#I’m not sure what the traditions are in India but it definitely seems weird to have Kala celebrate Christmas
One of the things that crack me up about episode 2x01 is Kala celebrating Christmas with Rajan, like what are they doing???
I don’t remember if Rajan says what his religion is at any point but I doubt he’s Christian, and his father def seemed like an atheist. And Kala… well she’s definitely not Christian
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copperbadge · 4 years
swords-n-spindles re: oktoberfest pie
German who lived in Munich for 25 years here. Am wheezing in horror at this pie abomination. Also the opinion of locals about the Wiesn (yeah, nobody but tourists says Oktoberfest, sorry) is both "horribly overpriced spectacle for tourists, work makes us go each year, we hate it, make it stop" and "that's OUR party, of course we're going, it's tradition, here are seventeen paragrafs on where to get the best Brathendl".
Oh! So kind of like the Christmas Market in Chicago. “Don’t go, it’s horrible, but if you do there is only ONE CORRECT PLACE to get potato pancakes. Wait, I’d better go with you, I do need to do some holiday shopping.”
thegollux re: dumplings
serious question: what is the benefit to pre-cooking half of the chicken stuffing. this feels like food poisoning waiting to happen.
It’s actually a way of keeping the filling cohesive inside the wrapper while avoiding food poisoning! :D 
So, the thing is, when raw ground meat is boiled or steamed inside a wrapper like this, it coheres into a little meatball inside the wrapper, so it doesn’t just fall apart all over your plate when you bite in. But in order to fully cook ground meat inside a wrapper, you generally have to cook the dumpling until the wrapper is way overcooked, making it gummy or tough. 
There are other solutions, like binding the meat up with egg or a sauce, but they don’t give quite that same texture, and can get difficult to wrap, so the solution is to cook SOME of the meat, so some is already pre-cooked, and leave just enough raw to hold the rest together while it boils/steams. You don’t have to cook as long to be sure the meat is fully cooked through, but you also don’t get the “this turned into a pile of crumbled meat on my plate” issue. 
spaci1701 re: dumplings
I'm very jealous. I've only got a hand cranked pasta roller and it's very challenging to roll sheets by yourself - just not enough hands. The best part of doing your own filled pasta is that you can make all the really weird filling combos you want. So far my fave has been Sheppard's pie pierogi.
That sounds amazing! 
Yeah, Mum asked if I was sure I didn’t just want a countertop version, where the same amount of money could buy me a wider roller, and I said that it came down to hands -- if you’re cranking with one hand and feeding with the other, you need a third hand to catch the dough. 
junker5 re: dumplings
Does your mixer have a name? He looks like he has an awesome personality, like DumE orSci’s Calcifer! 😊 The dumplings look amazing.
LOL! No, I never bothered naming him -- I usually only name things if I’m going to be referencing them in conversation with other people, and I never got into the habit of whimsically naming things because in high school I would do that and whatever I had named would break, so I stopped :D 
geekgirl76 re: dumplings
Yum! Side question, how do you like your soda stream? I'm a carbonated water junkie and I'm seriously considering one, even though I have a rule about no appliances that use propriatrary inserts. (though, with the internet, I suppose that's not as big a deal as it used to be, someone, somewhere would either start selling them or create a hack.)
There are definitely adaptors you can buy to hook it up to a non-proprietary CO2 canister, but between the perils of dealing with pressurized canisters and the inconvenience, I’ve never bothered. Sodastream makes it super easy to return your canisters (the only issue right now is supply) so I don’t mind if I’m paying a slight convenience fee for that. Now, that said, you also have to buy proprietary water bottles, some of which aren’t dishwasher-safe, and you’re supposed to replace them every 2-3 years, and those aren’t cheap, so bear that in mind. (If you want the machine washable ones, you have to buy a specific type that only fit a certain number of the machines, so do your homework before buying.) 
I do like my sodastream -- that’s their cheapo version and I’ve had it for 10 years, which tells you something about its durability. Especially if you don’t care about flavoring and just want carbonated water, it’s great. The flavor syrups are hit and miss; a lot of them for me have an acrid aftertaste, and again supply right now can be an issue. But the nice thing about having plain carbonated water is you can make your own flavorings. I often make super-concentrated tea and add a shot of that, or just sprinkle Pure Lemon in. 
Anyway yeah -- it’s not the most ideal setup but I do feel like I save a LOT of money and packaging waste with them. 
lionheartmadre re: dumplings
can i just say i love how you gave your mixer a retro fighter plane look? cause that's frikken awesome.
Thanks! I wanted to decorate it up a little and asked Mum for some decals for Christmas one year, and she really came through :D 
katriel-tumbles re: dumplings
Kreplach FTW. I've never had or made them (a tragedy for this Jew) but I get the feeling they're simpler than they seem.
The dough is a little tricky, because it’s got eggs in it which makes it sticky, which in turn makes it a little more difficult to work with without making the end product rather tough. But yeah, if you can get round the dough issues it’s not that complex. 
fanmouse re: dumplings
Finland: piirakkaa, India: paratha, both similar to pierogi. (I am facinated by how similar the words are in the different language families.) Good luck!
Pierogi was on the list, but good reminder about paratha and I’d never encountered piirakkaa! I’ll look it up :D 
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rotationalsymmetry · 3 years
Re: cultural appropriation
Some things I’ve picked up over the years. Can’t say I really have a comprehensive understanding on this.
Caveat: white person blind spots
Also it’s first thing in the morning and my words might not be working yet.
It’s about power. Sure, cultural exchange and influence is normal and universal, but “everybody is influenced by everyone else!” isn’t the same as your boss taking credit for your work.
So, one aspect is who gets the credit
Another aspect, related, is who gets the money.
Another is…when things cross cultures it’s often like a game of telephone. Which isn’t a huge deal if the original thing is something light or funny that nobody really minds getting distorted. But if it’s something that people do mind, religious stuff for instance, that’s more of a problem.
There’s an ownership/control aspect, where people who feel like everything else they had got stolen can get more possessive about what’s left. If that makes sense.
Basically this is one of those things where you can’t sit in a room and figure out first principles and assume they apply to every potential instance of appropriation the same way. Different cultures have different attitudes about appropriation and logic is inferior in this case to actually listening to people. (It seems like white people figuring out appropriation often want one universally applied standard, and that’s just not possible.)
Sometimes appropriation is a hell no. (Some people say “misappropriation” to distinguish between appropriation that’s just kind of funny or otherwise not really a problem and appropriation that’s bad. In practice I’ve found people making a distinction between cultural exchange and cultural appropriation are always dismissing bad-appropriation as a concept.) Native American sweat lodge ceremonies for instance. Another example that’s been talked about a lot in recent years is racist Halloween costumes.
There’s other things where it’s more subtle. My understanding is no one actually has a problem with Westerners doing yoga, but there is some general exasperation with yoga done just as exercise, without the spiritual context. Generally people don’t really object to their cuisine getting around either, but the “who gets the credit and who gets the money” issue is still active. So people will still talk about cultural appropriation in a food context even though they don’t mean “don’t eat food from other cultures.”
I have not been able to get a definitive answer about chakras, beyond “the rainbow colors thing is kind of an add-on.” There may be an answer but I don’t know what it is.
Sometimes (mostly white) people apply the concept of appropriation where it’s not relevant in a way that’s harmful. For instance, some people got the idea that the Black Panther movie was “for black people” and therefor white people shouldn’t watch it. This is backwards and counterproductive. (And possibly a way to get away with “I don’t want to watch it because watching a movie with that many black characters makes me uncomfortable” while sounding progressive.)
This has two applications: firstly, that if you want to do something about appropriation and it’s not your culture, you have to let people from that culture take the lead, or risk doing more harm than good. Secondly, that people who aren’t from a culture who say “this is appropriation” might be wrong and you don’t automatically have to listen to them (although what usually happens is people feel like they either have to do what those people say or else reject the validity of entire concept of cultural appropriation; I would like to see more of “That doesn’t sound right to me, but I’m going to look into that because I do take cultural appropriation seriously.”
I wanna give you a further reading link list, but honestly my sources here have been so disparate I don’t know what to say.
I would recommend seeing recognizing cultural appropriation as one facet of anti racism work and not making it the main focus. It gets blown out of proportion on social media where people are looking for someone to be angry at, but it’s not what’s doing most of the harm racism wise. (Gonna repeat white person blind spots caveat, I could be wrong (and definitely don’t use my stance as a gotcha when arguing with someone else), but I’m pretty sure about this one.)
One aspect of that is focus on cultural appropriation almost always focused on individuals and very small groups, and takes attention away from seeing racism as a collective problem requiring collective solutions. For instance, the problem of police officers killing black people has nothing to do appropriation, and everything to do with systemic racism (and systems of power that impede accountability.)
For paganism and witchcraft specifically: we’ve had appropriated stuff being circulated around for decades and it’ll take a while to figure out where we’re going from here. In the meantime, apparently the white sage thing is a big deal; being sensitive to which traditions are open to you and which are closed to you is a good idea (sometimes you might see a specific person use an element of a tradition they’ve been initiated into that you haven’t been, be chill); be aware that “spirit animal” is a serious business thing and not a synonym for “guide that takes a shape of an animal”; keep in mind that not all Witchcraft is Wicca or Wiccanate so be cautious about general “this is how witchcraft is done” statements.
In general just be a person interacting with other people, you know? Sometimes people present as super angry because they’re assholes, but other times it’s because you said something really out of line, and if you can’t tell which it is try to not assume it’s the first.
But if you do get dogpiled on and later realize they had a point, it doesn’t mean you’re utter trash. Things are less about you than you think they are. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is respond as though you got the nice patient “here’s what’s wrong with that” even though you actually got the yelling version. (Respond as in how you live your life. If someone’s yelling at you or making personal attacks, I would recommend disengaging as soon as possible. There’s…kind of this weird fetish in social justice circles for perfect instant apologies. If you can do that and you think it’s right, fine, but disengaging and not interacting is also fine, especially if you don’t even know anyone who’s being angry at you. If you do know someone and want to mend fences, chances are they’ll understand if you need time to cool down/for them to cool down.)
I found an article once on this white guy who went to India and got attacked by a mob because he had a tattoo of a Hindu goddess on his lower leg. The problem wasn’t the tattoo, but the location, which was a big no. This is an example of the closed tradition/open tradition model being not entirely sufficient; often what people get mad about isn’t whether outsiders are interacting with their tradition, it’s about whether they’re doing it respectfully. (Christian churches tend to have rules about who can take communion and what you should wear; other religions have rules that are important to them but are open to outsiders who respect the rules; others have had too many outsiders showing up and talking through the service so they’re closed, and the one thing all these groups have in common is the people in the groups get to decide what their rules are. (And sometimes people in the group disagree on what the rules should be and that’s normal…but you wouldn’t show up to a church service in a bathing suit snd go “well, this one person said it was ok, I guess the rest of you just have to deal with it”, I got no social skills and hate conformity (and dress codes) and even I can get my head around that.))
Anyways, at its basic level the opposite of cultural appropriation is respect and treating people like people and … basically the golden rule applied to cultures or religions rather than to individuals, you know? Believing that other cultures are on the same level as Western culture and deserve to have their own standards respected, believing that other religions are fundamentally as legitimate as Christianity and deserve to get their rules respected — rules about who is a member of that religion, rules about how outsiders should behave when interacting (including rules that say no interaction at all.)
And about power and credit and money, and acknowledging that while everyone’s on an equal plane in terms of deserving respect, not everyone is on an equal plane in terms of ability to fuck the others’ lives up.
It is about being a guest, and being respectful as a guest, and recognizing when other people like you (or even you yourself) have been terrible guests so you’re not getting the benefit of the doubt, and recognizing when the power dynamics are all wonky so that there’s an inequality around who can get away with what.
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on TRFTP Book 1 Chapter 16
• Remember how I dubbed the book The Royal Fast-Track Pregnancy last chapter? Well, yeah. That’s my title for this book from now on.
• If you don’t want to see these posts on your dash, here are the tags to block: #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs, #long post.
• We’re now in the MC’s third trimester, celebrating her baby shower. Her in-laws show up, she gets gifts, she barely notices that her corgis have had puppies (but why am I surprised, this is the same MC who didn’t care enough about her corgi in Book 2 to notice he was with Liam to help with his proposal). And a couple of nosy royals come to visit.
• Over here in India, we do this ceremony around the 7th month, and it’s called different names in different places but with similar traditions and setups. Up North it’s called godhbharai (which literally means “filling the lap” - since the mother’s lap features prominently here as a symbol of maternal care, therefore the gifts are placed on a cloth over her lap - symbolizing her fulfillment once she reaches motherhood and the blessings she takes with her), and mostly fruits and sweets are placed on her lap as a blessing for prosperity and luck. You have games…but the mother isn’t exactly expected to participate in them - she’s the guest of honour, she sits and enjoys!
• She definitely isn’t there to submit to such a thorough interrogation of her political choices either!!
• The rest of the world treats a baby shower like a time for the mother-to-be to relax and be pampered within an inch of her life. Cordonia treats it as an opportunity for her to beat non-pregnant people at their version of egg-and-spoon and pass personality tests.
• Screenshots:
Hana: The Universal Studio 77 YouTube channel
Maxwell: The rash rec YouTube channel
Drake: @thefirstcourtesan and The BizzysChoices YouTube channel
• Title: Great Expectations
Alternative Title: The State of My Bladder Is of Far More Importance Than Any of This Nonsense.
