#I’m hearing but have always been very interested in/passionate about ASL !!
campirebites · 2 years
Happy Indigenous Peoples day from Sarah Young Bear-Brown! Here’s how to sign “Indigenous” in ASL and a little bit of background about the sign! (x)
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followed ur blog a while ago bc ur just fun n have good takes but confession time...... !!
idk shit ab winwin (besides the fact that hes cute asl)
so like in ur opinion whats his biggest green flag i wanna learn more ab him n i trust in u yk 🙏🙏🙏🙏😹😹
HIIIII 😭😭 oh my gosh? thank you so much 😭 i’m happy you think i’m fun and have good takes 🫶🏻 it makes me so happy to hear!!!
your confession is so funny and sweet to me 🤭 AND YES yes yes he is so cute 🥹🩷
am overjoyed at the fact that you think he’s cute and want to learn more like telling people about him is lowkey my mission in this life. i got really carried away so i just made a giant list 😭 hopefully this can serve as a good introduction, i’m very honored you trusted me 🫡
and if you ever want to know more i’ll always reply to asks as best as i can and dms are also open 🥰
he encourages his fans to rest well, not skip meals, and take care of their health
he’s very encouraging towards the younger members of his group, i have so many moments i’m thinking about but he’s such a wonderful senior
i have never seen him raise his voice at anyone. i can't think of a single time i’ve ever even seen him mad
ever since he started acting his costars and staff members on set have talked about how polite and respectful he is to work with
even though he doesn’t have certain skills (like cooking) he demonstrates an interest in getting better
he doesn’t spend money recklessly, it’s kind of a joke that’s he’s very responsible about spending, like this man collects mcdonalds coupons 😭😭😭😭😭
he’s very loving towards the pets that live in his group’s dorm
he likes animals in general 🥺
he’s just very playful and silly and adorable
every time i see him speaking to someone seriously he’s such a good listener. he had a solo fansign event recently and people were sharing videos and it was so touching how he was so invested in the conversation and made eye contact with everyone ☹️
he loves to read
personally any man who loves stuffed animals is a green flag 😭😭😭😭😭😭
he has a nephew and whenever he speaks about him it’s the sweetest thing ever
he just gives random tips he thinks are helpful? like he recommended a specific showerhead once because it was good for his hair and skin and another time he talked about how it’s a good idea to have a cactus near a computer because it can help limit the effects of raditation??? like it’s so random but i think it’s cute he shares 😭
he’s a very hardworking person who really likes to sing and dance, even in non professional settings, i think it’s very sweet and admirable that he’s passionate
also very specific but a few months ago he bought a sweet potato from a granny and talked about how she was sweet and how delicious it was
if you’ve been following me afshshsgs you’ve probably seen my talk about this i’m sure i’m so annoying about it too but i love how even when he’s doing things alone he still talks about his groupmates and promotes their projects ☹️☹️☹️☹️
i’m not sure how to explain this one….. but it’s like….. i feel like you can kind of know what he’s about right off the bat 😭 like he just seems like a genuine person
i had to stop myself because i just kept adding more… 😭
and of course idk if you are familiar with his groups nct/wayv or kpop as a whole but i can also provide context if some of these don’t make sense !!!! i’m always here and willing to talk about him !! always ‼️
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andromacher · 4 years
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in which the silent girl listens to the boy with a spirit
inspired by @_ushiwakababy on wattpad
kato nervously tug at her skirt. it was uncomfortable, the fabric barely reaching her knees. she felt exposed and she huffed irritatingly. it was her first day in fukurodani as a third year and she was nervous. her family had moved from the country side to the city, having found their jobs in tokyo. 
kato shizuka was deaf and mute. she has been since she was a toddler, having suffered from a head trauma that made her unable to hear most of what people around her were saying and unable to speak. she could understand very little but she had learned to read their lips and either communicate through a notepad and paper or sign language.
of course, shizuka had hearing aids, which she rarely used because it was her way of hunkering down the volume of the world. when it came to people she barely knew, she communicated through notepad and pen or asl. 
although her deafness and muteness was unfortunate, she liked the silence. it kind of gave her a sense of tranquility, she kept to herself and seldom spoke up. just plainly basking in the silence. 
shizuka adjusted her blazer and tied her gray hair up into a ponytail. with a final exhale, she left home towards the bus stop right outside their area. the girl calmly sat on the bench, turned off her hearing aids and pulled out her novel to pass time.
kotaro was excited for his first day as a third-year, he had a giddy smile on his face when he left for school. to be honest, it wasn’t new to see the owl-like boy so hyped up for something as trivial as first days in school. he always had been a positive thinker and his personality was so bright that it was either annoying or infectious.
as he made his way to the bus stop, he hesitated when he noticed a small figure with her face covered by a book she was reading her other hand fiddling with a notepad and her back half-turned facing him so she didn’t notice. he had never seen her before especially on school grounds but he took notice of her fukurodani uniform and he put two and two together. 
new student. he thought.
seeing as the bus wouldn’t arrive anytime soon, he decided to approach the girl and introduce himself to her. he was a bit confused when she hadn’t noticed him yet. he hadn’t been trying to mute his footfalls or make his approach less obvious but he moved forward. 
“wow, she’s really into that book.” the owl-like boy mumbled to himself,
sensing movement on the bench under her shocked shizuka as she sharply straightened from her crouched position and flinched. her other hand, clutching the notepad, loosened and slide off of her lap. 
with his sharp reflexes, bokuto snagged it before it touched the ground and handed to the girl with a friendly smile. when he got a good look of the gray-haired girl, he felt blood rush to his cheeks. she was pretty. light gray hair that complemented her caramel eyes. he hope he didn’t seem too flustered.
when she turned towards the newcomer, she was faced with honey-gold eyes that were mesmerizing and ethereal especially in the sunlight. he also had black-and white hair that was gelled up into two section, shizuka wanted to touch it but shook her head otherwise. slowly, she took the notepad from him and gave him a warm smile. 
“thank you.” she signed, mouthing the words along with it
bokuto tilted his head in a confused manner which shizuka thought was very adorable. 
“what was that?” he asked, mimicking the sign. shizuka had such a strong feeling to listen to what his voice sounded like, so she did. she turned on her hearing aids and raised her eyebrows as the equivalent to “what?”
“what did that mean?” he repeated and shizuka felt her heartbeat pick up pace. his voice. it was silvery, and almost soothing. she could listen to it for days and never get tired. 
she opened up her notepad and began scribbling something, and bokuto patiently waited, side glancing a few times to see what she was writing down. a few moments later, she showed the pad to him,
“it means ‘thank you.” it said and the owl-like boy’s lips parted into an ‘o’ shape to show that he’d understood. he tapped the tip of his fingers of his dominant hand to his chin and moved it a bit down in the direction of shizuka. the sign for ‘thank you’. 
shizuka nodded with a smile on her face which made bokuto smile too, clearly proud of what he learned from the quiet girl. she thought for a second before she flipped through her notepad, finding the page for her introduction. finding it, she showed it to him.
‘my name is kato shizuka. i am seventeen years old and i lived in miyagi before moving to tokyo last year.’
‘fukurodani third-year.’
‘deaf and mute. but i can hear your voice with my hearing aids.’
bokuto took a second to read the sentences and phrases before looking up at the girl. he had taken account of her disabilities but he certainly didn’t treat her like she was a three-legged dog or anything, she appreciated that, the last thing she wanted was a look of pity. instead, bokuto grinned like a child,
“nice to meet you, kato-san!” he said with such excitement it made said girl’s heart race,
“i’m bokuto kotaro, but you can just call me bokuto!” he introduced and the girl tested out the syllables mutely, the boy then pointed to himself whilst puffing out his chest, “i’m the ace and captain of the volleyball team!”
shizuka's eyebrows rose in acknowledgement mouthing the words ‘ace’, ‘captain, and ‘volleyball’. she mimicked spiking and the boy’s eyes lit up as he nodded furiously. shizuka laughed soundlessly which encouraged the boy to talk more about the sport with passion. she explained that back in miyagi, she had had been friends with volleyball players in their school and that they once made it to nationals.
nationals seemed to excite bokuto even more because he too had been to the event. rambling on about his team and their very amusing moments together in the club. 
when the bus came, they both got in and sat at the far edge of the vehicle, that being shizuka’s favorite spot. 
it was mostly bokuto who carried the conversation, not that he minded at all. shizuka like the animated look he had whenever he talked about things that he likes, honey-gold eyes alight and his wide and bright smile.
the gray-haired girl also realized that they had the same interests, eyes lighting up when he brought up a new topic.
she listened to the sound of his velvet voice. he was loud but it wasn’t the annoying loud type, in fact, shizuka wasn’t bothered at all. it was like his voice was all she ever wanted to hear.
for once, she didn’t want to mute her hearing aids. 
for once, she didn’t want quiet. 
for once, when someone asked her what her favorite sound was, she would reply with the voice of the boy with the spirit.
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johnnydoe69 · 4 years
Old Wars, New Faces Part 4
It had been several weeks since Odysseus/Kevin had started working on the farm. Kevin for his part had never felt more relaxed, his insecurities melted away by the day as confidence and strength coursed through him. Things were changing so drastically and so fast, he was quickly losing sight of who he was. At one point, he had called his parents and told them that he was gay and never coming back to Boston and right as they started screaming, he just hung up the phone. The old Kevin never would have been able to tell his parents off, let alone be in a relationship with another man, but he had done both.
A few days after they got together, Dryas offered to let Odysseus stay with him until he got back on his feet. Odysseus at first was content with finding a solitary cave or a canopy of trees to sleep under, rather than intrude too far into Dryas’s life but Dryas quickly convinced him out of it. It was during this time that Odysseus learned of the primary way Dryas made his money and kept his job on the farm, sex. Dryas was fucking one of the overseer’s sons and in return, if he didn’t piss Markos off too much, he was forgiven for mistakes that would have gotten others fired. Odysseus was fine with this; on his voyages across the Mediterranean his crew would sleep with a prostitute or two if they were in port and Odysseus would have gladly joined in if not for his devotion to his wife. Yet, there was still jealousy in Odysseus’s heart. He didn’t understand why he kept getting rejected by other men and sought Dryas’s insight.
He decided to ask Dryas this, after a passionate night of cuddling and making out. They were both sweaty and satisfied, their naked bodies curled up around each other, as the cool sea air licked their skin.
“Dryas, you always tell me that I’m more attractive than you and yet, you are the one who has men waiting for you. Whenever I flirt with a man they ignore me or threaten to kill me. I know things are different on Kefalonia compared to Ithaki, but I never expected so much hatred and disgust.”
Dryas rested his chin on Odysseus’s shoulder and sighed, “I don’t know what kind of crazy shit they do on Ithaki, but the rest of Greece is simply like this. With how open you’ve been, it’s a miracle you’re not dead. Granted these big muscles are probably a big help.” Dryas gave one of Odysseus’s biceps a tight squeeze.
“A lot of the men I sleep with are closeted. They only meet me through group chats or word of mouth. Most of my business takes place during the Spring and Summer months, when businessmen from the mainland come to escape their wives and gay tourists arrive after not being able to afford the big parties on Mykonos and Santorini. It helps that tourist season is when all the gay bars are open, but for the rest of the year nothing is.”
“Surely, there are other gay meeting spots on Kefalonia than what’s open for tourists?” Odysseus asked.
“Well, there is one place, but its kind of pricey and seedy. I’d probably just stick to online hookups instead,” Dryas said with a yawn.  
“No. That’s too much of a risk. I would rather meet the man in-person first,” Odysseus said firmly. Despite, the time of bliss he spent with Dryas he couldn’t risk being caught off guard by a servant of Paris.
“Alright old man,” Dryas said, rolling his eyes. “There's a small hotel called Odysseus’s Palace, its right off the beach, you can’t miss it. Inside the main lounge is a bar where some of the more well off and older gay Kefalonians like to meet up. I only go when I’m desperate for cash, they tend to be douchebags.” Dryas furrowed his brow and bit his lip, “On second thought, maybe you shouldn’t go to a place like that, Arsenios.
Odysseus moved his meaty arm behind his head to use as a headrest, “I’ve handled far more dangerous places in my lifetime, I’ll be fine.”
Several nights later, Odysseus decided to make his move. He left work late in the evening, took a shower, dressed casually, and texted Dryas letting him know he’d be out. 
