#I’m gonna try and sleep now and hope my ribs don’t constrict and kill me in my sleep!!!
kyber-kisses · 5 years
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: cursing, blood, spn level gore, angst, tiny bit of fluff.
Summary: infant cries and loud screams are something that no one wants to wake up to. . . Unfortunately that’s exactly what happens to Dean.
A/n: again, I apologize for the angst. . . But please tell me what you thought! (SPN taglist is still open!)
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Dean had always been a light sleeper. Growing up on the road and raised in the hunting life, his body had quickly adjusted to the fact that at any given moment he might have to get up and be moving within seconds.
It was hardwired into his system.
When he randomly stirred in the late hours of the night, he found himself subconsciously reaching out for you, calloused fingers fanning out over your side of the bed. But it was vacant, the sheets cool against the palm of his hand.
“Y/n?” He mumbled half halfheartedly into his pillow with a light groan. His hand slid across the surface again, searching for any sign that you were there.
But the elder Winchester was only met with cold sheets and silence.
It wasn’t uncommon though. He was used to you getting up a night. Sometimes it was from nightmares, sometimes hunger. . . Sometimes neither of the two. If you were up you usually left, not wanting to pry Dean out of his own unconscious bliss, be he always knew.
Dean let out another deep sigh, pressing his face further into his pillow as he rolled over, trying to chase the sleep he had just been pulled from. You would be back soon.
You were never gone for more than ten minutes.
And that’s when the blood curdling shriek ricocheted down the empty hallways, and through the slightly open door.
The sound propelling Dean into an upright position as he reached for the gun tucked under his pillow. And like a bucket of ice being dumped over him, he was fully awake in seconds, eyes wide as he practically vaulted out of the bed, rushing into the dimly lit hallway.
The sound could have only come from you. Due to the hunting life, he had unfortunately heard the sound before. Besides that, You and Dean basically has the bunker to yourselves. Sam and Eileen were out on a case and Jack and Cas were in parts unknown.
As Dean sped down the hallway, gun firmly settled between his palms, he listened for another scream, another sign that might point him in your direction, but nothing came.
The shriek had left as quickly as it had come, drowning him in a heavy silence momentarily before being replaced with loud cries.
And then it clicked, and the hunter almost stopped to hit his palm against his forehead, punishing himself for being so slow.
The nursery. If you weren’t in the kitchen, you could only be in the nursery with Cassie.
With a new found fear and panic nestling into the pit at the bottom of his stomach, he took off at a break neck speed, listening to the blood pumping in his ears.
You were fine. You and Cassie were just fine. You probably just tripped in the dark, or accidentally broke a glass. You both were fine. Dean told himself, ignoring the white knuckle grip his hands had on the gun. You were fine. You were fine. You were fine.
The door to the nursery was open, but as Dean skidded to a stop in the doorway, gun still raised, he paused. In the darkened room, he could still see your silhouette, back turned towards the door as you looked down into the crib, he small night light plugged into the wall casting sharp shadows across the room. From what he could see, you looked fine. You looked calm.
“Jeez Y/n,” Lowering his gun, he tucked it back into the waistband of his sweatpants, breathing a sigh of relief, “What the hell was that all about? I heard you scream.”
You were quiet for a moment, bending over to softly scoop Cassie up in your arms, humming a quiet tune as you did, and lulling the infant back to sleep.
“Y/n?” Eyebrows furrowed, Dean stepped further into the room, suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of uneasiness. Something was off.
“She’s so little.” Your voice coming out much more plain than normal. Dean watched your held tilt, eyeing the infant in your arms. Even with your back still turned to him, He noticed how different your stance was. You stood straighter, back as flat as a board.
The words left his mouth slowly, as he eyed you cautiously, taking another hesitant step forward, “yeah, I know. I kinda played a part in making her.”
“You know that in folk lore, lullabies originated from the term Lilith-abi?” Your voice calm as you rocked the small infant in your arms, “They were sung over children's cribs to make sure I didn’t come and snatch them up in their sleep.” Your voice echoed.
And that's when Dean froze, and he swore he felt the blood in his veins turn to ice. His body tensed, eyes widening with terror as he watched your figure slowly turn and look up, infant tucked securely against your chest.
And then you blinked, eyes revealing a white blankness as you smirked.
Dean only knew of one demon with eyes that color, and she was supposed to be dead. Very, very dead.
His palms itched as he slowly moved his hand, attempting to reach behind him and grab the pistol. Not that it would do much good, and he definitely didn’t want to hurt you.
“Hiya Dean. You miss me?” She smirked again, fully rotating to get a good look at the hunter. “I sure have missed you.”
Just as his finger grazed the pearl set handle, Lilith sighed, flicking her fingers quickly and sending him into the wall, an invisible force keeping him bound there, constricting his muscles.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’d only be hurting Y/N you know. . . or this sweet little thing-“ she cooed, eyes casting downward towards the child in her arms.
Straining against the force, Dean panted, eyes wide with fear as he looked upon the demon possessing you, along with his child gripped in her arms.
“Lilith, let them go. Let them both go, please.”
“Oh, and why would I do that?”
If anything happened to you or Cassie he would never forgive himself. Dean Winchester has thought he had known real fear and panic before this, but he was wrong. He was terrified. The hairs rippled erect on the back of his neck and forearms as he continued to struggle, the sudden sting of tears making him hiss.
“Please, Lilith. I’m begging you, let them go.”
“Oh come on, Dean. Let’s chat a little. It’s been too long.” Lilith slowly stalked closer, eyes shifting between the small girl in her arms and the hunter pinned helplessly to the wall.
“Fine.” Dean spat, staring daggers into the demon, “how are you alive?”
“Big boss man brought me back, alive and kicking.”
“You mean Lucifer?”
A small fit of laughter bubbles up from her throat as she shook her head, clearly amused, “I wish, but no. God brought me back, isn’t that nice.”
Damn it. Of course it was Chuck. He was always pulling the rug out from beneath his family. He should have known.
“How are you possessing her? Y/N had an anti possession tattoo on her lower-“
“Ribs, I know.” The demon smirked, using a free hand to swiftly pull up your worn sleep shirt, “nothing that a little fire can’t fix.”
And sure enough, the skin that once bore your tattoo was now a blistering patch of skin that slightly cling to the fabric as she peeled it back.
