#I’m not even into this band that much like I am with Elo but the song locomotion which they did cover btw really does make me want to dance
cursed-elo-images · 7 months
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@chad-jeff-lynne WOW LOOK IT’S JEFF LYNNE!!! He’s so amazing!!! My favorite songs he sang are his cover of “Locomotion”, and others include “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “Space Oddity”, and “Yellow Submarine”. He is my favorite Led Zeppelin member!
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georgiapeach95 · 3 months
May-December Romances (Older Men Just Do It Better!)
Ahhh, one of my favorite topics of discussion. May-December romances. They bring a spark of joy to some (such as me) and perplex others. Since I am a straight woman, I’m going to be writing from the standpoint of a younger woman liking older men. Ever since I was 18, I’ve loved much older men. I’ve always found their maturity, intelligence, sense of humor, and attractiveness (not to mention their sexy grey hair) second to none. I never connected with boys/young men my own age, no matter how hard I tried.
My mother has always said I was born grown. I never liked being around kids and teens my own age. I always wanted to be around older people. I connected to them on a deeper level. It wasn’t superficial crap you get with the younger crowd. I was always the odd one out when it came to trends and what the “cool kids” were doing. I was more fascinated by what was worn in the 60’s and 70’s than skinny jeans and vests with white shirts under them (or whatever the hell that trend was in the mid 00’s). I was bopping along to my favorite band, ELO, and other oldies with my mother while everyone else loved whoever was currently hot at the time. And I was fascinated by all the beautiful and handsome Hollywood Babylon actors and actresses on the TCM channel that constantly played at my maternal grandparent’s house. I’ve always been an old soul and I’ve often wondered if I was truly born in the right time.
To say I’m light years ahead of my time or wise beyond my years is an understatement. I’m just a vintage girl. I can’t help it. But being a vintage soul doesn’t just apply to clothes, music, movies/TV, etc., it also applies to the men I find attractive. Now, you’re probably wondering what my preferred age range is and I’ll gladly tell you! I will only consider dating a gentleman who is age 50 and up. That is right, I only date either 50 or older and when I say older, I just mean older, I don’t put a limit on it. It is simply what I find most attractive and who I generally relate to. While I am extremely open with the age range and type of men I find attractive, I’ve gotten many an inquisitive look, and some even looks of downright disgust, from other people. It doesn’t bother me, however. I understand because of the “stigma” of a younger woman liking an older man, it makes people leery and question why? But, unlike many of young women who are drawn to older men, my reasons are NOT their reasons, and I will go to battle on that statement wholeheartedly any day of the week!
It isn’t the money, social status, travel opportunities, mansions, jewelry, or other shit that most young women are out for and crave from older men. Honestly, I could care less about those things. I am old school. I believe in love and romance. And I simply want a gentleman whom I connect with on every level, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc. In my eyes, love is everything. Everything else comes second. I do often get irritated and deeply upset with gold-diggers. I don’t see how anyone can be so shallow and cruel as to only want someone to get them ahead in this life. I don’t like that, and I’ll be damned if I ever believe that way!
It's funny, because in the past, older men have always been quick to ask me, “You do realize I’m a lot older than you, right?!” It’s like, duh, of course I know that! I probably wouldn’t be talking and flirting with you had you not been around when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon! They often find it hard to believe there is a young woman out there, such as myself, who wants to date them and be with them based on who they are as a human being, not strictly what they have to offer monetary and gifts wise. Well yes, us ladies are out here, but sometimes it’s like looking for a needle in a haystack.
It makes me roll my eyes when people ask me “But Christina, what in the world do you have in common with a 60 or 70-year-old?” All I can say is, speaking from experience, all the older men I’ve ever spoken with praise me on being able to relate to them and keep intelligent conversations about different topics going. I can always find something to talk with them and laugh about. However, I often find that hard to do with men my own age.
All in all, it boils down to this, to everyone who thinks the fact that I would date a man 50 and above is gross or unnatural, just get over it. Everyone has their preferences. Much older men are just what I find physically, mentally, and emotionally attractive and appealing. Everyone’s life is different, and it is what I want for my life. I’m not saying it’s for everyone. But for me, it’s pretty darn awesome! To all the adults who is either in or wants to be in a May-December romance, please keep the good thing going!
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illustrious-rocket · 1 year
10 Songs, 10 People
Tagged by @blind-the-winds
Rules: list ten songs, then tag ten people to pass the game on to! (bonus points if it's from a wip/character playlist!) 
I hope it’s okay if I bend the rules a little bit because let’s be honest, I don’t know 10 people lol... I’m going to just list some songs that come to mind and talk about them, and I’ll tag someone who I know will have fun with this.
Tagging: @lilliths-httyd-blog
Jax, because you mentioned I might be able to add to your list and Eva came up in yours, I may as well start with filling in the songs from the Rebuild movies, Utada Hikaru’s “Beautiful World,” “Sakura Nagashi” and “One Last Kiss.” The original series’ “A Cruel Angel’s Thesis” was described as “ an anglerfish lure to make you think it's upbeat and kickass, when it's literally an anime about depression,“ and “Beautiful World” could be thought of in similar terms. It plays during the credits of the first two films in the series of four, and both times it wants you to think that maybe this time, the world really isn’t so bad. Shinji and Rei end the first movie finally connecting. At the end of the second, Shinji finally goes fucking postal after being kicked around by his rotten father and decides to get what he wants with his own two hands. Maybe there’s hope that this time everything will be different. Maybe.
Nope. It’s all a windup for the absolute gut punch the third movie delivers. Things are as depressing as ever, possibly worse. And fittingly, “Sakura Nagashi” replaces the upbeat, hopeful sound of “Beautiful World” with a bleak and mournful one suited for the bleak film it concludes. But even then, one sliver of hope slips through - “everyone finds love, in the end” - that reminds the listener that even when things look absolutely hopeless, they will eventually get better. “One Last Kiss” is the end point of that journey, providing the point of view of someone who has survived hitting rock bottom and is managing to move on.
To progress onto some other answers...
The next one has a story behind it. A couple years ago I learned of an (apparently?) obscure late-80s Italian horror movie, Paganini Horror. Directed by Luigi Cozzi (the director responsible for, among other things, the infamous Star Wars ripoff Starcrash a decade prior) it is pretty much what its title implies, a horror movie using the violinist Niccolo Paganini as a central figure. The first red flag was why it came to my attention in the first place - the main characters are an 80s girl rock band, and in their very first appearance in the movie, they’re performing an “original” song that is actually just 95% copied from “You Give Love a Bad Name” by Bon Jovi. Bad enough, but that’s not why I’m telling this story.
Last year I finally got around to actually watching this movie, and let me tell you, it is fucking unhinged. The plot literally revolves around the band needing a new song - because, in a moment of supreme irony, their manager feels the “You Give Love a Bad Name” ripoff is too unoriginal - and one of their members gets into contact with a shady salesman (played with ridiculous glee by Donald Pleasance, nearing the end of a career where he was in plenty better than this film including portraying James Bond archenemy Blofeld) who sells him “Paganini Horror,” an unpublished piece by Paganini.
Dude, I am not fucking kidding when I say this “unpublished score” is just “Twilight” by Electric Light Orchestra with the lyrics removed. They want you to believe a composer from the 16th century wrote an ELO song from 1981. The entire movie hinges on this. The band decides to use the score for their new song and creates a new set of lyrics (titled “Paganini Horror” in the film but more likely called “The Winds of Time” based on the lyrics) and decide to film a video for it in a house where Paganini once lived. Listen to this. Tell me that is not literally the EXACT SAME SONG as “Twilight.” (Warning for the image in that video, there is a skeleton and blood.)
It gets more unhinged from there. It turns out - though not without some extremely unsubtle foreshadowing - that the guy who sold them the score either is the devil or an agent thereof. They sold their souls to commit copyright infringement. Thus, when they go to Paganini’s old manor to film their video, they become trapped due to his curse from when he sold his own soul, and are stalked throughout the mansion by his demonic spirit. Now, you might have looked at that image in that video and thought, wow, that looks awesome. A skeleton with wispy white hair playing a violin with a bow that’s dripping blood?
Yeah, that ain’t true. In the actual movie, he looks like Tommy Wiseau wearing a cheap costume from Spirit Halloween, with a mask that you can clearly see the actor’s face beneath through the eye holes. He doesn’t even kill the way the poster implies; he has a switchblade hidden in his violin instead. Really, it’s just a slasher movie with the novelty of the killer being a famous composer from centuries ago. The concept is so off the wall insane that it’s bizarrely entertaining.
On a similar note is “Crystal of a Star” by Stefani Christopherson, the cherry on the top of the absolutely batshit crazy ending of the 1986 Alien ripoff Star Crystal. This movie is pretty much what you’d expect from that description - it stars by showing “Mars” with a blue sky and degenerates from there. Two whole groups of characters are briefly introduced only to be killed off minutes later before the actual protagonists even show up once. The sets are so cheap you can see that the floors in the spaceship are made of paper and bend under the actors’ feet. The ship itself is ridiculously designed, requiring one to crawl through a network of tubes to go anywhere. The acting is Z grade. The kills, except for the admittedly decent goop and blood effects, aren’t very frightening (they’re all done by a tentacle controlled through puppetry; at one point you can see the hand controlling it.)
None of that compares to the absolutely surreal experience of the last 20 minutes of this movie. The first sign something is about to go wildly off the rails is the fact that the alien, who has used the titular crystal (an all-purpose “computer” that can do whatever he needs of it) to hack into the ship’s mainframe, reads a digital Bible, specifically passages about treating one’s enemy as you would want to be treated.
That’s just the warning. It gets crazier.
With about 12 minutes left in the movie, the two remaining humans realize they need to confront the alien, who has taken up hiding in the engine room of their ship. When they face him, this weird killer alien who has been stalking them and killed their three crewmates.... apologizes and becomes ET instead of a Xenomorph. I’m not making this up. I couldn’t. The alien, GAR, even looks like ET, just having been put into a microwave and exploded first (the puppet used when GAR is fully on screen is admittedly well made, representing his slimy and somewhat ethereal appearance effectively. It’s easily the best thing in the film.) The entire ending of this movie has the two survivors become friends with GAR, repair the ship together with him, eat with him, and even play board games with him!!! He killed their three crewmates, the entire first crew of the ship, and possibly thousands more if he was at fault for the space station that exploded early in the film! And then, after all of that, the ending is born from sheer, unadulterated audacity - a “gravity tunnel” that can get the ship to Earth opens, which leads the humans and GAR to realize they have to part ways. This fucking movie actually has the gall to make the ending a sad farewell to GAR, who is taking another ship to return to his planet, This is complete with “Crystal of a Star”, a sad song that depicts GAR as a lonely space traveler the singer is better for having met. Now, I get they were going for some sort of spiritual thing (especially considering GAR’s redemption begins when he reads the Bible) but when all of it happens in the last 15-20 minutes of the movie, and he was an unstoppable killer alien prior to that point, it just does not land.
Just to knock a few better answers off the list...
I’ve been listening to a lot of the German synth-pop band Alphaville’s music of late, particularly their first two albums, 1984′s Forever Young and 1986′s Afternoons in Utopia, plus last year’s orchestral album Eternally Yours. Forever Young is an interesting one - by the admission of founding members Marian Gold and Bernhard Lloyd they didn’t know what they were doing at the time and made heavy use of machines that could generate music to make up for their lack of skill in playing instruments, yet it not only produced the group’s three most well-known songs (the title track, “Big in Japan” and “Sounds Like a Melody”) but a solid B-tier of secondary tracks (”Fallen Angel” and “The Jet Set” stand out for me.) Afternoons in Utopia shows a great evolution in their sound since the first album - they got more comfortable playing instruments, and the album seems to tell a loose story with a vivid, sci-fi hippie bend to it, using dreams, space and gods as recurring themes across the tracks and employing a gimmick where the first track on the album begins halfway through a sentence and the last track ends with the first half of that sentence, creating an endless loop. “Jerusalem,” “Fantastic Dream” and “Lassie Come Home” are my standout picks, but it’s such a solid album that even “Universal Daddy” - the song Gold has identified as his least favorite from the band’s entire history - is above average despite its silly lyrics.
And just to drop in one more, even though I’m way over 10 by now, I’ll stay in the same era and mention that Duran Duran’s “Save a Prayer” has long been a favorite. Its melancholy tone and lyrics struck a chord with me from the first time I heard it, to me depicting the theme of letting go of worry about what will come in the future to live in the moment, even as temporary as it might be.
(And since the original game asked about character playlists, I’ll answer that despite having long left the framework of this game behind: both “Save a Prayer” and “Sounds Like a Melody” both embody the Matt/Nekou dynamic I envision so clearly they might as well be theme songs, lol.)
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rufusrant · 2 years
Florence + the Machine - Lungs: Album Review
In honour of Dance Fever's release this month and inspired by my bestie's review of ELO's first album, I've decided to start a little album review series of my own, but for Florence + the Machine!
