head.
- “I- I couldn’t have done it. I grabbed the medicine right before I gave it to them.” Makoto confirms that with Kyoko’s account, but while he didn’t necessarily put the poison in the medicine, you gave it to him. That made him the blackened.
- Chihiro wanted to fight, really. He didn’t want to be the blackened. But he saw the evidence and truly, he was too tired to fight.
- He tightly hugs his friends before he’s tugged along by Monokuma. At least he would see you again.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
- Taka had been quick to take care of you. It made sense. He always made sure you were okay. That’s why he’s so confused and scared when he finds your body in your room.
- He’s frantic, very unlike himself, as he runs off to find the others. Within a minute, the group is back in your room.
- He can barely pay attention as Kyoko quickly goes to look over your body and Makoto gently asks him questions. He still complies, knowing that it would be easier if he did.
- He’s joined by Mondo and Chihiro when Makoto steps away. He doesn’t say much and has a blank expression up to the trial. The second everyone is settled into their stands, he’s practically exploding, yelling that whoever killed you wouldn’t be able to get out free. He doesn’t notice as both Kyoko and Makoto have solemn expressions on their faces. He’s quickly calmed down by Chihiro and Makoto starts the discussion.
- Taka falls silent other than the occasional statement until he hears his name come up.
- “Taka, you said you took care of S/O last night, right?” He frowns as he gives a nod. This time, he’s able to catch the dark expression on Kyoko’s face. “You gave them medicine didn’t you?” When he nods again, Makoto frowns. “You incidentally killed them, Taka. Someone put poison in the medicine.”
- He wants to argue, but he knows the evidence, he sees it. It was poison that killed you and only the medicine could do it. That meant…
- “Taka’s the blackened.” He’s too tired to fight. He can’t even look at himself. He could have been more careful. He could have stayed with you during the night.
- All he thinks as he’s pulled away is what he could’ve done.
Gonta Gokuhara:
He’s hysterical when he sees your body.
Just the night before he was tucking you in, hoping that you would feel better only to find out that you weren’t breathing at all.
Everyone gives him looks of pity and gives him comfort in his despair. Besides Kokichi, who’s dubious and Miu who’s in her own little world saying whatever she well pleases.
When the trial begins the thought, and perhaps hope that you died in your sleep is the number one cause of death everyone wants.
Sadly, it isn’t, and Shuichi (with a bit of edge from Kokichi) proves that it was poison that killed you, most likely in the medicine you drank last night.
As quickly as everyone was to console Gonta all eyes turn to him, no one wants him to be the culprit, of course, Gonta a mess of tears and snot as he desperately begs everyone to believe he didn’t kill you.
There are those who believe him despite the evidence, such as Kaito or Tenko while the others believe in the facts, Shuichi, Kokichi and Kiibo.
It’s the worst time of his life, he’s crying over you and the fact that your killer is pinning the murder on him.
Even when he’s proven innocent he’s still a blubbering mess.
That is until your killer is revealed, and though Gonta is a gentle person for the first time in his life he is seriously considering ripping the person to shreds.
He holds himself back, knowing you wouldn’t want him to die as well, keeping his rage apparent on his face but not doing anything else.
He doesn’t watch the killer go in their execution, he’s angry and sad and most of all just tired.
Too much for one night, he heads to his dorms alone and lets his thoughts rest until the morning.
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clueless909 · 6 years
odd numbers for the dr ask game :)
hhhh oh no help okay ily froot
1. Favorite Game
Super Danganronpa 2, no question... I would die for that game. Best characters and best story, no question. AND THE PLOT TWISTS??? amazin
3. Favorite Antagonistic Character
I’m not exactly, 100% sure what this means. Mastermind characters (Izuru, Junko, Mukuro, etc) or the Foils (Togami, Komaeda, and Kokichi)? In any case, I love Junko the most out of any mastermind character ever (Tsumugi is... Probably my least favorite sorry to her fans) and Komaeda will probably always be one of the best written characters in the Danganronpa franchise who offered so much more to the obnoxious foil along with the BEST trial of Danganronpa: (2-5).
5. Best Girl?
Unfair question, okay? I love (almost) all the girls! My favorite of all time is Ruruka Andou, though followed closely by Sonia Nevermind, Mikan Tsumiki, and Ryoko Otonashi
7. Favorite Class Trial from All of the Games?
2-5. That trial is SUCH a journey and I loved every second of it. Except for the fact that it just gives people a reason to cry that Chiaki was too pure and didn’t deserve to die.
9. Least Favorite Class Trial?
Hmm... I’m gonna say 3-3. If ONLY for the fact that there was such a missed opportunity with two killers in one trial and that Kiyo could have had to stay with the rest of the students freely despite committing murder! Otherwise, it was just kind of weird and the motive was absolutely bizarre.
11. Favorite Cast?
DR2 has my favorites but also my least favorites. I love Sonia, Mikan, Peko, Mahiru, Gundham, Twogami, Fuyuhiko, Komaeda... But I hate Chiaki, Hiyoko, and Teruteru. Overall though, has my favorite characters of any of the games (or other media)
13. What’s your opinion on the Danganronpa 3 anime?
Oooh boy. Okay so Despair Side was a literal, actual train wreck. From advertising the “prequel” of DR2 and then having the anime be fanservicey, random nonsense which retconned both how the class became despairs and that Chiaki was a person before being an AI to having many episodes which were not even focused on the DR2 cast but instead perfect human Chiaki and how sad it was that she got killed :((( Also Twilight Case got just... Ruined because they made Sato be the “true villain” while Natsumi isn’t to blame at all which wasn’t the case in 2-2 and made the whole thing just... Stupid. It also made Chisa, someone with a lot of potential, a Mary-Sue teacher who was obnoxious to watch and everyone loved her for no reason (just like Chiaki).
Future Side was stupid but much more enjoyable in my opinion because at least the characters acted like themselves. The only thing I consider canon about this entire anime series (including Despair side) is the new characters introduced. I love you Ruruka.
15. Your absolute OTP?
I would be dead without Sondam. Ruruka/Izayoi is also great though
17.  Do you have an OT3? Which one?
Not really, but if I did, it would probably be Fujisaki x Oowada x Ishimaru because I like both Fujisaki x Oowada and Oowada x Ishimaru though Fujisaki x Ishimaru isn’t really... anything to me...
19. Who do you think is an underrated character?
DEFINITELY Ruruka. All I hear about her is that she’s a bitch and the worst. I really disagree and think people give her way too much crap because they think Seiko is just a precious girl who did nothing wrong (though I do like Seiko, don’t get me wrong).
21. Favorite voice actor?
Oh my gosh, no question, honestly! Natalie Hoover, English voice of Sonia. She is the SWEETEST person! My old friend (hate them now lol) got her to sing me happy birthday in Sonia’s voice for my birthday! I couldn’t believe it but she was just amazing.
23. Favorite Mascot?
Haha, that’s such an unfair question! Monokuma, no question. He’s just the best and he’s a staple of Danganronpa. The others don’t have a chance besides maybe Monomi!
25. Least Favorite Mascot?
All the Monokubs. Period. I hated every scene with them and just wanted them to shut up. Sorry but I just couldn’t stand them! Monodam and Monotaro were the least hateable though but they were all kind of a package deal.
27. Least Favorite Execution?
Mikan’s. Forgettable, stupid, and she wasn’t even herself when she died.
29. Which character should have survived in your opinion?
Ruruka because she just lost everything and had so much room to grow and become more self-reliant and atone for her mistakes. Also because it made the whole Class 76 arc kind of pointless? They did the same thing with Ishimaru and I believe he should have survived as well.
31. Is there a character you think who shouldn’t have survived but did?
That’s... Kind of an awful question LOL but I don’t think any V3 characters should have survived because it honestly skewed the message. I’m happy that Maki is alive, of course, but everything in the last trial was kind of just ignored.
33. Character with the best clothing?
Hmm... Probably Chiaki, honestly. The backpack and the hoodie are super cute. She has one of the best designs in the game but she just doesn’t have enough depth for me to enjoy her character.
35. A character who should’ve got more character development?
Just one? Let me list out a few LOL. Mikan, Sonia, Mahiru, Saionji, Kaede, Tenko, Miu, Kirumi, Hoshi. Characters who needed to get character development at all: Chiaki, Chisa.
37. Favorite Minor Character?
Would Ryoko count? Ryoko. If not, I rather like Taehime Uozumi and she’s pretty minor LOL
39. Smartest Murder Plan?
Mikan’s original Ibuki murder. Unfortunate that Saionji happened to walk in.
41. Person you’ve never expected to become a culprit but they became? (Doesn’t include Chiaki)
To be honest, I didn’t think Celes would become a blackened because she was just so... Obvious? Like, when you talk to Celes, she just kind of has a typical murderess look to her AND she was the one who designed a bunch of safety rules. 
43. Describe Monaca Towa in 3 words!
Dorky manipulative follower
45. Unpopular Opinion?
Chiaki is an underdeveloped character and was literally made in the image of Kodaka’s perfect woman so that fanboys could have a perfect waifu to jerk off to.
47. A headcanon you have about a character?
Mikan and the Imposter are really really good friends and Mikan learns to hang out with nicer people and forgive herself and get better.
49. Favorite Mini-Game?
Panic-Talk Action! Good stuff
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
Sonia Nevermind. Her introduction is tasteless and gross (because of Teruteru) so when I met her, I thought she was just going to be an idiot who got into situations that made me cringe. I really didn’t even like her until around Chapter 3-4.
53. Favorite Game End?
Danganronpa 1 because of how much mystery there was surrounding the outside world and whether anything Junko said was true and I didn’t know how they were going to survive out there or what they’d do! 
55. Favorite love hotel scene?
Kirumi’s gave her more depth and Kaito’s was just so Kaito that I enjoyed it a lot. So they’re tied imo.
57. Character who should’ve lived longer?
Kaede. No question. She had so much potential and she seemed like such a strong interesting person with so much chemistry with the other characters. Also I like Komaru but I was hoping this female protagonist would have much less fanservice...
59. Favorite moment?
The end of trial 2-2. Peko and Fuyuhiko finally being able to come to an understanding of what they thing of each other and Fuyuhiko finally being able to get through to Peko that he loves her as a person, not as his “servant” was actually heart-breaking and hands-down my favorite moment of the series.
“I never wanted a tool! I just wanted you! Only you!”
61. Character who looks like the love child of ???
Uh... I’ll just go with the thoughts I had when everyone thought the v3 crew were the kids of the other survivors. 
Shuichi - Makoto and Kyoko, Kirumi - Peko and Fuyuhiko, Kaede - Sonia and Gundham, Gonta - Nekomaru and Akane, Angie - Aoi and Hagakure (?), Kaito - Mikan and Twogami, Iruma - Togami and Fukawa
63. Describe Kyoko Kirigiri in 3 words!
Intelligent soft-spoken detective
65. Who did you never expect to die but they died?
Saionji. I didn’t like her so I thought she would live forever. Chiaki as well because she’s the sweet angel but I was happy they had the guts to kill her off.
67. Which character would you never want to meet in real life?
Just one??? Junko for OBVIOUS REASONS such as I don’t want her to exist in real life at all.
69. Choose one character which you would take with you on a trip.
It’s between Sonia and Mikan... Sonia deserves to see all around the world in an environment that isn’t constrained so she can enjoy it. And Mikan deserves to go on a trip with friends and be happy :)
71. Character you can relate to?
Ruruka, which is probably why I like her so much. Ruruka has a lot of paranoia and is pretty distant from people but craves love and attention which sounds a lot like me. She also shares my birthday! November 20th!
73. Character who deserved better?
Mikan. Horrible, awful backstory and desperation to not be neglected is heartbreaking enough but then people go and see 2-3 and think she’s a lunatic when ANY CHARACTER would have acted the exact same way. They just didn’t see them do it so Mikan’s the crazy one.
75. Describe Gonta Gokuhara in 3 words!
Pure but easily-manipulated
77. What do you think of the fandom?
There’s three sides I see: Really sweet and kind who have discussions but not arguments about characters and plot points, people who would defend their favorite character and opinions violently even when the other person is being civilized and not trying to start anything, and the ones who just want fanservice of the sexy big-boobed women. And I only like the foremost option.
