#lesbian teruko canon
zukkaoru · 5 days
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this is my villain origin story. btw.
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1moreff-creator · 6 months
Happy Birthday Eden Tobisa!
Turns out our favorite clock girly has her birthday on New Year's Eve! What a nice date for such a nice girl! Let's do a character analysis, fun facts, and songs!
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-We know relatively little about Eden's backstory. The most notable thing we know about her life before the killing game, apart from her fascination with clocks, is what is revealed in her chapter 2 secret: "Ever since you kissed her, you were afraid your sexuality would ruin your friendships." Which is pretty straightforward; she's canonically a lesbian and is worried it would negatively affect her friendships.
-Literally the only other thing we know about her backstory is that she lived in Japan for a small period of time when she was younger, before moving back to the US. This was revealed in a Q&A.
(... You know, I made a deranged theory in my Mai post that maybe the girl that Eden kissed was actually Mai. It wasn't very serious, since it was just a silly way to try to explain what the hell Eden's quote in the Mai page could mean. But... we know Teruko was in Japan for a while when she was younger, and it's theorized she knew Mai before being separated from her at some point. Combined with Mai's name being seemingly Japanese, it could imply Mai also lived in Japan at some point. And if that's the case, it's possible she met Eden there? To be clear, that's still an insane possibility, but I do find it a funny possibility, which is why I'm sharing it)
-Apart from that, Eden's defining trait is her optimism and her trust in others. She sticks to Teruko's side even after she starts pushing everyone away in CH 1, and confesses to her that she believes "not caring about others is the worst way to live." She's importantly not naive, she does know their situation is horrible, but still she constantly searches for an exit and tries to build good friendships with the others.
-This includes baking with Min, Rose and Teruko in CH1, inviting Teruko and Arei to make clocks on CH2, etc. Basically, she's awesome and nice and mature.
-Also she loves clocks. Regular Ultimate stuff, she can apparently spend hours and hours working and losing track of time.
-Although for such an optimistic character, her secret quote is quite ominous. "You can't go back, no matter how hard you try." We have zero clue what this means at the moment, but at least it does fit the symbolism of time always moving forward.
-Meanwhile, her quote in the Mai page is "She kept calling the number, even though no one picked it up." This is even more incomprehensible! Eden, what in the world are you talking about?
-Alright, David MV. She doesn't have a color in Color Theory, but her numeral is XII (twelve). Go to 1:48:28 in this video for an explanation. God it's so convenient to have that lol.
Alright fun facts!
-As stated, her birthday (December 31st) lands on New Year's Eve. Maybe representing new beginnings or change, which certainly goes well with her character. How nice!
-Like most of the cast, she's American and right-handed.
-She's one of the only characters with dyed hair. Her hair was originally just brown.
-Her favorite color is daffodil yellow, because it's happy, and her least favorite color is blue, because it's "kind of a downer color." Areden shippers in shambles.
-Her favorite ice cream flavor is honeycomb. I didn't even know that existed but go off queen.
-She enjoys cute fashion, but also enjoys wearing androgynous style clothing.
-She likes food which is fun to make or prepare. How nice!
-She's biracial; her mother is black and her father is Japanese. This is why she spent a bit of time in Japan when she was younger.
-Her name in kanji is 飛佐【とび ・ さ】楽【いーでん】. Gonna leave any actual meaning as homework, but it's worth noting her name was anglicized. I think that would translate to "Iden", but her mother liked the name "Eden", so they went with that instead.
Finally, songs that remind me of her!
-Positive Parade by DECO*27
-Gone Fishing by Ghost & Pals (friendship!)
-Aura by Ghost & Pals
-In Iolite by Ghost & Pals
-Magnet by minato
-Those Who Carried On by Ghost & Pals
-I'm Glad You're Evil Too by PinocchioP
And Happy Birthday! And a happy new year! Well wishes to all you Tumblr peeps. Take care!