Now of course I'm starting with Lungs. The real question is, WHICH version of Lungs? There's like four. After some consideration, I've decided to go with the Deluxe version, but I'll also be reviewing the demos released on the 10th Anniversary edition and also Heavy In Your Arms.
So with that cleared up, away we go!
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#1: Dog Days Are Over
There’s no doubt this is an iconic opening, doubling as most people’s introduction to Florence + the Machine as a band: the twinkling harp, the light, cheery melody before Florence’s vocals soar in the chorus… and then you read the lyrics and see happiness hit her like a bullet in the back. Classic!
But as every signature song goes, I’m on the side that finds this immensely overplayed. 5/10.
#2: Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up)
Florence wrote this after her label requested she write something upbeat in contrast to all the dark songs she already had, and by doing so she felt like she was sacrificing something— hence the lamb and the knife. Lyrical dissonance comes back into full swing and Florence makes sure to swing with a bat.
The production on this track is insane with how they make Florence sound like she’s a whole choir by herself, and the result is a song that could be a cult anthem and yet something you could probably get away with playing at a children’s birthday party or dance recital. Fuck yeah Flo!! 7/10.
#3: I’m Not Calling You A Liar
My feelings on this one always swing. Some days I really appreciate the lyrics and mellow, watered-down quality of this as compared to the majority of the album, and some days I just skip it on sight because I find it cloying. 4.5/10.
#4: Howl
The BEST lycanthropy love song there is. This song’s pacing is so tight, the lyrics are so beautifully feral, and only Florence could make the wordy bit in the second chorus so desperate and perfectly damning. Bonus for this being my own introduction to Florence + the Machine. 9.5/10.
#5: Kiss With A Fist
Contrary to popular belief, this isn’t a song about domestic violence. It’s punky and comedically whiny with the mutual abuse between the lovers sounding like slapstick. This is also probably the one song off this album that I feel is properly “catchy”. I used to not think too much about this song, but that grungy rock riff and Florence + the Machine sounding like they’re just shredding it out has since grown on me. 6/10.
#6: Girl With One Eye
This is actually a Ludes cover— and, yeah, it’s about murdering a girlfriend. From the perspective of the murderer. :/
But it’s a good song. Florence’s vocals start out with this soft, simmering rage that later soars into explosions, and the ominous drums and guitar that accompany her blend perfectly to create this angry song with knifepoint precision. However, I’m more fond of the Bayou Percussion Version. More on that later. 7.5/10.
#7: Drumming Song
The beginning of Florence’s water + religion obsession. THIS is their whole aesthetic. This is the I Am Damned But I Love You song. This is the Lie Facedown In The River song. The devotee x ceremonial drummer song. Needless to say, the percussion and piano and vocals on this is absolutely stunning, enveloping you in the tidal WAVE of sound. 10/10. 
#8: Between Two Lungs
Even though it's the closest thing this album has to a title track, this definitely feels like a breather after the epic that is Drumming Song more than its own thing. It’s very peaceful to listen to though, with Florence’s vocals gradually soaring alongside the lighthearted melody (despite what the lyrics might say lol). This is somehow more neatly packaged than the rest of this album, but I like it overall. 6.5/10.
#9: Cosmic Love
Gonna get a little controversial here: the lyrics and the drums are the best things about this song, with the latter being the only thing that does it for me. I find the instrumentals and melody cool, but for the most part it sounds empty to me, with Florence having no real opportunity to showcase her real vocal strength throughout the track. 4/10.
EDIT 26/04/2023: I can only come to the conclusion that I was having a major cold or something at the time of writing this because of the PURE LACK OF TASTE. Cosmic Love throws me into orbit. The lyrics are love and melancholia incarnate. Florence sings her goddamn heart out. It's so quintessentially Florence + the Machine with the harp and twinkling melodies about dark subject matter. THIS is the song that deserves Dog Days Are Over's popularity and that is the hill I am willing to die on. 10/10.
#10: My Boy Builds Coffins
The lyrics of this read like a fairy tale! Instant yes! The minimal backing instrumentals enhance the storytelling aspect of this so well. I just love this one. 8.5/10.
#11: Hurricane Drunk
Florence’s vocals on this hit me like a TRUCK. The harp itself sounds like it’s spiralling. There’s hopelessness, bravado, vulnerability, and even a bit of happiness in self-destruction. This is the true hidden gem on the album. 9/10.
#12: Blinding
My personal favourite. This unapologetically creepy song has EVERYTHING: sinister harp, bone-shaking drums, being in love with otherworldly beings, bodies in the garden, succumbing to feral insanity and Snow White stitching up the circuit boards. This song could resurrect the dead. I feel it. 10/10.
#13: You’ve Got The Love
Oof. I know this is one of Florence’s favourite covers and songs of all time… but I don’t get the hype. It just sounds so generic. Sorry Flo. 2/10.
#14: Bird Song Intro
Pretty! 6/10.
#15: Bird Song
This surprised me so much. This and its intro sound nothing alike, neither does the intro actually sound like it leads into this song. But that aside, I love how the lyrics for this also read like a fairy tale/dark folk tale. It’s made even better coupled with the frenetic melody, Florence’s pouty I-Did-What-I-Had-To-Do vocals and the mood of what her character does to said bird. 6.5/10.
#16: Dog Days Are Over - Demo
This feels like it has more positive energy and tambourine lol. 5.5/10.
#17: Falling
I used to just pass over this song until I finished series 2 of BBC Sherlock. Shh. It’s a pretty solid effort; classified under I Am Damned But I Love You and undoubtedly one of the more subdued songs off the album. Perhaps even the most subdued. I’d say I like it, but it's far from my favourite for this album. 4.5/10.
#18: Hardest Of Hearts
This song didn’t make it onto the album after it was recorded, and I can see why. It’s very different in terms of sound from the rest of the album, and not in a good way. The whole track just sounds uninspired, from Florence's low vocals to the downtrod lyrics. 1.5/10.
#19: Ghosts - Demo
This is a demo of I’m Not Calling You A Liar lmao. Florence lets go on the vocals and sounds rawer but more incomprehensible. And that’s about it. 2.5/10.
#20: Girl With One Eye - Bayou Percussion Version
If the first version sounded angry, this whole rendition sounds EVIL. I love it. I adore the more solid, darker backbeat and the violin (?) in the melody, and Florence delivers the lyrics like she’s broken into your house and IS cutting out your eye. 8.5/10. 
This was in the soundtrack for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. AND GOD DAMN, IS IT HEAVY. It’s desperate, haunting, and tragic. It’s a song about heartbreak so devastating it feels like murder, but who is murdering who?? It’s just Florence’s voice annihilating us all that’s who. 9/10.
#22: My Best Dress
Florence wrote this as a teenager about her imaginary dead boyfriends. What an icon. I love the sleepiness, the simplicity and the gothic romance of the lyrics. 6/10.
#23: Donkey Kosh
A song with this title has no right being this good. The guitar is the only instrument present on this and its use is so tightly wound, perfectly accompanied by Florence’s dampened, broody tone. The real winner for me, however, is how the lyrics and imagery sound like they’re from some medieval horror ballad about raising donkeys and jackals as your actual children. 7/10. 
#24: Hospital Beds
A Cold War Kids cover. Florence takes this song and drips it in such stuffy, feverish hospital misery. I only wish she’d covered the whole thing! 6.5/10.
#25: Postcards From Italy
A Beirut cover — and supposedly only done because Florence + the Machine wanted to use their ukulele lol. It feels like a simpler cover as compared to Hospital Beds, and though Florence’s vocals are lovely I somehow feel like I can’t hear much of the song. 5/10. 
#26: Swimming
Water obsession’s back. And this time she seeks to swim instead of lying facedown in it lmao. I love how orchestral this sounds, and I love how strong Florence’s vocals are! 8/10.
#27: Are You Hurting The One You Love?
This sounds so playful and bright and yet I feel its got all the trappings of a religious hymn. So basically it’s on brand, and boy do I adore it! 7.5/10.
#28: Oh! Darling 
A Beatles cover. As a Beatles fan my heart is very happy, but also as a Beatles fan I’m a tad disappointed because this is from a live recording. It’s a faithful cover, but I’m bursting to see AND hear what a proper Florence + the Machine Beatles cover would be like. 4.5/10. 
Overview: I fervently think that Lungs is a hurricane of a debut, and still holds its position as the band’s definitive album. It’s their rawest and most mainstream album, and therefore has this universal charm and shambles that just resonates with that messy, running-wild bit in us all. It’s a joy to see the origins of their trademark themes and watch what they do with them and then later on, where they go from it. 7.5/10.
EDIT 26/04/2023: due to the horrible lapse in taste, loss of all other reasoning and senses that led me to underestimate the banger that is Cosmic Love, I'm very happy to say Lungs' new overall score is a good solid 8/10. Peace out
Stream Lungs on Spotify!
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bilbao-song · 3 years
heres an ask because i too am desperate to engage with people. i know u dont care about roxy music but you did say you would accept something as incoherent as a keysmash so here is an equivalent: admittedly i find the dynamics between ANY band and their fans very interesting, but roxy music in particular. there is a peculiar divide between those who are staunch bryan ferry fans (these people typically dont give half of a shit about anyone else in the band), those who are fans of the group as a whole and dont particularly care about individual members at all, and those who are most interested in phil manzanera and andy mackay and sometimes the other guys, who generally quite dislike bryan (i being the latter)- and often there is resentment between the groups. i think its so interesting that a group of people can be presented with the same exact material, love it and enjoy it for years, and yet latch onto different parts of it and make it such a part of their identity that should you confuse one with the other they become insulted, or if nothing else will tell you "no no, i like roxy music but i REALLY like bryan, i think hes the best", or "no no, i love roxy music and im a fan of andy and phil in particular but i dont care for byran much at all, dont get it twisted", etc. are there bands you're more familiar with who have this sort of divide amongst the fanbase? do tell me about them, if you like :>
first of all i absolutely love that u sent this ksdhgkshg this is like. exactly the kind of thing i wanted
sorry for taking 39485949 years to post this lmao. i wrote like FIVE entire paragraphs and then had to edit it but it was getting super late and anyway it’s still absurdly long (as in, i can say whatever i want in the below text bc no one is going to want to read it) and definitely devolved into a huge general rant about the annoying and creepy behaviors of some people within band fanbases (specifically ELO-related bc of course) as well as vagueing about my own controversial opinions but......nonetheless.