79. Which character has the cutest design?
Chiaki. The best design in all of Danganronpa imo. The second would probably be Chihiro.
81. Could you be the Ultimate Lucky Student?
I’m pretty lucky but honestly? My boyfriend blows me out of the park in terms of luck so I’d say probably not. He could be though.
83. Least Favorite Chapter?
EVERY SINGLE 3RD CHAPTER. Killed off Celes in 1-3, my favorite character in DR1. Killed off Mikan in 2-3, one of my favorites of all time. Killed off Tenko in 3-3, my favorite girl (along with Maki and Kaede) in V3. They’re also very poorly written. Celes’s acting is atrocious, Fuyuhiko’s death was replaced with Saionji so her murder weapon wasn’t even talked about in the trial, and Kiyo so obviously killed Tenko it wasn’t even funny.
85. Could you be a Dangan Protag? Why?
I mean... I think anyone could be. Kodaka even says he tries to write the protag as though they could be anyone else (though I think he does a bad job there). I think I would be super scared and paranoid so I don’t know how great of one I would be but... Yeah.
87. Describe Peko Pekoyama in 3 words!
Lovestruck loyal awesome
89. Least favorite Danganronpa 3 character?
Chisa. I despise Chisa so much I couldn’t even tell you. She has a great design but she’s basically an older Chiaki without the video games. Perfect motherly woman with the biggest boobs and skinniest waist who excels at all she does and gets tortured through no fault of her own because she was just trying to save others aw :( Characteristics? Loves Munakata and is a motherly figure who everyone loves and can do no wrong unless she’s brainwashed to.
91. What do you think of Monokuma?
A fantastic mascot and really funny character himself! Cold-blooded but also hilarious. 
93. Did you like the Monokubs?
No. Next question.
95. What do you think of Gundham Tanaka?
He was a great character! He was funny and charming and didn’t get super repetitive. I also think his past and the reasons for why he acts the way he does is spectacular but then again EVERY backstory in DR2 is fantastic.
97. Overrated ship which is your NOTP?
Chiaki x anyone (mainly Hajime or Mikan). I just... Don’t like Chiaki and seeing her with characters I consider actually good is... Bleh to me.
99. Your absolute NOTP?
Ruruka x Seiko. I hate that ship so much.
Mikan x Saionji. Don’t ship people with their abusers please...
Celes x Hifumi. She lied about being raped to get him to kill someone. Let’s not like this ship.
Mahiru x Saionji. Because I’m tired of Mahiru HAVING to be around Saionji and not being allowed to be her own character.
Mikan x Ibuki. Sexualizing Mikan? That’s ship material!
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daylightcolour · 7 years
ndrv3 for the fandom thing!
[I tried to make this as vague as possible because I can’t tag asks on mobile, but fair warning to anyone still avoiding ndrv3 stuff there’s some spoilers in this because I can’t talk about any of my opinions without writing all my reasons why hdjdjhsfjdgh]
Character I first fell in love with: I think waaay back when only Maki, Kiibo, and Kaito were revealed, I was super hyped for Kaito and I don’t remember why? Once everyone else was revealed though, I loved Miu and Tenko for their designs (and then later on after the names were revealed Ouma snatched my heart)
Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: KAEDE!!!!!!! She hadn’t stood out to me at all, even when the game was released I had been pretty neutral about her. But personal things happened and now I’m. Head over heels for Kaede I would Die for this beautiful woman
Character everyone loves and I don’t: uhh Miu, kinda? She’s constantly switching between my (second) best girl and worst girl, but what bothers me about her is that everyone loves her for her pervertedness/lewd jokes then goes and hates Yamada for the exact same thing (even though he’s not nearly as bad in that respect) ;;;; I don’t even care about Yamada but I’ll defend him until the day I die
Character I love but everyone else hates: Tsumugi I guess? Not everyone 100% hates her but I know she’s highkey disliked for [redacted] — I love her personality earlier in the game, she’s super adorable esp. in her free time events with kaede… just looked back at this after i finished writing everything else, and remembered everyone hates Shinguuji for that thing that happened– he’s actually my best boy, i could go on abt why but i don’t wanna make this longer than it already is or start discourse (just to clarify though i don’t support incest irl or in fiction)
Character I used to love but I don’t any longer: THEY’RE ALL SO GOOD I HAVE NO IDEA??? I guess Saihara fell considerably down my personal character rankings after the game released, but I still love him even if I’m kinda bitter over Everything in chapter 1
Character I would kiss: KAEDE!!!! THERE’S LITERALLY NO CONTEST!!!!!!! tho if I could I’d kiss all of them tbh
Character I want to slap: None Of Them and that’s just how it be
A pairing I love: I rly adore amamatsu, it’s super comforting to me and just Really really underrated too. In the game, their interactions are written so that it doesn’t force or highkey suggest anything but I feel like it also shows some underlying feelings; killing game aside, I feel like their relationship has the potential to be the healthiest ship in danganronpa if it only it had time to develop :(I think I explained that pretty badly but I promise I’m gonna make an in-depth post on why I ship amamatsu someday, where my thoughts will actually be organized and I’ll have quotes/screenshots from in-game because I’d die for this ship
oumami is an honorable mention for this question because I’ve shipped it since before the game even released and I still feel like they could have an interesting dynamic together ;;
A pairing I hate: SUPER super unpopular opinion but I hate saimatsu with every fiber of my being!! Platonically it’s adorable, but romantically it’s just so. ugh it’s forced and overrated as hell and I’ve had the worst experiences with the shippers too, everyone I’ve talked with on a semi-personal level ended up being a snakeso yeah 0/10 overall (though it’s cool if you ship it, idc just don’t push it in my face you know?)
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danganromps · 7 years
V3 OC idea!(spoilers)(Really long post)
Note: Due to length and plot spoilers, I’ve added a read more link. There are no spoilers above the cut.  For those on mobile, I’m aware that the links don’t work, so I’ll give you a warning when you get to it! - Alice
Name: Arara Nakamura
Talent: Ultimate Diplomat
Notable physical traits: Vertical scar across left eye, black hair that obscures his left eye/scar, slightly below average height and well built from self defense training.
Outfit: Trench coat on top of a black suit/pants.
Background: Arata was born into a family of renown diplomats. His family ensured he was trained from a young age. Raised more so by the diplomatic world then his own family, Arata didn’t care for much else but his work until he met the daughter of a diplomat that solely works on peace negotiations named Himari while on a separate job. As the first person to show interest in Arata the person, rather than Arata the diplomat, the two grew close(Himari meets few people her age since she constantly travels with her father for his work). However one night, Himari asks to meet in Arata’s room so that she can tell him something important. Once they meet, Himari embraces him and asks him to tell her that everything will be alright. After Arata complies, she tries to assassinate him. This wasn’t the first attempt on Arata’s life, so he’s able to avoid lethal damage, only receiving his trademark scar. After the attempt fails, Himari, her father, and any trace of them disappear by the next morning. After this event, he becomes paranoid about being betrayed.
Personality: Intentionally hard to read around others with his “Diplomatic Mask”, as he believes his unpredictability is his greatest strength. Seems friendly, but at times unnerves people with how comfortable he is with the situation and how blunt he can be about certain things(he is against Kaito’s philosophy of blind trust, for example. Instead he advocates “healthy suspicion” rather than what Kokichi or Kaito would.) Doesn’t openly show it, but is unable to trust people after his experiences. He does acknowledge however, the necessity of cooperation to escaping their situation and tries to keep the group at least that much together. He is simultaneously approachable and distant, following his policy of “Healthy suspicion” because of his fear of being betrayed. Notably apathetic about actually escaping himself, but cares about getting everyone else out(his less savory diplomatic work and his experiences with Himari has led to an attitude of self depreciation and a guilty conscience)
**Plot spoilers are on the next two paragraphs**
Influence on the plot: secretly investigates Maki during the events of chapter 2 because of how she acts regarding her lab. The assassin defense training he underwent allowed him to observe undetected(though he couldn’t tell that Maki was the Ultimate Assassin), and he accidentally saw the conversation between Ryoma and Maki regarding Ryoma’s motive video. Concerned about what Ryoma would do with his motive video, he puts the Maki investigation on hold and follows him instead. He then witnesses the conversation between Ryoma and Kirumi and realizes something is amiss. He intercepts Ryoma on his way to the meeting, and diverts him away(“Hey, Kirumi asked me to help you guys with cleaning the tennis lab and told me to grab some supplies, but I don’t know where they are. Can you find them for me?”). He meets with Kirumi, discovers her intentions and her setup, and forces her into a deal. She works with him and doesn’t attempt to murder anyone, in exchange for his silence on her actions. He claims to have already told someone else about the situation already and that if something happened to him or Ryoma they’d immediately suspect her and catch her(a bluff). When asked why he’s blackmailing her rather than ratting her out, Arata says it’s just because she’s useful(a lie). In actuality, it’s because Kirumi’s policy of selfless devotion reminds him of Himari, and he can’t bring himself to rat her out(“I could’ve stopped Himari, I’m not letting Kirumi die a senseless death”). Resulting intervention prevents either Ryoma or Kirumi from dying in chapter two. Kirumi’s plot is exposed much later by Kokichi in an attempt to fragment the group, but Arata defends her(this division amongst the group of a “traitor” is a motive for once not given by monokuma and simultaneously a throwback to DR1 with sakura.) Arata dies this chapter after willingly taking a trap intended for Kirumi without her knowledge. Kirumi is suspected, but her fervor during the investigation and trial convinced the remaining students she’s changed.
Relationship w/ Kirumi: Initially tense/hostile after Arata blackmails her. Arata helps Kirumi with her various errands in an attempt to permanently dissuade her from her idea of murder to escape. Also does it because he sees Himari in her and wants to help her. Arata teaches Kirumi to treat herself sometimes(“My request is for you to learn to relax”) and Kirumi helps Arata get over his self hate over what happened to Himari and his less savory diplomatic jobs. Kirumi eventually learns about Himari/Arata’s scar when she catches him training at night by himself in Tenko’s lab. After Arata tells his story, Kirumi begins to understand his true intentions and genuinely care for him. She eventually abandons the idea of escaping by herself if it means sacrificing Arata. Arata is under the impression that Kirumi hates him for blackmailing her until his death. He believes she’s just helping him because he’s got leverage or that she’s just being nice because of her duty as a maid, not because she wants to. It doesn’t deter him from helping her though. Arata develops romantic feelings for Kirumi because he respects her dedication and kindness towards helping others, something he can’t see himself doing to the same extent due to his own distrust in others. Kirumi develops feelings for Arata when she discovers what his past is and how far he’s willing to go to protect her from committing murder/being murdered. She realizes his selflessness is admirable.
**OK, you’re good to read again if you’re avoiding plot spoilers**
Wow, I’m seriously impressed at how well you’ve done with creating a good backstory and storyline in V3 for him - it’s really thorough, engaging and believable.
His personality seems quite reasonable, and I think he is quite goal-orientated, and willing to do exactly what is necessary to get there: no more, no less. This is something that’s going to serve him well throughout his life in a killing game, though how well it serves everyone else..hmm..
I can see how loyalty is an important concept - which I think makes sense given his Ultimate Diplomat status. When negotiating, trust and loyalty are essential, so it’s no wonder that these continue to have importance for him
I’ll gloss over his participation in V3 so as not to have spoilers here, but I think his influence would have quite an effect on the game. Whether he intends to do things for the good of the group or for his own good, he does some positive things, and I like that.
Thanks for sending him in, I really enjoyed reading through!
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sanctferum · 7 years
Dangan Ronpa V3: Chapter 3, class trial part 2! Let’s go!
Monokuma and Cubs intermission theater. Today, we have a quiz for those who already have someone in mind! Tell me, then. Tell me who the victims in this case are! Wait, we know that already.
Monotaro is throwing a fit. Monophanies starts to argue with him. Monodam is unhappy, and falls silent. Monokuma says that Monodam was correct. He didn’t say anything, and there were no victims in this case. After all, even if you are killed in these killing games, you still win, because people remember you fondly and sob over your corpse. Sure.
Trial resume! Monotaro and Monophanie have a bunch of banter and ignore Monodam. Monodam says he’s scared. Scared of losing his friends. The other two Kubs continue ignoring him.
Back to Himiko. She isn’t saying anything. She needs to confess or defend herself, or else we’re stuck.