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phantomthiefliar · 7 months
ummm drdt sexuality and gender hcs
teruko: all prns they pref, demiflux + unlabeled (canon)
xander: all prns no pref, abrosexual tmasc bigender
charles: he/they, tmasc gay
ace: he/him cis + gay
arei: she/xe demigirl lesbian pangender
rose: they/her aroace genderfluid
hu: she/her cis pan
eden: she/her cis lesbian (canon)
levi: he/him cis unlabeled
arturo: no prns tfem lesbian
min: she/they agender omni
david: he/she intersex genderfluid + bi (canon)
veronika: she/it horrorgender + pan (canon)
j: he/she tmasc bi
whit: he/she bigender + bi (canon)
nico: they/them nb (canon) + pan
mai: she/fae pangender ace lesbian
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jade-gemstone · 11 months
Why I think Eden is probably definitely the Mastermind of drdt
Spoilers for everything up to Chapter 2 Episode 11 in DRDT and all of the cannon games (especially V3)
So, I've made quite a few fangan concepts in my time and think I know how to make pretty good mastermind characters. There are a lot of general patterns I've noticed with Eden that make me think that she's a mastermind.
I'm going to start with my weakest evidence and work up to my strongest evidence.
Weakest Evidence (basically just minorly suspicious shit that might have no basis)
She is the first person Teruko meets besides Xander
This one may seem random, but if I recall correctly, in V3, Tsumugi is the first character besides Shuichi that Kaede meets in the prologue. If Eden were to be the Mastermind, it would be an interesting parallel.
Her ultimate is based in proficiency with complex machinery and attention to detail
When building a mastermind character, giving them these traits through their Ultimate makes it easier to explain the construction and maintenance of the monobots and how to game happens without that much going wrong.
The Game and in universe show is called 'Despair Time'
A game called Despair Time with an ultimate clockmaker mastermind just sounds right to me. Also could be clever foreshadowing.
Medium Strength Evidence
Starting drama with Arei in chapter 1
Not 'inviting' Arei to the baking thing in chapter 1, while presented as an accident, also brought out the worst in Arei. It also started the chain of events that led to Arei wanting to be nicer to Eden. This eventually led her to being the victim in chapter 2. As a mastermind, Eden could have planned this in order to keep the game interesting and moving quickly.
Strongest Evidence
She is the ONLY one to actively defend Teruko in the chapter 1 trial
While this could be seen as a demonstration of her kind and naive nature, it is strange that she only brought it up during the trial.
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This line from Hu implies that a full group discussion took place, and that everyone was fully in agreement. Why would Eden only begin voicing her concerns about Teruko's side of the story during the trial? And while she does do the same for Min later on in the trial, this is after much more evidence has been stacked against Min, and is done much less insistently.
A mastermind would want to keep their game going, and the participants voting the wrong culprit in the first trial would completely ruin it. Her defending Teruko is not outside the realm of believability for the persona she puts on, making it not suspicious for her to do so.
The chapter 2 opening
The opening of chapter 2 is literally Eden monologuing to the camera. None of her dialogue is internal, as it is shown through white text, and we are likely seeing this from the canonical audience's point of view. I think it's weird that this is an outward monologue instead of an internal one. Unless you consider that someone needs to open this new segment of the show in context. And who would be best at it and know exactly what to say? The Mastermind.
Possible Detractions
Her emotional arc and heavy involvement in chapter 2
Masterminds are not usually heavily involved in cases or possible culprits, nor are they likely to have emotional arcs. Her involvement in chapter 2 does go against this trend. However, this is simply a trend and not a rule. It's entirely possible that Eden is an exception.
The Entire Literature Girl Insane mv
At this point, David is such an obvious mastermind red herring that I feel kind of sad for people who think he's the Mastermind. No one has their mastermind go batshit before they're revealed as the Mastermind. I do have a different theory about his role in the story that I think is more likely that I might share one day that I believe is supported by the LGI mv.
The Personal Reason I think Eden should be the Mastermind
Autistic Lesbians deserve to be a little bit evil. As a treat.
I am tired of getting all of my insane character representation in characters like David. I want to be able to tell people that I kin Eden and have them completely grasp that I am fun and nice but also a little crazy.
These are just my personal opinion and observations. Watch the Mastermind be like Arturo or something.
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drrt-opposite-au · 2 months
Omg wait looking at the latest post
Teruko: Do you think you and (Ale)Xander would make really really good friends in the future?
David & (Ale)Xander: Do you 2 get along at all?
J(ulia): What do you think of Arei? You said she's sisterly so I'd assume you think well of her.