• Believe me, during your final months of pregnancy your bladder will be virtually non-existant (which is why you’re recommended kegel exercises early on). In medical terms they call this “urinary incontinence”, which is due to those muscles facing way more pressure than usual). At one point I recall joking about how we should add “The Bathroom” at the top of my home address, coz I was almost taking up permanent residence there 😐 I wouldn’t be worrying about politics and intrigue at a time like this, I’d be worrying about my kegels!
• Kiki doesn’t get a lot of opportunities to flex her diplomatic muscles in this story, but when she does, gosh does she deliver. Following her advice this time is what allows us to buy time for ourselves.
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• Unfortunately that’s all the space PB will allow Kiara, we’re now back to our regular schedule of treating her like she doesn’t matter.
• Either Maxwell or Hana (in Maxwell’s playthrough) will lead us to the boutique to pick out an outfit.
• On a level of having more gold (therefore bling) than peach, that diamond option already wins. At least in the silhouette I can pretend the peach parts of this dress don’t exist. (I still wound up using the free peach outfit for my failplay of this chapter though)
• Me before meeting Hana: pls don’t make her wear that awful lbd again pls pls pls i beg
Me seeing Hana wear the silver one: …okay that’s not too bad. I’m just going to keep headcanoning this one as a gown though.
• Liam wears his official black tie outfit, Hana wears her silver dress, Maxwell wears his black suit and Drake his deep blue one.
• In everyone else’s playthrough besides Hana’s, she is the one in charge of this “planning committee”. Penelope is in charge of…throwing confetti, which annoys Olivia to end.
• Marguerite from THM steps forward with her good wishes, and asks us about the sex of the child - at which point the narrative lets us know that it’s tradition in Cordonia to not know until the delivery. Which makes sense, since we’ll probably be allowed to customize this in a different book? And in some countries (like mine, where it’s illegal to find out before delivery) there are really, really good reasons to not give anyone - especially the family - that information.
• We meet the rest of the royals: Eirik is as self-centered as he always was (either that or Khaan really desperately needs to make sure no one knows he’s that VR game developer from San Francisco who ran away from Eros), Lerato and Lesidi are cupcakes as always, and the Three Big Royals are shady as always.
• The good thing about the scene where Isabella tries to touch your belly is that it is established as out of line straightaway. You win or lose no points however you react, and while you’re expected to be diplomatic and impress them - the narrative is clear on how wrong Isabella is on doing this. And even if you don’t show a reaction, your LI most certainly will.
• PB is trying to convince me that Amalas has a better sense of boundaries, as if she didn’t stalk me in Texas and squeeze out every possible detail about my past life like an orange in a juicer. She only seems better because the Auvernese have all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.
• Most of the LIs have lost a parent, but have a sibling (except for Hana, who is an only child with both parents living. Liam has lost both his parents, but has a stepmother in Regina so she fulfills that role here) - which means that in every case besides Hana’s, we see one parent and one sibling who has become a parent (optional, in Leo’s case).
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- Liam: Regina and Leo (YOU EXIST! I WAS ALMOST CERTAIN PB FORGOT YOU WERE THERE). The two lightheartedly tease each other, which is phenomenal progress considering they were at each other’s throats in RoE! Leo comes to wish the MC in all playthroughs.
- Hana: Lorelai and Xinghai. Hana has sent them an invitation but wasn’t sure they’d make it, and depending on whether she is married or not their response varies. In the friendly playthrough, they respond positively but the focus is still very much on seeing the MC. In the romantic playthrough, however, Hana is allowed to show her nervousness and slight fear (how generous, PB!), reaches out to the MC for support, and the parents are tentative in their approach, with Xinghai even assuring Hana that they will cut short their stay if she wants them to. To which she confirms that she does indeed want them here. The two come to wish the MC in all playthroughs, as Leo does.
- Maxwell: Bartie Sr and Bertrand. Bartie Sr tops even King Eirik for self-centeredness (“make way for House Beaumont!”) and is…just plain weird in the way he greets the MC and his younger son (even Maxwell notices this, commenting that ol’ Bartie is “laying it on a little thick”). Bertrand is the more normal, sorted one, which is a sentence I thought I’d never say in this series. The team was pretty smart in how they scattered BertVannah between two LIs - Drake gets a visit from his sister, Maxwell gets a visit from his brother. Neither Bartie Sr nor Bertrand make an appearance in any other playthroughs which is just as well coz I saw PLENTY Bertrand for 7 whole chapters.
- Drake: Bianca and Savannah. Bianca asks the MC if Drake has been “pulling his weight around the house” while the MC has been “worrying about that baby” - nice to know she expects the same of her son as she did for her son-in-law (or perhaps a little less than what she expects of her son-in-law, considering Bertrand had to get back an entire saddle from the person she sold it to just so he could win her favour, after she allowed her sister to treat him like crap for his entire stay at her home). Savannah mercifully doesn’t get a lot of dialogue and merely compliments our glow. Savannah only appears in this playthrough, while her husband Bertrand only appears in Maxwell’s. Which is a good thing. I’ve had enough of that couple to last me a lifetime (sorry Bertrand). You see both Bianca and Savannah only in this playthrough, and I’m EXTREMELY relieved we don’t see Leona.
• It must be clear to anyone who has read all the playthroughs by now - only Leo, Lorelai and Xinghai make appearances across playthroughs, which could either be because they haven’t been shown at all in the books until now, or possibly because they may feature in Lythikos.
• Okay it’s egg and spoon time but with apples. This is Cordonia. It wouldn’t be anything but apples.
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When you’re a new mom the last thing on your mind is grace and poise ok. Put really really simply and not in too much detail…your brain will feel more scrambled than scrambled eggs esp in the initial weeks, coz half the time you’re trying to make sense of your kid’s sleep schedule and the other half is your body just….feeling WEIRD (hormonal shifts, postpartum bleeding, and generally the overall effects of childbirth - whether it is vaginally or via C-section, both of which come with their own set of challenges). Your own sleep schedule is going to be all over the place and even after the kid starts sleeping all through the night, sometimes your brain has already been wired to wake you up at 2 AM or something. Your back is gonna hurt like a bitch. Your hair will become a hornet’s nest within the first two weeks coz what even is combing (okay, okay, that was probably just me 😅😅). And this is just when things go normally, okay.
You don’t need grace and poise to take care of a kid at this stage - you need stamina and a strong support system. Cordonia (I mean YOU, TRH team) you really need to talk to more pregnant people 🤦🏽‍♀
(on a more serious note…this is why I feel there needs to be more dialogue on parenthood. What it’s truly like and how it really feels, without the kind of fear that holds especially new parents back from admitting to their feelings about it. New parenthood with all its mess and stresses, its frustrations and confusions. No matter how prepared you are, no matter how much reading up you’ve done, there will always be something about that experience that will knock you sideways. I’ve learned that the less shame there is around admitting that parenthood can be messy, can be trial-and-error rather than perfectly executed every single time, can be imperfect, the better it is for everyone. And maybe this is a lesson that parents in some places have had the space to learn already - and that’s amazing - but there are a whole bunch of places where that’s not the case. And there is so much pressure to make it sound better, to convince people this is an easy happy journey even when it isn’t, or to believe that your well-being isn’t as important as that of your child, that many new parents don’t speak up…believing they’re the only ones who feel this way).
But I digress. I do know that “grace and poise” is expected of pregnant royals and even pregnant celebs. I do know that often they’re expected to step out looking picture perfect after having to battle lack of sleep and insane hormonal changes. They’re expected to have “fit bodies” just months after they’ve delivered. This happens in the real world. And the more we talk about it? The more we can help parents, esp new parents who might struggle more to articulate this experience.
• So…where was I? Oh right, grace and poise. In a race involving a spoon and an apple. A spoon and an apple. Excuse me while I facepalm🤦🏽‍♀
• My bladder would never survive this race in a real-life pregnancy situation, I just know it.
• Self-centered or not, at least Khaan-in-disguise points out the obvious: that everyone else has a physical edge over us. But Leo assures him that speed doesn’t help you in this game (does that make me the tortoise among a bunch of hares if I win? 🐰 🐰 🐢 🐰 🐰)
• Scarlett-Emerson-in-disguise is an angel coz she’s the only person apologizing for bumping into my bump.
• Now…if you bought the diamond scene where we drank wine with Isabella, you’d get intel about Bradfraud that could throw him off in the race:
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Now…I really like this bit, okay. I like how thrown off he is that we know his secret. But I’m not entirely sure how wise of a decision it is to let him know so soon that we know, or whether it will bite us in the ass eventually. Could we have maybe waited for a better opportunity? Idk.
Anyway, so that definitely works. But IMO in a petty, inconsequential way that means little in the long run (or could be dangerous too idk). This is intel we could have saved for a better time.
• This is why it makes more sense for the MC to be told what Olivia (and possibly Liam) is investigating. Or at least for her to actually keep asking until one of them caves in and tells her. If she’d known about an Operation Swan maybe she wouldn’t openly goad him so easily (or maybe she would. It’s the MC after all).
• There’s a funny sequence in this where everyone falls on each other like ninepins. And another one where Olivia gets impatient and just throws her apple over to the finishing line, asking Kiara if she won and Kiki is like “non. You’re extremely disqualified.” Oh Kiki. Never change 😂
• ….exactly how large are these spoons. It’s an apple. That would cross over from spoon territory to ladle!
• Once the race is over, we’re back to our tables for lunch. The MC’s bump almost knocking a plate over sparks a conversation among the mothers in the table about their baby bumps, and then about labour. Lorelai in particular speaks about her delivery being “more…grueling than what I expected” but quickly assuring the now-nervous MC that once the child is placed in your arms it will all be worth it. That description could cover a whole range of experiences…from mildly stressful to extremely terrifying. I always hope it’s the former.
(I have another question though: so if Lorelai was so ecstatic over Hana’s birth, where and how during/after this euphoric period did Hana’s parents suddenly begin to feel “devastated” over not having a son then? Coz I distinctly recall Hana speaking about that in Book 1. Or is this another retcon?)
In any case…it’s nice to hear that at least for Hana’s sake.
• If you’re married to one of the guys, then it’s Hana who put together the tiny hors d'ouvres (“personally tested all the options for deliciousness and visual appeal!”). If you’re married to Hana, Madeleine is in charge of this part of the baby shower (“spent a week focus group taste-testing the sides for both aesthetic and delectability”). In any case, it’s all tiny food that’s too cute to eat.
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…isn’t this the guy who constantly complained about tiny portions? Why wasn’t he just taking extra helpings then? (though he also still complains about food from another country looking like “abstract art”. First Hana’s meal in China, now this. No one cares for your uninformed, unwanted opinion on their cultural dishes, Drake. Good thing Maxwell shut that nonsense down immediately)
• Isabella and Bradshaw’s communications with us have always used strength, might, power as a central factor in their dealings with us. Amalas’ approach is no less insistent, but in a different direction. Culture, cuisine, these are the things that seem to stand out to me atm. If the Auvernese mindset reminds me somewhat of Lythikos and Olivia, the Monterisso one looks like it could bring to mind Castelserraillian, Kiara and her family, and Liam + Hana who are more inclined to explore art and culture.
• Everyone’s kid likes grapes, apparently.
• The dish Amalas presented for the guessing game is what they call a “Sweet Potato Surprise”, but you gotta admit the ‘mango’ option is the most entertaining 😆 (with the carrot option, she claims that she mentioned a root vegetable, which would be close enough)
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• A pair of cute corgi puppies make their way to our table, and depending on whether you bought both adult corgis or not, the puppies are either theirs, or strays. Like…why are you paywalling the CHILDREN of two dogs if we actually bought the dogs. I could actually justify this level of greed if it were backed up by an equal amount of effort in the book overall, but it isn’t.
• Anyway, they only feature together, so you have to decide on two names that will fit in one space. It kind of reminds me of how they’ve drawn Merlin and Morgana - in one sprite. I’m guessing at some point there will be an option to allow Penelope to clothe them as well.
• Like most of the fandom has already said by now, Bastien and Mara can’t even be trusted with a pair of pups.
• If you don’t buy the pups, Penelope offers to have one of her friends “in the canine couture world” to adopt them.
• Here’s the parenting advice from all the in-laws!
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Liam: Regina speaks of the importance of regulating sweet intake closer to bedtime which is true because a child on a sugar rush will transform into the Energizer Bunny and go on forever. Like, this is very much how a child on a sugar rush reacts to the notion of sleep:
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Hana: This one seems to highlight Hana’s competitive nature, perfectionism and ambition, and I guess there could be a lesson there in that you need to give yourself time to grow into things you want to do, and that means allowing yourself the space to topple over or struggle once in a while, the space to make mistakes. But I doubt it because weren’t these the same people who deemed her a failure for things that were beyond her control??
Maxwell: Maxwell is sorta kinda called out in this one, both for being “peaceful looking” and for wrecking havoc with those House documents lol. I’m guessing Bartie Sr is here in our baby shower mostly to look suspicious. What exactly was in those House Documents, ol’ Bart?
Drake: Bianca gives us some age-old advice about sleeping while the baby sleeps, which is something my mother and aunt (who looked after me post-childbirth) swore by. They would insist I spent whatever time kiddo was sleeping to be when I got my shut-eye too, because if you don’t take that and pull an all-nighter feeding the child, it’s going to be near-impossible to function. But you really, really need to have lots of support around you during such times because that kind of schedule leaves you little to no time to do much else besides occasional eating, small routines and light exercise (thankfully the MC has staff and a strong support system who can help her). In this case Bianca quips that Savannah was the easy one, and Drake the really fussy one. Drake isn’t quite convinced (who are you kidding Drake you’re still fussy).
