#…*sigh* AND OF COURSE my friends saw it happening that I’d fall for Hades (*is anyone genuinely surprised??* not one friend)
jerriisspeakingnow · 1 year
Not me genuinely falling asleep reading a spicy book.
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
Chthonic Love Chapter 13
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Series Summary: A Greek Mythology AU featuring Yoongi/Suga as Hades and reader as Persephone. Olympian ruler Namjoon has delivered you, Persephone, as a gift for his brother, lord of Death, Yoongi
AN: Fluffy
Previous Chapter here 
------------ Yoongi sat in his office, drafting a letter to Taehyung. If you wanted to leave, this would definitely be the fastest way. Originally he hadn’t planned on sending the letter for a few days, given the missed reaping and his own selfish desires. But after the incident in the library earlier, he decided that sooner would be better. You wanted to go home. Of course you did. 
I am in need of your legal expertise regarding a contract between my brother, Namjoon and Hoseok. This contract is in relation to both the ownership and transference of ownership of the goddess Persephone. I know your duties in the Plane of Judgment keep you busy. However, as Lord of this Realm I am requesting your immediate assistance. Please show this letter to the three judges so that they will release you to my care as soon as possible.
His Infernal Lordship,
Min Yoongi 
There. Yoongi sat the letter on the edge of his desk. He tapped his fingers a few times;  feeling twitchy, he stood up. He looked out the window and across the Desert of Sorrow. How could things change so much in a few short days? He wondered. He sighed and heard a knocking at the door. He knew it was Lethe. Everyone in the palace had their own unique way of knocking on the door.  “Enter.” 
“M’Lord. I’ve brought some coffee for you as requested.”
“I didn’t request coffee this afternoon.” He said, turning around.
“You didn’t?” She responded, sounding confused. “I’m sorry m’Lord, the days are running together for me. You usually take coffee this time of day.”
Yoongi couldn’t help but have more patience with Lethe than the other servants. She actually tried and cared about people. “I do. Thank you.” He walked over and took the cup. “Ahh...an excellent brew.”
“Thank you sir.” Lethe slowly took her time gathering the tray in the hopes Lord Yoongi might ask her about….
“Persephone? Did you get a chance to check on her?” He asked, sipping the coffee.
“I did. I bandaged her hands up and got all the blood out of her dress. Speaking of...are you still wearing a bloody shirt?” She asked, suddenly examining Yoongi’s tunic and getting closer to him.
“Aish, it’s nothing. I’ll just throw it away.” He waved her concerns off.
“Sir, you shouldn’t wear bloodstained clothing around, It isn’t befitting of royalty.” Lethe was aghast.  To her shock he just started laughing.
“It’s fine. Really. Royalty is a bit far reaching. It’s not like we keep a Court or anything. They just needed to make sure someone keeps Tartarus in check and hides the dead bodies. This isn’t fancy like the Athenian court. Blood stained tunics and barefoot goddesses are allowed here.”
“Whatever you say, you are of course the Lord. But, I do think you should change clothes before you see Lady Persephone again.” 
Yoongi sighed, turning to face the window, and said quietly. “Ahhh she doesn’t want to see me so I don’t think that will be a problem.”
Lethe quietly clicked her tongue. 
Yoongi straightened up, shaking his bangs out of his face. He turned to face Lethe, “Why did she say something about me?” He tried to play it cool, but he was falling straight into Lethe’s trap. 
“As I said, you should change into a clean shirt.” And with that Lethe left Yoongi’s office with  a smile playing across her lips. Someone was going to help these two clueless kids out.  For better or worse, if there was one thing the Athenian Court had taught her, it was this: a simple word dropped here, an insinuation there, and boom; there was always a result. 
You laid on your bed for a while. Did Yoongi like you? Did you like Yoongi? You did like him. But did you like, like him? Did you want to leave? Did you want to stay? How long did you want to stay? Why were your powers being crazy? Could you control your powers? Ughhhh you wanted to scream. There was too much to think about. You got up off the bed. A week ago your biggest concern was Hoseok and his friends trampling over your flowers. You decided to get out of your room for a while and hopefully not run into anybody. You still had a lot to think about.
You walked out and went to the right, down to the garden door. To your pleasant surprise most of the garden was still intact. You hadn't been actively supporting it these past few days, wanting to check the soil composition. If what you read earlier was true and the volcanic ash was fertile, there was no reason why you couldn’t transfer some of it to here and other places in the Underworld to support a self-sustaining habitat. You smiled a bit while nerding out over the plants.  You wanted to regrow the Chrysanthemums but you were afraid it might hurt your hands again. You frowned, looking down at the bandages. 
You heard the door open and cringed slightly, you had come here to be alone. But when you turned around, you couldn’t help but smile. Yoongi walked down the few steps and onto the grass. He was holding a book and wearing a white shirt for a change. 
“Hey.” he said. “I thought you would be in your room resting so I thought I’d bring you this exciting book, Ancient Chthonic Botany. To help you sleep.” He held up the book you had been reading earlier.
You walked over, “Thank you.” You took it. “But this will actually keep me up all night.” He likes you, you heard Lethe’s voice replay in your head. You suddenly blushed, having used the phrase up all night and feeling very embarrassed suddenly. 
Yoongi didn’t seem to notice. It seemed as though even though he was physically there, mentally he was somewhere else. “How are your hands?” He asked, casually putting his hands into his pockets.
“They hurt. I wanted to fix my flower bushes, but I’m afraid of my wounds ripping open so I won’t.” You pouted. To your surprise, he didn’t react. “I like that shirt on you. I didn’t know you owned anything that wasn’t black.” You teased.
Yoongi sighed, ignoring your compliment. “I wrote the letter to Taehyung. I’m going to give it to Charon tonight.” 
You thought he was going to wait a few days. He had just told you a few hours ago it would take days. You look up at him. “I thought you said it would take a few days. You just skipped a reaping.” 
He shook his leg slightly, and looked away. Finding a very interesting spot in the grass to stare at.  “Yes well, you said earlier that you want to get out of here, so that’s the fastest way I know how to do it.” He sounded slightly irritated.
“I’m sorry about earlier.” You said, walking closer. “I was freaked out about my hands and not wanting to hurt people. That’s the only reason. It doesn’t have anything to do with you. I just...I don’t like feeling like I’m not in control of my powers. I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you again or hurt Lethe and I just wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.”
Yoongi didn’t really respond to what you said, rocking back his heels. He continued to speak to the grass. “So. Yeah. The letter is all written out. I don’t know how many days it will take for him to respond. But we’ll get it figured out.” He firmly pressed his lips together, looked back up at you, and gave you a dismissive smile, turning to leave.
He was pulling away from you, you realized. After what you said earlier. You reached out and put your hand on his arm. “Yoongi?” 
 “Don’t.” You heard him say quietly. “Please. Just. Don’t make this harder.” He looked down and pulled back.
“Yoongi? Are you listening to me at all?” you asked, closing the space between the two of you. You put your hand on his cheek and gently lifted his head, encouraging him to look up at you. He immediately averted his gaze. “Hey, I’m sorry for what I said earlier. I didn’t mean it like I wanted to leave you. Is that what you’re upset about? You can tell me.” You tried to stay calm even though your heart was beating out of your chest. Yoongi didn't respond, instead opting to chew on the side of his cheek, but at least he wasn’t trying to walk away from you anymore.  “I meant what I said on the beach. I like it here. I like spending time with you. Ok?” 
He nodded his head, but you felt like he still wasn’t listening to you. 
“Yoongi, why aren’t you talking to me?” You asked him, becoming worried.
“...I just...I can’t right now. There are things I want to say and shouldn’t. I don’t want to bother you. This was a stupid idea.” He mumbled and started to leave again.
“I like you. Like. I really really like you. Please, just talk to me. You’re not bothering me.” You blurted out. 
Yoongi froze. Had he heard you correctly? He had come here to tell you that he liked you. That he couldn’t stand the thought of you leaving him and that he had been practicing what to say the entire way over here. Then, when he saw you, he froze. You had looked so pretty standing there, in your own element. There was no way someone like you, so beautiful and alive, would want to stay down here with him. So he abandoned that plan. Opting instead to completely shut you out to make the inevitable less painful on himself. But, what now? He slowly turned back around.
“I’m sorry. I must have misheard you.” 
“Seriously?” You sighed. “I like you. Like if this was Earth I would ask you out on a date. I think that’s a thing humans do? So please, don’t be upset with me, and stop shutting me out.”
Yoongi blinked a few times. “Are you being serious right now?”
You were becoming impatient. “Do you need me to say it three times? Does it like, lift a curse or something if I do?” You walked closer to him. “I. Like. You. Believe me you weirdo.”
A smile crossed Yoongi’s face. “I”m sorry, I just couldn’t believe you. I like you too.” 
You gently sat the book down on the grass and wrapped your arms around his waist. Leaning up against his chest. Yoongi stood there for a second, confused at how this was all happening, but very glad all the same. He returned the embrace. “Sooo….would you like to go on a date tomorrow?” You heard his deep voice ask. You took a deep inhale of his scent and then giggled. 
“A date? Where? I thought you said there wasn’t much to do down here.”
“It’s either a yes or a no.” He teased, suddenly sounding much more like the Yoongi you had grown to care for these past few days.
“Of course it’s a yes. I just said I wanted to take you on a date.” You responded, gently pulling away to pick the book back up.
He walked over to the exit, “Good. Well.” He stood thoughtful by the door. “I’m still going to send the letter to Taehyung. It’s not right that your brother and Namjoon are treating you like property when you’re not.”
“Thank you Yoongi.” You said. Feeling shy. “For everything.”
He raised his eyebrows and walked back over to you. He swiped his tongue across his bottom lip.  He took your hand and gently pressed his lips against your knuckles and then let go. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You felt like you were on fire suddenly. Where had this flirt come from? 
Yoongi walked out of the garden feeling the best he had in centuries. He ran a hand through his hair and headed off to gather his letter to Taehyung. You didn’t belong to anybody. Not Namjoon, not Hoseok, and not to him. A gummy smile formed on his face.  He had a date tomorrow with a Goddess. Who liked him. Today was a good day. NEXT CHAPTER
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fckinwild-kiwi · 4 years
Time to Realize Pt. 4
Warnings: Swearing; Smut Word Count: 5.2k+ Author’s Note: This is the long awaited fourth installment of this series. I’ve clearly been in a little it of funk creatively but I’m hoping you enjoy this chapter. I had a lot of fun writing it even though it took me like fifteen years. *Sigh* Thank you for your patience though! <3  This is now *Edited* and longer!
Important Note: The Greek mythology throughout this piece does not accurately represent Greek mythology to its fullest extent. Some things are changed for the sake of the story. One major point is the relationship between Hades and the rest of Mt. Olympus. With that being said, their relationship isn’t family-oriented, but Hades is welcome throughout Mt. Olympus and everyone gets along enough to be considered tolerated.
Y/n didn’t sleep a wink. Even though she was wrapped in Harry’s arms her mind wouldn’t stop racing. She didn’t have a doubt in her mind that the lunch with her mom would go smoothly, but what happened afterwards? Would they build a relationship? That’s something that y/n had always dreamed of and fantasized about with the thought that it would never be attainable. She reached over grabbing her phone to check the time it read: 3:52 A.M. 
‘Ugh,’ she thought, putting the phone back down and cuddling back into Harry’s side.
“You’re still awake,” Harry noted as he tightened his grip on her body. “Baby, it’s almost morning, close your eyes.”
“I can’t.”
“You haven’t tried.”
“What the fuck, of course I have,” She said feigning hurt before unwrapping herself from his grasp and kissing his cheek. “I’m going to go watch some tv, you go back to sleep.”
“I’ll come out there with you, we can cuddle while we watch.”
“You’re so annoying,” she grumbled, letting her lips quirk into a smile. She waited a minute in order for him to catch up to her so they could walk into the living room together. As Harry sat down on the couch, y/n quickly grabbed the throw off the back of the couch in order to cuddle up to Harry in a warm burrito-like embrace. 
Y/n sighed as she rested her head in the crook of Harry’s neck. The slight stubble of beard rubbing against her forehead brought a calming sense of familiarity. She reached up, pressing a gentle kiss to the base of his throat causing him to tense up. 
“What are you doing, love?”
“I’m just loving up on you,” Y/n said, shrugging before tightening her hold on him and placing another lingering kiss against his throat. 
“Fuck,” he moaned out before flipping her over. “You have a big day tomorrow darling. I don’t want to wear you out before then.”
“I’d like to see you try and wear me out,” she scoffed.
“Baby,” Harry said as he flipped the two over, pinning Y/n underneath him. “Challenge accepted.”
Harry started kissing down her neck, nibbling on her pressure points with enough force to cause her to moan but not hard enough to leave a mark. He reached down to her panties before slipping his hand inside and feeling her slit. “You’re dripping baby, is all this for me?”
“You don’t even know how ready I am for you at all times,” She moaned out as he inserted a finger. “I’m ready for you baby, please fuck me.”
“As you wish, lovie.” Harry said as he withdrew his fingers from her pussy before pulling his pants off and slipping a condom on. Slowly he rubbed his cock along her folds to get himself all slicked up. “Fuck baby.”
“Fuck me, H”
Harry let out a guttural moan at her words. He took his cock and slowly started to sink into her, inch by inch before he finally bottomed out, waiting a second so she could adjust.
“You’re so big,” Y/n whined. “Please move, Harry.”
Harry quickly understood as he set a rapid pace. Pounding into y/n as his life depended on it.
“Yes, Harry, right there,” Y/n whined. “You’re fucking me so good.” 
“Right there?”
“Mph, yes,” She all but screamed as Harry hit the spot that made her curl her toes and pull his hair, clenching around him as she felt the burning sensation fill her lower belly. “I’m going to come!”
“Wait for me,” Harry urged, as he continued his rapid assault on her pussy. “Come now baby!”
“Oh my, fuck!” Y/n groaned, her moans coming out almost pornographic. 
“Let me grab a towel, I’ll be right back baby,” Harry said, before kissing her sweaty forehead and walking into the bathroom. 
“Thank you for tiring me out,” Y/n said as she smiled down at the man cleaning the mess between her thighs. “I’m going to sleep like a baby now.”
“I’m happy I could help,” Harry chuckled as he laid back down and wrapped his arms around Y/n, pulling the blanket over both of their clammy bodies. 
As Y/n snuggled into Harry’s body, she wrapped her legs around his and closed her eyes. “I love you so much, Persephone,” she heard Harry whisper as she fell asleep.
The next morning, her alarm jolted her awake causing both Harry and she to fall off the couch. “Ow,” Harry grumbled, rubbing his face with his hand not wrapped around her waist. 
“I’m so sorry, bub,” y/n said, before sitting up and kissing his cheek. “Thank you for staying out here with me, you should go lay down on the bed though. I’m going to start getting ready to see Demeter.”
Y/n got up and walked to the bathroom attached to her bedroom. After turning on the water to a warm temperature, she undressed before stepping into the steaming water. A few minutes later once she was finished shampooing her hair, she heard the bathroom door open. 
“Just me, love.”
Y/n sighed before conditioning her hair and finishing her shower routine. “Would you mind handing me my towel?” 
“‘Course love,” Harry said as he pushed the towel past the shower curtain into y/n’s grasp. 
“Now it’s go time,” y/n said as she wrapped the towel around her body and stepped out of the tub. Y/n took her time getting ready, putting the time and effort into her appearance to look and feel presentable for her big lunch. Two hours later, she felt confident and at ease, ready to meet with Demeter. She walked out of the bathroom into her connected bedroom to face Harry, hands on her hips. 
“How do I look?”
“You look stunning, love,” Harry said as he smiled widely before whispering, “C’mere.”
“I have to get going,” Y/n whispered back as she climbed onto his lap, kissing his cheek and leaving a lip gloss stain on it. Once she noticed the mark, she smiled before beginning to clean it off. 
“I know, but give me a proper kiss first, yeah?” He said, grabbing the wrist that was rubbing his cheek.
“Of course, bub,” y/n said, rolling her eyes before slotting her lips against his. Quickly the kiss turned more passionate as Harry dragged his tongue across her bottom lip.
“I really need to go now,” y/n said as she pulled away breathlessly.
“Yes, go go. Have a good time with Demeter. I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Can I call you tomorrow? Classes start then and I should probably try to get organized…”
“Of course, now get going,” He said before kissing her forehead and ushering her out the door. 
Y/n got in her car and pulled out her phone, plugging the address for the restaurant into the GPS. The drive to the restaurant was quick, perfect for eliminating the overthinking that Y/n was bound to do. As she pulled into a parking spot and put the car in park, Y/n slowly let out the breath that she didn’t realize she was holding.
After getting out of the car, she walked into the fancy restaurant before spotting Demeter. “Over here, dear,” said the voice she recognized previously as Demi but now, her mother. Y/n smiled before walking across the room. 
“Hi,” Y/n breathed out, before being engulfed in a hug. 
“Hello sweetheart,” Demeter whispered before releasing her grip. “I hope the drive here wasn’t too long…”
“No, no, it was actually rather close to my apartment so it didn’t take long at all.”
“That’s so good to hear, now, tell me all about yourself.”
“Oh, well,” Y/n began, eyes widening as she tried to think about all the memorable moments of her life. “I’m now a junior in college… I have this really great group of friends surrounding me which has been a blessing, I’m studying botany but you already knew that.”
Demeter gave a knowing smile before saying, “I’m sorry that I wasn’t a part of your life sooner.”
“I don’t want you to beat yourself up over anything,” Y/n said. “Harry explained what happened when I was younger. I can imagine we both felt similarly about things. It’s just nice to know that I wasn’t alone because you didn’t want me.”
“I was devastated when you were taken from us,” Demeter said, her eyes beginning to glow brighter. “I spent years trying to track down the person who was guilty. I felt your presence when you began school, though. I saw that you were doing okay and I was relieved.”
“Growing up how I did was hard,” Y/n began, trying to choose her words carefully. “I had to deal with some difficult things on my own but as much as I felt like I struggled, I like to believe it made me a better person…I don’t really take shit from anyone now. I know how to handle myself on my own…The hardships are what made me, me.
“Don’t feel guilty for anything. We’re in each other's lives’ now and that’s what’s important. I don’t think I would be as independent or resilient if I had not lived such a human life.”
“Oh, Persephone,” Demeter said, her eyes glassy. “I’m so proud of you, really.”
Y/n smiled before grabbing the cup of water in front of her and taking a drink. She finally felt at ease, almost completely comfortable. Before she could respond to Demeter, they were interrupted by the waiter.
“Hi, are you two ready to order?”
“Uh yes, I’ll have the Cobb salad with dressing on the side, please,” Demeter ordered before closing the menu and holding it up towards the waiter. 
“I think I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger with sweet potato fries,” Y/n said, before handing her menu to the waiter as well.
Lunch couldn’t have been going any better. Y/n hadn’t felt this comfortable and at home since she started seeing Harry. In such an odd and unexpecting way, for the first time things were starting to click into place for her. 
“So, sweetheart,” Demeter started, “I know this is all very new to you, but I’m sure that Hades has explained to you the gist of everything?”
“Oh yeah, Harry has been an absolute blessing in this chaos… I’ve visited the Underworld with him and he spent the whole day breaking things down for me. It’s a lot but I think I’m getting more comfortable with everything.”
“You went to the Underworld with Hades, alone?” Demeter questioned as she narrowed her eyes on her daughter.
“Well yeah, he claimed it was to explain things a little easier, which is probably partially true, but I also think he’s calmer and less anxious in a spot that’s familiar to him.”
“Mhm,” Demeter mumbled, her face being set in stone quickly turning the atmosphere into something less comfortable. Much to y/n’s relief, a few moments later, their waiter returned with their orders.
“This is so good,” Y/n moaned out with a mouthful of her cheeseburger. 
“It’s so wonderful to see you enjoying yourself like this,” Demeter said before allowing a small smile to settle on her features as she stared at her daughter.
“I’ve never been here before but I’m definitely going to need to bring Harry here, he’d love this place.”
“He’s making you happy, then?”
“Endlessly happy,” Y/n said. “He might just be the most incredible person on this planet.”
“Ah, young love,” Demeter said, as she put on a smile. “Be careful though darling, he is the King of the Underworld.”
“I know he is,” Y/n said before narrowing her eyes at her Mother. “What are you insinuating?”
“I’m just saying sweetheart,” Demeter said as she sighed before continuing, “His soul has been hardened over the years and it would pain me immensely if he hurt you. I want you to have everything in this world but I guess if he’s who makes you happy then who am I to stand in the way of that?”
“With all due respect, I’ve known Harry for a few years now and he’s always treated me with the most respect and kindness, even more than some people I’ve been friends with for longer,” Y/n said. “He’s the most special soul I’ve ever encountered and even if he does eventually hurt me, that’s something that I need to go through on my own. You’re my mom, and I’m so excited to get to know you but unfortunately you haven’t been involved in my life for long enough to have a say or to dictate who I’m going to love.”
“You love him?”
“I’m getting there.”
“You’re right honey, I’m sorry that I just threw in my opinion like it was wanted. I want our relationship to grow; I want to know my daughter.”
“I want to get to know my Mom, too,” Y/n said as she smiled before grabbing Demeter’s hands across the table. “Thank you for lunch but I really should be going, I have to get ready for classes because they start tomorrow!”
“Of course!” Demeter said. “I’ll call you later this week and maybe you could come to Mt. Olympus for dinner soon?”
“I would absolutely love that.”
Y/n walked through the front door of her apartment before releasing a breath she didn’t even realize she was holding. Everything went smoothly, of course her fears were for nothing. Her mom loved her; she loved her mom. She was a goddess? And had a whole ass family? And the best boyfriend. She felt proud of herself. Proud for standing up to her mom about her feelings with Harry. But also proud of doing something that she knew was scary and intimidating which was meeting her mom. 
Tomorrow though, school would start and instead of things being as beautiful and flowing as it has been, she was going to have to buckle down and study. Just because she was a goddess, that didn’t mean that she still didn’t have to work hard. Y/n walked into the kitchen and filled up her bottle with water before going into her room and getting ready for bed. Tomorrow would be the start of her senior year of college.
The next morning, y/n got up and made her way around the apartment, gathering everything she would need for her first few classes of the year. By 8:30 she was out of the apartment and walking into the campus coffee shop.
As she walked along the sidewalk to her first class, she shot Harry a text, letting him know that she would be done with class around 11 and asking him if he wanted to meet for lunch after. He responded with an ‘of course, xx’. 
After walking into the cafeteria area of her school, looking for an empty table for her and Harry to sit at, she noticed Christine reading a book at a corner table. “Hey Chris,” she said as she sat down.
“Hey babe, where’s the dreamboat?”
“On his way, I think-“
“Hello, ladies,” Harry said as he sat down beside you pressing a kiss to her forehead before sitting down beside her. “What are we talking about?”
“Oh you know,” Christine said before smirking. “Just about how great of a boyfriend you are.”
“Shut up Chris,” Y/n said before nudging her friend. “We were actually just talking about where you were. You are a great boyfriend though. Chris is just trying to pry details about our relationship out of me.”
“Damn Chris, the look on your face had me worried for a second. It looked…deadly,” Harry said as he put his arm around y/n before leaning down and whispering, ”By the way, in case I haven’t told you, you’re a great girlfriend too. The best actually.”
“You two are ridiculous, I regret trying to make a cute moment between you two. It actually makes me want to puke up my lunch once I actually eat it,” Chris mumbled as she brought a fry to her mouth. “Actually, there is something I wanted to run past you two.”
“What’s that?” Harry asked as he grabbed a carrot stick of Y/n’s plate.
“Well there’s a costume party this weekend at a frat and I was thinking we could all go,” Christine said before quickly looking down at her plate of French fries.
“I know, Harry and I talked about the party the other day, so why are you being weird about this?” Y/n asked as she narrowed her eyes.
“Well, the party is at Rowan’s frat. I know you’re not talking, and rightfully so, but I just needed you to know that beforehand.”
“Dammit Chris,” Y/n said.
“It’s fine Christine, we will still be there,” Harry said as he squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “If you’re comfortable going of course, babe.”
“If you’re okay with it, I am too,” Y/n said before leaning up to kiss Harry’s cheek. “I just haven’t talked to Rowan since our fight and I just don’t want it to be awkward.”
“Ignore him,” Christine scoffed. “He was being a shit head and I don’t think you need to talk to him. When he finally comes to his senses and apologizes then, a reconciliation might be in order.”
“She’s right, Y/n,” Harry said. “I’m pissed off that he disrespected both you and us in that way but you shouldn’t have to limit your fun and your experiences because you’re afraid he might be there.”
“Okay, well I have to go, my next class is in twenty minutes,” Christine said as she scarfed the rest of her fries down before grabbing her bag. “I love you both and I’ll see you two later.”
Y/n sighed as she watched Christine walk away. “These last two weeks have been a lot,” she mumbled before leaning her head on Harry’s shoulder. 
“I know baby,” Harry whispered as he kissed her temple. “How was lunch with Demeter yesterday? Did everything go well?”
“For the most part everything went really well. We had a heart to heart about the kidnapping issue, she felt terrible but of course I assured her it wasn’t her fault. I’m content with how everything turned out and proud of myself for my growth because of it. We also talked a little bit about you,” Y/n whispered before kissing his cheek. Harry’s grip around her shoulder tightened a little bit. 
“What did she say?” Harry questioned, his whole body going stiff. “Tell you how awful I am being the King of Darkness and all?”
“She tried to make a comment about how you might not be the right decision for me-“
“I fucking knew she was going to pull a stunt like that,” Harry said, his tone of voice rising a bit due to his newfound anger.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it though Bub,” Y/n said as she kissed his lips, pulling away too quick for his liking as he chased her lips. “I definitely put her in her place. You’re the one for me. I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else, she doesn't know me well enough to make those kinds of decisions for me.”
Harry relaxed at her words before letting a smirk take over his lips. “My knight in shining armor,” He joked as he nuzzled his face onto her cheek.
“Stop it,” She said as she was giggling before looking up at him with a serious glint in her eye. “I’ll defend you forever, I hope you know that.”
“I do, baby, and I would do the same.”
The rest of the week flew by, Y/n was busy with her classes, Botany 507 being her favorite course. A free weekend seemed to be exactly what she needed to unwind from the overwhelming classwork. That and spending quality time with her boyfriend, of course. Y/n picked out the costumes that the two were going to wear to the frat party on Friday.
By the time Harry showed up at her house to get ready for the party, Christine had already left to go get ready with a new girl she was talking to. When she heard the light tapping on the door she walked over to reveal a dissolved looking Harry. 
“Bub,” Y/n whispered as she pulled him into her apartment. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Harry mumbled as he reached out to grab her cheeks bringing her lips to his, harshly. Y/n quickly got the memo that he wasn’t in the mood for talking and surprisingly, she was okay with that. She felt his tongue slide across her lower lip to which she quickly allowed him control. 
“I just need to love on you for a minute, is that okay?” Harry asked as he walked them backwards towards the couch.
“That’s more than okay,” Y/n mumbled against his lips before sitting down in front of him, getting comfortable on her couch. 
“Thank you baby,” Harry said as he started working her pants down her legs. “You’re sure this is okay?”
“Yes,” She said, spreading her legs out for him. 
“So beautiful baby,” Harry whispered as he admired her pink lacy underwear on display for him. He got down on his knees before leaning down and pressing a chaste kiss to her clothed clit. 
“Fuck, Harry,” Y/n moaned out at the sudden contact. “I’m going to make you feel so good, lovie,” Harry whispered, looking up at her with a devilish glint in his eyes. He grabbed the elastic of her panties as he slowly started to drag them down her legs. Y/n raised her hips in order to help him get them off.
“You have the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen,” Harry whispered looking at her like his last meal.
“If you don’t do something right now Harry, I’ll take care of it myself,” Y/n said, frustration radiating through her body. 
“Patience, petal,” Harry said before licking a long stripe up her slit. The sudden contact making Y/n jump and harshly grab onto Harry’s hair. Slowly, Harry pushed a finger inside of y/n all while continuing his assault on her clit.
“So good Harry,” Y/n moaned out as she felt the fire in her lower belly start to burn. Harry noticed her clenching and inserted another finger slowly so as to not hurt her.
