#I’m making it your tl’s problem now bc I saved so many posts
runestele · 2 years
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Hi! I have a ENFP friend who I love very much. We’ve been friends for a long time and very close. The thing is that as much as we like each other, whenever we’ve had uncomfortable moments she has taken distance from me (eg. I had a confrontation with her best friend and she stopped talking to me; once I snapped at her bc she kept crying about a guy that only made her suffer and she took distance since I was too harsh but instead of telling me I had to figure that out myself). My friends and I think she is very conflict avoidant, which makes it very difficult to reach out to her to fix things up. So that has led me to harbor some resentment towards her because I see her social media covered with her new friends or that best friend. The thing I don’t understand is that... the best friend is a guy that has called her idiot in the past or treats her roughly, but they are always together and yet she takes distance from me? So I feel I have to walk on eggshells every time I interact with her and treat her like a very delicate flower, I appreciate her so I don’t want to lose the friendship. Once she asked if everything was okay and I was very calming and told her “sure no problem! We just have different opinions about this subject and that’s gonna happen” and she started leaving me on read and sharing every tiny detail she did with her roommate on her stories. (My friends say she leaves them on read too). I am probably an ESTP, and I want to fix things up and talk to her about it. But I am honestly terrified that she’ll just distance herself even more. I mean, I barely talk to her now, rationally I think it wouldn’t make much difference. Another possibility is just to accept things as they appear and just move on. I can’t help but dwell into this every time I see my friend’s stories. TL;DR: my enfp friend is very conflict avoidant and I want to patch things up but I fear losing the friendship because she’s taken distance many times in the past. How can I approach this problem to her without her leaving? (Pd, she has anxiety issues but who doesn’t lol ok no)
It’s not unusual for a Fi user to “freeze someone out” if they don’t know how to talk about something, or have to process something on their own; but what you’re talking about goes beyond that into passive-aggressive behavior. She is “punishing” you by not talking directly to you, but leaving details of her life and close friendship with others in full view. She doesn’t know how to handle her feelings, she hasn’t learned to express her resentments directly yet, and she runs to other people for comfort whenever you disappoint her. She sounds like an Enneagram 9 struggling to set boundaries, express her true feelings, and be direct in sharing them.
You can’t change other people or force them into self-growth, so you have to ask yourself if the relationship is worth saving (by walking on eggshells and knowing she is going to do this to you whenever she’s mad about something you’ve said) in its current state, because unless she decides she’s sick of her behavior and does something about it, nothing about it is going to change. Can you be okay with her having friends you think are jerks and not talking about it? Can you be okay with her freeze-outs? How much joy and happiness does she bring into your life, compared against the way she frustrates you? I’ve heard that 7 out of 10 encounters should be positive and uplifting in a relationship; more than that, it’s “fake” and less than that, it’s contentious. How does yours rank?
Here’s the thing: the more that something happens to you, and the more you react to it in the same way, the deeper you dig a furrow into your brain that automatically triggers that response. You know how rounding a corner in a mall gives you a rush of “sweet smells” and makes you salivate for a cinnamon roll? Well, every time you see your friend engaging animatedly with people on her social media account while ignoring your texts is building a reaction furrow in your head: resentment. If you have the same reaction each time, it will only get deeper, and your response will become automatic.
You have a choice: to change the brain by changing your reaction, to let things continue as they are and get angrier and more resentful, or to ignore it. To change your reaction would mean instantly countering your feelings with different ones (“why is she ignoring me and talking to THEM?” > “I’m so glad she has friends!”). Letting things continue as they are is going to lead to an eventual blow-up between you or smoldering feelings that hurt what remain of the friendship. Ignoring it would mean deleting the ability to read her posts (so you don’t know what’s going on with her and other people) and putting her on Ignore while you focus on living well. But you do need to do something, decide what you want, and where you will stand, and how she will treat you. Whether you talk to her directly and ask if she wants to stay friends or is done or walk away is up to you.
Sometimes people grow apart and sometimes they leave you, and sometimes you need to respect yourself enough to not allow others to ghost you or punish you for having your own opinions. If someone winds up causing your more frustration and anger than happiness, the relationship isn’t a good one. So think about it, and decide based on what you think is right for both of you.
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kingborb · 3 years
Spill the tea bestie :0 I'm pretty curious. Deadass I'm so glad, literally EVERYONE I know loves nick and/or dogmeat ONLY and it's so tedious and stale to me. It also makes talking about fallout 4 so boring bc they haven't traveled with anyone else but Nick and dogmeat 😫
Yeah, that's a huge problem and I'm having it too, especially when the tier S companions for me are Preston, X6, Hancock and Gage XD Ok then, I think I can adress few things, why not c: It will be the longest post ever, cause I will try to write everything I can about this topic (cause it bothers me so much). You don't have to read my rumbles of course, I will make tl;dr version somewhere at the end just in case you get bored, my friendly anon <3
Oh and if you want to talk about any companion (I've done everyone except Dance), you can hit me on dms or asks, feel free to do whatever suits you! :3
So I have a few problems with Nick, some of them might not be that serious or game changing, others were huge when I encountered them for the first time. Let's spill some tea on one of the most beloved characters in this game!
1) People see Nick as an empathic person who wants to help people, makes rational, unbiased decisions, and has a good reason to be against the Institute. When I can agree with some of those things, this image of him was ruined for me in the Acadia. Okay, okay, I understand that DiMA actually murdered Avery and it wasn't a good choice. However, it bothers me that Nick sees nothing against forcing DiMA to confess to people from Far Harbor about what he had done in the past (and Nick actually likes this choice!). It is pretty obvious that he would die there and every other synth on the island would share the same fate if not now, then probably in the nearest future. And even if Aleen kills 'only' DiMA (because of the speech check with you) Acadia would fall anyway. Why? Tell me - who would be their next lider? Maybe the ex-courser whose mission is bringing back synths to the safe place because DiMA said it's the right thing to do? Or maybe 'dearest Faraday', depressed after the fact that some random wastelander came to the Acadia and convinced his loved one to literally commit suicide? The only safe place for synths who don't want their minds to be wiped by the Railroad or the Institute would be gone forever and for Nick, our 2nd gen hero, it is the right thing to do. Great. Fantastic. I love his logic.
2) Nick sees DiMA only as a murderer, even though he kills with you so many people on everyday basis... I know it's not the same. But c'mon! DiMA killed once because he knew his people were in danger. It was them or Far Harbor, and obviously he chose the Acadia. What a surprise. I wonder what Nick would do in that situation... I know I'm a bit biased with some of my opinions here, but I love so much the concept of the Acadia and 2nd gen gay nearly-pacifist Plato that DiMA is. Nick doesn't understand that the whole Acadia is in constant danger because of some bigotry in Far Harbor and Children of Atom being, well... Children of Atom. And he does nothing when people from Far Harbor murder not only DiMA but the entirety of Acadia - a group of innocent synths. Their lives apperently mean less for Nick than hiding one bad thing done in the past...
3) So now we can begin the next chapter which is the Railroad. Nick loves their every move, of course he does... I don't want to talk about them too much, but here I can mention their fantastic standards, when it comes to synths. They're killing the 1st gen and the 2nd gen, they're saving the 3rd gen... and what about the coursers? Desdemona is calling them per 'IT'. Fucking hypocrisy hits hard on that one. I know they're enemies but man... Why are you objectifying them? Why are you assuming they don't have personalities only because they're fucking brainwashed and controlled as hell? The existence of Chase and Harkness shows that coursers can resist too, so... Yeah I have a general problem with the Railroad and their double standards, but this fact is killing me every time. And about Nicky, oh... I'm sorry man, but they will shoot you on the side, when you will take off your clothes and appear as every other 1st and 2nd gen.
