#I’m dragging other Noots into my Noot’s life
topazshadowwolf · 11 months
You said before that killer got all the 'parenting mistakes' and that nightmare now has more experience being a dad boss, so if one of the other nightmares from the multiverse said they were thinking of getting henchmen but didn't know what to expect, what kind of advice do you think he would give them?
Ha! You were likely expecting a quick and easy answer! Well no luck. I just thought this over and considered the situation this would occur. So you get you answer in a short fic! (With another Noot to boot! Try not to read the tags and guess who he is.)
Another useless meeting. He should have left instead of standing in the back, arms folded, wanting to go home. Perhaps it was just seeing how others were and comparing how different he was that kept him in place. That, and he dragged a Nightmare he had gotten to know along with him.
Still, he tried to listen to the one who called the meeting prattle on and on about the need to rule his multiverse—a genuinely foolish notion.
“That is someone who likes to hear himself speak,” He mumbled to his friend. Were they friends? Is it possible for a Nightmare to make friends with another Nightmare?
“Thanks for bringing me along,” his friend replied. “I now know how glad I should be that I missed all this.”
Rolling his eyelight, Nightmare chuckled, “It is hit and miss for these. We can ditch in a bit. Call me nosy, but I am curious about how a few I remember and do not like are doing.”
“Need your gossip?” His friend asked with a smirk.
“Please, gossiping is infantile. This is silent gloating over the misfortunes of those I despise,” Nightmare grinned. He then looked over the crowd, chuckling to himself now and then when he noticed certain Nightmares that angered him were not doing as well as when he last saw them.
“What’s so funny?” His friend asked.
“If I tell you, then it is gossiping. Get your own enemies to silently gloat over,” Nightmare replied with a smirk.
They were about ready to leave when another moved closer to him. He remembered seeing this one before. If memory served him correctly, this one was from a younger multiverse. He was shorter and more slight in build.
“Were you listening?” The new one whispered to him.
“There is nothing to listen to other than mad ravings,” Nightmare whispered back, which got a chuckle from his friend.
“May I ask you something?” The new one asked.
“You just did,” his friend joked back.
The new one huffed a sigh, and Nightmare chuckled. “Come on, let’s step away from this lunacy and chat.”
The three walked a distance off, far away enough that the longwinded speech of one who called this meeting was nothing but a dull hum in the background. Nightmare looked at this other who looked younger than himself and his friend. “Now, what was it you wanted to ask?”
“Well, I… I remembered how healthy and… mentally stable your subordinate was, and I would like to take one in. Compared to many of the others here, you seemed like a good option to turn to,” The new one said.
Did this young Nightmare just call Killer mentally stable?
“I think he’s asking you for your fathering tips,” his “friend” said with a grin.
Nightmare shot him a glare then looked back at the other Nightmare. He could easily threaten and scare off this smaller and clearly younger version of himself from some small, developing multiverse. And perhaps some others would for bothering them with such matters. But no… this one ne was interested in learning and Nightmare could not push away that desire. Besides, if it meant alternate versions of his boys won’t suffer cruety, he will despense what he knows.
“I see… well, know that your subordinates will need you to provide them with direction after missions as well as during them. Most of my Killer’s distructive behaviors could be attributed to me thinking that he could simply entertain himself quietly. Some can, and some can not. Even Dust does better with metal stimulation and encouragement to participate in activities instead of sitting and wallowing in negative thoughts,” Nightmare said then folded his arms. “These were things I figured out later. Also, be alert to your subordinates wants now and then. Killer, for example, deveopled a some jelousy because he noticed the others getting things. Because he never asked I did not question his wants. Just ask every now and then. Some may feel they have done enough wrong that they don’t deserve to ask and only take what they get. So watch for that.”
“Huh, that’s two with Killer,” His friend mused.
“Yes, well, with him being my first subordinate, I did make a few mistakes with tending him. For example, monitoring what he ate and wellbeing. He was eating, but mostly junk food. The type of mortals we tend to take in are emotionally damaged, and those who are that way do not always tend to their own needs well. They may seem fine, but that is an act. A front to make it seem like they are coping when they are not,” Nightmare explained. Wanting to drive this home, he reiterated what he was getting at. “Pay attention to their mental needs, emotional needs, and the occational wants.”
