#I’m so weak and pathetic :—(
jinkiesmariz · 1 year
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Got crazy in calll again and was forced to make this
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Anywyas i was like “hahah what would my mc react like?” And then realized they’d be like omg at the amount of money, accept it, and then still call Ais 10 minutes later
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science-lings · 3 months
Oh this character is kind of pathetic as a joke, for the sillies? Well actually according to me he’s got a sad backstory that makes his actions make sense. Haha little man cries easily maybe there’s a reason for that and I’m the one who’s gonna make it up.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Thinking about panic room/cage parallels and making myself ill. Because Bobby and Dean don’t force Sam in there. They trick him.
And obviously we know Michael beat the shit out of Lucifer, he tells us that, but do you think that how getting thrown in the Cage actually worked was that after all of that, Michael/God said, “It’s okay, come here, we can talk, you can help us understand,” the same way that Bobby & Dean lure Sam in with the idea that they’re going to need to stop some demon problem for the Apocalypse. And then, when Lucifer did come, when for one final moment he let himself think that this was over and someone was listening to him and however he’d fucked up could be forgiven, he turned around and was told, “This is for your own good.” Before they looked him away for centuries.
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nightgoodomens · 5 months
I’ve tried to take a step back to stop being frustrated over such things but sometimes it really hits me in the face how much the fandom switched Crowley’s and Aziraphale’s personalities.
So many posts where I go… actually that’s the other way around, the fuck you watched 🤔
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frostytherobot · 4 months
suddenly feeling like I’m not good enough and i don’t belong anywhere and the people in my life will eventually grow tired of me and my constant need for validation and deem me unworthy of their love despite all evidence that they love me and want me to be in their lives
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formari · 2 years
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hi guys sorry for being so straight but this pic makes me feels things
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yeyayeya · 9 months
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They’re just my boys
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hudbannonarchive · 4 months
as i’ve been watching the sopranos i’ve been thinking a lot about how someone could watch this show and find tony to be an aspirational character and obviously the answer is in the way he’s framed. i think when you compare him to the rest of the big three peak tv antiheroes (don draper and walter white) he’s technically the most evil and i also think he’s the one who’s painted in the most sympathetic light, clearly evident in the way everyone around him is either a total baffoon or made to look one by the narrative. to me this is a classic case of the people writing a show misplacing its themes and ideas. in contrast, don is technically the least evil (i’ve said before those other two kill people don just cheats) but i think he’s framed the most critically. ofc you do feel sympathy for him, but i think he’s largely an aspirational figure to audiences because of the lie he’s constructed that is his life. audiences want to be him because he’s handsome rich brilliant and charming but don’t realize or care that all sits on top of his empty soul like oil on water. so that one is definitely on them.
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shot-by-cupid · 5 months
I have posted this before but this deleted scene is literally everything to me and I hold it so close to my heart you have no idea
Like. He’s such a great guy it actually makes me sick. It’s like. Everything he does is so genuine and sweet and it’s just. He’s so soft spoken here it makes me dizzy. He’s so gentle and caring and UGH. My cheeks are red I am screaming into my pillow I am crying and kicking my feet. He’s so perfect he’s literally my everything.