Levi & Hu: are you 2 really good friends? Calling Levi "pookie" personally made me laugh like your dynamic seems really cool !
Also a personal question:
To everyone who hasn't had their sexuality revealed in canon: Do we have any members of the LGBTQIA+ community?
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(( Sexualities of a few of the DRRT cast: Hu - Pansexual Julia - Closeted Lesbian Arei - Lesbian Alexander - Bisexual with a male preference Charles - Homosexual
The ones that have been expressed in canon remain the same! And I may add more with the other characters ^^))
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Ooh, what a fun idea of for an au!! Starting simple, what’s the cast’s gender/ pronouns and sexualities?
(ooc) Here's all of them, plus a little fun fact about each person :D
Ace: He/Him, transmasc & gay
He still has the secret he has canonically, however because it's a much more positive environment in this AU, people close to him are helping to recover.
Arturo: He/They, transmasc & bisexual
Unlike canon, he has quite long hair. He's not the type to style it usually.. but Veronika is, so whenever they're together, he ends up with a random new hairstyle.
Arei: She/They, feminine presenting genderfluid & lesbian
Despite the lack of killing game, the scene in the infirmary between her and Eden still happened, just for a different reason. Because she doesn't die, she's able to improve herself into a much better person.. and yes, she's best friends with Eden.
Can't say their name, but the ultimate chemist: Tells people he/him, but secretly finds she/her or they/them more comfortable. Questioning their identity, she's actually transfem but they've not figured that out yet. (Whit thinks he knows.)
They see Nico as a sibling, and they see her the same way. Because she doesn't have her older brother (who they remember in this au), and Nico's family hated them, they kind of became unofficial siblings to support each other. Hu is a bit like the mom.
David: Any pronouns, transfem & nonbinary
Even though there's no trials, she still had the scene from the chapter 2 trial, just not in that environment. He wasn't manipulating people as there was no reason for him to there, but it turns out she has very bad mental health. Hu and Xander help her a lot, and even Arei sometimes, as he never manipulated her.
Eden: She/Her, transfem & lesbian
Eden always likes to hold events between everyone, especially the female cast, as she's a little scared of the men after Arturo still got mad and threatened her (in a different situation). In this au, they even managed to successfully make the cake, and after a talk with Whit about the subject, she's secretly excited to start inviting the ultimate chemist to her events.
Hu: She/Her, female & bisexual
Now that she's not under as much stress, Hu still likes to act as a parent to others. She's always there when people need help (but finds it very difficult to trust others sometimes). Also, multiple people from the cast deal with age regression*, so she loves to be there for them too.
* Xander, David, Teruko, the ultimate chemist, J, and Nico.
J: They/He, transmasc nonbinary & bisexual
After their identity was accidentally revealed (outside of the secret motive) and they realised how much they hate their birth name and being a girl, they came out as nonbinary & transmasc. Arei and Eden love trying to help in every way possible, even deliberately not inviting them to Eden's events.
Levi: Any pronouns, bigender, genderfluid & bisexual
Levi was always familiar with showing other people clothes, but during this au, they took up the hobby of making their own clothes. They looked a little silly at first, but overtime she became really good at it. She made something for everyone in the cast.
Min: She/Her, female & lesbian
Min is currently dating Teruko after she realised she experienced more than just friendship with her. Because they're in the academy they can't go out on dates, however they will watch movies, bake things, and often sleep in the same room.
Nico: They/Them, nonbinary, bi & asexual. Not particularly interested in a relationship but can experience romantic attraction. (They haven't canonically discovered neopronouns but they would love any themed around animals especially cats if they found out they existed.)
They carry a plush toy cat everywhere with them, even to simple events like lunch. They're canonically autistic in this au and it's comforting to them. Because of this they also experience other things related to it such as stimming and meltdowns, but with a bit of education to those unaware, it was happily accepted.
Rose: She/Her, transfem & lesbian
When Rose signed up to spend her life at Hope's Peak Academy as it was better than the outside world for her (that applies to everyone here !!), it meant she could break the contract that meant she couldn't have any of her own art. Now that she can call it all her own, she loves painting with Nico, and they're very close friends.
