#I’m luxury living 💪
livyapapper · 1 month
all I want is garlic bread but this says use by January but I want garlic bread
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myobsessionsspace · 2 months
This is an assumption. But why do you think JK bought his property in Itaewon out of all places ? And now building a mansion there which means that will be his main house he decides to settle. I've seen all korean stars buying their homes to love with their family in more decent and high end areas like Gagnam, Hannam etc. No one really buys property in itaewon with an aim to settle there with family as it's like the party spot of SK. Itaewon is known for clubs, brothels, parties, drugs and prostitution, most only go there to party, have one night stands or do illegal activities. Someone visiting Itaewon often is eye brow raising enough so building a whole mansion there is sus af isn't it ?
I understand tone can’t be accurately interpreted with written words, so I just want to make my tone clear first and foremost.
I’m speaking with no harshness, judgement or condescension.
DM me and we can delulu cutely together with no air of authority on the matter, cos we should know we don’t know shit, but can still want to coo and dream with others 🤗.
We’ve seen and been outraged by sasaengs and their stalking of members and called them out at times. We’ve literally seen Jungkook on live entering his apartment and being annoyed with sasaengs loitering outside of his building, he has even said in that same live that he knows people knows where he lives and posted online.
Put yourselves in their shoes, who wants millions knowing your full address and being able to turn up unannounced? Because they’re fans of your music, of your image? I’m gonna leave that there.
I will say in regards to Itaewon, I’m not Korean, I don’t have a Korean father, a Korean brother, a Korean bff who works at Hybe, nothing. I do have a friend who went on a program, studied there and lived there for years but that’s it. I don’t know anything about Itaewon apart from the Halloween tragedy and a K-Drama. So guess what I did, yup you guessed it, I GOGGLED💪
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No one really buys property in itaewon with an aim to settle there with family as it's like the party spot of SK. Itaewon is known for clubs, brothels, parties, drugs and prostitution, most only go there to party, have one night stands or do illegal activities. Someone visiting Itaewon often is eye brow raising enough so building a whole mansion there is sus af isn't it ?
Incoming cheeky tone…I thought I said ‘genuine asks’? This right here sounds like laying down the groundwork to paint a certain picture of Jungkook?🤔🤨
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You said: ‘I’ve seen all Korean stars buying their homes to live with their families in more decent high end areas like Gangnam, Hannam etc’.
I say: That’s a pretty bold, blanket statement 😬
Famous idol Rain and his actress wife and children have a home in Itaewon as do many other celebrities with their spouses, partners and families
Actor Song Joong-Ki and his British wife, who was pregnant at the time, moved to his Itaewon mansion along with her family from the UK. They welcomed a baby girl in 2023.
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Chaebols like those belonging to the Samsung family also have homes in Itaewon
Doing my googles, Itaewon is known as ‘a multi-cultural commercial area located in Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the most popular neighborhoods in Seoul, known for its nightlife and trendy restaurants.’ ‘Seoul's International District’.
I know some other places that sound like the above.. London…New York…Paris…
I wonder where the prostitution, drugs and one night stands come into it for people who wanna buy or build houses in those cities?
Jungkook is currently a 26 year old multimillionaire, who is a member of one of the biggest groups in not just South Korea, but the world, so I guess he’ll have lots to do when he’s not working his ass off with his intense more than full time job. Settling somewhere with family…I’m sure he’ll take Bam into consideration in his plans, wherever it may be.
Something I did find cool when doing my googles 😁
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‘Korean singer-songwriter JYP (Park Jin-young) and Yoo Se-yoon's hip hop duo UV released the song "Itaewon Freedom" in April 2011. The title alludes to (and the lyrics celebrate) a common Korean perception of Itaewon's "open atmosphere", in contrast with conventional Korean culture, which is more conservative.’
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LGBTQIA+ ‘haven’ Itaewon
‘The 2020 South Korean Netflix television series Itaewon Class is set in Itaewon. The drama was praised for its diverse and inclusive cast and its realistic portrayal of subjects such as prejudice and discrimination against foreigners, ex-convicts and the LGBT people, as well as the portrayal of misbehaviors by chaebol corporations.’
