#I would marry Nicola myself if I had to
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"For God's sake, Penelope Featherington. Are you going to marry me or not?"
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the5thcellar · 3 months
I actually think Luke is serious about A. That age gap is typically what men marry these days. I think he's crazy about her and was taking it slow after a long term break up before going official. That shows intention, planning, and wanting her. I wouldn't be surprised the official IG couple post is coming soon.
I'm just upset that they took it this far with promo. Tom and Z were meeting each other's family outside of work early on, so to say you are officially brining him to meet the fame was a bit much. Closing your eyes when she touches your face? Grade A acting. I hate that it makes me believe he was never attracted to an amazing woman like Nicola. I feel dumb for falling for it all. I hope Nicola finds a handsome guy who will love her proudly.
that's a really interesting take tbh! ive actually never considered he was serious about her in the sense of marrying - but of course this is purely based off the vibes I get and is entirely my own view.
one of the reasons i say this is because luke doesn't seem too inclined to keep a completely friendly distance between himself and nic - i heard that the QC leads india and corey were shipped really hard by fans as well and he had a gf during the whole press run - and towards the end india and corey started posing separately on carpets (i.e. no touching, no friendly hand around shoulder even during photos etc) because they wanted to emphasise that they were really just friends.
luke in contrast seems to have no qualms about blurring lines - and one of the reasons the more rabid fans kept insulting Antonia was a direct result of the fact that he kept stating his "single" status to press. I think he could have helped Antonia avoid a lot of the flak she drew by just stating that he's seeing someone. but maybe he felt it would draw even more attention to his private life and her? idk. i don't want to puzzle over his motivations because I don't believe they are too complex - I've said this many times before and I'll keep saying it - no matter how good a man seems (and I do believe Luke is very good and sweet), trying to justify anything they do is still a sure path to disappointment.
more importantly: please don't feel dumb for falling for the hope that nic and luke could be together! i really don't think they were being deliberately disingenuous - i actually think the opposite - i think they themselves are often confused about what they really are and it's just easier to define it as being great friends. it's strange but i get the feeling that they see each other as a source of potential - it's simultaneously impossible and also the easiest thing in the world for them to envision a reality where they're together - there just seems to be many barriers to it happening for real. they're comfortable living in the liminal space between great friendship and great romantic love - it definitely explains why nic said she doesn't have a relationship in her life that's anything close to what she has with luke. I think there just needs to be a decisive push for them to ever move out of this grey area. it'll have to be something massive for it to ever happen... and it's not something I hold out hope for (again, just to avoid disappointment!)
this got really long; I wish nic and luke all the best and I think they have something very special with each other. I think life has many many stops along the way and I don't think luke has found a final stop in his romantic journey with antonia - they are both very young and they don't have the vibe of "together forever" couples - if they did (since luke is such a big believer in love at first sight) - he'd have laid down a commitment a lot sooner.
again I want to emphasise that this is all MY POV - it's the vibe I get. I'm WELL AWARE I don't know these people irl. There's always criticism of how parasocial fandom and stan behaviour are but I think most fans - myself included - are very conscious of the fact that the way we perceive and interact with celebs is completely one sided. I'm also not a psychic or clairvoyant or anything of the sort. i just strangely feel a lot of things all the time and ive never been chill a day in my life 😂
sending you lots of good feelings and healing - I feel your hurt and unease and disappointment because I feel the same, but it gets easier to accept with each day that passes.
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lady-margaret · 4 months
bridgerton season 3 part 1 opinion (as someone who has read all the books + is kathony biased so be warned)
after sitting and stewing on what i just watched for a few hours
i’d like to start this off by saying that due to my disappointment of the writing from the last season, i was way more gracious with this one. kate and anthony were great because of simone and jonathan; i’m not sure the writers had much to do with that.
anyway, what i’m saying is that i already knew not to expect the writers to be faithful to the source material (romancing mr. bridgerton), so i was able to enjoy myself more. additionally, polin’s book isn’t exactly a favorite of mine anyway, so there wasn’t a lot to be too disappointed with in my case.
what i liked:
penelope’s wardrobe; they hyped up the “transformation” so much and i’m glad it did not disappoint.
colin’s hot 😌
eloise’ wardrobe; someone pointed out that it had a lot of philip references, so yay 😀 (it has me worried that it’ll be her story next though, we need ben first)
eloise interacting with the other ladies of the ton was really cute and refreshing; she’s learning that despite them having different interests than her, they are still people of great value. the difference is eloise was raised in a loving and supportive family, unlike most of the others.
sibling’s g&h’s personalities coming through more (they are anthony’s children, truly).
featherington sisters as comic relief.
MARRIED KATHONY CRUMBS 💕💕💕 they carried episode 1 for me.
FRANCESCA 💕💕💕 gorgeous introvert representation.
FRANNY AND JOHN 💕💕💕 (i am both ready and NOT ready to get hurt 🥹)
book references (yay! the bare minimum!)
lord debling’s dope.
i actually do like that they gave cressida a legitimate reason to want to win the competition money to unmask LW in the second part.
the music choices haven’t disappointed yet!!!!!
colin’s line for the season is def the “well are you gonna marry me or not?” line HEHEHEHEHE i ALMOST screamed as loud as i did when john entered when he said that line to pen.
as an army, plus points for dynamite 🤭 i didn’t expect to like the orchestral version and didn’t see the vision of where they would even insert it, but i actually liveddd for it.
what i don’t really have strong feelings about:
mondrich plot; alice is beautiful but the addition of their family storyline didn’t make much of a lasting impact.
the queen; she was very meh so far.
the featherington storyline: the sisters are funny, but their whole situation mixed with the humor leads me not to take it very seriously.
violet x lady danbury’s brother: 🤷‍♀️ i don’t see it.
the “lady danbury’s brother” storyline in general is very forgettable.
what i disliked:
i think nicola and luke could use more chemistry; they fall short compared to daphne&simon and kathony (HEAVY ON KATHONY THIS IS WHY THEY REMOVED THEM FROM THE REST OF THE EPISODES SIGH)
they kinda mischaracterized colin (he spent the last two seasons being selfish and putting himself above everyone else violet, what the hell are you talking about “you never place yourself over others” 🤨)
the lack of ben time?? did he go back to the academy after taking over for anthony briefly??? what did he do besides dodging debutantes all season????
they glossed over benedict running the estate so quickly; this could have been an opportunity to draw out his storyline, especially since he mentioned that he liked having a purpose: WRITERS???? DO SOMETHING WITH THAT!
i also didn’t really care for the ben x tilly arnold plot; unless sophie’s actually a maid of her’s or something, i don’t see her point in the show besides just be another one of ben’s ever changing girl of the season.
im sorry but eloise would never SHOULD NEVER have befriended her (ex?) best friend’s bully, no matter what the circumstances. that is NOT eloise.
honestly, them revealing whistledown in the first season is really screwing with the writing; in this regard, i wish they stayed more faithful to the book and how colin finds out about LW. it all just seems so messy at this point.
so s3 starts when kathony end their honeymoon… how long was this honeymoon? math isn’t mathing cuz it couldn’t have been more than a week given that kate isn’t obviously pregnant yet in the first ep.
i know that colin and pen are longtime friends, but from how they’ve interacted with each other in the past seasons, it’s a bit harder to believe that they were close CLOSE friends; close friends to the extent of helping the other find a spouse through “lessons”? i don’t see it. that’s why i was a bit ??? when i first found out about the plot they were going with for the season (in the book, colin really just starts following her around cuz she was being sus)
i hate that they had to come up with an excuse to get rid of kathony for the rest of the episodes; i get that they’ve been running their separate households alone for most of their lives and want a break but… i don’t think they would abandon their responsibilities for an “extended honeymoon”. knowing them, running the estate isn’t gonna stop them from being wh0res!! they help each other out with the estate and are still sickeningly in love and have time for each other (in the books). i was also really hoping to see kate taking over the viscountess role. i swore they would have done something like that after that cute/awkward moment when they both respond to “lady bridgerton” in episode 1.
i get that it’s established that penelope’s one goal for the season is to get a husband, but as i know her character, she would NEVER get into races (?) or run just so she can talk to a suitor before anyone else does 😭 okay but it was funny.
i am kinda sad that they couldn’t have just let a mean character or a villain character be the villain character; yea sure, i did say that i liked that cressida had a legitimate and well thought out motive for wanting the LW reward money but, idk i could’ve lived without her storyline.
one of the BIGGEST THINGS for me is that i do not think they should have released so many clips/snippets of the show days or weeks before it came out. i understand like 1 clip, but i skipped SO MANY SCENES because i have watched them at least 5 times already on tiktok or twitter.
the two part season idea is dumb.
i’m scared for how messy part 2 will be (in terms of both writing and just how stressed i will be with the revealing of LW plot HUHU poor pen) but i’m still looking forward to it 😇😇😇 and despite all the things i didn’t like, i did still enjoy it. if i do rewatch it or not is still to be decided; s1 & s2 have such high rewatch value.
franny and john were TRULY a standout though. i cannot even begin to describe how loud i screamed when he finally said his name out loud 😭💕
verdict: the writing is getting messier, get jonathan bailey in that writer’s room ASAP
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mollywobbles867 · 2 months
I am writing this on my laptop so you know I'm srs
So, I am going to out myself as a former hardcore real people shipper. OGs remember. @ginasaurrr, @gleefullysupernaturalpop, @risti7, @wholove
It was 2009 and my dad had died two years prior. I was a fucking mess. I was a teacher when he died, two months into my first teaching job (that I started a month into the school year so I was fighting for my life when it came to lesson plans). I went back for two weeks after he died, but I was experiencing heavy suicide ideation and was fighting tears through every class. (Note to alert bots, I am okay now after a lot of therapy and medication). I was of no use to those kids and I am so sorry that they had such a shitty teacher that year. My principal was extremely unsupportive, so I went to my union rep and got out of my contract post haste. I started having panic attacks on the regular (figured out much later that I have PMDD so that's why it came in two week cycles).
Anyway, I was unemployed, living with my mom, and extremely lost. Then one night in 2009 my sis was over and insisted on watching American Idol because she was obsessed with Adam Lambert. I loved his voice so I started watching every week and grew to love a few of the other contestants too. I paid attention to the American Idol posts on ONTD on LJ. There were soon posts shipping Adam and Kris Allen, even though Kris was married to a woman.
ONTD got annoyed with all the posts, so someone started ontd_ai where we posted to our heart's content, a good many of them about shipping the two singers. We broke the fourth wall way too much for sure. (#gokeyisadouche). I have actually blocked out a lot of the details, but one thing I remember is that soon there was an AIM chat (yeah I'm old) dedicated to talking about our ship. And unfortunately, we also talked about Kris's wife's mental health struggles. No idea how we ever even knew about them. While I expressed empathy for her in the chat as did most of us, someone took screenshots and said we were bashing her. It blew up and made it to fandomwank. At some point we started our own LJ community too. We put tinhats on our profile pics, etc. We were tinhatters instead of delulus. I wrote Kradam rpf as well as flashfic for other fandom ships. Astolat herself wrote Kradam fic! (shout out to the cowboy fic, that hurt my feelings).
All this is to say that I know how you can get obsessed with solving some sort of story you have invented, looking for clues in song lyrics, performances, interviews, etc... and ignore reality. Really what you're searching for is answers for your own life.
Through post after post saying how it would be totally okay for Kris to come out as bi, I finally came out to myself, then my bff, then my sis, then my mom and nephews, and now whenever I feel safe with someone and online strangers.
After a year I applied to grad school and got my life back on track; went back to therapy, got on meds, found other hobbies, made new friends, eventually started working again even if it was just retail.
What are you searching for?
What are you struggling with?
What about Luke and Nicola's interactions or as individuals draws you to the ship? Are you projecting your own insecurities and identity struggle onto her? Are you projecting someone who hurt you onto Luke? I promise that Nicola is not crying herself to sleep every night because she's not with Luke or because he's with a thin woman. Luke is not a fuckboy or disingenuous just because he's with a thin woman.
I encourage you to take a step back and self-reflect because you are the ones who are doing the hurting.
P.S. We tinhatters were always publicly nice to Kris's wife on his and SM pages and when we met him after concerts and she was there. Why? Because she's a person too and I honestly hope they are the happiest they have ever been. Kris still makes (great) albums and they have kids (two unless they had another and I didn't know). Adam has been touring with Queen and I have no clue about his love life. It's nice.
However, I do think our fourth wall breaking made it so they stopped being public with their friendship. Just sayin'.
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Look at the beauty we deprived the world and weep.
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count-alucard-tepes · 2 months
Headcanons and a short fanfic for my Kengan Ashura/Omega hotties - the monster of Manila : Rolon/Lolong Donaire🎖️
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He’s very particular about what he eats and tends to do most of his own cooking. His favorite food is Sinigang which is a sweet and sour filipino soup served with rice.
After the Kengan vs Purgatory tournament, he's become much more social and often hangs out with Kanoh, Ohma, Okubo, Joji and Kureishi.
He gets a lot of attention from the ladies but he's pretty shy about it though he wants to get married and have a couple of kids soon.
He wants to retire from fighting before he hits 40 and train students instead.
He's really bad at being a mentor because of how stern he can come off but he's trying his best to look more friendly.
A unexpected date...
There were always different celebrities that attended the Purgatory events as Todoya loved being in the presence of influential people. Some performers would perform during the halftime shows which was a big hit and brought in a lot of money for the mega-mogal.
A chart-topping and award winning artist was visiting Purgatory for the first time and of course Todoya wanted to give them a personal tour before introducing them to his top gladiators, "I'm so glad you could join us tonight, Y/N, I have to admit I've been trying to get you here for a few months now", Todoya said with a confident smile as he offered his arm to Y/N, after linking arms, he gently held a hand over theirs as they walked .