Oh, she wasn’t listening to us. Because she can’t bring herself to defend herself, to survive. Angie and Tenko are dead. There’s no meaning in her struggling to continue living.
Even worse, everyone is accusing Himiko of killing those two close friends…
Do whatever…but, we can’t. We can’t vote yet. Not when it isn’t clear who killed Tenko. And certainly not until we find out who killed Angie, which is the real goal of the trial.
Himiko is at her limit. The killing games has broken her, shattered her spirit.
Kiyo still thinks that Himiko is definitely, certainly, the culprit. Gonta doesn’t believe Himiko would do that. Maki says that Himiko is a little..slow. She probably couldn’t have pulled off the crime. Tsumugi also believes in Himiko.
Shuichi knows how Himiko felt. It was the same thing he felt after Kaede was executed.
Himiko chose the center room…but Kokichi fell through the floorboard of a different room, and hurt himself. All the rooms were valid options. It’s got to be Kiyo, right? He killed at the very least Tenko. I dunno if he killed Angie, but…
Huh? Kiyo is saying he realized he was in the culprit’s trap all along, thanks to Kokichi’s testimony. Is he telling the truth, or simply worming his way out of his own pitfall?
Shuichi reminds Himiko that Tenko told her to live life facing forward. If Himiko gives up the will to live…it would be a betrayal of Tenko’s memory.
Himiko won’t give up after all. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to face Angie or Tenko in the afterlife. Therefore…surviving is no longer a pain. Surviving is a necessity. It’s what we have to do, and what we are going to do.
Keebo warns Himiko that she shouldn’t expect everyone to survive. The blackened still lurks amongst the group.
Kokichi points out something strange. No one stepped through the loose floorboard before the culprit used it. Well of course not. There was a magic circle made of salt on the floorboard. The only question left in my mind is whether Kiyo killed Angie as well.
Sure enough, Shuichi comes to the same conclusion. Korekiyo Shinguji. He had the opportunity. I don’t know what his motive was, but no one else could have done it.
Kiyo drew the magic circle, and has been steering the debate from near the beginning.
Kiyo didn’t just use the circle to keep people away from the floorboard. He also used it to figure out how to get everything positioned just right.
Uh-oh, he’s starting to laugh. I don’t like where this is going.
Kiyo couldn’t have seen in the dark to see the floorboard to stomp on. So how did he do it?
The answer is that Kiyo didn’t need to see. Kiyo felt around and used something to guide him. Not the wall, but what? The magic circle, of course. Specifically, he felt via touching the salt.
All of this would be enough to declare him the blackened, but for one thing. We don’t know if he was the one who killed Angie.
The magic circle wouldn’t reach the corner of the room if it was set up perfectly. Kiyo says he was in the corner, and could not guide himself to it. Did he really draw the magic circle just as it was in the document? I dunno.
Keebo tries getting everyone to pay attention to him, but Kokichi keeps the discussion away from him. Keebo turns on his light function, flooding with room with light. He has something to tell us. Guess what? Miu added TWO functions to him. And the function that wasn’t a light was something Miu doesn’t want him to use. Whatever purpose it serves isn’t the one Keebo is planning to use it for.
Image recording function? That means…Keebo can show us exactly what the salt circle looked like originally, since it was created before he got kicked out of the room.
Keebo prints a black and white image out of his mouth. And on it is a photo of the salt circle, which very clearly is ALMOST exactly like the one in the book. Except for the lines going into the corner. You dun fucked up, Kiyo.
As for the purpose of Keebo’s image recording function, it’s to monitor Miu’s health. Specifically, Miu’s been making Keebo take pictures and analyze her shit. Great. Lovely.
Intestinal health and gut bacteria quality aside, Kiyo has to be at least the second blackened. Any objections, anthropology boy?
Oh shit, he actually did object. He never touched the cage. Shuichi and Kokichi carried it to the middle, Himiko removed it. But that’s fine. He doesn’t have to have touched the cage. The sickle could have been placed when he was putting the white sheet on. Same thing for removing it. Then he dropped the sickle under the floor, and-
Oh what is this. He’s confessing, but in a creepy manner.
He admits it, but denies having killed Angie. Which means, if he’s telling the truth, that Himiko and Kokichi will have to co-exist after this trial. That’s not gonna go well.
Kiyo was unable to enter Angie’s lab…or so he claims. Which means whoever killed Angie…Tenko, Himiko, Tsumugi, Keebo, Gonta, and Kokichi. It has to be one of them. Unless Kiyo found a secret way into the lab.
Still, we have no proof of Kiyo lying. Not right now, at least.
Kiyo says that this case was an error on his part. So, that means that he intended to become the blackened, but failed. Perhaps it was because he didn’t know what Monokuma would do if there were two blackened.
Yup, that’s it. He thought that the others would find Angie’s killer, and vote for them, leaving him to escape scot free as they all died.
Half the class wants to vote now, half want to debate more. Scrum time!
I’ve been waiting for this, and apparently Kokichi has as well.
We can’t vote until we know the truth. The whole truth, not just one or two parts.
The mystery of Tenko’s murder…is it the dried blood? Suspicious blood from before Tenko was even killed…but why would Angie’s blood be under the floor?
Angie might’ve been killed somewhere else other than the Ultimate Artist Research Lab. The blackened could have moved her corpse there after!
And just like that, everyone’s a viable suspect again.
I really don’t want it to be Maki or Kaito…I could definitely live with Miu being the blackened, though.
Kokichi says he checked all three empty rooms for clues. But why would Angie be in one of the empty rooms?
Kokichi might be lying, but he says even if it is a lie, someone is panicking pretty hard. Because…
Because Angie went to the empty room to get a candle to burn the Necronomicon. Specifically, the center room. In a sense, Tenko’s death is helping us to survive…if not for that, no one would have check under the floorboards. Still, something is strange here. Angie, dead in a pool of her own blood…was it her own blood, if she was killed elsewhere? It might have been. The attack in the empty room gave her that forehead wound, and maybe she fled for her lab…which is where the killer slew her.
No, but close enough. She was carried to her own lab, and killed there. Which means the forehead wound knocked her unconscious, but didn’t kill her.
It’s all coming together. The truth behind this case is…
Kiyo what are you up to?
All clear…the phrase sends him into fits. He looks like he’s about to have a mental breakdown, and then…
He suddenly tells himself to calm down. In a different voice. With a different face. A feminine voice and a feminine face. Is this the Sister he mentioned so long ago in some optional conversation? What?
The face underneath the ridiculous zipper-mouth mask…was nothing like what I expected.
Kiyo becomes himself again, pulls up his stupid mouth mask, and defiantly yells about how this isn’t clear. At all. It’s still not clear. If Angie was carried to her own lab and killed there, why wasn’t the hallway covered in her blood? Easy. The blackened, who may or may not be you, duck taped over the wound to prevent it from bleeding.
Then, the reason Kiyo’s having a meltdown…must be because he isn’t a blackened. He’s both blackened! But why kill Tenko too, then?
One of the murders was an accident?
Angie wasn’t supposed to die? I can see her accidentally running into Kiyo setting up his scheme and him having to kill her to keep things quiet. But then why continue to go through with killing Tenko?
Could this have to do with whoever Sister is? If Kiyo’s got multiple personalities, did he have to kill two people to get them both out?
Kiyo flips out again, until the female personality (Sister?) tells him to calm himself.
Whoever this is, she is looking down on us pretty hard.
Miu with the realtalk. Surprising. But it’s true. He’s mumbling to himself, and he appears to be wearing lipstick.
Kiyo refuses to acknowledge us and our accusations. Guess we gotta hit him with hard evidence then! Armament Argument time?
The weapon Kiyo used to knock Angie unconscious…what is it? It’s not the Dog God statue, is it?
No, it’s the removed floorboard. It had blood on both sides…even though Tenko only died on one side. And the floorboard being in use is why all that blood was able to fall down below and form that dry bloodstain.
And Kiyo did admit to knowing about the seesaw trick. So…there’s only one blackened, it would seem. Korekiyo.
Angie walked into the center room, found herself face to face with Kiyo, who was holding the floorboard in hand. And that’s why Angie died.
All that remains is to put all the answers together. The case played out…like this! Closing Argumament
All that remains is why Tenko was killed and who the female Kiyo is.
It is unfortunate that you killed them, but we should be the ones saying that, not you…
Kiyo’s only regret was not being able to make 100 friends. Huh?
Kiyo didn’t vote for anyone…but he’s about to die anyways so I don’t think it matters.
Monodam seems very tense…I dunno if he’s gonna kill one of his siblings or be killed by one of his siblings, but…
It’s over, right? No. It won’t be over till we know his motive.
I don’t think his motive was anything to do with the resurrection ritual.
Kiyo didn’t even believe in the ritual in the first place, despite what he said back in the gym that day. And he’d never kill someone over something like that. There’s only one reason he killed. Love. Someone he loves more than anyone in the world. This person, the person he is bound to via intense love, is…?
“No matter what anyone says” Oh no don’t tell me this lover is literally your sister
Only one person needed to die for Kiyo to escape…but escape was not his goal. After all, his loved one is always with him…inside. No, not inside the academy, but inside of himself. That is where his Sister resides.
OK, how many things are wrong with this metaphorical picture? Try and count them all!
His lover. His own sister. Sister is literally his sister. (Why is she inside him then?)
And for that incestuous lover, he killed. Sister was a sickly girl, always in and out of the hospital. Not too many friends. And he might take on the role of little brother and lover both, but Kiyo could not be her friend. So he sought to find her friends. Tragically, his sister is dead. Which means that when he said “100 friends”, he would have actually meant “100 people I sent to join her in the afterlife.” He’s killed almost 100 people…all of them good people worthy of being his sister’s friend.
The female Kiyo…is Kiyo’s older sister. Kiyo almost went mad with grief after his sister died. Then one day, during a séance, they were reunited…and Sister’s soul did not go back to the afterlife, but stayed within him. Either that or he just flat-out had a mental breakdown.
Kiyo didn’t kill to escape. He killed to get everyone else killed. Escape was merely a fortunate byproduct of supplying Sister with friends.
All the people he killed were girls who would be good matches friendship-wise for Sister.
You bastard. You said the spiritual medium would work best if they were a girl. It could have very well been Himiko who died.
Friends for Sister…Kaede, Kirumi, Himiko, Angie, Tenko, Tsumugi. All worthy candidates. (Miu and Maki were not worthy and everyone else was a guy.)
Himiko realizes that she could’ve died. Or, to put in in other words…Tenko died in place of her. Himiko had volunteered to be the medium at first, after all.
Kiyo’s field is studying people and shit. Of course he’d recognize that Tenko wasn’t actually brainwashed, and figure out the reason for that.
Don’t worry about it, Himiko…after all, Kiyo’s plans involved both of you dying. Himiko would’ve been killed, just at a later date.
Kiyo did all this…for Sister? Or perhaps, Kokichi suggests, he’d become addicted to killing…the entire reason he was interested in The Caged Child was because of the murder potential. Kiyo once again claims he’s killing for his Sister, and no other reason.
Kaito is not taking the two-souls-one-body thing very well.
And the reason Angie and Tenko both died is simply that the y could go befriend Sister as soon as possible.
Kiyo does not think murder is a big deal. After all, souls exist beyond death…death only changes a person’s form. Not such a big thing. Goddamn this guy is fucked up.
It wasn’t fair, what happened to Angie or Tenko. But death is unfair. All deaths. There’s no such thing as a fair death…or so says Monokuma. And he also says that gruesome murders get news stations really high ratings. Because…deep down, everyone likes unfair deaths.
“Man! If people were watching this, they would get a kick out of it!” Hey. Kokichi. Be very very careful what you wish for.
Well, if Kokichi wasn’t involved, he’d be watching this himself, as entertainment.
Kiyo has accepted his impending death. Because once he dies, he will once again be with his Sister.
Kiyo will watch the rest of this game as a ghost. And so will everyone else who’s died. Watching to see how the survivors will face the death of their friends…
Ultimate Anthropologist execution: Cultural Melting Pot
The Kubs tie Kiyo up, spin him around till he’s too dizzy to do anything, then drop him down a shaft. He lands in a pot. The Kubs start up the fire. Kiyo starts to burn to death in the boiling water. Monodam…commits suicide. OK. He just rushed into the flames and died. Cool. Kiyo also dies. His ghost ascends, finally meeting his sister, only for the sister-ghost and Monokuma to throw salt at him, destroying his incorporeal form.