4) So here's the another thing, which is the atmosphere around him and a character building. People seem to like Nick because he's a unique synth (that's actually a great point) and because of the noir/detective vibe around him (as with Deacon/Railorad and their secret agents vibe - I get that too). I know, I know it's pretty fun to have the 2nd gen experimental synth as a companion who has memories of the detective from the past with... A DEAD FIANCÉE. Yup. Another one. That's why I don't like Deacon's and Maccready's stories too (and the main plot of fo4, especially when I want to play as a character without a wife and a fucking kid...). I like his storyline, don't get me wrong. However I think some companions in fo4 are well-written as well, maybe even better than Nick (I like in them the lack of dead wifes!). The last standing Minutemen, depressed and traumatised, who is such a sweetheart anyway. A killing machine which turns out to be real human being with fears, emotions and insecurities. An asshole who becomes a raider because he didn't want to suffer the same pain as his parents did, and has trust issues because of his past. A lonely, depressed drug addict who wants to see good in people but was rejected by his own brother only because he has became a ghoul. Again, don't get me wrong - Nick's story is really interesting and tragic as hell. His problems with his identity, personality splited between the prewar detective and the 2nd gen synth... It's all fascinating, however I will not forgive the developers recycling over and over again the same fucking cishet tragic story with dead wife/fiancée/whatever. It gets boring and repetitive after the main plot honestly.
5) WHERE THE HELL DID KELLOGG GO AFTER CORRUPTING NICK'S MIND ONCE?! TODD. WHY. It would have been much more interesting than another dead loved one plot. Todd, you lazy ass. He had offered so many, and he gave nothing back... As he always does.
6) The last one, I promise... Nick's reaction after siding with the Institute bothers me so much (the same deal with Piper). I. Am. The. Director. Of. The. Fucking. Thing. And it means I can do whatever I want, cause the director has a pretty authoritarian power there. So I can change everything, including the way they treat synths, accept or deny their experiments, say goodbye to some nasty scientists... The Institute route is not ideal in any way, however I see it as the only reasonable path in this game, even from the lore perspective. The Brotherhood is just a bunch of shitheads in the blimp, and I've said enough here about the Railroad earlier. The Minutemen are great but I would like to have an option to connect their morals with the Institute's resources and wabam - you've got the true happy ending in fo4. I understand why Nick is pissed, however if you are with him on the highest level of the relationship, he knows that you are an emphatic person who wants to make Commonwealth a better place for everyone including synths, ghouls, etc. It would be logical for him to not see you as a traitor. But well, I guess I'm wrong. Whatever, Nicky, whatever...
So here's the lazy version:
1)/2) Nick likes convincing DiMA to tell everyone in Far Harbor that he killed Avery. Nicky does nothing when people from Far Harbor kill innocent synths.
3) The Railroad and their double standards, when it comes to synths, especially coursers, but 1st and 2nd gens too. Nick loves it when you're helping the Railroad, even though they would kill him on a spot if he forgot to wear his clothes, so...
4) Another companion with dead wife/fiancée needs your help.
5) Kellogg in Nicky's mind. Missed opportunity for a good plot... What a shame, Todd.
6) Siding with the Institute and Nick's reaction to that, even when you're at the maximum level of the relationship with him.
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fiendishpal · 3 years
hi fiend !! i just saw ur twit post about someone stealing some of ur beautiful jjk art and i just felt like i had to say i’m sorry ?? i truly love everything you make, your presence on all your platforms, and the liveliness you bring to my tl is something i consistently find myself grateful to experience. you are a very cool cool person and i am sincerely sorry this is happening and that it happens to so many of your peers in the art community as well. ik me saying this won’t change a thing and might not make u even feel any better about the situation bc i am just a little anon sitting across from my very own screen but i do want to say i respect you greatly. seeing that and hearing u say it was breaking your heart made me feel like i had to do something to try and make you feel better and unfortunately this is the best i can do for now 😣 i am saving up money and trying to find a job and i hope to use some of that money to support you in any and every future shop/store endeavors you decide to share with us all.
in the mean time, i lov u !! i’m sending you hugs and thinking about you and i hope you feel better, sincerely.
(i hope i’m not overstepping any boundaries. this is the best way i could find to say something anonymously,, i don’t mean to bring it up on a whole other platform as i see it is, rightfully, upsetting you, but i did want you to know you have people supporting you. again, if this is overstepping i sincerely apologize, please please feel free to ignore. be well, fiend <3)
oh anon, this made me feel a whole lot better! i actually got a little teary-eyed hahaha
ah well i guess no matter what kind of warning we do or whatever kind of explanation we do that explains how much it hurts us artists when ppl repost/resell art that wasnt even meant for production and just solely for fandom consumption in the first place,there are still ppl who actively choose to do things that hurt ppl.... for their own gain ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i think i've already accepted this.. but it still hurts.
anon, i really appreciate the sentiment you brought into this message and thank you so much for taking the time to do this it really made me feel better❤ :')
i really appreciate your support!!! it really warms my heart and it would make me feel so much better if you're taking care of yourself too!!! this is definitely a me problem and i dont mean to put that pressure on anyone or upset anyone else, i just wanted ppl to be aware of the store so no one else buys from it. there's so much stolen art from that store ugh man i hate it.
thank you again so much anon!! you're not feeling it but im hugging you back, man. i appreciate it greatly!!!❤❤❤❤❤
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luminisvii · 4 years
okay im gonna go black out and write some bullshit about my Thoughts on Literary Analysis and Character Writing bc i love writing and i love trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. i am an unfortunate fan of fire emblem, so the real joke is on me, but let’s do this anyway. using a lot of bold as always! it makes me feel special.
Why is Leonie such a divisive character? 
as per usual, here is my disclaimer that it’s okay to like Leonie. it’s also okay to dislike her, as long as you’re not being a massive dick about it. lord knows people are rude to me about lorenz and i didn’t ask for their opinions. if you like leonie, i am not out to get you, i’m not going to tell you that you shouldn’t, i’m not even mad at you. Neat! you like a character i don’t! and that’s just fine. i honestly don’t care! go have fun! 
so let’s talk. theres a TL;DR at the end so be ready.
i’ll make no bones about it: i’m in the camp that dislikes her. i don’t have the energy to hate her as i do for faye, but leonie is pretty obnoxious as a character and it’s an uphill battle to like her. i’ve played VW like three times since i’m a self professed GD stan so i’ve dealt with her a lot, read most of her supports, and seen her as a character in actual cutscenes and stuff.
the short answer: making a character obsessed with another one and having that be most of their personality is really annoying. 
the long answer: let’s start on that now! these are my personal thoughts and analysis, so you’re free to disagree with me if you think i’m falling short.
one statement i will make right away is that i’m not offended by leonie being mean to the player. a lot of people who stan leonie like to argue that people dislike her because she’s one of the few characters who doesn’t kiss byleth’s ass immediately. that’s fine. that doesn’t bother me. after all, seteth and hapi are mean to byleth at first too, and those two are far more beloved… in fact, it’s funny that they’re mean to byleth. i would also argue that my favorite lord claude is not buddy buddy with byleth at first either, but if these popular opinion threads have proven anything to me, people love taking claude’s lying ass at face value. that’s besides the point—it’s okay that leonie isn’t immediately friendly to byleth. that is not an objective character flaw. characters need something to conflict over in the narrative, and not being instantly friendly to a player insert is not a problem in the slightest.
the major flaw in leonie’s character, imo, is that the writers decided it was a brilliant idea to make her obsessed with a man who barely seems to acknowledge her. this is an extremely unfortunate reoccurring character trope in fire emblem. notable other victims that more modern fe fans may recognize are faye and cordelia, faye being the worst offender. luckily, leonie isn’t as bad as faye. but it really is irritating that leonie, along with these other women, seem entirely driven by men who cannot acknowledge them. within three houses, you have similar traits in male characters as well: cyril is another notable offender, and to a lesser extent, dedue’s fixation on dimitri. now, we do see jeralt talking to leonie at the very least, and he does speak about her at least once in my memory, and positively at that. so it’s not as pathetic as the likes of faye. 
outside of that, leonie cannot stop fucking reminding everyone she comes across: she loves captain jeralt. she’s his only apprentice. and you, dear player, who is his child, are not good enough, because you don’t love him as much as she does. practically all her convos with byleth are about how they don’t love jeralt enough, save for a slight turn around in the A support where she talks about her promise to protect byleth in jeralt’s place. to be honest, i usually ditch her in any run i’m forced to take her (hello sylvain, the superior idiot redhead cavalier) so this promise is just cute.
the arrogance in this attitude is insensitive at best, and as seen in her B support with byleth, potentially malicious and self centered at worst. 
let’s not beat around the bush. the main point of contention for leonie is her B support with byleth, which is locked to jeralt’s death. you cannot get this support until jeralt has kicked it. and if you’re on GD, chances are you have gotten enough support points with leonie to get it immediately upon his death. the man’s grave is still fresh. what does she have the gall to say to her beloved mentor’s child?
