#I’m not good at animal feet Tee hee
stinkypeanutbutter · 6 months
I’m always like “ noooo , I don’t want to draw Aiden anymore I draw him too much “ and then Red hits us with “ Mpuntain goat Aiden !!! “ and I go insane .
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Hi CC! Hope you’re doing good. 🐚🦀 here!
These past few months I can’t help but ponder the demon brothers’ sock-wearing habits, especially for sleep. So here are some of my notes!
Lucifer: Old man vibes old man socks, through all seasons except summer because it might get too hot.
Mammon: One that changes depending on the temperature, cold means sock and vice versa. Although I do think that he’d get those really thick and fluffy ones to match his hair.
Levi: Going with the entire “reptiles are cold-blooded” thing, socks. All day everyday and season, he needs all the warmth he can get. Probably gets ones with his favorite characters on it but never wears them for preservation purposes.
Satan: No socks all year round but is someone (you/mc) gifts him a fair of cat ones he’s either going to try and preserve them or wear them until they have holes.
Asmodeus: Given that his preferred outfit for sleep is just… nude I’d say no socks. Unless if he wants to tease a shy mc, maybe something along the lines of: “Oh don’t be so shy mc, darling. I’m not completely naked now am I?~”
Belphie: I’d say that Belphie really doesn’t have much of a preference. He’s the demon of sloth and he is a professional in every aspect. Although I do imagine him sleeping with inly one sock to get a better temperature range when sleeping.
Beel: I can see him wear really fluffy socks like Mammon but otherwise nothing out of the ordinary. Will try to eat the socks with food patterns.
I’m not too sure about the dateables but Solomon’s definitely giving old man vibes and I dan see him getting socks with funny patterns. Maybe Luke also wears them because he’s scared of the monsters under his bed nipping at his feet.
Hope this was a fun read, what do you think? Would love to compare notes, and have a great day!
Well hello, 🐚🦀 anon! It's been a minute since I've seen you in my ask box! I hope you're doing well!
I am staunchly against wearing socks to bed... I like to be FREE lol. (To this end, I also don't wear pants. It's all oversized t-shirts for me.)
Anyway, I totally see Lucifer as a sock wearer. I mean, we had that whole saga in the daily chats about his missing socks. You can't tell me that old man doesn't cherish his socks. So I fully agree with you on that one lol.
I was under the impression that Mammon also sleeps in the nude? I think there was a daily chat where he said he only wears Devilish No 5 to bed which is a freakin' perfume. He's such a dork but for some reason that makes me love him more. But I also think that Mammon likes to be comfortable, so I think he'd wear socks (and possibly other pjs) if it was cold. Also you know I don't think he could handle sleeping nude with MC (at least not at first) and I also think he often sneaks into MC's bed. So therefore I tend to imagine him as being one of those pajama pants and tank top types. So I think he would absolutely wear socks if it was cold.
YES to cold blooded Levi always!! If they had animal forms and Levi could become a lil snake I think it'd be SO CUTE if he just curled up inside a sock. I'd carry him around in his little sock in my pocket all day tee hee~ But anyway, I very much think that he's always cold and needs socks all the time. If he's in demon form, he should have a tail sock too.
Satan can't resist the cat socks. I don't know why but I agree with you that he wouldn't wear socks to bed. He would probably find them irritating lol. He should still get a tail sock though just because that's adorable, but his is like... I mean I know we all kinda headcanon it as bone now, but it looks like metal. That thing would probably shred a sock.
Oh, Asmo. Definitely only wearing socks in order to tease MC, I agree with that 1000%. I mean you could wear socks if you sleep nude I suppose, but I think Asmo would prefer to go sockless in such an instance.
Oh yeah I think Belphie could sleep no matter what anyway. It's probably just whatever's most convenient at the moment.
I don't know why, but I kinda headcanon Beel as being naturally very warm. Just absolute furnace. So I see him not really wearing socks to bed. Though I like the idea of him wearing fluffy ones because that is super cute lol.
Diavolo wears Lucifer's socks to bed. Nobody can convince me otherwise.
Barbatos for some reason strikes me as a no socks type. I don't know why. But he also needs a tail sock because wow that would be so adorable I think I'd combust. He would only wear something like that if MC got it for him, though, I think.
I think it could go either way with Simeon. I think he's probably one of those who wears socks depending on the weather. If he's cold, he puts some on. If he's not, he doesn't. It just makes sense.
I agree about Solomon and the patterned socks. I think he'd find that amusing. I would try to find him socks that have pact mark patterns on them because I personally would find that absolutely hilarious. This is because I have a terrible sense of humor, but I think he'd indulge me and wear them lol.
Ahhh Luke wearing socks to protect his little toes from getting snatched is so cute! Headcanon accepted.
This was a fun read, thank you for bringing it to me! It was fun to think about this! I hope you also have a lovely day!
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nobody7102 · 2 years
The Thing About Sunday: Part 4
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Pairing: Preacher!Rhett Abbott X Tillerson!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Religius stuff, fighting, I think that's it
A/N: YAY I Finally got around to finishing part 4, I'm debating if there'll be a part five, we'll see. Also sorry not sorry in advance, tee hee
NOTE/DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story are of age (Rhett being late 20s/early 30s, Reader being mid/late 20s), if it isn’t clear in-story all actions/situations are consensual between the major of the characters if there is anything I missed in the warnings please let me know, but don’t be rude about it
Main Master-list
Part 3. Part 5
“Alright everyone, for the last five minutes I printed out some coloring pages for all of us” Y/N smiled as she passed out sheets of paper and motioned to a bin of crayons at the back of the room
“Remember, no more than four crayons from the bin at a time” she hummed walking around the room, looking over the drawing the kids were doing. Smiling as she looked over some drawings, Y/N kneeled next to a group of kids letting them talk over what they were drawing. 
Not noticing how the classroom door creeped open as Rhett peeked his head in before walking in and crouching down next to a small group of students “Well what’s everyone doing?” His voice raised a bit as he spoke to the small children.
“Miss Tillerson got us coloring pages!” One exclaimed, showing Rhett the forest animals they’d been coloring in as another child showed him the underwater scene they'd chosen. “This is the one I’m coloring, Preacher!”
“Oh my goodness guys, these look amazing!”
A smile came soon to Y/N’s lips as she glanced over her shoulder, watching as Rhett took in all of the drawings he was being shown before she stood from her spot and walked to the front of the room. “Okay everyone, that is our time for the day.” she leaned against the wall as the children started to gather their things “If anyone wants to take any coloring pages with them, you are more than welcome to, and I will see everyone next week” she hummed before helping usher kids out to their parents.
Letting Y/N corral the children, Rhett started to clean up around the room, picking up whatever littered the tables. Now it was Y/N’s turn to lean in the doorway, watching. “You don’t need to do that ya know” she gave him a soft smile grabbing the colors that he held, as she started to walk away, Rhett grabbed Y/N by the waist. Pulling her closer to him, nuzzling his nose against her jaw. “Rhett…” she chuckled looking over her shoulder at the door as she lightly pushed him away.
“Is something wrong, Lamb?” his brows furrowed as she turned away from him “I know we don’t normally do stuff this publicly but a kiss every now and then can’t hurt” he hummed resuming to help pick up the classroom 
Shaking her head “It’s not that” she grabbed the crayon bucket that had been sitting at the front of the classroom, filling the bucket as she walked around the tables. “I just… I still haven’t been feeling the greatest, I don’t wanna get you sick” she shrugged “I’m pretty sure it’s passed, it’s been a good week since but… don’t wanna risk getting the Preacher sick” as she finished putting the crayons back she leaned against her desk looking at her feet as Rhett approached, setting the papers down on the desk he caged her between his arms.
Now it was Rhett’s turn to shake his head “I don’t mind a little stomach bug Lamb” his hands moved off of the desk to frame her waist “What’s going on with you?” his thumbs rubbed circles on her hips over the light pink slip dress that hung from her, his lips pressed together in a thin frown as concern laced his eyes.
A sigh fell from her lips as she rested her forehead against Rhett’s letting her eyes close as his nose brushed against her’s “I’ve just been feeling so lousy and tired since the bug” letting her hands run up his arms she held onto the light blue fabric of his sleeve as if it would slip through her fingers if she didn’t “I haven’t felt right at all” she kept her eyes closed as the prickly stubble of Rhett’s cheek brushed against her before she felt it.
The soft, feather light ghosting of Rhett’s lips against both of her cheeks and against her forehead before they finally planted themselves on her lips. “I’m sorry” she whispered “I never meant to worry you or make it seem like I wa-”
Pressing an even firmer kiss to her lips, Rhett felt her sigh into the kiss before he pulled away “Don’t ever be sorry Lamb” his hand came up to cradle her jaw “I just wish you would have told me sooner… What kind of shepherd would I be if I let my Lamb deal with this all by herself?” 
A small chuckle left Y/N’s lips as Rhett’s hand went back down to her waist, pulling her closer, her arms wrapped around his neck as her senses were flooded with mulberry and juniper as his aftershave and cologne mixed together. “How about after we close the church early tonight? No confessionals or meeting about the potluck, just you and me… How’s that sound Lamb?” feeling her nod against him, Rhett pulled out from the hug and planted one last kiss to her forehead “I’ll start to usher everyone out, you gonna be okay cleaning up?”
“Yeah” she hummed, still relishing in what lingered of his scent. 
Letting his eyes trail over her face once more, Rhett left the classroom with a small smile plastered to his lips before muffled talking filled the church. 
Leaning against the leatherback of Rhett’s office chair, Y/N closed her eyes as her head swam with thoughts. Thoughts of her and Rhett, how soft he’d seem to become around her, and how she’d gone from being the Timid little Tillerson to the Lamb of the Church as Rhett put it. 
“Well don’t you just look comfy” Rhett’s voice filled the room as he leaned against the doorframe.
A smirk came to Y/N as she replied “Got a real comfy chair Preacher” pushing herself up from the chair she met Rhett halfway before he wrapped his arms around her waist once more, resting his chin on her shoulder “You ready to go?” 
“Go? I thought we were staying here?” shaking his head, Rhett grabbed both of their coats before leading Y/N outside to the parking lot. 
Handing her the keys to the truck he motioned to it “Get in and start it, I’ll lockup” he hummed, kissing her cheek before walking back to the church doors. 
And she did just that, after starting the truck she settled into the passenger seat, leaning against the window, watching as Rhett made his final checks to insure the building was properly closed off to the public for the time being. As soon as he was done he turned to face the truck and gave the cheesiest thumbs up before making his way around to the drivers side before pulling out of the driveway. 