“Oh my god,” Y/n moaned as she pressed Harry’s face deeper into her core. Harry quickly got the memo and replaced his fingers with his tongue. Quickly fucking his tongue in and out of her core, relishing in way he was making her feel.
“Feel so good, H,” Y/n moaned. “Don’t stop, don’t stop, I’m going to come.”
“Let go for me baby, come all over my face,” Harry moaned back, her pleasure going straight to his dick. Y/n quickly reached the point of no return as she screamed his name loudly.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m coming,” Y/n yelled while clenching her legs around Harry’s face before leaning back onto the couch and looking down at her boyfriend with her juices still covering his face. “Please kiss me.”
“Oh baby,” He whispered before leaning up and kissing her softly, relishing in how she molded against him. 
Y/n quickly took charge, reaching her hands into Harry’s boxers and slowly stroking his cock. “You know, I haven’t had a chance to give you a blowie yet, and it’s literally all I can think about.”
“Yeah, you want my cock in your pretty little mouth?” Harry asks, his chest rising and falling at a quicker pace.
“It’s all I want, H,” Y/n said before pulling his pants down his legs just far enough to let his member spring free and then pushing him on the couch. Slowly falling to her knees, y/n pressed a small kiss to his leaking tip, causing Harry to let out a small moan.
“Seeing you on your knees for me, is doing more for me than I can even begin to describe,” Harry moans out, watching her take him into her mouth.
Y/n just smirks as she looks up at him through her eyelashes and fully taking him into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat. “I want you to fuck my throat, Harry.”
“What?” Harry says, eyes wide.
“You heard me, fuck my throat, use me.” 
Harry let out a guttural groan before saying, “Please tell me if it gets to be too much.” Y/n nodded, giving Harry the okay to take the reins. He grabbed the back of her head, pushing himself fully into her mouth before lightly thrusting his hips, causing y/n to gag.
“You’re doing so good for me baby, being daddy’s bad girl and letting him use her,” the dirty words causing y/n to moan out and send vibrations onto Harry’s dick, making it twitch. Soon, Harry was thrusting into her mouth relentlessly, y/n was gagging but trying to breath through her nose, with saliva running down her chin. The whole thing was quick, dirty, and hot. Y/n reached up beginning to play with his balls to try to get him to reach his high. 
“Oh my god,” Harry groaned, his pace picking up speed. “I’m
going to come.” 
“Come for me, baby,” Y/n moaned out before taking him back in her mouth, working him with everything she had. Moments later she felt his cock twitch followed by strings of cum hitting the back of her throat. After swallowing every last drop, y/n wiped off her lips, looking Harry in the eyes.
“What the fuck, y/n,” Harry said, trying to catch his breath
before kissing her on the forehead.
“That was fun,” She said giggling to herself before adding,
“Oh my gods,” Harry mumbled, his face turning a bright shade of
pink. “I didn’t know that was something I would be into, but in the heat of the moment, it slipped out.”
“It’s okay, I thought it was hot,” Y/n said, winking at Harry
before getting serious. “Do you want to talk about it yet?”
“Talk about what?”
“We both gave each other great head, and it was a lot of fun 
but I can tell something was bothering you. So,” Y/n said, moving to sit on his lap before crossing her arms. “What happened today.” 
“I just had to deal with some awful souls today. A few of the things that the freshly dead souls did were terrible. Some even tried threatening you,” Harry mumbled, his hard exterior breaking down in her presence. “I was so mad; I came here right after. I needed to see you and remind you how much you mean to me. No one is going to do anything to take you away from me.”
“Bub,” Y/n sighed as she brought him towards her in an attempt to comfort him. “No one could do anything to me. To us. I’m with you for the long term. I’ll fuck anybody up who thinks otherwise, we’re like the strongest duo out there.”
“Thank you,” Harry said before smiling up at his love.
“I should be thanking you,” Y/n said as she nudged him. “You just gave me mind blowing head. ”
“And you just gave me mind blowing head,” Harry said, chuckling. “That was literally the kind of head that will kill a man. I didn’t know you were such a minx.”
“There’s a lot you still have to learn about me, baby,” Y/n said before smirking at Harry, devilishly. “Now I need to go take a shower so we can get ready for this frat party. You, handsome, have a costume to put on, it’s on my bed.”
Y/n got up off the couch, slowly. Her legs were very tired and a little wobbly. She got into the shower, quickly washing her hair and shaving her body. The costumes she picked out for her and Harry were perfect but they also required her to have her entire body hairless, if only for the aesthetic of it all. 
“Are you sure this outfit is okay?” Harry asked, looking at her with an unsure glint in his eye as she finished blow drying her hair. Y/n had picked out a Hades and Persephone-esque ensemble that required both of them to wear togas. Harry had a black toga with a black crown that had intimidating small black spears atop of it. Y/n’s outfit consisted of a white toga with a beautiful flower crown that complimented her freshly blown out hair. To complete her look she accessorized with gold chains and bracelets. They looked like the God and Goddess that they were.
“Bub,” y/n said, her eyes crinkling with amusement as she looked at her boyfriend. “I can assure you, everyone at this party is going to be dressed up. You’re not going to be the only person in a toga-like ensemble.”
“I feel ridiculous. Why do you get to look so beautiful and I have to wear this uncomfy dress? We didn’t even wear things like this back then!”
“Harry, oh my god! It doesn’t have to be historically accurate,” Y/n said, smiling at his discomfort before looking up at him innocently. “And for the record, I think you look insanely fucking hot.” 
“Y/n,” Harry warned, “Don’t start because we won’t leave this house otherwise.”
Y/n just smiled up at him before kissing his cheek and walking back to her vanity to put the finishing touches on her outfit. “I’m going to finish my makeup and afterwards, I think it’s time to do yours as well.”
“I am not putting makeup on,” Harry said to Y/n. 
“You are though,” Y/n assured him. “It completes the look and it’s how my modern-day Hades looks in my mind.”
“Ugh,” Harry groaned as he wrapped his arms around his girl. “I don’t know if it’s bad for me or not, but you definitely have me wrapped around your finger.”
After they finished getting ready, and Y/n got Harry to put on the eyeliner, even though it was begrudgingly, they were walking out the door of the apartment and towards Harry’s car. 
“What’s going to happen if you see Rowan tonight,” Y/n whispered as she grabbed Harry’s hand across the console.
“I’ll beat his ass,” Harry joked as he looked across to a frowning Y/n. “I’m kidding baby, if need be, I’ll probably talk to him and clear the air. But I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do. I’ll respect your wishes on this one.”
“Thank you, H,” Y/n said as she leaned across the console to kiss his cheek. “Handle it however you want, but please, no violence from you. If it comes to that, I’d prefer to handle it.”
“Whatever you say,” Harry said as he smiled before putting the car in park in the crowded driveway of the Fraternity. “You are the Queen of Darkness after all, it’s game time baby.”
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geralehane · 4 years
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an unlikely cupid
Raven and Clarke get drunk and accidentally summon Lexa the old and powerful deity who's also hopelessly, helplessly gay.
or, the one where Lexa and Clarke live happily ever after.
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If Clarke has ever learned anything in life, it would be two things. One: most ideas Raven comes up with are surprisingly idiotic, considering her brilliance. Two: Drunk Clarke never agrees with anything Sober Clarke thinks, and Raven’s ideas being idiotic is not an exception.
In fact, Drunk Clarke loves Raven’s ideas. Which is exactly how the two of them find themselves in their dorm at two-fifty five in the morning, spilling whiskey all over a wooden board Raven found in her grandma’s attic last weekend.
A wooden Ouija board, to be precise.
Sober Clarke told Raven to burn it down. Drunk Clarke giggles and snatches it from her hands, eagerly looking it over. “How do we know it works?”
“Fuck if I know,” is her answer as Raven takes a huge swig straight from the bottle, wincing at the strong burn. “We place our fingers on this small thing and hope for the best.”
“That’s what she said,” Clarke hiccups. “You ready? We ready?”
Raven’s enthusiastic nod and the splash of whiskey from the bottle notify her that everyone is more than ready. “Alright,” Clarke says. “Wait, why are we doing this, again?”
“Cause Halloween, man,” Raven loudly lets her know, nodding at her own words.
“Oh.” Clarke thinks for a minute. “True.” She squints at the board. “Is it okay that we spilled whiskey on it?”
Raven nods.
“Is it okay if I lick it off?”
Raven nods again.
So Clarke does. She drools a little on it, right in the center, but she’s too drunk to care, so she simply wipes it away.
“Hot,” her friend comments with a wide, sloppy grin. “Okay. Gimme those sausages, Griffin.”
“Hey!” Clarke makes two fists, hiding her fingers. “Fuck you. They are not sausages. They are magnificent.”
“As someone who bangs chicks, you’d think you’d learn to appreciate the gift from gods.”
“I’d trade them for a girlfriend,” Clarke says. “Or Cheetos. I’m hungry.”
“Quit dicking around and let’s do this.”
Clarke doesn’t voice another that’s what she said, but she makes damn sure Raven gets her train of thought when she waggles her eyebrows at her.
All Lexa wanted was to come back to her plane of existence and climb in a bathtub. That’s literally all she wanted. She doesn’t even particularly cares if there’s going to be water in it. She just likes the concept. Sometimes, humans have the best ideas.
Everything is giving her a headache that day. It’s like the whole universe with every world in it have decided to band together against her. Well. That’s Halloween for her. Despite it becoming a largely commercial holiday, no one cancelled Samhain just because humans decided they wanted to be a Joker once a year.
Vile creature, that man – and she says that as someone who’s viewed as demonic. She’s not actually a demon – that’s common misconception. She’s just an old goddess. Humans know a lot of her names, and none of them can even begin to imagine that she’s the one behind those faces, portrayed grim, evil, and, most offensively, male.
Lexa sighs. Her Hades days were certainly the most fun, but the tale’s been twisted so much she’s not sure she enjoys those memories quite in the same way. Oh well. Samhain is almost over. She can finally kick back and relax in a hot tub and maybe open up a bottle of ambrosia she saved for a special occasion. And what could be more special than a night of self-care?
Now, Lexa never considered herself particularly lucky. Mostly because Luck and her had a brief affair that did not end well, and she’s been mildly cursed ever since. Nothing she can’t live with, of course – but just a tad inconvenient. She’s certainly learned to cherish small blessings. That’s why, when she feels a tell-tale tug in her gut before being hurled back to a dimension she’s just left, she’s not even surprised. She simply whispers a quick thank you that she hasn’t taken her clothes off yet.
With that, she sighs and lets herself be whisked away back to Earth, wondering  with scientific curiosity who could have possibly found out the summoning spell.
“I’m pretty sure you’re doing it wrong.”
“This seems like a ‘that’s what she said’ moment, but I assure you, she’s never said that.”
Raven blinks. Reaches for the bottle and pouts when she finds it empty. “Who is she, anyway?”
“Fuck if I know,” Clarke repeats Raven’s words from earlier. “And I’m not doing anything wrong. You’re supposed to move this thing,” she gestures to the heart-shaped piece of wood, with a hole in the middle of it that she looks through at Raven.
“Maybe there’s an instruction or something,” Raven mutters, grabbing the planchette. Clarke resists and tugs it back, resulting in Raven’s forehead colliding with her mouth. Hard.
“Shit!” Clarke exclaims when a droplet of blood falls onto the board from her now-split lip. “Raven, what the fuck?”
Her friend only shrugs apologetically. Not even apologetically. In fact, she doesn’t even shrug. “You’re doing it wrong,” she says.
“I do everything right,” Clarke argues, taking the planchette back. “Sit and watch. And prepare for an I told you so.”
Lexa blinks when the spinning finally stops and she’s rematerialized in what appears to be a room in a college dormitory. That alone surprises her more than anything that’s happened today. Surely, a college student couldn’t have known all the steps necessary to complete a ritual.
“…prepare for an I told you so,” she catches and turns in the direction of the voice, squinting. English. American English, to be exact. Things are taking an interesting turn. She was expecting a bunch of men unsatisfied with life and recent feminist movement. Not two drunk college girls.
She comes closer to get a better look at them, and no, she’s definitely not prepared for what she sees. And what she sees is an angel. An actual angel with a bloody lip and unfocused gaze and a strong alcoholic smell. An angel with blonde tresses and bluest eyes.
Lexa can’t stop herself from letting out the smallest, softest gasp.
She’s immensely grateful for her ability to be invisible.
She’s frozen in place, eyes taking in every inch of the girl’s body when that same voice – and oh, what a voice it is! – addresses the room, husky and low. “Is anyone here with us?”
Lexa takes a deep breath, rubs her suddenly cold hands, and hesitantly steps forward, placing her own fingers on the wooden planchette and shakily dragging it to the word “yes”.
“Raven!” Clarke yelps, jumping from the board. “Raven, I did it!”
Raven, however, does not share her enthusiasm. “Yeah,” she says blankly. “I saw you move it.”
“No, see, see,” with fast slurred speech and disheveled hair, Clarke more closely resembles a maniac than a bright daughter of two respected surgeons. “I didn’t – Raven,” she gasps, happy she finally gets a good reason to pause for a dramatic effect. “I didn’t move it,” she finishes in a loud whisper.
Raven stares at her. And stares. And stares some more before she starts to chuckle, slowly at first. Soon, it escalated into a continuous giggling. “Sure, Clarke,” she manages to say. “I believe you.”
“But I’m telling the truth!” Clarke gets suddenly upset. Why doesn’t Raven believe her?
“And I’m marrying Finn tomorrow. Get real, Griff.” The planchette hits Raven’s forehead as soon as she’s finished talking.
Clarke’s triumphant yell pales in contrast with Raven’s terrified scream.
That is very, very loud. Lexa does not like loud.
Unless Clarke likes loud. Then she loves loud.
Right now, however, it’s starting to become a little extreme. So she sighs and waves her hand, silencing the girl whose name is Raven. She has to admit – watching her try to scream silently is mildly amusing.
But then it scares Clarke, too. “Who’s here? Who’s doing this?”
She sighs again. Then, she makes her voice audible so that Clarke can hear you. “You have noting to fear. My name is Lexa. I will give your friend her voice back, but only if she promises not to scream.”
After Raven’s rigorous nodding, Lexa waves her hand again, and the girl coughs, eyes wide and expression sober. “Who – who are you?!”
“Oh,” Lexa says, because she hasn’t really thought things this far. “I have many names and positions. I believe you know me as the devil, but I promise you, I’m vastly different from that portrayal.”
Raven blinks. “Did she just say she’s Satan?”
“I think so,” Clarke whispers back, and Lexa freezes again, watching the way she presses her lips together. How is she so beautiful?
“Does Satan really expect me to believe she’s, what, nice?”
“Well, yes,” Lexa speaks up. “That would be a polite thing to do.”
“Oh hell no,” Raven says. “I don’t play with demons,” she announces, despite the fact that it’s exactly what she’s been doing for the past half an hour. “If you’re nice, tell us how to get rid of you.”
Now it’s Lexa’s turn to blink. “I’m afraid that’s not possible,” she says apologetically. Then her eyes widen with realization. “Oh! You meant get me to leave this room?”
“Yeah. Exactly. How do we do that?”
“Oh, you – you don’t. I can come and go as I please now. That’s the whole point of the summoning spell.”
Clarke and Raven look at each other, eyes wide. “The what now?!”
So turns out that while Luck and Lexa are not exactly pals, Fate definitely favors her. Through a series of events that they can’t exactly deem either fortunate or unfortunate just yet, Clarke and Raven manage to accidentally summon one of the most powerful beings known to man. And that being just happens to fall head over heels for Clarke.
Raven finds it weird. Clarke finds it sweet. And Fate – well, Fate doesn’t find it impossible.
“Lexa, dear,” she mumbles around a thin cigarette while Lexa broods all over her realm, having just come back from Earth after yet another night with Clarke, full of talking and laughing and soft unspoken confessions on both ends. “Just take some time off and spend a life with that girl. She’ll join you after it’s over anyway. What’s seventy years to you? A blink of an eye. Besides, have you forgotten how fun it is to grow old?”
So Lexa sighs, fishes the best outfit she has out of her memory, and goes back to earth wearing her corporeal form and a pale blue oxford shirt with sleeves rolled up. She faintly recalls Clarke liking that.
In hindsight, waiting for Clarke in her room might not have been her best idea, but can she be blamed, really? She got used to it. She just kinda forgot she wasn’t visible all previous times she’s been there.
Clarke walks through her door a moment later, eyes on her phone. “Lexa, I’m home!” she calls out, not looking up as she kicks her shoes off. “You here? Le- Jesus fucking Christ!”
Lexa never particularly liked the man, but the profanity still makes her wince. “Hello, Clarke.”
“Holy shit,” Clarke exhales, pressing a hand to her chest and bending to retrieve her phone that fell out of her grip when she jumped in fright upon finding a stranger sitting on her bed. “Who are you? Damn it, Raven. I told her to always let me kno- wait a minute.” She stops, blinking. “I know that voice.”
Lexa feels her lips stretch in a smile. It’s an incredible feeling. “Hello, Clarke.” She repeats, rising to her feet and offering her a giant bouquet she retrieves from thin air.
“Oh God,” Clarke whispers, rapidly blinking sudden tears away. “Lexa. Oh my God.”
“Well, technically, yes,” Lexa says, “but we can skip the formalities.”
Clarke’s warm, solid body slams into hers next, and she huffs in surprise, falling down on Clarke’s bed with the girl on top of her, clinging to her. “Lexa,” Clarke sobs. “You’re here. It’s you. You’re here.”  
“Yes,” she confirms. “I’m here. It’s me.”
Clarke’s lips on hers feel better than anything she’s ever experienced, and she’s been around for a little longer than eternity. “I can’t believe I’m holding you in my arms,” Clarke whispers when they part, breathing ragged. “You’re so real. So warm, too. Is that – is that how you really look like?”
“Yes,” she gives another affirmative. “I’m not wearing someone’s body. We’ve been over this.”
“I know,” Clarke chuckles. “I’m just checking.”
She trails a finger down Lexa’s cheek, slow and tender. Lexa sees the unspoken question in her eyes. She answers with no hesitation. “I’m here to stay. For as long as you want me.”
“Then that means you’re stuck with me forever.”
Lexa laughs. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. Although I do believe it’s the other way around. Clarke, I…” she swallows, and Clarke smoothes her thumb over the skin of her throat where it bobs. “If you ever decide to end our – this, I’ll understand. But I’m afraid I’m a little different.”
“Lexa,” Clarke coos, shushing her. She’s still roaming her hands all over her body, and it’s way less sexual than it sounds. She’s simply feeling Lexa. And Lexa’s completely okay with that. “When I said forever, I knew who I was talking to you. It’s not just a word anymore.” She leans in, pressing another kiss to Lexa’s lips. “For us, it’s a reality.”
Lexa’s heart soars when she says ‘for us.’ It jumps and stops and restarts, beating so fast she’s afraid it’ll jump out of her chest.
“A reality,” she whispers. “I like the sound of that.”
“And I like your face.” Clarke squints. “You didn’t tell me you were this hot.”
“I’ve exited for millions of years, Clarke,” Lexa reminds her. “I do not have an opinion on beauty, because it is as made up as it is subjective.”
“A concept can’t be made up and subjective at the same time.”
“Let me correct myself, then. I used to think it was made up.” Her smile grows. “Then I met you.”
“You’re so getting lucky tonight, I hope you know that.” Soft lips capture hers, and Lexa gloats.
Suck on this, Luck.
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Changing History?
Pairing: Demeter!Klaus X Hades!Lizzy
Summary: It was very clear that there was a long history of generations of Demeters and Hades hating one another. being this generation's Hades, Lizzy wished to put the past to rest and try to befriend Demeter. Will her efforts pay off, will Klaus give Lizzy the chance to prove herself, or will the continuous loop keep repeating itself.
Warning: Angstish
“Shut in!”
“Control freak!”
“Troublemaking demon!”
“Oohh now we’re calling me a demon, real nice one you egotistical jerk!” Lizzy shouted her pastel blue hair floating in the hair and started to turn into blue flames. Letting out a sigh I could only standby and watch as Lizzy and my brother argued; I really wished he wouldn’t instigate her as I couldn’t help but feel bad for her, no matter how hard she tried to be nice whenever Klaus showed up he’d act coldly towards her. “Oh come now calm down you living candlestick,” I heard Klaus dryly say when instantly I heard Lizzy let out a small gasp. “Kl-Demeter that’s enough,” I quickly shouted as I had to remember to not use his mortal name as despite my attempts to put an end to the arguing I was ignored.
“I am NOT a living candlestick first of all! And calm down? Calm down?! You don’t get to come into my domain and tell ME to calm down when you’re the one who started this all,” she shouted as her hair started to fall back down going back to normal after a moment after taking a deep breath. “I’ve done nothing but try to be nice and to be civil yet every time you come here you’re just mean,” she continued letting out a huff before starting to walk over to me as I saw the fake smile taking form on her face. “Goodbye Lizzy,” I said, giving a small smile of my own hugging my friend as I felt her return it as well. “Goodbye Lias, please do take care. I shall see you again in six months,” she said while pulling away from the hug giving my arms a small squeeze before completely stepping away from me. “Persephone let's go,” I heard my brother say in a strict voice and when I walked forward to leave with him I couldn’t help but glance back once more but she was nowhere to be seen, just the falling of dead flower petals that almost resembled ash.
Once upon arrival back home in the world of the living it hasn’t been five minutes back and Klaus was already asking a million questions about if I was okay or if she tried to do anything. Letting out a frustrated sigh I dropped my shoulders letting out a quick “no, no, and no. Now will you stop asking please, the answer is the same as always.” He looked at me and pinched the bridge of his nose which I folded my arms over my chest and stared at him. “What, what’s that look for,” I heard him ask in which I took a deep breath as it was taking everything in me to finally speak my mind. “What you said back there was uncalled for, and quite honestly I’m mad you hurt her feelings,” I said getting to the point as this truly needed to stop, he needed to see he was in the wrong.
“Persephone the only thing that god feels is anger, she does not need your pity.”
“I’m not pitying her and that isn’t true, but then again what do you know? You haven’t even made an attempt to get to know her!”
“Pardon me, do not raise your voice to me!”
“You don’t get it Klaus! She’s my best friend and all she wants is to be able to get along with you and maybe even be your friend, yet here you are pushing her away before giving her the time of day,” I argued back letting out a huff.
~~~ Klaus’ POV ~~~
Blinking I looked at my younger brother in shock as he got loud with me as he certainly has never been like this before. Letting out a small scoff and to think he was standing up for the god of the Underworld, it didn’t matter how many Hades come and go; they will all be the same.
“Pardon me- what?’
“You’re going to go and apologize to her.”
“I will do no such thing.”
“Fine then, I just won’t talk to you until you do so,” Elias said, turning around and starting to walk away from me. “Persephone,” I called his name, but he showed no sign of turning around. Letting out a small growl when I no longer saw him in sight, I couldn’t believe it's come to this. Standing there for a moment I finally gave in and created a portal to go speak with the god.
Arriving back into the gloomy and fiery surroundings I was approached by one of the denizens with a weapon in its hands. “State your business! You’ve already collected the goddess so what could you need from our queen,” it demanded in a questioning manner. “I’ve come… Seeking an audience with Hades,” I said pausing as I couldn’t believe I was doing this. “Follow me then,” the demon said after a brief pause, lowering its weapon and starting to lead the way which I silently followed. Walking through the castle I looked around as admittedly it looked a lot cleaner than how it looked when the last Hades was in control. Moments after walking we entered what looked to be the study room or a library. “The queen will be with you momentarily. Do not touch or break anything,” the demon announced before giving the warning and closing the doors after it left. Rolling my eyes I looked around and decided to examine a few things to kill time.
Over the large fireplace was the mural of Hades herself with her three headed hellhound, she had a soft smile yet it didn’t match the sad look in her eyes- no, no, I wasn’t going to be another fool falling for any tricks or lies. Walking around the room I stopped by the table that had a closed book that caught my attention. Leaning over I read the cover: The Hades tales: Lizette as on the spine of the book after I picked it up I noticed it had engraved 2019 -, so it was pretty much like the book I received when I started. Looking around to see if anyone was in the room I looked back down and opened it to read a little, this would be the best way to get insight on any evil plans she could be plotting.
Entry 4:
Another failed day of attempting to leave the Underworld; it’s official I’m stuck in this fire hole. Though now that I’m apparently a god, goddess? Eh whatever I am I cannot help but wonder about my mortal life; actually I couldn’t help but wonder if I’m here because I died. Not like I’m going to get any answers from anyone or anything for that matter. It’s going to take a while to get used to all of this and all of the duties, but hopefully things will go alright.
Rolling my eyes I continued to flip through a couple more pages till I stopped on another entry.
Entry 17:
I’ve finally managed to restore the garden! Even if many of the plants and flowers are dead or deadly they still deserve to be tended to like any other. Things haven’t been easy, but I’m grateful to the other gods who reside here that have pointed me in the right direction of what I should be doing. As I’ve become very proud of myself; I have declared that depending on the judgments of the souls that appear here that those who are deserving of a second chance will be reincarnated. Though I cannot control how they are reborn, at least they can watch over their loved ones to see them grow… It can only get me thinking of what will become of me when my time comes: will I get to be reborn into a new life or will I just disappear and cease to exist to be forgotten for an eternity with only the tales from this book be all that is left of me.
It was much to my surprise that I learned that she wasn’t keeping the souls condemned here, no wonder why it doesn’t feel as congested as it has in the past. My eyes softened at the words of how she questioned what happens after this life that not even I have really even thought of it that way. Peeking around there was still no sign of anyone in the room so I continued to read through. Then I came upon a more recent entry that looked very long.
Entry 60:
Truly I don’t know why I bother anymore, why do I continue to put the effort into befriending Demeter; I’ve easily given up on befriending the others who dislike me for the very same reason as his… Maybe because it’s simply because Demeter is Elias’ brother, but regardless it shouldn’t hurt so much every time he insults me and there are days where I can take it but even then I can only take so much. I fully understand I cannot change the history of what’s taken place, but that doesn’t mean it has to keep repeating itself right? To whoever reads this after-
“Oh what do I owe the return of the goddess of harvest,” I heard the familiar voice that disrupted my reading and quickly looked up to find where the god was to see her walking across the other side of the table. Before I could even speak I heard her say, “Oh don’t tell me, maybe you’ve come back to remind me just how much you despise me. Or maybe how you hope I rot in hell; oh wait I’m already doing so haha.” She had a straight face as the flat laugh at her own poor joke, the laughter that sounded nothing like the ones that I’d hear whenever she spoke to Elias. Clearing my throat I responded, “I never seek to be making returns here unless it’s for my brother, but no I haven’t returned to simply insult you… I’ve come to apologize.” Hearing that laugh from before I watched as she leaned against the wall and folded her arms with a raised eyebrow.
“You coming to apologize to me, surely it isn’t of your own accord... Let me guess, dear sweet Lias got angry with you and threatened you. To which of course god forbid you’re ever on his bad side that you’d pretty much do whatever to be in his good graces again,” she said pretty much hitting the mark. “Regardless if you are correct or not I’ve come to apologize and then be on my way,” I simply replied to which I saw her baby blue eyes roll. “Then don’t bother apologizing to me. Tell him whatever you wish, but I don’t want empty apologies. I’ve said my apologies and I’m tired of repeating myself so I won’t any more,” she outright told me as I blinked a couple of times not having expected that from her. “Whether you accept it or not I apologize for my… Rudeness,” I apologized for the sake of doing it though seeing her like this gave me an odd feeling.
I noticed her eyebrows knitting together as she was looking at me until I saw her making her way over to me. “Why do you have my book?! Give that to me,” she loudly asked before coming right up to me and snatching her book back and holding it close to her. Looking at her I think this was the first time we were ever this close and actually looking at her… Did she always look this pretty? “I thought reading it would give me insight to see if you were planning anything evil… But from the few I have read there was nothing sinister I could see. Forgive me for intruding into your personal book,” I said honestly before again apologizing though this time I was serious. She was silent with a pout on her face while looking me in the eyes, seeming to debate something mentally before soon enough a small sigh left her lips. Snapping myself out of whatever trance I felt myself slipping into I cleared my throat. “Yes well. Now that things have been settled… I shall be taking my leave,” I said excusing myself as with that I’ve used my powers to head back home.
