#I will be subjecting goro to the horrors
breezypunk · 1 year
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Vaughn doesn't force Goro to put on cringey couple's shirts, no way.
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byooregard · 11 months
Persona Characters Ranked by How Many Mechs Songs Feature Their Personas
First, let's get things straight. The Mechanisms were a band made up of immortal space pirates that traveled through space and told stories about what they saw through song. They have four albums that tell stories throughout the albums-- Once Upon a Time in Space (fairy tales, in space), Ulysses Dies at Dawn (noir greek myths, in space), High Noon Over Camelot (cowboy arthurian legend, in space) and The Bifrost Incident (cosmic horror norse mythology, in space), and two albums (Tales to be Told vol. 1 & 2) that are miscellaneous songs/stories.
off we go. I asked my friend for his opinions on this, so it's not ONLY my opinions, but all of these are subjective opinions on what songs i like best
10. Yuka Ayase- Freyj Freyj and his sister Freyja are mentioned in the Bifrost Incident, but they don't get any actual singing parts
9. Sumire Yoshizawa- Cendrillion, Vanadis, Ella Freyja (Vanadis) is, as mentioned, mentioned in the Bifrost Incident. Cinder's Song from Once Upon a Time in Space is a song that is dear to me, but I will admit that the Mechs' albums get better as they go on, and Once Upon a Time in Space is their first.
8. Aigis- Pallas Athena Twisted Threads from Tales to be Told Volume II takes place in the same world/storyline as Ulysses Dies at Dawn, and is an absolute banger. However, other songs on this list bang harder (in my opinion), and the song is mainly about Arachne, though Athena features
7. Labrys- Ariadne Ties that Bind from Ulysses Dies at Dawn slaps, both Ariadne & Athena are sung by Raphaella la Cognizi/Rachel L. Hughes, & her singing is off the charts awesome & adds wonderfully to the jazzy noir vibe of Ulysses Dies at Dawn
6. Persona 3 Protagonist- Orpheus Trial by Song from Ulysses Dies At Dawn is honestly tied with Ties that Bind, but i like it slightly better and this is my list.
5. Eikichi Mishina- Hades Underworld Blues is the best song in Ulysses Dies at Dawn it slaps, and also the character of Hades is awesome.
4. Futaba Sakura- Prometheus Prometheus from Tales to be Told (also taking place in Ulysses Dies at Dawn world. this album features the most because of persona's love of greek myths) is iconic, so is the space jam mashup. Massive bonus points for Prometheus being a hacker. [Prometheus the hero who let us hold off the horde//Prometheus who proved the keyboard's mightier than the sword]
3. Baofu- Odysseus, Prometheus As mentioned Prometheus is a good song. My friend ranked this one lower in protest against Johnny Sims's attempt at an american accent. The entire album Ulysses Dies at Dawn is about Ulysses (roman name for Odysseus), but he features most heavily in Broken Horses, My Name is No-One, and Elysian Fields. Personally I don't like any one of these songs as much as the previously listed songs, but Baofu gets points for having an entire Album.
2. Takuto Maruki- Azathoth I am not going to tell you anything about Red Signal (the Bifrost Incident). I am only going to tell you to listen to it. Anyways. Azathoth is also technically a major.... character? in the Bifrost Incident, which is imo (and afaik most would agree with me) the Mechs' best album, so that's worth some points.
Goro Akechi- Loki, Hereward Loki is one of the main characters of the Bifrost Incident, and she gets parts in multiple songs, mainly the one named after her, and it slaps verily, it's one of the Mechs' best songs, in their best album Hereward the Wake (Tales to be Told Volume II) is one of my favorite Mechs songs and also the reason I made this list, because it's the only reason I knew about Hereward the Wake before playing persona 5. So Akechi wins this list because i am a) extremely biased, i will admit and b) he's the only character who has two personas with entire songs, and they both happen to be some of the bangingest mechs songs
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trickstruth-a · 4 years
Short, sweet, and to the point. Follow these rules and we all have a great time.
1. Mutuals only. I must be following you and you must be following me.  Only those that I follow can like starter calls, send in character asks, and reply to posts.
1a. I will not interact with non-Mutuals, that includes asks, unless it’s done anonymously and it doesn’t have a url attached. Anyone who breaks this rule will get about a few pardons but after that will be blocked.
2. My time is limited here in what I can do. This means that I am very selective in what I reply to. Doesn’t necessary mean that I am ignoring anyone. Some days I reply to everything and everyone, others I am so burnt out from irl things or work that I just lurk and do the bare minimum. My mental health and well-being comes before anything else.
2a. Replies vary by length and time. I normally work eight to ten hours a day and experience a lot of exhaustion. Unless I don’t see a thread or an ask going anywhere and publicly make a post saying it’s been dropped, consider everything as pending / will do ASAP. Memes are okay to send in late unless it clearly states, not accepting. My timezone is Eastern Standard Time or EST. United States is where I am located at. I am usually online from 10 PM EST to 3 AM EST unless it’s a day off from work, which the online time will vary from 12 PM EST to 3 AM EST.
2b.  Role-playing is a hobby, not a job. Do not pester me for replies or asks to be answered. I am not obligated to owe anyone anything on this website. I am human and can’t cater to everyone’s needs.  Being persistent here is not going to make me answer yours faster than other people.