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There were only a few men at the bar. All of them much older and less attractive than Odysseus hoped. They gawked at his presence like dogs to a piece of meat. Odysseus ordered a round of tequila and was quickly joined by the other men at the bar.
Dryas had been right, the men were wealthy professional types, mostly lawyers and doctors with a handful of retired landowners thrown in. They laughed warmly at Odysseus’s stories of prior hookup attempts and admired both his physical beauty and youth, but then one man asked what he did for a living. When he answered honestly, saying he was a farmhand, the mood in the room suddenly shifted.
They started asking him if he would suck their cocks in the bathroom for 50 euros, or bark like a dog for 70. They asked if he had a pimp or if he was freelance. In another time Odysseus would have stomped their bodies into dust for badgering him about his sex life, but Odysseus feared that the control over his body was only temporary and a massive fist fight could awaken Kevin to the truth.
So instead, he took to ignoring them and slowly they melted away to their own separate corners, grumbling to themselves about how he was being a tease before Odysseus was left alone again.
It was then that Odysseus noticed another young man come to the bar. He was as big as he was, yet far more agile and light on his feet. The man drifted in and out of conversations with ease, his voice shifting so quickly to appeal to a different audience he sounded like a brand new person with every man he interacted with. 
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 As the night wore on and most of the men had drifted home the stranger sat next to Odysseus at the bar. “How about a cup of Ouzo for this generous man and a cup for me as well,” the man said to the bartender. A minute later the bartender poured out two cups of white wine.
They both thanked the bartender and the stranger took a sip from his drink.
The man’s twinkling brown eyes glanced into Odysseus's, “From what I’ve heard from the regulars you are quite an interesting man Arsenios. A strongman who can’t get laid, a farm worker who spends his earnings on men who wouldn’t put a euro in a beggar’s cup. Just when I thought I’d be stuck with dull pretentious bastards until the day I died,” the man said with a laugh.
“Funny, I thought the same about you. Coming in two hours before closing, you moved like Hermes himself from one man to another, and despite seeming to not like the men you drink with they seem to trust you very well” Odysseus said, sipping his ouzo. “Though I still don’t have a name to your face.”
The stranger smiled warmly, “My name is Diomedes of Argolis. I'm here on business, not pleasure. This hotel has water damage and I was brought in to access the situation. I came to the bar out of boredom. Not much to do here, but fish and drink is there?
Odysseus cracked a smile, “You’re not completely wrong in that. I’m not from this island either. I’m actually from an island next door, Ithaki.”
“Hmm, I once knew a man who lived on Ithaki. Looked a lot like you actually,” Diomedes said curiously.
“What do you know of this man from Ithaki,” Odysseus asked leaning forward.
“He was a stubborn, arrogant, pain in the ass. Loyal to his friends, cruel to his enemies. He had a massive muscular body just like yours, though I usually remember that egomaniac smeared with olive oil to show off his figure.” Diomedes took a swig of his wine, savoring the taste before continuing.  
“He was a good friend, even when I wanted to kick the fucker’s teeth in. I only wished I did more with him when he was still alive.” Diomedes said with a sigh.
Odysseus nodded. “I’m sorry for your loss. He sounded like a good man.”
Diomedes smiled sadly, “Would you like to come up with me to my room? The neon lights of the bar are starting to give me a splitting headache and my place is only the floor above us.”
Odysseus nodded and they both got up from their stools. Odysseus tried to pay off the combined tab from everyone at the bar, but Diomedes wouldn’t hear a word of it. He simply plopped down his credit card and paid it off before Odysseus could refuse.
Afterwards they walked down the twisting corridors of the hotel to Diomedes’s room. It was a simple hotel room, similar to the motel room Odysseus had been living in with less filth. It was pristine, no swarms of cockroaches or lingering black mold anywhere in sight. When they crossed the threshold, they started making out.
They peeled off their clothes like second skins and embraced on Diomedes’s bed. As Odysseus felt Diomedes's warm tongue down his throat, he recognized the similar buzz of energy that ricocheted from Diomedes’s muscular frame, a buzz very similar to his own. Odysseus didn’t mind this and kept going, pushing Diomedes flat on the bed, and squatting on Diomedes' hard dick. He wheezed at the pain, they hadn’t used lube and there was no substitute in sight, but Odysseus made do.
It was Kevin, who was nearly pushed to the edge of oblivion by Odysseus, who was truly becoming aware of what was happening. His eyes widened at the warm glow that emitted from Diomedes' skin and became aware of the glow that came from his own. When Diomedes opened his eyes, it was full of an ancient knowledge Kevin couldn’t even begin to comprehend. Fear gripped him, sending waves of adrenaline up and down his spine, and yet this only made him grind deeper and faster on Diomedes’s dick, moaning harder and louder with every panicked thought.
Eventually, Diomedes came hard inside Odysseus/Kevin coating their insides with cum. Odysseus slowly raised himself off Diomedes’s dick, while furiously pulling at his own. Diomedes after taking a short breath, took Odysseus’s hand off his dick and massaged himself, using his thick fingers to coax the semen out of Odysseus’s hard dick and onto Diomedes’s flat stomach.
Then Odysseus collapsed onto the bed, both men panting heavily. After a few minutes of rest, they wiped themselves off and fell asleep. Both slept well into the night, even as Kevin’s brain raced at the possibilities at what was happening. Had the glowing been an illusion? A trick of the light? Did this man have something to do with the drastic changes to his body and attitude?
When Odysseus finally woke up the next morning, Diomedes was already out of bed and in the bathroom. Still exhausted from the night before, Odysseus staid in bed and stared out at Diomedes. If it was one of his enemies, Odysseus would have been dead already, but the stranger hadn’t revealed his identity divine to him earlier.
Diomedes caught him staring from his reflection in the mirror, “Before we had sex, did you really think I was some silly young twunk working a simple insurance claim?”
Odysseus laughed. “I suspected, but I wasn’t sure. Now who are you really?”
“I wasn’t lying when I told you I was Diomedes of Argolis,” Diomedes said turning on the faucet and washing his face.
“And that friend of yours that you spent all night insulting was supposed to me, right?” Odysseus asked, rolling his eyes. Diomedes didn’t answer so Odysseus continued, “Everyone in this country names their children after heroes and gods. Is Diomedes the name of the body you inhabit or was that by choice?”
Kevin squirmed internally, confused and terrified at the strange words leaving his lips. He tried to exert control over his own body, only to find he had none. Odysseus sighed.
“This is my own form, Odysseus. Purely immortal. Though, not enough to enjoy on Mt. Olympus it seems.” He said, taking out a toothbrush and cleaning his teeth.
“Your worship did fade out when the Romans lost interest in you” Odysseus said, trying to ignore Kevin twisting against his will.
“And my name was never as venerated as yours, hero of the Odyssey,” Diomedes said spitefully. 
Diomedes was the wisest of the men fighting Troy and yet strangely to Odysseus one of the heroes least mentioned in the mortal world. It was strange that such a hero could be largely forgotten. 
“Why didn’t you reveal yourself earlier to me at the bar?” Odysseus asked, sitting upright in the bed, arms crossed over his powerful chest.
“You were never as sly as people seemed to think you were. Or have you picked up the manners of your American body?” Diomedes asked.
“Honestly, I don’t know. It's strange being in another man’s body like this. It feels like mine and yet, completely alien to me.” Odysseus said looking at his hands. They were big, but nowhere as large as the mitts he had used to string a bow with. 
“But you didn’t answer my question.” Odysseus said. Diomedes gave his arms a casual flex in the mirror before returning to his bed and sitting next to Odysseus. 
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 “Well, since you were honest, I have to say that as blissful as the Isle of Pleasure was, I was bored. My worship never recovered when my hero cult fell into obscurity and who knew how much time was left before my soul faded as well. Might as well come back and make a name for myself.” Diomedes got back off the bed and went to a dresser, pulling on a long-sleeved shirt and undoing the wrapped towel, letting it fall to his ankles.
“Besides, where would you lot be without me? Probably pissing yourselves outside the walls of Paris’s villa,” Diomedes said, pulling out a jock strap and a pair of jeans.
“Lot? There are more of us coming?” Odysseus asked, leaning on his side.
“Yep. Not much of a war with only 2 people, is it?” Diomedes asked, putting on his jock strap.
“You know where Paris is?” Odysseus asked. 
“Yeah, that guy does not keep a low profile. Here’s his Instagram account,” Diomedes said, tossing Odysseus his phone. Odysseus caught it with one hand and had a look.
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 “He’s utterly defenseless,” Odysseus said, getting up from the bed.
“What you don't see is all the security cameras, bulletproof windows, and the fact that he is constantly surrounded by people who would die to defend him. You don't need to wear armor as obviously as we dod in the old days,” Diomedes said, pulling a tight pair of jeans over his legs and ass.
Odysseus paced around Diomedes' bedroom; his dick stuck hard to his thigh. “You’re right, we need allies and weapons. It would help if we could locate some of the other heroes back from the Underworld to aid us. Then we’d have a chance.”
“Well, I found you dumbass. It shouldn’t be hard to find some of the others. Not that I’ve been looking very hard,” Diomedes said, sitting back on the bed.
“Hey,” Odysseus said, dropping his phone back in Diomedes’s lap.
“Oh what? Don’t act like you haven’t been enjoying your time with mortals either,” Diomedes said. Kevin continue to struggle against Odysseus’s power, exhausting him to the point that after a few minutes of pacing Odysseus had to already sit back down.
“Yeah, I think the mortal whose body I picked up is becoming aware of my presence,” Odysseus said, panting.
Diomedes nodded. “Give yourself time to readjust. If you haven’t already, try giving the man whose body you inhabit a different personality to enjoy.”
“What does that mean?” Odysseus asked.
“You already call yourself, Arsenios. I’m guessing different than the body’s original name, try creating a persona for that. In that way you can cross into autopilot when you need, without worrying about internal resistance. It will be hard, but I know you can manage it.” Diomedes said, “Now get up, I have work in a few hours and I’m sure you have other places to be as well.”
Odysseus nodded and got out of bed, giving Kevin an internal kick, quieting him enough so Odysseus would have enough strength to get home. Things would be hard, Odysseus grimaced, but he could manage. A thought that made Kevin internally scream with rage.
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firefistlaw · 5 years
Senpai~ i'm so happy that your feeling better *\(>w<)/ so if it's not too much might i request an angsty scenario for my ASL baes (if it's too much then just Sabo is fine) where their fem S/O gets kidnapped and tortured leading to an epic save and bad guy beat-down via a very pissed off boyfriend?
A/N: I hope this is alright, I struggled with the one for Sabo and feel like the angst is barely there in any of those, but nevertheless hope you like it! Thank you for requesting. :)
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ASL saving their S/O after they get kidnapped 
Ace hadn’t felt this way before. Sure, he did get angry from time to time, but the sheer amount of fire that was burning him up from the inside was different- unfamiliar and, he had to admit, even a bit scaring.
He stands in front of the tall, dirty building and takes a deep breath, trying to control the flames that were tingling in his fingertips; the need to burst everything he sees into plain ashes.
You were stubborn. You always had been and Ace liked that about you- he thought it was charming in some ways, even though it could also be frustrating on some parts. When you shook your head heavily on this evening, he couldn’t help but frown though– the frustration towards you slowly raising.
“Why can’t you just let me come along, Y/N?” He had said, hand ruffling through his dark hair. “There is no reason for you to go alone.”
“Yes, there is.” You had mumbled back, tying your shoelaces tighter. The bag on your shoulder was heavy, but you were already used to that. “I can take care of myself.”
Ace sighed, feeling a bit hurt about you not wanting him to tag along on the giant island. “I just don’t get why.” Your body turns away, slowly making your way to the end of the Moby Dick. Your boyfriend is walking behind you.  
“Because,” you snap. “Everyone in the crew thinks I can’t do anything without my boyfriend helping me!” You turn around, glaring. “Wherever I go, you’re always with me. And I don’t mind it personally, don’t think that– It’s just that I would like to do something on my own for once too. I know I’m able to anyways. I would like to be appreciated for what I do myself. And not always being the ‘partner of Ace.’”