Even Monokuma is shocked that Monodam killed himself. He finds it cute, though, unlike the two remaining Kubs. Also, I bet Monodam’s despair at people not getting along was delicious for his father.
Monokuma takes the Necronomicon back. Not that anyone believed the ritual would work anyways, but now we can’t even try to complete it.
Well, at least the Atua brainwashing is over. After experiencing this case, who here can believe in a just and merciful god being anything other than fake, human beings clinging to hopes that someone out there cares about them?
All we can rely on is each other and our own Ultimate talents. Maki makes a point of hoping Shuichi won’t have to use his again. Too bad, Maki, there’s probably at least another two killings left. As for her own talent…Maki wants to work hard to get everyone to trust her. It might not be possible now, but in the future…No more running away. She wants to survive and escape with everyone else.
Nine people left. Monokuma wants seven more deaths before the end, whatever that end is…
Kaito doesn’t want to rely on a miracle or a god or a spirit. What he wants to rely on is his friends. The people he believes in…us.
Himiko is still at a loss.
Kokichi once again calls Himiko a liar. What? What’s she lying about? Being sad?
She’s lying to herself? About her own feelings. Feelings on what? Tenko? Angie? This situation?
Oh. She’s been repressing her own emotions. And now, at Kokichi’s urging, she has broken down crying. She’s lonely…her friends are dead, and she is alone. But she must survive. For their sakes.
At the sight of Himiko crying, everyone begins crying themselves. But after that…we need to move forward.
Himiko cries herself to sleep.
“She probably felt better after letting it all out.” – Maki Harukawa, Champion Emotion Represser
As we return to the dorms, Kaito stops all of the sudden. He’s gonna get some air before he return to bed. Hmmm. Something about this feels suspicious.
Shuichi doesn’t notice that something is off, and goes back to bed.
Kaito is coughing up blood. He appears to be suffering some kind of terminal illness, and he swears he will survive and get out of here, so he can go to space. Don’t do something stupid, Kaito.
Oh, what am I saying. He’s gonna either be the victim or culprit of chapter 4, isn’t he. Godammit Kaito. The chapter 2 foreshadowing returns to haunt me again…but it will have to do so tomorrow, in chapter 4!
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V3 cast as Traitors
this hurts me to write because I remember the second game traitor :((
-mod Saihara 
IMPORTANT!:  I wrote this as if the reader((y/n))was part of the killing game, and may or may not the the s/o. It’s up to the reader 
this is way too long , so for the anon who asked, imagine is under the cut
she’s the what?
the traitor?
no... how 
how is it that the girl standing in front of you betrayed each and every one of you 
Angie, Himiko, Ouma, even Saihara 
she helped everyone of them die 
all this time she was telling everyone to not give up.. and now this?
she’s been found out...now what’s going to happen to the remaining students?
the remaining students just stand there, in horror 
and the bright look in Kaede’s eyes are gone, every hint her previous self gone as she talks about how naive everyone was
“Too bad, this is the ending Shuichi died for.”
your numb, monokuma is laughing-he’s won and he knows it 
then a piano starts to play- but it’s different. Its as if the entire piano is set to a minor scale, making everything sound dark
its a mix of flats and sharps you hear at the end, and then your world goes dark
he’s smiling 
smiling as he betrays everyone 
smiling as he kills Amami 
smiling when everyone find out how he really is 
he’s disappointed of course, but he’s glad he could pull of a trick of that caliber!
and your left screaming 
he promised 
he promised
he promised
he promised that he’d protect everyone, he promised Kaede that she wouldn’t have died in vain
he promised 
and he lied 
you ask him why.why.why.why.why.why
and he gives you a look of pain
“I just wanted to feel alive.”
and monokuma is beginning the execution.
he’s not the same detective that you met in the gym.
he’s not the Saihara you knew
he takes his hat off, and looks at you.
 he’s smiling 
and then its over 
her hair is flowing in the night sky as you find out.
and she frowns
how very,very bad of you to figure it out 
who tipped Angie off
who knew about Korekiyo’s past
she was a caregiver
loved by kids
not very sociable 
and has a bad personality 
she’s sighing as she knows what needs to be done 
she can’t be found out
she needs to stay alive 
“You’re a pain, y/n. I knew you were going to be a hassle eventually.”
And she hits you and you go down
you realize that you passed out when you wake up
but something’s different 
your tied up
and she’s the only one here
she brings you food. And even reads to you.
She keeps you safe.
She trains you until you follow her every command.
even if that means dying 
she lets you see other people now, a smile on your face as you cant feel anything
looks like Maki has a trump card up her sleeve 
He’s the fourth murderer  
he didn’t plan on being the traitor, of course but he had no choice 
he was blackmailed
that’s why he had to tell Mokokuma about the plan
Mokokuma would have killed the person he loved
He couldn’t let that happen 
he had to 
Everyone is voting for him, what do you do?
you suddenly realize why the trial-room is this big
why the murder was the only one that knocked the victim out before hand 
You can’t look at him when everyone votes correctly 
But he’s desperate to look at you
you can tell he’s trying so hard to get your attention
but you know what?
you’re not about to give it to him.
so when he finally speeds over to you as monokuma calls time up, you brush him off
“Get away.”
and he’s so hurt 
his eyes are as deep as the night sky, every twinkle of stars gone
finally with choking breaths he manages:
“I just wanted to protect you.”
You keep your composure until you get back to your room
then you break down
because he knew someone had to die, and he chose himself over you.
and you couldn’t even comfort him in his last moments. 
It hurts you sosososo much
almost enough to die
But also enough to get revenge
It makes sense, she’s the ultimate inventor 
She’s the only one who could have upgraded those machines monokuma controls 
she’s the only one who could have helped plan the new motive 
she’s shaking on her podium when you finally figure it out
but you cant do anything about it? can you?
she isn’t the killer and no one can trust her now 
so what’s the point ?
she says she did it because she just wanted to get out of here alive.
she didn’t like anyone here at all. She just wanted herself to live.
and now your whole world is shimmering 
and you realize you’re crying 
what was it then? your yelling now. 
why did she spend time with you then? When she hated everyone in the first place?
she tries to defend herself, saying she doesn’t hate you guys...
“But you’d let us die to save your fucking life.”
your voice is full of malice 
She Told you that she enjoyed being with you
how could have been so stupid?
And then Monokuma steps in.
What good is a spy that’s been found out?
and then she realizes whats going to happen 
she’s going to die anyways.
and shes crying and pleading for someone so save her.
no one will
you watch as the light drain out of her eyes, just like she watched the light from Angie’s eyes fade.
and your glad she got what was coming for her. 
but now there’s an even bigger question 
Who killed Iruma Mui?
The first thing monokuma does when you find out is to laugh
Kiibo-Hope,Huh. How ironic 
he forced Kiibo to kill
he forced Kiibo to gather information 
and now he’s forcing Kiibo to kill the remaining students, in front of their eyes
Kiibo’s ares are glowing a deadly red color as he blows up Katio 
No emotion 
and then he takes down Shirogane with a blade 
You want to run, but you can’t
no one can defeat an AI
you cant move. its impossible 
your trying to remember the shy robot you met the first day
and now he’s choking Tenko
The doors are locked, everyone is trapped in this arena 
Gonta throws Kiibo to the other side of the room
there’s the crunching of rocks and metal before Kiibo gets up again
and he cuts Gonta, blood spraying like snow
and now he’s coming after you
and you just.cant.move. 
Kiibo lifts the blade for the final strike 
but you don’t feel anything.
reason being Ouma took the blade for you.
Ouma. Of all people.
He’s been impaled through the stomach. 
You can see the fear in his eyes as coughs blood, some of it dribbling down his chin 
He falls. 
You’re the last one alive, covered in blood and forced to look into the killer’s eyes.
Ouma saved you. But that only extended your lifetime by seconds 
You don’t have the energy to cry.
Kiibo brings the blade up, covered in different layers of blood.
“Any last words.”
he states it in a monotone voice.
You don’t really have your thoughts straight enough, so you just tell him what you’ve wanted to tell him. 
“I still believe you can be human.”
He actually falters
and then your world goes red.
but you wouldn’t doubt it that Monokuma will be able to control Kiibo for the next killing game 
She did it for you
You were always the one to find food when you two were hungry 
You and her were the only family to each-other
You made sure she got enough to eat
Even if that meant giving all your food to her
You were both together ever since both of you were abandoned 
and you survived 
and now you, the SHSL scavenger, has to watch as your sister is found out to be the traitor
Now people are saying that you could possibly be the traitor 
“NO!STOP! I’m the one who’s the traitor here! Leave y/n out of it!”
some people still look skeptical but they watch as you approach Himiko
“I had to pay you back for all those days where you made sure I was safe, even if that meant putting your life at risk.”
Tears started to well up in her eyes
“ I didn’t want to do it. But it was either me or you. I needed to, i’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.”
and then your crying, and crying and crying.
she’s not your real sister but hell, she’s the been more of a family then your real family ever was.
and you don’t want her to leave you. nonononono.
who’s going to keep you company on cold nights when the only thing you can think of is how cold and hungry you are?
who’s going to preform magic tricks to help earn money?
the only member of your family is going to die. Your terrified 
You cant let go of her, if you do then it’ll be the last time you ever see her.
Your yelling at Mokokuma to please,please please please please please don’t kill her. Anyone but her.
But she knows that she has to go.
It takes both Tenko and Gonta to pry you away.
Himiko gives you one last look as monokuma is yelling that its punishment time 
She places her your hands, giving a weak smile.
Your being pulled away, your throat is raw but you couldn’t care less.
She’s just about to be dragged off when her face contorts and tears fall 
“No...I don’t want to die.”
And that’s the final strike for you.
everything goes dark
you don’t come out of your room for days, Tojo brings you food and water but your not hungry 
It takes you weeks to realize she would want you to get out here.
Make the mastermind suffer.
so you finally go out.
You can deal with the grief for now.
Until you can get out of this game.
he’s bored by the time you find out
I mean come on, it took you that long to put the pieces together 
everyone is yelling at him that they won’t trust him anymore,that he’s going to be suspected of every single murder now.
“Really, when did I ever said that I cared.”
He tells a story
A story about how he was always a pawn
how he worked for his mother, obeyed every command 
he sharpened his talents. He obeys his owner 
He was bought, and was put into this killing game to make notes for his master.
He doesn’t care if he dies or lives, he’s even working with the mastermind.
he confesses all of this at once, leaving everyone speechless 
the only truth he ever told was that he loved humans 
He’s been intrigued since day 1
And that’s why he’s in here
To study their behavior 
To know them better than they would know themselves
And if people die, the better.
Because it shows humans their true personality  
His eyes cloud over as he talks about his master, he won’t ever ever ever ever eeeeverrr betray them.
And that’s why the mastermind is letting him say this, because they know he wont say anything, even if they torture him.
‘Ahhh, but alas, it seams as if my master doesn’t even remember me. You see, they also decided to join this game, how wonderful of them.”
And the room drops a few degrees.
because now even monokuma is confirming it, one of these people alive is the mastermind.
and you wonder.....
just mayyyyyyybe....
that your part of something that you can’t remember.....
your right! Its! Angie!
she jumps up in down in various poses as she is convicted of being the traitor. 
How is she, the most energetic person in this entire game... the traitor?
She’s laughing, as if someone said something funny
“ Angie told allllllll of your secrets!”
what would she get out of betraying everyone?
“you are are so silly!Angie didn’t betray you!”
she sold everyone out she told the mastermind everything that they were planing. She sabotaged the escape plan.
and Kaito is down  
“neh heh heh! Don’t get too close Momota-kun~”
She didn’t kill him, of course. But he’s injured.
“Hey... Angie-san... what do you get out of going this?”
and now she tilts her head like you’ve just asked her why humans need air 
“Isn’t it obvious? God has made it this way!”
“It’s God’s will for Angie to be the traitor! So Angie trusts in God!”
everyone is shoring her glares, because really?’ she’s going to use that excuse?
you might as well ask...
“ Hey Angie, what is God’s will for us?”