Teruko: She/Her, female & unlabelled sexuality
Despite the fact that she still has her bad luck, a lot of things have been put in place to try and assist her, and she's living a much happier life within the academy than she ever could've outside. Also, because there's no killing, she's best friends with Xander.
Veronika: She/They, transfem & pansexual
Just like Nico, Veronika is also canonically autistic (though she has low support needs, Nico has medium). She's very different to Nico, though, and both of them hate when they're seen as similar just because of their disabilities. Despite this, because they both end up spending so much time with Hu, she also sees them as a bit like family (though nowhere near as much as the ultimate chemist).
Whit: He/They, transmasc & bisexual
He's canonically dating the ultimate chemist, and after realising they aren't comfortable with their identity, he's the one helping them.
Xander: Any pronouns, genderfluid & bisexual
Because there's no killing game, he remembers his past in detail. She finds the difficult to deal with, but David is there to help them.
This took forever to type, so I hope these facts are interesting !!
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drdtnsfw · 6 months
I can't believe I've never actually asked this before but I don't recall seeing it asked by anyone else and I'm curious now that I've seen a few of these, and I figure you'd be the best person to ask-- but, if you're okay with the question, how exactly would the whole DR;DT cast react to a sudden and unexpected pregnancy with their lover??
Doesn't matter if they're the one carrying the baby themselves, or if it's their partner suddenly telling them 'I'm pregnant' it could be both reactions, or either. Just curious about both either way. :o
(Reason: I was just writing Teruvid with this scenario and I had a brain plot bunny hopping around so I wondered, lol)
I do hope you post the Teruvid one because I enjoy being fed other work of them aside from my own or my friends
DISCLAIMER: In regards to Ace and Eden. For this specific headcanon, either they or their partner are trans. Considering that Ace is canonically Gay and Eden is canonically a Lesbian. There is no room for anything het here so please understand that to include them; this is the only way it would happen. I didn’t feel comfortable with excluding them from this headcanon list since I’m trans myself and wanted to show representation of trans mlm and trans wlw. Thank you.
Teruko: Of fucking course, this is why she didn’t really care for insertion even with condoms or being on the pill. How the hell was she going to support a kid, should she?
Xander: Would immediately step into the dad role with no hesitation.
Charles: How- he’d been so careful. His career field would definitely provide but he wasn’t certain he had the temperament of nerve to be a father just yet.
Ace: He is flabbergasted. Sure he wanted a family since he was used to being a part of a large one but not Right Now. H
Arei: She cannot believe she got knocked up and is SO mad about it. She’s debating what to do.
Rose: She’s down trodden because she’s already in debt and has no idea how she’d support a child.
Eden: HUH?! That’s basically the reaction, complete shock.
Hu: She always wanted a family but she’s nervous about being a good mother.
Levi: Excited about being a father but worried about not being present enough for the child.
Arturo: Absolutely not he is not ready for this yet.
Min: At least she can homeschool them.
David: What? Him? A father? What? This wasn’t the time. Not while he was stuck under this annoying contract and had obsessive groupie fans. That wasn’t a safe environment for a child. Was he even a good prospect as a father? He wasn’t sure he was ready for this.
Veronika: I mean, she can info dump to someone about her interests when they’re old enough. But she isn’t sure how to feel about this. She didn’t feel like the motherly type.
J: Having her own child might not be a bad thing so long as she could completely break away from her mother and that life style. She wanted her privacy.
Whit: Would excitedly step into the dad role.
Nico: Worried about the idea of being a parent but would be fine with it.
Mai: Super excited to be a mother.
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bleuinkpens · 1 year
General sexuality headcanons for Despair Time cast?
haven't exactly shared my sexuality headcanons for despair time-
so i gotcha! my sexuality headcanons, coming up!
sexuality headcanons with the despair time cast:
Teruko Tawaki: aromantic asexual
Xander Matthews: bisexual
Eden Tobisa: lesbian [canonically sapphic]
Hu Jing: heterosexual
J Rosales: asexual lesbian
Veronika Grebenshikova: omnisexual
David Chiem: demiromantic bisexual
Arturo Giles: heterosexual
Levi Fontana: greyromantic bisexual
Ace Markey: bisexual
Min Jeung: queerplatonic greyromantic asexual
Whit Young: demiromantic bisexual [canonically bisexual]
Charles Cuevas: biromantic asexual
Arei Nageishi: pansexual
Nico Hakobyan: queerplatonic asexual
Rose Lacroix: aromantic asexual
(as you can tell i headcanon a lot of people being bi and/or ace in this cast...)
