#I would commit blood sacrifice if it meant I get to have him be voiced in the Golden Cat mission
no-light-left-on · 3 months
I know everybody loves silent protagonist Corvo in the first game but I would actually kill to hear how he talked to little Emily
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p3achysuki · 3 months
A/N: hello! This will be my first Baldur’s gate 3 writing and I’m a huge Gortash simp so obviously I needed to write something for Gortash and dark urge.
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summary: before the tadpoles you were Bhaal’s favorite child, you worshipped him the way he wished his sired children did. You offered him lords, ladies even champions. Yet Bhaal would feel you slip away from his grasps because of a certain tyrant proposing you an alliance.
Warnings: mentions of murder, blood, manipulation, mentions of pregnancy, angst.
Til death do us part
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The first time you killed someone you didn’t have much memories about it, you remembered your dominant hand feeling sore and the warmth on your skin and the smell, most people would find it disgusting yet you found it.. comforting.
When you came back to your senses you felt the bile your stomach turn into knots, “m’lady” you heard a voice behind you say and when you turned around you saw sceleritas for the first time. You desperately tried to explain to him it wasn’t you who did it, but he laughed it off “of course it was you m’lady! Such fine work you did of them, father would be very proud of you.”
After that Sceleritas said he would lead you back home, to your real family every night you thought about that day. It wasn’t until your father fueled the urge for you to kill that you would forget about the people you murdered, the more killings you did for your father the less you started to think about them your victims.
Worshippers at the temple praised you for your work even while you weren’t the main speaker for your father yet, so many people named you the prophet who would set the world on fire for Bhaal. You didn’t realize that your kin was envious of this, Orin thought all of your sacrifices to Bhaal was a disgrace. She deserved every bit of praises that the cultist would shower you in, she’s the only one who’s a pure blood of Bhaal not you.
Orin knew about the plan you had in mind, using the chosen of Bane and Myrkul to gain control of Baldur’s gate to sacrifice all the lives that the mind flyers would take control of. You were an embarrassment to father, no spawn of Bhaal ever needed an alliance with other gods. She desperately wanted to push her knife deep in your skull to show you a lesson, but she knew father wouldn’t allow it. Father only has his eyes on you, he’s favorite child, his prophet.
The first time Orin accompanied you to moonrise towers, she saw the way the tyrant’s eyes never left you, she saw the way his eyes would scan over your figure a smirk resting on his lips when your eyes would meet his. Afterwards when you were meant to go home with her back to Baldur’s gate you would tell her you had something to do, she already knew you were spending time with that little lordling.
She tried getting information out of Ketheric, but he would always deny it. Why did they favor you so much?! You tried hiding the affection you had for Gortash, the first night you spent with him you promised yourself you wouldn’t allow it to happen again. Yet when Gortash runs his thumb against your lower lip calling you his favorite assassin, you can’t help but melt into his touch.
Gortash wasn’t quiet about his admiration for you, even in front of Ketheric he would wrap his arm around your waist “what does my favorite assassin say hm?”
Ketheric either didn’t care about the relationship you two developed or personally wasn’t against it, he would just sigh rubbing his temple before explaining more about his plan.
After a month an unexpected event happened, you haven’t had your period for a full moon cycle. You thought it was the stress from having to commit fear among the streets of Baldur’s gate until later a cleric confirmed it for you, “our lord will be delighted at this news m’lady” no he wouldn’t, he would lash against you for letting it happen, for letting the tyrant seduce you so easily.
Orin overheard what happened and thought father would finally see the truth that you were not deserving of his blessing, but instead he allowed it “while I did not command you to procreate, any offspring you produce will have my blood running in their veins I will make them of use in the future to come” Orin was livid at this, she showed her frustration to her own butler cutting and slicing him every time he would come back.
You told Gortash about the pregnancy, for the first time you were actually worried what he was going to say to you. Instead he pulls you in his arms pressing his forehead against yours, “I’m surprised your father didn’t lash against you for this” he was worried for you, so every night he tried convincing you to stay with him. He knew Orin despised you, anytime he would get near you he would see the way her eyes glared daggers into you. It was only a matter of time before she would break away from her leash and kill you, and he was worried he wouldn’t be there to protect you or his child.
As the months passed by Gortash saw that you struggled to put on your armorer as your belly started to show more, he suggested you wear something more comfortable but you scoffed and denied him each time “what kind of chosen do I look like if I’m wearing something frail?” He rolled his eyes, hells if he thought you were stubborn before you’re even more stubborn now.
Yet nobody disrespected you even while you were carrying his babe, even Ketheric would assign guards to be with you “I’m not worried about you, this child could be a successor for all of us in the future” Gortash saw through his lies though it was obvious he was worried for you, he still remembers when Ketheric sent him a letter and a gift about a metal contraption he found at moonrise.
As your due date was approaching closer you kept traveling to moonrise towers without him, he would get angry telling you that it wasn’t safe to travel “my father demands me of seeing everything at moonrise towers Gortash I can’t just disobey him”
He knew you weren’t wrong, “and what about the babe? will you keep them safe?”
“With my life Gortash, if they’re meant to be a successor for my father then I will not let anyone harm them”
Gortash regretted that day not going with you, but his lord demanded he stay behind at Baldur’s gate to attend a few party gatherings.
“I’ll be safe Gortash Orin will be with me.”
He should’ve told you that he didn’t trust Orin with you, that he would see the hate in her eyes growing each day, each passing month.
A meeting was called for Ketheric and him, and when they arrived they expected to see you and not Orin grinning in pride. “From this fourth I will be the speaker for Bhaal’s temple” Gortash felt Ketheric’s eyes drift over to him almost to see what reaction he had of this, but Gortash couldn’t speak he felt his mouth go dry as he struggled to think about what to say.
“What is it lordling” she grinned again, she knew she was getting under his skin.
“The babe-“
“At Bhaal’s temple lordling, he’s not yours to keep” with that Orin left leaving only a red dust behind.
Ketheric could see Gortash digging his nails into his palms, “we must continue our plan” was all Ketheric said before leaving Gortash to be alone in his thoughts.
You both had a baby boy, but you two would never get to see him now.
(Not sure if I want to make this into a mini series or not, but I hope you guys enjoyed!)
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ryukyuin · 11 days
Guess anon was too shy to pin you 😂 I'm sure they meant no harm
Could I ask for more Yan!Pouf? I swear that man needs to he studied fr AsfvxzsxzHsffujgx
COWARD!!!! COWARD!!!!!! BE A MAN AND PING ME NEXT TIME GRRRRRR /silly (i love getting tagged guys, i am hopping and yapping and running around your legs)
mentions of blood, "yandere" behavior/tendencies, pre-established relationship (SLASH NEG. implied that reader saved pouf from fucking dying though :)) ), non-consensual touching (ddoes it count as somno???? idk im eepy be nice), implied death, self-harm mentions, ALOT OF IMPLIED NOT GOOD SHIT HGDFJSK
"I love you." Shaiapouf mumbled, the melody of his voice mumbled by the plushness of your skin, spooning you from behind. His hands traced your skin like it was delicate porcelain, claws ghosting over your flesh as if it was an unblemished canvas.
Only he would ever be able to gaze upon it, to paint it with sacrifice upon sacrifice laid upon your feet like an oath, each smear of crimson painted on your skin a promised stained into your flesh with his own two hands.
Sighing, he pressed open-mouthed kisses against your neck, savoring the way you twitched in your sleep with every ministration upon your body. A frown smudged across his face at the way you whimpered in your sleep, hand reaching up to smooth the furrow in your brow, the pretty little pout transfixed on your lips. Enraptured, he lightly pressed his thumb down on the supple flesh, watching the way your plump limps sank as he ever so-slightly pressed his claws in.
Inhaling deeply, he retracted his hand back to simply loop around your waist, wings fluttering as he greedily drew you close once more, antennae twitching as he savored your scent.
Yes, you were something to be worshiped, ravished even-- you had to be, when you were somehow benevolent enough to pick up a diamond in the rough such as him. His hands tightened into fists at the memory of radioactive decay burrowing into his flesh, gurgling on his own blood-- before letting out a soft croon at the displeased whine that escaped at the way his grip dug into your flesh, mentally berating himself for daring to loose focus long enough to bring harm to the most valuable being on the entirety of this disgusting planet.
He'd sink his claws into his skin, rip through his scales and pour them like jewels at your feet in lamentation, subjugating his flesh to the depravity of his mind to make up for any self-perceived wrongdoings he may have committed against your sovereignty.
Burying his face in your neck, a simpering sigh escaped.
All for you.
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monstrousvoice · 1 year
You ever think about how, as commander of the Night's Cavalry, Morgott really is sending knights out in full funeral horse drapes and black armor and for what. The drama? I bet its for the drama.
"it's to be imposing"
For. the. drama.
Supporting evidence: he didn't NEED to make that dramatic speech outside Stormveil, or everywhere else you run into Margit. He could literally have just attacked. Outside universe, sure, it's for a dramatic reveal. But in universe i feel like it's also for the drama of it-- putting on a show of force, or menace, or just to make a point about Tarnished being unwelcome.
People tend to point at Mohg for the dramatic presentation and sure, he's ostentatious about it. Flaming palace covered in blood and lush tapestry-- sure, makes a statement. To the whole handful of people who ever make it there alive, or not meant to be a sacrifice of some kind. He's leaning into it, sure. But Morgott is very much doing it in a way that word will spread about him doing it. He WANTS you to die, come back at a grace and then go tell other tarnished how bad he beat your ass and just what his name was. Which is the same as 'to be imposing' but "An omen kicked my ass" would have worked just as well as "Margit the Fell kicked my ass".
Tertiary evidence: His speech at the thrones.
I just think there's an underlying theater to how Morgott conducts himself that is probably tied to his youth, but is just a delightfully silly thing to think about in isolation.
This is a man that started doing dramatic voices and monologues with Mohg in the sewers while they played pretend and just never stopped. His persona while he's Margit is an act, his role as Morgott the Veiled Monarch is an act, and if you got a chance to just speak to him on a personal level, i think that would be an act too-- for a while.
In a scenario where a tarnished gets close enough to glimpse the real Morgott they're going to see the man who is silently devoted to the Erd Tree. A man with such strong faith that his lack of grace doesn't impede his use of holy incantation. A man with such a capacity to love that he gives his whole heart to protecting the very thing he had been scorned by, whether he should or not. To defending a city that would revile him if they knew he was an omen.
Aaaand i rambled, but the point is he's dramatic and that's great.
Oh Anon you are so right and you should say it.
I've discussed with a personal friend the idea of a Modern Au to write sometime, and Morgott (and Mohg too ofc) would def be the theater kids in high school and growing up.
Both of them have drama and flair but in their own special ways and we love them for it 💖
Your mention of Morgott loving things honestly reminded me of this post, which I've discussed with that earlier mentioned friend before and how it applies to Morgott in my own opinion.
For those unaware, the post in question talks about Gomez Addams from the Addams family loving everything about life, being in love with life, and how it makes him so wonderful as a character and attracted Morticia to him.
I believe, despite all that has happened to him, Morgott genuinely and whole-heartedly is in love with life and what it has too offer. He's jaded, coarse, and unfriendly, but that's all an act to keep himself safe and protected, especially considering just how much of the world's responsibility is resting on his shoulders. But he loves everything about being alive so much that he carries that burden with no complaints.
He guides and leads an entire city that left him and his dear twin forgotten and rotting in the sewers, in literal shit. A city that would tie him down and slit him open crotch to throat at the base of the Erdtree itself for the treason he has committed of being Omen born and ruling as King.
And yet he takes the risk of being found out because he loves the city. He loves the Erdtree. He loves the "message" the Golden Order was trying to spread to the rest of the world. (We as the audience know this "message" was mostly horrible and exclusive and racist and all those bad things, but from Morgott was raised to genuinely believe the Golden Order was good, so that's a whole ass other can of worms.)
He is a man who falls so whole-heartedly in love that nothing will stop him from serving and protecting what he deems worthy, whether that's people, ideals, or objects and what they represent. In another world where he was raised properly and in a good home, I truly believe he would have grown to be a very warm, comforting, and loving presence. One that everyone who knew him would say they were better off having met him and had him as a part of their lives.
It's a shame we don't get to see it ourselves.
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holykillercake · 3 years
Heavenly Demons
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paring: Doflamingo x Reader
word count: 1.7k
summary: How far down would you go to rise with the person who makes your heart beat stronger?
highlight:  ¨Haste is the enemy of perfection, Doffy. We shall have all the time in the world.¨
warnings: implied smut, Doffy himself is already a warning, right?
notes: Hey guys! So, I have read a lot of stories where the main character contrasts with Doffy, but I wanted to write one where the reader kinda shares his ideologies. I really hope you like it!! <3
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𝕷𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘, 𝖗𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙𝖘, 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊!
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You closed your eyes and took a deep breath as the salty fresh air cooled your body down. The waves crashed violently, and thunderings cut across the skies, shouting to all eight seas to prepare themselves. You were coming for the throne. You were coming for the golden seat above the great serpent soaked in blood. 
Large hands caressed your belly, fingers flirting with the soft skin of your breasts. You felt Doflamingo's naked and burning skin brush against your back, salty splashes of seawater blending with the salt of your sweat bodies. 
¨Do you remember what you told me that day?¨ his voice was low and deep, masking the ferocity of a roaring predator.
¨Every word.¨ 
¨Can you repeat it?¨ you smirked, words already engraved on the tip of your sharp tongue.
He gazed at the ocean with thirst, recollecting all the sacrifices he made, all the breaths he took and raised a glass for all the blood he was yet to shed.  
¨One day, you will rule them all. You will stand above their fallen bodies and step on them as they lick the floor you walk on.¨ His grip tightened on your waist, nails slightly craving into your skin. 
¨I´m ready.¨
¨You have always been, Doffy.¨
¨Y/N.¨ he called you after a moment of silence.
¨Hm?¨ You hummed in response. 
The man behind you struggled, brain fighting the words from coming out of his mouth. He pulled you away from the window, lifting you up while your legs wrapped around his hips. The ship rocked aggressively, rolls of maps and unlit candles rolling across the tapestry.