She gives you a darkened smile.
“God can’t hear you.”
And she leaves the courtroom.
h...how? How could someone like him be the traitor?
In fact, he doesn’t know it himself
what! He...... he....betrayed everyone...
Oh no..oh no oh no oh no.....
Because he didn’t mean to
he didn’t know that saying that would help Monokuma... he really didn’t 
And then he’s crying because he never ever meant to hurt anyone.
and just because he accidentally told monokuma about the hidden hallway..
now all the information about the outside is gone
everything that would tell them how to get out is gone 
and of course, people are angry
they yell at how he messed up
how he’s useless 
how no one’s going to trust him now 
and it makes your angry 
everyone is yelling and Gonta is crying and shaking 
and its when someone calls him dumb, you snap
well that got everyone's attention. 
your breath is coming in raged inhalations
your dragging Gonta away now, away from these sick people 
“If you need us, then too bad, we’re not giving anyone help now.”
There were people that didn’t blame Gonta of course, but they still didn’t stand up for him did they?
he thanks you as you get him something to drink and some tissues.
everyone eventually apologies, Gonta 100% forgives them 
you, on the other hand are a different story 
looks like everyone is back at square one.
she’s the traitor 
the reality of the situation finally gets to you when you see her dead body
she just wanted to protect her family 
Monokuma had forced her to be the traitor
 her akido master, her parents her family.
They were all being tortured 
she heard them scream 
she had to 
she had to 
she had invited you over to talk the night before her death 
she asks what you think of her
“Tenko, it’s OK... I don’t blame you. I know that you had no choice.”
she’s crying 
thank you, she’s saying.
Thank you thank you thank you 
she’s so happy.
your don’t hate her. you don’t hate her 
you take her hands and tell her that you’ll always be here for her 
and then she tells you that she likes you
she’s grown to like the things you do, the way your hair is, the way you smile 
she likes you
but then she tells you that she needs to go... that she can’t be with her for much longer
You tell her to please, please please please be safe.
and she takes her choker off.
she hands it to you, saying that you can give it back to her in the morning, and that she’ll make sure that she can see it you again
you tell her that you want o be with her, you want to take her out for coffee once you get out of here
and then she asks to kiss you.
its soft and is too short, and when she pulls away she’s trying to be cheerful
that was just a goodnight kiss, she says, there’ll be more to come.
and then she waves you goodbye 
the next time you see her is the next morning, dead
and she lied 
you plant a goodbye kiss on her cheek before you leave for the trial, when no one is looking
and now your hanging onto the ribbon with the bell as tightly as you can 
she lied
with trembling hands, you put it around your neck and fasten it on
and the trial begins 
He warned you.
he warned each and every one of you to not get close to him
yet you still did 
how does it feel? To have hoped so hard only to fall into despair ?
Well, you can’t say he didn’t warn you
he’s done bad things in the past, why would he stop now ?
and now your crying 
because you should have known better 
everyone else did, so why didn’t you?
he asks you this as your sobbing 
“B-because I believe in everyone! that includes you!”
that’s stupid 
“I Know that even the worst of people can change so that’s why-”
“Shut up!”
your’re punched in the face and go down
you feel a searing pain on your head, hot liquid trickles down your face
he just wants you to shut up.
you should be hating him, contorting beneath the despair 
but you’re not
because you have hope 
you tell him that he can change, you get punched again
and again
and again
he does it over and over
wanting you to hate him
wanting you to say mercy, just once 
but you refuse 
finally, your not moving
he’s done it 
he thinks
and then you move 
and now he’s crying 
because why
why wont you let him win?
and you refuse to fight back
and he can’t take it 
he runs away, like a coward 
he’s found the next day, hanging from the ceiling 
the first thing she does is apologize. 
apologize fore all that she’s done
she just needed to save herself 
she needed to return to the place where she has worked hard for everything 
she needed to do whatever it took to not get killed 
w h a t e v e r i t t o o k 
she’s sad yes, because she knows what failure means 
and she has failed
and she’s addressing everyone, and she’s not looking in your eye 
she’s not the type of person to loose 
so she must do everything she can to not loose 
she needs to do this, she says 
she’s sorry
and she runs away
your following her before you even know whats going on
and now you’ve lost her 
no,please no.
You run around, looking in the library, the kitchen, the dormitories. 
you can’t find her
finally, Shirogane tells you to take a break
you tell her to fuck off
more searching, more searching 
and finally you find her
she’s ditched the maid outfit 
it looks as if she;s been waiting for you
“I hope you didn’t have to come.”
and you can’t hold it in any longer 
you tell her she doesn’t need to do this, she can survive with everyone 
she tells you that it’s impossible, that Monokuma doesn’t like useless pawns 
it’s kill or be killed for her 
you won’t let her leave
so you call monokuma, after a while you two work out a deal
Toujo lives if you become the traitor 
you tell her that she doesn’t need to kill, your going to get her out alive
and maybe it’s because of the time you two have spent together, but she trusts you. 
she won’t tell anyone about the new predicament 
so you two make up a lie
about how she was being controlled
she has to act completely different now, but only around everyone else
they believe you
you keep her by your side 24/7
your going to make sure she lives. no matter what 
even if you have to taint your soul
“It was a bit obvious, wasn’t it?”
He was the SHSL ??? After all
he was very much suspicious from the start 
and yet, everyone trusted him with open eyes
they even saw how his demeanor would change, how he somehow knew that it wouldn’t be as easy to leave the school
and now he’s the one left standing 
you yell why
he investigated with you
you two ate meals together 
you had eachother’s backs for the trials 
and he’s the traitor?
he... he helped kill everyone?
you just don’t want to believe it.
he tells the remaining students that they’re all going to die
that his ruler will kill them all
people ask him if this ‘ruler’ is Ouma..
he laughs 
“ As if someone of that level could ever compare to my ruler!”
He goes on, about how his ruler takes care of all his subjects who do as they are told
they are loved, they get food and drink
he tells them that he was offered the chance to help his ruler with one of their blissful killing games.
and of course he just couldn't say no.
he belongs to his ruler, that’s why he is here in the first place
he looks directly at you 
“ Now don’t worry, I don’t intend on killing anyone myself...I just might... help a little bit.”
he’s smiling the same carefree smile 
and then you notice that he’s wearing a mask
and the room is starting to get warmer 
now your friends are collapsing 
 and it hurts to breath 
and your eyes are on fire
now someone is dragging you 
you wake up in a white room
you cant move
And then a girl is above you
she introduces herself as.... mu...kro?
you can’t really tell, your hearing isn’t really that good
she tells you that you won.
the game ends when 2 people are left standing
you just happened to get lucky and not die until last 
Your going be soo happy
it’ll be you and Amami, the great leader has ordered that you two carry on another killing game in another country
you two will be lovers
partners in crime 
And you want to object, 
Maki, Kiibo... everyone 
they’re nobody anymore
you don’t have a choice
You either die a hero, or live to see yourself be the villain 
and you were forced to live.
She denies it, of course
 it takes multiple pieces of hard evidence in order to make her confess 
and boy is it ever hard
your yelling at her, noticing the holes in her facts adn pointing out when she slips up
it takes both you and Saihara most of the afternoon in the trial room to get a conviction
she’s starting to sweat, and her hair is gradualy getting messier and messier 
and she starts pulling at it when you call her out on another thing
it hurts you, to see the person you thought you knew act like this 
but you keep going on
pressing further and further 
come on, come on
just one more thing 
one more and you could crack this entire case 
“kaede didn’t see the cloth becasue the body was covering it!”
oh no
it’s over 
“Shirogane... how did you know that the body was moved?”
“Isn’t that obvious, the killer stabbed the victim in the back, they would have either fell forward or landed on their side.”
“No. That’s wrong, you can clearly see that there was a hole for the knife to go into, the killer simply had to knock the victim down!”
and then it hits her 
she shouldn’t have said that 
and now she’s cornered
she snaps in the blink of an eye
her eyes glassy, reflecting a sea-blue spirals in her eyes
“I’ve been found out.”
She’s not talking to anyone, she’s just stating it for herself 
she doesn’t say much after that, and the voting goes smoothly
but now you realize the reality of what’s going to happen 
Shirogane, knocked students out and took them to the mastermind 
she was given protection
a fair trade 
but one of her plans went wrong
she did’t even realize what had happened until she had killed them
you sadly don’t feel bad
your sad that your friend is about to die, it hurts you so much
but she tortured you
for hours and hours and hours
you watch as the guillotine comes down on her head. 
and then you start to cry.
the SHSL supreme ruler, is a sidekick.
the though by itself is enough to make you laugh
combined with the fact that he is working with the mastermind of the killing game that you’re in, it’s less comforting 
people had suspected him of being the mastermind, many many people 
and he turns out to just be a traitor 
but then as more people died, and everyone grew closer and closer to confronting the mastermind, Ouma began to act strangely 
he would have dark circles under his eyes when you saw him
he rarely showed up for the morning meet up in the cafeteria
he looked more panicked 
and then it was the final trial  
it’s just you, Saihara and kiibo that are still alive when you find out 
and instead of laughing in your faces, he starts crying 
the room is dead silent 
you can’t think straight, the idea alone of Ouma breaking down is enough for tears to start rolling down your face 
your gripping the poduim for dear life as saihara says the mastermind’s name in a shaky breath 
 it’s Kaede
saihara is devastated, of course
and as she pops up in a dramatic entrance and begins ranting on about something to do with hope,Ouma is still sniffling 
you can tell by the way he’s shaking that he’s trying his hardest to keep composed 
“OI, Shut up will you!”
as Kaede’s voice echos throughout the room, Ouma gives a small wimpier and shuts up
and hell, now you’re angry 
because how dare she 
you’ve been the one to protect him from the other accusing students, you always held onto that hope that he was a good person all along 
and she killed them all
amami, Tenko, Angie, Maki, Kaito, Tsumigi and everyone else 
they’re dead because of her 
and now your tears are gone
you’re filled to the brim with rage 
and you ask her why? Why would you do this?
she tells it all,she did it because she likes too
and Ouma?
he’s her slave
Ouma goes rigid at her words, you can see he’s scared 
you don’t want to believe it, but Kaede has evidence
and then she talks about her talent 
she’s not really the SHSL pianist
she’s got Ouma’s talent, she just let him ‘borrow’ it 
 Ouma is the SHSL slave
no no no no no
you don’t want to even think about that 
“Ouma, take off your scarf.”
he has to, he has no choice
and sure enough, there’s a collar there.
it’s not one of those old fashion ones, it resembles a shock collar
there’s red welts and purple bruises where it’s been pulled at
you want o cry out as Ouma begins to shake, because you just wanted to protect everyone, and you failed
Saihara and Kiibo have to both work against the mastermind, but you know it’s pointless
you are all found guilty for a non-existent murder 
Ouma saying sorry over and over and over
but what’s the point
this game was meant to kill everyone 
you’re sitting under a crusher when Ouma locks eyes with you
eyes full of fear and pain and the wright of the world in those deep orbs
“I tried.”
the press comes down in a quick motion
and you don’t realize anything 
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oumakokichi · 8 years
sorry if you've already done this, but could you explain the scene in chap. 3 where ouma pretends to be dead?
Nothing to be sorry for, anon! I don’t think I’ve writtenabout this particular prank of Ouma’s yet, so I don’t mind at all.
The fake-death scene in Chapter 3 is a really great exampleof Ouma trying to dangle a hint the size of a brick in front of the group(well, in front of Saihara, really) and make it look casual while simultaneouslytrying to act like he’s not reallyhelping on purpose (even when he totally absolutely is). It was a hilariousmoment in the plot, a great psych-out, and also perfect proof that Ouma livesto entertain.
This little prank of Ouma’s is actually one of my favorite tricks he’s pulled in the entire game, so I’m excited to be able to explain it!
The entire fake-death scene is basically half-parts Oumatrying to get Saihara to notice a very important and vital clue to the trial,and half-parts Ouma literally just messing around because he is a prankster atheart and he loves doing things for attention and he really couldn’t resistpulling a stunt like this at least once, even if it meant knocking himself halfunconscious to do so.
