#I’m actually gonna make myself cry again why was the ahsoka show SOOOO terrible
peachyhoolagan · 7 months
Honestly the most unrealistic thing about ahsoka to me that really sunk the last nail into the coffin was in the finale when sabine force pushed ezra into the ship.
Two reasons
1. Sabine should not have been able to wield it that well that quickly. From what we’ve seen I feel like the force doesn’t really work like that. Idk it could just click for some people but she’s not a natural. If she WAS she would’ve been using the force all throughout rebels.
2. I know damn well ezra could’ve made that jump on his OWN. Dude made that massive leap from one cliff to another in the rebels finale with no assistance and it’s been YEARS. You’re telling me he hasn’t gotten even better at doing his big jumps????
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