“Why do you think she screamed so loudly?”
Dean struggled against his restraints once more, the anger and fear continuing to rise as he did, “I’m gonna kill you. I swear, I’m gonna kill you. No one hurts my family and lives.” He warned, mind trying to figure out a plan of action.
But he was so filled with the dread of history replaying itself that he couldn’t think straight. There was a demon standing in the nursery and both the mother and child were in severe danger.
“Don’t go making threats now, Dean. You’re the one pinned helplessly to the wall while I have your family.” Lilith mused, bringing her eyes back down to Cassie, “just one wrong move, and their blood will be painting the walls of this nursery.”
Think, Dean. Just keep Lilith distracted so you can come up with a proper plan. Think, damn it!
“How did you even get into the bunker? This warding is extremely strong and advanced.”
Lilith cocked her head, looking back up at the man, “I’m the first demon, Dean. I’m stronger than the rest. Did you really think your fancy doodles were going to keep me out?”
Despite how hard he was trying to fight it, Dean couldn’t help but picture all the worse case scenarios, his eye squeezing shut in hopes of blocking them all out.
“Let them go. Let them both go, please.” And just like that he was back to begging. He was desperate to keep the both of you safe.
Lilith let out another exaggerated sigh, head rolling as she looked back at Cassie, “you get more and more annoying you know that? Now, tell me, what’s this little ones name?”
The muscles in Deans jaw pulsed. The last thing he wanted to do was listen to the demon, but he also knew how fast things could turn if he didn’t.
“Cassie. Her name is Cassie.” He sighed, head falling back with a harsh thud against the wall.
“Named after that angel friend of your no doubt,” Lilith mocked, sending him another devilish grin, “She has your eyes, you know. Bright forest green. I could easily tell she was yours from the moment I saw her.”
“Why do you even care?”
“Oh, well I was thinking of taking her. Quietly snatching her up, along with your wife, and slipping off into the night.”
“Don’t you dare-“
Another flick of her finger and Dean fell silent, unable to get another word out of his mouth. It was almost like a piece of cloth had been shoved into his mouth.
“Do shut up.” Lilith spoke plainly, walking slowly past Dean and towards the door of the nursery, ignoring the struggle the hunter was having with her invisible binds, “Now, it’s going to be so much fun watching you panic as you try and find us. I quite like using your wife as a meat suit.” She looked over her shoulder, shot him one more smirk, and was gone as quick as she had come.
And just like that, the binds were gone, sending the older Winchester crashing to the floor as he sucked in oxygen, hands planted firmly on the cement.
No, no, no. This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. Tears were already wetting his lashes and cheeks as he panted, trying to figure out the first course of action.
But before he could even do anything he found himself quickly breaking down, fingers curling into fists as he squeezed his eyes shut, praying to Cas. To Jack. To anyone that might help him.
And then all of a sudden, he shot straight up, breath heaving as his eyes took in his surroundings.
He was back in bed, and coated in a thin layer of sweat, chest rising and falling rapidly to match his racing heart.
It was just a nightmare. It want real. None of it had been real.
With a shaky hand, he wiped his forehead, “Y/n.” His name breathlessly leaving his mouth as he panted, his other hand sliding across the bed to find you, to make sure you were really there.
Nothing. Your side of the bed was empty once again.
“No,no,no-“ Dean breathed out, whipping around and flicking the lamp on next to the bed. Sure enough, your side was empty. The sheets thrown back and crumpled besides him.
And just like before, he was rocketing out of bed and across the room, digging through the clutter on the desk before finding what he needed. Bottle of holy water. Demon cuffs.
Running in socks was a much harder task that predicted and eventually Dean had to skid to a stop halfway to down the hall, rapidly ripping off the small articles of clothing and discarding them on the floor before confusing forward with a massive burst of energy. He had to get you. He had to get to Cassie.
The door to the nursery was once again open, and before Dean could register his own movements he was running into the room.
Your name quickly had you spinning on your heels, looking up from the small bundle in the crib before you. Your hand flew to your chest as you jumped, eyes landing on the jade eyed hunter.
“God, Dean. I just got her to go back to sleep, no need to-“
You never got to finish you sentence before a good portion of water hit your face, freezing you instantly. Sputtering, you slowly blinked the water out of your lashes, clearly caught off guard by your husbands attack.
Spitting a small portion of it out of your mouth, you half hazardly wiped your face againt your sleeve, knowing full well it could have only been holy water, “what the hell, De-“
It was almost as if he didn’t want you to talk, becaus he let out a relived sigh before quickly pulling you into his chest, “Thank god, I thought you were a demon.”
“You thought your wife was a demon?” You mused, pulling back, eyebrow raised in defense, “Okay, I’ll pretend like I wasn’t offended by that.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I just had a nightmare.” Dean quickly mumbled, pressing a firm kiss to the top of your head, his lips lingering much longer than needed. Before he could fully pull away, you squeezed him tighter, making sure he knew that you were really there. This wasn’t the first time he had woken up from bad nightmares. Being a hunter, they practically came with the package.
“Are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?”
“Nah, not right now at least.” Dean shook his head, leaning over the crib so he could gently pick up Cassie, cradling her in his arms. He needed to hold her, make sure that she was alive. That she was safe.
“Okay, well I was just about to head back to bed, you coming?”
“I’ll be in in a little. I’m gonna stay here for a bit with Cassie. You go on ahead.” A soft smile took up his features as he placed another kiss to the infants head.
Everything was alright. And Dean was going to make sure it stayed that way.
The End.
SPN Taglist:
@familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti​​​​​ @callmekda​​​​​ @jordangdelacruz​​​​​ @orphiceseum​​​​​ @andthatsmyworld​​​​​ @marvelfangirllll​​​​​ @fandomnerdespressourself​​​​​ @gladiosamicitias​​​​​ @castielsangelsx​​​​​ @lxstgxrl-ck​​​​​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit​​​​​ @amendoise​​​​​ @phoenixuprisingsstuff​​​​​ @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl​​​​​ @neerness​​​​​ @totallyluciferr​​​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​​​​ @dolanfivsosxox​​​​ @horrorstreet​​​ @imabtich4jensen
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In This Hell Daryl Dixon X Reader Part 7/??