anyway!!! i find this kind of thing really interesting too!! and i know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. there are just sooo many facets to this, and i guess it’s different for every band. on the one hand i do think it’s kind of an interesting phenomenon bc if you think about it, they’re basically enjoying the same thing but taking wildly different/opposing stances on it. as a whole i would find it a lot more interesting/amusing and less frustrating if people could like...manage these kinds of differences without turning it into some kind of overly vitriolic/super hostile opposition that you would think is about politics or something and not a band we r supposed to be listening to for entertainment purposes. i mean, i 100% get that things don’t have to be Extremely Important to be worth discussing, but it just seems wild the way some people get SO intensely angry about these things, sometimes to the point of being kind of inappropriate. i have a lot of issues with the way some people within band fanbases tend to behave lol
.......anyway the Full Rant is below here (idk why i wrote this bc it’s long enough to be turned in for a grade and it’s only partially relevant. read at ur own risk):
so!! thankfully with most bands i enjoy i just kind of watch the fanbase from the sidelines and don't get too involved in or even aware of all the drama. like...i know about the band and enjoy the music but just manage to not get involved in whatever the community happens to be collectively freaking out about at any given moment. i feel like the kind of divide you mentioned is actually pretty common within band fanbases (i think there are things like this with like...styx and three dog night? among others? but i don't know all the details 👀) but like, FORTUNATELY with most of them i just would not know. that's very nice because i unfortunately do not always have that kind of luxury with the ELO fanbase...idk i have a lot of very strong ELO-related opinions that i usually don't like to discuss in great detail bc i get disproportionately frustrated but yeah basically what you described does kind of happen among ELO fans, although thankfully i'd say it's to a somewhat lesser extent? people are commonly at each other's throats about a variety of topics including (but not limited to) who they support or don't support, but there are still plenty of people who (thankfully) are not so aggressive lmao. there is sort of a divide within the fanbase but i feel like it's probably not so 50/50 as what you're talking about...maybe more like 85/15
THAT SAID, i have frequently commented on the fact that the ELO fanbase is largely a dumpster fire and there is a whole entire sector of the fanbase that is comprised of people who i absolutely cannot stand, and most of them do fight a lot lmao. this is only partially related to the subject at hand, but a good portion of the bickering is relevant to The Divide. like, i'm 100% okay with having a different opinion than someone else as long as they aren't acting like a complete freak about it, but idk, aside from the fact that most of these people are like?? needlessly aggressive?? there are certain opinions held by certain members of the Greater ELO Community that just give me that vibe of like...hmmmm this is a person i probably would not want to associate with at all, even in matters completely unrelated to this. Unsavory Person Vibes. i mean like, “opinions” that just boil down to "i am very very entitled and also incapable of seeing anyone else's perspective on literally anything ever BUT that isn't going to stop me from openly whining about this absolutely whenever possible." like!! it's one thing to have some kind of legitimate, reasonable criticism of an individual or band but some, if not most, of the things i've seen people losing their minds over within this fanbase have been so hilariously trivial that i just CANNOT understand how these people actually managed to get to be (presumably) functional adults who are probably like 50+ years old. i mean like, full-blown tantrums and calling someone all sorts of nasty things over something that shouldn't even be an issue because without exaggerating i cannot fathom how anyone could even be majorly upset about it in the first place. to give an example: someone once had a whole entire little strongly-worded, excessively presumptuous freakout because a guitar was no longer on loan to the rock and roll hall of fame. like...it was there for quite awhile and two out of four inductees loaned absolutely nothing but you're whining because one who DID loan something eventually took it back? do we not know what the word "loan" means? anyway the best part is that basically every time something like this happens, if someone tries to point out that the person is overreacting or perhaps just needs to look at a situation another way, they will then go off on that person bc god forbid we try to be level-headed about things. everything has to be Very Horrible All The Time or we’re doing something wrong or being stupid or something. idk i'm convinced that some people just want to be angry
also just...some of these people do some really shady things that i personally feel are morally questionable but there's nothing i can do about it so i try to just kind of avoid dwelling on it lmfao. like, it's not okay to violate people's privacy just because they're famous and you're overly entitled/nosy/desperate for clout/blatantly trying to profit off of them? i know in the Sane World that's a completely non-controversial idea but band fanbases apparently often aren't based on sanity skhglkshgks idk i could probably write a small novel on this and make a specific list of all the things they do that are just like...bafflingly tone deaf and kind of appalling but i digress. idk the worst part to me is the way they'll be like, saying/doing something that's just awful or like, maybe even totally factually wrong while acting like they're in the right. absolutely wild
to at least somewhat bring this back to what we were ATTEMPTING to talk about!!! personally i've reached a point where i pretty much no longer care about like 90% of anyone who has ever been in ELO (jeffrey/richard/roy/mike de albuquerque supremacy) but i'm not like, actively a Hater of the others lmao. i appreciate that they were there and enjoy the nostalgia(? i wasn’t alive) of it and i’m glad they’re out there existing but i just...don’t really care about anything they do at this point?? a good portion of it is a result of me taking issue with certain things some of them have done, which has impacted the way i feel about them, but MOST of it is really not that deep and it’s just that some of them just don't particularly interest me on that kind of level/i don't feel the need to get that invested in like 927509257 different people (fun fact: during the 1970s every third person in existence on earth was, at least briefly, a member of ELO). there's really only one ELO-adjacent person who i actually very strongly dislike and a) luckily i feel like they barely even count as a member b) the reasoning is kind of its own Thing and has very very very little to do with anything related to the band so it's kind of another subject entirely. anyway that’s as close as i’ll ever get to actually getting involved with any of the Drama sgsdgsdgfhdh. my primary beef is with the fanbase anyway because, as previously mentioned, there are too many insane people. i guess what i’m getting at here is that yeah there’s a divide and it does affect me BUT i also don’t really get why people allow this to make them act in a way that goes beyond just having a difference in opinion and is so overly hostile towards each other as well as the people they’re discussing. like...if anyone involved is a serial killer or something even remotely similar then yeah, being outraged on an extreme level and absolutely hating them even as an outsider makes sense. otherwise? calm down!!!!!
anyway. to wrap up this mostly incoherent rant that i hope no one read: i have always suspected that band fandoms kind of attract certain kinds of very distressingly weird people and i just think it's funny how there's always like, a little cluster of people within the fanbase who basically seem like they actually hate the band (those are almost always the Weird Ones bc i can’t tell you how many times i’ve witnessed a person who is like, into a band to a CREEPY extent and then one day they just flip and become a hater). at that point i'm just like, okay? so why are you still here lmfao. i guess that's the Main Idea of all of this lol. i just don't get why these people stick around when 98% of all they ever do is complain and act overly judgy? i just feel like if my so-called favorite band was making me that miserable i would try to find another band to like instead of becoming a menace to society. that’s just me tho
to bring all of this together i guess i just assume that some kind of phenomenon like this occurs within basically every band fanbase. idk it just seems pretty universal for some reason. certain kinds of people just love drama i guess and will turn any difference of opinion into some kind of shitshow
tl;dr: yes
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When was the last time you threw up and why did you? Like, four months ago when I ate a cupcake that was too sweet. Have you ever had to talk someone out of suicide? No. What was your most embarrassing moment? No thanks lol Do you want revenge on the person who has hurt you the most? No, I’m an adult. Has anyone ever claimed that you saved their life? Yes. Did you ever have that near-drowning experience? Yes. What book are you currently reading? I’m listening to Animal Farm on Audible right now, even though I’ve read it a million times. But I share the account with my mom, and she’s reading Anna Karenina, which is what I wanted to read, so I’m just reading Animal Farm again until she’s done. Have you ever been to a concert and if so, how many and who played? I’ve been to a shit ton. Lemme see what I can remember, I’m that bored... Spice Girls, Sugarcult, Halifax, Puddle of Mudd, Tyler Read, Pentatonix, Devin Townsend, Cynic, The Offspring, Blink 182, The Toadies, 311, Chevelle, Lit, Willa Ford, Aaron Carter, Craig David, The Calling, Bowling For Soup, Panic! At the Disco, Weezer, Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Michelle Branch, Vanessa Carlton, Jack Johnson, ELO, No Doubt, Paramore, Neurosonic, Primordius... I feel like I’m missing a big one. Have you ever performed on stage? No. Were you ever scared to death of anyone you knew? Or are you currently? No. Are you a jealous person? It happens sometimes. Are you more likely to pick truth or dare? Truth. Do you believe that laughter is the best cure? No, medicine is. Do you/did you play any sports? If so, which? Nope. Have you ever been in a band? No. What were some things you wanted to be as an adult when you were a kid? A writer. What do you want to be now? Librarian. Do you like to make people laugh? Of course. Have you ever had to turn anyone down? Yepp. What's the longest you've stayed awake? Almost 48 hours. Have you ever broken a bone or ever had stitches? Stitches, yes. Broken bone, no. Where is your favorite vacation spot? Cities. Have you ever heard a strange noise outside when everyone else was asleep? Yes. Do you get distracted easily? Sometimes. Morning person or Night person? Night. Do you make people smile or do people make you smile? Both? Are you Embrassed easily? No. Comedy or Thriller? Both. Should you really follow your heart? To a point. Have you ever written a poem for someone? Yes. Do you listen to classical music to relax? Not really. How was your day? Not too bad. Have you ever been in love? Yes, I am right now. Is someone standing in your way of reaching your goal? Just myself. Are you a passionate person? Very much so. Mango or Strawberry smoothie? Mango. Have you ever ridden a horse? Yes. Do you play Mind games with people? Not intentionally. Do you Meditate? No. Ever yelled at someone because you were fustrated about something? Duh. Do you know how to whistle? No. Do you like kids? If not why? I like MY kids. Outfit of choice when going out to an Opera? Uhm, a fancy dress I suppose. Do you like driving alone or with people? Either. Who knows you best? Justin. Do you drink Milk daily? Ew, no. Are you easily Offended? If so do you show it? Not really. Do you like Cranberries that they serve for thanksgiving? Yes. What are you thankful for? My kids, my family, my friends, Justin, etc. What don't you understand that fustrates you? I don’t understand how to person who wrote this is so bad at spelling and grammar. Do you follow your instincts or Go with the flow? Both. Have you ever been in a relationship you never wanted to end? Yes. Do you plan on going to college? I am currently enrolled. What year do/did you graduate? I graduated high school in 2007. Unsure of when I’ll finish college, but hopefully by 2024. What was the last candy you ate? Uhm. DumDum sucker? When was the last time you were sick? Idk. Do you throw up a lot? No. What are you listening to? Girl’s Not Grey-AFI. Yes, I have my scene playlist on lmao What are you doing spring break? I don’t ever do anything. How do you feel about girls smkoing? Well, I do, so... Ever had a cigar? Yes If you live alone, you die alone. Do you agree? I guess? Don't you just love Paramore? I don’t love them, but I like them enough. How many times have you had sex this week? Well, I had sex three times last night lol When did you last take out the trash? My dad does that. Are you into politics? Yes Do you like scented candles? Sure Have you ever cried in front of the person you last kissed? A shit ton haha Don't you hate when it's awkward between ex's? Sure What color are your nails painted? They’re not Do you like someone who likes you back? Yes, that’s why we’re together. Is it hard for you to make decisions? Depends on the decision Do you want to get married someday? God no. What job do you have? N/a Can you run with your eyes shut without freaking out? I don’t run lol Do you like music loud or at a reasonable level? Both Have you ever visited New York? Yes, once Would you rather be on the beach right now? No, not a fan. Plus it’s October?
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szappan · 5 years
tag time, thank you!
 Hello, I hope you’re all having a nice day. The things I was tagged in have clumped up so I thought I could just do them all now. Thank you to everyone who tagged me!!!
1. Diana @britneyshakespeare (thank you so much!!)
Rules: tag people you’d like to get to know better! (reading this i felt like one of those crying cats, im so honoured seriously thank you)
Top 10 songs I can’t stop listening to: this is actually very well-timed because i can actually name these and also @sastrugie tagged me in a similar one, thank you:
You Ain’t Going Nowhere - Bob Dylan
Atlantis - Donovan
All La Glory - The Band
Moondance - Van Morrison
Šlechtici - Golden Kids
Not Enough - FUR
Leave Her, Johnny - George Sneez
Be Bop A Lula - Gene Vincent
Series Of Dreams - Bob Dylan
Márti Dala - Pásztor Anna & Kiss Tibi
Favorite color(s): all but orange on its own. orange paired with something else is fine. it’s amazing if it’s obnoxious.
Favorite ships: two white cats they’re husband and wife, the coconut lorikeets in denver zoo and merthur
Lipstick or chapstick: neh
Last Movie: my brother and i watched Thor: Ragnarök again last week, I think that was it. I’ve been really trying to watch more movies lately, especially considering how it’s the primary art source of the era (not really but it is kinda.. what)
Currently Reading: Winnie the Pooh
i’ll tag everyone at the end of this, thank you!
2. thank you @smittyjaws and @savoy-brown-shoe for this tag from ages ago!
the point is that i shuffle my music library and list the first ten that come up
 A 67-es Út - Republic
Death Of A Clowd - The Kinks (look at this babie)
Feel A Whole Lot Better - Tom Petty
Somebody To Love - Queen 
Paintbox - Pink Floyd
Piano Concerto No. 1 - Tchaikovsky
No Time To Think - Bob Dylan
The Diary Of Horace Wimp - ELO
The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - The Band
Oh! Darling - The Beatles
thank u!
3. thank you @thenesmith for this here very 7 questions tag! i love the format you did this in by the way and also @britneyshakespeare too!!
Relationship status: i’m not in a romantic relationship with anyone
Favourite colour: see above but i also realized that i really like that blue that my corduroy shirt is, it’s like light but strong and muted at the same time
Lipstick or chapstick?: no thank you
Top three ships: yuh
Last song I listened to: I’m listening to Help! by the Beatles, thank you youtube autoplay
Spell out your name with song titles: W - Wonderboy - The Kinks I - I Love My Shirt - Donovan L - Lod’ Do Neznáma - Tublatanka E - Everyday - Buddy Holly S - Summer ‘68- Pink Floyd 
4. Thank you, Diana @britneyshakespeare yet again!
15 questions, 15 mutuals
Are you named after someone? I am not.
When was the last time you cried? Two days ago on the way home on the bus because I was thinking of a song that made me cry
Do you have kids? no thankfully
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I try not to
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Well, I guess at first glance I see how they look, but behaviour-vise I tend to notice how aware they are of their surroundings
What’s your eye colour? You know that post telling hazel-eyed people to shut up? Brownish-green. Totally green if the lights are right. Totally brown when the lights are not right etc
Scary movie or happy ending? Both can be good, especially combined
Any special talents? I can bend my left thumb in a way that it looks like my hand is broken
Where were you born? Right in the middle of Budapest in a hospital
What are your hobbies? Reading, drawing whatever i can, i guess music, ruining various pieces of clothing with various techniques, putting whatever spices i see in whatever dish i’m making, being gentle with my cat
Do you have any pets? cat
What sport do you/have you played? I used to swim a lot, even tried synchronized swimming for a year or two, then gymnastics when I was littol, then I took up karate and broke my arm three months in so I quit, I tried ballet too this year but that’s over now and I also did yoga for a few months so yeah these are the official ones
How tall are you? 5′4″? 164 cm?