"Is that so? Well I am honoured, Mr Todoya...", Y/N replied with a smile as they knew that all too well but their schedules haven't been the easiest recently, "...I'd love to meet your gladiators if you don't mind".
"...but of course! You are a favorite amongst them, I must add", he said with a chuckle as Y/N laughed a little with raised brows.
"Oh my, I guess I'll have to prepare myself then", Y/N said with a smile.
Todoya would immediately take them to meet his A-listers and kings.
Nicolas was quick to make his way over to kiss the back of Y/N's hand, "...the photograph and videos do no justice to your beauty, mon amore".
"Such kinds words, thank you, sir...", Y/N said with a humble smile.
Many of the A-listers came to talk with Y/N and took photographs with them but the Kings were no where to be see much to Todoya's annoyance, he truly wanted them to be photographed with Y/N too. He couldn't be that upset though...both of them were fighting tonight.
Todoya swooped Y/N to the VIP section and they watched the match, "...ah that's one of the Kings, Rolon Donaire...he's one of the strongest".
Y/N watched with interest but when it started to get brutal, they would occupy themselves with snacks, "...I can see that", they murmured, "...I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be right back".
By then, the match was long done and Rolon had won.
Y/N didn't have any security with them when they were cornered by a person that was also a guest of Todoya's that just happened to be a big fan too but the conversation got a little uncomfortable.
"I'll be heading back to Mr Todoya, I'm sure he's wondering where I am by now...excuse me", Y/N said before the fan grabbed their arm.
"Perhaps I could buy you a drink instead...", the person said with a smile.
"...I appreciate that but not right now", Y/N said gently but looking a little distressed by this action.
"Oh come on, just one drink", he pressed, closing the distance between them.
"I believe they declined your offer...so leave...now", Rolon said from behind the man.
Immediately recognizing Rolon's voice and let go of Y/N before turning around to see Rolon Donaire and Arashiyama Jurota standing behind him.
"R..Rolon....Arashiyama...I...was...", he stuttered.
"...going to apologize and then leaving...as soon as possible", Arashiyama said calmly.
"Y...yes, of course...", he said before turning to Y/N and apologized profusely before running off, only to bump into Todoya who glared at him and took note of the situation.
Arashiyama approached Y/N as the gentle giant he was and offered a little smile, "...are you okay?", he asked gently.
Y/N looked up at him and nodded gently with a weak smile, "...yes, thank you, sir...".
"Thank you both for protecting Y/N...I appreciate it", Todoya said as he gently placed a comforting arm around Y/N's shoulders and gestured for them to leave.
Rolon had already been walking away when he heard Y/N and stopped.
"Mr. Donaire...thank you so much...", Y/N said gently, a little croak in their voice, biting back their tears as they looked at him.
He gestured his acknowledgement with a wave of his hand before walking off with Arashiyama.
"...Todoya is going to have that man killed...that's the person he wanted to perform at the big event coming up...", Arashiyama murmured as they went back to locker rooms.
"...it's best he weeds out all the scum now...we don't need men like that in Purgatory...he doesn't even deserve to be called a man", Rolon said calmly.
"I agree...", Arashiyama replied.
Somehow or the other, Todoya managed to secure Y/N's performance at Purgatory's most extravagant event.
Y/N made their way to the location so they could practice a couple times that week before the event.
"...okay, I'm exhausted...I'm gonna take a break", Y/N laughed as they took a seat on the floor and drank some water before looking around the venue, "...this place is so freaken cool...wait...who's that?".
Y/N squinted out to see a few fighters watching them practice before spotting Rolon Donaire.
"Mr. Donaire! I didn't know you were here!", Y/N said before quickly going off the stage and towards him.
He was a little surprised by this reaction but played it off like this was completely normal, "...wow they really ignored the rest of us here...just for Rolon...out of everyone", Fei huffed as he relaxed in his seat.
"...it's good to see there's so much of security around you...Todoya wasn't taking any chances", Rolon commented.
"Yes...he's been pretty adamant about it and so has my father and PR", Y/N admitted.
"Its good, you are an important person after all", he replied.
Y/N smiled weakly at this, "...I didn't get to thank you properly the last time...if you're free, maybe we could go for dinner".
Fei and Liu's jaws dropped at this, "...what?! A date with Rolon out of everyone?! Y/N, you can't be serious?! He's so boring!", Fei gasped.
Rolon shot him a glare as a warning, "...there's no need, Y/N...".
"Yes, there is! Please...anywhere you want to go, its my treat", Y/N pleaded before taking Rolon's hand into theirs.
Rolon couldn't help but blush a little in response before giving a stiff nod.
"Then it's a date! Here's my number...text me when you're free and I'll set everything up", Y/N said before writing their number down and giving it to him.
Y/N would head to practice and Rolon would place the piece of paper into his trousers pocket before heading out of the arena.
The other gladiators were all in shock of what just happened before them, it was all just sensory overload.
Rolon couldn't help but smile a little before adding the number to his phone and texting Y/N that evening, he didn't mind a date. He'd get a text back almost immediately.
Omg I want to make this a chapter fanfic now😅😅😅 I love Rolon so much.
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#CHAOSday #chaoswednesday
To the ANON saying we are a community of Luke haters,
I, myself love TOG, so you won’t ever see me hating on him here, or in my personal blog. I think Luke is a fantastic actor, talented singer, and easy on the eyes. 🤤 I just wish people understood that criticism isn’t the same as hate. If we criticize some of Luke’s choices that he’s made, that doesn’t mean we’re lighting torches & gathering pitchforks to prepare an attack. You can criticize someone’s behaviors, actions, decisions without it coming from a place of hate. I think we can all agree here in this WH that Luke is one hell of an actor & he is multitalented! We all want to see Luke soar in the same way that we want to see Nicola soar! At least, that’s the case for me.
Now, onto other business, this video always makes me giggle. I’m no longer a Lukola shipper and I haven’t been in months. I can still appreciate some bonkers behavior though. I still can’t believe this man did this in front of the camera. I mean. I don’t think this was for PR.. I think this man just “accidentally” took a peek and got caught. 😆😅 but let’s be honest. Can you blame him? I would have taken a peek myself & I’m a straight married woman. Respectfully, those melons are 👨🏽‍🍳💋 am I right? 😁
**it wouldn’t let me add a video in so I had to screen shot the moment.. he knew he was caught by that smirk 🤣**
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We do not hate we hold accountable
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Black Heart Part 9
Regulus Black AU 
Request: Will you write a Regulus x Reader fic where Regulus is older than the reader? She comes to help the Order and Regulus falls in love with her. The relationship isn’t easy because of the war and Regulus’ denial that he would be a good boyfriend.
Summary: Admitting that he was in love had never been something that Regulus wanted to do. Now that you were in his life, Regulus didn’t know how to react. Should he love you or push you away just like he had everyone else?
Rating: M
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader
Link to Part 8
Going back downstairs, you entered the kitchen while Regulus went off to find Sirius. You had a feeling that he was going off to figure out what “laying low” truly meant. Did that mean that the two of you weren’t allowed to leave the house? What about your doctor appointments or when both Regulus and yourself were so sick of being stuck in the house that it was necessary to go out? You also made a mental note about how Regulus would get extra moody if he spent too much time in the house. Talking to Kreacher and moving from room to room only relieved so much.
You were pulled from your thoughts by Nicolas’ voice. Looking up, you forced a smile as you noticed Nicolas standing there.
“Hey, why are you just standing there?
Nicolas rolled his eyes.
“I would rather be in her by myself than in that dining room while your psycho boyfriend and his brother whisper to each other about me.”
Here we go…
You thought before taking a deep breath. Nicolas was picking a pretty crap day to continue his “I hate Regulus Black” crusade.
“Nicolas, if you just ignore them and not…get them going they may just leave you alone. Also, Regulus is my fiancé, not my boyfriend…I thought that you should know.”
Nicolas’ mouth dropped. Had he heard you correctly? Did you really just say… fiancé? Nicolas nearly fainted the moment that he saw the ring on your hand.
The bastard actually did it.
“Please tell me that you didn’t say yes?”
You tilted your head in slight confusion.
“I don’t think that I would be wearing an engagement ring if I said no. Of course, I said yes. I love Regulus and besides our…”
Nicolas held a hand up a little over dramatically than needed.
“I know your babies will be here soon. Just because he got you pregnant doesn’t mean that you have to marry him. Call me old fashioned but what’s wrong with living in sin? Y/n, you are too good for him. I know that you are not going to be working for a while. Is this Regulus’ way of keeping you barefoot and pregnant…keeping you locked in this haunted house?”
You gripped the counter in front of you as Kreacher hobbled in. He glared at Nicolas.
“Mistress Y/n, would you like Kreacher to toss the trash out?”
You patted Kreacher on the head before turning back to Nicolas.
“Not at the moment, Kreacher. Nicolas, who actually says barefoot and pregnant? That sounds absolutely cliche and disgusting. I am stopping working because I have to lay low for a bit. Sirius and Remus probably told you that. Furthermore, it was always the plan for me to back off of work a bit once the babies were born. I want to experience my children’s lives. You just can’t accept that I don’t want you. You need to move on, Nicolas, before Regulus makes a pinata out of you.”
You turned to leave the room but stopped when Nicolas grabbed your arm. Spinning around, you punched him in the stomach. Maybe it was the hormones? Maybe it was the pending feelings of distress…whatever it was finally snapped. All that you knew was you were tired of Nicolas interfering. He wasn’t going to interfere in your upcoming marriage or anything else for that matter. He could continue to work for the order but that didn’t mean that you HAD to deal with him.
The moment that Nicolas hit the floor you turned and walked out of the room. Kreacher watched you go before glaring back at Nicolas.
“Kreacher suggests that you leave my mistress alone. Master Regulus has killed people before and he can do it again. The door is over there…you can crawl out it.”
Kreacher turned and walked from the room to go and let Regulus know exactly what was happening. He was not about to sit back and watch his favorite human lose the one woman that he loved the most in the world.
Nicolas was barely on his feet when Regulus stormed in with Sirius and Remus behind him. Sirius was muttering to Remus about wishing that he had a muggle video camera and Remus calling him “Grandpa Sirius” because the muggle cell phone had one. Regulus meanwhile, was totally ready to take Nicolas off of the planet.
“You made her upset? You fucking tosspot I’m going to kill you!”
Nicolas sighed. He had no idea that you would hit so hard. Nicolas saw you as some gentle, kind, motherly woman…boy was he wrong.
“I’ll apologize! I wasn’t intending on upsetting her…for what its worth…”
Regulus’ angry grey eyes were locked on Nicolas’ face as he thought about every “dark” torturous spell that he knew. It would be so easy to make Nicolas’ life miserable and now Regulus had every excuse to do it. If the other man thought for one moment that Regulus would hang back and let him ruin the relationship that the two of you had…old Nicky boy had another thing coming.
“Yeah, you’ll apologize right after I give you a carpet burn on your face and toss you down the stairs headfirst!”
Nicolas blinked.
“Are you going to hit me too? I said I would apologize”
Regulus and Sirius both quickly had the same look of confusion on their faces. Who exactly got to Nicolas first? Who beat them to the “grand prize?”
“Wait, who hit you?”
Regulus asked, clearly thrown off of his guard. Nicolas motioned to his stomach, which was still aching.
“Y/n! Look I will apologize I really don’t want to tangle with you. I don’t think I can really compete with this. What more do you people want from me?”
Sirius and Remus both instantly snorted with laughter. Regulus raised an eyebrow before looking extremely proud.
“Y/n hit you?”
Sirius questioned. He HAD to make damn sure that he heard all of this correctly. Nicolas nodded, hanging his head.
“Yeah…in my stomach. Again, what do you people want from me?”
Regulus turned to walk out of the room. At the moment, he had to find you.
“I’ll get back to you”
Regulus replied before walking out of the room and to the dining room where you stood looking out the window.
You looked up when Regulus stepped in with a smirk on his face.
“I heard that you laid down the law. It's truly regretful that I missed it because I would have loved to have had a ringside seat to that.”
A small smile played on your lips.
“He had what was coming to him. I think that it's safe to say that he won’t be trying to gain my love anytime soon.”
Regulus came over to join you at the window.
“I have to know, was it glorious to slug that creep? Did he puke?”
You rolled your eyes and moved to wrap your arms around Regulus’ shoulders. Enjoying the quiet “close” time was just what you needed in order to calm down.
“No, but I could tell that he wanted to. Did you hit him?”
Regulus chuckled and kissed your forehead.
“I was too stunned when he said that you hit him. That is one problem down.”
Indeed it was one problem down. However, as the following few months passed…you slightly wished that Nicolas was all that the two of you had to worry about. After “lying low” for a while, you felt as if you were getting cabin fever with being stuck in the house most of the time.
Sure, Regulus would take you out on dates from time to time but both of you felt “on guard” the whole time. Regulus would be constantly looking around the room for any potential threat. Always being on the lookout for death eaters or any other “undesirable” that would want either of you dead killed the mood
Regulus was still going to work to keep up appearances while you stayed at home. Never in a million years (and sometimes on a daily basis) did you expect to be a housewife yet here you were. You actually didn’t mind it was much as you thought that you would. It would probably have been more enjoyable if some madman that was causing havoc on the wizarding world wasn’t aware of your fiancé's betrayal.
Does Voldemort really care about me? I mean, the man has a lot more important things to worry about than a pregnant fiancé of one of his former death eaters.
This had been one of your thoughts over the whole Regulus vs Voldemort topic. Another part of you knew that Voldemort would seek any chance to “deal with” someone that had wronged him. Killing the twins and yourself, would be one hell of a way for Voldemort to get back at Regulus.
…and that is why I am stuck in the house.
You thought before going downstairs where Regulus sat on the couch with a book on his lap.
Regulus looked up with a small smile. He knew that the past few months had started to wear on you. You never complained or fussed but Regulus could see it in your eyes. Between being stuck in the house and being nearly “ready to pop” you were miserable.