Sounds like Itaewon is a cool, diverse, inclusive place, full of sites & attractions, shops and good food. If a 26+ year old man that’s been working and in the public eye since 13/14 wanted to build a home there, Itaewon sounds like a great place and a good investment.
I’d love to visit there, if I ever had the time AND money 🥲
Thanks for the ask, it caused me to learn something new!
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thyele · 1 year
seekさん「ツアー2箇所目、仙台。 リハーサルもしっかりできた。 今日はスタートからぶっ飛ばしていくんで、でっかい声聴かせてください! Psycho le Cému TOUR 2023 「RESISTANCE~心蝕~」 “episode1.炎の薔薇” 2023年5月27日 土曜日 仙台CLUB JUNK BOX 開場17:00開演17:30 https://t.co/aLgQsYIWza」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1662354784446472192
鳥を見た toriwomita 公式さん「【鳥を見た】 live at SHOWBOAT Mar.2.2023 photo by 桑原耀平 https://t.co/tdu4zCGooV」https://twitter.com/toriwomita/status/1662356047519166464
seekさん「サイコルシェイムの旅。 仙台メシ。 めっちゃ美味しかった。 https://t.co/SD1bqxayFQ」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1662356304906842118
びじゅなびさん「📸Angelo、ex.D’ESPAIRSRAYのKaryuが最新アーティスト写真を解禁! 記事はこちら▶️https://t.co/msFfYMOzLo @karyu_official https://t.co/mZIngZ6fld」https://twitter.com/visunavi/status/1662262345404645376
BUCK-TICK OFFICIALさん「樋󠄀口豊 自伝本「ユータ -Dear My Wonderful Fellows-」本日分完売いたしました。 #BUCKTICK #BUCKTICK35th #TOUR2023異空」https://twitter.com/BUCKTICK_INFO/status/1662358463719284738
Jさん「ついにこの日がやって来た!!!!いくぜ!!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💪💪😉 #LUNASEA #LIVE #TBOLS #声出し解禁」https://twitter.com/J_wumf/status/1662364756752355330
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「mixあと2曲‼️ #UNCLOCKLOVER #2ndALBUM #レコーディング #20230616発売 #吉祥寺SHUFFLE https://t.co/vH3qLe67tZ」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1662372358378913792
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「なんでか知り合った、笑 役者の友達・澤藤壮君の御芝居を観に中板橋新生館スタジオへ。 想像以上にヘビーな内容でしたが(大好物)、中村世代には特に刺さるストーリーとメッセージが込められていました。『溺れる病室』と云う題名がまた、後からキます。 あの頃のあいつらに久々に会いたくなりました。 https://t.co/qOAeH1G217」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1662375468761481218
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「澤藤君は勿論、どの役者さんも素晴らしくて、多分4回程泣きました。 久々に「迫真の演技」と云うモノを体感した気がする。。同じくステージに立つ者としても、たくさん刺激を頂きました🔥🔥🔥 『溺れる病室』は明日(28日)千秋楽だそう。 気になる方は是非とも♬ https://t.co/sl2iNXQDeg」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1662380135700647936
N'sGuitarMaintenanceさん「いよいよ来週!! 舜さん生誕イベントです。 一人でも多くの方の笑顔と生の声で直接祝福を届けに来て欲しいと思っています。 チケット予約受付中。 是非とも!! #NEiN #ナイン #Live #ライヴ #拡散希望 https://t.co/gCn93It3Ge」https://twitter.com/NsGuitar2016/status/1662368108307443723
舜6/3我輩生誕祭@池袋手刀さん「私のギター紹介⑦ V買うまではNEiNのメインギターだった7弦。初めて買った7弦でもあります。 ピックアップはこちらもダンカンペガサス。なんだかんだこのピックアップが1番性に合っているのです(*´﹃ `*) 今は全弦一音下げチューニングにしてメタル要素の強い楽曲提供時に使用しています🎸✨ https://t.co/MEOZUoWJ3z」https://twitter.com/shun_thefuzzbox/status/1662387650299596800
ジョニーダイアモンド首振りDollsさん「明日はいよいよなツアーファイナル的な1日です。なので超気合い入ってる感じなので名古屋でお待ちしてます❗️ https://t.co/xi8TrsWUmL」https://twitter.com/Tracisixteen/status/1662388527156326402
Yoshikiさん「今、LAにいるよ。 今夜、日本の深夜(LA早朝)の あるラジオ番組に生出演する予定だけど、 起きれるかなーー?自信がない🤣🥺。 I'm in LA now. Tonight, I'm scheduled to appear live on a Japanese late night radio program, but I wonder if I'll be able to wake up..? #YOSHIKI」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1662390074951217153