Hey guys! So chapter seven is here! Im not the best at writing, but like many other writers, I did try my best and I hope you like it! Also most of the streets I have written into this chapter I made up on the spot, so if there is an actual street by that name it was purely coincidental.
Warnings- Light smut?, General Walking Dead stuff, Blood, Gore, Swearing.
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It had felt like forever, sitting outside of the door that separated Daryl and myself. Lori was still sitting beside me, which feels more constricting than not, not that I had the heart to tell her.
At this point, I have memorised each and every detail etched into the door. I looked over to where Lori sat next to me, one hand resting against her forehead, the other resting against my shoulder. I reached my hand over and placed it over her own and smiled softly as she turned her head. “Thank you.” I whispered. “Dont be stupid.” She responded, a small chuckle escaping her lips. The click of the latch received both of our attention, I looked back towards the door to see Rick emerge.
“Here.” Lori extended her hand to me. “Thanks.” I took her hand and nodded as she helped me up. I look at Rick, and he smiled softly. “He’ll be alright.” “Oh thank god.” I hugged him “Now god ain’t had nothing to do with it.” Shane walked out behind Rick.
Rick walked over to Lori and hugged his wife. “I’ll tell you what.” Shane paused, walking over to me. “That is one tough son of a bitch in there.” He pointed towards the door, bringing me into a hug. I rolled my eyes as I hugged him back. “Hershel is just giving him another look over.” I look up to my brother. “Its just to ensure that he doesn’t have any other injuries.” Rick added. I slowly nodded my head, and sat down in the single seat next to the door. Rick kissed his wife before leaving Lori, Shane and myself in the hallway as we waited for Hershel.
After waiting another ten or so minutes, Hershel exiting the room. “The bullet only grazed his head.” He paused. I stood up from the seat and nodded. “The arrow in his side went straight through, missed his important organs.” “He is okay other than that?” “That and a few bruised ribs, he will be fine, however I would recommend a resting period of a few days, But.” He paused, glancing at the door. “I don’t think that he would take that advice.” He continued.  “He is a stubborn bastard.” I muttered, looking at the door nodding. “He is asleep, but you can go in and see him.” “Thank you so much Hershel.” I smiled and pulled him into a hug. I pulled back and smiled softly at him, before turning to the door, quietly entering the room.
The first thing I noticed when I entered the room was the small dresser by the window, and the cross hanging next to the door above the bed. Daryl was on the bed, peacefully sleeping on his side, mouth slightly parted as soft snores broke the silence of the room. I stood at the edge of the bed, unsure if I should sit on the side of the bed or bring in the seat from the hall. “Are ‘Ya just gonna stand there?” A rough mumble came from the bed, startling me from my thoughts. “You’re meant to be sleeping.” I sighed.
“How am I meant to sleep when ya always staring at me.” I sat down on the bed next to him, softly pushing his hair back. “Go back to sleep, you need to rest.” He only grumbled in response as he shook his head. “Nah, I can sleep when im dead.” “If you dont rest that could be sooner than you think.” “I’m fine.” He scoffed. I rolled my eyes. We spent a few moments just staring at one another, the small breaths from us both the only thing we could hear.
“What happened out there Daryl?” I sighed. He winced lightly as he propped himself up on his elbow, “Took one of them horses, damn thing near killed me.” He paused. “Got spooked by something, kicked me off.” He continued.
“Thats where the bruising came from Im guessing.” I spoke softly tracing the bruises that littered his torso. “Fell down the ridge, landed in the creek with my own arrow in me.” He motioned to his side, pausing as my eyes landed on the gauze.
“Took down a few walkers.”
“Daryl!” “I know what ya ‘bout to say. Im fine.” He stated.
I sighed softly shaking my head.
“What if you couldn’t get back? What then Daryl?” I asked. “Y’all woulda been fine, I don’t belong ‘ere anyway.” He shrugged. “How can you say that?” I asked pushing myself off of the bed.
I could feel his eyes boring into me as I paced back and forth.
“You say that you don’t belong here, but you do. You can even feed me more bullshit about how you don’t, I dare you.” I challenged. “if you did not come back, every single fibre of my being would be out there searching for you.” I paused.
I took a deep breath, turning to look at him.
“Look, wether you like it or not Daryl, I care about you, I care for you and nothing in this world will ever change that Dixon.” He kept his eyes on me, watching my every move.
“Call me selfish, call me crazy, hell you can even call me dramatic! But a part of me would've died if you didn't come back.”  
I paused for a brief moment as i tried to fight the tears.
Stupid, damn hormones.
“Stop working ya self up.” “Believe it or not, that isn’t an easy thing to do.” I sighed “why?” “Because im scared… im scared of losing you.” I paused.
I took a small step back.
“Im so damn scared, because for the first time in my life I have something to lose, someone.”
He continued to stare at me, staying silent as he listened to my rambling, as I started to pace once more.
“Im not trying to fight you Daryl. I just want you safe.” “I love ya..”
“I need you around, our baby needs you around. I-“
I paused, looking at him.
“What did you just say?”
“I love ya.” He shrugged.
“This isn’t something to joke about right now.” I sigh placing my hand against my forehead, rubbing my temple.
“I aint joking.”
“Daryl-“ I ran my hand over my face, before dropping it to my side. “Ya’ gonna say it back? Or do I need to go back ou-“ “Don’t even think about finishing that sentence Dixon.” I warned as he grabbed my hand and pulled me softly back to the bed.
I sat on the mattress and started to lay down.
My hands found his stubbled cheeks, our eyes connected and I drowned out the world for those crystal blue eyes. “I love you Daryl Dixon.”
I could feel his hands pull my face closer to his as we let reality fade away, the two of us escaping in the kiss.
Daryl rolled over to his back, gently pulling me with him.
We pulled apart as he grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it over my head and flinging it across the room, attacking my lips once again with his own.
He moved his hands down, across my body slowly, snaking them around my hips, lifting my body over his, leaving me to straddle him.
His hands gripped to my hips, not letting go, his nails leaving soft red crescent shaped indentations against my skin.
The skin on skin contact, his chest pressed against my own igniting a whirlwind of lust between us both.
I leant down and captured his lips in a deep kiss.
Daryls hands moved down to my ass, his fingers kneading the soft flesh as our tongues fought for dominance. 
I could feel him hardening against my inner thigh, drawing a soft mewl from my lips.