Favourite subject in school? I don’t dislike any of them. I like English a lot tho
Dream job? shepherd. but a lot of people told me that i have potential to better the world and i want to do that too somehow but also if i could just focus on getting through each day not by making money but by making bread or yes, herding sheep, i would do that too.
thank you!!
5. thank you @thenesmith again! this is to post gifs of my top 5 favourite movies. (currently)
1. Spider-man: Homecoming
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2. The Road To El Dorado
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3. Labyrinth
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4. The Rutles - All You Need Is Cash
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5. idk Back to the Future
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6. thank you, @siliconpine!
20 songs tag game
A song you like with a color in the title || Crimson and Clover - Tommy James & The Shondells
A song you like with a number in the title || Fourth Time Around - Bob Dylan
A song that reminds you of summertime || Mary Jane’s Last Dance - Tom Petty (obvi)
A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget || i dont think theres a song such as this because i dont like forgetting people
A song that needs to be played LOUD || Birthday - The Beatles
A song that makes you wanna dance || anything pink floyd because i came to the conclusion that you cant dance to pink floyd so i always want to prove myself wrong
A song that makes you happy || Happiness Runs - Donovan
A song that you never get tired of || Ophelia - The Band
A song that you would love played at your wedding || Light A Roman Candle With Me - fun.
A song that is a cover by another artist || Dream A Little Dream Of Me - The Mamas & the Papas
A song that you have sung as a duet at karaoke || none sadly
A song that makes you think about life ||  It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding) - Bob Dylan
A favorite song with a person’s name in the title || Maxine - Traveling Wilburys
A song that you think everybody should listen to || It’s Nice To Be Nice - Pugwash
A song by a band you wish were still together || See My Friends - The Kinks
A song by an artist no longer living || Rock & Roll Suicide - David Bowie
A song that makes you want to fall in love || I Got You Babe - Sonny and Cher
A song that breaks your heart || You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go - Bob Dylan
A song that you remember from your childhood || Egy bogár - Cseh Tamás
A song that reminds you of yourself || Friends To Go - Paul McCartney
thank you so much!
7. again by @siliconpine!! thank you so much
A This or That Tag Game
Honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour what // sweet or sour no // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen// sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macaroons or croissants// glitter or matte // Degas or Seurat  // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip not a fan of either // coloring books or watercolor // fairy lights or candles
thank you!! i think this is it!
thank YOU if you got this far in, and I’ll tag @vanillatumbleweedscoffee @stars-in-my-damn-eyes @sneez @fancybasementfestival @kipland00 @dreameramongwildflowers @punkslap @rhapsody-under-pressure and everyone who i tagged before and anyone who wants to to do any of these tags as they see fit and if they’re in the mood or have enought time or are just looking for something to do
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bitchesofostwick · 6 years
writer’s interview
tagged by @a-shakespearean-in-paris thank you darling!! 🥰 i’ll tag @veridium-bye @fourletterepithet @gingerbreton @caffeinated-mabari @apostatetabris @gothkimmyschmidt
Q: What is your coffee order? depends on where i go!! if it’s dunks, a medium iced dark roast with one cream and whatever flavor swirl i feel like that day (lately it’s been thin mint tho). starbucks, usually a hot or iced latte. any other cafe, either a hot or iced latte or a hot or iced mocha but ONLY if they use cocoa powder and not syrup.
Q: What is the coolest thing you’ve ever done? i don’t??? really do cool things?? i mean there are probably *objectively* cooler things i’ve done but my favorite going-out experiences, which are the coolest things to ME, are the concerts i go to. my favorites in the past ~5 years have been paul mccartney, fall out boy/paramore, the first time i saw arctic monkeys (not that the second time was bad it’s just that you never forget the first), awolnation (both times tbh), don henley, lorde, lady gaga, all five times i’ve seen chevelle tbh, houndmouth, band of horses, elo, the fratellis......idk, it’s just like, going to see live music just makes me feel like i’m on a different plane of existence i know that’s corny but that’s just how i feel and so much of what i write and who i am is inspired by music soooo.
Q: Who has been your biggest mentor? my intermediate magazine writing professor from my sophomore year!! i don’t write magazine stuff anymore but even beyond the class material, she’s just such a genuine and supportive person. i miss visiting her office hours. i haven’t seen her since she did a book launch near my neighborhood two years ago.
Q: What has been your most memorable writing project? in terms of fanfic, definitely AWA. seeing my own creative style grow is so wonderful, and seeing ellinor’s journey actually come to life is equally as amazing! outside of fic, i was a music journalist in college and got to interview bands and stuff when they were in boston, so that will always be a really memorable experience for me. i miss those days. now i pay for my concerts like the rest of the peasants.
Q: What does your writing path look like, from the earliest days until now? my earliest memories of creative writing come from when i was about 8 or 9. my sister and i collected beanie babies, build-a-bears, and various other stuffed animals and had an entire made-up universe, complete with families, romances, plots, and an economy. we use to fold and staple printer paper together and write six page stories about them. i think we had over 30 booklets at the peak of it. i went on to write creatively in high school and then attend college for writing, focusing in creative writing. ironically, this made me despise writing creatively. i switched my focus to magazine publishing and pursued publishing and editorial, which is my professional field now. i didn’t delve back into creative writing until the tail end of my senior year of college, where i wrote my first(!) fic, a still-unfinished and never published skyrim longfic (it’s hanging in at around 50k words). i lost it again for a little while and then decided to jump back into fic writing this summer when a particularly depressive period of my life led me to the dragon age fandom. i hope to continue pursuing it as a hobby for the near and far future!
Q: What is your favorite part about writing? language!! playing with style, rhythm, cadence. i never write poetry and likely never will, but i always treat my prose as one would treat something more poetic in that i take a lot of pride in how it sounds and how it rolls of the tongue when you read it.
Q: What does a typical day look like for you? wake up. question whether i really need to partake in society. get up for real, shower, eat, go to work, pray that the mbta doesn’t fuck up my commute (it usually does), roll into work toting coffee for me and my work BFF (unless it’s her turn for coffee), answer emails from dumb people, and finally do the bulk of my work, which is copyediting biological and medical research!! then i come home, have dinner, and either watch movies with my sister (who is also my roommate) and her bf or write or play xbox. then sleep!
Q: What does your writing process look like? i jot down a lot of important parts, parts that stick in my mind, heavy dialogue, etc in advance—sometimes chapters and chapters in advance. then i’ll take whatever i already have for a chapter and work around it, tying bits together, usually working from the last scene, then the first, then the middle. then a single rushed proofread and post!! i don’t sit on chapters for fear i will end up hating it after looking at it too many times.
Q: What’s the best advice you’ve gotten? don’t break the rules until you know them. (this is important, to me, for grammar and style. personally.)
Q: What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned? writing raw, realistic characters inevitably means that some people won’t like said characters and that’s just something you have to deal with.
Q: What advice would you give someone who wants to start writing? consume!! works!! consume books, consume film, consume plays, consume music, consume tv, consume art, develop a taste and decide your favorite things, ask yourself why it’s your favorite. what made that particular fic so heartwrenchingly good, or what was it in that movie that moved you to tears, or what themes of that album made it the best one that band has ever put out? MAKE NOTE OF THIS. let your favorite things influence you and mold your style and let it run into what you create, not because you’re copying it but because you know what it’s like to be so moved by something that you have to express it in your own terms. consume and create.
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Answer 21, Tag 21
Tagged by: @marigoldeneyes WOWOW I LOVE YOU BB THANK U
1. Nicknames: Poe, Poey, Poe-Go, Dweadski, Mon, Moni, and the list goes on. (Rule of thumb, if it starts with a “P” its my nickname). 
2. Zodiac Sign: Aries!
3. Height: 5′5″ Inches
4. Hogwarts 🏠: Ravenclaw! (one inch from Gryffindor tho)
5. Last Thing I googled: The spelling and general knowledge on halberdiers. I needed to know for a character I was working on. :3
6. Favourite Musicians: Oh lawd, okay. I love all kinds of music from Britney Spears to Ramstein, I also have a strong liking to classic rock; however, if I had to list some favorite bands and musicians I’d say: Disturbed, Kamelot, Nightwish, Breaking Benjamin, Journey, and I have a weak spot for ELO (Electric Light Orchestra). Also ABBA. Can’t forget ABBA. 
7. Song Stuck in My Head: “My Name Is Human” by Highly Suspect
8. Following Now: 30 (which might I add is insane??? I am barely active nowadays and am relatively a new blog??? Wowzers im love all of you). 
9. Followers: 31
10. Do I Get Asks?: Whenever I reblog a meme I am shocked with how many people actually send some in and sometimes I get cute lil’ anons. I still love the one with Beauty and the Beast lyrics. :3
11. Amount of 💤?: Fuck, about like....5 or 6 hours I think? Depression often makes it vary. 
12. Lucky Number: 10
13. What I’m Wearing: The majority of my clothes are black. I only ever wear a bit of red. BUT if you wanna know exactly what right now: tea pot themed pajamas. :)
14. Dream Job: Honestly............I just wanna make art. Maybe do comics or even just make money off traditional art would be nice, I love painting---especially with watercolor. 
15. Dream Trip: travel scares me
16. Favorite Food: I’m kinda struggling with food, but steak fajitas are the bomb dot com. 
17. Instruments: I used to play the violin really well until my orchestra teacher (freshmen year) verbally abused me and tried to force me out of the spring concert; unfortunately, I haven’t been able to pick it up since. I wanted to be a singer when I was younger, but I think I’m about as tone deaf as my muse and I was told my voice was really raspy and out of tune so....I kinda dropped playing music and singing all together, which isn’t right and I know I shouldn’t let those experiences get the best of me but...eh. Maybe one day when inspiration strikes, I’ll do it. 
18. Languages: English and very broken German.
19. Favorite Song: “The Light” by Disturbed
20. Random Fact: I have always related to Rapunzel as a little girl because I felt trapped. My mom didn’t let me or my brother celebrate Halloween until we were teenagers, I spent the majority of my early years without friends or anywhere outside the house without literally begging to be taken somewhere, and visits to other family members involved one kind of drama or another. I also didn’t cut my hair until I was twelve and the only reason I did was because it was just uh...a little too much to handle. It went past my butt and long strands of brown were literally everywhere. xD
21. Aesthetic: Tarot cards, skulls, red and black, cute lil’ kitties and bunnies, typewriters (always wanted one!), the smell of sage, crystals, fire, witchy things, demons but like...cute ones, contrast between life and death, etc. 
Tagging: @magicfordummies, @fadedintheflames, @humortremors, @rebclangcl, @brusquc, @nevivorona, AND surely theres more but....my brain is ehhhhhhhh not working right. Literally if you wanna do it then do it! Also apologies if anyone of you beans I tagged already did it, just kinda---toss this post into the void. Just yeet it. Sacrifice it to Cthulhu. It’s all good and no pressure at all. 
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atiteez · 6 years
get to know me tag (2)
apparently there are two different get to know me tags!! because this one is different enough and I’m bored I thought I’d give it a shot :) as usual I talk too much but enjoy!
tagged by the lovely @peachyeosang and @minicovaa​ (I’m going through and doing all the tags I saved in my drafts AGES AGO I’m sorry I suck!! 😅)
rules; answer these questions then tag people you would like to get to know better!
Nickname: I actually didn’t really have nicknames! unless it counts when my dad would jokingly call me 'sony’ (it’s almost my name ‘sonia’) sometimes 
Height: 5′0″/150cm flat (I’M SMOL DON’T CLOWN ME)
Time: 2:30AM (oops lol - posting later though)
Fave band/artist: currently ateez, nct, monsta x, chungha, and a lot of k-r&b/hip hop/rap (dean, crush, elo, plt, etc.) 