Ace takes a step back, arms crossing in front of his chest, the muscles on his arms flexing slightly. “I didn’t know you cared so much about what others think about our relationship.” He was confused and you saw in his eyes how there was a tint of hurt swimming in the brown orbs.
“Ace, wait-” You say, holding your head at the sudden headache that was slowly starting to grow. “I didn’t mean it that way.”
“No, it’s fine.” He says, turning his back towards you and raising his hand. “ I hope you have fun, since being with me is such a burden.”
If Ace could go back, he certainly would and stop you from jumping on land. He would run towards you, grab you, and throw you over his shoulder in a second, but, of course, it was already too late for that.
The seconds of you being gone turned into minutes and soon enough, it was hours and no one heard something about you. Ace got worried, but this is what you had wanted, to be alone and on your own– right?
He had sat in the dining hall with a few of his crew members, when the rumble of Whitebeard echoed through the ship. In an instant, there was silence all over, the silence almost deafening. When Ace got back on Deck, he was not prepared for what was about to be said.
Marco stood in the middle, expression neutral, if it wasn’t for the slight hint of frown that showed his distress for the current situation. “Ace. Come here, yoi.”
When the second division commander arrived and was handed a paper, he had to read twice to understand what was written there. Next to the sloppily written words was a single drop of red blood– Ace knew it was yours.
“I will take care of it, Oyaji.”
The ashes of the paper was the only explanation for his family.
--- --- --- --- ---
You didn’t know how many hours had passed, it could have been days that were slowly drifting away from you and yet, you would be none the wiser.
Your hands were uncomfortably tied behind you back while your mouth was covered by a cloth, making the option for you to make any sound impossible. The only thing you could hear was the drop of water in the dark, wet room you were currently sitting in. Every piece of your body was aching, a violent shiver going through every other second- it was pathetic and you thought, maybe youwere pathetic.
Your mind wanders to your crew, to Oyaji, to Izo, to the food Thatch made and especially, with a deep peng in your heart, to your boyfriend Ace. Only the thought of him being with you, holding you close to his warm chest was enough to make a silent sob run through your body once again.
If you only had let him come along, maybe then he would have noticed the smell of the drink being slightly different, he would have noticed the pair of  eyes being glued to your back– he would have taken care of you when you felt your eyes black out and your knees give in.
“Oh, my little sheep..” You hear the familiar voice of the pirate entering the now dimly lit room, making you curl deeper into the corner of the room. “No need to be shy, sweetheart.”
He enters the cell you were in and slowly walks towards your figure in the far corner, the heart in your chest beating rapidly by the sheer disgust you felt in your veins. With everything you had left in your body, you tried to glare at him, but from the way he was smiling so wickedly at you– he did not care whatsoever.
“Why does it take so long for your rats to bring the money?” He asks, slowly stroking your hair. You could feel the foul breath of him touching the side of your face. “Maybe they don’t care about you anymore? I would understand, Y/N.”
You try to kick him and with a small percentage of luck, you meet his ankle, which makes his crouching figure lose his balance, but before he can fall, he grabs a handful of your hair, making you wince.
“You little-”
The door of the room flings open and there stands one of the Pirates crew mates. “Captain, you need to come instantly!”
“Not now.” The man in front of you grumbles back, holding tighter on your hair. “I’m busy with my sheep.”
“But it’s–”
And then the sound is cut off by a something that sounds like a big pile of meat hitting the stoney floor.
Before either you or the Captain can react, the room engulfs in flames that could put any forest fire to shame. The flames burn with anger, passion and the sheer need for blood.
You gasp behind the fabric covering your mouth, the slight burn on your legs from the heat like welcoming kiss from your freedom.
And soon enough, your boyfriend appears at the end of the room, eyes full of hatred and for a second, you feel bad for the man in front of you- the fight was already finished and it didn’t even start yet.
“I wonder what must have gone through your head,” Ace says, voice rumbling like thunder. “Did you really think you could take my girl and get away with it?” Humourlessly, he laughs. “My girl?”
The man in front of you stands up, clearly intimidated. “Listen man, just take her and there will be no consequences, we’re happy with whatever you give us…”
“We?” Ace repeats, taking long strides towards you two. “I’m afraid there is no one left in this shithole of place.” His eyes burn, a smirk growing on his lips. “Could have been my fault.”
And then, the flames erupt yet again, covering the whole room but the little corner you were still seated in. Blinded by the brightness, you turn your head towards the wall and when you turn back, all fire is gone- only ashes dancing in the wind and the look of affection, concern and regret shining in Ace’s brown eyes as he swiftly rips all cuffs away from your body. Without any second wasted, you fling yourself into his arms, sobbing shamelessly into his shoulder, the weight of being separated finally being lift.
“I’m sorry,” You choke out, inhaling his scent, as if it was everything you always needed to survive. “I’m so stupid, I’m so sorry Ace.”
“Shh, it’s okay.” He whispers back, hands stroking your hair, back and arms– needing to touch every piece of your skin to make sure you were fine. “You’re not stupid, baby, it’s fine.”
The words get stuck in your throat, another sob rocking through your body. Ace lifts you up, still holding you close to his chest and walks you two out of the building that is slowly starting to fall apart- no soul left inside.
Outside, you take another deep breath and cling more towards your boyfriend.
“Scary,” you hear Marco mumble from a meter away and then you feel a blanket being wrapped around you- still in Ace’s arms. “But impressive, yoi.”
You hear your boyfriend answer, but the words get lost in the clouds that start to engulf you in a well deserved sleep.  
“Don’t let anyone steal my seat,” you had mumbled, a soft smile playing around your lips. Sabo mimicked your smile, shaking his own head slightly.
“I would never.”
Sabo watched your figure disappear through the numerous bodys of people in the restaurant, his heart jumping at the thought of you coming back to him– your boyfriend.  
He could hear Koala’s voice in his head, saying how he was whipped for you and with a shy smile towards his drink sitting in front of him, the blonde man accepted his truth; Koala was right.
Ever since you had joined the Revolutionary Army, his eyes longed for your figure more often than he noticed himself. All of the newbies were starstruck at the sight of the Chief Of Staff, the number two of the Revolutionary Army coming to their training hall every few days but he didn’t care at all: all he wanted was a glimpse of your body, one word towards him or, he would sell his soul, one smile from you. Once you had noticed his interest for you, it was only a matter of time before you and Sabo fell for each other. Sooner than later, the blonde man asked you out and there you were now, at a date on an island in the middle of the night.
Sabo sighs quietly and takes a glance towards the door where you had disappeared too long ago. You just wanted to take a call and be back, but as the minutes started to double, he couldn’t stop himself and got out of his chair, a frown now on his pale features.
One part of him told him he doesn’t have to worry and shouldn’t go out, but the other part, the one that made him so trustworthy to Dragon was pushing him out and when he stood there, all alone in the darkness outside of the still loud restaurant, he felt his body shivering.
All he saw was a ripped piece of your summer dress, which you had previously worn and some rough patches of dirt on the ground– freshly made.
--- --- --- --- ---
“Are you sure it’s Y/N?” You heard a voice on your right, your vision too blurred to make out where you were.
“Yes! I saw the Sabo guy in the window too. Maybe if we tell Boss quick enough, we can get him as well. Just imagine all the berry we could have…” The man on your left said, his grip on your arm surely leaving a bruise.
You could feel a strong ache at the back of your head, but you couldn’t remember how the ache had appeared, you couldn’t even remember how you landed in this situation. One minute you were with Sabo and in the next… you were seated on the ground in the middle of something that smelled like a forest.
You bite your lip at the thought of your boyfriend waiting for you, a shiver running through your body visibly.
“Hey, hey,” The first man spoke up, his voice now directed to you. “I think she woke up. Oh god, she really did!”
Before you could do something, two pair of hands were grabbing your face roughly, making you wince. “Hello there, Y/N!”
You open your eyes and look into the face of a man whom you haven’t seen before, his lips stretched into a wicked smile. “Aren’t you just pretty?”
You hear the other guy coming closer as well. “Do you think…” He says to the one holding tightly to your skin.
He shakes his head, a dangerous glint dancing in his orbs. “I don’t think Boss would mind if we played a bit with her.”
Your stomach started to turn at the words you were hearing. Acting on instinct, you pushed your head to the side, your feet pushing out to push the man away from you– with success. The man stumbled back and fell, a confused expression on his features at your strength.
“What– fuck, grab her!”
You were rising to your feet and tried to run away, but the other guy was hot on your heels and if it weren’t for the ache in your head, you would have gotten away. Quicker than you expected, a hand was grabbing your hair and pushed you back, your figure now hitting the ground forcefully. A second later, you felt the weight of the man on your arm.
“Don’t you try this again.” He grumbled through his teeth, his grip on your hair tightening. “You will be our little girl now, understand? Whatever we say, you will do.” He leans his head closer to you. “Understand?”
You stay silent, the glare on your eyes reaching its peak.
You gasp as the familiar voice touches your ears, your heart going crazy in your chest. You close your eyes and push your head back to the ground, knowing that whatever happened next- you were safe.
Sabo stood merely a meter away from you, next to him the guy you had previously pushed away, now full of blood. Your blonde boyfriend looked calm, like a calm sea, but you knew it was only for the moment. His blue eyes were glowing, all of his emotions radiating from him in waves of pure heat that had another shiver running through you.
You could hear the man next to you gulp. You took the chance and pushed him off you, quickly getting back up and as fast as you allowed yourself, you ran towards Sabo who had his arms open for you.
Before you reached him, a hand closed around your ankle, making you almost trip. You cursed and tried to push your feet out of the grip, but Sabo was already next to you, grabbing the wrist of the man with force.
“You will be sorry to have touched her like this.”
And then you hear bones cracking and a loud shriek coming from the male on the ground– the ground that now started to burn in red, angry flames.
“Y/N,” you hear Sabo say once there is no piece of life left on the ground besides you two. “Are you okay? Did they hurt you?” His hand grabs your face softly, his thumb stroking your cheek. His eyes were full of worry and a deep drop of affection towards you.
“I’m fine,” you mumble and throw yourself against him, your arms engulfing his body with force. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“I’m sorry I’m so late.” He says, voice filled with regret. “I should have come with you, I–”
Your lips press against his for the first time of knowing each other, stopping the words falling from his lips. His own lips start to move instantly, the kiss speaking louder than any of your words could ever.
“I want to see the number five.” You heard a gruff voice say and not helping yourself, you clenched your eyes together, recognizing the number as your own tag that was put in front of your cell.
“Number five was brought to us yesterday, she has a temper, but nothing that a few hits and punches can’t get fixed.” A woman says as she looks at you with a strong gaze.
You gulp, but nevertheless hold her gaze. When she notices you challenging her, she puts on a fake smile.
“We don’t really know much about where she is from, but as she is very pretty, she would make a perfect object to make other jealous of.” She continues, clearly satisfied by the way the man next to her nods. “We know you have a preference of being rough, so she is perfectly fit for your hands.”
You push at your cuffs hanging next to you on the wall, the thought of being sold making your insides turn.
You were just wandering around the day before, the excitement of finally arriving at the Sabaody Archipelago showing in every step you took and in every word you spoke. If you had known what would happen, you wouldn’t have declined to go with your Captain, Luffy. You would have grabbed his hand, planted a sweet kiss against his warm cheek and told him to take you to wherever he pleases. But, with a frown now on your face, you told him you would go with Zoro. You should have known that sooner or later, Zoro would take the wrong way and leave you alone, but as you haven’t been in the group for too long; you were none the wiser. After merely an hour of you being alone, your vision was blocked and your hands were tied together, only being opened once you were put in this cell and cuffed again.
The others were probably worried sick about you and you felt yourself becoming scared– not about what would happen to you, but rather what would happen to Luffy once he found out where you were. It was no secret that Pirates had to be extremely careful here, the danger in form of the Marine waiting around every corner. But, as you knew the leader of the Strawhats, your boyfriend, he would tear the house apart before he could think twice about it, with no thought to what would happen afterwards.
And it would be your fault.
“Are you not listening? I will repeat myself one more time, five, get up and come towards us.”
Your head snapped to the voice of the woman, who was visibly tense by your lack of attention. She glowed with anger, but you still didn’t move. It was as if your body was frozen.
The woman sighed and looked at the man in apology. She grabbed the keys from her pocket and opened the cell, letting the man walk in first.
