#I’m pRACTICING OKAY side profiles not strong suit
coconut530 · 8 months
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Stephpotterdrawtober & 31 Days of Nevermore Day 23: Eyeless & Lover’s Leap
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malebellyworld · 1 year
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***This story is a little different than what I normally write about, meaning that it’s vore, specifically soft/safe vore with mpreg undertones, I don’t only write about weight gain fanfics just look at my profile description lol***
It was a normal day for Peter Parker; the usual monotony and drudgery from school can get to one’s psyche, and so the teen found himself swinging around New York looking for any possible crime going on. He was sat on the edge of a building when he heard a ear shattering blast coming down the street immediately followed by panicked screams and an alarm ringing above the chaos. As the smoke cleared, Peter could see a group of men getting into a van holding a box.
Peter swing down and landed on the roof the van with a loud bang, “Hi guys, whatcha got there?.”
“None of your damn business,” said one of the men.
Peter jumped off the roof and leaned against the van nonchalantly. “Well, it is if you guys are causing so much chaos, and from the looks of it, it looks like you guys must be taking something that isn’t yours.”
Another man leaned out the driver’s side window holding a gun. “Unless you want something bad to happen to you, I suggest you leave,”
Peter knew this type of tactic, and decided to play along by raising his hands. “Hey, I don’t want any trouble, I’m just”-
It happened way too quick for even Peter to comprehend. He couldn’t see, or even sense the man pulling the trigger, almost like he didn’t even pull a trigger at all. The next thing was an excruciating pain that made Peter cry out as he we shot with what looked like an emerald green shard, it had penetrated the suit and his stomach. He fell against the van and slid onto the ground as the van pulled off.
Peter groaned. “K-Karen, call Mr. Stark, I need help,”
Tony Stark was finishing a conference call with Japan for distribution for the newest model of the Stark Phone when he was alerted by Karen. He immediately jumped in his chair at the name of “spider-baby”. He did it as a joke, but the bond between the two was strong, it made Tony question whether or not Peter was the son figure he could practice on before he ever had kids of his own. He ended the meeting after giving the approval, immediately walking to his lab.
“FRIDAY call Peter,” he said as he walked down the hall.
“Right away sir,” the A.I. responded.
Tony could hear Peter’s strained coughing from the other end of the line. This caused him to panic as he began running into the lab.
“Kid, Peter what happened?.” Tony asked as he stepped onto a platform, holding his arms out before the suit was assembled on him.
“I was… shot, it hurts Mr. Stark,” the pain in his voice sucker punched Tony’s heart.
“It’s okay kid, I’ve got your location and I’m on my way over, no exceptions,” Tony said before flying off the building’s landing platform.
Lately Tony’s been feeling protective over Peter. At first, he was wanting to some distance away from being so attached to the boy. But after comparing the fact that that both Tony’s and Peter’s parents were dead helped put the first step toward creating the kind of pseudo father-son relationship they have. However, what the two don’t won’t say to one another, is that they both enjoyed being around each other.
After finding Peter hiding out behind a warehouse, Tony landed and immediately came out of the suit, running over to where he saw the boy laying next to a dumpster, his heartstrings being yanked at full force.
“Peter, it’s me, I’m here now, can you tell me what happened?.” Tony asked as he gently lifted the boy into his arms.
Peter coughed, “I was shot by someone,” he said and removed his hand to show the wound.
Tony cringed before quickly examining the small shard penetrating the skin.
“Look, I’m gonna take you back to the Tower, and I don’t want to hear another word about, understand?.”
Peter nodded weakly before Tony got back into his suit, carefully lifting Peter into his arms and smoothly flying above the city, keeping a firm hold of the boy close to his chest, uttering words of comfort to him as means of comfort to himself as well.
Tony landed back into the landing platform and made his way inside. “FRIDAY, tell Bruce to meet me in the medical floor right now,”
“Right away sir,”
“Everything’s gonna be okay, I’ll just get Bruce to look at you and see what we can do, okay?.” Tony asked as the robotic arms began taking off the suit of armor.
“Mr. Stark, I feel dizzy,” Peter mumbled.
“It’s gonna be okay, kid, just hold on,” Tony said, rushing into the elevator and pressing the button with a blue “H”.
“I-I don’t want to go,” Peter muttered. “I don’t want to die.” He glanced up at Tony with glistening brown eyes.
Tony’s heart was in a chokehold. “I promise, baby, everything will be alright, I’ll make sure of it.”
Peter furrowed his eyebrows. “Huh?.”
The elevator dinged just in time before Tony could give a great excuse. He jogged over to where he saw Bruce Banner waiting at the front desk in confusion.
“Hey, look we don’t have much time, so I need you to help me out with something really important,” Tony said, leaning towards Bruce to show Peter’s wound. “Like, right now.”
“Okay, let’s make this quick I gotta get back to the lab”-
Tony grabbed Bruce’s arm and dragged him along into the nearest empty bed. Peter groaned as he was sprawled out and felt the pain fully consume his body. He didn’t know what kind of bullet it was, but all he knew was that it was not like any other bullet. The pain felt similar to few times he experienced growing pains, each major joint in his body was in a pain that is tenfold compared to your typical growing pains, almost like his limbs were being pulled and pushed repeatedly.
