#I wrote over a thousand words of infodumping for this. god
fudgecake-charlie · 9 months
i would like to hear about the third life au!
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HELLO BELOVED FROG DASH FRAUD you are always so kind to me!!! Very long disorganised thoughts and context to the AU [EDIT: IN A NEW REBLOG I GUESS!! tumblr hates me and my formatting!!]
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thatone-highlighter · 2 years
as much fun as the 4K word CAWM post is I’m moving this to the ask box since I don’t have as much to say.
I would totally recommend looking through bmos room and the stuff in there ! There is just sooo many references in there it’s so cool, (and there is so much to pick through in the 1000+ theme song/intro)
Oh yeah 100%, BMO makes me sad in a way, how they r basically destined to outlive most of their friends (except for the few immortal bunch like Marceline n PB) 
Heheheheeh I’m am gonna procrastinate on SO much stuff while infodumping about fern to you >:3
Oh yeah the Gumbald arc is definitely one of the ones that got most affected by it getting cut short, oh yeah the adventure time finale is pretty well received, even with some of the pacing issues n stuff, DEFINITELY WAY BETTER ECIVED THAN THE SU FINALE HO,Y SHIT, yeah I feel like people can be way to harsh on su, it’s definitely not perfect but god,
Lmao fanon lumpygrab is obviously a mixed bag like with literally every ship but it’s not really a ship i go seeking content for ? So when I do get it’s from accounts I already follow and stuff,. idk where I was going w this, you probably get what I mean, hopefully,
Tragic characters are my everything, just,, god I just don’t get people who don’t enjoy any angst at all. Like cmon I love my blorbos and wish for them to be happy but I also want to throw them into a fire and vivisection them and just make them go through so much shit.
Yeah yeah, the Finn losing his arm in golb thing is just intresting to think about, although is definitely not something I would have wanted in the show .
adventure time music grrrrrrrrrrrr
(Also I wrote this while listening to still alive from portal 1 on repeat. why did I tell you this ? Why not tbh)
I cant belige you could abandon the giant cawm post like this- /j
Okay so i actually just started having a look at the intro and bmo’s room so im just gonna say a bunch of stuff i noticed
I think its pretty cool that Shermy and Beth live in Marceline’s old house and then Finn and Jake also lived in Marceline’s old house too it seems poetic in some kinda way. I wonder how many other iterations of them shes leant her house to over the thousands of years, because thinking about that first introductory episode shes in, from memory if almost feels like shes done that before. So.
Why does BMO have a guillotine on the damn roof of their house . Is going around decapitating ppl a thing they just Regularly do or- . We got statue of KoO, the crowns, IKs drum but it looks kinda busted, lady rainicorns translator thing(?), bmo’s skateboard from that one episode, that soda girl, james baxters balls, the hat from the lady armour, oh the broken clock! , lsp’s number plate, amo just. Open on the table like its normal, one of those books looks like ones of the ones IK was reading on how to get bitches or smthn, is that lsp’s star??!??!, jake’s viola, a portrait of banana man?
Also that Is meant to be sweet pea right? The giant walking around?
The idea of characters who live forever is so sad to me. Im glad that bmo Isnt the only one because if they were it wiuld just be awful, Bonnie and Marcy have eachother but i hope they go visit bmo from time to time it would be really sad if they ended up all alone :(
I am taking this as a chance to go Insane over SU because somehow all this being insane over AT has made me want to do that. I could kinda i guess see how people could be unsatisfied with the ending of SU, i didnt have many expectations to be let down by by the finale but i also watched it when i was like 12 so. But even if you had issues with it once you found out that they got ruched into a finale and Why they got rushed into a finale you would think you’d cut the writers a but more slack but people Dont. And even outside of DD and CYM most of the issues people have with the show aren’t even that big a deal, “oh the art-style is inconsistent” okay? And? They let the storyboarders have a bit of creative freedom “oh the characters are off model a lot” okay?? As long as you can tell who they’re meant to be and as long as character a is taller than character b who cares??? “Oh the writing is really badly paced with a bunch of filler episodes everywhere all the time” 1. Thats not what filler means and 2. Its written like that because of the stupid fucking steven bomb format that it got aired in. Its a kids show thats just trying to tell a story about this kid with a magic gem in his belly that gives him super powers calm down okay tje first episode is about him thinking his powers come from eating ice cream(i mean this in the most affectionate way possible). No one is saying the show is perfect nothing is perfect if you personally dont like it just say you dont like it you dont have to try and come up with reasons why you dont and you especially dont have to insult and be mean people who do like it for no reason. Man
I get what u mean with the lumpy grab thing. Like most the stuff you see for it are from creators who make other content you already like so chances are when they make that content youll like it too even if you’re not overly fond of the ship itself. Brain to brain communication
TRAGIC CHARACTERS MY BELOVED. Weve been over this so many times but theyre so !!
Holy shit still alive!! I love that song i used to listen to it a bunch before id ever even played portal properly its such a vibin song i put it on whole i was writing this out <3 thank u for reminding me of its existence
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worldbuildingwren · 5 years
Writing Update!
So I finished my first draft of Castle Veh some time around late February, and did that standard “chuck it aside for a month and then revisit it” thing. Wrote a lot of fanfic in the meantime. World fell into chaos. It was fun. Anyway, back to hell work. Some thoughts:
1) I love my “core four” characters: Kavo, Lek, Thousand Cuts, and Mem. They’ve all got shit they’re dealing with, they’ve all got very distinct ways of seeing their society and their part in it, they’ve all got goals and fears and ambitions (should probs do some character sheets for them at some point huh?) I really like writing in Kavo’s POV, the way she views the world and the things she chooses to focus on make for an interesting narration style. That said...
2) She knows too much. She knows too much about what’s going on in the world around her, about the inner politics of the castle, about how dreamweaving works. So do all the characters around her. There’s no “dumbass who needs the world explained to them” (i.e. the “Harry Potter” worldbuilding technique) and no infodumping cause I hate it, so the world is way too confusing for the reader. 
3) The plot can also be cleaned up. There’s a lot of plot threads and side characters that feel forced—I added them in as a way to shove the plot and mystery along, but it doesn’t quiteeee work and it leaves the plot feeling muddled and confusing. 
After mulling it over, I’ve reoutlined the story, essentially making Kavo’s starting knowledge base a lot smaller. She’s no longer a kingpin of the castle’s underworld, but a normal rich asshole who decides to involve herself in the castle’s underworld when her girlfriend gets hurt. That means she’s a lot more clueless (which makes the clumsiness of her early decisions actually make SENSE thank god) and a bit more sympathetic to start out. I’ve cut out about five unnecessary side characters, promoted one of the vaguely-menacing characters (aka Lek, my boy) to full on book one antagonist, and given the first act a lot more time to showcase the world and gradually warm up the reader. 
So! Onwards to draft two! Some of the scenes will remain the same (quite a few actually) but I’ll still likely be rewriting pretty much everything, just because Kavo’s perspective/emotions/motivation/etc are gonna be different. I’m aiming to get 50K words done in April for Camp NaNo. And hey, now I actually have some emotions to fuel the “underground city where no one can escape” plot
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