Yoshikiさん「今年は凄い..! Xx #YOSHIKI "#EveningWithYOSHIKI #BreakfastWithYOSHIKI 2023 in Tokyo Japan - Additional tickets released due to high demand! "The world most luxurious dinner show" @YoshikiOfficial #contest https://t.co/4nhlv6Yinb」https://twitter.com/YoshikiOfficial/status/1662391733714554880
中島卓偉さん「2公演ソールドアウトありがとうございます!1曲も被らないセットリストで歌わせていただきます!笑顔でお会いしましょう! #中島卓偉」https://twitter.com/takuinakajima/status/1662405745676271616
高橋 浩一郎(Kaiki)さん「はじめてきたな、バントは、いいな。 https://t.co/IPl0SSXShj」https://twitter.com/STakahashi0823/status/1662408213327933442
takuto_さん「【takuto生誕祭】 ◉2023/8/7(月) ◉池袋手刀 ◉[about tess takuto Birthday anniversary concert -2man-] about tess ti-ti.uu [special session 有り] ■open19:00/start19:30 ■adv¥3500/door¥4000(+1d) ◎【チケット発売日】6/7(木)20:00発売 ■E+購入ページURL: https://t.co/mxjSjyA9lj https://t.co/fy9WsNq8zA」https://twitter.com/takuto_/status/1662413491503005697
Ivy darknessさん「手刀お疲れ様でした」https://twitter.com/IVY_DOPE_SHOW/status/1662413654703345665
猫好きYOU_THE SOUND BEE HD☠️MARY RUE☠️Lemさん「21:30くらいから、MARY RUEの泥酔ツイキャスしよかな😆お時間ある方、酒持って集合‼️もちろん、ノンアル大歓迎✨」https://twitter.com/YOUsoundbee/status/1662414416560926721
Hydeさん「[STAFF] 「HYDE LIVE 2023 」Zepp Haneda公演2日目の6/18(日)は男性エリアと女性エリアを分けたBEAUTY & THE BEASTを開催! チケット絶賛販売中! 購入は↓ https://t.co/3Wi1davWa5 #HYDE #HYDELIVE2023 #BEAUTYANDTHEBEAST #男性エリア #女性エリア #エリア別 #TAKINGTHEMDOWN https://t.co/ybMJHDMjeJ」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1662415047824670723
ti-ti.uuさん「[live info] 8/7(月) 池袋手刀に出演が決定しました。 《LIVE》 [about tess takuto Birthday anniversary concert -2man-] 8/7(月)池袋手刀 Open 19:00 / Start 19:30 出演:about tess / ti-ti.uu [special session 有り] Tickets:adv. ¥3,500(+1d) 一般発売:6/7(木) 20:00/e+ 発売開始 https://t.co/L6Tc6faMSX」https://twitter.com/titiuu_official/status/1662413348267511809
凛として時雨さん「【345/ti-ti.uu ライブ情報】 345のアコースティックユニット@titiuu_officialが、8/7(月) 池袋手刀に出演します。 [about tess takuto Birthday anniversary concert -2man-] 8/7(月)池袋手刀 Op 19:00 / St 19:30 出演:about tess / ti-ti.uu [special session 有り] 🎫6/7(木) 20:00/e+ 発売開始 https://t.co/ALHx2W20tq」https://twitter.com/sigure_official/status/1662413341632102400
seekさん「Psycho le Cému 「RESISTANCE~心蝕~」 “episode1.炎の薔薇” 5月27日仙台CLUB JUNK BOX 仙台めっちゃ楽しかったー。 物理的な意味でどんどんみんなに近づいていっている。 気持ちもしっかり繋がって嬉しかった。 いっぱい声聴かせてくれてありがとう。 またねー。 https://t.co/c1NXWIzgrr」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1662419831977832448
NёNe(ネネ)☀️さん「☀️NёNeが元気に歌ってみた#08☀️ 『Catch the Moment/LiSA』 大好きなアニソンを通して 沢山の人にNёNeの歌声を届けたい💐 ⚡️1000リツイート目標⚡️ 拡散応援よろしくお願いします! ▼full https://t.co/vRPdmIAosJ #歌ってみた #NёNe #拡散希望 #アニソン好きな人と繋がりたい #SAO #LiSA https://t.co/TRLlYy4jKS」https://twitter.com/NeNe_nyao/status/1662030647811244032
DaISUKE DARK SIDEさん「LUNA SEA終わったぁ 隆ちゃんありがとぅーっ🔥🧟🔥 Gravityとtonightきけた MOTHERとLOVELESS聴きたかったなぁ 明日かなぁ🥺 喉辛そうやったから心配やね 10月までは同い歳53、53かよまじかよ🤣お互いまだまだパワフルに 今日楽しかったわありがとう ✨🦇✡️🔮🧟🔮✡️🦇✨ https://t.co/0V7d1BPR6x」https://twitter.com/daisuke_side/status/1662442883381874689