So in Chapter 3, despite all my problems with how Korekiyowas written and how the topics Kodaka tried to address were handled, the caseitself is actually very fun, moreso if you go in not knowing anything about howit’s done. As a mystery fan, I do enjoy closed rooms, and while Chapter 3 ishardly the most subtle in any DR game (there’s almost always the obvioussuspect right around this trial), the howdunnit for Korekiyo’s murder spree wasadmittedly far, far more fun in my opinion than either Celes’ howdunnit in dr1,or Mikan’s in sdr2. It also felt less rushed and poorly planned than Mikan’s inparticular.
The trial opens with the finger being pointed pretty hard atHimiko, because having the finger at her pointed for the trial immediatelybeforehand wasn’t enough, and Korekiyo is smart enough to know she’s an easytarget to pin things on, moreso since she’s so depessed by Tenko’s and Angie’sdeaths that she’s not really even in the mood to defend herself much. Arguingback or trying to find a reason to keep going is too much of a pain for her, soshe’s about at the point where she’ll let them all think whatever they want tothink, and if that means they all die at the trial as a result, welp.
The reason she comes under heavy suspicion is partly becauseOuma clearly points the finger at her first, in order to clear her name superearly on in the discussion and move on to the real matters (something herepeats with Momota in Chapter 4’s trial, where Momota was also the “obvioussuspect” by logging out so early), but it’s also by Korekiyo’s own design.
There was a trap set up in the room where Tenko was killed,where a floorboard was set to be loose so that the culprit (Korekiyo) couldjump on it, and slam Tenko’s body up onto a knife he had hidden on the cagethey were using for the kagonoko ritual, thereby killing her instantly andalmost soundlessly where no one could see him. The trap was set in the roomfrom the beginning, but the room was picked at random—and the one who pickedthe room (or was allowed to pick the room, more like) was Himiko, which madeher look instantly suspicious. This trap was beneficial to the culprit, sowhoever picked the room would seem like the only one with anything to gain.
This kind of evidence might have been pretty incriminating,except that there’s more to it. As it turns out, this same floorboard trap wasset in all four rooms which were there to be picked from. Korekiyo made it sothat every room had the same exact trap, that way no matter which room waspicked, he could still get away with his plan, and only the person who hadactually picked the rooms would look suspicious.
This very, very crucial bit of evidence was something thatSaihara almost entirely missed, and here’s the beautiful part: Ouma literallyhas to lead him right to it roughly five minutes before the trial is about to begin. Withoutknowing that the same floorboard trap had been set in all four rooms, therewould’ve been almost nothing to clear Himiko’s name. This bit of evidence was essential, and because Saihara and Makiwere completely missing it while wandering around doing their investigation, I’mpretty sure Ouma pretty deliberately had to spell it out for them.
The place where he fell down was the exact same spot whereone of the other floorboard traps was hidden—and as it turns out, all the bloodon his head was real, not fake (sonot a Celes and Yamada gambit, basically). You could argue that even Ouma mightnot have realized the trap was there until he literally fell into it and thenjust decided to lie there like a slug half-unconscious and use it for a prankwhenever anyone stumbled across him, which is hilarious. You could also arguethe more likely scenario that he probably did realize it was there, realizedSaihara hadn’t caught on yet, and intentionally let himself walk into the trap,knocked himself half-unconscious on purpose, and just stayed there until it wasprank-time, which is also hilarious.
Either way, knowing how smart Ouma is, there’s no way todeny that whether or not he meant to walk into the trap from the beginning, heclearly realized what it meant after coming across it, and knew that it was avital clue to proving that Himiko didn’t murder Tenko, at the very least. Andhe took a situation where he could easily have done the much more straightforwardapproach and gone, “Hey, Saihara-chan, there’s a clue over here and also look I’mkind of bleeding from a dangerous head wound,” and instead went with theprankster approach, because it was fun.
And while part of it was no doubt because Ouma definitelydidn’t want Saihara or Maki realizing he was leading them right to all theevidence they needed, because he much prefers to lead and help from theshadows, most of it is just because that really is Ouma’s whole personality atheart. Even though he could do things in an easier or more straightforwardfashion, it’s more fun to just act like a little shit. He loves to entertainand put on a show so much that he’d literally rather just lie there faking hisown death for about two minutes than get up and be like “Oh, I might or mightnot have a concussion maybe I should take things seriously for two seconds.”
Basically, his entire fake-death was a huge clue and vitallyimportant, and I’m pretty sure he absolutely chose to just knock himself outwith a floorboard partly to help Saihara and partly for laughs, but either wayyou look at it, it was an honestly hilarious scene. There’s no way to read intothis scene maliciously, because it’s not even like he used fake blood for it orjust wanted to scare anyone. He was just already bleeding, the situation wasalready pretty dark with two victims instead of just one, and he pretty clearlywas doing the closest attempt he could make to “comic relief” in order to tryand lighten the mood just for a few seconds.
Without him doing that particular prank, Himiko might verywell have actually been accused in the school trial, because even if Saiharawanted to continue the discussion, Himiko herself had already pretty much givenup on clearing her name, and Korekiyo was persistent about trying to keeppointing the finger at her. Ouma’s dumb prank probably gave him a concussionbut it also saved the day, and that’s pretty clear proof that he’s definitelyalways trying to help the group in his own way, even if his methods become muchdarker and more desperate in later chapters.
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blueseadespair · 8 years
Drv3 Alternative Mastermind AU Chapter 1 Class Trial
Disclaimer: Don’t own Danganronpa.  Also I added parts where one would play the game.  If it was a game.  Also this one is a long one.
Chapter 1 Class Trial
 My hart pumped as the doors opened and revealed a large dome like room with stain glass.  In the center was a circle of seats and 16 stands.  They all looked pretty Sci-fi.  At what looked like the head of the room, was a large podium with a chair and five empty spaces in front of it. It carried an air of final judgment.  So this is where we would debate who had done it.  Who had killed the SHSL Cosplayer Tsumugi Shirogane. My heart pulsed in I could feel the blood pumping through my body.  Then Monokuma appeared along with the Monokumars.
 Monokuma: Thank you for waiting, now it is time for the much anticipated class trial!
Monokid: Hell Ya! It’s the main event!
Monosuke: All that goody-goody getting along was making me sick.
Monotarou: Yeesh it took you people a while.
Monofunny: You guys were getting along so well.
Monokuma: Now take your places, Your names are labeled on your stands.
 As we did that we noticed on stand that had a picture of with an x through it.  The picture looked like a girl, but it was pretty blurry.
 Maki: What is that?
Monokuma: I would be sad if you all didn’t participate, even if you are dead.  So I have frames for all the people that might die, and have died.  I look forward to seeing what you have in store for me.
Rantarou: This is actually happening. So that dream was-
Monokuma: Now, now don’t go spoiling anything yet now.
Monokuma: Now as usual I’ll give the basic explanation of the class trail.  The key is to find who the blackened is and you will have to vote who you think it is. If you choose the correct one, only they will be punished, but if you choose the wrong one, then everyone else will be punished. Now. Let’s begin.
Kaito: You say that, but where should we begin?
Shuichi: Then would the murder weapon be a good place to start?
Ryoma: Seems like a good idea.
Tenko: But isn’t it more important to find who killed her?
Rantarou: That maybe true, but the murder weapon might lead us to a clue.
Kokichi: What kind of weapon might help narrow down who the killer is.
Kaede: Then we should start with that.
(Now is the time to remember everything up until now, I have to. Have to find the killer!)
 Rantarou: According the Monokuma file… she had several wounds across her body.
Mui: You think one of them might be what killed her?
Maki: Well, it would have led to her death, with all the blood loss.
Himiko: So is it all the wounds on her body?
Tenko: No it could have been that-
Angie: The thing Angie found? You mean the hammer?
Kirumi: It definably seems like a possibility.  
Tenko: Then was the blow to the head what killed her?  If so only a guy can hit hard enough to kill!
Kaede: No, that's wrong!
Tenko: Huh?
Kaede: I don’t think the hammer was used to deal the finishing blow.
Shuichi: I don’t think so either.
Kokichi: It would be too obvious, and while I don’t like this situation, it would be boring if this mystery were to be solved this easily.
Rantarou: True, it must be more complicated then that.
Korekiyo: Then let us continue to move forward.  I want to see where this progression leads.
Kaito: You have no concern about our current situation do you?
Ryoma: That’s just how he is leave him be.
Miu: Just leave him alone.
Maki: Then what do you think dealt the finishing blow?
Kaede: I’m not sure, but the Monokuma file didn’t specify what killed her, only the time she died.
Kaito: Then we still don’t know what killed her!
Korekiyo: But I must say, the murder place sure does seem suspicious.
Kirumi: You mean-
Korekiyo: Yes: the talent room.
Angie: You think Angie did it?
Korekiyo: Not exactly, but you are suspicious.
Angie: Angie is telling you, Angie didn’t kill that girl.
Himiko: Isn’t saying that making you more suspicious?
Kiibo: Besides isn’t Angie a little short to be able to hang the body as well?
Kaede: No there might be a way.
Shuichi: You mean that?
Kaede: Yes.  Couldn’t the ladder been used?
Miu: What ladder? I don’t remember no ladder.
Gonta: Of course! Gonta remembers that there was a ladder in the room.  They could have used that.
Miu: Then it wouldn’t be unusual that a ladder was there. Kek, never really cared much about what was in that room.  Didn’t have anything of value to me.
Kokichi: Then you’re pretty useless in this case.
Miu: Hrng! I dare you say that again, runt!
Rantarou: Now, now lets get back on topic.
Kokichi: Nishishi~
Miu: Hurmp.
Korekiyo: So she could have used the ladder.  Was there anything unusual about the ladder?
Kaede: Well…It looked like there was a blood splatter on the side.
Tenko: So you think that she could have been wounded after she was hung!? How cruel!
Shuichi: Judging by the splatter I would say so.  I can also say that we could eliminate Ryoma from the suspects because it seems that even with the ladder he wouldn’t be able to hang her body like that.
Ryoma: I thank you for your support, but we still have many other suspects.
Tenko: Then there is no way that a girl could do it, that's just too cruel!
Korekiyo: Are you sure about that?
Tenko: Huh?
Korekiyo: A girl could do it to you know.
Tenko: You think I did it!?
Korekiyo: You would have the strength for it.
Angie: I told you Angie didn’t do it.
Tenko: Wait, why are you turning on me!?  It could have been Gonta!
Gonta: Gonta didn’t do anything!
Kaede: Calm down!
(It’s no good, they aren't listening)
Shuichi:  With everyone talking surely you the SHSL Pianist will be able to tell who is speaking and pick out a weak spot.
Kaede: I’m not sure but I’ll do my best.
 Angie: Angie is not the culprit.
Tenko: Tenko didn’t do anything.
Gonta: Why are you blaming Gonta?
 Angie: God was the one who did it
Tenko: Tenko was with Himiko and Kirumi.
Gonta: Gonta was with Kaito
 Angie: The one who punished her
Kirumi: Yes we were together
Gonta: Until Angie called Gonta over.
 Korekiyo: Your God seems like a scary deity
Kirumi: Even when we heard the Monokuma Announcement
Kaito: Yup, he was with me and I ran into Kokichi
 Angie: So it was divine punishment
Tenko: See Tenko is innocent
Kokichi: Well that’s not a lie
 [Statement: God is the one who did it: Truth Bullet: Monokuma’s testimony]
 Kaede: No that's wrong!  It had to be someone here, because a person, not a God had to have killed her.
Monokuma: Yup!  It sure was a person!  No Gods here.
Kaede: So do you have anything to say?  You’ve been pushing this God think quite hard.
Gonta: Angie?  Is something the matter?
Kaito: No way, it couldn’t be…
Miu: H-hey, Say something.
Maki: Out with it.
Angie:… And if I did?
Himiko: No way you would kill someone like that?
Miu: Then we have our culprit?  Monokuma, can we start the vote?
Monokuma: Already?  That was quick! Alright!
Monosuke: Rushing to the main event of the main event?
Monotarou: No class.
Monokid: Is it our turn now?
Monofunny: This is so heart pounding!
Kaede: (Wait, no something’s off)
Rantarou: Wait!
Kaede: (Huh, Rantarou?)
Monokuma: Hurk! Wait is it?
Rantarou: I think that’s wrong.  It’s still too early to decide that Angie is the killer.
Shuichi: I think so too.