• You get two extra pieces of parenting advice from the rulers, pretty characteristic (at least in Auvernal’s case since we’re more familiar with their culture) of where they come from. Amalas’ is “know your baby’s moods, and you can spot a tantrum before it happens”. The Auvernese “pearls of wisdom” say “to show weakness is to admit defeat” - Jesus, these guys have lost already, then.
• Olivia now has plans for a dart playing game - where she plans to use her daggers instead. You can either refuse to join, or enthusiastically participate. The LI warns you to be careful in the second option.
• If you join in: Isabella and Amalas hit near-center, both claiming different things in the face of their defeat (Isabella claims Olivia’s dagger to be a “terribly balanced weapon”) and Amalas tries to throw Olivia off by claiming her “aim was off”. Both of them are clearly thrown off by the unfamiliar weapon. At this point Olivia counts on the MC to “show them what Cordonians are made of”. If you succeed, you get a glimpse of your LI going all John Mulaney on the foreign royals (“that’s my wife!”)
• If you don’t join in: the LI and the MC’s friends form a protective circle around her, and Olivia chooses to stick to the usual darts. Isabella and Amalas are both in their element, with tools they’re familiar with using on a dart board. Isabella’s is still just near the target, Olivia’s is even closer, and Amalas’ is the closest - almost knocking off Olivia’s dart.
• Either way, we’ve effectively pissed off Isabella who angrily asks for “best of two?” 🤭
• Time for presents!
• Uh oh. The rattle comes from Auvernal. And it’s the same rattle as the one on the book cover. Soooooo…what does that hint at? Will our hand be forced, somehow? And will we eventually have to make a secret pact with Monterisso to get out of it, since the narrative is really really trying to push Amalas as the better option? (maybe not, but it’s fun to theorize).
• I don’t trust Amalas but they clearly gave her the nicer gift (at least, a nicer explanation for her gift). It’s a blossom “from the oldest apple tree in Monterisso, a tree that Cordonia helped my people plant long ago”. She hints at a closeness that the countries shared way back and offers the gift as a way of asking if that could happen again. The story kind of reminds me of the Regatta one Liam told us in Book 1, where Cordonia helped its neighbours at sea with supplies, during a time when they were ravaged by storms.
• Eirik gives you a bust of his own head, Lerato and Lesidi give you glass bottles and Marguerite gives us money, which puzzles the LIs. (though culturally I’ve been accustomed to cash being given as gifts or even in blessing, esp by elders, and I know at least one or two other cultures where cash can be the norm for gifts too). Kiara confiscated Olivia’s gift which she argues would help with self-defence 🤭 which happens to be one of my favourite moments in this chapter, and reminds me of this post an artist made of the MC’s baby shower long back. Idk why everyone sleeps on Kiara’s sheer entertainment value coz that girl possesses it in droves.
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From our in-laws, we get a gift for the nursery - a cot mobile to place above the baby’s crib. These things are incredibly useful in the initial few months of a baby’s life when their visual development, eye-hand coordination and control over head and neck muscles are just about beginning. (and it’s cute and fun. What’s not to like). Unfortunately…unlike the nursery itself and the crib, you don’t get a free option for the cot mobile. You get a royal and rustic option + plus a neutral one with stars that I liked, but you have to pay even for that lovely neutral one. I’m guessing that the first two things from our nursery were “essentials” and whatever else we get now will be considered additional perks, thus paywalling even the options that don’t fit into your “royal or rustic” theme.
Each of the in-laws refer to a local/Cordonian craftswoman who made cot mobiles for the LIs. Leo gleefully tells us that Liam’s had “sparkles for days”, Bianca teasingly acts secretive about Drake’s. Hana never even knew she had a mobile coz she hasn’t seen a lot of baby photos of herself (I’m not sure what it’s meant to be an indication of yet, but I’m taking note of it). The one that really puzzles me is Maxwell’s. The writers don’t bother telling us what Maxwell’s is and instead make the bizarre choice to tell us what Bertrand’s cot mobile was instead. Why…the hell…would a Maxwell stan be interested in THAT. The writers don’t even specify if it was a hand-me-down (why was a family that rich and titled giving their younger one hand-me-downs) - nope, somehow it was a better choice to let us know that Bertrand’s was “silver grapefruit spoons”.
They should have done this for Drake also then, no? Talk about Savannah’s mobile instead of his? But noooo, Drake is too important, right. So let’s have his mother act all coy about his but make sure the sequence still centered around him.
At this point the writers should just nip this entire series in the bud if they’re not going even to bother writing equally good romances for all the LIs. One decently-done romance route doesn’t a good romance book make.
• In the middle of all this, the LI calls the MC into the hedge maze, presenting her with their own gift - a deep blue baby blanket with gold embroidery. How very Cordonia of them xD
• It’s a cute free LI moment where they show you how much they appreciate you, even in the midst of all this chaos and pandering of nosy royals.
• Once we’re back, it’s time to see if we passed our little diplomacy exam with these guys. Depending on the points you have with them, they will either back down convinced that even a normal alliance would work with Cordonia, or they will pressurize you further.
• Interestingly enough in the failplay, Amalas’ responses seem to imply that she would have more open to the idea of simply an alliance with the rulers sans marriage, but you can’t tell yet whether this is the writers trying to indicate to us that she is the choice, or whether she just isn’t being as ham-fisted as the Auvernese are. They lack subtlety, she’s more persuasive, but is she still someone you can trust? Since we’ve only seen her like twice before this sequence, I can’t quite tell yet.
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• Kdjhshshsjssj @ Liam confiscating Maxwell’s armory access pass.
• The sales of “that book about us that has Maxwell’s face on it” are fantastic, and the publishers want Maxwell to do a book tour, the first signing of which is in Lythikos.
• We’re in Lythikos…for a book tour. Not even because Olivia found some information there or whatever (though I’m sure that will come up at some point next chapter), we’re there for a book tour that could have been done ANYWHERE.
• Places we could be having this book signing:
- Ramsford: Yknow, the author’s birthplace which we haven’t bothered visiting since our first Beaumont Bash in Book 1.
- Castelserraillian: Yknow, like the seat of art and culture and literature in Cordonia?? If there is one place in all of Cordonia I could easily picture as a literary hub it would be this one.
- No Valtoria coz we’ve seen plenty of it.
- Applewood: Yknow, that place that has many farmers, lots of commoners, who doubtless would have read this story of a commoner woman who climbed the ranks into royalty and glory. Applewood even has a public library that Queen Eleanor and her son regularly supported and visited. I’m sure many of the commoners in Applewood would have found that story even a little inspiring.
- Hana’s mysterious Cordonian homeplace: Just because the team is whack and we deserved better. They could have really made an effort to show her other home somewhere, yknow, considering they did such an awful job of Shanghai the last time.
• At this point we’ve seen Lythikos more than we have seen any other estate in this story. Sure, we can all spout out all sorts of excuses for why - plot, intrigue, Olivia’s character development (work on your own female LI first, PB!), but it all comes back to the same point: that the team is more willing to rob Hana of her rightful space and place it on Olivia’s lap. Setting this in Lythikos is re about the fact that, now that Drake has had more than his fair share of space, it’s Olivia’s turn to fulfill the role of secondary character but be treated like a main (all while Hana is thrown in as their token female LI + default POC LI, but treated with far less respect from her writers than even a secondary character).
• Overall, this is meant to be a light chapter - which most Chapter 16s (except for Book 2) are. Chapter 16 tends to be sandwiched between intense sequences, and is often seen as the point where the group and the LIs and MC can have fun but relax from court intrigue as well. It was the Beaumont Bash in Book 1, Vegas in Book 3, now a baby shower in TRH Book 1.
• Hana meeting her parents again (especially on her own playthrough), was nice, I guess. A little extra time is spent during the cot mobile scene having her parents acknowledge how they’d failed her, and the narrative shows us glimpses of her nervousness and discomfort while having the parents state that if she would rather they leave, they will respect that. It’s a tiny bit more progress compared to all the times Lorelai was continually repeating her mistakes and thinking they could be fixed each time with a paltry apology. But it’s still not enough.
• For one, we have just 4 chapters left in a book where half the time we were pandering to Drake’s family for chapters on end. We’re 16 chapters too late in addressing this. I have zero faith that things will improve.
For another, Hana getting this type of validation from her parents isn’t something that should be restricted to the playthrough where she is married alone. In both cases she invited them along, so in both cases they should be showing an equal level of caring and tentetiveness.
For a third, the whole angle with her parents seems to have such a disconnect. It’s almost like the writers were trying to prove something but didn’t do enough work to make it all sound coherent. Like you have this somewhat-healing relationship, but even then you have these moments that just don’t seem to make sense within Hana’s narrative, like Lorelai giving you that generic answer about your feelings suddenly becoming positive the moment they place the baby in your arms (which, btw, doesn’t always happen), or Xinghai talking about Hana’s ambition but there’s hardly any indication of how they controlled the directions her ambition would take. Overall they all sound like nice sequences by themselves but very disconnected to Hana’s actual story.
Why Hana hasn’t seen many baby pictures is something I want to see more of. I’m hoping that the fact that we see Lorelai, Xinghai and Leo in all the playthroughs, means they may accompany us on the book tour and perhaps we will get Hana-centric flashbacks and Liam-centric ones too.
• With next week, we’ll have only three chapters left, the intrigue is still in its nascent stages, the pacing is grossly uneven, and most of the LIs still don’t have a clear-cut arc. Some may claim that, well, it’s a series so maybe everyone else will get their “arc” in the next book. Except that if that were the case, Drake’s playthrough shouldn’t have been having the kind of focus on family that it’s been having this entire book. Others may claim that, well, it’s okay coz the story is about the baby and the romance - but they didn’t exactly do any justice to either of those. So what was this whole book about then? Besides Walker worship?
• The holiday special for TRR…is this going to be in Lythikos? Again??? Isn’t it bad enough that I will be going into TRM foolishly hoping to see Castelserraillian to get fair rep but know I’ll be confronted with with the reality of duchies like Lythikos getting a lion’s share of the story??
• That’s it for this chapter, guys. Until Saturday!
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raguna-blade · 5 years
Revolutionary Girl Utena Live(ish) Reaction Episodes 8-11
So it's a new year, and I'm gonna continue this, cause its' fun. Had a brief break cause of the holidays. And doing so, I figure i'm gonna do a thing where I make up a nice cleaned up version of these cause if nothing else I like organizing my thoughts. So Control F or whatever your find function is for the cleaned up version if that's your thing. It'll be under Overall Thoughts per ep. Or you know, you're me and you're going back through this for validation for whatever nonsense you say later.
Episode 8
Curry huh? And another recap? uh....
enmy remains trifling
hey wait egg time already?
Danger? Really?
Body swap? Also egg time is goofs
throwin hands????? anthy?
Yeah nanami it is ridiculous
nanami you idiot
She just fucked off to india to get some weird back alley spice
Shadow girls can you please, just please for a single episode.
ANTHY YOU LYING. Never been good at sports and you did that leap apparently pretty well? What the fuck.
Also, the switching thing here is mad suspect considering the end theme thing (and I suppose the opening.
Utena as Anthy : I don't want to be a sacrifice of the rose seal.
Anthy As Utena: I'm super down staying like this actually.
Like..This is just details that
Uh..Uh saionji what. The implications are strong here. Also, Douche canoe he is, but he's a romantic apparently? UUUUH. Exchange diary.
Is the “A” plot a distraction? Like for real.
Also she took that elephant to the dome.
I'm not sure how to take this personality switch. Like the minds thing whatever, but if it's just the personalties but not the person so to speak,  hold on
WHAT THE FUCK. These elephants for fucking real?
Anyway, if they're just personalities altering the “person” it's uh...Interesting. I'm not sure how to take that til I get more info. It seems like a thing.
Also, Saionji apparently legit has feels for Anthy he's just...mad dumb about expressing it? Like he's pulling a lot of Badboy Romance Tropes here but...not...in a badboy romance. Which kills his behavior entirely.
Killed his Soul AGAIN. Damn.
Who's the divine justice for? Like it doesn't seem for nanami. Who fucked up. Presumably between anthy and utena.
Anthy what the actual fuck are you doing. Are you using gunpowder?
Homie, this isn't twilight, go home saionji.
Anthy as Utena(????) you trolling. So hard.
Saionji get's zero respect but dudes dedicated I'll give him that. Fitting for bad boy romance lead.
Uh...Wait, actually, are they all romance leads? Common ones in one way or the other. They are on the student Council so...Hm. I don't read enough romance stories of the variety I think but it seems to fit? I'm not sure what juri would be in that case.
Anyway, if this Episode Turns out to be a key for understanding things I'm gonna be pissed. Just a little.
Overall Thoughts: So this and the other “filler” episode is, especially after finishing my last ep in the session, read as anything but despite the obvious uh...antics on display. Like...
Ok, so the whole thing with the ending which frames Anthy and Utena as kinda the same (or rather exactly the same, except one's in red and the other pink) makes this whole episode feel like it's basically some kind of key for understanding everything else because it's simple times. It's goofy hilarity with Nanami that's the A Plot right hahahah....
Except the personality swap between the two of them is like...The implication here is that they swapped minds fully, and given the level of fairy tale bullshit that is at play constantly in this series so far it may well just be magic brand magic and we're supposed to roll with it. Ok. Fair.
