#I’ll Need to Draw A for Wally More! XD
azraelcreates · 5 months
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My Sona in Actor Wally AU!! 💕✨
You can Finally see the Full Outfit!
Actor AU @frillsand ⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝✨
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xx-sketchy-xx · 11 months
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*grumble grumble* my photos are being annoying
LOOK AT THE COOL DUDES, I feel like Jax would try and make Wally commit as many crimes as possible with his eye eating powers
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Percy Avonside
Lord Harry Patrick Barrane Andreas Roldan Guerrero Hidalgo Hunslet I legit thought he was number 6 until I went back to his series and it’s actually 2 welp I’m dumb so here’s he’s msr #6 xD
Duncan Barclay (I’m so very sorry sweetie I didn’t finished you)
rambling time:
alright I knew I wanted my percy to be inspired by raggedy Ann dolls specifically the hairstyle and the overalls, I gave him a scarf 🧣 to represent “a scarf for Percy” episode and of course they’re little hat with the sodor mail logo and her mailbag with their whistle and lucky bell as keychains (I forgot to to draw them but say it’s behind her back) 🔔 I was gotta decorate her boots more but I it slipped out my mind and I was originally gotta make them red. Of course they have their pins on their bag a bear pin for “wooly bear” a butterfly 🦋 for aeg (I know I know people still don’t like it please don’t come after me) and their gender-fluid and pan pride pin.
Patrick or Harry was the easiest to be honest like nearly all of my cfr designs was mainly inspired by glowynviator except I added some minor changes like an orange scarf 🧣 his boots and pants color change and design and he got classy pristine gloves and earrings and of course a pompadour which is fitting for his nature (I know it’s looks like wally darling xD that’s the idea 💡)
long rant on stuff cause it gets dark on some parts and cause Duncan and Andreas’s storyline takes place
Andreas I was originally searching up Argentinan fashion for him cause he’s afro Argentinan in my human au cause his basis was sent there but it was formal dress wear so I went with that along with fancy British style cause my Andreas comes from old money an wealthy family and he totally shows off like Gordon he’s also got a cape jacket like him but I couldn’t decide which one cause I did so many of them I’ll post them later and maybe do a poll on it even though knowing me I’ll use all of them haha
(Gordon 🤝 Andreas they r besties they gossip have coffee and Gordon was the first standard guage driver to visit Andreas in the hospital 🏥 after the accident this does apply for Alfred as well but he’s was a prick and he and Andreas got into arguments) and also like Gordon has his own fair share of toxic dysfunctional relationships ridiculously high standards and the pressure to be perfect though unlike Gordon Andreas was originally engaged through an arranged marriage by his family mainly his abuelo which secretly stressed about it for he had no feelings for her and if he was honest never felt attracted towards girls even though he was well liked and known and popular and that his stomach often churns at the thought the same goes with more intimate activities that he doesn’t really wish to have children at least not yet and gosh-
Like y’all  (his main inspiration was Encanto Isabela and her family I guess you can say he’s a genderbent version as despite his own emotions thoughts and fears he was determined to not frightened of disappointing his family and being the golden child and the oldest (he’s meant to be a foil to Gordon and Alfred who are meant to be parallels to one another’s it’s complicated) he’s very grateful he managed to convince his abuelo to let him have the opportunity to work on sodor under the excuse it would be good to have more connections the railway needs assistance and this would be great experience in an effort to put the marriage on hold among o th her things (cause he did fight in the war with his engine but his family mainly his abuelo was too worried of losing him and practically begged him to return back home even giving money 💰 to Andreas superiors and Andreas ends up returning early like less than a few months athough the marriage was cancelled after his family found out after his accident later on still wondering if some of his family members move to sodor which Andreas deliberately put off and revelations are revealed which leads to huge arguments and Andreas is no longer welcomed into the family not officially disowned but it’s was more of a like until he got his act together to him and it stung cause they couldn’t tell it to his face yet at the same so relieve cause he felt like he couldn’t handle so many people in the room overall it’s extremely messy but he still feels thankful that he got a support system on sodor and he got out of a rather toxic and kinda forced heteronormative environment 
Duncan has so many outfits and hairstyles  that I’m drawing out cause my guy goes through the wringer he’s got so much character development going on but I went with one of a more healing style he wearing something’s that’s causal yet comfortable (of course I drew him with a guitar he finds comfort in music and yeah he’s in his pride colors) he’s not pretending to be this overly happy guy in an effort to please others as his way to cope with the situation but ge wrote his red outfit I’m leaning towards boilersuit/jumpsuit (which he ends up burning and throwing away cause well it’s kindave stained while he was doing his hardest to recuse Andreas like he accidentally injured himself in the attempt to free Andreas think suletta and her hands but he was freaking out in full panic not thinking and now every time he looks at it looks st himself his stomach turns to kits he stays seating he’s shaking cause it reminded him so much of what was Andreas when he was recused and how he was almost…killed… BY HIM…he was severely injured and barely alive but still somehow breathing 
First time you see him he’s got a Mohawk, it’s messy but cool looking but to others on a outsiders views he appears not to care about appearance which does rub (mostly Andreas who’s obsessed with making perfect appearances and self-importance) leads to them butting heads a lot like it’s kinda an isa and Mira situation where they’re both envious of one another where Duncan is jealous over how between the two numbers 6’s here it’s appears that a majority of folks prefers Andreas while Andreas even though he’s in an environment where he can express more freedom and won’t be punished for it he still can’t downright be more vocal towards authority (at least till the hours of the incident where he argued with the  supervisor but it was more on the lines of safety and not recklessness)  treatment or say everything on his mind with vulgar languages  and he is a bit impressed on that but wishes Duncan had common sense and not just complain about everything and anything
So yeah they rubbed one another all the wrong ways and Duncan calls him “mister perfect” Andreas retorts to him being a hypocrite yet didn’t hesitate to put his life on the line and recuse him and Duncan just felt excruciating amount of guilt and also reeling from that situation since it’s also traumatic for him like he was right there when Andreas getting crushed and unfortunately the first actually see how bad lead injuries were on Andrea’s and it ran and it wasn’t a pretty sight and I will let you guys fill in the head. It’s but for Duncan, his mental health was taking a toll on him 
A majority of his colleagues (the msr the ones who knew  Andreas was he longest they held him responsible some even  right blaming him (like I wrote that Andreas family were gotta sue him as well as the railway but that was stoped by Andreas but that didn’t do well for Duncan emotionally) for everything others not speaking or or even acknowledging him like he’s existence leave it like glares they’re grieving they’re dealing with this situation and it doesn’t excuse their actions or their treatment of Duncan but it explains it it’s still not right but it’s like all sadnes all around. Even though Duncan has  the support and comfort of the Skr members he still feels like he’s responsible and begins to overwork himself like bag eyes despite his smiling attitude like his hair outgrew the passing couple of months and he’s putting it in a  braid or ponytail he’s wearing less red (I got an idea on his that looks like) yet he neglecting his own health then he comes back after his run in with the scientists where he was knocked unconscious and he’s wearing yellow like he  dyed his hair he subconsciously changes to match Andreas ponytail and a more fitting attire and ugh my heart
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enderparty101 · 2 years
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(This was started in a Tethertale server stream, but I finished it offscreen due to anxiety XD)
Y’know.. what to say in a livestream, being too personally quiet unless there’s other talkative people in the voice chat, taking too long in the drawing process, and being easily overwhelmed in general. I wish HARD that this entire thinking process didn’t blast my mind every time I start a freaking livestream, but here we are. Unless it’s purely doodles, I might not streams these kinds of things anymore. Of course, this is the present me saying it. All of this might flip on its head in the future.
And of course, there’s also me wanting to talk about things I’m hyper fixated on and my inspirations behinds these characters, but I know more often than not that many wouldn’t be interested in it. That’s natural. It happens, though that’s never to say it doesn’t effect me..
I guess that’s why I draw the Mettatons so much. It’s easy for me to imagine being like them, not worrying a single minute of what it’d be like without being autistic... Not to mention that I’ve preferred more and more to work on my Tethertale content than the skelebros. Simply put? There’s thousands of things created for Sans and Papyrus, Underverse, AUs, things surrounding them already. I thank those who’ve enjoyed what I’ve contributed in terms of that. Reading the comments and connecting with others through it will never not bring a smile to my face.