“I've spent my whole life working to become a great mercenary like your father. There were so many times when I wanted to ask his advice, but I couldn't. I just had to make do. That's how I've made it this far. Just hard work, all on my own. But then you come along... And it's like you don't appreciate Captain Jeralt at all, or how lucky you were to have him around your whole life! Ugh! It still really bothers me! You might be his kid, but I'm still his best apprentice! Got it?!”
no matter how you dice it, saying that to someone whos father just died? NOT GOOD. it doesn’t matter what her reasoning is. a lot of people argue that this is realistic, that she’s acting out of grief. maybe so. however, if the game wants me to like her, they’re failing, no matter how realistic her reaction is. if this was supposed to be seen as a moment of weakness, that would be one thing, but it’s clear leonie never learns anything from this. she never gets better. she spends the rest of her life constantly centered on jeralt, and sees byleth as a competitor and obstacle to his affections, even after he’s dead. 
i don’t want to entirely make this about byleth, because let’s be real, byleth is only one of her many supports. but it is the most easily noticeable, and the least charitable to her character. 
also fun fact i did a basic search for jeralt in her supports and thats 37 times hes mentioned lmao this isn’t even accounting for her non support dialogue! which is still a lot! 
so a decent chunk of her supports still involve her talking about how great jeralt is as if the man is jesus. her better supports don’t involve him at all. i don’t have easy access to a lot of her dialogue by chapter, but quite a bit of her regular dialogue references jeralt too, be it by name or title, and a good chunk of her endings, especially her solo one, have her just taking up his title and job and drinking habits. it’s supposed to be seen as cute.
this woman is in her 20s at the beginning of the game. she’s my age. this kind of behavior is worrying. 
so you’re thinking “tell, you’ve spent a LOT of time talking about how leonie won’t shut the fuck up about jeralt. what about the rest of her character? unlike faye, she actually has one!” right you are! i will concede that. leonie does have things going on for her outside of her constant screeching about jeralt! what are they?
we see that her personality has her as a hard worker and frugal person because she’s grown up in a life that has less than many of her peers. she’s rational and rather keen, capable of assessing her opponents correctly and outsmarting them. she likes to help others. her supports with claude are fairly interesting as they talk about their own perspectives on the world to each other in a friendly manner. she talks to bernadetta and praises her skill in craft and manages to befriend her. in fact, all her supports where she doesn’t mention jeralt at all are pretty good. she can be headstrong and sometimes quick to jump to conclusions, but leonie isn’t one to be too beholden to preset ideas and shows a capability to learn and change.
wait, this sounds like a pretty well rounded and likeable character i’m describing! what happened here? this kind of portrayal is almost contradictory to the side of her that only thinks of jeralt. 
a lot of people who like leonie like her for these aspects. at first, i had thought her to be interesting, since she’s the poorest student in the entire school, here on money raised by her entire village, which must have been extremely difficult for them to do. she doesn’t understand how nobles can be so frivolous, and butts heads with the likes of hilda, who has been raised in luxury her whole life and she clashes even harder with lorenz, who is obsessed with nobility. in a way, leonie is the slap from reality that many of the rich students from garreg mach need. and she also serves an important function in the dynamic of the deer—she’s a bit of a hapless straight man to all their bullshit. they always need one of those! in the lions, that role falls to ingrid, while edelgard plays that to her own house. 
so yes, there is merit in leonie’s character. there’s a lot to like about her here. however, in my opinion, it’s not enough to make up for the incredibly abrasive aspects of her fixation on jeralt. it really just comes back to that—that someone decided that it would be a fantastic character trait to have her never stop thinking about a man, and flaunt this to the man’s child. constantly. almost all her dialogue directed at byleth is about jeralt. post skip, a lot more of her lines become about jeralt and making him proud. it’s like she thinks that he’s her dad. she’s a grown ass woman! leonie is one of the older students! she is an adult by the time the game starts! an adult with some actual worldly experience, unlike her peers! what went wrong? why is she like this? why did they make her so fucking annoying when it comes to jeralt?
so yes, that’s what i think is the major flaw of her character. a flaw that is not easily overcome. cyril is a largely derided character for similar reasons. another simple control+f tells me that rhea is mentioned in cyril’s supports 59 times so uh, woo! he has leonie beat there.
worst of all this is a flaw that narratively, she does not overcome. she never grows and gets better from it. she never changes her single minded determination to impress jeralt, even long after he’s dead. a good chunk of her endings have her taking up his business and acting just like him, taking his title too. somehow lorenz is the more likeable character, and lorenz starts off as a much worse person than her! he starts as a stinky incel classist and somehow, especially over the course of verdant wind, manages to learn and grow and change into a much better person, while leonie remains stagnant in who she is. her own peers outdo her in almost every aspect, in that they appear to be capable of growing up while leonie, already an adult, never seems to show any signs of maturing over the course of the game. we see ignatz turn from a meek nerd to someone who’s willing to do what it takes to protect what he cares about. marianne grows from suicidal and depressed to finding the will to live because it means she’ll be able to spend more time with things she enjoys and people she loves. lorenz goes from snobbish and distant over his complex about nobility to being one of the kindest members of the deer, willing to go against his father for the greater good. even hilda matures! hilda starts the game lazy and unambitious, trying to avoid work, saying she’d never risk her life for her friends, to fighting against some of the strongest forces in the continent and ESPECIALLY on CF we see her refusing to abandon claude in his time of need, no matter how bad it gets, even if it costs her life. what does leonie do? leonie seems to forever be stuck in the mindset that she has to impress jeralt, no matter how far she goes.
this is incredibly nitpicky, i’ll admit, this isn’t really part of the character analysis, but i find she under performs as a unit too. she may have ungodly speed and no weaknesses in her skills, but damage output wise she’s easily outdone in house by the other canon paladin of lorenz and his wonky statline, and out of house sylvain has basically the same ability as her, the same color hair, and a crest + relic that make him way more effective. the man has bulk, too. so, that’s a small ding to leonie as well. i had the same problem with sully in awakening. for all the talk about how these women are just as good as the men, they appear to under perform quite a bit.
and i’m gonna talk real quick in a basic list format of arguments i’ve seen for people defending leonie, since i’m running out of like, a coherent way to talk about some of this stuff.
-She’s realistic.
maybe so, but the game intends for me to find her as likeable and sympathetic, as it is for all recruitable characters. her reactions to byleth and sometimes others may be realistic, but don’t paint a charitable image of her. again, the moment in her B support with byleth is so bad, it makes her seem like she’s acting towards them with cruel intent. while i don’t care about byleth’s feelings since byleth isn’t a real person, what it does is it paints leonie as malicious, no matter what her intent was or how realistic it is. yes, she’s in grief, she’s lost someone important to her, but in what context is telling someone who just lost their dad that they didn’t love him enough supposed to garner anything but hatred? even if she apologizes for it in their A support, that means she basically took years to do so and still seems to think of byleth as an obstacle to her being like jeralt.
although as i have said before, the rest of her personality is fine. i find her non jeralt stuff is much more well written. she’s a down to earth person amidst a sea of lunatics. that’s not a problem.