Song stuck in my head: 
Last movie I saw: spiderman: into the spiderverse
Other Blogs: @yamesutya​ (lol surprise I’m a soccer main I hope that hasn’t confused people when I like/comment/do asks asjdfklskl)
Do I get asks: a handful every once in a while! it’s sweet whenever I get them :’) so please send me asks whenever!! <3
Why I chose this username: back when I had first become an atiny, I didn’t actually know how much I was gonna fall in love with ateez (HAH) but thought I should maybe make a url anyways... and I had seen a joke comment on youtube or something saying the fandom name should have been ‘titeez’ and I thought that was the funniest shit lol (I had actually been about to switch from a park woojin/wanna one url to a jung jaehyun/nct url and that CLEARLY DID NOT HAPPEN LMAO) 
I guess thankfully, it WAS ALREADY TAKEN (*cough* it was a nsfw blog YIKES *cough*) and I came up with this one instead, which I liked because it was more obviously ateez related even if you hadn’t heard the joke fandom name before  
Following: 1,027 
What I’m wearing: a sort of slim women’s fit long-sleeve yellow oregon ducks shirt + leggings w/a mesh stripe down the side and a criss-cross patter over it
Dream Job: working for a soccer team somewhere! or a sports marketing agency (OR the production team on a korean variety show actually lmao) 
Dream Trip: I would kill to go to korea I’ve wanted to go for 10+ years of my life ONE DAY PLEASEEE
Fave Food: tacos + asian food (all kinds, seriously)
Play any instruments: I played violin for 10+ years until college! I was actually pretty good lol I just never wanted it as a career so
Hair color: dark brown w/ a light brown balayage (a light gradient fade basically if that makes sense) 
languages you speak: english, mandarin, any self-taught korean I know lol
most iconic song: a.mi.go - shinee because that song got me into kpop  
Random fact: I am weirdly good at noticing when people get haircuts (as long as I know you/see you sort of often of course lol)
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: comfy cute casual outfits, oversized sweaters, rompers, purples, pastels, puppies, cuddles, mugs of tea, flowers, succulents, sunshine, earphones/beats headphones, maroon lipstick, winged eyeliner + smokey eyeshadow (there’s a few different aesthetics for different sides of me if this is all over the place)
this is SO old so I probably won’t tag anyone but do let me know if you’d like to do it! for real! :)
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cursed-elo-images · 1 year
I’ve listened to the song I tagged in my recent post.
If anybody sees this post and hasn’t seen the post I’m referring to, and has NO idea what I’m talking about, I drew something cursed you can find on my blog and the song I’m referring to is “Confusion” by of course ELO.
It’s not one of my most favorites, but it’s a really good one.
Well, I think I just ruined the song for myself. (half jokingly)
While I said the above phrase in jest, there is some truth to it.
But first, I must mention my backstory.
The Backstory of the One and Only, cursed-elo-images Herself
My relationship with ELO started in March 2020. This was right before lockdown, and a parent of mine showed me a copy of ELO’s “greatest hits all over the world” CD, and we decided to play it in the car. I did like them, but I didn’t really listen to them much that month (really just a little bit of Elton John and some David Bowie too who are also good), but I decided to in April that month. I fell in love with them. I did however discover them in 2018 but didn’t feel like trying them out since I wasn’t into classic rock during that time besides Queen, since I listened to a few vocaloid songs. I also had “Don’t Bring Me Down” stuck in my head in late 2019, for some strange reason, but again didn’t feel like trying them out at the time, since I just liked Queen then. (Also a very good band, and I should also mention I stopped liking vocaloid music in early 2019 and Queen was what brought me back to classic rock)
Since then, I’ve listened to this band a lot, usually during the spring-summer because those seasons I find “enhance” the experience, I suppose it’s to invoke the nostalgia I felt when they first touched the neurons in my ear canals. I have went on a hiatus in 2021 though, because I temporarily replaced them with British rock band Sweet, which are arguably MORE underrated than them, but came back to ELO since… not to slander Sweet but, ELO is just more interesting and sensorily pleasing. I wasn’t really interested in the members, just the music. This lasted from 2020 to March this year. I did try to memorize the members of the band last year, but again I wasn’t really into the fandom, I just liked them as background music/shoving their music into my ears whenever I feel like it, which was a lot, but not on the same level as me immersed in David Bowie’s many personas and the fandom side of THAT.
I don’t know what got me interested in drawing ELO members or reading fandom posts about them, but here I am. I love being this way, and it gives me more people to be interested in so I take this as a win. They just have that adorkable charm to them.
Why I’m Obsessing over ELO’s Confusion
Now the context is out of the way, let’s discuss why I’m obsessing over their “Confusion” song. Like I previously mentioned, I liked the song to listen to sometimes, and to use as background music. Yes, even when I was blissfully unaware of the members and the fandom, and the future that was to come of me drawing the most bizarro cursed nonsense shlock (affectionate) regarding the band. It’s a nice song, detailing the (in my interpretation, yours might differ) confusion, shock, and sadness one feels after breaking up with their significant other. However, I, being the equally cursed weirdo that I am, decided to use that song for the dreaded (affectionate) Melvyn bread train doodle. Why? Because that was the theme of the drawing. Did I need to add the song? No, but I thought it would be funny and look cool. Then when I clicked on the Spotify link I heard a snippet of the song and I unfortunately applied the lyrics to the drawing, implying that the band lost… Melvyn’s… human(?) form and became that cursed abomination (affectionate) and have their feelings about it.
Now, instead of being at peace with their music (specifically Confusion) I am now going to think of that drawing every time I listen to it. Just great (lightheartedly sarcastic).
0 notes
rochellek1994 · 6 years
Summary of 2018
It is a new year tomorrow and I would love to talk about my year as whole and goodness me, what a year it was for me! Obviously it had ups and downs but there was something quite special about this year as a whole.
I will admit, the start of 2018 was a bit rocky with me having some really bad months with little to no motivation, some intense miserable moments as well. A big one for me though was the unfortunate news that one my uncles (Neil) passed away very suddenly in late March and it struck a lot of us in the family. As many people say, they may be gone but they will never be forgotten. (There was something minor that did help me through those months however, I will be covering that in another paragraph as this turned out to be a big and positive thing for me this year)
Skipping forward now to the positives/highlights. June finally came along and I specifically remember it being the end of Suffolk Day when I started really saying to myself "Nah, I've had enough of myself like this. I want to go out and do something instead of sitting here and getting gradually more miserable." (if anyone isn't aware, I do have some motivation issues and whatnot)
Note: Even though June was the start to something positive with Suffolk Day, there was something someone in my family did on Suffolk Day that was shockingly awful. I won't go into too much detail (the rest of the details are on my Twitter somewhere) but I was severely lied to and manipulated on that day, that is all I'll be saying there.
So, onto the good stuff! What I first started working on first was my sleep schedule (unfortunately, the schedule isn't exactly 100% but if I still fight and work towards a good sleep schedule, then it most likely will be) and it has worked wonders and has been very helpful for a lot of things which I will mention in the coming paragraphs.
During June this year I really started to pay more attention to my local radio station despite being a listener for many years, that radio station is called BBC Radio Suffolk. It might have just been one of the greatest things to do to see what I could do and it turns out that paying more attention to the amazing shows that are broadcast on the station had worked wonders and in fact, BBC Suffolk gets my massive credit for helping me meet so many new people such as presenters, show producers, other local listeners (most notably an amazing man called Neil and that will be covered in the one of the paragraphs).
Public events: Late June was the start of me wanting to attend local events and I did just that!
The start of it all was the Music By The Sea event on the 30th of June. If I remember correctly as well, it was hosted/compared by Stephen Foster from BBC Radio Suffolk the whole time and the whole event was brilliant! If it is on again in 2019 then I will definitely think about going back.
Then July 1st came along and I think this was the biggest music event I had attended in 2018 and that was the Ipswich Music Day in Christchurch Park. About 40,000 people were estimated to have attended that as a whole. My biggest highlight of the day had to be watching a local band called Reno & Rome perform for the first time ever. Something I had wanted to do for a while. Only downside of the day however, was a family member's behaviour that day. Not going to lie, it really shocked me with how rude and childish she was being throughout the day.
July 27th and July 28th then was the day of Sax Fest and that was an amazing concert, unfortunately Reno & Rome (who I mentioned earlier for Ipswich Music Day) had got their headlining set cancelled last minute when a ferocious thunderstorm came along and almost ripped the stage apart with high winds etc. I do need to say that the only downside I experienced at Sax Fest was on day 2. Many of you know that I have a form of autism and I can tell you guys right now, I may have felt the worst build up of a meltdown ever. I am so thankful however, that I didn't explode altogether as I was fighting to keep it away. That was a scary one for me, especially when it was with me for hours.
Then we come to an event called The Nearly Festival on the 30th of July and the weather completely changed, it was raining the whole time. Despite that, the event was lovely with some great performances. I will admit, I had a very embarrassing moment when an Oasis tribute band were performing but I won't go into too much detail on that one. lol
Then, 24th of August to 26th of August was my 2nd year of the Maui Waui festival! Just like last year, it was a great event. Only downside I had however, I did feel like I was a bit boring this year as I had some insane exhaustion/tiredness issues during the festival. A highlight however? Seeing my crazy mother dressed as an inflatable dinosaur on the Saturday. lol
2nd of September was the One Big Multicultural Event in Ipswich and it was AWESOME! To see so many people of different backgrounds to band together for this festival was truly an amazing sight to see. The performances, food, drink etc. was incredible. If it is on again next year, I will try to think about going back.
The 23rd of September, I attended a much different event than usual and it was a dog show called Companion Dog Day that was organised by a wonderful lady called Shirley and it was held at Jimmy's Farm in Wherstead, just on the outskirts of Ipswich. It was a nice day despite the horrid weather.
November the 1st was the night of Stephen Foster's Secret Gig which was a BBC Radio Suffolk special gig held at Greshams in Ipswich which featured an amazing tribute band to Electric Light Orchestra called the ELO ENCOUNTER. I remember seeing these guys perform at Music By The Sea in June and they were incredible. Not only that, I highly enjoyed the quiz-off with Stephen and the BBC Radio Suffolk travel presenter, Barry Lewis.
November 16th came along and as we all know, it was Children in Need. I attended some 2 great events which were Wayne Bavin's Big Buskathon at the Cornhill in Ipswich and then Lesley Dolphin's Children in Need Afternoon Party at Wherstead Park in Wherstead.
Finally for public events, the 7th of December and the 8th of December I attended some Christmas light switch-ons and both events were absolutely lovely!
Now this part will be about a man (that I mentioned on the BBC Radio Suffolk paragraph) called Neil (this one is not my uncle by the way) because on most Thursdays from 11AM to about 1PMish/2PMish, he runs these community respite walks with friends in Felixstowe and the best part is, anyone can attend! I started attending in July this year with my mum and this is by far my most favourite walking event I have ever taken part in. We do have to get up early to catch the bus at around 7.20AMish and then the train just a little bit after 8AM and then another train just after 9AM but the walks in Felixstowe are seriously worth it for the journey I have to take.
BBC Look East on the 6th of September (aired 7th of September): Along with Neil who organised this... Myself, my mum and a couple of others took part in a community litter pick at Felixstowe and we were being filmed by BBC Look East. Highlight had to be seeing my crazy mother dressed as an inflatable dinosaur again. lol (Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, the episode is no longer available online)
Community Music Event in my town: I started to regularly be a spectator a local community music event again in my local town but the only problem is, I'm not a performer so I don't perform there but I did somehow find my own little 'role' in the community and it is the only place I use my phone to film the songs that the community confidently sing or play regarding instruments. One example I can give is that my best friend brings her Bongos to drum at the event and my word, I cannot tell you guys enough how incredible she is at drumming. It is truly spectacular!
The biggest positive for me had to be my photography and my drive to go out and take photos of the countryside (even though I had been doing it since 2017), this year was even better for me photography wise. Especially when it comes to sharing them online on my Twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc. and not to mention, photography really helped me get by on my low months at the start of 2018. Also, I do have to say a huge thank you to those that have shown interest in me and my photography, I appreciate and love you all for it. I can't wait for next year to see what other photographs I can take not just for me, but for you all as well! The support that you all have given me has kept me going with this!
That is all I wanted to talk about. Overall, there were some ups and downs but despite all of that, 2018 was a very good year for me.
Happy New Year everyone!
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dustedmagazine · 6 years
Voting with our ears: Dusted spends the rent on Bandcamp.com’s Voter Registration day
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On September 25, Bandcamp.com held a fundraiser for the Voting Rights Project, seeking to raise both money and awareness around voter registration. For the day, all profits on everything you bought on Bandcamp.com went to this worthy cause. Dusted writers saw the opportunity to a) buy stuff and b) promote democracy and said, “Hell yes, we’re in.” Participating writers included Ian Mathers (who is Canadian!!), Justin Cober-Lake, Jennifer Kelly, Bill Meyer, Isaac Olson (who definitely wins) and Ethan Covey. Check out what we bought and then, for the love of god, vote. We’re depending on you.
Ian Mathers
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For various reasons I wasn’t able to shop quite as avidly as I did last time we got together for one of these, but I managed to make one impulse purchase of a record I hadn’t heard yet (but had transfixed me with its singles) and combine that with two long-awaited additions of old favorites to my Bandcamp collection (and my hard drive, after having lost track of the files in one move or another). 
IDLES — Joy As an Act of Resistance 
Joy as an Act of Resistance. by IDLES
As you might guess from the fact that it just came out at the end of this August, Bristol’s IDLES is the impulse buy of the three, one that so far has worked out just wonderfully. Having been recommended the mockingly anti-Brexit(/xenophobia) “Great” on YouTube and being drawn from the immediately bracing, invigorating likes of that to this album’s more openhearted ode to the greatness of not hating people you don’t already know, “Danny Nedelko,” and the more Protomartyr-ish opening track “Colossus” (the latter of which also probably has my favorite music video of 2018), I couldn’t imagine any band capable of those three songs would somehow whiff the rest of a reasonably-lengthed LP, and the often political, always heartfelt Joy As an Act of Resistance. proved me right. There are certainly places where it gets darker (particularly “June,” where singer Joe Talbot relates in heart-wrenching fashion his wife losing a child to a miscarriage), but the overall feel of the album can be summed up by Talbot barking repeatedly at the listener to “love yourself” over a careening, punkish anthem. The album title isn’t a piss take, which is a relief in itself.  
