#I will die on the hill that The Collector is Just a KID who doesn't grasp the complexities of morality just yet
ifeellikeameowster · 2 years
In For The Future it's hinted that The Collector has already started to somewhat learn what friendship is through spending time with King. In particular This Scene:
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Where Terra is smart mouthing him. He only looks mildly irritated. More so at the fact that she isn't getting her "role" right. UNTIL she insults King.
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Where he's surprised and then they look over At King.
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Before getting mad on King's behalf. Which show's that they consider King getting insulted a big No No. Meaning he doesn't want anyone possibly hurting King's feelings with their words.
And then, instead of turning Terra into a doll/puppet for not "playing right" or "being a convincing enough Eda", they specifically state that:
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It's because she's being was Mean.
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pageofheartdj · 1 year
Imma point check raedarila's development through kids birthdays XD Now that I have 'dates' XD
So Camila and Darius softly but surely clicked since there is no way Camila stays out and helps in all the ways she can. Hunter's birthday comes in february and he notices the 'weirdness' between Camila and Darius and worries that he is somehow messing things up since he is technically adopted by Darius but Camila is an often constant in his life. He uses his 'birthday boy wish or whatever Luz called it' to tell him already what is going on! He is mortified but he can't keep going not knowing. And they reassure him that NOTHING bad is going and actually... she and Darius kind of wanted to officially get together and maaaaybe Darius moving in? Hunter.exe stops working xD He IS happy though, or as much as he allows this 'selfishness'!
When Luz finds out, she doesn't know how to feel and worries Camila wants to just replace Manny and feels it would be selfish of her to not be immediately happy for her mom. But then she talks with Vee who is suprisingly more chill with Darius despite him coming from Demon Realm. He seems nice and mama looks so happy! And Luz sees that Darius is mostly nothing like Manny so her worries ease up a bit.
The process of moving is slow, because of Isles situation and general and they aren't done yet, when King's birthday in march comes. He and Collector squabbled over their 'ages' even though the count is less important for semi-immortal beings but they want inclusion so let them be xD They tug 8 and 9 between each other, rejecting 10 cause they wanted to celebrate their two-valued age xD King won his eldest place with bargaining Collector with Francois xD Now Collector is the main caretaker and King can spend weekends with him XD
While Hunter had his birthday celebration in Human Realm to include Vee since she didn't want to visit the Demon Realm just yet, King's birthday was at the Owl House and Vee finally stepping in. Belos was gone and everyone assured her they will look after her! Plus she wanted to try and start looking for other basilisks. King's birthday goes great and there is some Camila|Raine and Darius|Eda bonding and growing stronger. Raine is helping with Vee's intergration and searches, while Eda finds out about Hunter's Clawthorne roots xD
With Luz helping Isles, quickly may approaches and her birthday. Raedarila bonded plenty with their work and help in the Isles, Darius and Raine making sure no other new dictator takes place and also make sure people aren't bothering the young gods. With Collector's help in restoration and people's mostly not having any memories of their 'puppet' state, the relationship gets better and goes pretty smooth with a few hiccups here and there of course xD The kids that spent these months alone aren't as quick, but hey, Collector stopped the Draining Spell so their parents, aren't dead, that's a good thing xD
Raedarila tension grows cause both halves don't want to mess up each other's stable relationships, with... selective success xD Some of them can't stop flirting and some of them can't stop blushing! And some of them can't stop both xD
King and Collector eavesdropped on some conversations and honestly wanted to use King's birthday boy wish but King changed his mind, Hunter just wanted to know the truth, but King doesn't want to force anything out. So they decided to wait and watch this weird thing develop. Collector adores Nana(I will die on the hill that's how Collector immediately calls Camila!!!) and Darius is super fun and King likes to climb him and Camila brings so much tasty goods and is so warm, they both kinda wouldn't mind. Vee and Hunter's confusion grow, especially Hunter, he is slower on picking these things up and when tries to ask, Vee shushes him away. She doesn't know what to feel about this possible family growth, she likes Raine and Eda is really fun but she worries for the peace between Darius and Camila that she grew to treasure.
And Luz. Oh Luz KNOWS what's up and she WILL use her birthday girl's wish because Come ON you guys you are so on the nose and she can't help but feel weird eagerness to see this whatever between Eda and Camila! So she does!!
The jig is up! Raedarila comes clean and Luz's romantic heart bursts! This is still weird and messy and so much more people to actually account. But she wants to know them all better and grow closer!
By the time of Vee's birthday in july things do go supringly well(as well as they can be xD). So much that by the time of Collector's birthday in november they more or less successfully moved all in together and figured out the routine xD And the kid gets to celebrate his nine years with a family full of parents and siblings xD
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shithead-123 · 1 year
Kotlc collecting habits Pt.2
Basically what I think various kotlc characters (mostly the kids) would collect. other than prattles pins bc we all know everyone collects those so.
this is inspired by my own habits of picking random shit up and stuffing it in my closet.