-People don’t like her because she’s mean to Byleth. 
this is probably true in some regards although i can’t say for certain. because byleth is a player insert and some might take it personally, but otherwise i find this isn’t much of a good universal claim since there’s more to the disdain to that. personally, i think it’s hilarious when video game characters are mean to me, but that’s just My Opinion, so no, i’m really not offended by leonie being mean to me. other characters are also mean to byleth, and that leads into the next point...
-Other characters act similarly towards Byleth and they’re popular.
one, look at those stupid unpopular opinions threads on twitter. they’re not as loved as you think. two, a lot of the characters who are listed for these things are often the likes of seteth and felix, and let’s talk about the context of their actions there. seteth is indeed mean to byleth at first, but his intent is wildly different from leonie’s—he’s suspicious, and rightfully so, of this mercenary who came out of nowhere and rhea is suddenly showing a lot of interest in and is giving a position of power to. seteth is not acting out of malintent or jealousy, he’s acting out of concern for the students and his daughter as well as rhea. because his core intent is “protect everyone around me” it comes off as far more palatable and dare i say, endearing. this is vastly different than “i’m jealous towards byleth because i love their dad and hate that they’re getting attention i can’t.” with a character like felix, this is outright incorrect—felix is not necessarily more rude to byleth more than he would be anyone else. felix is angry with the faerghus four in particular, but everyone else gets the same level of vague disrespect from him otherwise, so his behavior is not centralized to byleth. again, i don’t care about byleth’s feelings. there is also cyril, who is similarly obsessed with rhea, and is just as irritating as leonie for it, if not worse because he gets an extra layer of being a poc character obsessed with a white one who saved him. 
tl;dr: context and intent matters. a lot. i know this is a ton to ask of the fe fandom to consider taking things beyond face value, but please consider the context of characters actions and their intent behind them.
-People who don’t like Leonie are misogynistic.
i won’t discount that there are bad actors who are likely extra critical of leonie because she’s a female character. it could be and has been argued that the reasons that characters like edelgard and ingrid are so controversial is because they are female. but not everyone who raises criticisms is strictly doing so in bad faith. most people i’ve seen criticizing leonie do it for the same reasons i am, which is that she’s an abrasive character. these traits would not be any better on a male character and in some regards could be worse. so for this one, it’s better to take it as a case by case situation, and pay attention to how people are talking. those doing so for less savory reasons often let it slip eventually, somehow. i’ve been avoiding using the word “bitch” in this entire thing for this exact reason.
-Her non-Byleth supports are good.
this is highly subjective imo and comes down to what you personally like in a character. i do like some of her non byleth supports, but she still has an unfortunate habit of bringing up jeralt in non byleth supports, so the only ones that are truly good are the ones where she doesn’t talk about him at all. even then, some like her one with marianne can do the same accidental portrayal of her seeming like a pretty unpleasant person. this isn’t saying that leonie can’t be flawed or short tempered, after all i adore felix and he’s got Some Fuckin Issues, but her portrayal as a kind and bright person clashes with how she’s portrayed surrounding byleth and jeralt. far too much. i like her supports with claude, i like her line with bernadetta, and her seteth one is good too, but i’d also argue that as a personality she doesn’t bring much to the table. she’s a perfectly serviceable character when she’s not dealing with byleth, but i personally fail to see more appeal to her. she isn’t particularly enrapturing like some of the others, and unlike someone like ingrid who has a similar role in BL, doesn’t have the shared history and integration with the deer that grants ingrid a unique perspective on her peers. although again, this is highly subjective, so it’s tough to argue about this. i’ll grant that yes, the writing that doesn’t surround jeralt is WAY better and almost makes leonie a redeemable character.
-Other characters are worse.
very true! i’ll cite faye again as the bottom line for “this is how abysmal this character could be” and in feth itself there is, as stated many times before, cyril. however it doesn’t mean that leonie is better by association. and i also often see people citing seteth as an example over the rudeness to the player too, but once again that’s about context and intent. hapi is a lesser example, due to a similar mistrusting nature, and there’s quite a bit of the cast who are cold and rude because that’s just who they are. now, thank fucking god that leonie actually talks about things that aren’t jeralt. like, seriously, i’d die. she still talks about him too much, but i really should go through all of faye’s dialogue to do a proper count. 
so now you’re probably thinking—if you even got this far—“gee tell, you sure do like running your fuckin mouth, eh? so what’s the point of all this?” let’s wrap it up. 
the TL;DR:
what this all boils down to is that leonie’s got a serious problem in her writing where her entire life revolves around a man, and the way it’s dealt with isn’t particularly great. she doesn’t have a dynamic character arc like some others that redeem them from their problems, and the personality she has outside of her relationship to jeralt and byleth often clashes with the one she has with them, particularly centering on byleth. when dealing with byleth, the image it paints of her is extremely negative, and not one easily shaken—again, the B support moment is just THAT BAD. that is the most cited moment for why people hate her. it just seems like for all the flaws she has, they are not compensated for or grown out of like other characters in the game do for theirs.
theres also that tweet about how we put more thought into these characters than intsys does, so. yeah. definitely doing that right now. thanks, intsys, you did it again.
i will also point to the argument that we should hold the writers accountable, not the fictional characters who aren’t real and don’t have feelings. i don’t think leonie needs to be held accountable for her bullshit. i just wish the writers could have treated her better.
this is personally why i find leonie so difficult, and hopefully if you didn’t understand why people don’t like leonie, this can help enlighten you. i’m willing to hear people out if they have something to say, and as always, if you are a leonie stan, please go enjoy yourself, have fun, and don’t let me ruin your parade. i just enjoy trying to figure things out and talking a lot along the way! so that’s all, here’s hoping that in the future they do better, and remember that GD is the best house okay bye take this picture of me typing up this whole ass thing
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eternaldipshit · 5 years
alright i’m fuckin PISSED
i just made this blog yesterday to maybe possibly post a homestuck fic i’m working on but now i’m going to use it to scream into the utter fucking gaping void of the homestuck fandom bc none of my friends are actively in it right now and god dammit i am UPSET
fact: i got a lotta feelings for the striders. they are my shit. i adore them. ok? so that’s an established fact now ok good cool moving on 
fact: when game over was released, i quit the homestuck fandom. that shit broke me. even if it wasn’t the “alpha” timeline or w/e it still fucking happened and it upset my delicate fucking sensibilities and hearing carne vale STILL triggers some sort of visceral feeling of panic and straight-up fuckin MISERY in me and i wish i was fucking kidding but i just put it on now to test it and ugh ugh gughgsh
fact: i started rereading homestuck this month from the beginning and reigniting my love for it. game over still fucked me up, but i powered through it and 5 years fuckin late i finished a harrowing emotional rollercoaster that i’d started like 7 years ago and was just... DEEPLY fucking unsatisfied with the ending which is why i started writing aforementioned fic in the first place but that is not relevant rn this is a whole different rant ok
fact: i wrote like 20k words for this fic in the span of like 3 days it was sick as fuck
fact: the epilogues are dumb as fuck and i despise them 
and that’s the meat of it really. fuck the epilogues. 
i haven’t finished them yet, but i just. ugh. UGH. words escape me. partially bc im a shit wordsmith but also bc *SPOILERS* i just got to dirk’s funeral scene and just fuckin. gave the fuck up. 
i never liked the original homestuck ending to begin with, but i never expected that the epilogues would be so fucking... bleak. it’s like reading a shitty fanfic except all the fun is sucked out of it bc technically all the shit you’re reading is canon and that makes it all seem drab and unfunny and just kinda depressing 
especially in the i guess ‘doomed’ timeline where dirk kills himself 
idk if it hit me hard bc of the flippant treatment of suicide or if it’s just bc i love dirk so much as a character but it just hurt in so many different fucking ways
it doesn’t help that the epilogues paint dirk as a straight up fucking sociopath
and i can see why that would make sense, really. his expanding godhood powers played into his pre-existing sociopathic tendencies in the worst way possible but
it’s just
not what i want to imagine from a fucking epilogue
call me soft and an idealist but i like my happy endings god dammit and fuck FUCK FUCK the epilogues. i want to try to finish them but it’s just. fucking difficult. 