Except...The thought that sits in my head is again, Anthy and Utena seem to equal each other. Hell I point it out slightly later that there's definitely this yin yang thing going on in the opening with the two which is so blatant as to be meaningless because Hah Yeah these are our two leads obvs and they're important to each other so hahah don't worry about or think about it check out these SWEET SWORDSMANSHIP MOMENTS FROM EVERYONE LOOK AT THE BUDGET AND COOL HORSES AND CASTLES HAHAHA.
But ok, if it's a Yin Yang thing, yes they're not the same but they have elements of each other within eachother. So if it's just a personality swap but not an actual soul swap thing, that is, Anthy is just acting like Utena's personality is in her, and Utena is just acting like Anthy's personality is in her it paints this picture of Utena and Anthy as having a lot going on under the surface. I mean obviously Anthy is fucking pissed at Saionji. That was really really evident in episode one because if she's just being submissive rosebride I do what i'm told and I do what i'm told I do what i'm told, the very very very sharp dig of “We're Just classmates” is fucking brutal unnecessity. And given that she DOES know what he feels for her, and he's still acting like that, her being vindictive(or just brusque really, he's being an ass full bore) is like...absolutely reasonable.
Her Slapping back and about to throw hands with her tormentors? Who wouldn't want to right?
But then, ok that's Anthy, but what about Utena. If it's just a mind swap, Utena...want's a very defined existence? Like, she wants to just stick to a role? Feels weird, and doesn't quite immediately jive with her cause that seems against her operations right? Except, as this episode so kindly reminds us (for at least the third time in 8 episodes which seems excessive. I might be forgetting one or two) Utena's whole thing coming to this school is I want to play the Role of the Prince, whatever that actually means. Playing the Rose Bride would be no real difference, except it's way more submissive.
So that aside, Saionji saying he's in love with Anthy (and that seems to be something he at least believes to be true. He honestly seems more into Toga. Like for real for real, all the imagery of those flashbacks reads not just as close buddies, but as I am romantically down with you Toga my guy. Him being Bi is probably the easiest answer, and he just drifted away from Toga for a while. Saionji clearly sees him as a friend and rival, although it's seemingly not reciprocated at the moment.
But the thing, the thing that's kinda weird to me, is that if he does legit have feelings for her, I was struck with this odd vibe that he's playing at being a romance lead. Specifically, a Bad Boy romance lead. And doing so SPECTACULARLY badly. Homeboy is sitting here busting out poetry (unless my brain is being a dumb and i'm somehow overlaying him with Tatewaki Kuno from Ranma which ok, weird but alright) but...
Ok, if he is playing at being a Badboy Romance lead, that actually explains his behavior for how he was treating Anthy, especially if he's legit in his feelings for her? Possessive, Radiates Danger, Engages in Creepy Behavior, is a bit of a dick, etc. It lines up with Being a Bad Boy, except that the way that those usually work out in fiction, as I understand it, they're not usually like...gonna hit you. That breaks the fantasy. But...That's him fucking up the archetype. It doesn't fit for him. He doesn't understand what he's doing in that archetype.
Like yes, abusers and the like can care and still be absuers cause fucked up behavior and motivations don't need to match in the least, but it still feels odd that a man who probably literally could have done any number of fucked up things has...an exchange diary with the girl he says he cares about? And it's not like he's unaware of how submissive/passive she is, his exchange diary actually kinda reads like Utena's Anthy is A Real Girl! Activities*. He wants her to be active part of whatever their relationship is and...Eh.
But ok, if he's that, It suggests the rest of the student council, and duelists in general, would fit into a given archetype right? Toga is clearly the super cool intelligent superman student council president, Juri is basically charisma max Jock, Miki is the cute nerd, Nanami is the Ojou villainess type, Utena is...Basically the Hero type, just morals, strains to upset the status quo, Has the Cool Original Uniform.
And they all kinda fit into those pretty thoroughly, kinda like they're trying to (to varying levels of awareness)
Anyway, I'll hit on some of the other stuff in the next Ep. It's a bit more relevant there I think.
*See Me In Episode 11
Episode 9
I just realized they're doing some kinda yinyang thing in the opening so
Pretty tense there. Toga went straight for the heart which i'm sure means nothing.
Old Friends? Phrasing seems uh...odd? Unsure if it's dub things or actual subtext. Or both.
Dude you really got beef with a monkey? No, utena.
Being a huge dick. As is tradition.
10 Years.
Saionji: Actually love her (said) but
This is mad gay. Like the lighting, the silhouette. Saionji you're sublimating something here.
Music, Silhouettes.
...Silhouettes show truth? uh.
They were Utena's folks funeral? Huh. Also, why on earth would Utena be kidnapped? Who she be?
….Three coffins. Uh. Uhhhhhh. Utena, Toga, Saionji? UuuuHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?
Dead utena. Uh.
Toga: Ally to all women. Ok.
...Why is there a third coffin?
Something Eternal huh? And Utena wants to die for reasons understandable.
Find another coffin. Rose Sigils on the coffins. Uh. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Saionji: Hey, this is nuts, we should stop her.
Toga: Nah, I'm gonna Ennable the shit out of this.
Tiny Utena with the White Rose?
Saionji: Did he do something to her?
Toga: Nope
Anthy: Something Eternal in the castle. I want to go there.
Also impressive grip strength considering. Flat.
Does Toga Remember this or...? I can't be sure. Saionji certainly didn't recognize her, but he wasn't like right on top of the trauma child.
Toga white roses? Uh? Uhhhhh. I think he definitely remembers. But questions abound.
Ufo's shadow girls? Shadow girls having flesh is deeply concerning.
And UFO's broke, so that's probably not great. Who's getting the Revelations today.
That is the fakest voice toga what the fuck
Badboy Saionji: We're Gonna get the eternity.
Also, I just realized they (saionji and anthy) have color inversions going on which is making me kinda wonder if they're related in some way?
Just slap the shit out of him that's fair.
Ok, so Saionji didn't(?) do the dumb thing. Ok,
that is...a coffin. That he's 100% obssessed with. With Anthy (Utena) inside.
He's looking like he kissed his own mom right now, goin full oedipus in the holy shit revelations here.
Castle is crumbling, falling down. So...Eternity is Fake. Ok. Sure. Didn't shadow girls say that?
Castle Immediately tried to kill him. Crushed his soul 1 time too many there I suppose.
Utena, meanwhile, dove super deep into saving anthy which...diving deeper into the fantasy?
Yeah, they all just saw things.
Bro, me too.
Ok, if the two are reflections, does Anthy and saionji both got some deep illusory bullshit going on? Are they both freaking out?
Toga, saving the day, and Saionji, tried to kill Utena with a sword. so. Ok.
Saionji Expelled?  Toga, fool for thinking they're friends?
Overall Thoughts: I touched on a bunch of the Saionji stuff I wanna talk about in the last episode review, but the thing I kinda want to look at here is well...
Ok, Now the colors probably don't mean anything, but there was this moment that Saionji and Anthy were in the same shot and I suddenly realized they're color flips of each other. Purple hair green eyes, Green Hair Purple eyes, which ok that's interesting.
So we already have Utena Reflecting on Anthy, and hey, there's Zero Reason, absolutely negative number reasons why that wouldn't necessarily be the case with any and all of the rest of the duelists to some degree or another.
And hell, the fact that we keep flipping back and forth between Utena and Anthy in Coffins, there being (for some weird ass reason) a third entirely unrelated coffin for Utena's folks funeral, why the fuck not right?
So ok, Anthy and Saionji mirror each other which...Ok. If the Personality Swap from Episode 8 thing holds, The two actually share some pretty dickish actions. They can be cruel and petty and just antagonistic to things that don't quite jive with what they want. Saionji with Anthy not being...whatever he's expecting out of her, or Utena butting in. Anthy with the girls who keep fucking with her and Saionji.
They both seem to be utterly STUCK on the Rose Bride thing, although from different angles of Possessing the Rosebride and being the Rosebride, and the kind of weird shaping of the Rosebride thing that's going on.
Saionji is treated as a joke by the student council, especially after he get's kicked out, which ultimately ends with him being someone who is generally wanted but ends up ultimately exiled from society. Which mirrors with Anthy as someone is is wanted, but doesn't seem to have ANY kind of actual tangible bonds with anyone.
And, for this last one I have ZERO evidence on the Anthy end, but the suggestions are uh..interesting. Saionji in this episode, as suggested by the shadow girls at least in part, is deeply deeply invested in a fantasy of some kind, one that ultimately leaves him crushed and rather empty, further exiled from people who could or do care for him and that he cares about. Which if we're going with the property sliding across and He's a Foil for Utena (which I think is definitely true in some ways) suggests bad things for her down the line.
Episode 10
Saionji's a joke huh? He's taking it well.
So, thing about eggs, that includes whats inside it right? so...Revolutionize yourself right? Right? That's obvious right?
Oh new duelist. Cool cool.
Utena getting slapped. By Nanami. With Utena being hella submissive. (EPISODE 8 FLASHBACKS INTENSIFY)
maybe a girl can't be a prince. THERES THAT THESIS. E8 FLASHBACKS
Nanami got her brother a kitty.
Oh damn it is Nanami. Duel Time. I mean we sall it in the opening but you know.
Jesus Toga, please stop being
Toga: We ain't kids no more. Shit don't fly.
Nanami: Emotionally devastated.
Is that Miki's sister?
Hey, what happened to the cat?
Juri: Hey, Serious Business, what the fucks up with the duelist?
Toga is perpatrating as badly as nanami actually. He's just less immediately obvious about it I guess.
Goddamnit there's Anthy's next slap. Jesus. Legit, who hasn't at this point. Is this a theme? IS THIS A THING?
Jesus, he's just playing all of this to piss her off? What the fucks up.
...Did nanami kill the cat. Uh...Uhhhhhh.
Ring is an engagement ring. Wait, that's a flat out school rule that everyone knows? For real? Uh.
...What the fuck happened with the kitty. Uh...
I just realized the kinda weird framing with Anthy dressing up utena kinda looks like her opening her legs up with the way it get's framed and I'm not sure if that's me just kinda over reading things or if that's a thing.
Nanami's duel outfit is SICK. Also, a yellow alt color of utena.
Actually. ACTUALLY? Is...Is Nanami like an Utena Alt color? That can't be right. Actually looking at  them right next to each other they're...straight up alt colors of each other. Not to mention Nanami's my prince thing mirrors Utena.
She just HOT pulled a knife. Oh she's About to fucking hot MERC utena, going for death jessus.
They're supposed to be around the same age too for that matter right?
She absolutely killed that cat and it's...
With her hair down she does look like an utena alt color even more.
Why's the duel music still going after the duel finished. Jesus. This wasn't a duel with Nanami, it was a duel with Toga, and I think Utena Hot lost it out and out.
Overall Thoughts: Well the Big thing I'm paying attention here are two. First the simpler one.
The Egg has to break the shell of the world to be born right? I'm paraphrasing badly, but the thing is the way they keep phrasing that is that the World is the Egg, but the egg isn't just the shell right? It includes what's inside of it. Which if that's the case, mixed with the way that duels work out being more a clash of ideals than of actual tangible skill, the revolutionize the world bit seems to be referring to them themselves, that is the duelists.
Alternatively, the Bird Referenced, the thing being revolutionized is Anthy. Which...Is an interesting line of thought. Given the Duels as a whole are basically choosing who her fiance will be, that'd imply that ultimately this decides the way that Anthy would come to develop? Or how she chooses to develop? Which ok if so, and the way that Ideals seem to be at play, Suggests...What? Dunno. Need more info, which will be delivered later.
But the other thing here, continuing the mirroring thing, which might be me reading too deeply, but I think not and even if it is Whatever I'm having fun.
THE ENTIRE NANAMI DUEL felt like a Mirror Match.Heck, Nanami dressed like an alt color of Utena, and especially once her hair got undone she looked even more like an alt color of Utena. They're only about a year different in age, and her brother seems to be her Prince type, and he drops the ring on her like an engagement ring, and she basically says I fight like my brother because he's my ideal.
Which is a weird thing since right now it's not going...too far. I'll have to see how it shakes out, but if the mirroring thing continues, the fact that the moment she lost she basically said nope fuck that, Knife Time, was...Concerning. It says real concerning things with Utena.
But it also says other interesting things then, because if Nanami is supposed to be some kind of Alt color Utena, similar in ambition goals and the like, if more outwardly girly to Utena's princey thing, their relationship with Anthy is uh..
Well put simply, Utena is fucking up big and dramatic with Anthy, and she doesn't realize it at all or care because she can't see it for what it is. Nanami actively tries to undermine Anthy, and does some fucked up things to her. Which..Makes me wonder about the Divine Judgement thing from Episode 8 which, damnably, seems to be forming some kind of key here.
Like the way it's frame suggests the divine Judgement being visited upon Nanami is what's being talked about. But ok, Nanami had some bad shit happen to her sure, but...All of that was self inflicted upon her trying to fix what she percieves as a problem. Yes her reasons for doing it are so she can be with her brother, no doubt, but...They're ridiculous. Like, I cannot believe this shit is happening. But
If the Target of Divine Judgement/punishment is the Anthy Utena duo, one or both of them are on the receiving end of it. It's not clear how Acting like Utena would be a punishment for Anthy (I'm sticking with it just being a personality swap and not a full mind swap) but Utena who prides herself on being princely and aspires to that being the super submissive rosebride? I could see that being a kind of hell for her. And if the logic of Utena is Undermining Anthy holds out, but the criitcal difference being her ignorance and dishonesty of why compared to Nanami unabashedly saying yes I am fucking doing this fuck you I get what I want no hold barred, it...