“If you do that, you won’t be like this guy, who felt so bad about how he neglected Killer that he let his castle get over run by cats,” his friend chuckled.
“It is not over run… but there are too many,” Nightmare sighed then grinned at his friend, “perhaps it is time for your tiny brother to come visit again to make more feline friends.”
“No,” His friend stated flately
“Thank you…” The younger Nightmare said thoughtfully, despite the jesting among the older two Nightmares.
“We are about to head out, I suggest you do too. Meetings like this are only trouble, alright?” Nightmare said to the younger who nodded.
“I will,” He replied.
Nightmare watched as the younger formed his portal and left. He then formed one of his own and the two left.
How forgetful of me, I completely forgot to add that the other Nightmare (the friend) was the Nightmare from One Small Dream. That fic is by @calcium-cat
I do believe I have raved about this fic before, but just in case you STILL haven't read it, PLEASE do. Also, TY to Calluna (Calcium-cat) for reviewing this to make sure I did write her Nightmare correctly.
I will forgive myself this slight as when I posted this, I was on break at work and just couldn't wait to get home to post. So, I was rushing.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
1 Year of Fruitcoops
Hey folks! Eve here. Technically, the anniversary of this blog was the 16th, but this week has been super busy and I didn’t have time to sit down and make this post on the actual day.
Last November, I was really, really sad. I was spending most days quarantined in my room doing online classes, angry at the news and lonely without my friends. By that point we were over six months into isolation and I desperately needed a hobby.
I had started reading Sweater Weather earlier in the summer and ventured onto the discord server in late October just to check it out, which ended up being one of the best decisions of my life. To all of the Discord Noots: you are incredible human beings and I am grateful for you every single day. I can’t even tell you how much you mean to me.
To Haz: Thank you for writing. Not just the Sweater Weather-verse (though obviously that fic is outstanding), but all the other beautiful stories you have told. Thank you for making this sandbox that kept me sane. I hope that someday I can write as well as you, but in the meantime, please never stop sharing your gift with us.
Fruitcoops kept me afloat when everything else was trying to drag me under. It gave me a reason to get up and change out of my pajamas, to continue honing my writing into something I could be proud of, to keep telling stories and engaging with people even through a virtual format. It was catharsis and comfort all wrapped up in blue and grey pages. I began this blog thinking I would publish two, maybe three fics--I think it’s safe to say that didn’t go according to plan.
So, here are the stats for one year of fruitcoops:
1. Total fics + headcanons as of November 16th: 422
2. Fluff: 127
3. Angst/ Hurt-Comfort: 66
4. Lion Pride + Tiktoks: 120 (86 tiktoks)
5. Smut: 28
6. Series: 12 series, 55 fics
7. Short Fics: 15
8. Fic O’Ween: 8
Not gonna lie to you, it was kind of terrifying to count these up. A couple of people have asked in the past how I write so much (for newcomers, I used to publish three fics every day) and it really comes down to the fact that I did nothing else as a coping mechanism for a while. I’m happy that I became a better writer and got to share these with you, but looking back is pretty bittersweet when I remember how rough the start was.
Thank you to everyone who submitted fic requests. You are the reason this blog has continued to function and your creativity amazes me every day.
Thank you Haz for letting me soak in Sweater Weather and use your universe as a safe niche.
Happy one year <3 
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paintedkinzy-88 · 3 years
I can't stop thinking of Fatherly error dragon.
Nightmare creeping up on the dolls he finds unsettling. Little dragon thinking he's mostly hidden. Ends up doing a mighty thump to the doll with his paw. And also accidentally smacking it closer to him. And scaring the crap out of himself. Ends up hiding behind the beam bag with Dream checking up on him.
I love little nightmare deciding error will take in all the way ward children. And by that he thinks any sans he finds that is intensely negative, he ends up dragging home.
Or a teen noot.... dragging his new edgy hoard boyfriend home the the antivoid to meet the in-law of destruction.
