#I’m not dead just tired bc I’m back to work after covid and it’s exhausting
letraspal · 2 years
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We held hands the whole day. At lunch, he sat with his arm resting on the back of my chair. “If you can’t be gay at Ikea,” Snow reasoned, “where can you?” Was this the best day of my life? I’m nearly certain.
— Chapter 56, Any way the wind blows by Rainbow Rowell
Happy first anniversary AWTWB 🐀🌹
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miekasa · 3 years
💉no bc i have so many little snippets about that au!! oc’s aircon in her room has been broken for a week. it’s summer. oc’s been working in outdoor makeshift hospitals for overflowing covid cases (it’s bad here in my country haha, this is me coping) in full PPE, it is fucking HOT. she’s home after a long shift. levi knocks to ask if she needs anything bc he’s going out for errands, and only her fan is on and that’s how he finds out. oc laughs and points to an unopened box, says she just needs—
💉—says she just needs to find time (& strength) to install it and have the broken one brought to recycling. she takes a moment to write a prescription for her pills. levi takes this time to go to his room, turn the aircon on, & pull the blinds down (fluff the pillows). oc peeps out to hand him the paper, and he gruffly tells her to come with him. oc is weirded out, but her roomie’s always been weird, so she follows meekly, truly out of energy and just wants to fall asleep at this point really—
💉—oc is hella surprised when he nudges her into his room. cold air! a COLD COMFY HAVEN but still what ?? he tells her to rest here for now oc goes i-can’t-intrude spiel! levi just maneuvers oc onto the bed, practically pushes them down. oc is out in no time, he tucks her in and leaves. errands done, he comes home, cleans up, changes oc’s broken aircon and cooks dinner. oc wakes up from THE most restful sleep she’s gotten in weeks, engulfed in softness smelling of black tea and spearmint—
💉—and remembers !! and oc bolts out of roomie’s room, panicking that she overstepped boundaries (it was a 6-hour nap). she finds him setting two places, a pot of stew on the stove. all he does is point to her meds that he’s bought. and levi goes “oh, i changed your aircon, broken one’s already in recycling” and oc is stunned for a minute before attacking him with a hug, very tearful-grateful. levi literally goes tomato red. awkward pats. they have dinner 🥰 i am so sorry this took 4 asks
OMG HI!! I’m glad your back!! Don’t apologize, this was definitely worth the 4 ask read, but I will answer the rest of it below the cut because I too have many thoughts 🥳🥳
FIRST OF ALL THIS SCENARIO IS SO MF CUTE!! Acts of service being Levi’s love language coming through!! He’s totally the type to install her AC unit for her please he probably doesn’t even realize how incredibly sweet that is of him!! It’s making my heart go !!! He really just is the fucking best roommate somebody could ever ask for, and at that point honestly if oc didn’t have a crush on him before, she might starting having one now LMAOO (I know I might) 
Also the detail about him fluffing the pillows... is so tender... so sweet... so kind... such a Levi-esque detail, I’m in LOVE!! And the way that, even if oc weren’t dead tired and on the verge of passing out from exhausting, Levi probably wouldn’t take no for an answer and have her sleep in his cold room for the night regardless; because, yeah, he cares about her and has a little crush, but he also just thinks that at the very least, that’s what she deserves for all the work she’s been putting in. GOD he’s the sweetest fucking guy I want him!!!
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