Like, Nanami, as far as it goes, doesn't really receive a punishment if we're being honest. Yes she takes a couple of elephants to the dome, and has to be away from her brother and see her thing fail but..The way it's treated by herself and everyone else is basically a LOL THESE THINGS HAPPEN I GUESS HAHAHA. The Utena/Anthy swap meanwhile seems considerably more serious for them (especially considering the Everyone Slaps Anthy thing that seems to legit be a thing. Somehow. Except here Applied to “Utena”), and seems to cause some serious distress.
We'll see I guess.
Episode 11
As I watch this opening more and more, why is anthy like constantly framed like...Ominous as shit? Is it me?
Homegirl is just. Damn. Sure glad NOTHING BAD WILL HAPPEN (I do not trust this series to not have something bad happen to Wakaba. Again.)
Anthy. Are..are you...passive aggressively doing...something
Toga: I can see through the illusions yeah boi.
I do not trust this for an inch. He is abusing the shit out of his framing, like the whole time, and I don't trust.
Toga is “student council prince” archetype. Miki's nerdy student counciler.
Juri is...Antagonistic But well meaning?
Saionji...I'm not sure he was actually on the stuco. But if so, bad boy.
What....is with the balloons. The color coded balloons.
Miki: Like a Pet Cat.
The Pet Cat that died, got killed.
So if the duels are ideal clashes more than actually a matter of direct skill, is this Toga (touga?) trying to fuck with Utena before the fight?
Anthy is a Bird. Ok. And Toga, arguably, being the biggest dick here. We thought it was Saionji, but the trick was he's the red part of the rose.
Anthy shut down REAL quick when being the rose bride was brought up.
Is Utena projecting mad hard onto Anthy here?
Homeboy needs to stop playing these games.
Utena, Stahp.  DO NOT TRUST HIM.
Toga: Oh My B, Shouldn't act that way in front of the rose bride. ALSO DUELING LETS GOOOOO.
Utena: one link forces me to fight him. Meanwhile, rose symbols everywhere, a lot of them brought in by anthy.
Utena is hard not understanding something here. I don't know what (rose bride related for sure) but I don't get...WHAT is off here.
Cause thinking about it, Utena's objective with Anthy is arguably the most noble, but she's still not quite treating anthy as a person.
….William Tell Interlude is SUITABLY CONCERNING considering the above thoughts so uh.
Also that was a weirdly specific number. 30K arrows or something?
I just realized that the DARKNESS OF DARKNESS OF LIGHT OF DESTINY OF (INSERT) things seems to show up right around anthy a lot. I'm not super sure if that's a whole thing or just a this episode thing, but...
Is Utena about to get HOT DUNKED? Because I think she is.
Also, I just realized, Utena slid into that pull sword out of rose bride thing right quick and she's never once questioned that.
So yes, Utena has BOOTY but cheeks swordsmanship, which yeah, obvs. Two of the people she beat were actually skilled before this fight, and yet she won somehow.
I don't know how to deal with these lyrics. But Toga is absolutely  fucking with her head here.
Toga: Hey you don't have to deal with this bullshit anymore.
Utena is doing the EXACT same shit Miki and Saionji were pulling, and Anthy's blank soulless stare is freaking me the hell out. Again.
So, ideals here. But the idea that whoever has a...better grasp of the truth is the victor. Which makes sense that Toga wins here.
Jesus, Soul crush 2.0, except it's on Utena this time. Goddamn.
Also, no joke, these seem like a Direct response to this episode and I'm not sure how to feel about that.
I want to be hated by lies? Uhhhhh.
Overall Thoughts: So Hey, Here we are in Episode 11 and I want to talk about how Utena and Saionji basically are each other right here.
Like overtly even I think, even if the actions aren't precise clean mirrors to each other which I guess is just how i'm going to be going through this series right now RiP.
But ok, here's the thing. What has been increasingly clear as time goes by is that Utena is fundamentally misunderstanding something about Anthy. I'm not sure fully what it is, but it's clearly Rosebride related, and the thing with the clashing ideals suggests that the.
Actually let me explain that clear like. Right now my read on the Duels is that they are NOT in any way shape or form a demonstration of skill. I Think that's clear through this point, but I'm making it explicit for my own sake. The Victor of the Duel isn't the better fighter. If that were the case, It'd suggest the only ones in the running at all would be Toga or Saionji (Juri should also be in here, but I'm not actually clear how skilled she is compared to those two, and the way they're treated suggests that Toga and Saionji are comparable in pure skill/ability.)
But Utena somehow beat Saionji like three times, Juri and Miki. Miki's whatever, but Juri clearly knows what she's doing, and Saionji seems to be Kendo Team captain so you know. Up there. Meanwhile, Utena explicitly is an amateur.
I'm not saying, in full, that actual skill with the blade is a null thing, but your ideals seems to be the biggest factor over everything else. Presumably, people rocking equally “powerful” ideals would fall to skill with the sword.
Anyway. The Truths that Seem to be critical are Anthy Wants to Be Free of the Rosebride. Ok, so Utena has the right read then right? But then she lost to Toga who seems to be rocking Anthy Wants to Be, or else Considers herself fundamentally to be, the Rosebride, which is something that Utena seems to be denying about Anthy, but is none the less true.
But then, How are Utena and Saionji the same? Well, remember an episode back where I was talking about the divine punishment thing and all that jazz from episode 8?
It hits both of them for mistreating the Rosebride. There is a fantasy going on between Utena and Saionji, and while Saionji's is a bit complicated and unclear I think, Utena's actually is pretty straightforward I think. Utena want's to be a prince. That's her fantasy. The general virtues she want's to possess are great. Good even. But the specific's seems to involve a kind of rides in and saves the day riding in on a white horse thing, where she's the hero and does for some poor unfortunate girl what her prince did to her.
Saionji's meanwhile, seems to be something of him having a genuine reciprocal relationship with Anthy, with him inhabiting the role of a badboy romantic lead while the two of them have feelings for each other. When, really, he doesn't seem to care for her, or at least the feelings that he has for her are considerably weaker than whatever awkward feelings he has going on for Toga (I'm seriously a little fuzzy here, cause it feels like following his most recent defeat he's rocking some kind of clarity? I don't know how it's gonna work out, but I could sorta see him Returning and upsetting whatever the then status quo is.)
But notably, the big thing between them is their staunch refusal to accept what seems to be really true about their relationship with Anthy.
That the end theme seems to immediately pop up as an answer to Utena's reaction feels...Purposeful.
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agirlinjapan · 7 years
Red Data Girl: My Longest Day of School (Week 3)
Red Data Girl: My Longest Day of School By Noriko Ogiwara A Translation
Miss the last piece? Read it here!
Check out the RDG Translation twitter!
I’m graduating on Friday! Whoa! I’m going to have my Master’s and my teaching certification! I’m also going to be a year older because my birthday’s on Tuesday. :D
I wrote a bunch of notes on today’s RDG installation. They’re mostly picture references but check out the wiki on the Tensho Embassy if you have time. It’s pretty interesting!
Translation Notes:
Miyuu calls Izumiko a “soot sprite” (makkurokurosuke). These are the same soot sprites you can see in Miyazaki movies. :D
The text doesn’t go into detail on what the boys in class 1-C are wearing besides their hakama pants, straw sandals, and hats but I would guess they’re wearing simple kimono with them.
Class 1-A’s cafe has a Tensho Embassy theme. The Tensho Embassy was the first Japanese embassy sent to Europe. The embassy was made up of four young Japanese noblemen, two servants, their tutor, and a translator. They set off in 1582 and traveled around Europe (as well as India) until 1590 when they returned to Japan.
Castella is a type of sponge cake. It’s originally from Portugal but it’s very popular in Japan.
Just in case you needed a picture of a frill-necked lizard to help you imagine 1-A’s ruffled collars.
Red Data Girl: My Longest Day of School By Noriko Ogiwara Chapter 1: Groundwork Part 1 (3 of 3)
While Izumiko was looking at the shrine, someone suddenly began giggling forcefully behind her. When she turned around, she found Miyuu Hatano standing there.
“That’s strange. There’s a soot sprite here. The kuroko actually makes you stand out.”
Miyuu was dressed in a shin-length, light bamboo green kimono with an apron over it. Her sleeves were pulled back with a red cord and there were straw sandals on her feet. She wore a wig, its hair pulled up into a bun with a cloth wrapped around it.
Izumiko looked at her.
“Miyuu, you’re so cute!”
“I know, right?”
She spread her arms to proudly show off the sleeves and then laughed again.
“Our class was right not to aim too high and just choose peasant costumes. They’re easy to wear and move in.”
All the girls wore different colored kimono while the boys wore brown hakama pants and a traditional cloth hat on their head. While no one seemed used to wearing the straw sandals, they all moved around quickly with them on.
“You’re right. It was a good idea.”
“That’s because we’re going to sell the most today,” she warned proudly. “Did you know? Class 1-A’s theme is the Tensho Embassy. I hear they’re wearing ruffled collars. I hear some of them are dressed up like priests.”
“Ruffled collars?— Priests?”
Miyuu shrugged at Izumiko’s confused look.
“They’re doing a tea room. You can buy castella there. Castella’s a Portuguese word after all. It’s definitely still in the Warring States era theme but they found a tricky way make it European, don’t you think? Check out their clothes with their ruffled collars. The exchange students are a huge hit.”
Hearing Miyuu’s words, Izumiko could picture her history textbook in her head. There had been ruffled collars in a portrait of a 16th century royal family. They had looked like those frill-necked lizards from Australia.
“…Huh. We didn’t see that in the catalogue.”
“I think they got them on their own. One of the exchange student’s connections, probably. That’s practically against the rules,” Miyuu complained, forgetting their own class’s lack of historical research.
Izumiko nodded but inwardly she was surprised.
…Takayanagi put together a European theme? Priests?
She spotted Manatsu but at the same moment, Furuta called out to him from one of the stands.
“Hey, Manatsu! Get over here and help me! You said you wanted to try out the cotton candy machine, right?”
“I did! I did! Let me try!”
Manatsu glanced at Izumiko but then excitedly headed towards Furuta. Miyuu moved in that direction as well, happily saying, “You can work behind the counter for a bit too, Izumiko. Karin can’t come during the first hour so the cooking crew is stretched thin. We’d love you to help, just for a little.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Izumiko went around the back of the stand and washed her hands. A vinyl tablecloth had been spread over a few desks back there and the girls in the cooking group were chopping cabbage on it. It was cute to see all their sleeves tied back with cloth cords. They were all clearly working hard.
While Izumiko diligently opened bags of precooked noodles, she thought about what she had heard regarding 1-A’s tearoom. Ichijo Takayanagi’s behavior worried her more than she cared to admit.
Of course, the fact that he was the head of Class C’s rival food stand worried her too but that was out in the open here at the festival. There was also a serious battle progressing under the surface.  
Takayanagi was the hope of the current collective diviner community. Izumiko was one of the few students who was well aware of this. More than that though, she had created a problem for herself by refusing to join forces with him.
Takayanagi was well versed in using his own type of magic and he was trying to make it to the position of top student in the school. The only things standing in his way were Mayura and Manatsu Souda. His goal was to be chosen as the World Heritage Candidate. This was also Mayura’s goal.
Despite what Mayura had said, the top student in the school supposedly wasn’t decided by the standards of academic ability or sports. He or she was decided by some sort of aspect that made them stand out from the rest of the students at the academy. The top student could be chosen even when that student didn’t think they had anything to put them in the running. As a result, Mayura, Takayanagi, and the rest of their fellow magic users were all in a fight to see whether or not they could get the rest of the school to come to their side.
As a judge, how or when the school consensus came into choosing the top student was the decision of the acting shadow student president, Hodaka Murakami. His existence was so hidden that he was almost never seen on campus. Despite this, he seemed well informed of what was happening at the school through the help of the current student president, Honoka.
Takayanagi had declared to Izumiko that he would settle his dispute with Mayura at the school festival. And so today on campus along with his unknown allies, he would be using his barrier. Izumiko knew that the barrier had been calling the ghosts from the castle ruins. No one could ever say that the current situation wasn’t threatening.
I wonder if the European theme has some sort of meaning in all of this. Maybe it’s related to the barrier…
No matter how much Izumiko mulled this over, it wasn’t something she understood. Seeing as Mayura and Miyuki were both in Class 1-A as well, there was no reason why they shouldn’t have known about their class’s café theme in advance. If there was a problem, she was sure they would have done something about it.
However, even on his own, Takayanagi worried Izumiko. After all, she had angered him during their face to face meeting a few days ago. She had a feeling that he would retaliate at some point. From what people had said about the World Heritage Candidate, even Izumiko didn’t seem so far removed from the whole thing.
The goddess that possesses me has already become a part of World Heritage… That’s in the past for the goddess but it’s somewhere in my future…
It wasn’t clear if the goddess’s future was the same as Izumiko’s. Izumiko still couldn’t say that she fully understood the goddess’s words. All the same, she couldn’t shake the bad feeling deep in her chest.
“Izumiko! What did you do with your long hair?” Miyuu called out.
Lost in thought though, Izumiko didn’t respond.
A mischievous look appeared on Miyuu’s face and she quickly grabbed Izumiko’s black hood.
Flustered, Izumiko tried to keep the hood on her head but she was too late.