Doflamingo pressed you against the wall, tongue gliding furiously with yours. You felt his body growing stiff again, moans masked as grunts being muffled by your intoxicating kiss. 
Whines came out with each heavy breath, your chest rising and falling when he finally parted the kiss, a single strand of saliva connecting both sinful lips. 
You took that moment to look him in the eyes. This time, instead of the glasses adorning his beautiful features, the flashes of lightning from the storm illuminated what he was constantly trying to hide.
The eyes of a monster. A monster for whom you would kill, for whom you would slaughter. The eyes of the man for whom you descended from the Holy Land and got your hands dirty to help him rise above the so-called Gods.
You remembered your words as a child. 
¨Those are not the true Gods.¨ he spoke in your ear. 
Shivers ran down your spine, and your core twisted when you felt the tip of his manhood touch your sensitive and sore skin. 
¨We are the true Gods.¨ a deafening thunder echoed through the structures of the Numancia Flamingo the moment he slipped inside you, covering your cries of lust and pleasure.
It was difficult to keep up with the man you followed. After all, he was tall and had incredibly long legs. At no time did he help you when you tripped over a piece of garbage and fell or when your legs gave up on exhaustion.  On the contrary, he just kept walking.
¨May I ask for your name?¨ 
That's what came out of your mouth. You knew that shouting and imposing things would not work, not here. This was the territory of humans, and you would have to deal with it if you wanted to get to the boy.
¨May I ask...¨ he mocked you. 
Your small hands, balled into fists, clenched while you snorted with hatred.
¨Calm down, brat. It´s over there.¨ 
Standing on the toes of your expensive shoes, you saw a well-known figure among sheds and piles of metal, with blond hair and dark glasses.
¨Y/N!?¨ he sounded surprised to see you in such a filthy place. 
Your steps hurried to get to him, ignoring the other people on the scene who looked at you with suspicion.
The ruffles of the skirt were now dirty from the trip, and your hair, always so neat, flew loose with the breeze and even got entangled.
¨What are you doing here?¨
¨Just making sure you got home safe.¨
¨Nyeh, nyeh, who is this, Doffy?¨ a disgusting old man with snot running down his nose asked.
¨She is the girl I told you about. She helped me escape.¨
¨Do not come closer!¨ you exclaimed to the man when he turned to you. The gooey thing swaying with every movement.
Doffy invited you into what he called home and offered you a shabby wooden stool so you could rest from the trip.
Even so young to understand the meaning of love, your heart ached when you saw the precarious situation in which he found himself. No, he was much greater than that.
Your families were neighbors in the Holy Land, so you constantly spent your free afternoons in the company of the Donquixote brothers. It fascinated you how different they were, like two opposite poles of a globe.
At some point, you noticed Rosinante's absence and assumed he had died like their parents. He too was not like you. He would never last.
¨What will you do? You can not accept this, Doffy.¨ you walked over to the boy in front of a window, eyes locked on the piles of scrap metal. 
¨I know, Y/N. I am just thinking.¨ He hesitated to ask for your help, even though he knew how much more clever you could be.
The others just watched the interaction between the two children, the boy chosen by the heavens and the girl who spoke to him as an equal.
¨Claim what is yours, Doffy.¨
¨I tried.¨ his fingertips turned white from squeezing the window sill ¨I served my father´s head in a tray for them to feast, but-¨
¨That is not what I meant.¨ He searched your eyes for the first time, knowing that you were planning something. ¨You are a rightful king, the real deity, not them. Those are not the true Gods, Doffy. We are the true Gods.¨
The slimy man got up from the pest-infested couch, squinting at you. The brilliant idea he hadn't had before coming out of your mouth like a prophecy.
¨Dressrosa, the World Nobles, from the depts of the ocean to the six moons... one day, you will rule them all. You will stand above their fallen bodies and step on them as they lick the floor you walk on.¨ 
Electricity ran through your bodies, and tears of excitement filled your eyes.
¨Nyeh, your name is Y/N, right? ¨ the miry man asked, keeping a respectful distance from you. His voice annoyed you just as much. ¨It looks like you have a plan, behehehe. Tell us more about it.¨
You looked at him with contempt and mistrust.
¨It´s ok, Y/N. They are my family now.¨
That day you shared the plan that would shape the course of the Donquixote Pirates' operations, and everyone listened in silence, bewildered by the strategic mind of such a young child.
¨I will be your eyes and ears up there.¨
¨I´ll be quick, Y/N. I promise.¨ You shook your head.
¨Haste is the enemy of perfection, Doffy. We shall have all the time in the world.¨
That same night you returned to wealth and abundance, but your heart remained between the scraps and the boy, the Heavenly Yaksha.
For the next two decades, you focused on studies, following like a mantra the striking appearances of the Donquixote Pirates in the newspapers.
The World Nobles feared Doflamingo for his knowledge regarding matters that should be kept secret. Secrets you provided, tearing down the wall of the puny Gods, brick per brick.
Over time, your periodic visits to the world below the Red Line have become more intimate, going from an affectionate gesture to a dinner for two and the satiation of carnal desires. 
But maybe there was love. Among the sins and horrors committed, there was a lull after a nightmare. When your fingers ran through his blond hair, and he took off his glasses before pulling you to his chest.
When you laughed at childhood memories or projected a future together. 
Maybe it was love. But how could two beasts like you know for sure?
Perhaps it was not necessary to know the real meaning. When the sun came up again, you would be there together, ready to conquer, rule, and destroy.
When traitors raised their weapons and the weak perished, they would see the true face of God. Majestic and merciless.
When the weak rulers gave in to pressure, you would take the dirty hands of hopeless people and raise them up. And they would kiss the ground where you walked, freely and willingly.
¨Do you like our new home?¨ he asked, bringing you inside the feathery pink coat. 
You stood in front of the window, watching the country over which you would make prosperity reign.
¨It´s amazing, Doffy.¨ 
¨Are you staying for good now?¨
A smile grew on your lips ¨I am, Doffy. I´m staying for good.¨
His laughter filled the room. He took your hand and guided you to the armchair, where you sat on his lap, already opening the zipper of your dress.
¨Twenty years, Y/N...¨ he put a lock of hair behind your ear ¨I have waited for twenty years, and now that we accomplished this, I am not letting you go again.¨ 
You leaned slowly and torturously, flirting with his mouth, teasing him. You wanted to feel each moment, each touch, and each spasm making your body squirm with pleasure.
¨We have all the time in the world...¨ you whispered, placing a kiss on his lips ¨I want to make this very slow and very pleasurable.¨ 
This time when the sun comes up, you would not have to leave.
He laughed again, wrapping his hand in your hair and pulling enough to make a moan escape your mouth. 
¨I can´t promise slow...¨ his voice was low in your ear, weakening your entire body ¨but I will give you pleasure.¨
The trail of kisses on your neck made your guts twist, and your hips move against him, seeking relief. 
¨I´m gonna take you right here and right now...¨ he pulled your hair a little harder ¨and I´m gonna make you my Queen.¨  
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Hey @vemuabhi! Here I go again hahaha
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mhevarujta · 3 years
Zoya and the Darkling [Rule of Wolves Spoilers]
It’s a pity that fandoms mostly focus on romantic/sexual relationships, because The Darkling and Zoya have one of the most epic dynamics in the Grishaverse. The way they affect each other is so complex.
Zoya did not go to the Little Palace after being tested in the usual manner of Grisha travelling across Ravka to recruit children with powers. She was a young girl, a child really, living with a bitter and broken mother, in a home where her Suli inheritance was not appreciated, in a country that would condemn her both because of the power she let her demonstrated AND because of who she would have been without it. She was basically sold as a child-bride and her mother deluded herself into thinking that her daughter would not be raped by the old man she was marrying so that she’d feel better about herself, not to mention that she poisoned Zoya with her fears and made her afraid of her own heart. At the wedding her power broke loose and her aunt took her to a hard journey to the Little Palace so that Zoya would be tested and have a chance at a better life.
Zoya was taken in and she was separated from her family, but her aunt was ALWAYS in her heart. She started training and she was stronger than most, she was also driven and resilient. She arrived at the Little Palace when she was 8-9. When she was 13, she was the youngest one to be chosen as part of a group that would travel with the Darkling to Tsibeya to find the white tigers of Ilmisk because one of them was supposed to be an amplifier. By that age, Zoya was half in love with him already and she lived for his rare appearances at the school. She was the best, she had fought to be so, and he wanted him to see it. The Grisha were focused on hunting the female tiger, but the amplifier was a male one. He tried to kill the female’s cubs and Zoya gave them the protection of her body, she got scars that she never had tailored and she almost died, and killed the tiger to defend the cubs; not for the sake of power.
It wasn’t HER turn to get the amplifier, but since she killed the tiger only she could claim it. And THIS brilliant scene happens:
Some part of me always feared that he would send me away, banish me forever from the Little Palace. I told him I was sorry.
“But the Darkling saw me clearly even then. ‘Is that really what you wish to say?’ he asked.”
Zoya pushed a dark strand of her hair behind her ear. “So I told him the truth. I put my chin up and said, ‘They can all hang. It was my blood in the snow.’”
Nikolai stifled a laugh and a smile played over Zoya’s lips. It dwindled almost instantly, replaced by a troubled frown. “That pleased him. He told me it was a job well done. And then he said … ‘Beware of power, Zoya. There is no amount of it that can make them love you.’”
The weight of the words settled over Nikolai. Is that what we’re all searching for? Was that what he’d hunted in all those library books? In his restless travels? In his endless pursuit to seize and then keep the throne? “Was it love you wanted, Zoya?”
She shook her head slowly. “I don’t think so. I wanted … strength. Safety. I never wanted to feel helpless again.”
  “Like calls to like” fits the Darkling and Alina, but it also fits Zoya and the Darkling… in fact it fits Zoya and Aleksander even more so. Both were powerful and KNEW it. Both eventually learned to be unapologetic about it and saw it as their safety net. Both were taught that power would give them safety, survival, fulfillment in some ways, but not love. And yet, as much as they denied it and hid their hearts they DID want to be loved more than anything.
Zoya only rises thereafter. She gets her rank, she is one of the most valued Grisha in the Little Palace, she is admired for her strength and beauty, she armors herself with arrogance, and ruthlessness. But she has not friends. Both her and the Darkling are surrounded by people, they are admired, but they don’t have people close to their heart. The Darkling always cared about Baghra as much as he could still manage and Zoya cared only bout Liliyana and Lada (an orphan girl that her aunt had taken in).
The Darkling SAW her. He saw how she tried like no other, he saw her pain, her anger and he considered these to be things that he could use to control her and to push her towards the direction he desired. And despite not being appreciative of her devotion when he had it, he missed it when it was gone.
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When Alina got in the picture everything changed for Zoya. Yes, Zoya had feelings for the Darkling and I DO believe that her feelings and vanity would have been hurt to some extent by the intimacy in the way he approached Alina, but the primary problem was Zoya’s sense of injustice. Zoya had tried for YEARS, had trained hard, had sacrificed to be where she is. Alina never asked for any of it, but from Zoya’s perspective Alina would have been an untrained Grisha who got all the status, power and recognition that SHE had fought for without even trying. Until then, Zoya had been praised for wanting power, but when her anger is not convenient anymore, the Darkling punishes her for it and does not have a second thought about her.
And yet she remained loyal as always.
Even more so than rank, the Darkling and Liliyana were Zoya’s safety-net. And in ONE MOMENT, by genociding Novokribirsk, Zoya’s own mentor, the one who gave her safety and who was meant to create a haven for the Grisha, a person who KNEW her and who KNEW that she had family there, showed that he had no care for her, not care for human life and she wiped out the last people that Zoya loved.
He left her broken inside. In Siege and Storm, Zoya was at her lowest. She has to plead to Alina to have a position in the second army and she has to reveal a part of her heart; not just her loss of Liliyana. Her voice BREAKS when she says that the Darkling could have warned her of his plan; her pain at the idea that he did not give a crap about taking EVERYTHING from her is raw and cutting.
But she is not a quitter. She adjusts, she pulls her pieces together fast, she is a warrior and she stays on the right side without a question.
Then the Darkling attacked the very Grisha he was supposedly fighting for and killed half the people that Zoya had EVER KNOWN. And she still keeps fighting.
 Enter Rule of Wolves. There is SUCH DEEP IRONY in this book and the way Zoya and the Darkling’s arcs interconnect is a prime example of Leigh’s amazing writing.
The Darkling had told Zoya that they would change the world and he completely stopped paying attention to her the moment the potential of Alina’s power blinded him to anything else. And yet, when he returns Zoya has gained the kind of power that could eventually rival his own. But he STILL thinks that he should be the one to rule Ravka. He still thinks that he is the best option for the country. And once more, he criminally underestimates Zoya and overestimates himself.
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Who else is vengeful and afraid of his own heart, I wonder…
Aleksander considered Zoya weak for the very same things that were his own fatal flaws.
But unlike him, Zoya SAW her flaws. The Darkling shut himself off more and more in order to save himself from pain. Zoya eventually opened up her heart to grief and pain to become the person her country needed and to embrace her power. She opened the door, when the Darkling did not manage to do so. She showed more courage than he did… and he SAW it.
Aleksander hoped to become the savior during the battle, he wished to demonstrate how only HE could save Ravka. But seeing Nikolai and Zoya defending the country is the first time it registers that there are others who are up to the task and who may be better suited than he is.
And he becomes essential in Zoya being accepted as a saint and in her rise to power partly because he wants to gain her favor but also because he finally sees all her potential, all she can achieve, how a Grisha queen of such power might give the Grisha the haven they need, when he clearly can’t.
And what is left for him to do? What does he want? He wants to serve the country he loves in a way that will affirm his sense of self-importance (he wants to offer something that no one else can) and he wants to be loved. So his new objective is to stop the blight.
The blight was created because of his own power. This man who hunted down and ruined the life of a young girl (Alina) in order to force her to be his balance, so that he could freely use his power in a very imbalanced way, finally realizes that HE is responsible for his power and that HE can be the only one to balance it and himself. So there is a new path he sees ahead of him: he can sacrifice himself to stop the blight and in the process Ravka might finally see that he always wanted to protect the country… and it might love him back. He KNOWS that he has committed crimes, he does not seek redemption, but he desired for all he has done to matter. And it can’t matter if he is not at all responsible for its country’s well-being and if everyone hates him. He has lived so many lifetimes without happiness or fulfillment and they would all have been wasted.