“Yes, love?”
You sat down and struggled to get comfortable. For the last month, it felt as if nothing that you did eased the pain in your back or the “little feet” cramming in your ribs.
“I was thinking that I liked the nursery the way it was.”
The smile on Regulus’ face faded. He had rearranged the nursery at least four times this past week. Every day when he came home, you were wanting to move all of the furniture around.
“Love, this is the fourth time this week. I was thinking does it really matter? I mean, aren’t the babies going to be in the room with us for a while…which I also have questions about…how are we supposed to have sex with them lying in the cots beside us? Won’t that be…weird?”
You took a breath.
“I won’t be able to have sex for at 6 weeks afterward by that time I’m hoping to have them in their nursery…which is why I want the furniture moved.”
Regulus stared at you only blinking.
“Y/n…you’ll want me to switch it all back tomorrow. That’s a lot of stuff.”
You crossed your arms over your chest.
Regulus sighed before standing up. He was quietly muttering to himself that there was just a little bit longer and he would have his normal fiancé back. Regulus was trying his best to deal with your mood swings and random crying fits but it was difficult…especially for someone who was crap at dealing with emotions anyway.
“Okay, how do you want it?”
He replied, softly. The last thing that Regulus wanted to do was make you cry again. After he made you cry over cozy wool socks and pancakes, he mentally swore to never do that again. Even if he had to do the most insane things to make you happy (for example, going to find you chocolate pudding with crushed-up cookies at 3 am) he would suffer through it.
You perked up, knowing that you were getting your way. Regulus held his hand out to help you stand up.
“Well, let me show you.”
You replied, following Regulus up the stairs. You made a mental note to thank Regulus for putting up with your crazy moods. Regulus never complained or made a fuss (even if his face told another story) and you had to give him credit for that.
“Okay, so I was thinking of the cribs over there and the other stuff on that side.”
Regulus blinked a few times fighting the urge to say “That’s literally how we had it last night.”
“If that’s what you want, darling.”
Regulus moved to start moving some of the stuff but stopped when you made a small squeak. He didn’t look up at first as you started looking around.
“Mhm? Did you change your mind already?”
Regulus questioned, hoping that you decided that the current room layout was the best.
“No, my water just broke.”
Regulus stood instantly up and looked at you with wide eyes before looking at the puddle around your feet. The panic instantly went through him as he mentally started doing math. It was still a few weeks early. He never expected the babies coming that day! Another day but not that day!
Regulus murmured as you put a hand on your stomach wincing.
“Are you in pain?”
He asked quickly, trying to remember what exactly was supposed to happen. The two of you had talked this out several times but suddenly Regulus was clueless and not sure what to do.
“I have been having back pain all day but that isn’t anything weird…maybe it was contractions.”
You commented before moving to sit down. Regulus moved to the door and turned around to stare at you with wide eyes.
“Why are you sitting down? We need to go to the hospital.”
You took a few more deep breaths.
“I don’t think that I’m going to do this, Regulus.”
Regulus looked totally confused.
“Uh, I don’t think that it works that way…”
You held a hand up.
“This world is bad! There is too much bad to bring babies into. What the hell were we thinking?”
Regulus was nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He was supposed to be the certified basket case in this. You were the doctor, the logical one…the calm one…he was just some guy that got totally thrown into something that he never planned.
“We were thinking that vodka made our clothes fall off. “
You gave him a glare.
“You aren’t funny!”
Regulus moved to kneel down in front of you. He took your hands in his.
“Love, everything is going to be okay. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but all of this mess will get straightened out somehow. We probably could have planned kids at a better time but maybe having them not makes this the right time. Things happen when they are supposed to. You may not have chosen me if it happened another time.”
Your eyes softened and the panic vanished. Reaching out, you stroked your hand over Regulus’ cheek.
“I would always choose you. It looks like our babies will be at our wedding after all.”
Regulus chuckled.
“They’re already dramatic, like their uncle.”
You couldn’t help the smile that spread to your face as nodded as Regulus stood up.
“Now can we please get you to the hospital before we have the kids here…with no help?"
@amelie-black @jessyballet @knreidy1 @justfinishthis @georgeweasleydumbhoe @acciosiriusblack @siriuslyceleste @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @criminalyetminimal @livshifts @stelleduarte @ell0ra-br3kk3r @millies0bsimp @coffeeaddictednymph @readtomeregulus @rogue-nyx88 @panpride @saramaple @missgorldafirst @i-love-scott-mccall @s-we-e-t-t-ea @f4iryluvy @taylor-will-be-the-death-of-me @gugggu6gvai @jag9000 @quinis @yousmellllikecaca @mentally-unstable-hoe @haroldpotterson @buttercup-beeee @goldensunshineshit @aurorasnape12 @ad-astra-again @padf00ts-l0ver @rubyroscoe1 @spideyxalmighty @lucasfilms77 @marichromatic @ravenhood2792 @play-morezeppelin @dumybitch @lostarc24 @un-lovesherself @melaninnbarbie @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @hankypranky @moldy-old-boot @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032 @knight-of-gleefulness @deanwherescas @shitfaceddaniel-blog @untoldshortsofthefandoms @li0nh34rt @tas898 @sprnaturallover @wontlookaway @mycuddlycorner
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I'll admit, I would never date a guy that much younger than me. I cannot wrap my mind around that but that's my prerogative. I'm not Nicola. In fact, I'm older.
We don't know the circumstances or even the nature of that relationship. Maybe they are just friends. Maybe the sex is mind-blowing. Maybe she is only interested in fun and easy with little to no commitment. Maybe she wants to feel young and free. We don't work in the industry that is so known for its cruelty and rejection. I, myself, have never had entire published articles written about my size and whether it's realistic that any hot guy would find me desirable. Imagine knowing those articles exist and then having to still show up, knowing that in the coming weeks, you had made yourself so vulnerable and showed your naked body on film a year prior. The article came out before the mirror scene, imagine dealing with THAT!
Or imagine suddenly being thrust into the spotlight and so many (well-intentioned) women now claiming they are being seen with you as their icon. They constantly use the terms Queen or Mother but also use the words fat or plus-sized when you have NEVER used those terms about yourself in public. I don't care who you are or how well-intentioned everyone means it, the very idea that you are still only valued based on your size, ugh.
And as for the 24 year old guy. Who is HE? I don't really know much. What are his life experiences? Cuz let's be real, telling me that all twenty year olds mature the same is fucking bullshit. I know of people who went through severe financial hardship and others who had serious health concerns (cancer) and others who lost parents or siblings. These people have maturity that some people will never understand. Maybe JD is a perfectly normal, healthy, affluent young guy. He seems to really enjoy spending time with Nicola and that friend group. Maybe he desires her. But because he's in his twenties, he shouldn't have that? Because of what? A power imbalance you say? Where? Is Nicola keeping him from leaving? Does his success depend on her? Last I checked, he seemed to be doing his own thing.
Last thing. They're not married. They may be just friends. They may be just friends who have great sex. They may be friends who are having fun cuz the world can be so shitty. Or they may be in love. Who knows. Certainly not you and your wild takes of disappointment (as if you're the moral police with zero mistakes or errors of judgment).
I should do a whole thing on Luke who has been put through the wringer. I don't really follow him but everything I saw in the PR leading up to the third season was charm and generally a good, nice guy vibes. He just happens to be in a relationship with a young beautiful girl. Anyway, I hope he's been able to walk away from the weirdness of the online community and find happiness. Same for Nicola.
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chocoadepti · 1 year
Nicola Drama CD Vol. 1 - Epilogo del 1927
This is an extremely rough translation, mainly mtl'd. Corrections more than welcome!!
That's a lot of people.
Forty thousand people...no, how many hundreds of thousands? It was a good thing I saved a hotel room. As I expected, I didn't want to join that crowd.
I had heard that New Year's Eve in New York is celebrated in Times Square rather than Trinity Church, but it was more than I expected.
The neon signs lit up the city more than usual, making it look white and shiny. It's so beautiful when you look down from a high place like this. But it's a shame that the night sky is so hazy, the beauty of the stars was better back in our hometown.
How is it, do you miss Burlone?
I don't think I'm the nostalgic type, but lately I've been thinking about that town a lot.
The street corner where I met you and the bar we used to go, the open-air restaurant in Veleno we passed by on a date, the shopping streets of Creta, and the Christmas Eve when we looked out over the square. ((Not quite sure about this part!))
I wonder why, there have been my share of bad times, but all I can remember are the good memories. And most of them are memories of you.
I hope one day, I don't know how many years or decades it will be, I'll have the chance to go back.
You see, for example, when passenger planes become stable enough to cross the Atlantic, it will be much easier and simpler to travel between America and Italy than it is now.
Ah, the Ball Drop. The countdown to the new year has begun. Less than a minute to 1928.
Yeah, this latest technology is pretty amazing. I heard they used a hundred bulbs in the Times Square Ball.
How do you like this kind of lively New Year's Eve? We haven't spent much time in church so far, but it's a good thing we went to the evening mass, so we were able to show our sincerity to God, right? ((Not sure about this part!!))
Here it seems to be the norm to do the ceremonies early and then have festivities at night with friends. I heard that New Year's Eve has become the mainstream, though I suppose it depends on the religious sect. ((Also not sure!!))
Oh, look, it's going to fall soon.
Five, Four, Three, Two, One
Here it comes. A new year has begun, 1928.
I'm glad to be here with you, my precious one, at this moment.
You're so cute too. I'm sure my wife will be just as cute next year and beyond.
I am glad that we were able to spend our first New Year's alone together after we got married.
After a few years, when it becomes normal for us to spend time together, it would be nice to invite not only family but also friends and have a party with everyone.
But that's a long way off. For now, I want to have you all to myself at least while we are newlyweds.
Eh, you also feel the same way?
Ah, I'm not doubting that you think so too, but you're being unusually honest, so I wondered what was wrong. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to question (??) you.
I was just happy and a little surprised.
I'm sorry.
Will you forgive me?
I think we've been out here too long, your cheeks are getting all cold. (??)
No, I'm not okay because you're so cold (??), so let's go back inside.
Come here, let's get you warmed up. I guess I'm colder than I thought too. It really does seem to get freezing cold in the winter here.
Yeah, I don't like the heat or the cold to begin with, but the reason I don't like winter is because it reminds me of so many things.
Ah, that's right, I've never talked about it with you. It was about 10 years ago now, I had spent winter in the Alps. I was stationed on the Italian Front.
I never regretted that choice. It was my own decision and I feel I did my duty. To paraphrase you, even if I could rewind time, I would make the same choice.
So many of my comrades died in that place, so many of them took up arms to protect their country, and many of them were broken by fear, crying to see their families and loved ones, but their tears soon froze and many of them died with regrets because they could do nothing about it. ((??))
Compared to them, I was very lucky. I could return to my hometown without losing anything. I still had two arms and both my legs were still connected.
It was good to return to my life (?), and the first thing I thought about was what to do with the rest of my life that I hadn't used up. But I didn't think too much about it. I knew what I wanted a long time ago, and I thought I would use my life for someone else.
I wanted to die protecting someone or something, just like my comrades.
It's not that I wanted to die, it's just that I've long since forgotten how strongly I wanted to not die. I'm willing to die to achieve my goals, and I've always been okay with that.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but listen, it's not like that anymore.
I'm Mafia, and I'm always in danger. The more power my Family gains, the more people will try to kill us. There are so many mafiosos in this city, and they are always looking for opportunities to take down other organizations.
We have left Burlone and arrived in New York, but I am sure that tough times will continue to occur.
Still, I won't die. No matter what, I won't die and leave you alone under any circumstances, I swear to God.
Ah, but it doesn't sound very credible for me to swear to God after what I did, does it?
Then, I'll swear to you, who is more important than God.
I will survive, even if I have to slurp up muddy water. Definitely.
I have lived my whole life for someone else. For my mother, for my country, for Dante, for my Family. I was told to do so, or I was forced to do so, and I thought it was my role to do so.
Now, I understand. Just like Dante, I was also bound to my blood for so long.
But now I'm free. You broke my cage, and now I just honestly want to be with you, to do this not because of someone else, but from my own desire. This is my wish, and no one else's. I want to live for my own sake, to make my own wish come true. I'm sorry that I couldn't say that I'll live for you. I'm being selfish and doing what I want for myself. (?? I'm not very sure about this part!))
Eh, you're saying that it's only natural? That I'm not being selfish.
That's why I fell in love with you/That's why I'm crazy about you. (Two different interpretations here lol)
I love you, my precious. Thank you.
If you were to live for me, then of course I'd be happy. But, if you were to live for yourself, and then you want to be with me, and stay by my side, then I'll be more than happy.
That's right, Signorina, how do you want to spend your first day of the year? If you want to get up early and go out, then you may need to go to bed. Or do you want to stay up late until the sun rises? Of course, if you want to chat then I'm also welcome to that.
We can talk while lounging in bed, but there may not be much of a conversation. Ah, I'm not trying to distract you, but, you see, I know myself pretty well.
Well, why don't we sit on the couch and chat, then that way I'm sure I won't disregard your wishes.
How about I make you something warm? Like hot milk?
Just like that night we met, I took your shaking hand and tucked you in. I was hoping to get you to let your guard down and maybe even fall in love with me, but I never thought that I would be the one to fall. I thought I had prepared for that quite carefully.
You see, Sister Sophia came to the house the next day and asked me to take care of you here, right? Actually, I had arranged that in advance.
You were very surprised at that time, weren't you? You never would have thought that and experienced and serious Sister would ask such a favor from the Mafia.
I told her in advance that it was necessary for your safety. I though that she(you?) would be hesitant to do so, and more than anything, I thought she(you?) would be scared. I asked her to make it a proposal from the Sisters.
I was planning a lot of things like this without you seeing it.