Tam: Again like Linh, not much of a collector. I think he's the least collect-y of the group. But of the very few things he does collect, he collects things that are useful, a lot like dex. he's hyper vigilant almost. He was Linh and his own sole caretaker (Linh took care of him too but Tams internalized this wayyy more than Linh did), and anything that can protect him and Linh is something he would collect. small knives, emergency med kits, fire proof clothing even. things like that. he's ready for the apocalypse. But maybe, far down the line, when he's starting to relax, he has a small book collection. I will die on my hill of Tam being a bookworm. he, Tiergan and Wylie can bond on their shared love of Pride 7 Prejudice. Or other equivalent elven books. Linh and Prentice are illiterate and proud (not that they're not smart, prentice is literally a keeper, they just hate reading). He also has a collection of Weird shirts Linh has made him. He doesn't throw them away. He'd rather die than wear them, but he'll look into his closet sometimes and quietly organize the shirts she made him and give a small smile.
Maruca: She seems like a bead girlie to me. Like her bead box, is gigantonourmous. She has made soooooooo many bracelets and necklaces and jewelry and honestly even beaded embroidery for her friends and herself and Wylie (Wylie is not her friend, he family, so it's diff). She still has vasttttt amount of beads left over. Literally once a month she goes on a bead hunt, bonus points if it's with someone else like Biana of Marella or something. On her reoccurring bead hunt, she will say she's only buying beads to make one(1) bracelet, and then proceeds to buy the entire store out. It's so funny. No one wants to go on her bead hunts anymore bc she makes them carry shit while she hunts for more beads. Honestly queen behavior. Literally all her clothing and jewelry and everything has beads on it. side point: she seems like she would be into making lace, and anyone who's ever watched ppl make lace, or make lace themselves, know that it's incredibly tedious. so hats off to her.
Marella: Marella does not think things through, if she likes, she takes. yes. I feel like she would have a collection specifically for like fire related things. Like fire earrings, fire decorated bandanas etc. OMFG wait. COWGIRL MARELLA. PLS SOMEONE DO THIS I WOULD DIE. anyways, after like the initial shame and fear she gets from manifesting as a pyrokinectic, I think she would feel angry. I mean I know. this is canon pretty sure. She's not ashamed anymore, and wants to prove this fact with buying fire related stuff. I also think she might be into collecting ribbon. Like for her hair. She ties little bits of ribbon in it and it makes her feel pretty. She starts doing it regularly bc her mom used to put ribbons in her hair before her accident. Nw she does by herself bc no one will do it for her. :)
(stellarlune spoilers): ik most ppl have read it by now but still
Rayni: She's again, a lot like Linh and Tam. She doesn't have a the capacity to collect things because of her living situation in the never seen. All she has is her cat statue. of course, she had a life before her parents tribunal and subsequent banishing, and from that time period, I feel like she would pull a Linh and collect stickers. Actually that could be bonding, like Her and Linh find each others sticker stashes, and start trading them like Pokemon cards. It's their bonding time. Linh can yell at Rayni and Rayni can yell at Linh art various sticker deals they're making, and at the end, they have cool new stickers and they're happy. Btw Rayni does have a very large cat sticker collection. She currently on the hunt to look for a cat sticker that looks like her cat statue. She'll find it someday. again side note: Rayni never actually uses the stickers. They're in a super secret bin underneath her bed or something.
Jensi: U guys thought I forgot him huh. Plant dad. Plant boy. Exotic plants. Native plants. Invasive plants. He has a nice little garden which is periodically harvests from. He's the gnomes favorite bc he loves plants. If anyone wants a little cottage core scene they go to his house. He has poisonous plants, and like maybe sometime in the war against the never seen sophies like looking for this super rare plant that has insane toxins in it and Jensi's like. Oh yeah I have like six of those in my backyard lol. and I also bred them to be even more potent. want some? Sophie is flabbergasted. She has new respect for the Venus fly-trap he gifted her. Fintans a plant dad? wrong. He's nothing compared to Jensi. Nothing.
Wylie: I'm going full angst with this one and saying he collects hairpins/clips. Like the ones his mother used to make. He obviously doesn't use them. maybe he gives some to Maruca and other friends/family with longer hair. (wait Wylie with long hair. hmmmmm. I like it). But mostly he just hides them away. And when he's trying to remember what his mothers smile looked like, (Bc he doesn't have photographic memory, and he was very young when she died, he's bound to forget) he opens up the hair pin box and cries. he gives one of the remaining pins he has to Tiergan bc he has long hair. And they cry together. Could also be sad times with him and Prentice too. They mourn together while looking at the hair pins.
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