#I’m pretty sure someone doesn’t like me bc of my depression rut on here and for so long I felt so bad about it
crybaby-bkg · 1 year
it is so so so so soooo hard to unlearn that a problem not communicated directly to you shouldn’t affect your wellbeing and you can’t keep beating yourself up about something not being told to you!!!!!!!!????????? terrible thing to have to come to terms with. I hate it. (it’s helped so much of my anxiety when it comes to relationships with people.)
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dcrbyalbright · 4 years
What! Is! Up! Hullo all, I’m Olive, here to introduce myself and my trash can girl. I’m 23 and I live in Boston but rn with this damn global pandemic I’m staying with my parents! Something you need to know about me: typos are my brand. I will absolutely fuck up every sentence I ever write in this rp and you just gotta accept that. I like craft beers and reading trashy memoirs and.... idk! Gonna drop the intro before I ramble too much. Kisses!
(NICOLA PELTZ, CIS FEMALE) - Have you seen FREYA ADLER? FREY is in HER JUNIOR year. The THEATRE MAJOR is 21 years old & is a LEO. People say SHE is GREGARIOUS, CHARMING, SECRETIVE and CHILDISH. Rumors say they’re a member of KINCAID SOCIETY. I heard from the gossip blog that SHE SLEPT WITH A PROFESSOR TO PAY HER RENT LAST YEAR. - (OLIVE. 23. EST. SHE/HER.)
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21 years old!! From NY!
Her parents were wannabe hippies who missed the days of the 60’s. In their twenties, they met riding around on a bus through all of America, living on the vinyl seats and smoking weed as they traveled
Freya was an accidental pregnancy and so they left the bus life and moved in with her maternal grandparents, got part time jobs and eventually moved to a small apartment on their own
They never wanted to be parents and never saw themselves living a typical lifestyle, so Freya got the message pretty early on that she wasn’t wanted. They were never unkind or abusive, just generally uninterested in their daughter. She was like an awkward antique coffee table from your relatives, something that you aren’t quite sure what to do with but know you can never get rid of
Like seriously she might as well have been a piece of furniture to them. They spent most of her childhood in the basement smoking weed and playing The Grateful Dead while she cooked herself meals of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Her dad worked as a party clown and her mom was a bus driver so she got picked on a lot in school ghgfdsdfg
Has an intense and burning desire to be loved because she never got it from them!! She made up for her lack of love by throwing it in any direction she could. She’s always been pretty popular at school because she’s kind to everyone and has an ability to make anyone feel comfortable around her
She found in school that she has a fantastic talent for anything artistic. Painting, sculpture, photography, she does it all. Also plays guitar and piano!!
When she was 13 her parents accidentally got pregnant again and gave birth to her little brother Alistair, called Ali for short.
Her parents actually tried to be good parents for Ali which?? Pissed her OFF!! Like, they went to every parent teacher conference, nurtured him, were just AROUND which was heartbreaking for Freya to watch
She wanted to hate Ali just bc of this but she really couldn’t… there was something special about him and he was incredibly smart. Started reading at age two, and was a mathematical prodigy in the way that his older sister was an artistic prodigy. By age four Freya and Ali were having intense intellectual debates and she just found him incredibly fascinating, as well as kind
Loved her little brother to pieces!! When she got her driving license she volunteered to drop him off at primary school every day and they rocked out together to all her favorite songs and she taught him the words to David Bowie’s Heroes
But then the accident happened, and Freya’s life was upended. Ali was kneeling down in her parent’s driveway, out of sight as their mother was backing up and leaving the house. She hit Ali and his lung was punctured by a rib. He was rushed to the hospital but he didn’t make it.
The family split after that like a dropped snowglobe, the emotional shards of Ali’s death exploding in its wake. Her father left, unable to even hold their mother’s hand during the funeral. He blamed her for Ali’s death even though it was an accident.