Well, I was betrayed by my own heart, which should have been the easiest to control.
All right, sit back and wait for me to make it soon. Ah, you're going to follow me? You're being more honest and sweet tonight than usual. How cute. How about we skip talking and go to bed instead?
I'm joking, I'm joking!
But we can't stay awake forever, so we'll go to bed sooner or later, right? If you're sleepy then, I'll caress your cheek and thank you for being my wife, kiss you softly and go to sleep with you. But if we go to bed and your eyes are still wide open and you're still acting sweet like this, then I'll live up to your expectations. It's ok to sleep in until afternoon tomorrow, after all there's no butler here to get mad at me.
My hot milk is a recipe that Giulia taught me. I heat it slowly over low heat like this. The trick is to keep stirring without boiling.
Can you pass me the mugs? Grazie.
Honey and cinnamon are the finishing touches.
Here you go, Signorina, be careful not to burn your tongue.
Maybe a bit too sweet. I'm glad you like it, your smile is the best reward of all.
Do you remember when I said it was enough for me to have a lovely wife at home?
That was my true feeling at the time. You didn't need to go out, do housework, or work, I just wanted you to be at home waiting for me to come home. I didn't want anything more than that, I was satisfied just by your presence.
But things are a little different now.
I want to have you all to myself, but I don't want to lock you away.
The woman I fell in love with is probably not the type of person who likes to stay at home, and even if she says she doesn't have to do anything, she should find something she can do and make an effort. (??)
I like that about you.
I want you to live your life the way you do.
Of course, if you want to stay at home all the time, that's fine. Even if you are just lounging in bed every day, my love for you will not change. But if you want to cook, or clean, or whatever else, then I'll convince Bartolo. He's a bit of a pain, but I can handle it.
Just because you're my wife doesn't mean you have to subject yourself to the rules that impose obligations or don't give rights. (??)
That's a bad tradition.
If you want to go out and find something you want to do and work hard to make it happen, then I'll support you. Of course I have my concerns, because I think it's best for you to stay home so you're not involved in anything dangerous or put in harm's way.
And I know that starting something new can be exhausting, painful, and hurtful.
I used to want to keep you away from all that, but that's my own ego, and if I really love you, then I shouldn't blindfold you, right?
I want you to see the world with your own eyes./ I must allow you to see the world with your own eyes. ((?? Unsure if this one too))
I've grown up a bit in the past year to be able to think this way, don't you think?
If you start something new and still have a hard time, then I will comfort you a lot. I will encourage you until you feel better and help you until the problem is solved. And afterwards I'll make you something like this, hot milk or whatever you like, hold you close until the tears stop, and go to sleep with you.
Then when morning comes, the two of us can work together again.
Instead of leaning on one person, let's take each other's hand and live together forever, supporting each other even when trials sometimes come our way.
You have always faced me with sincerity.
I will look straight back at you and respond to that that sincerity with my own.
Hey, my precious, I believe in your heart and mind.
So can you believe in me too? There is no room for hypocrisy in my feelings for you.
I will always be with you this year, next year, and no matter how many years pass, I will protect you no matter what happens.
I will continue to love you the best I can.
So don't ever leave me.
Please love me.
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theaceofdragons · 1 year
Have a weird little Royai modern fantasy AU excerpt
(I'm feeling really bad about myself as a writer and I want to share something I actually like. If you like it too, please let me know because I could seriously use the dopamine boost)
Thank you to @goneadrift and @dairogo for useful comments!
Good morning, this is Oakenwald University Radio and I'm Kain Fuery. As most of you already know, a body was found last night on the edge of campus, between April and Cadwallis Streets. We have an update from the Resembool County Police, who suspect the death wasn't accidental. They'll be releasing the victim's name once the family has been notified, and there was no comment on whether this could be related to the library break-in. We'll keep you updated as we learn more, and students and faculty are encouraged to keep an eye on your phones and email and listen to this station for updates, and to travel in groups and follow instructions from campus security. If you have any information that might be useful to the investigation, please call ###-###-####. Evening classes will be online for at least the next week, so check your email for details. We'll have an interview with Julie Adler from campus security at one this afternoon, and we'll be discussing how you can stay safe on campus and in town.
Resembool County Courier, May 5th, 20XX
Body Found on Oakenwald Campus Identified
Police have identified the man found dead on the Oakenwald campus on Sunday.
63-year-old Berthold Hawkeye's identity  was released this afternoon after police were unable to locate his next of kin. Police also confirmed that Dr. Hawkeye's death was not a result of natural causes, and that they had reason to believe it was also not a "random event." Detectives are continuing to investigate, and say there is currently no suspect information. Anyone with pertinent information, or who saw or heard anything suspicious Sunday night, should call ###-###-####.
Correction (1:32PM): An earlier version of this article referred to Dr. Hawkeye as Mr. Hawkeye.
Do you remember when I told you about Riza?
I don't think so
Wait is that the girl who went missing
The dead man they found was her father.
Didn't see that coming
Did you look for her this year
I did my annual social media sweep
The police couldn't find her either.
I'm sorry, Roy
Do you want to talk?
I have to finish this paper.
Call me any time.
Resemblool County Medical Examiner's Office - Autopsy Report
…cause of death appears to be a single stab wound at the midline, the force of the blow fractured the sternum. Further examination revealed roots embedded into the subject’s heart, which has been sent for DNA testing to confirm it is that of the decedent. Further assessment is on hold pending preliminary results…
CAUSE OF DEATH: Terminal damage to organs
Death Notices
Berthold Hawkeye, 63, passed away May 4th in Fieldstone, where he had previously spent five years as an assistant professor of physics at Oakenwald University. He is remembered by colleagues as a unique and brilliant man. Dr. Hawkeye is preceded in death by his wife, Nicola, with whom he has one daughter, Riza.
A memorial will be held Wednesday, March 7, at Oakenwald University’s Paracelsus Garden.
This is Riza Hawkeye. I'm at the bus depot off E-23 and I need help. I wouldn't be bothering you if it wasn't an emergency. Can you help me?
This isn't funny and you have extremely bad timing
When you were thirteen you wanted to ask a boy out and I told you the line you had planned sounded more like a marriage proposal. You got annoyed at me because you would never marry someone who couldn't even [INSERT SCIENCE THING] and gave me a serious talk about how important a commitment marriage is.
I'm almost out of data on this prepaid. Will you help me?
I'm on my way
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lea-heartscxiv · 1 year
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SK8 ~Golden Week: Showing Spain. The big party~ - 05/05/23 (May 5th in Spain ~ Last day) [Part 1/2]
Ainosuke as promised day they celebrated his birthday (Sunday in Spain, during afternoon where in Japan it was May 1st) is showing a bit of Spain to everyone in Golden Week, and this was last day, day 5.
You can read below cut line part 1 of 2 or complete on our Blogger where you can see too extras of Day 5. (From me and @van-yangyin)
Blogger: English | Español
You can read below cut line ↓
Everything written at the end with this * symbol, is Spanish conversation.
Thursday night, Olé family came to visit the guys. José sat down with Ainosuke in front of the campfire to talk about the last full day they would be in Spain.
José: Well, let us schedule tomorrow, you won't regret it.*
Ainosuke: As we talked about that time.... You don't have any bulls available, do you?*
José: No, but if you promise me that will come back to Spain again, we will try to contact a friend of ours, although what you tell me you want to do is very reckless!*
That said, after talking for a while longer, they said goodbye and went to rest, so that they would be fully energized the next day.
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Friday, May 5th in Spain. Everyone was with renewed energy, especially after the previous day's off-camera evening. They woke up at 6:30 a.m., got dressed and at 8 a.m. José and the rest arrived to guide and take them to various places.
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They arrived at the first stop and first thing they did was to go hiking. Magdalena told them that last time she couldn't show them the nature of her village as she would have liked and today was a good day, since the weather was nice, it was neither hot nor cold.
Reki: Do we have to walk?
Langa: Can't we go skateboarding?
Miya: My legs are sporty, but I don't know if they can stand walking for a long time...
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So they walked along and found a small pond.
Miya: It's hot, can I put my feet in it?
Kojiro: But take your...
Miya: Great!
Kojiro: Shoes...
And not being able to do anything else, Kojiro let it be.
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Langa took the opportunity to review a bit of Japanese history.
Ainosuke: In year 794 the imperial court founded a new capital Heian-kyo, Langa-kun, do you know what the capital is called nowadays?
Langa: Mmmmh... *shakes his head* I don't remember right now.
Ainosuke: Kyoto. Langa-kun, if you ever need help in your studies, you can ask me.
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Reki lay down to look at the clouds while feeling breeze in air.
Reki: Next time I go on a trip I'd like to go to Los Angeles or Canada with Langa.
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And Kojiro, Hiromi and Kaoru started talking.
Kaoru: Come on Kojiro, you must admit that that shirt suits you very well, everything that has something of mine on it, is perfect. Even if it's worn by a gorilla and deformed on your body.
Kojiro: Kaoru, saying this doesn't make it any better....
Kaoru: Well, I "proudly" wear the design of the shirt to promote Sia la Luce.
Kojiro: Where we are now, it's not like it's going to do much promotion...
Kaoru: But it's green, I can camouflage myself. And with my pink hair it matches very well.
Kojiro: Santa Madonna.
Hiromi: «Here we go again... They look like a married couple with many years of marriage and they've only been married for a year and a half.... Oka... I miss you...» - thinking.
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Kojiro: Oh, wait. Nicola sent me a message.
Kaoru: Nicola... 
Hiromi: Kaoru, you seem to be more jealous of Kojiro talking to men than to women...
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Magdalena: We should continue on our way.*
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And between Magdalena's explanations with Ainosuke and Carla's translation and continuing along the road, they finally arrived where she wanted to take them to second and last place.
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Magdalena: I don't know if any of you have a farm where you live or your grandparents have one, but I would like you to have the experience of helping with animals in another country.*
Ainosuke translated what Magdalena told them.
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Kaoru: Let me, at Kojiro's grandfather's farm sometimes we had to feed them.
Kojiro: I don't remember it in the same way... It was just me who...
Kaoru: Who begged me to feed them, of course. 
He started feeding them.
Kaoru: Shit! I mean... *ahem* It's okay, relax... All right, you just need to relax...
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Kaoru: And now that she's relaxed we'll try again. See? I have practice...
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Reki on the other hand was helping Albert to spray the plants, who had previously taught him the best way to do it.
Reki: This is fun! Not as much as skateboarding though.... But it's also relaxing.
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Inside the house José was teaching Tadashi how to make "Olé's pancakes".
Tadashi: Mr. José, I would like to make a special request. Since you have offered to teach me how to make your pancakes, I would like them to be a special shape...* «Although Ainosuke-sama does not say so, I know he likes Hello Kitty...» - thinking - Could you teach me how to make pancakes in the shape of Hello Kitty?*
José: Hello Kitty? What's that?
Tadashi: Wait, I'll look it up on Internet and show you.
José: Sure! It's that kitty that Pilar likes so much. In the shape of Hello Kitty, that's done. I've made that dessert for my granddaughter so many times.
And when they finished making it, they called everyone to eat.
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Carmen: «Jose says that Señorito Ainosuke's secretary has helped him, how good it has turned out.*» - thinking. Señorito: Like Young Master.
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Ainosuke: «This was Tadashi's doing.» - thinking.
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Hiromi: It looks good!
Ainosuke: Tadashi made it, of course it looks good.
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Carmen: Hey, niño! You all are very good in different fields, what else do you know how to do? If you weren't his secretary, we would hire you here in a heartbeat.* Niño: literally translated as kiddo, affectionate way for some older people to call a person younger than themselves.
Tadashi: Nothing special, I just like to serve my master.*
Carmen: You love him very much, don't you? If you get married, you must to invite us to your wedding.*
Tadashi: *ahem* Of course...*
Carmen: Or are you already married?*
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Hiromi: «It's as good as the sweets Joe sometimes makes!» - thinking.
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After finishing eating, Ainosuke went outside because he also wanted to try what Kaoru did in the barnyard. Although on the way we can see how Reki is finishing his meal while still spraying the plants.... He seems to have taken a liking to it.
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And Ainosuke made friends with the rooster right away.
Ainosuke: This is easier than Cherry made it look. Why lie, I'm perfect in everything, and in this I couldn't be less.
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Reki went after Ainosuke and just like him, made friends with the rooster the first time. It seems that at the end Kaoru the expert, was the most inexperienced of the three, either that or the hen he addressed was as stubborn as he was.
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Then it was Langa's turn, who also wanted to pet one of the hens or roosters in the barnyard. And just like all the others, the rooster let himself be petted the first time. Could it be that rooster is the docile one and they all are heading the same one?
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Kojiro obviously didn't want to miss the opportunity, his grandparents had a farm.
Kojiro: My grandmother would like you very much, I'm sure you are punctual in the morning to wake up the day.
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And finally it was Miya who also had no problem. Hiromi and Tadashi didn't want to participate. The former because:
Hiromi: I can't go as Shadow right now!
Miya: Why do you want to be Shadow?
Hiromi: Be.. Because... *yelling* Because it gives me courage!
Miya: Well, it didn't cost you anything to yell at me with courage....
As for the second one:
Tadashi: My duty is to protect Ainosuke-sama from any danger. I can't afford to waste my time on that kind of thing.
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Once everyone had finished feeding the hens and roosters, it was time for them to rest in their coop. They went to the entrance to go back home and celebrate the night before the next day arrived, when they had to get ready to leave. And this time they drove all the way to the entrance.
~Continue in Part 2~
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brasister · 2 years
Its finally coming to an end. Season 5 is the worst season. The writing is terrible, the characters make zero sense and nothing feels satisfied. I can only see myself playing this season twice for Finn/Suresh. When am I getting bits. This season is so boring, it doesn’t focus on love or lust. Just damn bullying time after time.