 The Silent League — But You've Always Been the Caretaker...
But You've Always Been The Caretaker... by The Silent League
Back in 2004 I first heard of the Silent League, as I think most people did, because frontman Justin Russo had been in Mercury Rev (for 2001’s All Is Dream, the last Rev record I can say I fully loved), and their debut, The Orchestra, Sadly, Has Refused was interesting, lysergic chamber pop with some proggy and/or post-rock elements. I lost track of them for a bit after that album and was surprised that when I heard about them again it was because of an entirely different musician I was a fan of. Shannon Fields, then of Stars Like Fleas and since of Family Dynamics and Leverage Models (the last of which made my favorite record of 2013 and which is, incidentally, about to return), maker of a ton of records I both love and think have been overlooked, let me know that he’d also been a contributor to the Silent League for quite a while and that with their then-current album, 2010’s But You’ve Always Been the Caretaker… he thought they’d made something that represented a bit of a leap forward for the band. Not only do I agree, but the Silent League’s swan song (to date) now represents one of the most frustratingly overlooked records I know of, 15 sprawling songs in any number of registers, styles and tones tightly packed into less than 49 minutes that, fitting the circular and slightly foreboding title, packs a bunch of richly interwoven thematic and sonic depth into what feels like a whole universe of popular music. There’s proggy/ELO overture “When Stars Attack!!!,” the sound of a glam rock band practicing a particular soulful jam down the hall and four walls away on “Sleeper,” at least one just perfect string-led “perfect pop” song in “Resignation Studies,” and literally a dozen other things here. And yet But You’ve Always… never feels scattered or showoff-y. It’s a whole world, dense and rich and worthy of being studied in detail for its brilliance. I was thrilled to see it on Bandcamp, not least because this is exactly the kind of record that could easily slip through the cracks. 
 Tamas Wells — A Plea en Vendredi
(PB024) Tamas Wells: A Plea En Vendredi by Popboomerang
It’s been over a decade, but when I was in university I am pretty sure I first heard Australian singer-songwriter Tamas Wells because I saw the song “I’m Sorry That the Kitchen Is on Fire” somewhere and thought the title was hilarious. To my surprise the song itself was gorgeous, a gently folky little waltz with Wells’ high, gentle voice, carefully picked acoustic guitar, a lightly hypnotic piano refrain, and sparing hand claps. I fell hard enough for it that even back when the internet wasn’t at all what it is now I tracked down Wells’ 2006 album A Plea en Vendredi and found a shimmering little suite of song, some as gnomic and vaguely unsettling in their implications as “I’m Sorry That the Kitchen is on Fire” (like “Valder Fields,” which is apparently a place where our narrator and others mysteriously regain consciousness, or whatever you can make of “Lichen & Bees”), some much more plainspoken (including the slight political bent running through “The Opportunity Fair,” “The Telemarketer Resignation,” and the gorgeous little instrumental “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Ruling Class”), all just as twee-ly beautiful and enrapturing as my initial exposure had been. At the time Wells was working in Burma on a community development project, and from what I’ve been able to find his moving around and focus on non-music work has occasionally kept his album on the back burner, although he’s found an audience at home and in Japan and China (and of course, sometimes as far as Canada where I ran into his work). He’s kept releasing records since, most recently 2017’s The Plantation on a small Japanese label, but even if A Plea en Vendredi was all I’d ever been able to find it’d still find a regular place in my rotation; even when things get a bit darker, on “Valour” and the closing “Open the Blinds” there’s something so soothing about Wells’ music and this particular set of gem-like miniatures has been a go-to album for me during difficult times ever since.
Justin Cober-Lake 
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David Ramirez
Ashley Walters — Sweet Anxiety (Populist)
Ashley Walters // Sweet Anxiety by Ashley Walters
I’d been wanting to hear this one for a while. I first noticed cellist Ashley Walters on Wadada Leo Smith's America's National Parks, a remarkable album that I spent considerable time with while writing a couple features on it and Smith (including interviewing Walters). I was even more impressed after understanding what went into the work and seeing that ensemble perform it live. Walters writes of this album, “I seek to challenge your perception of what the cello, a stereotypically gentle instrument, is capable of,” and it's fair to say she succeeds. It's a demanding listen, more aggressive than expected, but Walters and her composers blend technical challenges with theoretical ones. At times, Walters cuts loose, and at times she works with tonality, often using nonstandard tuning to odd effect. Smith composed one of the brightest numbers here, making a nice shift in sound without lowering the difficulty level. Luciano Berio's “Sequenza XIV” provides the most interesting piece, not only for the actual performance but for the reconstruction work on the score that Walters highlights in the liner notes. This one's well worth a focused listen, and I'll need to give it quite a few more to properly process it.  
 The Beths — Warm Blood (Carpark)
Warm Blood by The Beths
In August, the Beths released one of my favorite albums of the year, Future Me Hates Me, a blast of pop-rock easily good enough to warrant going back, more or less, to the beginning, with 2016's Warm Blood EP. Both lyrically and musically, the group hasn't quite found its footing, but that says more about the focused energy of the full-length than it does about these five songs (including “Whatever,” which reappears on the album). The hooks are there now; the guitar on “Idea/Intent” represents the band as well as anything. The vitriol of that track fits in less well with the attitude the band generally puts forward, one that's self-reflective and confident without claiming to know all the answers. Some of the joy of the music is in Elizabeth Stokes' searching, but that's turned around on a track like “Rush Hour 3,” a comedic bit of come-on (and the rare track not written by Stokes). Warm Blood works as a nice look back at a band, but it's not just a history lesson — it's an enjoyable set that adds to the playlist of a group with only one album out. 
 David Ramirez — The Rooster (Sweetworld)
The Rooster EP by David Ramirez
I've been working my way backwards with David Ramirez, too, starting with last year's We're Not Going Anywhere (which didn't adhere to his previous folk-ish sound but did make me wonder why I hadn't found my way to the songwriter earlier). After spending time with the fantastic Fables, there was the live show that utterly sold me on him, in part because he has a bigger voice than you might notice at first, even in his sparser productions. The Rooster EP, a fitting complement to that album, feels like an ascent. His vocals are assured, even as he searches for clarity, or at least anchor points amid turbulence. Tracks like “The Bad Days” and “Glory” offer unrequested hope, and “The Forgiven” provides a meditation on performance, art, and faith that's central to his work. The five cuts on this EP have the gravitas of something bigger and strengthen my sense that Ramirez should be a songwriter that everyone listens to.
 Grand Banks – Live 8-25-2018
Grand Banks live 8-25-2018 by Grand Banks
Any sort of bonus shopping day provides a good excuse to support local music. This time I went with the latest release (such as it is) from Grand Banks, their live recording from August 25. The duo don't shy away from volume, but their focus on minimalist ideas and sonic experimentation makes for unusual experiences. Over this single 30-minute track, the pair builds with patience, even when developing a haunted-house sort of melody on the keys. The second half of the piece increases the challenge, with guitarist Davis Salisbury pulling an odd series of sounds out of his instrument (for the curious, you can try it at home with an electric guitar, a tuning fork, and a fuzz pedal, and probably some sort of sonic laboratory). The effects build on Tyler Magill's creepy keyboard work – maybe this one's an unintended seasonal release. The study in space and harmonics gives way to a chirpy conversation and surprisingly (in this context) guitar-like guitar moment before placidly drifting away, an apt conclusion for the performance.
Jennifer Kelly
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The Scientists 
I bought five different records this time, mostly, but not all, falling somewhere in the punk/garage continuum. I liked them all in different ways, but the one that absolutely killed me was…
IDLES—Joy as an Act of Resistance (Partisan)
Joy as an Act of Resistance. by IDLES
This is Ian’s fault, really. He talked me into it. Plus, it turned up on the Bandcamp recommendation engine. Which, by the way, is just so much better than Amazon’s recommendation engine. (I see you like the Pixies. Wanna buy every Pixies album ever?) But turns out, they’re both dead on. Idles is vitriolic and literate like the Sleaford Mods but backed by a ripped-to-the-teeth full band a la Protomartyr. Yes, two of my favorite current bands in one, plus a whole other thing of jagged, jitter-drunk percussion and wind tunnel howl. There is a song called “Never Fight a Man with a Perm.” So glad I got to hear this. Score one for voter registration.
 The Sueves—R.I.P. Clearance Event (Hozac)
R.I.P. Clearance Event by The Sueves
Butt-simple garage rock from Chicago, punctuated by weird little intervals of found sounds. Beautifully unhinged and uncomplicated, it reminds me the most of Demon’s Claw and after that maybe the Hunches and then the Monks. I bought it partly because I wanted to get those “we have a new record” notices from Hozac, but they know what I like.
 The Scientists—Blood Red River 1982-1984 (Numero)
Blood Red River 1982 - 1984 by Scientists
Guess who got to see the Scientists last week? They were awesome. They played “Frantic Romantic” in the encore (which is not on this disc, by the way). I knew some of the early stuff from the Do the Pop compilation of Australian punk, but immersing myself in these clanking, droning, post-punk juggernauts was the best and most enjoyable concert prep ever. “Solid Gold Hell” and “Swampland” were my two faves, and they played them both.
 Mike Pace and the Child Actors—Smooth Sailing (Self Starter Foundation)
Smooth Sailing by Mike Pace and the Child Actors
This one, from the former Oxford Collapse frontman, was a little more Raspberry-ish power pop than I was expecting, but it’s growing on me. “Escape the Noize” is my go-to track, a lush jangle of melancholy, a tetchy bristle of palm-muting, then a sweeping swooning chorus. It’s about leaving the music behind, which Pace clearly hasn’t, and good thing.  
Onoto—Dead Ghost (Taiyo)
Let me the first to admit that I haven’t gotten to the bottom of this one, a swirling, enveloping miasma of guitar tone, wrapped around confoundingly weird vocal samples. “Shake Well for the Eye,” is droned-out chaos that parts like fog for bits of mid-20th century menstrual advice (avoid vigorous exercise, horse-riding, skating, cold showers, hah!). Other cuts eschew narrative for slow moving landscapes of instrumental tone. The title track lets guitar notes hang for unmovable eons, with only sharp shards of harmonics to break up the endless vistas. As a straight through listen, the disc makes more sense as you go along, meaning, you have to adapt to its oddity and it changes you.
Bill Meyer
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 Canary records
Kemany Minas and Garabet Merjanian — When I See You: From the November 1917 Recordings, NYC (Canary) 
When I See You: From the November 1917 Recordings, NYC by Kemany Minas & Garabet Merjanian
Various Artists — And Two Partridges II: From the Earliest Turkish-, Arabic- Armenian-& Kurdish-Language Recordings in America, Feb-Aug, 1916 (Canary)
And Two Partridges II: From the Earliest Turkish-, Arabic- Armenian-& Kurdish-Language Recordings in America, Feb-Aug, 1916 by Canary Records
Various Artists — Oh My Soul: Armenian-American Independent Releases, vol. 1: ca. 1920-25 (Canary)  
Oh My Soul: Armenian-American Independent Releases, vol. 1: ca. 1920-25 by Canary Records
Various Artists — Why I Came to America: More Folk Music of the Ottoman-American Diaspora, ca. 1917-47 (Canary)
Why I Came to America: More Folk Music of the Ottoman-American Diaspora, ca. 1917-47 by Canary Records
I buy stuff via Bandcamp fairly often, and my purchases are nearly always hard copies. Downloads may be convenient, but a record you can’t hold in your hands seems to me to be one of those bad 21st century ideas like a Trump presidency or an unrepentant frat-creep on the supreme court. But when Bandcamp puts its income behind a cause, I relent, and when I do, I buy downloads from Canary Records. These albums are all compiled from recordings made by Anatolian exiles who fled genocide, war and poverty to take their chances in the USA. Many of these recordings predate the first blues records, and collectively they make a case that our notions of what constitutes American music are needlessly exclusive. After all, why should the music of people who came here from the Ottoman Empire be any less American than people who came here from the British Empire?  
 Billy Gomberg — Live Sets 2016-18
live sets 2016-18 by Billy Gomberg
Well, there go the rules. This DL-only compilation of concert performances by one of my favorite ambient recording artists of recent years shows that the carefully wrought, ultra-deep atmosphere of his recent cassettes is no fluke.
