#I would love to imagine that Pac and Fit worked on lore together but I do not have that much faith
royalarchivist · 29 days
Pac: It's very powerful, very powerful, it's a bad ending, clearly the bad ending. Oh damn, it hurts.
[Reading chat] "Romeo and Juliet" What do you mean? How does– how does this story have a reference to Romeo and Juliet? Of all the references... AH, I understand, it's true, Romeo and Juliet, they both died, right? I don't know if it's a spoiler. Well, I think everyone has heard of this story, right? Wait, but did Fit die?! Fit died??? [Reading chat] "Spoiler from 300 years ago–" I'm going to release a spoiler for a book from 436 years ago.
[Reading chat] "We don't know" Ok, I understand, I understand. Is this "We don't know" because you really don't know, or because you want to avoid saying something to me that you know, but you know that I can't know? [Laughs] There's always this doubt. I've spent a year with this QSMP metagaming, so I don't know.
Several times I asked you some questions and you said, "We don't know, we don't know," and I said, "Yes, they know. They just want to tell me because I can't know." Tomorrow… Will we find out tomorrow? Maybe I'll find out together with you. That's a lie, I'll never do that. So tomorrow… Tomorrow…
Will FitMC's story maybe come to an end? Hmm.... How crazy, huh? Will we find out about his boss? That cat? He was good, he was good, I can say that I knew him, he was good. Is it tomorrow or not? But no, you're saying it is tomorrow, I'm trusting you.
[Reading chat] "Fit will log in tomorrow and discover that Pac died and will die of sadness." He'll be joyful! I'm kidding—
(Art by @ Rhiaarrow on Twitter. Thank you again to sebbs12 for the Translation help!)
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starry-lemonaid · 2 months
Hiiiii so this ended up so so much longer than I meant it to and I didn’t even write most of them 😭 Sorry im physically unwell about your au lol. Some are definitely only your au specific others are really any teenager au :>>>>>
Team Bolas would carry around a tamagotchi and pass it off every so often. Rn Carre has it >:3
Since you have it canonized that Pac and Mike are neighbors in this, and in canon they were in an orphanage: Adopted and fostercare pac and Mike. (Pac eventually adopted by his foster dad and mom — who happens to be pals with Cellbit’s mom — and Mike still in foster care, but more in a permanent sense)
Like. Have you seen Alexa and Katie? That’s how I picture the two of them with being neighbors. 
Team Bolas will go to roller skating rinks with the sluttiest and most fabulous outfits known to man
I don’t know the status of Skeppy in this story but he’s the kid that everyone on the team (soulfire) knows about without ever having actually met him because of Bbh
Like in canon, Carre almost never talks in the gc (despite being present a ton of the time), but when he does it’s a fucking *hit* (aka he’s amazing) (aka holding out for a Carre mention in either fic /j /lh /t)
One time all of Bolas’ spirit days for their respective schools lined up and they all collaborated to wear gas masks. They do this for Halloween too. 
(I’m a scare actor) Team Bolas goes to Haunted Attractions together every Autumn and each of them are little babies about it in different ways (I have ideas about what types of customers they’d be for the scare actors omg)  
In the Bolas Minecraft server they have builds that relate to Jrwi and Ordem Paranormal (like Cellbit’s castle in canon) (I have no idea how that’d work with Bagi) 
BBQ’s with Foolish and his big family just. Are chaos incarnate 
Slime and Baghera once got really really into karaoke at a hotel and got a noise complaint 
Somewhere in his lore: Child actor slime who used to work with Niki (as well as a buncha other people). The two of them got extremely screwed over by the company — Showfall. (Like, them exploiting Slime’s hypermobility to the point where it genuinely hurts him, or scaring Niki with gunshots just because she’d sit there and take it so’s not to ruin her “nice” cover with skating) (genloss)
I’m still not quite over BAGI AND MIKE being the two to see Cellbit and PAC first after their fight. The two people who care the most about them being the ones to see each other bloody and sobbing and Jesus Christ. Not really a headcanon but. Omg. Trauma? 
TW PARANOIA: Cellbit gets really really bad psychosis and paranoia sometimes that his friends have learned to help him down out of (you’ve written him so so ocd. It’s lovely — not for him, but for us) 
Bpd q!cellbit 🤝 Bipolar q!Pac (in your au) (someday I’ll go into depth about this. That day it’s over for the rest of y’all)
Adore that Tazercraft prankwarring each other is canon in at least one of your series’ fics. I don’t know how their mind link would translate in this buttttttt I think it fits them very well
I also think they’d have a little collection of crap they’ve stolen from different rinks they’ve traveled to 
The seven of bolas have matching friendship bracelets 
(Sorry most of these are just Tazercraft and Bolas. I’m so insanely unwell about them in your au) 
i’m literally right about to go to bed so i apologize if this isn’t coherent but i love all of these so much!
-in thr chat fic Bolas actually has smth like that! it’s name is iris (like their creature from purgatory) and you’re correct in the fact rn carre has it in the irl fic! :D
-that’s how i imagine it to be in the chat fic au! idk how it translates into irl one but in my mind it’s a similar situation!!
-you’re so right for this actually i will be drawing this
-skeppy lore! he’s a hockey skater at the soul fire rink :) i might make a one shot about him and bad soon :)
-i see your head cannon and raise you: they made their own gas masks one year out of monster cans because Phil raised the point if “our actual ones risk breaking if we wear them to school” (i made my own bolas mask out of monster cans lmaooo)
-(that’s so cool omg?) the way i would read the hell outta that- (i’m such baby when it comes to those things so i’ve never actually gone but i’ve always wanted to participate in it)
-Foolish and Phil’s families at fourth of july BBQs? the fireworks are crazy
-lmao i almost put that in the 10th chapter and then didn’t 😭
-I FORGOT ABOUT GENLOSS LORE OMG *notes that down to use later*
:P no regerts (i had to tone it down when i was writing it )
i feel like the fact i’ve written him ocd when i wrote him similar to me says smth…(my psychiatrist said i have ocd tendencies lmaoooo)
im so intrigued about this because i didn’t realize they lined up with that- ngl they’re just me if i got to go feral a little more when i was 11
you know those online friends that you message like every sing,e thing about your day to? like you liveblog your life to them? that’s how pac and mike are! :D
its cannon to the irl!!! if not stated otherwise all oneshots are irl universe (i’ll say what chapter it correlates to if it’s a chat fic one) and they absolutely have stolen things- especially cuz for a while people would bring tradables to comp so the two of them absolutely stole each others trandeables when they were younger
THEY DO!!!! they have multiple!!! rn they all have hand made beaded ones that say “BOLAS” on ‘‘em!
(you’re so right tho i love them and i didn’t even write abiut them that much
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