Kat- I don’t feel bad for her, if her character was nice to us I would throw Finn to the curb. But her relationship is based on lust. They can only be compare to Lottie/Gary and I would say Lottie/Gary worked better, if Mc is not in their route they only have eyes for one another. Even if Finn plays Kat with Arlo, Kat is also to blame for her fuck ups. She hates us so much she kisses Suresh when we’re with him, just to make us jealous. She kisses Alfie too, and look at her now supporting Arlo/Meera the girls who bullies us the most. So no fuck Kat, I could care less about her feelings or letting her be with Finn.
Dana- I don’t hate her as much as before. She’s an okay friend but she’s the worst female li of all seasons. She will not be getting a chance after bringing Gabi back and being in a couple with her. 
Meera- HATE HER, waste of space. We could have had new characters, potential li if fusebox didn’t decided to bring this bitch back just to leave again. Meera wish she was Hannah, Hannah can make it to the end with new clothes and a haircut. But Meera gets NOTHING and not even Alfie would consider leaving with her. All that bullying for what? What was the reason, what was the purpose? 
Gabi-  I don’t have much thoughts on her, she feels invisible to me. Could be bc I’m not playing Suresh route just yet. But she seems like a background character, so I don’t hate her nor love her, she’s just there. 
Lulu- I would play her route if they didn’t leave it this late in the game. I love her as a friend, the only girl I would ever talk good about. Fusebox keeps leaving last minute li, I can only do that for Angie/Youcef/Oliver/Will and I don’t have the energy to keep playing this season over and over again just for her. Sorry.
Johnny/Nicolas- I will not forgive fusebox for teasing us again, they wasted gem scenes on them and Eddie/Arlo just to be confirm they are not li. Hate them but love their stupid faces. I hope someone can write a good fanfiction of the three boys. *sighs* Why is everything a joke to them and why couldn’t I slap them for making me look like the bad guy. A black eye couldn’t hurt, its what they deserve. Throwing water did nothing but give them a smug face to leave with.
Alfie- Just LEAVE with Meera. His just going to end with Kat, since they wanted to play kissy games behind me & Finn. His not a good friend to Finn either. Alfie is a damn player and played Meera. I did wanted them to work, but fusebox doesn’t like good relationship, so instead we got Meera focusing on us and Alfie just proving my point of being a fake nice guy, who is trying to one up Suresh. Alfie just fucking sucks, his not a sweet guy, and his actions screams player. I rather have Eddie back then to have Alfie stay another night.
Suresh- I’m still waiting for a real redemption arc, why the hell would he mention Gabi like that. Thats not what I wanted to hear. His falling into the background to me because his not standing up for us, or saying his on our side. Hell he even help Johnny/Nicolas pack. Like what the hell is that about, you say you love us but helping the douche who made us look like the villain pack his bags. As if last week wasn’t bad enough with Gabi/Meera kissing and marrying them. 
Finn- His the only good li and thats a shame. His a player, and I’m starting to hate last minute rush relationships. I love him but fusebox refuse to give us what we had in season 2, plenty to pick from and written well li. I can’t wait for this season to finish to start playing season 2 again. Finn is only trash because of his actions with Kat. But I rather have him then what I’m getting from the others. It has its drama and smoking hot redhead finally. I knew I declared to be a Finn stan from the beginning for a reason, even if I get crumbs. But his been the only nice guy and real friend in my opinion 
Lets hope we can finish the last 6 episodes with a good li or the money back in our hands for all our suffering
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the5thcellar · 3 months
The only reason why people are against the perspective of Luke and Nicola having it, it's the internal fat phobia for me. Same thing for the group 'no chemistry' in the series. Anons wouldn't say all that shit about one sided crush from her, if she was indeed a woman with a skinny body, not a mid size one. The thing is she doesn't need it, cause she is ethereal and perfect in her way. She is a beautiful woman. She is gorgeous, while people project much of their own insecurities on her. Luke, though, is just the other typical male celebrity. If they'll ever jump on the train, it will certainly be him asking her out, not her following him. I don't see this woman in her golden retriever stage for anyone. She knows her worth and is sure to be aware of impulsive decisions of his.
OH CLOCK IT OMGGGGGGG. 193829293912% !!!!!!!!!!
I would like this post a hundred times if I could. I've been pretty much silent about the issue of fatphobia in the fandom because the arguments I've witnessed / been involved in on twitter ALWAYS get the same dead end responses - "not everything is fatphobia they just have no chemistry" / "you have to admit that Nicola isn't that attractive it has nothing to do with her weight".
It's LITERALLY fatphobia. Most of the times it's not even internalised - people are literally saying the quiet part out loud by insisting Nicola doesn't look good enough to warrant attraction from a "hot guy" like Luke.
LIKE BE SO FUCKING FR RN OMG ??? I've had to sit through people shipping SO many weird ass pairings that I personally felt were completely absurd - pairings that the mainstream audience ate up just because it was a skinny girl with a hot guy.
(Truth be told - and on a more relevant note - I literally felt like Phoebe and Regé had no chemistry. both of them were so absolutely compelling and gorgeous as individual characters but they didn't work together for me)
Isn't it strange how no one really said much about the previous two Bridgerton pairings where aesthetics were concerned... and were lauding the couples for all having such GREAT chemistry with one another ... but when it came to Luke and Nicola they were all suddenly so insistent that there was no chemistry at all and that their views are completely objective? Nah. Pack it the fuck up. All these people are fatphobic as hell.
What's made it worse is the bloody ozempic obsession that has swept over Hollywood in the past year. Suddenly celebs who used to advocate for body positivity are all skinny - doing a hypocritical 180 on the self love ethos they were preaching.
But anyway that's diving more into social commentary and I don't want to veer too far from the original content on this post.
So 100% yes - a HEFTY MAJORITY of polin antis and lukola antis are blatantly fatphobic. If you cannot imagine Luke Newton can EVER have feelings for Nicola but think him and A are obviously a great fit - you're fatphobic. You can pretend you're objective all you want ... but think about why you're so FUCKING QUICK to defend Antonia and say she'll be together with Luke forever / she's totally his type when 1) she's barely been in the spotlight - she's done no interviews or anything for y'all to even get enough of an idea of her personality to stan her or bat for her 2) y'all don't fucking KNOW his type you just assume it's skinny women because his celeb crush is dua lipa and everyone loves hot and skinny women right? newsflash guys my celeb crushes are Zac Efron and Mads Mikkelsen and HELL YEAH I'd fall over myself to date either of them... but in a fuck marry kill contest I'd still choose to marry Jack Black.
What you think is attractive as a fantasy is not always what you find attractive in a long term partner.
You're here on my page defending Antonia and insisting she's a better fit for Luke not because you know her, or like her, or even because you respect Luke. You're here on my page because you're using her as an excuse to come for Lukola. You're here on my page because you cannot imagine that a fat girl can be together with a "hot man."
Now check that.
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mrsbsmooth · 2 years
Episode 34 - Script (Part 1 of 2)
Snog, Marry Pie part 1
NARRATOR: Previously on Love Island, {0} was accused by Nicolas of being a manipulative game player!
NARRATOR: But who will the other Islanders choose to believe? Nicolas or {0}?
NARRATOR: Previously on Love Island, {0} was accused by Johnny of being a manipulative game player!
NARRATOR: But who will the other Islanders choose to believe? Johnny or {0}?
NARRATOR: And what will this mean for them as a couple?
NARRATOR: Let’s get back to the drama and find out!
You are standing by the pool while your fellow Islanders look at you in shock.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: It was all {0}’s idea. I just went along with it.
Nicolas looks directly at you.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Well, it wasn’t me who wanted to go behind everybody’s back.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Are you serious?!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: You came up with the plan. You said it would be fun.
DANA_SERIOUS: You said it would be fun?
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
PLAYER_ANGRY: I said I didn’t want to play games!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: No, that’s what I said.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: You said it would be a fun mission. I said it would be too sneaky.
DANA_SERIOUS: You said it would be a fun mission?
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: You said you wanted to think about how sneaky you could get.
DANA_SERIOUS: You wanted to get sneaky?!
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: I’m not trying to twist your words, I’m trying to be honest with our friends.
LULU_SAD: Come on, guys, let’s try and calm things down. Let it go, Nicolas.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I think we should find out the truth here first, Lulu.
MEERA_SERIOUS: We need to know the full story.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Yeah, Nicolas, what exactly is the full story?
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Maybe you should ask {0}?
DANA_SAD: {0}? Do you want to tell us something?
Yes, I was being sneaky
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Fine. I’ll admit it, I was being sneaky in order to not get dumped.
MEERA_ANGRY: Wow! You just outright said it.
KAT_ANGRY: I don’t know what to think after all this.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: It was supposed to just be a bit of fun, nothing serious.
DANA_SAD: I don’t know what to believe right now.
This was all Nicolas
PLAYER_ANGRY: No! Nicolas is making out I’m the bad guy, when it was all his idea.
KAT_ANGRY: It seems like you might have been hiding more than you’ve been letting on.
FINN_SAD: Kat, please.
KAT_ANGRY: And you, Finn. I’ve not even started with you.
I want no part of this
PLAYER_ANGRY: I don’t need to defend myself right now. I’m above this.
MEERA_ANGRY: It seems like now is the perfect time.
MEERA_ANGRY: You can’t get away with doing this sort of thing.
KAT_SERIOUS: I can’t believe this, {0}!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: I know it looks like I’m to blame too, but seriously guys, this isn’t on me.
NICOLAS_IDLE: I’m in the same position as the rest of you. I feel the same as you do.
NICOLAS_SAD: I, too, feel completely… betrayed.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Do you even know what you are saying?
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Of course I do.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Let him explain himself, {0}.
PLAYER_ANGRY: This doesn’t really concern you, Meera.
MEERA_ANGRY: Excuse me, it sounds like this concerns all of us.
FINN_SAD: Come on, guys, let’s calm down shall we?
GABI_SERIOUS: Carry on, Nicolas, tell us what’s going on?
NICOLAS_SAD: Well, {0} approached me with a proposition.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Are you serious?!
NICOLAS_SAD: She said that me and her should play up how compatible we are.
NICOLAS_SAD: So that we had a better chance of winning the prize money.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: She said that we could even play you guys against each other.
PLAYER_ANGRY: You’re the one who said that!
NICOLAS_SURPRISED: That isn’t true.
NICOLAS_SAD: Come to think of it, I don’t think she would even share the money with me!
KAT_SURPRISED: I don’t know what to make of all this.
FINN_SAD: This is getting out of hand.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: This is too much.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Too much? There’s more, too. Things were also said while you guys were at Casa Amor.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: {0} was slagging you all off!
SURESH_SERIOUS: What was she saying?
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Oh, you don’t want to know the details.
SURESH_SERIOUS: We do actually.
Nicolas seems to be getting a little flustered.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Well, I can’t remember the exact words, but yeah, something about cheaters.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Wow, now you’re making all this up completely!
NICOLAS_EMBARRASSED: Something about Finn being flaky and Alfie being a wet noodle.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: A wet noodle?
NICOLAS_SURPRISED: I know, terrible isn’t it?
DANA_SAD: I need a breather from this. I can’t even.
GABI_SAD: Wait up, Dana, I’ll come too.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: It can be hard to handle the truth, I know.
FINN_SERIOUS: I’m going to get a drink, I can’t listen to this.
KAT_ANGRY: Well, you’re gonna have to listen to me for a bit still.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: You said something was off about him before.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I want to trust you.
ALFIE_SAD: We can trust you, can’t we, {0}?
You can trust me
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Of course, you guys can trust me. We can move past this.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I wouldn’t be too sure about that, {0}.
Maybe you shouldn’t trust me
PLAYER_SAD: Maybe you guys shouldn’t trust me.
MEERA_SERIOUS: State the obvious, {0}.
I don’t care
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Trust me or not. I don’t care. I don’t need to waste my time explaining anymore.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Everyone deserves an explanation after all this.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Yeah from Nicolas! Not me!
MEERA_SAD: I still can’t believe Arlo got dumped over {0}.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I hate situations like this. This is so unnecessary.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Come on, Alfie.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I think we should leave {0} to think about what she has done.
Alfie looks at you awkwardly.
SURESH_IDLE: Nice not to be involved in the drama for once.
LULU_EMBARRASSED: It’s a real shame this had to happen.
SURESH_IDLE: I can’t believe that you admitted to being sneaky.
LULU_IDLE: Always good to be honest, right?
NICOLAS_IDLE: Couldn’t agree more.
LULU_SERIOUS: Well, I’m here for you, {0}.
Lulu looks at Nicolas with suspicion.
NICOLAS_IDLE: Would you two mind leaving me and {0} alone for a moment?
NICOLAS_IDLE: I think we need to work things out in private.
SURESH_IDLE: Sure. I’m exhausted after all that.
LULU_SAD: Good night, {0}.
PLAYER_ANGRY: I can’t believe you’ve done this!
NICOLAS_IDLE: I think it’s probably best if I sleep on the daybeds tonight.
NICOLAS_SAD: I need time to think.
You should stay on the daybeds
PLAYER_ANGRY: You should absolutely sleep on the daybeds! I don’t want to be anywhere near you.
NICOLAS_IDLE: I completely understand that, {0}.
NICOLAS_SAD: Mistakes have been made.
You can still stay in my bed
PLAYER_IDLE: You should still sleep inside, Nicolas, this might all blow over by the morning.
NICOLAS_SAD: No thanks, {0}. I think I should be alone right now.
I really don’t care what you do
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I really couldn’t care less what you do, Nicolas.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: I wouldn’t expect you to.
NICOLAS_IDLE: Anyway, I should be alone right now.
NICOLAS_IDLE: Good night, {0}.
Nicolas walks away from you and heads to the daybeds.
You head to the bedroom alone.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: It was all {0}’s idea. I just went along with it.