But he can’t achieve this by himself. This man who always thought that he could do things alone, and who took away everything Zoya had fought for, NEEDS her allowance for his centuries-long life to gain a scrap of meaning. He needs her allowance to be appreciated and loved.
I can’t be the only one who sees what a beautiful twist of fate this is.
At the same time Zoya herself understands the Darkling. She understands how anger and using power as a coping mechanism can corrupt. Knowing herself and seeing how he turned out are essential in her becoming a good ruler. He is the cautionary tale of what she could but will never allow herself to become.
When he explains his plan, she KNOWS that he’ll be in eternal pain and she has does not mind that his will be his fate. But when she sees the aftermath of his sacrifice and when she feels the kind of pain he’ll be experiencing for eternity, it leaves her shaken. She feels that pain in her own heart and this is not a fate that she wishes even on him. Genya and Alina are very much willing to let him rot but Zoya, who also believed that she could forgive him, feels that she has to.The Darkling has not redeem himself. He is doing penance. But as Genya mentions, there’s a fine line when one has to do the math of how much a person has to pay and of how much pain they have to feel before their punishment stops being just and they become victims instead. Zoya, being afraid of becoming him, knows that learning to show forgiveness is the only way forward, it’s the way for her to keep her heart open and not become the avalanche.
Zoya Nazyalensky has become everything that Aleksander Morozova, the lost boy, wished to be. Poweful, eternal, with friends, with a true partner, holding the best position a Grisha could imagine without forcing her rule and finally giving their people a true chance without comprominsing them. 
The Darkling was hoping that Alina would have been his balance. We are told how she might make him a better man and she might make him a monster.
But at the end of the day it’s Zoya who allows the Darkling to become the closest thing to decent that he can be at this point.
It’s the Darkling’s life that allows Zoya to see the lines that she will not cross and how to not become a monster.
And it’s Zoya’s ability to forgive him and her willingness to save him that becomes the backbone for the next phase of the Grishaverse, whenever Leigh decides to write it.
The way their paths entangle will always be at the core of the story.
@myfriendscallmeraba​ I’m tagging you because you asked for it. It’s very encouraging to have someone interested in my ramblings.
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autumnslance · 3 years
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“Who are you to judge me, Gaius!? Do you remember the names of the tens of thousands of men, women, and children killed for the sake of your conquests?”
“I do not deny the blood spilled at my behest. Nor will I run from my past. That is why I fight. To prevent the wrongs I committed from being repeated.”
OK, so I actually DO like this climactic scene at the end of Diamond Weapon. More on this and my own take on Gaius below the cut.
The horrific truth of Diamond Weapon, the Overmind, and just how Allie survived is revealed--what’s become of Alfonse is horrifying but honestly not too surprising, given the prototypes Estinien found in the palace labs in the 5.1 flashback duty, nor the previous experiments into Oversoul itself. This also explains the voice we hear through the fight and the things he says, which since I was able to pay more attention on later attempts, seems very obvious.
Gaius says what he’s always said here, since the beginning of the chain: he’s realized he made a lot of mistakes in fighting for the Empire, and now that he knows what a sham it all was, he seeks to clean up the messes he made to prevent more damage. He doesn’t expect forgiveness; he’s simply doing what ought to be done, and it’s in character for a man with his convictions (which were what made him an interesting and popular antagonist in 1.0 and ARR).
No one’s told Valens he should look up the boss strats before pulling; even Mizzteq can’t help you then, buddy, and the edits I’ve seen for that section are glorious. Sure Valens knows all Gaius’ combat data as a Legatus--but Gaius has been the Shadowhunter for the last *cough* years, and has learned a few new tricks, and the body language as he empties his clip, loads his new ammo, and sets off his newest attack in Valens’ face was fantastic.
And that’s the main thing about Werlyt I do give it credit for; the expressions and movements of the characters to convey their thoughts and feelings, new rigging and animations used, blocking of scenes, lighting, camera angles, music--it’s all been really great. In some cases too good, like the ends of Sapphire and Emerald and those terribly uncomfortable scenes. Here, it even induces a “yeah finally!” response as Valens gets what he deserves, from the characters he’s set up to be the foil for and antagonistic with (unlike certain Trolley Duties in MSQ).
Diamond’s awakening is again very mech anime; since the Ruby fight there’s been a very Neon Genesis Evangelion feel to the series, and this continues it, as Alfonse’s mind controls the machine he’s been made part of and takes his revenge on Valens, alongside the memories of all the other victims of the Legatus’ ambition. The sound of a popping balloon is genuinely hilarious and yet fitting.
I really have little else to say about Valens. He exists solely as an over the top prop, trying to make Gaius look better by Valens being so awful. He has no personality or goals beyond that. I don’t care my characters never had to sully their hands with him, Alfonse deserved that kill. Good riddance.
The rain falling as father and son say goodbye is again very tropey but works for the scene, so again I don’t mind. It’s evocative and suits the mood as Gaius puts Alfonse out of his torment and removes the memory core to return to Allie.
I just wish we’d had more focus and time to be made to care about Alfonse and his siblings as more than indoctrinated sacrifices for Gaius’ pain and to shoehorn in a traditional redemption for a man who is otherwise taking responsibility for his past errors by cleaning up his messes and aiding the people of Werlyt until he’s needed for 6.0 MSQ. I still fully expect Gaius to be one of the folks who has a hand in rebuilding Garlemald, perhaps returning it to a Republic as imperialism was a Bad Idea. I don’t think this story was necessary to get him there, but luckily it’s optional content.
This story overall isn’t the best redemption arc; not enough time and focus, and it felt like they had the resolution determined but not the means to get there. Also it bears pointing out that aside from Allie, no one, not even the Werlyt Resistance, has necessarily forgiven Gaius for his past actions--nor do they have to, in order for him to change himself and work toward fixing his errors. There’s a lot of folks hung up on that (honestly very Western Christian idea with its tendency to permeate everything about our culture) notion of forgiveness being necessary in a redemption arc, and it’s Not, as was already stated in 4.1 with the Ala Mhigans and Fordola.
I actually think Gaius would agree with most of the criticisms about him. He’s aware of what he’s done--moreso maybe than the writers of this particular storyarc--and that not everyone will accept him, even if his skills in fixing his mistakes are useful. And he’s fine with that, as others’ acceptance and forgiveness isn’t necessary for him to keep working on cleaning up his messes.
So I can buy Gaius’ reactions and motivations, and his anger at Valens--there are aspects of it that are about patriotism, as Gaius hasn’t entirely shaken off his homeland and the indoctrination and what he feels was “right” about it--and am glad the writers/execs did let him have the kill here, and that the climax scene was the genre homage it was meant to be and worked from that angle. It’s just about the only part of this story that did for me.
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angstysebfan · 3 years
Would you mind doing a oneshot where Bucky is proposing to you and as you were about to answer you receive news that your ex whom you presumed to be dead is actually alive and within the vicinity. You rush to him and have a reunion leaving Bucky feeling abandoned and forgotten. Ending is all up to you 💛 your angst is great 💛💛💖
Oh boy this hurts me just reading it! lmao! Thank you for this amazing request! Hope you like it!
Who Should I Choose?
Bucky walked with you down the Brooklyn Bridge, your hand in his, feeling nervous. He was going to do it! He was finally going to propose and hopefully spend the rest of his life with you by his side. You both met 2 years ago when you officially joined the team. You had always been a part of SHIELD, but not in New York, so you never worked with the Avengers.
Bucky had heard about you though. You were tough as nails, fought hard, and were one of the nicest people on the planet. He also heard you had lost your long time boyfriend on a mission. You decided to relocate to New York to start over, and the Avengers were more than happy to accommodate. When Bucky met you, he immediately took a liking towards you, and vice versa. You both became confidants for each other, and eventually the feelings shifted into more.
You took awhile to allow yourself to love again, but when you did allow yourself to love Bucky, you never regretted it. You knew Michael brought Bucky to your life so that you wouldn’t be alone. You started slow, but over the last year, you both have been so very happy. Bucky wanted to make sure he never lost you, so a few weeks ago he went out and bought a ring and planned for this very special night.
He brought you back to where you both had your first date, and decided that proposing on the Brooklyn Bridge would be romantic and private from the rest of the team, who was anxious for the engagement news. Once you both got to the middle of the bridge, Bucky pulled your hand to make you stop and look at him.
“Y/N, I love you,” Bucky said, trying to gain the courage to do this.
You smiled warmly at him, “I love you Bubs,” you said leaning in to kiss him softly.
Bucky grabbed onto your waist and pulled you closer, and your arms wrapped around his neck. He continued to kiss you passionately to give himself time to get his thoughts together and do this. When he finally felt he was ready he pulled back and smiled at you.
“I know we have only dated a year, but it’s been the best damn year of my very long life. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You mean everything to me, and--”
Bucky was interrupted by your cellphone ringing. You pulled it out, “I’ll ignore it, sorry,” you said looking down at the phone. However, when you saw the same on the caller ID, your heart stopped and your breathing hitched. It couldn’t be. No way could Michael be calling. He... he was killed on that mission. They never found his body, but plenty of blood.
You looked up at Bucky, your face pale and your eyes filling with tears. “Y/N? What is it?” Bucky asked concerned.
You clicked the button to answer and put the phone to your ear. When you heard the voice, you immediately choked on a sob, “Y/N? Baby... is that you?” Michael’s voice came through the ear piece.
“Michael? Is-is it really you? I...” you can’t speak for fear of your voice cracking.
“Oh baby, I am so sorry. I’m alive! It took me so long to get away, but I’m alive baby! I’m in New York, looking for you!” he said. You look out over the bridge, trying to figure out what you should do.
“Michael, where are you?” you ask, trying to keep the tears at bay. 
When Michael told you where he was, you asked him to wait there and hung up. You looked at the man before you, suddenly feeling sick. “Bucky... Michael is alive,” you say finally letting the tears fall.
Bucky pulls you into a hug, his own heart breaking. There is no way he will ever compete with your first love. He knows he lost, and now he knows he will be alone. He pulls back and kisses your forehead, “Let’s take you to him,” he says quietly.
When Bucky pulls up to the destination, you see Michael standing there. You jump out of the car and run into his arms, allowing yourself to cry. Michael holds you close, kissing the top of your head and whispering how sorry he was that he left you.
You couldn’t explain what you were feeling. You were so happy to have Michael in your arms again. Something you never thought possible. After what seemed like forever you pulled away from Michael slowly, but he wouldn’t let you leave his arms. He leaned in to kiss your lips, but you turned away, remembering the man, who you also loved, was sitting in the car watching you.
“Michael? There is someone I want you to meet,” you say, pulling out of Michael’s embrace. 
You walked over the to car and waved for Bucky to come to you. Bucky sighed defeatedly, but exited the car and walked over to you. You grabbed his hand and gave him a squeeze, “Michael, this is Bucky Barnes. We have been seeing each other for a year now,” you say.
Michael looked at Bucky and immediately recognized who he was. He looked back at you in shock, “Wow. I, uh, an Avenger?” Michael said, at a loss for words. 
You nodded, “Yes, I am one now too,” you said.
Michael smiled at that, “Of course. You were the best on the team,” he said with pride. He reached out for Bucky’s hand, and they both shook.
Michael looked back at you, “Do you think we could hang out for a bit? Talk, catch up?” he asked.
You looked up at Bucky, who avoided your eyes. You knew exactly what he was thinking, but you wanted a chance to speak with Michael. See if there was still something there. You didn’t want to lead either man on. Neither of them deserved it. “Sure, just give me a few minutes, okay?” you say to Michael, and pull Bucky back to the car,
Bucky keeps his head down as his heart shatters into a million pieces. Tonight was supposed to be the best night of his life, and it has turned into the worst. You cup Bucky’s cheeks and force him to look at you, “Buck, this does not mean I am breaking up with you. I’m just confused, and I need to talk with him to clarify what I am feeling. But please know I love you,” you say trying hard not to cry.
Bucky pulls you into a hug and kisses your head, “I get it, Doll. Go. Spend time with him. Take some time to figure out your feelings. I’ll be here no matter what you decide,” Bucky says. 
You nod and peck his lips softly, before turning back and walking toward Michael. Bucky gets back in his car and drives away. All he keeps thinking is that he most likely lost you, and he can’t even be mad at you for it. Michael was your first love, and if there was a chance for you both, he was going to sacrifice his happiness for you. Though now he knows he was never meant for love. He was never meant to be happy. This is just another form of punishment for the crimes he committed as the soldier.
When Bucky returned to the tower, he immediately went to his room and locked the door, not letting anyone in. He laid in his bed and wondered how he would be able to be near you, once you chose Michael. He knows that’s what will happen. It’s the only thing that would make sense. Even if you did love him, it is nothing compared to Michael. 
Bucky let some tears fall as he looked around his room and saw all things that reminded him of you. As well as some of your things you had scattered about. He grabbed a box and started to pack everything up, not wanting to look at it anymore. Tears continued to pour out of his eyes as he dropped another thing into the box. 
After a few hours, FRIDAY informed him that you wanted entry into the room. Bucky tried to swallow the lump in his throat, and allowed you to enter. When you walked in, you had a bright smile on your face, which made Bucky feel even worse. You smile slipped suddenly when you noticed his room was missing things, mostly yours. You turned and saw the box on the chair and looked back at Bucky in confusion.
“I figured I would get started packing your things now,” he said with a shrug, trying to play off that it didn’t affect him. 
But you knew Bucky better than anyone, even Steve. “Oh. So you know my decision then?” you asked. 
Bucky nodded, “It only makes sense. He was your first love. I can’t compete with that,” Bucky said sitting on the edge of his bed, looking at the ground. You walked over and sat next to him, keeping some distance.
“You don’t even want to hear what I have to say?” you ask quietly, looking at him.
Bucky sniffed, “I don’t want to hear you say goodbye. I don’t think I could handle it. I love you, Y/N. More than anything. If I have to give you up so you could be happy, I will. Even though it will kill me inside. I know I don’t deserve you, and he does,” Bucky says, tears again falling.