After cutting off the suit, Bruce had further examined the shard-like object closely. “I’m gonna have him put under to help with the pain, and then I can remove it and stitch him up, of course he’s going to need a blood transfusion and some time to rest, but other than that he should be okay.” He stated.
Tony nodded as he petted Peter’s hair. He stayed by his side during the IV being put in, to being knocked out by the nitrous oxide, to seeing the shard getting pulled out, to seeing Bruce carefully stitch the wound, and to now sitting by the bedside holding the boy’s smaller hand in his.
He didn’t know if he should have alerted May Parker of the fact that her nephew nearly died, but also, he was worried about what her reaction might be if he did. Tony couldn’t help but ponder on the thought of his love for Peter was beginning to get stronger, and it scared the absolute hell out of him.
Tony stroked his fingers through Peter’s messy brown hair, leaning in and gently resting his chin on top of the boy’s head. He stayed that way, listening to the machines beep and looking at the way the boy’s chest rises and falls as his faint breathing could be heard. He knew full and well that there was soon no denying he loved this kid more than his own father ever loved him, and he was more than proud of that.
Bruce was running tests on that shard in the lab. Luckily there was blood samples that he could take and do further research on how it may affect Peter. He sat there staring into the microscope looking at the cells to see if any visible changes were being made, at first nothing seemed to be happening, just the same blood cells that he’s seen countless of times before. He looked away to only jot down the time and current state of the sample, but when he looked back, however, things had changed.
After trying to zoom in as best as he could the cells appeared to become smaller, almost to the point where he could hardly make them out. Bruce, puzzled by what was happening, lifted the slide from under the clips and studied how the sample smear had now become smaller and faint.
As he was writing down a few notes his phone ringing caused him to jolt in his chair. It was Tony.
“Bruce, I need you to get here right now,”
The severity in Tony’s voice made Bruce’s heart rate speed up.
“What happened, what’s wrong?.”
“Just get down here now!.”
Bruce pulled the phone away from his ear before hanging up and quickly running to the elevator, pressing the “H” button and waiting impatiently as the doors slowly opened. He did not know what the blood sample was indicating, but he had a feeling that it was something that was not good, and that it may already be having an affect on Peter.
Bruce rushed to where he could hear Tony panicking to the doctors and nurses. He could not see where Peter was, however. It was like the bed was empty, as though the web-slinging boy had escaped. Bruce rushed over to Tony - who was currently screaming in the face of a doctor. He grabbed his shoulders and turned him around, the billionaire held onto Bruce’s smaller frame for dear life.
“It’s the kid, he’s disappeared,” Tony panted.
“Okay, just take a deep breath, it’s gonna be fine, we’ll find him.” Bruce said as he rubbed Tony’s shoulders.
Tony shook his head . “No, you don’t understand, I was going to the restroom and when I came back, he wasn’t there anymore.”
“Didn’t any of the staff see him leave?.” Bruce questioned.
“No one saw him,” Tony said. “One second he’s there, and the next, he’s gone like Houdini.”
Bruce looked over to the bed to see the IV and needle for the blood transfusion had been pulled out. He noticed faint movement under the white sheets. Carefully, he lifted the covers and his eyes grew wider than the moon, wider than the sun. He leaned forward and peered down at an extremely small Peter Parker curled up against the white bed sheet.
“P-Peter?.” He mumbled.
The boy looked up at Bruce with squinted eyes before backing away in fear of the doctor’s size.
“No, it’s okay, I’m here to help you,” Bruce said in a soft voice. “I’m gonna take you somewhere safe, somewhere less noisy, okay?.”
He could barely make out Peter nodding. He gently laid his hand next to Peter, gesturing him to get on. The teen carefully crawled onto the calloused hand, his arms wrapped around tightly on the index finger. Bruce gently lifted his hand close to his chest, cupping another hand around Peter’s miniature form to shield him against the world.
Bruce leaned over to Tony’s ear, “Come with me to the lab,” he said pointing to his cupped hand.
Tony’s face contorted in confusion as he glanced at the scientist’s hand. The two snuck away from the confusion that was surrounding the bed, making it just in time as the elevator doors began to close. Bruce and Tony glance down to see Peter still gripping Bruce’s finger, his tiny face never looking up at the giant men. Tony delicately rubs his finger on Peter’s miniature back, earning a scared look from the tiny teen.
“Don’t be scared, Peter, we’ll find a way to fix this,” Tony gently stated.
Peter felt like burying himself in a hole. He felt so exposed and weak in Bruce’s gentle hold. His suit didn’t shrink with him, and so here he was nude in front of Dr. Banner and Tony Stark, two more people he admired most in his life, looking at him with so much pity.
Bruce made him a little nest out of a shirt he took from the closet to let Peter become more comfortable as he watched the two men.
“I think there was something in those ray guns he mentioned before,” Bruce stated as he held his head in his hands. “But it’s something I’ve heard, but never actually seen before.”