But I do wanna do things outside of that. There’s thousands of skillful creators already doing that, and I encourage everyone to explore them all! Personally though? Drawing those comics (even Suho and Wally) have brought tremendous anxiety onto me. I’d constantly think: Am I getting this right? Does this look weird? Am I respecting the original creators behind this character? Is my interpretation too OOC and such? (To answer that, I already know my past Horror Sans interpretation was OOC as HELL. Sorry Sour Apple Studios XD) I’d always think about that when making that content… And then the thing about drawing the skeletons’ noses too big? That’s weighed on me to this day, too. Back then I’d bark my mouth off about it being “jUSt My aRtsYle!”
…it’s a major yikes on my end. And now, y’know, I know better, and I’m still growing past that stingy habit. Eh. ALL of this just built up over time to the point of me not wanting to draw Marrow Manor content anymore. I’m still developing Suho and Wally in the background, but those same questions earlier stated pricked away at me, too..
As well as that? I think I should’ve stated WAY far at the beginning of sharing Tethertale that I want my intended audience for it to be late teens and up. It’s not because of what’s usually seen in NSFW (and to this day I’ll keep that content OUT of my own art oof-). It’s just that whenever I wanna draw scary/gorey stuff and/or darker topics, I feel unable to due to how many younger people see my art. I’d get uncomfortable with that… As for the audience intended? I’ll keep placing content warnings for you guys just in case, of course!
….all this to say to you guys, HELL no I’m not staying away from Candy Chronicles. Yanbunny’s still my son XD. But I’ve needed a break from the AUs outside of Tethertale, if the absence of said AUs on my account lately didn’t convey that. At least with Tethertale characters themselves, I know them inside and out because I created them. If I wanna be cringe with ‘em, there’s WAY less anxiety to do so… Now, uh, how does one end this vent- 😂
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inkabelledesigns · 3 years
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Kraken’s Labyrinth: Betta Fish Sammy Lawrence, 
Happy Mermay everyone! This is my favorite art month of the year. I love seeing all the beautiful merfolk come across my dash, so many artists are super creative and have some wonderful ideas. So it may come as a surprise that I’ve never participated in it before. XD I’m just not one for art challenges, you know? But I got the urge to draw Sammy, and well, I have no regrets. This handsome fella is the maestro of his majesty’s royal orchestra and choir. He’s got one of the most beautiful singing voices in the kingdom, has a knack for getting folks flustered, and he takes his craft very seriously. I decided to test out some new brushes in Clip Studio Paint for his scales, along with a lot of other experimental things. I don’t think I’ll go quite this ham again this month (this took me two days and my eyes/wrists need a break), but I want to do more. I can’t decide who I want to do next. Do I try for orca Henry, bunny sea slug Jack, lamprey Milla, vampire squid Bertrum, clownfish Wally? Oh there are so many choices, I want to do them all but I know I don’t have time! X’’D What’s a merfolk lover to do? 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/24531553/chapters/59230807 If you’re interested in learning more, consider reading my fic, Kraken’s Labyrinth! I want to try and get another chapter out this month, though it’s not quite ready yet. 
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By which I mean, Tom King was on ComicPop discussing Supergirl! So we have CONTEXT AND BACKGROUND INFO! WOO!
Gonna get into it below, but my recommendation, as always: the best way to have an informed opinion is to get the info firsthand, so don’t just take my word for it! Go forth! Watch the thing! (Language advisory, though. There is some swearing.)
Okay. With that out of the way, LET’S GO!
Gonna lead off with a summary of the Supergirl bits, as they discuss a variety of things, from Strange Adventures to Batman/Catwoman to the canned New Gods project:
How Tom King came to be the writer of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow:
King’s longtime editor, Jaime Rich, was moved from the Bat books to the Super books. 
King, historically, likes to take on characters that ‘need help.’ He cites the example of Kirby who, upon coming to DC, asked what their lowest-selling title was, which is how he ended up on Jimmy Olsen.
So, when King asks which character needs help, Rich, to King: Supergirl. We have trouble selling that book.
King, describing Supergirl: ‘She’s singular in a way Mr. Miracle and Vision are not.’ Says that if you ask any four year old who Supergirl is, they know.
Editors asked him, ‘what’s your take? what are you gonna do with her?’
King then discusses the difference between his approach to Bat people vs. Super people.
Bat people: It’s a deconstruction approach. King brings up Kite Man from his Batman run. You tear the character down and build them back up, a la Dark Knight Returns
Super people: It’s not about deconstruction. Let them be themselves. They’re wonderful, let them be wonderful. 
But he does mention sort of stripping down the character to their purest form; he describes it as chiseling off the barnacles that have built up on the character, over the years.
Additionally, he says ‘evil doesn’t work for the Super family of characters.’
He mentions Superman: Up in the Sky. He says that there’s deep stuff in Up in the Sky, but the theme of every page is simply: Superman is awesome.
King: “I don’t want to make Kara mean or sad. I want to test her.”
The host compares ‘angry Kara’ stories to ‘evil Superman’ stories in that there are many of them, such to the point that people think Kara is relatable because she’s miserable and angry all the time. 
The host: I don’t get that.
(Same dude, same.)
King talked to Steve Orlando
They discussed the fact that Supergirl knew her planet; the people who died were her friends, family, classmates.
King summarizes Kara’s original Silver Age origin: she witnessed three huge, traumatic losses of life. First, when Krypton exploded. Then again when the Kryptonite started killing Argo residents, and then again when the meteorites destroyed the lead shielding that was keeping Argo safe. 
King: “That’s some f-ing trauma! I don’t know if you’ve read my books, but I love the trauma in characters.”
King thus describes Kara as world-weary, she swears, ‘she has seen some sh*t’.
On the new character, Ruthye:
She’s a child on a vengeance quest.
She’s named after King’s niece, Ruthie.
The pronunciation for the comic character, though, is Ruth-Eye.
One of his sons told him to add the ‘e’ on the end to make it look cooler.
Further discussion of Kara herself:
King noted that there’s sometimes a tendency to be very precious with the character.
King: ‘Let’s not be precious with Supergirl.’
This is not the story of a sixteen-year-old girl discovering the world; King says that Supergirl has been that sixteen-year-old for a long time now.
He describes it more as a move from Supergirl to Superwoman.
Art and Influences:
Talking about the red sun planet that Kara visits for her twenty-first birthday, King says he was reading a lot of Conan, which influenced the look of that portion of the story.
The impetus for getting Evely on the book: King said his editor emailed him, ‘Hey, how about Bilquis?’ King: “And I did a happy dance!”
Evely sent King a mood board of the types of things she wanted to draw; Moebius, Kirby, Wally Wood, landscapes in particular. 
Also, King says Evely is fast! She’s already halfway through the book, art-wise, and King is confident the book will release on time.
The host asked him, following up on King’s description of the book as a fantasy/western, ‘Is this True Grit?’
King: “It’s True Grit inspired. The novel AND the movie.”
If asked to give the Hollywood pitch: ‘It’s True Grit in space with Supergirl as Rooster Cogburn.’
Details about this book, as compared to Other Tom King titles:
He’s using captions on this comic--he’d thrown out captions as a storytelling device after Batman, but he found a ‘good voice’ for this comic.
King was prepared to do his usual twelve issues, but they said no one buys Supergirl comics, so it’s eight issues.
King says that Strange Adventures, Rorschach, and to a lesser extent, Batman/Catwoman, were written at a time when the world felt very apocalyptic.
He considers them to be angrier books; they are about what happens when evil is in our life, and how we deal with that.
Supergirl is the start of the ‘next generation’ of titles. 
It was written during the pandemic, but King hoped that by the time it was released, the pandemic and this very dark time in our history would be past.
He says it’s a ‘roaring 20s’ book. Not about anger, or trauma, it’s about stepping into the future and kicking a**. 
THUS CONCLUDES the Supergirl portion of the interview. 
Okay, so! Now that we’ve been objective and presented the information in a straightforward, unbiased manner...SOME THOUGHTS AND OPINONS!
The thing I was most curious about was how King got the book, so I was EXTREMELY PLEASED to get the full story.
This wasn’t like. King desperately wanting to do a Supergirl book, nor was it DC coming to King like, ‘Take Supergirl!’
Sadly, it was, ‘which book needs the most help right now? In the Superman lineup?’
He even said that Supergirl was kind of just sitting around, no one was doing anything with her/there were no plans.
(So the idea that King stole this opportunity from a woman is not true. There were NO PLANS.)
(Also it’s not based on the FS stuff, I suspect they gave the FS team some ideas from his pitch to work with, as that entire event was sort of a stop-gap/fill-in as they hurried to relaunch their line.) 
My initial thought that this is DC’s attempt to sell some dang Supergirl books? Not that far off! XD
Boy, I hope it works.