There were times when Persephone would grow bored and demand to go visit Hades; however it hasn't been six months yet, so I would take it upon myself to accompany my brother to make sure he would not stay too long. Of course I’d keep my distance, but watching the two interact slowly over time I came to see that their relationship was as my brother had said many times in the past, purely platonic. She certainly was a strange Hades as she never really behaved like one, but I wasn’t going to admit that out loud. Of course we still argued and fought as there were occasions I’d be forced to take part in the conversations the two would have; very much like the one they were having at this moment during tea.
“Again? To think Hercules would keep trying at this point,” I listened to my brother comment about her story from the other day. “You don’t think he could be in love with you,” was the next thing I heard my brother bring up only to hear Hades' laughter instantly afterwards. “Oh lord I hope not haha. Don’t get me wrong, when he isn’t trying to swing his blade at me Ted can be nice… He’s just not that bright,” she replied instantly before adding on “And besides let’s be honest; who is going to love me, of all gods romantically?” Letting that comment sink in I couldn’t help but feel this strange pit in my stomach.
“Well what about Rex? You’ve been telling me how you two were writing letters back and forth as of lately,” Elias brought up possibly trying to prove a point or something. Exactly knowing who my brother was talking about: the goddess of good counsel, Themis. Hades only seemed to shake her head in a no manner. “Or what about Vain? He comes to visit often no; surely a man with that kind of dedication to make time for you is bound to harbor feelings for you right,” Elias seemed adamant to prove her statement wrong. A name of a god I did not like; Kratos was a man I did not care for nor did I get along well with, but why did the possible thought of the brute being involved so closely to Hades bother me so much? It wasn’t like I myself harbored any feelings towards the lonely god... She simply shrugged her shoulders resting her chin into the palm of her hand.
“Yes he comes to visit when he pleases and brings the heads of his enemies as an ‘offering’ to give to me… But I really don’t think it has any more meaning behind it,” she said, shooting down that idea in a heartbeat. An exaggerated sigh came from Elias as he stood up from his seat before saying, “Lizzy there is someone for everyone, just because it isn’t now doesn’t mean that being doesn’t exist. Now pardon me I shall be right back.” With that my brother started to walk away from the table and exited the room with creaking doors closing behind him now just leaving just us.
A silence filled the room only hearing the soft crunch sound of Hades taking a bite of some fruit. Glancing over to her, her gaze was down at the plate I found myself carefully looking at her; how her pastel blue hair cascaded down off her shoulders like a waterfall, the way she delicately ate the slices of fruit. It was almost hard to believe this was the same god I was supposed to hate. Deciding to break the silence I softly cleared my throat and asked, “Do you really think no one would ever love you?” Watching as she picked up her head I noticed an eyebrow raise up when looking at me. “Why would it matter to you? Actually I’m surprised you haven’t agreed with me already and added how I’m just simply an unlovable god,” I listened to her say instead of actually answering my question while slouching in her seat and crossing her arms over her chest. Internally I couldn’t help but wince, honestly hearing her say that so openly felt like a jab to the chest; however I guess that was my own fault for how I’ve mistreated her.
“Lizette list-” I began to talk trying to call her by her mortal name until she cut me off.
“Don’t call me that.”
“I have no attachment to that name. Just because it’s written in my book doesn’t mean I have any memories of that name so it means nothing to me. And besides I didn’t think we were anywhere near a mortal name basis,” Lizzy proceeded to explain. I didn’t answer right away trying to find how to properly say what I wanted without sounding rude. “You’re right we weren’t… But I’ve been seeing what my brother has been trying to tell me, I realized I’ve hurt you a lot because I didn’t want to believe that a being could change how a god is supposed to be,” I started off with but didn’t stop there. “I know we fight because of me, because it was all I knew with how all the stories from past Demeters' I’ve read yet… Here you were trying to make that difference and I kept fighting it. I’m sorry Lizzy,” I finished talking and apologized in the end even if she didn’t accept it. After that things got a little bit easier, not perfect but better than the beginning.
It was a new month as of course it was that time again where the god of thunder threw his monthly get together. “Are you ready,” I called out asking my younger brother as I hated going to these gatherings every single time as unfortunately Albert would never allow me to skip one, speaking of skipping I could only wonder if the ruler of the Underworld herself would be going. Hearing footsteps I saw Elias join me giving a nod of the head in a yes manner so with that I made our portal to Olympus. Greeted by the familiar surroundings already many of the gods and goddesses present greeted us while we made our way to the ballroom. Many were dancing or mingling, crowded as usual. “It seems that she isn’t here yet,” I heard Elias mutter under his breath as it was obvious that he was looking around for Lizzy. “Perhaps she decided to skip this month's party again,” I simply stated as that was one of the things I’ve envied about her; she managed to skip out on countless parties until the god of thunder himself goes to force her to come.
“Ah you made it, it’s so great to see the both of you,” the sound of the all too familiar cheerful voice was already making me feel slightly annoyed. Turning to where the voice was coming from and much to my surprise there Albert was with Lizzy right beside him, she didn’t look all too happy about being here; though then again I couldn’t blame her. Instantly Elias and her greeted each other with a hug as seeing her smile caused a small stir in my chest. There was a brief moment when our eyes met as I wasn’t completely sure how to react so I gave a small nod of my head along with a slight smile which she returned with an awkward one of her own. “Well as usual I hope you guys enjoy yourselves! If you pardon me Elias I’ll be borrowing her for a little bit,” Albert said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders bringing her to him. “Do I really need to dance, I thought making an appearance would have sufficed,” she asked while getting dragged away. “It won’t kill you to loosen up and dance once in a while Lizzy dear! Besides I’ve missed your company,” I could hear Albert say as soon enough disappeared into the crowd of gods and goddesses.
A small scoff came out as I felt myself slightly getting more irritated by Albert’s actions than normal. “Brother are you alright,” I heard Elias’ voice bring me back as I looked over to him. Giving a curt nod of my head I replied, “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” He seemed to give me a questioning look and seemed to shrug his shoulders lightly. “It just seemed like something was bothering you is all,” Elias said as I didn’t really do or say anything to his comment. After him excusing himself to go off to walk around I was left on my own finding myself to lean against one of the columns watching everyone dancing. That was when I got a glimpse of Albert and Lizzy dancing together and it only seemed to put me in even a worse mood seeing them together so close. Was this my punishment for how I poorly treated her in the past, was this to feel the pain that she’s felt herself; regardless it wasn’t pleasant. I tried to do everything I could to not feel anything for the ruler of the Underworld, yet here I was in love with her and it hurt. As the party progressed I found myself slightly drinking as I could only watch from the distance while Lizzy was currently chatting with Albert, Elias, and Rex as she looked like she was enjoying the conversation.
“So this is where you’ve been the whole time,” I heard the annoyingly cheerful voice of Hermes in my ear as I didn’t bother to look at him. “Not now Hermes I’m really not in the mood to really converse with anyone,” I stated wishing he’d simply go away. “Aw come now don’t be a party pooper! Oh are you watching your brother with Lizzy and them, Elias was telling me that you and Lizzy have been slowly getting along better,” He rambled on as I let out a sigh. It was when I noticed Kratos himself joining their group and greeted her with a hug, even going as far as kissing the top of her hand; nope I have had enough of watching this. Ditching my drink I simply started to walk over to them leaving Hermes on his own to his own rambling. As I drew closer I seemed to have caught the groups’ attention as Albert seemed to open his mouth. “Ah Klaus so you decided to join us! I was just about to go looking for you,” he said, wearing that usual happy smile that I hated, it always seemed so fake. I didn’t respond while I simply went up to Lizzy and grabbed her upper arm though making sure not to hurt her before starting to pull her away. “Come with me,” I said having mixed feelings as maybe having a few sips of that drink wasn’t a good idea. “Hey what are you doing?! Demeter what’s gotten into you,” I heard her asking while I just kept walking until we were alone out on one of the balconies.
Feeling the cool air against my warm face felt refreshing and helped me recollect myself a little. Feeling her arm rip out of my grasp I looked down at her as she had a confused yet stern look on her face. “Demeter what was that all about,” she questioned me, her arms now crossed.
Back inside Elias was glancing over at Albert with a concerned look on his face. “Are you sure it was a good idea to take it that far,” Elias asked which Albert simply gave a small chuckle and gave the goddess of Spring a pat on the head. “Everything will work out one way or another. Besides, if he wasn’t given that push then what would have given him the drive to be honest with how he feels,” Albert said plainly as Vain showing up wasn’t a part of the god of thunder’s plans, but it seemed to help. Elias let out a small sigh before saying, “I sure hope so.”
“Stop calling me Demeter,” I said instead of answering her question.
“Wait what? Then what do you want me to call you… Are you feeling alright?”
“I said stop calling me Demeter, I want you to call me Klaus,” I repeated myself but not stopping there. “Before you say anything I know- I know there was a time when I said I never would be on a mortal name basis with you, but I take that back.” She looked at me shocked with her baby blue eyes but after a moment they went back to normal. “If… That was all you wanted to say, that's fine but that didn’t call for you storming over and dragging me off like you did,” she replied. I felt my heart banging against my chest, taking a deep breath. I said, “But that isn’t all I have to say… I like you Lizzy, I’m in love with you.” All was silent except the winds blowing past and the faint sound of the music playing inside. “That isn’t funny,” I heard her say as now I was confused. “What,” I asked in return. “If- if this is some twisted sick joke of your’s it isn’t funny kay! Don’t go saying you love me if you don’t because I won’t be able to take it,” She explained as I could hear the cracking in her voice. “For the longest time I’ve been convincing myself to move on because I knew I never stood a chance, that you’d forever hate me because of who I am! So please- please don’t say you love me if it’s just a lie,” she continued as I felt my heart ache and sting as if pricked by needles; tears were falling down her face.
I walked up to her cupping her face in my hands to wipe her tears away. “I love you. I’m so sorry that I was so cruel to you, that for so long I just pushed you away and no amount of apologizing will make the things I’ve said go away… But I can only hope that you’d allow me to prove to you that I am serious,” I said, looking at her this close under the moonlight she was even more beautiful than usual. “Why now, what made you have a change of heart,” she asked, feeling her smaller hands overlap my own. “Because when I finally did take the moment to give you a chance I saw what a good person you were, you really aren’t like any of the Hades that came before you. For some time I kept my distance in fear of the possibility I grew attached; I’ve read past Persephones’ books and I found out their happiest days were with their Hades… And if I had to suppress my own feelings for the sake of my brother’s happiness I was willing to do so,” I said explaining myself as it felt good to get this all off my chest. “So… Will you give me a chance,” I asked patiently awaiting her response. A minute or two passed until she gave a small nod in a yes manner before I felt myself smiling with joy. Leaning down I pressed my lips to her soft ones; she slightly smelt of pears and honey. Pulling away I felt myself finally feel completely calm and relaxed which I felt her slim arms wrap around me completing the embrace.
“Could we stay out here a little while longer?”
“Hehe sure Klaus; I could use a break from being in there anyway.”
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gatesofember · 4 years
The Squire’s Favor
Rating: G | Pairing: Solangelo | Read it on AO3 or continue below
Summary: Nico, a young squire in Olympus, has been best friends with Will since he was eight years old and Hades sent him away to train to be a knight. Over time, his feelings for Will have grown beyond friendly admiration. He hopes that his performance at the squire’s tourney will finally impress his friend—perhaps even enough for Will to want to court him.
...or maybe Will has felt the same way all along.
For Solangelo Week Day 4: Free Day  ( @solangeloweek ​)
As a general rule, Nico did not enjoy going to the physician. He did not like being prodded with strange medical instruments, smeared with rancid salves, or force-fed foul concoctions that would supposedly make him feel better.
But Nico dreaded it a little bit less nowadays. His best friend, Will, had wanted to be a healer ever since his mother died of fever when they were children. After Lord Apollo approved Will’s request to study under Chiron a few years ago, going to the physician had started to become almost pleasant.
Almost. Nico still held off going to the healing tent until it became obvious that he’d be at a disadvantage in the tourney’s melee if he didn’t get the cut on his arm tended to.
To Nico’s surprise, he found Will waiting for him outside the tent. His arms sat crossed over an undyed tabard and the leather strap of his medicine bag, but his doublet was awfully brightly colored for someone tending to the wounded. Will didn’t usually risk ruining his clothes like that. Nico noticed a spot of brown blood on the hem of his sleeve and smirked as he imagined the fit Will must’ve had when he saw it.
“Don’t give me that look,” Will snapped, but his tone didn’t have much real bite. “I was beginning to wonder if I’d have to drag you back here myself. What took you so long?”
Nico blinked, bewildered by Will’s temper. “What?”
“You certainly took your time coming here for treatment,” Will said, pulling back the flap of the tent and gesturing Nico inside.
Nico didn’t move. “How did you know I was hurt?”
Will suddenly averted his eyes like he was embarrassed. “Heard from some of the other squires ‘s all,” he mumbled. “It’s not like I was...you know....”
Nico tried and failed to fight back his smile. “Will,” he said, “were you watching the tourney?”
Will sniffed. “Of course not. You know I hate those things—men running around swatting each other with sticks and swords for no good reason.”
Nico beamed. “You did watch, didn’t you?” he asked. He hadn’t thought that Will would get the chance, but he’d hoped anyway. Maybe once he saw Nico competing in a tourney, Will would suddenly realize how dashing his best friend had grown to become and he’d sweep Nico off his feet—
Except, of course, Will had seen him unseated in a joust. Nico wasn’t going to impress anyone by falling off his saddle.
“I’m usually much better than that, you know,” Nico said. “It’s just that horses don’t like me.”
Will’s expression softened. “I think you did wonderfully,” he said. “Now are you going to make me keep holding the flap open or are you going to get inside and let me look at that arm?”
Nico happily acquiesced. Once inside, Will had Nico sit on an empty cot before he helped remove Nico’s gauntlet and arm braces, tutting when he saw the blood-stained rip in Nico’s sleeve.
“I still think you’re too young to be participating in these tourneys,” Will said as he dipped a cloth in a bucket of water. “At least there aren’t any knights competing in the squire’s events.”
Nico bristled like an angry cat. “I’m no younger than you!”
“I’m not the one running around with a sword,” said Will. He wrung out the excess water before returning to sit beside Nico. “But I really do think that you did well—I was just scared when I saw you fall and sometimes I worry because the other squires are so much older than us. It wasn’t long ago that you were only a page.”
Nico sighed. When he became a squire last year, he’d hoped that Will would see how brave and handsome he’d become in the six years since Hades had sent him off to become a page in Olympus. But no; Will still looked at him the same way he always had.
“I’m fifteen now; not all of them are older than us,” Nico grumbled, but his argument was cut short when he hissed as Will pressed the cloth to his wound.
“Does it hurt?” Will asked.
“Just stings,” Nico answered. “It’s not deep.”
Will nodded. “Good,” he said. “Much better than last year, anyway.”
“That was as much Percy’s fault as it was mine!” Nico protested. “He wouldn’t have broken my arm if he’d tilted properly.”
“Yes, you’ve told me,” Will said as he wiped Nico’s skin clean of blood. “I was furious with Percy until I found out how guilty he felt about it.” Satisfied with the cleanliness, Will held Nico’s arm up to examine the wound more closely. It was still bleeding steadily, but Will didn’t seem concerned. “This isn’t the worst I’ve seen today. Connor was a mess after facing Sherman.”
Nico grimaced. “Sherman got quite the lecture on knightly decorum for that.”
“Good,” muttered Will. He released Nico’s arm and stood back up to fetch the salve and some bandages. “Honestly, I was glad to see you unseat him.”
Nico sat up straighter. “You watched that round?”
“I wasn’t going to sit here when I heard you’d be facing Sherman after seeing the damage he’d done to Connor,” said Will. “Obviously I didn't need to worry. You got him at the first pass.”
Nico beamed proudly, glad that Will had witnessed more than his embarrassing defeat by Jason’s lance.
“Weren’t you scared?” Will asked as he rejoined Nico.
“Not really,” Nico replied. “Sherman doesn’t have good balance.”
Will shook his head with a smile. “You aren’t afraid of anything, are you?”
Nico blushed. He was scared of a lot of things—most notably, confessing his feelings to Will, being rejected, and sullying their friendship forever. That was terrifying, even if Will did sometimes look at Nico in ways that made him hope....
“I’m not scared of a friendly duel,” Nico said instead. “Especially not when I know you’ll take care of me if I get hurt.”
Will dipped his fingers in the jar of salve and didn’t look up. “Of course I will,” he said. To Nico’s surprise, he noticed that Will had gone red.
Nico forced himself not to jump at the first touch of Will’s fingers, gently rubbing the salve over his wound and leaving a cool, tingling sensation in their wake.
This was why Nico didn’t mind visits to the physicians so much anymore. He loved the tender touch of Will’s soft, healing hands. He loved the excuse to sit close to Will—close enough to make out each individual golden eyelash and to see light, faded freckles that he didn’t notice from farther away. He loved the serious, focused look in Will’s eyes and the careful attention that Will always paid his injuries. When Will showed him such tenderness, Nico felt safe and warm and for a wonderful moment, he could almost believe that his feelings for Will weren’t one-sided.
Will glanced up. Nico wasn’t fast enough to pretend he hadn’t been staring, but Will didn’t say anything. He just blushed and silently reached for the bandages.
Sometimes, Nico thought that being with Will was more dangerous than any joust or melee. When Will looked at Nico like that, with his cheeks pinking shyly and his pretty eyes watching Nico like he was the most important person in the room, Nico couldn’t help the hope that maybe there was a romance blossoming between them. Maybe Will did feel the same way.
But Will finished the bandages like he always did, rinsed his hands clean of blood and salve, and cleared his throat. “That’s enough for now,” he said. “You should be fine for the melee. I’ll change your bandages in a few days.”
Nico tried to repress his disappointment. He didn’t know what he’d been hoping for—that Will would suddenly confess to him? That Will would kiss him right there in the middle of the tent?
That last ridiculous thought made Nico blush so hard that he felt dizzy.
Regardless, that fantasy wasn’t going to happen. But it was alright. Nico was happy enough being Will’s friend.
“Thank you,” he said, gathering his discarded braces and gauntlet.
“Do you need help putting that back on?” Will asked.
Nico shook his head. “No, that’s alright. I have to change my armor anyway.”
When Will nodded, Nico thought he imagined just a bit of disappointment in his eyes. “Be careful,” Will said. “Come right back if you get hurt.”
“I will,” said Nico. “Will you watch the melee?”
Will averted his eyes again. “As long as there aren’t any emergencies that Chiron needs my help with, I’ll go. I promise.”
Nico beamed. Will would watch. He always kept his promises. Before he thought better of it, Nico reached out and touched Will’s arm. “Thank you,” he said again, and left.
Nico had only gotten two steps out of the tent when the flap opened behind him and he heard Will say, “Nico, wait.”
Nico stopped and turned to see Will rummaging through the bag hanging at his side.
“I thought you might take this,” Will said, pulling out a white handkerchief embroidered with a golden lyre.
Nico’s breath caught. He knew what it meant when a lady gave a token like this. Annabeth had given Percy favors like ribbons and handkerchiefs before, and Percy, in peculiar fashion, had gifted some to Annabeth, as well. Bestowing favors was something ladies did only when they had a romantic interest in a man—or, in the case of Percy and Annabeth, when a man had a romantic interest in a lady. Although Nico had never heard of one man giving such a token to another, the implication was clear.
But this handkerchief, if possible, meant more than that. Nico recognized the embroidered lyre immediately.
“That’s your mother’s,” Nico said, and Will nodded. Naomi had been a favorite minstrel of Lord Apollo before her death and she’d embroidered her instrument of choice as often as she could; many of Will’s clothes had had lyres embroidered on them when they were young. Although Nico, who had also lost his mother, had tried his best to comfort him, Will had been so distraught when Naomi died. Will treasured everything that she had left him, so if he was willing to give this handkerchief to Nico....
Nico set his braces and gauntlet down on the ground and stepped forward, slowly reaching out to cover Will’s hands with his own. “Are you sure?”
Will nodded again. “I want you to,” he said. “Actually, I meant to give it to you this morning before the joust, but...I didn’t get the chance.”
Nico remembered Will coming to his tent that morning while Nico was preparing with Percy and Jason. Will had wished him luck and left abruptly. Nico had thought Will’s behavior seemed odd, but he’d brushed his concerns aside before the joust. Had Will been nervous? And if Will had intended to give the handkerchief to Nico before the joust, then maybe Nico hadn’t needed to try so hard to impress him. Maybe Will had already liked Nico the same way Nico liked Will.
Will cleared his throat. “But I expect you to bring this back to me in perfect condition. Not a single tear or drop of blood. So you’ll have to be careful.”
Nico nodded. “I’ll take care of it.”
He felt Will’s fingers tense under his hands, then Will suddenly lifted the handkerchief to his lips and kissed the fabric. Nico’s fingers brushed against Will’s face, feeling the warmth of his skin for just a second before Will pushed the handkerchief against Nico’s chest.
“For luck,” he said, his face going dark red as he pulled away. Nico doubted that he looked much better. “I’d like you to wear it under your arm braces. If you want, of course.”
Nico’s fingers curled into the fabric as he fought to stop himself from going into a daze or swooning on the spot. He blinked three times to wake himself up, then held out his bandaged arm. “Help me tie it?”
Will nodded and took the handkerchief back, folding it in half before wrapping it around Nico’s forearm and knotting it beneath his wound. Nico felt Will’s touch burning him through his sleeve and bandages.
“Be safe,” Will said when he finished, stepping away and putting his hands behind his back.
Nico’s tongue felt too heavy and his mouth felt too dry to respond, so he just nodded, picked up his braces and gauntlets, and hurried back to his tent. He could hardly feel the ground under his feet.
*   *   *
Nico didn’t win the melee, but he hadn’t expected to; the victory usually went to the older squires who had trained longer than Nico—Percy or Jason in particular. This tourney had been Percy’s win, but Nico suspected that Jason allowed Percy to beat him. Everyone had known that the victor’s reward would be a kiss from the Lady Annabeth and the honor of escorting her to the feast.
After Percy happily accepted his prize, Nico had congratulated him and returned to the castle to clean and change for the night’s celebration. He’d been sitting with the other squires throughout the feast, occasionally glancing up the table to where Will sat beside his father (and, Nico noted, where Percy and Annabeth sat next to a grumpy-looking Lady Athena). A few times, Nico caught Will looking back at him, and once or twice, Will glanced up and caught Nico doing the same. Every time their eyes met, Will smiled and offered a shy little wave. That much alone made Nico feel like melting on the spot. He had to stop himself from causing a scene by getting up in the middle of the feast either to run away from his nerves or to sweep Will off his feet—he wasn’t sure which was more likely. Nico had a gift for Will tucked in one sleeve, burning against his skin, and Naomi’s handkerchief tucked in the other. Will had made the first gesture. Nico would reciprocate it properly.
Later, when the feast ended and the dancing began, Will caught Nico’s eye again and smiled, whispered something to his father, and then looked back at Nico and tilted his head towards the door as an indication to follow as he left. Nico made his excuses to the other squires and went after him.
He caught sight of Will in the corridor, descending the palace’s stairs, and then found him outside in a secluded corner near the physician’s tower. It was dark, but dimly lit by the torches along the castle and the brightness of the night’s half moon.
“You shouldn’t wander into dark corners by yourself,” Nico chided, but his breath caught when Will turned around. He had to remind himself not to get swept away in the firelight’s reflection in Will’s eyes. Looking at Will’s eyes for too long was always dangerous.
“I’m not afraid,” Will said. “Not when I have a certain noble squire watching over me.”
Nico blushed. “I-I kept it safe for you,” he blurted out.
Will tilted his head to the side. “What?”
“Your handkerchief,” Nico said, looking away from Will’s dangerously blue eyes to pull Naomi’s handkerchief from his sleeve. “No rips or blood. It did get a bit wrinkled and sweaty under my braces, but that can be cleaned easily. Oh, I...I should have washed it before returning it to you. I can—”
Will stepped forward and Nico stuttered to a halt. “Thank you for keeping it safe,” Will said. “I knew you would.”
Nico swallowed and stopped fiddling with the handkerchief. When he offered it to Will, Will accepted, his fingers brushing over Nico’s as he did.
“Did you watch the melee?” Nico asked.
“Of course I did,” Will answered.
“Good,” Nico said. “I mean, you didn’t have to, but I’m glad you did.”
“I know. That’s why I went. It’s important to you.”
Nico hoped that the heat on his face wasn’t obvious.
“I thought you were impressive,” Will added.
Nico huffed to hide how pleased the compliment made him. “Hardly. I didn’t win. Many of the others are far more impressive than I am.”
Will cast his glance downward. “I wouldn’t know.”
Nico rolled his eyes, aiming for playful rather than truly bothered and hoping that Will understood. “Right, you know nothing about swordsmanship and melees or anything to do with ‘men running around hitting each other for no good reason,’” he teased.
The corner of Will’s mouth twitched in amusement.   “That wasn’t what I meant, actually,” said Will. “I wouldn’t know how impressive anyone else was because you were the only one I was paying attention to.”
Nico’s mouth felt dry. He swallowed. “The only...?”
Will raised his shoulders like he’d said nothing of consequence, but it was clear from the way he avoided looking directly at Nico’s eyes that he felt nervous. “Why would I want to watch anyone else?”
Nico’s mind went blank and for a second, he thought he had quite literally swooned. “I...” he started, then he cleared his throat, remembered the gift still in his sleeve, and steeled his resolve. “I have something for you,” he said, and pulled the second handkerchief from his sleeve. It had more embroidery than Naomi’s, with vines connecting asphodel flowers around the perimeter and an elegant M in the center.
Nico wasn’t brave enough to look, but he heard a soft intake of breath from Will’s lips.
“That was Lady Maria’s, wasn’t it?” Will asked.
Nico nodded.
“Why are you giving it to me?”
Nico tried for a shrug, but doubted he seemed as nonchalant as he would have liked. “I just want you to have it,” he said.
There was a single beat of terrifying silence before Will said, “Then perhaps you should hold onto this one a little longer,” and offered Nico Naomi’s handkerchief again.
“Thank you,” Nico stammered as he accepted Naomi’s handkerchief. He noticed Will was standing closer than usual. When had that happened? They were only ever this close when Will helped Nico tend to his wounds. But this time it was because....
Nico felt dizzy in the most thrilling way possible. Will was wooing him. Nico was wooing back. He was going to court his best friend and Will wanted it as much as he did.
“Do-do you want to go back in?” Nico asked. “We could join the dances.”
Will loved dancing. Nico loved the way Will smiled when he danced.
To his surprise, Will shook his head. “We can if you’d like. But I thought that we could stay out here a little while longer. Just us.”
“Oh,” Nico whispered. He curled his fingers in Naomi’s handkerchief and held it to his chest. “Yes,” he said. “I’d like that very much.”
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queen-of-fanfics · 4 years
Prompt: Persephone and Hades meet and fall in love before they are demanded to separate.
Pairing: Hades x Persephone
A/N: Hey guys! I know it’s been ages since I’ve written on here but I suddenly had the urge to get back to it. No one requested this but I simply love Hades and Persephone so I just started writing. It might be a little long but I really liked what I was doing with it so hopefully you like it too and have a read.
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Persephone opened her eyes and found herself very confused. She looked around her and found herself laying on a velvet couch in a dark cave. She couldn’t remember how she got there, the last thing she remembered was running around in a field of flowers she was tending. She could hear her friends giggling through the trees. Persephone had seen a shadow moving through the bushes and she tried to follow. Persephone grimaced and let out a sigh, this was why mother never let her go out, especially on her own. She always got lost. Everyone is probably worried sick.
Blinking her eyes to adjust to the dark lighting, she took a look around the room. Next to her, near the head of her couch, there sat a gold throne with black cushions. The room was big around her and her breath caught in her throat when she saw sitting in the middle of the room was the biggest god she had ever seen. If you could call it a dog. It was massive with three heads and she could see it’s sharp teeth every time it breathed. She was rather thankful that it was peacefully sleeping. She definitely didn’t want to find out what it would do to her if it was awake. 