2c. Don’t follow, unfollow, and then refollow my blog. It’s not going to make me want to follow you back, ever. It’s annoying and no one is being crafty by doing that. If you continue to do this and it isn’t a tumblr glitch, I will be inclined to block and possibly report for spam.
3. If you do need to break mutuals with me, HARD BLOCK my blog. Don’t just UNFOLLOW or SOFT BLOCK because chances are that I could mistakenly follow you again. And that’s something we both don’t want since it would be quite awkward.
3a. I have the right to unfollow whoever I want to and so do you. Please don’t go on a hunt and try to guilt trip me into following you back again. Just don’t. I can and will tell you the reason why I unfollowed you but other than that, just let me leave in peace.
3b. Personal blogs and non RP blogs will be blocked on sight. Please, if you have a side blog let me know through asks so I don’t accidentally block you. IMs are not a good way to let me know since they are closed for non-mutuals.
4. Duplicates are welcomed to follow me. The more the merrier. I do not suffer from same muse anxiety and encourage any of the same muse to follow me. Only request is that you don’t steal my headcanons, edits or icons. Other than that, we should all be able to have a good time. I’m always up for twin verses or alternate universes shenanigans.
4a. Original Characters are allowed to follow me. However, they need to be a little flesh out before I make a decision to follow them back or not. Just a small backstory or biography is all that I need. Headcanons also work if there isn’t an about page but must have about one page worth for me to consider following.
4b. Crossover Characters from other shows are allowed to follow me but I must know about said muse or else I’ll have a hard time whether to follow or not. Few fandoms I won’t interact with because I have no interest in these series are: Avatar the Last Airbender, Avatar the Legend of Korra. ( more to be added ).
5. I am a multi-ship blog. All ships are separate in their own standings. Goro is 17 in the ORIGINAL game and ROYAL remake. I will only ship him romantically with muses that are in the ages between 15 years to 17 years of age ( for the ORIGINAL and ROYAL remake only ).
5a. I am open to all kinds of ships, not just romantic ones. I also enjoy platonic, rivalry, and familiar bonds. All ships are open to discussions through my IM(s) or otherwise known as Instant Messenger.  Chemistry is key. As long as we interact a little, there’s always the chance that both muses can be in a relationship.
5b.  Is there any ship that you do NOT want forced on you?: I personally don’t ship AkeShu / ShuAke ( the Protagonist x Goro Akechi ). Please don’t force this ship on me. I’ll only except a slow burn for both characters and only that when both the other mun and myself agree to do this.
6. Things for you to tag for me are: BIRDS, CHAIN LETTERS, ORGANS, DOGS. For the birds and dogs, just irl ones trigger me. I am fine with cartoon / art / video game ones as they are not real.
6a. This blog will contain sensitive themes from time to time. However, I will tag common things like those mentioned below. If you need anything tagged, please let me know through instant messaging / IMs. Things I’ll tag for you are but not limited to: BLOOD, GORE, DEATH, BODY HORROR, EYE HORROR, INSECTS, MAGGOTS, BRUISES, SCARS, GUNS, KNIVES, CLOWNS.  
7. I am over the age of eighteen. However, I refuse to write smut as I am not comfortable with that subject to begin with and Goro is a minor. Please never force me to write this with you and if you keep sending things to me in this type of nature, I will report you, no questions asked.
7a. If I see any form of hate and I find out it was you that sent it, I will immediately BLOCK you. No questions asked. Life is too short to send unwanted hate, anon or not. All anon hate and hate towards me and my characters ( s ) in general will be reported and then blocked, no questions asked.
8. My pen name on here is SERE. Obliviously, that is not my real name but it’s what I go by. It’s short for ‘Serena’, the English name that DIC gave Usagi Tsukino in the Americanized version of Sailor Moon. It’s pronounced; SIR-REE.
9. I am not a meme source. If you need to reblog a meme from my blog and don’t plan to send me anything, reblog from the source. I hardly get asks as it is, and for you to just use me as a meme source puts a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like I’m being used, which isn’t a good feeling. If you wonder if you should send in a meme to me, please do. I love getting asks. I do hoard them from time to time like a dragon hoards treasure but I do get to them eventually. The more memes / asks, the merrier.
9a.  Feel free to turn inbox replies into threads. Just remember to make separate post when replying. Do not reblog threads not meant for you and don’t reblog my headcanons. It’s okay to reblog my asks though if you want them to be keepsakes on your own blog. Also, it’s alright to reblog musings and images from me.
10.  I usually am not considered spoiler free. However, I do tag recent released games, which is Persona 5 Scramble. All other games in the Persona 5 series ( original game, dancing in starlight, pq2, and royal ) will NOT be tagged. Follow at your own risk to avoid spoilers.
10a.  Knowledge in the Persona series is about ABOVE AVERAGE, please don’t keep pointing out mistakes. I know and will correct them due time.
10b. Please tag the popular ship AkeShu / ShuAke ( Goro Akechi x Persona 5 Protagonist ) / ( Persona 5 Protagonist x Goro Akechi ). I am not a fan of this ship at all and would request it to tagged at all times. Tags can be as simple as ‘akeshu’ and ‘shuake’.