While the truck kicked up dust on the gravel road, all Rhett and Y/N could seem to care about was letting the cool autumn breeze fill the air as the windows were rolled down all the way. Sticking her hand out the window, Y/N let it catch on the air. Taking her free hand in his, Rhett smiled as she moved her hand around in the wind before bringing the back of her free hand to his lips as he turned the corner into a field.
Looking over to Rhett as he drove into a secluded spot of the field, Y/N furrowed her brows, watching him park the truck and turn it off before he climbed out and grabbed a duffle bag from the back seat, motioning for her to follow him.
Exiting the cab, Y/N pulled her jacket tighter around her frame as she circled the back of the truck, smiling at the hand the Rhett held out for her as he had already pulled himself into the truck bed. Taking his hand, she let him pull her up before he handed her a corner of the blanket he had pulled from his duffle “stick it in the corner up there” he pointed to the corner of the bed before they both laid the blanket down. Rhett grabbed two more blankets, wrapping one around Y/N’s shoulders before wrapping the second one around his own, and somehow, magically he managed to pull a third and final blanket from the bag and laid it over their legs before he pulled Y/N close to him. 
Letting her lay on his chest, the two stared up at the pale yellows and oranges that painted the darkening blue sky. Letting the creatures of the night fill their senses, Y/N hummed as she shifted, pressing her ear to Rhett’s chest, listening to the thump of his heart. 
Noticing her shift in his grasp, Rhett moved his hands so one rested on her lower back and the other rested over her stomach. Feeling her breath catch in her throat, she tensed as Rhett settled back into watching the sky, thankfully not seeming to notice how she tensed. Y/N shifted once more before relaxing.
“How long do you think we could stay like this?” Rhett hummed, resting his head atop of hers.
“Oh at least until hypothermia sets in” she joked, causing Rhett’s chest to rumble as he chuckled. 
As they laid, watching the sky turned into a deep navy. It didn’t take more than an hour before Rhett smiled at the soft snores that came from the woman laying on top of him. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, Rhett basked in the silence for a few more seconds before he started to plant kisses all over her face. Ignoring the grumbling protests that came from Y/N he continued before whispering in her ear “Come on Little Lamb…” he hummed “I gotta get you back to the church to grab your car” his hand came up to cradle her jaw. “My Sweet Little Lamb” he chuckled as she nuzzled closer into him “I know you can hear me” he laughed, moving to sit up, still holding Y/N in his arms.
“But what about the hypothermia?” she rumbled, causing Rhett to laugh even more as he bundled her up in the blankets, before hoisting her up into his arms, getting down from the truck bed and bringing her around to the cabin of the truck. Somehow opening the passenger door, he skillfully moved Y/N inside and onto the seat before buckling her in and moving over to the driver's side.
As he began to drive, Rhett kept glancing over as Y/N started to wake herself up. “You gonna be able to drive home Lamb?” 
She nodded rubbing her eyes “Yeah” she yawned “thank you” she smiled glancing groggily over to Rhett “for tonight” 
“Of course” he smiled “Anything for my Little Lamb” The rest of the drive back was spent in a comfortable silence, with Rhett occasionally glancing between the road and Y/N. Pulling into the parking lot of the church, Rhett parked next to Y/N’s car. Unwrapping herself from the blankets, Y/N leaned over the seat kissing Rhett on the cheek. “Remember, if you need anything you can text me” he smiled.
“I will” she smiled before she climbed out of the truck and into her car. Once she was settled she waved over to Rhett before she pulled out of the parking lot, and Rhett’s truck pulled out a few minutes later, turning to go into town as Y/N headed for Tillerson ranch. 
Still consumed by the bliss of earlier as she drove she noticed how the lights in the kitchen were on. Turning off the headlights to her car as she approached the house, she parked in her normal spot before she turned off the engine. Exiting the car Y/N headed into the house, quietly opening and shutting the door she snuck upstairs to her room. 
Closing the door and kicking off her shoes, Y/N moved to lay down in bed. Staring up at the star carved in wood once more she furrowed her brows, her hand slowly moved to flatten her palm over her stomach, her breath caught in her throat again as she did before she sat up.
“...One more….just to be sure..” she mumbled, sitting up and going over to the dresser she pulled out the spare test she had buried at the bottom. 
Following the motions she had repeated the week before setting it on the counter and walking back into her room, setting the timer. Flopping back in the bed she twiddled with her thumbs, waiting for the timer she let out a breath as it eventually went off. Pushing up from the bed Y/N made her way to the bathroom.
Making his way up the stairs Billy sighed “of course I’m the one getting her” he muttered before reaching Y/N‘s door, he knocked “Y/N, there’s dinner” he called “Y/N?” he asked again after a few minutes of not getting a response. 
Pushing open the door, he looked around the room before seeing the bathroom door cracked “Sissy?” making his way further into the room, he rushed to the bathroom door upon hearing the cries that came from the other he shoved open the door before collapsing next to Y/N’s weeping form. Taking her in his arms he looked over her form “What’s wrong?! Did som-” he froze seeing the test in her hand. “Sissy… is-” “It’s positive…” she sniffled starting to cry again “I don't know w-what I’m gonna do” 
Holding her tighter Billy stared down at the test in her hand before he moved to give her a wad of toilet paper to wipe her eyes “Right now, we’re gonna take a deep breath. Okay Sissy? We’re gonna take a deep breath and we’re gonna go down for dinner, then we’ll figure it out after. Okay?” 
Nodding Y/N took the TP before Billy helped her stand. Squeezing the test in her hand, she opened one of the side drawers of the sink and shoved the test into it before closing it “Y-you can go down I’ll… I’ll be down in a minute…” she whispered 
“Are you sure?” watching her nod, Billy slowly made his way out of the room.
Staring at herself in the mirror, Y/N shook her head before turning on the faucet and letting the water run cold. Cupping her hands under the water she brought it up to her face, gasping at the temperature change before she took a deep breath and dried off her face. 
Shaking out her hands she exited the bathroom before making her way downstairs to the dining room. 
“Look who finally decided to grace us with her presents” Trever joked “What took you do long?” He raised his brow as she took a seat next to Billy, “Grading Sunday school papers?” he laughed.
“Trever she was doing more today than you were, lay off” Patricia was quick to quip. As everyone dished up food and began to eat, Y/N picked at her plate, trying to eat what she could. “Y/N don’t pick at your food please” 
Rolling his eyes Trevor took a sip of his drink “With how she’s been feeling lately I’m surprised she’s even eating with us…” he muttered
“We sure she’s not pregnant with how she’s been feeling” Luke smirked “The next Virgin Mary” 
Scoffs filled the table as Y/N stared down at her plate, trying to keep the tears that welled in her eyes at bay. “Don’t joke about your sister like that Luke” Wayne motioned with his fork at Y/N “Lord knows you don’t have any room to talk” 
As Wayne scolded his eldest, Patricia’s eyes stayed focused on Y/N and how she didn’t joke back like she normally would. “Y/N'' she called out, only to be met with silence “Y/F/N Tillerson.” she raised her voice and after a few seconds Patrica slammed her silverware down on the table “Are you fucking kidding me? Say you’re joking right fucken now”
Looking away from the table as her shoulder started to shake, Patricia pushed away from the table. Stomping over to Y/N before grabbing her arm and ripping her up from the table. 
To Y/N everything was a burry rush of tears and yelling before she felt the gravel of the driveway beneath her as she fell to the ground. “After everything I did for you?!” Patrica shouted “You throw it all away to be some common whore?! Did I really teach you to respect your faith that little!? What did you just think that because of your status at the church and in this family that you could just trollop around town!”
Pushing herself up from the ground Y/N shook her head “Mama I didn’t-“ 
“Save it!” she shook her head “If you’re gonna act like a whore then you can sleep on the streets like one” before she slammed the door as muffled yelling could be heard from inside the house.
Slowly standing on shaky legs, vision still blurred with tears. She made her way down the long driveway, gravel digging into her feet as she pushed on, arms wrapped around herself as she let her head hang, trying to stifle the sobs that left her lips.
Coming to the all too familiar fork in the road, Y/N turned to make her way up the driveway of Abbott ranch, too caught up in trying to stay standing to hear the truck pull up and the call of her name come from behind her.
It wasn’t till she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders, turning her around that she looked up from the ground to be met with the blue seas of worry that were the eyes of her Rhett. She watched as his mouth moved but no sound made it to her ears before it all caught up with her at once.
“Lamb what happened!?” His voice was frantic as he cupped the sides of her face “Y/N, sweets what-” 
“I m-messed up” she hiccupped before collapsing in Rhett’s arms. Holding her close to him, Rhett let her rest her head on his shoulder, trying to calm her breathing as her arms had a death grip on him “R-Rhett…” she mumbled “I’m pregnant"
Tagging: @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts @sweetlittlegingy @floyd-luvr @hangmanapologist @auroralightsthesky @marantha @beachbabey @thesluttyarchivist
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sonicringbond · 2 years
Sonic Ring Bond - Episode of Journey's Beginning 03
The following is a work of fan fiction by Joshua D. Tarwater and is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.* *SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS retains full rights over the Sonic the Hedgehog™ intellectual property and can terminate or take control of this work at any time.
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★~Though the island had been home to three amnesiacs, the recent passing of one detrimentally affecting the others, they were not the Island’s only residents.
Amnesia Island’s most prominent citizens are actually a genus of giant crabs. Hostile and prone to stealing from other life forms, this fauna is always trouble and it’s best to give them a wide birth.
~ Mote the Fairy
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Blue skies above Reflected with Sky Ring in mudflat pools Rings spinning above Towers and wall of coral sprouting up around Grass, moss, and lichen taking over Person supporting platforms drifting freely about Stone Ghosts disturbing the native fauna
“Ooh~!” Rosy exclaimed as she puffed up her cheeks. “Those awful Stone Ghosts are here too!”
From the grass covered ledge she lay down on, Rosy peered over at the coral rich mudflats exposed by the low tide as well as the giant crabs that seemed as surprised by the Stone Ghosts as being above water. Sizable as they were though only the smallest of them had anything to worry about from the animated statues that drifted across the mudflats. They would likely be more trouble for the hedgehogs who deigned to enter their caves.
“It looks like this will be more of a challenge than you hoped for, Rosy,” Tempest commented as he more casually peered out, standing beside where Rosy lay on her belly in the grass. He noted her tail wagging though and smiled as flakes of intense blue light began to swirl within the blue light already cast by his crystals. “Though you seem as excited about it as I am.”