Slowly, Persephone pushed herself to sit upright on the couch and she froze in her seat when she saw a large, tall dark figure standing over a table, facing away from her, at the end of the room. She could vaguely see different dishes of food on the table and the man was picking a little of everything to put on his own dish. Persephone watched him move with a given grace to his movements and she found that she wasn’t scared. She felt oddly … content and at peace exactly where she was.
Persephone held her breath as the man slowly turned to face her. He lifted his head and gave a slight look of surprise when he saw her. In his hands was a plate of food and glass of water. He didn’t take a step towards her, simply just standing there staring at her as she stared back at him. “Hi,” she whispered but it seemed to echo off the walls. 
“Hello.” They both continued to stare at each other, neither too captivated to do anything else. As Persephone looked at the man, she couldn’t help to notice that he was quite handsome. He might not have been traditionally handsome but he took her breath away and her brain turned to mush. He wore a black fittest suit and he filled out every part of it, he stood far from her but he seemed impossibly tall and his eyes were the lightest shade of blue she has ever seen. She felt a familiar pull to him and she couldn’t look away.
The man slightly swallowed and slowed made his way over to her. “I’m glad to see you’re awake. You had me scared there for a second. Here, I got this for you.” He knelt down next to her and nervously handed her the food and drink. She reached out and their fingers grazed each other as she took the plate and she let out a small gasp. Even when he was kneeling, he was as tall as her when she was sitting on the couch. Looking up, she felt a pull towards him like the small space in between them was too much. She wanted to be near him. She needed it.
“Thank you. May I ask how did I get here?”
He helped her sit up all the way, he reached around the couch and put a pillow behind her back to let her sit comfortably. “Eat, you need it.”
“If I eat, will you sit and talk with me?”
“Of course. If you’ll let me.”
“Please. I’d want nothing more.”
“Then I will be right here. I was walking through the woods early, I had business up with the living. I heard small footsteps behind me but I had just assumed it was just a bunny or something. I had gotten onto my chariot to come home and it wasn’t until I got here that I found you hiding in the back. Asleep. Was the ride too long and boring for you?”
Grimacing, Persephone looked down at her food. How embarrassing? What was she thinking. Being curious and sneaking to someone’s home are two very different things.
“Sorry. I don’t even know how I could explain that without sounding extremely creepy.”
“It’s alright. You gave me quite the scare. I thought you were dead.” They shared a laugh together and she looked at him again, she couldn’t look away from his eyes for very long. It was like she needed to see them to breathe.
They were speaking softly again and Persephone swore he could hear her heart beating so damn loud. “You’re Hades.”
“That I am.”
“I’ve heard a lot about you.”
He continued to stare at her and his express gave nothing away. “All horrible things I’m sure.”
Persephone didn’t answer. Because it’s true. For as long as she could remember, he was someone she was always told to stay clear from. That he would be no good for her. When she didn’t answer, he knew but he still gave her a small smile. Persephone knew that he didn’t smile much and seeing even just a small one felt like the sun was shining on her.
“I’m told you're no good. You’ll just hurt me when you can. You’re always with the dead so you always think of the dead. That would always want people dead.”
“Is that all? I would’ve thought the gods would’ve come up with better scares than that.”
“Also I should stay away from you because you deal with the dead.”
“Oh? And you’ll be dead if you deal with me?”
“I don’t believe so.”
“You shouldn’t be so trusting. You’re in the Underworld at the moment. You’re in my kingdom and you don’t even know me.” Hade has got a little smirk on his face, probably trying to scare her. But she didn’t feel scared. Somehow as they were talking, neither of them seemed to notice that they were both leaning in closer. Maybe she wasn’t the only one feeling this pull between them.
“I know you won’t hurt me.” Her voice was husky and his smirk slowly dropped. He started looking down at her lips then back at her eyes.
“How can you be so sure?” and now it was his turn to speak softly.
They were close enough to feel each other’s breath. Less than an inch more and they would be kissing. The tension was so strong and neither of them had the power or the will to turn away. Hades couldn’t describe what was happening to him. He didn’t know her, he never did anything reckless but at that very moment, he would do anything just to kiss her for even a little. 
Unfortunately, Cerberus decided that that was the best moment to wake up and demand to be played with. Cerberus jumped up suddenly and let out wall shaking barks, scaring the couple apart. Hades jumped to his feet and Persephone sat straight up like a stick on the couch. Unsure of how his pet was going to react to a new person in their home, Hades jumped up to block Persephone from view. Damn it. He should have moved Cerberus out of the room but it was impossible to move that monster.
Hades was ready to wrestle Cerberus if he made a move for her. He didn’t know why, but he felt oddly protective of her. No one or thing was ever going to hurt her again. Though Cerberus had the keenest sense of smell and he had four little noses to help him too. The dog knew she was there and made a run for her. Even if Hades tried, he was an ant compared to the animal but he tried to push him off anyway. 
Though much to everyone’s surprise, when Cerberus ran up to Persephone, he didn’t attack. He simply jumped around her, wagged his tail and gently laid all his giant heads on the couch, looking at her. Hades stood there, staring at his dog in disbelief as his monster of a pet was gently waiting for Persephone. She slowly and cautiously put down her plate and cup on the floor and even more slowly, reaching out to pet the dog. Her hand barely covered one of its noses but she could see his tail was wagging and she smiled brightly at him. 
“Hello there. How are you. Oh aren’t you such a good boy, yes you are helloooo” she cooed at him.
“I have to admit, I’m shocked. He doesn’t take well to strangers. I should’ve put you in another room, I’m sorry. I’m thankful he wasn’t aggressive with you. I wasn’t sure what I would’ve done if he had attacked you. I apologize, I should’ve have put more thought into your safety.”
She looked up at him as he came over and started petting Cerberus too.
“See? You won’t hurt me.” Hades stared down at her and he didn’t know what to say. He had barely known the girl and she had left him speechless more than he could count.
Hades cleared his throat, stood a little taller before he spoke again, “Finish your food. I’ll call someone to bring you home.”
His eyes widened slightly but she caught it. Nothing else of his face told her what he was thinking ande didn’t speak again, waiting for her. She took the time to compose herself before she spoke and made a fool of herself.
“I mean. There is no hurry. I’m … quite tired, too tired to make a trip. If it would be no trouble, if I could just … spend the night. Just a while more, to gain my strength.” She couldn’t bear the thought of leaving when she had just found him. He intrigued her and something told her to stay. She felt more at home wherever she was with him than she has ever felt with her friends.
“It will be no bother. I will have a room ready for you and you can reside there until you are energized for the travel back.” He called for Cerberus to follow him as he left the room. Persephone let out a breath of relief and smiled to herself. Staying made her happy and she couldn’t quite explain why.
Persephone let out a laugh at something Hades had told her and he smiled at her fondly. Cerberus was resting beside her feet as they all sat around the dinner table. The fireplace was lit across the room and candles were flickering around the table. It has been weeks since she first arrived and every night she asked to stay some more.
The first few days, she followed Hades as he dealt with business and they would spend evenings lounging together. After the third day, Hades showed her to a garden she could tend to, the plants looked dull and dark but with her care, they thrived and she took pride in them. After a week, she started to have her own schedule and agenda around the Underworld as Hades had his own duties to attend to. She met more people around and they started coming to her to ask questions and asking for her opinions. 
Every night, she and Hades would come together to have dinner. After, they would simply enjoy each other’s company. No matter where she went, Cerberus was there nipping at her heels.
She was happy. She had a place here. With him. They haven’t kissed. He was always a gentleman and never crossed that line though she has dreamt of it plenty. She feared that she would never grow courageous enough to make a move on him but he never made her feel uncomfortable or pushed her which she appreciated. Ever since she had arrived, each day, she saw him smile at her more and more. He’s even making jokes now, who would’ve thought.
“And I told him, if he wanted that, he would have to go ask Hera instead of complaining to me.” He said dramatically as he told his story.
Persephone gasped loudly and laughed at him, “You did not! You could not be so cruel as to push him into Hera’s path. You know she would rip him into pieces if she heard what he was saying.”
“Exactly why I told him to talk to her!”
They laughed together and enjoyed dinner when suddenly they heard loud running footsteps towards them. Looking up from their plates, they saw one of Hades’s closest helper run into the room out of breath. “Sir!” he said quite urgently.
Hades’s face immediately changed to seriousness. Persephone hated seeing him so … blank. He never showed emotions when dealing with his godly duties but he always looked at her so warmly. Feeling the change in the room, she sat up taller in her seat and listened intently. She felt like it was her place to stand by him and she needed to be strong by his side as he is.
“What can I help you with?” Hades asked calmly.
“Sir. I’m sorry. There’s been a rumor circulating around that you have captured Miss Persephone. I know that is not true and everyone in Hades is spreading the word that that is a lie! But the other gods don’t believe it. I’ve gained news that Miss Persephone’s mother is causing an uproar above and Zeus is now on his way to demand you give her back. I tried to stop him sir but he is on a mission. He too believes you kidnapped her.” The helper’s face looked truly upset. 
Persephone couldn’t believe what she just heard. Hades kidnapping me? They always think the worst of him of course they would make a wild rumor like this. How could she be so naive, she should’ve sent word to her mother but she had been so happy, it didn’t even cross her mind thus far.
Looking over at Hades with scared eyes, she wanted to cry and ask him to fix things.
After what felt like an eternity, Hades dismissed the helper and sat quietly, thinking. After she could no longer sit there, Persephone asked, “What are we to do?”
Hades looked up at her and she could see the sadness in his eyes.
“There is not much we can do. I believe that nearly every god out there believes that I kidnapped you and ruined you. For that, I’m sorry. My image is hurting you.”
“Stop that. You didn’t do anything. I was the one who ran to you. I wanted to stay. You never hurt you, I can’t see how they could not see how amazing you are.”
“I’m sorry my dear but we both knew our time was limited. We escaped reality for a moment but now it is time to return.”
Tears were building in her eyes and seeing them pulled at Hades’s heart strings.
“Please. I don’t want to leave. I fear that when I leave, I will never be allowed to see you again. And … I can’t have that. It hurts to be away from you. I can’t leave you.” Persephone whispered her last words and tears rolled down her face.
Hades reached over and covered her hand on the table. After a moment, he pulled her hand to urge her to stand and pull her into his lap. He held her close as she turned her face into his neck and she cried. They simply held each other in silence, her heart broke with every second knowing she would have to leave soon. 
He finally pulled away from her and lifted her chin so she would look at him.
“I love your eyes.” She whispered, her face still damp from her tears.
“And I love how you smile.” She continued.
“I only smile at you, my dear.” 
She didn’t stop to listen to him, her words seemed to be pulled out of her.
“I love how kind you are. And I love the way you hold my face. And I love holding your hand. And I love how you are always there for me when I need you. And I love how if you laugh a little too much you snort a little.” She giggled at that one.
She reached up to wipe his face as some tears escaped.
“And …. I love you. Just you. All of you. And no one can tell me I can’t.”
Before she could move, he cupped her face and slammed his lips down onto hers. She let out a breath and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him back urgently like she needed his kiss to be alive. She felt alive. And she felt love. 
Hades finally pulled away from her and she let out a little whine trying to pull him back. He chuckled at her and said, “One second, baby. I think I have an idea.”
“To let me stay?”
“Sort of.” 
Hades reached on the table and cracked open a pomegranate. Seeds fell out and rolled onto the table in front of her. Turning to face the table, she raised her brow in question. Hades picked twelve seeds and laid them out in a row for her. “Eat as many seeds as you want.”
“How is this going to help us?”
“Just trust me.” He kissed her shoulder and wrapped his arms around her from behind.
“Okay, you weirdo.” She smiled at him before examining the seeds. She shrugged and scooped up six seeds and threw them into her mouth.
“There. I ate six. Now what? Is there a spell or something?”
“Or something. See each seed represents a month. You just ate six.”
“Ooookay? I’m still not getting it.”
“Well you ate six, so that’s six months, right? So from now on, for six months out of the year, you’ll have to be here with me. And for the rest of the year,” he waved his finger over the remaining seeds, “you’ll be able to be above with your friends and family.”
She let out a gasp, “You’re a genius! That way I’ll have time for here and up there.”
“Precisely.” He said proudly as she turned on his lap to face him.
“Do you think this will work?” She sounded nervous.
“I’m not sure but I hope so. I’ll negotiate with my brother. I’ll make it happen.”
“Promise me. Whatever happens, we do this together. If you’re going to talk to Zeus, I want to be there too. I don’t want him trying to say you kidnapped me!”
“Alright. Alright. Calm down, tiger. We do it together. And Persephone?”
“I love you too.”
They smiled and shared a kiss as they heard Zeus coming to get them.
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Fated Ch. 3
Master List: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin
Pairing: Hades!Bucky x Persephone!Reader
Summary: Humanity has broken the world. How they did it doesn’t matter. What does is that in doing so they quickened the old gods once more. A century later things are settling into a new order but all is not as it seems. As Fate draws two gods together the cracks begin to show in this new age. Will their bond tip the delicate balance or restore order to a broken world?
Warnings: Mild violence, uh... I think that’s all. 
A/N: Hi. AU’s are hard. Harder when you’re strapped for time and creative energy. Easier when you have amazing patient readers who express their love but don’t pressure. Seriously, y’all are great. 
I hope this was worth the wait. Please tell me all your thoughts. 
Also, if your name is Karen, I swear it isn’t anything personal. 😘
Tags are open!
[If you should be tagged and you’re not let me know. My tags are a mess as per usual but I’m trying lol.]
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The 21st day dawns with a clamor that reverberates in the marrow of your bones. 
Half. Gone. 
It seems impossible. Three weeks gone like sand between your fingers, so fast, so fleeting. But you have loved every grain, cherished each second. Never could you have fathomed how wonderful this would feel, this freedom. 
Everything was sweeter here somehow. From the wine in your glass to the person in your bed. Everything. 
And in 19 days you will return to nothing but dull grey sameness… You push the thought away, unwilling to allow your looming departure to taint any of the precious time you had remaining. 
“Good morning!” Wanda calls from her spot at the long kitchen table. Five other smiling faces turn to greet you. 
Wanda only took in humans with at least a drop of god’s blood in them. This allowed them to learn the spells and harness the powers necessary to be of service to the goddess. It also meant Tria House had a smaller gathering than Eleusis House by a quarter. With almost half gone out in the field to do as Wanda bid, the residence--a tall four-story brick house--only ever held a handful at a time. 
At first, the difference had been jarring. It was often so quiet and one never felt crowded at the dinner table but you’d known nothing but the densely packed halls of Eleusis House for as long as you could remember. After a few days though, you’d come to appreciate the peace that fewer acolytes and no sheltered women afforded you. Here you didn’t have to seek solitude like some forbidden prize. You could effortlessly find space for yourself to think, to work, to just breathe. 
The only thing you couldn’t adjust to was the quiet at night. You slept too hard and the dreams came on bright, vivid, jarring even. When you awoke each morning after them--tangled in sweat-stained sheets, a few times even sprawled on the hardwood floor--you’re left with a sense that you’d failed to hold onto something precious as the images fade rapidly from your memory. 
All you could recall with any clarity was a sense of dark water pulling you under, pain unlike anything you’d ever felt, and a man. You never truly saw the figure, they were always draped in impenetrable shadow--be that how they appeared in your dream or the uncertain memory of dreams, you couldn’t know--but something in you said they were a man. The dreams with him were the ones you dreaded most. They left you with a sense of loss so great you awoke gasping, the salt of tears on your lips. You preferred the drowning and the pain to that. 
Last night hadn’t been such a night. 
“Good morning,” you respond smiling, settling down beside Alex. 
“So, will your friend be joining us?” His full pink lips curl into a playful smirk, golden eyes glinting with more than a hint of mischief. You glare at him with false anger.
Wanda laughs, “Another friend? Busy week.” She winks at you as she takes a sip of her coffee. 
You blush despite yourself. It was true you had taken many lovers in your time here. There was something alluring about lips that had never whispered your name in need, hands you’d never feel again. Plus, you didn’t dream with a warm body in the bed beside you. 
“Did you at least get this one’s name?” Marisol asked, tossing her long back hair behind her shoulder. 
A laugh bubbles from your lips, “That only happened once. And her name was Hannah.” 
“And who were you to her?” Wanda asks popping a strawberry into her mouth. 
The charm Wanda helped you construct which hid you, preventing your mother from knowing you were out in the city, required you to speak a false name into your reflection before leaving. To remove it, as you did every time you reentered the house, you had but to look at your reflection, speak your true name, and the charm would fall away. 
“You never can go with something simple like Karen can you?” Alex scoffs playfully. 
“If you could choose any name in the world would you chose Karen?” You ask raising a brow at him. He laughs deep, the energy lighting the ichor in his blood making his golden irises sparkle. 
“Point. Perhaps I’d chose something dramatic and tragic like Achilles.” He stands, downing the last of his coffee. “Will the Lady Aurelia be joining us for my going away party tonight?” The reminder that he’d be leaving to head into the field made you flinch a bit in sadness. 
“Some lady will be joining you tonight, you’ll find out who she is then,” you only used a name once after all and you suspect you’d be needing the reprieve as well, after what your day holds. 
“Excellent-” he pushed away from the table, slipping into a denim jacket- “well some of us have work to do.” With a grin, he turned on his heel and strutted from the room. 
“He’s nervous,” Omari sighs, looking down into their mug.
“Yes,” Wanda says matter of factly. “He’s never left this city. But I think he will do just fine in the border regions for a time. It will do him good to see other parts of the world.” You could feel Wanda’s eyes land on you as you bit into an apple. 
“But our dear Alex isn’t the only one with work to do,” Wanda sighs, standing. “We should ready ourselves to go, Kore. Is Hannah still here?” She didn’t have to ask, Wanda could simply reach out and feel every living thing that inhabited her house at any moment, she didn’t do so out of sheer courtesy. It was one of the many things you respected about her. 
“No,” you answer, “I saw her out before I came to breakfast.” 
Wanda nods, “Well, let’s get this over with.”
Neither of you was of any mind to think your mother’s invitation was anything other than an opportunity to snoop. Demeter did not leave her compound but she had no qualms about calling in other gods when she saw fit. 
This particular summons was supposedly a request for charms to help protect acolytes of Eleusis House when they were in the field. You told Wanda you were fairly certain that there was no need for additional protection charms--the Daughters of Eleusis House were some of the most well-guarded acolytes as it was. 
It didn’t matter. When one of the high gods called, others were compelled to answer, that was the way of things. 
“Are you alright?” Wanda asks after a few blocks. You’d been fiddling mindlessly with the leather cord you’d tied around your waist to cinch in your breezy white cotton dress. 
You almost lie but think better of it. “No,” you say on a sigh. But don’t voice your true concern, that Mother will keep you there, that once you enter the compound you’ll be unable to ever leave again… Wanda hears it anyway. 
“Demeter entered into an agreement, Kore. She will not dishonor herself by breaking it now.” Wanda was right, it would be bad business for Mother to try and keep you when there was so little time left. 
“It’s just proof of life,” Wanda says jokingly. “She wants to see that you’ve been doing more within my walls than tasting the city’s pleasures.” She winks and elbows you a bit. 
With all you are, you want to believe her, want to think that your mother would never sully herself by breaking an agreement. But something in you simply won’t allow it. A voice, buried deep within you, whispers that Demeter doesn’t care about honor, only about her own will, and that she will do anything to see it enacted. 
You feel almost ashamed for thinking this of your mother. She did good works for humanity, cared for those in her charge, helped heal this ailing world. Of course, you had your disagreements and arguments in the past, but what mother and daughter didn’t argue? What right had you to think so poorly of her now? 
“You’re right,” you say forcing a tense laugh. Wanda grabs your hand, bringing you to stop.
“I won’t allow it, Kore.” For an instant you see her true form, pulsing beyond the confines of her human visage. “You will be leaving with me today, as long as that is what you desire. I swear.” The conviction of her words chases away all shadows of doubt haunting you.
“Thank you, Wanda. For everything.”
“Don’t mention it,” she smiles wide, looping her arm with yours. 
At the gates of Eleusis House Wanda gives your hand a reassuring squeeze before releasing you. The iron bars swing open to reveal your mother, smiling gently, so different from her expression when you left. 
“Kore,” she coos, holding her arms wide. Tentatively you step into her embrace. 
She holds you tight against her, “I’ve missed you.” 
“I’ve missed you too, Mother,” you say sweetly, hoping the lie will go unchecked. It seems to and you feel a bit of relief. 
Mother releases you, greeting Wanda warmly. As she does so you allow your eyes to skim over the courtyard. 
While you were nervous to return here you did expect to feel a certain sense of happiness at being back home, it disturbs you that you feel nothing of the sort. There is only the low churning in your gut, a reminder of your desperation to leave this place.  
What would happen to you when you had to return for good?
“Kore?” Mother asks from behind you. You hadn’t noticed that you’d wandered a few steps away. 
She laughs, “Always daydreaming.” You force a tight smile as you take her offered hand and go into the main hall. 
“Where’s Abigail?” You ask as you enter, having expected to see her here. 
“She took an assignment in the northern border region,” Mother says without looking at you. 
“She just recently returned. She wasn’t due for another deployment for-”
“It was her choice,” Mother cuts you off, the lie coming far too easily to her lips. You say nothing more but you do withdraw your hand from hers. 
Mother had always resented the acolytes who you grew closest to. Though she never actually said as much, her actions spoke volumes. Those who you befriended were always sent out on more missions than most, always kept busiest. Even in your absence, she persisted in this. It made you bristle. 
She opens the door to one of the side chambers, leading you both in. You notice a table has been laid out for a late morning meal. 
“Oh, Deme,” Wanda begins, “you shouldn’t have.”
“Of course I should,” your mother’s smile holding more than an ounce of tension. “You both came all the way here--last minute even. The least I could do is feed you.” The scent of the food makes your stomach churn. 
“You’re too kind as always,” Wanda says without the slightest hint of irony. She sighs, as if disappointed, “But we did eat before leaving and sadly have a full day before us.” Wanda sits, lounging a bit as if hard-pressed to leave quickly, and pops a grape in her mouth. 
You force your feet to move into the room, perching on one of the chairs. Mother’s eyes scan you, probing for the lie. 
“Ah, well then,” Mother sits. “I suppose we must get to it as you are so busy you have no time for pleasantries.” Her eyes flair with a bit of anger in her final words. You swallow hard, trying to remind yourself of Wanda’s promise. 
Wanda nods before removing the small mahogany box from her bag containing the charms. She begins to open it preparing to explain the uses and requirements when Mother stops her. 
“I was hoping Kore may have crafted some herself, I would so love to see what she’s accomplished under your tutelage.” So she wasn’t even going to try and pretend this wasn’t a test. That facade dropped faster than you expected. 
“Of course,” Wanda turns her bright smile on you before removing another small box and setting it on the table. This one is burnished silver glinting softly in the gentle light of the room. She passes it to you. 
Before you can say anything Wanda speaks. “I should note that Kore has shown a particular aptitude at more, shall we say, defensive charms.” “What might that mean?” You can’t quite place the emotion coloring your mother’s face. Something almost like… fear? It’s there for only an instant before it’s replaced with cold disapproval. The way her eyes narrow at you fills your mouth with bitterness. 
“Curses,” you say before Wanda has a chance. Satisfaction chases away the bitterness as you see Mother’s back straighten a bit at the word. “One longer acting but the rest hold quick to near-instant results. I thought they would be far more useful than additional offensive measures seeing as our acolytes have almost more than they need.” 
By the expression on Mother’s face, your shot hit its mark. You wanted her to know you saw through this charade. 
“I see,” Mother says a slight rumble shaking her words. “So this is what you teach my daughter?” Mother’s hard stare falls on Wanda. “To make weapons?”
Wanda looks almost bored, “Your daughter taught herself.” 
Unflinchingly you meet Mother’s incredulous gaze as your fingers move to open the box. In the blink of an eye, Mother shoots to her feet her hand slamming on top of yours, painful in its pressure. Still, you show no glimmer of emotion, refusing her the satisfaction. 
“I send you to learn how to be a better shepherdess of life and you bring death into my home?” The room shakes with her fury. “You insolent little-”
“Not death,” you cut her off. “They will make someone deeply uncomfortable, incapacitate them at worst, but they do not cause death.” Slowly you rise to your feet, your hand still pinned between hers and the box. 
“And I will remind you, Mother,” you spit her title, unable to hide your anger, “I am no little anything. I am not a child!” 
“You forget your place, Daughter,” she spits your title just as you had hers. You can feel the bones in your hand begin to bend, the box beneath groaning in protest. 
“And where might my place be?” You ask between clenched teeth. 
“You’re meant for one thing, to-”
“No,” you shake your head, relishing the shocked look in her face. The words crawl from some dark buried place inside you, almost unbidden, as though they had been waiting patiently for the right moment to bloom. 
“You are meant for one thing, have one purpose.” Mother’s nails begin to dig into the top of your upper wrist painfully. You don’t care. “I believe I am meant for more.” 
Internally you brace for the storm of her fury, for her to find a way to shackle you and keep you here, for her to use this against you. 
But nothing happens. Her hand rises from yours, leaving glittering golden crescents where her nails had been. 
“Take your curses,” she says coolly, “we have no need of such things here.” She looks to Wanda, “Take your charms as well.” 
“I’d hate to think you’ve wasted my time by calling us here under false pretenses, Demeter,” Wanda says almost casually. 
“You may think what you wish, Hecate. I simply have no use for what you’ve provided me at this time.” She turns her back and strides to a door at the other side of the room. “I believe you know the way out, Daughter,” she tosses over her shoulder. 
You and Wanda exchange a look. She merely shrugs and rises, both boxes floating up in red clouds and tucking themselves back into her bag. 
“Oh and Kore,” Mother turns, her expression searing you in place. “I will see you in 19 days.” The tone of order in her voice was not missed by you. 
Silently you and Wanda see yourselves out of Eleusis House and back into the city. 
Halfway back to Tria House you pause, looking in the direction of The Park. Wanda patiently waits for you to speak. 
“I think,” you sigh, “I think I need a little time alone.” Wanda nods. 
“Will you still be coming tonight?”
“I will. I’ll meet you all there.”
“Ok,” Wanda gives you a comforting smile. “Just remember, the theme is gold!” She yells over her shoulder as she heads home. 
Turning to the darkened shop window to your right you find your reflection and speak a name to cloak yourself from prying eyes. Not only did the charm manage to keep your mother from finding you it also did well to dull anything that could make humans clock you as a god allowing you to move among them relatively unnoticed. 
When you first discovered The Park you assumed it was something that had sprouted after the cataclysm, the earth taking back some large empty swath of land. Alex told you that wasn’t the case at all. He said that The Park had always been here, an intentional enclave for people in the city. 
It had been better cared for once, with well-manicured fields and defined pathways through the foliage according to the old tattered images he showed you. Now it was mostly a wild thing, an unchecked forest filled with wild beasts and wilder folk. 
Despite those things you could still find people enjoying themselves in its open spaces--maintained by some organization of humans, the details of which you didn’t know. You had seen couples lounging on blankets sharing tender moments in the sun, children playing gleefully, groups of friends just enjoying one another’s company. It was your favorite place to be. 
Dreamily you watch the people, the clouds rolling across the blue sky, listen to the birds. You lose yourself for hours like this, letting the life all around you roll over you in gentle waves, washing away the anxiety and anger being with your mother had left you with. 
The sun had begun to dip below the horizon, the humans generally cleared away once twilight began to settle in. A few were still around and you can hear the raucous sound of children playing somewhere in the distance. You begin to rise and head toward Tria to get ready for the evening’s festivities when the cry of a small child hits your ears. 
Your hair stands up, this wasn’t a cry of joy or too hard play, this was a cry of distinct pain. Before you realize it your feet are flying in the direction of the sound. 
In the fading light, you can see a young boy hovering over a small girl, trying to comfort her as she wails. 
The boy startles when he catches your approach, placing himself between you and the girl. After taking you in he seems to relax though he doesn’t move away from her. 
“We’re fine, we don’t need nothin’,” he says, trying to sound tough. The little girl continues to sob. 
“She doesn’t sound fine,” you say softly, lowering yourself to meet his eyes.
He bites his lip glancing back, “She just fell ‘s all. I can take care of her.” You observe his dirty clothes, the tightness in his cheeks where a child’s fullness should be. 