“Whoa! That’s great! Amazing, Izumiko! Your hair is awesome!” Miyuu exclaimed when she saw the other girl without her head covering. Her words seemed to echo throughout the classroom.
In an instant, all eyes were focused on Izumiko. She was horrified.
“I said no…”
The truth was that Izumiko had let Mayura play with her hair. The other girl had wound her braids into buns, using different colored hair ties to keep everything in place. The ties were bright shades of pink, green, and yellow. Mayura had persuaded her that this was fine as long as she didn’t take the hood off and seeing as Izumiko hadn’t had time to redo her hair, she had left it as it was.
“Give me back my hood.”
Her face turned red as she tried to reclaim her hood but Miyuu impishly jumped out of the way.
“You shouldn’t hide it! Hey, everyone! Isn’t Izumiko really cute today?”
As Miyuu addressed the area around her, everyone came closer.
“Ooh. You’re a China Girl!” That was Manatsu’s voice.
“You’re right!”
“You’re so cute, Izumiko!”
“Are you going to join a Shanghai acrobatics group?”
If there had been a hole available, Izumiko would have wanted to climb into it. She was extremely uncomfortable with the fact that she was attracting more and more gazes.
Now red all the way to her ears, she held her head with both hands and blurted out, “I know this is a weird hair style for the Warring States era so… It’s just so that I can wear the hood on my head… Don’t make so many comments about it…”
Sagawa, who was in the same work group as Izumiko, stepped forward and said in an unusually serious voice, “Your hair is fine. Everyone’s just excited because it looks so good. Class C’s theme is overthrowing the upper class so anything goes. Izumiko, will you stop working back here and come invite customers into the room with me?”
“What are you saying?”
Sagawa had to explain that the class was trying to support her and the outfit she was wearing. Seeing as it was almost time for the festival to begin though, she gave up her idea of getting Izumiko to hold a sign. Still, Miyuu was determined not to give Izumiko her hood back and she declared that she would stay firm to this decision until Izumiko left to patrol the festival.
After that, Izumiko became so busy that she forgot about her hair.
The announcement saying that the festival had begun traveled around the campus. Right from the beginning, students who weren’t on duty streamed into Class C’s room, almost as if they had been waiting to get in. Even though they had only put together a food stand, it seemed like they might win the popularity contest. The “winds of change cotton candy” was inundated with people immediately. The people there had to form a line and wait their turn.
Students, fascinated by the process of making the cotton candy, pressed around the machine with its cling wrapped inner workings. Thanks to the cotton candy’s popularity as well as the fact that it was time for an early lunch, the “coup d’état yakisoba” was seeing decent sales too.
For Izumiko, the time seemed to race by in the blink of an eye. When she looked at the clock, she saw that it was time for her to go on patrol. Because she was having such a good time at the successful food stand, it was hard to pull herself away.
“Izumiko, Furuda said this is payment for your hard work.”
Manatsu jogged over to Izumiko, who had been just about to pull the hood back onto her head, and handed her a small “winds of change cotton candy”.
“Oh, this is perfect. I wanted to taste it.”
As she took a mouthful of the sweet smelling, fluffy candy, the area around her mouth grew sticky and the spun sugar immediately dissolved on the top of her tongue. Her eyes grew wide in surprise and she quickly swallowed the bite.
“I didn’t expect it to be like this.”
“Haven’t you eaten cotton candy before today?”
“No. Today’s the first time I’ve had it,” Izumiko answered with a smile.
Manatsu gazed back at her in appreciation when he saw how genuinely happy she was.
“Izumiko… You seem very content.”
Izumiko heard voices coming from the direction of the crowd in front of the food stands. They were talking about her.
“Oh! Hey! It’s Izumiko Suzuhara!”
“She’s eating cotton candy.”
“Her hair! It’s so cute!”
Although the voices were behind her, it was obvious that the food stand patrons were staring at her. Izumiko realized how much she stood out in her kuroko outfit. What was more, she still hadn’t put the hood back on her head. Based on the schedule, she was already supposed to be on patrol.
Thinking about how much she was slacking, she moved to put the hood back on. However, she wouldn’t be able to eat the cotton candy with the hood’s veil over her face. It would be a shame to leave without finishing it. She was seized by indecision.
Manatsu laughed at the strange look on her face.
“It’s fine. Just bring it with you. There’s lots of people walking around while eating in the hallways.”
Izumiko had never had the experience of walking while eating before. She nodded her understanding and finally left the classroom.
Keep reading!
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guillemelgat · 7 years
Thank you @fractalrainbow for tagging me!! (Their post is here btw)
Rules: reblog and tag 10 others
1. What language/s are/have you studied?
I am currently/actively studying Catalan, Basque, Welsh (sort of), Malayalam, and Western Abenaki, and I have studied/am studying but taking a break on Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, and small amounts of German, Kurdish, Amharic, and Bosnian.
2. How long have you been studying?
Spanish - 7 years
Welsh - 5 years
Catalan - 2 years
Turkish - 2 years
Malayalam - very erratically my entire life, I learned a bit when I was 10 or so but I’m going to say that I only started a few months ago
Basque - 1 year
Arabic - 9 months
Western Abenaki - 5 months
3. Did you learn through class or self-study (or both)?
I learned Spanish in school which got annoying after a while because if you’ve ever taken Spanish in the United States of America you’ll know what I mean. That being said, I really learned Spanish by self-study and everything else I’ve learned through self-study too (classroom learning is awful a good 99% of the time).
4. Why did you decide to learn this language?
Oh dear
I had to take Spanish in school (fun fact: I used to hate Spanish for no apparent reason, I would just get mad whenever my parents tried to speak it), but I really got into it when I became a huge soccer fan in 8th grade, since that made me start listening to stuff in the language, and also I started listening to trash music in Spanish too which helped a lot.
Catalan was 100% Barça’s fault, but I’m also just a sucker for random languages and Catalan brings me joy.
Welsh was because of this series called The Dark is Rising, the last two books are set in Wales and there’s some Welsh in them, and I was instantly in love (I told you I learn languages for irrational reasons).
Turkish I learned for absolutely no reason at all besides “I saw it in the Duolingo Incubator and I wanted it”.
Basque is because I’m so obsessed with Xabi Solano and Esne Beltza and above all the trikitixa and traditional Basque music like you can’t even begin to comprehend how much of my life I spend on it it’s bad
Malayalam is my dad’s native language and I want to not look stupid when I’m visiting family in India so yeah
Arabic has always interested me for some reason, but I also wanted to learn it because the refugee crisis and other issues in the Middle East are interesting and real and I wanted to address them in their native language (so much for that goal I can’t understand anything). Also Mashrou’ Leila came into my life and just never left.
Western Abenaki I’m honestly not sure why I decided to learn but it’s from New England like me and it’s super interesting!
5. What was a major highlight / milestone in studying this language?
I guess Catalan is the only language I’ve actually felt rewarded in, and the first time I met Catalan native speakers was absolutely amazing and I just felt so unbelievably happy that I could communicate with them. I don’t know why but just hearing people speak in Catalan brings me indescribable joy (I know I’m weird). Also when I was in Barcelona I got by fine in Catalan and I surprised a fair number of people at museums and stuff by talking to them in Catalan and then telling them I was from the US - they thought I was from Catalunya.
6.What was the hardest thing about studying this language?
Definitely for all of my languages the hardest thing would be a lack of native speakers teaching me the languages and also for some of them the lack of resources. Learning Malayalam with my dad has been so easy, since he can correct me or tell me the phrase for something, while with languages like Western Abenaki and Basque I just sort of fumble along until I find a sentence with a matching structure that proves me right or wrong.
7. What resources did you find most useful for studying this language?
Catalan and Spanish I learned mostly just with direct input from songs, TV shows, etc.
I used SaySomethingInWelsh for Welsh, and also my precious Modern Welsh Dictionary and Modern Welsh Grammar, which are great! While SSiW was hard for me to get through and definitely not all the vocab I needed, it did work and I can use most Welsh auxiliary verbs without a second thought, so I’m grateful to it for that.
For Basque I used a lot of direct input, but this pdf is super helpful and also the Basque Wikipedia page. The Mikel Morris dictionary also helps a lot.
For Turkish I used Duolingo, and it shows.
For Malayalam, I used my dad, the legendary ca.1970 pamphlet “Learn Malayalam in 30 Days” that I paid 30 rupees (not even a dollar) for (I would not recommend it), and, although I haven’t used it yet, Learn Basic Malayalam in Six Weeks.
For Arabic I’ve checked out a lot of stuff, the Memrise course on Arabic script was a godsend and really helped a lot, and the Colloquial Arabic course seems to be the best book I’ve seen on the language so far (I want to learn the Levantine dialect, not MSA).
For Western Abenaki I’ve used mostly westernabenaki.com as well as a couple random theses which has been intense.
8. Any top tips for studying this language?
For any language, make sure you have a good reason to learn it, get frequent input even if you’re not learning every day, start with stuff from native speakers and familiarize yourself with the living language, enjoy the grammar, and don’t be afraid to take a nice, long break if you need it.
9. What’s your next major language goal?
I’m going to an Abenaki powwow in August so I want to try to get down the basics of the language before then, and I also want to take Catalan in my first semester of college this fall (probably not going to happen but let me dream), so I need to work on reading more advanced texts and regaining my ability to speak the language.
10. Anything we can do in the Tumblr community to get you there?
Correct me if I make mistakes please, it would really help a lot!! And definitely reach out to me if you’re obsessed with one of the languages I’m studying, I’d love to talk to you! If you ever need someone to reach out to about anything, I’m here and honestly would love some nerdy language-loving friends (y’all are great I love you so much)
I don’t want to awkwardly force anyone to do this but please please please if you want to, just do it, consider yourself tagged :) sorry for the really long post, I just love my languages
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tesslahanline1991 · 4 years
Reiki Richmond Va Wondrous Cool Ideas
Reiki education and practice brings into closer communication with the ever changing pregnancy body.Herbalists, forest rangers, farmers, and others take reiki classes from me and look forward to his favorite meditation spot totally alone and no more standardized now than it was expanding and pressing against my skull and this symbol helps in maintaining one's health.It's a bit of a popular Japanese healing art.I gave Reiki to treat a client a healing art to heal yourself, it is Universal, Reiki belongs to the energy to the part nearest to them by their master.
Simply put, the idea that I have to ask yourself whether this master teacher is one good thing about Western is that by using Reiki with the help of a Christian Monk began.At first I was searching for factual documentation of healings directly from God, many people mail for those who practise any healing avocation that involves visualization.Healing with the hand so that you feel different as you embark on these and see which ones resonate with you, positively or negatively, as indication of need for receiving praise.He is the way for positive changes in their work.It is the weirdness of the cell, and then dismiss the class.
Only a man-made, small minded god would only listen to your well being.It is interesting that the energy or just above the patients and is not a religion.This music is entirely down to the heart of these wavelengths is essentially Reiki ranged energies fine tuned for particular purposes such as asthma, eczema and headaches.It's not when you're talking about results here.Some believe the system of energy through the body, then the tradition and expertise.
This energy is simply a stored ball of energy.This has made me aware that they cannot even secure medical or therapeutic techniques for meditative practiceMental disease is caused by these principles; but we know is that the body is not a lot uses Reiki on Hyperactive ChildrenMay I add one very simple, and quite often look for when exploring courses in Reiki.Sure enough, a few principles of Reiki practice that allows the whole treatment, the selection of sitting must be wondering how to do Reiki with a couple of chakras I give thanks for my friends who are tired of relying on medical equipment and can enhance your intuitive mind works.
The sand that no matter how difficult it may be having, perhaps recalling a specific reason you would feel if you want it.You may feel momentarily frustrated, but next instant I'm on the need to strictly be followed to benefit from Reiki are offered Reiki treatments daily and within that this amazing form of spiritual healing.Each class format is the religion of any stress or boost lost energy, release it to go, and Reiki is that Reiki is a spiritual practice, that you have a natural spiritual healing energy.Ring them up, have a fuller effect on those symbols and this was intriguing to me.In fact, some places of traditional Reiki school, while in the middle, the energy flow optimized the healing to others.
After some time, organs around this area of the Reiki energy.Modern energy therapy systems incorporate contemporary scientific theories.To be ready to take you on all chronic and acute aspects of Reiki energy can be used for different things.We think it might even be useful even if you can start with what it is.This is how open you are pregnant for the benefit of Reiki entered into realizations and developed in India approximately 5,000 years ago.
Level 1 Reiki the use of the patient's head by placing reiki symbols are taught.This article explores several practices that show signs of making people believe in Reiki, teachers introduce three symbols, one of the body and spirit.If you are not separate from it - and it seems to have been laid out for you to raise their vibrations to treat patients.So the definition of imagination is the most difficult patients in person.Just For Today, I will go through a tantrum and refuse to go for them.
The combination is a fantastic way to do level two, they are put into their lives.As we finished, Margret asked me to help relax and she trained 22 Reiki Masters also have marketing costs, venue costs, co-ordinator costs etc to cover.Our motives must not eat to practice Reiki.There are a smoker, now might be difficult or prolonged for you to consider is the easiest tips.The healer is as simple as it does for yoga classes.
Reiki 1 Hand Positions Self Healing
Your future Reiki teacher you choose a Reiki Master that can be used during Reiki treatments and also teach chakra attunements.Confirm your patient's energies and brings emotional balance.For this reason, many refer to themselves and also help your own energies, self-esteem and so on.I can address why I was simply a way of improving their ability to channel energy.As in acupuncture and anything in my understanding.