Peter lay there curled up in the fetal position. It was all too much, everything was happening so fast that he couldn’t even get the chance to register what was going on. He was finding it hard to breathe, his chest tightening more and more as he attempted to take a breath.
Tony leaned just a foot above Peter. “It’s gonna be okay, kiddo, I promise we’ll figure something out,”
Peter couldn’t speak, something in his mind did not allow him to form sentences or words. He was beyond scared, he was past the point of dysphoria, he was now in this state of catatonia and it was scaring Tony.
“So what exactly have you found in these samples so far?.” Tony asked.
“Well, apart from the size reduction, nothing else could be detected for now, but I’m sure that this will have to wear off soon.” Bruce stated as he was looked through the telescope.
Tony slouches down on the office chair with a loud sigh. He glances down at the nest on Bruce’s desk. Peter lays there nestled up in fear and exhaustion, his eyelids drooping as he struggles to fight off his sleep, his head drooping down as he goes deeper and deeper into sleep. His body finally goes lax, sinking further into the nest.
“I’m gonna go run some more tests, but he’s gonna have to stay here,” Bruce said and glanced down at Peter hugging onto the fabric of the shirt.
Tony nods. “I’ll watch over him, just find a way to fix all this,”
After Bruce leaves the room, Tony plops himself down on the chair in front of the desk. He leans over and rests his head on his arms, covering Peter’s form with the sleeve of the shirt nest. The tiny teen nestled further into the nest, resembling a newborn sleeping peacefully.
Tony groans before getting an empty coffee cup from the corner of the desk and filled it with tap water, taking a sip just before his phone started ringing. It was Pepper. Tony sighs before answering the phone.
“Yes, Pep?.”
“Where the hell are you? Did you forget that meeting with the Chinese marketing branch? Tony this is important-“
“Pep, I got a lot of problems over here-“
“Yeah, we’ll if you don’t get ever here, your problems are about to get worse,” Pepper said in a warning tone.
Tony sighed as he glanced down at Peter. “Look, I’ll be there in five minutes, how’s that?.”
“Just get here asap!.”
Tony sighed after Pepper hung up. He didn’t know what do to exactly, but what he does know is that he’s not letting Peter leave this room, nor is he leaving him alone with someone he doesn’t trust. Tony groaned before opening his phone and making a call.
“Hey, Steve, how you doing?.”
“Uh, I’m doing good, how about yourself?.”
“I’m fine. Uh, listen, I was just wondering if you weren’t busy at the moment, I have a big favor to ask you.” Tony anxiously pinched the bridge of his nose.
He could hear Steve sigh on the other end of the phone.
“What is it, Tony?.”
“You remember, Peter, right, underoos?.”
“Oh yeah, Queens, what’s wrong with him?.”
“Well, there was an accident with him, Bruce is in the lab running some tests, and I have Pepper calling me in for a super important business meeting and I have no one to watch the little guy.” Tony cringed as he finished his sentence, glancing down to thankfully see a resting Peter.
Steve sighed heavily. “Alright, but no tricks or pranks from the kid.”
“It’s done, but could you get here right now because I really have to go?.”
“Okay, okay.”
Tony sighed in relief. “Thank you, Stevie, I owe you one… I’ll have Happy pick you up from your place, bye.”
Carefully leaning towards Peter, just five inches away. “I’ll be back, just stay here and don’t go anywhere or touch anything,”
Tony then carefully tucked the boy in before quietly exiting the room. Not even two minutes later, the teen was wide awake. Peter scanned the room thoroughly, part of a sleep draped over his frame as he sat there in deafening silence. He curled in further as he remembered everything that had happened, shivering in pure fear at the thought of being so feeble in front of his idols.
Peter smacked his lips and cringed at how dry his mouth had become. He threw off the sleeve with a huff, examining the once more before crawling out of the large bundle, glancing over at the coffee cup Tony had poured his water in. With determination, Peter ran as fast as his tiny legs could let him.
He looked up at giant cup and then at his hands. If he could climb walls with his suit, then he should be able to climb anything without it. Peter rubbed his hands together before he pressed his hand on the wall of the cup, only for it to not stick. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried his other hand, but that one wasn’t sticking to the cup either.
‘Did my powers go away too?.’ Peter thought.
Peter huffed again before climbing onto the bottom half of the handle. It was just like climbing the rope in gym class, except he was almost microscopic and naked, but with determination Peter hauled himself up the handle until he reached the top.
Peering down into the void that was the half empty mug, Peter frown at the lack of water, thinking that if he could just carefully slide down the inner wall of the mug, he just might…
He lost his footing, falling headfirst into the shallow pool, not only knocking the wind out of him as he lay there in what felt like three feet of water, but knocking him out in total.
And by the time Steve walked into the room, there was no trace of Peter whatsoever. The soldier looked around, calling out for the teen, but was met with no response.
‘Maybe he’s in the bathroom…’ Steve thought.
Steve glanced over at the closed door to the restroom, he sighed, opting not to talk to the boy as he was doing his business. So he sat there on the edge of Bruce’s bed and waited, and waited.
He waited until he curiosity got the best of him, and Steve gently knocked on the door.
A beat, no response.