He pulled me closer, one of his hands slipping in between our bodies, moving to cup my breast.
Daryl softly pushed me back, starting to unbutton my jeans, working quickly to remove them.
Each soft touch of his fingers against my bare skin, caused shivers to run down my spine. 
I leant down and peppered kisses all over Daryls neck, from his Adam’s apple, to behind his left ear where even though he won’t admit it, Is his sweet spot.
Daryls hands harshly grabbed my ass, before softly growling into my ear, rolling his hips into my own.
I reached behind me and unclasped my bra, Daryl pulling it off of me and throwing it to the floor, kissing down my chest, one hand cupping one of my breasts, the other resting behind me.
He pulled my body closer to his, before groaning out in pain.
My eyes shot open and I softly move off of Daryl.
“Shit, Daryl. Are you alright?” I asked moving to examine his abdomen.
“I’m fine.” He responds, grumbling as he ran his hands over his face in frustration.
I bend down pick up my bra from the floor and put it on, I take another look around the room for the rest of my clothes.
I see my jeans and jump slightly, shimmying them on.
My eyes search the room once again, spotting my shirt hanging off of the dresser, I walked over and snatched it off.
“What are ya’ doing?” He asked as I slipped the shirt over my head.
“You’re hurt, we aren’t doing that.” I scoffed.
Daryl let a groan of frustration out and laid back, annoyance clear on his features.
I crawled onto the bed, kissing under his navel.
“(Y/N)?” he asked, brow raised.
I look up at him through my lashes, smirking as he started to breathe heavy.
I kissed down his stomach, my hands softly moving down his chest and into his waistband.
He moaned softly as my hand slipped further down his pants.
A knock on the door made us both sigh.
“Ya’ gotta be shitting me.” Daryl muttered, turing his back to the door, pulling the blanket up to cover himself.
I stood up, making my way to the door, opening it to be met with Carol.
“Hey honey.” She smiled softly.
“Hey Carol, Whats up?” “I was just dropping in to let you know dinner is ready, I brung some up for Daryl.” She smiled as she lifted a plate.
“Oh, thank you, I’ll come down and get some.” I smiled nodding softly.
I moved aside as she walked in and set the plate down.
“Ill see you soon.” I kissed Daryls cheek.
He nodded.
I left the room as Carol asked if he was okay, getting few words from the man in response.
It was a quiet walk to the dining area, but it was even more quiet there, the only sound audible being the knives and forks hitting the plates.
I took the seat in-between Andrea and Lori.
The silence had lasted about five minutes, although it felt like 5 years, and was broken by Glenn’s voice.
“Does anybody know how to play Guitar?” He paused.
“Dale found a cool one… Somebody’s gotta know how to play.” He smiled.
My head turned to Patricia as she cleared her throat.
“Otis did.” She spoke.
“Yes, and he was very good too.” Hershel confirmed.
We all continued to eat in what was now an awkward silence.
I looked around the table, to notice Shane staring longingly at Lori, I scoffed under my breath and shook my head.
The guy doesn’t know what is good for him.
Slowly but surely, everyone started finishing up their meals.
After Hershel has finished eating, he stood.
“Rick, There are matters for us to discuss.” The man mentioned stood and followed Hershel out.
Carol stood and started to clear the table.
The rest of us following, picking up plates, cutlery and glassware, taking them to the kitchen.
“Dinner was great.” Beth smiled.
“It was lovely, thank you.” Patricia added.
I started to wipe over the clean dishes after Patricia had washed them, Maggie putting them away as both Carol and Lori collected more dishes.
The six of us had the place cleaned up in half an hour.
Lori had left to be with Carl, Carol was with Dale and T-dog in the RV, Beth had gone with Jimmy, Patricia had gone to her room.
A rush of wind passed me and almost knocked me down.
“Im sorry!” Maggie called out as she ran out of the door.
I chuckled as she profusely apologised as she continued running.
I turned and started to make my way back to Daryl’s room.
I turned to see Hershel walking toward me.
“Good evening Hershel… What can I do for you?” “I understand that you and Daryl are in a relationship?’ He asked.
“Yes sir.” “I’d appreciate it, if the two of you were separated for the night.” “Pardon?” I asked. “You’re both adults, you can survive a night in a different bed.” He stated, brows raised.
“Oh… Right.” I nodded.
“Do I make myself clear?” 
“Of course Hershel.” “Thank you.” He nodded, turning on his heel and leaving.
I continued my walk to Daryl’s room and peeked my head through the crack in the door, being met with his soft snores.
I softly closed the door and started the walk to my tent.
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I was startled awake by a foreign presence in the tent, soft breaths hitting the back of my neck.
I looked down, to see an arm draped over my body, a hand resting over my stomach.
“Relax. S’me.”
I let go of my breath, that I didn’t even realise I was holding.
“What the hell are you doing out here?” I asked, turning to face him.
“I woke up. Ya weren’t there.”
“You were asleep… you even looked peaceful.” “Ya could’a stayed, slept in a bed.” “I just wanted you to rest.” “I can’t sleep now anyway.” He muttered, pulling me closer to him under the cover, pressing a small kiss to my lips, before settling back down.
The door slightly blew against the breeze.
I looked outside and watched as the soft glow of the early morning sun reflected on the dewy grass.
I felt my consciousness slip away.
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My eyes opened, I looked around to be met with an empty tent.
I stretch and get changed, poking my head out of the small door.
The sun, not as harsh as the day prior.
A smile is on my face in an instant as soon as I noticed Carl by the chicken coop with Lori.
I rushed out of my tent and walked over to the pair, waving at Dale as I passed him.
Carl had bent down, reaching his hand into the bucket of feed for the chickens, slightly pausing, causing Lori to move forward.
“Dont look so worried.” “It’s my job.” “No it’s not. You’re a housewife.”
I held in my laughter.
Lori threw the remaining seed in her hand at the boy.
“Yeah, punk? You see my house around here?” She paused.
“A housewife.” She scoffed.
“Im pretty sure your house is just over there.” I laughed, pointing at the Grimes’ tent.
Carl laughed more as Lori picked up more seed, throwing it directly into my face, before she laughed too.
“Think you’re funny huh? The pair of you.” She chuckled, rolling her eyes. “I do actually, Carl, how about you?” I asked smirking
Lori shook her head as we waited for Carls response, after a moment we still hadn’t heard a response.