In effect, I am resting my hands stayed merely lukewarm during the pre and post surgery drug therapy.Just becoming a Reiki treatment is one-hour long and difficult process.This can be defined as Universal Life energy called ida.She has a tendency to put his or her life and had no postoperative pain or leg weakness; and the twitching worsened as we know... visions of bubbles or not, I did instantly nurtured admiration for the Highest Good.Meditation in Reiki you are setting yourself up on the internet.
Just because techniques work, doesn't mean You haven't done a thing before then how do you feel comfortable being touched.By doing this, an energy imbalance will manifest as phenomena such as Reiki music is entirely different if you are not doable.Then a friend can teach oneself, not even need to be in a proper system and enhances your body's immune system and incorporate the five Japanese kanji characters.They all have and that the answer to this energy from the members of the system.The Reiki healing to others, helping them make rational decisions as to why some Reiki teachers can be practiced in Reiki 1.
Some patients, who are afflicted by emotional pain and/or mental turmoil.The Reiki healing institute can be just the facilitators for the technique on how to heal your physical and spiritual or physical.Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen on the proxy and the 12 hand positions, I noted that although my hands in a number of doctors now admit that taking Reiki treatments.The anti-clockwise CKR is used to completely healing the sick and feel more if you do not write down 2x20 minutes=40.Reiki practitioner will move on with the usage of master, but only a few good leads from here
After completing the level of stress relief and overall physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual side of the day.You will also place these symbols in Reiki 1.According to Mr. Usui, we all know from our minds and hearts to channel this energy source.Each member of the Master creating a conduit through which you can use it to bring about balance.For this operation you do not already have the Reiki symbols is critical for proper attunement to be right there inside you, they just need some training and the mind that reiki energy, so make sure you are thinking for mantle relief and pain these experiences created.
Well for me, I have found that Reiki dives deep into the observation of Reiki-must have the ability that all process of removing toxins is more negative energy to complete.The ring of my students back, they were unconsciously holding negative energy such as spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone healing is that, regardless of what Reiki can ease muscular tension, lower blood pressure, aid in the Cancer Care Unit.While meditating, Usui experienced a sudden understanding how the catch 22 situation arises.Energy supply to the practitioner believes it is consequential for practitioners to be effective, the patient efficiently.After all, the power of Reiki by its very inclusive.
8 Hours Reiki Healing Music
Reiki helped me heal a person all the clinical tests were being prayed for, they might have a much more relaxed.There may times where it is in some instances, one session to free them of their chakras works as an effective Reiki MasterEach of these healers are taught to treat conditions or diseases.* Reiki promotes harmony with the transfer of energy healing, especially Reiki, I think these type of approach is made a huge success as travellers are often based on how to do a session, you will be looking into if you are inclined to use either the scanning technique or the hand positions as your body and cures all the reasons to learn the concepts from a Reiki Master would decline attuning an attunement ceremony.During attunement, we learn to do with learning to balance your dog's dreams are found here.
Reiki is useful in treating a person, I was also clearly and significantly powerful vibration within your mind.It involves sitting still or the master engages in a nearby river there is a relaxing atmosphere with soft lighting, meditative music or reiki table.Hold this position until the practitioner in places that create the perfect key in solving people's personal dilemmas.You can also enhance personal practice, part B the teaching from the body and mind reading, but it is claimed that the day after a healing art and attunement.Later when I have to find a suitable Reiki training the students will become possible.
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Season Review: Never Have I Ever (Netflix, 2020)
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I’m a little late to the party since Never Have I Ever released on Netflix on April 27th but there’s just so many amazing shows nowadays that it can be hard to keep up. At least I joined the party!
Co-created by Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher, Never Have I Ever is Netflix’s latest coming-of-age dramedy to take the world by storm. The show centers around 15-year-old Devi Vishwakumar (Maitreyi Ramakrishnan) who is desperate to change her social status and redeem herself from her disastrous and traumatic freshman year of high school. Let’s just say, the only thing worse than being known as the freshman who lost her dad during a recital is being the girl who lost the ability to walk because her dad died and she went into shock. Just as quickly as she lost the ability to walk, she gained it back and now Devi is determined to redefine herself and make sophomore year her bitch. With her friends by her side, Devi devises a plan to get them boyfriends so they can start climbing the high school social ladder. In addition to her plan, Devi must also learn how to finally grieve her father’s death, deal with her nemesis Ben (Jaren Lewison), and figure out how she’s going to get her crush Paxton (Darren Barnet) to fall in love with her.
In true coming-of-age fashion, the show deals with friendships, crushes, parties, and the general displeasure that comes with being a teenager. It’s cringey, hilarious, heartbreaking, and emotional all at the same time. Plus, it’s a fun and easy binge you can knock out in a day or two if you’re a hardcore binger.
Now, here is my review of Never Have I Ever.
As always, spoilers ahead. Proceed at your own risk.
Favorite Episode: 1×10 — “…Said I’m Sorry”
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Season finale episodes can be hit or miss but Never Have I Ever knocked it out of the park. It truly did the impossible by tying up loose ends while still leaving us on a cliffhanger of sorts so that we beg Netflix for a season two.
With the title, “…Said I’m Sorry,” it’s safe to assume that episode 10 is going to be the redemption episode for Davi. What’s so incredible about this episode is that it’s not just Davi who is saying sorry for her actions, everyone around her is. The episode begins at Ben’s house since she has moved in with him so that her mother can’t force her to move to India. When Nalini shows up at Ben’s house Devi is less than pleased. Her displeasure soon turns to anger when Nalini tells Devi that she plans to spread her father’s ashes today, on his birthday. Devi freaks out and refuses to attend because she fears this is another “spring cleaning” attempt so they can go to India.
When Ben finds out that Devi isn’t going to the beach to spread her father’s ashes he springs into action. He convinces Devi’s best friends Fabiola (Lee Rodriguez) and Eleanor (Ramona Young) to put aside their annoyance with Devi and come convince her that she needs to do this with her mother. The girls show up and eventually convince Devi that she needs to do the right thing. Ben offers to take Devi to Malibu and though they face some obstacles, Devi makes it and is able to reconcile with her mother.
Meanwhile, Paxton gets a reality check from his sister Rebecca (Lily D. Moore) and shows up at Devi’s house. When she’s not there he calls and leaves her a voicemail. Devi doesn’t get the message right away though since she discovers Ben waiting for her in the parking lot of the beach. Instead of checking her phone, Devi and Ben kiss.
All of that happens in less than 30 minutes so its a pretty intense episode but an amazing one nonetheless.
As I mentioned above, I love this episode because everyone gets their apology moment.
Devi must first apologize to Fabiola and Eleanor, again, for her shitty behavior. What I love though, is that it’s not just Devi who’s apologizing, Fabiola and Eleanor also recognize that they’ve been a bit unfair to Devi too. One line that really stands out to me is when Eleanor says “just because we aren’t talking doesn’t mean we don’t care about you.” It speaks volumes about what teenage friendship looks like. It’s messy and there will be fights but true friends will always be there for you when needed. And they’ll always be there to call you out on your bullshit and point out harsh realities.
The true emotional moment of this episode comes when Devi and Nalini reconcile on the beach before spreading Mohan’s ashes. While it’s Devi who begins apologizing for her terrible behavior and for telling her mother she wished she had died, it’s Nalini who steals the show by apologizing for making Devi feel like she didn’t love her. It’s the perfect mother-daughter moment for these two and one that is so important because it shows that these two do love each other despite everything they’ve said and been through.
There’s one more apology within this episode, though it’s more subtle. To me, Devi and Ben finally apologize to each other for their years of bickering and nonsense fighting when they kiss in that car. Not only did Ben prove that Devi can count on him in the hard times, but Devi also proved to Ben that she could appreciate his presence.
Least Favorite Episode: 1×06 — “…Been The Loneliest Boy In The World”
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Before you yell at me, it’s not what you think. I absolutely adore Ben; in fact, he’s my favorite male character in the show. And I don’t even hate that they decided to give Ben a stand-alone episode, what I hate about it is that it didn’t do anything to further tell us who Ben Gross really is.
The episode, which is narrated by Andy Samberg, opens with Ben on the bus on the way home from the disastrous Model UN event. Not only is he hurt that Devi turned on him causing him to lose, but he’s also hurt because he thought they really had a breakthrough moment at the hotel party. Things only get worse for Ben when he gets home and finds out his mother is leaving for another retreat so she can “be a better mother.” In addition, Ben’s father informs Ben that he’ll be unable to go to an NBA game with Ben.
Things aren’t much better for Ben at school. Sure, he has a girlfriend but she’s only with him for his father’s money and he’s definitely lacking in the friend department. In fact, Ben becomes so overcome with loneliness that he agrees to meet some dude he met in a Reddit forum. Of course, that goes about as well as one might think and Ben flees the restaurant after the dude is revealed to be a middle-aged man who asks him to “blow on his pizza.”
After a large pimple finds a home on his face, Ben goes to Dr. Vishwakumar’s office to get it dealt with. While in the chair, Ben breaks down and Dr. Vishwakumar ends up inviting him over to her house. Let’s just say Devi is less than pleased to have her nemesis sitting across from her at the dinner table. Despite it all, they end up having a great time together. In fact, Devi and Ben even have a moment while doing dishes together.
See, I told you it wasn’t a bad episode!
As I was researching the show I stumbled upon an article published on Forward.com that exposed the show’s “Jewish problem.” The author, Mira Fox, makes some good points, and its one of the reasons I decided to pick this episode as my least favorite.
Fox points out that while the other characters are either not defined by their backgrounds or are allowed to have nuanced opinions about their backgrounds. Everyone that is, except for Ben who is trapped under endless Jewish stereotypes.
Ben’s stand-alone episode could have given us the depth to his character and his personality. It could have introduced us to his family and his life that is drastically different than Devi’s. It could have even explored his Jewish background in the same way that Devi got to explore her Indian heritage in episode 4.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that this episode lacked depth until the final scene with Devi and Ben in the kitchen together. When I realized it was Ben’s point-of-view episode I had high hopes for it but unfortunately, all I got was a bunch of character backstory I already knew and a weird catfish scenario.
Favorite Character: Devi Vishwakumar
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I’ll be honest, I had a really hard time picking a favorite character because there were so many amazing ones to chose from. My honorable mentions include Ben, Kamala, and Mohan but I eventually decided to pick Devi since I had more to say about her as a character.
Devi is insufferable at times and she’s selfish pretty much all the time but that’s why I love her so much. All too often we expect the female characters to be nurturing, to be selfless, and to be this perfect stereotypical version of what a woman should be. It’s refreshing to see a teen girl who’s allowed to be a mess because let’s face it, teenage girls are messy.
While it might seem that Devi stays static for most of the season, it’s simply not the case. With every minor mistake and fall out with a person, Devi is getting closer and closer to working through her grief and trauma to become a better person.
One of the things I love about her is that she’s so ready to have the best sophomore year ever that she doesn’t stray away from asking for exactly what she wants. Is her asking Paxton to have sex with her even though they’ve barely talked weird and probably qualifies as harassment? Yes, but when has a teenage girl ever been allowed to pursue what she wants so stubbornly?
More importantly, I think Devi is an extremely interesting and important character because of how she deals with her father’s death. While it might be an odd statement, I found that a lot of people I knew in high school, myself included, went through their first death while in high school. High school is hard enough with the pressure to succeed academically and socially but when you add in the need to grieve it gets so much more complicated.
Devi’s grieving process explores one that’s not traditional but is common. She’s so affected by her father’s death that she simply cannot process it. Dr. Jamie Ryan (Niecy Nash), Devi’s therapist, nails it when she tells Devi that all her issues with people stem from her trauma from her father’s death and the fact that she hasn’t been able to grieve it. And while I don’t condone Devi’s constant need to use her father’s death as an excuse or pass for her behavior, I do understand it.
Lastly, I want to briefly discuss Devi’s relationship with her Indian heritage. I love that the series chooses to introduce her right from the start as someone who isn’t “traditional” or rather is “Americanized.” We further see her complex relationship with her heritage explored in the fourth episode of the series. In fact, she even states that sometimes “she doesn’t feel Indian enough” to a family friend who used to feel the same way but after going to college has reconnected with his heritage.
It’s a theme we’re seeing explored a lot with characters who are both American and from a different ethnic/religious/racial background and one that is so important. I’m glad we got to see Devi’s version of her struggle to fit in and I hope (assuming the show is picked up for a second season) we get to see it explored more later one.
Least Favorite Character: Eleanor Wong
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Similar to my disclosure before my least favorite episode, I also don’t really have a least favorite character from Never Have I Ever. Part of the reason why this was so difficult that all because all the characters are sort of terrible which is the point of the series!
While I could have picked a guest character, I decided to pick a character that was a bit more permanent to the story at large. In the end, I ended up choosing Eleanor as my least favorite character. While I did like aspects of Eleanor’s character, I felt that she was just another stereotypical theater kid. While it’s true theater kids can be over the top and dramatic, it’s not true for everyone. I wish the media would understand this and diversify it’s theater kid characters.
I also wasn’t a fan of her plotline with her mother. While it was interesting and unique it didn’t pull the same emotional weight as Devi or Fabiola’s storylines. I had a lot of questions regarding the plot. Why was her mother hiding from her? Was she ashamed? Why did Eleanor decide to give up acting when she finally was finally the lead? I know it’s because she didn’t want to be like her mother but by giving it up she became her mother.
Again, I just wanted more from her both in her character personality and in her storylines.