Steve knocked a little louder. “Peter, it’s me, Steve - Captain America? I came here to watch you while Tony was gone, he had to go to a meeting… are you okay?.”
A beat, and no response.
Carefully, Steve opened the door and walked in to see no one in there. He sighed again.
‘Maybe he went to get something to eat?.’ Steve thought.
Confused, Steve sat on the chair in front of the desk. At least there was a great view of the city, something Steve came to appreciate more now that it had been nearly eleven years since he’d been thawed from the ice, just to see the promised innovations come to fruition.
Five minutes go by and Steve could feel his mouth becoming parched. He grabbed the mug, feeling it’s emptiness, before going into the bathroom and filling the mug from the tap. Completely unaware of what the contents lay in the mug, he fills it nearly to the brim before taking a large swig.
Peter remained unconscious throughout it all. The contracting muscles in Steve’s throat were not enough to wake up the boy. The soldier grimaced as he swallowed another sip of water, much harder this time as to ease the slight itch in his throat. Peter slid further down the man’s gullet, falling deeper into the pit of his stomach, landing against the soft inner walls.
But as he made contact with the small puddle of stomach acid, the acid in the small area around him glowed a vibrant neon yellow, before completely fading away. Peter still laid there unharmed, but still unconscious.
Steve laid a hand on his stomach, groaning at the burning sensation building up his throat. He began gagging, leaning over the toilet as a small amount of bile left his body. He groaned as he hugged the bowl, another pang of nausea washed over him before puking up more bile.
Peter woke up in confusion. The place was dark, but warm and muggy, like a sauna. He felt the walls around him vibrate and violently contract, nearly squeezing him and trapping him.
He could hear a loud pounding noise in the distance above him. It was fast whenever the walls around him contracted, but as soon as they expanded, the loud thumping sound would become slower. Another sound that caught him off guard, was the sound of someone talking.
At first it sounded muffled, like the person had been speaking to him underwater, yet it sounded as though they were right in front of him. Peter stood up before slipping and landing on the soft surface, he tried again, this time crawling on his hands and knees as he navigated through the darkness.
Steve laid a hand over his stomach, feeling an odd sensation that he never felt before. He glanced down and noticed that it was slightly bloated. He caressed it before giving it a firm slap.
Peter was then knocked over by something hard hitting the wall, causing the small space he was in to become an earthquake simulation. He held his aching head as he walked over to the wall, giving it a slight kick. Curious, Peter kicked it again, this time with much more strength.
Steve stopped dead in his tracks as he looked down at his stomach. “What the…?.”
He lifted his shirt and poked his stomach.
Peter response to this was a faint push from his hands.
Steve’s eyes went wide.
Tony had sent a message to Bruce about Steve, but he couldn’t answer because his phone was on silent and his attention was drawn more towards the sample he kept running tests on and kept looking under a microscope. In the first hour, there were no visible changes, but when he came back after five minutes, something else was happening.
The cells from Peter’s blood began to grow, but only when they were introduced to a source of heat. Bruce then tried leaving a small portion of the sample in a fridge, and this only concludes that when left in the cold, the cells shrink further to the point of disappearing entirely.
The scientist’s eyes grew wide in shock as before he pulled out his phone and was immediately met with Steve’s caller ID.
“Hello, Steve?.”
Steve sounded scared over the other end of the phone.
“Bruce, something’s wrong with me,”
“W-what’s happening?.”
“I don’t know, but I think I’ve got some kind of stomach bug, I’m not sure but this isn’t like a regular stomach virus… I can feel it moving,”
“Moving? Where are you?.”
“Tony asked me to watch Peter, he said he wasn’t feeling to well, but when I got here I couldn’t find him, I thought maybe he went to go get something to eat?.”
“What exactly did you do when you walked into my room?.”
“I waited for Peter to come, and then I got some water in one of your mugs and drank that, and the next thing I know it feels like there’s something inside me,”
Bruce took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Okay, I’ll be down there in a minute, just sit down and don’t do anything,” he said before hanging up.
Bruce bolted into action, going over to grab an ultrasound monitor along with a doppler, some gel, and a stethoscope and putting it all in his bag.
The ride in the elevator felt longer than usual. Perhaps it was his anxiety making time feel slower, that usually happens whenever it comes to an emergency. He bit his bottom lip as the numbers climbed up, before finally reaching floor. He rushed passed anyone in his way, his white coat flowing behind as he dashed all the way down the hall where he slammed open his door.
Steve jumped at the sound. Peter could hear it faintly, but he still flinched at the noise which sounded like that of a muffled gunshot. Steve’s hand landed over his stomach as he too felt the jolt inside, letting out a gasp, looking down at his stomach in fear.
“I came as fast as I could, what’s wrong?.” Bruce asked, setting down his bag on the desk, he looked at the bundle to find that Peter wasn’t there.
“Oh my god,” he mumbled in shock, turning back to face Steve. “Okay, when you said your stomach started to feel weird, that was after you drank water from the mug right?.”
Steve’s face twisted in confusion. “Yeah… wait, Bruce this isn’t making any sense, why does it matter that I drank from the mug, are you sick or something?.” He asked.