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fatherfigurefusion · 1 year
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Here! Have some Danganronpa: Despair Time sexuality/gender/pronoun headcanons!
(Below the cut: In case you have trouble reading the tier list)
Xander Matthews: pan cis male (he/him)
Whit Young: bi (canon) cis male (he/him)
Veronika Grebenshchikova: pan nonbinary (she/they/it/neos)
Teruko Tawaki: bi trans female (she/her)
Rose Lacroix: aroace cis female (she/her)
Nico Hakobyan: aroace demiboy (canon) (he/they)
Min Jeung: cis lesbian (she/her)
Levi Fontana: bi trans male (he/him)
J Moreno: nonbinary lesbian (he/they)
Hu Jing: bi cis female (she/her)
Eden Tobisa: pan trans female (she/her)
David Chiem: gay cis male (he/him)
Charles Cuevas: gay cis male (he/him)
Arturo Giles: pan genderfluid (he/she/they)
Arei Nageishi: cis lesbian (she/her)
Ace Markey: gay trans male (he/him) (maybe also ace-spec, purely for the pun)
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daz4i · 9 months
I'm bored and i said I'd make at least one of these posts and thought about the other. so instead of making 2 separate ones. I'm just gonna combine those completely unrelated topics into one post. bc i can
anyway here are my bsd pronoun hcs. and also that think i mentioned abt what sibling energy they have (as in youngest eldest etc). edit: i decided to add sexuality hcs too. why not. I'm bored 👍 i think i made a post like that in the past too but this is an upgraded version.
atsushi: he/him. bi. middle child
dazai: he/it. bi. YOUNGEST!!!! i will not budge on this 🧐
ranpo: he/him. gay and ace. simultaneously youngest and oldest and also only child. schrödinger's sibling
kunikida: he/him (for now). aroace icon. eldest child
yosano: she/her. bi. middle child
kenji: he/him. idk he's 14. oldest
kyouka: she/her. idk she's 14. youngest but in a valid way
tanizaki: he/him. bi. canonically eldest...?
akutagawa: he/they/it. acespec. canonically older sibling but nothing says he can't be a middle child too
chuuya: he/him. gay. OLDEST i am not budging on this either
kouyou: she/they. lesbian. only child
verlaine: does not give a shit abt pronouns. gay. wishes he was eldest sibling coded but he is so painfully an only child
tachihara: he/him. bi. canonically youngest iirc?
gin: he/she. ace. canonically youngest but like kyouka, in a valid way
higuchi: she/her. bi. middle child
odasaku: he/him. ace. oldest, obviously
ango: he/him. gay ace. possibly controversial take but only child
poe: he/they/it/xe/ze. gay ace. only child for those spending habits alone fr
lucy: she/her. bi but doesn't know it yet. youngest going through a redemption arc
i don't wanna do any more from the guild. except
mark: he/him. pan. YOUNGEST
fyodor: it's a secret. aroace. only child
mushitaro: he/him. gay. middle child
nikolai: any. gay. only child
sigma: he/she/they. idk they're 3. oldest
teruko: she/they. i actually don't have a sexuality hc for her sorry. oldest trying to pretend she's youngest to see if she can get away with it
jouno: he/they. gay. youngest ofc
tecchou: he/they. gay. middle
ok i think that's everyone i have. hope you enjoyed. as usual feel free to disagree i def did not think deeply abt any of this and will not die on any hill here aside from like 3 options fr
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snellyfish · 2 years
1. Thoughts on the drdt fandom's popular ships?
2. Any theories for Ch2?
Omg you guys feed me so much. Putting this under a read more bc I'm starting to feel bad for rambling + DESPAIR TIME SPOILERS!??!!