i think the suicide was the last straw for me and now that i think about it it’s definitely bc of my own suicidal ideation and this is exactly why i avoided that stupid fucking show about the girl killing herself no matter how many times it was recommended to me bc i consume media to distract myself from my problems not have them blared in my face in neon lights 
i also fucking hate how dirk’s character morphed from a manipulative as hell genius who constantly struggled with his own morality to this kind of puppeteer who is flagrantly detached from his peers and seems to hold no real attachment to any of them it’s just
it’s shitty
and i was so excited for it bc i thought it would grant me more insight into dirk’s and dave’s characters, considering the fic i’m writing is strider-centric and it just completely took the wind out of my sails instead bc this is not what i pictured for dirk at all 
i mean i’m not a fucking idiot. i know he’s an asshole and an ‘ends justify the means’ guy and definitely manipulative and controlling but this is also the guy that cut off his own head to save all of his friends and tried his best to comfort dave when he was having a breakdown despite his own supposed lack of empathy
and i want so badly to continue my fic like i never read this but i can’t ignore it bc it’s fucking CANON. and i know my biffle would be like ‘fuck canon’ but i can’t fuck canon ok it’s the reason these characters exist in the first place. i might rewrite the whole ending but i wanted to stay as true to canon characterization as poss and now i just. can’t. 
the real kicker is that i was willing to look past the reveal that he was the narrator the whole time, controlling the lives of all the characters even if it literally gave me goosebumps bc it put that whole ‘jake keeps thinking about dirk while jane kisses him’ thing into a new disturbingly unromantic light but i ignored that too. i switched to the other path for a bit and i knew from the minute it switched to the scene where dirk’s hands are shaking and he calls jane i KNEW he would kill himself but i convinced myself otherwise and surprise surprise got my ass handed to me on a silver platter for it
but i cannot i CANNOT believe he would do that to dave. i flat-out refuse. i flat-out fucking refuse to believe that dirk could be so cruel as to leave them all behind in such a crass fashion and how DARE he do that to dave how fucking dare he doomed timeline or not that dude’s been through enough shit like come the fuck ON and decapitating himself??? that’s not poetic fucking justice that is just straight up cruel af and i know these are all fictional chars and this whole scenario is fictional but it is SO UPSETTING TO ME bc that is the EXACT thing you think about before a suicide attempt you think about what it would do to your loved ones and i absolutely irrefutably fucking REJECT the idea that dirk is so far-gone in his godhood puppet game that it wouldn’t even cross his fucking mind and it is just so much worse to me that dave is the one who found the body and i know dirk isn’t a ‘good’ guy but ugh UGH it’s like they just threw out his whole fucking conversation with dave where it’s obvious that he tries to be a better person even tho he knows he’s an asshole and it’s just.
fucking upsetting. 
i hate hate hate what they’ve done to dirk’s character in this it’s like they took all the struggle and all the growth from the adventure and all the nuances and just boiled it down to make a caricature of the person he used to be, emphasizing the negatives so that the epilogues could have this weird fucking quasi-villain dictating everyone’s lives 
why do these epilogues even exist
no one is going to read this but i am just so full of righteous indignation that i needed to get it off my chest. i was so hyped to be back into homestuck again, so excited to see what more it had to offer and this just. ruined all that joy for me. and now i’m afraid i’m just going to fall right back out of it again. 
what the fuck is the opposite of a redemption arc bc that is exactly what the fuck happened here. 
anyway tl;dr i love returning to a fandom i haven’t touched in 5 years and finding out one of my fav chars just got narratively butchered yeah i’m fine it’s cool 
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skyahq · 6 years
WELL. it’s me again. i’m sam ( she / her, 21, est timezone ) and i also play parker! this is sky who i’ve had for a while but haven’t really done much with bc my muse for him hasn’t been the best, however i think i’m all sorted with him now so, character info under the cut! tbh it’s literally the exact same intro as before with just a few slight changes but feel free to still give it a read and please message me if you’d like to plot because i would absolutely love that!
FIRST. let’s just. let’s get it out of the way right here and now that this is a sideblog so i will be messing up and posting shit to the wrong accounts sometimes bc i’m dumb. let’s laugh abt it now so we don’t have to do it later. k cool we can carry on now
「 CODY CHRISTIAN, CISMALE, 25, PARAMORE. 」┈ did you read that latest viral gossip issue on SKY ARLO? he is the DRUMMER in BETTER NOW, one of my favorite ALT ROCK groups. they’ve been releasing music for FOUR YEARS now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last TWO YEARS. get this, i think i heard HE’S THE ILLEGITIMATE CHILD OF A WEALTHY PUBLIC FIGURE. they’re known as the CALIGINOUS of the music industry, since they have a rep for being TRENCHANT but SELF - SERVING, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.  
born and raised deep in the swamplands of louisiana, sky’s only parent was a single mom who was nowhere near old enough or prepared enough to have a kid, tbh. she did sincerely try to take care of him at first but she had a drug problem that got very out of hand very quickly. sky was barely even five years old when the state stepped in and had him placed into the foster system.
has the slightest of southern accents but if you point it out he will deny it
will occasionally speak a little cajun french though bc we stan a multilingual grump
spent the rest of his childhood without a family or stable home. he was shuffled all over the state — placed in group homes, orphanages, and many different foster homes which were unfortunately very neglectful and unsafe sometimes. by his preteen years he was practically living on the streets of new orleans, survival instincts sharply honed.
he learns fast and had very quickly become an expert thief, pickpocket, and con artist, but that doesn’t mean he never got caught. he did. a lot. like his juvie record is longer than your arm
somehow still found time to experience your typical teenage first love resulting in unbearable heartbreak with a girl who lived on the streets and ran scams just like him. it was a bonnie & clyde together forever type of romance until it wasn’t cause the girl shockingly ditched him while he was in serious trouble in order to save her own skin and he never saw her again
not long after that he turned seventeen AND THEN SOMETHING SUPER IMPORTANT HAPPENED. by that i mean he was sought out by his social worker who then proceeded to 1) tell him his mother had died and 2) take him away to california because apparently there was a family out there who wanted to adopt him! and they did!
his new family wasn’t actually new though because the man who adopted him was his biological father. he and sky’s mother were lovers for the brief time wherein sky’s father was visiting louisiana in his late teen years but he left before ever finding out that he was going to have a child. he’d never stopped thinking about sky’s mom, however, so he’d do some digging every few years. of course by the time he finally did find her it was because of an obituary and then he’d heard about sky and just knew that this was his kid.
sky learned about all of this right away upon meeting his father and to say he didn’t take it very well is a MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT. he was furious. after all, his father had a whole new family! a wife and kids and a very prestigious job AND OH YEAH MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO HIS NAME BUT HE’D NEVER HELPED SKY EVEN ONCE. it didn’t really help that he was clearly trying to make up for his absence in sky’s life by being present now that he had the opportunity and anyway, it turned out he had ulterior motives for that.
basically, a large part of his dad’s wealth was in fact inherited through the family. they’re all old money posh so finding out that the next family patriarch had an unknown son who was technically his firstborn was terrifying. blood or not, they couldn’t just hand centuries of traditions and carefully cultivated wealth over to a high school dropout living on the streets. so, sky’s dad was just keeping him close while he talked to lawyers about whether or not sky had any legitimate claim to anything owned by his family and of course, the sneaky street smart kid he is, sky figured out what was going on pretty quickly and bolted back to the streets.