Bruce slipped on the stethoscope. “I’m gonna need you to lift your shirt up and lay down on the bed for me,”
“Bruce this doesn’t make any sense-“
Not wanting for Hulk to make an appearance, Bruce took a deep breath before slowly exhaling. “Steve, please just do as I say,”
Steve sighed before lifting up his shirt. His stomach had looked a bit bloated as he laid down on the bed. Bruce carefully placed the bell of the stethoscope over the pale skin of the soldier’s chest, his heart rate was normal, so that was a good sign. Hesitantly, Bruce moved the bell over on Steve’s stomach. The man froze with fear when he began to make out a distinct but faint thump thump thump along with muffled whimpers.
Bruce ripped off the stethoscope and went over to take out the ultrasound monitor along with the gel.
“What’s that?.” Steve asked
“It’s an ultrasound, I’m gonna see what exactly is happening in there,” Bruce weakly explained.
“B-But isn’t that for pregnant women?.” Steve asked nervously.
“Yes but it can be used for other things,” Bruce then took off the cap for the gel. “This might feel cold at first,” he warned before squirting the blue gel over his stomach.
Steve sucked in a breath of air as Bruce began moving the wand over his stomach. A small speck materialized in the black and white grainy screen. Bruce’s eyes blew wide open as he pressed the wand further onto Steve’s stomach. The speck then started to take form of a certain small boy curled up in a fetal position. Steve yelped as he felt another jolt in his stomach. Bruce yanked the wand away when he saw an arm push and the walls of the stomach.
“Okay, what the hell was that?!.” Steve asked.
Bruce licked his lips. “I know this is going to sound strange, but you’re not sick; from what I could guess, when you drank from the cup, you drank something else too.”
“Like what?.” Steve asked, whipping off the gel with the tissues on the nightstand.
“Well, the reason why Tony wanted you to look after Peter was because he was hit by something that caused him to shrink, and my best guess is that Peter woke up and wanted to see if there was something to drink in the mug, but he must’ve slipped in and you didn’t notice he was in there, so now Peter’s…”
Bruce gestured over to Steve’s stomach.
Steve’s glanced down, sighing heavily as he laid his hand on his stomach. “Okay, so how are we gonna get him out?.”
“Well, the thing is, I’ve been doing some tests on a blood sample I took from Peter. From what I could conclude, the only way for Peter to grow back to his normal size is if his blood is introduced to a source of heat.”
“Then that means…” Steve looked down at his stomach again. “Oh god, Bruce you have to do something!.”
“It’s going to be okay, just don’t panic, it’ll stress Peter out and he could easily go into cardiac arrest, just stay here and I’ll try to get Tony, okay?.”
Steve nodded, slouching back down in bed, his hand never leaving his stomach. “Um… Peter, I don’t know if you can hear me or not, but everything’s gonna be fine, just stay calm.”
Pete could this, and responded with a small push.
Steve gasped. “It’s me, Steve, Captain America, I promise everything’s gonna be okay Bruce is gonna find a way to get us out of this.”
Peter licked his lips. “O-Okay,” he called out to the dark space.
Steve shuddered as he not only heard Peter’s voice, but felt it reverberate in his stomach. He rubbed his stomach gently in the hopes of keeping the boy (and himself) calm. Out of all the things he had encountered, this was the most strangest, but somehow touching things Steve has been through.
Just as Peter was about to try and get comfortable, his body began to ache, like the growing pains he experienced before when he was thirteen and at the beginning of puberty. And then, the space around him felt slightly less spacious than before.
Steve could feel his stomach starting to feel full, and his mind tried to ignore the fact that this was, indeed, the start of many growth spurts.
Nearly an hour had passed, and Steve was beginning to show. He looked as if he’d binge ate and could feel the pressure buildup. Peter tried his best not to move around as much, but with the space becoming tighter and smaller he had no other choice but just to stay in the same curled position for the first hour. Steve would often talk to him, to try and help lighten the situation, his hand never leaving his stomach.
“Uh, Captain, Mr. Rogers?.” Peter asked in a hushed tone.
“Yeah?.” Steve asked, his gaze never left his stomach either.
“If Dr. Banner and Mr. Stark can’t get me out of here, and if anything happens to you, I just wanted you to know that I’m sorry this had to happen to you.”
Steve could feel a pang of empathy, along with something he couldn’t describe, punch his heart harder than any man who tried to swing at him before. He laid both hands on the bulge in his stomach, hugging onto it, hugging Peter.
“You don’t have to apologize for anything, you’re a victim here, and I promise nothing would happen didn’t I?.”
“Yeah…” Peter’s voice faltered. “I’m just… scared,”
Steve could feel him sobbing and his breathing uneven. His heart was now on full empathy, comfort and care mode.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s gonna be okay, shh…” Steve rubbed his stomach tenderly.
Peter could feel this, his back was being soothed by the gentle pressure Steve was applying. He decided that it would probably freak Steve out if he saw Peter’s facial features pressed up underneath his skin, so he had kept his back facing the outside of his stomach, and his body facing inwards, almost like he was hugging onto to him inside.