“We would appreciate if you would teach your new belonging a lesson.” She spoke, her voice filled with a tint of glee. Her dark eyes found yours and in a way that said ‘have fun’, she had risen her eyebrow.
The man in front of you was quickly by your side and pushed the sleeves of his shirt up, but before he did something, he smiled at you– gentle.
“You’re so precious,” His smile turned wider. “I can’t wait to break you.”
You wince and try to hide your figure between your hands, your body terrified of being hurt and no way to escape, when a loud rumble echoes through the giant building. The walls on your cell were visibly shaking, the woman and her client taking a few steps back. “I’m sorry, sir, but we have to l-leave.”
And then you heard the voice of the only man you ever felt your heart beat for, the man who was busy crushing everything and everyone a floor above you-- his mind only searching for your figure. 
“Y/N!” Luffy’s voice was muffled from the walls between you, but it was still clear.
You tried to stand up, but the cuffs didn’t let you go anywhere. You shook the shackles as loud as you could to give away your location, the bruises on your arm from the hours you had to sit here burning with every move.
“Y/N!” You heard again, closer this time. “Where are you!”
You tried to scream, but a piece of cloth was tightly wrapped around you, banning the sounds from springing towards him.
“Shut the hell up!” The woman hissed, and grabbed onto your arm, her fingers digging into the already aching piece of muscle. You whined.
Then a loud bang almost deafened your right ear as the wall next to you crumbled to several pieces. Instinctively you hid your face from the pieces of stone, but once you registered what happened, you shook the shackles once more, showing Luffy that he had finally found you.
“Y/N!” He called once his eyed found you pressed against the wall. You nodded your head, your body going slump at the exhaustion of the last hours. “Just a minute!”
And as quickly as he appeared, his hands turned into fists. His eyes turned pitch black and in the lowest voice he spoke the next words, “Gomu Gomu no…”
You closed your eyes for a few seconds.
The next time you opened them, Luffy was by your side, a drop of blood on his cheek– but it wasn’t his.
“Are you okay, Y/N?! I’m here!” You nodded your head heavily and once Luffy broke the shackles, you ripped the fabric from your lips.
“Luffy!” You jumped into his arms, sniffing loudly.
Not helping himself, he started to smile. “Y/N, finally you’re back.”
And then his arms surrounded you not once, but a million times as he pressed you closer towards him.
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
Okay, so how about for Iron Hawk Tony first learning that Clint is deaf and learning ASL for him. (hmmm. How about he does only to find out due to only partial deafness Clint has actually been using aids since he was a kid and lost hearing and never bothered to learn sign language himself?)
Tony was used to working alone in the workshop. Even now that all of the Avengers shared a living space. Usually when Tony really got lost in his work, the others would flee. Tony knew mostly they were down there to give him company. Most of the things they did down there could be done anywhere in the compound, but the true purpose was to spend time with Tony.
The compound that Tony had designed, where the Avengers had relocated after a Hydra agent had put horrifying images into the head of a scientist named Hank Pym, resulting in a dangerous killer robot named Ultron. The Avengers had taken it out and had arrested the two Hydra agents.
In the wake of it all, they had moved places. Had moved into the compound and were currently working on expanding the Avengers. The team of six that had started out, well, the world needed more heroes than a ragtag team of six people.
The first addition had been Rhodey, through Tony.
Then, with the fall of SHIELD, Sam Wilson joined them. Well, together with all left-over trustworthy SHIELD agents and Maria Hill, who coordinated the agents now.
The latest addition had been Hope van Dyne, daughter to Hank Pym. She had been the one to alert the Avengers early on – despite her father's hatred for the Starks (a reason why Ultron had been born, because the delusions the witch had put in Pym's mind had made him afraid of a world where Tony Stark and the Avengers turned on everyone, resulting in a very faulty security program).
Hope was not her father. Tony knew what it felt like to stand in the shadow of one's father. She was a brilliant woman who had opposed her father on many occasions. She used a suit that shrank and could fly, giving the Avengers additional aerial support.
They all integrated well into the team and the team tried to spend time with each other outside of missions and training, to bond, to form trust and to truly learn each other's ways. The others knew Tony was a busy man though, he had more than just the Avengers – he still had Stark Industries to work for and take care of and he took to upgrading most weapons and suits for the Avengers himself, trusting no one but his own capable hands to make sure his team was safe. So the other Avengers knew that bonding time with Tony was best achieved by joining him in the lab.
Sometimes, Steve would sit on the couch in the corner and draw.
Bruce was a regular down here, working with Tony on multiple projects.
The same went for Hope, who preferred to update her suit and stings herself.
What Natasha did – well, Tony wasn't entirely sure, but she was there occasionally too.
Even Sam spent quite some time down here, ever since Tony had upgraded Red Wing and installed a simplistic AI that gave the robot enough personality (enough to befriend Dum-E).
But once Tony really got into his work though, blasting his music at top volume, most would leave the lab and leave him to it. Tony wasn't sure if it was consideration because they didn't want to disturb him when he was truly concentrated, or if it really was the loud music.
There was only one person who always stayed. And while Tony appreciated that the others were considerate, he really enjoyed having someone who'd always stick around. And that person was Clint. He'd usually be down at the workshop to tinker with his arrows. He had a vast array of trick arrows and special arrows, most of which Clint had either designed or even built himself.
At one point, Tony started to suspect that maybe Clint simply shared his passion for AC/DC. He knew for a fact that it was that band in particular that chased Bruce away. Too aggressive and loud, not what the harborer of the Hulk needed. Which was fair enough. Steve too, not a fan, though he wasn't big on music anyway. Adn Natasha, she preferred classic music over modern. Sam liked them alright, though not at the volume Tony preferred. And Hope just generally didn't like music when she was at work because it was distracting to her.
Clint however, he would stay. Regardless of what music Tony blasted at what volume. In fact, when Tony would go really loud, Clint would always have a smile for him. And no, that was just a random bit of information, it had no significance. It didn't mean anything to Tony when Clint smiled at him in that teasing, crooked kind of way. Any fluttering in his heart was due to a malfunction of the arc reactor or something like that, nothing else.
Natasha had one eyebrow raised as she took a sip from her coffee. It was still quite early. Sam and Steve had just gotten back from their morning jog and they were currently bickering over what to make for breakfast. Natasha had already been awake for two hours, training. It was however rare for Clint to be up this early. Yet here he was, sitting opposite Nat and grinning into his mug.
"AC/CD? Is that Tony's mug?", asked Natasha with a frown.
Clint shook his head at her, a smug look on his face. "Mine. He gave it to me."
"You've been wearing an AC/DC shirt yesterday too", noted Sam curiously. "I thought you didn't like them. Don't tell me Tony converted you, huh?"
"Awful music", replied Clint casually. "But Tony's been giving me stuff? I'm not gonna decline it."
"You could buy your own clothes and then they would actually advertise what you like", offered Steve slightly bemused. "You shouldn't abuse Tony's generous nature like that."
"What? Abuse-", echoed Clint irritated. "I'm not-"
Natasha raised her eyebrows curiously at that. How very interesting. Clint was hoarding AC/DC merchandise not because he liked it but because he liked the person he got it from. Tony. She filed that information away for later usage, knowing fully well it was going to be very useful.
Hope smiled as she listened to Bruce's latest theory on their way to the workshop. Though she was only listening with one ear, if she was being honest. Her main focus was on what Natasha had told her. The two women had grown quite close. Partially through sparring with each other and partially due to being the only female team-members. That did forge a tight bond; they were fighting hard in a boys' world. And while they were both tough in nature, it wasn't easy that they were never allowed any weakness, to a far greater extend than the men.
Anyway, Natasha had cued her in on something very interesting. Apparently, Clint had a crush on Tony. Now, Hope was rather close to Tony. Surprisingly enough. Then again, Hope had always opposed her father and she knew what it was like to stand in her father's shadow so when meeting the Avengers, she had given Tony Stark the benefit of the doubt. He was as much Howard Stark as Hope was Hank Pym. The two scientists had hit it off pretty well from the get-go.
So while Natasha provided intel from Clint's side, Hope was supposed to poke around and see what Tony's opinion on it all was – and if Tony was even aware of what was happening around him.
"Tony, can we please turn down the music?", asked Bruce gently and a bit amused.
When Tony was really in the zone, he was in another plane of existence really. It was fascinating to watch and even quite charming. Hope remembered all the press coverage on Tony Stark throughout the year. The playboy, the drinker. No one ever showed Tony Stark, in a ratty tank-top with holes in it and grease in his hair, grinning like a maniac as he gently talked to his bots and invented things that threw them all decades ahead of their time. The narrative really mattered.
"Su—ure thing, Brucie-bear. Jay, you heard the man." Tony sighed forlorn as the music dimmed down. "Why can't you all appreciate a good AC/DC like Clint does?"
Hope raised her eyebrows and exchanged a look with Bruce. "You really don't know that he doesn't even like AC/DC, huh?"
"What? No. Of course he likes it. He's been wearing the shirt this morning!", argued Tony.
"The shirt you gave him", tagged Bruce on, a little amused.
"...So?", asked Tony confused and sat down on his bench.
Hope sighed and shook her head. "Tony, if you want to get your boyfriend clothes, get him clothes of a band he actually likes, because this... isn't one."
"But he always stays, regardless of how loud I play it?", asked Tony, not minding the boyfriend comment for now because he was still too confused. "He never complains about it."
"...But you do know that he's deaf, right?", asked Hope very slowly. "That he just turns off his hearing aids when he doesn't want to hear something. Mostly Cap's debriefings. And this."
The way Tony stared at her told Hope that Tony did in fact not know this. Bruce shook his head before he went to his work, giving Tony the time to digest this information.
Clint blinked a little confused when he found a glaring small genius blocking his way. It was hard to take pouting Tony seriously because he was just... so short? Glaring was more effective when glared down at someone, not up at someone. All Clint wanted to do was pet Tony's hair (it was very fluffy. Good for petting), but he had learned his lesson. Last time he did that when Tony was furious, no electronics in the entire place had worked for Clint. The toaster, the washing machine, the dryer, the remote, nothing at all, not even the damn internet connection. Never again.
"How did you never tell me you're deaf?", asked Tony, gesturing widely at Clint.
"I... generally don't advertise it?", countered Clint a bit confused.
"Well. Yes. I mean-", started Tony frustrated, gesturing even more now as he started pacing. "I'm Tony Stark. You're walking around with those... mediocre hearing aids and you never thought of telling me that you're deaf? I could have whipped you up something proper years ago!"
Tony moved on to poking Clint in an accusatory manner into the chest. This whole exchange was utterly confusing for the archer, so he decided to move on toward the kitchen, having the genius trail after him. Was Tony angry with him for not sharing this? That seemed... odd.
"Wait", grunted Clint as he realized, slowly turning around to look at Tony. "Are you angry because you think I... don't trust your tech, since I didn't ask you to build me something?"
Tony looked like he had been caught with his hand in the cookie-jar. "I... No? I just... As your team-mate, I think you should have the best of everything. That, of course, includes hearing aids."
Clint hummed and tilted his head. "Honestly, I just... never thought of it? I've had these hearing aids for years now, they've just been... a part of me, for me, mostly. I never really thought about Stark Tech upgrades of them. And, in my line of work, I've learned not to draw too much attention to them. When people hear I'm deaf, they like to conclude I'm not fit to be a spy, an Avenger."
Tony frowned at him. "I... get that. But I want to... help."
It made Clint smile a little. Oh, he loved this small genius so much. Every time Tony had a new idea how to improve Clint's arrows or armor, he'd be so excited – well, with everything of everyone. And even when Clint didn't understand half the things Tony said in explanation, it was so captivating to listen to him. It made Clint wonder for a moment why he had never told Tony.
"I lost my hearing when I was a teen. It was a crazy circus accident", explained Clint softly. "It was... hard, at first. But with the hearing aids, most of the time... I don't even think on it. Or, I try not to. Ever since I entered SHIELD, I had to work against people who thought I'd prove too much a risk on the field – what if the aids fail, what if no one can contact me anymore then. Not to mention a potential lack of communication in general then. Nat was the first person who learned ASL for me, specifically. Just so she could tell the agent who had voiced those doubts to fuck off in ASL. Because it's a language that exists, that people would just have to learn."