【Phobia】 KISUIさん「池袋手刀ありがとうございました ご来場並びに配信でご覧いただきありがとうございました Phobiaは半年ぶりでしたが、居心地良かった。 新アー写公開しました。 https://t.co/GBLTWuu6Of」https://twitter.com/KISUIxxx/status/1662465481322934278
レイラさん「Phobia2ショットの依織さんは可愛かったです...KISUIさんのバックポーズかっこいいすぎる。神? ありじ神様いつもありがとうございます...T-T Saraさんからのお土産もありがとう '(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧’BOURBONの甘い物が好きです! ライブ終わった今回のカードの絵をアップします'(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧’イぇイ! https://t.co/k63NSKLzRw」https://twitter.com/misorarera/status/1662456570968690689
Ryuichi Kawamura officialさん「2023.5.27🌙 https://t.co/qx3aElTZzR」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1662581591875686401
LUNA SEAさん「【緊急発表!!】 明日5/29目黒鹿鳴館にて150人限定フリーライヴ開催決定!! LUNA SEA Back in 鹿鳴館 5/29(月)目黒鹿鳴館 開場19:30/開演20:00 その模様をYouTube Live全世界生配信!! ▶https://t.co/a8XuSagjOR 詳細はこちら ▶https://t.co/qufox8T9yZ https://t.co/9xABlNsksD」https://twitter.com/LUNASEAOFFICIAL/status/1662757833631502336
デトロイトD輔さん「今日電車移動する為に背負えるケース買ったのに雨とは😥 撥水加工のものにしておいたのがせめてもの救い🥲 大塚ウェルカムバックでお待ちしています✨ https://t.co/V5qVQAqddS」https://twitter.com/MADBAL3/status/1663045302113415168
デトロイトD輔さん「いい音と美味しいご飯を✨ トリで21時過ぎからです! ご来場お待ちしています😚」https://twitter.com/MADBAL3/status/1662774906369757186
LIZA🩸IX🪓さん「🩸INKの🦅Ricky Armellino🎸の 新譜💿が昨夜ドロップされました🙌🏻 現在全てのプラットフォームで ストリーミングされております✨ メロディーラインが切なくて 焼き付くクリアな楽曲です👇👇 私は大好きです❤️‍🔥🔥 是非🎶ご視聴を🤗🎧 #ICENINEKILLS https://t.co/YGuMTHE3u2」https://twitter.com/310_odas/status/1662482958555697154
LIZA🩸IX🪓さん「間違えてしまった… 5/26最新リリースでした🙏🏻」https://twitter.com/310_odas/status/1662486883237249026
LM.C mayaさん「お邪魔しました ありがとうございました Happyのオンパレードでした 🎂🧚‍♀️ #GLAY #HC2023 https://t.co/F3CG3PhfSP」https://twitter.com/maya_LMC/status/1662410186399846402
LM.C mayaさん「公演中メンバーの方々と目が合った気がしました 気のせいかなと思いました 終演後の面会で「めちゃ見えてたよー😁😁😁😁」と仰っていただきました なので気のせいじゃなかったです なので気のせいじゃないです 合ってますよ 皆さんも 目 #GLAY #HC2023 https://t.co/yvXvSN8JlK」https://twitter.com/maya_LMC/status/1662415404323704832
Zepp New Taipeiさん「coldrain 満員圧巻のライブでした🤘 @coldrain_jp #zepp #zeppnewtaipei #coldrain #台湾 https://t.co/9ADFqBRctj」https://twitter.com/zeppnewtaipei/status/1662991291372953600
GERTENA(ゲルテナ) Vo.Agatoさん「【拡散RTして頂いた皆様有難う御座いました】 失くした財布、本日無事に引き取りに行ってきました。色々な人の手に渡りトイレで捨てられ、やっと自分の元へ帰って来る事が出来ました。一人一人にお礼を申し上げる事が中々難しい代わりにこちらのツイートにて皆様にご報告とお礼申し上げます。 https://t.co/goRw77d7Ke」https://twitter.com/GERTENA_Agato/status/1663022927611330561
defspiralさん「【MUSIC】 defspiral 新体制シングル3作! Apple Music, Spotify 等、各種配信サイトにて配信中! 「明日への階段 / 流星」 https://t.co/XvlBzMgvYs 「VIVA LA VIDA / 光の世界」 https://t.co/XoZ3HQc4Gk 「ALEGRIA / FLASH」 https://t.co/nlcGKYNd8X https://t.co/Na4UGc9Wby」https://twitter.com/defspiral/status/1663021262732664833
girugamesh_Officialさん「【YouTube】 Focus of DEZERT(@DEZERT_OFFICIAL ) #3 Special collaboration 07/05(水) 20:00~ DEZERT x girugamesh 終わりと未来 -mixed by Яyo(girugamesh)- Please Check DEZERT Official YouTube Channel! ▶https://t.co/ynAaBjkJkl #girugamesh #DEZERT #FocusofDEZERT https://t.co/GQt2wdC6Zs」https://twitter.com/real_girugamesh/status/1663038427326185475
0 notes
alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
163 of 2023
How privileged are you? pt. 2! [True or False]
Created by joybucket