(Important to note: This is not news. Supergirl has historically always sold poorly. I’ve heard from actual Supergirl writers that the trades do not sell, which is a huge problem.
So King, who is KNOWN for having really good trade sales, is as solid a gamble as they could probably hope for.
He said Superman: Up in the Sky is his third best-selling trade. A WAL-MART BOOK! Is just behind Vision and Mr. Miracle!
Basically: If this doesn’t work, I don’t know that anything will.) 
As for the specifics of King’s take in particular!
Again...I really want to see it, before I pass judgement on it.
I liked the Andreyko run! And that was pretty edgy! 
Also, we have never seen a twenty-something Kara, post-Crisis. She’s always been a teenager. Thus I’m pretty willing to go along with this approach because it’s entirely new territory.
And it does seem like King is enjoying leaning into the idea of a Super who swears and kicks butt and is just a little ‘done’ with it all.
It might not mesh with my ideal Kara but again. I need to see it, before I come to any firm conclusions. 
Honestly the thing that gives me the most pause? Is that King says this book really focuses on Supergirl, not Kara, which is a more recent identity for her.
(That is somewhat true! The ‘Kara Danvers’ identity is wholly new to the show; she’s always been Linda Lee, Linda Danvers, Kara Kent, or Linda Lang, when she has a secret identity. Sometimes she doesn’t.)
(Also of note: Tom pronounces it ‘Care-a’, like the cartoon.)
(PERSONALLY I like KAHr-a, like in the show, because it creates a phonetic consistency with ‘KAHl-el’ but that’s not really relevant to a comic book. You can mentally pronounce it however you choose! XD)
So, yeah, I like the Kara Danvers part of her identity, I like earth-bound Supergirl stories, but. This isn’t that. Which I’ll need to make peace with, I guess. XD
Otherwise? Tell me a story, Mr. King. Even if I hate it, Evely will draw it beautifully, Lopes will color it masterfully, and that’s half the battle, right there. 
I’m sad King didn’t mention the Gates/Igle run! But I also understand he’s probably been looking at more recent stuff; those Gates/Igle comics are fifteen years old, oh man, oh geez, how are they that old already.
King did confirm that this is 100% in-continuity, and will affect the character going into the future.
But, IDK, given the sort of. Grim beginnings of how this book came to be, what with the reminder that the Supergirl title doesn’t sell well...who knows what the future will look like, for Kara!
I stand by my guess that Kara will graduate to ‘Superwoman’ and the Supergirl mantle will pass to someone else, maybe Ruthye? She might be a bit young, though.
Mmm. What else, what else?
Oh, this is pretty funny, IMO: when King first teased the new character, Ruthye, a bunch of SG fans rushed to google to see if there was any clue as to like. What it could mean.
And they freaked out over some obscure connection where that name appears but hey, turns out! It’s just a made up name! Based on King’s niece!
It’s funny because SG fans never learn, man. Just chill out, read the dang book, then get all upset and huff and puff and blow your twitter house down.
They briefly mentioned the Peter David run; King said the PAD stuff was great.
He’s already teased that ‘treat’ and, okay. Time for some rumination on that specifically.
I’ve read the whole PAD run. It wasn’t my cup of tea, I don’t really like the DnD, angels and demons stuff. Also, it wasn’t Kara; it’s an entirely different character who uses the name ‘Supergirl.’
Also, stuff from that run didn’t age well.
And on top of that, PAD turned out to be...kind of a jerk! As so many folks in the comic industry are.
There’s also...an extremely weird, mean-spirited vibe through the whole back half of the run; I thought maybe I was imagining it at the time, but I recently went back to “Many Happy Returns”, the final story arc of the title, and David’s introduction in the trade...it doesn’t read like a guy who was in it for the love of the character, you know?
All of which to say! I’m not excited about connections to the PAD stuff. 
But I know a lot of fans who love that run, love that version of the character.
So like. Eh! Not for me, but to the folks who enjoy it, I hope it’s cool/fun, whatever it is.
(Still think it’ll be a variant or an easter egg or something, but we’ll see.)
(Oh, hmmm! Evely *did* post a WIP of like. Some creepy skull gate that they presumably encounter...hmmmmm.)
Okay, this is crazy long, and there’s no fun art or anything to go with it--OR IS THERE?!?!?!
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BOOM. From Bilquis Evely’s twitter today. (GO. FOLLOW. HER. FOR THE GOOD ART.)
(LIKE!!! I look at this and I just! Can’t! Bring myself to not be hyped as all heck! LOOK AT THIS! AND iT’S JUST THE PENCILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
God, wish that Supergirl sold better, so we could get a full year of this. HNNNNGGGGGGG.
Oh! That was another thing King discussed in detail; that 8 is way different from his usual 12, in terms of pacing and story. The beats fall at different places (obviously) so it was a bit of a challenge for him.
Actually, now that I’m thinking about it...maybe 8 will be good. Issue 10 just dropped for Strange Adventures, and wow, it has felt LONG. (I mean, the last four? Three? issues are also bi-monthly so that doesn’t help but. Still.)
(Superman: Up in the Sky was twelve issues but half the length, because it was a Wal-Mart book, so it was more like six.)
OKAY! For real, I’ve gone on long enough. XD 
SOON. Soon. June 15th, to be exact. Mark yer calendars!
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 6 years
((SO. This AU has gotten way more off-canon and hectic than I intended waay back when I first started this blog, so under the cut is a crash-course for this AU and how it differs from canon and other things to take note of for folks that are new and/or who don’t keep up with every single little post. Confused? This should have answers :3c))
FIRST OFF, AN IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE Is that this AU has been going since just after Chapter Two, and a lot of it was planned between chapters two and three. Also, this blog PREDATES and TOTALLY AVOIDS canon. There Is No Bad Ending. Only Happy Times(tm).
It’s heavily implied the studio is in New York in-canon, but I can confirm here that the studio is indeed in New York in this AU.
The toons are really Joey’s creations, they’re in no way stolen from anyone else.
I made and characterized my Joey before we got his first log in chapter three, and for me, voices need to sync to their characters. As such, my Joey doesn’t at all sound like he does in the game. I haven’t found who the voice belongs to, but I’ll update this when I do. Joey’s the only character in the AU with a voice different here than in-canon. (For anyone curious, he’s actually in the realm of sounding like a slightly more masculine Blue Diamond from SU xD it’s very light and gentle like that)
Joey’s a bit out of his mind in this AU, but he’s not uncaring. He’s still into rituals and the occult, but he’d never harm his employees or the toons.
He thinks of the toons as his children, and they think of him as their Papa Drew. They’re a very cute oddball family.
Joey has no (human) family of his own, he lives in an apartment in the studio with the toons. It’s right behind his office.
Henry has not been with the studio since it started. Joey started the studio on his own, and only met Henry later. He was too young to hire at the time, so it was several years before Henry actually got to join the studio staff. Henry and Joey stayed in close contact, though.
Speaking of Henry, he’s more Joey’s apprentice and surrogate son than business partner or anything else canon implies.
Henry’s wife is actually named Dianne here, because I accidentally made him a wife before we knew anything about Linda. Linda still exists somewhere in the city though, she’s just an ex. She broke up with him because of his work habits.
And speaking of Family, I don’t have a lot of family headcanons but here’s what I’ve got in a list: Joey just has the toons, Henry has a wife and a baby, Sammy’s an only child, Susie’s got an oldest brother and an older sister, Wally’s got six other siblings, Norman has five kids (and something like 20 grandkids iirc), shawn’s got a wife and two kids, and thomas had a wife and a kid but she left him and took the kid with her (now he only has his dog, poppy - she is his everything). susie and sammy go on to get married in a year and end up having twin boys, Stephen and Stanley Lawrence, in late 1940.
The toons were made in the first half of 1936, making them all around two years old as of when this was posted. They were made as-is so they were never babies, and they only age mentally. They were “born” with incredibly limited knowledge and experience, and with the way they learn at about the same pace regular human kids would they all have a tendency to act like small children. 
Naturally they do get smarter and wiser as time goes on, but they still act pretty childish and toony even 100 years from now.
The toons weren’t made by individual human sacrifices. Joey bonded his soul to the ink machine so it could produce possessed ink, which can then take on the form and personality of a toon in a ritual. The rituals still need blood, but Joey uses his own.
Speaking of that, that means Joey lacks a soul. This has had subtle influences on him as a person, both physically and mentally, but they’re very subtle.