Freya’s mother fell into a deep depression that she’s never shaken. Her grandparents moved Freya and her mom back into their mom, and her grandparents are now the full-time caretakers for Freya’s mother. She wanders around most days in a drugged haze clutching Ali’s baby blanket with a bathrobe on.
As soon as she could, Freya got out of the house. She applied to Northshore, packed her bags and got out. She still doesn’t like to talk about her family
Umm despite the tragedy she’s remained a really kind, positive person?? Her motto is “always be a little kinder than necessary.” She’s actually super embarrassed about how much she cares for everyone dfhgfds
Is a bit inspired by Noora from SKAM in that she’s not a fan of dating and keeps her walls up!! But different in that she keeps her walls up by having sex with everyone sdfgfds
Umm kind of has too much sex? She got chlamydia last year and was most upset that she couldnt have sex for a few weeks not that she caught an std HGFDSDFGH
She loves vintage t-shirts, converse, mom jeans, plaid skirts, red lipstick, big sweaters, pastel colors and her mom’s old Doc Marten boots from the 80’s
Doesn’t really drink to get drunk, but she does love drugs!! Of all kinds!! Mostly weed, but occasionally for big parties she’ll drop acid, or she’ll get high when she’s in a creative rut and needs to just go hog wild and paint sdfgfds
Can also get along with anyone tbh
Stubborn! As! Hell!
Her bandmates. She started a band her first year of uni and they play mostly die bars and pubs, but they’re together all the time. Bonus points if there’s some bandmate sexual tension??
Art friends! People who get together to create, pull all nighters working on projects, support each other through their art coursework
The Serena to her Blair. Give her a messy friend that she’s always picking up from the bar at 3 AM in her pajamas bc they called in the middle of the night and needed Freya to get them out of a jam sdfgfds
A bad influence! Someone who’s like c/mon Freya having a seventh drink fghgfds
Childhood friends from NY! Maybe people whose parents knew each other, or someone whose parents kind of took Freya under their wing bc her parents were so absent
Friends, best friend, ride or dies, friends who are like siblings to her, maybe someone with an unrequited crush on either side??
Someone she used to date but pushed them away when she started to fall in love bc she’s afraid of getting hurt!!
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freyaadlcr · 4 years
ello gavnah! i’m olive and i’m 23 and i was born at the tender age of zero. i’m from boston and my hobbies include watching true crime docs and asking people riddles from my cave under the bridge! I don’t have any other clever greetings today so i’m gonna cut to the chase: i’m so excited to be here and plot with u all! put the plots in the bag, walk away, and no one gets hurt. yeet. anyways here’s freya’s pinterest for the Vibe and I’m so excited to play her!!!
( ✩ - KATHRYN NEWTON, CIS FEMALE, TWENTY ONE, SHE/HER ) have you seen FREYA ADLER around campus lately? SHE is a JUNIOR studying as a MUSIC MAJOR. they remind me a lot of wine dripping off your chin, ripped fishnet tights, laughing when you feel like crying, probably because they are GREGARIOUS & MERCURIAL. SHE is living in MONTGOMERY on FLOOR 14 at the moment! ✩ olive, 23, est, she/her. –
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21 years old!! From NY!
Her parents were wannabe hippies who missed the days of the 60’s. In their twenties, they met riding around on a bus through all of America, living on the vinyl seats and smoking weed as they traveled
Freya was an accidental pregnancy and so they left the bus life and moved in with her maternal grandparents, got part time jobs and eventually moved to a small apartment on their own
They never wanted to be parents and never saw themselves living a typical lifestyle, so Freya got the message pretty early on that she wasn’t wanted. They were never unkind or abusive, just generally uninterested in their daughter. She was like an awkward antique coffee table from your relatives, something that you aren’t quite sure what to do with but know you can never get rid of
Like seriously she might as well have been a piece of furniture to them. They spent most of her childhood in the basement smoking weed and playing The Grateful Dead while she cooked herself meals of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Her dad worked as a party clown and her mom was a bus driver so she got picked on a lot in school ghgfdsdfg
Has an intense and burning desire to be loved because she never got it from them!! She made up for her lack of love by throwing it in any direction she could. She’s always been pretty popular at school because she’s kind to everyone and has an ability to make anyone feel comfortable around her
She found in school that she has a fantastic talent for anything artistic. Painting, sculpture, photography, she does it all. Also plays guitar and piano!!