11. I rather not be bothered by callout posts and any potential drama that might accumulate. I am just here to have fun and I hope everyone else can too. Life is too short to spend on certain things that don’t matter in the long run. If I see multiple call out posts from you in a single day or that’s all you post, I will quietly unfollow you.
12.  Out of character posts will be on here from time to time. Mostly talking about life in general or me venting once in a great while. If this annoys you, please remember that this is my blog, not yours. You are welcomed to unfollow / block at any time.
12a.  The best way to interact with me is to send memes / asks / inbox things. I am always up for unprompted things in my inbox. Also, my instant messenger is always open if someone needs to contact me out of character or to plot something. Don’t hesitate to talk to me. I will try my best to respond.
12b.  Not interacting after a month or two with me and my blog will make me silently unfollow you or result in a soft block. Or if you don’t interact with me at all, even out of character. Also, if you are gone for more than 6 months, I consider your blog inactive and will probably assume that you aren’t going to return.
13. I’m really laid-back in nature so don’t feel pressured to reply to anything I send to you. I understand that life happens and that sometimes you just need to unwind from the stress of daily life.
14. For pronouns; either SHE/HER or THEY/THEM is okay with me. My orientation is DEMIROMANTIC ASEXUAL. I love anime, manga, video games, music, drawing, and writing. If you read all of this, then thank you! I won’t ask for passcodes but please still try to remember these at some point. That’s all I ask. <3.
This revived blog has been established since May 23rd, 2020. Independent and not affiliated with any role play group. Written by SERE.
( rules may be updated from time to time so please check here once in awhile. I will also post when these are updated as well ).
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maskthrown · 3 years
Short, sweet, and to the point. Follow these rules and we all have a great time.
1. Mutuals only. I must be following you and you must be following me.  Only those that I follow can like starter calls, send in character asks, and reply to posts.
1a. I will not interact with non-Mutuals, that includes asks, unless it’s done anonymously and it doesn’t have a url attached. Anyone who breaks this rule will get about a few pardons but after that will be blocked.
2. My time is limited here in what I can do. This means that I am very selective in what I reply to. Doesn’t necessary mean that I am ignoring anyone. Some days I reply to everything and everyone, others I am so burnt out from irl things or work that I just lurk and do the bare minimum. My mental health and well-being comes before anything else.
2a. Replies vary by length and time. I normally work eight to ten hours a day and experience a lot of exhaustion. Unless I don’t see a thread or an ask going anywhere and publicly make a post saying it’s been dropped, consider everything as pending / will do ASAP. Memes are okay to send in late unless it clearly states, not accepting. My timezone is Eastern Standard Time or EST. United States is where I am located at. I am usually online from 10 PM EST to 3 AM EST unless it’s a day off from work, which the online time will vary from 12 PM EST to 3 AM EST.
2b.  Role-playing is a hobby, not a job. Do not pester me for replies or asks to be answered. I am not obligated to owe anyone anything on this website. I am human and can’t cater to everyone’s needs.  Being persistent here is not going to make me answer yours faster than other people.
2c. Don’t follow, unfollow, and then refollow my blog. It’s not going to make me want to follow you back, ever. It’s annoying and no one is being crafty by doing that. If you continue to do this and it isn’t a tumblr glitch, I will be inclined to block and possibly report for spam.
3. If you do need to break mutuals with me, HARD BLOCK my blog. Don’t just UNFOLLOW or SOFT BLOCK because chances are that I could mistakenly follow you again. And that’s something we both don’t want since it would be quite awkward.
3a. I have the right to unfollow whoever I want to and so do you. Please don’t go on a hunt and try to guilt trip me into following you back again. Just don’t. I can and will tell you the reason why I unfollowed you but other than that, just let me leave in peace.
3b. Personal blogs and non RP blogs will be blocked on sight. Please, if you have a side blog let me know through asks so I don’t accidentally block you. IMs are not a good way to let me know since they are closed for non-mutuals.
4. Duplicates are welcomed to follow me. The more the merrier. I do not suffer from same muse anxiety and encourage any of the same muse to follow me. Only request is that you don’t steal my headcanons, edits or icons. Other than that, we should all be able to have a good time. I’m always up for twin verses or alternate universes shenanigans.
4a. Original Characters are allowed to follow me. However, they need to be a little flesh out before I make a decision to follow them back or not. Just a small backstory or biography is all that I need. Headcanons also work if there isn’t an about page but must have about one page worth for me to consider following.
4b. Crossover Characters from other shows are allowed to follow me but I must know about said muse or else I’ll have a hard time whether to follow or not. Few fandoms I won’t interact with because I have no interest in these series are: Avatar the Last Airbender, Avatar the Legend of Korra. ( more to be added ).
5. I am a multi-ship blog. All ships are separate in their own standings.  I am open to all kinds of ships, not just romantic ones. I also enjoy platonic, rivalry, and familiar bonds. All ships are open to discussions through my IM(s) or otherwise known as Instant Messenger.  Chemistry is key. As long as we interact a little, there’s always the chance that both muses can be in a relationship.  
6. Things for you to tag for me are: BIRDS, CHAIN LETTERS, ORGANS, DOGS. For the birds and dogs, just irl ones trigger me. I am fine with cartoon / art / video game ones as they are not real.