Also, The Ink can manipulate things that already exist, people and objects included. Even inhaling too many fumes from it can cause one to act goofy. Physical contact or consumption of The Ink will lead to anything from toonish (childish/goofy) behavior to going full toon or ink monster, depending on quantity. explains why wally’s such a darn goofball, with how much of that stuff he cleans up all the time... this boy has inhaled Too Many Ink Fumes
Related to the above, but if The Ink gets into your system and deems you “incompatible”... it’s rare, but it’ll just outright kill you with ink poisoning instead of trying to do something Fun to you. it’s rare, and it hasn’t happened yet, but it can happen. Joey is the only one that knows this.
A handful of items in the studio are possessed by now after coming in contact with The Ink from leaking pipes or other spills.
The toons are ink all the way through, unlike their canon counterparts that have bones and organs. If you tried you could literally punch straight through them, and it wouldn’t hurt them all that much. It’d heal right back up as soon as you moved your arm. In fact, the only things that can harm them are water, religious symbols, and types of paint thinner (acetone, turpentine, etc etc. bleach will probably do it too.)
Because ink can take on the physical properties of other materials, that means the toons don’t just feel like ink - hair and fur still feels soft, fabric feels like fabric, etc etc... but everything’s got a subtle chalky texture to it, especially skin.
The toons have a lot of toon-superpowers, including but not limited to: shapeshifting, toon physics, hammerspace, consuming ridiculous amounts of food, teleporting through ink puddles... If it’s Classic Cartoon Slapstick(tm), they can probably do it.
Toons only really need to drink possessed ink to survive in day-to-day life, they need it much like humans need water. They can (and do) eat food for enjoyment but they don’t have to. They can also eat things that aren’t actually food, for some reason. Bendy’s really the only one that does this. the worst offender is pens, don’t leave your nice pens laying around he will eat them
The toons are all technically imperfect for in-universe unknown reasons. Bendy has a tail, Boris also has a tail and is fluffier than his cartoon counterpart, and Alice’s horns are just bits of hair that stick up. She also has holes all the way through her hands, and a longer dress. (The meta reasoning for this is just that I found it more fun to draw them these ways, they make them a little more my own ;P) (plus we didn’t know what alice looked like from the waist down until ch3 so uhhhhhh I Winged It)
This AU parallels Disney heavily, also they are technically Disney so that means they’re producing a lot of non-bendy related things alongside the Bendy cartoons. This includes full animated feature films that are more or less just like their disney counterparts. Yes, they did a snow white.
Studio never bankrupts in this timeline, it mirrors Disney’s success as well.
This also means that the theme park that was being worked on in-canon actually doesn’t exist for another 20 or so years, as Disney got to their first theme park in the 1950s.
Blog progresses in real-time, minus 80 years. There are slight tweaks to the exact time of day and the studio’s hours of operation exclusively for the ask-blog feature, however. this is why sometimes characters are answering asks at 9PM, when everyone is actually home in-universe
This is more meta but it’s a fun-fact, I try to simulate the ‘late 1930s’ vibe as well as I can, I do a loooot of research. More than I should, given this is a silly AU ask blog. I find history fascinating though so I go overboard.
The studio uses a mix of the current in-game layout, and the pre-ch4 updates layout. For example, there’s that new animation room behind henry’s desk here, but the ink machine and it’s room are still relatively undramatic.
Regardless of what I end up doing with Allison, she will not replace Susie as Alice’s voice. Susie is still and always will be Alice’s voice actress.
Susie’s also not nearly as... insane as her canon-counterpart, but that can be said for just about everyone here.
Alice was actually modeled after Susie. Joey was inspired by her incredible voice talent and general personality, so he made Alice as a character not long after Susie started working at the studio.
The studio was founded in February 1928, and they released the first Bendy cartoon in August 1928.
This will be updated as time goes on, and I’ll put those updates below this note so folks can find them easier instead of trying to remember what changed! c:
94 notes · View notes
cyberflows-art · 6 years
Shoulder Devil
Oof! This sure took me a while! Not really because it’s long (although it kind of is, whoops!), but because I have terrible time management skills XD
I always plan what I’m going to say for this little introductions and then completely forget what I was supposed to say...
Well, this is my fic for the Joey Drew Studios AU at @ask-joeydrewstudios! I knew for quite some time that I wanted to do something for this AU because the characters are very well developed and consistent, the art is fantastic and it’s always a good time whenever I receive a notification telling me there’s a new post! I could spend a looong time telling you why I love this AU so much, but instead I’m just going to recommend checking it out! I wan’t sure whether to draw something, or write something, soooo I did both! Oh! I’m also going to put it over on AO3 and ffnet if that’s more your thing!
I really hope you like it!
Cough Don’t use or repost my drawing without my permission, please! Cough
It had been a very productive Friday in the studio. Most of the animators had managed to get ahead on their work, the voice actors had very smooth recording sessions and Joey found himself praising a lot of people when he checked on them. The ink spills where almost null, the projectors all in outstanding condition, the pipes hadn’t emitted any creaking noises or given any signs of damage. The toy department had just finished some new concepts for a limited edition line of toys that could boost their income quiet a bit. The studio was reveling in a contented mood, and the employees certainly appreciated the relaxed work environment, so different to the usual stress of having to meet an approaching deadline. But that productivity came at a price. 
A price called Sammy Lawrence.
Due to the presence of a certain prank loving toon, people who worked at Joey Drew Studios knew to have spare clothing at hand, even more so if you worked in the Music Department. But that usually meant just an extra shirt for the week. This day? Sammy had already had to change his shirt twice before lunch break. The first time was due to a bucket of ink being dumped on his head; the second because Henry just so happened to be passing through the same hallway as him with a bowl of (thankfully not boiling) soup, and Bendy just so happened to run by them and “accidentally” push Henry. The entirety of the contents of the bowl, of course, ended covering Sammy. From that point on, the positivity in the air was slain by Sammy’s irate aura and the employees instinctively stepped aside whenever he walked by. And now that he had finally been able to eat something and calm himself a little, he sat at his desk and grabbed a pen only to discover half of his stuff was coated in honey. He groaned in exasperation and cursed the substance while trying to detach the pen from his fingers.
Sammy didn’t know why the little brat suddenly decided to focus all of his attention on him, (this considering the music director was a favorite target), but he knew it needed to stop that instant. In fact, it should have stopped days ago. Since wednesday, Bendy had been making his working hours a living hell. It ranged from hiding random ingredients in his food, to messing with the lyrics in his incomplete songs, to hiding every single one his goddamn cigarettes in a different location each. The only reason he had managed to not fall behind was that he locked all of his important documents and work in the upper right drawer of his desk. He bet that the little devil would have turned them all into paper airplanes if he didn’t.
Grumbling, he stood up once again and started walking towards the nearest bathroom to wash his hands. Of course, it would be his luck that said bathroom was the one in the worst condition in the whole studio. The door, specifically, was a bother to open since there wasn’t enough space between it and the floor, making it drag noisily; not to mention the rusty hinges and knob people had tired of reminding Wally to oil. Maybe the fact that it was the bathroom closest to the music department had something to do with that. Sammy wouldn’t put it past the janitor to be petty like that. He would normally go the extra mile to go to a decent bathroom, but he had wasted enough time as it was, so he resigned himself and stepped in, careful not to close the damaged door all the way.
He got as far as rubbing the soap on his hands before the water stopped flowing from the tap. Frowning, Sammy tried opening and closing it, but quickly lost his patience and tried the other two. Nothing. Anger rapidly increasing, Sammy took a moment to count to ten, planning to calmly go to the bathroom in the floor above. But while he focused on counting, he failed to notice the rattling of the pipes in front of him. 5… 6… 7… 8… 9…  The sudden loud creaking finally caught his attention and alarms rang in his head when he saw all three sinks slightly shaking. He managed but one hasty step towards the door before the three taps were sent flying and three forceful water streams drenched him from head to toe. Sammy instinctively covered his face, desperately trying to maintain enough visibility to walk the short distance to the door. Unfortunately, with all the chaos he wasn’t able to notice the bar of soap that had landed on the floor, and thus couldn’t prevent stepping on it. He yelped when he felt himself tripping forward, barely being able to slam against the door with his shoulder rather than with his face.
A dull pain spread through his upper arm but nothing too serious. Sammy rubbed at it and stood up, his mind trying to process what had just happened. If he had had a moment to collect himself, rage and annoyance would have probably consumed him, but he heard something above the sound of the flowing water. Laughter. Really loud laughter. The door of the stall closest to the wall slowly swung open and hanging from the inside was the little devil himself. He obviously couldn’t hang there for much longer, shaking with laughter as he was, so he jumped to the only corner of the floor untouched by the water to continue from there.