Johnny looks directly at you.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Well, it wasn’t me who wanted to go behind everybody’s back.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Are you serious?!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: You came up with the plan. You said it would be fun.
DANA_SERIOUS: You said it would be fun?
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
PLAYER_ANGRY: I said I didn’t want to play games!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: No, that’s what I said.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: You said it would be a fun mission. I said it would be too sneaky.
DANA_SERIOUS: You said it would be a fun mission?
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: You said you wanted to think about how sneaky you could get.
DANA_SERIOUS: You wanted to get sneaky?!
PLAYER_ANGRY: He’s twisting my words!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: I’m not trying to twist your words.
JOHNNY_SAD: I’m trying to be honest with our friends.
LULU_SAD: Come on, guys, let’s try and calm things down. Let it go, Johnny.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I think we should find out the truth here first, Lulu.
MEERA_ANGRY: We need to know the full story.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Yeah, Johnny, what exactly is the full story?
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Maybe you should ask {0}?
DANA_SAD: {0}? Do you want to tell us something?
Yes, I was being sneaky
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: Fine. I’ll admit it, I was being sneaky in order to not get dumped.
MEERA_ANGRY: Wow! You just outright said it.
KAT_ANGRY: I don’t know what to think after all this.
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: It was supposed to just be a bit of fun, nothing serious.
DANA_SAD: I don’t know what to believe right now.
This was all Johnny
PLAYER_ANGRY: No! Johnny is making out I’m the bad guy, when it was all his idea.
KAT_ANGRY: It seems like you might have been hiding more than you’ve been letting on.
FINN_SAD: Kat, please.
KAT_ANGRY: And you, Finn. I’ve not even started with you.
I want no part of this
PLAYER_ANGRY: I don’t need to defend myself right now. I’m above this.
MEERA_ANGRY: It seems like now is the perfect time.
MEERA_ANGRY: You can’t get away with doing this sort of thing.
KAT_SERIOUS: I can’t believe this, {0}!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: I know it looks like I’m to blame too, but seriously guys, this isn’t on me.
JOHNNY_SAD: I’m in the same position as the rest of you. I feel the same as you do.
JOHNNY_SAD: I too feel completely… betrayed.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Do you even know what you are saying?
JOHNNY_ANGRY: Of course I do.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Let him explain himself, {0}.
PLAYER_ANGRY: This doesn’t really concern you, Meera.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Excuse me, it sounds like this concerns all of us.
FINN_SAD: Come on, guys, let’s calm down shall we?
SURESH_SERIOUS: Tell us what’s going on then, Johnny?
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Well, {0} approached me with a proposition.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Are you serious?!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: She said that me and her should play up how compatible we are.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: So that we had a better chance of winning the prize money.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: She said that we could even play you guys against each other.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: It was you who said that! Not me!
JOHNNY_SAD: That’s not true, {0}.
JOHNNY_SAD: Come to think of it, I don’t think she would even share the money with me!
KAT_SERIOUS: I don’t know what to make of all this.
FINN_SAD: This is getting out of hand.
ALFIE_SAD: This is too much.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Too much? There’s more.
JOHNNY_SAD: Things were also said while you guys were at Casa Amor.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: {0} was slagging you all off!
SURESH_SERIOUS: What was she saying?
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Oh, you don’t want to know the details.
SURESH_SERIOUS: We do, actually.
Johnny seems to be getting a little flustered.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Well, I can’t remember the exact words, but yeah, something about cheaters.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Wow, now you’re making all this up completely!
JOHNNY_EMBARRASSED: Something about Finn being flaky and Alfie being a wet noodle.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: A wet noodle?
JOHNNY_SURPRISED: I know, terrible isn’t it?
DANA_SAD: I need a breather from this. I can’t even.
GABI_SAD: Wait up, Dana. I’ll come too.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: It can be hard to handle the truth, I know.
FINN_SERIOUS: I’m going to get a drink, I can’t listen to this.
KAT_ANGRY: Well, you’re gonna have to listen to me for a bit still.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: You said something was off about him before.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I want to trust you.
ALFIE_SAD: We can trust you, can’t we, {0}?
You can trust me
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Of course, you guys can trust me. We can move past this.
MEERA_SERIOUS: I wouldn’t be too sure about that, {0}.
Maybe you shouldn’t trust me
PLAYER_SAD: Maybe you guys shouldn’t trust me.
MEERA_SERIOUS: State the obvious, {0}.
I don’t care
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Trust me or not. I don’t care. I don’t need to waste my time explaining anymore.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Everyone deserves an explanation after all this.
MEERA_SAD: I still can’t believe Arlo got dumped over {0}.
ALFIE_SAD: I hate situations like this. This is so unnecessary.
MEERA_SERIOUS: Come on, Alfie.
MEERA_IDLE: I think we should leave {0} to think about what she has done.
Alfie looks at you awkwardly.
SURESH_IDLE: Nice not to be involved in the drama for once.
LULU_EMBARRASSED: It’s a real shame this had to happen.
SURESH_IDLE: I can’t believe that you admitted to being sneaky.
LULU_IDLE: Always good to be honest, right?
JOHNNY_IDLE: Couldn’t agree more.
LULU_SERIOUS: I’m here for you, whatever happened, {0}.
Lulu looks at Johnny with suspicion.
JOHNNY_IDLE: Would you two mind leaving me and {0} alone for a moment?
JOHNNY_IDLE: I think we need to work things out in private.
SURESH_IDLE: Sure. I’m exhausted after all that anyway.
LULU_IDLE: Good night, {0}.
PLAYER_ANGRY: I can’t believe you’ve done this!
JOHNNY_SAD: I think it’s probably best if I sleep on the daybeds tonight.
JOHNNY_IDLE: I need time to think.
JOHNNY_SAD: I don’t think I should be around you at the moment. What do you think?
You should stay on the daybeds
PLAYER_ANGRY: You should absolutely sleep on the daybeds! I don’t want to be anywhere near you.
JOHNNY_IDLE: I completely understand that, {0}.
JOHNNY_SAD: Mistakes have been made.
You can still stay in my bed
PLAYER_SAD: You should still sleep inside, Johnny.
PLAYER_SAD: This might all blow over by the morning.
JOHNNY_SAD: No thanks, {0}. I think I should be alone right now.
I really don’t care what you do
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I really couldn’t care less what you do, Johnny.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: I wouldn’t expect you to.
JOHNNY_IDLE: Anyway, I should be alone right now.
JOHNNY_IDLE: Good night, {0}.
Johnny walks away from you and heads to the daybeds.
You head to the bedroom alone.
There is a frosty atmosphere as you step into the bedroom.
It seems like the rest of the Islanders are asleep, or at least pretending to be.
You’ll have to wait until tomorrow before you can sort things out.
You climb into bed, your mind racing about everything that just happened.
Until eventually tiredness creeps in and you drift off to sleep.
You wake up alone in your bed the following morning. The other Islanders begin to stir, and you can still sense tension in the air.
You hear whispers coming from Finn and Kat’s bed.
FINN_SAD: This is just wrong. How is {0} in this position?
KAT_SERIOUS: She admitted she was being sneaky.
FINN_SAD: I know. I can’t believe she said that.
KAT_SAD: Maybe she isn’t the person we think she is?
The rest of the Islanders emerge from their beds.
GABI_HAPPY: Another dramatic night in the villa.
DANA_SAD: I’d expect nothing less at this point.
LULU_IDLE: Morning, {0}. Are you okay?
Yes, I’m fine
PLAYER_IDLE: Yeah, I’m ok. It’s a new day. I’m sure I can get things sorted out quick enough.
LULU_IDLE: Yeah, hopefully this will all be resolved soon.
No, I’m not fine
PLAYER_SAD: I’m not great, to be honest.
LULU_SAD: Yeah, I understand. This is a bit of a tough situation to be in.
I don’t know how I feel
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m not sure. I’m a bit all over the place at this point.
LULU_IDLE: Well, hopefully today you can repair any damage that’s been caused.
SURESH_IDLE: This all seems unnecessary to me, {0}.
SURESH_IDLE: Whatever has happened, we should all just try and move on.
SURESH_IDLE: Clinging to stuff like that is never a good idea. I know that better than anyone.
GABI_SAD: Suresh might be right, guys. We should squash this beef.
FINN_SAD: Kat, come on. Let’s play nice.
KAT_SERIOUS: Play nice? I could be playing much rougher if I wanted.
KAT_SERIOUS: You still haven’t told me everything about how much {0} means to you.
FINN_EMBARRASSED: Kat, please, we can talk about that later.
KAT_SERIOUS: Yeah, and we defo will.
MEERA_HAPPY: Sounds like things aren’t ready to calm down just yet then?
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Meera, can we just...?
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: I don’t know, just, like, not make things worse.
MEERA_IDLE: Okay, if that’s what you want. Anything for you, Alfie.
GABI_IDLE: Where’s Nicolas?
GABI_IDLE: Where’s Johnny?
PLAYER_IDLE: He slept outside.
DANA_SAD: Probably for the best.
LULU_IDLE: So, while he isn’t here, why don’t you tell us what’s going on?
FINN_SAD: Yeah, {0}. Get it all out.
SURESH_IDLE: There’s no point waiting.
LULU_IDLE: So, what’s your side of the story, {0}?
Nicolas is a liar
PLAYER_ANGRY: Nicolas is lying. It was all his idea.
PLAYER_SAD: And even though I went along with it, I didn’t really want to cause any harm.
PLAYER_SAD: It was just a spur of the moment thing.
PLAYER_SAD: I didn’t expect things to be taken this far.
Nicolas believes he’s speaking the truth
PLAYER_SAD: Nicolas is just telling it how he saw it, I guess.
PLAYER_SAD: Maybe we just misunderstood each other?
PLAYER_IDLE: If he thinks he’s right, there’s not much I can do to change that.
PLAYER_SAD: Things have just gotten out of hand I suppose.
I just want to move on
PLAYER_SERIOUS: It doesn’t matter what my side of the story is. I want to move forward.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t want to spend my remaining time in the villa dealing with this nonsense.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t need to defend myself against a snake like Nicolas.
Johnny is a liar
PLAYER_ANGRY: Johnny is lying. It was all his idea.
PLAYER_SAD: And even though I went along with it, I didn’t really want to cause any harm.
PLAYER_SAD: It was just a spur of the moment thing.
PLAYER_SAD: I didn’t expect things to be taken this far.
Johnny believes he’s speaking the truth
PLAYER_SAD: Johnny is just telling it how he saw it, I guess.
PLAYER_SAD: Maybe we just misunderstood each other?
PLAYER_IDLE: If he thinks he’s right, there’s not much I can do to change that.
PLAYER_SAD: Things have just gotten out of hand I suppose.
I just want to move on
PLAYER_SERIOUS: It doesn’t matter what my side of the story is. I want to move forward.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t want to spend my remaining time in the villa dealing with this nonsense.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t need to defend myself against a snake like Johnny.
LULU_HAPPY: Well, I’m on your side anyway, {0}.
GABI_IDLE: Well, I don’t know about anybody else, but I need some coffee after all this.
The rest of the Islanders go to follow Gabi towards the door.
GABI_IDLE: Dana, you coming?
DANA_IDLE: I’ll meet you outside. I just need a quick chat with {0}.
GABI_SAD: Okay, see you in a bit.
Dana turns to you.
DANA_SAD: I can’t pretend that I’m not upset.
DANA_SAD: You know me better than anyone, and you know I take things to heart.
DANA_SAD: So, I’m not gonna be able to just pretend like nothing’s wrong.
DANA_SAD: It’s really hard seeing a close friend get involved in shady stuff.
DANA_SAD: It’s really thrown me off balance.
DANA_SERIOUS: Even though you've explained that he was lying.
DANA_SAD: Last night was a mess.
DANA_SAD: And I couldn't get my head around it all.
DANA_IDLE: But I’d really like to clear the air with you, before it’s too late.
DANA_IDLE: Will you come and have a proper chat with me about this mess?
*Yeah, let’s go and clear the air
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sure thing, Dana. Let’s talk this out.
DANA_IDLE: Great, let’s go out to the terrace.
No, I’ve got nothing to say
PLAYER_IDLE: No thanks, Dana. Let’s just move on.
DANA_IDLE: Are you sure? I feel like our friendship might need a bit of repairing.
*Okay, let’s talk this through
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Sure thing, Dana. Let’s talk this out.
DANA_IDLE: Great, let’s go out to the terrace.
I really don’t want to chat
PLAYER_IDLE: Seriously, Dana, I don’t feel the need to discuss this anymore.
DANA_SAD: Okay, no probs. I’m sure me and you will get back on track sooner or later.
Suddenly, Nicolas excitedly enters the bedroom.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Nicolas reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
NICOLAS_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Especially after all that hassle {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The hassle I caused?
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}, no time to talk.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Gotta practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
Suddenly, Johnny excitedly enters the bedroom.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are chatting about, but I got a text.
Johnny reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
JOHNNY_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Especially after all that drama {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The drama <i>I</i> caused?
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry, {0}, no time to talk.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Gotta go practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
DANA_IDLE: Well, {0}, we should probably get ready.
DANA_SAD: Hopefully our outfits won’t get ruined by too many pies.
DANA_IDLE: Besides, getting dressed up and being positive is always a good way to get past things.
DANA_IDLE: Who knows, maybe a bit of fun will bring the villa back together?
You and Dana head into the dressing room.
MEERA_IDLE: Well, I don’t know about anybody else, but I need some coffee after all this.
The other Islanders follow Meera out of the bedroom.
MEERA_IDLE: Alfie, you coming?
ALFIE_IDLE: I’ll meet you outside. I just need a quick chat with {0}.
MEERA_SURPRISED: Really? After everything last night?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Yes! We need to talk.
MEERA_SAD: Okay, see you in a bit then I guess.
Meera leaves the room.
ALFIE_SAD: I can’t pretend that I’m not upset.