6a. This blog will contain sensitive themes from time to time. However, I will tag common things like those mentioned below. If you need anything tagged, please let me know through instant messaging / IMs. Things I’ll tag for you are but not limited to: BLOOD, GORE, DEATH, BODY HORROR, EYE HORROR, INSECTS, MAGGOTS, BRUISES, SCARS, GUNS, KNIVES, CLOWNS.  
7. I am over the age of eighteen. However, I refuse to write smut as I am not comfortable with that subject to begin with and most of my muses here are minors. Please never force me to write this with you and if you keep sending things to me in this type of nature, I will report you, no questions asked.
7a. If I see any form of hate and I find out it was you that sent it, I will immediately BLOCK you. No questions asked. Life is too short to send unwanted hate, anon or not. All anon hate and hate towards me and my characters ( s ) in general will be reported and then blocked, no questions asked.
8. My pen name on here is SERE. Obliviously, that is not my real name but it’s what I go by. It’s short for ‘Serena’, the English name that DIC gave Usagi Tsukino in the Americanized version of Sailor Moon. It’s pronounced; SIR-REE.
9. I am not a meme source. If you need to reblog a meme from my blog and don’t plan to send me anything, reblog from the source. I hardly get asks as it is, and for you to just use me as a meme source puts a bad taste in my mouth and I feel like I’m being used, which isn’t a good feeling. If you wonder if you should send in a meme to me, please do. I love getting asks. I do hoard them from time to time like a dragon hoards treasure but I do get to them eventually. The more memes / asks, the merrier.
9a.  Feel free to turn inbox replies into threads. Just remember to make separate post when replying. Do not reblog threads not meant for you and don’t reblog my headcanons. It’s okay to reblog my asks though if you want them to be keepsakes on your own blog. Also, it’s alright to reblog musings and images from me.
10.  I usually am not considered spoiler free. However, I do tag recent released games, which is Persona 5 Scramble / Strikers. All other games in the Persona 5 series ( original game, dancing in starlight, pq2, and royal ) will NOT be tagged. Follow at your own risk to avoid spoilers.
10a.  Knowledge in the Persona series is about ABOVE AVERAGE, please don’t keep pointing out mistakes. I know and will correct them due time.
10b. Please tag the popular ship AkeShu / ShuAke ( Goro Akechi x Persona 5 Protagonist ) / ( Persona 5 Protagonist x Goro Akechi ). I am not a fan of this ship at all and would request it to tagged at all times. Tags can be as simple as ‘akeshu’ and ‘shuake’.
11. I rather not be bothered by callout posts and any potential drama that might accumulate. I am just here to have fun and I hope everyone else can too. Life is too short to spend on certain things that don’t matter in the long run. If I see multiple call out posts from you in a single day or that’s all you post, I will quietly unfollow you.
12.  Out of character posts will be on here from time to time. Mostly talking about life in general or me venting once in a great while. If this annoys you, please remember that this is my blog, not yours. You are welcomed to unfollow / block at any time.
12a.  The best way to interact with me is to send memes / asks / inbox things. I am always up for unprompted things in my inbox. Also, my instant messenger is always open if someone needs to contact me out of character or to plot something. Don’t hesitate to talk to me. I will try my best to respond.
12b.  Not interacting after a month or two with me and my blog will make me silently unfollow you or result in a soft block. Or if you don’t interact with me at all, even out of character. Also, if you are gone for more than 6 months, I consider your blog inactive and will probably assume that you aren’t going to return.
13. I’m really laid-back in nature so don’t feel pressured to reply to anything I send to you. I understand that life happens and that sometimes you just need to unwind from the stress of daily life.
14. For pronouns; either SHE/HER or THEY/THEM is okay with me. My orientation is DEMIROMANTIC ASEXUAL. I love anime, manga, video games, music, drawing, and writing. If you read all of this, then thank you! I won’t ask for passcodes but please still try to remember these at some point. That’s all I ask. <3.
This blog has been established since January 1st, 2021. Independent and not affiliated with any role play group. Written by SERE.
( rules may be updated from time to time so please check here once in awhile. I will also post when these are updated as well ).
0 notes
maivalentine · 7 years
Why do “problematic” ships and characters appeal to us?
I really wanted to write up a long post on this subject, seeing the ever growing hate and even IRL bullying that occurs because someone likes a character or ship that is deemed “bad”. A lot of these people say they are abuse survivors and invalidate the feelings of OTHER abuse survivors and it’s really starting to get on my last nerve. A lot of people in fandoms commonly say things like “That doesn’t make sense to me” or “I dont understand it” or “they hate each other (as if we didnt know that already in canon)” .
Another popular thing to do is to claim we crave unhealthy relationships and glorify them to the point where mock posts and comments have been made about those of us that hate/rival ship characters.  Or, if we like an individual character that is a “bad person”. 
Coming from the stance of a physically and emotionally abused person - and from what I have seen in my own fandoms and other people who support characters and ships for the same reasons I do, this is an explanation as to WHY we like these characters and their dynamics. I only speak from my own POV and am in no way trying to paint a picture of everyone who can speak for themselves. 