You've never had to worry about not having enough money to do laundry. You've never re-worn clothes because you didn't have enough money or were worried about not having enough money to do laundry. You've never attempted suicide. You can afford to buy new clothes whenever you want. You've never come up short on any of your bills. You've never been called a racial slur. You've never been called a slut, bitch, whore, etc. You've never been judged because of the way you looked. You've never lied about your religion as self-defense. You've never been discriminated against because of your skin color. If you wanted to become a YouTuber, you'd be able to afford a nice camera to help you get started. You eat out at least once a week. You're a frequent customer at a local coffee shop. (yeah the Dutch ones XD) You have frequent flyer miles. ✈️ You've never been bullied for your weight. You've never had an eating disorder. You've never been bullied for your religious beliefs. You've never been bullied because of your sexuality. You've flown first class. 💺 After you pay your bills each month, you have some extra spending money left over. You've never had to have surgery. You've never spent the night in a hospital. 🏥 Growing up, you had your own room. You've never been worried you were going to die. You had a car when you were in college. When around your family, you're allowed to be yourself without being attacked. You've never had a friend turn on you. You've never had a friend betray you and try to kill you. You've never been punished for crying. 😭 You have a credit card. 💳 You don't have any food allergies, intolerances, or sensitivities. You've never thrown up from menstrual cramps. (I’m a dude lol) You've never had a migraine with aura. 🧠 You've never worried about running out of money and not having enough money to live. You're able to get vaccines. 💉 You've never gone to work sick because you needed the money and were worried about missing a day. You have a significant other you can trust and rely on. You don't often feel lonely. You have a significant other who likes to spoil you with gifts. 🎁 You've never had someone bully you because they were jealous of you. You've never been called a dyke, fag, or anything along those lines. You wear luxury make-up. You get your nails professionally done. 💅 You get your hair cut at a salon. 💇‍♀️ If you have a bad day or are in a bad mood, people never blame it on your gender. Your parents have the same worldview as you. You grew up in a Christian household. You've never had your utilities turned off because you couldn't afford to pay your utility bill. You look your age. You could afford to get plastic surgery if you wanted it. You own a designer purse. You've had plastic surgery. You've never gone to visit someone in the hospital. You've been offered a job simply because someone in your family worked at the same particular establishment. You're physically strong. 💪 You have a gym membership. You have a college degree. You aren't in any financial debt. You were able to choose the college you went to; you weren't forced to attend a certain school. You're not disabled, but you have enough money that you don't have to work. You've never had someone try to shove their views down your throat. You're able to clean your home without wearing a mask. 