Clint paused and jumped onto the kitchen counter, grabbing an apple. "Kids at school, they're encouraged to learn Spanish or French or... or Latin, which is like dead, you know. And that's cool. Languages are cool. But no where are they encouraged to learn ASL, a language that's literally the only means of communication for many people in the US."
Chewing on his apple, Clint watched how Tony sat down, staring at Clint in curious wonder and just listening, which was somehow a nice change from the usual. "It was how Nat and I became a team, you know. After that, we went on a mission together and... ASL actually proves to be really handy for spies, what do you know. Not being required to talk, or be in hearing distance, to communicate can actually be really useful. Shesh."
With a small smile of his own did Tony tilt his head. "So, why do you always smile when I play AC/DC then, if you don't even like it and turn your hearing aids off?"
"Who snitched?", sputtered Clint. "Was it Nat? No, Nat loves me."
"Actually, it were Hope and Bruce. Now, what do you have to say for yourself?", asked Tony. "Because I think I get now why you didn't tell me you were deaf, but why would you take all of that AC/DC merch and let me blast my music if you don't even like it?"
"Well, those are two different questions", started Clint defensively. "I let you blast your music, because... it doesn't bother me. I can just turn off my hearing aids and let you have your fun. I know it makes you happy to listen to your music, so there's that."
The blush suited Tony. "...Okay. That's... nice. But, doesn't explain the AC/DC hoodie you are literally wearing right now, Barton."
"It's cozy?", shrugged Clint. "Besides, it's rude to decline a gift."
"...Sure", grunted Tony, not buying a word his friend was saying.
Clint's eyes widened when he saw Natasha poking her head around the corner of the kitchen with a deadly death-glare. She signed Tell him it's time before crossing her arms over her chest in a very definite gesture, just standing there in the doorway behind Tony. Steve, Hope and Sam stuck their heads out to peek in curiously too. Clint made a face at them, confusing Tony.
"Okay, so maybe I accept them because they're from you", grunted Clint with an edge of defensiveness. "It's... nice. A lot like, you know."
"I don't know, that's why I'm asking", huffed Tony a bit frustrated.
"Like wearing your boyfriend's clothes, that's what it is", whispered Hope.
"Because he lo—oves you", whispered Steve.
"He wants to date you, he wants to kiss you-", tagged Sam on in a sing-sang voice.
"Okay. Enough. You're like children", grunted Natasha unimpressed, ushering the Avengers off.
Tony stared startled at them before he turned back toward Clint. The archer was properly flustered by this, covering his face with one hand and muttering to himself about what he had done to deserve any of this. Sure, he had pranked Hope by putting pink dye in her shampoo last week and maybe he had painted over Steve's shield with hearts and perhaps there had been that one incident where he had replaced Sam's favorite vanilla pudding with mayonnaise, but still he did not deserve this.
"You like me? Why? How? When? What?", asked Tony stunned.
"Believe me, it was as much a shock for me as it is for you now", drawled Clint dryly. "But you're... you. Not the press you I was debriefed on. The real you. The cute, excitable genius with the heart of gold who does everything for everyone he cares about."
"So... you... want to go on a date?", asked Tony unsure. "I mean, is that-"
"Yes", interrupted Clint and nodded wildly. "Only if you-"
"If I may interrupt, Miss van Dyne has taken the liberty to booking a table at sir's favorite restaurant for today, 7PM. Doctor Banner assures you that if anything comes up, 'the Big Guy will take care of it' so you should not worry about anything", interrupted Jarvis.
"...When did they...", muttered Tony surprised.
"After your conversation last night", replied Jarvis.
Clint looked very pleased in his Iron Man hoodie, drinking out of his Iron Man mug. This was the perfect compromise. Instead of merchandise of things he wasn't interested in, Clint now got merchandise of something he was very interested in. His boyfriend. Okay, okay, some merch was also of the other Avengers, but most of Clint's things now were Iron Man themed.
"I finished them!", exclaimed Tony as he came running into the kitchen.
A bit startled, Clint looked up at the very excited looking genius before being handed... hearing aids. Smaller than his, less obvious. And with a Stark Tech logo on them. Clint blinked surprised.
"Wait, Tony. Did you seriously...", muttered Clint.
"Of course", huffed Tony nearly offended. "My boyfriend needs to have the best of the best. And I've been meaning on branching more out."
Clint took a moment to appreciate the effort and time that must have gone into this – was this the secret project that had Tony locked into his lab alone lately? Even without Clint. To make it a surprise? What a total dork. Grinning tentatively, Clint took his old hearing aids out before putting the new ones in. Tony tilted his head like a curious puppy, watching him eagerly.
"How is it? Does it work? Is it comfortable?", asked Tony anxiously.
"It's perfect. Like everything else you do, Tones", answered Clint fondly.
He got up and pulled Tony into a hug, kissing him softly. In the background, Sam made gagging noises that somehow, Clint could hear even clearer than with his old aids.
"Shove it, jealousy doesn't suit you, Wilson", signed Tony over Clint's shoulder.
The entire team had learned ASL in the past weeks, after Tony suggested it, echoing Clint's words about him and Natasha. Nat had taught them and while some had picked it up quickly – Tony and, surprisingly so, Steve – others, such as Sam, struggled more with it. Sam huffed at them.
"You don't have to be all cute in front of my breakfast though", grunted Sam.
Tony grinned broadly, hanging off Clint's neck. "Can't help it. I'm always cute."
"That you are", agreed Clint fondly, kissing Tony's cheek. "Thank you, Tones."
Read this here on FFNet & here on AO3!
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arcbesque · 5 years
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hiiiee it’s mae again w a second muse i promiSe i won’t neglect - pls hold me to that ❛ new york’s very own rory abernathy was spotted on broadway street in white converse. your resemblance to thomas doherty is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty-fourth birthday bash. while living in new york, you’ve been labeled as being naive , but also benevolent. i guess being a pisces explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be scuffed pointe shoes, scribbles in the margins of poetry books & bruised knees . & ( cismale & he/him ) + ( mae, 19, she/her, gmt )
(he’s semi inspired by billy elliot)
rory was born in new york to scottish immigrant parents, but his mother died in childbirth; his father did his best to raise him well but they lived just below the poverty line and he struggled on his own in an unfamiliar city that had promised them so much and not delivered
rory’s also deaf, born with profound bilateral sensory neural hearing loss but that was never a problem with his father, who made sure he had hearing aids from the moment they knew something wrong, learnt and taught rory asl, and got him his cochlear implant at three years old, which partially improved his hearing
what his father did have a problem with was his passion for ballet; it started when he was young and used to watch classes through a window, then steal library books on ballet history and technique and practice when his dad wasn’t home
rory knew that the odds were against him; he could still hear the beat of the music but many teachers weren’t interested in a malnourished deaf boy who wanted to learn ballet on the cheap, and his father, alongside his own issues with masculinity, was worried about rory making himself more vulnerable
but his skill is incredible - he taught himself and sold newspapers to raise the money to take himself to ballet school auditions, and when he got into the joffrey ballet school at fourteen, he continued to work alongside his training to make ends meet
he went straight into broadway and hasn’t looked back since; he loves the stage and the lights and the smell of hairspray backstage so much that the long hours don’t bother him; at least he isn’t selling newspapers anymore but he is starring in newsies teehee
the first thing he bought with his first pay check was a proper apartment for his dad, who’s now his biggest fan; but rory worries often about whether he really accepts him, or his money
his pinterest is here !!
he appears very sure of himself but still harbours a lot of doubts and holds onto every criticism he gets
he’s gay but not at all open about it; he always says its just because he doesn’t have time for relationships, but he worries about his father, still, and opening up another vulnerable part of him to be picked at
he loves reading and writing; he’s written several plays but doesn’t quite have the confidence to send them anywhere. although he can lipread and speak aloud, he still has trouble expressing himself properly to anybody who can’t sign, but writing bypasses that all for him
although he’s found massive success, he doesn’t indulge in celebrity or wealth; his apartment is modest and he’ll wear his favourite shirt until it has holes in it, and then he’ll wear it some more
he is incredibly kind, however, and would much rather spend his money on other people, though that can mean he’s a little open to being taken advantage of
cries at literally anything
he’s a vegetarian cos he cries at any animal in pain, don’t even get near him with animal cruelty ads he loses it
he only has one tattoo, of his mothers name, isla, on his hip so that it’s never on show when he performs
he’s a softie but he’s incredibly muscular strong & tall (ballet duh), so can seem quite intimidating before you know him
possible connections!
friends - he’s a cutie c’mon + somebody/some people who can sign asl would b v lovely for him
bad influence - he’s not one for breaking the rules or stepping out of his comfort zone but this person makes him wanna try
first love - a boy from ballet/dance/drama school who first helped him to explore his sexuality and the idea of love- they lost touch but meet again years later
exes - ppl he couldn’t commit to or ppl who couldn’t commit to him and his insecurities, bad good anything
flirtationship - he’ll never make the first move + these are so much fun
i’m sure i’ll massively edit & add to this but for now pls im me or like this & we can plot to our hearts content !! (ps. this is a sideblog for @exudcd so when this blog doesn’t follow back that’s why)
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ofmorninglory · 5 years
Space Pirates (idk like Treasure Planet maybe?) + Stony or Clintasha
An expansion piece!!! To this post right here --> that’s Halbarry Space Pirates AU and honestly one of the Best AUs, no questions asked, that the lovely @magicalzatanna​ and I came up with when Crossover AU hell first started. Am I also adding that Barry and Clint are twin brothers? Why yes, I certainly am, and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop me! This is basically Star Trek meets Something Like Treasure Planet: 
(I wanted desperately to put this under read more but it won’t LET ME so I’ll tag this as “long post” and hope you guys don’t hate me too much)
Does Clint absolutely hate his brother for getting him into this? He does, he most certainly would love to suffocate Barry while he was sleeping. Unlike his twin brother, Clint Allen would very much love to have his feet down on Earth. Space was unpredictable, unknown, and it gave Clint the heebie jeebies to actually think about all the things that were out there, floating in space, waiting to pounce on human idiocy. Nevertheless, he was Barry’s twin brother and they had never been more than a couple of days apart. Clint loved Barry more than anything (and how could he not? How could he not adore his twin brother, who was kind and solid ground, who taught everyone around them ASL so they could talk to Clint when he wasn’t feeling like wearing his hearing aids) and the thought of letting him go off-world without him? It was unconceiveable. Sure, he hates space, but he hates the thought of his brother out there all alone even more. (Their mother is gone, their father is in jail--Clint only has Barry and he doesn’t even want to let go) 
It’s a miracle that he gets into the Academy, given his hearing issues, but he figures it has something to do with being buddies with Tony Stark (who also designed all of his hearing aids, no charge or favors owned; “only the best of the best for one of my best” Stark had said back then) and how many recommendation letters administration got from other students (all of Barry’s friends, of course) commending him on his skills (near-perfect aim, spoke 3 languages fluently, skills in combat, great strategist and tactitian, also good with tech when it came down to it). He’s afraid that they might separate him and Barry, but Bruce Wayne is Captain, and chooses him and Barry in their respective departments (he’s Safety & Security while Barry’s Reasearch & Development) for the USS Justicia. Clint actually gets along pretty well with everyone in the ship, specially with the people in Barry’s Lab who all learned basic ASL language for him. He absolutely hates space with a burning passion (and he’ll continue to hate it no matter how many fucking times Barry and Tony get excited over aliens and other equally distressful scenarios), but at least he’s with his brother and that’s about enough for him.
But then there’s a fucking pirate space ship and Clint’s life goes to hell. He thought he had something going on, he really did, but space really is unpredictable. He tried telling this to Barry and Iris about five-hundred-and-forty-six times in the past, but no one ever listens to him. 