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bo0zey · 2 years
every time my dad yells even if he’s just “raising” his voice to call one of my brothers over to him i flinch and my heart rate speeds up n my stomach drops n churns n i feel sick n if i think abt it too much like i am now my eyes sting just slightly like something inside me wants to cry from fear even tho i’m many many feet away safe inside my room alone w the door shut i still feel so so unsafe and it takes many many minutes and moments for me to calm down again i really hate this reaction i’m 22 years old why am i still responding like this trigger as if i’m a child i’m an adult he can’t yell at me anymore in fact he’s not even yelling AT me he’s yelling at someone else but still i jump n i feel my pulse pounding in my ears n temples i wish i would just stop being such a baby i wish i was stronger i don’t want to be afraid of people anymore
#‘im not yelling i raised my voice’ that’s what i heard my entire childhood growing up he even said it to me a few weeks ago when we#got into a heated argument and he kept pushing and pushing me and trying to gaslight and manipulate me and accusing me and i remember#thinking just before i snapped ‘im not a little girl anymore i can yell back’ and so i did and we yelled back and forth a few exchanges#until HE started to backdown a little like did he realize too that i’m an adult now and if he wants to scream and yell i can too???#we were outside im sure all our neighbors could hear us i was embarrassed but seething#if he wasn’t gonna be embarrassed then i wouldn’t either#sometimes i am so disgusted by my father and the way he treats the people he claims to love he makes me so angry and disgusted#but then he has this hold on me??? as soon as he starts to cry/get choked up then immediately all my rage n disgust seep out of my body#from the core of my heart to the tips of my fingers those emotions bleed out of me and dissipate into the air and i’m left feeling guilty#instant guilt and for WHAT???? for making HIM upset???? after all the times he’s made me breakdown and hurt myself bc no one would comfortme#and still yet everytime i feel the need to comfort him and downplay my emotions and i KNOW he’s manipulating me it’s so OBVIOUS but i#i fucking Can’t Not protect him i can’t let him sit there in that hurt guilt shame WHATever it is#and the reason i’m torn and feel like this is bc i genuinely think he believes what he’s saying and isn’t purposely TRYING to manipulate me#but he doesn’t realize how MANIPULATIVE and SELFISH he truly is he’s Delusional and has ZERO emotional intelligence 000000000000000000000000#so how can i be angry when i know he doesn’t understand he’s just too stupid to understand he’s like a child the child doesn’t understand#they don’t understand complex emotions#i don’t understand why daddy makes me cry and stares at me with cold enraged eyes but when he cries i fold everytime#it’s so gross of me how weak i am disgusting who could ever love someone so pathetic#ramblings#tw childhood trauma#tw trauma
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sunshineler · 8 months
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over-rated-cheese · 1 year
in reference to this post:
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I had a vision and I had to draw it
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bonus (aka what happened in my mind)
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peapod20001 · 1 year
Haha so like. If I were to paint my nails, what colors would y’all recommend
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yoohyeon · 1 year
For pride let’s get over our crush 🥲 jfbsjdjs
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jerriisspeakingnow · 1 year
Not me genuinely falling asleep reading a spicy book.
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fingertipsmp3 · 10 months
I was really sitting here like “2023 is the best year I’ve had in a long time in terms of ‘not trying to kill me’, I haven’t gotten sick once” and then I remembered the fucking catastrophic knee dislocation that’s had me limping since May
#it’s really getting tedious now folks. it’s really like. i was over it 2 months ago#i don’t know why i’m still having problems; my physio doesn’t really know why i’m still having problems; my doctor…… is on sabbatical#here’s what i think happened. i think i sprained my mcl when i went down. i also think that about 4 days into my recovery i buggered up#my hamstring by wearing my brace for too long and incorrectly. i also think that during my initial recovery i didn’t move around enough#SOME rest was absolutely necessary but i rested too much and some muscles atrophied#i also didn’t put enough effort into straightening my knee because i just flat out assumed i couldn’t do it#i think i went days without ever fully extending my leg#that’s why i can do it when i’m lying down but i still have trouble if i’m standing up. and i can’t walk without bending my knee#i also think i was prone to dislocations because i didn’t exercise enough prior to being injured. i had a weak shitty vmo and pathetic quads#i still have kind of a shitty vmo but i have better quadriceps and have eliminated the quad lag i used to have after my injury#i also think limping for so long (nearly 4 months 😵‍💫) has caused me to build muscle in completely the wrong places#and i think i didn’t ice my knee often enough to bring down the swelling in the early stages and that’s why i still get inflammation#and a weird little ball of fluid that appears by my kneecap#and i think i probably tore some fibres and pissed off my patella tendon when i initially fell#and. i think if i used pain relief such as ibuprofen more often instead of just FORGETTING. i’d have a lot easier time getting around#i also have noticed tight pants and slightly heeled boots force me to walk better for some reason???#my sweats and trainers are comfortable and i feel safe and able to move in them#plus i can wear a brace under sweats. but my boots make my posture better and force me to walk tall#case in point: when i’ve worn boots nobody has noticed my limp#overall….. overall i think i need to stop being stupid#ice the knee whenever i’ve overexerted myself; take ibuprofen or cocodamol with meals; apply nurofen or tiger balm daily#and maybe come off my birth control. which is unrelated but genuinely honestly the new pill the doctor gave me to try is making me feel#absolutely lousy. i’m getting random abdominal cramps and it suuuucks#i may just finish the packet that i’m on and then stop and make an appointment to be like ‘put me back on microgynon i can’t do this’#why’d they take me off microgynon? hypertension. why’d i have hypertension? i was fucking sitting around healing from a knee injury#i hate thiiiiis. maybe i’ll just ask them for an implant#personal
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