😷 Your parents approve of the career path you chose. You generally feel accepted in church. ⛪️ You don't have any self-harm scars. You've been to summer camp. Someone has brought you breakfast in bed. If you were to get married right now, you'd be able to afford your dream wedding. You've had a job that paid more than minimum wage. You've never had to work more than one job at a time. You've never worked and gone to school at the same time. (I did and I loved it) You've never had to work to pay your own tuition. You've never had to worry about not having enough food to eat. You've never been questioned by the police. You trust the police. 👮‍♀️ You've never been yelled at by a police officer. You've never had the police barge into your home. You've never had a door slammed in your face. 🚪 You've never been beaten (whether physically or emotionally). You really admire either one or both of your parents. You have at least one parent that you're really close to and can tell everything to. You have at least parent that you admire. You have a best friend that you can tell everything to. You can sleep with the lights out without feeling afraid. You've never felt discriminated against at work. (well, I experienced xenophobia while working abroad) You've never asked a teacher if you could use the restroom and then been told no. You've never had someone spy on you when you were in the bathroom. You've never been picked last in gym class. You've never failed a class. You got straight A's in school. You've never been fired from a job. You have a loud voice. You have a dominant personality. As far as you know, you're able to have kids. (unfortunately) You have naturally straight teeth and have never needed braces. You have excellent vision and have never needed glasses. You can easily find shoes in your size. You've never had a noisy neighbor that kept you up at night. You've never felt like you had your free will stolen from you. You've never been caught in a traffic jam. As far as you know, you have normal color vision. You don't have a learning disability. You were never in Special Ed. You never needed to have a tutor. You can ride in a car without worrying about feeling sick. 🤢 You've never had trouble sitting still or focusing. You've never been forced to sit still when you were incredibly hyper and bursting with energy. You're able to function on less than eight hours of sleep each night. You've never fallen asleep at school or work. You've never taken an antidepressant. You don't have allergies. 🤧 You don't have asthma. You've never had to worry about controlling your blood sugar. Your spiritual/religious beliefs are generally accepted in the area you live in. You grew up knowing all of your grandparents. You've never had someone hang up on you. ☎️ You've never been through a bad breakup. You're gifted at math and science. You work in the medical field.