“And you are both being foolish,” Mote sighed heavily. “The last I was aware, you and these troublesome crabs always find yourselves in conflict when you cross paths, Tempest.”
“But we both can just outrun them now~♥” Rosy cheerfully exclaimed as the wagging of her tail grew faster. “Besides, I really want to try after I could barely keep ahead of them the last time I met.
“Hee-hee~♥ Having Sonic’s speed is so much fun~♥”
“It’ll be less fun for you once we get into their caves though,’ Tempest warned while carefully eying how the mud flats responded to the movement of the crabs. “The tunnels and coral structures will really put what little skill you have with that speed to the test. Though I’m thinking it’ll still be easier than running across this mud.”
“Then we just stick to the floating platforms~♥” Rosy winked. “As long as we do that, we should be fine!
“I wonder,” Mote expressed her concerns aloud as she watched the waves crash against the mudflats before receding out to sea again. “It’s low tide now, but there is no telling if the caves will remain full of air once high tide returns. This plan of yours is unquestionably risky, with no evidence for reward.”
“You’re worrying too much Mote,” Rosy offered the fairy a reassuring laugh. “Besides, I’m a good swimmer so I’m not worried about the tide.
“How about you Tempest?” Rosy turned her attention to the black hedgehog as she sprung up to her feet. “You say you think you can fly a plane from a feeling, so how do you feel about swimming?”
An uncomfortable smile spread across Tempest’s face and a bead of sweat ran down his cheek as his crystals shifted to giving off a lilac light. “I don’t really want to find out. I’d rather explore these caves before we would have to.”
“No way~!” Rosy exclaimed as she leveled Tempest with a curious and studious gaze. “You can’t swim, can you!”
“I really don’t know,” Tempest shifted uncomfortable as he failed to hide the nervousness in his voice as well as making eye contact with Rosy. He frankly felt humiliated and was starting to flush in the cheeks.
“Tee-hee~♥” Rosy laughed perhaps at Tempest’s display or at the proposition that she presented him. “I’ll have to teach you later then!”
“Enough!” Mote interrupted growing exasperated at the flakes of intense blue light that again appeared in Tempest’s crystals. “We best pursue this vain venture through now before you have to be taught in a situation where your life depends on it.”
Driven on by Mote, the two hedgehogs raced down from the cliffside view of the mud flats and right into the coral maze growing from it. And it was a maze, rich in false entrances and tunnels that would launch them right back into the air above the mudflats. Hidden chimneys firing off jets of water that would also launch them high into the air as they attempted to find a way into the caverns that surely lay beneath.
The natural architecture of the coral maze growing above the mudflats was not all that attempted to prevent Tempest and Rosy from finding a way inside, though water slides right into the mud surely complicated matters. More pressingly however were the crabs that called Amnesia Island and the coral maze and hidden caves home. While the wolf to automobile sized ones were easily knocked out of their way with a Spin Attack or Spin Dash sending the craps spinning off every which way, the ones large enough that their claws were the size of automobiles presented a different challenge. Such tremendous crabs on more than one occasion would scramble up a coral tower and try to cut off the two hedgehogs racing through the maze, though sometimes their large size proved advantageous as Rosy and Tempest would use them as platforms to get back up and out of the mud. They were certainly better and more reliable than those that took on the properties of the Rings and floated about freely through the air.
It was not that some of the free-floating platforms would drop out from under them as Rosy and Tempest raced across them that made them unreliable, but that the Stone Ghosts present about the mudflats could reduce them to Rings. With a blast of a green beam of light from their gems, the Stone Ghosts could reduce any floating platform into the Rings that gave its form and that it closely borrowed the attributes of. Lacking the more durable nature of other Ring attribute taking structures such as the various loops about, a platform vanishing from under their feet frequently left Rosy and Tempest dropping down into the mud. Their most recent slip up however left them falling into a rather sizable pool in the mudflats.
“And so, it would seem he can’t swim,” Mote noted as Tempest hit the water and failed to emerge alongside Rosy who gasped for air as she did. Not wanting to leave Tempest to drown however Mote quickly yelled an order in Rosy’s direction. “Tempest can’t swim my Vassal! You’d best rescue him at once!”
“EH~!” Rosy exclaimed in surprise before looking around to realize that Tempest had indeed not emerged like she had. “No way~! He really can’t swim!”
Taking a deep breath, Rosy dove back under the water and Mote splashed in behind her to offer her illumination as an underwater light of sorts. The red light being cast by Tempest’s crystals served a similar function where he stood in the silt at that bottom of the pool with his arms crossed while tapping his foot as several crabs emerged from around him.
Despite the mud preventing him from being able to really get good traction to move, Tempest easily drove away the crabs by swelling his right fist to a massive size and punching them away. It was hard to move however, and he surely would have been caught by the crab that emerged behind him had Rosy not suddenly knocked it away with a well-timed Spin Dash.
Relieved at the sight of Rosy, Tempest’s crystals again shifted to a blue light, though sparks of red electricity persisted as his lungs burned for air. Rosy seemed to already understand that Tempest was running out of time and quickly gestured that she would swim to the surface where he would grab her with his right arm and pull himself up to her. Tempest shook his head at the suggestion though as he knew that if the Darkness of his arm were to start covering Rosy it would paralyze her dooming them both. Rosy puffed up her cheeks frustratedly and Tempest tried to calm her down by letting a Ring emerge from his body to remind her that the golden loops would whisk him away to somewhere safe before he suffered any life altering condition. Rosy simply looked angrier as a result and swam right at him.
Attempting to catch Tempest in a full nelson and swim him to the surface was perhaps not a bad idea on Rosy’s part. The threat Tempest’s right arm posed to her would be mitigated by the time it would take for the Darkness to spread over her. The speed she could swim at being in possession of speed matching Sonic’s would surely assure she would have more than enough time as long as Tempest did not panic, but it was hard not to as one of the more massive giant crabs suddenly emerged from the silt before them. However, the arrival of the giant crab was not what caused Tempest to panic, and also Rosy, but that its emergence unplugged the pool and the both of them with Mote were sucked down beneath the silt. ★
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Sonic The Hedgehog Copyright© 1990-2022 SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS
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oxnardsart · 4 years
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Before I'm too busy with a new game, here's another Boxer Beats page! http://boxerbeats.thecomicseries.com/comics/27 --- “You know what? Let’s do it.” Lesbuni decided. “You? Me? Together?” Nishi asked. “Mostly just me. You can come if you want.” “If it’s exciting enough I probably will!” the dino gave a confused smile. “I’m going to talk to Foxie.” Lesbuni took in a deep breath. “You’re gonna tell her that we’re doin’ it!? I don’t think she’ll like that.” “The doing it that we’re doing is telling Foxie whatever I tell her!” Lesbuni yelled. She and Nishi left the stadium and headed over to the Do-Gooders headquarters. She knew Foxie was in the jail there, and it was too much to keep waiting. Lesbuni waited for her turn to talk to Foxie. The Do-Gooders had a little area where visitors and criminals could talk together. This is where Nishi normally kept in touch with Foxie. It was a lonely experience for the fox, stuck there every day. People weren’t likely to visit a jail every day of their lives just to keep you company, so whenever someone stopped by it was exciting! But Lesbuni had waited twenty minutes for her chance to talk to Foxie, and she wasn’t showing up. Two minutes later, “I don’t think she’s coming...” Nishi frowned, “It’s been twenty-two minutes.” “Give it a little more time...” Lesbuni sighed. She was still tired from screaming with Don earlier today. She closed her eyes for a second and... “LESBUNI WAKE UP!” Nishi busted his lungs out - Lesbuni woke up with him right up in her face. “You fell asleep!” Lesbuni yawned and stretched, “How long have I been asleep for...?” “A minute.” Nishi honked. “That’s it! I give up.” Lesbuni threw her hands in the air and got up, “Twenty-three minutes? Wow. She sure doesn’t care about keeping us waiting.” “Oh, now it’s twenty-four minutes...” Nishi reported. “Wow. I must be dead to her,” Lesbuni growled. It was an adorable little bunny growl. She’s too cute to be scary and mad. Tee hee. “Lethbuni! Nithi!” A lispy alligator came running into the room, “You two gotta come quick. Foxthie ithn’t in here - the’th in the boxthing ring!” No wonder she hadn’t showed up. Lesbuni immediately ran out the door. She was sure she could catch Foxie if she hurried! The moment Lesbuni got back in the Boxer Beats stadium, she heard Oxnard over the mic, “Aaaand onto our next fight. Congratulations Foxie on making it through another round - you sure showed that fruit-suiter where to shove his banana.” Lesbuni smiled - that sounded like the Foxie she knew. But she had to find her before she left! Lesbuni was standing at the stage entrance, looking out to see if Foxie was anywhere near the ring, but there was nothing. She looked towards the different exits to try and catch her leaving, but there wasn’t anyone around... That meant Foxie was gone. Lesbuni sank to her knees. She was so tired of how the two always missed each other. Gaydar ran in from the entrance and tried to stop himself as soon as he saw Lesbuni, but the clumsy gator slipped and fell on his butt. The stadium lights all fell on him, the crowd began to laugh and clap. “Gee golly, hehe! Good thing I gotta rump made of thteel~” Gaydar turned to his side to show off his tail, rubbing it teasingly for the crowd - who gave an aroused cheer. No wonder everyone loved him! Gaydar snapped out of it and whispered to Lesbuni, “Nithi’th thtaying at the jail in cathe you mithed Foxthie...” He looked around for Foxie, but Lesbuni’s disappointed expression, and being alone meant they were probably too late. “Come on Lethbuni! We jutht have to go back...” “I’m not going.” Lesbuni pouted and left the stage. She found a hallway and sat alone for a bit. It felt like the people Lesbuni cared about were always out of reach. And just in time, Nishi, Gaydar, and Macaroni all found her in the hallway. The rabbit groaned internally - she felt like they would give her an obvious lecture and push her to go see Foxie. “Heeey Lesbuni...” Nishi smiled, “Foxie couldn’t stay, so