Cue in Natasha Romanoff (Natalia Romanova, Natalie Rushman, she doesn’t really know anymore) who was given a second chance at life by the Captain and the Commandos (”It’s my ship!” Hal screams everytime “We are not the Commandos!” “I’m the Captain,” Steve says back, calmly, “And we are.”) Before being found by the Highball, a hideous name if she ever heard one (she’s told Hal as much), Natasha was an asset for a well-known Space Trafficking Ring. She had been picked up as a child, and then whipped into shape by Madame B, under Thaal Sinestro’s orders. Since then, she’d been doing their bidding, hollow and more than a little lost. When Sinestro came back as a Yellow Lantern after being kicked out of the Green Lantern Corps, she was sent to eliminate Hal, of course, but the power of the ring stopped her from doing it. Hal extended her an olive branch, and asked her if this really was what she wanted to be doing. Natasha fled, at first, but the more she hid from Sinestro and Madame B, the more she thought maybe Hal had a point. She finds him, his ship and his crew, and asks to join them. She had to learn to adjust to being part of a team, and she still sometimes feels odd and out of place, but Steve and Sam help her through it. Bucky tries, sure, because he understands, but he’s never been really good. The Highball is as good as any home, she thinks, and she’s warming up to the people around her little by little. 
When the Highball crashes into the USS Justicia (and Tony and Hal bond over rumoured Treasure Planet that they may have been looking for since the ship was space-borne), Clint and Natasha are forced to co-exist, just like everyone else in the ship. Reparations for the USS Justicia are slow with little to no materials to actually do it, and if Clint hated space before he outright despises it now. He takes an instant interest in Natasha, because there’s something there that Clint can’t explain himself but he wants to know. Natasha is elusive and will go to great lengths to avoid him, but he’s sneaky and very good at finding her on every single hide-out in the ship. She hates him a little bit for it, but actually respects him. She starts warming up to the idea of him little by little (and it has nothing to do with how blue his eyes are, shut up, Sam) and they become kind-of-sort-of friends. They talk about combat, martial arts, his great marksmanship, the 800 languages she knows (“They’re 10, Clint.” “I CAN BARELY SAY MY NAME IN ENGLISH, TASHA”), and how their lives turned out like this. Clint probably finds Nat mid nightmare, mid panic attack, mid-I’m-still-in-the-Red-Room spiral down that seems never ending, and he’s the only one who’ll hold her and whisper sweet words into her hair, until she’s fallen back asleep in his arms. Natasha jumps in front of danger every single time Clint is in any bad situation that’s about to get worse. They suddenly start merging into a couple and no one really knows what the fuck is going on, those are facts. Barry’s just happy his brother’s got this out of space, which he seems to hate so much. 
Tony Stark is head of the R&D department and second in command in the USS Justicia. He and Bruce W had never gotten along much (not like he and Bruce B, who’s a sweetheart and owns Tony’s entire heart) but they’re effective enough together that the Federation thought it was a good idea to give them their own goddamn ship. Tony doesn’t complain. Much. There’s not much waiting for him on Earth (his father disowned him, Stark Industries fell to Obadiah Stane after his parent’s untimely death) and Bruce W is a good Captain that keeps their crew in top-shape. He’s not leading any of them into battle, like so many other Captains did nowadays, and Tony revels in the quiet existance that is flying through space in a glorified saucer. He likes his team (picked Barry himself, deeply interested in his thesis) and they discover heart-stopping, amazingly cool stuff every. Single. Day. Tony couldn’t be happier, he really couldn’t. (Some days Bruce W will go to a Federation Post somewhere for meetings and Tony will get to be Captain, that’s the only instance of all of this that made it better.)
Captain Steve Rogers, or former Captain at least, used to be the captain to an important Federation vessel, the USS Valkyrie, that doesn’t exist anymore (unless you count the heap of scrap that was left of it after it was decomissioned). He was never one to follow rules, and while the Federation had given him his dream to see the stars (something he never would have dreamed of in a million years as a sickly kid, who could never even get out of bed some days), there were still some rules and regulations he simply couldn’t agree on. After getting his rank revoked and his crew relocated (except Bucky, of course, who was with him to the end of the line; he couldn’t blame the others, either, they had families to feed) Steve and Bucky are back on Earth, feeling miserable and forlorn. That is, until the Highball docks in San Francisco (illegally, might I add) and Hal Jordan, in all his glory, offers them a spot in his crew of misfits, and the rest is pretty much history. They travel space, they help people the way they always wanted, they kick-ass, take names--Steve would have never thought, at the beginning of his career, that this is where years of training at the Academy would take him. He finds he doesn’t care very much. 
Until the day the Highball hits the fucking USS Justicia. Steve wants to pull out all of his hair because of course it had to be a fucking Federation vessel. Harold steps up as the calm, collected, reasonable adult that he never is, and get everyone on board. Steve thinks “hey, it can’t get much worse!” and then Tony-fucking-Stark walks through the door and he wants to die. 
Steve’s been crushing on Tony since the younger man stepped into the Academy, all those years ago, except he was never really good at expressing his feelings, and no matter how much Bucky tried to get him to ask Stark on a date, all Steve managed, every single time, was get Tony angrier at him and their relationship becoming even rockier. Tony immediately recognizes him and it’s like they’re younger now, back at the Academy, and being enemies (even when Steve wanted anything but that). Tensions are high at the Highball (hah!) and Steve, bless his heart, just wants to fix the USS Justicia as fast as is possible.
Except, you know, Clint and Natasha find a goddamn map to Treasure Planet (Steve never believed it to be a thing) and Hal and Tony can’t stop vibrating in their places, shooting off at the mouth, overexcitedly, about how many things could be in this planet!! Somehow, they all get roped into searching for this planet, and Steve really, really just wants to rest. Somewhere along the way, Tony stops being all fire and brimstone, and in turn, Steve tries to be less of an awkward idiot around him (Barry helps a lot, he really does) and the two form an unlikely friendship. Since Steve is still Captain of the Highball (Hal appointed him; there was a SIGNED CONTRACT in between; Hal could own the ship all he wanted, but he still was Captain) he feels responsible for everyone inside his ship, and the adventure they’re about to undertake is, perhaps, one of the most dangerous. Steve just hopes they’ll make it through it. 
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jumphq · 6 years
Post-Mortem, Sparrow Tour 2018
This was a month that felt like four months. I don’t mean that in a bad way. I mean that in the amazing way that doing all sorts of brand-new things and being very much in the moment seems to slow down time. There are articles written about this phenomena, actually: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-empowerment-diary/201705/how-slow-down-time. According to this article, the reason September went by so freaking meaningfully is that we were bombarding ourselves with Firsts. First big tour in support of Sparrow. First time in a long time heading back to the Northeast and Midwest. First time I had to add an actual keyboard to the list of instruments I bring on stage, and within that one instrument there were dozens of sounds I had to reproduce. Etcetera, etcetera.
We worked hard. I don’t know if it’s readily ascertainable that being in a rock and roll band is tons of work by looking at one. It’s fun work, usually, but has its moments of being very intense. Especially when a new album comes out. There is radio to do in the mornings, interviews scattered during the day, loading in and out of venues, and we added soundcheck meet & greets that meant that once we arrived in a city, we were going to be working from then until show, basically.
It’s so fulfilling, though. I am the kind of person that works hard, all the time. I push and push myself (sometimes for no seeming reason), and am frustrated and disappointed with myself when I don’t get enough done. I would be classified as a “type-A” person, and I don’t mind. But sometimes I’m just working on “things” that I’m not as passionate about. An eight hour day of working on something I’m not emotionally connected to is much more tiring than working sixteen hours a day on something I believe in and care about. Being in JLC is that kind of job.
We needed every second that we had to put this tour together. These new songs are hardto play. There is so much going on in each and every song on Sparrow. Not necessarily more than on earlier recordings, but keep in mind that we never had to re-learn songs after other albums; we had been playing them live forever before we got to the studio and didn’t change them much after. There has always been a “live version” and a “studio version” of early Jump songs.
Not this time. Jay spent a crazy amount of time accessing the original recording files and turning his voice and Ward’s cello parts into samples that I could play on the keytar. While Evan didn’t really want to play to tracks, he add some electronic drums to his repertoire to approximate some of the parts live. Ward brought two guitars on tour for the first time, and Johnny played not only electric bass but a beloved new Moog Phatty. It was complicated, felt a little bit fragile, at first, but once we got the hang of things it was fun.
Hurricane Florence, while not visiting Charleston, still brought chaos to the city. There was anxiety felt wondering whether we’d be hit and how that would affect our practice. Shops and roads started closing down and we made a move so the entire band could be close by in case of flooding. In the end we were very very lucky, but there were still repercussions for us. We were trying to fulfill our PledgeMusic items, to get them sent out before tour, but this didn’t happen because mail basically shut down in NC, SC, and GA. This put us a full week behind, and we spent the rest of the month trying to catch up on many things.
Even in the last few days of rehearsal we were all feeling a bit overwhelmed. We camped out at the Footlight Player’s Theatre and the goal was to have a “listening party”, a final rehearsal before we hit the road, and that night, to be honest, I was not ready. Lyrics weren’t memorized and I had to think way too much about parts and how to play them. We were being hard on ourselves, though, and the response was so encouraging afterwards I didn’t mind spending the rest of that week’s dinner breaks to get in some extra practice so that the songs could feel comfortable.
Once the shows began, a quick weekend to some of our favorites: Charlotte, Atlanta, Columbia, where we were starting to find our groove. Raleigh, though, and the Lincoln Theatre, was a special surprise. It was Sunday, we hadn’t had a day off in three weeks, we were exhausted. It wasn’t the largest crowd we’ve played to, but that show was so much fun. People there were there to have a good time, and it put us into overdrive. Thank you so much, Raleigh.
The next leg was in the Northeast (and DC, where I insulted many a mid-Atlantic inhabitant). We hadn’t been there in fifteen years, but every show was sold out or nearly so, and that made us feel so great. These shows were our first of the City Winery gigs, and they were good to us. Great sound, great food. There were many highlights, for me, up North. We had a duo of ASL interpreters in DC that had mad sign-singing skills, and were more fun to watch than we were. Our show at Le Poisson Rouge made us feel so sexy to sell out such a great place in the Big Apple. Performance-wise, the NYC show was my favorite performance-wise; I felt really “on” that night. The super-intimate punk-rock feel of Union Pool in Brooklyn was refreshing after the lovely but slightly clinical City Wineries. We had to put Wardie in a corner to fit on stage, and many Dirty Dancing jokes were necessary. Our old pal the Mommyheads came to play with us, and they were as good as they were 20 years ago. Lots of our fans came just to see them that night and I didn’t mind at all. We had a lovely evening off with three people that pledged for the album and got to go to a Dr. Who-themed bar with us. The trio couldn’t have been more interesting and fun to hang out with: the professional bassoonist, the research monitor, and the Facebook developer. Loved that evening, and Ward got to show off his hipster Brooklyn knowledge by taking us to great places for dinner and dessert.
And Chicago! My kind of town. Chicago was a big deal for me personally, because I knew that the audience was going to be made up of a lot of friends and family that had never seen the band before, never seen me in that light, literally. I was a little nervous about that show, and I rarely get nervous. I also wanted very much for Chicago to be the show that was 100% accessible to the d/Deaf and hard of hearing. City Winery worked so hard with me to provide CART real-time captioning for all the goofy stuff we said in-between songs. And the captioning of the lyrics was provided by my other passion job, CaptionPoint, built by my wife Lindsay and run by my dear friend Lora. It was even more successful than I had hoped, the captions looked great on both sides of the stage. It was the first time Lindsay had ever been able to fully experience a JLC show; I am sure that our stage patter was absolutely worth the wait.
Wow. As I’m writing this I realize again how relatively short the tour was: after Chicago there were only three more dates. But it felt like we did so much. We saw so many of you, talked to everyone as long as we could and took pictures. The “soundcheck parties” were so fun for us. Seeing everyone again was energizing, to me. I wished at times that I could have spent more time. You said such wonderful, heartfelt things, things that I heard very clearly and appreciated completely. I am honored that this band and music and community has meant so much to you over the years; you mean everything to us. When people told me that they liked Sparrow I knew they were telling the truth and not just making conversation. Nothing could have made us happier. Like I said: fulfilling.
Athens was a highlight: we hadn’t seen the GA Theatre since it burned in 2009. The renovation was beautiful. They managed to keep the vibe of the place while making it all so much…better. But the fans in Athens have always been a special breed and we could have played on the streets if that was the only way to get to them. In the new GA Theatre we didn’t have to.
And finally, the Charleston Music Hall. Our new home. Our new “Dock Street”, a place that just makes us feel like the chamber-pop stars we are. We will see you soon, CMH.
This post is a marathon. If you’ve gotten this far, you must be a fan of the band, so I appreciate it. I want to thank many people for making this tour and this year possible, because…contrary to pop belief, we are not a famous rock band with loads of cash and there were many many donated hours that made this tour work.