You smile softly, “I’m sure you can. But would it be ok if I looked at where she’s hurt?” The little girl moves a bit but immediately screams in pain. The boy flinches before falling to the ground beside her. 
“Told you not to move, SJ!” He looks back at you, eyes wide and nods. “This lady ‘s gonna look at it ok?” She shakes her head frantically, trying to scoot back causing herself more pain. 
“She’s nice, ‘s ok,” his expression begs you not to make a liar out of him. Your heart aches to wonder how many adults had done so in the past. 
“Hi, SJ,” you say as you crouch next to her trembling form. “Can you tell me where it hurts?” You could see the place where her leg bends at a wrong angle between her knee and ankle but scared children needed to feel in control. Her small hand points to the break. 
“Ah, ok, I see.” You make a show of observing her wound without touching it. “Can you tell me what your favorite flower is, SJ?” The little girl stares blankly at you, but her sobs still a bit. 
“She don’t talk much, miss,” says the boy. 
“That’s ok,” you smile at her reassuringly. 
“But she really likes purple things. Got her this shirt and it’s her favorite,” he says, sounding proud pointing to the dirty purple tee SJ had on. 
“I like purple too. I can help make it stop hurting, SJ but can you do something for me?” She nods a bit, choking a little cry. 
“I knew you could. Will you look right here and only here?” You point to her left, the opposite of her broken leg. “If you look only here,” your finger touches the ground, a small pinprick of golden light shining, “something magic will happen and your leg will be all better ok?” 
She doesn’t acknowledge you but both children stare at the growing glowing point in the earth as something begins to push against the soil. With them distracted you focus your attention on the girl’s leg. 
There were often children at Eleusis House, accompanying pregnant mothers or just mothers desperately seeking sanctuary. You knew they were resilient little things but that injuries like this left untreated could lead to lifetime complications or even death if infection set in. Were you there you’d set her leg properly and allow it to heal naturally. Given the state these children were in though, you knew this needed to be remedied with more drastic measures. 
You hover your palms over the break. Tapping into the power in your blood you pull golden light around her leg. It pulses bright as you imagine the bones fusing, the torn muscles stitching themselves back together, even taking care that many of the little blood vessels were intact. 
In but a moment the light fades and SJ’s leg is perfectly healed save for some slight bruising. She continues to watch the big purple anemones grow on their long green stems but the boy stares at you in wonder. 
“Goddess,” he whispers reverently. You can feel the jolt of his belief temper some of the exhaustion beginning to flood you. 
“SJ,” the little girl looks to you, “does it hurt anymore?” She shakes her head no, eyes wandering back to the flowers. “Good. Why don’t you pick your flowers and I’ll see you two out of The Park and get you some food?” 
“Goddess, we can’t…” Even children knew that many gods didn’t perform such acts for free. There was a price, sacrifice, penance, something to be paid. 
“I want nothing of either of you,” you glance to the girl plucking the beautiful flowers, a smile radiating joy on her face, your blood sings. “Just for you to live. Now let’s go get you something to eat.”
The two were siblings you learned as Eric shoveled eggs into his mouth at the diner. For every few bites he took, he distracted his sister from the flowers just enough to get her to eat too. 
They were among the throngs of children no one wanted and no one missed. Parents dead or disappeared, moving from one shelter to another, just doing what they could to survive. And survive they did, it was what humanity did best. 
As you only ever carried a small amount of human currency on you, you didn’t have enough to put them up anyplace for the night but he assured you they had somewhere to stay. Before you parted ways Eric’s eyes settled on the ground, shifting uncomfortably. 
“What is it?” You ask him, concerned. 
“Well, it’s… it’s just that… Can we know your name?” He asks. You smile at him, your mouth almost opening to say it, but somehow the syllables feel wrong on your tongue and you stop. Besides, by not giving them your name they could not call to you, could not offer you their belief, could not repay your kindness.
“No. Be safe,” you set your hand on his head ruffling his hair and send out an ask to whatever would hear you, to protect these children. He nods, seeming in his own childlike way to understand.
“Thank you,” he smiles. “Come on, SJ.” He takes her hand but she doesn’t move, her big brown eyes fixed on you. 
“Thank you, P-pe-per-” She echoes her brother in a small voice, stuttering at the end as though trying to pronounce a word she can’t grasp.
“You’re welcome,” you tell her warmly, and she lets go of the word. You watch them head off into the night feeling worried but also as though the burden you left Eleusis House with was lifted. 
Sighing you look at the now dark sky. At this point you were late. Very late. You turn toward Tria House at a brisk pace. 
The gold glittering dress Alex had helped you pick out slides over the curves of your body perfectly. The thin straps, deep draped back, and high slits on each side leave more of your skin exposed than you were used to but you have to admit, it cuts a stunning image in the mirror. 
There wasn’t time for hair and makeup in the human sense, but that was what magic was for. With a thought, the glamour falls over you. Eyelids sparkle in gold, lined in a sharp cat-eye, lashes thick and dark. Your lips are a deep enticing crimson while your hair tumbles over your shoulders in perfect waves. Being a goddess did have its perks. 
Smirking you stare at yourself in the mirror and whisper, “Karen.” 
Laughing to yourself you head out into the night. 
Restlessness stalked James for weeks. Since the first night of that dream, he’d been unable to shake the sense that something had, irrevocably, changed. 
Perhaps it was because most nights he found himself in the same position--drowning in that strange dark water, smelling Narcissus and damp earth and rain. He couldn’t say it was fear which haunted him when he awoke, the emotion he was left with was far from that simple. What James felt each time was something like longing so powerful it hurt and loss of something precious which he couldn’t name. 
Some deeper sense told him that the cause of his restlessness went beyond this dream. Had he been of a mind to speak to his brothers he may have more insight. It was certainly possible that there was something happening out in the broken world that was causing this. But honestly, he’d rather face another cataclysm at this point than talk to Steven or Anthony. 
He’d been wandering aimlessly, eyes mainly set on the forever twilight sky of his realm, paying little attention to where his feet had taken him. Abruptly he stops walking, realizing where he is. 
Lethe flowed peacefully in its banks, water dark, deep, and quietly menacing. If he allowed himself, he could see the throngs of souls lingering, unwilling to let go of all they were, forget all they ever knew, in order to cross over--he did not allow this. Even so, he could feel their presence like a cold mist, hear their sorrow in a low hum. 
He hated this place. The thrashing horror of Tartarus was more tolerable than the deep melancholy that lived here. 
The thought of being unmade… He shuddered. It wasn’t hard to understand why so many souls refused Lethe’s gift of forgetting even if what lay on the other side was, for most, something like peace. 
That cursed tingle in the back of his skull picked up once more. An itch he couldn’t scratch. The unyielding notion that something was changed and now… that something was missing, broken, off-balance. He shuddered once more, turning his back on the river and its mournful crowd. 
Bristling, he stalks back to his home. The halls were quiet, free of the dead, free of the living. 
He’d sequestered himself here for weeks. Usually, he preferred solitude. It was better this way. Humans didn’t often take well to his presence and while he didn’t mind his home in the city, this was where he belonged… Usually. 
Flinging open the closet doors he runs his flesh fingers down hangars draped with exquisite fabrics. The softness of velvet halts his search. He plucks the expertly cut black blazer from its place, taking in the details of the piece. 
Yes. This was perfect. 
James may have belonged here. May have preferred this most times. But right now he knew he needed the distraction that only humanity and liquor hard enough to topple gods could provide him. 
Tonight, he would not be Hades, he would not be Lady Death’s servant. Tonight, he would be just a face in the crowd.
A pungent mix of tobacco smoke and the tang of liquor mark the entrance to the speakeasy before the door even opens. You breathe it in, savoring the way it burns your lungs just a bit.
Spaces like this were illegal per the human’s laws, Wanda had told you the first night you went out with her. It didn’t matter much though, there were at least 50 all across the city, and since the gods tended to frequent them well… Those laws were loosely enforced at best. 
Patiently you wait for the door to open, unseen eyes assessing you via a camera above the door. 
An electric hum rises before the heavy door swings open to reveal a mountain of a man, the buttons of his shirt straining across his chest. He nods approvingly, stepping to the side to let you by. 
The smells from outside compound, mixing with intoxicating notes of human joy and desire drawing you into the dim hall until your eyes are accosted with the flashing colored lights that fill the main space. 
It takes you a moment to adjust. Beyond the throb of the music and the lighting, the sea of bodies always throws you. Human emotion, scents, the sheer pulsing life of it all is almost too much. You could drown here so easily. 
The pressure of a hand on your lower back draws you in from the tide. 
“Hey,” a low male voice whispers into your ear, his breath, hot and fetid with the scent of beer, on your neck. “You want someone to show you around?” His body presses uncomfortably close. Your skin crawls. 
“No,” you shrug him off. “Thanks though.” Without sparing him a backward glance you step away and begin to scan the balconies in the half-dark. 
You spot them, guided by Omari’s hair, they’d glamoured golden stars into it, the little points of light winking in and out in the night sky of their immaculate afro. As you move to join them his slick palm wraps around your forearm. 
“Don’t be like that,” he says. You glance from the place where your bodies meet to his face, an attempt at a sly grin on his lips looking more snarl than smile. 
“I suggest you let go of me.” The last thing you want is to make a scene and ruin Alex’s night but you can feel your anger spark in your veins. 
“That so?” He slurs a bit, moving to press you against the wall. When your body doesn’t respond, solid and planted as a marble statue he stares at you incredulously. 
“Yeah.” For an instant you let your god’s blood pulse through the glamour. It makes the shadows glow golden. You rip your arm from his grip pushing him back into the opposite wall and stride away. 
“Finally!” Alex bellows when he sees you, holding up a glittering flute of champagne spiked with ambrosia for you to take. “And who may I ask is joining us this evening?” 
You take a deep drink, feeling the memory of the man already fading. Plopping next to him on the low couch you throw your legs across his lap, your back leaning into the arm of the couch. 
“Karen, nice to meet you.” Alex’s head falls back in a laugh lifting his own drink to accept your offered toast. 
“Cheers to, Karen!” 
There are no talks of goodbyes tonight. Ambrosia flows into your cups until you feel as effervescent as the champagne that accompanied it and your cheeks ache from smiling. 
If you’d ever felt this free in your life, this happy, you couldn’t remember it. 
On the dancefloor, sweat glitters on the skin of the woman in your arms. The salt of her lingers on your lips, as you trail your mouth down her neck. It mixes with the smoky taste of her kiss. Her wanting makes your blood hum.
A tingle courses through your body, distracting you from her lips. It’s a strange feeling though not unpleasant, as though someone is watching. Your eyes look around and up, searching for the source. 
From his perch on a balcony, James watches the human’s and minor gods mingle. He’d been down with them earlier but none had sparked his interest as much as the ambrosia, turning the whiskey in his glass a deeper shade of gold, did. 
It was just as well, he was comfortable here, content to soak in the haze of smoke, and delectable human desire. Until a flash of gold catches his eye. 
For a moment he thought the glow came from the woman herself, a vision of pulsing light. The illusion faded fast, likely fueled by the intoxicant burning sweetly through him. It was, in fact, just the dress she wore, gold sequins flowing over her curves like water. Still, she was unlike anything he’d seen in an age. 
Her body dipped and swayed with the music effortlessly, looking to be easy to her as breathing. As she did so she appeared truly unaware of the effect she had on the people around her. They seemed more vital, happier, more eager even, within her orbit than the others in the space. 
From partner to partner she moved--men, women, and others. Each one holding her full attention for a time. He couldn’t blame them for their rapt expressions as her hands held them close, as her lips dipped to taste them; nor could he fault them for their clear sorrow at her parting from them to chose another. 
A small group joined her, friends it seemed. They carried bottles of champagne, drinking straight from them. She took one as a passing dancer bumped into her causing the liquid to slosh onto her neck. She laughed, a smile so spectacular his jaw dropped. 
One of the group members leaned in, kissing the liquid from her skin. He may have burned alive from jealousy had he not caught the slight glow rising from the drink. Ambrosia, so perhaps she wasn’t just a human.
The thought put his heart in his throat. Humans were too delicate for his taste and as striking as she’d been the impression that she was one was all that had been holding him back.
James finishes what remained of the drink in his glass in one large swallow before making his way to the dance floor. Distraction was his goal tonight and he could imagine nothing more effective than knowing how this golden woman tasted. 
There was no way to be certain of her location once he lost his birdseye vantage and yet he was unconcerned. It was likely a trick of the light but he almost thought he could see a thin glittering thread leading through the crowd, tugging him ever so slightly, he hoped, to her. 
A spotlight lands on her as she finally comes into his view once more. With her hands raised above her head, body curving with the crescendo of the song, bathed in an amber glow, she is the most radiant creature he’s ever seen. 
The determined desire that drove him here vanishes in an instant, leaving him with an emotion so foreign to him it leaves him frozen in place, gawking. 
He wants her, wants to bathe in her glow for the rest of time, wants to raise her name to the heavens, write it in the very firmament. This feeling, for a god such as he seemed wrong, unseemly. Yet there it was- 
Before he has time to panic the lights go out, sending the space into darkness and breaking the spell. He draws in a quick almost desperate breath, nearly convincing himself to turn and leave. He has no time to do so, however. 
Bass, low and heavy vibrates through the air. Slowly the lights begin to rise once more, slashes of red pulsing in the haze of smoke. A hand, warm as summer sun rests on his chest. It becomes a fist, gripping the front of his shirt to draw him closer. 
Had he not been so distracted by the feeling of her breath against his ear he may have noticed the smell of narcissus hiding beneath the honey-like tang of ambrosia. All he can register though are her words, warm as whiskey and far more intoxicating flowing into his awareness. 
“I saw you watching me up there. Did you like the view?” 
He’s certain he knew the art of speech before this moment but now it’s as though his tongue had never formed words. A nod is all he can manage, hoping she will blame the rising volume of the music for his lack of verbal response. 
Deep red lips lift into an approving smirk. Her hips begin to sway, hands tugging at his suit jacket urging him to join her. 
It seems impossible that he could touch her, nothing this perfect could be real. Yet when his hands grip her sides she’s no mirage, no illusion. Impossibly, she’s real. 
Time falls away. 
There is only this. The feeling of his heart hammering against his ribs, her warmth sinking into his marrow. 
Song after song their bodies move together in perfect harmony.
When her fingers graze his neck they leave a trail of fire. With her back pressed against him, he traces the curve of her collarbones feeling her shudder, a shimmer rising to her skin. 
James can feel eyes on them, wonders fleetingly what those eyes see where his darkness her glittering golden light meet. It doesn’t matter, let them stare. 
The song is a slow one, pulsing like a steady heartbeat, like some distant memory of drums. She turns in his arms, eyes almost level with his own. 
He doesn’t realize that he’s stopped moving, all he knows is that he cannot keep himself from studying her features--perfect but holding a softness which was distinctly human.
“Please, tell me your name,” he almost begs into the shell of her ear. He wants to kiss the tender flesh of her neck, run his tongue across the place where her pulse flutters. Instead, he pulls back, waiting with bated breath for her answer, caught once more in her eyes. 
Her lips open, a tiny spark of gold glimmers in the black of her pupils for an instant. No sound comes from her though. For a breath her brows knit and he fears that she will not tell him, doesn’t want him to know. But the concerned look melts, replaced by a distant expression as the name falls from those lips as red and tempting as ripe fruit, as rare as pomegranate. 
Had syllables ever sung such a song? 
“Persephone,” he breathes slowly. It’s the closest he’d ever been to uttering a prayer in his long life, of that he’s certain. 
“Persephone,” the word tastes like the most precious ambrosia on his tongue. 
“Persephone,” the most sacred invocation, soothing his heart’s long ache, chasing the shadows from his mind. He hadn’t realized that his fingers had tangled in her thick hair, cupping the back of her head to draw her in, until her nose brushes his. 
Hunger blooms in his belly unlike any he’d ever known, a deep hollow ache. Something in him knows beyond any doubt that the only thing which can fill this void is her, is the taste of that pomegranate red mouth. 
He expected the sensation of bursting fruit, the warm flow of honey, the petal softness of spring flowers, anything but the sudden searing jolt of pain that tears through his skull when their lips meet.  
 His fingers have her hair in a fist, her hands white-knuckled on his lapels. They both gasp for air, holding onto the other for a moment as if afraid to let go. He knows that her expression of confused terror on her face mirrors his own.  
“I… I need to go,” she says, her voice just audible over the music which suddenly sounds foreign and sinister. Reluctantly her hands release their grip, his does the same. 
In a flash she’s gone, like a strange dream, leaving behind only the memory of her warmth and… Narcissus. He staggers back, clutching at his forehead. 
Fear was a strange emotion, he’d felt a glimmer of it earlier, now it bloomed in his chest threatening to smother him. 
Water. He needs water. 
Stumbling through the crowd he finds his way to the grimy bathroom. The stink almost makes him gag and he grimaces as the sink sputters brown for a minute before running clear. 
Cupping his hands beneath the flow he splashes the cold liquid over his burning face, chasing away her smell, her heat. Unconcerned with the quality he gulps straight from the faucet, the copper taste from the pipes is disgusting but it clears the fog in his mind just enough. 
His eyes drag from his trembling hand turning the faucet off to his reflection in the cracked mirror. The bathroom was dim, but the glow emanating from him would have been obvious even in full day. With effort, he tugs his glamour back around him, dimming the sheen just enough. 
 All he can think of is getting out of here. He wants the quiet safety of his home far away from women with names that taste like hope and kisses that break him open. 
Finally free of the speakeasy’s clutches, swallowing lungfuls of cool night air he feels like he understands the tales of humans journeying from his realm to this one. What relief they must have felt as they surfaced. 
He begins to walk toward his city home in Brooklyn. It was far enough from the throngs and his brother’s ostentatious tower but still close enough for convenience. And in this moment he’s deeply grateful for the distance, he needed the time to ruminate on what the hell that was. 
After a few blocks, the taunting sound of men’s laughter catches his attention. It dripped with the kind of ill intent that made his blood boil. As much as he wants to be done with all other beings for this evening he feels compelled to head toward the sound. 
At first, all he sees as he turns down the poorly lit street is a gathering of a handful of men, their backs to him. The voice of one filters toward him. 
“Think you’re too good,” the sound of flesh thudding against the concrete, the sharp intake of someone’s breath. 
“Please,” the woman’s voice stills his steps. That humming pain begins to rise in his skull once more. “You don’t want-”
“You don’t tell me what I want, bitch!” The man growls. James notices a glimmer of gold fabric clutched in the hand of one of the men, hears the thud of a boot meeting flesh but no cry rises. 
“You don’t understand!” Her voice sounds pained, pleading, but not truly afraid. 
“Persephone,” her name leaks from his lips as the barest whisper. This seems to free him from the grip of panic, quiet the pain in his skull. 
“I don’t want-” she says, cut off by the crack of flesh meeting flesh. Even at this distance, he can see her hit the ground fists thudding into the earth. 
He’s about to charge at them, call out to her but the moment her knuckles, glittering already with ichor, meet the ground... it opens. 
The men stumble back, crying out in terror, as the earth shudders beneath their feet knocking their footing from them. Humans can be so unaware of many things but the animal in them instinctively can sense death, no matter its form. Desperately they scoot back, jaws hanging open, eyes unable to look away from the darkness rising up like a hungry mouth, cold air gusting free. 
James cannot move, cannot breathe, cannot form one cohesive thought. No one can enter his realm in this manner but him. No one can open these doors, they are his and his alone. So how…
The gate is only open for a few fleeting seconds. In the span of a heartbeat, it closes, leaving only a thick crack in the concrete and one fewer being on the street to indicate it ever even was. 
It takes much longer for him to regain his sense. But as soon as he does it hits him that she is gone, this golden woman, this Persephone, gone into the depths of the underworld. Alone. 
“Shit,” he growls.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*·༓☾
@mywinterwolf​ @disagreetoagree​ @breezy1415​ @peachthatdrinkslemonade​ @wonderlandmind4​ @stevehesaidabadlanguageword​ @buckysstar​ @cinderellarhea​ @belleestbelle @nerd-without-a-cause​ @musical-doll-x​ @unabashedbookscollector​ @for-the-love-of-the-fandom​ @gotham-city-muse​ @egos-r-life​ @jewelofwinter​ @callie-bear15​ @-lilacnialler-​ @libbymouse​ @siriuslycloudy2​ @capkitkat​ @courtmr​ @emilysallysmith​ @brilliantkey​ @achishisha​ @ayanemoonlight​ @wildmoonflower​ @captain-hammer-of-asgard​ @a-hardcore-romantic​ @cutie1365​ @babygirls-fav​ @marvelgirl7​ @sparrowgirl03​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @ornella0910​ @nighttwingg​ @whiskeywinter89​ @books-baritones-bucky  @qxeen-of-hearts​
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ajoy3fanfics · 5 years
Chapter 80 left me reeling. A quick fic to help ease the wait until next week 
Apollo rapped on the window, his golden eyes burning through the glass, instantly setting the King of the underworld on edge.
Normally the pompous purple God looked smug and self-satisfied, but tonight he wore a different expression- one of anger and contempt.
“Ugh” Hades groaned, low enough so that only Persephone could hear. “It’s that damn sun God. What does this moron-“ He glanced at Persephone mid eye roll, catching the way she had sat upright, posture stiff. He felt his shoulders sag, concern coursing through his body at her sudden change. “Hey,” He tilted his head, trying to get a better read of her features. “You okay?”  
Another rapid knock on the glass made Hades set his jaw. There had always been something about Apollo that rubbed him the wrong way, but that was nothing new; Having spent most of his life being feared and ostracized he often found the Gods in Olympus tiring; But to see Persephone act this way, like she was on guard… That was something he didn’t expect. Reluctantly, he pressed the button to roll down his window, a scowl marring his handsome blue face. “What?” He asked in a clipped tone.
Apollo said nothing at first, choosing to look over the pair in the car. They had seemed close- disturbinglyclose before he had interrupted. He hadn’t meant to lurk- that wasn’t his intention- he merely wanted to talk to the goddess, and since she refused to answer his calls or reply to his texts she gave him little choice but to ambush her unannounced and corner Persephone in her own home. Her fault, really, when he thought about it.
But then he saw them.
Persephone never smiled at him, let alone laughed. Whenever he caught her attention her face twisted in anger, in disgust, in a way that no woman had looked at him before; a part of him liked her that way, liked knowing the effect he had on her, that it was something special- just for the two of them. Shewas special. Mortals and Goddess’ alike flocked to his side, ready to fall to their knees to please him, but Persephone- Persiepushed him away, ever the mix playing hard to get. It was a game that set his veins on fire, burning lust coursing through him.
But with Hades- freaking HADES! she looked so free and light hearted. It enraged him. He wanted to snatch her away, hold her close until the splendid light she emitted was extinguished. Letting out an unsteady breath, Persephone closed her eyes, trying to gain a sense of composure before cutting them his direction, a move that was not unnoticed by the King of the underworld.
“Persie, I’ve been waiting for you.” Apollo flashed the pair a handsome grin as he leaned down to the partially opened window. Persephone furrowed her brow as she shifted away, moving closer to Hades, instantly setting Apollo off. Him? She wants to be near the King of the creepy crawlies?! “Where have you been?” He asked, doing his best to keep his temper calm and sound smooth.
“Don’t call me that.” She ground out, twisting the buckle across her lap. Hades leaned in, desperate to console the woman to his side. He had never seen her so tense; Just a moment ago she had been smiling, tender and sweet; now he could see the muscles in her jaw clench as she hung her head low. “And it’s none of your business where I’ve been.” She added for good measure.
“Come on-“ He sang, leaning in more. “I was worried about you! You shouldn’t be out so long, especially with men.” He shot Hades a hard glare.
“Persephoneis my employee.” Hades cut in, refusing to let Apollo continue on. “As well as a friend. Besides-“ His sharp eyes narrowed as he cut Apollo down to size “ -What Persephone does in her spare time is none of your concern.”
The sun god gave a wry smile. “You seem to be taking up a lot of it lately, don’t you?” He spoke, addressing Hades in challenge. “Of courseI’d be worried about this lost little lamb. You never know what wolf is ready to eat her up.” Keeping her head low, Persephone gripped her belt tighter, hands clenching as she tried to keep herself in check. She had already shown Hades so many unpleasant sides; she didn’t want him to see this. “Persie,” Apollo tried, lowering his voice so a sing song level, “you know Artemis is worried about you, right? Think about the rumors that happened last time. What about your scholarship? Do you want to jeopardize that?”
Should she just get out? She could unbuckle, give Hades a quick goodbye and deal with Apollo on her own. He had been sending advances her way, and Gods knew he was pushy. She didn’t want to be alone with him- the thought terrified her- but she would rather handle this away from Hades.
Reaching through the window, Persephone felt rather than saw, the large purple hand grab her upper arm, rubbing it up and down. “I can’t have my best girl-“  
“Don’t touch me!”She screamed, thorns sprouting around her pink locks as they curled at the ends. Her large eyes became blood filled with fury and for the first time Apollo had a moment of pause. Taking advantage of his sudden stillness, the withdrawal of his hand, Persephone blinked rapidly, doing her best to appear composed, willing her heart to calm . “I- I can get out on my own.” She stammered. She turned to the man at her side, ready to say her goodbyes.
Hades put his arm across her stomach, preventing the pink goddess from leaving. “We’re going.”
She looked at him, eyes wide in shock, surprised that he could read her so easily, know what she needed without words. Hades locked the door, the soft ‘click’ making Apollo grimace. “We’ll talk later.” Hades promised. “For now, stay the Hell away from her.”
The sun God watched, seething with rage as the sports car drove off, his girlin the passenger seat.
Hades head was spinning, trying to piece together what in Olympus was happening. One minute he was sharing a tender moment with the Goddess of spring, praising her for her untainted view of the world, and the next she looked fit to murder her roommate’s brother. Whatever was causing her this abrupt mood change was enough to upset him; no one fucks with the goddess of spring. He tried to keep his eyes on the road, but it was becoming increasingly hard as a heavy silence fell over them. Once he was sure they were far enough away, Hades pulled the car over, a look of worry causing his forehead to wrinkle.
“-K-Kore…” He stammered, genuinely concerned. She leaned back into the seat, tilting her head up to the sky as she covered eyes.
“I’m okay.” She answered, “Please, just don’t… don’t look at me right now.”
Taking her small hands in his own, he pulled them away from her face, revealing her swollen, red eyes. “Kore…”He had no idea what was wrong- he wasn’t even sure he wanted to- but he leaned over to gather the little goddess into his arms. Her plush body stiffened at first, but instantly relaxed into his, molding into every corner and crevasse. He felt her body shudder as she let out a sob, gripping her fists into his coat, hanging onto him desperately. Smoothing down her thick locks, he tried to reassure her- of what he didn’t know- he simply kept repeating over and over again that he was there, he was there.Without thinking, he peppered kisses on her forehead, her cheeks, anxious to ease her pain, to take it on as his own.
He waited for her signal, waited for her breathing to even out as he leaned his forehead against his own. Earlier today he had been agonizing over how to put space between the spring goddess and himself; right now all he wanted to do was drag her body in closer. “Do you want me to take you somewhere?” He whispered.
Where could she go? Certainly not home- Apollo would be waiting. And what about Artemis? Did he tell her? Would she catch wind of what happened? Persephone was sure he would spin some tale and blind his sister; he did not seem to take rejection lightly.
She could retreat back to her mother, but she knew that if she stepped foot on the island, mother might never let her step off again. No, going back home was out of the question; she was no longer a caged bird longing for freedom.
There was always Eros. He knew about her situation, and he was sure he would take in her happily… but his mother scared her at the best of times, and besides that…
“Can I go home with you?” She asked in a voice so low Hades had to ask if he heard right.
“Wit-With me?” He stuttered. Scared of rejection, she inched away.
“S-Sorry, that was really rude of me.” Persephone bit her bottom lip as she rubbed the back of her neck. “I shouldn’t have put you on the spot like that.” Stupid village girl. Of course he doesn’t want you there! And on top of it he’s got a girlfriend! Stupid-“
A pair of strong hands reached out, cupping her cheeks, drawing her attention back on the devilishly handsome King.
“Of course you can stay… if you want to- that is- I mean- Stay forever! I-.” Hades let out a sigh as he closed his eyes, refusing to let her go, stroking her blushing cheeks. “You’re always welcome in my home.” He smiled and she gave a weak one in return.