Dream just ragdolled on the beanbag when error had JUST gotten up that's his seat. Dream likes how warm and soft the seat is though!
The two baby noodles fit in between errors paws but over the years the two don't quite fit as well but they try to anyway.
You and me both. And many others, going off my inbox XD
Night trying to be fierce and just flat out failing is genuinely giving me life fbsjndjsnd. Someone needs to teach this boi How To Dragon the proper way, Error get on it!!
Okay but Inky and I were chatting about how Nightmare had his Hoard Realization Moment with Horror and I’m honestly planning to either write something for it, or make a comic. It’s too adorable and must be shared eventually fhsjbfjsbc.
Awwwww Dream taking over Error’s seat every time he leaves (or honestly while he’s still there, if he’s taking too long) because it’s warmer that way. Doesn’t like it any other time, it must be cozy not cold.
Error walking around with one noodle on each front paw similar to how parents put children on their feet and walk around. Or y’know he could do exactly that in their half forms that’s a thing too. XD
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rc--chan · 6 years
The Office Quotes but With Pokespe
Y: ”I talk a lot, so I've learned to just tune myself out.”
Platinum: ”If people here were our founding fathers the revolutionary war would have been delayed ten years. Because Yellow Washington was napping, and White Hancock was still signing the declaration, and Diamond Jefferson was distracted by a butterfly.”
Gold to Crystal: ”I'm hot, you're hot. Let’s get it poppin’.”
Blue: ”Would I rather be feared or loved?  Um, easy.  Both.  I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.”
Ruby: “So, the deal was, Sapphire doesn't blow anything up and I wear my contest costume.”
Green: ”I don't talk trash, I talk smack. They're totally different.”
Emerald: “Society teaches us that having feelings and crying is bad and wrong. Well, that's baloney, because grief isn't wrong. There's such thing as good grief. Just ask Charlie Brown.”
Crystal: “The lab got a ping pong table last week.  Now Gold comes down and plays with Red.  Sometimes I bring him juice.  My boyfriend is twelve.”
Silver: ”*writing in his diary* The worst thing about prison was the dementors!”
X: ”*thinking of long term goal* there’s too many people on this earth. We need a new plague.”
Black: “Sometimes, I’ll just wake up in the morning…  And I’ll be looking at her in the early light while she’s still asleep.  And I’ll drag this shoelace across her face and I’ll yell…  PREZ, WAKE UP! THERE’S A BUG ON YOUR FACE!  She wakes up screaming.”
Moon: ”Sun, you ignorant slut.”
Lack-two to Whi-two: “Hate to see you leave, but love to watch you go.  ‘Cause of your butt.”
White: ”I have flaws. What are they? I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit someone with my car.”
Silver to Gold: ”Who let the billiard cue idiot into the room? You are a waste of life and you should give up.”
Pearl: ”*under his breath* I have very little patience for stupidity.”
Professor Oak: ”*when all the dexholders are married* I feel like all my kids grew up and then they married each other. It’s every parent’s dream.”
Y: ”X be gentle!” Sun: ”That's what she said”
Diamond: ”*after battling team galactic* And I knew exactly what to do. But in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do.
Red: ”Everyone has called me Noot-Noot all day.  I think Green paid them to.” Green: ”Yes, 100 pokedollars each and it was totally worth it.”
Sapphire: ”People underestimate the power of nostalgia.  Nostalgia is truly one of the greatest human weaknesses.  Second only to the neck.”
Red: ”Hello, welcome to our first Dexholders meeting. Today we're talking about…uh..” Green: ”*whispering* Building loyalty” Red: ”Killing royalty”
Whi-two: ”I just think we all deserve to be with someone who wants to be with us.”
Yellow: ”In the end, the greatest snowball isn't a snowball at all. It’s fear. Merry Christmas.”
Crystal: ”I bet you’re wondering why I gathered you here today. It’s because we need to have a discussion about how some people in this room aren’t getting along with other people in this room” Gold: … Gold: ”Why did you say it so vaguely me and Silver are literally the only people you called in here”
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serakax · 6 years
scent of lavender fills the air, zapdos and i help console those who have lost their loved ones. pain, dysphoria, and a certain emptiness, but it’s not about me, it’s about those in need and we are here to help. ew, long title.