he was still seventeen at the time and he’s lived in los angeles ever since but hasn’t had any contact with his father or seen a single penny of that family money
so yeah he’s illegitimate, no actual rights to their fortune
lived on the streets in los angeles for a while, but with a little hard work ( and a lot of thievery and conning ) he was eventually able to get himself a little apartment while working various jobs
nothing really stuck until better now, but when he first joined the band he’d literally never played the drums before. ever. not once before in his entire life. did he lie anyway and say that he was a Drumming Expert™ because he’d get paid to play gigs with them and happened to be broke af at the time? why yes he absolutely did
since then they switched lead singers with sweets having joined the band four years ago and they’ve released one album that was lit af! they’re currently in the middle of putting together their second album and since sky’s found out that he actually really loves drumming things have been pretty good for him. he lives in a nice apartment and finally has enough money to get by without conning or stealing. he still doesn’t really know how to deal with being a celebrity but tbh he actually adores the attention? he loves having fans? people in his life who seem to genuinely love and care about him? what is this new and exciting concept he’s confused but happy nonetheless
never ever talks about his dad / family though
as usual i was Extra™ and went off with the backstory stuff, but we can move onto personality now!
by default assumes that literally everyone he meets is going to betray him. is truly on some x files trust no one shit
except he does actually genuinely trust a few people for now i’m going to say just his bandmates since i imagine they’ve been through a lot together at this point but that’s open to expansion
street smart, charming, flirtatious ( especially around pretty girls ), witty, perspicacious, determined, tough, mistrustful, surly, reckless, uncouth, self-serving af sometimes
also v v sarcastic and STUBBORN
all of sky’s save his own skin above all else stuff? kind of a lie. he’s got a soft spot for people in need of help and though he might do it begrudgingly, sky often will actually put others before him.
the other personality traits i listed are pretty spot on though
literally always has his drumsticks with him and brings them everywhere. will drum on anything and everything until told to stop then he miiiight apologize? but go right back to doing it again not even five minutes later ngl
street smart af but book smart? not so much. he picks up on things pretty quickly but he’s still pretty dumb lmao and will in fact say some stupid shit at least 2932589843794836708 times a day
however he’s not always much of a talker. he’s gotta be in the mood bc if he isn’t but you try to have a convo with him he’s gonna be even more standoffish than usual
when he does talk though, sky is often sarcastic, pessimistic, and surly
he’s permanently grumpy
except he also has many soft spots that are very easy to find
stale cinnamon roll, been in this world too long, too cynical w/ a dash of sinnamon roll
he’s usually a cute little ray of sunshine around fans though bc they just?? make him so happy?? it makes him so happy to know that people love better now and that they LOVE HIM OK
though if ever called out for smiling he would immediately deny
will absolutely throw hands if he has to
TL;DR - louisiana born street smart drummer for better now with an accent he denies having and an extremely rich family who wants nothing to do with him but it wasn’t like he ever cared anyway. charming and flirtatious but also can be grumpy and pessimistic. expert pickpocket and con artist. has no idea how to handle being a celebrity but he not so secretly enjoys the love he gets from fans. has trouble trusting and allowing himself to get close to anyone & everyone.
finally…it’s over. if you actually read this far then i applaud you. i don’t have any specific plots in mind EXCEPT FOR POTENTIALLY HALF SIBLINGS RELATED THROUGH HIS FATHER SO PLEASE MESSAGE ME IF YOU’RE INTERESTED BC Y E S but if you know me then you know i want all the plots so feel free to message me and we can definitely work something out! as usual i’m super excited to write with you folks!
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skyahqunfollow · 6 years
WELL. it’s me again. i’m sam ( she / her, 21, est timezone ) and i also play parker! i’ve finally decided to bring in another muse and bob morley also avan jogia is the loml, so he we go! character info under the cut! please message me if you’d like to plot because i would absolutely love that!
FIRST. let’s just. let’s get it out of the way right here and now that this is a sideblog so i will be messing up and posting shit to the wrong accounts sometimes bc i’m dumb. let’s all just. take a moment to laugh abt it now so we don’t have to do it later. k cool we can carry on now
「 AVAN JOGIA, CISMALE, 26, PARAMORE. 」┈ did you read that latest viral gossip issue on SKY ARAO? he is the DRUMMER in BETTER NOW, one of my favorite ALT ROCK groups. they’ve been releasing music for FOUR YEARS now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last TWO YEARS. get this, i think i heard HE’S THE ILLEGITIMATE CHILD OF A WEALTHY PUBLIC FIGURE. they’re known as the CALIGINOUS of the music industry, since they have a rep for being TRENCHANT but SELF - SERVING, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.
born and raised deep in the swamplands of louisiana, sky’s only parent was a single mom who was nowhere near old enough or prepared enough to have a kid, tbh. she did sincerely try to take care of him at first but she had a drug problem that got very out of hand very quickly. sky was barely even five years old when the state stepped in and had him placed into the foster system.
has the slightest of southern accents but if you point it out he will deny it
will occasionally speak a little cajun french though & some tagalog bc we stan a multilingual grump
spent the rest of his childhood without a family or stable home. he was shuffled all over the state — placed in group homes, orphanages, and many different foster homes which were unfortunately very neglectful and unsafe sometimes. by his preteen years he was practically living on the streets of new orleans, survival instincts sharply honed.
he learns fast and had very quickly become an expert thief, pickpocket, and con artist, but that doesn’t mean he never got caught. he did. a lot. like his juvie record is longer than your arm
somehow still found time to experience your typical teenage first love resulting in unbearable heartbreak with a girl who lived on the streets and ran scams just like him. it was a bonnie & clyde together forever type of romance until it wasn’t cause the girl shockingly ditched him while he was in serious trouble in order to save her own skin and he never saw her again
not long after that he turned seventeen AND THEN SOMETHING SUPER IMPORTANT HAPPENED. by that i mean he was sought out by his social worker for once who then proceeded to 1) tell him his mother had died and 2) take him away to california because apparently there was a family out there who wanted to adopt him! and they did!
his new family wasn’t actually new though because the man who adopted him was his biological father. he and sky’s mother were lovers for the brief time wherein sky’s father was visiting louisiana in his late teen years but he left before ever finding out that he was going to have a child. he’d never stopped thinking about sky’s mom, however, so he’d do some digging every few years. of course by the time he finally did find her it was because of an obituary and then he’d heard about sky and just knew that this was his kid.
sky learned about all of this right away upon meeting his father and to say he didn’t take it very well is a MASSIVE UNDERSTATEMENT TBH. he was furious. after all, his father had a whole new family! a wife and kids and a very prestigious job AND OH YEAH MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO HIS NAME BUT HE’D NEVER HELPED SKY EVEN ONCE. it didn’t really help that he was clearly trying to make up for his absence in sky’s life by being present now that he had the opportunity and anyway, it turned out he had ulterior motives for that.
basically, a large part of his dad’s wealth was in fact inherited through the family. they’re all old money posh so finding out that the next family patriarch had an unknown son who was technically his firstborn was terrifying. blood or not, they couldn’t just hand centuries of traditions and carefully cultivated wealth over to a high school dropout who didn’t know how to behave and simply couldn’t be trusted with their unblemished legacy. so, sky’s dad was just keeping him close while he talked to lawyers about whether or not sky had any legitimate claim to anything owned by his family and of course, the sneaky street smart kid he is, sky figured out what was going on pretty quickly and bolted back to where he was most comfortable — the streets.