When she was 13 her parents accidentally got pregnant again and gave birth to her little brother Alistair, called Ali for short.
Her parents actually tried to be good parents for Ali which?? Pissed her OFF!! Like, they went to every parent teacher conference, nurtured him, were just AROUND which was heartbreaking for Freya to watch
She wanted to hate Ali just bc of this but she really couldn’t… there was something special about him and he was incredibly smart. Started reading at age two, and was a mathematical prodigy in the way that his older sister was an artistic prodigy. By age four Freya and Ali were having intense intellectual debates and she just found him incredibly fascinating, as well as kind
Loved her little brother to pieces!! When she got her driving license she volunteered to drop him off at primary school every day and they rocked out together to all her favorite songs and she taught him the words to David Bowie’s Heroes
But then the accident happened, and Freya’s life was upended. Ali was kneeling down in her parent’s driveway, out of sight as their mother was backing up and leaving the house. She hit Ali and his lung was punctured by a rib. He was rushed to the hospital but he didn’t make it.
The family split after that like a dropped snowglobe, the emotional shards of Ali’s death exploding in its wake. Her father left, unable to even hold their mother’s hand during the funeral. He blamed her for Ali’s death even though it was an accident.
Freya’s mother fell into a deep depression that she’s never shaken. Her grandparents moved Freya and her mom back into their mom, and her grandparents are now the full-time caretakers for Freya’s mother. She wanders around most days in a drugged haze clutching Ali’s baby blanket with a bathrobe on.
As soon as she could, Freya got out of the house. She applied to NYU, packed her bags and got out. She still doesn’t like to talk about her family
Umm despite the tragedy she’s remained a really kind, positive person?? Her motto is “always be a little kinder than necessary.” She’s actually super embarrassed about how much she cares for everyone dfhgfds
Is a bit inspired by Noora from SKAM in that she’s not a fan of dating and keeps her walls up!!
She loves vintage t-shirts, converse, mom jeans, plaid skirts, red lipstick, big sweaters, pastel colors and her mom’s old Doc Marten boots from the 80’s
Doesn’t really drink to get drunk, but she does love drugs!! Of all kinds!! Mostly weed, but occasionally for big parties she’ll drop acid, or she’ll get high when she’s in a creative rut and needs to just go hog wild and paint sdfgfds
If she does drink it’s something sugary that tastes like fruit
Um will sleep with ANYONE
Can also get along with anyone tbh
Stubborn! As! Hell!
Her bandmates. She started a band her first year of uni and they play mostly die bars and pubs, but they’re together all the time. Bonus points if there’s some bandmate sexual tension??
Art friends! People who get together to create, pull all nighters working on projects, support each other through their art coursework
The Serena to her Blair. Give her a messy friend that she’s always picking up from the bar at 3 AM in her pajamas bc they called in the middle of the night and needed Freya to get them out of a jam sdfgfds
A bad influence! Someone who’s like c/mon Freya having a third drink won’t kill you. Live a little. Let your hair down.
Childhood friends from NY! Maybe people whose parents knew each other, or someone whose parents kind of took Freya under their wing bc her parents were so absent
Friends, best friend, ride or dies, friends who are like siblings to her, maybe someone with an unrequited crush on either side??
Someone she used to date but pushed them away when she started to fall in love bc she’s afraid of getting hurt!!
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luxover · 7 years
"#ugh i am like 20k into an au of them that i know literally no one but me wants l m a o" please i love them!
no anon, you don’t get it. it’s an au of wristcutters: a love story, which isn’t nearly as depressing as it sounds bc it’s actually an adorable love story slash dark comedy with a surprising amount of hope wrapped up in it, but still. i feel like hockey fandom is fluff city? WHICH I LOVE. but. i took a wrong turn somewhere and now i’m knee-deep in this:
Derek says, “You know, this is my first interaction with a hitchhiker, but there’s that saying, you know: ass, gas, or grass, nobody rides for free.”