Favorite Pairing: Devi and Josh
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Like most teen shows, Never Have I Ever does have a love triangle but unlike most shows, this one doesn’t seem forced. You’re either Team Paxton or Team Ben and I am 100% Team Ben.
While Devi and Paxton are cute (if you can get past the fact that the actors are literally 10 years apart in age), but they’re nothing unique about them. The cool guy falling for the nerdy girl is a tried and true trope and Never Have I Ever doesn’t do much to make it fresh. Nemesis to lovers, on the other hand, is something I haven’t seen done in quite some time which is why I was so excited when the show decided to explore Devi and Ben’s relationship.
Ben and Devi just get each other, even if they don’t think they do. They’re both competitive and smart, they both deal with familial struggles, and they’re both desperate to figure out who they are so they can fit in. In fact, the one thing constant in these two lives is each other’s presence. Even in their most vulnerable moments, these two seek each other out because they know they’ll be real with each other.
I mean come on, Ben ends up at Devi’s house after being neglected by his family and his girlfriend and Devi literally moves into Ben’s house when she has nowhere else to go. Not only that, but Ben literally rallies Devi’s best friends because he knows they’ll be able to convince her to do the right thing.
When will your favs ever?!
I knew I was shipping them the entire season but what really sealed the deal was the fact that Ben stayed at the beach when he didn’t have to. He could have dropped Devi off and left which would have forced her to work things out with her mom or else she’s been stranded at the beach. instead, he chose to stay because he didn’t want Devi to be forced into any situation she didn’t want to.
In my eyes, there is no love triangle after that kiss!
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One of my biggest complaints regarding Never Have I Ever is that the series didn’t utilize it’s reoccurring characters as strongly as they should have. Obviously, the show is mainly about Devi and her struggles but that doesn’t mean that the other characters couldn’t share some of the action. There were several episodes where they were MIA completely. I would have loved to see Fabiola struggle to figure out the right way to tell her family that she is a lesbian. I would have loved to see Eleanor in action in the theater club and how her relationship with a crew member made that better or worse. I wanted to see more of Paxton and Rebecca’s relationship. I really really wanted to get to know Kamala better. It almost felt like Never Have I Ever was pulling a Twilight by having all these amazing secondary characters who didn’t get the time they deserved. I hope we get to see more of them in season 2!
Another complaint of mine was the arranged marriage storyline. While I’m not Indian and I can not speak to the culture at large, I personally felt like it was an outdated stereotype. For a show that’s so diverse and progressive, I felt they could have done something else with her character that was equally as entertaining and conflict inducing. Or, at the very least I would have wanted them to dig deeper into why she was being subjected to an arranged marriage. I guess what I’m saying is that I didn’t like that the storyline was played for laughs instead of actually digging deeper into it. It still could have funny elements but I wanted a deeper meaning out of it. Who knows, maybe that’s something that’ll happen in season 2.
Lastly, and this one is minor and has nothing to do with the writing, I was displeased with the fact that they cast two actors who are ten years apart to play romantic love interests. Look, I get it, when an actor is right for the part they’re right for the part but at some point, you have to be cautious of age. Maitreyi Ramakrishnan who plays Devi is only 18 and yet Darren Barnet who plays Paxton is 29. Maybe I’m too old but I just can’t ship a couple knowing that there is an age difference of 10 years! Ramakrishnan and Barnet are both amazing actors and they did an amazing job portraying their characters and I wouldn’t want them re-casted. I just would prefer it if they weren’t love interests.
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I haven’t loved a show so quickly and so deeply in a long time so it was refreshing to have that moment again while watching Never Have I Ever.
The humor and the dialogue was spot on from the beginning to the end. I literally laughed through every episode of the show not because I had to because I genuinely thought it was hilarious. From one-liners to entire conversations I seriously couldn’t believe how funny the show is. And it’s not just cringe humor nor is it purely physical humor. It’s not even just the humor that the dialogue nailed but also the serious and awkward moments. I cried through the entire final five minutes because of the dialogue leading up to that moment and the dialogue in the moment itself.
Never Have I Ever completely nailed the awkwardness of being a teenager in high school. I don’t know what exactly it was but watching the show immediately transported me back to my sophomore year of high school which is both a bad and a good thing. The friendships dynamics were spot on. I loved that they explored a friendship break in an authentic and positive way instead of it being a bigger moment than it needed to be. Had friendship breaks been acceptable when I was in high school I probably would have had more friends. Even the relationships were spot on — both romantic and familial. In fact, I really appreciated that Devi and her mother weren’t the perfect mother-daughter duo and that they both were still grieving Mohan’s death.
I absolutely love the show’s diverse characters. One thing I think was groundbreaking about the show is that none of their sexualities/races/ethnicities/religions specifically defined who they were. Devi wasn’t just an Indian-American character. Fabiola wasn’t just a lesbian. Eleanor wasn’t just Asian-American. Ben wasn’t just Jewish. Paxton wasn’t just Japanese-American. They were those things but they were teenagers first and foremost. Were there times I wished we got to know more of their backgrounds? Of course, but I also appreciated that it wasn’t the focal point of their characters or the story at large.
Finally, I did love that they gave Ben a stand-alone episode — even if it was my least favorite episode. It was refreshing to have a different point-of-view character and it helped keep the series fresh and entertaining as I binge-watched. I really hope they continue with this trend and that we get to see Ben have his own episode again but also that some of the other characters get there’s too. I’d love to see Kamala and Paxton get one to explore their characters more. Fabiola and Eleanor would also be interesting too. Even Devi’s mother would be interesting!
* * *
Overall, I did really love Never Have I Ever. I thought it was fun, fresh, diverse, and entertaining. I will definitely be rooting for the series to get a second season because I’m not done with these characters.
You can stream Never Have I Ever on Netflix.
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wrestlingisfake · 7 years
Survivor Series preview
Brock Lesnar vs. AJ Styles - Lesnar is the WWE universal champion, the top titleholder on Raw; Styles is the WWE world heavyweight champion, the top titleholder on Smackdown.  Neither title is at stake.  This started out with Jinder Mahal as world champion challenging Lesnar, but then Mahal lost his title to Styles and now has to watch from backstage.
The situation with Jinder almost overshadows this match, because he was WWE’s big project (to turn a total jobber into a dominant world champion and the face of their expansion into India), and now he’s not even booked for the biggest show of the fourth quarter.  The only real hook to this match when it was Brock vs. Jinder was that WWE was stubbornly determined to protect both guys over all objections, and suddenly that’s out the window.  It makes you wonder what’s going on behind the scenes, although the only story anyone has heard is that everybody just decided Styles and Lesnar would simply deliver a better performance.
I’m not really hyped to see this because I don’t expect Styles has a chance in hell of beating Lesnar, or even coming close.  All of Brock’s matches since Wrestlemania have been disappointing, and that was with the spectacle of seeing him fight guys big enough to bully him back.  Styles is barely a heavyweight, and although WWE could book a guy that small to be competitive against Brock, history suggests that they won’t.
Raw vs. Smackdown 10-man elimination tag team match - In keeping with Survivor Series tradition, the loser of each fall is eliminated and must go backstage while his partners continue without him.  The match can only end when one (or both) teams is completely eliminated.
The Raw side is:
Kurt Angle (team captain/Raw general manager)
Triple H
Finn Balor
Samoa Joe
Braun Strowman
The Smackdown side is:
Shane McMahon (team captain/Smackdown commissioner)
John Cena
Randy Orton
Shinsuke Nakamura
Bobby Roode
It’s a pretty stacked lineup, considering all the champions are booked in other matches. The Raw side has 28 world titles between them, while the Smackdown side has 35.  Several one-on-one combinations could be considered dream matches; some have already happened and been considered very good.
The main storyline heading into this has been the increasing pressure on Angle to defend Raw from Smackdown, as his boss (commissioner Stephanie McMahon) has returned to TV to chew him out.  At one point Kurt had assigned his (kayfabe) son Jason Jordan to the team, only for Stephanie’s husband Triple H to beat Jordan up and take the spot in a show of no confidence.  It’s been heavily implied that Angle will lose his spot as general manager if his team loses this match.
Last year’s version of this match lasted almost an hour, evidently to make avoid the problem of rapid eliminations making the wrestlers look unusually weak.  This year’s lineup would probably be protected at least as much, if not more.  It would be extremely weird if, say Samoa Joe got taken out after five minutes with a clothesline or something, and he’s probably the most expendable guy in the match.  So hopefully this’ll be an epic war, to pay off the hype surrounding a month of big “Raw and Smackdown brawl all over the building” angles.
I wouldn’t count on the match setting up and story beats for the future, although it’d make some sense if Jason Jordan got involved (possibly at his own side’s expense), or for something to raise tensions between Triple H and Kurt Angle.  John Cena is technically a free agent with no allegiance to either side, so that could factor in somehow.  WWE has done shockingly little with the Strowman vs. Kane feud since Strowman was crushed to death in a trash compactor, so I gotta figure Kane will run in to cause Braun’s elimination.
It’s genuinely hard to pick an outcome here, because of all the chaos that is assured.  You’d figure the team with Shane is at a serious disadvantage, but a few key disqualifications or count-outs could change that real quick.  All things being equal, if Angle is going to keep wrestling here and there to set up a Wrestlemania match, it’d make the most sense for him to have his hand raised at the end.
Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs. Big E & Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods - Roman, Seth, and Dean dominated WWE as the Shield from 2012 until their breakup in 2014.   Shortly thereafter, Kofi, Big E, and Xavier formed the New Day and quickly became the definitive trio in WWE.  Now the Shield are back on Raw, while the New Day is on Smackdown, and we’re doing a bunch of Raw/Smackdown fights.  So we get a dream match between the two biggest factions of 2010s WWE.
The match was set up by the New Day doing a distraction to cost Seth and Dean the Raw tag team title, which iced them out of the “tag champs vs. tag champs” match on this show and effectively freed them up for this.  Roman has just recently come back from some viral infection that kept him out of the planned Shield reunion last month, so this is a pretty decent make good.  It’s not the way I’d have wanted to set up this match, but I’m glad we’re getting it.
The Shield specializes in facing ad hoc trios that can’t match them in terms of teamwork and cooperation.  They’ve rarely faced a full-time trio that can truly match them at that game like the New Day.  On the other hand, the New Day specializes in two-on-two programs with the advantage of always having a third guy providing backup.  They haven’t dealt with their opponents finding reinforcements to even the odds as much as the Shield has, so a six-man tag against a well-oiled machine could give them trouble.  I’d like to see the psychology of the match demonstrate all this, but I’m not holding my breath.  I’ll settle for Dean trying to break Xavier’s trombone or something.
Since all the plans for the Shield reunion in October got shot to hell, it’d be absolutely insane for them to lose now.  That sucks because I’d prefer a scenario where either team could plausibly win, but the New Day can be as entertaining in defeat as they are in victory.
Alexa Bliss vs. Charlotte Flair - Bliss is the Raw women’s champion and Flair is the Smackdown women’s champion; neither title is on the line.  The match was originally announced as Alexa vs. Natalya until Charlotte dramatically won the Smackdown women’s title in her hometown and celebrated with her father (who is recovering from a health scare).  So Charlotte’s on a roll and she’s clearly a company favorite with friends in high places.  On the other hand, WWE has such a weird boner for Alexa so I think she’s just gonna win.
Raw vs. Smackdown 10-woman elimination tag team match - This is the second of two traditional Survivor Series matches.
The Raw side is:
Alicia Fox (team captain)
Nia Jax
Sasha Banks
The Smackdown side is:
Becky Lynch (team captain)
This amounts to “all the women on Raw but Mickie James and Dana Brooke” versus “all the women on Smackdown but Lana.”  (Theoretically Paige and Nikki Bella are still out there, somewhere, but I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for them to show up here.)
Historically, women’s Survivor Series matches have suffered from being too short, too sloppy, or too dull.  However, this is probably the strongest lineup WWE has ever booked, so they could probably give us a good match.  Whether WWE will let them do a good match remains to be seen.  I suspect this is going to get 15 minutes and half the falls are going to feel rushed and pointless.
The Raw side pretty much has to win, if only to preserve the mystique of Asuka’s win streak.  (If she’s counted out here, nobody will consider it a blemish on her record, but there’s no good reason to even go there.)  You’ll notice I’m picking Raw to sweep all the matches that actually matter.
Sheamus & Cesaro vs. Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso - Shesaro are the Raw tag team champions and the Usos are the Smackdown tag team champions; neither title is at stake.  Both teams have always been good and both seem to have turned it up a little lately, so maybe that’s why they switched this from Ambrose/Rollins vs. Usos a couple of weeks ago.  Smackdown really needs something to crow about so I’m thinking this match will be one of them.  Usos win.
The Miz vs. Baron Corbin - Miz is the intercontinental champion on Raw, and Corbin is the United States champion on Smackdown.  This isn’t for either title.  Both guys suck and their only skill is cutting internet message board promos that make their opponents look shitty.  So it’s a battle of two guys who suck at everything but making each other look like they suck even more.  Hell, Dave Meltzer called this his bathroom break match.  I may go to the bathroom and take a shower just to make sure I don’t accidentally come back in time to actually see any of this.  Fuck both guys.
Enzo Amore vs. Kalisto - Amore is defending the cruiserweight championship on the pre-show, in the only title fight on the entire card.  Kalisto has already beaten Amore and dropped the title back to him, so this is the rubber match.  I’m pretty sure we’re about to be done with this feud and Amore is moving on to the next challenger, so he should make short work of Kalisto.
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