don’t worry about going back... but Mac had an idea!” Lesbuni looked annoyed at the thought of having to do anything. “How about a girls’ night out?” the older penguin lady asked. “We can take our minds off our partners and go have fun.” Lesbuni wasn’t expecting that. “Can Gaydar and I go to the girls’ night out too?” Nishi pleaded. Gaydar waggled his bare hips and winked. “Acthually, alligator anatomy can kinda make me look like thome girlth thinthe m-” Nishi covered Gaydar’s mouth. He knew Lesbuni didn’t like hearing about anatomical details. “You’re not gonna tell me what to do about Foxie?” Lesbuni looked up curiously. “Nah, we figured you’d hate that.” Nishi laughed. He was right! “But we weren’t sure if you’d want to go out...” Macaroni worried, “we can do whatever you want to.” Everyone looked at Lesbuni and let her decide. “I... haven’t gone dancing in a while...” the little bunny blushed. “I’m not good at it, but... it’s kind of fun...” “I wanna go danthing~!” Gaydar wrapped his arm around Nishi, “I know how to cut a rug, I’ll thow ya how it’th done!” Macaroni Penguin started to tap her feet and flap her wings, “Would you dance with me, Lesbuni?” The little bird chuckled, “I travelled down here alone, so I don’t have anyone to dance with...” “Oh that’s gross. Mac’s so old!” Nishi joked, “She’s probably like a hundred!” Lesbuni got up on her feet and took Macaroni’s wing in her paw. She couldn’t believe she was going to go dance with a grandma, or hang out with guys on a girls’ night out. She had no idea what to expect, but she was ready for it! “Let’s dance our asses off,” the rabbit cheered as she left the stadium with her new, weird friends. Round 3 After a refreshing night with her pals, Lesbuni was ready for another day in the ring. They were getting closer to the finale! “I’m kinda surprised...” Lesbuni told Nishi as the two of them headed to the stadium, “I didn’t think I’d get this far!” “I’m surprised too - but I knew you’d put up a good fight!” Nishi grinned, “I know you’re a shy bunny, but whenever you get in arguments you yell and puff out your little chest - I’d be afraid to fight you!” Lesbuni crossed her arms and scowled. “I didn’t mean your little chest. I meant ‘cause you’re a little bunny!” He smiled, “I would never comment on your lack of, uh...” “That counts as a comment!” Lesbuni snapped, “They’re none of your business.” “I agree,” her buddy giggled, until they saw the group of professional boxers protesting Boxer Beats. “Uh oh.” They were rowdier today because their calm leader, Stan, wasn’t around! “Hey, it’s that boxer bunny again,” growled one of the strong lion boxers. “You’re not boxing today, little guy?” “Nope.” Lesbuni quickly replied without even looking at him. “What do you mean, Lesbuni? You’re scheduled to fight today!” Nishi responded. “Dude, Nishi, quiet!” Lesbuni glared at him. “Ha! So you are coming in today?” The lion picked up the cardboard box and shook it, “Show us how you get in here! I know there’s stuff inside!” “Isn’t that a box of briefs?” Nishi chuckled, “We’re going to Boxer Beats. That’s what the competition is called,” he looked down at Lesbuni, “or is it Boxer Briefs?” Lesbuni took Nishi’s hand and hurried them out of there. However, the lion began to follow them. “If that box isn’t the real entrance to the Boxer Briefs competition, I’m gonna follow you two until you go to the real one,” the stalker lion growled. “You won’t want to miss your fight and lose the competition, right little rabbit?” Lesbuni was pissed. Now she had a guy stalking her, and trying to stop her from competing in Boxer Beats! She wasn’t going to let some jerk prevent her from trying to see her girlfriend, but most importantly... “I am NOT going to be stalked by anyone. ESPECIALLY not a guy.” Lesbuni turned around, her angry eyes looking right up at the big boxer. Nishi huddled behind her and nervously started playing with his phone. “I bet you do this to animals all the time if you think it’s okay to stalk anyone.” The little bunny growled, “It is NOT okay to do this. This is harassment.” The lion raised an eyebrow, “I’m not harassing you, lady. I can walk wherever I want.” He rolled his eyes, trying to sound polite, “I happen to be going to the same place you’re going, so can you please lead the way?” “No.” Lesbuni made herself clear, and after a moment of silence, “Well? I’m not leading you anywhere. So GO. If it’s not harassment, leave.” The lion lost his polite smile, “Okay, it wasn’t harassment before... but it is now.” Lesbuni was a firm believer in educating the stupid. She grabbed a book from her bag and threw it right at the lion’s face. She knew to go for the eyes if she had to fight an attacker, but he was too tall for her to reach. The lion blocked the book throw, but Lesbuni was ready to fight. With his hands covering his face, Lesbuni used her short height to attack his knees, feet, and groin. With a few hard hits, the lion bully was hurt. Lesbuni grabbed Nishi’s hand and made a run for it. “Oh my gosh, this is so scary!” Nishi cried as they ran far down the street, making sure the lion was still down. “Are you okay?” Lesbuni kept running, “Yeah! Attack and run.” Lesbuni was always skeptical of guys, and for once her paranoia and education helped her against one! “While you were saving our butts, I called for help!” Nishi showed her his phone. “Hey kids,” a tall, scary figure suddenly sprang up behind them. Nishi and Lesbuni screamed! After a moment, they realized it was their scrunky-looking friend, Fuxie. Nishi and Lesbuni screamed again! “Who do I get to beat up, where is he?” Fuxie asked Nishi, “He didn’t hurt ya?” “No no, we’re fine! Lesbuni kicked his butt,” Nishi grinned, “but you can go kick it some more before Officer Goatella gets here.” Fuxie laughed, eyeing the small rabbit, “Really? The little lady did it? Cool.” Their punky fox friend went to go kick at the guy the two had escaped - keeping him down until the Do-Gooders arrived. Lesbuni was proud of herself! She got praise from one of the toughest girls she knew, she protected her friend Nishi from getting hurt, she stood up for herself, and she made sure nothing got in the way of her competing in the tournament! Finally seeing her girlfriend again was going to be the best reward she could get. “Welp, that’s all taken care of...” Fuxie sighed, the fun part was over. “Nice to see Officer Goatella in action though~” She grinned as she checked out the goat arresting the lion stalker. “Goatella the gorgeous! Gee, I don’t know what I would have done without you guys - I mean, girls.” Nishi laughed, “I wish I was as tough as you three are.” “And I wish Goatella would use her handcuffs on me~” Fuxie growled playfully. Goatella was ready to head back to the DG headquarters, “You sweeties did such a good job defending yourself against that very handsome, muscular lion. He could use a tamer,” the motherly goat smiled. “I could use a tamer too,” Fuxie grinned with a wink. “That’s gross, Fuxie.” Nishi stuck out his tongue, “You’re not as smooth as-” “You’re completely hairless and bald everywhere, I know.” Fuxie smirked. “Don’t say that in front of Goatella!!” Nishi whined. Goatella smiled politely and kneeled down to the short rabbit, “Great self-defense, Lesbuni.” Goatella put a little Do-Gooders sticker on her shirt, “You don’t have to be an officer to be a Do-Gooder! Keep up the good work.” The lady goat smiled and left the scene while Nishi and Fuxie kept bickering. “Okay you two, I gotta go.” Lesbuni waved, the stadium up ahead, “Thanks for helping me get there safe!” “You would’ve anyway, ya little ass kicker,” Fuxie laughed. “We’re coming too, wait up!” Nishi and Fuxie headed off with Lesbuni. The three joked around while watching the show. The little rabbit was sincerely surprised someone as tough and scary-looking as Fuxie thought a shy little rabbit like her was tough! But she liked having Fuxie’s respect, and felt accomplished having tough ladies like her and Goatella on her side.
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arsonforcharlie · 6 years
it’s that time of the week so you nerds get a fuck squad recap!
I feel like it’s notable that I have a chart up on my wall now where I can give my players gold stars if they do something really good and creative. So that’s fun and definitely not sparking competition at all!
We started with a discussion of “wailing widows” that I misheard as “whaling widows” and long story short I have a new comic book idea
Sergei, Maddela, and Saida see a crowd of people with weird, distorted faces staring at them. Maddela and Saida get Rhonia to cast Face of the Devourer on them so they fit in, while Sergei covers his eyes to not see them.
Yoni: “I would argue that only friends make each other piss themselves.”
Yoni slams the curtain that Rhonia ripped off the wall into the bag of trading.
“You pull out an old dirty sock.” Saida: Is that someone’s crankin’ it sock? Oh, wait, I can’t say that, you’ll lose followers on tumblr.”
Cue a discussion of that one time I got an anon saying they unfollowed me because of the ghost cum thing.
Saida: “Oh yeah, I remember that.” Sergei: “I don’t but there’s so much I don’t remember.” Saida: “Maybe you should lay off the party drugs.” Sergei: “MAYBE YOU SHOULD LAY OFF MY DICK”
Sergei blindly walks forward to a table in the middle of the room with a chalice on it, and triggers a trap that causes a hidden crossbow to fire at Maddela and an illusion to make it look like he did it.
Rhonia: “I put the crossbow bolt in his hand” “His hands are still over his eyes!”
They conclude that he clearly didn’t do it because dude didn’t even have a crossbow.
There was then some discussion of a poutine pinata which sounds like such a bad idea.
Sergei hits the chalice off the table with his orb and stick with his eyes closed, setting off a bolt of shadow that feels like flame.
Yoni scoops up the chalice with the bag of trading and gets a “not like top tier but about as good as you can get at the fantasy sobeys bottle of wine.” It turns out the door is unlocked and they can just walk through. The next floor is filled with a thick gray mist.
Sergei: “I have my stick out. My STICK.”
Sergei: “I didn’t go to fuckin’ wizard school! I went to clown college!”
Maddela strikes a match to see if the mist in the room they are in is flammable. It isn’t, but I feel like that’s a notably bad idea.
Sergei walks around the perimeter of the room with a rope tied around his waist and finds the door. However, when he tries to open it, a spear of ice springs up from the floor.
Meanwhile, the rest of the squad use the rope to navigate across the room to the door, and come across a weird stone box with a gold key in the bottom. When Rhonia reaches in to get it, a swarm of monkeys are summoned, one of which grabs the key before they scamper away into the mist.
Saida: “Does everyone have a lightning-proof hazmat suit? Because I have a plan!”
spoiler nobody had that
Saida also suggested Maddela melt the ice spear by dirty dancing on it. “Roll a fort save in case you froze your box!”
Maddela does melt the ice spear with some alchemist’s fire, but then immediately triggers another one by trying to unlock the door again.
Rhonia: “I’m just gonna fill the box with bananas!”
She does use her magic lunchbox to fill the pedestal with bananas, which lures all the monkeys in for snacks. After a few horribly bad perception checks, Yoni manages to see that one of the monkeys has the key so she hits it with her starknife and it dies.