1) Rival ships :
Why do people LIKE rivals together? Typically they are seen consistently competing and trying to show each other up. Sometimes it’s questioned if they even “like” each other, or if the rivalry ends the relationship ends. There’s several things people like about rivalry. There’s something really attracting about two people getting passionate about each other. At some point it becomes a routine - their routine. Often times the bickering starts out as legit teasing, that turns into friendly banter. There are a lot of people that love the idea of friendly bickering, teasing, and the dramatics of being someones rival. 
Sometimes this doesnt happen in canon. Sometimes we decide on a ship based on their character personalities and how we *think* they would act in a fanon reality. Others can perceive this TOTALLY different which is where the “not understanding” comes from. It’s kinda wilde but different chemistry appeals to different people. Unlike hateships however, rival ships tend to be really friendly. Not always, but usually. Rivals that turn to friends BUT STILL keep their antics is one of the most appealing things about their relationship(s).
2) Hateshipping:
Unlike rivalry (which can exist in hateshipping as well) these characters have made it clear in canon they DO NOT like each other, or have blatantly stated that they hate each other or even that they want to kill each other. The terrible misconception about those of us that ship these (personally, one of my favorite dynamics) is that we support abuse and we “get off” to bruised and beat up characters and we’re twisted. Now while I don’t think there’s anything WRONG with being attracted to that dynamic, for myself and many others I’ve seen in different fandoms, Hateships are NOT about abuse - and they are hardly ever based on canon events unless grabbed to use in fanon + AUs. Hateships tend to branch off from canon and form into fanon AUs where we see this chemistry working if x thing happened, or if x thing developed this way instead, etc.
Hateships aren’t all the same - sometimes we get clue-ins that the two characters are able to respect one another to a certain degree, sometimes characters start out hating each other and that changes, or sometimes they save the other’s life unprompted. Little things like that create more initiative for us to think “huh... this could work if circumstances were different”
A lot of time with hate ships, we see how the two characters personalities mesh together SO WELL even though sometimes they appear as total opposites. Like rivalshipping (which it grabs some similarities from) they have grown into a routine of needing each other in some strange way. And we LOVE to explore that.
Another big thing about ships involving hate, is that they are often written and drawn by fans as a couple that HEALS not a couple that ABUSES one another. It’s usually about healing and forgiveness - confused feelings, and really digging into how these characters really dont actually hate each other at all. The fun part is exploring their complicated relationship.
3) Problematic Characters:
*Characters that experience abuse, but have done unforgiveable things:
People tend to assume that liking a character like this means we glorify them, support what they have done (ex: murder, emotionally damaged others, acted out, caused physical harm to others) and fully support them to the point where we want them to be forgiven for the bad things that they’ve done. It varies for every character, but in most instances that is NOT the case. In fact it’s only a handful that call these types of characters “precious characters that did no wrong” and MEAN it. ( a lot of us joke abt it but arent serious ) 
Like I said at the start of this, as someone who’s been abused in both ways I feel like these characters deserve BETTER. Sometimes abused characters are unfairly treated in canon - they arent given help, their help is taken away from them, their abuse turns them into the awful person they are. We want them to have redemption - we want them to have a fair development. We want abused characters to have some understanding, some respect. We are not saying it’s OK that they physically or emotionally hurt others. We are saying we understand them -- sometimes their actions can reflect an abused persons *impulses* that arent acted on. Abuse pain and the inner turmoil goes deep. Abused characters usually end up with a terrible hand, shitty development, and usually die or never get a chance to be understood. 
*Characters that are mentally ill:
Similar to an abused character (sometimes characters fit BOTH) people think we are saying “theyre mentally ill so we should forgive them and support what theyve done” no . no . no. much like the abused character, we SEE how their illness has effected them and again -- how theyve received no help in canon. Thats why ships involving these characters often revolve around rehab, redemption, healing. Typically with both these types of characters we see glimpses of how they were a good person before their trauma effected them. And we want to see more of that person. We want that person to come to life. Because we almost NEVER see abused or mentally ill characters come out alive or with understanding. 
I know a lot of people don’t grasp this still, but you can like an evil character just because they are just so GOOD at being bad. It doesn’t make YOU a bad person for liking them. It’s fictional and their actions effect no one in real life. Yes, bad content can cause a trigger or a bad feeling - it can hurt. But liking a bad character does NOT MEAN we support bad feelings // things that happen to REAL people. 
Villains tap into dark fiction and it’s PERFECTLY okay to love horror and twisted things in fiction. Not all villains are 100 percent terrible either. Some start as a villain and become a hero. Sometimes, the other way around (a favorite of mine). Nothing about liking a bad character means that you are a bad person. 
What’s relateable about a villain? They aren’t perfect. They have interesting character development and back stories. Usually very dark things have happened in their lives. Sometimes, villains can draw out sympathy whether you see it personally or not.
People need to respect the fact that not all minds think the same. Abused and mentally ill people, do not exist in some bubble where you personally get to decide what content is right and wrong for them to consume.
People joke about “coping” but it’s true - we DO use fiction to cope sometimes and there’s nothing wrong abt it. We DO enjoy the darker side of things sometimes and want to explore it in fiction. There’s nothing wrong with it, and it hurts NO ONE at all.
If anyone tells you that you are hurting them for liking a fictional character or ship, they’re full of shit, plain and simple. You CAN NOT hurt someone by liking fictional pairings and characters.