“don’t look back into black, don’t let the memory, of a sound, drag you down.” i’m in pain. the gabapentinoids help we’ll see. i miss phenibut. i miss the way life used to feel. i swear this thing called life was way trippier than this. this was with or without substances. a trip all of its own. a sober trip, save for the daily phenibut to keep the GAD at bay. i had tarzan and jane. I had friends from my past. i had an experience way different than what this is. this is like I went back in time to my old teenage years. when I expressed my trans gender identity in the icf I felt completely different than when I first discovered myself, even different from when i went to work at Chep ( i will capitalize other people’s names and company names as well, out of respect). life felt like a movie. life felt way different, so much less “real” as I know real to be from my upbringing here in chicagoland. what the fuck is this shit? will life ever be that way again? i miss my kitties. i miss the open space, the euphoria from music even when the drugs stopped working. Vyvanse (i suppose i’ll respect brand names too lol) became a way for me to jump out of my clothes and throw my Noot headphones on and dance away, I had different “syncs” going on at the drop of a thought.  sometimes these syncs would be stuck that way, and we would have an episodic like experience that i wish we caught on camera, could have had a lot of youtube fame from some of that stuff. yes, that must have been a tunnel reality of some sort. i’ll be honest here, i’m doing everything i can right now to just get a semblance of euphoria and well whatever just came on on soundcloud is definitely very good. but the euphoria isn’t there. my back is in pain. i have art supplies laying on the floor. do I dare try to create something? ok ok this song needs a nice <3 (edit: back pain subsided, but lower casing everything i typed sure is a pain in the neck) the smell of lavender fills the air, Lavender Town (must be capitalized, the elders here would be extremely upset and more than disappointed in me for such disrespect) is where zapdos (this is what i named zapdos, shiny and different shade in the stadium where a name can alter color, different areas must have a direct effect on pokémon somehow) zapdos and i live in a town of the deceased, as we must grow comfortable with the mortality of the others around us. mortality of myself? i don’t think i am mortal. i think zapdos and i will live on forever, continuing to find our purpose here in this world. https://soundcloud.com/anubeatzpro/valhalla https://soundcloud.com/luvyupedi/blast https://soundcloud.com/nineteenfuego/jlpf6odj7xe0 (the choice to refrain from using capital letters hearkens back to a time in my life where i was an avid AIM user. lowercase letters look nicer, especially if we’re using verdana) https://soundcloud.com/ap11beat/neishin  mashed up with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkiKUqtP-FU at .5 the speed with the timing and volume levels is very haunting and not at all unpleasant on the ears. Yeah, I took Steven Wilson’s masterpiece (they’re all masterpieces) and well, i have no doubt that he would take offense to my toying around with sound. Bass Communion comes to mind. song on soundcloud changed to https://soundcloud.com/nineteenfuego/jlpf6odj7xe0 and i sped up Vapour Trail Lulluby to .75 speed. you know what, i need to download traktor 2 or some sort of audio mixing software  the mashup ended beautifully. with a beautiful piano section and https://soundcloud.com/imseak/why-you-mad kicked in at the perfect time for Deform to Form a Star, I should note that I brought youtube back up to normal speed. this is no Girl Talk by any means. I’m going to listen to Steven Wilson Deform to Form a Star without ugh i can’t do it, during the silent sections the song on soundcloud works. mix mix mix mix music with proper software i should note that the Name Rater and i have become very good friends, i’ve informed them that the feeling they get when they don’t believe a name change is appropriate is coming from a traded pokémon and that sparked an enjoyable conversation on whether or not changing the name of a pokémon that someone else named is in good interest. i almost said stubbornly, however it is his moral and belief and i respect that. has me reconsidering my own thoughts on the subject. i asked zapdos and was met with a very concerned response in the form of a screech in agreement with Name Rater. this is a respect thing. “the scratching of a mellotron it always seemed to make her cry”
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