Maddela: “How much of your hatred of wizards is part of your history?” Saida: “I had a really bad run in with one once.” Sergei: “Yeah, ran into his dick with your vagina!”
The next room has a table with a mask on it, two poufs on either side, and a door. Saida puts the mask on immediately and it affixes itself to her face and she can’t get it off. When she and anyone else sit on each of the poufs, the other people get a quick lil fortune reading.
Sergei gets told that he’s trusting someone he shouldn’t, so his player was kinda freaking the fuck out the rest of the session. Who is it? Who knows? I’ll never tell. TEE HEE HEE.
(about Rhonia) “You want to help, and you can be very inventive but sometimes you may not think your actions through.”  Saida: “Didn’t need a mask to tell me that!”
(also about Rhonia) “Your god is pleased with you... and so is another.” Yoni: “Better not be Desna! Stay away from my god!” “Other people worship Desna.” Saida: “And Yoni’s going to cut them all!”
Saida: “You know how there’s visual learners and audio learners? Maddela’s a vaginal learner.”
The next room is set up like a museum, with a huge T-Rex skeleton in the centre and glass display cases lining the walls.
Sergei: “This is the necromancy room and there’s a giant skeleton in the middle. I’m so excited. Not.”
He crosses to the door and touches it, which wakes the T-rex that attacks the squad.
“Does a 22 hit?” Maddela: “No.” “Oh, cool.” Maddela: “I’M STILL LYING!”
Maddela uses her wand of binding to bind the T-Rex while she runs to go unlock the three locks on the door.
Yoni: “I do one, uh, blunt damage” which brought him to 69. Nice.
Yoni: “Does anyone have ropes to tie his feet together?” Saida: “This is like turning into a caper, i love it.”
The rest of the squad beat it up, but then it reforms into two smaller T-Rex skeletons.
Saida:"That giant dinosaur lizard will never know the satisfaction of eating poop again. Because it’s dead.”
Saida: “Don’t you have, like, healing blast?” “Oh, you mean healing gun.”
Saida: “I haven’t been listening to how Yoni’s class works.” “It’s cool, neither has she.”
“You’re being very strategic tonight. Are you feeling okay?”
Rhonia animated one of the smaller T-rexes and named it Jonesy, so that’s a thing now. They tied up the other one instead of killing it so it didn’t reanimate as more smaller boys. God they can be smart on occasion.
Saida: “Apparently my bloodline gives me a bonus to knowledge religion. But I don’t want it because that sounds dumb.”
They move on to the next room, where the first-level wizard apprentice who was manning the door watches them stomp on in with a new t-rex pal and decides to let them go to see the council once they’re done with the meeting that they’re having.
Presented with the opportunity to get what they want in about ten minutes if they just wait peacefully, the squad all gangs up to try and kick down the door and all roll terribly.
Coming out of the door is Tarand, who, from what they can hear, has had some sort of ideological disagreement with the rest of the wizards and is resigning from his position here.
Saida: “We’re never gonna get as high level as he is because all we do is SHOP and FUCK”
she’s not WRONG
Saida, trying to figure out if he’s been exposed to the mushroom spores: “are you feeling hepatitis-y?”
Sergei: “Have you had to roll any saving throws?” Tarand: “I’m a very powerful wizard. I know what that feels like. I have not.”
He is very confused when they ask about the mushrooms and refuses to tell them why he’s leaving, so Yoni Flapdragon, in a fit of anger, punches him in the dick. And almost crits. It isn’t confirmed so it only does 3 damage, but still. That’s a thing they’ll have to deal with later.
They go in to meet the wizard council, who did just watch Yoni punch Tarand right in the dingalings. Most of them also don’t know much about the mushrooms, except one halfling with a wrinkled face named Effin who tells them that she had been working on something similar, but it didn’t work out so she sent it to the toxic waste disposal. When the squad points out that pretty much anyone can get in there, there’s a bit of confusion- there are supposed to be a bunch of curses and things protecting it.
“Academia, you know how it is.” Rhonia: “Isn’t that a nut?”
Saida’s player, tearing up laughing: “I’m just thinking of how much funnier every fantasy genre would be if there was bullying!”
Saida and Yoni stay behind to chat with the council, while Maddela, Sergei, and Rhonia go up to the greenhouse to get some of the asinus densissima flower to put an end to all this.
Maddela: “I don’t know anything about wizards and I’m not about to learn!”
Saida, trying to chat up the head of enchantment by talking about the school of magic: “Of course I know what enchantment is, it’s when you kinda rub magic on some pants and it sticks.”
He’s not impressed by her magic knowledge.
Maddela proceeds to buy some poison from the greenhouse, which has mushrooms visibly covering some of the glass panes. While Effin makes a deal with her, Rhonia gets Jason the skeleton to climb up onto Jonesy the T-rex skeleton and throw a trowel, breaking the glass of the ceiling and letting the mushrooms in.
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dragonkeeper19600 · 6 years
New Mario Movie: Plot Prediction (Part 1)
Yo, folks!
As you may recall, around six months ago, we received word that a new Mario movie was in development over at Illumination Studios.
I’m pretty optimistic about this movie, but I feel like I might be in the minority here. Yes, Minions are oversaturated, but it’s not like Illumination makes bad films. The Despicable Me movies do so well not just because of Minions but because they’re genuinely funny and fun. All of Illumination’s work is gorgeously animated, even the stuff that doesn’t do well, and I feel like their fun and bouncy animation style suits Mario pretty well. I feel like the Mario characters may end up looking and moving like they do in Mario + Rabbids, which had a more fluid and expressive style than Nintendo’s usual cutscenes. 
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But, a lot of you may be wondering, as I am, what the plot of this movie will be. Mario games, with a few exceptions, tend to be light on plot, at the request of Shigeru Miyamoto himself, who thinks games are at their best when they’re light on story. It was also Miyamoto who approached Illumination for a Mario movie and is producing the film, so presumably he’s not against a story with Mario, just a story in a Mario game. 
Well, I’ve given in a lot of thought (more than I probably should), and I’ve come with a story that might work as an animated film. The story below may have no similarity at all with the actual plot of the actual film, but at this point in development, I have just as much a clue as anybody else what that film will be like.
This is the first of several parts, so please bear with me:
Right, so, in my mind, this movie will be in a separate continuity from the games. Whether or not a whole AU will branch off from the movie depends on if the movie is successful enough to get sequels, which, to be honest, it probably will be. 
As such, the film, will serve as an introduction to the Mario world and characters to attract movie goers who have never touched a video game. So, this will be a retelling of Mario’s first adventure. However, simply adapting the first Super Mario Bros. will not work. Traveling from world to world fighting silent monsters only to get cockblocked by seven Toads does not a movie make.
Instead, they’ll have to come up with something more dramatic for Mario’s first rescue.
But, first, we open with a prologue that goes something like this:
Once upon a time, there were two neighboring kingdoms.
A kingdom of light
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and a kingdom of darkness.
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The kingdom of darkness was a place of smoke and fire and fearsome monsters. But, the kingdom of light was blessed by the goodness of their ruler and the power of the stars.
You see, whenever the denizens of the kingdom performed an act of kindness, selflessness, or goodwill, a star would appear. And the people were so good to each other that there was never a short supply of stars. 
The people of the Mushroom Kingdom used these stars as a source of power. The stars were powerful enough to keep the lights on at night, their homes warm in winter, their appliances running smoothly. Everyone in the Mushroom Kingdom lived comfortably because of the stars.
But the neighboring kingdom, sadly, was not so blessed. No matter how kind or good anybody was to anybody else, no stars would appear. And so, the people of the kingdom lived in darkness.
The fearsome ruler of the kingdom of darkness envied the light of the neighboring kingdom.
“Light,” we are to understand, refers both to the stars and to the fair princess.
So, he decided to take them both for himself. 
The film proper opens with Bowser’s forces invading Peach’s Castle.
Oh, yes, that’s how we’re starting.
Because there’s no hero to stop them, you see. 
So, a couple of Toads are up on the battlements, patrolling idly, asking about baseball scores
WHEN SUDDENLY the air becomes smoky and ashy. The smell is horrible.
They cough and cover their faces. “What is that smell?”
A shadow falls. They look up and see Bowser’s airship hovering just overhead. 
Without any power stars, it runs on coal, and a huge plume of black smoke rises behind it. Monsters begin to drop from above onto the castle. Fly Guys dropping Goombas, Lakitus dropping Spinies, Paratroopas dropping themselves. The scene turns to chaos within seconds.
The Toads on the roof are swatted aside like flies. But a few manage to get inside and sound the alarm.
The scene that follows is not unlike the opening of Mario Galaxy, except it in the castle, rather than outdoors. Toads fight valiantly against the onslaught of monsters. What’s more, the Toads receive assistance from the power stars.
When a Toad protects another in battle or takes a risk, a star appears, and he grabs it for a power boost, giving him an edge against the monsters.
However, the power of the star soon fades, and even with the stars, the Toads aren’t battle-ready enough to stop the invaders.
Joining the battle is none other than the princess herself, aglow with star power (tee hee!)
But as soon as her star wears off, Toadsworth pulls her aside.
He tells her to wait in a hidden compartment in the wall, where she’ll be safe. 
Peach is reluctant, but Toadsworth half-convinces, half-shoves her into compliance. 
Not long after Peach hides, the battle is brought to a halt with the Boos appear and use their powers to rust through the bolt holding the door outside shut.  
And that thing flies off its hinges. 
The Toads cower as Bowser himself steps into the room
Preceded by Kamek, who’s in this movie, too.
Bowser grabs Toadsworth and demands that he tell him where the princess is.
Toadsworth claims that Peach has already fled the castle, but Bowser’s not convinced. 
“What kind of ruler turns and runs while her people fight?
“You calling Peach a chicken?”
Bowser’s about to sauté Toadsworth right there in front of everybody when someone yells, “STOP!”
Bowser turns and sees Peach herself.
“I’m right here, Bowser.”
Bowser is all simpering smiles as he drops Toadsworth like seven feet to the ground. 
“Princess, look at you!
“Lovely as ever, I see~!”
Peach ignores him and runs over to Toadsworth. 
“Princess, what are you doing out here?”
Peach: “Bowser, please don’t hurt them anymore.
“I’ll go with you. Just leave them alone.”
Bowser is thrilled. “You mean it?”
Peach: “I’ll go wherever you want. All I ask is that no harm comes to my citizens.”