It is not your fault if content you like triggers someone. It is not your fault if someone doesnt agree with your personal taste. It’s not THEIR fault either. It’s no one’s fault for triggers (unless we intentionally are trying to hurt someone which is shitty dont do that) and uncomfortable feelings arising for simply enjoying something.
It’s an unfortunate thing - we all handle these things differently. But what we have to realize is that all content is consumed differently and we need to respect that. We need to kindly deal with what makes us hurt (and what makes us not hurt) in a respectful manner.
It does no good to claim people are “rapists” “pedophiles” or “support murderers” for simply liking a character or a ship. You can be disgusted. You can rant. You can vent. You can express yourself no one’s stopping you.
But lines are totally CROSSED when you personally attack a person (who probably experienced some abuse of their own - its ,more likely than you think) or even physically attack a REAL LIFE person over content that they like. 
People have been bullied at cons for liking characters like Goro Akechi or Nathan Prescott . People have been called horrible things for liking characters that are deemed “bad” by others. 
I’m not saying pedophilic or legit horrible content doesnt EXIST nor do I condone it (lines to be crossed here too tbh), but it takes a bit of common sense... a common sense a lot of attackers against “problematic” content do not have.
To end this I want to say the most mind-blowing thing to me is a person claiming to be an abuse survivor and then emotionally or physically attacking ANOTHER ABUSE SURVIVOR (or any other type of person really) over what characters they happen to like. That IS abuse. That IS harassment. And you ARE a part of the problem. 
You are not protecting us by hurting us (ABUSE SURVIVORS AND THE MENTALLY ILL) & others .                                                                                     
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Late last month news broke that British sci-fi and fantasy author Brian W. Aldiss (8/18/25 – 8/19/17) had passed away at the age of 92. Best remembered as the author of the 1969 short-story “Supertoys Last All Summer Long,” which the feature film A.I. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (2001, Dir. Steven Spielberg) was based on, Aldiss, like many science-fiction writers, also occasionally dabbled with the subject of dinosaurs. This includes the short-story “Poor Little Warrior!” originally published in the April 1958 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction and two novels, An Age (Faber, 1967 – released in the US under the title Cryptozoic! by Avon in ’69) and The Malacia Tapestry (Jonathan Cape, 1976).
Because I haven’t read either of these novels, this post will focus on the short-story “Poor Little Warrior!”, which I have read, and its curious legacy as the originator of a trope found today principally in kaijū movies concerning the presence of dangerous super-sized exoparasites living on the bodies of giant monsters.  
Falling firmly into the ‘time-traveling big game hunter’ sub-genre which began with Ray Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” (1952) and was initially continued with L. Sprague de Camp’s “A Gun for Dinosaur” (1956), Aldiss’ “Poor Little Warrior!” is closer in spirit to that of de Camp then Bradbury as it is less concerned with the question of the mechanics and consequences of time travel in and of itself and more intent upon using the conceit of man going back into the past to hunt dinosaurs as the basis of a short morality tale – in this case about the dangers of biting off more than you can chew.
The protagonist of Aldiss’ story is a nebbish, hen-pecked man named Claude Ford who has decided to try and shore up his masculinity by traveling back to the Jurassic and bagging himself a brontosaurus. In this one respect Aldiss’ story is like Bradbury’s “A Sound of Thunder” in that his brontosaurus, like Bradbury’s T. Rex, is more of a giant monster then an actual animal being described as possessing “eyes [which] gleamed with the liveliness of a week-old corpses’ big toe” and breath which reeked of “compost,” the body of the sauropod is seen as the embodiment of biological horror having “come full circle and finally disappeared up its own sphincter.” Naturally such a behemoth is also adorned with super-size exoparasites, lice in this case, described as being as big as crabs and “living in those gray walls and canyons” which make up the dinosaur’s elephantine hide.
After several paragraphs of nervous deliberation Ford finally man’s up and does the deed, shooting the brontosaurus. However as he moves forward to claim his prize he is suddenly besieged by the giant lice! Aldiss, as narrator, describes the scene…
“You [i.e. Ford] struggle and scream as lobster claws tear at your neck and throat. You try to pick up the rifle but cannot, so in agony you roll over, and next second the crab-thing is greedying it on your chest. You wretch at its shell, but it giggles and pecks your fingers off. You forgot when you killed the bronto that its parasites would leave it, and that to a little shrimp like you they would be a deal more dangerous than their host. You do your best, kicking for at least three minutes. By the end of that time there is a whole pack of the creatures on you. Already they are picking your carcass loving clean.”
While an evocative ending Aldiss’ idea that giant dinosaurs would harbor giant exoparasites is pure fantasy. As Brian Switek explains in an article for Smithsonian Magazine, the evidence that lice even existed during the time of the dinosaurs is incredibly slim with only a single fossil having been recovered so far. Significantly however this fossil specimen represented a type of lice that today is most commonly found on birds, thus bolstering the case that dinosaurs and birds are evolutionary relatives. In either case, the fossil louse in question was as tiny as its present day counterparts, not the crustacean-sized monstrosities featured in Aldiss’ short-story.