he was still seventeen at the time and he’s lived in los angeles ever since but hasn’t had any contact with his father or seen a single penny of that family money
so yeah he’s illegitimate, no actual rights to their fortune
lived on the streets in los angeles for a while, but with a little hard work ( and a lot of thievery and conning ) he was eventually able to get himself a little apartment while working various jobs
nothing really stuck until better now, but when he first joined the band he’d literally never played the drums before. ever. not once before in his entire life. did he lie anyway and say that he was a Drumming Expert™ because he’d get paid to play gigs with them and happened to be broke af at the time? why yes he absolutely did
since then they switched lead singers with sweets having joined the band four years ago and they’ve released one album that was lit af! they’re currently in the middle of putting together their second album and since sky’s found out that he actually really likes drumming things have been pretty good for him. he lives in a nice apartment and finally has enough money to get by without conning or stealing. he still doesn’t really know how to deal with being a celebrity but tbh he actually adores the attention? he loves having fans? people in his life who seem to genuinely love and care about him? what is this new and exciting concept he’s confused but happy nonetheless
never ever talks about his dad / family though
as usual i was Extra™ and went off with the backstory stuff, but we can move onto personality now!
by default assumes that literally everyone he meets is going to betray him. is truly on some x files trust no one shit
except he does actually genuinely trust a few people for now i’m going to say just his bandmates since i imagine they’ve been through a lot together at this point but that’s open to expansion
street smart, charming, sometimes flirtatious, witty, perspicacious, determined, tough, mistrustful, surly, reckless, uncouth, self-serving af sometimes
all of sky’s save his own skin above all else stuff? kind of a lie. he’s got a soft spot for people in need of help and though he might do it begrudgingly, sky often will put others before him.
the other personality traits i listed are pretty spot on though
street smart af but book smart? not so much. he picks up on things quickly but he’s still pretty dumb lmao and will in fact say some stupid shit at least 2932589843794836708 times a day
however he’s not always much of a talker. he’s gotta be in the mood bc if he isn’t and you try to have a convo with him he’s gonna be even more standoffish than usual
when he does talk though, sky is often sarcastic, pessimistic, and surly
he’s permanently grumpy
except he also has many soft spots that are very easy to find
stale cinnamon roll, been in this world too long, too cynical w/ a dash of sinnamon roll
legend has it he’s never smiled ever not even once
he’s usually a cute little ray of sunshine around fans though bc they just?? make him so happy?? it makes him so happy to know that people love better now and that they LOVE HIM OK
though if ever called out for smiling he would immediately deny
will absolutely throw hands if he has to
lowkey a total mom friend who thrives on being a total mom friend but acts like he hates it? like he’ll grumble at you to bring your jacket bc it might be cold out and he’ll seem like he’s doing it very begrudgingly but on the inside? HE IS THRIVING IN THAT MOMENT
TL;DR - louisiana born street smart drummer for better now with an accent he denies having and an extremely rich family who wants nothing to do with him but it wasn’t like he ever cared anyway. charming and flirtatious but also can be grumpy and pessimistic. expert pickpocket and con artist. has no idea how to handle being a celebrity but he secretly enjoys the love he gets from fans. never smiles, loves whiskey, probably takes way too many naps on his couch. secret mom friend. has trouble trusting and allowing himself to get close to anyone & everyone.
finally…it’s over. if you actually read this far then i applaud you. i don’t have any specific plots in mind EXCEPT FOR POTENTIALLY HALF SIBLINGS RELATED THROUGH HIS FATHER SO PLEASE MESSAGE ME IF YOU’RE INTERESTED BC Y E S but if you know me then you know i want all the plots so feel free to message me and we can definitely work something out! as usual i’m super excited to write with you folks!
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ileolai · 7 years
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Ok so… I like the idea of Missy's arc being analogous to an addict going sober... it actually makes a bit more sense of what bugged me so much about early Simm!Master, now that I think about it.
Everything Is About The Time War ramblings.
It always felt so off to me that RTD's characterization of the Master was so completely manic and obnoxious, in a way that classic Master wasn't. He was like... a wall street exec on an eight-ball or something, with the over-sexed, frenzied energy and the misogyny and what have you... and it's hard to see that dude being the same character as Delgado. He's so odd, like an optical illusion or something-- I recognise aspects of the Master there, but it's somehow not adding up to what the Master actually is. But that is the point... this is his response to the war, to the abuse at the hands of the Time Lords that goes back to his childhood. I mean- that was laid out in TEoT, but the Doctor and Missy's post-war arc kind of makes it clearer and more resonant, I suppose.
Simm Master is all wrong and broken from the war, kind of like the War Doctor... but unlike the Doctor, the Master is all surface. He lacks the ability to have a big, internal, self-shattering, moral struggle over what was done to him, like the Doctor. So his defense is to act outward-- 250 mph batshit, and goes on an all-out murder-bender instead, with no regard for consequences. Becoming a more exaggerated, hedonistic, recklessly destructive version of himself... that is oddly sympathetic and seductive and fun to watch at first, as those type of addicts can be.
And I suppose you can see the ~drums thing as like... a sort of... clumsy analogy for the experience of a PTSD-driven addict, and the sense of helplessness over being compelled to do things by your own brain that you can't stop or ignore.... And it's a torment, but it gets wrapped up in his own self-image, he doesn't know what he'd be without it.
And Ten... doesn't really get that? He's too wrapped up in his own stuff, too focused on his own pain … which he needs to be at that point in his own recovery … but it's no use to the Master. Ten thinks he can fix it with a big ol' Care Bear Stare or something, but the Master doesn't want or need that... so they just damage each other more.
[side point: this is why the Master going apeshit on the Time Lords isn't his redemptive moment, as I've seen people argue post-TDF while criticizing the Master's characterization in it... It is entirely right to blame them, bc they're a bunch of child abusing assholes who used him as pawn as much as they did the Doctor... but turning your anger on the right people is a step in the recovery process, not the end of it. He still has a long way to go from there.]
So by TDF... the war is long over, the drums [and therefore that part of his self-image] are gone, and all the glamour of being a 24/7 party monster has worn off. He's trapped on a ship with a black hole threatening to eat him, and he can't even save himself, bc he's too busy acting out his power fantasies to extract himself from the wreckage of his own decisions. He's no longer seductive or sympathetic or fun to watch-- he's just an asshole burn-out, who got kicked out of home and crashed his car on the interstate. And the Doctor isn't coming at him with big sad eyes and hugs and kisses anymore. He's over it, he's too far past the war and the damage for the Master to be an all-consuming emotional priority. He's just a nuisance now, really. He's got no more excuses or justifications for his sociopathy... no enablers, no audience to play to and feed it. And finally, his last big scheme to set the Doctor off and Get The Party Started backfires in his face ...  immediately. He's utterly powerless over the Doctor, and everything else.
But he still can't bring himself to stand and fight with the Doctor, even if it would save him from this mess, because this entire Disco Bloodbath personality is a trauma defense mechanism. It was constructed specifically to avoid fighting. In a way, there's a twisted sort of integrity in it… he's refusing to submit to what must look like-- from his warped perspective-- a trap, what the Time Lords and their abuse had destined for him to be.
[quick note: there's some interesting Night of the Doctor parallels here...]
So, copying and pasting from an entirely different meta, because I'm lazy, but it's relevant to Time War stuff:
Nine and Ten bear the brunt of that PTSD from the War. And this is the thing with PTSD. It’s not really the trauma you’re left with that’s the problem. It’s actually the coping mechanisms you relied on to survive it. They formed to deal with a specific situation and they helped you survive it-- but you come to rely on them so much that once you’ve escaped the situation, they become destructive and don’t help you at all.
Missy fully understands what it means for the Master to be stuck here, because it's her own experience. She can give him the closure he needs to move past his trauma, and let go of the defense mechanisms [with love and stabbing]. And that closure is something the Doctor never could offer... As much as they go on about how they're both the same-- and their childhoods are parallel, both expected to be warriors from a terribly young age-- their response to trauma is too fundamentally different... it's irreconcilable. So a tender kidney-gouging from Missy it has to be.
And her younger self wakes up in the middle of this mess her former self created... alone. She literally can't remember how she got there, an entire decade is blanked out. Why is everything on fire now, where did these Cybermen come from, and how did I get this circuit? On some level, as much as the Master went out kicking and screaming, she has to realize she can't do this shit again... this is low as she can possibly fall. Like waking up in a trashed hotel room with a murder-hangover or something, idk. So she starts fumbling towards reconciliation from then on, dismantling the 250 mph murder-party-all-the-time aspects of herself every time she faces situations where they don't work anymore… until she hits the wall where her own resources run out, and she needs the Doctor. And he is finally far enough past his own PTSD that they can actually grow together instead of just feeding into each other's issues.