The Toads are frantic. “No, Princess! Don’t leave us!” 
Toadsworth is the most heartbroken of them all. 
“Princess, you can’t!”
Peach helps Toadsworth to his feet and whispers.
“Toadsworth, I need to take care of everyone while I’m away. Promise me.
“And, Toadsworth, find someone who can help us.
“I’m counting on you!”
At this moment, two Hammer Bros. grab Peach and physically drag her away from Toadsworth, onto the airship parked outside.
A star float behind her in her wake, created by her choice to sacrifice herself. 
That star is clenched in Bowser’s fist.
“Finally. Everything is mine!”
Toadsworth is still defiant. 
“You're not my ruler or any of ours!
“This kingdom belongs to Princess Peach!”
Bowser: “Yeah, but see, Peach belongs to me. 
“Funny how that works out.
“This is your own fault, you know. 
“None of you weaklings were tough enough to save her. 
“You twerps don’t get to decide anything. I do. 
“And nobody can save you.”
Cut, that same night, to the home of the Mario Bros.
The phone is ringing, and Mario is asleep.
I mean, mouth open, drool on pillow, covers kicked off the bed ASLEEP.
The phone rings four times, goes silent, then starts ringing again.
So Mario has no choice but to get up.
He blearily gets up, moves past Luigi on the bottom bunk, who has not stirred at all, by the way, and answers the phone.
“Hi, is this Mario Bros. Plumbing?”
Mario and Luigi run a plumbing service in the Metro Kingdom. They barely make enough to get by.
Mario apologizes. We don’t take business calls before eight am... which is four hours from now.
The woman on the other line insists its an emergency. 
Mario can hear water running over the phone. Wait, what’s going on?
It turns out the woman is standing in her kitchen up to her waist in water. The sink is spraying like a Super Soaker. 
Mario gently suggests she try shutting off the water.
She insists that she did, but the handle on the faucet twisted off in her hand. 
Mario attempts to clarify. “No, not the sink, I mean-”
But then thinks better of it. “On second thought, we’ll be right there. What’s your address again?”
Thus begins the long process of getting Luigi out of bed. Mario resorts to dragging Luigi out by his ankle. His face drags on the floor.
Our heroes, ladies and gentlemen.
It’s still dark when the Bros. arrive in their van at the woman’s house. 
The job is a real drag, not just because the Bros. are walking around in water almost to their shoulders and have to bail out with the house with buckets before they can work on the sink
But also because the woman herself is an absolute nightmare. 
She frequently berates them for working too slow, watches them like a hawk out of paranoia that they’ll steal something, and weirdest of all, seems to object very strongly to them speaking Italian. 
Even when they’re just speaking to each other about the sink.
“Don’t you know, English?” she asks.
Mario dearly wants to say, “Of course I do. Did you not hear me speaking English on the phone with you at four am this morning?”
But, of course, he can’t say that, so he just apologizes and whispers to Luigi: “English.” 
Which leads to an awkward moment when Luigi can’t remember the English word for a chiave, 
So he asks Mario for a “swish-swish!” while awkwardly pantomiming.
By the time the job is done, the sun is up. Both boys are sitting in the van completely soaked. Their hats are still dripping and everything.
They both look incredibly exhausted.
Mario, a little punchy: “Hey, Luigi,
“You think people would like us better if we were buttons?”
Luigi has no idea what Mario is talking about. 
“You’re driving. Don’t fall asleep yet, bro.”
“You know, if we were like buttons. All you had to do was push us and the sink was fixed. It seems like people would be happier if they didn’t have to deal with us talking or thinking or whatever. Just push the button and we go.” 
Luigi shrugs. They’re little guys. People don’t care about them. He’s used to that.
Luigi is asleep by the time the van pulls back up to their house. Mario looks down at his brother and wishes he could give him more.
To be continued...
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adambstingus · 5 years
How Sex Obsessed Culture Can Ruin Men’s Idea Of Sex
One thing that’s always bothered me is the weird-ass way that modern society sets up sex as its biggest selling point, while at the same time making its audience feel completely inadequate. I’m not just talking about marketing. Our entire culture is built upon that foundation, and it’s like watching a cannibal eating himself from the feet up. “You are woefully repulsive. But you don’t have to be! Buy our product, adopt our philosophy, join our cause.”
This subject is usually presented as a massive problem for women, and it absolutely is, but it’s often assumed that men are immune to its negative effects. I’m not trying to downplay or demean the hardships that women go through where this subject is concerned — I personally believe they have it exponentially harder than men in this area. Women don’t need or want one of the biggest issues in their lives “mansplained” to them. I just happen to relate to this topic, and since I’m a man, the reasoning behind my own issues are tilted in a different direction. I want to show you what it looks like when these problems manifest on the boner end of the spectrum.
You don’t want to see the wide shot of that.
To understand how it can snowball into such a huge issue, you first have to understand a basic concept in why we think the way we do. Before reading another sentence, stop and come up with ten words or short phrases to describe who or what you are.
“Donglord” isn’t a real word. Find a replacement and then continue reading.
The list you came up with likely ranges from the very basic “man” or “woman,” to more specific descriptions like “creative” or “caring” or “funk master.” When we define ourselves as individuals, we’re assigning worth by positioning ourselves as uniquely as possible. So, for example, if I start at the base, I can say, “I am a human.” I am a part of the whole. When I move up a level, I can assign gender, which separates me from that whole. I become a bit more unique, but still a part of a massive group. I’m also tall, which puts me in a still more specific group. I’m an editor. I’m a joker. I’m a smoker. I’m a midnight toker. And on and on, until I become unique.
When someone wants to emotionally destroy you, they often go for those obvious traits, because they’re easy pickings. But strangely, that doesn’t do much damage. If they convince you that you’re not actually creative, it sucks, but it’s not catastrophic. The biggest damage comes when they attack your foundation. If they can convince you that you’re not a human, that’s devastating, because they’ve just stripped away all of your value and rendered those unique traits pointless. Watch any argument against the LGBT community, or women, or minorities, and you’ll see that in action. That’s Asshole Tactics 101.
This is why the idea of “manhood” is so important to men, even if it’s just on a subconscious level. “Man” is the very first branch on that amoebic divide that gives us value. It is the foundation of our worth as individuals. I’m not talking about machismo or any of that dumb horseshit. If someone convinces us that we’re not “men,” we crumble. It’s the same with women. “You’re a fat, ugly pig. You’re built like a 12-year-old boy.”
“Stop! Your words … they burn!”
This is the entire basis for how the issue of sex affects men. It’s that foundation that sex culture pecks away at, purposely or not, and it can change a healthy libido into an anxiety-ridden ball of neurotic fear.
How It Starts
When I was a kid, porn was a physical medium that people stashed away in some kid-safe hiding spot, like the top shelf of a closet or inside some huge broccoli. Eventually, all children gave that “kid-safe” part the finger and found the stash anyway. Or in my case, it was just flat-out presented to me by friends and family members. One of my uncles showed me my first hardcore magazine at age three. I didn’t understand anything I was seeing, but I knew it was taboo, and I felt like I was being let into some sort of secret adult club. It was awesome, if gross and confusing.
I’ve mentioned before that my dad showed me my first porn video at age six. That was his method of teaching me what sex was, and when he was caught doing that by my grandma, they got into a huge argument. His defense was that he didn’t want me or my brother to “grow up to be queers.” Most of my family’s worldview can be boiled down to that scenario.
Now go get me another beer, and don’t you come back without a boner!
Whether the intentions are as creepy as my experiences or as “innocent” as two kids pulling up PornHub on a laptop in their tree house and giggling because “Tee-hee, boobs,” seeing this kind of sexual content at a young age warps your entire view of sex. Your first impression is seeing people jamming appendages in each others’ poop and pee holes. Women moaning in gape-mouthed ecstasy while two guys ejaculate on her face. Freak-dick men jamming their rods down a woman’s throat until she damn near pukes. But there’s something even weirder than that, which nobody ever talks about …
Most sex scenes in a video are based on two people who have just met. From an adult perspective that makes sense, because we didn’t pull up a porn video to watch people go through dating and commitment and forging a relationship. We came there for the dirty fucking. But for a kid whose only sexual education is coming from these videos, the lesson he takes away is: When you see someone you want to bone, just walk up to her, whip out your dick, and put your hand up her skirt. According to Ass Blaster 7, there is no such thing as consequences. And rejection doesn’t exist in the porn world at all. There is only, “Spot who you want to fuck, then walk over there and fuck her.”
Let’s not forget that for the first dozen or more years of your life, the idea of sex is just plain gross. It’s embarrassing to talk about and disgusting to think about. “I’m expected to do that? Pee comes out of there!” Still, adults tell you that one day you’ll change your mind — which, to a kid, is like telling them that one day they’ll enjoy swimming in raw sewage. At that age, those aren’t words of wisdom; they’re words of warning. That expectation becomes a seed of fear.
“Screw this, I’m outtie.”
It Perpetuates From There
As you approach your teen years, you start to notice that every facet of life has a sexual undertone. Movies, TV shows, music, jokes, fashion, video games … everything is laced with it. The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Porky’s, American Pie (which is basically Porky’s Part 5). Animal House is widely considered to be one of the greatest comedies of all time. When I was growing up, every music video was filled with strippers undulating while shitty bands played their shitty songs.
When you’re young and constantly horny, you buy into all of that. Pop music has always been aimed at teenagers, which is why it isn’t all that surprising that modern concerts look like strip bars. Why talented female singers spend a creepy amount of time bent over with their asses pointed at the audience. It’s why huge magazines and entertainment news shows can get away with so many stories about the current shape and condition of an actor’s body.
You’re inundated with sex at every corner, and the message to guys is, “If you’re not having sex, you are not a man. You are worthless and weak.” The irony is, as much as you’re bombarded with sex, and as important as they make it sound, you’re punished for talking about it. When I was four years old, my dad taught me to draw dicks because he thought it was hilarious. But when I did that on my own, I got yelled at and my drawing stuff was taken away. My uncles told me dirty jokes constantly when I was a teen, but if I told them one, I’d get chastised for it.
Sex is such a huge part of mainstream culture that if you’re not doing it, you feel like there’s something wrong with you. Eventually, it becomes a point of anxiety. Especially when you see actors and musicians in shots where women are throwing themselves at them (which was every video in the ’80s and ’90s).