ALFIE_SAD: You know me better than anyone, and you know I can be sensitive.
ALFIE_SAD: So, I’m not gonna be able to just pretend like nothing’s wrong.
ALFIE_SAD: It’s really hard seeing a close friend get involved in shady stuff.
ALFIE_SAD: It’s really thrown me off balance.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Even though you've explained that he was lying.
ALFIE_SAD: Last night was a mess.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: And I couldn't get my head around it all.
ALFIE_IDLE: But I’d really like to clear the air with you, before it’s too late.
ALFIE_IDLE: Will you come and have a proper chat with me about this mess?
*Yeah, let’s go and clear the air
PLAYER_HAPPY: Sure thing, Alfie. Let’s talk this out.
ALFIE_IDLE: Cool, let’s go out to the terrace.
No, I’ve got nothing to say
PLAYER_IDLE: No thanks, Alfie. Let’s just move on.
ALFIE_IDLE: Are you sure? I feel like our friendship might need a bit of repairing.
*Okay, let’s talk this through
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Sure thing, Alfie. Let’s talk this out.
ALFIE_IDLE: Cool, let’s go out to the terrace.
I really don’t want to chat
PLAYER_IDLE: I don’t feel the need to discuss this anymore.
ALFIE_SAD: Okay, no probs. I’m sure me and you will get back on track sooner or later.
Suddenly, Nicolas excitedly enters the bedroom.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Nicolas reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
NICOLAS_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Especially after all that hassle {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The hassle <i>I</i> caused?
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Sorry, {0}, no time to talk.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Gotta go practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
Suddenly, Johnny excitedly enters the bedroom.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are chatting about, but I got a text.
Johnny reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
JOHNNY_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Especially after all that drama {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The drama <i>I</i> caused?
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Sorry, {0}, no time to talk.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Gotta go tell the others about this text.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: And practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way.
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, {0}, we should probably get dressed.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Hopefully our outfits won’t get ruined by too many pies.
ALFIE_IDLE: Besides, getting dressed up is always a good way to get past things.
ALFIE_IDLE: Who knows, maybe a bit of fun will bring the villa back together?
ALFIE_HAPPY: I’ll see you at the challenge area, {0}.
Alfie leaves the bedroom, and you make your way to the dressing room.
You step out onto the terrace with Dana. You both stand in slightly awkward silence for a moment.
DANA_SERIOUS: So, I guess we had to expect drama like this at some point.
DANA_SURPRISED: I’m just surprised that it involves you and not Kat!
DANA_SAD: I know a game of Never Have I Ever can be risky, but this is something else.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: I think I’d have preferred next level embarrassment to this.
DANA_SAD: Maybe it’s just me, I’m not great with conflict.
DANA_IDLE: What about you, {0}, are you bothered by all this?
Yeah, it’s bothered me
PLAYER_SAD: Of course I’m bothered. This is massively affecting my time here.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Nicolas has gone out of his way to try and mess with me.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Johnny has gone out of his way to try and mess with me.
DANA_ANGRY: Yeah, you explained he lied about all of this!
DANA_ANGRY: Makes my blood boil he'd do you dirty like this!
PLAYER_ANGRY: Yeah, mine too!
DANA_IDLE: Well, we both feel the same.
DANA_HAPPY: That means there’s some common ground between us at least.
No, I’m not bothered by any of this
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m really not fazed by any of this.
DANA_SAD: Really? I must be more sensitive than you then.
I’m not sure how I feel about it
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m unsure how I should feel about all of this.
DANA_HAPPY: Never have you ever been so confused.
PLAYER_IDLE: Something like that.
Dana looks out at the garden, it’s quiet. The others must be scattered separately around the villa.
DANA_SERIOUS: We shouldn’t let this affect our friendship.
DANA_IDLE: We’ve been through too much together already.
DANA_SAD: I don’t want to look back at this experience with regret.
DANA_SAD: Or think there’s any bad blood between us.
DANA_SERIOUS: I want us to always be on the same team.
DANA_SAD: What do you think, {0}?
DANA_SAD: Do you wanna settle all of this right now?
Yes, let’s settle this
PLAYER_HAPPY: I feel the same as you, Dana. We should always have each other’s backs.
DANA_HAPPY: I’m so glad you think that, {0}.
DANA_SERIOUS: First things first though, I think Nicolas deserves some of his own medicine.
DANA_SERIOUS: First things first though, I think Johnny deserves some of his own medicine.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Absolutely!
No, I’m fine leaving it as is
PLAYER_ANGRY: I don’t feel any real need to settle anything.
DANA_IDLE: Well, you must have a much harder heart than me.
DANA_SAD: I have to get all my emotions out in order to move on.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Seriously, Dana, it’s no biggie.
I can’t make up my mind right now
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m still not sure about my feelings.
DANA_SAD: Well, even if you’re not, I am.
DANA_IDLE: So, to be clear, as much as this whole thing upset me, I’ve still got your back.
PLAYER_IDLE: Okay, Dana.
You hear a distant text ping from somewhere inside the villa.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Somebody just got a text!
DANA_SAD: Oh no, not more drama.
You move to leave.
DANA_SAD: {0}? Before whatever happens next, I need to tell you something.
PLAYER_IDLE: What do you need to tell me, Dana?
Dana composes herself, fiddles with her hair, and takes a deep breath.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: I wasn’t going to ask you this.
DANA_SERIOUS: But that chat we had before the recoupling got me thinking again.
DANA_IDLE: I just want you to know.
DANA_HAPPY: If you ever feel like me and you could be more than friends…
DANA_EMBARRASSED: Well, I’d be up for that. The summer isn’t gonna last forever.
DANA_IDLE: And finishing my journey here with you would be a sweet way to end it.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What about Gabi?
DANA_EMBARRASSED: Gabi’s cool and things are going well.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: But I think she might have feelings for someone else.
DANA_IDLE: So, {0}, do you feel the same about me?
Yeah, I could be interested in you
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Sure thing, Dana. A lot of great relationships go from friends to something more.
DANA_HAPPY: Okay, wow. Maybe me and you are just a pair of late bloomers.
No, me and you isn’t a thing
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Dana, me and you, that just isn't gonna happen.
DANA_SAD: No worries, {0}, I understand.
DANA_IDLE: Hopefully I meet the right person before I leave then.
I still don’t know about us in that way
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m not sure, Dana, that’s a big ask.
DANA_IDLE: Well, at least I’ve told you now.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Let me think about it some more.
DANA_HAPPY: Take all the time you need.
You pause for a moment.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: There was one other thing.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Eddie spoke to me about you.
DANA_SERIOUS: What did Eddie have to say about me?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you were upset about how things were going with me and Suresh.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you didn’t know where your head was at.
DANA_ANGRY: Why was Eddie chatting about me behind my back?
DANA_ANGRY: How I’m feeling is nobody else’s business.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: But he also said that when you were coupled up with him, all you spoke about was me.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: Well, that’s an exaggeration.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: But there’s some truth to it, I guess.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He also said you were never that into Suresh too.
DANA_SURPRISED: He said that?
PLAYER_EMBARRASSED: And also that you only wanted to get to know him to try to move away from me.
DANA_EMBARRASSED: I guess there’s some truth to that too.
Suddenly, Nicolas excitedly enters from the bedroom.
DANA_ANGRY: We’re having a private chat here.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Well, sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Nicolas reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
NICOLAS_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Especially after all that hassle {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The hassle I caused?
DANA_ANGRY: {0} explained that you're the one who caused all this.
NICOLAS_SURPRISED: I wouldn't believe everything she tells you, Dana.
DANA_SERIOUS: I believe her over you!
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Sorry, no time to talk.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Gotta practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
Suddenly, Johnny excitedly enters from the bedroom.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are chatting about, but I got a text.
Johnny reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
JOHNNY_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Especially after all that drama {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The drama I caused?
DANA_ANGRY: {0} explained that you're the one who caused all this.
JOHNNY_SURPRISED: I wouldn't believe everything she tells you, Dana.
DANA_SERIOUS: I believe her over you!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Sorry, no time to talk!
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Gotta go practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
DANA_IDLE: Well, {0}, we should probably get ready.
DANA_SAD: Hopefully our outfits won’t get ruined by too many pies.
DANA_IDLE: Besides, getting all dressed up is always a good way to get past things.
DANA_IDLE: Who knows, maybe a bit of fun will bring the villa back together?
You and Dana head into the dressing room.
You step out onto the terrace with Alfie. You both stand in a slightly awkward silence for a moment.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: So, I guess we had to expect drama like this at some point.
ALFIE_SURPRISED: I’m just surprised that it involves you and not Kat!
ALFIE_SAD: I know a game of Never Have I Ever can cause trouble, but, my days!
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: I think I’d have preferred next level embarrassment to this.
ALFIE_SAD: Maybe it’s just me, I’m not great with conflict.
ALFIE_IDLE: What about you, {0}, are you bothered by all this?
Yeah, it’s bothered me
PLAYER_SAD: Of course I’m bothered. This is massively affecting my time here.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Nicolas has gone out of his way to try and mess with me.
PLAYER_ANGRY: Johnny has gone out of his way to try and mess with me.
ALFIE_ANGRY: Yeah, you explained he lied about all of this!
ALFIE_ANGRY: Makes my blood boil he'd do you dirty like this!
PLAYER_ANGRY: Yeah, mine too!
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, we both feel the same.
ALFIE_IDLE: That means there’s some common ground between us at least.
No, I’m not bothered by any of this
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m really not fazed by any of this.
ALFIE_SAD: Well, I suppose I am more sensitive than you.
I’m not sure how I feel about it
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m unsure how I should feel about all of this.
ALFIE_IDLE: Never have you ever been so confused.
PLAYER_IDLE: Something like that.
Alfie looks out at the garden, it’s quiet. The other Islanders must be scattered separately around the villa.
ALFIE_IDLE: We shouldn’t let this affect our friendship.
ALFIE_IDLE: We’ve been through too much together already.
ALFIE_IDLE: I don’t want to look back at this experience with regret.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Or think that there’s any bad blood between us.
ALFIE_IDLE: I want us to always be on the same team.
ALFIE_IDLE: And, I know that me and Meera have been a big thing in here.
ALFIE_IDLE: But, that doesn’t mean that me and you can’t be close still.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: What do you think, {0}?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Do you wanna settle all of this right now?
Yes, let’s settle this
PLAYER_HAPPY: I feel the same as you, Alfie. We should always have each other’s backs.
ALFIE_HAPPY: I’m so glad you think that, {0}.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: First things first though, I think Nicolas deserves some of his own medicine.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: First things first though, I think Johnny deserves some of his own medicine.
PLAYER_HAPPY: Absolutely!
No, I’m fine leaving it as is
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I don’t feel any real need to settle anything.
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, you must have a much harder heart than me.
ALFIE_SAD: I have to get all my emotions out in order to move on.
PLAYER_IDLE: Seriously, Alfie, it’s no biggie.
I can’t make up my mind right now
PLAYER_SERIOUS: I’m still not sure about my feelings.
ALFIE_SAD: Well, even if you’re not, I am.
ALFIE_IDLE: So, to be clear, as much as this whole thing upset me, I’ve still got your back.
PLAYER_IDLE: Okay, Alfie.
You hear a distant text ping from somewhere inside the villa.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: Somebody just got a text!
ALFIE_SURPRISED: Oh no, there might be more drama heading our way.
You move to leave.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: {0}? Before whatever happens next, I need to tell you something.
PLAYER_IDLE: What do you need to tell me, Alfie?
Alfie composes himself, scratches the top of his head, and takes a deep breath.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Well, when I came back with Meera and you’d decided to stick with me…
ALFIE_SAD: Well, I felt awful. I still do. Especially now you’re in all this drama.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I understand if you feel different now, since I came back with Meera and all.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: But if you still feel the same, and, you know, erm…
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Say what you’ve got to say, Alfie.
ALFIE_IDLE: If you ever feel like me and you could be more than friends…
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Well, I could be up for that. The summer isn’t gonna last forever.
ALFIE_IDLE: And finishing my journey here with you could be a sweet way to end it.
PLAYER_SURPRISED: What about Meera?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: Meera’s great and it’s going well between us.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: But there’s something that feels a bit deeper between me and you.
ALFIE_IDLE: So, {0}, do you feel the same maybe?
Yeah, I could be interested in you
PLAYER_FLIRTY: Sure thing, Alfie. A lot of great relationships go from friends to something more.
ALFIE_HAPPY: Okay, wow. Maybe me and you are just a pair of late bloomers.
No, me and you isn’t a thing
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Alfie, me and you, that just isn't gonna happen.
ALFIE_SAD: No worries, {0}, maybe Meera is the right girl for me anyway.
I still don’t know about us in that way
PLAYER_IDLE: I’m not sure, Alfie, that’s a big ask.
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, at least I’ve told you now.
You pause for a moment.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: There was one other thing.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: Eddie spoke to me about you.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: What did he say about me?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: When he was saying his goodbyes, he mentioned something about you.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: What did he say?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you and Finn were secretly talking about me.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that he overheard you chatting about my baggage.
ALFIE_ANGRY: Baggage? Why was Eddie chatting about me behind my back?
ALFIE_SERIOUS: How I’m feeling is nobody else’s business.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you were talking about the engagement ring that came up during Excess Baggage.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said that you were chatting about a big question.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: A big question?
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He also said that you told him not to mention things to Meera.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Well, he’s obviously talking nonsense.
PLAYER_SERIOUS: He said you still have feelings for me.
Alfie takes a breath, like he wants to say more.
Suddenly, Nicolas excitedly enters from the bedroom.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Nicolas reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
NICOLAS_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Especially after all that hassle {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The hassle I caused?
ALFIE_ANGRY: {0} explained that you're the one who caused all this.
NICOLAS_SURPRISED: I wouldn't believe everything she tells you, Alfie mate.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I believe her over you!
