#sabine is NOT a jedi. she is a mandalorian.
peachyhoolagan · 10 months
Honestly the most unrealistic thing about ahsoka to me that really sunk the last nail into the coffin was in the finale when sabine force pushed ezra into the ship.
Two reasons
1. Sabine should not have been able to wield it that well that quickly. From what we’ve seen I feel like the force doesn’t really work like that. Idk it could just click for some people but she’s not a natural. If she WAS she would’ve been using the force all throughout rebels.
2. I know damn well ezra could’ve made that jump on his OWN. Dude made that massive leap from one cliff to another in the rebels finale with no assistance and it’s been YEARS. You’re telling me he hasn’t gotten even better at doing his big jumps????
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oftenlyshitposting · 11 months
*ezra and sabine sibling-arguing heatedly*
shin: ...what's going on?
ahsoka: entertainment
hera: more like repeated history, i say
shin: what? what do you mean?
jacen: they're doing the 2nd mandalorian-jedi war
ezra & sabine: ENOUGH OF THAT JOKE
shin: you're right, 'soka, it is entertainment
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All the problems in the Mandalorian could’ve been solved if Sabine had kept the Darksaber
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
Does this mean Clan Wren is alive in your AU? And by "Clan Wren", I really mean Tristan, since I ship him with Ezra.
very very little of clan wren's alive, could be like 4 ppl tops who knows, but i think its unrealistic every single clanmember died. ON TRISTAN i've been flipflopping between yes and no since the show started. bc on the one hand all of sabine's family being dead works rlly well narratively, she's lost every mandalorian she loves and her whole culture and home planet and has some severe survivors guilt bc she should've been with them instead of her other (also half dead) family and she's dealing with it by being in her fleabag girlfailure era and trying to completely ignore the fact she's mandalorian at all. plus i don't want to disregard ALL of canon gotta keep some things.
on the other hand that's sad and also trizra
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padawansuggest · 1 year
You know what this series got me wanting? Mandalorian-Jedi AU where Ezra is suddenly a little brother when Ahsoka comes back to the temple one day with Sabine all ‘she’s not force sensitive but she’s awesome and bit Master Krell really good so I like her’ and Hera, the temple pilot who’s dating Caleb Dume is all ‘that’s a good one can I adopt that one???’ And doesn’t wait for an answer before that’s her new baby and now Ezra is a baby brother and had someone to run off to whenever a new litter of lothkittens are born.
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tonsillessscum · 1 year
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Shin Hati Stills -Ahsoka (2023) S1E1
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jessicas-pi · 1 year
You voted, and we have a winner!
never ever ever ever get between a mandalorian and their jedi. you will die.
It is muscle memory that makes Ezra slip his knife back into its sheath, because he has no thoughts for anything or anyone besides the girl across the room. She lies on her back on the interrogation table, strapped down, pale, eyes closed, blood dried and crusted in trickles down her face from a dozen separate cuts.
Ezra is beside her in an instant, ripping off the restraints that bind her arms and legs down. She doesn’t even notice.
She responds with a weak whimper. It’s a sound that should come from a wounded animal, not the fearless Jedi he knows.
He takes a risk, and runs his fingers across her cheek, brushing the sweat-damp hair from her face.
Now she gasps, lurching away from his touch with a choked, “no, no, please, please no—”
“Sabine. Sabine! I’m not going to hurt you—it’s me! It’s Ezra!”
Her struggling stops and her tear-damp eyelashes flutter; she looks without seeing.
“Ezra,” she whispers, trying the name out slowly. “Ez-ra. Ezzsraaah…?”
And then, oh, praise the stars—a light in her eyes.
“Yeah. Ezra.”
She raises a hand, shakily, searching blindly until her fingers brush the cold beskar of his helmet. They trace across it, following the shape, and even with the solid layer between them, he can almost feel her touch on his skin.
Her hand drops down and she stares at him for a long, heart-stopping second. Then she smiles hazily.
“You have wonderful eyes.”
Ezra can’t help his snort of laughter. He took the Creed years before they met. She doesn’t even know what his eyes look like.
“Did they drug you, or are you just having one of your weird Force moments?” he asks as he slides his arms under her, lifting her as gently as he can.
She rests her head on his chestplate and taps the beskar. “You’re shiny.”
Both, probably, he decides.
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I just understood that I prefer Children of the Watch over other mandalorians,because they sort of have sense of community. The other group that is present to compare is Nite Owls and show doesn't show them in details,but we could see it throught the characters.
Nite Owls are mocking Children of the Watch for following The Way,old traditions,yet they can't follow Bo,because"by our traditions Mand'alore must possess the darksaber". Ironic,isn't it?
While Children of the Watch's position is illustrated by Din pledging loyalty to Bo-Katan.
"To be honest,it(darksaber) means nothing to me or my people,nor does station or bloodline. What means more to me is honor and loyalty and character..."
This quote extremly good describing Din and Children of the Watch.
Children of the Watch are more of found family,they are not ideal,they are fighting,but they are standing for each till the end. They revealed their whole covert just to save one Din and Grogu. Strategically,it's stupid to sacrfice everything for one member,but they are community,family,they loyal to each other untill the end.
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indigofyrebird · 6 months
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Not 100% happy with her but she was fun to do. Watercolor is hard!
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bisamwilson · 1 year
why do none of the rebels characters or ahsoka have actual personalities anymore,,,,,
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jonquilandlace · 1 year
anyway im sure this take has been made before but Sabine Wren is literally the perfect definition of a multiclass
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ivvmell · 1 year
i (dont) like how sw authors make every character force sensitive when they don't know what to do with them or as try to show HoW thEy CoOl and ImporTanT foR ploT
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kanansdume · 2 years
Bo-Katan: I remember a time when Jedi and Mandalorians were really great friends!
Me: Bitch WHEN?
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inquisitor-apologist · 7 months
I think Sabine and Grogu need to meet, if only so she can get rid of the fucking sackcloth and get that child some clothes
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coruscanti-arabi · 1 year
Ahsoka was meant to stay trapped on Peridea.
The Father (Baylan), The Son (Shin) and The Daughter (Ahsoka/Morai).
With the Daughter destroyed (after saving Ahsoka's life in Clone Wars), I believe part of her destiny is to aid in restoring that balance.
Though I don't know how they'll do this storyline after the passing of Ray Stevenson because I don't think many fans would respond well to a recast.
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vvitchering · 1 year
I can’t believe Rebels did more for on-screen Mandalorian culture content than The Mandalorian did 🙃
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