You stand up, and Bucky waits for the door to close behind you, but instead you kneel in front of him and cup his cheeks again. “You deserve the world and more, Bucky Barnes. You deserve all the happiness life could provide someone. I want to make sure you are so happy that you forget what sadness is. Marry me?” you ask. 
Bucky’s head shoots up and he looks at you, “What?” he asks.
You smile and wipe the tears from his cheeks with your thumbs. “I love you, Bubs. Yes, I still love Michael, but I didn’t know what true love was until you. I know you were going to ask me tonight, and I am so sorry I ruined it, but I hope by me asking you, I saved the night?”
Bucky pulled you into a strong embrace, “God I love you,” he whispered into your hair in disbelief.
You laughed and pulled away slightly before kissing him. After a few moments you ask, “So? Will you make me the happiest person on Earth, and spend the rest of your life with me?”
Bucky takes the blue velvet box out of his pocket and shows you the ring. You offer your left hand, and he slips the ring on your finger, a perfect fit. “Nothing would make me happier, then spending the rest of my life with you, Doll. I love you,” he says.
You both stand and hug each other, slightly swaying. You start to just dance in each other’s arms without music. The beating sounds of your hearts was enough of a rhythm. Bucky looked down at you and smiled before bringing your lips to his for a perfect kiss.
Life together was going to be everything you both wanted and more.
Hope you liked it!! I try for the happy endings because Bucky deserves happiness too!! lol
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AN: So I wrote this cause I realized I never wrote for a villain before and I got tired of riding the SFW train so here I am.
Warning: DUBCON with rough sex, unhealthy toxic relationships, choking, and coerced sex. Don’t read if these are your triggers.
He wasn’t here again, she thought morosely while sweeping the bar. Her beloved hadn’t required her again. Her heart was weeping yet no tears had surfaced. 
It made him so excited to see her beg and cry while on top of her. Shigaraki would threaten with all his fingers except his pinkie around her neck as he thrusted from below mercilessly. Oh, how she loved it. He exuded danger and the maniacal obsession as he looked upon her. No one else would care and love her as he would.
She remembered how they had met as kids, two prodigies brought into the fold to fulfill the legacy of All for One. Shigaraki hated her as she shied away from everyone. Back then she wanted to go home, back to her parents, and she would cry silently for hours in her grief. He would scowl with disgust each time he saw her weakness and when she wouldn’t stop, he would pull her long hair and leave bruises on her body. Y/N didn’t know when her fear turned into love for that horrible, horrible boy. Just that she was happy to sit by him while he played for hours on his DS.
Then one day that contempt of Shigaraki turned into something else as her beloved finally took what was always meant to be his. She cried that day the first time and he only laughed in her face, telling her to cry more because it excited him so much. But it wasn’t so bad when he took care of her the next morning. Or how he was careful to let her adjust instead of ramming it in with inexperience the next time and for every time he took her. She even loved it when he refused to leave her alone with the male members of the League of Villains. But her favorite without a doubt was when he would allow her to dress up in pretty pastel summer dresses and go on dates. They were far and few between, only rewarding her when she excelled in her missions. But she loved it still because his attention was all on her.
But now, she thought as her heart splintered into pieces. He hadn’t called for her in weeks, instead choosing to indulge in that whore of his. Shigaraki would come sit by the bar as she and Kurogiri-san prepared to close it for the night. He would watch jealously as she exchanged a few words with Dabi and Toga before eventually tugging her back into his room. Shigaraki would make her strip her clothes and demand her to get on her knees or depending on his fancy get on all four.
But now that awful excuse of a man was spending his time and effort on a cam girl of all things! She didn’t love and care for him as Y/N did. He hadn’t spared her a glance in weeks and when she finally lost control over her emotions, begging, and pleading, he just glared at her and threatened to kill her!
Her of all people! She who never asked for anything in return except for his time. She even dressed in those awful Lolita dresses he kept buying for her and put her hair up in two pigtails just like he wanted. She even changed her speech patterns to match his new anime obsession. But now she was done! Y/N knew that if she wanted him back where he belonged, she needed to take action. Shigaraki wouldn’t respond to emotions but he would respond this time. To her.
Y/N first started taking out those dreadful, tight pigtails that gave her nothing but a headache, then she took all those cutesy, Lolita dresses and piled them on all in one trash bag. She had finally done it. And it was for herself.
The next morning Y/N left for the nearest mall, informing Kurogiri-san she would be back in a couple of hours. She finally bought all the cute clothes she wanted, bought as many pairs of jeans as she wanted. He hated to see her in jeans and wouldn’t let her wear them unless they were tiny shorts. And finally, she cut off her long hair into a short bob. Y/N was afraid at first, thinking it might have turned off the love of her life. But she was determined to make sacrifices if it meant she could win him back. It was nighttime by the time she came back, and she profusely apologized to Kurogiri-san before hurrying to her room.
Y/N wore a black crop top with ripped jeans and combined with her short hair, her confidence was off the charts. She was finally not wearing those gaudy dresses and was acting like herself for once. When Y/N stepped out for her shift, she immediately caught the attention of the lingering members.
Dabi smirked as he eyed her from top to bottom.
“Looking nice, babe. Did you finally ditch that incel boyfriend of yours?”
Y/N frowned instantly; she never did like him. He never respected Shigaraki as he should and always made a pass at her whenever her love wasn’t looking. Dabi was hardly a man, more like charred remains. She would never accept his flirtations.
Toga came up behind her and hugged her midsection.
“You look so cute, Y/N-chan! I told you, you should have ditched those tasteless dresses a long time ago!” she cooed in her ear.  
Unfortunately for her, Shigaraki didn’t make an appearance like she’d hoped, but rather a week later. He stepped out, hoping to grab a bite rather than check up on her. But when he did notice her in her black cocktail dress with a sweetheart neckline, she could feel the daggers digging into her back.
Y/N pretended not to notice Dabi watching her cleavage with interest as she bent over trying to wipe the tables. Then she heard the sound of his footsteps approaching her and she stiffened before turning around to face him.
“Y/N, what are you wearing? Didn’t I tell you that you look better with what I buy you and not whatever this is,” he said with disgust palpable in his voice.
“I’m sorry do we know each other?” she asked before turning back to finish cleaning the table.
“That table’s clean enough, you need to stop putting on a show for the rest of them,” he hissed out before snatching her hand with three of his fingers and pulling her along.
Y/N didn’t put up a fight lest his pinkie accidentally touched her hand and disintegrated it.
Shigaraki started viciously scratching his neck when they entered his darkened room. Only the glare of his T.V. highlighted his dry skin and features.
“What’s going on? Why are you dressed like that and what happened to your hair? And why are you not talking like Mimi-chan?”
Y/N stared at the man she loved, she still did even now. Oh, how she wanted to beg for forgiveness and flinch away from his red furious eyes. But she couldn’t, not now. Y/N was not a disposable thing that he could treat however he liked. All for One chose her just like Shigaraki. There was no difference between the two, only she was too meek to take control like he did. But now she knew if she continued down this path, he would abandon her without a second glance unless he truly respected her.
“See those are the things I do for someone that loves me and is committed to me. Someone who I’m dating and am in a relationship with. You, Shigaraki, are not my boyfriend. We are not dating.”
His hands paused on his neck, revealing his nails caked in his blood. His glare that she so feared earlier became even more hostile and he started breathing erratically.
“And when exactly did we break up, Y/N?” he asked with a gleam in his eye.
Y/N steadied herself and ignored his attempt to frighten and break her. She replied with fake confidence, “when you decided to ignore me for weeks for a girl that whores herself to dozens of men at the same time. When you threatened to kill me for asking you to pay attention to me.”
Shigaraki’s hands dropped from his neck and his face became hidden by his azure hair.
“I see. Such a shame…” He looked up with a gruesome smirk. “Such a shame you’re going to die now!”
He lunged towards her with all of his fingers posed to touch her, but Y/N reacted just in time, flaring her quirk and creating a solid, energy shield before he could even touch her.
“Don’t you dare lay a finger on me. You don’t get to touch me, and you don’t get to threaten me. All for One-sama has always made us equals and it’s time you start treating me like one,” she hissed out from her clenched teeth.
Shigaraki just chewed his bottom lip before letting out a hysterical laugh.
“Is the side character tired of sharing her spotlight? Too bad, Y/N. You have always been mine and you know exactly where you belong, underneath me. And on your back with your legs around me.”
She looked at him firmly. “No, not anymore. I won’t be your second player until you stop treating me like your cannon fodder instead of your partner.”
Y/N could see the moment it hit him, and he stared at her like he had never seen her before. She squashed the bit of hope that arose and turned her back to him. She left that room without a second glance.
The next couple of weeks included Shigaraki glowering from afar at her and he barely spoke to her unless it was to issue orders. But what made it all worth it was when even All for One-sama acknowledged her newfound attitude.
“I see you have stepped out of the shadows, Y/N. Good. You will finally live up to the potential I envisioned for you.”
Shigaraki after the conversation proceeded to throw a huge tantrum and disintegrated much of the furniture within the bar.  
When the next plan for the League of Villains became aware. Y/N had been chosen to accompany Dabi and to eventually kidnap a hero in training by the name of Bakugou Katsuki. She hadn’t been allowed to accompany everyone when they attacked the USJ, but now she going to show her worth.
Dabi slung his arm around her shoulders and touched her short hair.
“Hmm, alone at last huh, Y/N. What do you think of me and you afterwards?”
Y/N scowled and shook his arm off her. “We aren’t alone, and we’ll be fighting plenty of heroes. And I have no need for you.”
He hardly seemed concerned at her rejection and just shrugged.
“Well, you know where to find me if you changed your mind.”
Dabi gave a shit-eating grin as the staples around his face strained. “Later, Y/N.” He winked and left with his hands in his pockets.
She was perplexed at his reaction before turning around to see Shigaraki standing a few feet away. Now Dabi’s reaction made sense as the blue-haired villain once again seemed incensed.
“Y/N, come with me. I need to talk to you for a minute.”
She shuffled after him, no doubt another argument waiting to happen even though she hadn’t even encouraged Dabi’s attentions.
His room was again dark with only his T.V’s light accentuating the creepy bare room.
“You…. You’re really done with me. You haven’t looked twice at me for weeks.”
Y/N looked at him, unable to believe that’s the conversation they were having instead of Shigaraki engaging in another jealous fit.
“You did the same thing to me. We might be villains, but I thought it was understood that we would be loyal to each other.”
He came closer to her until his three fingers clutched her shirt and pulled her closer. His head rested against her shoulder causing Y/N to become rigid for a second before relaxing.
“She was a pastime nothing more and nothing less. You and I were always meant to be together. You were mine since I laid eyes on you.”
He tugged her face and smashed their lips together. Y/N tried to resist and push him off her, but when she felt his tongue brush up against hers. She let out a moan and responded eagerly, her tongue entangled with his and her hands clutched his shoulders desperately.
How long had it been since he last touched her? How long had it been since he kissed her? It felt like an eternity and she was gasping reverently for him. Maybe she should have been more aware that by allowing him to have her she would regress to old habits. But Y/N finally had him in her arms again and she always craved him like how Sensei yearned to rewrite the rules of this world. Her plight matched that of Toga when she found someone new to obsess over and drink their blood. It resonated with Twice who so hopelessly wanted someone to connect with and instead chose to cling to Toga.
But now, she knew better. Y/N knew how to have her cake and eat it too. Because she realized that Tomura and her were one and the same. Two lonely individuals trying to overturn the inequality of the world, overshadowed by the heroic mirage of Pro Heroes. But most of all she knew that he couldn’t be alone just like her. And he would always come back just as she did. His erratic behavior throughout the weeks just confirmed it.
Y/N slowly dragged her hands from his shoulders to his head where she tugged his hair back to reveal his alabaster neck that probably never saw the sun. Tomura let out a grunt when he felt her teeth leaving sharp bites wherever she could.
“Tell me you need me. Tell me you love me,” she urged when she left a particularly large bruise just above his clavicle.
Y/N felt his thump and pointer fingers dig into her hips.
“As soon as you stop playing these games with me,” he growled out. She pushed him down on the sole mattress on the floor that served as his futon.
“Is that so?” she murmured as she set about the task of his removing dark faded pants.
It didn’t take long for his half-hard member to reveal itself, Tomura never wore any underwear unless he was going about in his quest to destroy Pro Heroes. Thankfully, it appeared he at least kept up with his hygiene, she demanded (more like requested) him to do so unless he never wanted her mouth anywhere near his cock.
She let out a pleased hum when she tasted salty precum leaking out from his member. His body tensed and she could see him biting his chapped lips to keep his howls under control. Well, that wouldn’t do at all. She immediately took his entire size inside her mouth, feeling him at the back of her throat and causing tears to build in her eyes. Tomura let out a loud groan that echoed in his empty room and his hips bucked at the sensations of her hot, wet mouth. She began a fast rhythm and he couldn’t bear to hold in his reactions, so he got louder and louder. Her mouth and tongue were swirling around the tip while the rest of him was being stimulated by both of her hands. And just as his leg started shaking, his cock twitched in her mouth, and his precum started getting more and more sticky and viscous; she immediately pulled away. Tomura let out a mix between a growl and a miserable groan.
He pushed up with his hands and glared at her. “You bitch- “
“Tell me you love me, Tomura,” she demanded.
Instead of lying back down like she expected, he instead moved closer to her face and kissed her slowly.
“I love you,” he whispered against her lips and then suddenly switched their positions. Carefully he touched her clothes with all his five fingers allowing her attire to dissipate and reveal her naked body to him.
“Now, that you got what you wanted. It’s my turn and trust me you’ve got weeks’ worth of frustration to deal with.”
Like always he slowly inserted himself in her, allowing time and the slick walls to accommodate his length in her body. Tomura pushed in and out a few times allowing the fluid from her wet cunt to smear over his length. When he was finally ready, Tomura folded Y/N in half and pushed her knees against her chest. He began a fast-rhythmic pace that needled vulnerable moans out of her. With a hysterical giggle, he leaned over to fiercely chomp down on her shoulder which she responded with a guttural shriek and tried to uselessly shake his grip off her.