“WOW, Sammy! I thought I had something great by breaking the sinks, but you made it even better with that soap bit!!!” he managed to say through his giggles. “You sure you don’t wanna be a toon? You’d make a great target for gags!”.
Sammy remained silent. He remained silent and looked at the mess around him, one of his eyes twitching. He remained silent because even if he was normally able to yell at Bendy for his pranks, he couldn’t believe the absolute stupidity of the whole situation. He remained silent because even if he would usually call the demon a little shit, he still had to remember he was a kid and at the moment he didn’t trust himself to not say something he could regret later. And the absolute least he needed that day was for Joey to visit him to berate him on his conduct. So he bit back the venom that threatened to escape from his mouth and limited himself to glaring at the demon as harshly as he could. Bendy’s laughter did wither under the look that Sammy was giving him (and the lack of an explosive reaction), but he kept a defiant attitude by crossing his arms and returning the stare with a smile. This only further irritated the music director, so he turned around to open the door, not wanting to see the smug brat’s little face anymore. He wasn’t used to repressing his anger, and since he was absolutely furious, he needed an outlet fast. Except… the doorknob wasn’t working. In fact, it felt pretty loose, probably detached from whatever internal mechanism was inside the door. He struggled with it, as if he could force it to work just by violently moving it, but he ended loosening it it to the point it came off. Sammy glared at it for a second before flinging it against the wall. He heard snorting behind him.
“What?” came Bendy’s voice. “Can’t even open a dooooor, Sammy?”
He then started blabbering about how Sammy needed to start lifting weights and eating more vitamins. Sammy sighed in frustration and turned towards Bendy to yell at him to undo whatever he did to the door so he could go tell Joey to ground the demon for the rest of eternity. He froze, however, when he saw the floor of the room. The flow of the water had considerably diminished, but it was still consistently adding more liquid to the floorboards. The growing puddle was silently creeping in Bendy’s direction, but the demon couldn’t be bothered to notice. For a split second, he toyed with the idea of just watching him notice and freak out about his crucial mistake. But a pang of guilt immediately hit him, knowing well that it would be the equivalent of letting a fire get close to a human. He was furious, but not even he was that cruel. Sighing, he sacrificed the one spot on his clothes that had been spared from the water attack to dry his hands. He crossed the distance between them, tuning out Bendy’s incessant rambling, and lift him up before the puddle could reach his shoes. Three seconds later, there wasn’t a dry spot on the floor.
Tumblr media
“Hey!” Bendy exclaimed. “Put me down!! I don’t like bein’ carried around, ya hear me?! Let go!”
He then proceeded to poke Sammy’s head with his tail and trying to wiggle out of his hold. Sammy tightened his grip, afraid he might actually drop him and then held the demon to arms length in a way that wouldn’t allow Bendy enough movement to bite him (which he was known for).
“Okay, you little brat. You are going to look down for a single second and then I dare you to say that again to my face,” Sammy deadpanned.
“What, you think I wouldn’t?” Bendy crossed his arms. “Fine! I’ll look down and then I’ll tell you to your face to put me- Oh...”
“‘Oh’ is right.” Sammy glared at him as he stopped struggling to fall to his demise. “Now, if you could stop throwing a tantrum and fix the freaking door so we both can get the hell out of here, that would be great, wouldn’t it?”
“What?! I didn’t do anything to the door!!!”
“Oh, yeah? Then why won’t it open? Can you really not stop playing dumb even when you turned the floor into something you can’t so much as touch without melting?!” Sammy made him face the door, hoping that he would pull out a tool or something that would let them get out,
“Ugh! I told ya, I didn’t break the door! You’re the one that slammed his ugly face against it! Maybe that’s why it broke, huh?”
Bendy stuck his tounge at him and looked away with a huff.
“So what? We’re just trapped here now?!” Sammy looked at the demon incredulously. “Are you happy now? Is this what you wanted? Well, congratulations! I bet Joey will give you a trophy!”
Bendy scowled at him, but quickly looked away under Sammy’s scolding stare and resigned himself to pout in silence. This was doing nothing for Sammy’s mood. Now there was no way he wasn’t going to fall behind in his work. Besides, the water was already up to his ankles and the cold from being soaked was starting to get to him. His arms were also getting tired.
“Why am I even carrying you still?” he said more to himself. The little guy didn’t really deserved the effort after landing them in the situation they were in. He walked towards the stalls, hoping that he could set him down.
“Hey! What are you doing?” Bendy asked once he felt they were moving.
“I’m getting tired so I decided you are going to stand on one of the toilets,” he said matter of factly.
“WHAT? But… but toilets are filled with water!”
If Sammy didn’t fear he would drop him he would have smacked his own forehead with his hand.
“I’m not putting you inside the toilet, you moron! You’re gonna stand on top of the lid.”
“Ew! No way! Joey told me what goes in there and I’m NOT touching those things.” Bendy scrunched his face up in disgust and clung to Sammy’s hands, refusing to be put down. “And the water is rising so fast! What if it reached me if I was standing there? Oh no! What if it goes all the way up to the roof? What if nobody saves us?!”
Sammy rolled his eyes at the toon’s exaggeration. This wasn’t a worrying predicament, only an infuriatingly annoying one. At this point, he would even accept if Joey offered to teleport them out of there.
“Calm down, we are not going to drown,” Sammy told him. “The door isn’t fused to the floor. There’s gotta be some water leaking, and the moment somebody notices they’re going to-”
Wally’s voice reached them right on cue. Bendy’s face lit up in an instant.
“Wally! Wally, we’re trapped! You gotta save us!” He yelled.
“Bendy? What-? How-? Oh, shoot! Are you ok? You aren’t like… half melted or something right?” Wally’s voice became a bit panicked with the possible implications of what he could find on the other side of the door. They could hear him frantically turning the useless knob.
“Thanks for the mental image, Franks…”
“Wait… Sammy?! How many people are in there?!”
“Oh no, just the two of us!” Bendy exclaimed happily, as if he hadn’t been freaking out just a few moments prior. “I’m using him as my personal island!”
“Uh, yeah, you keep doing that buddy…” Wally said. “How did this even happen?”
“Sammy broke the door!” Bendy immediately answered.
“Excuse me?! You’re the genius that thought exploding the sinks was a good idea!”
“He WHAT?” Sammy could tell by the distress in Wally’s voice that he knew who would have to deal with the mess. He would have found it amusing if his shoes weren’t completely submerged.
“Franks, my clothes are soaked and I am locked in here with a three foot tall nightmare incarnated. How about you get us out, and then you play detective?”
Sammy didn’t doubt the silence that followed was Wally trying to come up with a good comeback to not just accept an order from the music director, but in the end he had to acept this wasn’t a good time for that.
“Fine, fine,” he finally said. “You might want to step away from the door! I’ll get you out in a second!”
The door creaked when Wally pushed forcefully against it, but with no results, A groan of frustration was heard before repeated pounding against the wood, which the trapped pair could only guess was Wally either tackling the door or trying to kick it down. Bendy started cheering him on. After the fifth hit, one of the rusty screws of the upper hinge was sent flying while the other hinge got crooked and Sammy swore one of its sides got lodged into the wood frame. From that point on, nothing else even budged.
“... Maybe I won’t get you out in a second…”
“Wow, it’s almost like it’s important to do your job maintaining the building, huh?” Sammy said bitterly.
“Agh, shut up. Look, there’s an axe somewhere in the studio. Joey told me where it was, but I uh, kinda forgot where it is… I gotta go ask him.” Silence. ”Dammit. He’s not going to like this…”
“I would prefer it if you cut the water first. It’s almost up to my knees already.”
“Uh, right, right. First things first, and all that.”
“Hurry up, Wally! I don’t think Sammy has the strength to carry me for much longer!” Bendy called.
“Wha-? You little-!”
“Try not to shove Bendy into the water while I’m gone Sammy!”
Wally’s voice faded along with his hurried steps. Sammy’s shoulders sagged. Great. More waiting. He guessed he could try doing something productive. Maybe see if he could loosen the hinges. Oh wait! He couldn’t. He was carrying some dead weight. And as much as he hated to admit it, said dead weight was indeed putting a strain on his arms. He let himself lower them just a bit to get his blood circulating better, hoping that the demon wouldn’t notice. With his luck that week, of course he did.
“Uh, you did hear what Wally just told ya, right?” Bendy said glancing down and lifting his feet.
“Oh, sorry! It must be that I’m not strong enough to carry you. I could just drop you any minute now.”