I turned my head to see him staring at a small group of baby chicks.
“They don't have a mother.” 
“She might be somewhere else.” Lori tried to ensure he didn’t worry. “Yeah, she might still be inside the coop.” I agreed.
“Maybe she got eaten.” Carl paused.
I turned to face Lori, who sat in shock, watching her sons every move.
Carl looked between the both of us, before continuing. “Everything is food for something else.” I tried to respond but was cut off by the door inside of the coop slamming shut, spooking some of the hens at our feet.
A twig snapped to the right of me, looking over I see Rick waking over to see his wife and son. 
“Morning (Y/n).” “Morning Rick, have you seen Shane?“ “He was out fixing a boundary fence, should be back soon.” He smiled, hugging Lori from the side. I nodded my head in thanks, before leaving the small family to greet one another.
The walk to the tent, was a short, boring one, looking around at my surroundings, my foot snagging on a branch that I could’ve sworn wasn’t there moments before.
“(Y/n)! Are you alright?” Andrea asked, rushing over.
“Im fine, thank you.” I nodded.
“I saw you trip.” “I’m okay, I didn’t even hit the ground, im a pretty good catch.” I softly joked. “I don’t think you should be joking around this is serious.” “So is shooting Daryl.” I shot back.
Andrea looked down, clearly upset.
“Andrea, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that… That wasn’t fair on you.”
“No, its okay. I mean I get it. I shot Daryl, and you’re pissed.” “It was an accident. Im not mad at you, thats was a defensive mechanism.” “So, are we good?” She asked.
I nodded, earning a smile from her, before she pulled me into a hug. “id be lying if I said I haven’t ever wanted to shoot him myself.” I laughed letting go from the hug, causing her to laugh along with me.
“Apparently we all have.” She chuckled.
“I was actually on my way to see Daryl, to apologise to him, give him this book.” She held up ‘The case of the missing man’.
“Thats a great idea. Does it have pictures?” “What do pictures have to do with it?”
“Don’t let him give you a hard time. He will complain, just tell him to suck it up.” I smiled.
“Are you coming to see him?” “I was on my way to see him, but I think it’s best if I let you go in alone.” “I can come back later.” “Andrea, it snow or never.” I smiled.
She sighed, before looking at me and smiling.
“Im going.” 
She turned on her heel and headed in the same direction I was before hand.
I walked further down and seated myself on one of the protruding tree trunks.
I leant my head back and let the warm breeze dance across my skin, softly moving my hair.
The peace and quiet was short lived however as two voices kept moving closer.
“Shh. Just trust me on this, okay?” I heard Maggie plead.
“But I suck at lying. I can't even play poker. It's too much like lying.” Glenn whispered.
“You have to keep this to yourself. You have to. Please.” She desperately begged.
I shifted my head, now watching Maggie leave a conflicted Glenn.
After a moment, Glenn looked around and hastily made his way to the RV with a basket.
A bribe maybe….
I waited for five minutes before moving, not wanting to alarm either party if they had returned or forgotten something.
Walking to my tent, I thought about the whispers between Glenn and Maggie, wondering if it was about the two of them sneaking around together, or if there was something more serious happening.
As I got to my tent I found it empty.
One of Daryl’s arrows sitting on the small mattress that we shared, next to the mesh which now had holes littering the bottom from the arrow.
I shook my head and smiled, he obviously would’ve been bored.
I left the tent, and started to search for Daryl or Shane.
Both of which can apparently turn the Greene farm into a game of ‘Where’s Waldo’.
I grabbed the keys for Shane’s Hyundai and made my way over to it, pretty quickly reaching the car, I sat in the drivers seat and started the engine.
I sat in the car and noticed Glenn and Lori at the camp fire visibly disagreeing over something, Lori, acting discrete as Glenn was pushing the subject, whatever it was.
“What is going on in this group?” I muttered under my breath.
I jumped as a loud bang sounded from the passenger seat window, which I wound down for him.
I held my chest as I looked at the culprit, Shane with a dirty smirk.
“What are you doing?”
“I was going to go for a run.” “And not tell anyone?”
“I was originally going to ask If you wanted to join me.” “I ain’t going with you.” He shook his head.
“Fine. Then don’t.” I smiled, putting the car in drive.
“Hey!” Shane exclaimed noticing my movement.
“Im going on this run Shane, with you or with out you, make a decision.” “Fine! I’ll come!”
“That’s what I thought. Now. Get in.”
The car moved when Shane opened the door, making sure to noticeably throw himself angrily into the seat, and slam the door, finally letting me start the journey.
“What is with the attitude?”
“Believe me, if you had a pain in the ass like you for a sister you have one too.” “I have you for a brother. I know the pain.” “Where are we even going?” He asked as we neared the gate.
“I overheard Beth and Jimmy talking last night after dinner, Jimmy had told Beth that there is a house on maple street that looked pretty, from what I could see on the map it looks like it’s ten minutes out.”
I stopped the car at the gate.
Shane, opening the his door and running to the gate to open it, letting me drive through to the other side, before he shut it again, getting back in the passenger seat.
“A house that looked pretty? That is a stupid lead.” He shook his head, turning to look at me.
“Shane, if it looks pretty, im assuming that there’s no walkers around, it could be an easy supply raid.” “What if its over-run?” “Then we deal with it like we would any other time.” “We.” He pointed between us both. “Aren’t dealing with it. I am dealing with it.” He pointed at himself.
I rolled my eyes at his antics.
“You do realise that I have a heart, internal organs, a brain and skin right? Im not made from porcelain.” “You’re my sister, who is carrying a foetus.” “Dont call it that.” “What do I call it then?”
“Tadpole, Bean, Nugget. I don’t care, just don’t call it a foetus.” “Nugget? What kind of name is nugget?” Shane laughed.
“Im not naming it nugget. Jesus Shane. Im not naming it Bean or Tadpole either. It’s just a base name we are going to call it until it’s born.”
“Have you thought of names yet?” “Are you really asking me that?” “Is Spartacus still on the list of names?” He laughed. “Oh shut up!” “Wait, wait, wait, my favourite was always Fabio.” He laughed harder than before. “Then name your kid that.” I hit his arm, laughing with him.
“I ain’t having kids. Especially not after you have your kid. Having that one around is enough.” He laughed.