Jimmy can recognize that evasion of the question for what it is, and answers, “I don’t smoke and I’m not getting you off; you can have twenty bucks if you want it, man.”
Derek takes his eyes off the road for a lot longer than Jimmy’s comfortable with, for long enough to look behind at Jimmy as he responds, “That works; I don’t smoke, either, and Ryan already has the other option covered.”
“Can we watch the road, please?” Ryan asks, sounding slightly embarrassed, and Derek nudges him a little.
“Or what, we’ll hit another car?” he asks, motioning around to the fucking nothing that’s around them, just flat, empty desert from horizon to horizon. He listens, though, goes back to watching the road, and then asks Jimmy, “So who’s this guy you’re looking for, anyway?”
He’s the love of my life, Jimmy had explained to Kev when he first got here, and Kev had looked at him like he didn’t make any sense and responded, But you’re not in Life anymore, bud.
Jimmy doesn’t want to hear anything like that again, so he says, “I dunno. Just someone I knew back when I was still alive.”
“Oh,” Derek says, and that’s it— just oh—but the way he says it and how he shares a look with Ryan makes Jimmy feel like the two of them know the truth, anyway. Brady was kind of like that, only more; Jimmy barely had to say anything at all for Brady to understand him and what he meant and all the connotations and implications that went with it.
He used to stay at Brady’s apartment a lot, spent more than his fair share of nights crammed in a twin bed in Brady’s first place, and later stretched out on a full when Brady moved, alternately messing around on his phone and watching Brady read from whatever book his brother recommended, his forehead resting on the heel of his palm as he hunched over his desk, his fingers threaded through his own hair. It was the kind of mind-numbing boredom that Jimmy would do anything to have back now that he knows what he’s missing, and afterwards, Brady would smile at him, slow and tired, and then he’d crawl into bed, shucking off his shirt and pants as he went.
Kreider’s having a barbecue tomorrow if you want to go, Brady had said once.
The guy you work with? Jimmy asked, even though he was pretty sure he knew who Kreider was. He rolled over to his side, reached behind himself to grab Brady’s arm and sling it over his waist.
Yeah, Brady said, his lips ghosting over the back of Jimmy’s neck. It’ll be fun; we’ll play some football and eat some hotdogs. Nasher’s bringing a cooler full of Fla-Vor-Ice.
Sounds better than anything else I’m doing, Jimmy said, and Brady scraped his teeth over the meat of his shoulder.
Yeah? Should I be offended? he mouthed into Jimmy’s skin.
I just think you need more practice, Jimmy told him, and Brady had slid his hand underneath the hem of Jimmy’s shirt, rubbed his thumb back and forth over the skin of Jimmy’s stomach and the trail of hair near his bellybutton.
Makes sense, Brady said, because he knew what Jimmy really meant. I guess I should start putting in the minutes. And then he slid his hand underneath the waistband of Jimmy’s boxer briefs, and rutted his body closer to Jimmy’s as if that was where he belonged.
Jimmy slouches down in the backseat and watches in the side mirror as Ryan mouths along to some terrible half-English, half-Russian mixtape that he says he got from some guy at a train station. Derek finishes his Twizzlers and tosses the empty plastic bag out the window, and Jimmy would say something about littering except for how he doesn’t give a shit.
Instead, he says, “You know what I miss? Fla-Vor-Ice.”
“I miss Screwballs,” Derek says. “First ice cream truck I see when I get home, I’m getting like five.”
It’s a sign of how new he is, because they don’t have fucking ice cream trucks here. He sort of expects Ryan to be the voice of reason on that, but Ryan just stays quiet and reaches forward to turn up the music.
Jimmy keeps quiet, too, and watches the desert.
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