hmmhmmhmhmhmmm trying to remember popular ships off the top of my head .... Sorry if I missed any, I'm not up to date with my fandom lore T_T Will probably edit this later for ship names I forgot, since I'm too lazy to look em up rn lole
Obviously Verturo #1 forever I will spout my Verturo propaganda until I DIE. No thoughts only rotating them in my mind. I sincerely hope they have another movie night and Veronika gets to kill someone and Arturo either feels heartbroken for having fallen for her previously or is impressed and finally admittedly likes her afterwards. Don't know whatcha got til it's gone. Haha. Hehe. Either way. I obviously have hesitations and fears regarding Arturo's character and where it'll take him, so I really can't feel you can get into it too much until he's become less one-note but AUUGHGH I'm impatient and insane,,, Verturo call me back,,,,,, Veronika should ask him to vivisect her for fun I mean-What If They Killed Someone Together #Slay
Teruko/Min is sooooo<333 UGH!!! Tragic lesbians,,, love their interactions before the trial too! Need to think about them more, honestly
Unsure if it's still popular--all things considered--but I still think Xander/Teruko is very interesting; even/especially in canon. But alas, I await to learn more lore about their situation, particularly Xander's.......
Charwhit is super cute! No matter the context of the dynamic, romantic/platonic/qp whatever, I love em they are so sweet 😭😭 Charles deserves someone kind, but not a pushover yesman, ykno!
Xanvid has potential for sure,, buuuut I feel like the reasons I like it are wayyy different than the reasons it's popular LOL, so I don't see much or any content for it that aligns with the interpretation I like? 🤔 Still fun ig
Ace/Levi is a no from me but I get it...
I don't thhhhink it's popular..? but HI where's the Xanwhit representation. I'm not huge on them but they just make me smile sometimes :) <-- like this
Finally, but unfortunately, I can't exactly say I have any chapter 2 predictions, honestly! All I've been thinking about is how the hell Teruko is gonna come back from this one, in terms of ykno,,, interacting with her classmates again, considering what a hasty rift she's already dug into the game and between everyone and herself. Although, I suppose it would be good timing for everyone else to trauma bond together with Teruko left out? Bc I just imagine she's isolating herself, she had quite a nasty breakdown after all HAHA. But I dunno... I haven't thought about it too hard, and don't have a full grasp on Teruko's character yet, we'll just have to wait and see 👁️👁️
And I haven't personally read any fantheories (or try to avoid em) because sometimes theories for any media in general make too much sense I don't wanna spoil it for me if they end up true/accurate HAHAHA silly brain
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divineluckfuckoff · 1 year
DRDT sexuality and gender hcs
(Some are actually canon, some aren't)
Teruko: Demisexual cis woman (she/they)
Xander: Pansexual cis man (he/him)
David: Asexual demi-boy (he/him)
Min: Asexual demi-girl (she/they/it)
Arei: Sapphic cis woman (she/her)
Eden: Lesbian demigirl (she/they)
Levi: Bisexual cis man (he/they)
Ace: Demisexual transmasc (he/him)
Arturo: Straight ally cis man (he/him)
Veronika: Pansexual agender (she/they/it)
Hu Jing: Asexual cis woman (she/her)
J: Bisexual non-binary (she/he/they)
Rose: Aroace non-binary (she/they)
Nico: Demisexual non-binary (they/them)
Charles: Bisexual cis man (he/they)
Whit: Bisexual demi-boy (he/him)
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Drdtdev after designing Ace
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The canon lgbtqs are Eden (lesbian), Whit (bi), Veronika (pan), David (bi-himself), Ace (gay), Teruko (unlabelled/openly ambiguous) and Nico (non-binary)
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77ngiez · 1 year
Teruko tawaki
- My identity hc for them
nonbinary butch lesbian 👍🏻
- Thoughts on their home life/family
i mean. they fucking dead. im still not lwtting go of the xander/teruko sibling hc fuck you
- How i feel about their canonical writing/handling
it’s really good! she’s a very interesting character and so far it’s been done well
- The one thing i’d want to make canon about them
lesbian undercut
- My number one favorite ship for them
- …Now everyone else i ship with them
all the drdt girls ahaha
- The thing i will NEVER ship
XANRUKO >[>[>[>[ or just her and guys
- a dynamic/relationship i wish was explored more (in canon, or in fandom)
her and arei have a lot of unexplored paralells
- thoughts on their design (appearance-wise)
i like her ch2 one better than her ch1 one. she needs a lesbian undercut
- A music-related thought- a song that reminds me of them, or what their music taste is, etc
i think she’d be a maretu fan. siu or mind brand would he her favorites.