Tomura licked the blood off her wounds and continued his pace until he felt the familiar flutters of her cunt around his length.
“Look at you. You’ve been starving for my cum, haven’t you?” A feral grin blossomed on his face when he stopped his plunging cock and instead started to slide it in between the needy slit. Grinding against her clit particularly got her shuddering and begging for him to continue. Tomura wrapped his hand around her throat with his pinkie up, protecting her from his quirk. He steadily resumed his pace and fucked with a single-minded focus while the pressure of his grip got heavier and tighter. Her breathing slowed. Unable to get a fresh supply of air her vision started getting blurry. The sharpness of his thrusts only amped her pleasure and her body’s reaction could no longer be contained. The orgasm overwhelmed her mind so much she closed her eyes and the rush of hormones exploded in a plethora of color.
“Fuck!” Tomura gasped out unable to stop his pleasure and he spilled into her welcoming embrace. He finally let go of Y/N’s pretty throat that preserved the red bruises he gifted her so well.
The two of them stayed on that mattress for hours, trying and failing to get some sleep. The next day as the mission finally went underway, Tomura only smirked with satisfaction seeing the marks on Y/N as she left to continue the will of their esteemed sensei.
Disclaimer: Reader slut shames sex work in this fic. It doesn't reflect my personal feelings, but rather it's a reflection of the reader's feelings (AKA Jealousy) I was trying to portray. Please treat sex workers and sex work with respect and dignity in real life.
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Kou [Brute Ending]
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Back then, I believed that
I understood Kou-kun’s feelings.
I believed that,
we were on the same page.
However...That was nothing more,
than a misunderstanding on my part.
The darkness inside his heart,
which even made him feel hatred towards humans,
was not as simple as I initially thought.
ー The scene starts in the underground dungeon
Yui: Haah...haah...
Kou: Fufu~ Don’t struggle. If you don’t keep still, I’ll miss the mark and it’ll only hurt even more, you know?
Yui: ...Uu...!!
Kou: Don’t be such a crybaby. This much won’t kill you, you know?
They’re all punishments which I had to bear in the past, so you can rest assured, right? It basically guarantees that you won’t die from it!
Yui: ...why...
Kou: What was that~? Can’t hear you~ 
Yui: Why...do you do this...
Kou: Why? Little late to ask, don’t you think? I’ve done this sorta stuff plenty of times so far, right? Don’t you like this?
Also, I figured that while I’m pleasing you, I might as well test something out as well.
You know, I really just can’t understand these confusing feelings.
However, when you held that knife and were about to end your life...Only back then, I felt as if I was about to have a break through.
So that’s why...I think that if you were at risk of death again, this time everything might just become clear to me.
But this is a little troublesome...I’ve inflicted so much pain upon you, but I still don’t feel quite the same as back then.
I’m already irritated as is, this really sucks...
At this rate, I might lose my reason and actually kill you.
Yui: ...
Kou: ...I’ve gone crazy, huh? Yeah, that might just be the case.
But I had this thought, you know. That perhaps those rotten aristocrats might have actually loved me.
If that were truly to be the case, I wouldn’t mind forgiving them. After all...
Killing someone you love is much more fun than doing the same to someone you don’t give a damn about, right?
Yui: ...!!
ー Yui collapses
Kou: Ahー... Nn...It’s been a while since I’ve lapped up your blood, huh? 
...Nnー Blood directly from the heart is a step above the rest...
Yui: ...
Kou: Aha! You’ve finally gone quiet! Such a clever girl, M-neko-chan! Shall I give you a kiss as your reward?
Yui: ...
Kou: ...Oi, are you listening?
Kou: Oi, I’m talking to you, Yui. M-neko-chan?
...Did you die?
Hah? No way, right? No matter how weak humans may be, you wouldn’t die this easily, right?
Her heart has stopped...The fuck?
...You won’t move anymore? Hey!
Kou: ...
You won’t...ever call my name again?
You’ll never smile or cry again...with that horrible face of yours?
...Is that what it means to die? Hey, Yui...
Yui: ...
Kou: ...I don’t like this...
No!! I don’t want that!!
I don’t want this...!! I don’t want you to die...!!
Oi, Yui!!
Kou: Oi! Open your eyes!! Hey!!
Yui: ...
Kou: ...Why...!!?
Yui: ...
Kou: ...Uu...Aah...! Aaah...!!
No...! Wake up...Yui...!
ー Karlheinz steps into the room
Karlheinz: ーー Kou.
Kou: Uwah...Aah...
Karlheinz: ...You are crying from your fake eye. Kou, what did you see with that eye of yours? Did you see something important?
ー Kou kneels down in front of Karlheinz
Karlheinz: ...Why are you getting down on your knees in front of me?
Kou: ...I’m begging you...
I don’t care what you have to do! I’ll even sacrifice my own life! So please...!
Karlheinz: You want me to save her? I cannot do that.
Kou: I’m begging you! I don’t care what happens to me!! But please, save Yui...!!
Karlheinz: Give up. This is the crime you committed. One cannot return from death. That is what being human means.
Kou: ...No...Yui...
Kou: ...I’ll return this...to you. This special eye you gave me.
I am sure this is worth a lot so it would go to waste on someone like me, right!?
I will give this back! So please, save her...!
Karlheinz: ...Do you want to save this maiden that badly?
Kou: ...Then...!
Karlheinz: However, that is not enough. If you want to save her, I want one more thing. Give me your left eye as well, Kou.
Kou: Eh...?
Karlheinz: In the past, you chose death over losing your left eye.
Are you able to give up on the eye you so desperately protected? Do you have that resolve in you?
Kou: ...
Kou: Aaaah...!!
Karlheinz: ...Only a moment of hesitation, huh?
Kou: ...Will you...save Yui now...?
Karlheinz: Now that you have lost both eyes, you will never be able to gaze up at the blue sky you continuously yearned for.
However, right now you should understand. That the ‘blue sky’ you have been looking for, is not the one you can see with your eyes.
Yui: ...Nn...
Kou: ...! Yui! You’ve regained consciousness!?
Yui: Cough...Kou-kun...?
Kou: Aah, Yui...! I can really...! I can hear your voice again! Where...Where are you?
Yui: I’m right here...Right in front of you...
Kou: I see...Thank god. I...
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Yui: Kou-kun, can you not see me...? No way...How come...?
Kou: No, it’s fine.
I did something much more horrible to you after all. This barely even counts as a punishment.
Yui: ( What on earth happened to me...? I can’t...remember anything. )
Yui: ( My heart...is oddly restless. )
Kou: Yui...I’m begging you, talk to me. Otherwise, I don’t know whether you are really still with me, and I get scared...
Yui: ...I’m right here.
Yui: Can you feel my hand?
Kou: Yeah...I can. Thank god. You really are here...
Say, let me touch you more. Put me at ease more.
Yui: Yeah...
Kou: ...Ruki-kun was right. We weren’t meant to be. I messed up again...
Yui: ...It’s fine. No matter what happens, I’ll be okay now.
I wonder why...But I can tell. That I am no longer human.
Kou: ...Don’t tell me, you too...?
Yui: Yeah, I’m sure. I’m the same as you guys.
Kou: I see. That’s why your hand is so...
Yui: Cold?
Kou: Yeah. Also, your cheeks too. And...Right here, your lips as well.
Kou: Whether your a human or a Vampire...Or even Eve, it doesn’t matter. As long as you’re here with me.
If you are by my side, I don’t need my eyes. I don’t care about being able to see the sky.
This is love, isn’t it...?
ー The scene shifts to Karlheinz’ room
Karlheinz: ーー Is that another form of love, I wonder? Kou, you will find the answer to the question...once you have become Adam.
...The eye which kept on yearning for the blue sky, huh?
I suppose you really have no use for this anymore, Kou. Not now that you’ve obtained your one and only sky.
ー The scene shifts to the garden
Yui: Kou-kun, are you okay? Watch your step.
Kou: Yeah, I’m fine. You’re supporting me after all.
Seems like it’s a nice day out today. I can smell the sun.
Yui: There’s a beautiful, clear blue sky. ...I’d love to show you as well.
Kou: Is it that pretty?
Yui: Yeah. There’s not a single cloud in sight.
Kou: I see. But it’s fine.
I may not be able to watch the sky with these eyes anymore but...A beautiful sky is still visible to me.
Yui: What do you mean?
Kou: I can see it any time when you’re walking right next to me like this. The blue sky inside my heart.
That’s all I need.
So...Yui, stay by my side forever, okay?
Yui: ...Yeah. We’ll be together forever.
Kou: Haha. Those words are convincing now that you’ve become a Vampire.
Yui: ( ーー Just like Kou-kun, I threw away my human nature. )
( I doubt Father would ever forgive me. ...I am sure we will never be able to see each other again. )
( Both me and Kou-kun have suffered great losses, have lost too much...However, even so... )
Kou: Yui, is something the matter?
Yui: No. Say, let’s go for a little stroll.
They were all necessary sacrifices,
to be able to walk side-by-side like this.
He lost his eyes, no longer able
to watch the sky he longed for all this time.
However, as the one walking by his side, I can tell.
That the blue sky is always shining brightly,
inside his heart.
ーー THE END ーー
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arashikitten · 4 years
“I am Danny Phantom”
Who knew that four words were all it took to turn someone’s entire life on its head? Well, Valerie knew, her father being fired and her subsequently being dropped by the A-listers proved that, but....
Danny Fenton. The small, quiet, funny, space-obsessed, sleep-deprived, nervous guy who slept in class, made puns out of everything, her boyfriend... was Phantom. The ghost who had ruined her life, who was a menace to the town, who had committed several crimes including kidnapping the mayor. They were the same person.
Her suit was on before she could blink, guns powering up and aimed at Phantom- Fenton- Danny.
“One reason. Give me one. Goddamned. Reason why I shouldn’t put a hole in your head.” Everything was red. She felt nothing but the blood in her veins turning into fire, only heard the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. It would be so, so easy to turn this... this monster into a pile of ectoplasm. All it would take was one little blast...
“Because it was an accident.”
Silence. It rang in her ears like a gunshot, quieting the pounding of her heart like the forest before the storm. Where her anger was once fiery red, now it was cold, calm blue, freezing everything in her path.
“What?” Her voice sounded flat, no hint of anger, and yet the ghost shuffled back slightly, wringing it’s... his hands nervously. (Somewhere in the back of her mind, a part of her recognized that was a habit of Fentons, that Danny- no, Fenton has been doing that earlier. Valerie shut that thought down before it reached farther into her head.)
“It was an accident. That ghost dog... Cujo, he- he was, um, looking for his- his toy because he’d been euthanized by Axion labs after they got the, uh, new security systems. He was just loking for his toy.”
“Then why were you there, spook?”
A pause. He was wringing his hands again. It caught her off guard slightly, how... human he looked. If you took away the glow and bright white hair, he could’ve easily passed as a normal highschooler. (That’s because he is human, part of her mind screeched at her. That’s your boyfriend for fucks sake, it said. Again, she shut it out.)
“I can sense them. The ghosts, I mean. Whenever one shows up, there’s this sort of... smoke, kinda, that I breathe. And that’s how I know if one’s around. So that night, when- when Cujo showed up, I sensed him and went to check it out. I never meant to get your father fired, or to- to fuck the place up as bad as I did. I’m sorry.”
Anger bubbled up in her again. He thought- he really fucking thought that a simple damned apology fixed that? Hell no! He’d screwed over her entire life, got her father fired, committed several crimes, and he thought a simple ass ‘I’m sorry’ would fix it?
She took aim, charging up her blasters.
“I don’t care if you’re sorry. You’re a ghost, a crook, and a thief. And I’ll be doing the whole world a favor by getting rid of you.”
Her blasters were charged up. All it would take now was for her to-
“Then do it.”
Valerie almost dropped her blaster. Had- had she heard that right? She stared at Phantom.
He was rooted to the spot, arms down by his sides, eyes scrunched shut. He was still in his ghost form, but he wasn’t levitating.
What in the hell?
“What do you mean ‘then do it’?” You’re not- you’re not even gonna try to fly off?”
At that, Danny- no, Phantom opened his eyes. He looked, scared. Sad. Like he had seen a massacre, or a war.
“A couple of weeks ago... when- when we were about to take the CAT... I- well I got the answer key to the test. And... I wasn’t in a great place, mentally, at the time. I mean, I’m still not, but... it was different, in a way. But basically, what, well, what happened was that I was so stressed out, because I was trying to protect the town and my friends from ghosts, and my parents were just getting worse about trying to hunt me down, and my grades are already shit, and Mr. Lancer kept saying that this test would determine my future and I just...” Danny stopped, shaking and hugging himself. He looked.... Valerie didn’t think she’d ever seen him look this distraught, as Phantom or Fenton. It made something in her chest tighten, made her stomach twist.
“I... I had the answers. And I was already so worried about... well, everything, that I decided to cheat. I figured that maybe I could just do it one time, and then that’d be it, you know? But... of course, of course, it couldn’t be that simple.” Now he sounded... tired. Worn, and not in a good way, more like a war veteran disallusioned with the world. (Something in Valerie told her that maybe this was the real Danny, the part of him he refused to show anyone. The tired fighter who wanted nothing more than to be able to go to sleep without worrying if he was going to wake up with a gun pointed at him.. or if he would wake up at all.)
“Essentially what happened was that Sam, Tucker and I got sort of... teleported about ten years into the future, and... apparently me cheating on one stupid test leads to the end of the world, because Mr. Lancer would find out that I had cheated and would call a meeting with my parents at the Nasty Burger, which would then blow up and kill my friends and family.” Danny was shaking now, arms wrapped around himself as though he was trying to protect himself from his own words.
“That, in turn, lead to me tearing the ghost part out of me, which then proceeded to fuse with Vla- the Wisconsin Ghost. When- well, when that happened, it- drove my ghost half.... I-insane. And then he was killing people all over and... and I- I killed people in that timeline! I did the- the one thing I said I would never fucking do, and I killed someone.”
Danny was on his knees now, quietly sobbing. His black hair (when had he turned back?) shone in the sun.
Valerie was rooted to the spot. How in the hell did someone deal with that? Fuck, how in the hell would someone deal with any of this? In the span of about thirty minutes, Valerie had discovered that not only was her boyfriend dead, but was the town’s widely considered hero and had apparently fought an evil version of his future self and had almost seen all of his friends and family die.