Kokichi:  Like I said before it wouldn’t be fun if it was too easy to solve.
Shuichi: Let’s discuss some more and see what else we can find.
Monokuma: Hump, very well continue.
Monotarou: Looks like we have to wait our turn.
Monokid: Well we don’t have to worry about this bucket of bolts.
Monofunny: Don’t be mean to Monodam.
Monosuke: You all are just as bad.
Kaito: Let’s just ignore the peanut gallery.
Korekiyo: That seems to be for the best.
Rantraou: It seems suspicious that Angie, first tried to defend herself, by denying that she was the killer.  Then latter proclaim that she is the killer.
Ryoma: Your right that is a bit suspicious.
Miu: Then why would she try to make us hasten our vote!?
Kirumi: We don’t know that yet.  Does anyone have anymore information to offer?
Shuichi: Wait, do you guys remember the neck wound?
Himiko: Neck wound?  Wasn’t there a ribbon around her neck?
Rantarou: Yes, but that seemed to keep us from the real wound, and possible fatal injury.
Shuichi: I guess only Kaede, Rantarou, Kokichi, and I know about it.
Rantarou: Yes, it seems that it was made by something sharp.
Tenko: There wasn’t anything sharp in the art room was there?
Ryoma: There were, but they didn’t seem to have any blood on them.
Angie: The only thing that had blood on it was the hammer.
Kaede: Wait, that might not be it.
Kaito: Huh?
Kaede: Let me think…That must be it!
Miu: Don’t yell so suddenly!
Kokichi: Did you find something out Kaede-chan?
Kaede; Yes! Miu, do you remember what nicked you?
Miu: Sure do! Still have the cut on my finger!
Rantarou: Wait, cut?
Miu: Ya, Kiibo has it since it won’t cut him.
Tenko: You had such an important piece of evidence! Show it over tin can!
Kiibo: D-don’t be so rude!  I have feelings too you know!
Shuichi: Wait then that means-!
Ryoma: This must be the true murder weapon that Monokuma was hiding from us.
Himikio: Then why would it be there?
Maki: It should have been at the crime scene.
Kirumi: Then maybe they were trying to disguise their crime?
Korekiyo: That would make sense, but who?
Kaede: Then lets continue to discuss. (Although, we need some new information to make a break though, or we will be talking in circles.)
Tenko: So Angie is still the killer?
Miu: It would seem so.
Kirumi: Did anyone see the victim before she died? Perhaps heard from her?
Gonta: No, but Gonta remembers Angie asking Gonta for help.
Kokichi: So Angie only left to get Gonta?
Kirumi: That would seem to be the case.
[Statement: only left to get Gonta, Truth bullet: heard one voice, Lie bullet: heard two voices]
Lie: Please believe in this statement
Kaede: Wait, if I remember I heard two voice’s inside the room. One of them was angie, and the other was Tsumugi.
Kokichi: What are you talking about wasn’t Angie with us? How could she be at to places at once?
Himiko: Does she know how to use magic as well?
Kaito: Then which one is the real Angie?
Kokichi: That was a pretty bad lie.
Rantarou: What if she is telling the truth, though?
Miu: Huh?
Shuichi: There might be a way to discuss this further?
As we said that our podiums began to move and elevate us so that we would face each other face–to-face, two rows of 8.  On my side Shuichi, Rantarou, Angie, Gonta, Kiibo, Kirumi, and the portrait.  On the other side were Kokichi, Ryoma, Tenko, Himiko, Miu, Kaito, Korekiyo, and Maki.
 Miu: This whole thing with two Angies is stupid.
Shuichi: What if there was one instead of two?
Himiko: It must have been magic
Kiibo: There is no way magic would be able to do this.
Ryoma: Then maybe there was a recording?
Kirumi: There was no sign of any recording.
Maki: Angie seems to still be the killer.
Rantarou: Should be trust what Angie has to say.
Korekiyo: Then should be trust Kaede’s ears?
Gonta: Gonta believes in Kaede’s hearing!
Kokichi: Should we believe your lie?
Kaede: Whether or not it’s a lie, we should discuss that!
 [It was Tsumugi’s voice (who’s voice was heard?) It was Angie’s voice]
 After we had won the argument that it was Angie’s voice the podiums settled back into their original positions.
 Kokichi: That was a lie though, that you heard her voice right?
Kaede: yes, but I did hear a voice.  It sounded hoarse, but I’m not sure it was Angie’s voice though.
Rantarou: Then let’s us assume that it was Angie’s voice, what does that make our Angie here now?
Shuichi: I mean Tsumugi was the one that was supposed to be murdered right?
Kokichi: Then that would mean that Tsumugi wasn’t the one to die?
Maki: Then Angie was the one to die, and get replaced?
Tenko: How?
Kaede: I think I might have an idea.  Do you remember the wire?
Kaito: Wire?
Tenko: Ya, there was a piece of wire that helped to hang her body!
Korekiyo: It would seem they used it from the storage room, because there wasn’t any in the art room.
Himiko: What was unusual about the wire?
Kaede: It was the way that it was used.
Kirumi: Used?
Shuichi: Yes, it Looked like it was used to tie her limbs. There were actually two different types. One to tie the limbs, and the other to hang her up.
Kaede: It was even near her knees.
Rantarou: So you think the wire might used to attach something?
Kokichi: You mean like extensions?  Because that would seem to be the answer. Because Tsumugi-chan limbs are longer than Angies.
Shuichi: If I remember correctly, she also had powder on her.
Maki: Powder?
Kaede: Yes, like make up.
Gonta: Then if Angie, was the one to die, who is Angie that is here now?
Korekiyo: Why don’t we ask the person in question?
Himiko: Angie?
Ryoma: Seems like we have her in a corner.
Shuichi: No, you shouldn’t be Angie.
Kokichi: Your disguise was pretty good.  SHSL Cosplayer Tsumugi Shirogane-chan.
Miu: Huh?
Angie?: Looks like I’ve been found out.  Yes, it is I, Tsumugi.
Tsumugi: I was getting tried trying to play that girl Angie. It feels good to be my normal self again.
Kaede: Then why did you kill her?
Tsumugi: do you have any proof that I killed her?  Some one could frame me as the killer.
Shuichi: Well a lot of the evidence points to you.
Kokichi: Then that powder on her face was makeup to look like you.
Tsumugi: And what about it?  It doesn’t mean that it’s true.
Rantarou: That may be the case, but why go through the trouble pretending to be Angie?
Tsumugi: Tch. I hate your type.
Miu: Well we found the correct culprit, now we can vote.
Kaito: Wait vote…!? You tried to make us hasten our vote so that we would vote the wrong killer!
Maki: Your not so dumb after all.
Kaito: Hey that’s rude!
Kiibo: By having us hasten our vote we would have all been killed, because the killer we thought was actually the victim.  And the victim was the killer.
Tsumugi: But I was telling the truth, that Angie didn’t kill anyone, an yet you doubted her.
Himiko: That's because we thought she was you, I mean the person most suspicious.
Kokichi: It was a pretty good plan, but I don’t like be lied to.  Only I get to do the lying.
Tsumugi: You still don’t have that much evidence.  The Thread scissors aren't enough.  Some one could use that against me.  What other proof do you have?
[PTA, BTB with Tsumugi, Answer: Tied Limbs]
Tsumugi: Guh. How would that be a sign? Kiumi could have killed her!  She’s good with that kind of stuff!
Kaede: You're the only one who can sew besides Kirumi.
Tsumugi: She could have been hiding!  Like in the room until everyone was gathered to ast like she was in the crowd.
Tenko: But, Kirumi’s alibi would be me and Himiko, because we were together ever since your event.
Kirumi: And during that event everyone was still there and alive.
Tsumugi: No, no, NO! It’s not over yet!
Kaede: No, it is.  I’ll go over you crimes once more and prove that your it.
(After my explanation)
Miu: Monokuma, we know who it is, it time to vote!
Monokuma: Huh, is it my turn?  Is it truly?  Then with further Ado its time for Your regular scheduled voting time!  Please choose the button on who you think is the blackened.  Will you choose the right one or the wrong one? Upupupu.
Class Trial End
AN: If you did play or spoiled your self about the actual game (Like I did) Kaede was made the killer, and then you switch to Shuichi, who is the new Protag.  Spoilers, In this one Kaede stays protag.
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The Danganronpa V3 cast with an S/o who suffers from migraines Part 2!
Kirumi Tojo
•You had finally pried her off of her work
•You were aware she was overworking herself, and you gently encouraged her to step away from working for a while
•If anyone else told her to do that, she wouldn’t have listened, and simply insisted that she was a maid and needed to serve others the best she could
•...But with that pleading look in your eyes, she couldn’t ever say no to you
•She saw you more of a person she loved and cherished rather than someone to serve— though that didn’t mean she didn’t insist on helping you any less
•She decided on spending a short break with you by visiting the small library in your house
•Well— It wasn’t exactly a library, but it had two shelves stacked with books, therefore was commonly referred to as the library
•The two of you had picked out novels you wanted to read, and began reading it in a peaceful silence, with you occasionally reaching out and holding her hand
•Everything was going nicely, and the place was calm, when you suddenly felt a light dizziness come upon you
•You furrowed your eyebrows, trying to focus on the words— but your vision had begun to blur, and before you knew it—
•Your head began to have painful sensations run through it, and you were absolutely certain it had to be a migraine
•The book you were reading accidentally shut, seeing as your hands weren’t there to keep it open as you laced them through your hair, hoping to merely suffocate the pain, although you knew that was near to impossible, if not making the migraine even worse than it already was
•Kirumi obviously noticed this, as she set her book aside and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder.
•“S/o? What’s the matter?”
•You’re trembling, but you do your best to stay calm. At least you didn’t need to explain anything, as Kirumi already knew that you suffered from migraines
•“It’s a migraine,” You mumbled quietly, the splitting pain in your head radiating throughout you
•Kirumi gave a soft sigh and gently pried your hands off of your head, giving you a quiet warning
•“I’m going to pick you up, okay? I’ll just carry you to your room.”
•She was about to proceed with her action when you muttered a soft, “Please no. I don’t want to move.”
•Softening, she didn’t protest. She only told you to sit tight as she stood up to go get some things to help you out
•You felt so bad, because this was supposed to be her break, but... you were really glad she wasn’t going to let you go through this alone
•Migraines were awful, and the last thing you wanted to do was be alone
•When Kirumi returned, she apologized for making you wait, placing a small pain pill to your lips and giving you a cup of water
•She then gave you a damp cloth soaked with wet water, figuring that perhaps the cold pressure could relieve some of the pain
•After that, though, she sat down beside you, brushing the strands of hair out of your face and letting you squeeze her hand if you needed it
•If you asked her to, she would hold you close and try to reassure you or ease the pain any way she could
•She really just cared for you and wanted you to be okay
•She figured the chairs in the room weren’t the most comfortable, but you were adamant on staying where you were, so she allowed you to lean on her and stay close
•Once your migraine was over, and the pressure and aching in your head had eased, she gave you a small smile
•She had made you soup, figuring it would be light yet nutritious, and gave you some water
•Kirumi asked if you needed anything and if you were alright, though only a few times as to not annoy you
•She’s really happy you’re okay now
•And if she ever needs to spend any time taking care of you, it doesn’t matter when, where, what’s she’s doing
•She will come assist you in a heartbeat
•Because she loves you
•And she can’t bear the thought of you suffering alone
Angie Yonaga
•You two were drawing together
•Just harmless doodles, really
•Angie was in the middle of saying a quick prayer while you resumed your playful drawing
•You were both having a great time, and it was needless to say Angie was happy to spend time with you, vice versa of course
•As you made a stroke on your sheet of paper with a black pen, you began to feel a bit fidgety
•You weren’t sure why, but you proceeded drawing, trying to ignore it
•Your head began to ache a little, but, still focused on your drawing, you didn’t pay much mind
•It was when a sharp pain fluttered throughout you that you blinked, taken aback as your vision began to blur, to where you could hardly see what you were doing with the pen
•You couldn’t focus anymore— in fact, the all too familiar pain was too much to handle
•It caused you to whimper, which caused Angie to open her eyes and unclasp her hands, getting out of her praying position.
•“Oh, S/o,” She started, her carefree tone still clear as ever yet worry had lingered, “What’s wrong? Is Atua sending you a message?”