However, with this tale Aldiss introduced a trope – that of the giant exoparasite – which has continued down to today and found a special home in the realm of kaijū movies. First seen in THE RETURN OF GODZILLA (1985, Dir. Koji Hashimoto), this film opens with journalist Goro Maki coming across the fishing boat Yahata-Maru floating out at sea, seemingly abandoned. Maki boards the vessel and finds the crew dead with the exception of one young man, Hiroshi Okumura, who is injured and in a nearly catatonic state. Suddenly a giant sea louse – referred to in Godzilla lore as a Shockirus – attacks Maki and nearly does him in only for Okumura to come to and save him at the last minute. Eventually it is revealed that the Yahata-Maru had a run in with Godzilla and we are lead to infer that the giant sea louse fell off of Godzilla’s skin and onto the ship where it proceeded to slaughter the crew.
More recently this same idea showed up in both the films CLOVERFIELD (2008, Dir. Matt Reeves) and PACIFIC RIM (2013, Dir. Guillermo del Toro). In CLOVERFIELD, the twenty-something New Yorkers who are our protagonists quickly learn that while the giant monster attacking the Big Apple maybe easy enough to avoid, a much more imminent danger is posed by the German Shepard-sized alligator-jawed parasites which have hitched a ride on the kaijū and are now running through the city’s abandoned subways. Likewise in PACIFIC RIM, skin mites the size of Shih Tzus live on the kaijū. When the kaijū dies the skin mites do as well unless immediately soaked in ammonia.
Aldiss’ “Poor Little Warrior!” has been reprinted numerous times over the years, but collections which would most likely be of interest to readers of this blog include the anthologies Behold the Mighty Dinosaur (Elsevier / Nelson Books, 1981), The Science Fictional Dinosaur (Avon Flare, 1982) and Dinosaurs! (Ace Books, 1990).    Images: 1) Is this fossil evidence that dinosaurs dealt with lice? 2) The Shockirus almost does in Goro Maki in The Return of Godzilla. 3) The dangerous exoparasites from the film Cloverfield. 4) The skin mites from Pacific Rim                           
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heavenly-howl · 5 years
Tagged by @goromajijima
Are you named after anyone?: Yep! My paternal grandpa
When was the last time you cried?: Like an hour ago? Sometimes i just look at my cat and get all sappy bc she so fuckin cute
Do you have kids?: I only have a furbaby lmao
Do you use sarcasm a lot?: CONSTANTLY
What’s the first thing you notice about people?: def sense of humor
What’s your eye colour?: Green
Scary movie or happy ending?: horror movies all day every day
Any special talents?: I have a really sharp eye for detail
Where were you born?: Dallas, Texas
What are your hobbies?: Art and video games
Do you have any pets? yep! my cat, callie
What sports do you play/have played? as a kid i used to play teeball/softball. we NEVER won a single game lmao
How tall are you? 5′5″
Favourite subject in school? social studies
Dream job? ngl id love to make a living from my art  Since the only ppl id tag got tagged by goro ill leave this open to any mutuals who want to do it =)
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dogecream-sundae · 7 years
I got tagged by @gougeandkill (:0)
Rules: answer questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nicknames: Doge (I guess. i don’t really have any)
Star sign: Pisces
height:5′ 8″ (I think)
Time right now: 4:25pm
Last thing you googled: snake eater song
Favorite music artist: uh, Deadmau5, Blackmill, and whoever made the music for the Shin megami tenseis (i don’t really have a favorite, sorry.)
Song stuck in my head: The song in Megaman X4 for Magma Dragoon’s stage (https://youtu.be/uHPzubJm1ok)
Last movie I watched: I think it was Saw 3
Last TV show watched: uh, Yu-gi-oh 5ds or Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid.
What I’m wearing right now: black shirt and boxers (Fancy, am i right?)
When I created this blog: September 25, 2016
The kinda stuff I post: cool and funny stuff I like. A lot of Jojo, whatever I’m into at the time, video games, anime, nsfw stuff, etc.
Do I get asks regularly: Haha, I wish
Why did I choose my URL: honestly idk. I like Shibas and ice cream and it was either this or Kingofshrimp and my friend said doge is better.
Gender: boi (idk i’m a dude)
Hogwarts house: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  (how you find this out)
Pokemon team:  Incineroar (Macho man), Vikavolt, Lycanroc (Aela), Butterfree, Toucannon, and Wishiwashi.
Favorite colors: Black, grey, red, blue, purple,
Average hours of sleep: probably 4-6
Lucky numbers: 7
Favorite characters: Guts (Berserk), Casca (Berserk), Ichi (Ichi the killer), Joseph Joestar, (JJBA), Johnny Joestar (JJBA), Gyro Zeppeli (JJBA), Kanna and Fafnir (Miss Kobayashi’s dragon maid), Hideo Suzuki (I am a Hero), Samus (Metroid), Kakashi (Naruto), King (One Punch man), Galko ( Oshiete! Galko-chan ), Count D (Petshop of Horrors), Chicken George (Fourteen), Yoshikage Kira and Killer Queen (JJBA),  Subject Delta (Bioshock 2), Legion (Mass Effect), Solid Snake, Big Boss, The Sorrow, and Raiden (Metal Gear Solid), Cia (Legend of Zelda), Zero(Borderlands and Megaman X), Soundwave (Transformers),  Kiryu Kazuma and Goro Majima (Yakuza), Ezio Auditore and Edward Kenway (Assassin’s Creed), Flynn and the Demi-Fiend (Shin Megami Tensei), Monokuma (Danganronpa), Hex manic (Pokemon). There’s probably more but I can’t remember all of them.