And, to top it all off, he’d discovered that not only were his own parents hunting him, but she was too. Valerie felt sick.
Jesus. Just how much shit had she put him through? Fuck- was that why he was so nervous about telling her he was Phantom? Granted she was still pissed at him, but not for the Cujo thing. Not really.
“Danny.” He looked up at her, and she felt something in her chest break at just how scared and sad he looked. Was this the sort of shit he had to deal with every damn day? All that fear, over being hunted, or experimented on, or getting everyone he loved killed- was this how he felt all the time?
Slowly, Valerie stepped towards him and knelt down. Her eyes never left his.
“Danny. I care... so, so much about you. You... you were the first person to really give a shit about me, after the A-listers dropped me.”
Immediately he tensed, and distress filled his eyes.
“Nope, don’t, stop. You’re not apologizing. Not right now. Maybe later. Not fucking now.”
He fell silent, eyes wide and searching. Still scared, still tense.
“You love space, and puns. Your favorite video game is Doom 4 even though you’ve never won. Your favorite subject is science, you’ve always wanted a dog, and you doodle in the margins of your paper when your bored.” Valerie paused.
Danny seemed to be noticeably more relaxed, as he was no longer gripping his knees so hard that his knuckles (how had she not noticed the scars? They weren’t exactly small.) were white. Good.
“You adore your mom and dad, even if they embarrass you all the time. You look up to your sister more than anyone on the planet, even if you don’t act it. You don’t make friends often, but when you do you stick with them through hell or high water. You’re incredibly smart when it comes to science and math, even if you have bad grades. And above all, you care so much about bathe people around you. You sacrifice everything, your grades, your relationships, your time, to help people who you think need it. And that applies to phantom and Fenton.”
He was crying again. But this time, there was a small, shaky sort of smile there, one that said something like this was looong overdue.
Slowly, Valerie recalled her suit, and wrapped her arms around Danny in a loose hug. He hugged back burying his face into her shoulder as he shook.
They would be okay. They’d figure it out, eventually.
But for now, they just enjoyed the relief in each other.
Aaaaand that’s a wrap folks! Part three is finally here! Not gonna lie, I wrote this in the span of about two and a half hours on mobile from 9 to about 11:20 pm, so apologies if there are any inconsistencies.
That being said, I would like to do a poll. I have about 120 followers and I was wondering if I should write something special for y’all once I reach 150. So, would you rather I write:
1) a Danny phantom/Rise of the Guardians crossover,
2) a Danny Phantom TUE! Au fic,
3) part 3 of my Glass ghost au?
Comment your choice below and have a happy weekend or whatever.
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faimrpg · 3 years
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Hello, and welcome once again to member appreciation time! Every week, we post a snippet from everyone’s blogs that we felt was jaw-droppingly fantastic, as both a thanks to you for being here and putting your character on the dashboard, and so other members can appreciate your artistry as well. Thank you so much for letting us get to enjoy your work!
AGRIPPINE: This fleeting respite from the world lulls and soothes them. So much so that Agrippine does not tense at a stranger’s nearness, dark eyes transparent like glass, open like the sky above them. She’s approached Agrippine in the eye of their storm, where memories do not matter and only the simple routine of tending to horses does.
BEAU: Seeing them for the first time, Beau’s own heart betrayed itself. It started again after eventually adjusting to the heavy weight of it. After so many nights unable to sleep without seeing their face, without hearing the echo of their family crying at the loss of another child; grief had become synonymous with her name, no matter how hard Beau tried to stay distant.
CECILE: Yet Cecile knows her limits well - watching drink take it’s hold on her late father had been more than enough to instill her with a sense of caution around the stuff - and even when she was searching for him everywhere, never did a stranger’s face nag at her so perniciously. Cecile would have half a mind to find the host and politely say her premature goodbyes - Odeline knows she has no shortage of invitations this week - if she wasn’t utterly certain that the feeling would only remain, like a scab begging to be picked, if it she left it unaddressed.
CYRIL: At that moment, the offer she makes is solely what she wishes she had already done — if she had already enchanted the Chevalier’s jacket, then maybe she wouldn’t not be so painfully unaware of what she is wearing over her white gown. She’s still trying to distance herself from the fact that the jacket she wears, so kindly offered to her, had splatters of someone’s blood. Or maybe more than one someone’s blood.
DEGARE: He’s grown rather attached to his curious turns of phrase, his strange idioms, furnished with antecedents he fails to place. He’s heard them so many times over by now, he sometimes even knows what the fellow is talking about. But then—ah, sometimes not. Savatier sticks out to him, all conspicuous, like an anachronism which betrays itself. Beneath every skin, there is another skin. He’s an eye for such things.
ETIENNE: Whether or not that was her intention in that moment mattered little, for Etienne had committed the route to crawling under Rosalind's skin to memory. "It's giving pouting puppy dog at best. Although, you know I'm always here for pointers on your overall intimidation factor.”
GISELE: To Gisele, that was the crux of everything wrong with this city: The flagrant dismissal of nobility’s purpose. They were meant to be born and raised with nothing but rulership in mind, molded into perfect arbiters for their respective lands. As soon as one began to cast aside their responsibilities, or, worse, assign them to the unready, the undeserving, there would be no point to anything.
HELENE: Her intuition has served her well, rising through the court and fiercely defending her position from the vultures who had sought to take it, and her suspicion has foiled plots far and wide, diverting their intended sacrifice that sat atop the crown. Sacrifice was in the cards for her, for all of those who had sought to serve crown and country, and she had offered too much to be taken from her for all of this to be for naught.
ISEULT: The chevalier with his guard down, and a denizen of the quarter taking to his shadow with ill intent. Iseult, the ever observant, knowing pursuit when he saw it— seeing that one for its lethal intent. The assassin saving the chevalier’s life by taking another— forging a connection in the crook of an elbow, in the fatal wrench of a neck. The observant freelancer calls it saving a life; the astute one calls it an investment.
LIANE: There are times when Liane believes she is more wolf than woman, all bloodied jowls and gnashing teeth, but she has done her best to devour it, to stitch her fingers into the green of the earth and bury it beneath the richness of the soil, but there are some things that are impossible to rid yourself of.
MATTHIEU:  Inevitable like folding wings, the bastard snapped an insolent remark. Fops, mimicry, snake shedding and sloughing the skins of their betters; they’ve waded through it already. He didn’t particularly care to raise his cuffs again. He remembers rolling his eyes, rolling the matter under. But the alternative, violent and familiar, gathered on the promontory; the waters were rising, deep and sluggish in the chambers of his mind.
PATRICE: He’d almost given himself away in that moment, shock and appall taking over his being. Surely this could not be the same girl he watched grow, the same who wove flower stems and sang cheerful folk songs in the gardens behind his childhood home. But he’d asked around in the day he’d been in Val Faim, and there was no hiding the truth of the wretchedness that had squandered the child he once knew.
ROSALIND: Her hand curves around his wrist and yanks it back toward her. The demand: don’t walk away from me, look at me, answer for your betrayal and do not think you can escape me this time. The defiant boast to Odeline or whatever gods Rosalind isn’t sure exist at all: I won’t be forgotten again.
SAINTE: Although, in a way, really, so many places feel sacred to Sainte. Not the way the tomb is, but it isn’t the only place she prays. She prays in her little room above the Lion’s Mane, in the Empressian Gardens where she meets Michel. In the palace ballroom, silently, for a man lies dead on the floor. Everywhere is sacred, really, if prayer is what makes it that way.
SAVATIER: It’s not that he doesn’t think her unworthy of worship; more that blind adulation is the least she deserves. She should be known beyond her sacrifice, beyond her tragedy, her posthumous triumph. How very like Jaster, to deify and discard the rest.
SIDONIE: You win, Liane says, and the admission feels more like a trap. Sidonie’s breath catches again, helplessly, as it the spymaster’s words seem to curl around her throat with the intent to squeeze. “What?” she says, having finally found her voice in spite of the way her lower jaw just barely trembles under Liane’s touch. Sidonie detests the ways in which her body so easily betrays itself, but she continues, “I stopped begging for you long ago.”
VIOLAINE: “I've been to plenty of commoner households, for you information. And you aren't exactly what I would delineate a textbook commoner, monsieur chevalier,” Violaine coos, drawing out his title melodramatically. “Gauging the reach of someone’s power is easy— just see how quickly information spreads about them throughout the nobility. Real or not real.”
YVON: If there was a way to describe this difference, Yvon did not know it because Yvon simply did not think of it. The exactitude of muscle memory is a strange and wonderful thing. Often it exceeds even what a mind can hold. 
ZHENYA: Seven days had trailed by in a chain of ruinous, revelrous events, and as could be expected of any occasion marking a grand ruler’s legacy, blood had at one point threaded itself into the links -- like rot as it made its inevitable slither through ancient roots. A cancerous spread that could only ever halt at the severing of its foundation. As such, Zhenya anticipated that the brutish bloodletting would go on to pave the way for the remainder of Queen Calandre’s celebration, quelled by nothing other than the decisive end of its path. Indeed, nothing glorious was ever unsullied.
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curiosity-killed · 3 years
Hi....If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite MXTX characters (top 5 from each novel)? And why? I'm sorry if you've answered this question before.
Aw of course I don’t mind! Though I feel like my answer is going to be a disaster bc I love these casts so so much aha let’s see:
1. Wei Wuxian
Ah so I feel like this is obvious based on the sheer quantity of things I produce and the effort I put into hurting him 😅 but yeah! I love how much of a classical tragic hero he is and I love how much love he has and how that gets twisted around and shaped into a collar of spikes around his own neck. I saw gif sets of wwx before I ever knew about CQL and my reaction was “fuck. I’m going to love him” and I do! And I love that he does learn from his past and I love most of all that he learns to accept the love he is given and is able to make a happy ending in a place of being loved and held in respect and appreciation
2. Wen Qing
On the other hand, I did not expect to be like “mine now” with Wen Qing. Don’t get me wrong, the sexy immortal look got me but it wasn’t really till I started writing fic that I was like ohhhhh Oh Boy. Wen Qing is brilliant and ruthless, fiercely loving and aloof and cold. I love that she gets the lose-lose challenge of balancing what is right for her family vs what is right in the world, what she owes to her sect and what she owes to individuals. The golden core transfer is my favorite dubious science experiment in p much all media I’ve consumed. She gets to be so human—prickly and tough and also achingly gentle and afraid and putting on a tough face and sometimes still crying. “I’m sorry and thank you” ! Im!!
3. Jiang Yanli
The first fic I wrote for this fandom was literally “Jiang Yanli died no she didn’t” lmao I do feel like I underserve Jiang Yanli in that I often fall prey to using her to further the complexity that the male characters are permitted while denying her the chance to be given the same space for development and breath — something to work on! But in that, I really genuinely love how tightly she binds herself to her family and how she tries so hard to be what others need her to be—and then she does make a choice for herself and for a single moment at least, she gets to be loved and to be happy and to have this, a husband and a son and a place, for herself. And terribly I love how much she permeates the story still after death. She is the unspoken voice, the face turned from the camera but always still present, carried in the hearts and names and memories of the ones left behind
She deserved better but—I am weak for the tragedy of it all
4. Jiang Cheng
Another surprise (tho hardly surprising in hindsight): Jiang Cheng is just...horribly understandable. He makes terrible choices and his greatest heroism is undone by a choice made for him or, in the case of “killing the Yiling Laozu” is a lie. He is such a youngest sibling who doesn’t want to be the youngest until all at once, he’s the one in charge and he doesn’t want it at all. He is full of anger and hurt and so much love he doesn’t know what to do with it, doesn’t want it anymore, has no place to put all of its terrible, overwhelming flood.
5. Lan Wangji
I almost didn’t put Lan Wangji or Jiang Cheng on here and then I realized that this is sort of a list of characters I’m pickiest about in fic and...yeah. I think what I love best about Lan Wangji is his journey of grief and healing and through that, his decision to step into world. Where Wei Wuxian’s decision to travel and be removed from the cultivation world (in varying degrees depending on your headcanon preference lol) is really, really important to me, Lan Wangji’s decision to go from being an isolated lone agent working apart from the systems of the world to being involved and invested in changing those systems and working to make them better is also really important to me. I’ve talked before about how relatable Lan Wangji is to me (esp with regards to our interaction with the outer world) and there is something deeply hopeful and comforting about post-timeskip Lan Wangji being in his like mid-/late-30s and still making decisions and growing and changing and choosing to invest himself in the world and the future
yeah. i have thoughts here that I don’t really have the maturity, life experience, or articulation to put into words but Lan Zhan Good basically
1. Xie Lian
suuuurpriiiiise!! Yeah honestly mxtx’s mains in TGCF and MDZS really just hit all my buttons basically. What appeals to me most of all about Xie Lian is, fittingly, how he is humanity taken to extremes. His capacity for incredible kindness and compassion is equaled with his capacity for cruelness and ruthlessness. His heaven-shaking highs are matched with calamitous lows. He is the hyperbolic of what it is to be human—and he is also the small moments, the wildflowers and the maple leaves and the mundane chores and the comfort of whispered conversations late into the night. I could quite literally go on for pages about what I love about Xie Lian but I am not Hua Cheng and can restrain myself LMAO
2. Hua Cheng
of all the characters on these lists, Hua Cheng is the one I’m pickiest about tbh! When I say I love him for similar reasons as Xie Lian I don’t actually mean this as being similarities between the two but the fact that both of them so richly convey mxtx’s points about the nature of humanity and what it is to be human. Hua Cheng is both the boldest and most arrogant of all and also the most vulnerable, the one who shies away from the truth because he’s braced for it to hurt and isn’t sure he can take it. He is gory blood rain and an umbrella to shelter a fragile bloom; he is a blade whose wounds only heal if he permits it and he is a sacrifice that he brushes aside as a fit of madness. *pats his head* this boy can fit SO MUCH inside him that he refuses to acknowledge
3. Jun Wu
Definitely my favorite antagonist in recent reading. I was doubtful of him from the start (something something issues with authority something something probably should talk to my theoretical future therapist shhh) but the unfolding of his reveal was so delightfully painful and exquisite that I was like “YES!!!” reading all of it. About the epitome of a satisfying plot twist imo. But about the character himself, I love how he parallels so many — Xie Lian in his rise and fall, his glory and disgrace; Hua Cheng in his fixation and ruthlessness; He Xuan in losing himself to the plot and not knowing how to move forward. I love that he feels beyond human in a way the others don’t—he’s so old and has gone through so much and he doesn’t feel things the way humans do anymore, doesn’t remember right how love squeezes the heart or how hate can exist without acting on it. I love that he thinks he knows how to control everyone and that it’s such mundane things that fool him: Xie Lian’s absurd stubbornness, Hua Cheng’s foolish faith, Yin Yu’s...emotional maturity??? Not Sure how to verbalize that one. But in the end, he is defeated by both the humanity of others and by his own—he’s so tired. He’s exhausted in a way that gods and ghosts aren’t meant to be. He is, under the armor and the masks, the curses and the power, human—benevolent and cruel, evil and good.