It's not so much a ''redemption'' arc… it's not about giving Missy a ~moral soul, or whatever, because that would just be narrative apologism--  she's a child killer after all, which is irredeemable in Moffat Who. She's done too many terrible things at this point to ever be Good, and she knows that, and she owns it. It's a matter of self-directed trauma/addiction recovery... And that's why it works, and makes sense, and doesn't feel like some sort of sanctimonious quest to woobify her [as redemption arcs often do]...  
She has the self-awareness the Master was too clouded by defense mechanisms to have...  the Time War after-party is over, and what she had to be to survive that doesn't work anymore, and there are mortal consequences for it now... and the narrative allows her to grow and adapt to that, while still maintaining her sense of self, and making no apologies for the decisions that ultimately are what kept her alive until this point.
TL;DR: the whole Doctor/Master arc is a big allegorical story about two people coming to terms with the fallout of child abuse, and healing together in their own ways, bc Bad People can self-actualize too.
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kikistiel · 8 years
Hi I love you let hp au! Question, what do you think about the sortings rap mon did? I'm pretty much fine with all of them except Jimin in slytherin. He seems more like a hufflepuff to me..
Hi thanks! Glad you like it! I agree with Namjoon’s sorting 100%. He knows the movies, he know the members better than I ever will, and I trust his judgement so…
About Jimin. I have some thoughts on Slytherin!Jimin and why I think he fits there so perfectly. These are just my personal opinions, coming from a die-hard Hufflepuff and someone who has been a Harry Potter fan since the second book came out when I was in the second grade and if you don’t agree that’s totally cool, but I really really think 
Jimin is a perfect Slytherin.
First, I think I’ve finally pinpointed the reason why so many people are against Slytherin Jimin. I’ve seen it in arguments on other mediums and all of the social platforms when the post-it first came to light and I’ve seen it only being reinforced in the tags on my HP AU. And a lot of this blame lies on how JK herself wrote Slytherins in the series: 
A lot of people still think Slytherins are inherently mean, cold people.
Or that they only look out for themselves, are too cut-throat, step on the little people to get to the top, and the like. In the books, save for like… a handful of characters, they are portrayed this way. I mean… in the battle of hogwarts the entirety of the school was like ‘NAUGHTY SLYTHERINS GET THE DUNGEON TREATMENT!’ bc a small portion had family members who were death eaters. People assumed they were the bad guys. Even in the first book, Ron says “There wasn’t a wizard who went bad who wasn’t in Slytherin”, reinforcing the idea that Slytherins are, at heart, ticking time bombs waiting to go evil.
The fact that people think Jimin is ‘too nice’ or ‘too kind’ or ‘too sweet’ to be in Slytherin is really… worrisome. It makes me wonder – people are really quick to sort Yoongi in to Slytherin and have next to no problems with it, but suddenly Jimin is too nice to be there? What are you trying to say about poor Yoongi here??? omg 
It’s true that some characteristics Slytherins tend to share are personality traits seen in typical villain characters, but I think we tend to take Hogwarts houses’ traits a little too black and white. People can be in one house and still share traits with other houses, or be in a house and not represent it at all:
Hermione, she was considered the brightest witch of her age. She got top marks and was incredibly intelligent. But she wasn’t in Ravenclaw?
Harry was SUPPOSED to be in Slytherin, and the biggest damn reason he wasn’t was because he specifically asked the hat not to put him there. Dumbledore even told Harry that he possesses all the characteristics of a Slytherin.
Peter Pettigrew was put in Gryffindor – but he was a coward who ratted out his friends, causing their horrific murder and really like the whole plot of HP
Lockehart was a Ravenclaw, but the only thing he was exceptionally skilled in were memory charms, other than that he’s shown as being kind of an idiot
Horace Slughorn, a Slytherin, who on the surface displayed many traits of Slytherins like “collecting” students to further his reputation – actually deeply, deeply cared for those students. He cared especially for Lily Potter, a muggleborn. And he fought in the Battle of Hogwarts!
All those asshole Hufflepuffs, who are supposed to show kindness and fairness to those even outside their house, bullying Harry when he ‘took’ the spotlight away from Cedric in the Triwizard Tournament?
Not all Slytherins are assholes. Not even most of them are. Why would people put up with an entire house of asswipes? They wouldn’t. omg
okay cool thanks for the lore lesson but what does this have to do with Jimin
Slytherins, by definition,
tend to be ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented. They also have highly developed senses of self-preservation. This means that Slytherins tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done.
So like, looking at it closer:
ambitious, shrewd, cunning
Jimin pursued a career as an idol, he trained as a dancer, he’s a natural born performer on stage. I mean you can see his drive and ambition in every performance he does. He’s a perfectionist, and he doesn’t settle for anything less than that. Who else do we know is a perfectionist when it comes to their craft who is also in Slytherin? Also, trainee days are a cut-throat business. He was in a group where people were getting added and cut left and right. He had to have some cunning and sense of self-preservation to keep himself around and not get eaten alive/walked all over.
They also have highly developed senses of self-preservation. This means that Slytherins tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done.
Jimin is an extremely calculating guy, much like his Slytherin-brethren Yoongi. He’s extremely socially conscious, look at how upset and flustered he was on King of Masked Singer when he fucked up with properly addressing his sunbae. He’s grown up a lot since his debut days and he doesn’t do or say anything without thinking it through VERY HARD first. He isn’t really known for doing or saying anything problematic. He’s got a pretty squeaky clean history. Unlike other members who sometimes don’t always think as much as they should before they say something, Jimin (and Yoongi to an extent, save for one pre-debut tweet that got him in trouble) knows when to keep things to himself.
JIMIN IS A GOD DAMN HECKIN SHOW OFF. And the most Slytherin aspect of it all is that when he does do something, he expects you to damn well recognize it. Yeah, Jimin having a praise kink is a joke but…. is it? I mean really…. is it?
“Jimin you’re cute!” “Yeah I’m aware.”
“You’re so pretty!” “I’ve always been pretty, tell me something I don’t know”
lsdkfjlsdjkfl HE’S A SLYTHERIN GUYS
(Never forget that time on ASC when that girl said Jimin was his favorite and he literally got up from his seat to show how smug he was. Funny how his understanding of English suddenly becomes second to none when someone is praising him.)
Even when something isn’t about him, you better damn well make it about him. He sees someone else getting complimented and he’s like, wait – what about me?
you still think pure, innocent, sweet Jimin is too adorable and cute to be in Slytherin? Uhh:
every man for him fuckin self
will not play along with your childish antics
not afraid to correct you in front of cameras and laugh at you while doing so
will also make fun of you in front of cameras relentlessly LET HIM LIVE
is tiny but will still fite u
???? jimin is a monster
whatever this was
seriously jimin can be an asshole and i live for it (look at that last gif he’s so proud of himself??)
judgey mcjudgepants
look at who was the last to make himself look stupid for food (and look at who was the first! it’s that mean, cold, emotionally constipated old slytherin yoongi)
and here you can see a true slytherin and hufflepuff in their natural habitat
there’s so much more but i’m tired and this is too long already. Never get me started on Harry Potter house drama, I could go on and on and on.
also people say that we shouldn’t trust namjoon’s sorting bc he said he chose slytherin for jimin because of his eyes like… it’s a well known joke in the fandom that namjoon says some needlessly deep things for no reason at all and we give him so much grief for it and we’re just now giving his weird musings the time of day lol (I love you and your beautiful brain namjoon)
if this gif set doesn’t convince you of the hufflepuff and slytherin kids idk what will
Here is why Namjoon is a Gryffindor and And here is why Jungkook is a Ravenclaw!
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