It was eating him up. The question was spinning inside of him, making all his worst fears dance in his mind. He didn’t want to ask, but he knew he had to.
“What happened?” He breathed out. Quickly, Persephone shook her head, trying to dismiss the conversation.
“I’m not trying to pressure you, Kore, really…. You don’t have to tell me details… But I have this sinking feeling in my stomach that- that he hurt you.”
He had seen that look before, too many times to count. His mother would tell him to hide in a desperate frenzy to keep him safe, and she would let father have his way, no matter the cost.
Persephone looked away, leaving the question unanswered, telling Hades everything he needed to know.
“You told me that you wanted me to look out for you.” Hades said gently. “I meant it. I want to protect you.” He placed one hand over hers and squeezed as he begged. “Please let me protect you, Kore.”
She wanted to tell him. She both wanted to hide it and wanted to bring it to light. She knew that if she was going to face this, she needed him by her side. Swallowing hard she gave a curt nod.
“Did-Did he touch you?” He chocked out. Persephone shut her eyes tightly, nodding once more. Hades felt rage boiling in him, the inherent need to rip the purple asshole to shreds burning inside of him, threatening to swallow him hole.
His anger had to wait; she needed him.
“Oh, baby..” He swept her back into his arms, pressing her tightly against his chest. “I’m so sorry.”
He said it over and over, an apology and a prayer, willing her to have some ounce of peace.  The way she held on to him, like he was her lifeline, clutching tighter like she was afraid he would let go made him want to turn the car around and drag the purple bastard to the underworld and feed him to Ceberus. He wasn’t sure how to comfort her, how to make this better, but he knew that right now she needed him, and punishment would have to wait.
When she finaly pulled away her face was puffy and tear stained. “C-can I stay?” She hiccupped, wiping the tears away with the back of her hand, “With you?”
He had thought that Persephone was strong- and he was right- she was stronger than he could fathom. He had once foolishly said that the difference between she and Minthe was that Minthe needed him; he had been so wrong. Just because Persephone held her head high, was able to appear strong did not mean she wasn’t falling apart on the inside, that she wasn’t sad and alone.
Like him.
More and more, he kept realizing how alike they were. She was a ray of light, of hope in his life. Minthe had broken him down, words cutting deeper than the wounds from her hands. Persephone touched him tenderly, pushing aside whatever demons she battled to offer kindness.
A role he was used to playing.
What would he need in a time like this? What would hewant, but be too afraid to ask?
He would want her.
Was it crazy to think she might want him?
“Okay.” He conceded, placing one last kiss on her forehead. “Let’s go home.”
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musiciislife25 · 5 years
Solangelo Oneshot
Nico was looking out the window as the car drove past signs and buildings. He was trying not to fall asleep because of all the nightmares he was having. Plus, Will Solace was sitting right next to him. He didn't want anyone to be bothered by him, so he sat close to the window. The son of Hades tried to stay up for the last two hours of the ride, but he gave up and went into a deep sleep.
Will, who was reading while stealing glances at Nico, felt a head fall on his shoulder and almost squealed when he say who it was. He became very stiff, and tried not to move, as to not wake Nico up. Leo, who was right next to Will, looked over to see what happened and almost burst out laughing at how red Will's face is. Will was glaring daggers at the smaller male, trying not to yell at him to be quiet. Percy looked back to see what was happening, and let's just say Piper had to charmspeak him and Leo to be quiet.
Will sighed and thanked Piper for shutting both Percy and Leo up. He looked over towards Nico, who was still asleep, and carefully moved his head from his shoulder, to his lap. Luckily, Nico didn't make any sign to show he was awake, so Will started to stroke his hair. "You know, you should just ask him out already." Annabeth said from the drivers seat. "I-I would, but I doubt he feels the same way." Will said, looking at Nico sadly.
Annabeth sighed, knowing the two of them were to shy and nervous to confess to each other. "I'm going to warn you right now, so listen very carefully." Leo started to tell Will. "A lot of people are going to try to get you and Nico together, so be careful of everyone's shenanigans." He finished his warning. "How exactly do you know that?" Will asked, somewhat scared of Leo's answer. "They did it with me and Calypso, even though we were already dating." Leo said, looking at Will with pity in his eyes.
'How bad could they be to make Leo scared?' Will thought to himself, starting to get worried. He looked down at Nico, and noticed he was shivering. Silently he pulled Nico closer to him, running his fingers threw Nico's hair. By the time they got to Camp Jupiter it was late at night. Surprisingly only two of them, besides Nico, had fallen asleep.
Jason and Leo sighed as they got out of the car and picked up their respective girlfriends. Piper slightly shifted when Jason picked her up, while Calypso just tried to get closer to Leo. Will looked down at Nico, who was still on his lap, and carefully picked him up, and carried him out of the car. Once he was out of the car, he sat Nico down. "Hey Neeks? Wake up. We're at Camp Jupiter." Will said, gently shaking Nico, to try and wake him up.
"No." Nico groaned, clearly not wanting to get up. Will sighed and kept trying to get him up. The whole time Nico was refusing to get up because he was so tired from not sleeping. "Fine, you leave me no choice but to carry you." Will said, making Nico somewhat blush and tense. "Fine, I'm up." He grumbled reluctantly. Will smiled, knowing he won.
"C'mon death breath, let's get you into a bed." Will said. "At least take me to dinner before trying to get me in bed with you." Nico said without thinking, but blushed really hard when he realized what he said. Will was a blushing mess because of what Nico had said. "Well I guess I'll have to take you out when we have free time then." Will said, quickly recovering from what Nico had said earlier. "I, uh, um. I-I don't know what to say." Nico stuttered out.
Will laughed at how cute Nico was when he stuttered. Nico slightly looked at Will, and blushed at how amazing he is. "Anyways, let's go and find the others." Will said, getting up and reaching his hand out to help Nico up. "Yeah, let's do that." Nico said, taking Will's hand. As they were walking, they noticed Percy sneaking behind them.
"Percy, what are you doing?" Will said, getting annoyed by the son Poseidon. "I-I, um, I was looking for you two!" He lied. Will and Nico looked at each other, then looked towards Percy with a look along the lines of 'You really think we're going to believe that'. "Okay, Jason told me to spy on you!" Percy said, quickly running away. Will was confused, while Nico sighed.
"Y'know I'd rather not know what they're up to." Will said, wanting to hug the smaller male. Nico nodded in agreement with Will, slowly moving close to him. "NICO!" They heard an excited voice yell. Suddenly Nico was on the ground with Hazel hugging him. Will tried not to laugh, but he couldn't help it. After he was done laughing, he smiled at the siblings.
Will looked behind him and noticed a worried Frank coming to get Hazel. "I thought I told you to not jump on him when you saw him." Frank said, hoping he wouldn't have to talk common sense into his group of friends. "Sorry." Hazel said, sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. "It's fine." Nico said, getting up. As they were all talking, Reyna walked up to them.
"Hello Nico, Will." She said, making Nico, Frank, and Hazel jump. "Oh my gods. Reyna you shouldn't just sneak up on someone like that!" Hazel said, hand on her heart. "I'm sorry. I didn't know that you three didn't notice me." She said. Frank was confused as to why she said three. "What do you mean by three? There are four of us." Frank said.
"Oh, Will had saw me walking up, so I thought you knew I was behind you." Reyna answered. They all faced Will, who was staring in another direction. "Will, what's wrong?" Hazel asked, worried as to why he kept staring at one spot. "Percy and Jason are spying on us." He said, looking annoyed. They all just nodded their head in understanding.
They were all targeted by Percy and Jason when they said they liked someone. Frank with Hazel, and Reyna with Thalia. Nico knew this because he's seen it done before. "Well, I'm tired so where can we sleep?" Will asked, this being the second time he's visited New Rome. "Follow me, and I'll show you." Reyna said.
Once they got to their rooms/bunks, Nico and Will immediately went to a bed. Nico was somewhat scared to go to sleep. He didn't want to start having nightmares about Tartarus again. "Night Neeks." Will said. "Night Will." Nico said, smiling at the nickname will called him.
Nico had hoped he wouldn't have any nightmares about Tartarus, but he isn't very lucky. He woke up later that night in a cold sweat, crying. He felt someone beside him, so he tried to look away so whoever it was wouldn't see him crying. "Neeks? Are you okay? Do you want to talk about what you were dreaming?" Will kept asking, making Nico want to curl up and hide. "D-did I wake you up?" He asked, ignoring Will's questions.
"I heard you scream, so I got up to see if you were okay." Will said, picking Nico up and placing him on his lap. Nico blushed when he did this, but he held onto the others shirt. "Do you want to talk about it?" Will asked again. "I-I had another nightmare about when I was in Tartarus." Nico said, burying his head in the others neck. Will slowly wrapped his arms around Nico, giving him a hug to try and calm him down.
"Have you calmed down enough to go back to sleep?" Will asked. "Um, I think so." Nico said, not letting go of him. "Alright then, is it okay if go back to my own bed? Cause I'm pretty sure Reyna, Jason, and Percy would kill me if they found us in the same bed together." Will said, sweat dropping at what would happen if someone walked in with no context of what happened that night. "Can you stay with me. You help calm me down." Nico told him, not really realizing what he said. "Um, okay then." Will said, blushing really hard now.
Will laid Nico back down on the bed, and soon got in with him. After they did that, Nico didn't have anymore dreams of Tartarus that night. When they woke up, they were both blushing. They woke up cuddling each other when Piper walked in and awed loud enough to wake them up. Piper was lucky enough to get a picture of them before they woke up.
"Just confess to each other already." She said as she walked out. They both blushed even harder after she said that. "Well, I guess her and Annabeth are right." Will started to say. "Wait, what do you mean?" Nico asked, really confused about what's happening. "Nico, I've liked you for awhile now, and I was wondering if you'd want to be my boyfriend." Will said, getting ready to be rejected.
"Of course I'll be you're boyfriend, you dork!" Nico said, hugging Will as tight as he could. Will was somewhat surprised, but hugged him back. After they separated, Will pecked Nico on the lips, and they started to walk to their friends. Will had his arm around Nico's shoulders, while Nico had his head resting on Will's shoulder. After that, they were as happy as life as a demigod could get.
Okay, so here’s the thing, this is MY story. I put the link to the Wattpad book I made it in as the source. I got the ideas from headcannons I saw on Pinterest. I honestly don’t mind taking requests on what to write, so if you request something I know of then I’ll most likely make it. Also, constructive criticism is welcome, just please don’t say anything about how I used the word ‘said’ to much. I know I did, but I honestly could careless about it.
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alison-anonymous · 5 years
♡ loose cannon ♡ pt 4
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This chapter will have lots of flashbacks with fluff between you and Hades, so prepare to read this with a box of tissues!
Blast Through the Past
      It had been 3 weeks since Hades death was announced. Of course, they left the cause of death out of the papers out of fear that it might cause you to crack again. But that didn’t make the sting and the self-hatred burn any less. You were nothing but the crazy loose cannon. You always had been and always will be, nothing more.
      His funeral was tomorrow. Of course, Mal, who had taken things almost as hard as you did, and Ben had taken it upon themselves to organize everything. You had apparently froze him in the perfect position, so he was able to fit inside a casket. The wake would be tomorrow morning, following the service. Almost everyone who had spoken to him wanted to speak, but Mal kept asking if you wanted to say anything. No matter how badly you wanted to, you knew that you would burst into tears before you could even get the first syllable out, so you politely declined. 
      The world had lost its color without Hades. Everything was dull and grey and meaningless. Getting up in the mornings was never worth it because he was never there to wake up next to. You turned onto your side in the cushy, dark blue duvets and stared at his vacant side of the bed. He used to always find some cheesy way to wake you up in the mornings, just so he could see the smile on your face...
♡ flashback
      The sun was shining brightly through the thin castle curtains with those stupid birds singing their sickening tune outside. You groaned out of frustration for being woken up by something so beautiful, only to feel a muscular arm tighten around your waist. The arm slowly drew you back until you were pressed up against a warm chest. 
      Smirk playing across your lips, you turned over in his arms to be greeted with the smiling face of Hades. “Good morning, gorgeous.” 
      You couldn’t help the blush that spread across your cheeks. “Good morning, Hades,” you rolled your eyes with a chuckle.
      “I wrote another rock song for you. I was going to sing it to you this morning, but I completely forgot about it once I saw your beautiful face.” He winked at you, leaning in to kiss you. You melted into the kiss, resting your hand gently on his unshaved cheek. A giggle escaped from your lips as you pulled back and stared into his dreamy eyes. 
      “You’re really sweet, but you do know I have to get up now, right?” 
      He suddenly tightened his grip around your waist. “You’re not going anywhere, princess.” 
      “Hades!” You giggled, trying half-heartedly to pry his hands off of your waist. You kicked and pushed on his chest, but your attempts were to no avail. When he wanted you, he got you. He let out a laugh at your foolish attempts to escape and when you were about to give up, he suddenly drew you in even closer so your noses were touching. You both felt your heart beats quicken as he stared longingly into your eyes. You brought your hand up to rest against his chest.
      “Five more minutes?” He whispered, breath warm against your lips.
      “Five more minutes,” you couldn’t help but grin.
♡ end flashback
      “Y/n?” The voice of Evie was what broke you out of your flashback. Not moving from your spot in bed, you kept your face blank as Evie, Mal, and Uma carefully walked in. They exchanged pitiful glances with one another as they neared your bed. Evie gently took a seat on Hades side of the bed while Mal and Uma stood next to her. The trio took in your form. Your face was blank of any emotion, as it had been for weeks. Your hair was disheveled from having not been washed, your eyes were bloodshot, and you were dressed in Hades clothes, including one of his leather jackets. They had no idea what was going on inside your head, and frankly, even Mal was afraid to know.
      “Y/n, I know you don’t really want any visitors right now, but we’ve come to get you for help. We need your help to move Hades so we can put him in the casket,” Evie gently told you, reaching out to rest her gloved palm on top of your hand. You were so weak from lack of food that you didn’t move. In fact, it seemed like you hadn’t even heard them at all as you stared blankly at the wall behind them. 
      “Y/n?” Mal asked. 
      “Are you alright?” Uma’s voice began to melt away... 
♡ flashback
      “Are you alright, love?” Hades asked, rubbing your arms gently. You slowly nodded your head, trying desperately to hide your envy. 
      “Yeah, I’m fine. But...” you paused, causing Hades to cock his head to the side. “Maleficent? Really?” 
       A moment of silence passed as he stared at you. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking at that moment, but when he suddenly began circling you, like a hawk circling its meal, you began to feel very unsure of yourself. 
      “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were...” he leaned in slowly to whisper in your ear, sending chills down your spine. “Jealous.” 
      You pulled away and scoffed at him. “Jealous? I think you’ve been alone for a little too long, Had.” 
      “Oh really?” He narrowed his brows, plastering on his famous malicious smirk. Uh oh, you internally face palmed. You were in for it now. You waited in agonizing anticipation as he suddenly stopped and tapped his chin. The heavy silence coating the room made you want to scream, but you held it in and waited for whatever horrible thing he had up his sleeve for you. 
      You were even more shocked than before when he suddenly said, “You know, I was actually thinking about going back to see Maleficent again. I mean, damn are those eyes enchanting...” 
      It felt as if though he had just ripped out your heart and crushed it. You suddenly forgot how to breathe as you just stood there in incredulity, your mouth opening and shutting like a fish. Heart beating at a thousand miles per hour, you could only watch as amusement spread across Hades’s face at your reaction. “Y-You wouldn’t...” you were only able to stammer. 
      He narrowed his eyes at you and began stalking towards you, striking fear into your heart for the first time. For every step he took towards you, you took one back until he had you pinned against the wall. You could feel his body heat radiating onto you as you stared fearfully into his eyes. Was he really going to leave you for Maleficent? 
      Confusion suddenly filled your brain when he tilted his head back and started laughing. “See, my dear, you are jealous! Don’t worry, though,” he snickered, running his fingers along your cheek and pausing at your lips. 
      Through half lidded eyes, he softly smiled at you. 
      “You’re the only one for me.” 
♡ end flashback 
      You suddenly sat up in bed, startling the three girls. That was the first time you had virtually responded in a while. You ran a shaking hand through your hair as your eyes scoured the room, feeling like there was so much to look at and so little time to look at it. 
      “Are you o-” 
      “I’m fine,” you suddenly snapped, causing even more shock in the girls. That was the first time you had SPOKEN in a while. Throwing the dark duvet off of your legs, you swung yourself off of the bed and stood on your legs, almost falling from the lack of use. The three girls gaped at you as you struggled the first few steps, but hastily began making your way towards the door. 
      “Y/n, where are you going?” Evie quickly asked, fumbling to trail after you, Mal and Uma not too far behind. 
      “To move Hades,” you shortly responded. All that you knew was that you were experiencing quite a lot of unwanted nostalgia and you wanted to get away from it as soon as possible. The three solemnly began to follow you through the halls, exchanging worried looks to one another throughout. It didn’t take long for you to help move Hades, though you barely looked at him through the process. You weren’t ready. After you helped to set his body in the casket, Mal and Evie offered to keep you company for the rest of the day. 
      “We know you’re going through a lot more than you show,” Mal explained. “You don’t have to go through this alone.” 
      Wringing your hands together, you began to prepare your polite rejection in your head. You knew that you wanted their company more than anything, but you didn’t want to risk hurting anyone else. And that meant, you guessed it, isolation. But your lonely heart must have spoken before your brain could as you suddenly blurted out a, “yes.” 
      And so, that was how the night before Hades’s funeral went. Mal and Evie walked you back to your room and helped you take a bath and get dressed in an outfit Evie deemed more acceptable. The three of you were now sitting in a braiding circle, with Evie leading the train and talking about any thing that crossed your minds. A pile of junk food sat on the colorful carpets before you and the TV was turned on to some girly show in the background. As you ran your fingers through Evie’s silky blue hair, you listened calmly as your two best friends discussed marriage. Evie was wondering if she and Doug were going to make it that far, and Mal was giving her some advice on how she felt when Ben proposed. 
      “It is scary,” Mal said truthfully. “But honestly it’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.” 
      You softly chuckled. “I always dreamed that my wedding colors would be an icy blue and white,” you sighed. The room suddenly fell silent, and you kicked yourself for bringing it up again. 
      “You know...” Mal suddenly interjected. “It’s okay to talk about it, N/n. We’re here for you.” 
♡ flashback
      “I’m here for you,” you screamed as loud as you could to be heard over the thunder booming above you. Rain pounded down on the ground and on your soaking wet bodies as you watched Hades retreating figure stop at your words. You hated feeling so desperate, but... 
      “No matter how many times you push me away, I am here for you. I always have been and I always will be and there is nothing you can do to stop that Hades.” You blinked as tears and rainwater spilled from your eyes, stifling another sob from rising in your chest. You knew he loved you, and you knew you loved him. But he was so afraid to love and to hurt that he pushed you away. Through the storm, you could see his back straighten. Throwing caution to the wind, you knew he wouldn’t come to you so you began to walk towards him, tugging his jacket tighter around your shivering arms.
      “I’m here for you Hades, because I love-” 
      “Don’t say it.” His shaking voice cut you off. You furrowed your brows in confusion. 
      “What? I love-” 
      “I said don’t say it,” he snarled. You couldn’t see his face, so you walked around him and stopped in front of his figure, having to crane your neck slightly to see his face even though he was refusing to look at you. You felt frustration soar through you as you stomped your foot.
      “I can say whatever the hell I want,” you snapped. “I love you, Hades. I fucking love you and there is nothing that you can do to stop that.” 
      A silence followed where there was nothing but you staring expectantly at him and the sound of the rain slamming against the pavement. His eyes finally floated down to greet yours after what felt like forever, and it looked like the anger in his eyes had finally cracked as he wrapped his arms around you. 
      “I told you not to say it,” he mumbled just before he crashed his lips onto yours. 
♡ end flashback 
      You shook your head, trying to shake the image out. “There is... a lot,” you answered truthfully. “I just... I just wish I still had him.”
      “I think we all do,” Mal softly smiled as she moved on to your next braid. 
      “I’ve been meaning to ask,” Evie began. “How did that even happen, you and Hades?” 
      You giggled as you tied off one of Evie’s braids. “It’s a long story, but I was the only one who understands him. Well, who understood him now... he was always so nice to me and cruel to everyone else. He never wanted to leave me alone. He made me feel like I wasn’t some sort of monster. Like I was an actual person...” 
♡ flashback 
      “I can’t believe they actually put you in chains,” he muttered to himself as he broke off the cuffs the guard, who you had kicked into the underground below, had put on you. 
      You shrugged. “I’m a loose cannon, they took necessary precautions.” 
      He gave you one look and shot you a knowing smirk. “You don’t look like a loose cannon, princess.” 
      You sent him the same smirk back. “Looks can be deceiving.”
♡ end flashback
      You spent the rest of the night chatting with Evie and Mal, actually talking out your feelings and your past and well, everything with them. For once, it felt like you actually had friends who cared about you and were willing to help you in your time of need. They decided to spend the night with you, which you didn’t mind one bit. 
      You could use the company... 
      It was the morning of Hades’s funeral.
      And you were more of a wreck than you had ever been before. Reality had finally hit you, and you were almost unable to get out of bed. Luckily, Mal and Evie were there to help you out or else your emotionless self probably would have stayed glued to the sheets. Without Hades, having emotions also seemed meaningless. What good was having your emotions if you were just going to be sad all the time?
      Evie and Mal had already gotten dressed up for the funeral, so they helped you into a gorgeous black gown and sat you down at your large vanity to get you decent. As Mal touched up your makeup, Evie did you hair. For once, you sat eerily still, just staring blankly at yourself in the mirror.
      A melancholy silence coated the air until you suddenly broke it. 
      “How do you make these feelings go away?” your voice was only slightly above a whisper, but they heard it. Evie exchanged a knowing look with Mal and sighed, running the brush through your hair. 
      “I’m afraid you can’t take them away. You just have to let them run their course.” 
      “But it feels like I’m dead without him,” your voice had grown hoarse. “What’s the point of living if I feel like I’m dead?” 
      The two lowered their eyes to the floor in silence and felt tears begin to brim in their eyes. You were their friend, and you were hurt horribly and there was nothing they could do to help you. As they finished you up, they helped you to stand and the three of you exchanged a very long hug. You thought back to all of the times that you and Hades had hugged...
♡ flashback
      “Come here,” Hades motioned to you from his spot on the couch, his shades still over his eyes. You quickly dropped the bag of groceries you held and leapt onto the couch, snuggling into his chest as he draped his arm around you, pulling you close as you breathed in his scent. 
      “Have I ever told you that I love you?” you giggled.
      He let out a slight hum. “Once or twice, I think.”
      “You dummy.”
♡ end flashback
      It seemed like only seconds before you were at the funeral. And in the blink of an eye, that was over too. It was beautiful, Mal and Ben had done a lovely job. As everyone began leaving, you slowly made your way to the open casket and stopped right next to it. Ben had been about to close it, but stopped once he saw you approaching. He gently rested his hand on your shoulder and offered you a slight smile. 
      “Take your time,” he told you before slipping away, leaving you alone with him. 
      You forced yourself to lower your eyes and look at what you had done to the love of your life. As you stared down at his all too familiar frozen figure, you time travelled through all of the years you had spent together. All of the walks, all of the late night talks, all of the cheesy duets he made you sing together, all of the kisses he blew at you, all of the winks, all of the hand holding, every single kiss you ever shared, all of the slow dancing, all of the teasing, all of the jokes, all of the kissing in the rain, all of the troubles, all of the trust issues, all of the overcoming, all of the fighting, all of the make ups, all of the hugging, the cuddling, the vows, the plans for the future... all of his love. All of your love. All of it. Every day. You wanted him every day. Every day for the rest of your life. And thanks to you, you could no longer have that.
      “I’m so sorry, my love,” you whispered as tears began slipping down your cheeks. You slowly leaned over to give him one last kiss goodbye on the forehead. The icy skin sent a chill through your lips as you straightened back up, but not before one lone tear slipped from your cheek and landed in the middle of his chest. 
      If only tears could melt the ice...
      Your lone tear began soaking into the ice as you forced yourself to turn around, sliding your hand along the casket as long as possible before walking away, hearing his words ring through your ears...
      “We put the US in trust baby!” 
      “Does this jacket make me look fat?”
      “I hope you know that you’re mine and only mine now.”
      “Love, you’re the only one for me.”
      “I will always love you.” 
      And as your tear began to soften the firm ice, the only thought going through your mind was: 
      I’ll always love you too, Hades. 
to be continued... 
The story isn’t over yet! Give me at least one comment letting me know you want more, and I’ll upload the next part! 
♡ a.a. 
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sockablock · 6 years
Hi! If you're still doing requests, could you maybe do a hades and persephone-type thing where Molly's allowed to come back to join the M9 in their adventures for half of every year before going back to being dead?
Snow is falling. The sun has set. And along the side of this beaten old road, as winter cuts sharp through the silent air and the smell of iron hangs low over the ground, Mollymauk Tealeaf looks up into the eyes of the man holding a glaive through his stomach. He spits out blood in a final act of defiance.
Lorenzo says, “Respect.”
And then Molly dies.
And then, he wakes.
It takes him a moment to even realize that his eyes are open, because all around him is just darkness. Quiet. Nothingness corporealized into air and space and void. He’s lying down on some kind of surface, he must be, but there is emptiness below him and emptiness above; the only sounds here are his own erratic breaths and the only sensation is that of stagnant cold.
Whatever the afterlife was supposed to be, Molly hadn’t expected this.
It must have something to do with Lucien, he thinks bitterly. The bastard probably cheated me out of whatever comes next.
“You’re only sort of right,” says a voice.
Molly whirls around and sees—to what would have been surprise if he hadn’t already had the surprise of an un-liftime—a figure, materializing out of the dusk. It has long, black hair, and skin as pale as a moonbeam. It’s wearing a cloak of raven’s feathers, a skeletal brooch clasped at its neck, and carries itself in a casual stride that mirrors the cheeky smile painted across its narrow face.
It gives a bow. It spreads its arms out.
“Nice to meet you, Mister Molly. My name’s Vax. I’m sort of your grim reaper, at the moment. Care for a drink?”
And before Molly can even respond, suddenly, the entire world shifts. He’s sitting down now, on a log, the warmth of a campfire glowing over his skin. His clothes are back to their almost-pristine state, and he can see the stars shining softly above. A breeze ruffles his hair and horn-charms, and there’s a fresh mug of ale clasped loosely in his fingers.
He takes a moment. He processes this. 
Then he says, “I actually prefer wine.”
Vax bursts out into laughter, clapping his knee and nodding with a smile. “Good, good!” he announces. “Good attitude, in the face of uncertain death. I like your style, my friend.”
He waves a hand, and the drink in Molly’s cup turns dark red. Molly takes a sip. Then he seems to realize something.
“Un-certain death?”
Vax nods. “Unfortunately. You see, there’s been some…complications with your…let’s say immigration process.”
“You can say whatever you like,” Molly raises an eyebrow. “Am I dead, or am I not?”
Vax sighs. “Straight to the point, I see. Nobody ever wants to chat, anymore. Nobody ever wants to ask how I’m doing, how I feel.”
“Excuse me for being blunt,” Molly says, taking another sip. “I just found out that I died, and it gets weirder from there.”
Vax snorts. “Alright, alright, you have a point. What I’m trying to tell you though, and you’ll want to pay attention here, is that you are technically not the owner of this body. Not…not originally, anyways. It’s…okay, picture a cup, alright?”
Molly glances down at his own. “Is this going to be confusing?”
Vax ignores this and presses on. “Picture a cup,” he repeats. “Now picture some ale, inside that cup. Now picture someone pouring it out, and then refilling it with wine. That’s what’s happened to you.”
Molly is silent for a moment. He looks deep into his wine. Eventually he says:
Vax sighs again. He rolls his eyes. “The soul who should be in that body isn’t the soul that’s there right now. And sometimes that’s not actually such a big deal, but in this specific instance it is. Because we can’t figure out what soul you are.”
Molly tries again to process this. “You mean…are you…wait a minute. Just…just wait. I’m…I’m just me!” he says. “This is…this is just me, right here, sitting on this imaginary log and drinking wine that might be my body? I think? I—what in the gods’ names are you trying to say?”