 Various Artists — Two Niles To Sing A Melody: The Violins & Synths Of Sudan (Ostinato)  
Two Niles to Sing a Melody: The Violins & Synths of Sudan by Various Artists
Back on solid ground at last! This hardcover book + 2 CDs (there are also vinyl and DL versions) shows how sounds blur from one culture to the next when people live along the same rivers and coasts. These recordings from the Sudan blend the nimble rhythms and ardent longing of Arabic pop with just a hint of the sinuous melodic quality of Ethiopian popular music. 
 Tashi Wada with Yoshi Wada and Friends — FRKWYS Vol. 14—Nue (RVNG)
FRKWYS Vol. 14 - Nue by Tashi Wada with Yoshi Wada and Friends
If you’ve caught Tashi and Yoshi Wada in concert, you know that there’s no louder or more mind-melting drone that a drone that incorporates multiple bagpipes and alarm bells. This record puts Wada fils in the composer / arranger’s seat, and while it uses the same materials as those live performances, the music is much gentler. Sometimes you want to boil your blood, sometimes you just want to kick back and zone out. A portion of the proceeds from this record will go to the National Immigration Law Center.
Isaac Olson
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Ustad Abdul Karim Khan
Toshiya Tsunoda/Taku Unami — Wovenland (Erstwhile)
Wovenland by Toshiya Tsunoda/Taku Unami
I bought this collection of chopped and screwed  field recordings on the strength of Marc Medwin’s review and the fact that Erstwhile dedicated their profits for the day to the Voting Rights Project. Pieces like “Park cleaning / Crickets chirping,” “In The Park”,  “From the rooftop, railway terminal station” are both ear-tickling and intellectually stimulating. The rest are more stimulating intellectually than auditorially.
 The Weather Station—S/T (Paradise of Bachelors)
The Weather Station by The Weather Station
I slept on The Weather Station in 2017 because the music didn’t grab me enough I wasn’t interested enough in the music to tune into the lyrics.  I’m not sure what compelled me to give it another try, but I’m glad I did. Songwriter Tamara Lindeman has crafted a compelling take on early adulthood in an anxious age, one that, once I started paying attention, resonated with me in a highly personal manner I haven’t felt or sought in years. The b-side is almost too subtle, but Lindeman is a sharp enough writer to bring it off.
 Red River Dialect—Broken Stay Open Sky (Paradise of Bachelors)  
Broken Stay Open Sky by Red River Dialect
This is another record where the words carry the music, which means, like The Weather Station, I initially passed it over only to connect with it in unexpectedly personal ways after honing in on the lyrics. While I loved the fiddling from the jump, it took time for the rest of Broken Stay Open Sky to grow on me, but grow it did. (Check out Eric McDowell’s review here).
 Ustad Abdul Karim Khan—Ustad Abdul Karim Khan (Canary Records)
Ustad Abdul Karim Khan: 1934-1935 by Abdul Karim Khan
Classical Indian vocal music is a complex, highly systematized artform that I can’t pretend to understand, so rather than take my recommendation that you should listen to these recordings, take LaMonte Young’s: “When I first heard the recordings of Abdul Karim Khan I thought that perhaps it would be best if I gave up singing, got a cabin up in the mountains, stocked it with a record player and recordings of Abdul Karim Khan, and just listened for the rest of my life”.
 VA—100 Moons: Hindustani Vocal Art, 1930​-​55 (Canary Records)
100 Moons: Hindustani Vocal Art, 1930-55 by Canary Records
A traditional performance of a raga can last hours. A 78 can hold about three minutes of music.
As such, the performances on this collection lack the the breadth and depth of a traditional raga performance, but they more than make up for it in intensity.
 Ross Hammond and Jon Balfus— Masonic Lawn (Self Released)
Masonic Lawn by Ross Hammond and Jon Bafus
Sacramento guitarist and improviser Ross Hammond (whose record with Hindustani vocalist Jay Nair  is also worth your time) teams up with percussionist Jon Balfus for a set of blues and folk inspired  improvisations that manage to feel spacious despite the dense polyrhythmic approach. Masonic Lawn’s improvisations are optimistic, wide-eyed meditations on Americana.
 Melvin Wine—Cold Frosty Morning (Roane Records)
Cold Frosty Morning by Melvin Wine
Old-time music, like most folk traditions that arose in relative isolation and pre-date the record industry, isn’t particularly well suited for album-length listening. That said, if you’re in the mood for scratchy, crooked, dance and trance tunes, West Virginia fiddler Melvin Wine is a great introduction to the distinctly non-bluegrassy mysteries of this music.  
Note: This recording features a minstrel tune titled “Jump Jim Crow”.  How we’re to deal with this in the modern, right-wing nightmare age we inhabit is a complicated question, so if you’re digging this music but that title bothers you (and it should), check out these articles by Rhiannon Giddens and Michael Mechanic. 
 V/A—Usiende Ukalale: Omutibo From Rural Kenya (Olvido Records)
Usiende Ukalale: Omutibo From Rural Kenya by Various Artists
Like the Melvin Wine recording above, Usiende Ukalale exhibits a local folk style that evolved in relative isolation and is, for the non-local and non-expert, enchanting in small doses and merely pleasant over the course of a full album.
 VA—I’m Not Here to Hunt Rabbits: Guitar and Folk Styles from Botswana (Piranha Records) 
I'm Not Here To Hunt Rabbits by Various Artists
I reviewed this one back in May and I’ve listened to it so many times since that it was high time to buy it. Highest recommendation.
 Jess Sah Bi & Peter One—Our Garden Needs Its Flowers (Awesome Tapes from Africa)
Our Garden Needs Its Flowers by Jess Sah Bi & Peter One
This unusual gem combines the loping rhythms, slide guitar and harmonica of American country music with traditional Ivory Coast village songs. Its breezy Bakersfield meets Yamoussoukro vibe belies its anti-apartheid lyrics. Mp3s of this one have been floating around the internet for a few years, so it’s great to see it get an official re-release.
 Ola Belle Reed—FRC 203 - Ola Belle Reed: Recordings from the collection of Ray Alden and the Brandywine Friends of Old Time Music
FRC 203 - Ola Belle Reed: Recordings from the collection of Ray Alden and the Brandywine Friends of Old Time Music by Ola Belle Reed
From the indispensable Field Recorders Collective, this release documents a 1973 performance by Ola Belle Reed. Reed’s music exists at the nexus of old-time, bluegrass, early country, and gospel, but it feels wrong to box in the wisdom, humor, and generosity of spirit that shines through this release with anachronistic genre tags. Best of all is the Reed original, “Tear Down the Fences”: “Then we could tear down the fences that fence us all in/Fences created by such evil men/Oh we could tear down the fences that fence us all in /Then we could walk together again.”  Amen.
 Ragana— You Take Nothing 
I don’t listen to as much metal as I used to, but while this fundraiser was happening, Brett Kavanaugh — case study in patriarchal resentment and mediocrity — got one step closer to a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. Ragana’s raw, sludgy, anarcha-feminist take on black metal really hit the spot that day.
Ethan Covey
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Weak Signal
Omit — Enclosures 2011-2016 (Pica Disk/End of the Alphabet)
Enclosures 2011-2016 by Omit
Clinton Williams, the New Zealander known as Omit, has been quietly releasing nocturnal electronic compositions of uncompromising quality for the past couple of decades. Enclosures 2011-2016, released jointly by Lasse Marhaug’s Pica Disk and Noel Meek’s End of the Alphabet labels, provides an overview of five years of Williams’ output in a 30-track, six-hour package, available digitally and as a limited 5-CD set. Omit has previously been anthologized on two compilations courtesy of the Helen Scarsdale label, Tracer and Interceptor. And past releases have popped up via Corpus Hermeticum and PseudoArcana, as well as — most prominently — Williams’ own Deepskin Conceptual Mindmusic imprint. Great listening, all, if you can find ‘em. For those curious to dive in without too much digging, Enclosures is ideal. Much of Williams’ genius lies in composing tracks that are edgy, yet beautiful, creepy and experimental, yet profoundly listenable. It’s forward-thinking electronic composition that checks a lot of avant-garde boxes without feeling like a task. There’s a subtle, krautrock propulsion to the best tracks — the opening “Turner,” the “Echo Dot” pieces — where the listener gets locked into the rhythm and time slows to an elegant crawl — like a soundtrack for night driving on an Autobahn upended.
 Weak Signal — LP1 (self-released)
Weak Signal are NYC’s Sasha Vine, Tran Huynh and Mike Bones. Bones has previously released a pair of strong albums of indie songwriting courtesy of The Social Registry. As a guitarist, he’s done time with Endless Boogie, Matt Sweeney’s Soldiers of Fortune and Prison. This album was a tip from Danny Arakaki of Garcia Peoples, and it’s a swell one, 30-minutes of slack fuzz pop bashed out with energy and swagger. The majority of the tracks strut by on solid riffs, backed by boy/girl vox that slide into chant-along choruses. Like new wave bled dry, leaving a beautiful bummer. The eight-minute “Miami/Miami Part 2” stretches out into a haze of increasingly rapturous guitar soloing, string screeches and a spoken word coda. Lotta promise here, for sure. Here’s hoping they stick around for an LP2.
 Raising Holy Sparks — Search For The Vanished Heaven (Eiderdown Records)
Search For The Vanished Heaven by Raising Holy Sparks
Seattle’s Eiderdown Records has been releasing some of the best contemporary psychedelia around, and the latest by Raising Holy Sparks is no exception. The project is the work of uber-prolific Irishman David Colohan, and is offered in double and triple cassette, as well as digital, versions. The “short” cut of the album is an hour and a half long, and the triple cassette and download versions stretch that to well over two hours. Per the credits, the album was recorded in somewhere around 40 different locations over four years. Colohan is credited with over 30 instruments and is joined by baker’s dozen of likeminded collaborators. What they deliver is, like most of Colohan’s music, long, slow and often eerily beautiful. “I Am In The Mountains While You Are In My Dreams” passes in its 23-minutes through Popol Vuh-style ambience, spoken word incantations that sound like Coil if they’d truly embraced the countryside and a whole lot of birdsong. It’s a good overview of the general proceedings — accented occasionally by louder blasts of synths, random percussion that sounds like drum machine presets and banjo-plucking krautrock. On paper, that sounds like a head-scratching combo, but it works. One gets the impression Colohan’s dedication and attention to detail is such that the grab bag of sounds weaves together into a surprisingly fascinating whole. Listen with attention and you’ll want to follow along as each stretch and segue unfolds. Oh, and as is typical with Eiderdown, bonus points for exceptional artwork, this time courtesy of Aubrey Nehring.
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datainthetardis · 6 years
What tag game number are we on?
Tagged by: @boi-urthebird (thanks) I’ve already answered about half of these questions before in past tag games, but people change right
Rules: answer the questikns and tag 21 people you want to gef 2 know better
Name: Sofia
Nicknames: I wrote on a recent post about how in middle school some boys thought it was funny to call me “Vulcan scum” (frankly, it was). I use to call my biology lab partner all sorts of things and he had a nickname for me which he used for like one day but I forgot what it was. I don’t have any nicknames that people use on the regular. EDIT: there were also the other kids from middle school who called me a Russian spy for having an accent they couldn’t place and having a journal where I wrote the schedules of classmates that I had deduced.
Gender: Female
Zodiac: Taurus (I don’t believe in astronomy rubbish though)
Height: ~166cm I’m pretty sure
Time, flowing like a river Time, beckoning me Who knows when we shall meet again If ever But time Keeps flowing like a river To the sea
Goodbye my love Maybe for forever Goodbye my love The tide waits for me Who knows when we shall meet again If ever But time Keeps flowing like a river (on and on) To the sea, to the sea
Till it's gone forever Gone forever Gone forever Gone forever
Goodbye my friends (Goodbye my love) Maybe forever Goodbye my friends (Who knows where we shall meet) The stars wait for me Who knows where we shall meet again If ever But time Keeps flowing like a river (on and on) To the sea, to the sea
Till it's gone forever Gone forever Gone forever Forevermore Forevermore Forevermore
“Time” by The Alan Parsons Project 
(Lol, sorry)
Favorite musician: I use to be utterly obsessed with The Beatles when I was 10 or so, but I wouldn’t say they’re my favourite anymore. I don’t have a favourite band/musician, but here are some I particularly enjoy off the top of my head: The Beatles, The Smiths, ELO, AIR, David Bowie, The Petshop Boys, and The Buggles. I’ve been listening to a lot of 80′s electropop lately.
Song stuck in my head: “Video Killed the Radio Star” by The Buggles. I’ve had it stuck in my head for weeks and had to take the PSAT with the chorus drilling into my brain.
Last movie I saw: “Days of Glory”. It’s a really depressing French movie that we watched in French in French class about Tunisian soldiers in the French army during WWII.
Last thing I googled: Indigenés movie English title
Other blogs: I have a private account I rarely use where I mostly just reblog non Trek stuff that I don’t think is important enough to post on this blog. 