NICOLAS_SERIOUS: Sorry, no time to talk.
NICOLAS_HAPPY: Gotta go practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
NICOLAS_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way!
Suddenly, Johnny excitedly enters from the bedroom.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: Sorry to interrupt whatever you two are gossiping about, but I got a text.
Johnny reads it out.
LITEXT: Islanders, it’s time for a game of Snog, Marry, Pie! {0}PiebackTime {1}EyesOnThePies
JOHNNY_HAPPY: This is gonna be fun.
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Especially after all that drama {0} caused.
PLAYER_ANGRY: The drama I caused?
ALFIE_ANGRY: {0} explained that you're the one who caused all this.
JOHNNY_SURPRISED: I wouldn't believe everything she tells you, Alfie.
ALFIE_SERIOUS: I believe her over you!
JOHNNY_SERIOUS: Sorry, no time to talk, gotta go tell the others about this text.
JOHNNY_HAPPY: And practice my snogging technique in the mirror.
JOHNNY_FLIRTY: Don’t want to mess up all the kisses coming my way.
ALFIE_IDLE: Well, {0}, we should probably get dressed.
ALFIE_EMBARRASSED: Hopefully our outfits won’t get ruined by too many pies.
ALFIE_IDLE: Besides, getting all dressed up is always a good way to get past things.
ALFIE_IDLE: Who knows, maybe a bit of fun will bring the villa back together?
ALFIE_HAPPY: I’ll see you at the challenge area, {0}.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Holaaaa 👋🏼 ¿cómo estás Dani? ¿Cómo estuvo tu semana? What plans do you have for the weekend? Are you sufficiently hydrated?? What's your favorite Midnight song?
My week was pretty good, except that today I had to translate some documents from English to Spanish and as I started I noticed there were a lot of mistakes in the original text, so I thought to myself maybe they speak French (it was about Canadian immigration) and guess what??? I was translating something written by a Venezuelan 😒 I swear to you I wanted to flip a table... I was like "my brother why did you do this to me?" Write the shit in Spanish and translate it yourself homie... you have the skills 🤬 then I remembered how much I love money and kept my mouth shut but WTF????
The One with the Patrol
But the scars remained. They were imprinted deeper on some more than others.
I have them too 😭
She never ceased to amaze him.
Anjali es una diosa magnífica, la amo ♥️
“We should remove more than his sight,” Mark Blackthorn, head of the Alliance, grunted.
I agree... we should remove his skin with fire 🔥
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“We should kill him!” someone yelled.
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“What about his sister?” Julian Blackthorn asked. “Doesn’t she have the sight too?”
Drown her!!! 🤬
“Go David!” someone hooted.
Go David!!!!!! I love him and he is always right I will throw punches to those who disagree...
I just realized I'm a tad aggressive today 😒 I could try to control it but I don't want to...
But Alec couldn’t help but feel like having an elite group of guards for Idris was going to be more trouble in the long term.
Absolutely, they would turn vigilantes and then evil little bitches... I just know... 😌
Alec didn’t resist the smile this time.
Diego, my friend, Alec thought, how proud you must be.
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“The mundane girl. Max’s friend,” Alec clarified. “You suggested that her sight should be removed. You are aware that Max is close with her?”
Oh he knows!! That's precisely the issue!!
Alec chuckled. God, this took him back. “I understand. But warlocks are protective of their relationships. Even the ones with those who are not good for them. I speak from experience, David. Talk to Max. Do not decide for him.”
Aww look at my twin!! I am love him...!! 🥰
Anjali’s dark eyes fixed on his blue ones. “I need you to speak to Hunter Devlin.”
Oh no... I don't like where this is going
And Nicolas Thorn was the oldest warlock alive. How cool was that?
And he is also my son 😌
“I can try,” David chuckled as he threw the kitchen towel over his shoulder and got to work.
Ok but... that is super hot, the towel thing is just 🤤🤤
Am I also extra horny right now?? 🤔
Selena had the weird urge to peer pressure David into getting married and having kids. Maybe her father was onto something. 
“You must learn how to heal yourself,” Nicolas said.
Oh no 😔 this is a premonition, isn’t it???
“Gabriel,” Nicolas said with a milky moustache. “Maybe the warlock you mentioned has a twin.”
Look at my son being extra cute and extra wise... I LOVE HIM!!!!!!
“You should have killed Rafael,” Mallory pointed out.
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“I’m trying to play god,” Marcus smiled.
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“I know just the shadowhunter for this,” Mallory grinned and jumped off the chair. “I’ll get you the blood.”
Don't you dare touch my Celery!!!! 🤬🤬🤬
Wait... that's what my son meant, right??
“Shopping,” she yelled over her shoulder. “I’m in the mood for celery.”
Noooooo 😮
“Max,” his father sighed. “Warlock math is not a joke.”
Regular math is no joke either it actually sucks all the happiness out of my life...
“Oh, my love,” the man sighed and pulled Max closer. “It’s alright. It’s alright.”
Can I get a hug?? 🥺
Bapak took a deep breath. “David is going to die. Your dad will die. Rafael will die. They are all going to die. Max. That’s our reality. I know it sucks. I’m not asking you to accept it or move on from it. But please, don’t try to change it. Don't try to change reality. It never ends well. Not for you. Not for David.”
This, this is everything... is beautiful, is profound, is inspiring, is heartbreaking, it's perfect 💚💚💚
Both forces gently clashed with each other, like a magical estuary.
Oh wow I just learned a new word, estuary 🙌🏼 I must find a way to use it in a conversation soon 😌
Rafael had told him to stay away from Mallory for the time being. Max hated it.
Hate it?? Maxwell she kissed you!!! Did you forget about that???? 😒 just listen to your brother 😒
The other warlock was probably asleep. It was the asscrack of dawn for crying out loud.
MAXWELL!!!! YOU PROMISED!!!!! GO BACK!!! Leave my son alone!!!
“Maxwell,” Nicolas Thorn said, looking wide awake. “You are late for your lesson.”
Nicolas you are grounded until this plot line pays out in something other that tears 😒
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I no longer feel like I'm going to get hurt by this story... I am 100% sure that I will, I have absolute certainty that it will break me 😭
I can't wait 😌
Thank you Dani, I am love you 💚💚💚💚💚
I totally get your point about translations because I do them too and I just hate them so much but I also wanted to do it properly skdfnskj I just hate the amount of energy it takes to translate documents.
But yes i love money too 😎
My weekend was very meh. I had a family thing today so my home was crowded and loud and i didn't like it :( but i have the house to myself tomorrow and i am planning to go out for a movie and dinner with my friend so yay
AND YOUR REACTIONS CRACKED ME UP AS ALWAYS LMAO. Also you really channelled your twin and became the the angry/horny combo this time lol jsdfnksn.
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risukadarlin · 2 years
[piofiore no banshou] vol. 6: dante - track four
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4; epilogo del 1927. -dante falzone-
[00:06] God…
What a day that was.
They kept handing us booze, even when I said we’d had enough.
I know it’s New Year’s Eve but they all went a little too far.
Nicola thought it was funny so he didn’t even try to stop them.
They’re all ridiculous.
Even I opened at least one bottle.
Well… Giulia and the others ARE heavy drinkers, despite their age.
I guess it’s very Falzone-like to spend the last day of the year so boisterously. 
This is the third time you’ve welcomed the new year in this mansion.
It feels like it was no time at all.
Come here.
You drank quite a lot too, didn’t you?
Your face is a bit red.
I don’t mind you getting drunk but I don’t really want other people to see you like that.
I know I’m being selfish but…
I want to keep your cutest expressions to myself.
I’m glad we got out after drinking a reasonable amount.
Everyone left in the salon probably intends to drink until the morning.
I intended to finish early but…
We don’t even have 30 minutes left until the end of the day.
Spending the end of the year with a lively group isn’t bad.
But I want to spend precious moments like this alone with you.
Ah, Carlo.
You were in my room?
I guess we weren’t alone, then.
I feel like Carlo’s been spending much more time in this room.
He must know that if he comes here his owner - you - will be here.
Yes, here, here. Good boy.
Carlo’s gotten big too, hasn’t he?
He was so tiny at first.
What do you think Leo said when he first brought him here?
“Doesn’t he look like you, capo?”
I remember lecturing him even now.
That really takes me back.
When I first brought you here, I tried not to interact with you at all.
You never know how things will end up.
Since meeting you, I think I’ve learnt something important. Not just as a capo, but as a human.
Before, I believed the right thing to do was to protect the current order.
But now I know that’s not enough.
I think I’ve grown as a man and as the Family boss.
If I hadn’t, I probably would have died without achieving any of my goals.
The numerous trials we’ve undergone over last year and the year before prove that point.
Well, I suppose this year was almost peaceful in comparison.
Things haven’t changed all that much, but…
At least nothing happened to put you in too much danger.
We even had time for the two of us.
Oh, I mean the three of us.
Do you think Carlo thinks I’m going to take you away from him? I feel like he sees me as an enemy, recently.
I don’t want to fight with him.
But I won’t let you go either.
I guess we’ll have to fight when the time comes.
Yes, I’d prefer to come to a peaceful agreement.
I love you too, after all.
Good boy.
[04:45] It’s true that we’ve been spending more time in the mansion recently.
But the first half of the year was still a rush of confusion.
I suppose that makes sense.
Getting married is a once in a lifetime event.
The world around us changed.
Now you’re a Falzone in name and situation.
You had to make your debut and attend a flurry of social events.
I’m sorry for putting you through so much.
To be honest, though, you attending them has been a big help.
People get scared of me if I go alone.
Apparently I’m hard to approach.
And, when you’re there, the mood is much more calm.
Paris tells me that every time I see him.
“You’ve found a really good woman,” He says.
I’ve heard it so many times I’m almost sick of it.
He was running around like a child during the wedding.
He must have really been looking forward to it.
Well, I’ve known him since my father was alive.
I’m sure he was very conflicted about the whole thing.
I probably made him worry a lot without even realising it.
Ah, on the subject of my father…
Dominic is going to be a father next year!
We need to send him a present.
They’ve been trying for a long time.
The child hasn’t even been born yet and he’s already overly doting…
He said he definitely won’t let her anywhere near politicians or the mafia.
He doesn’t even know if he’s actually having a daughter yet.
Maybe fathers are just like that.
Jeremy said he can already tell his child is going to hate him for being so clingy.
Jeremy’s extremely straight laced but he’s a surprisingly good father.
Leo’s seen him buying sweets for his family quite often.
That’s right! Leo’s determined to study English because of you.
I don’t know how serious he is, but…
If he does end up leaving the family one day, being able to speak English will be of great use to him.
Apparently there’s a girl he’s interested in.
I hope it goes well for him.
Giulia wants to go on holiday next year so she asked me for some time off.
She hasn’t taken a proper break in years.
I want her to be able to rest well too.
You’ve met her husband a few times, haven’t you?
Baltro is the Francesca family’s butler.
I want to talk about it with Nicola too, I think.
They were waiting for us to become adults before they got married so they didn’t marry until late.
I want to do anything I can for them.
When the winter break is over, I think Nicola will go back to America.
I don’t think we’ll move there any time soon but, depending on the situation, we might set up a main base there instead.
Nicola himself said life in America doesn’t suit him.
But it looks like he’s having fun to me.
He gets on well with people.
He’s already building real relationships and he even went to meet Gilbert recently.
It sounds like Gilbert is struggling.
There’s a lot he needs to relearn.
But he’s got business acumen and he has a great partner.
I’m sure he’ll figure it out without our help.
I can’t believe he’s a businessman.
It doesn’t really suit him.
Yes. Nothing suits him like the mafia.
Even if the time period doesn’t allow it –
Even if his title changes –
I think he still has pride in himself.
Maybe we should send him something sometime.
I hope it doesn’t get taken by customs like last year.
Even I get sarcastic sometimes.
That really was a stressful time.
But it’s all in the past.
I was thinking about sending him some wine.
What do you think?
Now you mention it, that red wine he ordered last time we dined together was really sweet and easy to drink.
It was lightly sparkling, wasn’t it?
You pay a lot of attention to him, don’t you?
I’m a bit jealous.
I want you to know more about me.
[09:44] For example, what do you know about me?
Yes, I prefer white wine to red.
That’s right…
I don’t hate small animals, or cats…
H-how did you know that?
I did have a bad experience with a sea bird once…
No, that’s enough. I understand.
You really know a lot about me.
But I think I know a lot about you too.
Carlo, you want to go out?
Cats do everything at their own pace.
Sorry for the interruption.
Now we really are alone.
I can finally hug you.
Ah, I ruined my hair.
Do you want to fix it for me?
I want to touch you too.
Did that tickle?
You’re so cute.
Oi, now, stop.
Goodness! We’re so childish.
It’s not bad.
It’s only a problem because it’s so fun.
I feel much more childlike when I’m with you.
But I want to do things a child could never do.
Ah, about how well I know you.
Let me think…
You find it surprisingly hard to stay still.
You can’t relax when you’re sitting still so you always try to find ways to help out.
And I know you’re brave but you’re also quite stubborn.
And you’re kind to people as easily as breathing.
I think it’s amazing how you will do anything for people.
The more I say the more things I think of.
I learn new things about you every day.
Even though we’ve lived together for two years.
And I want to know you more and more.
I’m sure there's still lots of things I don’t know.
I could dedicate my whole life to learning about you and it still wouldn’t be enough.
I want to learn every expression of yours and fall in love with all of them.
I want to get old and wrinkled.
And even then, I’ll wake up every morning and look at you and think about how adorable my wife is.
And then I’ll fall in love with you all over again.
I want to fall in love with every change we go through.
It looks like the day changed without us noticing.
You must be growing tired.
I promise to treasure you every single day of 1928, just as I have up until now.
I look forward to spending the new year with you.
See you tomorrow.
Dante Falzone.
Ishikawa Kaito.
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