Bendy pouted up at him. Sammy retaliated with a glare, but found that just looking at the demon reminded him of the terrible week he had had. He decided that he had enough of the staring contest soon after and looked around for, well, literally anything else he could do. He spotted the towel that was placed for people to dry their hands, which had miraculously been spared of the shower, and he got an idea for a solution for the tiredness of his arms. He crossed the room towards it and held Bendy in front of it.
“Grab it.”
“Huh?” Bendy gave him a confused look.
“Grab the towel.”
“What? Why?”
“I’ll let you in on a secret,” Sammy lifted Bendy up so that they were looking eye to eye. “I despise carrying you as much as you despise being carried. So you are gonna take that towel, put it on my shoulder and sit there until we get out of here.”
“Why don’t you grab the towel if it’s your idea?” Bendy’s cocky demeanor started chipping away at Sammy’s last bit of patience, and he was desperately trying to remind himself he was supposed to be the adult. “Why do I gotta do all the work here, huh? How lazy of you! Are you sure you’re fit to be the director of anything?”
“Ok, that’s ENOUGH! Why are you being such a prick?! This whole situation was YOUR fault! Least you could do is cooperate with something as easy as this!”
Bendy flinched at the louder tone of voice, but he wasn’t deterred.
“‘Why are you being such a prick?’” he imitated in a high pitched voice, using his hand to simulate a mouth. However, he did grab the towel and threw it on Sammy’s shoulder, hitting him on the face (not so accidentally) during the fact. Making sure it was placed well enough that his wet shirt wouldn’t come in contact with the little toon, Sammy let him climb on his shoulder and he finally could put his darned arms down. His relief was short lived, though. Now he had a whining demon right besides his ear.
“That’s it,” he said not even paying attention to whatever Bendy was saying. “I’m quitting the moment we get out of this stupid bathroom…”
“Yeah? Well maybe you should,” Bendy suddenly muttered with a scowl. If he hadn’t been so close, Sammy may not have heard it. “That way you wouldn’t break Boris’ stuff.”
Sammy startled so forcefully he had to quickly hold Bendy in place so he wouldn’t fall.
“Break Boris’- What are you even talking about?” he asked frowning.
“Oh, just admit it!” Bendy turned so he was sitting sideways and could look at Sammy better, He poked his face in an accusing manner. “You broke Boris’ favorite banjo! You know how long he had been practicing a new song to show Joey? Like a month! You even know how long a month is? He had even prepared a mini stage in our apartment, and I was gonna do an opening act and Alice was going to be there too!” Bendy threw his arms in the air as if he could convey the grandiosity of their planned little show by waving them around. “It was going to be great, but then you went and ruined our good time! Boris has been so bummed out since Tuesday he won’t even play with me!”
Sammy was taken aback. Not only could he already feel the headache coming from all the yelling in his ear, but he also realized a very important thing. He pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Is that really why you have been insufferable all week? Because you think I’m the one who did that?”
“I know you did it! Joey said you are the one responsible of all music stuff, so obviously it had to be your fault! If you are innocent, why don’t ya prove it, huh? Oh right, because you can’t! You’re guilty!”
Sammy gave a big sigh, wondering if he was about to waste his breath.
“Tuesday? You mean this tuesday? The same tuesday I had to leave early?” He narrowed his eyes at Bendy and saw the devil’s confidence falter. “You know what happens on tuesdays? There’s a weekly maintenance of all the instruments. You know what else happens on tuesdays? The imbeciles that conduct those checkups often stay and organize a mini ‘act like an idiot’ party after the oh so hard work that task represents for them, even when repeatedly told not to. So more than likely, it was one of them that broke that banjo, and more than likely, if I find out who did it and made these days hell for me because of it, I’m gonna move heaven and earth to make Joey fire them! So there! I hope you are proud, because not only did you waste my time making me clean after your little ‘revenge pranks’ for hours and then make me lose hours of sleep to catch up on work, you also wasted your own time doing something completely worthless. I don’t think you even wanted to put the effort to find out who it was. I bet you just wanted it to be me, because for some goddamn reason you just want to make me quit. So congratulations! You might have just succeeded this time!”
Sammy took a deep breath once his rant was over and noticed at last how Bendy had gone really quite. He wasn’t looking at him and had his head hung low.
“So you really didn’t do it?” came Bendy’s meager question.
Sammy didn’t even dignify that with the obvious response. Instead, he focused on how the water flow from the sinks weakened until stopping altogether, Took Franks long enough. The silence that followed was tense, but Sammy greatly preferred it to having to deal with more tantrums from the toon on his shoulder. Sighing, he moved to the center of the room and settled for impatiently staring impatiently at the door. A chill went up Sammy’s spine, and he cursed his body’s inability to maintain a decent temperature. He would normally find it annoying, but with all that had happened and his head starting to pound, he had ran out of steam. He shifted his weight uncomfortably in place, his feet already feeling numb in his shoes. If he got sick and Joey didn’t give him some kind of compensation, he would make sure he never heard the end of it. Fortunately, he wasn’t needed the next day. Well, he was always needed since his department was filled with idiots, but they could usually handle by themselves whatever there was to do on the weekends, so he’d be able to rest until monday.
“Soooo,” Bendy’s voice broke the silence. It had been nice while it lasted. “Whatcha, uh, whatcha thinking about, Sammy?”
“Oh, nothing. Just wondering whether it’s worth it to write a formal resignation letter or just use the honey on my desk to paste a piece of paper that says ‘I quit’ to Joey’s office door.”
Bendy fidgeted in his place, refusing to look at him.
“W-well. You can’t do none of those!”
Sammy raised an eyebrow.
“Really now? And whose stopping me? Because it’s certainly not you.
“Because, uh, because…” Bendy frowned in concentration, before he snapped his fingers. “Because Boris would miss ya! Yeah! You wouldn’t make Boris sad on purpose, would ya?
Wait. Did Bendy actually think he was going to quit? Sammy threatened to quit almost daily. One would think that Bendy would know better. Nonetheless, Sammy decided to play along.
“Boris would miss anyone that worked here even if they had never talked with him. Maybe if I quit the experience will help him to get over it if it happens again, huh?”
Sammy was aware that sounded harsher than he meant it. Boris was one of the few people in the studio that he didn’t feel like yelling at all the time. But he couldn’t help but smirk when his answer had the desired effect. Bendy was trying to come up with another reason of why he shouldn’t quit. Was it immature of him? Absolutely! But he was standing in a flooded bathroom, clothes soaked, a literal little demon on his shoulder and no cigarettes at all. He figured he deserved to have some petty revenge.
“Uh, A-alice, then! Don’t you think it would be bad luck to upset an angel?”
“I already have to deal with a demon on a daily basis. I don’t think I have the luck of any angels on my side. Besides, I think it would only actually affect her if it was Susie who quit instead of me.”
“Wait, that’s it!” Bendy’s tail briefly formed the outline of a lightbulb. “Susie! You can’t leave her here all alone! That would make you the worst boyfriend in the world!”
Sammy huffed.
“We only spend time together on our break time, which we can still do even if I worked elsewhere.” He hummed thoughtfully. “Actually, she also does some extra work in some other places. Maybe she can recommend me to a boss that doesn’t practice black magic as a hobby.”
“Shoot,” Bendy said under his breath. “But- But you can’t leave because you are already Joey’s favorite director! What if you are not the favorite of your new boss, huh? Maybe he’ll hate you!”
“Oh? So I’m Joey’s favorite now?” Sammy asked in an intentionally bored but fake tone, crossing his arms.
“Yeah! He said that, ah, that you were the best music director in the history of forever! That you were better than Boteevan!”
“That guy! And he said that, um, that he was considering giving you a raise! It’ll be such a raise that you will be on the top floor of the studio!”
Sammy… wasn’t sure Bendy understood what a raise was. But he shook it off.
“So, those were Joey’s exact words?”
Bendy nodded enthusiastically, his usual smile a bit strained and his cartoony eyes unable to hide the alarm he was feeling.
“So, if I were to go to Joey and ask him about it, he would tell me the exact same thing?”
“...Yes… Maybe…”
Ok, Sammy had had his fun. Now Bendy’s nervousness and guilt about ‘causing’ him to quit was starting to become too obvious and the hand that he was using to keep himself stable was latching a bit too hard to Sammy’s shoulder. He didn’t want to cause the kid a meltdown (which got a very literal meaning with the toons when they were stressed). He was about to give in and tell him the truth when a loud cracking noise caught their attention. They both slowly looked at the door.
“What was that?” Bendy asked warily.
“I don’t know, but it sure didn’t sound like an axe to me.”