You’re made to feel like if you’re cool enough and worthy enough, sex will be presented to you on a silver platter, like some sort of karmic reward. When that doesn’t happen, you feel like an ugly, unwanted piece of shit. You start to resent the idea of sex, because it’s been made clear by the lack of female attention that you’re not good enough to have it. And even though there has been no interaction between you and those girls, their lack of approach feels like rejection. You are not a man. You are not desirable. You have no worth. You are a Chad.
And the sexual anxiety climbs another rung.
Being A Teenager Makes It So Much Worse
So now you’re morphing into sexual maturity, and every urge and emotion has gone nuclear. Happiness is manic. Sadness is depression. Your mom is questioning your diet because you’ve taken five long bathroom trips today, but she doesn’t realize you’re not exactly pooping in there. It’s a confusing, frustrating mess, but you cope.
Meanwhile, the world is just starting to pummel you with its ridiculous bullshit. As a guy, you’re expected to lose your virginity at a disturbingly young age. Being a virgin past your teen years is considered sacrilege. My dad was so concerned about my virginity that he wanted to get me a prostitute at age 13. When I refused, he lost his shit, and after screaming at me for a while, finally landed on his old go-to: “What are you, a fucking queer?!”
“What’d I tell you about that beer, boy? Good job on the boner, though.”
Again, I understand that exchanges like that aren’t normal, and it most definitely played a large part in my eventual fear of sex. But even outside of that dysfunctional family setting, guys run into unhealthy pressure constantly. If your male friends find out you’re a virgin, you are relentlessly mocked until you finally give in and lie about having been laid. That’s where that tired old joke comes from: “You wouldn’t know her; she’s from Canada.” Guys get so embarrassed that they haven’t been laid by age 15 that they just want the bullshit to stop.
See, girls are taught that sex is the worst thing you could do. Having sex, especially with multiple partners, is something to be ashamed about. Do that and you’re a slut. Boys are taught that it’s the gateway to manhood. Not having sex is something to be ashamed about. It means you’re still a boy. And “boy” is emotional and social death.
When you’re a teenage male, that pressure from your friends is nonstop. Every conversation tightly revolves around sex, and your manhood is judged by not only how often you have it, but how many different girls you’ve banged. It’s everything. “I fucked this girl last week. Who are you fucking? How many times did you fuck this week? My girlfriend and I fucked for 6,000 hours last Saturday. Look at that slut over there. I’d fuck the shit out of her. But her friend is gross. I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick. OH GOD, WHY ARE YOU PUNCHING ME?!”
Wait, why am I still in high school at 45?
So now the expectations have built up to the point where you recoil from talking to your friends because you know the conversation is going to come up. So not only does the conversation jump start your sexual anxiety, but the mere thought of talking about it does.
Another rung.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/how-sex-obsessed-culture-can-ruin-mens-idea-of-sex/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/184053538897
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allofbeercom · 5 years
How Sex Obsessed Culture Can Ruin Men’s Idea Of Sex
One thing that’s always bothered me is the weird-ass way that modern society sets up sex as its biggest selling point, while at the same time making its audience feel completely inadequate. I’m not just talking about marketing. Our entire culture is built upon that foundation, and it’s like watching a cannibal eating himself from the feet up. “You are woefully repulsive. But you don’t have to be! Buy our product, adopt our philosophy, join our cause.”
This subject is usually presented as a massive problem for women, and it absolutely is, but it’s often assumed that men are immune to its negative effects. I’m not trying to downplay or demean the hardships that women go through where this subject is concerned — I personally believe they have it exponentially harder than men in this area. Women don’t need or want one of the biggest issues in their lives “mansplained” to them. I just happen to relate to this topic, and since I’m a man, the reasoning behind my own issues are tilted in a different direction. I want to show you what it looks like when these problems manifest on the boner end of the spectrum.
You don’t want to see the wide shot of that.
To understand how it can snowball into such a huge issue, you first have to understand a basic concept in why we think the way we do. Before reading another sentence, stop and come up with ten words or short phrases to describe who or what you are.
“Donglord” isn’t a real word. Find a replacement and then continue reading.
The list you came up with likely ranges from the very basic “man” or “woman,” to more specific descriptions like “creative” or “caring” or “funk master.” When we define ourselves as individuals, we’re assigning worth by positioning ourselves as uniquely as possible. So, for example, if I start at the base, I can say, “I am a human.” I am a part of the whole. When I move up a level, I can assign gender, which separates me from that whole. I become a bit more unique, but still a part of a massive group. I’m also tall, which puts me in a still more specific group. I’m an editor. I’m a joker. I’m a smoker. I’m a midnight toker. And on and on, until I become unique.
When someone wants to emotionally destroy you, they often go for those obvious traits, because they’re easy pickings. But strangely, that doesn’t do much damage. If they convince you that you’re not actually creative, it sucks, but it’s not catastrophic. The biggest damage comes when they attack your foundation. If they can convince you that you’re not a human, that’s devastating, because they’ve just stripped away all of your value and rendered those unique traits pointless. Watch any argument against the LGBT community, or women, or minorities, and you’ll see that in action. That’s Asshole Tactics 101.
This is why the idea of “manhood” is so important to men, even if it’s just on a subconscious level. “Man” is the very first branch on that amoebic divide that gives us value. It is the foundation of our worth as individuals. I’m not talking about machismo or any of that dumb horseshit. If someone convinces us that we’re not “men,” we crumble. It’s the same with women. “You’re a fat, ugly pig. You’re built like a 12-year-old boy.”
“Stop! Your words … they burn!”
This is the entire basis for how the issue of sex affects men. It’s that foundation that sex culture pecks away at, purposely or not, and it can change a healthy libido into an anxiety-ridden ball of neurotic fear.
How It Starts
When I was a kid, porn was a physical medium that people stashed away in some kid-safe hiding spot, like the top shelf of a closet or inside some huge broccoli. Eventually, all children gave that “kid-safe” part the finger and found the stash anyway. Or in my case, it was just flat-out presented to me by friends and family members. One of my uncles showed me my first hardcore magazine at age three. I didn’t understand anything I was seeing, but I knew it was taboo, and I felt like I was being let into some sort of secret adult club. It was awesome, if gross and confusing.
I’ve mentioned before that my dad showed me my first porn video at age six. That was his method of teaching me what sex was, and when he was caught doing that by my grandma, they got into a huge argument. His defense was that he didn’t want me or my brother to “grow up to be queers.” Most of my family’s worldview can be boiled down to that scenario.
Now go get me another beer, and don’t you come back without a boner!
Whether the intentions are as creepy as my experiences or as “innocent” as two kids pulling up PornHub on a laptop in their tree house and giggling because “Tee-hee, boobs,” seeing this kind of sexual content at a young age warps your entire view of sex. Your first impression is seeing people jamming appendages in each others’ poop and pee holes. Women moaning in gape-mouthed ecstasy while two guys ejaculate on her face. Freak-dick men jamming their rods down a woman’s throat until she damn near pukes. But there’s something even weirder than that, which nobody ever talks about …
Most sex scenes in a video are based on two people who have just met. From an adult perspective that makes sense, because we didn’t pull up a porn video to watch people go through dating and commitment and forging a relationship. We came there for the dirty fucking. But for a kid whose only sexual education is coming from these videos, the lesson he takes away is: When you see someone you want to bone, just walk up to her, whip out your dick, and put your hand up her skirt. According to Ass Blaster 7, there is no such thing as consequences. And rejection doesn’t exist in the porn world at all. There is only, “Spot who you want to fuck, then walk over there and fuck her.”
Let’s not forget that for the first dozen or more years of your life, the idea of sex is just plain gross. It’s embarrassing to talk about and disgusting to think about. “I’m expected to do that? Pee comes out of there!” Still, adults tell you that one day you’ll change your mind — which, to a kid, is like telling them that one day they’ll enjoy swimming in raw sewage. At that age, those aren’t words of wisdom; they’re words of warning. That expectation becomes a seed of fear.
“Screw this, I’m outtie.”
It Perpetuates From There
As you approach your teen years, you start to notice that every facet of life has a sexual undertone. Movies, TV shows, music, jokes, fashion, video games … everything is laced with it. The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Porky’s, American Pie (which is basically Porky’s Part 5). Animal House is widely considered to be one of the greatest comedies of all time. When I was growing up, every music video was filled with strippers undulating while shitty bands played their shitty songs.
When you’re young and constantly horny, you buy into all of that. Pop music has always been aimed at teenagers, which is why it isn’t all that surprising that modern concerts look like strip bars. Why talented female singers spend a creepy amount of time bent over with their asses pointed at the audience. It’s why huge magazines and entertainment news shows can get away with so many stories about the current shape and condition of an actor’s body.
You’re inundated with sex at every corner, and the message to guys is, “If you’re not having sex, you are not a man. You are worthless and weak.” The irony is, as much as you’re bombarded with sex, and as important as they make it sound, you’re punished for talking about it. When I was four years old, my dad taught me to draw dicks because he thought it was hilarious. But when I did that on my own, I got yelled at and my drawing stuff was taken away. My uncles told me dirty jokes constantly when I was a teen, but if I told them one, I’d get chastised for it.
Sex is such a huge part of mainstream culture that if you’re not doing it, you feel like there’s something wrong with you. Eventually, it becomes a point of anxiety. Especially when you see actors and musicians in shots where women are throwing themselves at them (which was every video in the ’80s and ’90s).
You’re made to feel like if you’re cool enough and worthy enough, sex will be presented to you on a silver platter, like some sort of karmic reward. When that doesn’t happen, you feel like an ugly, unwanted piece of shit. You start to resent the idea of sex, because it’s been made clear by the lack of female attention that you’re not good enough to have it. And even though there has been no interaction between you and those girls, their lack of approach feels like rejection. You are not a man. You are not desirable. You have no worth. You are a Chad.
And the sexual anxiety climbs another rung.
Being A Teenager Makes It So Much Worse
So now you’re morphing into sexual maturity, and every urge and emotion has gone nuclear. Happiness is manic. Sadness is depression. Your mom is questioning your diet because you’ve taken five long bathroom trips today, but she doesn’t realize you’re not exactly pooping in there. It’s a confusing, frustrating mess, but you cope.
Meanwhile, the world is just starting to pummel you with its ridiculous bullshit. As a guy, you’re expected to lose your virginity at a disturbingly young age. Being a virgin past your teen years is considered sacrilege. My dad was so concerned about my virginity that he wanted to get me a prostitute at age 13. When I refused, he lost his shit, and after screaming at me for a while, finally landed on his old go-to: “What are you, a fucking queer?!”
“What’d I tell you about that beer, boy? Good job on the boner, though.”