The next thing he knew, Steve was humming a tune. His tone rumbled all around him, encasing him in the sweet melody. Peter recognized the song as soon as Steve muttered the lyrics. It was “In The Mood” by Glen Miller.
Aunt May told him that his parents danced to this song on the night of their wedding, so listening to this made him feel relaxed as he nestled into the warmth. Another surge of pain rattled his body, and soon enough the space began to feel tighter, but the pain was more unbearable than the compact feeling.
Steve stifled a groan as another growth spurt started. His stomach ached and grumbled with pain as the content inside grew in size. He glanced down to see his stomach was in the beginning stages of looking like he was in his first trimester, a beach ball size was capable in no less than an hour. With nothing else to think of, Steve held and rubbed his stomach as he continued to sing and hum the song, hoping that Peter wouldn’t start freaking out.
“Uh, Mr. Rogers…?.”
“I know, just try not to move so much,” Steve grunted as he sat up, leaning against the pillows he propped up against the headboard, he sighed with relief. “There we go, I was starting to have some trouble breathing, not that any of it’s your fault, it’s not.”
Peter sighed at the new position he was in. He was now sitting rather than laying, but he could feel himself sliding down in the tight space, he could also hear Steve moan in relief as his stomach dropped, his hands cradling his newly formed and small belly.
“That’s much better, thank you, Mr. Rogers,”
Steve chuckled. “Call me Steve,”
“We’re on a first name basis?.” Peter looked up.
“Well, given the situation we’re in, I think it’s safe to say that we’re good in knowing almost every aspect of our lives,” Steve laughed, holding his little belly as he did.
The laugh made the space around Peter become cramped, but in a way that felt like a hug. It also felt like he was being lifted into the air, like how uncle Ben did to him when he was younger. Peter giggled at this, relishing in this moment of joy that he hadn’t genuinely felt in a long time.
Peter groaned as another sharp pain shot through his body and the space was now becoming a bit tighter.
Steve held onto his belly as it grew three sizes, moaning at how big he was getting. His shirt was beginning to lift up, revealing a sliver of pale skin, he held it close as he continued to grow.
A loud and sharp ping echoed throughout the room. Steve reached down and felt his pants had been unbuttoned on their own, the button was no longer there, and the zipper was being pushed down by the now beach ball-sized belly. His shirt rode all the way up to his robust pecks, showing off his now pregnant-looking belly to the world.
Peter looked up. “A-Are you okay, Mr. Rogers?.”
Steve inhaled heavily, trying to get used to the newfound pressure that had been building up. He rubbed his belly, looking down to see a more distinct outline of Peter’s body compacted into the small space. Steve cradled his belly close, rubbing small circles on Peter’s back.
Steve took in a quick breath of air. “I’m okay buddy, just stay calm, I’m sure Bruce and Tony are on their way,”
A beat of silence filled the room again.
“Did you want to become Captain America?.” Peter asked hesitantly.
Steve furrowed his eyebrows. “What?.”
“When you became Captain America, did you want to do it, be a superhero?.”
Steve’s mind went blank for a moment; he never got that question before.
“I mean, I wasn’t meant become a superhero, I was just a soldier doing his job. But sometimes I think of what life would’ve been like without the serum, without being frozen.” Steve said, arms still wrapped securely around his belly.
“I know you wanted to go back to the 40s, to be with Peggy Carter, but how come you stayed here?.” Peter asked.
Steve sighed heavily, the muffled woosh of air echoed above Peter.
“I stayed because I have everyone here,” Steve said. “Natasha, Tony, Sam, and Bucky… and now you.”
Peter smiled warmly before nestling further in. “Thank you, Steve,”
Steve smiled as he felt Peter move and rubbed his belly. “You’re welcome buddy,”
The pair laid there in the newfound bliss. Steve rubbed his belly until Peter began nodding off to sleep.
Just outside the door, Tony and Bruce watched the scene play out. Tony had pulled his phone out and recorded a video of Steve smiling at his stomach as he stroke it. He was usually his sarcastic and stand-off-ish self, but something about watching the moment made Tony smile to himself, something paternal radiating inside him like rays coming off the sun.
Bruce opened the door and walked in with a box of supplies. Steve didn’t take his gaze off the box.
“So how’s the father-to-be doing?.” Tony joked.
Steve rolled his eyes before putting a finger to his lips. “He just fell asleep,”
“How’s he doing?.” Bruce asked, taking out his stethoscope and laying it on Steve’s belly where he saw Peter’s back.
“He’s okay, he’s just really scared, I’ve been comforting him,”
“I think after this he’ll be way closer to you than he is now,” Tony smiled, gently rubbing in stretch-mark lotion onto Steve’s lower belly.
The super soldier moaned in delight. “Thanks, Tony,”
“No problem, Stevie,”
Bruce takes off the stethoscope from his ears. “Thankfully his breathing’s okay, his heartbeat is normal too, but I don’t think the growth spurts are going to stop, when was the last one?.”
“About a minute ago-“ Steve groaned again, holding his belly as it started growing again.
Tony held Steve’s hand as he watched this, his other hand still resting on the bottom half of the belly.
“Just breathe in your nose slowly and out your mouth,” Bruce instructed.