4. He Xuan
I love my fish man! No but really I love how He Xuan is so fixed on his one goal that he refuses to acknowledge anything else in his (after)life—which doesn’t make it go away. I love that he is left unmoored, purposeless through the very act of completing that which gives him purpose. I love his long con and the ways he clings to himself but loses himself not in the act but in the telling himself it’s an act. I love that he tries to be a moral man and then becomes a ghost king, a calamity. His reveal is also terribly badass and I do love his bone fish wholly unironically. Like I’m not going to get a He Xuan tattoo (for one thing I’ve been meaning to get a tattoo for 5 years and still haven’t gotten around to it) but also. B o n e f i s h
5. Mu Qing
Of course! The Jiang Cheng of tgcf lol Mu Qing (which my phone desperately wants to autocorrect to my Qing) is so...gah he’s such a mess! And he so fully commits to the belief that no one will ever see and understand him as he is but will always view them through their own convictions about him and his actions — which is simultaneously heartbreakingly lonely and also. Sir You Are a Clown. I genuinely think he’s owed apologies from both Feng Xin and Xie Lian for their treatment and assumptions of him and think that he would be HORRIBLY offended at the thought (while secretly touched? But like secretly even to himself). He will never explain himself and will just clam up tighter the more people accuse him and it’s such a self-sabotaging behavior and also so horribly relatable. I love u sir, you’re a disaster
SVSS I have not read but I do really like the moshang art 😂
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dietdrpepper4men · 4 years
RIP 2 My Youth
AN: I know I usually write for star wars but fuck it, twilight. I got inspired by @ssa-holmes for this story! Go check out their fic “My Forever” for more Felix content! :)
Warnings: Blood, character death, Edward fucking something up but what isn’t new, I wrote this at 6 am so it may or may not make sense who knows.
Maybe listen to this while reading :) 
WC: 1.5k 
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Not my gif
You never thought death would be like this. No really, dying after your sisters boyfriend threw you into a wall in a vampire throne room in Italy? It seems like Edward may have a thing for getting the Swans almost killed, or in this case most certainly killed now. 
You were home for the winter semester from college with Bella during the pit of her depression, Edward had left her with a hole in her heart and essentially ripped out the foundation of her second family in Forks out from under her. It was great to see your sister adjust to life with a family outside of yourself and Charlie, considering you were only home for so long during the year. But hearing her speak about the Cullens so highly just made your heart leap, even if you were in agreement with your father that Edward was the bane of both of your existences. But what sealed the nail in the coffin for you with your hatred of Edward was him abandoning her after her birthday, in the fucking woods. 
But now, now this whole situation takes the fucking cake. You had decided to complete the spring semester online so Bella at least wasn’t cooped up only with Charlie, but so she could at least have someone else to support her along with her friends from and outside of school. You were finishing up a final paper on the couch one night when Bella came home one evening, you had let Alice in and was about to yell that to Bella as the door opened, but her small screech was enough to alert you that Alice had just stood by the door and waited for Bella to notice her. 
You had known about the whole vampire situation when Bella confided in you about it during the winter, you had ordered takeout for the two of you and watched a movie in the living room. Which the takeout was just bait you could spend some time with her, but you didn’t know that Dracula would strike such a nerve with her, especially when he was confessing his love to Mina. If just picking some other movie would have saved you from doing several hours of mental gymnastics and having to rationalize the Cullen’s as vampires you would have just put on Pirate of the Caribbean instead. Unless Edward somehow happened to also be a pirate, but that was besides the point. 
Now, now a whole other level of bullshit was happening. Which mainly involved flying across the world with your sister and Alice, and committing grand theft auto, to save Edward from exposing himself to some humans. Who knew indecent exposure in the vampire world lead to death? Anyways, now that Bella had run off, you and Alice had made it to the palace a little while after her. Just trailing behind enough so that Bella could make it to Edward in time. When you two arrived you took a second to marvel at the fact that Alice practically punched the lock of the door to open it, but then took a little bit of time to marvel at the two men standing in front of Edward and Bella. 
Though you only took a quick glance at the blond haired man, the man with the dark brown hair, who stood at least a foot and a half taller than you was mystifying. And for a split second when your eyes met it felt like a a rope around you was pulling you towards him, you hadn’t even noticed that you were moving util Alice grabbed your hand to stop you. With that, another shorter blond girl walked down the hall and ushered you all towards the elevator. The ride was awkward enough, but the tension was cut for you at least whenever you stole a glance at the man standing behind you. His gaze always met yours and the brush of his hand against yours was a welcome comfort, the flush in your cheeks didn’t die down the entire ride, and his gentle smile could have easily caused you to melt on the spot. But all good things must come to an end, and it did when the elevator dinged and you were led out. Alice stayed close to you, but it was most likely to ward off whoever just managed to flip your world upside down. 
The next thing you knew was that Edward was being interrogated, then subsequently Bella. The man in the center of the room, Aro, was taking great joy testing Bella’s immunity to different gifts that his guard had possessed that he barely left you with some time to enjoy Edward getting his ass handed to him by the same small blond vampire, Jane, from before. Though after that Aro turned his attention to you, Alice let your hand go as he beckoned you forward, 
“May I?” His ruby eyes were blown with curiosity as he held out his hand, though waiting for you to place your hand in his. 
Though the demand was posed as a question, denying a millennia's old being a simple request to read your mind seemed like a one-way ticket to being drained like a capris sun in front of your sister. 
“Uh, sure, no problem” you chuckled awkwardly, compliantly placing your now clammy hand in his, and watched as he covered his other hand on top of yours. 
It was an odd sensation as her probed your mind, it felt like you were put in a small daze while he poked around at your memories and thoughts as he please. But nearly as soon as the sensation started it was over. 
“My my,” he tutted, “Another human has found a mate among us” He clapped after releasing your hand, “Felix, its so wonderful that you’ve found someone”
Felix, that was it, your lips perked up in a smile as you walked back to your small group. The name fit him well, you remember one obscure memory from your high school Latin class, you were picking latin names at the beginning of the year and one name that stood out to you was the name Felix, it meant happy. So maybe that smile he had when he first saw you was the first taste of happiness he had for the first time in years, or maybe even centuries. 
While you had been too entranced in your own thoughts, you didn’t hear Aro give the order, nor did you see Felix walking towards Bella, but what you did notice was a hand on your shoulder and a quick yet forceful push to said shoulder. And the next thing you knew you were slammed into a wall. Marble no less, and not to mention you had the privilege of listening to a symphony of your bones breaking and your skull cracking. The rest was a blur, you could feel your velvet soft blood coating your nose and matting your hair together. Your vision was blurry and your hearing was fuzzy. But you could make out Bella screaming your name, and the warm touch of her hand in yours. But as soon as you felt it, it was gone as Bella ran away from you. Everyone else was standing still. And Felix was holding Edward down as Bella pleaded for his life. 
The only thing keeping you warm now was your blood enveloping you in a pool, it was enough to keep the vampire’s disinterested as most of it was laying stagnant and cool on the floor. The betrayal you felt was unmatched, but understood. If Bella’s established bond was as strong as yours was with a passing glance? You would sacrifice everything as well to keep Felix safe from harm. 
Your heartbeat, once pounding in your ears was slowly dying out, the blur of someone running to your side once you saw the shapes of Bella and Edward embracing was enough to keep your eyes open for a little longer, no matter how heavy they felt. 
“Cara mia, just please stay here a little longer.” Felix pleaded. 
He was bundling you up in his arms, a hand on the back of your head to keep you supported. His voice was so soothing, so warm despite his freezing hands holding you close. Everything was so dark now, your vision was fading like a tunnel. Maybe just a short rest and this would all be over. Bella again had rushed to your side as Felix pulled you to his chest. Edward was trying to pull her away desperately, knowing that your death was now under the jurisdiction of the Volturi. And that he and Bella would have to explain to Charlie that his oldest child went missing on a beach day on their little trip to Italy and was never recovered. Even though he would be staring their killer straight in the face when they returned to Forks. 
Your vision finally blacked out, and the last thing you remembered was the feeling of teeth sinking through your flesh. 
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Character: Armitage Hux
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Pairing: Armitage Hux x RebelFem!Reader
Inspired by: Hurt - Christina Aguilera
Warnings: Little Fluff. Mentions of Death. Torture. Mentions of blood. Angst. All Angst. 
Author’s Note: Hi!! This fanfic is special ‘cause I wrote this a moment later than I saw a conceptual art of The Rise Of Skywalker.
I felt that Hux deserves more. And the idea that he could handle a lightsaber was… Whoa. Why not?
Thanks you again for all your replies. That means so much. XOXO
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do, to have just one more chance to look into your eyes and see you looking back…”
Kira tried to get rid off those stormtroopers but to no avail. She tried to escape them through the wide and busy streets of Kijimi but they always seemed to be one step ahead. She walked trying to lose herself among the people and a few meters before reaching the desired entrance that would take her away from the ghost with green eyes that would not stop chasing her even in her dreams, that trooper with the red badge on her shoulder called her "garbage" before hit her on the head. The brown-haired young woman fell to the ground with a delicacy worthy of a dancer, as if she knew she would be watching her.
The darkness took over her brain and she imagined in a place where she did not have to escape and could have him by her side.
The group of men surrounded her as Kylo Ren yelled that they must hurry back to the destroyer.
Kira was on a mission outside the Resistance: Her own mission
She had joined her a few years ago when he decided to stop hanging around and start doing something for the galaxy.
And if there was something she regretted in all this, it was having seen him walk among the enormous number of bodies in that small town that she had to suffer at the hands of the empire, as if it were a parade. His expression was one of contempt and hatred, but Kira could tell that there was some guilt in those disinterested features, as if nothing mattered in the least.
As if life was worth nothing.
She regretted not being strong enough to hate him, remembering the whole scene of her but he had highlighted his presence in such a way that she was etched on her head.
That was her mission.
She wanted to rescue the little humanity that she sensed that he was left inside him.
The first thing she heard when she was conscious was the muffled voice from Ren's helmet screaming for someone to warn her as soon as her scavenger was found.
The footsteps moving away, the sound of the destroyer's security doors closing rapidly, and her complete silence caused her to open her eyes. She found herself in that "torture room" that she had told him so much about and that she could feel the panic with her voice at the idea of ​​her ending up there inside her.
Still, Kira was not afraid.
She knew it was a matter of time before that dark knight came to save her. Or at least to let go of her so that she could escape.
She didn't have to wait long, after a few minutes that seemed endless, the door opened again and she closed her eyes. General Hux looked to the sides, not raising suspicions among his troopers and hoping that the shot the rebel had given him was enough to make his alibi work. Otherwise that would be in vain.
- You have to go. Now - The fit of her hands disappeared and Kira automatically jumped into Hux's arms, who responded by holding her against his as if living depended on it. She breathed in that sweet vanilla scent that he always remembered and tried to memorize it in his head. If all this went well, he could see her again. But something inside him told her that it would be the last time he would hold her in his arms. The last time they had seen each other they had almost been discovered, but that had been a long time ago - Listen to me, you must go.
- Only if you come with me.
Hux turned away from her and wished he could run, escape from that nightmare he had been living in and start from scratch. I brush a lock of black hair from the face of the woman he had learned to love from a distance and gently tuck it behind her ear. Kira leaned her face against his hand and enjoyed the contact. She felt so full with him there that she believed it to be an illusion that in minutes she would vanish.
- I can not. They must see me here.
- They'll kill you if you stay here.
- They don't even suspect that it happens with me - He moved away to look at her back and see that there was still no one. He took Kira's face in her hands and kissed her without regret. He cared very little to be seen, even more so knowing that the Empire was falling. I enjoy that contact at the same time that Kira wrapped her arms around her neck and deepened that kiss. She had missed him so much that she believed him inhuman. They separated for lack of air and she raised her hand to run her hand through that red hair that she loved so much, just to ruffle it a bit - Let me do my job. I'll get this over with and I promise I'll meet you.
- I do not want to lose you.
- Me too, darling. Me too - He hugged her again and concentrated on them, on the few memories he had of her: That first meeting on Yavin IV where he grumbled something about Ren's damn stubbornness and had seen her playing with children of different species . The children laughed and hugged her, and by that moment, Hux had realized that he had forgotten what he was supposed to do there. She had managed to captivate him. - We will go to that place you love so much when this is over. And I'll take care of you for the rest of my life.
- Come with me - Kira extended his hand towards him and Armitage took a step away, feeling how the tear-filled gaze of his little warrior pierced him as if it were a lightsaber that burned him without even touching him - Please ...
- I always knew there was something wrong with you, Hux - The two of them parted just as Kylo Ren's voice filled the hall and Kira tried to pull Hux towards her ship. It was useless - Here's the damn spy.
It was not a question and Armitage knew it very well. If they wanted to get out of there at least he had to knock it out to give the Resistance time. Give Kira time to leave.
- Fuck you, Ren.
Hux moved to stand in front of Kira, protecting her from whatever Ren wanted to do to her. And what worried him most was that she hadn't done anything yet.
- Did you realize that you were on the wrong side and decided to try to do something? - The irony in the supreme leader's voice made Hux's blood boil.
- I hate you.