“I’m saying,” Vax sighs, “I’m saying that the body you just died in, the physical form you’ve been parading around in for the last two years, is not the body that belonged to you. It actually belonged to a man called Lucien, a right bastard—”
“I knew it—”
“—indeed. Problem is, when I got the report that he’d died, and went to go off to reap his soul, I found you there instead. And not only do I not know who you are, I also can’t figure out how you got in there, and I can’t figure out where you even came from. As far as I’m aware, you either date way back to a time before my Lady was even around, or you’re a brand new soul. Which ordinarily would be fine, except for the fact that you must have been created, out of nothing, by processes that certainly do not follow the natural laws of the universe. Which leaves me at a conundrum.”
“Ah,” Molly says, weakly, eventually. “I, ah…oh.”
Vax pinches the bridge of his nose. For a few minutes of silence, full of the sounds of crickets chirping and the campfire crackling, he seems to think hard about something.
And then he stops. He gives a nod.
“Mister Molly?”
“It’s Mister Mollymauk, actually, but go on.”
“Sure. Do you miss your friends?”
Molly blinks. 
“Do I…do I what?”
“Do you miss them?” Vax repeats. “Your friends. They certainly miss you, that I can guarantee.”
Molly frowns and leans back. “I—I mean, of course, yes, especially if I’m dead and especially if I’m going to ghost-jail or something, for something that I didn’t even—”
Vax raises his hand. “I’m going to offer you a deal,” he says. “To do…to do something that even I, in my halfway-infinite powers, have not been able to do. But if you can accomplish this, I think I can figure out a way to help you out. To give you a…a second chance?”
“A second chance?” Molly asks, and then adds because he can’t help himself, “Don’t you mean a third chance?”
Vax rolls his eyes. “Here’s the deal,” he says, ignoring that comment. “Even though I’m an agent of life and death, there are some things that are beyond me. Especially when fate gets all…screwy, because of who I am and what I serve, I find myself less and less able to interfere. And fate, somehow, maybe through magic or something, has gotten extremely screwy with you, my friend. So I’m going to give you six months. Half a year. And in that time, I need you to do everything that you can to figure out who Lucien was, and figure out how he died. I need you to figure out where he went. Can you do that?”
Molly blinks again. And then again. “Can I…wait, wait, why do I only get six months?”
“Because,” Vax sighs. “I’ve been keeping you here long enough already, trying to figure out what’s going on. It’s been almost half a year since your death, friend. And in six months, I have to go see my boss, and tell her why your case is taking so long.”
“Oh,” says Molly. 
And then Vax does something very strange. He gives a soft smile. He says, “I also want to make this deal with you. I’ve been watching your friends, and I saw what they were like with you. And I don’t know who you are, or where you came from, but...I’d like to think that I have an idea about what kind of person you are, and it’s hardly fair that you only got two years on the Material Plane. I want to give you a second chance. And six months is about as long as I can swing to keep it fair, otherwise the laws aren’t binding.”
“The laws?” 
“Of the universe,” Vax says. “Very complicated stuff.”
And then he sticks out his hand.
“Six months,” he says. “Find Lucien, and I bring you back to life, in that body, unharmed. Think you can do it?”
Molly eyes him closely.
“What makes you think I can trust you?” he asks.
Vax gives a grin.
“What makes you think you have a choice?”
Molly laughs. He takes the hand.
“Perfect,” he says. “That’s just my kind of deal.”
The reaper’s palm is cold, but somehow reassuring.
And then the world shifts. 
Molly opens his eyes.
• • • • • •
more filled requests here!  •  💜 ☕ ☕💜
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occasionalfics · 5 years
worth my while // epilogue
main masterlist | thor masterlist | ko-fi | p. 11
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Summary: After being banished from his home, Thor Odinson has stopped at nothing to prove himself worthy of his throne, title, and power.
After losing the love of your life, you turned to a power you didn’t understand.You know you shouldn’t get involved.
But how could you not?
Pairing: Thor x Reader (Hercules au…kind of…)
A/N: I’m like...stunned that this is over? I feel like it happened really fast. REALLY fast. How? 
I couldn’t let this go without a REAL fairy tale ending and I’m not sorry about it. Let’s celebrate!
Warnings: Honestly just nostalgia and fluff finally
Words: 2,545
An enthusiastic Thor introduces you to his close friend Heimdall, but doesn’t spend too much time on it. He moves you onward too quickly, insisting on taking you directly to his mother. Immediately.
You laugh at his excitement, but still stop him as he leads you across a glassy rainbow bridge. You take one look at the skyline of Asgard before you, and all the joy falls from your body.
You’re really here. In Asgard. With Thor.
He turns to you, warm hands sliding up your arms to your shoulders. “What is it, min kjærlighet?” he asks.
You don’t have an answer for him. The sudden weight you feel is a pleasant one, but still overwhelming. Because you’ve just left the only planet you’ve ever known - the only life you’ve known - for a kingdom you don’t belong in, for a man you’re not worthy of, for a life you have no place in.
“(Y/N)?” he asks again, some of the light leaving his eyes, too.
“Thor,” you whisper, “I- just. This is a lot. And I have...so many things to tell you, things I didn’t think I was going to get to but I need to say before anything else happens-”
“Nothing is going to happen here,” he tells you. “You can tell me all after you meet my mother. She’s eager to see what I see-”
“I can’t wait, Thor.” You take in a long breath, remembering all of the things you’d wished you’d told him before, when you knew you couldn’t. Memory is a harsh prison, but it’s the one you won’t be free of until he knows everything. “I can’t stay here if I don’t tell you.”
He hesitates, and his brow furrows. “Do you… want to return to Midgard?”
You shake your head. “That’s not what I’m saying. I just- Before we go forward with anything, I have to tell you.”
“Tell me what?” he asks, his tone clearly impatient but curious.
You lick your lips and tell him, “Everything.”
It’s easy to sneak into a room via lofted balcony when simply twirling a hammer enables flight. Thor holds you tightly against his side, wind rushes past you so fast you have to close your eyes, and within seconds, you’re placed on solid marble.
Being lifted off your feet like that twice in less than ten minutes is a lot to deal with, but you manage.
He leads you into his bedroom. This one, the one he’s grown up in, is nothing at all like his Avengers’ Tower bedroom.
This room is golden. Everything has a yellow tint to it - the fire kindling in a fireplace across from the bed certainly helps with that. His bed is huge, like his other is, but this one is covered in silken sheets and long, wide fur blankets. Tables are lined with goblets and trophies of war and revelry.
Here, Thor is truly who he was always meant to be. You’ll have to figure out who that is in time.
He leads you to the bed, sits on the edge of it, and waits for you to join him. When you do, his hands grip yours again. You might only pull away if you didn’t miss him holding you like you do.
Every day for three months, your whole body ached for him. It was just never as apparent as it is right now, with his body excruciatingly close.
“What is it you wanted to tell me?” he asks, patient now.
You try to remember where to start, then decide that an apology is a good place.
“I...am so, so sorry, Thor. For everything. For keeping things from you, for leading you on, for...god, for dragging you into Hades’ mess of a plan. For thinking I’d be able to stop you from fighting with a fucking car-”
“You saved my life that day, (Y/N),” he interrupts.
You squeezes his hand in a plea to let you finish. He nods slowly, conceding.
“I met a guy...almost a decade ago, now. This man, Rick - he was everything I ever thought I wanted. I was sure I was gonna marry him. But we got in a stupid fight one night, and he walked out and...a drunk driver hit him.” The memory of that night rises, stings your throat and eyes and nose. Despite the warmth of the room, a chill settles over you.
“Hades found me a year later. I was...a mess. I thought I’d  lost the great love of my life. I was an easy target for someone looking for a glorified assistant. Hades told me he’d bring Rick back, and without thinking, I agreed to whatever terms he laid before me.”
You bite your lip, try not to hold what happened against Rick, and only went on when you felt ready.
“Rick and I didn’t end up working out. Obviously,” you say. “But Hades...he knew what he was doing. I was his servant, and basically nothing else. Not until I met you.”
He smiles, flattered.
You can’t return the gesture.
“I knew I should’ve stayed away. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with you, because Hades always knew. And you...you’re so powerful, God damn it!” You pushed on his arm, taking just a second to joke because that was so much easier.
But you can’t let the break drag on.
“I couldn’t help myself. The more I saw you, the more I wanted to see. You…” You sigh and meet his eyes with certainty in yours. “You made me feel like I was a regular person again. Like I was worthy of your friendship, of your love. The more I felt that, the more I wanted to get out of helping Hades bring you down. But he knew. He always knew. And when I tried to tell him you were unstoppable, he used me against you.”
“And it cost you your life, (Y/N).”
You nod, leaning toward him so you could whisper and he would feel the meaning behind the words: “I’d do it again if I had to. For you, I’d do anything. And I know you’d do it, too.”
“For you,” he agreed, “always.”
As it has every day for the last...four months (you think, time is different on Asgard than it is on Earth), the Asgardian sun warms your skin, breathes new life into parts of you that you’d forgotten all about. Dormant parts. Pieces you haven’t felt in...years.
You sit in the city square and watch the market around you. People mill about, like they always have, hardly noticing the wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Thor told you to stop calling yourself that. You’re not here to harm Asgardians, but to be one of them. And slowly, you’re starting to feel at home. With Thor to help and his mother’s approval (you don’t know how you managed to garner that, but you refuse to question it), you know that, some day, you’ll really feel like you belong here.
You’re adjusting. It makes Thor proud to see you content. It makes you proud to see him happy and whole again.
He comes through the crowd and hands you a light purple flower. It’s petals are soft and dainty, it’s stem strong and stable. It smells unlike anything you know of from Earth. It’s perfect, and yet, Thor’s smile outshines the glory of his gift.
He sits beside you on a stone wall, has no hesitation of pulling you close and holding you against him. You were surprised to learn, upon meeting the King and Queen, that Thor wasn’t already engaged to a Space Princess. Apparently, Earth fairytales don’t really apply to Space monarchies.
“Did you miss me, my heart?” he asks.
Yours always, without fail, skips a beat when he calls you that. You can’t help it. Somehow, in some way, you’ve earned his affection. The name is confirmation enough, and you have one for him that serves the same purpose.
“Of course, my soul.”
Four months of Asgardian living has absolutely affected your vernacular. How could it not? Why wouldn’t you let it, if you planned on staying?
He kisses your cheek as you place the small flower behind one of your ears. “What’s the plan for today?” you ask, knowing his days are normally full of training, both in battle and for the throne.
The fact that he is heir to an intergalactic collection of realms, of course, puts you on edge. You don’t know what it means for you, but you don’t have the heart to ask him. He’s already under enough stress at the thought of having to lead an entire kingdom.
“There are none today,” he tells you. Instantly, you relax against him.
“Well,” he starts, in a tone that automatically makes you roll your eyes, “there are plans, but I’m not seeing them through.”
“Nope.” He smiles so widely that his eyes nearly close. “I’d like to see someone try to take me away from what I have planned today.” He brings a hand to your waist, squeezes, then chuckles at himself like he’s the cleverest man he’s ever met.
You purse your lips and tell him, “Don’t be cheeky,” but you know he’ll only tell you he can’t help it.
A week ago, the Queen told you she’s never seen Thor so happy. Consistently, that is. You told her you still had a lot to apologize and make amends for, but that her observation was much appreciated.
And now, Thor has no hesitation to show the entire kingdom even a fraction of how happy he is. He leans in and kisses you openly - admittedly, not for the first time. But still, the thought that you had ever tried to hide this, even for his and your own safety? It seems blasphemous.
You spend the day with the people. They love Thor - missed him during his time on Midgard. No one remembers him like you’d thought they might - like the arrogant, insolent, spoiled prince he’d said he was when he was banished. They only know him as he is now - strong and vulnerable, compassionate and still a little intimidating. He’s friendly and bright. Just being in his presence like this is an honor you’re still working to be worthy of.
Thor swears they love you, too. And they are friendly and kind. They ask what living on Midgard for so long was like. They want to know you, so you believe him. You don’t have to tell them about Hades - especially not in the same way you’ve finally told Thor everything. Maybe someday, they’ll know, but for now?
For now, you want to move past it all.
Knowing that Thor brought you back from the dead, that he knew you’d sacrificed your freedom for his safety, that he couldn’t stand the thought of living on while you were dead because of him… it’s enough.
When you return to the palace for the nightly feast, you stick close to Thor. His friends are yours now, too, though Sif is off planet on a diplomatic mission. Fandral, Volstaag, and even Hogun surround you and Thor that night, joking and laughing and living the way a family should.
It’s been so long since you’ve felt this acceptance. So long since Rick walked out. So long since you sold your soul to save a man that was meant to die that night.
Now you understand that. Rick was never supposed to come back. It was his choice to leave that night, not yours to push him away.
You were not meant for such a short life, though. For pain and suffering and growing, yes, but death? Not yet.
You have your own room in the palace - a guest suite, a gift from the Queen - but you hardly ever sleep there. Thor’s chamber feels more like home.
He’s sitting up against the headboard, eyes shut, just resting while you slip into a robe. The fabric is soft against your bare skin; the stone floor is cool beneath your feet. You hold the robe shut as you go over to the bed, sliding over to straddle Thor’s lap.
His eyes draw open, and he pulls you as close to him as he can. Your knees are tucked up against his hips, and you lean your chest against his. As usual, he’s warm and comfortable, and he smells like petrichor and cinnamon.
“You know,” you tell him, “I don’t think I ever thanked you for bringing me here.”
He shrugs. “Of course you have.”
“No,” you say as you shake your head. “I thanked your parents for allowing me to stay. But I’ve never thanked you for...for changing everything.”
His hands come around to your thighs, and once again, he squeezes you. “You don’t have to say it exactly like that to say it at all, (Y/N),” he whispers, that silly contented smile on his face filling you up with all the happiness you could possibly stand.
You crash your lips into his, weave your fingers into his beard. You still can’t believe you have all of this, but here it is. And it’s yours. He is yours - and if anything confirms that, it’s the nudge you feel on the inside of your left thigh the longer you kiss him.
You pull back and tell him, “I am grateful, though. For everything. For all of this.” You look up at the domed ceiling, around at the walls, then back at the absolute masterpiece between your palms.
“Funny,” he sighs. “I’d give it all up for you if I had to.”
He kisses you this time. You lean into him, and one of the shoulders of the robe falls off your arm. His tongue lines your bottom lip, and in one swift move, his arms encircle you so he can turn and lay you down against the softest mattress you’ve ever slept on. One hand unties the knot holding your robe together, the other crawls up the side of your leg. You feel like you’re on fire, covered in gooseflesh, drowning in the sun.
And then, to break it all apart, there’s a knock on the door.
“Go away!” Thor calls, lips still partially pressed to yours.
“There’s news from Midgard, Highness,” a voice says. It could be Fandral, but it could be one of Odin’s guard. “Your...acquaintances require your assistance.”
Your eyes shoot open wide, and you push against Thor to get him to listen. This messenger sounds serious.
“Now?” Thor asks.
Thor’s face sags. You giggle and stroke his beard again.
“No need for a face like that, my soul. Our friends need us.”
You swear a bolt of lightning ignites the blue of his eyes. “Us?” he asks. “You want to go with me?”
Thor’s gone off planet since you’ve come to Asgard, and normally, you don’t go with him. But this is Midgard. It’s a planet you know with people you know.
You nod. “Sam probably misses me too much. That’s all this is.” You shrug, and his smile matches yours as you sit up. “Come,” you tell him, reaching for his hand with yours. “Let’s go see what the problem is now.”
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tokidokifish · 5 years
oh hey look! it’s another thing i wrote!! this time it’s about the wol and crystal exarch! it’s got some p big spoilers for shadowbringers!!
The Warrior of Light kissed the Crystal Exarch before they left for Mt. Gulg. 
They had stood stock still for a moment beforehand, eyes fixed on his face, and then darted forward - it was a soft kiss, the gentlest press of lips to the skin between his mouth and the crystal that curved over his cheek. 
"For luck," they had explained, when they stepped back, and he thought he saw a hint of red across their cheeks before they turned and whistled for their mount. They were gone before he could even begin to think of what to say.
"Ooohhh," Dulia-Chai cooed from behind him, and Chai-Nuzz grunted with what sounded like surprise and also approval, and the Exarch thought - well, he never resented the sacrifice he would have to make, but it had been something he had resigned himself to, and part of the reason he had spent the last century mostly alone, caring for the world as a whole because getting attached to people would have made it that much harder to leave. 
But now, touching the place he had been kissed in slight disbelief, he thought that he could die happy.
But he didn't die. 
That had been the plan, of course, but then Emet-Selch had... interfered? Intervened, perhaps. And in the end, after their soul was made whole and the light within them had been spent, as he stood somewhat unsteadily and started to apologize - they had stopped him, smiled at him, and called him by his name.
And if he hadn't been in a considerable amount of pain, he would perhaps have thought he died after all. 
There wasn't much time to talk after that. They stayed just long enough for the beginning of the Crystarium's celebration of the return of the darkness, and then he had seen them off, afraid to ask for even a moment alone.
Time flowed differently between their worlds. They would be back, he knew - their friends were still here, after all, and he knew that they would never abandon the other Scions. But he also knew they had a life on the Source, responsibilities to Eorzea - it could be weeks before they returned, if not months. 
It took a day.  
"You're back," he said, when they stepped into his chambers, and they nodded.
"I just needed to check in with Tataru, to let her know everything was alright - at least for the moment. How long was I gone?"
"Just a day," he replied. "The others are still here in the Crystarium, if you would have me call for them - though I'm not entirely sure what state they'll be in. The celebration was rather - exuberant."
They smiled, and shook their head. "It's fine. I actually wanted to see you." 
Ah. He had been waiting for this. They didn't seem upset, but - well.
"I'm glad," he said. "You stopped me before, after - Hades, but I still believe you deserve an apology, if you would allow me." 
They tipped their head, and then peered at him. "What would you be apologizing for?" they asked. "For lying to me about why you knew about the next calamity, and hiding your identity? Lying about what you expected to happen, when I finished killing all the Wardens? Or perhaps you wish to apologize for how you kept lying, until the end, even when you were trying to sacrifice yourself for me?"
That was... succinct. And the worst part was that they still didn't sound that upset with him. "Yes," he said, quietly. "All that and more."
"I don't really care about the lying," they said. "G'raha, I’ve known who you really are for ages. As soon as I finished talking to the residents of the Crystarium for the first time, and realized what you had done exactly what you wanted - you turned the Crystal Tower into a beacon of hope. But I also knew you also must have had your reasons for keeping your identity to yourself, so I just... let you."  
They had known? The whole time? 
They had known before Mt. Gulg? 
And just when he thought he might have a chance to wrap his mind around that, they continued. "What I am a little upset about is - I know it's been a while for you, but before you locked yourself in that stupid tower, do you remember what I said?" 
He opened his mouth, closed it, and winced slightly.
"You wished to know if locking myself within the tower was what I really wanted," he said. "You told me that instead of living for my ancestors, that I could - I should live for myself." 
"And instead..." they continued, brows drawn down.
And instead, he had tried to die for them.
"I'm sorry," he said. "If I had thought there was any other option - I didn't want to die."
"That doesn't make it better," they said, sounding upset. They wrapped their arms around themself, ears pressed back, and his heart ached for them. He had never wanted to add to the burdens they carried - that was the whole reason he had put on that farce of abandoning this mostly-dead world to its fate, however easily it had been seen through. 
But the only other option he had considered viable at the time - that was even more unthinkable. 
"But... what of you?" he asked, unable to stop himself, even as he tried to soften his tone as much as he could. "If you - if you knew that letting yourself die was the only way to save this star - both our stars..."
Their eyes widened, and then - they looked away.
Answer enough, frankly. 
He sighed a little, a smile tugging at his lips, and looked down. "It seems we aren't terribly good at this."
"Two of a kind, really," they sighed, expression hidden by the sweep of their bangs. Their skin, their eyes - those had regained color after they were almost overwhelmed by the light, but their hair could not, and the dark strands remained streaked with white. Not unlike his. Two of a kind.
Then they lifted their eyes to him. "But - what you said to me in Kholusia. About what you wanted to do after this was all over. I want - to do all of it. To tell you my stories. To hear yours. To make new ones, to-" Their voice caught, failed, and though he was beginning to understand what they were saying, he was almost afraid to let himself hope.
"Prim?" he said, very softly, and they held themselves still, shut their eyes tight for just a moment, before they looked up at him again. The eyes of a Keeper were so different than a Seeker’s, and he thought he would happily get lost in their endless depths.  
"I want to make new stories together," they said, and reached out a hand to take his own. "So if you're bad at living for yourself, perhaps - perhaps you could try living for me?" 
For a moment, he felt like he couldn't breath. But they were so still, so tense, as if they were afraid - afraid of what his answer would be. To let them labor for even a moment under the impression that he could ever say no to them - in anything, but especially this - was unthinkable, and so he forced himself to find his voice and speak. 
"And you would do the same for me?" he asked, voice soft, because he was a little afraid that if he lifted it this beautiful, impossible dream would shatter like glass. 
"I would try," they said, squeezing his hand. "We could try. For each other." 
"Yes," he breathed. "Of course - of course, Prim. Nothing would make me happier."  
They broke out into a smile, swaying toward him, and for a single thrilling moment he thought they might kiss him again, but then they held themself still once again. Their eyes flicked down, to his mouth, and then up again, and then - away.  
"I forgot, before, but I wanted to - I should probably apologize, too. For - before Mt. Gulg." His brows rose, and he opened his mouth to protest automatically, but they shook their head. "I didn't ask, before I... um. I should have asked. I'm sorry. I just didn't think my courage would hold up." 
The courage to steal a kiss before they went off to fight the end of two worlds. He was so overwhelmed with sheer affection that it took him a moment to gather himself to speak.
"You don't have anything to apologize for," he told them, gently. And if this - this was what scared them, he could be brave too, and so he continued: "I would actually extend a blanket permission on all kisses in potentia, actually." 
That made them smile, and he thought he could spend the rest of his life, however long it might be, just finding ways to do that. They peeked up at him again through the fall of their bangs. "And if I were to say that right now, I'd like..."
"Please do," he said, before they even had a chance to finish, and thrilled at the way they actually giggled, before leaning up to press their lips to his.
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cornacopicimagines · 6 years
hades & persephone pt.3 │t.h
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pairing : hades!tom holland x persephone!reader
words : 3k
warnings : swearing, mentions of cheating
summary : On a day out to meet with the pot-bellied god of wine, y/n comes across a certain woman who claims to have stolen her love away from her; this doesn't go down well for anyone.
a/n : really milking the cow here guys p.s persephone might come off as a bitch (sorry not sorry )
It was only two days before y/n had to meet her husband and she could not be more excited.
Throughout the day y/n was laughing in the meadows with some other nymphs, growing plants faster than Zendaya, y/n was in such a good mood that when the balls of her feet touched the ground a small flower can't help but sprout up and wave to the beautiful goddess.
The mortals who worked and worshipped Zendaya absolutely adored y/n. Mostly because she would care for them. Give them the nicest piece of fruit from the harvest. So today y/n was on top of her game, she gave some of the farmers the day off and helped the maids with their chores.
Currently, Zendaya and y/n were in the vast strawberry fields, needing to restore the large dish in the middle of their fruit display. This was not only y/n's favourite activity but also Zendaya's. Maybe it was the fact that the two goddesses could revel in the power or it was the quality time they shared. Either way, both would pass up anything to do this one another.
"You know that you're not supposed to be doing their job right y/n?" Zendaya's voice called out.
"I can't help it, honestly," y/n giggled mischievously as she plucked a strawberry from the plant's grasp.
Zendaya didn't tell off y/n, instead, Zendaya smiled warmly and shook her head, as if dismissing the kind soul.
They had been in the blazing sun for almost an hour and a half, both women had filled a bowl of large and ripe strawberries. They reminded y/n of the delicious pomegranates that grew in hell, painting a subtle image of Tom in her mind.
y/n wanted to share her thoughts about her husband with Zendaya but cast them aside as she hated talking about him. Every time y/n would try to convince Zendaya that Tom was not anything like a scoundrel or a useless filth but that he was a kind and honest man, loving y/n with every inch of his body.
y/n spotted Zendaya gracefully making her way over to y/n when she was stopped by a very frazzled maid who stood at the edge of the field, close enough the Zendaya and y/n could hear.
"Your graces," she bowed, as every other mortal does when in the presence of a god, "King Zeus has requested your immediate arrival on Mount Olympus," the woman finished as she gestured inside, where bright lights of white and blue shone through.
Zendaya quickly placed the bowl of her fruit at y/n's feet before she sighed deeply. "Tell him I will be there in a moment," she spoke sternly before looking at y/n.
"I was going to do this because I know how to the mortals act around you but," Zendaya started as she lifted the bowl of strawberries off the ground and tumbled them on y/n's, "Dionysus has requested a batch of strawberries for a festive wine or whatever," she spoke to y/n as she rolled her eyes.
y/n giggled at Zendaya' disapproval of the god of wine, "Of course, I'd be happy to," y/n said softly before Zendaya stroked y/n's cheek lovingly and running off to the cottage.
It hadn't been a long journey for y/n, her feet were just starting to get tired as she walked through the gates of the city. She saw mortals stop to stare at her, which wasn't the best feeling. No wonder Zendaya also went on these journeys, the mortals liked to awe at y/n's beauty.
Blushing wildly, y/n thanked Zeus as she spotted the large building Dionysus said he would meet her. Quickly, y/n rushed in and shut the door behind her.
The interior of the large temple was somehow even larger. It was decorated from top to bottom with stupid laurels and stains of wine on the pearly white walls. It was disgusting to y/n.
In the very centre sat bloated Dionysus as he chugged another bottle of alcohol and threw the empty glass at a wall, making the nymphs surroundings him flinch ever so slightly. As y/n walked towards the god, she spotted half-naked women seductively moving in the dim light, men equally pouring and spilling the endless amounts of wine and finally groups of mortals basking in each other's bodies.
"Beautiful Lady Persephone, what is a delicate little flower doing here?" Dionysus slurred out as he arose from his position and started to stumble towards y/n.
"You requested a basket of strawberries from Demeter," y/n cut back bluntly, this wasn't the first time y/n had to encounter Dionysus, she knew how to keep his flirting and drunk antics to a minimum.
"Oh simply wonderful," Dionysus spoke darkly before snapping his chubby fingers and a trio of nymphs skipped over to almost snatch the fruit from y/n's grasp; giving her dirty looks as they ran off. "I have no drachmas but I do have another idea of repaying you," Dionysus smirked as he got closer to y/n. Just as fast as Dionysus had got in her face, y/n pushed him back.
"No need, our gardens are overflowing with strawberries," y/n denied his most obvious request to bed her before she turned on her heels and walked to the exit. "You have too much wine for your own good, Dionysus," y/n spoke darkly.
"Always a joy to have your advice Persephone," Dionysus exclaimed sarcastically
Finally, y/n had escaped Dionysus's den and made it back into the warm sunlight, smiling brightly y/n made note of which way was the quickest to get back to the cottage.
She was just about to start her journey when she noticed a crowd forming around a young woman. Intrigued y/n slowly made her way over.
y/n had easily got to the front of the crowd as the mortals parted ways to let the goddess through. Still unsure of what was happening she bent down to asked a middle-aged woman what was happening, "This woman says she slept with the mysterious Lord Hades," she gulped nervously as the mortal could easily tell that she was telling his wife that he had slept with not even another goddess but a mortal.
y/n felt her whole world explode as the mortals told her about her husband's infidelity. Not thinking it through properly, y/n stomped her over to the woman, who was answering a question from another townsperson.
"Oh Lord Hades kept chanting that I was a superior lover to Lady Persephone," the vixen spoke confidently as she readjusted the corset to push her breasts higher.
"Is that true," y/n spoke up as she saw the woman stiffen at the voice of the goddess. Slowly the mortal turned to come face to face with a furious y/n. "Because if so, would you also like to tell them about my husband's preferences or shall you take this as your sign to shut up," y/n seethed at the woman.
"Persephone I-," the mortals started before y/n laughed angrily.
"Are you trying to piss me off more," y/n spat "That is not how you greet your goddess," she said as she bent to look the woman dead in the eyes.