Our manager Vance’s sidekicks on the Crew were Nick Stewart, the Ultimate Intern, hazed by his boss into oblivion and seemed to love every minute. He sold you tee shirts this time, but he’s going to be running something big someday. Herbie Jeffcoat, monitors and front-of-house, the sweetest “country boy” (his words, but also true) you could want on your team. Especially funny this time was hearing Herbie converse in his potent Southern accent with the FOH in Boston with a potent accent of his own. Translators were required.
Mike Rogers: what a treat it is to have gotten to know you both as a professional sound engineer and family member. I think that if Dad and your Mom had a reason to work with each other growing up like Evan and I have with you, our families would be closer than they are. Let’s keep working at it.
Alison Kendrick! The person that would be sooo bad at being a ninja because she simply wouldn’t be able to be quiet because life is just SO MUCH FUN and worth every giggle: thank you. Teasing aside, Alison is a complete and utter professional, a doer but more importantly a Problem Solver, and I truly would not have been able to do all the things internet-related without you. Thank you for being a mentor and a real friend. If you’d like to work with Alison yourself, please go to akshouts.com
Our uncomfortably attractive lawyer Gabe Fleet is genuinely fun to hang out with, giving attorneys a good name. Old pal Josh Terry and his amazing team in Maddison and Jen at Workshop Management opened doors that are closed to most people so thank you for helping us walk through them. New friends Sue, Lindsay and Tyler at Stunt Company put us in front of the movers and shakers and some (NPR, Paste, American Songwriter) actually liked what they heard.
Chris Slack, you hold all the archival keys to our kingdom and are dear to us for much more than that. Nate Baerreis and Ed and Val Schooling Brantley made us look so cool, so often. How, we will never know. Thank you.
Thanks to our families who let us be gone as much as we have been, this year. Some of you haven’t experienced not having us around, and I know it was hard, but thank you for being so supportive. We love you.
And Chief “Not-Getting-Paid-What-He’s-Worth” is Vance McNabb, who is still working on this tour two weeks later and won’t be done for a while. There are no ways to thank you, V, except perhaps to find a way to make Sparrow huge so you can get a massive raise and hire tons of people to help you. So, we’ll work on that.
Actually…will y’all please help us work on that? If not for us, for Vance? Thank you. And thank you most of all, for letting us make this album. Sparrow is a beautiful thing to us and we’re so lucky that you wanted to hear it. We are lucky that we got to make it. But it isn’t over, is it? There are ways we can try to keep this machine going, if you are willing. More in another post.
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333kaylynn · 6 years
Deaf / g.d.
y/t/n: your twitter name
Word Count: 1950
Request: no 
here i am tagging more people that i hope will enjoy this. sorry if this is annoying lol
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She was calm. A calm young girl who had her whole life ahead of her. Nothing would get in her way.
Her passion for the arts led her down a deep path of internet searching. Searching for more people who had interests like her.
Her love for two boys grew expeditiously after she saw one simple photo on Instagram. The way the photo was taken was enough to make her look through the entire Instagram account, and enough for her to look through each of the boys'.
Her love grew more and more each day, soon leading her to talk so highly of the art she had seen all over twitter.
She hadn't realized these boys were so popular. The amounts of tweets and dm's she had received were unbearable.
She didn't mind them though. People just told her who they were. People were even nice enough to ask to be friends.
Months. Months after the incident had occurred she had gotten one simple dm that changed her life so copiously.
She answered within seconds. She knew who it was, why wouldn't she. It was one of the boys she saw in the photos.
The blue verified mark next to his name proved it wasn't something fake.
The two began talking and it led to so much for each of them. He began asking her about her passion for art and she began asking him anything she really could. Asking about who took the photos, who edited them, how they got to the locations.
Her passion for photography was unreal. She loved it so much. Nobody, not even her mom could completely understand her addiction to the art. 
Her mom always supported her though. Her love started after her mom bought her a cheap Kodak camera from Walmart when she was 8 years old. As the years went on, she got better equipment, better cameras, and better things to photograph. She went from photographing her pets, to her family, to her friends, and soon to help with the school yearbook. 
She thought of it more as a hobby rather than a career up until she was about 17. Her senior year is when she decided what she’d major in. 
@/graysondolan: hey, idk if this is weird, but can we ft? 
@/y/t/n: i don’t know, gray. maybe another time
@/graysondolan: yeah, yeah. that’s fine
It’s not that she didn’t want to see him. She just wasn’t sure about how he’d feel. 
You see, there’s one thing that hadn’t been mentioned yet. A severe case of Jaundice as a child led her to grow up slowly losing her hearing. 
Her mother began teaching her ASL at a young age, she even signed her up with a specialist who would help her get through everything. 
By age 12, she had fully lost hearing in her right ear. By the time she turned 16, her hearing was fully gone. 
Days had gone by since the first time Grayson had asked her to ft, he continued to ask her if she was up for it. Each time was a different excuse. It’s not that she got joy out of upsetting him, she just didn’t want to upset him more when he saw her answering him with her hands rather than her mouth. 
Her speaking wasn’t all bad. She could still say a few words, but she couldn’t always control how loudly or quietly she would be talking. She wasn’t mute, but it was easier for her to talk in ASL than in English.
She knows Grayson is a nice guy. He probably wouldn’t care that much, but it worried her to a great extent. Her anxiousness was rising every time Grayson would ask. 
@/graysondolan: can I at least have your number? 
@/y/t/n: 878-575-3434
*read @ 3:45 pm*
370-454-3859 : Y/n?
yeah, its me
Grayson: glad I could get your number;)
very funny, trying to slide are ya?
Grayson: nahhhh. no way.
ok ok;)
Grayson: you sure we don’t have time to facetime
i’m positive grayson, i really can’t right now
Grayson: will you ever be able to
maybe. stop asking and perhaps you’ll find out
Grayson: hopefully i will. anyway, what you up to?
trying to help my mom teach my younger brother asl
Grayson: asl?
American sign language
Grayson: oh thats cool, are you fluent?
yeah, since i was about 13. 
Grayson: oh cool, all I can speak is english. kinda lame
eh, not too bad. 
Grayson: yeah but you can speak english and asl, thats way cooler
i guess 
Her brother was about 9 years old when she first lost her hearing. He’s now 10, almost 11. He began learning asl to talk with his sister a little before his 10th birthday. 
He always loved watching his sister edit the photos she had taken that day, but it was quite hard to talk to her considering they had to write everything out. 
Almost 3 full notebooks had been filled throughout the year. One of them even had writings on the front and back cover. 
A few days had passed since her last conversation with Grayson. It wasn’t like them to not talk for that long. They hardly stopped for even as short as an hour. 
Grayson: so where do you go to school? or is that weird
its not weird. im homeschooled, have been since 7th grade
Grayson: oh why’s that? 
mom had to pull me out. i wasn’t up to speed with the other kids
Which was true. She wasn’t. Her hearing loss caused her to slowly turn her straight a’s to straight f’s. It was hard for her to put mind to the things her teachers were saying. 
Her mom already had a teaching degree, and so it wasn’t hard for her mom to begin teaching her daughter as soon as possible. Her brother continued to go to public school, his mom didn’t want him to miss out on certain things and neither did his sister. 
She didn’t want to be the reason to hold people back, especially her family. Her brother’s love for hockey wasn’t something she could hold back, so she wasn’t going to be upset if he wanted to join a  public school in order to make sure he would be able to join the younger league of hockey in 5th grade. 
He’s started his first year already. His love for hockey had grown instantly after he began playing. His sister always came to his practices and games and got tons of pictures. 
Some even weren’t of her brother. The coach had asked if she would be willing to take pictures after he had seen the ones of her brother. 
The photos had gone up on the website for the hockey association. It was something she was very proud of, and many of the hockey moms had asked if she had gotten any photos of their sons. 
Word got around quickly, so more photos were being taken and distributed to the moms of the boys. It hadn’t bothered her at all, she loved taking the pictures and she loved to see the parents reactions to the wonderful photos she had taken. 
Grayson: its been a week since ive asked last, so im asking again. can we facetime yet? i just wanna see your face and talk to you. 
im at my brothers hockey game. we can when i get home, i promise
After all, if it did end up bothering him, she could easily ignore him. block him, and never speak to him again. It would be a lot harder if they had actually met in real life, but they hadn’t. Virtually talking to people can have its advantages when needed. 
She just needed to know how he’d feel. If she was being honest, she’d say she didn’t care. She didn’t care about his reaction anymore, but she wanted to know what it was. She wanted to see and talk to Grayson just as much as he wanted to with her. 
Grayson: prove it
what do you want a pic?
Grayson: a video
You laughed silently to yourself and took a video of your face and then of your brother playing hockey. You sent the video with a message
That good enough for you?
Grayson: yes very
good. we’re done soon, in case youre wondering
Grayson: thank god. I cant wait to actually talk to you
you are right now
Grayson: you know what i mean. you know. speak
right right, okayyyyy
In all reality, she was horrified. In the back of her mind she was scared. But she was ready, ready to face her fear. Ready for what was to come.
As the time went by it seemed to get slower and slower. Her mind was fumbled with the thought of if she should actually go through with this.
On one hand, she wouldn't have to worry about Grayson finding out her little secret, but on the other hand, she couldn't see herself lying to him this much.
It wasn't a healthy thing to do. To hold back. She was going through a lot. Her brain was tortured and in pain as she thought about how she would introduce herself. Would she say hi, would she sign to him? No. He wouldn't understand that.
Slowly but surely the clock went tick, tick, tick. The time was now. She was about to face her fear of abandonment. As the facetime call rang and she twiddled with her thumbs, wiping her face due to the beads of sweat drippling down her tomato red face, her brother sat beside her and comforter her, making sure she was okay. She nodded and after a few more rings, Grayson picked up. He said hi, she could see it. It wasn't hard to tell that he was excited. Your brother was signing underneath the phone, so only you could see it. Grayson kept talking, your brother trying to sign as quickly as he could. Her brother looked at the camera and then down at the screen at Grayson, who sat in silence, confused at her sudden lack of quirkyness.
"Y/n, you okay?" Grayson says, her brother signing it to her. She looks back up and nods, smiling as if everything was okay. "Are you sure, you keep looking down." Grayson says, looking at you and tilting his head as a way to express his confusion.
"Grayson, uh she-" Her finger gently pressed to her lips to get her brother to be quiet.
She looked up and waved, and breathed in through her noise before slowly breathing out through her mouth. She let her hands take control, and Grayson laughed before saying "You know I only speak english, babe." She sighed and looked at her brother before signing, "Tell him." Her brother nodded before looking at Grayson and then quickly at her to make sure. She nods and starts slowly breathing harder, her face growing redder.
"Grayson. She can't hear you." Her brother says with the most seriousness in his small face.
"What do you mean? Is her phone broken?" Grayson asks, trying to talk more to see if that'll help.
Her brother tells Grayson to be quiet so he can speak, which silences Grayson. "Grayson, she can't hear you because she's deaf."
"What? You're lying." Grayson shook his head in disbelief and then looked at you for confirmation.
You sighed and started signing, your brother speaking for you.
You explained everything to him, and he sat there listening. He didn't judge you at all, and you stayed friends. 
He even took it upon himself to learn asl so when he was finally able to meet you, you guys could talk. You guys could communicate. 
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jerihco-blog1 · 6 years
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howdy, y’all ! my name’s billy and this is my boy adrian jay woods, or as you may know him from dc comics: joseph “jericho” william wilson. below the cut you’re going to find a ton of information about my guy here and if you have any other questions, you are free to ask. if you’d like to PLOT please LIKE THIS or MESSAGE ME a.s.a.p. so we can start going through the motions. he was kind of important to the deathstroke comics & teen titans comics in the 80′s and 90′s, but he’s been there through other times more recently too, given the rebirth and all the new comics.
there are some assumptions due to stuff from canon, if the characters are applied for i’ll hit them up. if i mess up otherwise, hit me up!
also there are undescriptive mentions of violence, killing, death, depression, addiction, and jumping off the ledge. it also has a lot of spoilers. so if you are uncomfortable with these mentions, please skip to the third part of the bio where i talk about him modern day or hit me up if you haven’t heard of jericho before. 
so i totally forgot to mention that there are some things i won’t rp here because i’m a confusing person. i’m not comfortable rping: anything with any food (drinks and like fruit have always been find, but eating and like hotdogs and stuff make me feel gross), or nsfw (mainly nudity, sex, etc).
