#I’m just done
watchingtheearthrise · 3 months
I saw a tiktok of a MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER talking about how she had a whiteboard up for her students to write down their favorite books they had read that year and I am ????? SO concerned???
Middle school children.
They were writing down Icebreaker. Haunting Adeline. The Butcher and the Blackbird.
And the comments?? The comments were full of adults going “oh I read worse when I was a kid, be happy they’re reading!”
These children SHOULD NOT BE READING THIS CRAP. (For my non-American people, middle school is 11 to 13 years old.)
Just because you might have snuck online or between the shelves at the library and read smut doesn’t mean we should sit back and applaud as our children literally read HAUNTING ADELINE.
Some adults on booktok scare me. And by scare me, I mean I’m afraid to ask what they’re hiding on their computers because there’s no way in hell they’re sitting there with an innocent browser history—especially if they’re encouraging children to read degenerative smut.
And these parents need to be checked, too, to see if they’re encouraging this stuff. Get back on the parenting program! Check on your kids!
And before anyone says it: It’s not “Puritan” to say that children shouldn’t be reading about romantized abuse/romantized SA. Let them read Percy Jackson or the Warrior Cats or Redwall! Not stuff like Icebreaker!
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justmy-account · 10 months
Me/Stranger Things fandom with Stranger Things rn:
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
So recently, I came across this-
I dunno the full story, but Lackadaisy rejected the funds given by Viv and the spindlehorse team, and Vivziepop fans are going off, lol!
What do you think about it?
So yeah ofc Viv had to make it public and tweet to her million bootlicking fans that Lackadaisy rejected her donation, she knows what she’s doing otherwise she would have kept it private but she can’t bc she always wants sympathy points and wants people to start shit, which fans did and are still saying “Boycott Lackadaisy” as well as assholes like Sam Haft and Mel Mrozek tweeting about how “disappointed” they are. Tracy already said that she messaged Viv about the situation so there was literally no reason on why Viv made it public if this was already resolved. You know she’s seething and wants people to attack the LD crew and paint her as the superior one.
As for the issue itself, I have the feeling the donation was rejected because LD had already hit all their goals for the show, reaching up to their final $2,000,00 teir. I do feel like Tracy should have been more clear and upfront on what exactly happened tho, but again, if she already told Viv in private, then she already told Viv in private. At this point I’m just tired with this whole discourse. All this started bc a member of LD turned out to be an asshole….and it bugs me that somehow the HH/HB fandom got warped up until it and now people are acting like this is a huge war on Lackadaisy against HH/HB. Both creators/projects should just co exist but we can’t have that.
I want to be unbiased and share that on Tracy’s part, I still don’t agree with her response to Ze, she could have made an outright statement and been professional about it, but that’s pretty much it in terms of what she did wrong in my eyes and could be better at. Notice how this has nothing to do with Viv herself tho. This was drama in the LD fandom where the HB/HH fandom/crew had to stick their noses in, and I’m sorry, but Viv initiated it, and tweeting about how they rejected her donation was the final straw, because that was something she did not need to do and only did so her fan base can support and coddle her while trashing Tracy, despite none of us knowing the full story. I have no idea whether Tracy is aware that Viv is a horrible person and just wants nothing to do with her, or if the rejecting donation part was genuinely for a reason. We don’t know. I DO know that I’m tired of the unprofessionalism coming from Viv and the hypocrisy coming from her fandom.
They want to cancel Lackadaisy so badly bc ONE bad egg was on the crew despite the fact that Spindlehorse is filled with multiple shitty members like a pro shipper and someone who literally fetishizes rape, as well as entitled assholes who don’t care about the victims of Viv and just want to smear how innocent she is as well as Viv herself being outed multiple times for being an abuser. Now they’re also mad that they rejected Viv’s donation, a situation they know nothing about but they’re going to support their queen either way, and this is exactly what Viv wanted. It shouldn’t be a competition and yet it sadly is.
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poochyuno · 5 months
tw: vent and animal death
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bass-alien · 6 months
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I’m so tired
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sydtodd21 · 4 days
no, but actually fuck literally everybody, 😇
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paaopalpoerepr33 · 4 months
Honestly I’m so exhausted with being insane that I’m just gonna call to go on meds tomorrow. I’m done rawdogging life. Schizos can’t rawdog life for long.
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
I’m Tired. Everyone and Everything is exhausting.
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disastergay · 7 months
okay, that’s it. the next person who puts stupid queer discourse on my dash is getting blocked. actually, from now on, I am going to filter out any and all tags that might potentially show me discourse. how do people live like this??
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clrmymnd · 1 year
the week before your period completely WRECKS you im so over it
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3-lavender · 1 year
Maybe I’ll ask my mom for a therapist again.
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seven-thewanderer · 2 years
I’m sorry this is the most random of random posts ever, but I wanna just say something awful that happened
so I have 3 sonas as anybody who’s seen my art of them may know, but specifically I wanna talk about Tabby, my tablet sona
so I was using character ai (I don’t have an ai of Tabby), and I was talking to a SAMS Eclipse ai bot, and I thought “oh, what if I rped with Eclipse, but as Tabby?”
so I said something to slightly start it off, as if I was Tabby (I didn’t even describe Tabby yet, I just started with a little conversation thingy kinda)
and omg, I did not see that coming
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ilovebrucebanner · 2 years
It sucks being in college and having nobody to talk to or just be friends with lol
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bass-alien · 2 years
Every single time I let my walls down I’m reminded why I put them up in the first place
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averysmolbear · 1 year
I’m about to rant. I apologize.
My roommate got home from work and was immediately an asshole. I had been on my meal break when they showed up and tried saying hi and stuff and just got like grunted at. I went on my last break a bit ago (thank goodness work is almost done!!) and again tried to ask what was up and I got the silent treatment!
Like??? Are we both children now??
I need to move. I wonder if my brother needs a roommate.
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