Again, I understand that exchanges like that aren’t normal, and it most definitely played a large part in my eventual fear of sex. But even outside of that dysfunctional family setting, guys run into unhealthy pressure constantly. If your male friends find out you’re a virgin, you are relentlessly mocked until you finally give in and lie about having been laid. That’s where that tired old joke comes from: “You wouldn’t know her; she’s from Canada.” Guys get so embarrassed that they haven’t been laid by age 15 that they just want the bullshit to stop.
See, girls are taught that sex is the worst thing you could do. Having sex, especially with multiple partners, is something to be ashamed about. Do that and you’re a slut. Boys are taught that it’s the gateway to manhood. Not having sex is something to be ashamed about. It means you’re still a boy. And “boy” is emotional and social death.
When you’re a teenage male, that pressure from your friends is nonstop. Every conversation tightly revolves around sex, and your manhood is judged by not only how often you have it, but how many different girls you’ve banged. It’s everything. “I fucked this girl last week. Who are you fucking? How many times did you fuck this week? My girlfriend and I fucked for 6,000 hours last Saturday. Look at that slut over there. I’d fuck the shit out of her. But her friend is gross. I wouldn’t fuck her with your dick. OH GOD, WHY ARE YOU PUNCHING ME?!”
Wait, why am I still in high school at 45?
So now the expectations have built up to the point where you recoil from talking to your friends because you know the conversation is going to come up. So not only does the conversation jump start your sexual anxiety, but the mere thought of talking about it does.
Another rung.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/how-sex-obsessed-culture-can-ruin-mens-idea-of-sex/
0 notes
sonicringbond · 4 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 15
And after vacation and a subsequent schedule change based on everyone's feedback, I'm finally back with the next scene of Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey. Now asides from schedule changes, such as only posting updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays now, the story has undergone some changes in presentation as well. I'll be mostly focusing on short 2-part episodic scenes for now with maybe the occasionally longer or shorter story. Prompts (I'll get to that after the story), will be one of the big determining factors in "episode" lengths and I hope everyone will be motivated by the story to send me some. For now though, let's join Rosy as she begins her solo arc of story...
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     ~The Rings will always remember. It became kind of our mantra after we first heard it. Our truth and that of this world itself made of Rings which join Gaia and Chaos energy together. But the Rings can also be used to bind people and share their hearts and memories. Or at least it sounds nice that way. It’s how I gained the ability to run at the speed of sound, at least when I’m not tripping over my own feet and falling on my face. Tee-hee! Though I guess it’s funny then that I’m lying in the back of a pickup truck on my way to my destination.~
     The truck the narrator referred to was an old beat up steam truck. The bed was enclosed by wood planks not unlike a fence and was filled nigh to the brim with hay. The narrator lay within, a pink hedgehog girl clad in a white leotard and red slipper like shoes. As the truck bounced along the road of old stone slabs, she reached a white gloved hand up towards the sky and peaked between her spread fingers.
     ~Well, I suppose it’s because I got separated from everyone. My boyfriend, the world-famous Sonic the Hedgehog woke up the Rings that were sleeping like I knew he could, and everything got kind of crazy.
     ~Well, I guess he isn’t so world famous. I’ve been traveling for a while trying to find him and my friends but none of the people I’ve met have heard of him. It’s kind of lonely running around on my own, but it’s also hard to imagine what it was like running with everyone else too. I don’t know why, but the lands the Red Star Ring took us too just mess with time and memories. Ooh~! It’s so frustrating.
     ~But you know what, it’s okay. The Rings will always remember. And I know when I close my eyes and feel the bond I share with Sonic through them that we’ll never forget each other or our friends. And I’m sure Sonic will find me again too. If I don’t find him first. Tee-hee.~
     Though she laughed to herself in quiet, the narrator could not keep herself from sighing with a longing smile. Through her fingers and the tree branches the blue sky opened up adorned with clouds hung on a gentle breeze. Beyond them a small planet loomed in the sky ominously.
     ~I hope you didn’t end up there Sonic. It’d be really hard to get back together if you did.
     ~What is that little planet? I don’t know. It’s not Little Planet and everyone I’ve met is scared of it. And no matter where I go, by foot, Ring Gate, or even getting caught in a Ring Shift it is always there like the sky has an eyeball. But I only see it during the day. It’s so weird. I bet it would be fun if I could go explore it with everyone. But I can’t yet. I have to find everyone first, and before I can only remember them through the Rings. And that’s hard enough too.~
     Rolling over in the hay and propping herself up on her elbows, Rosy looked through the back window of the truck at the sapient dog who drove it. They eyed her through the rearview mirror, and she waved at them with a smile. As casually as they had checked their mirror, they returned their eyes to the forest road they drove down.
     ~I don’t know why, but everyone is just as scared of Rings as they are the planet in the sky. They consider running from those awful golems I’ve been bumping into since before I was separated from everyone more natural than collecting and using Rings. It makes me feel kind of exotic as I still vaguely remember we used Rings everyday wherever it was I came from. Ooh~! It’s so frustrating losing my memories. I know they’re still in my heart, but the words and images are all so faded now. What an awful land to steal people’s memories and time. And there are so many more types of golems now too. It makes it hard to convince people I’m just a traveling sightseer looking to catch up with her friends when I keep having to break them.
     ~The people I meet are so nervous whenever they see me fight or run. I try to cheer them up and remind them that they have guards they send out to beat the golems, but they still fuss about it. I hope they’re not dismissing me because I’m a kid. Ooh~! That would be so mean of them. But not as mean as those priests.
     ~Hee-hee. I guess I haven’t thought about them in a while. It’s almost like every town has them too. Mean priests who strike you when you arrive to take away any Rings you collected while traveling. I don’t get what they mean when they say that Rings shouldn’t be held by people. It’s so weird. But that’s part of why I’m hitching a ride right now.
     ~One of the last things I did with my friends was take a big group picture together. We didn’t have time to make the picture from the film, but someone said they saw a picture of me with a whole bunch of people so I’m hoping to find it. If I can get the current owner to let me see it, and maybe even have it, it may be enough to make finding my friends easier. I just have to be so careful though to not spook anyone. It’s so slow going though. I’m so glad the scenery is pretty. It’s kind of nice to slow down and enjoy it for a bit.
     ~I just hope none of those mean golems attack.~
     Sitting up fully, the narrator scanned the passing trees for signs of the stone constructs that had impeded her travels thus far. There were plenty of signs of ancient stone brick structures that poked out of the forest, but no sign of any stones that were animated. With a sigh of relief, she plopped back down into the hay and spread her limbs out as though to make a snow angel. In her eyes the clouds and tree branches above drifted by and the lure of sleep to stave off her boredom grew subtly powerful.
     ~I really can’t stop. It makes it harder for my friends to find me, but if they’re in trouble, I have to keep moving. Tee-hee. Rosy the Rascal can’t stop moving. I guess that’s wrong though. It’s too much trouble to be a rascal anymore. I guess I have to settle for being Rosy the Traveler. Adventurer sounds better, but the people I keep meeting are made uncomfortable by that too, so traveler it is.~
     “W~o~w~!” Rosy’s mouth formed a massive “O” Shape as she peered out from the truck bed at the town that erupted from the forest. More so the town that grew like fungus on the monolithic stone structure that jutted out of the woods. More than enough trees grew from it to make it look like the structure would soon be pulled back under the forest, but for now it was home to a plethora of overgrown stone buildings with tiled rooves.
     “This was your stop was it not miss?” The driver asked stepping around to lower the tailgate and provide Rosy an easier means to exit the truck bed. With a nod Rosy confirmed the driver’s suspicions.
     “It is. Jutting Rock Village. It’s so amazing, don’t you think?”
     “Maybe. I just hope you haven’t forgotten what you came here for. Nothing more awful than a traveler who lost their purpose.”
     “Don’t worry,” Rosy smiled at the driver. “I can’t possibly forget because the Rings will always remember!”
     The driver gave Rosy a suspicious frown and she laughed nervously while trying to give him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, really. The lands I’m from considered using Rings normal. No one ever even heard of Ring Craft. We were more worried about a scary man and his machines than anything else.”
     “Say what you will miss, but remember you only endanger yourself by putting faith in those things. You’d be better off if you were one of the lucky ones who can’t even see them.”
     “That’s not true,” Rosy puffed up her cheeks and thrust her balled up hands down by her sides. “Without Rings there’s no way I could have traveled as much as I have and experienced all of the wonderful things that I have.”
     “Suit yourself as I said. But what good is traveling and sightseeing when it’ll all fade in time?”
     “It’s why you have to live in the moment. It’s what Sonic taught me to do, even though I still think about the future all the time too. But even more so because this land steals our precious memories is it more important to live in the moment!”
     Perhaps it was simply Rosy’s persistence, or maybe the driver had a soft spot for children, but he finally smiled slightly at her. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the minute smile and the driver chuckled. “So be it. Who am I to tell a child who has made it on her own how to live her life? You go do what you do, and I’ll do what I do. Perhaps our paths will cross again, and we might actually remember each other.”
     “Don’t worry! The Rings will always remember.”
     With a wave and a laugh, the driver soon departed leaving Rosy to face the town of Jutting Rock Village. Energetically pumping her fists next to her shoulders, Rosy left the road and walked up the dirt path to the village. 
Scene 15 · CLEARED Rosy the Traveler, to be continued
And there we are, the opening scene of the Rosy the Traveler arc of the The Journey. Now, my first concern out of the gate is that I took a dual narrative approach for the story and hope it was not too confusing for everyone. Especially so since the detached 3rd person narrative is primarily in present tense while Rosy's first person is kind of leaning more towards past tense. For how I want to tell the story for the most part though, and the AU on a whole it is Rosy's adventures. Preferably I would love to have her adventuring alongside Sonic, but that is still something she has to earn and that the story has to make its way to naturally. I also have to consider the rest of her friends who are along for the journey and how they tie into her experience. But it is at the end of the day Rosy's experience and I hope to be able to capture that with this dual narrative approach.I hope everyone has enjoyed the story to this point and is hyped to continue this journey Rosy. Thank you for your support, it means the world for me and I hope you'll continue to be there support me. And if you can, please feel free to contribute to the story by submitting prompts to help shape the story. You can find all of the rules on my Prompt Discord Server - -, but feel free just to DM me your prompts here if you'd like. Thank you again everyone, I hope you enjoyed.
Story Format by @cutegirlmayra​ Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song - Granblue Fantasy — Lumacee Archipelago Mysterious Forest
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Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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