Do I get asks: Only when I do ask games, and even then I tend to only get ~2. I wouldn’t mind asks, but I have no clue what sort of thing one might want to ask me about.
Why I chose this uil: Two of my favourite things: Doctor Who+Star Trek (specifically Data)
Following: People following me or people I follow? Whichever the answer, both are 90
Amount of sleep I get: ~6hrs on a typical school night Lucky number: I don’t quite believe in luck (I’m not convinced about destiny either, I lean more towards free will, but that’s for another day) and therefore don’t have a lucky number. Throughout school, I have generally been assigned the number 21 in my classes so I’ve developed a fondness towards it (though lately I’ve been assigned 22 more). Being a Hitchhiker’s Guide fan, I also very much like the number 42 (and 2(21)=42!).
What I’m wearing: Beige semi-long-sleeved shirt embroidered with green that I bought in a bazaar in Mexico City some years ago and white skinny jeans
Dream job: For several years I’ve settled on the idea that I want to study physics, but I’ve also noticed that I really enjoy psychology and linguistics. When I was younger I really wanted to work for the UN, but idk man, I’ll probably end up studying physics. I still have a bit of time left to think about it.
Dream trip: Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. 
(Again, sorry)
Fav food: Probably zaatar bread with cheese. I haven’t eaten it in ages though; most vegan cheese I’ve found is pretty rubbish
Instruments: I’ve been taking piano for a year now but I use to play from ear before. I was also in orchestra where I played cello but I haven’t practiced it in a couple months :/
Fav song: “Starman” by David Bowie
Tagging: @linscoresby @i-am-not-herbert @omg-physics @actuallore (it’d be amazing if you answered as Lore) and anyone else who feels up to it I suppose
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spookyspoon420 · 6 years
Hi! My name is Electra, I’m 16, and I’m a nonbinary  bisexual. I use they/them pronouns.
Kintypes and IDs:
-Vriska Serket, specifically (Vriska) [Homestuck]
-Peridot [Steven Universe]
-Ava Ire [Ava’s Demon]
-Susie [Deltarune]
-Lup Taaco [The Adventure Zone]
-Obsidian [Steven Universe]
-Outer space (galaxies, the universe)
-The sky, specifically dark and cloudy skies
-The sunset
-Space Hoe
-Here’s a playlist
Please don’t follow me if you’re:
-ableist in any way, shape or form
-okay with rape and/or any kind of abuse
-okay with whitewashing
-a pedophile, MAP, or whatever you’re called these days. there’s no place for you here.
-anti BLM
You’re welcome to unfollow me at any time if I make you uncomfortable, you don’t like what I post, or for whatever reason! No one’s keeping you here.
More about me!
 I’m an amateur artist, and I really really really appreciate reblogs! I also love nice tags, I always check them :-) However please don’t tag art of my ocs as kin/ me/ whatever. Personal reasons, sorry!
Some of my friends are @/sunkistjello, @/ardatacarmia, @/vivalaglorias, and @/uberjokes !! I love those guys..........
Things I like: Ava’s Demon, TAZ, Homestuck, Deltarune, Sally Face, pretty girls, crystals, plants, cool art, stickers, roses, OCs, My Beautiful Friends.
Favourite Bands/ Artists: Fall Out Boy, Marina and the Diamonds, Green Day, ELO, Boston, Caravan Palace, The Neighbourhood, Queen, Of Monsters and Men, Metric, and Tally Hall.
I have two cats named Fish and Chips. Sometimes I will post pictures of them! They’re twin sisters and they both have thumbs. They’re kinda fat and ugly but I love them very much. 
I like to collect dried flowers, jewelry, those little hand sanitizers from Bath & Bodyworks, patches for my Jacket, records, dead bugs, art, and just about anything pretty.
I’m a bit of a funnyguy, a fool, a clown, even a bit of an idiot if you will. Sometimes I’m just plain ole stupid! I am! Very self conscious about how dumb I am! My embarrassment is a Huge source of anxiety for me.....actually. I also get overwhelmed very easily, especially when it comes to talking to people! It’s not my strong suit. Don’t let that deter you from talking to me, though! I do like making new friends :-) I like to think I’m a good friend to have... I’m supportive and I will love you to the ends of the earth! I love my friends......
My favourite food is medium rare steak. Oh fuck yum. My favourite thing to draw is my ocs!!! Art from me is pretty inconsistent, though. I have trouble finding motivation to draw a lot of the time. Awhooops. 
I don’t really know anything else about myself. Feel free to ask me questions if you’re just dying to know something about me. I love getting asks! 
-Art Blog
-Artfight (Even tho its only a once a year thing, im puttin it here anyway!)
-Email me at [email protected]
-Here’s a playlist of all my favourite songs!
Tags: (Ask me to tag any triggers you have! I will do so without question)
-coloured text (because i know it can be straining on people’s eyes)
-the phantom speaks (art tag)
-its gonna be meme (kin tag)
-funny picof me (face tag)
-Fish and Chips (Posts that remind me of my cats)
-yummy art (art that i like. it’s either by my friends or i just think it’s neat)
-electricdoxy (any original post of mine)
These days I’m not very active at all. Sorry about that. 
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Theresa’s Sound World Interview
Person: Rosie Varela
Bands: EEP/ The Rosie Varela Project
Genre/s: Dreampop/Shoegaze/Indie
In my interview, I talk to Rosie Varela of US Dreampop Shoegaze band EEP and The Rosie Varela Project about music, inspirations, her music projects, the modern music industry and...Star Trek! ⭐️
❓When did you first feel the impulse to create music and why?
🅰️I wrote my first song around 1975, when I was 8 years old. I was inspired after watching “My Fair Lady.” I was the youngest child of five and a latchkey kid, so I was alone after school every day. I turned to singing and writing little songs to amuse and comfort myself. I had a little tape recorder I used to record little tunes with my vocals or on my flute.
Picking up guitar at 30 was an epiphany - I suddenly had a way to really write fully formed songs. And once I started, it felt like a flood of songs came pouring out. It still feels that way.
❓Can you name the top ten inspirations for your music? It can be anything, bands, songs, albums, books, poems, art, films, people...
🅰️1. AM/FM radio and shows like American Bandstand, Soul Train, and The Midnight Special.
2. My older brothers’ huge record collection that covered jazz, blues, oldies, rock, and latin music.
3. When I was a kid, I was inspired by The Beatles, Steely Dan, ELO, Fleetwood Mac, Tower of Power, Tom Petty, Motown, and Blondie.
4. Movies that have a focus on music - Woodstock, Blues Brothers, A Hard Day’s Night.
5. My first concert - Carlos Santana at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley. A powerful and spiritual experience.
6. Raymond Carver’s short stories. Minimal and intense slices of life.
7. Movies that put characters in morally challenging situations like Pulp Fiction, The Shawshank Redemption, The Big Lebowski, and Goodfellas.
8. In my late teens and 20s, I was inspired by the recordings of bands and artists like REM, Bowie, Talking Heads, and Peter Gabriel.
9. The Verve awakened me to what I call Proto Shoegaze. The textures and layers of “A Storm In Heaven.” And first wave Shoegaze bands like Slowdive, MBV, Ride, Catherine Wheel, and Lush.
10. The art and lives of Frida Kahlo and Georgia O’Keefe. Their independent and unapologetic dedication to their art has inspired me to do the same.
❓You’re known for your band EEP and more recently, your solo material in the form of the Rosie Varela Project, but can you say what you were doing before musically?
🅰️I think I spent from age 18-51 in a bit of a haze - working, raising my son, writing music in my spare moments, playing in cover bands here and there, and trying to find my voice as a songwriter. So I played every night in my living room and wrote a lot of songs that didn’t sound like me. It seems like I only recently found my voice.
So I’m a very late bloomer!
❓ Can you tell me a bit about how EEP got together?
🅰️I had been helping some musicians in El Paso to record their music, and through that met Ross and Sebastian of Brainville Studio. Because we worked so well together, we formed an experimental synth-based project called Something Something Sound System.
One day I wrote a shoegaze song for my husband that just came out of nowhere (in Spanish to boot!) and I recorded the whole demo at home in 2 hours.
“Hogar” was the first song I had ever written in Spanish. It felt really easy, fluid, natural, and everything just clicked into place organically. My husband Justin really loved it and encouraged me to talk to Ross about recording it as a one-off single. Ross, Seb and I started writing more songs and eventually I asked Serge and Lawrence to join us. The combination of our influences and ages made for a really great band dynamic.
❓How different is it working on a solo project without your bandmates?
🅰️The RVP is basically me taking songs I’ve written that don’t make it into the EEP catalog, in varied genres, and having fun producing them through a gazey lens alongside some of my friends in music. The big difference is I am learning how to produce my own music for the first time. My goal is to release 4 singles this year while I work on my 2022 solo album and so far it’s going well!
❓Have you found that Lockdown/ The Pandemic has impacted on you positively or negatively in a creative sense? Why do think this is?
🅰️For me, the pandemic has affected me positively. It forced me to adapt, modify, and accept a whole new model in making music. Songwriting and remote recording collaborations have had to become a bigger priority than rehearsing and playing live shows. I think EEP and I have pivoted pretty well in that aspect.
❓ I sometimes feel that although financially a lot of bands are struggling owing to miserly streaming platform revenue and (at the moment) no tours, getting music to an audience is easier than it was say, in the 1990s. It seems that social media is key. Have you any tips for bands/artists starting out in the modern music industry ?
🅰️I think figuring out your musical WHY is super important at the start. And every band member’s answer to that will build the collective creative effort and also the band’s calling card, so to speak.
Decide on your short-term and long-term goals and figure what you need to achieve each one.
Assess how each band member can contribute to them and make sure everyone buys in on those goals. If not financially, then with their creativity and skills.
Don’t be in a hurry and don’t be desperate about your music. If it takes a year to save up the budget you need to record your album, save and focus on getting your music ready. Be patient and actually have a solid release plan. I see some bands who release music quickly and often without any marketing plan and it’s sad to see these releases come and go with very little coverage or sales.
Don’t expect to make any profit from your music. Breaking even financially is a great goal to shoot for instead.
It’s important for DIY bands to set realistic benchmarks of success and remain humble about them. The myth of an album “blowing up” to huge financial gain is just that. A myth. It is extremely rare. Instead, think about different kinds of specific goals - how many Bandcamp followers, how many pre-order sales, etc. Make those goals achievable.
Our goal for EEP was to simply have 30 fans who would buy our music and to know our fans by name and cultivate real friendships. I’m happy to say we surpassed that number by a bit.
Use your social platforms to engage, inform, and have fun. Ask for help if you need it from people who you feel have figured it out. We use our social platform to geek out about Shoegaze bands we love, share our stories, and share the behind the scenes of our making music. We love to showcase our peers, and ask our followers about what they like so that we get to know them better.
And always, support those sho support you whenever you can.
❓What are your plans from a musical point of view next? Have you any pipe-dreams for post-lockdown?
🅰️For The RVP, I want to challenge myself musically by interpreting non-Shoegaze songs I’ve written through a Dream Pop and Shoegaze lens. Because I have so many different kinds of songs, it will either be really good or incredibly bad!! I’m willing to take that risk.
For EEP, the pipe dream is to tour the US and the UK when things stabilize and travel is possible. For now, our short-term dream is just to be able to record and rehearse together.
Next, just for fun...
❓Who is your favourite Beatle and why? For example, I like Ringo Star the best, because of his laid back man-of-the-people attitude, his sense of humour and ability not to take himself seriously, namely voicing Thomas the Tank Engine. Musically, in terms of personality, or both, which member of the Fab Four do you sway to the most?
🅰️I think lyrically John Lennon is definitely my favorite. There is a spirit of rebellion, humor, and absurdity in how he played with words and song structure, especially towards the end.
As a person, I identify with George Harrison the most. His curiosity and reverence for Indian music, philosophy, and using music to process the larger questions of life was a refreshing contrast to his bandmates’ style.
❓ I know, like me, you’re a Star Trek fan, so I couldn’t resist this one; Spock or Data and why?
🅰️I identify so much with Data for his quest to understand the different aspects and fullness of being human. I think that has driven a lot of my past and present interactions and relationships. He’s probably the most noble of characters in The Next Generation in his unflinching willingness to sacrifice himself for the needs of the many⭐️
🎼Below are links to Rosie’s latest single, ‘Low’ in her incarnation as The Rosie Varela Project, plus links to two Theresa’s Sound World reviews of music by Rosie’s band, EEP from last year ⭐️
🎧Listen to the single ‘Low’ by The Rosie Varela project: https://thervp.bandcamp.com/track/low
📚🎧: Read my 2020 review of the single ‘Hogar’ by EEP, including listening platform links to the track: https://www.facebook.com/116279076583978/posts/180288703516348/?d=n
📚🎧Read my 2020 review of the album, ‘Death of a Very Good Machine’ by EEP including listening platform links to the album: https://www.facebook.com/116279076583978/posts/198924518319433/?d=n
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