“Come on, Spartacus needs a cousin, and it looks like you and Andrea are getting close.” I teased.
“Shut up.” He sulked.
“Oh, have I hit a nerve? Does Shane Walsh have a crush on Andrea?” “Seriously, shut up, focus on the road, or you’ll get us lost.”
I smirked and shook my head as we turned onto Bellman Parade.
“Keep an eye out for Maple.”
“Im not dumb.” “Clearly you are, Andrea is great.” I smiled looking at him, to get a death glare in response.
“Maple is the next left.” He stated.
I turned left onto what could only be described as a rich area.
“I doubt these houses would have supplies.” “Can you not be a negative Nancy, who knows what’s hoarded in these houses.” “Exactly! There could be a horde.”
I pulled over on the curb infant of one of the houses, all of which are deserted and look untouched.
“We will start at house 23 and search all of them, see if we can get anything useful.”
“We aren’t separating.” “Clearly.”
We both walked onto the front porch of house number 23.
Shane opened the door, holding out his handgun infant of him, whistling into the house, waiting for any sign of movement or danger.
We waited a moment before he lowered the gun, handing it to me.
“Try not to use it. The last thing we need is every walker within a mile to come.” “I know Shane, save bullets, im not stupid.”
“I know, im just telling you to be careful.” “I appreciate it, now you search the ground floor and I’ll search upstairs.” 
He nodded.
I started to sweep through the rooms, finding small bandages, weak pain killers and a few protein bars that I found in a lunchbox.
I looked over the railing to see Shane searching the cabinet in the living room.
“Any luck?” “Not much, a few bullets, handgun and a few cans of food. What about you?”
“A few bandages, some pain killers, weak ass ones and three protein bars.”
“Alright, let’s check the next house.”
“Okay, im coming down.” 
I noticed the draw string for the attic Hanging softly.
“Shane! Come up here for a second!” “Why” “Just hurry up!” “Okay, im coming.” He muttered coming up.
“Pull the drawstring down.” “Why do you want to go up into a creepy attic?” “What if they have a weapons box up there?” “It’d be extremely lucky to just guess there’s one.” He laughed grabbing it and pulling it down, the ladder slowly emerging from the ceiling.
Before the ladder had a chance to hit the ground, dust was crumbling from the opening.
I swatted the dust from my face and sneezed.
“Looks like you’re still a geek.” Shane snickered.
“Ow!” He pulled his arm back, rubbing where my fist connected with his arm.
I climbed the ladder and looked around the attic.
Boxes labelled from numerous festive seasons, to ‘dad’s trophies 1988’, to ‘home videos’ and ‘1967-2009 family photos’.
I stepped into the attic and ventured further into the dim space.
I began moving the boxes out of the way, searching in various ones to see what we could utilise.
“Any luck?” Shane called out from the ladder.
“Not yet.” I called out searching another unlabelled box.
I discarded the box to the side, the box hitting one of the chairs. 
A domino affect had spilt a few of the boxes, one of which had gardening equipment that had spread over the floor boards.
“(Y/n)! Hey! Are you okay?” I heard Shane and his heavy steps running in my direction. 
“Yeah. I’m good.” I breathed out
“I found these shears, hatchets, multi-tools.”
“If there’s any rope, grab it.”
“I know Shane.”
I look to my right noticing the extra pair of hands searching through the contents of the box.
“Let’s take what we have so far to the car.”
 I nodded in agreement, moving back towards the ladder.
We searched the next three houses and found various food cans, more medicine, even a first aid box that was filled to the brim.
The fifth house we entered, both the front door and the back door had been wide open.
“Might have a few neighbours.” Shane said as he walked onto the porch.
“Wait out here, I’ll go in and see what we’re dealing with.”
“What if-“ “I will handle it.”
I nodded and waited while Shane did a run through, entering the house when he gave the signal.
This house was empty, compared to the others.
“We will start on this floor, work our way up.” Shane nodded, entering one of the bathrooms.
On then entire ground floor we couldn’t find anything.
“We might have better luck upstairs..” I suggested, making my way up to the next floor.
“Maybe.” He agreed.
My hand reached out to the door in front of me and I lightly pushed it open, pastel pink and blue wallpaper came into view.
I walked into the room, finding dual cribs in opposite corners of the room, a few scattered plush toys on the ground, the walls were ruined with blood splattering along the wall nearest the crib at the window.
 A few photos discarded from a photo album that had been thrown around.
I picked up one of the photos and examined it.
A gorgeous blonde woman sat next to a handsome man, each holding a baby in their arms.
“(Y/n)?” I felt Shane tap my shoulder.
“Huh? Yeah?”
“Ive been calling out for 10 minutes. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine. Sorry.” “What do you have?” “I just found this.” I paused and showed him the picture.
“I hope they got out safely.” I continued. “Im sure they did.” He took the picture and placed it on the shelf.
“I think it’s time to go.” Shane held my arm and guided me from the room.
We walked back to the car and stopped before getting in.
“Do you want me to drive?” “I got it.” I shook my head with a soft smile.
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matcha-chocolate · 7 years
bam n sucky
Anon: Sambucky - "shipname: sucky" I know who sent this ask 😘 (Okay, honestly? I’ve been sitting on this one for almost 2 weeks and I’m still not happy with it. But ... here it is. Sorry.)
People can bond in the weirdest ways when they have screaming nightmares in common. Neither of them literally screamed anymore, mind you. Bucky would start, an awful strangled sound-- but he would muffle it, biting down on his hand instead. Not quite enough to break the skin. He’d gotten past doing that. Progress. Kinda. Sam, though. Sam woke not with a yell or a scream but an awful, ragged intake of breath that had his chest tightening and his eyes fluttering wildly before he could wake up. He didn’t talk to anyone about it. Definitely not progress. 
