#I’m obsessed with old men again 😔
aleksa-sims · 6 months
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RL Simself Story ( 18+)
Dilek & I took a break from studying. I was hungry, but Dilek didn’t want to eat my grandma’s pie. She was way too excited. Nico was coming by. And since I knew how dumb Dilek always acts when she sees Nico or Philip... I told her, I was going to get mad, if she starts drooling again or something.😒My cousin M. even hid in his room, bcs of her! He knew she's... crazy!! At my wedding he saw it himself, how obsessed Dilek is with certain.... tall men. Honestly, I don’t care!! As long as she doesn’t hit on my boyfriend, like she used to. 😠
And my Grams didn’t like my.... dress? Somehow she was not in a good mood.
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Dilek (to me): We could do something later? My parents think we’re just gonna study all day. That means, I don’t have to go home yet. I have an excuse to stay away a bit longer.
Me: You’re 21! Why do you put up with that?? I never listened to my parents when it came to my freedom.
Grams: That’s why you kept running away from home. And now you’re pregnant with Nico but still married to Daniel.🤨Not to mention your addiction!
Me: Agh, Nonna!.... Thanks for the nice reminder! 😬😒..Ho chiesto il divorzio! (I’m getting a divorce!)
Dilek (to me): You talking about me?
Me: It's NOT all about you! It's about Daniel. 😞
Grams: Where did you find that dress?
Me: It was in my closet! And I know it's my Mom's dress!
Dilek: A. was proud of herself, for fitting into her Mom’s dress. 😄
Me: Hey, my Mom used to tell me I was bit too fat. But as you can see, I fit into her dress! So, if I’m fat, so is she. 🤷‍♀️
Grams: Why do you think it’s your Mom’s?.... But-, agh! Whatever, please take it off, bella!
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Me: Nope!...... But honestly! Do you hate my Mom sm? Or why else would you mind me wearing her dress?
Grams: It's not your Mom's dress and I don't hate your mother, A.!
Me: But it was in Dad's room and I-... I remember this dress.
Grams: I doubt that, you were only 3 at the time. Maybe your Mom had a similar dress, but it’s mine! I-... I had a-... Agh, you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t wear it.😞
Me: Huuhh??? But I like it sm Nonna. 🙂
Grams: I’ll buy you a new dress!... Please Honey, listen to me. And you don’t need that old rag. I better get rid of this dress. 😟
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Grams: Oh! It rang!
Me: I will take off the dress, but I want to know WHY! And I don't need a new one. I like this one. 😔
Grams: Agh, bella... Go open the door for your boyfriend. Later we’ll talk about it.
Me: Ok...... I can't wait to see N.! And you Dilek!!! Mind your manners! 🤨
Dilek: I won’t say anything awkward! 😇
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Me: I missed you.
Nico: Wow babe, you look smokin' in that dress. Hm? It’s a bit dull, but on you, it looks damn hot! Tonight I have something.... special in mind for you. 😏
Me: What you mean?
Nico: It’s time to start your training.
Me: Ha? I’m not doing a workout with you.
Nico: Nah! Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing and you’re just gonna do, what I want. Trust me! You’ll love it... Love you.
Me: Okay? But hey, Dilek's here.
Nico: She's still here? 😕.... Agh, all right! But not too long, ok? I wanna be alone with you. And undisturbed!!
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Dilek: Heeyyy!..🤤🤤...
Me (to Dilek): Careful, you're drooling.
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Nico (to D.): C'mon. Say it!... You know what I want to hear.
Dilek: Number one!... So glad & nice to see you. I was hoping you’d come back.
Nico: Oh, I'm sure you do.
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Dilek: I kept telling A., Number two isn't good enough. He's handsome but not... you. I was always Team N.!
Me: Stop calling Philip number 2, hell. You promised Dilek.
Dilek: I won’t call Philip number two when he’s around!!! But he's not here! So who cares?
Nico: Be a good girl and go home, Dilek... Do it for me.
Dilek: Whatever you want! 😇
Nico: Thanks!... And now go! I’d hug you, but I don't want you to ..... faint.😏.... 😆
Dilek: I won't!... A.? May I?
Me: NO! Just go, D.! And be careful not to slip on your own slime trail. 🤨
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Dilek's SOOO stupid!!! She promised me not to call Philip number 2 anymore! She just can't stop with that shit! 😠
And Nico, I've seen through him! I know why he acted like this. It was kind of a... show for me. He wanted to show me what he wants or expects from me. He wants me, like Dilek, to say yes to everything he says, just to please him. This was nothing new to me, but still it makes me...... angry?🤷‍♀️ As if I have to suck up to him? Though I told him it was ok for me and I also knew that he did not mean this bad! He was alsways nice and sweet to me. Agh yea, anyway! I’ll explain it soon and also about my dress.
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aqueeracademic · 2 years
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt. 3:
season 1, episode 3, “Rocket”:
TW: one tab briefly mentions s*xual harassment, it doesn’t come up again.