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wormshrooms · 2 years
uh so i spent a day writing down my little fruity bsd headcanons
armed detectives agency:
dazai- closet bisexual, avid denier of his attraction to men, he/it 
atsushi- bisexual, the clip on his tie is a bi flag (yosano took one look at him and knew), he/they
ranpo- demisexual, demiromantic, gay, any pronouns but mostly he/him
kunikida- straight (probably), he/him
tanizaki- pansexual, transmasc, he/him
naomi- straight, she/her 
yosano- bisexual with a strong preference for women, she/they
fukuzawa- aroace (or gay i haven't decided), he/him
kyouka- a child, she/they/it
kenji- a child, he/they
port mafia:
chuuya- gay, only dazai knows even though chuuya never told him (others have their assumptions), he/it
akutagawa- demisexual, demiromantic, almost aroace but not, gay, he/it
gin- lesbian, any pronouns
tachihara- straight, transmasc, he/him
mori- canonically a gross pedo, kinda seems gay tho, it/its
elise- literally an ability and a child, she/it
higuchi- bisexual, she/her
kajii- aromantic, homosexual, he/it
hirotsu- gay, he/him
kouyou- bisexual, she/her
q- a child, it/they/he/she
ace- gay, he/it
oda- demisexual, demiromantic, gay, he/him
the guild:
fitzgerald- straight cis white male, he/him
poe- bisexual with preference for men, he/they
lucy- bisexual, she/her
lousia- bisexual, she/her
hawthorne- aroace, he/him
mitchell- straight, she/her
steinbeck- no labels (likes feminine and androgynous people), he/him
lovecraft- pansexual, it/they/he
twain- bisexual, he/him
herman- gay, he/him
decay of angels:
fyodor- bisexual with a preference for women, it/he
sigma- no labels (likes most people), they/he
nikolai- pansexual, it/its
bram- aroace, it/he
fukuchi- gay, he/him
hunting dogs:
tecchou- aroace, he/she
jouno- gay, he/they
teruko- pansexual, she/her
only other characters i care enough about to list:
ango- bisexual, will say he's straight if you ask, he/him
katai- straight, he/him, 4chan user (i love him tho)
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id-amia · 2 years
“Stitch it together, knit it together, patch it up. What can possibly I do...?”
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do not interact
if you ship taboo ships, i won’t write for them
racist, xenophobic
homophobic, transphobic, aphobic, etc
ableist, anti-recovery
if you’re here just to hate or bully
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request rules
i have the right to decline any request i don’t want to do
please don’t be mean or rude if it takes a while for me to finish your request, i’m usually busy with school
please specify if you want it as headcanons or imagines/oneshots (if not specified, headcanon by default)
if gender of reader isn’t specified i will use gender neutral terms
strictly no requesting pedophilic, incestual, non-consensual or abusive relationships (unless the prompt is a character saving the other from one)
no smut (suggestive themes are okay just no very descriptive nsfw)
no romantic or sexual plots with children or childlike beings (paimon, kusanali)
no kaeluc or other ships with controversy (like ships with unspecified ages and relationships)
no canonically/heavily coded gay or lesbian characters in mlw ships
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things i’ll write
angst, fluff, angst/fluff, comfort, crack
x readers
character x character
poly relationships
__![character] (ex: darkera!dazai, fem!chuuya, enby!rui)
sometimes i doodle
bungou stray dogs
love live
bang dream (not caught up in the game)
project sekai
your turn to die
witch’s heart (bonus stage)
persona (4-5 only currently, a little bit of 3)
doki doki literature club
genshin impact (until 2.6 irodori)
ensemble stars (en only for now i’ll catch up when im free i only know mayoi im sorry)
percy jackson, heroes of olympus, magnus chase etc
vocaloid (they’re different depending on the song so please use bang (!) a lot)
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mori ougai
fukuchi ouchi
romantic teruko okura
romantic odazai
romantic more more jump with men
romantic tsukatoya
haiji towa
izumako (enstars)
theres probably more i missed so i might still ignore some requests that arent in the list
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please don’t claim any of my works as your own or reproduce to other sites without permission
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