“Can’t sleep?” Bucky asked, making Sam almost jump out of his skin.  “Barnes, what the fuck? You know better than to startle a military man; I damn near garroted you.” Bucky made an amused hum. “It’s cute that you think you could get the drop on me, S--” “I literally kicked your ass across two lanes of traffic.” “I was distracted. That doesn’t count.” “Why’re you up?” Sam asked, not getting into yet another argument over who would win in a fight. (Sam would, in a fair fight. He would. He would!) “Nightmare,” Bucky said, not elaborating. Sam moved into the dark living room where Bucky sat, mostly shrouded in shadow on the couch.  “Shitty deal, Barnes. Hell... same here. That kinda night, huh?” “You were having a nightmare? Oh. Ohhh. Is that what those sounds were?” Bucky asked. Sam could see that he was cleaning his knives, because that wasn’t a fucking creepy thing for an ex-assassin to do at 2 in the morning or anything.  “What the hell did you think they were?” Sam returned, flopping onto the couch beside Bucky. Bucky didn’t respond, which wasn’t unusual, but he was also avoiding Sam’s eye, which was odd, because he had that whole stare-meaningfully-until-you-figured-out-he-was-mad-about-the-missing-Poptarts thing going for him.  “Barnes, I ain’t a mind-reader. What did you think I was doing?” Sam had an inkling, but he wasn’t about to ignore an opportunity to annoy Bucky as much as the man aggravated him. “Dunno, what lotsa grown men do alone at night,” Bucky muttered, and Sam had to try hard not to guffaw (Steve woke up at the drop of a pin, and if he found them both up he’d want to go for a run or something hideous like that.) “Jesus Christ, Bucky. That’s... so far off. You got a dirty mind.” “Not dirty, just logical.” “If you say so, man.” There was a companionable silence then, and Sam heaved a sigh. He still felt all wrong, feverish and achy like he’d run a marathon the day before. He idly traced his fingers over one of Bucky’s knives, the cool metal giving him something to distract himself. Bucky darted a glance at him without stopping his own task, and they just kinda... sat there for a while.  Bucky spoke first, surprising both of them: “You wanna talk about it?” “Nah.” Bucky just hummed his agreement, setting his knife down with a soft clink on the glass of the coffee table. Sam was still running his fingers over the flat of the blade nearest him, his legs tucked under him in a way that screamed I want to talk about it and also I’m adorable wait no Bucky what the fuck stop that you gotta get more sleep.  “You like that one?” Bucky tried again, gesturing to the knife under Sam’s fingers. He wasn’t great at small talk anymore, but he’d never really had to do that with Sam. They just kinda acted like assholes to each other, laughed, and ... well. Spent a lot of time together. A lot of time.  Sam just nodded, looking over at Bucky for the briefest of moments. Bucky could sense that he was on the right track, talking about inconsequential things until Sam felt like he could say whatever it was that was bothering him. “Got that one in Italy, I think,” Bucky continued, nodding to the knife that had Sam’s attention. “Don’t remember when, but -- looks pretty new.”  Sam nodded again, looking at Bucky for longer now, interest clearly written on his beautiful (whoa whoa what the fuck, Barnes) features. Grateful that the dark probably hid the sudden warmth in his face, Bucky cleared his throat before speaking again.  “I ever tell you ‘bout the time I went to this restaurant in Italy?” Sam shook his head, the ghost of a smile lifting one corner of his mouth.  “Ohh, boy. Okay, so get this -- I, it’s probably not in my files, but I b... I broke free a coupla times. Could think ok on my own, mostly.” He tripped over the words, the memories difficult to parse even years later, but Sam just moved his hand from the knife and squeezed Bucky’s arm, silently comforting him. Sam always knew what to do; Bucky wanted to fucking help him, and he couldn’t even get out a funny story right. Fuck.  “Any-- anyway, I’m s’posed to kill this guy, right? He’s the restaurant owner. I don’t-- I dunno why I was... gonna... doesn’t mater. I go in, charm the wait staff, just a tourist enjoyin’ his food, right?” Sam mm-hmmed to show he was still listening, his hand still resting lightly on Bucky’s forearm. Neither of them made a move to separate, and Bucky found himself... looping their arms together. Sam was offering comfort to him; the least he could do is offer it back.  “I think I’d been out too long. Thawed out, y’know?” Bucky’s laugh was sharp and bitter, but Sam huffed out an amused sound beside him.  “I settle in, near closing. Order this pasta dish-- fuck, nothin’ fancy, just noodles and sauce, y’know? But jesus christ, when I take a bite I fuckin’ wake up, I’m thinkin’, what the fuck am I doin’ here? And you know what I did, Sam?” “What?” Sam asked, speaking for the first time in a little while. Bucky wanted to lean into him, drawn by the body heat, the way that Sam’s whole face was soft with sleep and contentment (contentment from being near Bucky, which was a hell of a thing, considering the start they’d gotten off to.)  “I ate my whole plate so fast the chef came out to fuckin’ watch me.” “If a guy was chewing on a plate, I’d go watch too.” “Shut up and listen. So he says somethin’ like ‘You must be hungry,’ and I say ‘I could kill for another plate’--” “Nice. Joking about murder to your assigned hit,” Sam muttered, his arm still relaxed against Bucky’s ribs. Bucky snorted in agreement. “I’m a classy guy, Wilson. So then I... hell, this is a shitty story.” “Why?” “Nothin’ happens at the end of it. They laughed, I laughed, an’... I just left. Didn’t do nothin’ to the guy. Just had a coffee and then left. Could barely walk, I was so full.” His voice had gotten quieter, and truthfully, the story wasn’t that interesting but... he’d had a whole evening to himself, clear-headed, doing what he wanted, eating what he wanted, not killing or hurting anyone, and him sharing that story with Sam meant.... something. He didn’t know what. “Hell of a story, Barnes,” Sam smirked, nudging Bucky in the side a little. “I laughed, I cried, I contemplated the meaning of life--” “Shut the fuck up; you got a better story?” Sam was quiet for so long that Bucky worried that he’d overstepped, reminded Sam of something he wasn’t ready to discuss, but then-- “They used to call us Silo.” “Sorry, the hell’d you just say?” “I think this is the first time I’ve heard you say ‘sorry,’ Barnes.” “I’m runnin’ outta ways to tell you to shut your trap, Wilson. Explain the ‘Silo’ thing.” “You want me to shut up, or you want me explain?” “Sam,” Bucky groaned, amusement tinging his voice despite the annoyed scowl he was giving the man.  “Okay, so-- Silo. I dunno, it was stupid. I guess me n’ Riley were tight--” “Ooooh-ooh-oooooh...” “I hope you break a hip.” “Mhm. G’on.” “So, y’know like... Bennifer and Brangelina,” Sam said, gesturing vaguely. Bucky suddenly looked shifty; he didn’t like to be reminded of his weird E!Hollywood addiction too much. Suffice it to say, he very much knew what Sam was referring to. “That... you two’d’v’e been ‘Siley,’ then, no?” “Yeah, but-- okay, so Riley was... this white boy-- even whiter than you--” “Objection.” “Shove it up ya ass. So, he’s literally the epitome of a corn-fed country boy, and grain silos, countryside, so... I dunno, ‘Siley’ became ‘Silo’ real fast.” “That’s stupid.” “So’s strapping a rocket-powered kite to your back and jumping, but...” “Yeah, I guess I meant you’re stup-- ow!” Bucky was cut off by Sam swiftly flicking his ear to get him to shut up. Then, surprisingly, Sam heaved a huge sigh.  “We went everywhere together. He came to visit my ma when we had time off.” “Sounds nice. You ever see his folks?” “They... wouldn’t... yeah, no. No, they weren’t jumping for joy over Riley’s black boyfriend, so...” “Fuck ‘em,” Bucky said venomously, his arm tightening briefly. Sam made a soft sound that was almost a laugh.  “Thanks. ‘S what Riley said. And... yeah, he was gonna go back and tell them to deal with it or he’d cut them off, and--” Sam broke off, pulling his arm out of the loop of Bucky’s. Bucky felt his chest constrict unpleasantly at this loss of contact with Sam, but then Sam leaned his body weight against him and Bucky couldn’t help the small smile that appeared unbidden on his face.  “Move your arm,” Sam muttered, huffing exasperatedly when Bucky shifted awkwardly. “Like-- put it around me, damn Barnes, ain’t you ever tried to neck with someone before?” “Have I-- wh-- I mean, of course I fuckin’ have, sure, but--” Bucky broke off, realizing that Sam was fucking with him-- but his face was all hot and he’d unthinkingly draped his arm around Sam, pulling him closer. Sam, for his part, fitted himself against Bucky’s side as though this was a totally natural thing to do.    Sam continued as though there’d been no interruption, “He was gonna tell his parents. To take him... and me... like we were, or he wasn’t gonna talk to them anymore.” “Did he?” Bucky asked, quiet because he felt like he knew the answer, and it wasn’t a good one. “Nah. Got hit the next day,” Sam said shortly. Bucky squeezed his shoulder -- I’m listening -- and Sam took a shaky breath in.  “Know what they said over the comms? They said. They said ‘Shit, Silo’s down,’ like we were the same person. And it felt like I was falling too, so I was thinking Damn, yeah, Silo’s down -- like I wasn’t even Sam, I was just a ghost up there already, y’know? Know what I mean?” Sam’s voice was quiet. “Yeah.” “I was falling. In my dream. Me and Riley. Silo. But we never hit the ground, just always fuckin’... falling. And I could never catch him.” Bucky didn’t know what to say, so he squeezed Sam’s shoulder again.  “You’re gonna bruise me, man.” “Sorry,” Bucky murmured, loosening his grip slightly. “That’s the second ‘sorry’ tonight, Barnes. Must be a special occasion.” “If you hadn’t just told me just about the saddest damn story I ever heard, I’d lay into you.” “You’d do what now, gramps?” “You’re older than me!” “Sure, mhm. I know one of us snaps his fingers to big band music, and it ain’t me.” Bucky scoffed, but didn’t bother to reply... and the two of them lapsed into a comfortable silence again. Sam was staring at the glint of the street lights outside off of Bucky’s knives. Bucky was staring at... Sam. The streetlights were doing some pretty great things to the contours of the man’s face.  “Sucky.” “Fucking what?” Bucky turned to look at Sam (which was a bit awkward because his arm was still around him) and grinned in that I’m-really-tired-and-everything-is-funny way.  “If you combined our names. We’d be ‘Sucky.’” “That’s a shitty power couple name.” “Well it’s either that or ‘Bam,” Bucky said. “Wait, power couple?” “Yeah, man,” Sam said around a truly enormous yawn. “The chemistry is undeniable.” Bucky scowled, sure Sam was fucking with him -- and even looking at his teasing grin, he... still wasn’t sure.  “Chemistry,” Bucky said flatly.  “Yep.” “I just told you bout eatin’ spaghetti and then getting shoved back in the freezer an hour after.” “So? Not like my story was happy-- wait, shit. Barnes, you didn’t fucking say Hydra got you back after the... pasta whatever.” “Yeah, well. Wanted a Disney ending for you.” “Disney,” Sam said, sounding remarkably as unimpressed as Bucky just had.  “Yeah, Wilson. You gotta have a cute Disney ending for a pretty guy.” Bucky was tired, Sam was fucking beautiful, and there was only so much brain power Bucky could devote to pretending one of those things wasn’t true. “Okay, wait. Wait. I’m not disagreeing but. Are you fucking with me, or hitting on me?” “...yes.” “Your idea of flirting is weird pasta stories and blurting that I’m pretty.” “Yep.” “Why pretty?” “Ask your eyelashes, Wilson. Damn things look like one of those whatsit. Revlon. Mascara.” Sam looked nonplussed before pouting and fluttering his eyelashes a little, startling a laugh out of Bucky.  “See? It worked. You’re flirtin’ back,” Bucky smirked. Sam wrinkled his nose.  “Who says I’m flirting? You didn’t even ask me out to dinner.” “Ah, hell. Sam, wanna go to dinner with me?” “No.” Bucky blinked. But hadn’t he--? “I prefer brunch dates,” Sam said smugly.  “I swear to god. Okay. Brunch. I can’t believe you made me say that word.” “It’s a better combination than ‘Sucky’!” “Don’t insult Sucky. Sucky is pure romance.” “You’re fuckin’ sucky.” “Oh, I’ll show you sucky, Wilson.” Bucky’s voice had taken on a darker quality and he moved his hand from Sam’s shoulder to lightly cupping the back of his head.  “Yeah?” Sam breathed, clearly with the program. “Show me, then. Bet I’m better than you at it.” “Only one way to find out.” “Uhhh, actually, let’s... not.” Steve said, faint but clear from his room upstairs. His super-hearing had its downsides.  “Or, can you wait to show each other after I’m outta the house?” Steve continued, his voice plaintive. (They didn’t wait.) 
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