Steve nodded and took deep breaths.
Judging from the size his belly was, Peter was close to his full body size, and Tony began to worry.
“Okay Bruce, what’s the plan?.” The billionaire asked.
Bruce sighed as he sat down on the edge of the bed. “So, since Peter’s already late in this stage of his regrowth process, our options are that we basically freeze you both and Peter shrink down in size again, or we surgically remove him, or - and this is just a theory - but we freeze you just until Peter could be moved lower and lower until you could practically “deliver” him.”
Steve sighed heavily, rubbing the side of his belly. “What happens if I get him surgically removed at this size?.”
Bruce sighed. “Well, the odds of you recovering are slim, if anything the chances of you even surviving this are extremely thin given the situation,”
Tony threw his hands in the air. “So why recommend it to begin with?!.”
“Tony be quiet you’ll wake up Peter!.” Steve whisper-yelled.
The boy in his belly shifted, rubbing his eyes with the palm of his hand. “Steve?.”
“It’s okay Peter, Tony and Bruce are here,” Steve spoke in voice so gentle, Tony thought he was listening to a different person.
“Mr. Stark?.” Peter spoke weakly.
Tony leaned over to Steve’s side. “I’m here, kiddo. How are you holding up in there?.”
“I’m fine, I’m just nervous,” Peter said in a stuttered voice.
“Don’t be, I’m here and Bruce is gonna make sure nothing happens to you or Steve,” Tony said reassuringly.
“How?.” Peter asked.
Steve sighed and held his belly close. “Well, they’re going to find a way to shrink you down a little, and then they’ll get you out from there,”
“But how?.”
“Well, if I get a surgery done, then that’ll be more complicated for me because you’re still in my stomach, and that’ll be harder to do since we don’t have all the things ready. But there’s also another option that we could get you out at this size, but I don’t think that’ll be any better. Then there’s another option, and probably one that I’m going for, are you ready to hear it?.” Steve asked.
Steve sighed heavily. “We can shrink down to a certain size, and then I’d basically… push… you out,”
The room stayed quiet as they all cringed at the thought.
“Won’t I get hurt? Like digested?.” Peter asked.
“I mean you’re still alive, by now you’d be dead from the stomach acids dissolving away your muscles-“
Steve kicked Bruce’s leg, giving him a warning glare as he rubbed his belly.
“There aren’t any acids from what I could tell, I can’t feel any liquid around me,” Peter explained.
“Well that’s good,” Tony said. “So he should be okay making it through to the end, right?.”
“I mean, since there’s no acids digesting him to waste, I think it’s safe for us to go down that route… Steve, Peter what do you guys think?.” Bruce asked.
“Just as long as none of us die, it’s good to me,” Peter called out from within.
Steve pulled his belly closer and nodded. “Okay, let’s do it,”
It took nearly three hours to shrink Peter down to the size of an apple. Steve lay there shivering in the thirty bags of ice Tony had FRIDAY order. He had stripped down to nothing before being lowered in, gripping onto the sides of the tub as Bruce covered his belly with ice, even going so far as to turning on the cold water to fully envelope his large body. Tony had made sure a stack of warm towels lay close by, along with a bath robe for Steve.
Steve moaned as Tony and Bruce tried helping Peter move into the right position. His head pointing downwards so he could find the pyloric sphincter.
“You should feel it getting tighter, like entering a small tunnel,” Bruce called out.
“I can feel it!.” Peter said.
Steve moaned. “He found it, good job, buddy,”
“Okay, Peter, this is where it’ll get tricky, but just keep following to where the tunnel will lead you.” Bruce instructed.
Tony held Steve’s hand in his. “How do you feel?.”
“Like a baseball is falling down my body,” Steve muttered.
“Don’t worry, this is just the beginning,”
“Why do I feel like this is some elaborate set-up to make it look like I’m giving birth?.” Steve asked.
Tony smirked. “Do you honestly think I’d make you and the kid suffer like this?.”
“No, but this outcome feels a whole lot like degrading me,”
“I just don’t want anything to happen to you or the kid, I can’t risk losing anyone else,” Tony said in a sincere tone.
Steve smiled softly, squeezing Tony’s hand as he felt Peter move further down. “When he’s out he’s gonna need a heat source, let me hold him afterwards, okay?.”
“Of course,”
Steve groaned again, putting Tony’s hand in the worse death grip he ever had in his entire life.
Bruce could feel Peter was getting closer to the lower intestine. “Pretty soon you’re gonna have to start pushing, and whenever that happens it feel like you to-”
“I get it, Bruce,” Steve said.
Bruce nodded, grabbing a jar of Vaseline. “This will be needed too,”
Steve cringed and could feel Peter getting lower and lower.
‘This isn’t his fault, this isn’t his fault, he’s just as much of a victim as you are…’ Steve thought.
“Oh god!.” Steve howled.
“What’s wrong?.” Tony asked in a concerned voice.
“He’s grown a little, he does feel so small like he used to,” Steve groaned again.
“Let’s just give him some leeway,” Bruce said, before massaging Steve’s lower bloated torso.