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natethenomadallen · 1 year
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Tour bus turned RV 👨‍🔧🧰⚒️📐⚙️🗜️🪚🔧 This monstrosity used to be The Osmond Brothers tour bus back in the 70s... However today she is in the process of becoming a world-class recreational vehicle 🤘🤠🌌❤️‍🔥🕺🧿 My boy Jamesy found this bad girl hiding in East Tennessee and brought her halfway across the country to OKC. Then gutted the whole interior, rebuilt the entire front steering apparatus, cut off the roof, and raised the bastard 14 inches 🤯 No doubt this is a Herculean task and of course nothing great was ever done alone. This project has been a labor of love for the last few years between the boys... When we are not out riding motorcycles around the country we are known to spend our weekends & afternoons cutting and chopping on this bad girl 💪👨‍🏭🔥 She has come a long way and is on the downhill slide now that we have cut massive holes in the sides of her for windows as well as got her running and driving properly 🫠 Honestly there's still much to be done however I feel like by the time I'm back home from moto traveling RTW again this bad mammer jammer will already have tens of thousands of enjoyable miles put on the odometer going coast to coast rolling coal with this massive two-stroke V8 supercharged diesel tank engine powered mile munching machine 🥳🔥🎉🚚🛣️☯️ It's been a wicked fun project over the last year. I'm super proud of Jameson for all the time, energy, effort, as well as ingenuity put into this ole girl 🤜💥🤛 Now to fiiiiigure out how to put some dirt bikes underneath or behind this luxury living coach 🤔🌠🛵💨🚀🤣😛 (at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7Y7tmvQxA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chasingcrystal · 1 year
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Hello from the Netherlands! 🇳🇱😺 Remember my moto friend @david2africa I made in Serbia? I’m very fortunate to have been adopted by his family in Holland and to have the privilege to be totally immersed in how a Dutch family lives. It’s a luxury for me to have a meal with his family at a real table instead of sitting on the gas station sidewalk. I’m so grateful for them taking this dirty scruffy biker off the street. Traveling how I travel truly makes me appreciate the little things. Its a part of the reason why I intentionally travel a bit rough, I want to put myself through the hardship so I don’t take things for granted. Does anyone else choose the more difficult path to keep their ego in check? Have a great week y’all, let’s do this 💪 #chasingcrystal #thenetherlands🇳🇱 #bestofthenetherlands #holland🇳🇱 #asianwomen #femalebikers #femalebiker #ladyriders (at Netherlands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmE0d-nos4t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kolyacards · 2 years
Hunting Dogs Headcanons
Tags: @glittercrashhh
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They live in a luxurious house together bcs they got the money✨
They can all hang out together when Tachi has to take the monthly surgery so Fukuchi forces makes them to all have a sleepover
Tachi and Jouno thought Teruko was 12 and she got really angry so she turned into her adult form
They were extremely surprised
Teruko and Tetchou have been in the military since they were young so they’ve known each other for years
“I’m a judgmental bitch and a lesbian which means I have an awesome gaydar and you two are the gayest bitches in the world”-Teruko to Jouno and Tetchou
Teruko Jouno and Tachi have pleaded Fukuchi to take Tetchou to the doctor
They were extremely concerned for his tastebuds
They went to the zoo once and Teruko turned into a kid so they wouldn’t have to pay for her
Jouno struggles with how good he is and whenever a civilian thanks him for saving them and calls him a good person he goes stiff and awkwardly thanks them
Tetchou has a habit of not breathing for a while when he’s around Jouno to not annoy him
Whenever Jouno has sensory overload he goes out in the nature because it calms him down
“Do you want to join the hunting dogs”-Teruko recruiting Tachihara with a menacing look on her face “Absolutely I do”-Tachihara trying to act normal. “Great! ^_^”-Teruko having a sudden moodswing
Teruko forced Tachihara to dye his hair red because he looked ugly with black hair
Teruko got taste 💪
They have weekly Mitski sessions
They facetime Tachihara if he’s not busy so he doesn’t feel left out
Tachihara headpats because yes 💪
Spoilers under the cut!
“Jouno is a vampire now? Suits him he’s extremely emo”-Teruko trying to hide her sadness
“…”-Tetchou before going to his room and crying
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