"Lady Persephone, I-I s-speak the truth," the woman stumbled as she cowered in y/n's presence.
"The truth?!" y/n screamed as wrath bubbled at her skin, "You speak nothing but lies, you ignorant little swine," she insulted and unfortunately, y/n let tears sit at the rink of her eyes letting the woman know that she was breaking y/n's high defences.
"Lord Hades is a desirable man, it just happens that he also desires something other than a familiar warmth," The woman started to regain confidence as she witnessed y/n own doubt destroy her from the inside, "and I was there to comfort my Lord while you abandoned him," she finished with a devilish smirk. y/n was in shock and utter disbelief, how could this woman have such bravery and stupidity at the same time.
"I am not a violent goddess, but I will be if you keep using my husband as a stepping stone for fame and more dick," y/n said quietly as she leaned into the woman's ear before stomping off and wiping hot tears before the can fall on the ground beneath her.
The two days were literally hell on earth for y/n. She was incredibly angry, moody, jealous & snappy. She no longer bloomed flowers when she walked but instead wilted them if she even just thought about them.
The mortals who worked at Zendaya's cottage now avoided her instead of embracing her, even Zendaya herself tried her best to stay out of y/n's way.
So when Hermes came to y/n, she was more than happy to join him and make their way to the underworld.
y/n would have hummed in approval of the familiarity of the underworld but this time she was fuming. She literally shook the ground as she stomped her way to her and Tom's shared bedroom.
Quickly she got dressed in her usual attire as Queen. Just before she was about to throw her hair into a messy high bun, she stared at herself in the mirror and all the doubt and jealousy rose to the surface.
Was this woman right, did Tom actually cheat on her. Was she not good enough for him, or was it that he was bored of her. y/n knew that she shouldn't let this mortal woman get to her head but y/n couldn't help it.
She felt tears wet her cheeks as she tried not to look at her reflection. In a matter of seconds, y/n's eyes got puffy and hot streams of salty water had dropped onto the sink.
y/n made a mental note of meeting with Apollo to teach this woman a very deserved lesson.
"Persephone are you alright?" A quiet voice spoke up, y/n whipped around to shout at the top of her lungs but instead saw the goddess Hecate standing at the door of her bathroom.
Hecate and y/n's relationship had started very awkwardly but as they spent more time with each other, Hecate became y/n's absolute best friend with she was with Tom. The two are the most unlikely pair, but Hecate started off by greeting y/n when she ascended down from earth but two grew closer, y/n had requested that Hecate become something of a lady in waiting.
y/n hard demeanour fell as she saw the multi-coloured eyes peering at her worriedly. "Oh Hecate, you don't know how thrilled I am to see you again dear friend," y/n sighed as relief filled her body. Quickly the two goddesses embraced each other in a tight hug.
"Would you like to explain to me why you looked like you were about to collapse on your bathroom floor," Hecate giggled softly. Knowing she would need to tell someone sometime, y/n reluctantly retold the events about the mortal above.
"Why would he cheat on me," y/n sobbed, "I have done nothing but love and cherish him and yet he still wants to fuck mortal whores," she spat, her sadness being consumed by wrath and fury.
"I think she is lying Persephone," Hecate spoke quietly as if she did not want to upset y/n. "Hades absolutely adores you, he is in agony when you leave for Demeter above," she professed but before y/n could protest the large doors spread open to reveal Tom in all his bastardly glory. y/n wanted to run to him so badly and wrap her arms around him and never let go but she painfully restrained herself. It was such a pain that Tom immediately took notice and offence.
Hecate stood up from her seat at the edge of the bed and made her way out not before she snatched Tom's forearm and brought him in close. "Don't fuck this up," she snapped before she let go and fled.
"Love are you alright," Tom spoke wearily as he approached y/n softly. She said nothing at first but Tom could see her whole body tense as the sentence left his tongue.
"Am I alright?" y/n started softly before turning to face Tom before leaving him on the bedside alone. "I give you everything and you have the audacity to betray me," she screamed at him as all her anger fled out at once, safely knowing that Tom could easily handle her power and wouldn't be hurt.
"What are you talking about darling," Tom spoke lovingly, trying to calm his wife down but every time he seemed to ask, y/n got more furious.
"I had a lovely little chat with one of your concubines," y/n seethed as he stared at him so hard Tom literally felt pangs of pain. Suddenly Tom understood the whole ordeal. y/n had talked with the mortal woman that has been begging for Tom to fuck her because his brother neglected her after one night together, she was getting on his nerves but this was too far. "I leave Zendaya for 6 bloody months and you cheat, not with another goddess but you stoop so low that you fuck a mortals whore," y/n spat him, Tom had never seen her this angry in the almost 200 years that they have been married for.
"I know the woman you are talking about," Tom spoke sadly as he massaged his forehead between his thumb and pointer finger. Tom immediately took one look at y/n absolutely shocked but also furious face and regretting what he previously said. "Woah, calm down y/n," Tom told her quickly as he saw y/n stomp around their shared bedroom, "I didn't sleep with this woman, my brother did," Tom spoke quietly, afraid that his voice would be heard by the spiteful Hera in Olympus.
"Zeus!" y/n shouted in surprise before Tom rushed over to her and slapping his hand over her mouth to prevent any other damning knowledge to get out.
"Yes, The Woman's name is Acadia. I don't know much but Zeus did sleep with her and she was smitten so when she asked for him to join her in her bed and he rejected, she thought it would be a good idea by boasting about sleeping with me thinking it would make him jealous," he told y/n lowly, as the story was unfolding Tom could see the irritated look on her face fall quickly and her eyes were suddenly filled with guilt.
"So you didn't sleep with her," y/n asked him softly as she pulled his hand from her pursed lips, Tom responded by nodding his head. y/n gave him a look of apology before she engulfed him in a long-awaited hug. Tom pulled away to see that y/n's face was wet with tears, wiping them away slowly Tom stared at her with adoration.
"I would never, Why would I sleep with an insignificant mortal seducer when I have the most beautiful goddess to grace my sights,' Tom told her as he placed his forehead against her and stroked her warm cheek with his ringed thumb.
y/n took the beautiful and intimate moment further by placing her lips against his in a lustful but passionate kiss, Tom hummed in approval as he pulled her in tighter. y/n snaked her arms around his neck and pulled slightly at the napes of his neck, which prompted Tom to grip at her hips firmly in pleasure.
Tom finally let his hands escape from her hips to travel to the curves of her ass, now kneading her skin in rhythm. After a while, Tom started to let his fingers dance at the start of her legs indicating for y/n to jump, which she happily did quickly hoping on Tom's waist and wrapping her legs around.
The pair was just about to make their way to the massive bed when someone knocked at their doors and unfortunately it was one of Tom's servants. Tom dropped his wife and sadly pulled away from y/n's heavenly lips.
"What in the fuck do you want," Tom snapped as he readjusted his top which had somehow become unbuttoned and fixed much to y/n's displeasure.
"I j-just came to tell m-my L-Lord that there is a lot of duties to a-attend t-to," the poor souls stumbled as Tom stared at him with annoyance and anger.
"You don't think I know that!" Tom spat, he looked like he was going to send the soul to the depth of Tartarus but luckily y/n stepped in by placing her delicate feminine hand on his shoulder lovingly.
"The dear boy is just reminding us that we have responsibilities no matter what may arise," y/n compromised with Tom as she snatched her dark plump cloak off the rack and waved it onto her body. "You may leave us now," She smiled at the servant, how had been looking up at her adoringly before he scurried.
"I really wanted to fuck you," Tom growled in y/n's ear as he let his hands once again grip at her hips to push her up against his prominent bulge. It took a moment for y/n to compose herself but when she did she slapped her husband's sneaky fingers away to free herself.
"We will have plenty of time for that you animal," y/n giggled as she hurried out of the room with Tom on her feet, whispering dirty things every so often.  
tags:  @smexylemony @youtubehelpsmesurvive @isabelmeza @bibliophile65 @younggodblood  @ifyouholdmebackimightexplode @fraunleinlee @junipter @derekxsammy @spideytaeh @danicarosaline @stxck-in-the-internet  @slythxr @rrainydayy @alex-misk @bluelalal @hollanderheart
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lilacmoon83 · 5 years
Dreaming Out Loud
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 112: Thanks for the Memories
Ravenna returned to her castle and looked around, pleased now that it was all hers.
"You certainly made quite an impression at the ball tonight," Hans mentioned, as he leaned against the wall in her Throne room.
"And I trust you kept your presence discreet, baby brother?" she questioned.
"Relax...no one knew I was around. I have no desire to be made into an ice sculpture, courtesy of Queen Elsa," Hans responded.
"Yes...the ice Queen seems to be friends with my ex-husband's family. I don't have to tell you how problematic that is for us," Ravenna said.
"It's a bit more than problematic, wouldn't you say? Your ex-step-daughter's mother is Persephone," he reminded.
"I know who she is!" Ravenna snapped at him.
"What do you think held me back from grinding that little retch to dust beneath my heel all those years?" she questioned, as she went to the window that now overlooked the United Realms. It was truly beautiful. All the Kingdoms in all the realms now in one place and she was determined to be the one to rule it all. She just didn't know how to make that happen yet. But she had made some allies that evening that might be helpful in her conquest.
"Which is why we should feel lucky we're still standing at all and we have our Kingdom," Hans reasoned.
"Oh no, baby brother...I'm not stopping at this," she replied, as she turned to him.
"I'm going to pick up where Arawn left off and I will rule all the realms," she claimed.
"Are you insane?" Hans questioned.
"Even if Persephone and the rest of the Gods weren't a problem, they still have a ton of magic on their side. Queen Elsa, Snow White's daughter, the Savior, and even the Dark One is clearly sided with them," he reminded.
"And we may have the Chernabog on ours. Persephone and Hades had to trap him in a mountain, because the Gods couldn't defeat his raw power and now that he is merged with a diabolical mind like Judge Frollo's...the possibility of striking down the Gods of Olympus is no longer impossible," she said.
"I've heard the things his cauldron is capable of doing. He hasn't even begun to use and harness its true power," she continued.
"Dalben decided not to stand with me and paid a very grave price for such betrayal. The question is...will you make the same mistake, baby brother?" Ravenna questioned. Hans gave her a long stare and then relented.
"I stand with you, dear sister," he said. She smirked and then returned to looking out over the United Realms.
Snow gently checked on the baby, as he slept in the car seat. They had come to the loft to pack the rest of their things. They could have had her mother help them do it with magic, but they felt it was something they wanted to do personally. After all, the loft was their first home they shared as a family and it was very special to all of them.
Snow looked around at the empty space and smiled at the memories. So many memories from a time where she didn't have her memories, but somehow she still treasured those days as Mary Margaret, the school teacher that found herself being romanced by the mysterious amnesiac coma patient.
David found Mary's building easily enough and saw her outside by the tree where a birdhouse hung from it. His wife had always loved birds and animals alike. And the feeling was mutual for the birds and animals as well. So it didn't surprise him that she was filling the feeder with food while waiting for him. She looked beautiful as always in a dark purple dress that was knee length and buttoned up the front, complete with a pink cardigan. Unfortunately, he saw her wobble on the ladder and hurried over, hopping over the fence in one leap.
She cried out in alarm, as she felt herself start to fall and tumbled right into his arms. He caught her and held her bridal style for several moments, as they simply stared into each other's eyes.
"I'm so clumsy," she muttered in embarrassment.
"Good thing I was here, I guess," he replied with a smile. She hummed in agreement, as he gently set her on her feet.
"Are you ready?" he asked. She nodded and their hands touched. She looked up at him in surprise. She wasn't sure why she had done that. For a split second, her unconscious reaction had been to reach for his hand like it was the most natural thing in the world. He seemed to feel the same, as he gently took her hand in his own.
She still got butterflies at the memories of those simple days and falling in love with David as Mary Margaret. She may have been cursed, but she wouldn't give up those days for anything. Then there was Emma. Getting to become her daughter's friend, before getting to be her mother again was also a very precious thing to Snow.
"Oh Emma...I didn't hear you come in," Mary said, as she came out of the bathroom in a robe.
"Clearly...you seem like you had a good night," she teased. Mary blushed and bit her bottom lip.
"It was wonderful...I'm still wondering if I'm going to wake up and find out it was all a dream," she gushed. Emma smiled.
"I'm happy for you," the blonde replied.
"Thanks...but your night obviously didn't go well at all," Mary said, as she fished a carton of ice cream out of the freezer.
"Rocky road?" she asked.
"You said it was your favorite so I picked some up," she replied. Mary handed her the carton and got a couple of spoons out.
"So...what happened?" she asked, as they started eating.
"Graham asked me to work tonight so he could volunteer at the animal shelter tonight. But then I was on patrol and saw him going into Regina's house. And believe me, he wasn't there on police business," Emma grumbled.
"Oh...oh Emma, I'm so sorry," Mary replied.
"Yeah...and it's not just that I thought there might be something there, but that he lied to me. Oh, and the fact that he's screwing the Mayor with my son in the house. Pretty sure that's what pisses me off the most," Emma growled. Mary reached over and squeezed her hand.
"Is there anything I can do?" she asked. Emma smiled at her.
"You are. I don't usually have anyone to talk to, so thanks," she replied. Mary nodded with a smile.
"So...your date with David was good?" Emma asked, enjoying her blush.
"Yeah...it was perfect. We had dinner and talked and laughed. Then we went on a walk and I've...just never had anyone make me feel special like he did. He wanted to listen to me talk. It doesn't sound like much...but when you feel invisible like I have all my life, it meant everything," Mary confessed and Emma squeezed her hand.
"And of course, I'm guessing there was a kiss or two," Emma added and Mary blushed.
"How did you know?" she asked. Emma grinned.
"You're a very interesting shade of red," the blonde teased.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" the teacher asked.
"I am...but I'm thrilled for you. You deserve to be happy," Emma said.
"So do you, Emma," Mary replied. She smiled thinly and nodded. Maybe when the curse was broken, she'd find true happiness when her parents had their memories and she got her son back from Regina. Until then, she would enjoy being a friend to Mary, as she found her way back to being Snow White.
She teared up at those memories. Her daughter had been so close and going from friends to mother and daughter might have been much more difficult had it not been for their coveted time in the dreamscape. It had truly been their saving grace and all thanks to a mother she had not even known existed. Snow got to experience being her mother's friend first too, before she was lucky enough to live a reality being raised by her as well.
"Excuse me...are you Miss Blanchard?" she asked. Mary looked up to see a beautiful woman with raven colored hair, much like her own, though this woman's hair cascaded down her back in waves. She also had green eyes, behind a pair of smart looking black rimmed glasses that seemed to fit well with her pressed pantsuit.
"I...I am," she said. The woman smiled.
"I'm Stephanie Kore, the new high school botany teacher," she introduced herself.
"Oh...it's nice to meet you. I can't even remember the last time we got a new teacher," Mary said with a smile.
"It's lovely to meet you too. I am going around to the other classrooms to introduce myself. I only have a couple classes a day and so I've been looking for more students to help with the gardens I want to plant on campus. Unfortunately, none of the other teachers seem much interested in devoting precious class time to such," she said. That was a fib. Mary's class was the only one she had been to so far.
"Oh that's too bad...but I'd love to volunteer. Planting a garden sounds like a wonderful experience for my students," she said. Stephanie smiled.
"Wonderful...I'm so glad," she replied.
Snow sighed and looked around again. Their first home together, all of them, including Henry and her mother. This was the place that David had declared his love for Mary Margaret and made love to her. The memory of that night still gave her goosebumps.
"You and Emma could have died tonight," she mentioned.
"Hey...Emma and I aren't going anywhere," he assured.
"I want to believe that. But...David, I'm not the girl that gets the good guy. I'm the one in the corner, alone and living vicariously through others or characters in a book. I don't get the Prince Charming of the story," she confessed. He pressed his lips to hers again.
"Guess it's a good thing I don't see a girl then. I see a woman that's beautiful and kind; one that I'm very much in love with," he said, taking a leap. He knew it was early, but he didn't think he would scare her away at this point. What they had between them was too strong to be kept back by the curse. Snow was inside Mary and he saw more and more glimpses of her everyday. As he expected, the look on her face was one of shock, like she could hardly believe someone could love her. For that, his loathing of Regina increased ten fold, if that was possible.
"You love me?" she squeaked.
"From the moment I first saw you," he answered. It was true, even if that first moment was something different for them both right now.
"I love you too…" she said. He smiled and pulled her into his arms and kissed her again. She hummed into his kiss and found her fingers sliding into his hair, as their kissing intensified, until their breathing was coming in ragged gasps.
"Do...do you have to go?" she asked breathlessly, as he kissed her neck.
"Not if you don't want me to," he replied.
"I...I don't," she stammered.
"I mean...I don't want you to leave. I...I want to be with you," she said, swallowing thickly.
"I don't want to pressure you into anything you're not ready for," he replied.
"You love me. You want me. No one has ever wanted me or loved me," she said, with a hitch in her voice.
"No one you can remember, my darling," he thought silently. He hated Regina for making his wife believe she had no one.
"I'm want you and I love you. That will never change," he promised. She smiled and they stood up, as she took his hand, leading him over to her bed. She closed the curtain around her bed and then turned to him.
She was already trembling in anticipation and wanted him more than anything she had ever wanted. Her hands shook, as she slid them up his neck and to his face, as he stared down at her with so much passion and love that it took her breath away. Without taking her gaze away from him, she slowly undid the buttons on his shirt and it fell forgotten to the floor. She took a sharp intake of breath, as she gazed upon his shirtless torso with hunger. He was so handsome and she didn't think she quite measured up, but he was about to prove her wrong.
Her cardigan fell away next and she held her arms up, allowing him to pull the sleeveless blouse beneath it over her head, tossing it to the floor. He drank her in with a hungry stare and lowered his lips to hers again, kissing her deeply. She gasped, as he pulled her flush against him and their skin made contact. He broke the kiss and rested his hands her on her hips, as he gazed at her.
"You are so beautiful," he rasped, as he pressed their foreheads together. She pressed her lips to his again eagerly, as their lips moved feverishly together.
David kissed at the tops of her breasts and her hands fumbled with his belt. His pants fell to a puddle on the floor and he stepped out of them, parting his lips from hers only long enough to kick them away. She moaned, as she felt the bulge in his underwear pressing against her belly.
"David…" she uttered, as he snapped the clasp on her bra. He was definitely appreciating the simple nature of her undergarments in this realm, though he was proud to boast that he had learned to make quick work of her corsets. Need curled in her and she bit her bottom lip, as she slowly divested him of his underwear. She lay her eyes on his bare form and he captured her lips in a needy kiss. He slipped his hands into her underwear and it slid down her legs, as there was finally nothing but skin between them. Their lips parted briefly and they pressed their foreheads together again, simply staring at each other. She then yelped slightly, as he swept her into his arms and carried to the bed. She looked up at him in awe and he smiled at her.
"I figure if I am your Prince Charming, then I should carry you off like a proper Princess, before I make love to you," he said, they sunk into the bed and then into each other, as passion consumed them.
"Hey...you were a million miles away. Are you okay, my darling?" he asked, as she turned to him and saw that he had the last of their stuff packed up. She nodded.
"Just a bit lost down memory lane. This place was very special to us," she mentioned. He smiled and looked around. It really did. It was his first home with her in this new land, where he knew he would have been lost without her and Emma.
"It does...you know we don't have to leave it if you really don't want to. I'm sure your mother can add some more magical extensions," he replied.
"I know she could...but I think it's time for a new chapter and I do love the idea of raising our baby in the same garden that my real parents raised me in our alternate reality," she mentioned. He smiled and put his arms around her waist, before dropping a kiss to her cheek.
"Me too, my darling…" he agreed.
"I think we're just about all packed," Emma said, as she and Henry came back in and looked around. She joined her parents in a family hug, as did Henry.
"This place has a lot of good memories," Emma mentioned.
"Besides the dreamscape...this was my first home with my parents," she added. That did it and tears began to fall down Snow's cheeks, as she hugged their daughter. David hugged her and cradled her head, while putting his other arm around Henry.
"But the castle is great too...I know we're going to make great memories there too," Emma said, as she held her mother's hands.
"I'm so glad that you still want to live with us. I mean, we'd understand if you wanted your own place. You're an adult, after all," Snow said. But the blonde shook her head.
"I may be an adult, but I love being with you guys. I'm not going anywhere," she promised.
"Besides, it's a castle so there's lots of room," she added.
"Then you're truly okay with Regina being there too?" Snow asked. Emma smiled.
"Completely," she agreed, as she put her arm around Henry.
"I think the three of us are starting to get the hang of this whole co-parenting thing and she's really trying this time," Emma agreed, making Snow tear up again.
"Well, if you're all done being weepy and sentimental, let's be on our way," Regina interjected from the doorway.
"Right," David said, as he picked up the baby's car seat and the dwarves filed in for the rest of their boxes. With one last look, Snow turned away and followed her family out.
Belle opened the curtains and let the sunlight in, as Neal carried in a few more boxes.
"I think that's all of it," he mentioned.
"I'm so glad you're going to be living here with us, at least part of the time," Belle mentioned. He nodded.
"Well, Emma and I are good, but I don't think we're quite ready to live together yet. And Dad and I have a lot of time to make up for. Plus, Henry will be here with me sometimes too," Neal replied, as she admired the library that Rumple had gifted her so long ago. She had decided she was still going to run the library in town and he was still going to run the pawn shop, but they opted to move back into the castle.
"I do want to change these curtains though," Belle mentioned.
"What's wrong with the curtains?" Rumple asked.
"They're dark and dreary," she protested.
"This is the Dark Castle," he reminded.
"Not anymore. This is a new beginning for all of us and we shouldn't start this new life shrouded in the darkness of the past," Belle argued. Rumple sighed and waved his hand, as he changed the curtains to something light colored and airy looking, which instantly brightened the room.
"Much better," Belle agreed, making Neal chuckle.
"You know, I'm not sure I'm okay with taking all the fear out of this place. I still am the Dark One and have a reputation to protect," he reminded.
"Everyone still knows you are the Dark One. You don't have to be scary to remind them," she argued, as she went about arranging some fresh flowers on the table.
"Belle…" he started to protest.
"Come on, the garden is in a ghastly state," she told him, as she took him by the hand and dragged him outside.
"Belle...it's supposed to be ghastly. It's a deterrent," he argued.
"You're enough deterrent for most people. I want a real garden with flowers and one that wildlife won't fear," she argued back, making Neal chuckle. If there was one person that could get their way with his father, it was definitely Belle. He took his box of stuff and headed upstairs to set up his room, as well as one for Henry when he visited.
Landon followed his new companion over the Toll bridge, listening to his story with barely concealed contempt. The whole thing was absolutely ludicrous.
"And almost just as quickly as the town disappeared...it was back again with another dark cloud. Only this time, it seems they brought fairytale land back with them. I still don't really know what that's all about, but it's probably why you managed to get swept up inside. You were probably smack dab in the middle of the where the town used to be when it returned. Otherwise, you would have never found it," Greg explained.
"Do you know what you sound like with all of this?" Landon questioned.
"Certifiable, I'm sure...but it doesn't make it any less true," Greg retorted.
"You just told me that the flying kid back there is Peter Pan and his shadow, which was ripping other people's shadows away. But if that wasn't enough, he was joined by the lost boys, Hades and Persephone, and their daughter Snow White and her husband Prince Charming!" he argued. Greg sighed.
"Yeah...it's insane, but like it said, it's all true. Magic, fairy tales, mythology...it's all real," he added.
"And almost thirty years ago, my father and I were camping right here. There was no bridge and that night, a violent storm moved through. It messed with the radio and the engine on my dad's truck, because it wouldn't start the next morning," Greg explained.
"So we started walking and much to our surprise, the bridge here wasn't the only thing that magically appeared. Before us was an entire town sprawled out before us that wasn't on the map and hadn't been there the night before," he continued.
"We ventured into town to get the truck fixed and met Mayor Regina Mills, who wasn't at all happy to see strangers in her town," Greg added.
"So she killed your father?" Landon asked.
"Not yet...that came later. She actually grew attached to us and decided that we shouldn't leave. But when my dad insisted, she got the Sheriff and tried to stop us. My Dad was captured and I ran for help. But when I finally got some cops to bring me back here, it was all gone. I looked for this town for twenty-nine years before I finally found it again," Greg explained.
"And you're sure your father is dead?" Landon asked.
"Buried here...at our campsite, or that's what the Queen told me," Greg responded. Landon raised an eyebrow.
"The Queen?" he asked incredulously.
"Regina...the Evil Queen," Greg clarified.
"Of course," the former detective deadpanned, as they began to dig.
"And so if we find a body...what exactly do you expect me to do?" Landon asked.
"Isn't it obvious? If you have a body...the FBI will want to open an investigation and that means they'll need to get in here. I will finally expose this place to the world and that magic is real. I'll have my revenge," Greg replied.
"Revenge?" Landon asked.
"People fear what they don't understand. Believe it or not, there is technology capable of controlling magic. Once the world finds out about this place, we'll let them in and there will be no turning back from that. Plus, the woman that murdered my father will spend the rest of her life in some horrible federal prison instead of the castle she's sleeping in tonight," he growled, as the tip of his shovel hit something hard. Greg stopped and dug into the dirt. His breath caught in his throat, as he extracted a skull from the ground.
"Holy crap…" Landon uttered.
"I knew it…" Greg hissed. Landon took a picture of the skull and sent it to his friend at the FBI.
"You may just get what you want…"
James looked out over the Kingdom from the balcony of the King's chambers. It was surreal. This may have been the castle he grew up in, but these days, it felt foreign to him. His Knights had informed him earlier that George had tried to lay claim to his Throne once he realized it had returned, but was steadfastly refused. James was King now and George's ousting by his brother and sister-in-law still stood in stone. And James was not about to lift the banishment. He now had his real family living with him. He was a bit surprised they had chosen to live with him over David. He was so sure they would choose his brother over him. But they hadn't and he wondered if it was because they thought he needed them more. He resented that a bit if it was the case though. He didn't want them to be with him out of pity. But one look at their faces told the true story. They were proud of him and wanted to be with him. They had more lost time with him to make up, after all. He had already crowned his adopted mother,
Serafina, as Queen mother, returning her to her Throne and rightful place. His biological parents, though not together, were also easily co-existing as well. Plus, it wasn't like they weren't all visiting David and Snow as well. They truly loved him and that wasn't something James was used to yet. But he certainly found that he was getting accustomed to it. This was his Throne now, but he would not be the kind of King that George had tried to raise him to be. He would be the kind of King that he knew his mothers would want him to be. This was his second chance and he was truly ready to embrace it.
Hades and Persephone entered the eerie inner chamber of Bald Mountain, where the hellfire in the pit that once held the Chernabog remained dormant.
"I hate this place…" she mentioned.
"I'm not fond of it either. When we imprisoned the black God here...it was with the intent that we would never have to set foot in here again," he added, as they joined hands and peered down at the churning magma that had come directly from the pits of Tartarus.
"Did you bring it?" he asked. She nodded and an ornate bottle appeared in her hand.
"Hecate assured that it has the correct enchantments and will contain hellfire," she said.
"Do I want to know where she even got that?" Hades questioned.
"It's made from the skin of deceased Titans, dipped in the blood of the most wicked in the depths of Tartarus, and then frozen by the wailing in the river Cocytus," she answered.
"Sorry I asked," he deadpanned, as he waved his hand and the magma twisted into a cyclone of lava. Persephone uncorked the bottle and sucked the magical hellfire into the confines of the bottle, before corking it again.
"That was the easy part. Now using it on Pan is the real trick," Persephone said. He nodded.
"Pan's demise has been a long time coming. He has been the Underworld's best customer for too long and it's time to stop that reign of terror," he stated.
"You have a plan?" she asked. He smirked.
"He's expecting us to attack...so maybe that's exactly what we should do," he replied cryptically. She didn't know exactly what he had in mind, but she trusted him now and knew that if anyone could outsmart Pan, it would probably be her husband. Rumpelstiltskin would be next on her list for that, but he was still subject to Pan's manipulations. The former still knew exactly how to manipulate his son and pull at his heartstrings. But the same couldn't be said for her husband and they wouldn't hesitate to put a final end to this particular demon...
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