№ — ( BRANDON FLYNN, HE/HIM & CISMALE, DC ) ┊ did you hear about JERICHO? i heard that they also go by JOSEPH WILSON - wait no ! they go by ADRIAN WOODS now - and are aged 23. they literally turned into dust for a hot second, so i don’t know how they’re doing, in all honesty. ( billy / 18 / est / he/him & they/them )
so honestly i wanna say i’ve read the rebirth comics and some of the 80′s, but otherwise i’m still working on all of the ones with jericho in it. i’ve just not had the time or patience for all the craziness there is in the comics. that being said, his portrayal is solely based on a mix of the comics and not from the movie or his tv show appearances. if arrow is adding jericho, i’m also ignoring that.
as both adrian and himself, his personality is pretty much the same. he’s a really big sweetheart who tries his best to be his best. he doesn’t like to fight, but when there really isn’t another option he knows how to hold himself up. while he places people on pedestals, he sees their flaws and chooses to ignore them. he can stand up for himself, but he’s just not that guy. he doesn’t let things go very easily and often times his negative thoughts become so within himself that it gets to be too much and it just comes out in a series of mistakes. he’s also got a clever sense of humor.
also he’s the child of slade wilson and adeline kane.
and he cannot speak due to a childhood incident, so to communicate he will use ASL or possession or his phone. there’s also some gloves that have been in the works for decades now so i think that when he was joseph he’d use that when in costume after he got his new suit to make battles easier for communication without it being completely just magic pill solution. sometimes the gloves don’t work or get hit so he also has a text to speech thing on him.
before the infinity war and the infamous snap and so much more, joseph was just your everyday kid. sure, his father and mother were dysfunctional at best and his older brother wanted nothing more than to run away from the family, but it wasn’t anything too abnormal. he went to parties when invited, got good grades, and had a fairly wide friend group.
his father and his children had a strained relationship, but in his own way he did show his children he loved them. he supported them when grant went towards having similar interests as himself, and he supported them when joseph started finding his passion in the arts.
one day his parents were fighting and his older brother, grant wilson, finally decided to run away for real. when he left, joey never got a chance to see him again until he heard he had been killed trying to kill the teen titans for a terrorist organization called h.i.v.e. many years later.
that day grant ran away though, was the day his father was contracted to kill a man who employed a villain named “jackal”. that death resulted in joseph’s kidnapping by said villain and in him getting his throat sliced - both taking his ability to speak and giving him his father’s blood in his system and triggering his mutant genes.
after joey healed in the hospital, his parents seperated and his mother ran away to new york with most of her things. his mother now resented slade and joey wouldn’t really see him again until much later.
so it was just his mother and him in the big apple and things were pretty relaxed. while he had to be a support rock for his mother, there were no more deaths and things due to slade being slade. life started to look up.
until the pair got mugged one day while shopping and joey found out he had the power to posess someone. after they were held at gunpoint, the boy’s eyes turned black and his irises a bright green and the next thing he knows, he’s in the guys body.
after this ability surfaced around his 11th birthday, joey wanted to be a superhero. he’s seen them on tv and he had this idea in his head he could save the world and bad things would stop happening. when he told his mother, she started training him to fight and got one of her old military friends to help create a bulletproof suit that would grow for him that looks like one of his 2nd comic ones HERE.
his crime “fighting” (he rarely went physical) mostly pertained to the area near the family home, stopping small crimes. he eventually was offered the name jericho by the creator of his original costume and it stuck. around this time his mother also started both her actual company “core policy group” and a side venture “searcher’s inc.”
when he was about 17, his mother had found out that his father was close to going through on the contract that her son, grant, had died trying to do; it was the one to kill the teen titans. so adeline started to watch and found a way to help when most of them were taken. she had told the remaining member about slade and what he did with them.
the catch was that joey had to come if she’d give exacts.
which he did go and after fighting his father, he was made an honorary member of the titans.
he started going on some missions with them and he even lived in the tower so that he could stay close by. 
while living there he started to grow closer to the group and it began to become easier to communicate with everyone. he wanted nothing more than to help and to be their friends so after a year or so they made him an actual member. especially after being hospitalized from trying to posess raven when trigon finally got to her.
(okay from this point forward i’ve changed two things from his actual comic appearences: he doesn’t turn genuinely evil, and he doesn’t date david isherwood. he is bisexual and i will never erase that, but the second of those two things was creepy because david watched joey grow up and the first thing just wasn’t in line with what his personality has always been. he was always the lawful good of slade’s children and i ain’t doing that.)
after he got initiated into the teen titans he almost betrayed their trust. his mother was kidnapped and because the government was trying to find both of them, her for possible treason and him for questioning, some of the group distrusted him when he fled after cheshire took her. he went after her and after they all got home he explained everything. it would take a while to regain their trust.
and when he did AGAIN something happened. a year later, when he was around 19 years old, his morality started to change. he started to do things out of character and it would be argued he turned evil. it turns out he was starting to be taken over by the trigon-corrupted souls of azarath as they couldn’t enter raven. he started this whole event where he tried to take over the world but when his real self finally came through he found he was surrounded by friends and his father. his last words were asking his father to kill him, and so he did.
or that’s what joseph thought. when he woke up in a hospital (again) he found himself back to normal. but, he still didn’t trust himself to join the titans again. he went evil and he didn’t want to again. especially in front of his friends. so when he finally could, he emailed them telling them he quit and deleted the account. then changing his phone number and moving to a flat that his mother “technically” bought.
then his mother wanted to help him in the real world and offered him a major place at her job, which he accepted with open arms. there he got a assistant/interpreter and they kind of hit it off.
she helped him learn more about the business world and while they spent so much time together they developed feelings for eachother. they were about the same age and it was a perfect life. Sure, he had the itch to go and be a hero again, but he stayed for his life and even started college.
it was perfect until it wasn’t. he was 22 then and he had decided to get engaged and tell his family. he told his mother, who was conflicted, his half sister who had been in his life on and off, and then an old family friend: david isherwood. david had a suit that could fly from wherever he was, so joey invited him over to meet étienne so he could get to know her. when they got to talking up on the roof in private on his final night in new york, david didn’t approve and started to threaten to tell her about his past alter ego.
honestly, joey was scared because he wanted to keep that part of his life in the past and while this boy wouldn’t hurt a single bone in someone else’s body, he impulsively did something that he regretted the moment it happened; he took over david’s body and then jumped off the building. he made eye contact at the last second with a passerby and then he cried.
over the course of the night he wound up taking his ikon suit (look HERE for more) to hide david’s identity (later to be used as his own personal suit) and, after realizing he was alive, taking him to a hospital as the passerby. when he went back to the rooftop he took back over his body and he had to convince the woman not to call the police. 
following the possible death of a role model, he started to have migraines and after seeing a doctor about it and them telling him to think about seeing a therapist, he ignored them and kept taking pain medication (eventually moving up to oxycodon when his perscription ended) that he should need. he eventually grew dependent on them and afterwards it started to affect his life. he hid his problems and around this time he also took on the stress of being an independent hero again. he told his fiance all about his past so that they can look for the future.
so three days before his wedding date, three things happen: 1. he finds out that his fiance is cheating on him with his father and working with the government to spy on slade, 2. he brings back david isherwood from the dead, 3. he has a major fight with his fiance and she decides to stay in the hotel until their wedding day.
on their wedding day she sort of died... murdered on the chapel stairs... so basically that started an episode. he started by mourning and then gave further into his addiction, resulting in him attacking his father and then shattering his sister’s skull when she tried to stop him. he genuinely thought his father was responsible when in reality it was his sister (but not).
while dealing with his loss, he also had to deal with his father’s insanity again when he tried to make things better in his life by stealing the flash’s superspeed and saving grant wilson from dying. this is the first time he sees the titans again and he decides to stay in david’s suit HERE to keep them from recognizing him.
after stopping his father he finally goes get help with a “narcotics anonymous” group. during this time he can heal more when david tells him he forgives joey.
this past year he has joined a group his mother started and - arguably - slade wilson leads called “project defiance”. it’s a good guy group and the only reason he joined was for his mother and to find out a definitive answer on who killed his fiance.
on this team he also starts dating romantically again instead of the short and sweet relationships he started to go through.
sometime down this line his father actually gets “kidnapped” by the, mutated, david isherwood. joseph helps him for a hot minute out but in the process his suit is turned off mid-flight. he ends up in the hospital yet again and he refuses to take pain medication because he’s really sticking through with recovery.
about a month before the infinity war, he decided to quit project defiance when there was nothing to really benefit from but the team disbanded when a team member, karen starr, looked to be dead.
after he left the project, he decided to keep on the heroing and keep up with all his career things too. he was finally in a better place, despite having to worry about his family and his boyfriend’s more mundane problems, and he was finally getting the therapy he needed.
then word of thanos reached him. he decided that despite the ikon suit being useless, he had to help. maybe he can get in him and figure out his motives or something- so he left to join the war.
when he finally got there he was rendered useless mere minutes after looking into thanos’ eyes through the ones of one of the other enemys. his astral body was inside thanos for a second before he was sent out by thanos; the shock was like when he was cast out from raven. he was paralyzed, but back in his own body on the battlefield. this time there was no time to take him to heal somewhere and when thanos finally had all the stones, he was with the unfortunate half of the universe.
well maybe unfortunate wasn’t that true. when adrian came to be, there wasn’t a forced smile or even weight on his shoulders. he was at peace.
when joseph woke up as adrian he had woken up on the streets of new york, guitar case on his back and a tune in his head. he already had his life story- well the parts that he could remember. he knew that he was on his way to the crowded apartment he called home just for a moment: long enough to grab his sketchpad and charcoal pencil.
adrian’s past is something of mystery. the first thing he remembers in life was his 13 year old self in a white room and lights. apparently, his father and him were in an accident, him being the survivor, and he didn’t have a mother to remember. he didn’t have permanent injuries besides him losing his voice, but that didn’t hurt him.
whatever happened didn’t concern him (you can’t grieve what you can’t remember), a mysterious aunt and cousin (who he’d come to know as the younger, but headstrong, alessandra “alex” lo - formerly known as rose wilson) came into his life to take care of the young woods kid and soon everything was okay.
adrian lived a happy life in a small town near nyc. he was a popular kid; he played guitar for the jazz band, he knew just about everyone, he was the sweetest little thing, he painted the town square mural, and there was just something in him people felt drawn to. he and his cousin were inseperable and genuinely life seemed pretty grand.
so when he graduated and decided to try his music career in the big apple, the town told him to visit and just about everyone sent him a little gift in the mail. it was a really sweet gesture.
when he got to the city, things were pretty good. he bumped into problems due to his voice, but he still managed things and generally the vibes were something that just worked for him. 
day one he had actually found roomates by accident and rolled with it and the next year he started making his money through the arts. he painted portraits in central park (despite his art being personal, he felt like painting for others made it so much easier to connect and he just loved features) and then one day he had his guitar and started playing while he was waiting for the next person.
next thing he knows he has an actual job in a bar in town and he’s doing that too: playing guitar on their makeshift stage.
now he’s still doing that and he’s just content. one day he’ll get a big break, but does he even want that anymore? he’s never been this content with himself, even if he’s starting to question what happened to him.
he’s content, but sometimes depression hits him but that’s just life. he just feels like some of this is funny and sometimes he just wonders if this is what he deserves or was supposed to do. he’ll have episodes every once and a while and they can last as long as he’s thinking. and he thinks a lot.
obviously i don’t have as much detail here, but basically if you knew joseph and met adrian you’d be so much happier for him. i kind of imagine that his mother, for example, plays into the lie?? once she found out her son was alive of course. because just his life was just turning around but he was constantly waiting for something bad to happen and here he’s just like “am i supposed to be feeling this content, i feel awful for it” up and down. but it’s like he’s better off being the fake him.
basically this is what his life could have been like without the family he had.
also his powers are still triggered because they were from his father’s blood on the blade in his past life but he doesn’t know that yet. i imagine he’ll find out by accident but someone come and attack him please. or put him in a situation.
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