Dream job: I guess being the guy who researches diseases and parasites.
Number of blankets:1
Imma tag @spleenfiesta, @multiplexmiggs, @heraldofultimateness, @boogiedicks, @deadlykillerqueen, and @fuckshitavenue although if you want to make one of these, i won’t stop ya. I won’t force anyone to make one though
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majornelson · 5 years
This Week’s Deals With Gold And Spotlight Sale
Here are this week’s games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 11 November 2019.
These deals will expire at 11:00 am UTC on Tuesday November 12th 2019
Xbox One Deals
Content TitleContent TypeDiscountNotesThe Surge 2Xbox One X Enhanced25%DWGF1 2019Xbox One X Enhanced45%DWGSniper Ghost Warrior 3 Season Pass EditionXbox One Game80%DWGThe SurgeXbox One X Enhanced75%DWGForza Horizon 4 VIPAdd-On60%DWGI Am BreadXbox One Game60%DWGOverride: Mech City BrawlXbox One X Enhanced80%DWGThe Telltale Batman BundleXbox One Game50%DWGBeast QuestXbox One Game85%DWGBleed Complete BundleXbox One Game75%DWGF1 2019 Legends Edition Senna & ProstXbox One Game45%DWGFlockersXbox One Game80%DWGForza Horizon 3 VIPAdd-On75%DWGForza Motorsport 7 Car PassAdd-On75%DWGKill the Bad GuyXbox One Game60%DWGKinect Bundle: Kung-Fu & Air Guitar WarriorXbox One Game50%DWGLords of the FallenXbox One Game85%DWGLords of the Fallen Complete Edition BundleAdd-On80%DWGLords Of The Fallen Digital Complete EditionXbox One Game85%DWGNinjin: Clash of CarrotsXbox One Game90%DWGOverride: Mech City Brawl – Super Charged Mega EditionXbox One Game80%DWGOVIVOXbox One X Enhanced30%DWGPlanet AlphaXbox One X Enhanced70%DWGRGX: ShowdownXbox One Game50%DWGSuper Mutant Alien AssaultXbox One Game75%DWGThe Surge – Augmented EditionXbox Game Pass75%DWGThink of the ChildrenXbox One Game80%DWGTurok BundleXbox One Game60%DWGTyler: Model 005Xbox One Game80%DWGSamurai Shodown Standard VersionXbox One Game25%DWGSamurai Shodown Deluxe EditionXbox One Game25%DWGSamurai Shodown Season PassAdd-On25%DWGNHL 20 Deluxe EditionXbox One Game20%Spotlight SaleNHL 20 Ultimate EditionXbox One Game20%Spotlight SaleEA Sports FIFA 20 Champions EditionXbox One X Enhanced20%Spotlight SaleEA Sports FIFA 20 Ultimate EditionXbox One X Enhanced20%Spotlight SaleMadden NFL 20: Superstar EditionXbox One X Enhanced20%Spotlight SaleMadden NFL 20: Ultimate Superstar EditionXbox One X Enhanced20%Spotlight SaleAmerican Ninja Warriors: ChallengeXbox One Game50%Spotlight SaleOverride: Mech City Brawl – Season PassAdd-On80%Spotlight SaleExtinctionXbox One Game85%Spotlight SaleExtinction: Deluxe EditionXbox One Game85%Spotlight SaleExtinction: Days Of Dolorum Season PassAdd-On85%Spotlight SaleBatman: The Telltale Series – The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)Xbox One Game50%Spotlight SaleBatman: The Enemy Within – The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5)Xbox One Game50%Spotlight SaleRIOT: Civil UnrestXbox One Game60%Spotlight SaleMerge Mega BundleXbox One Game75%Spotlight SaleThe Long ReachXbox One Game75%Spotlight SaleVaporumXbox One Game60%Spotlight SaleWired Twin-Stick BundleXbox One Game60%Spotlight SalePlatformers BundleXbox One Game20%Spotlight SaleRecotech BundleXbox One Game40%Spotlight SaleSparkle 2Xbox One Game50%Spotlight SaleThe BridgeXbox One Game75%Spotlight SaleMortal Kombat X – XL PackAdd-On50%Spotlight SaleAlienXbox Game Pass50%Spotlight SaleMortal Kombat X – Bo’ Rai ChoAdd-On50%Spotlight SaleMortal Kombat X – LeatherfaceAdd-On50%Spotlight SaleMortal Kombat X – TriborgAdd-On50%Spotlight SaleMortal Kombat X – GoroAdd-On50%Spotlight SaleMortal Kombat X – TanyaAdd-On50%Spotlight SaleMortal Kombat X – 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*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members.
Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
Xbox 360 Deals
Content TitleContent TypeDiscountNotesMotoGP14Games On Demand85%DWGMXGP – The Official Motocross VideogameGames On Demand80%DWG
*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members.
Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
via Xbox Live's Major Nelson https://ift.tt/2qo9vQi
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