Sammy backed away slowly from the door until his back touched the wall opposite to it. They flinched when they heard the sound again, and a crack cut right through the middle of the door. Then again, and splinters were sent flying everywhere. Once more, and the door was split in two. Sammy instinctively grabbed Bendy to shield him from the raining debris that exploded as a result. All the remaining water gushed out into the hallway, but Sammy didn’t take notice, nor did Bendy. There was something far more important that had just appeared. Right in front of the destroyed door was an enormous mass of ink, so tall and wide that it wouldn’t have been able to fit through the doorway if it tried. It vaguely resembled the top half of a human, it’s hunched torso being its support on the floor. Hollowed eyes looked at them with a dead stare. Sammy didn’t even dare to breathe.
“What are you doing standing there? Move aside!” Joey’s order returned them to reality.
The ink monster immediately obeyed, granting the space needed for a very panicked looking Joey to run into the bathroom. His glasses were crooked on his face, he was breathing hard and he was clutching a book with such force that his hands were shaking. The instant he spotted Bendy in Sammy’s hands, his face flooded with relief. On Sammy’s part, he couldn’t take his eyes off the monstruosity that had just appeared before him, so still petrified in his place, he could only ask:
“What the hell is that?!”
“Oh, well Wally said the door was stuck, so I figured we would need a little help.” Joey answered, waving his hand dismisively. “More importantly, Bendy are you ok?!”
Sammy, realizing he was still holding Bendy as far away from the door as possible, cleared his throat and shoved him into Joey’s arms. He didn’t stay to see Joey smothering Bendy in a hug and checking him for any damage. Instead he headed towards his sweet freedom, giant monster outside or not. He still practically hugged the wall to not come close to that thing, though. He got out just in time to see Wally Franks arrive running and lean against the wall to catch his breath, muttering something about Joey being fast for his age. Sammy didn’t spare him a second before pointing to the ink creature and giving him an incredulous look.
“What about that looks like an axe to you, Franks?!” His voice was just a tad more high pitched than he would have liked, but he ignored it for the time being. Wally looked at him to respond, but couldn’t stop himself from snorting.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said you were drenched!”
Sammy’s death glare shut him up.
“R-right, uh, so I told Joey what happened and I thought he was going to yell at me and then tell me where the axe was, but he just got all pale and then he grabbed that book and started running while yelling some weird crap on another language. Next thing you know, big guy over there is growing out of the ground and following him down the stairs! It was crazy!” Wally scratched his head. “Umm, I also think someone fainted when it passed in front of them…”
Sammy let out a sigh and rubbed at his head. The pain that had been receding was now returning tenfold.
“Sammy!” Joey called out to him while he, too, exited the bathroom. “I’m glad everyone’s ok, of course, but I would like to know… how did that happen?” He pointed at the destroyed sinks.
Nope. He was NOT dealing with that right now.
“Oh, I’m sure little prankster there will tell you what he did with plenty of detail. I’m going home early.”
He glared at Joey, daring him to protest. But just looking at the state he was in, his boss nodded.
“Of course, you need to go get some dry clothes. And I’m guessing I won’t see you tomorrow?”
“You guess correctly,” Sammy said as he walked past his boss, not taking his eyes off the ink beast, just in case.
“See you on monday?”
At that Sammy stopped. That had been Bendy asking. He turned around to look at the demon in Joey’s arms, who was looking up at him with pleading eyes. Sammy remained silent for a moment. He guessed he could just ignore him, but he had punished him enough already.
“Yeah, yeah. See you on monday. Unfortunately.”
At that, Bendy visibly relaxed. Sammy rolled his eyes and kept walking.
Monday arrived way faster than Sammy would have liked, but then again, that was nothing new. What was new, however, was that he found his office exceptionally clean. He hadn’t bothered tidying things up before he left on friday, but now the honey was gone from his desk, and there didn’t seem to be a paper out of place or a speck of dust on any surface. A report of what had been done on saturday and a list of future tasks was already waiting for him, too.
But what caught his attention the most was a colorful piece of paper sitting on the middle of his desk. It was a drawing. It depicted him conducting a band, with random musical notes (some of which weren’t even real notes) forming an arch above his head. He stared at it for a long while,slowly processing the fact that this was most likely some sort of apology. He shook his head. He couldn’t waste more time on this. He had work to do. Sammy was going to just put it away into a random drawer, but looking at it again, he changed his mind. He put it in the upper right drawer instead.
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fallen-gabrielle · 6 years
KND-Pokémon Crossover
Ok, so I am very fond of crossover, and Pokémon being one of my favorite video game, I had for a while the idea to draw Sector V with their Pokémon team. I tried to match the Pokémon with each characters' personalities (i tried) : I will also say why I chose some of the Pokémon. For the kids, I wanted to give them unelvoved pokémon to keep the idea they're still kids (babies Pokémon/pre-evolutions). Numbuh 1 : -Charmander, being the leader, he deserves to get a starter Pokémon and i think Charmander is the best choice (also see more below) -Vulpix, because it's cute and why not -Fletching, everyone needs a flying type pokémon in his/her team -Abra, a psychic type pokemon that reminds me of Numbuh 1, don't ask why, it just does (also see more below) -Eevee, because I wanted to -Seel, because I'm a douche and wanted to give the character a pokémon that reminds their transformation into animals in Operation : G.R.A.D.U.AT.E.S. Numbuh 2 : -Munchlax, because he eats a lot -Skarmory, because steel/flying type is totally Numbuh 2 -Rufflet, because a baby eagle for our american kid suits him good -Starly, because more flying type ! (since Numbuh 2 like to pilot) -Aron, because some diversity, still a steel type because 2x4 tech -Hippopotas, because reference to Operation : G.R.A.D.U.AT.E.S. (yes, everyone will get one) Numbuh 3 : -Dedenne, because she takes care of the hamsters -Stunky, because Bradley/Numbuh 6 -Pansage, BECAUSE RAINBOW MONKEYS!!! -Pansear, BECAUSE RAINBOW MONKEYS!!! -Panpour, BECAUSE RAINBOW MONKEYS!!! -Swanna, because I couldn't find a more proper Pokémon that looks like a crane, reference Operation : G.R.A.D.U.AT.E.S. Numbuh 4 : -Machop, most of his Pokémon are fighting type, nothing more, nothing less -Tyrogue -Mienfoo -Scraggy, because it totally reminds me of Wally -Pancham -Komala, because he turns into a koala in Operation : G.R.A.D.U.AT.E.S. Numbuh 5 : -Vanillite, as a reference to the fourth flavour -Dratini, because it's freaking cute and majestic and Numbuh 5 deserves such a pokémon -Sneasel, because she is a stealth expert and sneaky, plus it looks cool -Rockruff, as a reference to her transformation as a weredog (Rockruff can evolve into Lycanroc, werewolf-like pokémon) -Lapras, because it's majestic just like Numbuh 5 -Deerling, because just like Numbuh 3 I couldn't find a better pokémon that looks like a gazelle, so yeah.... Delightful Children : -Dugtrio alolan form, because I think it's kinda obvious (immediatly thought of them when the pokémon form was released xD) -Magneton -Weezing -Exeggutor -Klingklang -Hydreigon ............. Yeah, their pokémons have more than one head, because you know.... They are always a group. Father : -Mega Charizard X, because I can't deny him a fire/dragon Pokémon, can I ? Also, the final stage of the same starter pokémon as Numbuh 1, them being related and stuff -Houndoom, because it suits Father perfectly -Incineroar, because he's a villain, screw the rules, he gets another starter. -Pyroar, because based on a lion, and a lion is the king/ruler of the jungle, I think it goes with Father's personality -Magmortar, because FIRE, BABY!!! -Liepard, because it's the closest pokémon to a panther, reference to Operation : G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. (yes, i know it's actually a leopard, but we don't have a panther pokémon. Incineroar is more of a tiger than anything else) Monty : -Victini, as a reference to his victory against Grandfather (Victini is the victory Pokémon) fire/psychic type -Serebii, Because why not giving him legendaries pokémon ? grass/psychic type -Manaphy, Because why not giving him legendaries pokémon ? water type -Jirachi, Because why not giving him legendaries pokémon ? steel/psychic type -Mew, Because why not giving him legendaries pokémon ? psychic type -Type:Null, in french, that pokémon is name Type:0, as in zero, so Numbuh 0 gets Type:0 (it's kinda lame, I know, but I was running out of ideas) Numbuh 362 : -Riolu, because it's cute and goes with Rachel's fighting abilities -Meditite, same as above -Ralts, because why not, i think it suits her -Horsea, same as above -Lunatone, because she's the soopreme leader from the MOONBASE -Chimchar, because as soopreme leader she gets a starter : as a reference to her transformation into a monkey in Operation : G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. and since it can evolve into a fire/FIGTING type, it's totally the perfect choice for her Numbuh 60 : -Snorunt -Spheal -Snover -Glaceon -Cubchoo -Cryogonal Heh, most of his Pokémon are ice type... what a coincidence... Numbuh 86 : -Nidoran female -Vullaby -Froslass -Blissey, as a reference to her old job as a medic -Smoochum -Growlithe, >figures....< As you can see, her Pokémon are only female because she hates boys. Her growlithe is also a female. Cree : -Persian -Gardevoir -Medicham -Lopunny -Meowstick -Zororark, because it can change apparences (B.R.A. tech reference) Other than that, I think it suits Cree, but I can be wrong. Chad : -Passimian -Machoke -Rhydon -Swellow -Bisharp -Luxray Because they all look cool for Chad ! Grandfather : -Mega Alakazam, because it reminds me of Grandfather. Also, I wanted the final form of a Pokémon that Numbuh 1 has, because they are related. Is it necessary? Maybe not, but here it is anyway -Hypno, because he brainwashed everyone -Chandelure, because it's creepy, just like Grandfather -Relicanthe, because it's almost a fossile Pokémon and Grandfather is reaaally old -Tyrantrum, same as above -Murkrow, because I wanted him to have a dark type Pokémon And that's it, folks ! I didn't think more for others characters because it's kinda hard to make all of these pokémon teams. When I wrote "it suits perfectly the character", it's only my opinion, it's okay if you don't agree with me : it is how I see the characters. When I will have the time, I’ll make fanart out of it...... So what do you think?