- rockets are for SURE phallic imagery
- strange is always looking so fine i do not care
- the way jakes eyes RAN to morse as soon as everyone left the nick 😧
- these men all just hate Nora bc she’s a powerful ass lady i’m obsessed with her
- morse correcting people’s spelling is gay and i won’t elaborate
- all this just to pull a curtain off a rocket what was the actual point
- ^ ignore that i DO understand the point of this episode but like... come awn
- estella is also a big slay i love women in power
- jakes didn’t even have to look to know morse was standing there what kinda gay telepathy was that
- morse showing off what debryn has taught him about forensics 💪
- “oops,” jakes said with a smirk, looking morse up and down in a way that made his ears hot.
- ^prolly what the script said
- debryn only showing morse the pocket watch to give him a leg up on the case is smth that can be so personal 😔😔
- he UNDERSTANDS morse’s ambitions and he doesn’t want him to fall behind and i love him
- bright kicking morse out of the office is insane
- thursday simply doesn’t care about these people
- morse being violently uninterested in alice is gay.
- alice IS the loml tho i love her ✋🙄
- jakes staring alice down as he drags morse away from her 😧
- no need for all the hatred
- morse is embarrassingly incapable of keeping eye contact with jakes i can’t stand this man
- “i don’t mean to be disrespectful” and then promptly being suuuuuuper disrespectful is a niche i love
- “perhaps if you write my answers down you won’t need to repeat the question”
- i love this scientist
- why are alice’s pupils always HUGE
- like what r u smoking qween?
- strange asking morse what he makes of the case immediately is SO personal to me
- jakes flicking his cigarette towards the camera has me 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
- anyways.
- “i know the history, mr broom.” 😐
- why is he carrying the clip board upside down
- a drink to catch up 🤨
- jakes never fails to check morse out and i fully respect him for it 💪
- i wonder how jake’s actor’s lungs r holding up.
- the slouched position, legs crossed at the knees, relaxed ankle, hand on thigh, cigarette in hand, eyebrow raised... this man is GAY
- ^morse’s deductions on jakes
- bright being a dick because he’s stressed out beyond all help is valid and justified i don’t care
- nora is too powerful i’m obsessed with her
- “jakes said you know the secretary?”
- jakes goes to thursday w his crush on morse is all i’m getting from this
- i wish my hair looked like morse’s why is my hair stick straight
- i swear on my life this camera man does every single woman in this show DIRTY on their angles can he not get one flattering angle on any of these women
- morse’s face anytime a woman is being objectified is insane considering the books
- like sir YOU are the culprit
- morse and thursday always go STRAIGHT for the rich people and i love them for it
- you can’t convince me this man isn’t gay. morse cant even figure out that alice is fully in love with him. asks her out to drinks as an “old friend.” she tells him straight up she misses him and he’s like 🧐🧐🧐
- i just now put together that the rocket being phallic imagery is not a joke at all but a metaphor for the factory being run by men when the women are better and smarter but are being suppressed. the men constantly ignore the women despite their intelligence and, like the rocket, are powerful and important. even the fact that the princess attended the reveal of the rocket is looked over, focusing more on the arab prince and his relevance to the case. the fact that the factory is building a rocket is not coincidental at all, but rather a representation of what the problem is with the factory, which is the men in charge, hence that phallic image. in this essay i will-
- morse standing there for the argument after the accident is gay of him. he could have left he was just there for the drama
- “where would you like me, henry?” “under the sod.” “i was there, for 20 years.”
- “you deserve more.” “i doubt that.”
- i am him and he is me
- i am him and he is me
- i feel so bad for alice
- “are you still in love with her?” “i don’t know.” “then you are.”
- literally stop
- “maybe you could love me, too. just a little. a little would be enough.”
- there is not nearly enough morse/debryn interaction in this episode i hate it here
- no longer love the nazi scientist he is a nazi
- shots of morse consistently have jakes standing off his right shoulder and that means so much to me
- nora slays once again by forcing the old white man out of power
- morse just sits with his feet up on his desk, drinking scotch, listening to opera, and reading classics and i want nothing more than to be him
- morse sleeping with alice after all of that is BATSHIT INSANE of him can he not treat one (1) woman correctly
- ^ the answer is no
- “what are you doing saturday? singing?” why do u care jakes 🤨
- “tickets? plural? what’s this? your little friend?” are you jealous jakes 🧐
- my evidence for morse being gay in this episode is that he has 0 concept of how straight relationships work
- “you’ve changed your mind?”
- bro she wanted to fuck you was that not clear????? what’s wrong w you
- i fucking love women in power i am SICK OVER THIS
- thursday and morse solving cases by simply hanging out™️ is so personal to me
- how fucking cold is it in this factory? why can i literally see their breaths when they speak? surely that isn’t protocol like turn the heat up
- no matter how lonely morse gets thursday READS his ass and is there for him and i love them for that
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