- No more than I hate you. Thanks for giving me a reason to kill you - Ren looked back at Kira and raised her hand, pointing at her, but he decided to wait. - And then I'll take care of her.
- Over my dead body.
- It will be my pleasure, then.
Hux took advantage of the moment to turn to Kira and push her away from where they were, destroying with a shot the control that operated the glass doors, which closed automatically leaving them separated from each other.
- Go away! - Poe, who had seen part of the scene in the distance, turned quickly to try to get his partner away from the place. For some reason unknown to him, Ren was waiting to make his final move, because he considered that another time, the two of them would already be dead - Now!
- Would you dare to challenge your supreme leader just to defend a damn rebel?
- You have no idea - Kira, who was dragged by Poe, could see in the distance how Hux's arm disappeared under her cloak, at her waist and when she took it out she was holding what seemed to be a saber To be. The rebels stopped when they saw that red light fill the room and Finn's curses filled the corridor full of dead stormtroopers. Chewie's growl alerted them that they should go, but Kira slipped out of Poe's grasp and ran into the corridor where Hux was standing.
She would do anything in her power to bring him to safety, even if it meant losing her life trying.
The intense red light illuminated the room and for a second, Kylo Ren was silent, surprised at the image of his "mad dog" holding a lightsaber. If he had not expected something in all that, it is that someone of all the inept around him, he had the ability to do something like that.
He nodded silently, in the end perhaps he would have a rival equal to him, apart from Rey.
Not knowing where he had gotten that strength, Armitage thought of Kira and prepared to face Ren until he left his last breath. In a second he turned to the corridor and could see how the Wookiee was carrying his warrior, from which he could hear his screams accompanied by tears that made his heart clench even more.
It took him a couple of blows against Ren's saber to know that he would not have a chance to knock him down, much less get out of there, so he decided to make the most drastic decision of his life.
At the cost of the suffering of both.
- You won't be able to do anything to help her.
- I can, I'll give her time.
"Forgive me, my little girl"
Armitage gave his last thought to the warrior before activating the saber that was aimed at his body. Pain ripped through him with the force of an earthquake and he looked into Ren's eyes for the last time, who could only think of his former general's cowardice in dying at his own hands committing suicide. Although inside he admired the ability he had to let himself be carried away by his feelings.
At the other end of the galaxy, General Organa felt a fluctuation in force and it did not come from her son or any of her young women that she was aware of were force sensitive. But at the same time, he felt a romantic connection coming from Kira, which was connected to that fluctuation.
He felt the sadness that the young woman felt at the same time that that fluctuation disappeared, in the same way that had happened with Han.
He walked away from him at the same time that he waited for the transmission of the small team from him, hoping to have good news.
- I know ... there are no words that will make that little heart of yours heal, darling - Leia's warm voice made the excruciating pain that Kira felt fade a bit. She sucked the tears out of her and didn't dare turn to her. He felt that he had betrayed her and yet, she was there to comfort him. She dropped her head to hers, crying uncontrollably as the ships prepared to enter hyperspace. It was enough for her only to listen carefully the story of your favorite pilot to know what had happened and try to understand it. The spy of the empire ended up being a general who had fallen in love with a young woman from his ranks. And that he had sacrificed his life for the good of the galaxy - but he lead us here.
- I couldn't save him.
- That is not true. You saved him, Kira - Leia approached the young woman and took her by the hands, but Kira couldn't meet her eyes. The general took her by the chin and made her look at her, reflected in those bright eyes that only showed the sincere pain that she was suffering. She could feel her heart breaking with each passing minute, just as she could feel the light of the Force illuminate Hux's soul through Kira. She had saved him long before she knew it - he decided to sacrifice his life to keep you alive, because he loved you.
- His sacrifice gave us time. He gave us hope ...
Leia knew that she was about to break, she knew that it was a matter of minutes before that young woman with the unbreakable frame fell and let the pain take over her.
- Armitage died helping the Resistance, Kira, and that will always be remembered by all of us here.
To her surprise, the young woman nodded, releasing one of her hands and wiping away her tears.
Kira felt that her body ached too much, but hearing Leia's words made her feel a little better amid that tide of pain. She saw her General remove something from her robe and she handed him a lightsaber. She instantly identified him.
It was his lightsaber.
I doubt whether to take it, even knowing what that meant to both of them - I sent Finn to look for it as soon as I knew the destroyer was abandoned. I knew it would mean a lot to you to have it if Ben didn't have it.
- I don't know if I'm capable of having this.
- The force run through you, Kira. Don't let it fall asleep. Make his name remembered and make a difference.
- Thanks. And I'm sorry.
- You don't have to feel it. You don't choose who you fall in love with. Personal experience.
- General?
Leia turned around and before Kira even asked the question that was hovering in her head, she gave him a sad smile.
- Time takes away the pain but it will never go away. You learn to live with him. And in the end, that's what we live for. Never forget it.
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Angel of the Ink Machine, Chapter 1: An Unlikely Encounter.
Alright, this was a long time coming. And by a long time, I mean I have literally had it in mind since Fall. As a result, I’m going to ignore new information from TIOL so that I can do it as I originally planned.
The premise of this AU is simple: Sammy leaves the studio instead of Henry, and as a result, Joey needs a new partner in crime. He finds one in Allison. Power struggles, sacrifices, passion, ecstasy and tragedy ensues.
Sammy never even bothered to formally quit the studio, and it fell on Henry to explain to Joey what had probably transpired.
“He told me a few days ago that he wanted to get Mr. Arch’s attention and maybe a job from him. Sorry to say, Joey, but I think he got what he wanted.”
Joey’s face twisted with disbelief and anger and then back to serenity. “No, Sammy loved it here! I’m sure he’ll be back soon- he’s probably just sick. And even if he isn’t, well, we don’t need him anyhow, do we, Henry? So long as we have each other.”
“Hm? Yeah.” Henry didn’t tell Joey that Nathan had made him an offer as well, and that he was beginning to regret not taking it.
After a few days, Joey accepted that Sammy was gone and promoted Jack to the head of the music department. It was better that way, anyhow- Jack wasn’t so demanding, and let Joey have more run of the music room when he wanted it.
For the next decade, things went along as usual. The studio grew, Henry remained Joey’s finest and most hardworking artist, and Joey even began to look into some dark magic that could help him make his vision for the studio a reality. Joey was, however, beginning to feel increasingly alone in his vision. Henry had grown bitter and distant to him over the years, and then quit. It was disappointing, but not a surprise. It left Joey feeling rather empty in the realization of how little he’d lost. The loyal, invaluable partner he’d once had had turned into just another artist years ago.
Joey needed another person who truly understood his vision. Sadly, he didn’t know anyone that could have fit the bill.
And then he found her.
The place he’d found her had been a speakeasy during the prohibition- a hub of all sorts of illegal affairs. Joey had come here for booze and the occasional round of cocaine during the prohibition and had discovered magic that way. Now, the prohibition was over, but criminals still came to peddle their wares, and Joey, a frequent user of magic now, still came to supply himself with books and reagents that couldn’t be found anywhere else. It was a sleazy place- dirty, greasy, full of prostitutes and men who looked like they could rob you. So it didn’t surprise Joey when a woman- mid-twenties, curvaceous, and on the tall side- approached him while he was buying potions. He figured it was just a prostitute trying to find a customer.
“I need three of the generic restorative ones.. And a vial of clean animal blood, and a liter of chloroform, please.”
The woman next to him chuckled. “You know that restorative potions are horrendously marked up, right? And you could get the animal blood... from an animal.”
Looking at the woman for the first time, Joey realized two things. First, the nearly knee-length pink dress and grey leather jacket she was wearing looked far too new and expensive and a bit too modest to be a prostitute’s, and she looked awfully healthy and clean for one. Secondly, he recognized her from somewhere. Still, he wouldn’t let the woman embarrass him. “Well, yes. But I haven’t practiced making my own yet, and I don’t want to test the first few on myself! And I just so happen to have plenty of money for them.”
The woman finally made eye contact with him. Light grey eyes, Joey noted. “Really? So, you been into magic long, Mr…”
“Drew. Joey Drew. And not too long. My specialty is in the demonic, but I’m experimenting with a bit of everything. Trying to figure out what will work with my vision. Yourself? Actually, why don’t we have this conversation somewhere more pleasant.” Joey paid the man for the potions, and the two walked out of the dark alleyway and into the city lights.
“My specialty is potions. I brew my own. I also really like charms.”
Joey’s eyes went wide. “Charms? You criticize me for buying potions, and you buy charms? There’s no way of even knowing if they work!”
“Well, unlike you, I’m not working towards any grand vision. I think charms work. I think they make my life better. And that’s good enough for me. Honestly, some magic users forget that magic is meant to enhance life, not fill some kind of void in it. Heck, I could say the same of some artists.”
“Funny you should mention art. I’m an artist. And my life’s goal is to reflect life in art. It seems we have a similar view on life, don’t we? It’s just that I want to be the one to show it to other people. Say- would you like to see a bit of my vision tonight?”
“Sure!” Allison said with a smile.
Joey took her to his car and held the door open for her.
“Oh. A gentleman. And a rich one, it looks like!”
“Yes. I own one of the greatest animation studios in the world: Joey Drew Studios.”
Allison giggled. “I’m no cartoon expert, but if it’s one of the greatest in the world, then why haven’t I heard of it?”
“Well, it might not be the very best yet, but it will be! Especially once the project I’m about to show you takes off.”
“Great!” Joey could see the excitement in her eyes, and he loved it.
“And what do you do, Ms. Pendle? I feel like we’ve met.”
Allison’s face darkened a little. “Well... I used to be a Broadway performer. I quit. You see, I have an ugly history with cocaine, and some of my coworkers were getting me back into it. I knew I couldn’t stay without it ruining my health... so I didn’t. I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, though.”
Joey could remember her now- a backup dancer in one of the plays he’d seen. He committed everything she’d said to memory, knowing it could be useful later on.
Before long, they were at the studio, and Joey showed her to the pedestal room.
“Wow. You got your entire staff to participate in your rituals? That’s amazing.”
“Just a few of them, actually. But yeah, a little power goes a long way when you’re dealing with magic. And this isn’t even half of it. Come. I assume you aren’t a vegetarian witch?”
“Well, I’ve never slaughtered an animal for magic, but I’m up for it so long as it’s not too often. It’s no different than meat, really.”
“Fair enough,” Joey said. Maybe it was stupid to trust this woman that he’d met this same night, but he got a good feeling about her. He just had to share everything with her. The elevator wasn’t romantic enough, so he took her to the ink machine, suspended with chains, and watched the amazement on her face as it lowered until its top was at floor level. Joey stepped onto the machine and pulled Allison along with him. He held her waist as the machine lowered until it hit the floor of the very basement.
“Wait a moment,” he said, before climbing down the machine and running to turn on the lights.
Allison’s heart was beating a million miles a minute looking at all the pentagrams on the floor, the supplies on the shelves, and the strange machinery. A small part of her was glad she’d packed a knife in her jacket pocket, especially given the human-sized iron cages. Mostly, though, she felt like she’d died and gone to magic-user heaven. Joey had thought she wouldn’t be scared off by this, and was more than happy to be proven correct.
“This is amazing!” Allison beamed. “What do you use it for?”
“Well… nothing good, yet. I’m trying to create life, but there’s only been failed attempts. Let you show you my best one.” Joey led her to a supply closet that only he had the keys for. The door opened to reveal a metal cage and little else. When Joey clicked on the lights, a mound of black sludge, maybe a foot and a half tall, made itself visible. A cartoonish mouth floated down about where an ear should be, and two black mounds that vaguely looked like pie-cut eyes rested at its base. “I don’t know what to do to improve results,” Joey admitted. “Ultimately, I want to bring my cartoons into the real world. But can you imagine me presenting this old thing on a stage?” Joey laughed. “Wouldn’t exactly have them cheering, now would it?”
“Hmm... well, it’s a long shot, but a while ago while I was traveling, I stayed with a witch for a while and learned the recipe for a special potion. I kind of... stole the recipe from her, so I don’t know all about how it works, but it’s had all kinds of effects on the substances I’ve used it in in the past. I once burned all my hair off by mixing it with shampoo! So, you wanna to see what happens when you mix it with ink?
“Why not?” Joey said. He was sure to hear an earfull from Thomas the next day about some mechanical nonsense, but at that moment, Joey didn’t care.
“Alright,” Allison said, digging out a small vial of clear liquid from her bag. “Where do I put this?”
Joey directed her to the insertion nozzle. Allison put in the substance. Joey gathered some film of Bendy and added it in as well. And then, Joey started up the machine. What came out was an abomination- a strange, humanoid creature made of ink, its spine and joints jutting out at sharp angles from its body. It had Bendy’s horns, his smile, and one of its gloves, but the similarities ended there. It looked around at its surroundings before beginning to wander off.
Allison yelped. “What do we do? I’m sorry!”
“Don’t be,” Joey said in an extremely calm voice. “Just be calm. Find an iron cage big enough and open it for me.”
Allison did as she was told, and Joey calmly approached the beast as it took in its surroundings. “Hey, there, buddy. Come with me. It’s okay.” He offered the beast his hand and led him towards the cage. He and Allison wrestled the creature into the cage and locked it. Joey sighed in relief. “That could have been ugly.”
“Yeah. That was amazing. But I’m sorry for causing it!”
They made eye contact. “Don’t be! That’s the closest I’ve ever come to making a functional toon! I mean, it still needs something... but thank you.” Joey ran his hand over her arm. “Allison. You can sing, right? You sang on Broadway?”
“I’ve been looking for a person who understood me- this side, the artistic side, the lust-for-life side- for years. Would you like to join my studio as a voice actress and help me with this grand project? Help me to do what no magician has done and create sentient life with me?”
“Yes! I’ve been looking for the next adventure since I quit Broadway!”
She hadn’t hesitated. This could only end well.
“Okay. Now, I’ll want you as a partner in crime and voice actress either way, but would you like to go out to dinner on Friday?”
Allison rolled her eyes. “Oh, well, pentagrams and demonic machines were one thing, but dinner? Now you’ve gone too far.” A pause. “I’m joking, Joey. Of course I will.” Dangerous just so happened to be Allison’s type, and she knew she could handle this little adventure if it turned sour.
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