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aceofstars16 · 8 years
Lots of tags!
So, I was tagged twice for two different meme things so I thought I’d do both of them in the same tag thing haha xD
Tagged by @book-and-comic-fangirl
Birthday: May 16th
Gender: Female
Relationship status: Single
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff!!!! 
Time right now: 8:20 (guys, it’s 9:03...it took me forty minutes to do this...xD)
Lucky Favorite number: 16
Last thing I Googled: “feel again lyrics” I though it could apply to one of my OCs so I had to look up the lyrics...xD
Nicknames: Ace, Aceo, Swaya, Spammy (though no one has used Aceo or Swaya in YEARS xD)
Siblings: Yup! I’m the youngest of three, four if you include my sister-in-law. It goes my brother, my sister, then my other brother and his wife then me! (we are like the Pevensies in birth order, though not personality as much, though I’ve always related to Lucy...)
Height: Like 5′6 or 5′7, I have 5′7 on my permit so...I go with that xD
Favorite color: BLUE!!!!
Pets: Three cats, Alex, Ginger, and Juliet
Wake up and sleep time: Ha....hahah....ummm...it’s really bad right now...like...it changes every day but usually in between 12-2 am and then I get up like...between 10-12....hehe...*flops*
Average hours of sleep: I try to get at least 8, but I prefer 9 or 10
Love or lust: Love always
Coke or Pepsi: Both are pretty....eh...so Dr. Pepper or Root Beer or Sprite...like any of those, if I have to choose, Pepsi...but eh...not my favorite...xD
Day or night: Night usually, but I do like the daytime a lot too, at least when it’s not like freezing xD (but it’s been pretty warm recently so, both? xD)
Text or call: TEXT, calling is stressful...
Make up or natural: Natural, I only wear makeup on very rare occasions xD
Met a celebrity: Depends on your definition of celebrity? I’ve met Barlowgirl, Coach K, Penny Chennery, Ronnie Turcotte, John Flanagan, and Marissa Meyer...so??? And I’ve seen Rick Riordan, but I didn’t actually get to like...talk to him xD
Smile or eyes: Smile ^^
Light or dark hair: Both, I mean maybe lighter hair? But I don’t mind dark hair either?
Shorter or taller: Taller
Intelligence or attraction: Intelligence 
Chapstick or lipstick: Chapstick, I put on Burt’s Bees every night cause chapped lips are not fun xD
City or country: Hmm, I like both? Like, the city is nice because you are close to things, but I love the calmness of the country...but I also don’t like the bugs so...? Where I live is a good balance cause we live next to a greenbelt but we are like ten minutes away from downtown xD
Blankets I sleep with: Depends on the season, anywhere from one to like four (also depends on the kind of blanket xD)
Last song I listened to: Uhh, well “Live Forever” by Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors is playing right now (it’s such a calming song <333)
Favorite bands/artists: I like a looot, NEEDTOBREATHE is one of my faves but recently I’ve been listening to lots of Moana and Hamilton xD
Dream trip: Probably a road trip/just country trip to meet a lot of my friends! Though, I’d also love to go to Iceland, and Argentina, London, Italy, Ireland, and Switzerland...(okay but my list grew from last time because my family was actually talking about going to Europe so...yeah, but I REALLY want to go to Iceland...like...really, AND I want to go to the place where they filmed the last scene in TFA because my brother told me it was like in Scotland and I geeked out a little xD)
Favorite fictional character: HA! One? You want me to pick one??? Haha nah...that’s not happening...I have wayyyyy too many....here’s a few...there are like...a ton more tho...Obi Wan, Kanan, Ezra, Hera, Sabine, Ahsoka, Anakin, Rey, Finn, Jyn, Cassian, Bodhi, Chirrut, Chopper, BB8, Steve Rogers, Scott Lang, Peggy Carter, Edwin Jarvis, Sokka, Bolin, Percy, Leo, Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, pretty much all of the Parks and Rec characters, Cinder, Thorne, Cress, Kai, Halt, Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Wally West, Felicity Smoak, Sophie, Dex, Fitz, Kefee, and Biana...Okay I’m stopping now! (okay but Alden too...and Elwin...and like...okay I love a lot of KoltC characters...xD)
What I’m wearing right now: Umm, my church shirt, khaki pants, fuzzy purple socks, and my brown jacket
When I made this blog: October 20th, 2013, I only know cause I made a post the day I made it xD
How many blogs I follow: 132
Posts:....206,009....dude...I don’t even...that’s a lot...xD
What do I post about: Lots of stuffs! Most recently Star Wars, but all of my fandoms really, and then some nature and faith things too ^^
When did your blog reach its peak: *shrugs* a few months ago I was getting like a lot of new followers but I don’t know? xD
Why did you choose your URL: I watched a movie called Ace of Hearts, I thought Aceofstars sounded cool, so that was my username on howrse and mweor. When I joined dA, that username was already taken, I added the 16 cause it’s my favorite number, and now I use it for like...everything...xD
Bonus question: If you are transported to the world of the book you are reading now, where would you be? Keeper of the Lost Cities world yaaass!!!! I mean technically it’s still our world? But with like, lots of cool lost cities and elves with cool powers and HEY I could be friends with Sophie and her friends! Even though I’m older than all of them....I SHALL PROTECT Y’ALL! Even though...they would do a better job of protecting themselves then I could...xD
Okay...that was long....NEXT TAG! xD
Tagged by @buurd
1. How old are you? 20, but I feel like I’m still 16ish...xD
2. What’s your current job? Ummm, student, occasional petsitter and fanfiction writer...even though I don’t get paid for that last one...xD
3. What are you talented at? Drawing and writing? 
4. What is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)? I don’t know, finish school I guess? I also want to finally rework my novel and write a rough draft for it and one day publish it. And I have some longer fanfics I want to write and stuff, and continue to improve my writing and drawing? Also, get my license....you know why I’m adding this Buurd...xD
5. What’s your aesthetic? I love a looot, but my main ones are the stars, the ocean (particularly pictures inside waves as they are starting to fall), autumn, and anything blue, but I like a lot of other things too xD 
6. Do you collect anything? DUDE I collect movie tickets too! (though I may not have a place to keep them if I get a new itouch case cause that’s where I’m keeping them all...or a lot of them atm) And also stickers and socks...xD
7. What’s a topic you always talk about? Star Wars Rebels...and other various fandoms and my OCs
8. What’s a pet peeve of yours? I know one, I thought of another one a while ago...but I can’t remember...so, when people just stand behind me and watch when I’m on the computer...xD
9. Good advice to give? Go to sleep when you are tired...like...really, I was exhausted yesterday and I just kept not going to bed...also try your best not to procrastinate, reward yourself when you get something done if you need the motivation (even if it’s something small). I need to like...take my own advice..xD
10. What are three songs you’d recommend? “How Far I’ll Go” by Auli'i Cravalho (because MOANA), “Little Do You Know” by Alex and Sierra (I blame that SWR music video for my love of this song...xD) and “Be Here Long” by NEEDTOBREATHE (or “Great Night” if you want something super upbeat)
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