•You found it ironic as to how you looked so in pain, yet she connected that to the possibility of Atua contacting you
•Yet her bubbly, slightly raised voice hurt you even more
•“No, Angie,” You mumble, “I’m having a migraine.”
•Angie immediately paused, before sliding over to where you were and draping an arm over your shoulder
•“Do not worry, S/o,” She whispered to you, “Atua will watch over you. Is there anything I can do for you?”
•If there was, she would definitely do it. You needed water? Most certainly. You were cold? She would give you a blanket and hug you to provide warmth. Feeling sick at all? She’s got a trash can— No worries.
•She would be worried about irritating your head any more than it already was, so she would probably distance herself a little from you
•She prayed constantly to Atua for Him to make sure that you would be safe and okay
•She also painted and drew small pieces of artwork in an attempt to cheer you up once the migraine was over
•She would do just about anything you asked of her— after all, Atua must have done this for a reason!
•So she must take care of you in any way shape or form!
•When your migraine had subsided, she only walked back over to you, a wide smile plastered on her face
•“Nyahaha! S/o, it’s over? Atua must have answered my prayers!”
•She showed you the drawings she gave you gladly
•If you needed time to rest, she most certainly gave you that
•She also gave you cuddles— lots of them!
•“Atua has protected you— Oh, how divine!”
•You didn’t have the heart, or were maybe too exhausted, to suggest any different
Tenko Chabashira
•You and her were having a sparring match
•You had a headache beforehand, but you figured you’d be fine
•Besides, how could you say no to a chance to spend more time with your girlfriend?
•So, you two started sparring
•It was fine for a decent amount of time— you both properly knew how to defend yourself from hits, and could also pack a punch if you needed to
•It was only when your headache began worsening that you swallowed, beginning to panic a little bit
•You were sweating, and your normally pale face was flushed
•Your head had begun to tighten, and your vision was a little blurry
•And, you truly felt sick to your stomach as w—
•Surprised, you staggered, eventually falling on your knees, your head spinning and striking pains through it
•Tenko was quick to rush down to you when she realized you weren’t standing up, getting ready to continue sparring again
•“S/o!” She gasped, “Did I hurt you?! Are you okay?!”
•Her loud, panicked voice only made you flinch, sensitive to the loud sounds
•You asked her to please quiet her tone before explaining that you were having a migraine
•She blinked, clearly worried yet not quite understanding what a migraine was
•“S/o?” She started off gently, her tone as quiet as she could, “What’s a migraine like for you?”
•The only context she had ever heard it in was with headaches, but she didn’t expect you to drop to the floor and look as if you would be sick and die
•You were hardly in the state to explain, but you did your best
•“U-Um— dizzy, kind of sick,” You muttered hastily, “Vision a little blurry. Can’t really see. Head really hurts— kind of spinning.”
•Tenko nodded, listening the best she could before gently putting an arm around your back and under your thighs to support your weight and picking you up, leaning you against the wall of the sparring area
•She wasn’t really sure of what to do, so she grabbed a spare water bottle off from the side and unscrewed the cap, pressing it to your lips and allowing you to take a drink
•In all honesty, she’s panicking— she’s worried for you and wants you to be okay and safe, because the fact that you’re actually in pain is killing her, but she wants to help you
•She hates that she knows little to nothing about migraines— She wished she would have been aware you had them beforehand, but she guessed the only thing she could do now was help you out
•Luckily, there was a trash can in the room, and she placed it beside you, before sitting right in front of you and taking your hand, letting you squeeze hers if the pain got to be too much
•Surely the floor couldn’t be too comfortable, but she didn’t know what else to do or where else she could take you!
•So, she simply did her best to make sure you were fine
•“S/o,” She quietly affirmed, “Everything is going to be okay. I’m right here, and I won’t let anything happen to you. I’ll keep the degenerate males away until you’ve recovered.”
•Stifling a chuckle, you squeezed onto her hand
•She stayed next to you, uttering the most reassuring phrases she could and not hesitating in wrapping you in one of her rarer, gentler hugs if you wanted one
•When your migraine had ended, she practically squealed in delightment
•“You’re okay!” She grinned
•You laughed. There was still a light aching in your head, but mostly, the worst of it was gone
•You thanked her for looking out for you
•In all honesty, she just wants to know more about what you go through, so that next time, she can help you
•She really loves you, and just wants you to be okay
•And, well, now that your migraine was gone, she could pull you into the most bone-crushing hug the world had ever seen!
Korekiyo Shinguji
•You two were currently at a mueseum
•Korekiyo was very interested in the artifacts, and in fact, so were you
•You were having a great time, occasionally laughing at how much Korekiyo knew about a particular subject
•He wasn’t the Ultimate Anthropologist for no reason, you presumed
•If you asked about something, he would usually have an answer, no doubt!
•You were about to follow him into the next room when all of a sudden, your head felt like it gave a light twist, almost like a warning
•You swallowed, the dizziness picking up as a sudden wave of pain crashed over you, causing you to cling onto the closest thing near you
•Which conveniently happened to be Korekiyo
•He glanced over to you, but that was about the only thing you saw because the world was spinning around you, you felt so dizzy— so you shut your eyes.
•“S/o, my beloved?” He questioned you, “Whatever is the matter?”
•You whimper out a soft, “Migraine,” Before squeezing tighter onto him at a particularly bad rush of pain
•Tears had started falling down your face, and you hardly realized it, because that was the last of your concerns when your head was hurting so much and thought you might be sick
•“Oh,” Korekiyo paused, ushering you closer to him and taking your hand, immediately leading you out of the museum
•Suffering was just another beautiful part of humanity— though he wished you didn’t have to go through it so roughly
•You felt so bad— because this was a place he’d wanted to go for so long, and you were finally here. Yet, you had to leave
•The guilt got to you, and despite the fact that it hurt to talk, you whispered, “I’m sorry.”
•Almost immediately, Korekiyo replied with, “Don’t be.”
•Once outside, Korekiyo sat you down on a bench first
•He brushed your hair out that was sticking to your face, gently wiping your tears away and murmuring to you that you were going to be alright
•If sunlight was sensitive for you, he would delicately guide his hand over to cover your eyes for you, before he leaned in and mumbled something
•“I’m going to take you to our car,” He told you lightly, “Although I should let you know we may have to stay there until it passes. Traffic is very bad.”
•At that point, you couldn’t care less. You just wanted somewhere to rest.
•So he took you to the car, softly leading you there and sliding you into the seat
•You two stayed there for a while
•He gave you some water from a spare water bottle, occasionally rubbing circles on your back
•If you threw up, he had a plastic bag for you, no worries
•He kept your gaze away from the bright sunlight, worried it would make the pain worse
•And, eventually, your migraine slowly came to a halt, before you could barely feel any pain anymore
•You were happy it was over, but you still felt really tired and exhausted
•You thanked Korekiyo for helping you, a weak yet content smile on your face as you reached out and held onto his bandaged hand.
•Korekiyo only gave you a small smile
•“That was nothing, darling. Traffic has just happened to clear up.”
•Ah. What a coincidence.
Miu Iruma
•You were helping her with her new invention
•There were pretty bright lights, and also loud noises coming from it
•But, that didn’t really bother you! You got to help your wonderful girlfriend with her inventions, and that was more than enough for you
•And, to be honest, you were enjoying it!
•Eventually, though, after standing there for a long period of time, with constant flashing lights and loud whirrs, it became too much
•Your head began to ache, and you recognized the familiar kind of pain, but you ignored the signs, still trying to help her when she needed and passing her the things she needed
•You held out until you possibly couldn’t any longer, because your head was hurting so much at that point, and your eyes felt so sensitive to the brights lights and you could hardly handle the loud sounds
•You were so dizzy to where you had to cling onto the table
•At that point, it didn’t go unnoticed by Miu
•She had raised an eyebrow, asking, “Hey! S/o! The fucks wrong with you?”
•Her normal, loud voice was enough to make you shiver, holding tighter onto the table to relieve some sort of pain as the wave of and aching crashed over you
���The room was spinning around you and your head hurt so bad, you might genuinely be sick
•“Miu,” You started off quietly, “I’m having a migraine.”
•Now, Miu knew her inventions could induce migraines, with how complicated and bright they tended to be
•But holy shit, does she feel bad when you have one!
•Her S/o, suffering, and it was her fault!
•To be honest, she was pretty frantic, dimming the lights of the invention and flicking off the light in her room, too
•She paused the whirring on the machine before taking your hand and rushing you over to one of the chairs in her room
•She wanted you to be able to sit down as soon as possible, so she sat you down there, her usually booming and loud tone softened and now unusually quiet
•She mumbled out apologies while taking a water bottle out of the fridge, asking you if you needed it before dashing off to get some pain pills
•She’s all over the place, really, running around and trying to bring you things to ease the pain
•If you throw up, she holds your hair back and tries to comfort you the best she could
•Which, turns out, not very well, as she never aced comfort
•She was about to go dash off to get you something else, anything to help you!
•When she heard you softly tell her that it’s okay
•If you need to be left alone in a dark quiet room, say no more, she’s already gone
•But if you want her to be next to you, she’s immediately carrying a chair over beside you, placing it down and sitting down beside you and taking your hand
•Even when you squeeze her hand particularly hard, it doesn’t bother her, because she knows you must be in more pain than she is
•When your migraine had finally passed, she visibly looks relieved
•“Hah, look who finally decided to recover!” She cackled, pointing at you jokingly
•She’s still holding onto you, though
•Miu was scared for you, and she hated knowing that you were in so much pain
•She offers to make you some soup or something to get some of your energy back
•She probably almost set the kitchen on fire— good thing Kirumi found her and assisted her
•But it’s the thought that counts, right?
•Nonetheless, she just wanted you to be safe and happy
•And when you aren’t in as much pain as before, she’s content
•As long as you’re okay, so is she
•Besides... maybe she can make an invention to get rid of your migraines!
•Yeah, that’s what she’ll do!
Gonta Gokuhara
•You two were looking at bugs together
•Gonta was having a good time, excitedly telling you the name of each bug with a smile on his face
•You were happy to listen to it
•After all, if he was interested in something, so were you!
•He even gently led a butterfly onto your finger, and you got to hold it!
•He was about to tell you the name of another bug when you felt a little dizzy
•Blinking, you brushed it off, trying to ignore it
•Well, ignoring it wasn’t really an option when a wave of pain clashed into your head, causing you to flinch and hold onto one of the tables, though you did your best to avoid squishing any bugs
•When Gonta realized you weren’t paying attention anymore, he tilted his head
•“Is S/o okay?”
•You whimpered, mumbling out a, “No.”
•Gonta could see that you looked a bit dizzy, so to help you from falling, he merely had to place an arm around you
•“S/o...? Can you tell Gonta what’s wrong?”
•You weren’t sure if Gonta would understand that you got migraines to such an awful extent, so you did your best to explain as you tried pushing aside the pain
•“I’m having a really bad headache, Gonta,” You told him quietly, “Please keep your voice low. I’m a little dizzy and might get sick to my stomach.”
•Your bottom lip trembled as you shakily reached out to hold tightly onto Gonta, wanting to keep yourself stable
•You soon felt a strong pair of arms keeping you on your feet, before picking you up without much problem
•“Gonta will help you feel better,” He reassured you, his voice almost in a whisper as he carried you to his room
•You soon felt yourself lying down on a bed, and a damp cloth softly placed on your forehead to cool you down and maybe ease the pressure in your head
•“Does S/o want Gonta to go?” Gonta asked you, and it was obvious he wouldn’t be hurt by either response, knowing how much pain you were in
•He wished... He wished he could take your pain away and suffer through it for you!
•If you wanted him to leave, he would nod and lightly shut the door, waiting for it to pass
•But if you wanted him to stay, he would slide into the bed beside you and hold you close
•He’d lace his fingers through your hair, careful to not irritate your head anymore than it already was and breathing evenly
•He would be as quiet as possible!
•When your migraine had ended, he was so, so happy!
•“S/o isn’t in pain anymore!” He gave a wide smile, squeezing you tightly
•You smiled back at him, laughing a little
•Your head was still hurting a bit from the after effects, but it was nowhere near as bad as it was previously
•Besides... What Gonta didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
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