The super solid moaned in pleasure as he felt Peter’s form gliding further down. His eyes bulged when he felt the feeling.
“Okay, I think it’s time,” Steve said lifting his legs it of the partially melted ice.
“I don’t know how this will work… I can’t really feel his head, so I suggest you gently push just to get him closer, when you feel a… burning sensation… that’s when you would start pushing, but don’t push too hard or too long, he might suffocate.”
Steve nodded before pushing down. He could a lump going further down, groaning in pain. He took short rapid breaths before bearing his teeth and giving another slight push. With the help of his body trying to get its occupant out, and Peter shimmying his way closer and closer to Steve’s hole, a pain like none other had ignited in him.
“Oh god, I can feel it coming!.” Steve said with tears flowing down his face.
Tony held both of Steve’s hands as Bruce began to lube his hole.
“Alright, Steve I’m gonna need you to give me a big push when I count to ten, alright?.”
Steve nodded getting his body ready.
“Okay… 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 relax.”
Steve let out a huge gasp as he gripped Tony’s hand.
“His head’s almost out, just two more big pushes and he should be out,” Bruce explained.
Steve groaned again as he could feel another growth spurt. He took a deep breath, pressing his chin to his chest as he started pushing again.
Bruce gently pulled Peter’s head out. “His head is out, we just need to get passed the shoulders,”
“You’re doing good, Steve,” Tony wiped the sweat off Steve’s forehead.
Steve took in another deep breath and pushed, grunting and grinding teeth.
“I got one shoulder, just another push,”
Steve pushed harder, tears seeping out from his clenched eyes.
“Okay, you’ve passed the shoulders, just one more big push and it’s over,” Bruce said.
Steve inhaled, his chest rising, and heaved with all his strength, a vein coming out in his forehead.
And suddenly, with a giant sigh of relief, Steve fell against the tub, his flushed red skin slowly going back to its normal hue.
Bruce immediately lifted a pineapple-size Peter out from the water. Tony scrambled to get him a towel wrapping as much as he could around the small boy. Bruce gently pried his finger into the boy’s mouth to induce his gag reflex. Peter began to gag and cough, spitting out whatever fluid he had in him, the burn of fresh air stung his lungs, causing him to wheeze as he inhaled.
“Is he okay?.” Steve asked weakly.
Tony nodded and brought the boy close to show Steve.
Steve gently brushed his finger over the small face. “Help me up,”
“Are you sure you should stand after that?.” Tony asked.
“I want to hold him, he needs to get warm and so do I… get me the robe and some towels,” Steve gruffly instructed.
Bruce and Tony shared a look before nodding. Bruce gently lifted Steve out of the tub, wrapping him in a towel to quickly dry him off before offering him the blue bath robe. The pair shuffled carefully over to the bed, pulling off the covers and allowing Steve to lay down, with Tony following closely behind as he cradles Peter.
Bruce went over to the closet. “I have an electric heating blanket, this should help,” he said, plugging in the blanket and setting it at a high temperature.
Steve opened his arms out. “Lay him on my chest,”
Tony gives a quick nod before setting Peter down on the blonde’s broad chest. Steve wraps his arms around Peter, finally hugging him and listening to his little whimpers as he shivered in his embrace. Bruce laid the blanket over them, with the top of Peter’s head peeping out near the edge. Steve rubbed his little back as he laid there in peace, the weight of the boy was becoming heavier as he began to slowly grow back to his normal height.
Tony knelt beside the bed as he watched the pair. His eyes stung with tears threatening to spill. Bruce sat down on the chair near the desk, watching the scene play out like a cheesy rom-com.
Peter shifted, his doe eyes looking up at Steve. “S-Steve…?.”
“It’s okay, Peter, you’re safe now,” Steve said, resting his cheek on the boy’s head.
Peter looked up to see Tony with watery eyes. “Mr. Stark?.”
“You gave us a scare back there kid,” Tony said, petting the wet locks of brown hair.
“I’m sorry about-“
“Don’t even start, this wasn’t your fault,” Tony said.
“Just as long as you’re okay, that’s all that matters,” Steve said softly.
Peter let out a yawn before resting his head right above Steve’s heart. His eyelids dropped lower and lower as he heard Steve’s comforting heartbeat.
“Rest up, kiddo, you too Cap… you two deserve it,” Tony said, tucking in the blankets
He and Bruce exchanged looks before leaving the room, taking one last glance as Steve drifted to sleep, holding Peter tightly to his body. Tony took one last picture, smiling to himself before closing the door.
“He should get back to his normal size in an hour or so,” Bruce said.
“Mhm,” Tony hummed.
“So, what do you think about Steve replacing you as Peter’s father figure?.” Bruce joked.
Tony scoffs. “Please, if anything Steve’s become more of a mommy than a daddy,” he quipped. “If anything those two will be like peas in a pod, all cozy in their solitude.”
***author’s note***
Ok so I know that a lot of people may not be into vore (or in this case mpreg with the undertones), however I won’t just stick to one topic that involves my favorite fictional men and giving them a gorgeous belly. If you did happen to enjoy this, feel free to leave a comment or some suggestions for new ideas, like? reblog? idk
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